HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-10-3, Page 2Its I / t' .I jj $ rTiumvAr, Octobw �, 1907, abraft sionxl UUUKIt It,B, UN 1'AHIU. PUBLISHED EV6R1 THURNDAI at- IVANATTLbL It KUEKRTSUN , Telephone call No. a& ;T•r,ns of Subscription: tper nnnunl in Wvnal. .,., moil h-, .91i• ; t h Pre wan ha, 2k. To United Htata, Nub.cribom 11.311 a y Id Hotly in advaneell. Sulm,a'rtbco , who fail to revolve 'rax HIONA recutaa•ly by nail will wider a fatur by ao t111o,slDte.g ivi of the fact at w early u data som hen ,she of Addre— i. d,m,irnl• (loth t old nil the new addre rhuukd br glarn. Advertising Rates : 1 rt and of her .ludlar oedarrt l wenrot., too {sur Iinr for lint inw rtlou and 4, per Iinr fo rich ub+wturnl inxenion. Hca.urcd by nuoyrndl .,•ale, twelve Rues to all inch. KnssI "cant. of pix 41,06 slid under. Its ale ,eat. Advertlwelnento of La+t, Found. Strayed, Hit nation. Vacant, sunauon. Wanted, Hones. for Sale or to [(rest. Faren. for hale or to Rotor, Artleloo, for Sale, etc.. nut "ceemil.4 vigil liner. Air each in.rrtion ; 11 for meet u,N+t h, . for each mub,ie{tuen, tnouth. Inger advert Idem" In proportion. Announcement+ In onlluary reading I) Iie toll rent« per line. No notbe le.. tbon Gil•. Ally .INw:bd uotl •e, the obJe rt of which i„ the immawry benefit of ally iudia final or uw,ocl atfon, to bit wn.Wrnal an adverthiclu.w set to be charged accordilyrlyy. Rata.+ for dL,ItnaY ,1ud oaunret advent mento will ter given on applicallon. Addrew, all rommunirwtielu to VANArmit & ItunKRTHUV, TRx SHINAI.. Hnl.orich. on t, THURSDAY. INT. 1. 19K. SIN WILFRID AT TORONTO. Sir Wilfrid I.+turier attended the banquet of the Cau+uli,ul Manufac- btrers Association at Toronto last week and delivered 1a brilliant aldrte s. The following are mogne extracts fruit his speech: .,To every city ter wi41 as to every man comes some day til hour and the 4 opportunity of success. p better and t• the moment, the moment"end the op- yr ) r l l L to l'+aun- rtunil • have eco m A ppoo >• t da Cwntula is no longer ill a-' and I, eclipsed by her- powerful ei;;hlwr. Canada has At last pmerg.d in he full flood of her light. 'Clip great meri- can star is no longer dile great tent• 11 tion to the world. The Gain I& orb Ili now high in the sky, and tow• els that orb turn the attention, the bop s, i and the expectations of the pv)pie other lands, who, not tieing %tatlstl with their own lot, are seeking fields where they will find full scope fur e their ambition and their courage." I ♦ p "My conception of the Britimh Kill - * is the true British conception of individuality of communities. Tuday Canada is a part of the British Em- pire, boasting of its loyally to the Crown, and has attained the full rank of a mation-a nation without Any revolution, a nation without any Imeaking of the old traditions, a na- 1 tion without &try impairment of that loyalty to the British Grown which is ever true to every Canadian here. result, of the recent That has baro tilt• 4 conference, where in the preseuer of the. Prime Minister of England, in the presence of all the Prime Minimter. of thome •wif-governing dominions, it sun% asserted and affirmed without a dis- senting voice that the relations ►e tween the United Kingdom ,nal the dominions beyond the seas were rela- tions (if government+ and govern- ments, that while t all ,acknowledged the same allegiance to tit(- same suv- errign, still all were un x footing of equality...... My belief is that upon this question lisp sluttO i. imperial unity but local auttenoniv.- . . . I "rho thought of every ualion in Europ is of war. The chief part Of the rwt•enup of every nation In Buropr iss ronsevrutt'd to war. But we live on a continent where we never think of will . We live on A continent where we have no ,tandiug armies, and we are' wttiHHed either on the lint• side of the land or - ; on the other to depend for our defence 11 lion a citizen militia. In limn U( need the blood and trea.-o r of every Canadian would be at the command of the King, hilt in time of peace, I claim that we should follow our own inatincts, follow our own ideas. and not Ise drawn into the %o rtex of European tuilitaristll." " if i , , • 'N �( had my own way i0 till mea= - 1 ter I -would hAve univtr.al frrr trade pal IIIc British F:nlpire•. But ,against it I there arc theme chic( objections: �, Cannot ,tows not want it. Au.l.rajin ! does not, want it, (Treat Britain does not want it. Great Britain iN not ready to receive it, &lid. therefore, we cannot pu.sihh• trouble, almout it. y I;reat Britain will not limit her Pare• trade, even within the holundnrie% of the British F:Inpire. Cauala will not have It holicn w mbp Ili lett. IIll-P ini tl'f)r free trade•, even ill the }iriti.h Enl- pile : hilt Whitt Camula is preputled G) consider im reciprority within the British F:nlpire. This im'the thing we I are really foil• in thim country, hilt thin 1 is the thing that they fire nor ready If 1• to the uulthpi-lainl. On my part, I • whilmt we do not want to Is• interfered with in our domr•atir and thor•al policy by the people of (;real Britain, %o ave • will not ,attprn Fu, to dictate to tilt• le of 1; % • e ppeeooP o IeaL f3ritxin. Leet a ilia freedon1 of i whatever le e left, int t r lin) the I difficulties of (he pavilion, send at least maintain the polis• which 4a. heen mo Pucct-smful_in tier last Ica i�s•W el "it. has Iu11K I.•i'n the desire, it' I mistake nut, of the Ca nadino purple that we shoshl bi- cutruntel Willi ►let• negotiation ill' oar own trrnlies, va- pecially in 1,•garl to r mnlncrye. Well, this IonuJ,Nlitel•Glr i•rfclrsl 1,ls curie to Ile it liter reality. Willunlf revultiLioi►, without nay breaking elf the- old traditions, w•ilhout au)• iul- `I pAirment of our allughtnrr, the tinne has comp• when Coinulian inll•remta Are ' entrusted to(;o.adinns, 31141 just Willi. ' In the laamt week x treAty has herr I;i, concluded with France, n trendy which appeals to cmioult niune, anti which tins lit -en negotiated let- ('finA- dianx alone. True, it has leen done with the whole- assent, of the British (Town, And with the aw.ent of the Foreign Office. The Foreign OMre I intertloaed no objection at. all ; but, on t e ,contrary, the For e iggn (iffier told six, 'This in a n.&tterWhieh chiPl:y concerns yourselves: takp the mar - ter in your own hands.' The treaty has been completed. it i* not for nip t() 'emy what it is, Mat i think that 1 can may it will to found reasonably 11 aaat•fActory to the producers of Can. adA, Gt the farutpr* of Canada, and• to the 'b1&nufactulPrl of Canada wise.' e'• e "Since the treaty with Japan ham been in opisratlum it has brown of some advantage to the manufacturer. of Canaada. Our trade ha* Incromaed and the farmers and manufaeturerm have gat. the advantage of it. Rut, motion difficulty ham &risen on the mhores of Brltsh Columb{• becanav )here ham bMn a gtwmter influx than befewe of M M tt ;THE SIGNAL: GODERICH• ONTARIO ------- ----- .- -_-- Jaluanrarimluigg.»nix. What are we�wilh -------._.__T.–.- ilis,rnnrnrlrnh/ but now That luwligl'a..I ----------.------------- BORDEN FALLS DOWN Advancing going to do u...lrr such citremstaucra� uoublt- ilia urisrn I,vr1 the VN.,y, Now Talks Another Some ■ A section of the people in ,Winnipeg fico Of J+younrne he UirN to win the . Things the O Leader W,II , have called upon the British Govern- sraud by hill, in helping liritish ('ail- Not Say Much About on His Tour. inert to xugqul the treaty. Well, the favor of the Briliak Volunabja hut- I by denouncing Uuvrruulrlll HIS INSINCERITY SHOWN IN RE- Years treat) ►axe ffren in operation only two heads the ) ' (ARD TO JAP QUESTION, rais. We are Just cumulencin to Y � R foie Its xcliuu. He prbfraasrr Lu sympa- -----^----- -= may lessen your earning teap the benefit, and to denounce it thize with Mr. McBride, the Iwcal MR. BORDEN AS AN UPPOR- or would Ix simply panic. And for my part I um not disposes) whether ill Premier, is hes demand tot- "lletter b eech at Vancouver Reveals Him In iwo,orany other action. to act in x e t M 1• • r t Sus `"' e d t terrine" -that i., to larger sulwtdy P Unfavorable Light Voted One Sudden Pn nic. I want t3 look about, to in. quire, let rellect, lefore I Blake up toy ti•on the Ilumisieln lloverun1e11t• VN.,y, Now Talks Another Some ■ mind, and It behoove. the CanadianOpposition lAwm he expect the other Provinces Il' . Things the O Leader W,II Sickness Ouve•muent under such eilculla- sraud by hill, in helping liritish ('ail- Not Say Much About on His Tour. slance•N, tender- the difficulty which smhia to raid the Federal tleatelu•y, ,-I- hire ariwo, to contelopinle, to inquir'• tit... hr think that the psgdt- of hast- -- to reflect and to ser the twat courtae• It follow irp the' iutrtestM of the t urn• ern ('Nllalda will Ilp1'rl' Ile elf hi -----^----- -= may lessen your earning dine a Ir. To at once, wi(helut in• Pep pruuaise•m to the people at till Coast P MR. BORDEN AS AN UPPOR- powers. While in good gftiry,denounce the treat), would, ire It lOelk,ns if the opinion, shared by TUNISI. Il lila huulhle judgment, mit (w playing llnllly of :111-Borde n'" political ippon- II health prepare for the time the cart of 1•eanunsibli- men." ruts, that hr is a high-ulindwi Ntatr.- AT OTTAWA. j Of failure. Make sure Of a . . There is the IrSs inriiuntion till retail, will have to le revised. At prey- In the House or Commons on I all the t of the Cwnrulixu (I,wernulwnt lint hu is :NelulK like al olrlinar Nlli- ) I January 15, 1907, he voted for the competence for your old age. 1,011=111 that treat'V Iwcause wt- are titian of loose Principles. bill adopting the Japan treaty which Sanctioned immigration to Canada I riUafd our loved ones against y 3 tit hort of establishing what is rnllel ------- g , the 'all -red line.' It im a new proje't, . Tilt- dear old Hamilton Spectator is of Orientals. See Hansard, p. 154;. want in own whioll Willi launched ,et- the haat con. hurriflcd Icy dile rr\rinliuus of in AT V�INCOUVER. case of your frrcuc(•, In have a liar of connw•tiun def .►eoi h:ugsuul Nod III. -Orient- it, r64•u:ttiontal tradestalisties which shoN' Sprakmgat Vancouver, Septem- death. 01AI V tit Japan, but to China and All- that Canada is buying 3 Brent deed bre ,5, 19o7, he condemned the Gov I Ntralia which Avould paNs over the Ire •tory Canada. Nature has more from file United Slats than air rrnnlent for adopting the treaty, and 1 Write t 0 us about O U r of run to the (:an:adixn route the shorleNl s/ells lo,lh+at country. Thr sp e -vi alm asked why British Columbian mem- 7 1 ,..Mo between Euro ie and the Orient, 1 I billy believe, for ftq• part, that this calls Ifilm jug -handled trade : it thinks it im not gooel bumine-N. \\ P Wunder bets did not it in the Hostile. 0PP0se I I IDEAL INCOME BOND. If you and a:- '1'lle -� die It will provide for your project whvil ftccoluuplislled. cuutplimbed it usual and will IN•, will if Spectator, ltd', which belies a lot of goods from the p;alwr-ulakem and the Ottawa. Sept. all. JI,'. Bolden flan family. If you live It will pro - Prove of tilt- greatest, pNlasible at1VAn• ),age to t',unn41a :it huge, to On- tylN•.ln:ulntxcturrrx, itlsirla that lhrs o1N•ned lila enolleidgn in Ifiriah Co)- •r vide an for you Just l:ario, anll ht dueller, but Ntill more People ,hall buy it ,ortempmading unll:.•, incl .,•i:• .. :it els un Ih1• ,.,. et grellable incidents of the palet (rw ,income when you may need it. to the Maritisle P"(Win(-ew, and let auuaml tit goods hunt The Spectalllr weeks. Hr go ve; to tilt- length ad- that Pr,winev nn tilt- I'xciHc• British to earn lip things :• Or lido the ad. dingle, plank to kis lilatfu•ul dealing ('uluulbia•" Verlimerm in The Spectlator insist that with principles which directly at- THE IDEAL INCOME BOND Is ole publishers shall take out the price tack tlit- Very fousd,uion of tile eon - atiuuiun. ,Intl which it,) party (-fluid a Copyrighted policy and is not -EDITORIAL NOTES. aft -trade"? Or do The Spectator's enfo)r•e without drieshe murudmeuts Obtainable from any other '- — - muls••rilena insist on paying five- their to Int- British North America Art. Another HoxPr rising in China, pNallrr in etbl-tl •INNI ,old turnips till(] Alluding to the Leval )• with Japan, Mr. flo den "Thr (ip a•rr11uleut Company. Be sure that you I he (`rinks have leen hearingfrau crab applem e Them is m) ,lore Ica- ta&id : has taken great, remponNihilI ill int- understand Its splendid possi %allrouver. ------- soft fur Canallt'a attempting toeven . posing upon the Iwuplt- a treaty btlRles before you decide upon y 1'h 1. Ili 111. seaallM Ilf lir 1111 %hot\\'., tell their putchamem frrllll and males to which insist ter observed 11litll it IN ;iiid The Signal is giving its readers a R R K flip United States than there would Obrug,U el. What wets t c :• 1 xt hr treat Tile Cana the policy you will take. full merit of prize lists. Meanwhile t1t- flit• .a merchant's attempting to dian Parliament tnaxsvl a bill .K..}+�Iv�ing lite .'flat Urltal columns are sulll,what custaibill. len the waine thing with lilt tale lxsq)It- will) whom ht- dealt. But. foq:•r U( law 111 L lallxll:a tit a CCtc+tlll trent) lit :►miry +old relnuurrer rt-• �T 11.401v"ow bless you, The Spectator will never cenlly male letwe+en Ilis Majesty tilt- lv L l� Tlu• people of ('limon have done see this. It h&s Ihr erotrctionief I King And tjne Emp•ra• tot Jalmut. a thus cahlr Within tilt -s:opc 1 well in voting to eat&blimh n muniri{xal twist ill its ernnium and will nra•pr it trot a treaty waule lehvern Hrr Int waterworks system. The improve- gest oVrr it. �Laje.t) Quern Victoria and the Kw- mt-ut will in time repay its cost many lN•ror of Japan Ili 1104, and subse- tinusovrr. _ - , quendy auteuded. Canada was ex- Ineulra"ce Company, The City Child's Vision. pesmly exempted froul the lte:aty Sir Wilfrid txwirr hila tNrn pew Ori inally hilt after the succuss of K LOndohl Canada. srntel with n old nud:►I h the R Y 1 knoll' What the country 1.. I know whit they ('an;d3 nt rhe Tokio exhibition it 'oron Mean was deswnatiated that such an open- it ROBINSON. General Agent. to exhibition directors. 'Itis nut When they talk of running brook. and the Ing Oife•1.1.11 for growth of runlnwrc,al st tel in what c1+we Sir Wilfrid en- n,•Idsorgra•,•n: relations Ia•tN•rt-n Cxn,uL•t :old Japan - -- - tel 41, but itis undelst000d that he gut I hire as fru.h oil day, :Ind the world i. mine that a new treat \Nae anode. the Y . all"of t sell Thi. recklet+v s •stem (if ) lip I clad h)r tieing "the beet t1oV.' Allure year to dn:un ■nil dronm or the dere trema of which guVp to ('xn:ula the . prosnI I R r-uninda unr of the Ilneq: • and vine! mdvtirtlage of the Must favored nN- '•\Viler a (]evil an sick, the devil :1 11rP. 9, T. Rorer, the cookery ' px- 1 know whin tile country i. tocandoh, sn unr. tion rltiusr. Thin treaty Nnm adopted toy the Canadian Parliament. ,taint odd to - W hen the devil wax well, the drVil a ort," gone into bankruptcy. I R V y• (1crr :,town the mighty hill+. upon to the saint w�Y tw." Shr wAa inning te restaurant in New y din. TM•reo a udlllon biedrand flower nA.hing ill Borden Approved Jap Treaty. Wherf the bill was Iwforr the Hous• T WhaS May Be Expected. Vorh Pity ..n seirntiflr plena but it thrmniti is Januar)• of this -year. adopting the ' \\'hell ill tui coul•,e of his political didn't pay. tilt ho•urtlrss but well. And w/ [many hmterfiies, and .nch mplendid trr;lty and binding CAnad,a to it. what torr Mr. B e i it reaches the Middle stotllached all 1 will ImuKh "Ha, hA !" (till. wit.- the attitude of tho-Con.rrvative \Vest• the p stip it will ter 1-rgalwl with -. - I know whet the country I- last night when I )arty to the House Y' .Mr. Burden de•- scandals which n•1•eived their death "It putlnx one )sew The Montreal ,kilt fivensl himself of the f,NovinK : -- hluN in the Hou . t pI" of the (iazelir .heldin real ,,ally tears Over• Sonrothinlr like an angel. hand Into my hand Mr. It. L. Borden What is the story, however• er�11'11`1`11` Is• luld. Fur the glrlwth Of til puhlic ownprshitl "n -lit : VAIuP of the yen ' A mail N ho I— atmtelpull•(- movement in Ont& ill and the West, ' And I followit where, it Int over nrbl aimt hill. To this Sit- \Vilfrid 1•.•plird, .01 cents. (-nsHdence Upxn tdal lrK;Uion thArSo stay% The O I[ Kreuter, A Aid 1 Wi-h that 1 rmdd lir, dn•ruling, dn•au,. \1 r. H. I« 13orlen I du nut lthservr the people tie• nLean, houeatly doughty Cons•t-VatiVP organ. n. But aM mg -1 ally mention of Kri►iu lir Hour. desalt with h)• the (lq a•rrluarnr, Mr. Tht- Montreal Gazette a the It -ailing 1 know Whitt tilt- tvluutry i+ -ii i- thi+that lir+ Sir Wilfrid explained that all nil- tions weer on Ihr same flNuing in this BoldyA exile".. hisl.elf to arty caus- tie rritirianl. Tlu• s( -An ads he will rc- orgall of the �Connerva 've party In All idiot tic little rano wht-n I .hut say e'r+ - t • lespcet. Iltlt Nnil rehNrlu In elle ildollr Went l'un lila Tire Heporter mut recognize Ni.t sod mNzc and bl,.I1.i,.--, hinl and brook The niN)ve was the caul ibulion elf (' ave h•rn exhau.►tvrh• psoinld in that its part does not occi y a very nl.f IIS'. And,alo%eb hand in odor. Iculing. leading Mt•. Bodeen Let the debate Willits the trealy was lacing adopted Iry P;arlia- rhe, Iluu.e, n'b11 aim Ippa..IIiu11 dropped (bent one h) Orr Ire they &ah•ant pmosition On rh pontic ort Ment. At Vancouver Mr. Hntrden had goer lilt- I, of of r Tor)• owurrlhip issue. as. : _"Hut ('811x4114 mndr that treasty preys. In each I S,JL (-e the eherKp - retu The (iue•Iph Herald return. t tyle FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. with till knnN'Mdge elf lire ra11ar- quenvem. Did the Lil+rrmil rnrullterm Alone awns publisleol by rho- lip septic. preset, the c"Inplete anmwer / f Ihr considerAtion of the, leo ing Mr. Borden's Performance. hour British Columbia protest " Thr reply I* til It like only Inittemr (ioveeennlenf w:s. newer• givo,, Mr. ie,rh•ll Ilnav be. expected to follow he proble so..and cit" the rYAn1pIP elf t r came fr000 a He it i.h Co lutulluil, IPp',- %atilt- le"'th st .1111ing Ili., /•al.lpaig State of Ma%sal•htlaeLLN 111 abOlimhin Londwl.lAcrrn t-1 MI'. Bnn'ldrll'. Jrnl tion (If tee .t-lllative,.a'hile Mr. Bolden voot,•nted hr will slake hi. chary[.•,• bat f e inch 1'rrxa.111Ka and distribufinK the Anglo -Japanese trent is the lined hltuself with tire truncated brillimeort• wit Ile will le Irl 1 IlelrA uce'1 I 1 ,kept K cns� of LhP nrrr,sfiry changes nm.urg enlxe•knhlr crate of hindsight on re:- giv,•n nhnvr verb;alio. Rt-(- H:utsnrd, ,Ixnsnr)•7:L ilxli; p. I:.ti. - the explanation lir answer give upwm Ihr filen• Of Parliament. 'ret All the ratlwa)•%, the h)cal municipalities el rl. No, Not Two Years. If flee treat)• wo. 'bill fur the tide in►e•nts and phrp sus hr will tnnkr It And the State. This will lecomr a live Vantage of Canada• the right ront•w• nppw:ar tint t It a Adnuhli.tration yuPafiol in Ontario serer nr INrPI', mc(N• Iteturo)er. era, M enter n rigo•on. prrnrst rrxudr ehnrK641 with N,•riou. uffrncPa Hlllllarl 11(P la ran \'Al11A111P to 71111,\w it •', Alteral p i4itichan never knows agaill.t It %vilerl It wa% being diwum.,d and flint lilt explanation \VII. Inside. haw eAt :u1d pSoNl n miol he is until ill athf, House, not to w rk alt snake Thin pNdIC)' will IN. plllt'.IhYI by the tot Ie lierpetually endangered floor he• gets rout Il( oflke. For instance, political capital from the incideunl and Ivan who mayor lie .taind.41 fol' opt'IKht- preventihlr exusem. lidrn to the niries praising FitzpAt- suggest that. the 1-1.111641)• lira in an 11"A,and probity in public liters. rick ns t y Nho-P Agle.worth. And nolo-odnwnt to the constitution which Wheu \Ialdioloa is 1earhel ninth The Mail and Empire allege. that it im not,I, ,it )•rats .inve Fitzpatrick aaotdd proluihl)• l,tk,• years to mart will IN' *list about the "thin led line." the Ottawa (4overnmetiL wished the was n m) nunym for plliticxl Wicked- A Sop to British Columbia. but unr cum /dear ns.wer uncle by Bapnnrse ritming into the country to Merl. Putting a Good Face on it. \f'. Harden al.O pledged himself in Mr. I'rawforl will for'bl n, part ltf Mr. Hurd.•n's address:' Ieconp enfranchised. Welil, why Toruntu tlie ,aent ltf Conmervative success "tet shouldn't they? it aimed to lea "lev- K NcwN Afitrr :all, til.• (':anallixn nnanuGa,• que appoint r•oulmir cou i( dea.onm fo til the yu1•ntios of Iwttt-r condition* far Brit- All Things ti t0 All Men. Political IIIPth/MIs v&r)• little, Mr. encs against flip Chinese inustgrnnti turd•% are di%playinK much of the t.h ('olumbiu, with the View of grant- Bollen will Iw tillthings to nit men. that. they would neVrt• leeonu• nater_ V 1 .nit of till , Id I s •i .xr s s 1' • o } I u t 1 In p aft f Ing such mlditirnml allowance us Ihr hr will Adapt himself Let IlincondiLtuu.. nlizel tin41 Inke tin intrrPmt to the af• t sir uever.t-m and pinching pVell)'• commission might recotmniend." R Kver atiwanta P will Ise taken of Pre )' K fairs of thisk rnuntry. Now the runt• They 111 null lor,whiiin it flint. Ili It have• All of thin mounds well to the exper•• a'inciAl aml local difficultYm, lend lilt A regains - Thanksgiving dinner nl the taut British Columbiana, full whal of the blame for noything in rempert of plaint is III,- very reverse. The Jap- King Edwat•d, ;Ind invite prendem the other Pruvii,epm' H the (lnrvtian aneme I. likely I„ make Ail go tl a cite- and other poor folk to join them, lt( Provin,iul su sidieN canhe opened - - -_ ' -'--'- -- zen as• for it) I nrP, the Italtnn• Extremists on Both Sides Dissatisfied, for one Provinve, it can be opened for . • -- - •---- Hundreds of students of the Popular A vontem of m (litotes fr ll. a 1 1 Hantibnn Hcrakl. Here sur have the \InqufxrUn•el•N' language that alp fl*cal pdicy of 1'An- and successful merie%of llNperio Inoi,iVlsrls to flip Eng- A.sovi ation site tire one H3►Nl f-oul. +,Ix should have placed tariff dude. at >r�OTT limn Sehools," nppenring to .The -Fdu- Ossining that Ihr Ismrier (tovernmrnt murk a rate that under any and all ,ir- ���� rational Review, thi% paragraph: coloplie.Ltoo reaulily with tlledvoutsds eilmat,atives tht-)' would (lave been "WherPa'Nt' R'1• Illel'r- le R/:kool chit- dren, whether in the r ) atre•r•ts o,' of the labor neon• send twit rhe other h:u..I there is ►ht- Dominion Trmit•% quid LO -n- l'Ongre.w notifying Int• high enough fit afford ale) u atelmotev- tion In every Canadian industry. Or' ill Other, words, f/t not promieinK TO$ONTO OFT.. ' 1!fHllll.l'y lane". rhaav;• N' 1111 R'1• 11%ill PI'rlll n•1• that. 1•tilwlr will glace• its completely to "but out all competitive HAVP %e'Illed pNavitrnlla thi% yeAr•. aeon in UI, ,chuoir ret-ogm d n% with almiver lit the lwdlr to his un%ntimfac- import.. Again, while one section of Demand is far greater than the sop - a plu•Iaaxnt ml1a11t' and rent, till• INtyN tory su•mwage with regard to .titpalx•rP him party Very nulversely criticizes his ply, PAillu.'ar., f./L' btialrlANN pxMlllnlis doffing their4'nps. In no ca Ile• did we immigration. Nueh is Ihr lot%of All socialistic heremies about government still[ you will ger rhes ; hut, the ed- me- tiny Irace or rudeness., either government,. ownership, senil sl forth, another ger•- sc•ation must FIIIST 'LASS. Stud- aulong fhruus•IVrN or to NtripngrrR, Whatever le dile drHrirnc'em Uf Against Bonusing. tion in as emphatically annoyed with A duritlesl Al tiny t lie. Write fell oma '% him because hP rbwa nut Ko much tor- cnfxlogue,. F 1 v lmt's a •thin is rvi/l it - .1 II II II I Ill K K mint }"n , I,o 1 linisl I'o+t. 11 tiler +(]n s)cinlixt lines. g u Thus in the good manners and -•,peel or It will le n g,mml thing far I'tuuulian /'onxe•rvntice pity divided nptainmt it. Cor. Yonge n d Alexnndcr Sta. authority are tborosghly tHnght." municipalitit•a if they learn that. it elf- it remains to he Peen whether W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. • And cine contemp/rasef remarks • dot's not pity to fish fill• their• faetorips, hopelessly or nut. l certainly, the ,*flow plenwlnt it would Ix to be stilly Unless the town 1Nlnae 4stem natural or dtvprste iN'I*cIP. rep1►•oea•nted by The Lot may the %nnu• of our achod* in ('sun- at -•quire) ,ulvnnt'agrm I•nouKh to at- Onzette An 'I, v \ orld cannot (moth _____ _ _ llurL n rmrtwl induvtry, Nilhont`n prevail, ,old rhe good Cnn,ervativi, -- 141111. - xdlL" -. ---_-, INiplllx, it will not lin v.• nufllcrnL xd vat falte•m llt kf,P / that in flip, Violist. Iw nurse tl,un n little puxzlwl U' Jia concerningtilt• .resent N Teach "1 elegraphy W. If. Wo,ml tins witlAntl•n coucrrn Inix-ft ) . Rerun the Libm•nal candidature fur to.attl•r Ihr H%h hay IN•wr sanded with INmus for bait. If the nnuli. and the• prohabilitie, or pwav%ibilitiem Of the future. YC111n CENTRAL The I,egimltature in South Brant, ciptlit, err.• Al.rctylting to own of- Cheaper Telegrams. mid The Stafford BPxcon sugKe,lta O1Otrol %,,e.,,, theiroewn public utilities; the) wet find man)• gent awn rix(- Thr Canadian (inverter. 4K !hat Iris open% the wny for n t -crn- up nnA I Inre that it would be bet- There can dor• no doubt thnt tine of STRATFORD. ONT. mlderttion by T. If. Prenton, the prem- ter to le:ace• etch work for private en- Van elai'a grentent. ne"In in chenller We have three dNpnrtmpnt*: Par ent nlpnnler, of ilia retireuaent, terlu'ise. lit . when they are einhoirk• tel•;;s.uns. Al prercut wt- an- paying Comnirrixl, sit( and \Vptr Mr. Preston urge(] un broad Ing lin A bull ease much an A canping fnun two to ten rent4 a wild fill- men. TPlegrnphj'. .'We eu,piny the. i rra•incial groun41. to permit. himself fa:rory. or Nn other purr)) individ- lite) eoanern, tit V deserve the criti- +xtl,•s ►pend neer til.• wires, wllflP in (irt•,at Iiritaaiu add Australia t iNxt frrr Pan that mosey eon +again to Ili• x candidate he aught le client of ever, ec nil in the land. prier in allrsot 3 rent :a word. in 1`4 x lues- hit-(-. Our courses are thoroRgh and firnetical and we lamina w•or- iudured to make tilt- maeriflee, any.. And III,-,.- would el, it, toll, unit-" .so... fh3s Halifax tel Vnricon4er cost, ♦ thy mrodentm to psitiona. Those 0 Thr Beacon. •'Viii only the Liberal wltne pwr•ticulter ecen unint holm xn axe tbist\' cc'bI%n wild and fro/n Dawson who wish to get a money -mak - party ,and South Ili -ant need hie Per- to) grind. Srnne concerns grit. A lions• and du well. But a well-known b- I'll a Io Eastern (',mndr frorl y (,Put so a �\ ln,l• The di t,mres y1e great, lint I 411ration should gpt the Exna Write for vieps, but file entire Province. He in nancier has Paid that for one much came dimltince is lint. the- only factor, nor our new catainguP and got partieularm. Thin is one Of the mnml enrnMf, thoughtful he rould print let twenty (either". If ev,•n pile :a.roogemt rfor to the do- the beet time of Voter to enter. And proactic,J )egimlatorn the Assembly ham known, and him retirement would "tech in tree• then manicipolititlr about(] weigh inattern with much more skill than they have done le- trriniu.,,,. lit r.1 1'htm auhjrer ens b►k64t up Rum firnP ago by Senn- tot T. O. L►wvim, h0 t ELLIOTT a MICLACHLAN, I'rlce►p,•lm. 2 stake a void not easily flllrel." We fore they take nnlney front therate. nrIto that, the %%',•sl was F1Pi g rhxrgelt ex0►hitant ♦N N6 "! bellove The [if -aeon voicew a very gen- p&yobm And put it into ,speculative lin. stiff,. Iwrm'bme of I",k of (iovernment. ---- --- - -- oral opinion regtirdigg the value of terprimem, Travelling North D South. el;nl.►1 ion, Irh n. ham Norm ,applied in the (-nae a xilwny rAte•lk. Sir Sand - ����at>•�1�. 111r. Preatow'x PPrvirrm, and it to to be hoped that hP will snake the g y �rnt11Ma1 wore +. ftmd FIs• uK lin. Iwf,n agitating the 1, for A SITUATION personal mcrriflee to the public. inte•reat which Tmking lint- consideration with all- ,I, .roto• 'brging hilar. the ;•,hell 1 interest demander) tele- hag IePn incl urgently p1r11atPr1 upoti nther, Mr. Borden', Int cannot he wltngethrr n hwtfpl) one \VMIe atm+ grmp tc lnterr•omwe At A reasonable r:al HP drmiter to MPP bx)th erPOnrl at a good salary awaits every him. wing of hill p,wrtc, And ,tn increase- n d general news flim one Prov- graduate of the Mr. Fetnlett'a utterancPm in Hrltinh ingly inflnentisl Ona• is dwnanding thwf he shall come out mgnarely for fpAms ire to aril her. iMr[I one part of the country to the mr)nt. distant. CENTRAL RU&IN[im COLL[QE. Experience proves this Columbia ,ire not calculated to tariff reform in the shape of &mock art, met, a Ino rate in order that (%woad sump mayfree, a talogve- ly. Enter any time. Catalogues Write ettrngthmn his innuenex among troller- . lower tariff, another wing InZiff-- i e 'b.n►e e)nm ,ly knit together in -�// W. N. SHAW, faFind thinking and fNir-minded Ie. feOP Ing him for nM, continuin- from thought and inowleelgr. He emrrialr ppaa I, and Gerrard Sts., To- The Ln•Aty with Japan wtex enacted (elle claim the housett)pt s ger) need of m mach highe thin principle to the extent of adv,,.Young [ratio rintaper trills Canada. Into by the Canadian Government for not declaring in mostc service withinronto. the l:Fmpite. — - - -- - �_-- W. AOHESON & SON Completed Autumn Display of Ladies' Coats, S uitings and Dress Goods 11 Long Black Coats In 811111111-1,ehevioLta, tweed and plain r1�41, tede•cts, commencing special ppm tinp at each ........ $x77 and $10. Dress Materials A very large and comprehensive range, e%er.v demanded cloth and shade and values ryuAl to lest we have ever shown it, L►dies' Cloths, Broad cloths, Kerger, Tweet) effect►n , Paalnxs, Voil,•., lit per yard. ranging from • ................................50c $2 Coatings Fiderdown Coatings for children's weir, u,•w. ,and superior Huish, English make, M inches wide. to reds, greys, white, pinks and r1:sit)., �L special at per ya....... ..... Tweed, Heaver &till Cheviot. Coating. in te great variety ranging from, $7 ................................. tit $3 CarpetDepartment entire second floor, containing RUGS, CURTAINS, LINOLEUMS AND DRAPERIES. Inspection Invited. We ACHESON ck SON it hich there IIIIay be Milne Ideal ftr•Itng and who profited silo greatly : t the will be placed upxl the Dlmliutoea axpenep of the seltlee ; neither ill hr Government. The people will listen get into the prrticulxrs i)( th tlr)yal it, vain for ,troy mention O( the It-ommission's tPp+rt dealing with the KuxxI things accomplished by the actions of these same thrifty illi. Laurier Government since Ism ticia►ls with respect to these Sallie Nothing will ie Paid mehput the shady transactions. plrosproum coudilion of the coun- try, oon- WiU Til Drily One Side. try,excepting!hilt the Administration hew had nu Mr. Borden will n0 drub r. this to oil t tell x Nm with The I There K K will be no allusion to the intelligent story, Mat only one side of it. 1'h, immigration policy pursued by 4ir other side in a matter of r•ct/td end Wilfrid L,turietr's 0ovenment for will be told in due course. When hr ten year", which has resulted iP Is" ex``lattxtee on the doings Of Liberal plinK the Nest with an enterprising Ito liticians,unit entaiges on the ,awful population ; credit tot- the rapid settle. conseoluenerer of px,litti eid corruption ,t. inert of the country will not 1w given affecting the future of this great D ­ where it is dear, hut! I,• -e w:II Ile wane minion, hr maty target to mention polemics about it )tel 1.,f if of iso. that hill ownelection petition at Hali- migralion for which It nits Could le fax, in whir It corr,tption is charged, paid• while in ►1)e h.c.t he eaderof has not yet loomen adjudicated upon. the Opposition funic oimr'If opleflmel no, !.iteral party has been very to the system altogether, generous in many ways to their p)li- tical upplttenrs, hot in future the Left Speculators Behind. strenuous lead of Hon. Mr. Aylew- Thr rapid growth elf the West siurp worth will to followed, and If three the leader of the U1opesiliort made his Conservative gentlemen of lofty Ixsl visit will In- A luded tet, but the ideals and iustusecudate purity of c imptahar- ornt part the Oovernulentof the latter undertake lO enter taw Arpnx (lay played in this advancement will I they must expect Nome liar) knocks• nut,lNt recognized. The hinder of rh,• for they will most assuredly be given, Opposition will of course inallP "Cut I _-- title land' sandals, last hr ill �.•1"our last Ixluk, maaelaul, had A prot114b1 unlit to explain the ab- Icu4letsal success," •'1 should say sl armee ltf ilia friends who wacomp ointed I Every one of my three divorced hum- hiue on the occasion .of his last trip, , bands wanted to remarry lir !" 1 1 � 1, NEW IDEA PATTERNS el ta. Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinesessistrinewea aniiininniviiiiis 6*0 A M MAGfAZ NI ' cKIM —]c. C Ci LOTHIN ..in a big aide line with us now. I Ix of roses and lots of golds to et- " 1 from, and at staple tile% Kr Pricer which will s,avc You dolJarm. ." Hu) 'awn and there-ppeie lir Puitr tO cue at, per roil, 81 AM. There were 86 up Lutt •All, but they meant I oil tit one price ...........:. .:......61.48. Boys' two acrd th'hM piese suit •, lip tit) ......... . ......'\.. ...68.00 Men's suitar.:..sb.00 to, 812.00 OVERCOATS , We have too many. We real- ize it to time and will start off I right now with rut prices. Boys' Overcoats and Reefers, Men's Overcoats, Ulsters I and Pea Jackets. ' I all at cut priceP. \Ve will inaake it worth your while t,. inn emtigate. BUSY STORE. lttr•doommo���a _ _ e�I MCKIM S 'Falk toAWomen Abo�t Men's Wear don't let your "hubby" look seedy. He ought to dress well - self-respect demands it, and he is thought far more of it he in welt dressed. Just send, or better come with him and Ht him out with it beth CENTURT BRAND SUIT OR OVgR1x)AT, the kiud on many of the very best drexsers ant wearing -full of style, perfect In fit and right in price. Marie to Order if you wish, hundra'ds of sAntples to choose from. to I.is A WEAR STINFIELD'S UNDERWEAR it In the beast --healthy, warm and nnRltrinklibde. Once It cuatorner, Always & customer. for St&nfleld's Underwear. C. PRIDHAM :Ing and Ron&linra Hob. - -