HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-9-19, Page 84 f
8 TAPRADAT, fttember 19, 1907 -
A crest Qty far 6o�erlch nauxes, vomiting and swelled head.
Ixwn fair And alit) Metter for the road.
Utlaerthear chountrtaneefA I declined
is `` !: Basle
ring a few accidents. went forward
1 . of Aogo-t Will. The lilt -till was a
The Banquet.
The Guelph papers raid of the hat-
-from M
to accept. Yours sincerely.
F. N. LuvivIa.
-- '
`7�) f Z�n
t T. It the C. 1•'. R. keeps its promises.
t('trYo page
yuan rt•cangemenb:
{ick hradachrs, putlpitatiou, had
° ` -V Canada '
fasts in the mouth, yrNoty skin• brit -
rhe Herald: The dining room of
G. S 0., Ihr opening ggf the line a
rrard were served, told it was elevrrt
the Royal City W Its eutbraer, and the British Exchange hotel was A very
short time logo and yet, enlAy's event
I r-i� y, c.PreeFt I+.eome.eM►
salts til' iudigesliou. Mi -wt nev,-I
were naturally a ,,tmrce of gratifica•
a wort affe-ctio ate embrace it was. pretty sight, with its striking detora
Time to Cry a Halt Before • Panic
tion and pleasure. Workin t with
;hte•tl up.
Nothing that could trK dour was left none, its well-appointed service and
seat M t1MtT __I
AV E you noticed the
undone to du honor to the Guelph heal waitresses, l',liudelabra of
deputation, who wont with the Alumi- lighted candles At lire head lablr
The ho.iursy spirit is crushing out
l!rruos ]esus, 1p., J%Wid /
Y.41K•Lru Y.CWx•LY,sq.,rYwwwYa.a
I1tlW fall styles that
t tiotl
that town do to advance the enter-
cal 400iety band on their xcursiun o helped to swell the brilliant effect.
pp I
the see" ter tdeulrnt of hurtle life.
s. A. ALuII. Heiq., .afYes/►rW
have Collie in the
celebrate the opening of floe O. k li. rhe unruu row one of the chuicral•
Ax the line has been in end certainly no expense could have
We naw in danger of a givat counner•
Hos. D. yyculuAr,
uta CARrmer.I., f ".
last few days? Don't
'l l). IN I.,I n_
w dlrlbNell i, icons iron Hnilrybnr>
now opera-
vial llei-line, IecAftxe often. as a whole,
fl R, , ties, .r.
that the laying u( the MI -1b. rails has
tion exactIV four week's it is hal rices- ; •esu spared on the eutertainlilent of
Ihiuk only of getting wealth.
flux. vena rONT, as,
bol the old styles,
I's y
i.,) - ulo r t ppm-
"IV t4 re%r at length to the work ;fie guests,rhe
Mercury Ironyynot
'I'hrrr are lhousand�, ixuh Inrn xhd
w K. rcx•eeat,;�si.T.
ar.mx. Dacca, isq., L
sw to l he
Mr. ,til l dpi K. \1', Mrlirurir lair Srwtt•rrlay I
which some of Guelph's public sp irited The : The was
stir lung
woolen, who do not lake tinny to eat
Collie Its and
t oat Io \vu'sh"n'.
wen hAVe done ill ywaY gone by tar, t x ver)' PIAlxorate settle.
prulwrly. They cosh through life,
t. 0.Imrrg". • • •
%aper andchlld left on floor
first, get site shaughnesay': ring hall of the British hole) had
and its x result we have an aIle of ill-
a. c•mmaas, Ail
pnstuse to lalild the line to lioderien •n cou)pletely festooned with tags.
the building lire pine it. nvuuel•s of bunting• led slid green
digestion• nervousness, irritability.
second, of
Guelph J unction at an enormous sac o color, draped front the ceiling.
rifice to the city, and then the lout, i Igs of all natiunrlitirsalrrwauvl the
sleeplrmx nights, and uu,mse ilklx,ai-
ti,,,, •
11'ith the discovery of Ali-o•na tLl*
lsmety ��rsW ��
'Voll Will need R rallt-
ar.rvrralNrrk- tirtefalod o.
years of struggling wills the onnlen 1 Ills, and the lighting etfert was en-
lets, there is no ionger any excuse fur
OAct olillrnuch
Coat Or it h17ht over -
1'in here udsy, bot whether stand-
thirdly, the prowire of the president tner.l by floral Iwll-, hung over
of the C. P. R. to build the tbrougl electric Iillhts at interv,ds slung
one to have ill health from stomach
A. PORTreR Manager.
coat for this season of
change same nights as
line to lioderieh if the right of waN tsblrA. rhe programs water
%lieu -us strengthens the (calls of the
the year. Onr rain -
They don't need to tell o t- the rea-
wits obtained, and the con•,eiluen, y prettily gotten up, containing'
stomach, stimulates incretion of tho
,di l-- \\elf- h. rItutnr.l after A
Don't Miss This Treat
out on tilt boat was lecAusethey were
work in heeuriug such ; and lastly. sot the departure III lire first C. P.
digestive juicer. tegulalo•s the liver
afraid of A mirk horsy.
coats Can't he beat for
the outgoing lit the nxotl, wlu/•h. guar
train trout l3oxlrnch oar the 11101 Il-
And restores Muscular cuuu•actlu I Ili
ring a few accidents. went forward
1 . of Aogo-t Will. The lilt -till was a
Ilie Illtt•rt lfleN Arnd Im,w'e•ls, AtihlXlt-
a ily ax all evidence of the fact
ird, dainty And sal the snore till"'
live k needed.
t T. It the C. 1•'. R. keeps its promises.
i ntHttixl tine. It was u'nly a rase
{ick hradachrs, putlpitatiou, had
Tu those still living• and there are
'•Lucnllus dines with Lurull"""
fasts in the mouth, yrNoty skin• brit -
many, who have thus worked for the
,re than the usu:ll nor Iles lit
ability, ruatrtl uftlgur and nirlxnrhuh
G. S 0., Ihr opening ggf the line a
rrard were served, told it was elevrrt
tore a frac ,If tine manly disue.shig I,—
short time logo and yet, enlAy's event
back before the tables had IN -eh
salts til' iudigesliou. Mi -wt nev,-I
were naturally a ,,tmrce of gratifica•
eared and tire after-dinner cigars
tion and pleasure. Workin t with
;hte•tl up.
Guelph in the extension of the road
When in Goderich
wen- the (Io derich p rople. And many
day's work, did leading often of
Don't miss seeing the
t tiotl
that town do to advance the enter-
dpi•, NI..pbirl Itothwell, of 'Toronto, 1- vi -if
And Goxlerich showed by her este
w'lu dlu+h. of Toledo, e,, t- .lending boli•
come of \'edte•r1Ay that site wishes it)
'l l). IN I.,I n_
w dlrlbNell i, icons iron Hnilrybnr>
cement the closer communion with ur
t .r u feN dAr
that the laying u( the MI -1b. rails has
MIA- H lit v) ,vested ,n Toronto for ever%]
wasp rrasibl) Evrryuu"
i.,) - ulo r t ppm-
who went was pleased to go, sorry lar
who we
Mr. ,til l dpi K. \1', Mrlirurir lair Srwtt•rrlay I
leave, and will The glad to have the
t oat Io \vu'sh"n'.
Ooderich folk with us some future'
%aper andchlld left on floor
I. lI Yu .W lou Mondal
Opell eaell t'velllllo,
J i'. Irak .e, of sesfmth, ora- x bn.u,r-,
),encs w( alrncn tiro• Nrek.
front 1 :at) to 10 'l(1,
X or q,tpl McLean, o/ 11/'1 roil, ti -it'd
1 i •INt- lot Gofrrich la,f Nr, k.--
Fnxu The Uielph Herald.
\b.w Lill IDN.on hA- rvtarsed from it rf-it
Pictures change Tuesday
CentldurFn of Goderich, that wA,
ar.rvrralNrrk- tirtefalod o.
the ••heighth of hospitality."
Mr.. \via. Mrio.lo.e, at. it„fid'- s1”, left
Thursday and Saturday.
1'in here udsy, bot whether stand-
Ill.- Irate H(.ken, of Tutouto, ha. I.,,.
Also illustrated songs,
Ing lir silting is It yues('ion, And for
fear let 1
-,w uduut at were with Mend, al rpwo.
change same nights as
of misapprehension tire say
was out on theJireyhound yesterday,
KrNeAndertonhs- return -1 from .Iwoding
hr+holidx),lot Toronto Ift,d purr w,il,t..
They don't need to tell o t- the rea-
Stat• and Mi- An-beomdk nate mt,rnfed
hunt a Iwo week- trip to KlolrAto and Par-.
/On the Guelph nldrrulrn w•oulJn't gar
,di l-- \\elf- h. rItutnr.l after A
Don't Miss This Treat
out on tilt boat was lecAusethey were
th he,r
pldt Nile lin -I•ttr, dl r.. H. o t'uB, Turouto.
afraid of A mirk horsy.
MSG-. dl•tgx,r toaster 14 -ft tach)��ml her return
Admission, 5C.
Those who returned from Goderich
I,, fi uago xFt,-r .,boding Ila` -m mfr lot
1 .la this n o t 'n were du .etre I
At l I r 11 N 1
K 1.
IoM ll.
dli..r. Annie and dlxrfk. \1 -ell+ haps re -
that they thought it h,ul to to dune
tmuesl aft,I ,t pl.•n•,Itit fill' fu looroit alit
all uvea• again, cuuswlurutly they
rn - —
All the authorised text books for
Public School and Collegiate
Best value in town in
Scribblers and Ex-
ercise Books ,
Book. Store
style and wear, and are
marked at a price that
won't fail to suit you.
Froin SS up to $12.
Don't fail to see our
lineof NV.ti.& R.sbirts.
e have reduce(l them
from $1.25 to $1.00, a - -
price lit which theyshoul-
I'll in a few
days. ,11nI1't Illlss t1lClll. IN DOING YOUR PICKLING!
Rememlwr that we have about everything you need, except the
fruits and vegetableh.
Here are a few of our best lines: A OR 10 417.89 OF FLAT CORKS,
Rubber dealer Rings IPints and Quarts).
VESTS; in fact, everything that is PORE 4PICKS OF ALL KINM (loth ground auld whole)•
carried by a first-class Gents' For. including MACE, CURRY POWDER, TUMMBRIC, CEL-
nishing store. ERY SEED, FRENH GARLIC etc.
LARGE EMPTY CANDY JARS At lOr. "while they last!"
Reg. Black .
S. E. HICK, - i(r',; Central Drug Store
THE TAILOR. llllpraRICH. - - 014TARIO
made doubly sore the line was „p erred, Mr. ,rid dtr. Ir. It. lyoott, of Hnuttforl. tb•- Proprietor. fail,, to dispel all these troubled, of Brigght's dixellow. . cant organs and belpinRR fain to sIh
'So -,I u,t floulorr, ,t•ft•r. Nit ..If, T. Ilan-. over Flulel •Extrou•t Dandelion, one-half and filter from the blood the foul ;
Jar. II'
We're here oafs)- Iwrauxr we're ,,,,,,,;,,. i son sells Mi -ria ill :il4rrnt •
Ind guarantees u
ounce : l'umIx mad Kaigon, am ounce; acids and waste matter which (sauna
t refund ( • , r _ K rid the
hetes because we• couldn't nldn't t here I
I r n
r and o euffrrin t1'homR four
K e h.W BriTurnbull l n al Monday n lib• oy , hwfte • if the remedy deter not give
l'owpound Nyrgr FtarsApsrilla, florae sicknew and g
sooner. Turn Ilo Hranf scat rttrt .,a•ndi+,z ns raids) • R ounces. Slake well in a bottle and Leaders who suffer can make no mos
AI noose. complete *ntisfae•tion.
1'husc' -0 *s" 1111 Oortll A14` all right. , igger and Better Than Ever take in teaspoonful doses after each take in Riving it a trial.
SK-• ?lank left on Trouts) for HI. 'Fhom4-,
Let rile whisper something in your %bene he %ill Ili• Ihr gne,o of her sister. Mr.. ' - e �- -- - - IOeal And at"in at hedtime. - -
nlolm•rt-. EASY To MIX THIS. '
ear: If you steer want to gel snurtirlr A well-known druggist here at
to dance a Scotch reel, Ali Irish jig or F.dNanl ArlitAron(f left till- morning on • q ar FAIRS FOR 1007
an EnKliah clog dance, 1 can Irish• "-rl to hi. sou. Inc%. Egerton Aru,mtivng. al - - hurtle, when owke"1 regarding this pre -
an i ('haring f'ro-.. O D E D I [� H Prepare it at Home by Shaking In- rcription, stated that ingredients Zarleh.. .... .......... ..... ...eept. Iare
abs' goys you Ix)iutrrw• Mr.. \\ la 1'. Fritrley arrited tame week of : 1` l fir/ l fl _ Aw all hanuleax, and can he nbtainlrl Klaaudure ...........................lest. lap 1
gredients Well i• a Bottle. Sissforlh .............................. •silt- is
Why, the C. P. K. thought so much 1'olo.e .ulrn. +wk , to jam her hn.IwNl, who I at A Small runt from any gad Pre- Walkerton ....••. • ,,sept. Ism, `
of their guests that they simple rnuld i. m bu,lnw, Ihere. I what will appear very intetaxting scriptiun pharmacy, lir the mixture myth .............................. Beal. tall
dpi+- ('tarn w'uclarw relurard i i iWroit on to n,rin ) dr Kifder ... ak pt 2F 21
not part fr.iul tarn -until the mora- Mundav after it visit at rhe re+Idenee of Mr-. Y 1>p+ 1 hriw id the article world be, pelt uy if asked lar du set. Nr ,opptf wY-,
I NDUSTRIAL Etttke•n from x tiro York daily paler, ti other fie 1 that while this primer. 1'r.. p1= :: " 2L'l627
Ings the morning. \1'r,gliu \\'r.I +l met. .vin a diR1 )I Kept. Y.tM
'there caw some people who cannot hour, st„ddart :old stn Fdgar. of t tin K K I r pn srnptiun, x,, form• tion Ix often pies entad to rheumuli I. Man'+ ................. 169
yet decide which was the beat -the I. sl oo,• Iosco,- lxtn•as, Mr. slid 37rl: elate"t by a noted NuUnaity. who afflictions with splendid results, h Luc€hawt .•-•••..••.,.... e' ,l
Goderich or the Pullman. 10- . <tlmtdan, Last %',rok. clunes lhnt he has found a Ixwitive could we no reason why it would not I ti yeeld • •... i z
o w-. sm hwe-holle. pub8-leer of The Ebni� September z y 2 ' I (1, remedy fu crier xtuuaa An i -AW of Ie A plendid remedy for kidney and - Atwood .. .............. t
Some people stopped singing •'IVs Aot'erti,er, w..wn wepfqum vl-itot at tho of � � � v �% INtckache lir kidnr) or bl older de- urinary truuhles And iwcku he,yas it I nsngMMa ....
Won't Oo Home ('ntil Manning," and "' I »fare on Thut+day hyt. ` ran intent, in the following ,,imply hams. peculiar action ulx)w fire 'kidney i1 to[ rktoe "' "" "' H
instead rendered "If You (let There Mr,. Iter Yat- tell this morning for Chi- 1 K ,,,;..................
Before I Iltf." caglo. %I.ere .fir win ri.it remora+ .rid vr»lo- i pres•rlption, If taken Iefure lir stage xu ucunre, cleansing these most impOh I Tewwater .......................... ... Oct. sa
ably truWat for the winter. ,
My 'protest About not having leen Frank Foster left on Tat•«lay for i.indon.l 13 --Great Big Days=�3 -- -- __— - given an a0 in Pilatlofl to the Ixtnr IIPt w•hrnr M• haw x lonert loot a, bookkeeper with Inc „ -
1 Landon Idghe and Hear f'o.
rich heeded. and the wA)• file at iode-
oro. e. Morn•• oy of (r of Ihr Royal Kink I-�.----
rich gentlemen ahowrreol firm fit me it ouepdt. r,lru.rrly of I)alrrieh, wn• wuwnx + i
made it necessary fill- Ina- to go to the our %i -icor. of Thur+el,ty I&A. The Exhibil inn will comps ke
sheriff for pnitletluD. It HolwP,, editor of The Chilton Xew Era, I c
A,rni Thnr.la) h..I m thalrrlelo rxkiva fnthr HORSES CATTLE SHEEP SWINE POULTRY '
Talking alarm protean, many a one ( 1' it. olrninir drinon-rrstgm. + r , , ,
hrihdelosK t, yegtrtday pmlratrd- but Mol elan Th.
uutFdlr.'Trpl r'totato lrrdrlronfa�r j FARM PRODUCTS, FRUITS, FLOWERS. COURT HOUSE PHONE NO
Mayor Newatewd is all Viiris-xo i% %Minx ill the re.idrnee of Mr. anal Mn. H. O _• r �a
And. Struthers, And he soruellurels gets Dr, saber lett for Iletroif on the ,learurr JWAZC OODiRJG'Il'
kicks where laaiyuets should lie Orr hound on Wal -inlay, Intending to lake A, WOMAN'S WORK, ART, Etc.
placedwrrk . holldny And vi -it hie hotue al Vittoria I •. _ -
be•fon•hi.rel urn. - _ ._-. -- -_ - - ---_- - - - - - - --._.-.__�
Well, here's. to rowan . d here's to you, %ir "rid dor. %V Krownefl. of ptetrolt, were
And hen:,, e. lir Igl% with the(, in town last perk. having oomr up on ihelWincherman's Bears and donkeys INGOSEBYTIC A SPECIAL SHOWING
.trnnter ure•yhound to of -it Mr. Hroworlf- olA
I . R. line. hone At Sistforth.
You have often heard of the fir•- Iloy Rundle left )r-te•nlay for Sarnia to iolli
works at the council meetings, but fir. hrothrr Lew., win t. on lila way is (*6-
141 da%, at Miehigtun state Fair in D.-ttoit Bf I all tfaelinn at R'rcdern Fair,
you ehould hav' seen the ours that 'And to n• mfr hi- .todir- at the l',t a nd
School ia,nn liriug tihfldn
t• t'te.
`went off aA soon rM the councillors gut of.\ppYesf s4tener. ��- OF CHILDREN'S AND MISSES
Ml Kirki,tde still her'danahleqrl Mi,,
t.trtheir tledtinatlon• Le,Kan.(if HuAhlo netnrned �{a(•'r+4•nuretllrey Band Da i carts 33rd RFGIME:NT BAND IN FULL `
There'v many a alip'Iwixl thecup ho-ind from their %i,it to Ifetnoit and ocher y
,min in SUldtrn:e+e UNIFORM Fall and Winter Jackets
And the lip, and the
was ale, many Mr. and dorm. A Ili• -et Thoto and fa".il) left
w unr letwren the first and second fo%„ Ia.r `+unnbe> oar their way to their Rea RI•ginlrnlnl Ilnnd in 11'o•slevu Ihftnriu,
pecks of the tont yesterday, nature hors in KralAnd. They werr e-Uooable• �,�.....
entree.- and man)' frrrnd- In ((odrrieh -ill Is'As soon am itnunil,er of the excur- .orry to lure them. It THE
ifonints Kut out in the harboryester- SirsmF'.F..Wol,h,,tnoba,been,i-itinorher MERRY-GO-ROUND t'HlLftitE.
day they discovered they were iter. Mn•.1'.Wi a Nrr•le,awl otllet r•la,ite, aturday and next week we will make a special display of
heartily sick of it. Int own. has• rerurord Ili F3KW. 111. ubers +fie �� r f p
hold- the p,-ition If a•-rwlanf ,uprrinlrndent #: 'rhe IettKevt por•la►ill• FPrrla SChildren s and Misses Fa1T and Winter Jackets. Everygar-
inshrtA,anllloe,tJ FERRIS WHEEL
of holding the LderAlo down that by labs A. w- fir,. -n. of I.nyaf, len Ihi, raorn- Ivolerl oft ^""'vie"• ment has been imported direct from the best manufacturers of
IN even Sending his Miniarrs nut to inR ro nor,, te,• 1'ot,ra, and errors fall Gore , children's garments in Germany. Never have we had garments
a:,e,Axr and drmool•t rxtm b. fire dairy deftest-` -" -HAPPY EMMA t
}anyueta• ascan. Ile•- d.ter. %it- M. I., Otren, h,tw e1AM Wei rht (1'23 ibR.- The Fat �'ll'i
That steamer (;reyhuund nlxy Iw toloaltvillr• w'atforA sold Tt•e-N else"" it"filar for girls that were as handsome or as stylish as those you can see
(',)fit,- aunt ser her lau h.
speedy, hilt from the w•ay she rolled K Saturday. There are more of them, too, than we have ever at-
Jw aft Hra1r Icfl la•I Thor I,W far IH pal ` i.. y
VPatetVlAy ]'ll give yUll /l Ix 11 lllrr WP ,nnx, ufl rr .q•ud,ng the ,+l.l ruuplr of ntnhl h• S '.
were mighty leased when the twagle Intl)%n. III- r. Irn.Jltlog I'll fill. Herrn S,ir• f tempted to carry in stock. Many different styles suitable for girls
pp u,tl1""'-truem f"''/ ittictoo wr, tr. H M'' O H JOHNS GLASS BLOWERS of all ages. In all a collection such as you would expect to see in
sail(orN"1 fur giolne. s a
n3, who nor, i. tr;tcrllinK for chi- rmnitxny, r,
The trains ran as smoothly As if I'll the oil'.vdA) it) ti•,omw hi. work. Khnw• all Ilie int Iicacies lot spinning and h1mving glass, a city store.
there bout never been any roughness \\"e fayre tok,1 1 to ee lteorlrl• •+rasa,
over going to OoW
alerich. of (hrelph, xnod the tisitortown ILA
in towbait
'Phar -Ary. Mr. stiten when a rf-odent of ' a
aod.,rieh In„re.fr,t bimsrH in the inoter.lrl,t A distinctive feature will be about 20 or l3 high-class sample garments. These
Fr-irn The Unrlph serene)'. (\ R P
fnrow brru,(Ina of rhe r', to i to tile
The Sugimoto Japanese Troupe of Acrobats '
A runny incidrht tx•cnrrrd yeller' AnA ora- n.INrany gratinlsl to w„rr-, n,r -m• are the GLrman maker's samples, representing the boat Dalt 'most expensive Rar-
day af.tryxm at the end O the pier. little. ooitruunr of Ihr egret. pot forth fir, anal lnents lie turns ont. Ordinarily they would be too high-priced for us to handle,
A countryman from near Guelph wax trn,r. - -- -- - unm I'ukuluunn, .Lyfan.
talking Uit (ioderich photographer, I hilt we secured the samples at a discount that brings the price down to a level that
when he happened to spy the hnoy To Mend Write Home. I.re intent il14v ` M1 is not Out of the way. All are medium sizes and they come in plain beaver cloths,
which isplace•dnear the entrance of In mending stes•kings use fuur ply { of the lal,•st in MOVING PICTURES
the harlg,r. Ivhat'n tial %" heaxkwl. cotton, but with three different alze% of or fancy tweeds. No two alike. If you would like a coat for your girl different
A buoy," ""hofs he doing out ntcdles. one fine needle In threads"1 '
there?" '•(Jit, he gives warning lar I he fr011l any other, sec these sample garments. (one and look Over theC hlidreII'e
terata." "(irnciults, they aught tti with a single strand of black cotton Tor grrnte•sl.livingcaritxtlty coats Saturday or next week whether you care to buy lust yet or not.. `
Dalt In used for the small holes In the OSSIFIED MAN knuw'n to nnedir:ol mirror. M
have it Infill. Do es he stay ont I herr
fit flights? I Su p pose he els a big thin gauze or Ilsle thread stockinglL '
F t K R - Children's Tweed Coats $4.50 to $10.00
sal ury %" 'rhe phtiu,gr.ipher nearly fr 11 This leant the fabric much leas than I • ,
off fire end of fire pier wire n his inter• the ordinary tar=e eye darning need)e. 1 KaceS---Spirted Speed Contests---Ra�eS I t et Frieze " 5.50 to 9.00
rtlgatot-vaehr.l that stag r •tad then A second rather large size Is used for ' t ..
tile, counh•ym loo ••tonublrel." the larger holes wltlf two strands of Beaver 7.50 t0 12.00
Fine wr,tlh, n i•, u,'ftNlly hoped for the cotton, where the single thread I'l�l'IZ Ii/�� i;5 A i
onanexeut,i-m I;ay, hilt. strange r., would take too long and not fill In 011EN -T%N'O u►trY FAR31FRIC 11UNNINO ', THE PERFECT STYLE OF PLAIDS ARE RIGHT
say, the C. 1'. N. "diciAls conmidrr. that strongly enough. I ,' (1001)PVRMIs OUR WOMEN'S COATS In London, in Paris and New York
the thl,)etl. ring rippeAn
rarr of the Plaids are having an immense run,
weather yeslclelny ulurning ,and Ihr MR.. LEWIS EXIT-AINS. ' SPECIAL PRIZES 'rhe best styles of five of the leading
drizzling rain wAs A blexsiug in film• ( both the Clan Tartan and the quieter
�else, for, It, they a xplained, with the To the Editor of Thr Signal. Canadian and German makers of Jack-
ue woothYI• the crowd inight easily iiIrAR MIR,- 4onne of my fellow• for leaf henvy da -might. Slallinn wilh syr fir his proRehy, • shadow plaids are selling in enormous
for largest load of visiu,rs brought Cts al'C (ill 011r racks t0 -day. Over OI1C
have reached illlfll, And the three at Itie I ince A:ked me why 11 was not rR Khl into the grounds, hundred garments that are correct ill quantities. For separate skirts or
thrnosuul p•Iw did upon out were Its at the /'. I'. R. hanyuet. , 'lir IAI•g •dt family on the, grounds fit. 'l ir.ul, nn 4rpu-mows 21kh. � children's. wear eS Clall , the are eX-
uuu'h Aud inure than could be aconin- - The Mayors of Onrlph and (.bale-� Cvery detail that goes to make a stylish y y
modriud with the comfort they would Iirh, III(- Iiemrl of Trtele ane) nrr inn r,Jacket. Plain cloths or fancy tweeds. trinity popular. We show a splendid
have wished• l'lll moiltev were kind enough to Ask • ' RAILWAY J'
Illto cke"1 In the ci-ouiic of the dee ," Ire 1n take Pact. assortment of both, at prices that are
I During trine campaign for the mad 4lcf int %iugle-fair ietron rates un f;. T. n. anti C. 11it.>tr Of the most not more than two ga[-
was not lar done many of our e d last iii which tbeNlerich *neer,"led in get. 4 tial trains not or night of tie terviber Roth. ments of an one pattern, of man not very moderate.
sang filgmnl the M. M. IFreyhonnd Inst P+" R h y p )'
Thur -many. It sounded (mon• like ting the mad Is -fore 4Nrnfa. II'inds'r• C. i•. It. le•at•es OrArrich lo::*r p.m. r atop, fit nn xtnllnna, Arriving Al Myth even two. The best choosing k done
. nef(rlfne and other
Lelergftganaghrr." at Ilan p.In. Clan Tartans, all wool 50C, 75c
plass, wanting it. I slAted on nearly early when stocks are full and complete. t
The blazed track of IW27 has disap- every IrlAtfnrnn that. my idea fur the G. 1'• It. leaves (io fA ich at In-.'*) and Stop% At all %tnlitm* to 4ewforth. and $1.25,
peam,I from the finita. itgplilev haA oppen,Ing of the mad w•(ld for the conn- Ladies' Tweed Jackets $7.50, $8.50
1a+sn Glken by the strel hand: that ny for (me tiny to give free train* . , 5
pn K Shadow Plaid Suitings, very spec -
now keep Ooxleri'h anti Ooelph in from (Iuelph to lierlerieh end far en• s • to,
0 $I j.00.
close torch with each other. other dity froom (lodrrieh W (hurl ph, i nal, per yard$1.50.
I Admission, 25c � Children,loo Ladies' Black Deaver Jackets n to t t
From 111e glmlra AdrrnMer,
for the munirip,slfl ieii to proclaim
Oviderich to rather a pretty tri n b"tlibir holldw a, and give free lunchRA $8.50, $12.00 to $15.00.
with wide mtr"ta, A beautiful part �n
at every pa�dic hrnIAP, ata that the Ladies' fine Black Kersey Jackets
the cents•, romantic scenery, RRoefd fw",ple who voted the money rould SENSATION, AMUSEMENT) e pI ' Ili y J
atrtppingR nita of a e Lia d us ci it aft rnrt rslx•ntrP fIM the read they I $16.5o, $20.00 and $25.00• Our special all -wool Bra►deloth at Oft Is this
tM maYinga of a teat and tat* cry, hilted pay fur. That i did not the INSTRUCTION '
hest value In the trade. 2 shades of navy, 2 of
It Its natural fAcfl�tiea are wisely de- offe e w txlnyuet watch few only brown, E of red, 2 of gown, and black, 48 to 5r'
ryloped. of netwwity Acrnmmndau w few while AND PLEASURE EVENLY' BLENDED. `
the people who paid could only stand =tw0wAi$t4
Anka for Wal,to, b=Waome wide
'lobe O. h G. is youlrg yet and In the , at Oto tare yard.
P060 d in handling enlwdS, Next o°taide Alxl lark on. "Theta's sethlegg too god for bks public." ons and extra Rood quality, no
tidwo. no doubt, it will do letter. i IntervlewP(1 the Montreal and �% C a , per yard $1.A.
"to wn' Ihom of Givipretty
well. can toot the Guelphed t P. Il nioneit y who an. A. 0e �F ` We F. Clark, t e Jed
town's lav pretty well. not all that the money bylaws hod
not all bx-en paid yet. Johnston,�
The Irttc of the Onybfwnll sasses i atoll think this plan would have 4BCRmity. P119111D3NT. —��•—_
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