The Signal, 1907-9-26, Page 34
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11 ,G.: ;r. . .
` THE SIGNAL:, CODERICIf• ONTARIO _....:.. THURADAr, September 26, 1907 � ',';
~!~ I . 1" ill 1.w11l w In W, I- T-- ' Th R f 1 an
,� , If ew$ of the_!9istriet,
The Zurich fair war hew last week A. F. Cluff, of the arlu of N. ('tuff
Ipud drew a laR crowd. I Wet`IdatoekaaM lVddWeada as married
11,.„tge 1). Monition has been tip inrL, to Jliwl Juuu H.ttr run of that
ppufnt poll"tor tit Klucardiue. tit '
Thr annual fall allow at fientorlh y'
Was held ouThurtool and Friday but, O . Wednesday, the 181h iuIlit d In
still was u great ruccil ll-. h:. U. Powell. tit Bruaselr, ilex Ll In
I Lhe loud” of unat•imuuy Misr Lizzie
Thr Waverley bitted, Clinton, has a Cameron and fill Tyernian, both
new laudlutd, in the person Of J. E. of the Grey tow„.
; Ite•iuhanl,, of WatKrloo. 1 Tile marriage of Miles Caroline M.
Gro. 1'oungblut, an old And re- lVilkinsion and Robert J. Heyes”,
epected re"idenl of Ifullelt, suffered a loth Of Belgrall took place at the
stroke of flat last week. rewidesect+ of -tile bride's father on
Tile new (I. T. It. atatiou at Kin. We•dnerdwyti the Ilith inat.
cardine it aln'ort completed nerd will, The i ntn•iel a of Miss L,dtie A.
he oprti to lite public in A few Ayr. K
t (%uok, daughter of N. \V. Cook, of
Thr hall chop of J. T. Huck step. l'lilel 1, to %%,ol. J. Uynu•nt, of 1'or-
of Hlyth, was entered by roblerr hast oul.u• took place lie the -toed City till
week and $25 or 0) worth of gutdr \VeduealAy. the lith inst. a
were taken. In Toronto, un We+dnewlay, flit,
Oscar Sparrow, of Sthel, has pur- 11thiust.. Kruest If. Mtvit. of Tur-
rhAved A grocery un Quern meet, onto, run of Silas David, of Clinton,
1'orontu, whither le and bid wife rt,• wan married to %Iism '-lure► May Scot 1,
nove•d het week. granddaughter of H. Pluuuuer, of
W. Tier. of Winnipeg, torule[ly of Clintufl, .
1, tie ►Tinton Collegbat nsttute, was \Vhile Performing hie ehuree one
cell fly ntiu•ried to Miss ('lata :11c- day POCently Jas. Rowe, of FordWich,
Falls, of Locan. Ont. took A weak wl,e•ld And fell prostrate
Rt•v. MV•. Barr, of y IG•rL'r. W:l.,ve behind big tubae, where he hey for
health ham her,, till raoi.11y for over half an hour. Ht, it slowly coi1-
sonh• til roll auff •e.• 1 fro.0 au etta.k valescing.
of paralysis Tart week. On Wellnewlwy, the lith inst., Rev.
\ire. iisibert McAlpine, of Brntai lin, J. H, StilcliHr, of Hhipka, tietl the Oup-
hast Wtek removed to leldlnow, where tial knot twt%%een Mims Bertha, eldest
her husband Is Associated with the daurhler rd Mr. and Mrs. Mlebuu•I
u,•w clothing company. Fill he•iner, of that place, and Phos.
It it rl-ported that %Von. Howey, of Inge of London,
\Vr•ozeter, has mlule N rich strike In rhos. liell and his soli H. C. ileal, of
l•ulutlt. having Weated what proruiaes Wo'KhaM. for while time cuunected
to lie a very valuable silver with the CAnnda Furniture Manut'"c-
t�rero ant] furuu•rly owners oC the fur -
1 1, I r m0 it r, W ,1 Ie l l t
wiry, Hark., three, Urother" and two NEW BEAUTY INSTRUMENTS
riders are left lel utouru her early re-
luoval front the wells of life. -- - -
Jlecidest to AmberleLad Femininity Much Ezoited Over a Now
1 y• Fad* Flapper.
Un TuVlday of lane week. .M I-*. i (rale woman's outfit for the ptwerve-
JarllrrSteele, of-Ambi•rley, was driv-I'lou of bee te�uty is growing to larger
ing froto Arnlow• to Ripley, And when
nearing Itil)lt,y it ruuitw'Ay hurry! and all important that It will pres-
dashed into feel- holl flow Ml -w. I sully be necessary for her to have a
Steele 004 -AIN -41 iu,tant death is it separate deessing room or beauty sur-
►uiracle. A doll wits otooin lied, gleet office 1n which to afore these
When it Wag asivertainrd that Ibe holy l
luui hIs•n rely seei..u,ly injured. Hite very valuable lnetrWneots. Thew are (
war taken to her home by her hm»band i more of these aide til beauty invented
the following dsy• I every day, and many women keep as
Local Option at- Wingham. i keeik an outlook for We new• things In
A diwpnlrh Ill Wimglotin says : I this line as on new fushioua In trocka.
A nmrling•,( 1111,wN :111r1'esl•vl 111 h4•NI Just now feminlnity Is much eselted
option was held bl tfee llaptist church over a now face dapper, with whieb
o ) Friday evening. ►'here was it fair
allemd"rlre anal eollidl•r,lble t]iwr•O,- the face Is gently tappooel with a tlsN
„ to restoring the contour and bract i
cion took phtrt-. Tho feeling f Lhr I g of
I ell i g waw taken al- to whether it , up the muscles. The fuce flapper ban
wool advisable Io enter homedintely� a loug handle and n (link at one end
upon N lora) option raulpiligu. ,old the for flapping purpose".
Majority were not fn favor of such ac-' There are new nyal clamps and
tion, wu the caulpaign is postponed fur• i marks much In use: for the
A year. I daughters of faithful mothers who go
Township Councillor Elected. about improving the shale of their
r A meeting of the electors of Me• olfmpring's nose In this manner as syr
Kill„p, for the purport- of nuulinnling. tematically as 1f they were proceed -
n candiditte fur the lownship c000eil ; Ing with the education or moral train -
tit till the Vacanc • eallsed by lite rrsig- Ing of the young person. Women who
Motion of James V. I{y,uo, ens hldll at ' wish their faces to he smaller find
Winthrop on Monday of hast week. ! bands for the purpose at all the tlean-
Thos. Murray, Henry fle•urlmanu,
Jaw. O'Laughlin and F. Mrljnaid were, ty parlors, while women whose double i
nominntrd,,.bnl +t]l withdrew exce It chlus are the troublesome point In
Mr. Marney, who was vons•vluenl�y I their appearance aft; provhjMl with
declared eluted by urcdanuttioit. I chin straps which have holes for the
A Painful Accident. I (� which keep the strap in place.
1 All tbaW.utasks, straps, nose clamps, '
A terry painful accident oecurre,l tl etc., are made of rubber, which docs
ceully ue•iu• Whitechurch, by which a I
little child of Robert Thotolul hall no harm to the skin and is not on-
hrrfitre•nndcheek cut op4•n: itAplw;tl% comfortable.
r Illore a fief OD n a oant ;a
rot t, I Ibrella than there Is In ••a
i5 silk One -rt
lesal it abides with p
the original owner lunger.
It is
The housewife stews
and frets because the
groceries haven't ar-
rived—and when they -
do come she frets and
stews because they are
not just the things she
The Way to Stop
is to stop it, and buy
your Groceries from
The Telephone Number is qts
l uiUn'r Gaetur,es rat \\"jnghunl, 6nvr re• her yomlg hrothe•r wits 114y lo- w ith ,
ignel feuw ter yuuopally, the- I,Lule ..f n sryth,•, whi•u io hill ing•' _
pl•eh1et",It liatr c toe ti he i)ew I Nae K KiAh RAPE FOR LIVE STOCK. - - - -- - -- --
Y 111.; II 1'..ntl,l (111• »fl:l t' 1 h411t N'rlll
•THEThe r n nt-r »tune of til,• new ('.tuna throe h the oht-ek and ri ht into the �,
,. „-
` 1 ,, nomtb of for little til. who fru»' Now to Obtain Yost Rd*u14 In F,sadira0
I,ud under un,st .tllspovlom vireo"l' stnudirt nt-ur. Hite w,u til ..oyer
'i Ill K Thio Plant
• ,triter" by \II». Andrew (iovetlbock• hurried to A d,A•lor tend h:tl II i I )
the olJe fill n,ru,l4•r ed tet- cru rt, a- In feeding rape to sheep It is a prat'- a
K K• wound derssesl.
tion, on Frid,ty, the lath lost. I flee generally adopted to supply In a '
An Aullwrley vorres omlent writes: heath of Mrs. James Alhenhead• Stanley. feeding box or trough a quantity o[ dry I e Parnsl l'a
Ln6Fst. &31).ni.on. P.► 14L III. A \\•e onderallth•kt Mir. Wat»un, who On Salurday, fill- lith iusi., Jar.. i chaff, which the sit will eat with
fr.1. L It xa1 pm., on t+<•yytt BC la. Ys. j Pel Broad
(a1.:. It la,se tit. 1», w. C. haw Ireru N faithful ringedrivrr on the. J:uurs Aikrnhrnd, w'ho ,for forty the rape, and this will help to prevent •
2-1. 4L
In addition W above. Kinc•tldine and (i,derieh r/fttr lot- Lite years had lases :tit rsternivil resident I )
any bad effects trona the succulent see, can set is Gush u .11
oFORUTAN HAT DIV. sLawmer felavw peal five is now tilt lhr Kin- of the _'rad c..nce»+ion of Ntarlley. ; foot(. In turning sheep onto a rape ( your doorr.eryday I 11
( til it nawood l'. M.: l lwoo'bund 111) I'. kt., cArdilernnd Walkerton route, ente•let] into rest, lit the al,e ..f Hfty- Lkeeaded(hmachin- . Tar«Iay,Thurg andanturdail tier Gault crop they should not be allowed toLL
So• Marle,onl'. Mackinac ■ervlee dlax,ntlmne ye•.0 �. Ile•r,a,rt] til ;tin " woulAn Goa taw
i Ile. John Gann, of Clinton.1'Hntunfear re- roam over n large area at one time. It Ky kish"r
urea. th trust •ezrwpbu'y rhnr'.u•ter ,tiled Is a good plan to have a number of _ Masitoba
Un•urd froill the C nitfnr r, where hr tt►-de
\oliTH "HUNK DIV-Bert'les on thio die lh..ngh rat a 1•rliling di,lositiml hall i aoura"the
feed barn pursuing hi» w ural rUufi,s ��
1,io" will be performed by slgwta,r M ratio nosey hirnds by Whom she wastlrnrly small lndororeeI W that a• 6008 as the
taring Colliartwood Thursdays at 1.29 1'. ]I. fur the paw' lw., yrAl w. Ile leaves yak
»h..rllu fur till- \►'art and will crib- beloved. Slit- Iv;tyew tr naxn•n herr' crop on one Is eaten down the &beep - -
P1RRYSOl•\I1DIV-3ervicedlaootinurl I I ` 1 t '1 ' f Madeo Is the w at U-'
Tickets and lufornutlon front all rallal
,ably 6 --kill- in Winnipeg or Van-
1 erose•, W. a Vs Aur y o srtf•n "title can be removed to another, and tits
and two dmogbleaa, two sisters nod . one left be given a chance to recover.
( >r d�
In Oanade,
' ke"en"er aaentw.
W. 13. Taylor, of Clinton, who ver
3 )
irlr I'ledhrr, (of Stir MrNw:ur, of tilt- After a few weeks' rest the first In-
art] eoncrr»ion of Html°)' I
,�%grrut,d Fispidw .. t al
gurce»s(ully Ilnmw•d his. senior ulatrie-
closure will be grown up sufficiently
illation examination reef nlly, has
Death at Seaforth. for the sheep to be turned in again.
11 I
e i I e
Iwen notifies) that hr hits tt,al the
Dl (egret Nits felt by lhreitizen,I Wberies, 1f the sheep are allowed to
; .
Ifishop Sl lnch,ul scholarship fur alts•
of Seafori h on It-m-ning of the death wander ser a large area, they will de.
e . e
"i,-", valued at dlRi, trouble at Trinity
of John It. Tho oopwol, of flint town, stroy as much as they eat, and the
on Sunday of dust Week. Deceitswl
I --
pants will not a0 so well 1f the hearts
14.4-11 i
- --- --'--
Wedding bells rung merrily at the
had for year. it victim of rhea- are continually being nibbled at
Special low round trip rates
home of Mr. and Ma -4. Andrew John-
Ston. of %V:allon, on Wells salav, lilt-
luntism and ill hill weakened ,•..million To obtain the best resalta from the
was unable to withstand :tit ,alhu•k of
,." ,` ,"`,. `.• `.,`,'`,. `,I `,. `.,
11th int•t., when their yuung,.et
typhoid fever. tt1I 11vrusrrrntl.(1 hill, planta, the sheep should be removed
when the have been down
d.tughter. Mints 1.1•iba J., lore,une the
hridt- of ()I ...e lhul(lus, A IoJlulxr>t-rra"el,
•alwall. thrts. wts•k» IJ:',re his death, plants eaten
win, waits in his t.11fllc-first to within two inches of the ground. A
:and Jtrlwpenms yo -Ing agriculturist of
11 h"11
yr.o•. wits a most esefulalle yoonK very good way to carry- this out is to
olan and Wit, veru oil in his osi- love k t d h
I .
t • sed
SEPT. '9th, Both and 21st.
Port Nuron, Mich Isar
I1ort H, •• ,, s 0i
Hsy t•u)•. •• % . all
'"- °i.
e a op.
All q long battle with flee ravages
ref ,•melt Illlltle,ll Reginald (••It••x")
l'h..wen, w•ront] win tit J. U. l?b..wt-n,
1 a portab once ma e w le can
Iioo not librarian of Nil- pololie libratyl , be shifted as required. By this mesas
Hr In alll't'It'Wl IIV Illy 1 r'l'111,, l,I1F the &beep C3a ill! glyt'n just a& mach
brutht-r :cul Uut-e sister,. I
I of the crop as they can profitably con-
_ ��%� ��� _
-.. "• _ �/ _
,. �S �
- ------
7PNON E 15 4R 24
,�%grrut,d Fispidw .. t al
of Clinton. drp:arted this life uu Muu•
Buns Burned near Wingham. , @nine, and the eaten crop left to make
We purpose making further extensions to our hominess next
r, Ihfrix
Illinois. 11 vl
`IxY• Lite It)th lost , At the. ,age Of
t •til 1) •
Hpne-ks front ;a tlrerhi ig ern; uo•; a fresh growth. Under these condi-
� month and will have situations for n number of smart girls to op- C
Warehouse Cor Wert
, lyre „d.01do.Ivia HuR,alot t. well y- rel- ye urs. ICPA was a totally dt.t•oyed awn Ilitres matt] thvil tions the crop can be fed off three �1 erntxrrwi,, ulachineslolh in Goderich and Clinton: Experi- C. T�Hhe"INd1want \�Do � \eQntiri/ 5&��:�
t'H.) $14'. bright, wlivaablr young man and wits cool urns \Vi,,ghnw nn hl it]ay 1 times d I K -
Irtrlw,ta, uh:o, tyle Ilotrddt D. oT,ng am ordinary season j enctsl o p 4 1
til'.) ....• .• - ". ,t nnivrroal facuritr with hisxcquaiu'- ,a-t•uiug. The lunchinr was rat lhr' .� operators tt•frrr•rai, bu to Ix•ginnere we' will Otter geed
"t. Paul t MlsnewpolM ' . .. >M - +uu:es, I Good Food For Pilo.inducement hpitying/
fnl't11 of Nelson Lontillit. when sp.trks Y good segs. from commencement And in -
•and s1 W) After a brief illness Mrs. John 1'm- from tilt- en iru Il. into the straw Rape also makes an excellent feed "refer ions will Ix• 11 ,
K K' given by An instructor for the purpose of more A
Valid for return on or 4(ore hale, of Exeter, diel in Loudon on ,Ind sort tb•• place uu fire. tip.r'ka :ort] for pigs. They can be turned in to 3 speedily advancing girls to Position of piecework. C
Monday, Oct- 7th, 1907 Thursday night lust, at the ngt- of voils•r's Hew nrr•oss list. roiol In Mr, graze on It the same am sheep, 'and ;� Our neeetvurk utas are aatisfartlr ''
Iirty-»even years. Hh,• is survive, by l':mitphell's bnrn,gld »ret It ..n fire. I,nt- 7ouug Algal can be fed OD a crop and ( P' y to our present staff
and site art i
Iwud,ulKhtern --\Its. A. Ford, of Ilnp furjuualrly the fl:uut-s w'cre rxtiu I kept in good condition mi l they are girls an: earning Rlxal wages. �'; ALL KINDS F COAL f
township, filed Misr Jenoie, int house - gmisht-d Ilrforr much h:uan was dem . I largo etwagla to bring 1n and top up -9 Hours for working are reasonable and pay day every two IF ALWAYS O N H A N D 4
h ARMER.4 \V A r T M O R h; :tilt] one• win - Fdgar. int hotne. Thr Fovor there tilt- sparks flew back to for market When It Is not convenient
HELP IN TH r, reins were taken W Exeter for in- the b:uu of \I r. Hnlith, setting it olI weeks.
to taro the plppr on the crop, and It la 1'claonnl n p ,licntion referred, brit mail n p plications will ►x•
le•rnient. Ile,• cud drsU•.eying it ,and cunlruls, 2 1 { P t p C. Sr All ('owl welshed on the narkN, ,reales, +f
Northwest loss is heavy un t hes,• far mars. I not advisable to do .e where sheep era nu,wrred prouyMly find full Information Riven, where you sot >•, for •ton• )
I1"yid ILall, the LNrht-•ye:u'-old wm like) to be on the same ( j E WM. LEE, {
of Isaiah Hall of Exeter, met with a The• ruses" will 1"• p:utially rnvt-real by y crop. a efuan- �
""""" I tiny earl y. eat and carted w the good 3 The Jackson Manufacturing Co.
An additional farm laborers' exrunelon s••riirua and very p»ain(nl accident on eery day. Page Cita be k t In Orders tell at C. C. LBg'9 Hardware Store
will be run on Sept. 17th, 111M. Moods% Of last week. As he was Brussels Flax Mill Burnell. kept good twat tilde Square. promptly attended W.
,.arr•ying bedding into the stable (or it Thr old Living,tone flax Mill rat I show condition and In good order for CLINTON t:ODERICH
$12.00 young colt the animal, becoming itrmswe's was il,.u•uyee] by fire e,trYt. I stud. purposes on rape alone. .1 C - -- .
frightened. ki•:ktsl him, fr•tcturiog his \Veilnewbay of last Werk. The 1111]11- Rape In conjunction with other fod- f � 'J � t�sa0ka@a�at a� !
Froze, all•tallon, iia nntario. • I der Is 1 cattle, �. Th. n. m�11!I�TN�rl1!1�!11m� 'f"f"t"v` 'f?1 11 (� � i
jaw itwo phones. 1'he had is in n inK firstf with
thit sto:U,,r..n t. "omnis argdy ►lined for xiw UUNllRY BROS. ,
critical roledilion. i,aw•ulent, Willi A stone engirt- hone• ; but L particularly valuable for ml 14
l,"t work the angel of denth ns alrngside•. There wet-(- a toiler and with other food to make silage. when - -- -_ _______ . .
Fo Ul,krtr and full Inforinsttou ,all n'e lievel from her settferin s Mm ('ham. engine fn the Batter and other• Ill:u•hrn- mixed wl rye •It •
F. F. LAWRENCE, (,Irw, of the Ist concession of Hulled, ery In till- mill. it bout not been run- , makes a highly nutritious and valuable Liver
who fur many years haul lol.t ,a gr'at Low put setstor pt-ar. Ihay, ll w ,Ind i MIs►nmrmnrnmmmmrmmmnrmnnmtrmnmrmmmrG y, ack ? t
Town Agent. sofferer fetid cancer. Deceapsl, who airy were eblred in the mill, whicll I (lige. When fed ul dairy cows Im a i
(1111,, hour-Jlzla.In. tog p.m. wits n cost rstho4ble ,old Illv,thle raus•d it to limn very raa ,idly. Tilt- I green state 1t ehonW De allowed to ,tom
Wonwn, is survive' by her husbatl,p Mill wits owned I,%. till �.iving+tone' remain In the field for twenty-four I - M -- A N D I t
J. STRATTON, old tau Tuc err'a. John "rad Hanl,rrp Flro, of AN het. 1Hr . is eie asn o I hours after cutting, so a to Wow ,t e- ►- �pecla.l Offer�7 '
that ill was sal on Hn•. 'I'hrrt- was nn wilt when title la dans 1t la not 1f3e �- �us Stables
Repot ilekst Agent. \Vise•, of Tuckenmith. I ,
insnr:uNr nn It. Thr Melhodil choir h ly to taint the milk as when It Is fed �-
J. D. McD,aaLL iNstr•1ct Paw•. Agent. The death n( Swath Ann Hnnu, Ile. near by tN)k flee iu a score of (places, I In a fresh condition. It abomld always � 1. I
Toronto loved wife of Kols•rt /'.uner,in• ,a but the• fltine•m were ,l,ierwhed lifter I be fed to cows Immedlatel
, ..
foraner estrented blacksmith of ('rine Y �> molt- i,11
brook, anti danghter of Mr•s. Jwmew soon• slight dauunge hiul ►-teen dun,'• ( Ing_not before the cow la milked. _ THE GREs TRST EVER
Itwnm, of that pim-c. occmrr•d still Exeter's Oldest Resident Dead. , Cattle should never be tamed onto a GOOD HOR$F.9 ' -iw2
dent in the Hft mrcond pear of her oJ C A R R I A G E$
Y Y At the grand old age of nint-ly-funs crop r rape or atlbwed to consmme The SI PHAETON $
:+Rt, tit her home in Rt-inlwck, ,Iowa. ueAns h:xt-ter's oldest resitlenf, in the large goaotitiea of the plant unless the gllf�l—teTc., w T— ,,
• • . • /, i bt
un the let ins'., after n day's illness jpena,m of Mrs. lirorge Arulst rang, lea tree have been well wilted Ia tree REA $'ONAT— "r
w sulthequrnt to a stroke of npoplexy• answered lbegrpat roll ell I ..ti siltor. sun,
saps U. 'II. Gilbert 1n iParm and and the
After a brief illness of t]ropsy nn/I d,ay, 'ht- 1 tub ins'. "t'"Asel, who Flrrslde, as k Boon Claws "bovteD" or —R A E $—
heart disrsele, Mary Ann Newsome, was It native mf Tyrone, Ireland, en- «blown," caused b the accamulatlon a 'jt 1
SPECIAL RATE'S lx loved wife of Jotm, Jlrintoah, form• turd the matrimonial "torte in"irt. o[ Rases the stomach, and It not Toronto Darty World Well-appointed
erly of Grey, and danghter of Jlrp. The following year Mr ,end Mrs. ArOI-
TO THE \Val. Newupnle, of Drol la, passed Mroug raruc to (%tel , settlin In trented In time this soon causes the Hwill And reli- t
away at her home in Trout Cr•f•k, on Prince F(ho rl coo, need pllb, •- death of.the animal, To New Subscribers Aide drivers Im `g i
COAST Friday, Ule Mtkh alt., nil the age yllently north Ht. Thouuaw. in IFtill charge of Pthe
Tits Ori Till Jan. 1st, 1908, for !!
Nfty-one yearn. She is survived by they took tip the h,iulesteul on the pin of Gloves 'Buses, which will t
a her huslxand, six sons need three daugh• 4th concession of Uslorne upon which The origin of gloves is very ancient. meet all train s , ::$
VANCOUVER fere. they resided in nrntnxl fe•Ilcity for 8oine auWurltiew assert that they were 5� Cents end steam boats v,:
On \\ellwa,lny, Lite lith in, n over n quarter of ,t rentory. after- known In Bible times from references �./�\rr `
VICTORIA happy company assembled at the wal removing to Exeter to enjoy made to "shoes" which were thought , i
frtf'tiix yrnrs a wrll•enrlel rest tu-
$43.35 SEATTLE hone ,of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Higgins, to lin: Identical with gloves. I Your Local Weekly and the Best Newspaper ALi. GALT -A ATTENDED TO
itrGlenfarrow•,Tornbert townahi p, to ther. Sitlrp the death of her Ines- PROMPTLY FROM HOTELS 11 r I sant Tie Hret rlenr ncronnt of gloves
TACOMA witness the ,,Iwrriagr of their dnngh- I Mr•s. Armstrong had resided I and A riculturol Dail In Canada
PORTLAND ter, Mary Frances, to William John with her son Irvine, fn Fxefrr. i)e- comes, however, from Xenophon. This g y AND PRi VATE HOUSES
rrasfsl's uhselFlsh life And tut p rt dls- writer' sPe'ake of the Perslans wearing I Almost Given Away
(inllagher, n pr..spetmis young htrnu•r i happy p Iii
NELSON of llowick. The cetremon}} was per- pxpnition won for her lite respxs•t and RI„ves ou their hands to protect them GUNDRY PROS,
foruusl by Rev. lV. G. i- Was of Aflrrtion of till with whom she r,mne from the cold. Homer describes Ler- The i.oe:AI Newspaper is part of every hotil ld, it is your 90UTH t3TREfCT PHUN6 FIFTY
$40.85 ROSSLAND Wingham, nswisted Ivy Rev. A. iter. in contact. Font, sons iuu,tlyt- d,ulgh- fes working In fele garden with gloves friend and Ix•nefarb,r. (n Lact it is part of every home. 11111111
[SPOKANE eel, of Wrrxil and Rey. Mr. Han- tens ,art• lett to nonan her derl.ise• on his ban& to protect them from the The i)aily Paper frons the lig rentrew is necessary to the mnn
derson, of Detroit. thorns, and Varro mentions this ap- who wan(" to lin: abreast of the times, 111
A GRATEFUL LETTER. The intetligmee was received in Parel as being worn by the Romaas. - __- '
From l�oderlch {td ._ An Ills finer any,• the old farm, Its stock, its fruit, its veget-
Nenforlh hist week of the death fn Gloves have been tokens of solemn abler, its a air or its forests -in fact, n love of the farm liesdee p
PMVW Clam one-way, on sale until October Bay City- Mich., at the ngr• of eighty North Range, Dipshy Co.. N. S., and im i y' 1 � -
list' aur ears, of Grace Carnochan, relict Sept. Zir'd• -- (4M`ciwll• - It is such . The were
tele the ninth in every licria The l re given
en to (earls all deities an the bee I
,'eopM.Ionwtel Mw nates to other y century. They were adopted u a rite Daily. perinl pages Are iven to Agriculture twice eao:h a•rf•k.
y D„I^lit of the late Wnl. McGeoch, n furoler RRrate•fol unsnlicitel letters RA the fill- Hobscribe At once and R SYNOPSIS OF
TlekMa•nd l( in that bole beyond all ehruiow o[ the church and later thin transfer-
nttugrawwearrw re,Pee eel resident of Turkerfmith. K { l' ,, ring of lands or titles was always at Canadian Northwest
Je,i,. tern, 77etea t, oee.n,a. $numel Mr{irrpch, of Kgnumdville, is of doubt what 1),4h1'» Kidney Pills tended with the DO IT NOW -
r 2 11
.fire. az„eraa D,t.r.a., nseo.w a ern of til (+ der,awel, and \Ven. will do if they Are only giteu a fair presentation of gloves. -
____ Cotmochw,,, of Heraforth, is a brotheor, trial. in the eleventh century the method of E3 Homestead
Thr, remains were be -might to her Miss G. Hell, of this place, writ,.: _ el►allenging to single combat by throw. Regulations.
"I N'fmll to a,a A Address•-.VANA7 TER & ROBERTSON
HUNTERS former home and laid rat rest beside y few words with rt,. log down a gime was Instituted, end Anfyy oven numbered aecuon of ,>bminton )
those other life-partnernl other yearn. Rard to the• wonderful eurath•e fowera this custom still remains In some The Signal, GODER/CII, 01VT. ,.'IV
Mwnituha,wtskwtchewwnand Alberts,
of Urrrld a Kidney ►'ills, They lust,•11
EXCURSION The death Of Annie llrooket, wife of ttle:s. MI)tli.rr 8 and :a not reserved• maty be home,
greatly InenrHtel both Illy Gnthrr end led by war M raon who Is the fie • heed d •
G. H. Nor], tine] daughter of the Mite Gloves were not worn by women an- fwmuy, teeny mweson w o Il, the
of He. to the
Won. mother. MYfather buffered Ierribl extentefone-
liINGLH FARE l\ m. Hrooks, of Exeter, eN rtrrril at Y til after the reformatlom, extent quarter section of Irl •orae, mon
:1 (a[« �� her home in Chicago, on Hahtnbay. frons rheumatism for len years, Hpor
' the I nth inat., after a lin grin Illness uslsl six !loxes of O,dd'a Kidnep Pills hintry must be miAr
R R A Good Combination ANOTHER -BARGAIN I'an11ef11ceforthe 1e'in wh t the Id ig
of lung trouble. beo:raeesl, who wwa And the result fin that he luta ggrab quilt The Care e1 !M Eye. _ situate. F:ntr, toy Proxy mw��howeve �d r
Short Line to Muskoka thin fpm earn of it e, leaves to rfd of fele rheunlatisnl• Fi,,diuR 'haat A great many of the mywtetioms THE SIdNAL be
p THE SIGNAL meds on cer7aln rondltlona �y the father,
and Y y m( father had 1"N•neflted wt, much I headaches with which women ■rs at- mother. son daughter, brother or sister o=
Maganetawan River mourn her oloumise, ixal�dea her bus advised my metther to Rive theme Meted roust lie and intend( h'
and nut orlteeterder.
hand, her mother and brother, W. J., Dot down to over- Tho homp,>•IewAerls meed to '
trial, win abs waw tmnblyd with inflnn'- oondiuens connected therewith under roe of
Belled trip new fete Toronto to In CrywMl City, Man. The remnina gtyalaeA eyes aha tela tlnd of ne.a- THE WEEKLY SUN The Family Herald and moi par"
were taken to her former home At 'ration of the kidneys (orover twenty. y g1viR the (Tnronw) Weekly Star the followlns °fens`
Principal Poiab i ache can only be torerl b ,
1Czeter for interment. tour year+. Hhr note festa hitter m e g To New S r IM,"Itrn 1 11) At least six menth' rwld-rd* apse sell
ya�e Raptor tte(r) B11wwan M.M ever way And cannot as Inn mac Ire a thorough rest, sad, when •care j u,»eribers Tilt y cultivation of the Iwsd 1n each ,est, (fir stases
"w"a rark • s.(s Uepo� . - - On Thombity, the 12th inaf., Mrs. yy y 4 1180 thus been effected, as lint•, t To New Subscribers Te
%0oLa'r.1a - s.7a I for Ilkxl(I'll Kidney Pills." great etre J 0uy 9t>d, ,e•rn
_- y Iblger kin - els (fen a 7.wicker, former( Masa i. =re _ January est, Igo(,
R a J - "A Anrron Ming • - a45 y - M til(! ase o[ the eyes 1D rehire M for 30 Ccnt:s (2) If the father for mother, It the father yds.
• - /.e0 Booth aswnetwwan }to $ample, of Brrala'I,t, f^aaawl p Bare- Ina( ng, writing or rxvwAerll rat the homM,tewAe,r eyelets„ a on
l�it( WhyHe Urieved. Indispensable. Read( f01' 30 Cents p afters
wale •M Nnrr.h Mset"netwwwnllA7 folly Away at her homy in T nndnn, in The Weekly yon is the in the %Icinity of the land ""Land foe aha
e, win River sewinA, In a dim and flickering light Thr h'amily Heraldi And gnlromonta an to so once male be ,ithfMd
new the thirtieth year of her a r, after w "Whwf. are yml crying for, rely poor mitttt great Farmers Weekly of Week) HIAr is known frnm by "itch D,rson nwtdlrls with til»
8peial Trainee to llfagatlelawaa sell still Iingerin illness of pet nie�rna Anne. little Is,l Y' 1)e given 0p, and the common Canada. Rvpry fal-m-owner Ilalifaa t11 Vancouver. it m,xheet,• rather er
gg . practice attem tin to .read in a in Iluron Cunni ahould read Ifi tf the "paler has Mspe twanene raeldanee );
ape 30. 3 � t miA. IMacewaed, who was A danRh. "ii/xp•hap I Polo fell dnwnstaira." P `� D g y
r fa7• ices a maws of eneMl read. n
Ia con ter of the. late Robil Hample, of "f)nn't take on inn, my Ix/n. He'll Jolting tewlrl• or omnibus most also be It. R pan fArmins land owned b, fele In the vlela
rteaaleaa with teals from Trnoato ICn• Brfaaelw, was A mesa eathnabla we)- RrIL Matter aexrn." dlsrartleM. The nR matter every week. Its of his hontettad, the ngalnraew(a rt, W
F,+^I s a ra. eyes should never be Address : re„idem»e mq >~ aathtA,rd
"I'llater www him fall all the wit 1 nae( ton loo int a tlme, and, ellen Address: the awld Lam. by redden" ape
welts fee rMl sop, fir tilt man, and wwwdnarlrr 14lnyed by many y y g YANAiTER A R9tE YANATTEii A j
Orme amiss wit► templets sap. friends in her Rirlhontl fines. She never saw nuflln' I " much r e work la menlsaary, 1'rtef UMN+ + extras► (�othirom Iowetr Bqerg rlw'aN M�aa((vla r
Q. PR1Ct ORagN w PHILLiPe, hold been for a nnmMq• of ears soloist - THE SIGNAL, GODHRICH Doenmlaa taa3s #A
Y Y rash and hat11lnp In hot water shoals THE SIGNAL, GODERICH OLtwwaoflnLaepsaLasppl,fpr Defeat
I Paaweasr Aaeaa Oce, Passenger Agent. in the Memorial church, London. Aa• I Rvery man hal his prtre. Inst in nine be ttisorted to it the dreaded beams T.
Caayw Nutt11ara 191ttlMtag, Tarwlw IIIdM hec bwb�md trod intact elattptH- (lees, opt (K ileo Hit Iso'' wai0 It, tllftM (r b a bpt u . dtahoeDa Desats of t11a I[lal.t tx i11entlwlsr,
t, )}
n ,{ . "„ ` sigi`.. x ,. �, ,. : 'r' . , e .r ;�f ,yam . ,,,1, 'w✓, „� ..rttwMill:n�" J1111& a`1. y
�$,S , r '. ,. 'r : .elft• ;T� y'p�. , . ,::.
P.aGYd ? , Fit j . 4... , „ „ Y.'t Y �'• ». q''"Iit,. �,K ' • .x n , ...+�... - +. ? " .•.I.... 1 ^ a ,. , -
X51 u,. ,. *, rt -z . f
} , y i�
,r�b v s. 11 a, - .a 5, ., . #' 4"r 4�(tf'�� fi �. a a t i „ray sus a fviytlrt e "
i' » .
_ -_! _ ._z -t_' - _ -nom._