HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-9-26, Page 5TIiN: SIGNAL: CODERICH, A couunuoleation trout the Cana. lit j r� TOWN COUNCIL• than Indrprudrut Tu�.,�Ists" AssoMr -- - -- -- - - -- !'tY tion asked thus thefcouncil pay a Y — wemberrhlpp tee of $3 W help in earry- (tt� Of a r'4 ppaalggn In favor of cheap •ry ; OFFERS FOR DEMENTURN ISSUES telephone {rcilltfer. The council did AOOEPTED. not catch I ulttt the cwulnuuicatiun i `I �,i, 'g�`n�ay"'• � '� was filed. EDRoSE EA All offer of 82,ll from Henj. Pack- • + t� wood for Iota 1881 and 13W4 the {;are, Summer Hotel Alliin Set Forth at Johanna Wright property in Ht. �+ p }� /�+'] ] Length by Manager Fortune- "avid'm wand. war accepted, sub eat ti . ' ))f • t S L !t �l i V L l I Agreement Reached for the Clos• w the approval of the solicitor. The ai- ing of Sttwb at the Harbor- council war not quite sure that the The 16vory stft)nO in,1he WP, obtatined by f1 property could be disposed of its thin .y. Council Wants Information from auanner. b�ending Indust and Ceylon itis, u the secret of icy ° r Water and Light Commission. A rryuert how the O. U. I. reuniuu i T, e cow test that the council grant $.Yt)T to►tover Me balance of expeosw was Red Rose i t'� s success. J Then lar meeting of the town granted with expresslons of pleasure _ / 1 gal at the rwalluesr of the demand. The •1�1! rOOf u In the d ' Geste N for Ourself. • council was held on Friday evening council roil in the year offered lite e� - - Z— Rv (:ouncillor Goldthorpe being the only y Y absentee. eumwltlre jhhl bpwardr the rxpwus•r '�i Ask mosor Grocer to sold you a Paidwe today. alt lite reunion, but the committee , A communicationregarding R. Heaton, (,told itself able to all bills except of Toronto, re�ardln his (k•mmerclal Pa i i�• Ihat of the band, which was Bill. $F p•, Hxndlxwk of (7aoadr, was referred W The contnurt for the rinling of it the lariat cowmittey certain of the low" ti law's in twuk 1 A lengthy communication from J. y 1 _ It N'. Fortune, manager of Hotel Nude• turns wits ac work to The titer. �• / t k rich. in regard to the bwit" m of the The public works committee p reeved hotel, wait read, and w it makes mrndr(d that a bylww tie ttrrlNtlwd intruertin �I reading for Ooderich glantii:g the Ourlp t Ooder,ch Ifail- '' 1 Ir it is published in full• ps fol- way the right to build rtov�>b up Har -—_-- I pr P P for hill hsim the {� dl O. I�. station to lover' Oedorkh depbaaber171L, tern, the vicitiq] of ••tbie Iitwkery," accutd. OUR NATIONAL DANGER. j ems- Y� were 83 � Ids, ooa� EAN eunato uatsn wtarw... U. -m Dicklaroa t Uaerr•, ing w the pbills Hied; that the -- I posed of 1814 cattle., 60 mbeep, �6 1ptol, 1tIIhead; s sept- 3 good: 1)-e to solkllon, eta., Uodorkb, out• Uurlph A (ltderich Halfway xt the ' etalvee, sad 11 horrrx. too lo. seas head; steady on goad: use to Y ( Y too lower hi common. Ito 8 stars, X.10 G IVITLgltg", -- Itrterring to our -,,in of $71X1 fur the of closed ac- Time to Cry a Halt Before • Panic ( Lvor g,y, to also; shipping. >i•w to M; butchers'. I . cutiveraaliona allies recripo, alt your cording to the lens filed, such otreeto comp. lwwmunicatiou. when we came here p Prbor ranged rest, it.aA to MSD, the 0 t to ID; setters. taw to 0: cows. bring remlh of Harbor street: that Dalt or tit. bait .rluryl arolud ab Dar til w a<so: boos. ti'Is to 111.1111: aroel(srs early in June, I think a few state- the nun of $ti.ilrl expended h the The husinrpr spirit it crushing out awl.; to Wert some Iota of eattJo and feeder, 111[5 to M -W stock heihra, menta of tact way het to a better Y - bought for eaport at lower quotations. $L&j to i11.W, fresh cows sad spring—. y P Ouel h t Godrrich Ratlwa re H tw. f hr awe err elruu•nt of Aonfe lift.. steady on best: O fewer on, others; 820 to understanding of our position b the P y Ityport bulls .old a s1w to iti0 per cwt. pOe 7 Icy Ire reimhurmeJ iib once out of rail- Nrr err lu danger of u great commer SYteberL Ifs Iowa, way tounur moneys ; thwt, the feuds,l vial dwelinl•, IN•,•suNe loco. oaN a whole. I Elated betrhera' -old at 66.75 to KM: veele-lteedpu. tNO; acute and Ibc It was while 1 wit• here f° the tell think nnl of r tilts wealth. I bans of bast butchers' on sale sold at Idghx• 36 to SUL of the l;uderie•fi Planing Mille, $ant, Y K' K bogie-ite.wlpta, tT.mO bead: active and of 191[6, spying out an extraoex from for exrpentrr and allied work. rend There en• thousand", too[ turn and j man, AE a,Mhedluow fi$2 to pi Cwt.; f.+ to ,t. higher: heavy. ps to SLO; the south for a proposed steam and Lhet of W. Sharinnn, 1145A for wAru,i Wolnell, who du not laky lime ter ent 1 canners, $L5o to C Der coot missal and yorkess. 116.111) to 11<f0; 1 electric line, that 1 carte in contact will k in connection with Lite retrein properly. They rush thrudgh life, 1 Fosidees and Stackers M-br to saw; rougtu 1163 to sL»; stags, with the mumttisr hotel property sad At the fire hall, he aeras tcsl and the and as n result we. have an rage of in. Iiifllpe a Lunntsis-b„ucht a few I<Z to 11675; dairleC M to UAL its owners, and in the to ow ng spring work br n cia4micd with at once. digrial ion, nrrvun"newo, irritability. Igtaevs sad bulls at foflowf x quotations. t3beep sad Traube—tieoslpta t6 00 bead: undertook the formation of a joint P active; sheep, steady; lambs, hoc hisser' j 'lyse report was considered clause to • odeepltbui nights, And mor~ dpspxxl{- !or dlstlDory ptirq,see flouts, 11616 to larnboosb to faa6; yrarilap IL75 to M: street company of mho who had'6utp1, clau,w. The only clause that ••nattiil tion. ttf0: suet, Mulch Cowl vet. wether. 16.60 to WING; bees, SIM to OLIS; railway, steamboat and Advertising much discussion was that togetdiug With lhedisenvery of Mi -o- talc lO s seal sprlagrrs ranged to prlbo I�im«bi j.,ed- silA to ME' Canada exik•rience. We trade two paywentr lbs closing of lite streets, at the har. Iris, there is no longer Any v toe ftor I ban Ire w sal seer ' $7 M' during last year. sod other two pry• dor. 7111, Reeve wanted to have it line to have ill lii•Altl�fnlus stomach Veal Cativee. Men' York Live Steck. talent& would have been mode but for that lite G. R (i. accept ttw{pNN,,ne.1 .1. y weaknem.. I Prises rttstged trot, t,• to s%o per Is. NEW Yt74lK, dept a--6feovar-Re- A lie pendens found on Lite C Perty, for All el,aiuts for dans,► a that might Mi-o-na strengthens the walls of the &mop and Lamb& cow”, sen; 'Lows' delL lower, balls which was not Ifttud until Fehr R K non to the bighersdor�'steW ' bologna uu'y be brougght against the town no a re- stontArh, Ntiosnlates mern•tion of the tbMV for ezvOrl N„Id ut 111.76 to taw cows. to lee tltgher; others show to of this year. salt of'tlue clewing of the sartrlr, but digrNlivr juicer, regulwtius the li\•rr Oer Vmbe' at N'� to Z 60 per cwt lot lower. Steer. 84 V% to 111M, bulls. N•hile having a general idea of the the other usrtulteur std to think and reastores muscular ront•wcliod to Mass' C to $175; choice rat da. N to 1111115; cows contract between the cit and the rWPAs ( S P. Kennelly re,N,rlyd hogs at M.n% iI.E to it.R 1:.iN,rts to -day. 50 outsell: 7 the town's interests were safe. The the intrstintw Pont] bowels, An no taxa- far lesson" and ILV3 2 roe lights and tats. to-rrnorrow•, sou • rete and are quartets of sumwer hotel, I have never been able eutilr rep ort was adopted. rive is needed. Menteeal Live Stock. beef. ter see the agreement, neither. side Astate•nlent of finances in conte•- Kick he,ulurliea. palpitation, INad (•alvee`tt«wfpu, 3M; market steady to 1[OM'.a, Sept 9. -Abler Montreal „trona: medium and mrur:on reals. 76c hwvingg been able to produce one, tion with the recent C. P. H. o{trring fwNtr in the nunut.h. yellow skin, irrlt- !ltect Tarts' Wear hoot Market Ube re- higher: veale. 6119 to 70.50; culls. N to Z. therefore 1 was In ttw dank As to the detsuml trxtiuu wwa sent to the Hrnenrr Ability, snatch tnngur and melwnrholy eetpta of I1we stack for tion work coding grarwre, to i3 M; western salves, 811.75 Anhounts uoLU you gave we the figures ct,1111oittee. Arra few of the man•v distressing re. SOW. u were W9 cattle, sm sheep a1N1 u. Its. It few weeks ago, sults of inti i stion• Mi•o-n:► nevet Jambe, 7o hop and he salver, sidle the ghtr and Lambe—Rem 16AW; good I and w repairs to the hotel, l tis "otinci redo" n hived : That X p 1DtA wDWY offered on for market for the reg Ix► tit is ruunril rwlut•"t the usher and fgi1N w dIsIN•I All these tndthlrN• !Deal trade to -day consisted of 1560 rattle, funhr, steady to firm; other, eine. lately may that when we carne hen, on light cutuulirsiun fur information re- Join. Wilson sells Mi-o.na in rola-rent Two ssseep add lamb, Ito hog* and duo Sheep• $35e to 116.60: culls. V W to V. the loot of June, 1906, we found an in- Knotting Ik,x1•N, And KunrAnh•rs to refund the calves. lambs, 116.50 to 1111; culls. se. r.1) to A. K g 111 the rxxrt nurnlrrr of luno Ilugs--ltrcol s, $M11 market, steady at w4k•(•tor looking over the place, end, f I Y , mogey if the n•inely r tars of i\•r The of11erkhp d cattle this month how- !K X P o coal purchased b tlnrits : (�) cost l 1l K ed an lsrrsase of 300 head, As its pared 111.60 to V \IAyur Tilt cowing down lira day, 'at ►noir s•r l"n delivered in shed ; roinplrtr Nxtisfgrtiu". with a year ago, on al twnt of u:,• tact Chicago Live Stock. I- pointed out W him Whitt was 41v pf1 cI".t oil handlin raid dot __.____ that pasturtag thruout the country Ire K y• CI7ICed O.a ftpt.bout LOW;.& market �arenUv needed. He said the wwa poor, and. with teedatufts are nay ruling I This wits rrcutsdlsl b •Ihr ,alt }leers eat lnoacrd at About 76,w0; martet steady (or1 {{ y ge such high prices s they are at per- to 10c higher. ■terra, M.Z to $7.Z: ,rows. I els ss and at once, ea its own LhoiElliott and c WAM n. l'ouurillur Macklin The Canadian Newspaper Directory I rent, farmers have +Idents drtfd, 1 rent Ives, la to X.75: bulls, u.w for 1907. to fatten their stock, and urs markrting D•w lu 115: he•V i„te( iota We lead tw rtes it was w thought 1hiN wASAb oplorUtnr Ulnr f"r to $5. calves. $3 to W. stackers and feed - 1. chs ed W in tact the work I then freely. therefore , mmid.•rabl•• half. B tach w rvsltsrmt. The rsual sheds erre j finished rattle are coming forward unit ors, U.so to 81. i Nh,XuW have (leen dune w year previ' reported tit la ernpty At tl•rlkginning We h,tvr 1st. nwrived flints Niru really choice beeves continue to b, soarers. m1°eD eJ1d estimated of the year, when tine cmumiminn OIIiblishrr, A. McKim, Limited, of There was dare conddrrabte demand at about 7ti,wtl; steady: abolaetp 1 e \Iryor Tilt said that the town could took clan e, And hr lwlievel that ""tread and 'Toronto, it ropy of the from canner, and ■n the per st«•t met ��tu 75; 86 to M� so 75 to Mus: 7�I^s do nu more than it was then (filing for lisr7 edition (of the Canmdiao News. I with a ready ease at I%c to 15k per lb. ( g Ihry ern+ now cwpty regain, am, that Ther was no d--��+ from ex urters, u Brod. The roof and the cupida leaked pae�N r D' 'ctory• calves on Saturday from Liverpool erre the cunuuirsion could drtrrmine rx- t and ixpth were in had rhrpse. The ■ably Ihr amount of erAl that hnd pals iN for foutlh edition of lhi-4 - weaker, end noted a further derltae in rA- ONTARIO • pl • council then Adjourned. { r e. ,y ,t I AV 1, s•b am theny re - say th^t notwithstanding an early reivemltile••:Star of Ilonor.” This iN----------- 1,e1 �rs; Advertising csmpalgu of nearly two --- AN It 1-hoold In-, And helps to put news- - - -- - 0pi hundred dol lwes ur fM17, two-th ods of t d vendor t(oW us that twenty dollar tier" cona"nlyd. • liable work, w'hit•h is filling s fere I peltas of %c w Ik per ID.. and. w they like lra"ie. The rapid growth of the would repair both prnr,d enough, but it Au wile notate l' frons A, (i lie"I need in Can,ulu, •laid . tw- •vem a had ample stock on hand to fill their (lien Northern Ontario, running trains la [ween Toroot, end Parry Soun(1, close us nearly $IS) during the rune err; al,olit u much am all the work efai (ism Mr /ur the iso ur of $I1,:1'oi of town debentures, at 91 with interest. Pharr un the dts.k sof 1•\'rl\' Ih11N1111•N I "lit' It ie the only ue�aspaloel dir•ee- freight rowtracts, they Were not forced to operate. Cboloe Demes sold at 6c to 6Yc; good at 4%t to 4%c; fair at k to 4%,-. rt .`ie had rust the town. This would net the town SIu,71M.71i. lone published in ('wrench Ihnt has and lower grades at tdko to 3%c per Ib. ¢ P `/ +¢ There is always a bright side lu rveytPing, and right herr seetos to This offer. Mr. linmhle w1i,1, caul- X111'' ts•yon 1 n Hlxt edit ion, and it ha. now Ireroulr the Lambs d at c to at k, to ane sheep Per Ib. Recdpta of calves rTached by rall. in addition to this lir tits lace to w the billed the option "f Ihr further issn.,R mtandanl work of ort- for oorittnlx fel y good for this tlnhr of year. 14 1" cel attention of $'L,IXXI and $8,:1111, the latter for swore till infortumioo itliont newm. for which the dernsad Is good• and prices Y fact that the suwtuer hotel paid out lucAl iulpnmettientoo. The offer WAN h+'IwrN, maintained ate each, with • IIx 1t= 4'�' last year )' lar+ for pmviskltis. labor and other like a,•rr{reel. •trite It not li,.tsand dc-rrib,•s Inlly sorry in the rutuslu few choice setting f!w very cheloo osim anew ev to me ?there have Dann no new ds developments 1 l f ea hlndiW nut W mrtttion alto the I �' Kensington Furniture Co. of- frivsl (u lake I�p lite issue of 1 $11i.lXX1 of prt•ulroliral s•, gic ; In the nog sittiny uallon since liths day whet, in full particular, hot it Nupplirs, •as Is"I"8 having ruled steady on am,unt of X f I ji a; money Npent In the town by the five hundred brought to (luderirh delient•reo fair the In^n to the on, P g smaller "rivals, sad the fart that for- `\'ell. w ruin reheriaivr azrlteer ,o/ Ile• I sign advices on Canadian bacon have Dulninirni. #fig t i` people by its advertising while the new ny, And dispose of it thrrnselvrs hev would give R 8C3, netting the town been somewhat firmer. There was a gond Composting this edilinn with [,.toles' demand from packers and Jobbers this e9 t owners thereof did not receive one hnudred dollars during , j ,i.'Lill, leaving a balance of $1,750 nfk•s, we note a Nrge iorrtvlsr in Ihc� morning, and a adtive trade was done, with eases d mwsated lots �11 {g¢ among thew, still rowing to the company. at 11Lff nutters of papN rs which Ila\'P NIIppIltKl to M•a11 Pw lw lea. w�d oft can. G A i erGff for eexaoa. While on this subject let me also The utter waw Accepted and the P deuti "i statements of rirculatit n Aul)- I o t I Ip; • AI l 1 • pl • council then Adjourned. { r e. ,y ,t I AV 1, s•b am theny re - say th^t notwithstanding an early reivemltile••:Star of Ilonor.” This iN----------- 1,e1 �rs; Advertising csmpalgu of nearly two --- AN It 1-hoold In-, And helps to put news- - - -- - 0pi hundred dol lwes ur fM17, two-th ods of t d Interesting to Deer Hunters. paper Advertising on a more• husiness. R which expensive distribution was Thin year marks An epoch in the an- an - like lra"ie. The rapid growth of the neutralized by the coole-t June sod reals of the deer hunter. The Cana• Provinces new Western I rovinces is Very appar. Jnly on record, we ran over one thqusand dollars behind meeting our (lien Northern Ontario, running trains la [ween Toroot, end Parry Soun(1, rot, fur they nn• ctssiilel with fully twice am idany pxlwty a" in 1". oralmery running expenses up Gr the makes the shot" of the Muskoka The McKim Advertising Agency, it, �•. first day of Ali g t, and had it not § loern bake„ and that country of innumer_ Publisher of thin work, has 11ren f, for additional rdvertising and t Able wnterfAlls west of Ihr. Lakes to tot°ell itsto it limited company, cApit- ire. personal Yollow, up" work in all diroc- �lllir` Ueprgian flay and Parry bound snailyy nlized at $91sl,leel, to lie known Aa A. 1 k i tidos we weld nut breve Ibsen able 11) rTached by rall. in addition to this McKim, Limited, with heath antler 1 have caught up with the July loss And z, service they wilt^ rnn trains for A few At Montreal, A branch ufticr in omn- T a t, to have met August expenses, both of(111 s 1lrfore the o y pen season through w, And representative" in New York Jly: which we are glad to may we did. to till' MAgnetawnn Anil Still River to And lAmdon, F,ng. Thin change Is" tre(a yy 0 1paM to n rwhichrmor the handling r auewdilyde to Aincttr;uing we have 219The uthforthprod"cel, i} labor, etc., over six dollar fro a deer�mcdistricts. than (' heibeen hutate Ever since the business was foundei x< ,thouaan in cash, up to present writing, while from any other part of Coinada, And where this year they are reported by Anson McKim, more than twenty the new ownen thereof have not even more pientiful than ever. North of years ago, the McKim Agency bass ht receiveslutck the $IIDD put up for theparr opening } Sound the line rims in close stood high in flavor with both guts - licher t exik•nses. 4 The All ising we have done has p , roximityy to Lorimet, Bolger, Deer "rid Ka -she Iwkes,ivinK easYaccess And Advertiser. Their methtda are right up -to -date -enterprising, ., been very thorough. An illustrated 'tt K II WhR progressive, and sy"temetic to a tie - folder exelosively for Roderieh was � distributed everywhere by mail, and sprl 0 c e er, Itest,hne an "lin- ch"rrh And Across the Shwwallega, Magnctawan And Still Rivers ; o n- gree. The Arun line won An enviable re u- P - - - -- through rnilway and steamboat ticket r agents, have been In tit) direct communication with the tation for Lair dealing and promppt i" e< and we able and r. glad w refer many who could not townships of McDougall. Ferguson, says°encs And undoubtedly at the "tit of the in this tr come to us to other hotels and dwell- florpre, McKenzie, Burton, ete. To profession country. in ppa here. We have also run the reach thr"e districts hitherto ha+ involved as long trip down the i",1?,t i +fit+s MILLINERY ANNOUNCEMENT + ^• ,( htuinem in the most liberal wayMARKETS. rr Nihlr. Recognizing half Magnetewan or up the `Georgian �� , Aa that the town e a ln'Articaily a° interest in it, we have HAy and fifty mile" over colonization Llveryeol and Clafesgo What Ftftttrm i invited guests from other resorts to hoist . The Arra thrown open w the hunter i" "o large that there will Ire Close Lover-•-LJvs Stock- ]\114D 1)OIH7trll anlu)1111CN8 that she 19 SOW rCll(1V with n our verandahs and our lora and tl y �' rntrrtgifoments, and have had large plenty of nom fur All. Latest Quotations. 111 l'Xll'a fine line of It inlmed and untrimmed fall millin- audiences at our Sunday Afterglow 1114 7 Nrrvices, all of whirls helps to salver- rls Write C. Price Given, Passenger Agent, (•anndiwn Northern BniWing, Monday Vauntng. sept >L Usurping wheat reform closed to -&"tor{', A4 118I1a1 the luteal and best in both American Lire (hderioo not res the •hoover, irrir?; y Toronto, for A free map and copy of fiig(Intne Hnnting,"alsufullinfortn- %it lower than Saturday. arse coni futures 1>� louse. and 1 an8111a11 SC)'Ie8 are shown. V191tUrR t0 the lobule tl)l townet, bewltbiet and prettiest" „ town in Canada. but also u the "Plerawntest" Ation all to the service north of fear Sound, At Chicago Sept wriest dosed I%e low- er than anCUrday: Sept oxo 1%0 Iowa, Sept. 1 "1'0 ct)i'lllally invited to call and inspect. Zile formal in which to spend the ° slimmer months. � - -- - and coats %c Iver. Winnipeg Options. Ih 1t•nin'r will take dace Saturday, September 1 n r The Cobourg people figure that the Fneste on an average SIMPLE HOME RECIPE. --- lbllowins are the claming voots�low an Winnipeg grain futures to -day: llil h. --• x - a- G spend fee much in the town they do for Mix This Simple Helpful Recipe at M -0i16 bid. oct. 11.04% bK -. ----iiia.__ ........- iiia.. _._......... u their �r e board. 1It his be the case, we have Men the drwwing , Home and Try it, Anyway. oat>~.gept. ssltc bin, act- O%c bK I)W r # means of to this town an expenditure of •$1$000 during I each of tint from any prescription pharrna• ci"t Ihe. following : Cattle, hid' Toronto Grain Markets.--__-- ----_- _ - our two years, or a total of ) 4 $21,0110 in all since we came. Fluid Kxtract Dandelion, one -halt Wheat Dusk ��r With the lis pendens delaying us oOOce ; Co p{xopund KArgon, one ounce; wheat'tette Bush ...... R to .•� ;. last year, and the abnormal weather C'omponnd Syrup tiats+•ppwrilla three Whole goose, bsgi 0 M l # hinderingus from makinga showing ounce". �soat rad ash iiia-... 0 M o n t Ii; and inviingprvrepertivelvetonhen Shake well in a bottle and take a Psas baahol 171) this season, we have had all we could tempoonful dome after each steal and 111•+X. boatlst� 0 w w do at haitime. �ts �• bwbst -»--• OA :11,11 t lIa to make ends meet, and are not In The iatmve is considered b an enii• Toronto Dalry Market. pij )Si pe at present to undertake the y r ¢, Payments we should bAvs mAtle the nent Authority, who writes in a New Debase, ddrv, Ib. robs iiia. efs 011 h o town last Ynrk daily paper. As the finest pre- Battle. . aesanwr be ili ions.. v 26offo ffff �„ (, We believe, however, that we haye meription ever written to relieve back- Bgp, now -fast, dam• .... 030 6 n 4 lw1d such ^ good foundation thwt we Arhe, kidney tronblr, weak bladder haste, tb ........... 0 fs t •; can (1). V.) count on a normal and and All forms of urinary diHlcultlea. Hone. extracted. ID iiia... on on la pnraperoos season in 19011, end res},ect• This mixture Acta _promptly on the 4--bM e, twsa, le ............. 013% c fullyy submit that the showing herein eliminative tissue lhe kidneys, rn• New York Dairy Market.' tit 4' he verified and that the Accounts ^filing theirs to filter and strain the NEW TORK, Sept 21. -Better, strong: for t^31" And Walter rate Ip allowed tirie acid And other waste matter from reetdpta ftXM; creamery, stxcials. me, do., the Ipkxxi which caume" rhrmmatism. extras, tai ; do., thirds to firsts, Lo to to stand nvrr lull ne=t w^son, or until Some eons who suffer with the state dairy, cannon to finest, Ifc we get our loins stock company in- ix m 1R1; process, nomination to apedalg the rnrporgted. afllietions may not feel inclined to to, 1VAc wawrn factory, common to i may Add that In addition to what place match confidence in this simple tbt 1Iu w Ise. is Mated alloys I believe that I have mlature, yet those who hAye tried it des~�� f'Ce�• ' : stalls,full Y ►ecce Are the resullo Ate aim ly line nein wa�4 small, eisloesd ane wMtA Site. personally instnnnental, in 3 P P R• 11lfo aa, Racal 1)o peibne, laglc to lllfis; other directlrrne, in "being of consider- tux relief Wag effected witho"t the e1)•, a®mon to fair, un to [a1); da, large te�wA` Able service to the town, in rn^Lten sHrliteat injury to the stomach or odoe4 fie». [I%0: e11.. wbrte, 1^0 to Idi that are at present not in shape In ix other orgAn". � m. esm to trema 110 to lstte: matte public, but which I txlieve will Mix wrens Anil give it a trial, it crr• g,w, lita r�ppv Wim. Pon resltlt In a very much better tainly cones highly recommended. X to x Aad neaa7 11ep meieet wftlt, Prim"" and freight steamboat it is the premrription of an eminent Ile to Dc' good to ehates Isr. to 71b; I service to and from tit4t and the ^•nthority, whose entire reputation, it �O � f°� ram to 3W '� em In is send. wAs established fl It. t• � ttr0; sic to waiting Z1r- gets P yment ret considerable moor! y >wks m >1ko0: mmsonea 1110 to ftfa t labor At the docket, while the prosper. A drnggloot here At home when five nallway from the mouth, whose Asked stated that he could either on p- CATTL& MMACETS. interests brought me here originally, ply the Ingredients or mix the pre• li11e� at all unlikely yet to matetla• glad tion for our reAdt,rw, Alcon recon• tflSya %r Ohtle-•lag" LAW 1 mends It as h^rmkvs °; ReOpet:ttull enbteltled, crag Water at Sstttilw ,lt ( nod) e S `••-s.�sV as"" we t W, FORTUM 9ometinufat A friend seems to he In life n� Mr. Fortis appeal did not, bow• need of everything you will stand tor, t� ever' move tions cena0fl, which �d,�irpe.c�t.e,,d� Ohs the average man an upper• 111sa11n1e.e11assrga L.tse S1ssh. w that the south 0 and that C"--"�" tualt to Wit t> bee the about himself And be �10 M� } Proe..a slab aloe ealkodeta. Sys• as1�, 1� gl�.r.i�si>rY Taustlu il, tiepeenbsfr Us 1907 d 'Men's I Shoes t, Good solid wear and real comfort in our Men's Shoes --- BUILT TO WEAR and stand the walking which you will certainly Pel like doing when you wear them. All the best makes, in all shapes, sizes and widths, are here. Easy to get a fit. Easy Shoes to wear and hard to wear out. WM. ''Have you ever read yn Article on 1 Jacobs — 'Tuwed's second wife how to tell it Irul egg P" "No, 1 started going in for spiritualism, but ij havehave but I advice would Ire, if; he soon c"red her Y' Jackson -"How I" yyou have anyth2nv important to tell A � "He went with her and started receiv• } loud egg• why, break it gently." ' ing wbsages from his first wife." u. The speedier a stenographer can by the "sight" operator in Plasciag 1 typewrite a letter the more valuable from notes to keyboard and back to she becomes to the busy business notes again -a considerable item in man. a day's work and a severe strain on Practice does a great deal, but the ryes as well. correct ring and the "Touch Our large, free catalogue tells more System,': w ich we teach thoroughly about our stenographers mune and are of paramount in•portance. gives much valuable information When the " T„ucli Svstcm ". is •dk)ut the diplomas of the Business mastered the operator never looks at Educators' Association. the keyboard, but keeps her eyes on The supply of our graduates is not her notes. She saves the time lost equal to the demand. FOREST C1TT BUSINESS CQOLUGE lit of Sseisosa ICJseateea' 1 W. WZSTERVLLT. <r AaeeeWise musts" Lukas. OUR STORE is abloom with newness. WE HAVE ALL THE LATEST STYLES IN t FALL AND WINTER 1' OVERCOATINGS HATS SUITINGSTIES VESTi GS 1j►e':' `a,+ 1 HOSE TROUSERINGS GLOVES Everything for Men. FRANK He MARTIN THE TAILOR AND FURNISHER NEW GOODS FRUIT JAR R/NOS in two (fatalities (white and black), both pints And quarts. BOTTLE WAX in tins. FLY PAPERS both poison arid sticky kinds. FOOT POWDERS p for tired• sweaty feet. EASEM, put up in 25c packages. He C. DUNLOP, s Bedford Block, -- - - GODERICH Reduced Prices You will make money by taking advantage of these prices while they last. We let price and quality talk for us. 6sllslaw Pails Appk Parer Farm Tttels Dufferin pattern. All kinds, 7Sc, $Sc, Lon 12 quart site fyc each g handled Shovels, gx,and;t.eweaeb. fx6 14 quart size tee each Sc each. English pattern Manure Forks, regular rz quart site 23c each Apple Pieterprice, 475c, sale price 13 quart size 27c each BASKETS, 9 ' pstart size 3tc each AU Tools at trig rtdtx- o more than 3 to HATCHETS, I tines each customer. NAiLS, etc. Dirston's Hand Saws'''' ys "mm fit $02,5°' Stove Pipe Varnish, Stove Polish and Pipes. We have the largest and best stock of STOVES AND RANGES in the county. Some good second hand Ranges, Heaters and Furnaces for sale cheap. Repairs for. all Stoves, Ranges and Furnaces. Electric Wiring and Fixtures, Plumbing, Heating, Troughing and'Repairing.' WORSELLS CHEAP HARDWARE „i rias.' AND STOVE STOREt� .