HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-9-19, Page 71
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Y � News of the Disel
�q ,,..,,The
"i `, 4.r. t't tel' R , 'tat'"° i
The authoritative guide to correct Brea and dress frdquk 4jjl
' MONDAY, Sept. loth.
TUICYUAY, Sept. lith.
NATIIRDA Y, Sept._Mlith.
The Rev. Mr. Sawyer slid At"/. SAW-
skits. Jewell was a visitor at the
," JNmrdtin fair but week.
Ontario Department of AgricultHrr
yer visited a nunriotr of til*it- {n•ople
l.snes tilt- week.
Mts. Philips, of Windsor, and Miss
has awarded the prizes at- follows in
the fleld clop competition held to cou-
around past
Rev. Mr. Craw, of let. Helena. pastor
Hattie starker, of New York, who
been at John Barker-* for
vection with lilt- l.uc•knuw Agri-
of Lan" Ptrrbyterian eholr h, again
seve sal works, lett Thursday of last
"tlltursl Society: Let -John McDiar-!occupied the pulpit old Sabbath ll,t
I mW, Lucknuw ; 2nd, Allwrt Alton, I after a few we•kH va,valion. - i
week W visit rebadvw at Belfast; equal thirds A. Thant{oston, '
Fwlwin Leig$�h, who has inion with 1 I
two Clover Vnllry and John Mer=
Quits & uuu,to r (lo',I L Inrx rt-
tended the'ruronw turd I.audoll fall s
Michail Tobin for the {tart Lficknuw. 'Phe cunlprtitiml war in
ulodlhe, left Wednesday of last week whit* oats, And there wart- twenty-
the `east 1•ou I*of weeks .►sed All en-
„ ext the hulYlil nod hi ht w•ein
J y Y K g
for the Forest City, where he rlsddea.
While here 4e tuade quite a numhrr
five entries.
of lite
M[. nod Muw: Hull, of Detroit
friends especially among the gent-
latter recently known as Mims Bertha
ler sex, &tad It is rumored be is coming
Important business.
Baldwin, of traursl, visited Al the
home of tilt- IntLer's father. Jobs' C.
again on very
Mrs. Blair and two children, who
T. NUN'.- Athalleevery day exceptTburs-
Baldwin, for it couple of days last
week. Their funny friende, ILL Lanes,
have titin apeddid Lit* pas( the"-
here with n. Bla is Blister,
dayc Newrenlselyforextraculutteetbltiowu().
fMwl. better Chau gg1uu,�a frown and bridru wurk
wish tl eln n happy t Nn1l lilts N•nlnx
1 1 I Y I I
mtontlu el&'. Aluu4lnulu vlau+luombreakablel.
Mrs. R. H. McDonald, returned on the N. H,- You can always have your work Much
bolter doom 111 tike dental ante•
voyage over the ern uf'ti r.
atramorGreyhoundon Saturday, Mr. of cis-luore
1 1• IM„lt 1. better faoillti."• fur dull he work worn until- t Ito
lilAlr having con,* up t n lh lh (urteble for lbs uatient.
' m1l't:3h- LEEBURN.
ml11y previous Mrs. Blair and}*TOTIC ,, THE 1"',A1. AGENCY
McDonald 4.l.,itwl the Totvluto
MONDAY, He•ill. 10th.
A ' •Intl
�n t A 111 1 rigid 1
' an d ,al }ml VI it d
f NI[
l��f il,Dun IumuurwThrnignedI- atthePoll
ogles 4 tl w
1100 aid taalielef Ltlrtl Sere
Wm. Chishollu visited set London
'C '1 da 'X liuet week.
Fair several ►I 3
near A n /4.w.
'I'll* htrN Ilei' \�'. )I. 111'1' IA :ll 11'r.rnt
Title 44 i
taws ed for 1 io ad
etldtln will 6l& r x1 b.crl l u• a -
v -
Ytl 1 alld Ob N' 1 rroel (N will to
rUAbR ark. dud
furanoulot, for
1' ;lN
o Detroit, L
\ 'x11 ilrllA Ilx / f lletl
. i I IYa
In dry d/ttk, and whit* waiting for
elven I.old thtl.Wile.
town visiting tile Mi an Clikhul-u.
the vessel to Ill• repaired Fugln*rl
�T at A.X1WWtON'd Hardware.
\I r. and Mts. C'aulrn,n, tel I►ru'uit.
the (]reyhound exc•ur•-
Jamew Yo ung and a patty of the
host's crew, together with Maurice
Mrs,. H. R. Sanderoson returned house
we'e over on
Nile', ViAtinK friends herr 1111 Rutter-
Caruey, who is now home visiting his
on Saturday last,
mit Row.
Parente, made a shooting party to en-
T. Clark, after A few days' i1le”,
Miss IA,t1iA,A Sterling rd11rned to
O e
' sport in line f the
• w bi da r rt
u Y W
Owen Nonnd.
us able to lo• w
a 1 ,t again.
a 1• \\ w IneslLey
't- , t it Hal n
her duU s ♦ 1 , -
luanuuut swainpa near
T. Young, of T is Spending r
it( Inst week After ri ple,a.ant a•aeal
The engineer is likely to bring home
few Silly., with friends here.
w•eing relatives and friends at differ -
some new curiosities file the ulureun,
to Ile built at Loyal in the Hear future.
Ango . McNevin, of Gloletich, Ila
N is.i',tS in U',tnriu
Robert \\'illtamx, of this place ; Mr.
VlNlllttg )1tH htother here this week.
_ -
and Mrs. John Williams, of lrgxl,
Norul11d Ctm r left on Monde for
W )'
slid their won Kdward, together with
IV's, wich, whrtr he will spend it few
Tuirsti.%Y. Sept. 17th.
Arthur and Vincent Sash, nephews of
'lily" At him house.
Ain. 'rend Mlttdel, of Ann Arlotr, i.
the Iwte Dixie Watson, were the relA-
Mrs. McMillan returned u/ roronto
alle•ntliu it .hart time At Mm. Alawdrl's.
tiven trout here eresent of his ruderal
ttlday, after xliending A few weeks at
Mr. ant Mrs. Will FiDhty, (if Mafe-
front fit. (leorge s church oil the WIT
the lennir (if Mr. Thom loon.
kiuK, spell Sunday at Mrs. Jan. iw)ng'.. '
itself. While they were in Goderich
Mrs, McWhinmy, who ban leen
Quite :a milker from here took in
they met one of the deceaseds okl
henurwhat indislnutel, iN, wt- are K)Iad
the excutsio on the Gr.•yhuund last
friends, J. J. Wright, who just a year
to state, on the wily to recovery.
Thursday eve ing.
before had been (nit with the dv-
helping him wrnnge the
A large tulndlrr from here were in
Epworth l.ea lir Hervice will be held '
family plot, where the parentw of the
(iodrrirh un ThurAllny IAuL nttrnding
the opening of this Ouelph k Olxle4rich
sex usual Tho( evening set No'clock.
Everyone wt-lrnrs .
d*cewaed and his sister, Hoorah. are laid
at text awaiting the HDA) rash
Railway, :
Charles Mawl - ife and family. of
H. M. Buff• who received a frac-
Windmir, spent a few dayn 0f last
lure Of tlae leg mono time ago in pro•
week set the former'* old home-.
,. , . ,,,,,. - LOYAL.
MONDAY, Sept. 1&h.
Mrs. J. Edmonds. of Wayne, Mich.,
was visiting her brother, U. F. Me -
Phe, the past week.
Hiss J. McHardy, Poplar How, hits
returned after spending the past two)
weeks with Toronto friends.
Mrs. H. J. Morris, Morriedale Farm•
has been visiting her friends in North
Parkdale and Brampton the pint
Mrs. J. A. Green and little son
Mervin, with Mies Harris, of Port
Huron. were guests b at Rosedale le Farm
Saturday last.
Mr. send Mrs. Wise and Miss Grace
Wise, O. F. McPhee, Miss E. Young,
J. P. (it•ss, Miss Olive McPhee.
jtobort Olen and Jas. Chisholm were
all vieitme at the London fair the past
In a. OL to a ► M. ; Hal cedar.. IT A. m. to 1
*loon, and T ao a p m. A general benkl
hu.lnew 1 .acted. FAvingm Hank do-
partweol ills M,poif^ of al and up
'Arch a at 1 ppe�rr ao�t per anaarn, pay-
able evert- th. moeta,a farm=:. wale notes
ppoor.-b`iA r•oe=nsbfe nation. J. A. 4VTRK1t
LAN U. Agent
WaDNR1iDAY. Sept. ltlth.
Those who are engaged packing
apples state that the crop will turn
out better than was expected.
Mr. and Mn. Riddell, who are ykit-
ing in the Northwest, expect to Arrive
home the latter part of the week.
The evaporator has been making
read t s his week. Over sixty
G tart t
tuns of cowl are on hand for the fees
Her. Mr. Richardilem. of Wyoming.
has declined the call extended to him
le the Presbyterian congregAtionn n
Manchester and Rmith'a Hill.
James Raithby is Intny making P
station for his new licuse this full
He has the cement blocks treacle and i
busy digging out the cellar at present
We e•x{o•ct the Hail to left htongh
in by the stew railway in a short time
The Government is tryin{� It Arran
the carr)-ing of it to and from the stn
tion Arul 111.• postoAice.
Quite ,s large number of our citi
took in I he excursiore to Goderich res
Thursday -The instructions were t
be on hand for the earliest t"ain
Patience had to be exercised, and the
sun had crossed the meridian before
our contingent ateamPd to the count
town in the tear of the procession.
MONDAY, Sept.. loth.
NUICIDR.--Richard Leishman, on
(if the IlesPknown and most highly-rc
apected residents of Hast WAwanosh
name to a tragic end on Friday last
For the last few months, Mr. Leigh
Offers has given evideneea of a week
ened mental condition. Friday morn
ing he went out with one of hi
daughters to get the cows, and on th
Way ate 1 aside for a moment into
clump o trees, where there wan
little pool of water. When hi
daughter returned W) look for hits,
few minutes After he wits discove
lying face downward in the water
1111te dead• Deceased is survived by
widow, eight mons and two daughters
i I1ifit:3." ST. HELENS.
• TiTZRDAY, Sept, lith.
ULM Mary Clark was home ove
Gen. Clark retorned to Midland o
Saturday morning.
W111. McPher+nn retlurneal from th
West on Thuraday last.
-Con. Decker has taken a prasitio
with the Taylor -Anderson Co. i
A nnmin•r from hem attended th
wdnfvPisary eatertainmentat Beth
On Monday evening and report a
Ifial(le J. C. McDonald. Jean (hAr
and C. R. Miller and Rev. R. W. Cm
and Will Todd attended the meetin
of the Young People's PresA tori
lioclet'y at Teeswater nn Tue�y a
teruoon and evening.
"(hlr boys" went to Weatneld o
Saturday last and pIA ed w friend]
game of bell with the �estfMld nl
and won by a margin. Westlle
Plays here rea• wilday m. obpnext, NipeRreyptie
I'M Ouher t •t 8 sod heer the boys to V to
"But thb In eo sudden. You
better give the a week to think
Over." ..V well well. deer. And
bap it•woald be jutit as well f
ttOn•ght it over Infest( at the
greasing favorably and is now Iable to The annual enter 'nnu•nt of the
hit tip for a short time each day. Smile of TritilI71rranee -ill lie held no
Dr. Bice, Thov. Flliutt, Win. Stew. ,,Seoul in the Teanwran a HA111111111,
art, t'hna. Isttiott and Mrs. Will. the 15th of Ue•tober. Fu bet- partiru-
Sproule were aultnlg thuya• front here Inra Inter.
who took in the iAmdon fair bent
Miss Taylor arrived last week from
Blyth and will conduct the millinery
drjwrtment in connection with JJ
%% alkodl's store during the present
Rev. Mr. Blatchford, of Hip ley, will
conduct the services in the Metheolirt
church un Sunday next, as the pastor
expecta to conduct Anniversary ser.
vices at Ripley.
EyAINIRATOR. -Iwrge quantities of
apples have been received at the
evla�omtor this week and operations
will conD11Pace there immediately.
T. (i Allen again has charge and is
ready to pity a good price for evaporw-
tor apples.
1 FOR THR EADIVA.-One of the ape.
cial cow titionn i -connection
pe n with
It the Dungannon fall show this year
IeK will toe A ladies' hitching contest, far
which a first prize of Xi and it second
prise of $2 are offered. The horses
are to Ike led out by the halter. bar.
nesswl, driven around tilt- rack, tin-
h&rnesmetl and led away. The lady
experts will have & I;Iisnce to show
their skill in handling a horse. &sed
the context should be an interesting
one. The prizes are contributed by
The Signed.
Thio FAIL.FAln.--The prize lints for
lheannual fall show of the Dungan-
non Agricultural .Society have been
tb'n ti IP e
, h bed An copies a ms, • Ile had 4. n
P )
&PPpliration to the secretary, R. Me-
Ilwnin, rile. Inaddit ion toy" number
of other It -iwl prizes Mentioned in
the lint, S. McPhail offers $10, for the
f treat colts sired ley The Pope, in threw
prizrn, dei t' and $2. Prizes antount-
utg to $]7.i are offered for the apeed.
in exhibition and no dtluh s w'
g s, t the 111
e airs toe one of the attractive features
Ilf the fair. The dates of the exhibi-
tion are Thursday and Fri -lay, Oc-
tober :Irl and 4th
;O >!U,V, NILE.
MuNnAv. Sept. loth.
FARM HOLD. -William Ryan ham
t sold his farm to John Walinsley for
o $4,3110. The farm contains righty-
• seven Acres,. Mr. Walmsley will take
{ apation sloop March loth and Mr.
Ryan will sell off his effecta, Mr.
Y RvAn has not yet decided what he
will do in the future hut, may knock
alNutt for a VeAr lir two,
WR I)VRADAY, slept. ]Nth.
Fpworlh IA•nglte topic next Tues -
to evPYing will Ile ••Gnld'r l)ninillren-
e mice." to Ile taken ley Mihs Holley— Hot) -
Mi"S Ethel Potter, who [into leen
alxtldin the Aumuner mouths here,
left on Wednesday for her home in
. La Grange, ill.
A Rev. Waller Treleaven, of Lock-
e now, mtenpied the MethmdiAt, pulpit
a here lant NAbhath, morning n nk even-
& ing, in the Absence of Rev. J. C. Reid,
m who it; taking a vacation. Next Seen -
it day evening Lindsay Williams, of
rr11 GOderich. will preach.
. .
MOND."]- Sept. loth.
Mina Lizzie Brown Spent & few days
at her home here last week.
The Muses Eliza McMillan and
r Grace Crawford left last week for
Normal College.
n Mrs. Win. Borrows, of Ntratforl,
In visiting with her father, Mr. Pel -
P low, at the present time.
Mins Kva McConnell left last TneS-
n day for Toronto• where she in er-
n gaged in 11 millinery shfile.
Mrs. Dunlo anal dneighter, of Tor-
e Onto, refuted home After spending a
el few days with frienda in this vicinity.
gltrxl Robert Nrott, who ban IIePn very
ill, is improving nicely, and we hope
k to hear anon of his complete, recovery.
. a6�F a UREWE.
I- MONDAY, Sept. 10th.
T. R. Reed. of Mafeking, gave
n Crewe w short call today.
Y R. Ili gins in home again after tak-
e ing in the lig of the Western Fair.
Mr. and Mra.7 McDnnwld, of GOde-
m. rich, spent Sunday with the former'
y mother, Mrs. Jas. McDonald, who Is
4.y' in a low state of health At present.
There will he no service at Crewe
bad for a couple of weeks, as the church 1
It having some tepain dose. Geo. Flog-
- ley, earpentgt•, of ihmgannon, has the
1 1 contract.
Reid owe apsoial ogres on prigs &
MONDAY, Sept.. &h.
Several tet oar citizens tntlk the
Loudon fair.
Mrs. Turnbull and family. Nt �her
DaktlGa, are viniting at T. A. M
Mi.A Maud MacDougall and
friend, Mn. Higgins, of Detroit, Spent
m few days with friends herr Last
1►tnlghas McDougall, w•htl has leen
Laid up fur the paint two weeks with
mere throat, is, we are plet/w•d W see,
,Lille We Ile seat Again.
Mr. Doak, of Onderirh, hs,+ the rim -
tract, for dealing the rodent bricks
for Reel TOr•Anrr'x new house.' The
'A o 'x t- ()nor et- r :'
question 1 wh 1 til h k
John Mclntonh, an old pioneer of
lilrlerieh township, now it texidrnt ,if
Port Iforol, coffee-- top os tilt' (irey-
hound and vinited the xrenex of his
fl oyhenol. it Call -ed a feeling tlf llAd-
fle a to lied me) few ,If his old Compan-
ion" left.
MONDAY, Sept. hath.
The righty -Aire form ou tilt- loth
concession belonging to tier Dyke.
emtate wan meld at auction to Reeve
Middleton at $3,•a•t. The Hera* Keet a
good bargain.
The house of Frank Powell, pith
concession. was struck by lightning(
during a recent etorui. !N r. P�welll
and children were dazrll by life. elec-
tric Shock. ,N o Special injury WAR
Jim.. Curie met with a nasty mccl-
dent at n thteahing last Werk. He
wait on a latfornf above the machine
when he fell, striking hill head 0n n
pulley and receiving a Severe scalp
wound and other injuries.
A quiet wedding, nttendel Only by
the immediate friends mf the partirx
concerned, tOOk place &t the horde of
R. Huck, Moth concession, oh Wednes.
day. 11th inst., when Miss Mahel. his
eldest daughier, beranle .the wife of
D. J. Rnrns. The ceremony was per-
formed Ly Rev. T. J. Snow( tin.
A roller likelier gat hern no nfoag, but
his shine are likely to get barked.
Religion is a plant' that scion per.
ishes if yon try to austain it by stick-
ing it, into A pions fiower{nt about
once a week.
Small Roy- '•Aly nimter'A Sweetheart
kirkel me yestrnlwy, hot I got even
with him." Small Co11nin- ,How Y'
Small Roy -•'i mixed quinine. with
her face powder. Won't she t,axte
Idtter e'
-o-. -
Snccessful Experiments in Abating and
Curing thus Disease.
Catarrh is an entirely nnnevesxary
dimelne And xhonitl not Ire tolerntwl tar
A Single do lints tont Hyontri is Iq
generally �nmwn tend ham ntade no
utwny cures in Grolerich Send other
Until comparatively recent. times
ratarrh wan thought to he a tell KA
dimrase and stomach fluxing the only
treatment. Mlodern science finally
disproved thin Idea of the ealenc of
rAtarrh, and found that it was a germ
dinealee and. after nine)v ex`wrimenta,
the mmPdy was decide, to he
H votmei.
14YOMPi mP111rAtPx UIP Air toll
breathe: it kills the catarrhal getmq ;
it heals the smarting and raw inem-
brane s,of the passages in the- nose and
throat ; it cues nil eatnrrhal trmfi11leS.
An them IA life and hPaith in the air
in the mountain -tops where the pine
forestot $rive off their fragrant need
healing luni.vllms, atl them ,a life, rued
health in breathing llynmri. There in
no need of coffering from entArrh if
the simple and nalnrail trcaatment of
Hvnmli is imel.
fko stare in thin prearript ion to come
even the wlirst rAlwa 0f catarrh that
,Ines. Wilson sella it under an ah•rellite.
gmarantee to refund the money if it,
does not do All that is ch►hmed for it.
awThe ��
Donnell the 'a els red
s W in i end hind r4kor Ifs
'i` �'i' � •� � 'i"i"i'
trict,tf L- I ; +SI'• J;: 1I
It it it chronic complaint of, ,
em-rehanta in Ilw s',laller towns
that the culul»•tLLiun they have
ll& Meet foul dep,m'U',entool
stor•A •1141until olrl•r hol m•+ io
I he large cities i+ tt',Ltir, :almt w.•
,-0111 i',11411y Net, 710110•4il. ',IAd - IAI
Ihr local 1111,lie to kv,•P their
utunty' at �plute by 1". ing of
the house dealt -l'. But wheel it
cuuleh to A tluerliou of at dean,
,and lo•rhaps Mur* Nu of ,1
woutall, p artIOK with cash. I.P.-A
luaLriolisul canuut N,d,tnee Ow
scvdas with .elf-iutere..t, and the
:1P11eal will have lm hr, and
ouKhl I„ I„Ise.nul,le ,Il& IS different
a.1". Moore th,ol ever before.
goods of all kind. are IHulght fur
cNnh nuwe.day,. ,w,l ls•tlple do
utlt ally Ire11ge•I deal lit Ally One
.Utt.. the), ari:dta:tys on the
lin,kuul. and keruly .O, as 'tip
where they can hay ll& the hest
ad%alltagr. »lid ii is the ine•-
clnt',t w'hoeis 111o.1 a1, t hd ill
convincing thew that hr been the
hest Valtos to utyrr that Kelh the
II all(-. In the gnat ul.ljolity of
,.;I.%"Ibe local w -1,11ant can,
,old dOes, gi%P lWttr' Vido •r
than Ih4• city lows, but hr (Nils
tel S, c'4. ,
1 he is a 1111 1 rel1 . let-
gres.ict- in K:•ltiug 111i, ktIl&
cdp,• lwfore the IN• 1.1te.
lily sturc+ indu,triooiAy seek
crrate lite iuglrr..ion that
In)•ing in lAlgy
• uuntilies fur
(-,I'll Ihry Ale able to "eli• little..•
r licupl)•, tuud that doing ..l',u,ch
Luger A vulture of tra,b• they
eau du [villi s,nl:dder profit.., but
there i+ in Gut very little, if
Any, loundrition far --urh cllinise
All Alaple goods al blast ,-;III lo•
INntght.An vloAely Ly the cleuntry
merchantas by his vtompetittor
in the city, and Ihr expen.e of
doing business is rel grrvatIV in
Gtvor Alf the dealer in the town
that he ran ,and as a rule doo-A
give better valltt•". Thfe hxv
Is•rn hhuwn again :old Again ley
•ritual compxrisou of selling
prices for identical vl:aaws of
gentiles. The tirade of the d---
partnieutal store depends film',
it. live Nurilless ',AI•thotis, ley
advertisill• its wares and its
price-, Anel particularly by ph
ing special line:_•, at vary low
riga es, even at ,a Ilene, knowing
well that if the • tan Once cn
vinee the pudic that their
pricer am low they can mote
Lltan stake up the losa in other
When IetAil Lnyes once get
the idr,a that price% are hewer
alornrad than at hnmr they ltmek
fur the catalogue of the mail
"ler hmu"r. and IH•conle ebn-
uled in their opinion w•he•u
I. y notice Any line that may
h» pelf to)
Iw quoted ;U ,t low
fig I . And people tire apt to
do •ade along lines that are
made, -my far th
-gamy eta. They ub-
tAin IS 'civ and samples from the
city an send in ml•41e•4 Inerely
Ilse»use t is convenirnt, lir Im•-
raug/• the• think they cannot
i et Whitt ey want As well at
(while, Or to en front mese• habit.
The renlwly ies in the hands tet
the locAl rel r/hant. Ile leftist
keep coniine, I)• hin wares be-
fore his ell ,It cls and co11tin-
u.alh ynute I "' m to them. He
[$lost IwAt the cal • merchant At
11 is own gasp,, 1• t1111Ht show'
Ihat he haHthe Kept Is and gives
An good ser better values. He
4•x1111011 sit hl big stud HOWAdayr
anti wait nn those, wh oetne it,
him • lie has firs o r
, I t G envinrr
leetple that Ile hag noinetlihig
they want and lit prion that are
;it least as Kulml am can Ile oh-
ttainetl anyw'he., else. it is of
cofitsr natural that to newspaper
w•tltdd ailvise lnercliolown to Ad-
yl•rllw bot lli N IIic
front thin the
point fur the local merchant to
consider is whether or not thew•
thing" sre tt'11e. That the Too
order houseN are convinced mf
the farts is shown by their atl-
verlising, nut only in the rily
ptexx filet (If late in the lural
prep., an well All over the rotten
try.--i.iNltlw•t.I Banner.
Girls Who Are in Demand.
The girl. t bat are wanted an g•od ltirir
Unsold (roll& the heart to the lips ;
Kure r. the illy la white slid pure,
' ('rout its bean to Its "west Nat ups.
The girls that tore wanted an bows girls -
Write that are mother's right hand.
That fathers and bruthen taut trust, too,
And the little on+. ulden,tand.
Uirl. that are fair w the hearthdons,
And pleawul whose nobody row.
,,ad and Ntvoet to their own folks,
Ready and anxious, to pNaw•. '
Tlw Kir6 that an wanted an wire girt,
That know what to do or Hey,
That ,trive wit IS a +little or tuft wont
The wrulb of the huwtehelN away.
The girls I list are wanted sets girl, of .cuss.
Whom fa..,hioin tan never deceive;
Who 4.411 follow whatever it pmU y,
And dere what W silly to leave.
The oirW that are wanted are careful girls,
"Who rouser what a thing will ao,ft :
%%'ho ow with a prudent, generous hand.
Hut lose that [$()thing IN lust-
- --- - --- $ t,s ,"
Quite Safe.
Kindly told gent Ito the newshuy
With the big bundle) --•'Don't all those
:1 X N e 1111 bo
ll& k t,tel m
p Li Y Y Y
title hs,)• ••No, I doreal 'em
.it-.' _Punch----- -
Leading Institutions Now Use Thu
Many of the leading institutions
throughout CAnad» have now adopted
Z 11 - 1 V, standard preparation
It Rtl a a sandal ! to t•nf n
I L,a
tvithwit equal fur skin diseases and
iniorit•N, 1111111", Nonni Petition. etc.
Fre111 the St. Patrick's Anyinin, Ot-
lawn, rumeg the following appreci,a-
time mf its merits :
"(.R3TLFMF:N,- Intheorphanagede-
partmeent of the Asylum we have
found Zoien-Hak very gland for healing
cuts, cold nore.x anti skin injuries, gen-
erally, and shall continue to Sae it for
such. Yours sincerelyy
(Sighed) l:RFY 141' W14.1.
1Vhell a mother riles on to the
delicate skin of children it baht or
Halve to heal some cut, bred ert
Lion ler skin IlierlaSee she If= to bP
a. careful se i7 she wo/,,e giving a child
.in Internal te•uledy. 7.Am-Buk is
pare - free from all animal fat And all
mineral matter. And may Ile applied
with wtonderful benefit even to the
skin of young Nwbies.
%rim-tick heals metes, cul•es eezrmA,
skin eruptions, ulcera, ringworm, itch.
Ilxrller's rash, bloats poison, land leg,
Nall rheum, abrasions, ahacesses, cub,
burns, m•alds, and all skin injuries and
diseases. Of all stores and druggists
»t 5U cent", or from %ram-Buk Co.,
Toronto, for prier. Three boxes for
1111.1. -_____
The followinK from thin county are
attending the NorutAl Hchool At Lon-
don : Miss Flora Buchanan, Brussels ;
Miss INML May Dalton, Kingshridge;
Mine M», Aret Gertrude thow
'L11rirh ; Jlim Agnes H. Farnham,
.Srnforth ; Miss Pruxeder Marie Goetz-
ineyer, Seaforth ; Miss Margaret Me-
Cllarlea, Lochalsh ; Alexander D. La-
ment, Htvsnels : J. Leahe ,t.amont,
- - ----
Hair -Food
Ayer's Hair Vigor, new im-
proved formula, is a Qenuise
hair -food. It feeds, nourishes,
builds up, strengthens, iayigor-
ales. The hair grows more
rapidly, keeps soft and smooth,
an 1
d all d•ndrurris
d • tars.
Aid nature a little. Give your
hair a good hair -food.
Diss sea .%sore the Color of file Gob.
/et --rim wfta ..e► b.wle
Yew It to y.er
to Ayers A..."'...."............e
You need not hesitate about usin`` this
new Hair Vigorfrom anyfearelf its chang.
ing the color of your hair. The new
Ayer'" Hair Vigor prevents premature
grayness, but does not change the color
of the hair even to the slightest degree.
—Me" by teae J. o. Ayer Co.. Lowell. Mese.—
Convaleacents need a lame amount of nourish.
Went in easily digested form.
Scoti'.r Elrnul rffon is powerfulgourish-
ment—highly concentrated.
It makes bone, blood and muscle without
putting any tax on the digestion.
ALL DRVOQISTSi 500. AND $1.00. .
THE 11 �t o `:� t t * a ) F ii
f ti i � tR. i� , f"j";; r ' + .
IA 1 �,. ' ,
Here is a
NATIONAL a.� good com-
mon sense
stove for
STEEL - 11%,
the farmer,
t y�; _ _ '
} 't
_.. ,,i.
� r'
av"j_._ �
because it has large oven, zo inches square b 14 inches high, large
Are box to burn coal or wood: will take 24 inch wood, coal fillings easily re-
moved, will give lots of heat, is built to tut a long time. The above cut
Ties not show the latest improvement with short legs under mage, giving it
a better circulation of bet air around base of stove also making it mon easily
kept clean.
I - � We recommend this stove r ,i
�• w1 t "i. l ., I gladly call ale Asti k is et- neon. '1 t•1tii . of 4" 4,
Leat, t - ----
- -
i'a1UMAT, •sjflaaAW 1/6 1W , f
" m° p 1 c!"� t 0 "
!, t" t,�... ♦ roe. y p YA ,.
"� I fla Pl ¢1.
I , , '' i I t 4. I"'fi} y4ta .y
Py$a 41,6 ^. t F hw 147'"?q �, (�Y" {ty�
¶ 1py, , 1` i,a�' ,% 1 .t t1r 3`c 3t..
r in, yq 4. a •_ �a 4.A y
i I tit
t ,
; t -
�i * i 8 .W Mirt5 � 1 ,
.° 1 1 Ikl
nlai,:t Tile 9.lrlr 1M.rk
"i `, 4.r. t't tel' R , 'tat'"° i
The authoritative guide to correct Brea and dress frdquk 4jjl
men is the booklet published and distributed free --"As Stas .by
Him." It's worth a stamp if you wish it mailed to you.
Whenever you see a Semi -ready Suit you will see a
Turate taste Wearing It.
t , .
i�i�t•..t,;a T,- "When I buy a Semi-ra.ly t k
',`Pill i
Snit I know I eao wear it 4m
Iy;i appropriate occasion with a am" of ? '
, Ww. sib
y '+. ::Canty and aatwaction-r /aid'MjOpj i.
" `t4
f,,. judo a l
Mask your particular attag6m °,+:
11�r lit
�11t0 e.d1 .
a 5s, tons a ���t�
e'18n loom Serge— c%th :
el i
'f� .made ,by`'Oir Titus Salt. and•wW a , 'i
wait so $—^that it earned him it -title
aa.. Isom the+Q+tNo. li'ii 5. Son chaapet.
rbal�lils.. snow at �. "I'11
,amity ..1'1!4.- i a '� I d.
.t •,.,, M =it E ,, , , .5 b ,.-A.1
zl�I ai1orto
;' 1
GODERIGH - � � = � = McIE�H BR I
OS., Agents
� "
, ,
g.. s,.,.,,4.. ,"—"_. t ,.
1 , a' I ° ICAN STYLES FROM Soc TO $3.00 '"
,. ....
I--- -- --
McLAN B 0 .
e ......• .-.;., ," .'1 ISH CLOTHING FOR SUMMER 1',1 '1;.
Vit:. `<} ,n -:t ,! Fp , } P
5 4 fi
, F t .s
S k° 1" d
O .i+
-_.0_.____-._-_.,a . - .
, � ,� �C' c:"��I
'' You will soon be wanting a coal range or
S '"
cook stove
' l ( �,
it will Pay You
x r. ...
I 1,'" to examine our PANDORA RANGE. For
I .,� , economy and durability it is unsurpassed.
�t ,
If you have ' ' � x y 414.'
<,., r..-. < ..
'r' A HEATING JOB come in let talk
and us
" 1. the question over with Xou. We can give
r'• Mr'
r y. you the benefit of long experience.
yr 1' • qi e� .� a u
t ,i t i i i , • , ';
r f ;
11 sr,0
y�' •
ll Paulin a P.1
_'i,�,�,:,ipr'; ;J „ 'PHONES:
• "Ill Ste, SI <i'( :' Residence, I's,
is the place to buy the very newest styles in
""t� � SUIT CASES .,a!y
i F ' ' "
.�"`a i,
J 3",- .
We have a stock of these goods different from
any ever shown in Goderich before, and the prilces
are no higher than the ordinary goods.
u'�.a s.-';;
Watch fbr our exhibit of Furs Travellinir Goods
and Harness, at the Goderich industrial hibi-
tion. •
a 7
r all