HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-9-26, Page 6r
ase teas rawrlww%fj774 t """t tell
8 THUMDAT, 8epleutbtr 38, 19
5 or 500
-Y 51000,000
- -thdy are all
' alike.
F.ach biscuit
as light as if
Clot 4V made by, fairy
Baked to a
golden tuuet
So fresh,
' and crisp, and
tempting, that
just opening the
w �} box is teasing
the appetite.
i.. And you
t' • w find ■ new
delight in every
one you eat.
You get perfection
when you get
Sodas b
ihn'1.Idat'w11! f'1..�.'�$ 5t"aevt'tS „lF��i.►.avw
vm wvasevx';rwracm«atreava'♦,enww•,�• ascacs �qn^ �a l+t+wro� ' mf �EILLMI+'„k� t"�AIRs'.. t • � t h , ; , a t .
er•n�+rre.' wsra.3set - f°"<"`•' ,1,, ,,....r�u.,t i+ ,y; 1 ; x •., t 9 4 , .1
a..rreoes+av,w.s wr7rwa.nwrcx w...-.:aoe �u 1#f dib ;, t t E "
:'§ %� * `,
t�•,l:lio„t,�� �+,i..s n t...t ;:, »I:�•I�l�A4».� 3., .,..1.�,,..:i,.k9'.: „•.t tisit, .l 31"x. . n,���,.a�,'• � i,.
I, "Your Material Is Mud”
jj lt'a u1,to fou. �zar,•Ih,•nrf, fu talLe ILS
Io:lterl:al lea 01,11 11 'Ilk' a g'a'd We Always Have Something Nem
The Making of a t,. done uflt of It. It. 10 VIl111 'Ift uur try' n e
t.. du uutro than thele. Iwu't utbaupt to
wind III111 lulu a figure of tlabriel brit- NOW IT IS a
lug a truullhwe. Ioou't try lu put too e ' x i:imv) r•. rtars,tat+erli
Successful Wife uuu.y line limes in your uoxlel. rf you
du, the tehule blam,vl thilgp will come ver Ladies', 'Misses'and Children's
to 1)1rce+, and tinea. little girl, you can -
By CASPLR S. YOST. ueter, ouster fent it together ialdim . _ N E W FALL COATS
I Just n•uteul,x•r that your uwb•ri:ol t" _ .. •
mud, and uwd, even In the hands of an
MANAGLMLNT Or A MAN. reed e•tpe•rt modeler. has its IImIUutut. 1 �li��'I/1�w1
Restrain your au,blt 011 to the Int •,t I�U`Ir Nobby Styles, etc }f
Sim Well and Make Him Comforts• \ Owing (o
oinking u gess! husband, and when you r
boa M Berne Tae Average Man Isn't u }
Lace arcumpllabevl that lx• tµltkt�ed the flue con- Popular Prices,
f tP ' #,t K
lardteSstiafy An�Don'lForget the with keeping hint No I�i►l�hi struclion of
iwla Evideneesol Love. 'A A How? (ll,, illy' dery little girl, you \' most ranges
have a better comtselur than I right at ;t ;, a rather - +4c' Quality Guaranteed P•
home. I'flk out saying that your mother
'upyright, ism. by c;usprr a. Yust.] did a very good Job with me. but, bless ' , O difficult lea' ;�i/
Y 1)6;A1t ],1.1"4',1,1•; Coil. 1 her heart. It wasn't because rbe didnt cook end bake We invite comparison. ---You are always
gut your lettei )u�t u% I w:,+ know how'• The trouble was with the successfully at
starting Io ul:aki•,a Ia•e hov e(ttw the same time. �VeICOme t0 look.
for the• Irnlu: and us 1 had lu (two olwa[a
e a lung )amp this tap I've hauls >'osaaof^^" But the arrangement of the Pandora flues differs consider-
'pportuuity to reply until this very 1 ably from others. They are so constructed that the draft for
it.. 1 rd, It through I Its ars w as I J t JOHN ST E A D
baking is also the best (or cooking, the pert crculating around y+y,,. ;
m board, and then : lull lsrck on
Seat and fautth'd all to u,yrelt. — the oven twice and tyr�er every pot hole before Passing up
don't get excited, any dear. I 1 / the chimney. THE LADIES' WEAR, � GODERICH.
tit laughing at you. Not a hit of It , \ / The Pandora bakes and cooks perfectly
the serious prublews which you �_ _ J , Note Our Addnas: Opposite Post Met, WEST STREET. '
,glue art- Just chant tel overwhelm �
• 1 right at the l.•Clnuiug of your mar at the'same time.
t I life rewlud lac so umrh of the �I Do you know of another range that does? I �� —��•
a..me worries that cncompax.evl your If your local dealer does not sell the Pandora write direct
iYU lura up and he'll Iran back and
mother "all routed about" like the little brrism tat you i to us for Free BookleL •1 sUppwar that when you married A Scottish youngster, whose parent
material. She can tell you much mote 't +l`'`=^'`„y t' °' Inas,” he wtid, • you made the proauire had died, was hitting reared in h.u,l i
old w.wnnn'r lsttic(wt. and the venae•
of It all was ue we, ytrur reelected i and match better than 1 can, what and to uley ole with if mental re- ship by a miserly uncle. Seeing t y
elvntion?" "01 l no,' site replied, greyhound one dry, he Isolated it ,,I
a A revered and ranch I. -loved old dad, how to do. And yet there an some 1
1 u wouldn't hurlly believe It, now. cinerea I can give on that may be ' swrelly; "when I married you waw the head, saying- Muir ,easlir,
v •dtW film?
But it's a fart, nq' Ilttle y y + y t °iY'a
of value to you, mainly because they H my mental reservation." shairly live wi' yrr uncle, tae,"
aw'erlheart, need. Reed whilllkrns' will enabler you to gest a view of thing,; •
How s.•Idum wee weigh our neighbor PAprrhautp(e's aro about the . ural
• load she did thin' sho had. why, 1'J from a man's staudltolut. I have Intl- in the sawn 1"tLtnce with ourselves. g
b willing to bet a tstshel of Hen 1111 turn who sucerral in buviurar by going
mnteel that n man Is patty 'generally lAndOn Toronto Montreal Wiwi VaaCOYYlr St. John _Jirlter ,I yrs -1 girl with old ways to for wall.
v.; lapples uga io,t a I., of railroad what women make him. Ills mother r r , Pefgr r t un an old girl with young ways.
d.•ugtmnts that shed have traded our t
ot, for a counterfeit half dollar with a lug. hew his start In on thetit buing
fnR. and her mite pats on the fin1.hID9 ; E. P. PAU LI N, Local Agent. Tn
h. le 1n It three month+ seise we were touches, but It isn't good policy to Ire
marrir(1. Slit never would admit It of plus know that you are working on -
course. Site was too sweet and gentle him. A good deal has been said about
and good hearted. And then she really the contrariness of woman, but she I to say on that tilde presently. it's ( ART OF SWEEPING.
thought a heap of me, even when I isn't really In the same class with a the purely physical side YOU want W
was furthest below par In her estima- mail If he thinks somebody Is trying to look after first. After he's been feel
tion. Than .Is a Wrong Way and There's a
lint it's that way nenrty all the time. Improve him. So whatever you make let hlu, have his easy chair, his 8111) Right Way to Do This Work.
m] tit's that The trouble with you I up your mind 'to do with William, pers and his c19sr. I)on't keep every- Every one dotes not know how to
women s that don't, for heaven's sake, give him a I thing so splfk and span and shiny and sweep a room. It requires skill, com- 1
you pick out a hint of your designs. And, a■ I Bald I straight up'and down that he's afraid binael with patience, to clean a room
wan and thea I before, don't try to do too mull. to sit down anywhere becwnse he properly. '!tie chief mistake wade Ly
before you're The Most Importune Point. might disarrange a plec•e of batten- a novice Is to think she can hurry
MV AINr berried to him, I In the first place, or dear, you'd bet- I herg or a sofa pUlow•. What woolen through It and to flat" the ruuw will
NE you build . ter get the -fact buried la the middle call a good housekeeper Isn't always to clean It she takes long, heavy
9EAUrlrut- high fwdestal of of your gray matter and keep It there a good wife, not by a long shut. If strokes with tsrr broom. Short, light
marble or onyx that the must Imprortant point In the a man has to sit up In a spindle back strokes which are [Iran will do the
/ al -
or something inalinR of n gaud husband Is the mak-
new art chair as stiff Its a ae-enforced work as It should la- dote. It Its al -
1 equally ane, Ing of n good wife. That takes time
billiard cue hob going to sigh for ways hrrt to sweep a heavy brussels
and you carve and experience, but two processes can something different, and the first thing carpet or ooe of simllar make once
MA" pictures In bold go along side by side, for you needn't you know he'll be sneaking out om w•Itb the grain, then once across IL
relief all around expert Billy to be ready for the last business about three flights In the going over each three or four yards in
colt of varnish b day after tomorrow. week. No, my dear, let Bill feel this way until the entire carpet s
the sides traillun- y that right at home he can get •mon
testing his tan- No, indeeddy, itttle girl, you can't taro , Swept -When a carpet s old and
sceudent vir- out finished husbands like you can hot solid comfort than he can haveiany- evenly worn this s hardly necessary,
tura, Just like waffles, and speaking of waffles brings when else on earth, and you'v art but It it is new or has any perceptible
on u p edeatal the monuments rem right back to the starting point In I elm anchored for keeps. ridges this method should surety be
you see In the parks to the heroes who the home Industry I'm talking about. He Married a Companion. followed. After going over a Croom
"tit," bled and plundered for their 'chat's a little matter of feed. it's a And yet that isn't everything. For thoroughly allow the dust to settle, and
country. Then you put the man on top fact so old that Instance, If you were to fall auto the 1n tell or ftneen minutes give It a
of this beautiful pile, and you look a ra even Fve got a habit of strolling over to a Delgbb0eI' final brushing, sweeping It lightly, and
up rt him with your hands clasped 1 'Jihint of It that 1 every evening while be mads the pa- nothing s more satisfactory than a
and your eyes% muotain' like a calfie
"i.'j phis Inrathe man. t princi- Pers pe'd 6 �e g0od caHe to cruinied to sweeper Teaerav Scattered
p eated ty Mille carpet j>�C
With the culls, and you tiny, )t1), and probably woull He warded to
get a companion mot Just a housekeep• are good They should be squeeraed = -- --- --
The undersigned having beth h
alord W health by siunple mrarna. Aftrl
z :
sulltrring fur several years with a stt
of the time, but most of the time.
rare lung affection, and that drr.d
adoration. You don't have a chance
disease Ceaswpliaa, is anxious to mak••
known to his fellow vufferers 1h.•
Illemina of cure. To those who deaf.•
it, he will cheerfully bend (fuer .•t"w.
V, get a real, genuine assay of him
chargr) a copy of the prescription
the fireside; he manta to read to you
nerd, which they will find a s(u.• o.-
for Gassmpuw Astktss, Caurrk. ares•
or have you read to him; he wants
ealths and all Ihntat and lung maladles.
Ifs hopes all sufferers will try li"
to gossip with you Dat Ilkc pate; hr
I Remedy, as it is invaluable. •1'ho.r
birthday ring. 'cher you get married 1
draining the prescription, whin M teal
cn&rt thele: nothing, and may I rote e
said you ellinh up Ite4ldle him and you
blee•ing, will nlodae address
emblUo11a; he milers you to help him
lia. EDWAU A. WILSON, grssklys, N.I
make the terrOde discovery that his
Kenesetuns: Mineral Water
In his struggle with the world by
1 TKH 1't E, rnanufarluter• of
your Sympathy, your encouragement
I lour.- an yrr{{twrxsl to dell+'er to any part f
the town WIfa•t lamer Alc In pun. u 1
wlse his bend. In other words, you
gnalt.•, who Mineral N'si In lbrer -I...y
r•pllr., yin,. ",.d ,{nart.l, ttellaer Nater i 1
Ironble Wel.. Throve gnxds are traeelr h•"..
find that be Just plain garden mud.
.&lural ounerel water, slid an, Iberet.w nrr
your trouble•S-not the endless repe-
front all iu.purlUe.. P. L WALTON ?fan
tiger. 'Phone V.I. _
tltion of the dally string of annoy
■lu't he beautiful." or, "Oh, ain't
. " 1
agement of a
t -,a- s the sat• I ere and he wants you with him, not all
as dry as possible and sprinkled over
awful nice;' or some emphatic
and (fusible expression of emphatic
sfaction of It
of the time, but most of the time.
the carpet before the final sweep.
adoration. You don't have a chance
C� Stomach. Wlat•
when hob at borne. Eie wants you
Another good plea s to sprinkle the
MCes, Ilamllto,. Street. 'Phone I",
eeier else he
to sit on the other side of the table by
Door before starting to sweep with
V, get a real, genuine assay of him
Ic = may be, no mat-
the fireside; he manta to read to you
dry table Balt The salt seems to
aril you think hr's all gold and
ter bow fall of
or have you read to him; he wants
brighten the colors of a faded carpet
studded nround with diamonds like n
brains his head
to gossip with you Dat Ilkc pate; hr
as well as to aid In removing dust
birthday ring. 'cher you get married 1
' tie's an animal
wants to tell you of his holies and
When the secood sweeping is over use
said you ellinh up Ite4ldle him and you
EI land he wants
emblUo11a; he milers you to help him
a whisk troop In the corners and
make the terrOde discovery that his
to be fed. Why,
In his struggle with the world by
around the ledges. After the walls are
feet are clay; ul"u his hands and like-
A ba•c IIru' ),rine first Pve Seen the
your Sympathy, your encouragement
dusted and the carpet clean It Is well i
wlse his bend. In other words, you
Oar. greatest allots•
and your advice; he wants to bear
to wipe off the surface of the carpet
find that be Just plain garden mud.
flea of the doctrttes of eweetneaa
your trouble•S-not the endless repe-
wiUi a cloth dipped in salt and water
And then you .prseed to have a fit.
You d n't Say, "Woe s mer' nor beat
and light sit Clown to the table and
tltion of the dally string of annoy
which has been wrung out an dry as
your react nor rain the neighbor-
ant like a blue ribbon porker with his
ances which come to every wife, but
possible. Jrbs will remove every trace
initial It6 y
your cries, like the used
feet In the trough. Yet comparatively
the real troubles, the problems which
of dust The cIt ih used for the pure
do the volume novels
few women appreciate the IwpOrLBDCY•
you find ft hard b solve for ourself.
3' J
pose must to frequently closed In
S u renhn-P
Such (•rudlUe•" are no longer fashbn-
of thin fact, and many n home s ruffled
amd, over and sleeve all. little girl, he
fresh water and then dipped Into the
able. You du things -differently naw•
by the theory that anything that hap-
Ivants to feel the gentle mass 1D
salted water again and wrung out as
ads e, but
y your rtsa•tbods are Just as
poems to be handiest will do for dintler. i
It (:Iva balm the beat his ID-
touch and speech; the little evidences
of tie love that dr ee not die with the
' before. Then, some folks like to go
the ammonia water,
blewlwonfuls of hot water. flet the
over carpet with
'That fellow doesn't have, fit go
come will afford and see to It yourself
Ilonerm('n4 hilt
but I prefer the salt, a salt keeps out
When the Man Is Miffed.
flint It fa properly cooked. The aver•
lives on and
And all this tine the tdaD 1s stand•
age mail Isn't hard to satisfy. He
grows stronger
It Is needless to say that In sweep -
fog around on our foot with a face
d,a•vn't hanker after the strange and
laud stronger •,i
Ing as thoroughly as this every article
a lung and. as sedmtn as the presl•
weird dishes you'll and In the cook-
with each pans-
which 1s movable should be removed
dent's message, wundedng what in
(woks. He doesn't are for nlry water
Ing year.
first or dusted and carefully covered
the dickens 1s the matter. Somrtiwes,
and delicate kms. Ile only wants some•
'That's the in-
I with old sheets. When buying heavy
by way of diversion, he goes in the
'thing pinln unit substantial and fi11101p,
tellortual Side.
pieces of furniture be careful to Select
other room and kicks over a c•hair
like roast beef or bacon or ham and
sweetheart. -
those that have good, easily moved
or sneaks. out Into the -back yard and
s or something equal) gross and.
egg. y
'that's the side �
cetera, so the articles may be pushe(1
throws rgSclu( at the clill•keus. I have
a klDi'o[ I did
just a bully. Fill him up with such
that gives mar-
�' rolls u'.1 wcol(
about e11d the dust be kept from Le
n rerollerUem that
truck nn(1 thorn he'll Imau back and
rfmd Ilte len
hind and from underneath them.
something of Uwt sort myself. You
beam at you Ilke• the father of a Drat
sweetness land
It s a great mistake to p -
see, m dear, the, man doesn't know
baby -that s, If It's cooked right
Irpauty and wnke-t home a home of
Ing as thoroughly ns this every two
that he has leen set up nn a ped(
If the steak comes to the lirreakfet
I.appiness, but it will peter out mighty
weeks. It you do, the dust becomes
tal; he hag just been going along at- '
table fried hard, it the eirga are swim-
fast under a diet of soggy rolls land
ground Into a carpet and helps it to
tending to,hlA awn butine"s some a
utinc: In grease or the bixcults Keary
weak collie. Just remember that, 11t-
wear out itesldes, dust dlScrolon It
usual, thinking hlurAelf a pretty fair
enough to rise na weights on the cuckoo
Ile girl; just remember that. Your at-
more than or quite as much an wear.
makes the line
come to you. You
simply stand in one t
spot and spin the
line by catching it
here and there to
hang the clothe+ as
you -tort them out
of the haAcl. A .
child can operate
We will send the "Davis' on average of a plan land '.IetUog it go at cl.,ek, he's �J � .
trial end approval to any one. that. That's the w'a it's hem with }rat a kick coming• And K fectlonatedad_ JOHN fiNF;FTs built
many houses of today are I 1 or vte wad ilei. Ire Asenta Heal .I F'.
Y, will comms it may out Ls )est then. bull[ with hardwood floors, so the bar- lawy tart
ofite t [o let. and
handled Id
No cash required with request. Bill. I had a pretty; good chance to any [nrl of the town wad oxetc. Pin and
He rant keep It to hlmnpl[ until he .( HINTS FOR THE HAIR. lien of sweeping Is greatly lessened, Dr �f�r•cats Ifs insurwnco, money to lawn oils
Write us I,r particulars. ao, size him Up while I was 1080119 •,.•ollccts nu nswnrtment and then let (wet rags are lifted, shaken or beaten out liM1?'
around home waltinglfor the wedding all it once. But sooner or later the When there Is dryness of the scalp of doors. Hardwood floors, If swept � • 10IIN W., CRAIUIF, LIFK, FiRE
THE DAVIS REED. CO., to come off, and It was my Judgment kick will cone, and the longer he holds t the application of warm olive, nil to , Provide for v wad aucMentirwnramr. Agent, for Mad n'` ??;
Rc pp with a hair brush Instead of n broom, mutual sold stock eon, nee". lnanren(+e In sol
Itoz IG.., Ilner effected on beat p a and at lowe,t rater i�f
It In the braise It a III come out. iter, 1 the head prior to washing la rw ora- then robbed w1Ut a little oil or simply �pwwtt
LONDON ONT. I - Call at oMoe, corner W eat Slroet wad lignwro
nl}' dear, 1 say to you wrlenI. y and mended. if poAAlblO this should be had with a waxen llrDab, can be • a addra.v, J. W. l'1tAlUllt IJoderich. Ons
- pen prfnlly, s1).• to It peneunally that {done twenty-four boars before the bele kept 111 good condition with cOtapaasf- the inter Iele.honert
P ani phi. William Is well Axl. Maybe that'* I in shainpooed, the oil being Troth rub tively little labor. cK11.LOP MUTUAL FIRE 1\
what's fire matter with him flow. I fad Into the Scalp land also allowed to -- gY IiUYLNG A Irl
'� hr hn s rah rndy gut the grouch M the ' Saturate the roots. This has the ef- I S l% H A N c' K c' o. -Farm and Iwlated
c erg No mAlter how g.xxl pour credit S ttg.pr�,,•n propertj Insured. Value of property In
underfed or the badly feed. [letter fig I feet of strengthening It, and In the GOOD TOVE ■deed up Ie an. ISO liver $&(M.afyt Olawwrw
arc nu that n Ilttle, w dear. cane of weak and falling hair It wIII °my la, coon c;.eh is ictuses and dlrprtorw: J. H, clean, T.Freser
r 1 J I One I lint, will alive coal and give tilos-eves :Jas ('nm nelly, U. gm;
Mr, the y
b •,` And then, little girl, make home "o, do much t0 prevent the dIAMe+rSfog inay.J R'all,JimKrunw,J.U.Urleve,J.Henne ,
every rntisfnction, dl T K H Reaforth asorvtary
Tascasax (W Pr.nxo
comfortable land so pleannt that Ito
e tyon't want to leave It, except to 9 •
Studio In (tank of Montreal Hlock.
• `' I
l[etilcal a
Tbc-yolk of 4n egg as a hair wash
- -
Tit 15
A. T. Krranwrx, M 1).
W. M. TCa!,rl-LI.-
i s 'r "C
MCes, Ilamllto,. Street. 'Phone I",
he's nil right. ile's a man, and
fhnt's all allay wommn con reasonably
Ire En.n.rrson's re.Man,r, f'4. Irarfd'..trerl,
ns SIc or sevpu yolks are nmuetiuuea
d rppu.it,e Victoria streat charvll, 'phone IM:
rNOEzo. oT�
ler. Turnbull', rmidence, Nelson street
,r aseraphlms In my fnmlly, and you'd I
Next ShAW. -tore. 'phone Irl.
Star•Iwl .Itenflun to Kye, Vier, Nose I
Threat. Oftke and re.klenve oid Hark of M...
reel. opal rtty Poltofaee. West st., Uoderi-h.
main Is mighty Small potatoes, but
Telet,hone Nn. ILK.
-- -- --- --
when It comes tn,getting married there
Auct ioneeM9
1:1�•TF It",-lieitun,, notarles, eta. OM
s on ta
lianriltr Sl., third door from S4wre, umerin 1
Ont. ll. U. l'AMKIWN, K. l.. J. L KII
bwrrietuw, r4thellom Iwtwrlew public pn
'nn In the Maritime ('ourf etc. Oalice, east a.:e
S.puare, next low'r C. A. \aln.'s grocery. 1 ri
rate funds to laud at 14 w wl retell of interef
ty, PHe)UUF(xrT. K. c. It. C. HAYS. U F
11LA I It.
— -�
Ill TKFW, attorneys, aofMltor., rw.
aIfI KI Mr"teYtolend.f bweat rales. F:
want to do with 816 -,or William. It i
. 4 U1l'KlNturN.l HARLIiaf11AILHOW. 1.1.-11
yon prefer It. Aman Is just a piece of I
tow for Me womrin who pr(•ddrS ove+!
insurance, Loans, etc.
soft clay In a woman's bands, and
r a 25,00011..
are added to the last edition of Web-
ster's International Dictionary The
Gazetteer of the World anJ the
Biographical Dictionary lave been
completely revised. The Interna-
tional is always kept abreast of the
times. It takes constant work, ex-
Mperulive work and worry, but It Is
tthhe only way to keep the dictionary
of the English-speaking_ world.
Other dictionaries follow. Webstef
It is the favorite with Judges,
Scholars, Educators, Printers, etc.,
in this and foreign countries.
Qghest Award) we given at this
IWorld's Fair, St. Louis.?
A postal card will bring ym in.
tar'aating apecttnen pallgea, rte,
anrrNortato,MAq, anno
etnueasss a
comfortable land so pleannt that Ito
e tyon't want to leave It, except to 9 •
I loss which is no often the effect' of
• `' I
dowutuw•n and bush• IBM a good fel*
Tbc-yolk of 4n egg as a hair wash
Thr(na rbcks•at W cJs/oliene.
- -
Tit 15
a IS an ultl and tried slteclfie. Initiation
then, land my opinion hasn't changed,
i s 'r "C
women noteddays lwlleve In nddlug to
It the Juice of n lellmn, -bile asnonny
he's nil right. ile's a man, and
fhnt's all allay wommn con reasonably
�'� t IMIT i
-__ -��',
ns SIc or sevpu yolks are nmuetiuuea
ec p•ct. 1 don't w•anf any cherubim"
rNOEzo. oT�
employed for one Rllampoo, so nn to
,r aseraphlms In my fnmlly, and you'd I
permit of three or four nppllcntions,
find life pretty uncomfortable if yon
thus inuring n perfect cleansing. .\n
had one of item fora huoman
CIM•ilpnt mNhal of obviating ally Nllb•
('ornpare•.1 within gtxwl woman a goat
uent stleklues" s to add n tens xron-
tu!ol I
main Is mighty Small potatoes, but
i flat of crenm of htrinr to the final ring
when It comes tn,getting married there
Auct ioneeM9
s on ta
Ing water.
Isn't anything Isxtter available, and an '
when nMrRrr•Lalesd ^eying salsa etlN raawf able ad
in the ease of very fair halt the
you wuutrn ntiv Just obliged to take
whlten of the eggs are always letter
them and do the best you can- with
than the yolks, which tend to darkt•n
them. And that, littM girl, Is the point
it, rind these Should he used with a
I want to get at. That's last what you
little sort soap.
want to do with 816 -,or William. It i
rat 0 n(ni art choir.
I Nothf )g Is simpler or more easily
yon prefer It. Aman Is just a piece of I
tow for Me womrin who pr(•ddrS ove+!
manngrd than a soft Wasp mnde of
soft clay In a woman's bands, and
It. When 1 Aee n man Juawp for his
`cntitlle or palm oil. Take a coke of
w•heth"hennks .0 or double naught ,
hat when the quitting brit rings land
4-111101' land cut Into small bits. Put
ti::t husband depends a good deal on
make a bee line for the first call* that
I .into n china basin anti add a few tae
how abe handles film. 'Yes, that places
will get him home I Way In myself:
blewlwonfuls of hot water. flet the
a pretty cotuldenhle respobdbtll on I
'That fellow doesn't have, fit go
booln to a pan of Melling water and
woman, but you needn't blame me,
chain' around nights lookin' for
let this stay on the stove until the Soup
I d
1 didn't Rave anything to do w11f1 iq•
amo•rtrent. He's got all he u:,nts at
s 'Melted. Souletlmes It IS necessary
Ing out Uds arrangetnadt It's that
hams." And when n nano has that
he's• bound to 1x••
to add a little more water to the blts, j
way, and 1 reckon the Lord favus
c•rmtpnted, mitt], Ile-
and one need not be afraid of getting
mint kris about. Of roars• sone maw
Ing cnntenUel, hr's bnund to IM hap
In too mbch. One cake may easily
aro too soft and Some too tsergk to do
py, and, being happt, Wit la.und to
, make a plat of lignld. When the acenp
anything witk but the most of tltawl
he �"f natureol, and, Ix•ing Cowl no-
be arrived at this condition put It auto 1
are pbm"k astoot h for Wisettewl pap*'
torettbe's bound to ire n gond him-
a wide mouthed glass Jar and set away
panels, as I,ati� yaw a ;'
band It be's rightly managed on the
I to a cool plan. Witten coot ft wilt M I
Ltetlectoal albs. i'll have a word
JW a Jelly. /I
�►: �� `11.r3 `� �' it
There nim none better than
a flood Cheer or
a Penn Esther
A fall line to choose from•
Al.o the. celebratint
Good Cheer Art
Base Burner,
:Ind Hot Blasts
In Plumbing, beating
and General Repairs
we lead
'PAoee i33.
weK rector . aye,
treasurer • dnxpectors, ne.arewt director to I(rw�
�•;: n,;
J. W, taco, Halmesville, gent for
Huron. Pollry-holders can pay aaree.menu
and get their card" we at Mr. CMI.I
('Unten a at Met~ Brom.' Palaoe Unstrung
11 PARIA)RR. The beat place In town.
'romp[ ttrvice ; everything alewn and Pani
Hrrlii.h Xgli age (Hotel Hlock (-uec aw► Ito
' Jaw- Frltxlry).
X&MAKe Licenses
& f
it:je m"•.
Watchmaker. Jeweller and (1gtleMti.
i Iramor of Marriage Maam,sw.
I ,
^k )'
. AGRUcenmll tlodw".Ort.
Auct ioneeM9
s on ta
ane general ameilotaw.
RUreM, when M will M found at aU times
when nMrRrr•Lalesd ^eying salsa etlN raawf able ad
suety is clue ver r • ,
'1'Aene :se. I i
Gen" Axtioaeer.
Copy of change or runni"` advertloe• Now Sy of Ticksfs ud Catdsga• l vy"
mer.ts must be left at this o0te by OFFICE, HAMILTON ST. t,'.a 1
M*nday neon to ensure Inw illosl A} p `; i
In Issue of same week P. O. ilk
--- ..+,t "_'_-f a jam•"-+�i^t'YEa.:' h.