HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-9-19, Page 611
at TBroi)Av EleplemLer 19: 190;
t, •
n — 004. Thal'o what I like. Then yen
:,t; ,.,lug away ort a bridal "lower
s • n t elm)• u4sx) (O PAY dottrt w free 1 wit 4 . , • .
The making
�i {. ��� djg filw'd. and oficr you've Nplx•J ar,u n -I
`ttk ` 0 ■ thay5 iu10" .1 irw weeks and xcpwuder
• m,�'• hnottey th•tn William run make
Successful Wif a6alln ul,afg -
WILSON'S —� coupe 1P yon true _
cnlue Iwc► haute �^i.�.; .- -•
to Pottle down ��� ,� ".•
One p•ok•t By CASPER S. YOST. old "llce happy .•. - ^�
hall �_ ever nitro."rill -
PAD S Iennea ° debet I I� Thnt, 1 tori pt
N nl.. PD
TING RIGH:. Settling Uowll O slurp, Ill as far f�'ii.'e,
ost Important iart of the Busi. Into, the folunr Q r
SOLD ev -- t HbppinesslsMade,NNfeluwd. sa yait'! g„I. ' ,TiFDRUCCItTR, '2001111 ass C11111A IT011a Start W run/ by Makin/ an Ll- atilt 1 allots It e / l
' pensive Bridal'Toot. /t A far eulitnglt; I.Ut
100. per p•oket, or a P•ok•b ler saw 1 wl+h you'll I
wIII last •whole e.•eon. �, -�q��}
take r fillip 11mc'���,a�yl Com] tc9
[Copyright. IM6, by Casper a. Yost.! T.
from bur.a rind �,.' ..
Y DEAN LITrIX 111nl- 1 rum-, mud each
have just revvhpd • your (f,� rntrauchtg B x -
kc]Pand IlsenA convenience much Every Pandora ther-
llghtful letter trlling lige, till lis;; g
abqut the prpparatlons for little considers- appreciatctllrl•everyowner irometer is carefully ad
ur wedding, rift carrier me Lack to flea, you and krill dou•ra the stream. of a Pandora is tine tOtvel lusted anti undergoes a
Patched at the I time, some forty years ago, when Willis") tugelher, to that boldneess of
or dear mother was uutklux similar Needling, down. hid you ever notice, lod attached to the range, practical test i,y heat --is
Oven's Mouth rangementa And 1 was doing ri 1111le when I've token you to step a horse As one third of the and proven correct before being
We do things right at int In the Pawn line myPe•If. In race, how' much trouble and time are i; made of emery, it makes sent out.
me days the faxltlouP In juyoax all- taken to get the horses lined up for a
the Mooney bakery. rel for mon were not so rigidly fixed right start? That's the most important :I splendid knife sharpener. 'rile figures, which short C
Crackers are packed pipulLr mow. All your \\'tlllam wilt h+ne Part of the business, getting a right too. Lhe required! degree of heat
hot from the ovens. The ' do Is to raise the price. to lily day start, anti It's. ■ grind deal more Im- It'salw•ays there handy
moisture -proof paper and - was different. To Ise Phre, the cut Porto's for )'Ouug falba just starting nCClSS:Ir\' for the SUCCeS5fLL1
f a mau'a cyst and trousers and hat In married life. for YOU. 1'oLL need waste baking of bread, cakes. pies,
au- t has retain all the or wech ucaeluux didn't ndndt of Now to s• "Nappy Ever After." no time hunting around for
X81+ etc., are lilaiuly inscribed
uuch variation• hilt be had more late I waist to Pee you get a right start. the rni.' ria 'ste eI.'s
freshness bald crispness, oto > 'l�
glad! In lite mutter of color mud Rm>uix. little girl, one that will land you and Bright idea, e11 !'in lilac•k on a white enamel
,rid an to malatewsts, shirts mud ties. Bill at the ,post safe winneri, and surfave, so that they are
Q Q he could 160 all far as he plea" with- you'd better out have any mistaken s*seeasla• easily tYadalile, even when
- - tit fracturing any rub- bad enough notions about that "happy ever atter" I An acc»sate thermom- the (Inv is dull.
• 1 ir o shock soi-lety. i vividly rtiltemlter business. it's there, all right. You eter 13 a reliable irttide t0
what a deuce of just bet It in. I've had forty years
If your local dealer
e a time 1. had t successful baking. while an this not affil the Pandora,
8 h'• of it. nn(f 1 know t know; but 1t K
+ Ing to decide be- poesn't come of Itself• little girl -doesn't inaccurate one is a"cheats'
r.all44s, I f s twtwu 0 bright ome jtiit as a matter of course. flap• write direct for free
yellow waist• piness In armanufactured product and of the Worst
y. coat covered every couple have to [Hake their own •1 kind. booklet.
With little blue stock 1 won; you to get that stuck
flowersand a
matter where or when " deep Into your little noggin the %cry • Y to i '
white ooe with ' ` of r�
first thing. Happiness isn't found; It's , seV
you buy them. black dots oil It. made. And sometimes there's a whole
I finally had to lot of toil aid a whole Int of trouble
They come to your w- ask yotit' tnwh- I Iu the I It,g, but ns u rule the mute
bee just as u,vitut3 and dc- era ndclrn afoot � Hle full Hud the more the trouble the
licious as thou
;h )',:Ll ate Il and she fa- better And sweeter the product. That's
cured the wt)lte
them at the ovens in the another lolut tbut's worth remember- I LONDON, TORONTO. MONTREAL.
nue. Of course' Ing. 'Vqu*vp gut to get rid elf a lot of
bakery. At all grocers in What a suitl your her preferenco roul notions before you can get started I WINNIPEG. VANCOL'Vi7", T J':1110f, N. B. HAMILTON
Addy u•'aa• settled the bull• right. It taken most people years to get /�
art -IiKht pdCkdgi S. up". but toy memory Mill lingers fund- rill of thein, but I'll like to have you oto E. P. PAU LI 1V , Local Agent.
ly oil that yellow rest. •t.w•urp a rur led into this busluepe wito your eyes wide
shirt that It took- illy old colored loam• olx•n, with the full knowledge that yon
toy n whole day to Iron and a blue are not g, -lug to drift down the stream
neeLtie that made the little xfors t1vin- In nn open last with "liken and per- borne was Paddled after the cerein,ny Laughable Fergettulness.
Ur, it tea:• sit brilliant. Ab. my little girl, I ftwied Nally and clothing to do but and together we rule through the R(,'•m I As Sheridan Knowles• the drmmritlst,
You can't Imagine what a swell your watch the landscape. There's rome. bordered lanes to the little home I wax walking down the Strand one day
t*dy was when he was a youngster. I thing to do, toy dear, something for had prepared for her. That was all with a friend he ittoppod to greet a
toll Irld 1 liver tell you about the time 1 you as well as for William. Married there was to 1t. Its the best way, I gentleman• who. however. melted
bad getting illy bridal atilt? I don't IUe Isn't a simple speed trial on a I thirty gad yet I can't advise you to do him vary coldly. "Ilia you know." said
f bellece I ever did, and this L a most I straightaway course. It's a hurdle the Prime. Times change and customs he to Knowles, "that you owe me an
appropriate time to reveal to you one ' race with handicaps, and you stand change with thew, mad what was apology?"
of the dart chapters of my life. 1 a better chauce In the running It you Otrfctly proper forty years ago won't "An apology! What for?" sxkedd list
There was onlc one tailor In our know what the weights are and home• do now. The trouble with even the dramatist.
town, and he wasn't much of a tailor. 1 ftln-, about the hurdles, tM if your kind of wedding trip I have suggested "Fur not keeping that dinner engage•
lleslden, he had a habit of looking on i old daddy bother+ you with Informs• is that too much swet•tuess in likely to mrnt
, the wtup, or Itx, Ulxsourl equivalent, I you had with file last Thursday
V`\ the i It was must Inconvenient lent for his ' tion about the track don't get out of pall. I remember once that you, got I had a number of people to meet you.
path -m -P. lie only wants to put you mighty sick on chocolate drops and and you never carne op even scot an
c ietpaLers. IIIc pante was Johueoti, but wive and save you as much of life's you wouldn't look at chocolate drops explanation of your aMPnce."
it wasn't Andy. lie re%embled Andy worries and tears as possible. Ile for a year. Yet !t was the Btleat k•1ne11 "Oh, I'm so sorry"' csclnl.,
"It's ennply astonishing the way In his affection lion certuht brands of
can't tell you everything; he can't of candy. There's an old saying that Kuow•kn. "i've xu,il n m•roary• 1hul
corn juice, but thac•
t was a,, far n• the know all that the future tins 1n store you an't get too much of a good I forgot nil about the affair: forgive
■/t (�1►s Q Q likeics" went. Well, I had given John for yon• nor warn you against the thing, but It's wrong• very wrong. me and hnt•I1P me to Another dinner."
�e lf�lfb �G t7 sou pretty free rnuge and oa)ies of unknown. but [chat the years have There's nothing finer on earth than the It wits then arrnnged.that Ile Photud
• lime Its le limner of lily ouffit, and I tilught him be wants to give to you, society of husband' acrd wife, but not. dlup with the gentleman oil till- folhr.v
Bakingt', owdeT made It A point to call Oil him every and just remember that be does It nes tber at the beginning of married lite ing R'edut•asiny, and in under to Pvcur,
lJgil�AdEa lY owder day and give bim it mild lecture on the because be Is just old and fivirrulous, ,nor afterward is It best to have too against the engagement belug a;;uin
taken hold., f lily a'ustouters. Pvlla of Intemperance• particularly but because he loves you better than [dutch of It. It's got to tie loodlfied by forgotten he there and then recorded
when weddln; clothe, were involved. anything elset on earth except your the diversions of everyday occupation it In his diary. on rejoining lain friend
They BAY it makes lighter. 1 held him up firefly well And he was
tastier. tiller. grained 1w cults at..l mother nod wants above all things before 1t will keep well. fro i may he told him the story of his Mie of
Cakes 11e.en .11 Y other they Iter getting :Jong tin,• with the Job until ' to see you happy. don't string out your trip too long• memory.
the da}' IN'ful'e the grent caul, when an This Bridal Tour Business. even If }oil spend it 1n Prime seques- "Wlio Is the gentlemnu? atike•d tow
Rend for our new old pal of his from Kentucky blow Into terEd nook- friend.
Cook -Bi- fnc larva 'then Johnson fell, and no did I don't inks much Ptock In this bridal
lily ho rex. 1 . was lour businewx. I wouldn't ndvtse you Preliminary stock Taking. "Well. I'm blessed!" cried Rhcrld.ni
soli .,t n.n • :: e • r• ,rc; I gulag hemp that Kaowb s. "1 have forgotten his ilame.°
to cut it out. it's the fashion, and And, short as you may make It, my
sr .,i " t, � night, a•Ith ivy feet lA the tall grass I ".rhat'p fanny," nnW the friend,
nlid•luy head tip lis the Polar system folks wli�tiny meati things If you don't Clear, don't put Ica all of It billing and YOU can easily Bud It out fly refcrrin:
somewhere, as happy an a honeybee in ]o what everybody else does. But I cooing. It's a good time for a little to the (ftrrriury. You know IQ* Ili
'--- ------- June, when I Inet the 011or atilt the ]On't overito It; don't splurge teal pre] f m 1 n a ry sheen, of course.
Kentneklan cumin; up the road. They much; don't let William teed his money � 4stock taking, a "Na; nes even that!' roared the Ila
T were arm In arm, And the A Ino wayto the dicky ,blr)n that will hang little figuring on harpy dranoutl"t
i wouldn't have bee•ti wide Rough for . , r joint assets, moa -
CLOTH..� them to nnvignte without butting Into tel as well as
P,S) PIE financial; a lit•
tial the feucetl. T11ry were vainly en(feav- \ UNf
acing to Plug\Wul to Know.
c won't go hometill ole pondering j I _ 1'alpltaUun of the honrt may often
morning,"over plans. I)On't
r gust 1 knew ]uhux.0 well be arrested by Irrn,liug duan Po as
r .{ , PAOIMt) to _ Le MltlnBeel that they 1 get too all tired to allow the blood to run to the head.
` I nor lite dhn'1
e upset day pilfer, on. s, 1 Ike not star( hollyhocks In the dim
Iv%a 1 got a move on myself. i changed n 1 I take yourselves sen.alorv. They are hardy and do n,.(
-�, my mind alioui R,dnit 6anie. Inxten(f1 t� / f or your future like arLBclnl brut.
rounded tip lily best roan elect, aild to too Perlounly Poached eggs may be kept from
lilts vi loft• sr ►, uethrr we xfnrted out On flip troll. We d
Dot just yet.
r .lust build air spreading In the pen while cooking by
that you Can round then, Ptill undpclded no to w'heth- ptiltUng a few drops of vinegar In tht
p i c k f h e Pr the north or the month tilde of the Don't let William Peed his nmuy 9, the castles for the
road was the IN,tter for traveling, and 1 dicky !Arch. I moment nod get
clothes out of the •- - -
liasket with one I we persuaded thein to k lis the mid- around you Ing and *owing. Teo yourspires In
ocP � R 8 sten see to start Cool Nouse In bummer.
}land, without the of It. It mlAit xho•k you if i told, loony young Couple' put their tutus i In the early morulag open will,
letting gu of file you how we did It. but you must re- 1 In pawn In order to nit a wide swath life rlRht when eveCy door anti window for two hours.
line with the er sl- membrpr, my denr, that we were young I '. their wedding journey. TI oy come Waite for'hcrtodrr.AsYou Ret hack Then clasp the doom, leafing each
~' ' �• And hot bloodod and the sltnation war- back bankrupt In spirit and `� home; to Ptnrt it
� 1 P Durt1e. window open not map than el: Inch".
other. Il can he . " ` ranted extreme inensures. At u worn out looltl b the rushing here As partnlrn wholly devoted to each oth-
yy rete, i y y g Leave this opening In every window
righted into position by n child we thotieht no, And we caroled Johnson ;Hud youdpr trying to cover As, errs Rood; to start 1t with r i fool nor much all over the hotlsee, high arido(f low, peel
and holds loads that olhcr dryers home on flip %oft stile of n rine board. [;round hi n given real as their lout tions in Sour henda About each other's
i f1P and west, and draw down the a ales
could not carry. I Lord, what n heat•}• man he WAR! My i it'll! ptaud nod getting peevish, bad perfectloux; to ptart It with the firm de close to the edge of the opening. By
Send your address arms oche yet when I think of It. we ; tempered and brtrke In the process. 'tproiluatioo to take each other on you I keeping the sun out and
and Irl us D R providing n
send tie a "Davis" in me null to build on thdt'foundation a y be kept
y app
lett him to the willing.mod active min- i It's n bed way to start, my dear. It drrNaLem of air n house may
Ixtralions of tills wife, And before lie stacks A w•eiRht on )Uu flint It may castle not of air, lint of love, of labor. Cool
fn fry. h will only cruel you one of mutual Joys and mnhlal- troubles
cent fora l conhl got out of bell the tlext morning ,fake yours t, unload• rind too often It's l I
Postal card. a L We were with film agnin. :Maybe we the bolds of blekeriil that lead to ter- that Ohn11 last till death do part.
gx t Girls' Ideals.
THE DAVIS REE). C�, I didn't stay a'lift film that day, ane! ntauent UiihappilNePs.• I don't know ILIx lsli t All 1 pinrted out to Orly, l arta nowadays seldom care to get
LOftWA U;,,x Ir.„ u.rT. ' maybe we didn't watch every stitch ! whether you retilinb•r Nellie Ander•' but i guepa It about rill you'll went married before they are tweuty-five.
that his nervous fingers put Into that am or not• but Phe w'as is mighty tins I to digest this trip. I can Imagine Hill j They are willing to get engaged. and
full) Two or three tines he tried to ; girl, tind when AIN• Inarriel Tom Pvory. I to walking lift atilt down the nest room' many girls any that the ideal life in
bre.:k loxste•, lout every time we forced b4stly said It wns nn Mont nmtein, what. Witt) his hand" in hls pockets, wonder., to live at home, have some boainew to
GET THE BEST him back to work. i•:vpn at flint It was ' over that may be. 'Piney went off on a ' Ing w'ity in the world It tnkeo a woman
occupy long to (frons. That'n one of rhe ; Dy their time and a fiance to
dark rind one plePt'e of my moat was. Qrldnl trill with figs nnntnwcexl Inter- spend DY money. on
I only basted In when i ntpheeet frantical. tion of making things tarn. And they thingv he'll never find out. but when
- " ly to my room to drexs. 1 Rot to your I did. Tom heti ft) Pend home for more you g" down }roll eon tell him It n'ns - ---
mother'n home ten minutes late, and . money ten Ret back on, Anti when they ' lust n love letter frmn your next lest
nil during the ceremony i was In mor- 1 did strike it)! town again they were p fellow flint you were rending. That IUI
I aril 1,)' t •,n) unit f.,t at.t terror of that cont sleeve pulling will relipte his mind about the tolii•t LOUDEN FEED AND
v I l u•o LcJ :,;• .•
N• I nt. I
11 Handing Down Asti slid at the prime time Rive film P IPtaali;;r,tI'll, (hut 11-v ware I-.L:t1119 al thing elpr to worry about. tilln all
•_,.h other like n'o,ngdt' of cats we lite right, bit i can't help but fteI little LITTER CARRIER
at that was a long time Agro, Pweet- i '..wk yar.l (voce. .cad the wont of It more of him still for PtealloR y little
henrt, n long flnoe ago, And It doesn't In that they nearer gut over it. for the Rlrl•a henrt Han}• from on so I'll
,tpr•e•at you muc!t no doubt, becanes I last [lint- I heard of then[ they were lenre him nod you to your devotion't
• � onr denr IIUIF heed U no full of your fighting yet. Nn• little girl, don't fry Until 1 go home Again to play n little I This is beyond dispute the BLS1
own bnppm yoltmu
that your hexon pr i to break any rr•i•ords nu your !iridal part lis the grrnt drntlpn of your Iivtw. I CARRIER MARL.
Rowtea lisps )nil by like the Pumrner tr:p. 1, ol't try fu •el how many i If Ilroolby, lift)! �jtrlrl, tl 11 then. Yonr i NO SPRING.
A ! t winds, nnhpanl. Ife•Plden, that wasn't ; vitt klmis At iloetl• o you rep gt-t on affe ollonate fathi+r,
whet 1 Intended tc write to you ntout I NO BRAKE,
' , • vmlr pelt cnson. .not pick eat xome iOHNB\FTh.
when 1 not down tit this forowny Aesk. NO COG WHEEi.
' There are a Rrent sonny things i want I nlev, ryulet spot, where you can phut I
for n few w•arke tit a gist flint will N• "Ms syn N Food.
With the newwortnRpnrthore
Ascentlp Enlarged fn Pay M yeflt. 1'tp IPnrnrrl a heap, Ill- Minor w ilhhr Ihp Ilmits flint your hon Tlere Is on li,<1 way fm fmd the stir- it Prnctivally no lieu[ to ill.
Ike Rlrl, xin o I had that tnasle with itsn,, eon, Afford• till#] then• p:nw the /ernnf hnrda. F'e•m•:I nn)•o fre Ihaf .111. w•e•ight Ihxl one Iwo rnioMd. A
Johnpnn forty years Han, Anel mnytot i ) 11 Isey cnn e•xpily handle bode -n -ton.
25.000 New WOrds I !hue tngrtla•r ns sweetly and ha r ,ill• pnolur•o• roc -malts. 11'lole wMenf, colts :nre ,
New Gazetteer of the World sons at the WIRp I've Warned -may l pit )'nu Tony. forgetting for the moturnt bort•i nre Rn:x) fFslp for All r"I'sori, tires Ill her inlptovement" tires- flip
with moire than lA,dto titim tmarvl tat the twIll yon to fill', haPPhteas when yon thin, thrrp M nncloiely Npe an the face 1 of poultry, ob#] Ptyle Cartier" snake fillet east -
latest controls returns
n,• cormw•.1 o,cr .lie ling flint Ixyi. I of tills Rree•n earth or any other time It' the iN•"t. thing of the kind on
NewDlograplllelallbletlonary e -A the ctrl from fit,! ma m. \IAy• I bel the Present. Thnt'x lie w•ny to Fruit Cookie. the market. 1'nll rind +ee oris wr
mntalntn ill nomPsofoverin.Wow,t..1 One trop of Lnlfrr work eve to n rrPAm my wntvirnoms. Haudlton plre•et.
person@,ejitootbinh.dewt-b.94A:. It will And maybe It won't. It IP gx•nil a honecmo"m. That's what n
' •,1 fes• )nnfh to ser with the eyes of I hoaoynoxm Is for to Ret AWAY from with two rn II nt on si m. Pager
F,dlte�hyW.T.ifAHNrB,Ph,D.,T.t..Tt, Add Nom well Is•nten PRRP, oris ten
lox stace•(wulalonoereroriWuwti„u. to. And all the WINIffin of All file 11X" flip world far it sliell. not to get fife
2360 Quarto Pages I e Pn*t alter flip fart flint mat of tie the- fhb k of It. 'flees yon may un(fer two til of hnkiuR p,xx dl milk. In
"Ae clog to"hl•anik..a arra sl.at..sa I,am by hAnl ps risme the son• I own fablexpomfnls of poor milk, tale
iN' gland air. I Pay iltay. nal Ill Pum! I
' thews would have t n b ?t tesst,ondul ench of cloven nod rinun ROBERT WILSON
Needed In Every q g t tIP. meso- 1 bn.•k nt ppncp In mind nod henrt know. mon. Rrnurnl; one holt te•APpnnnfnl of
i Alsnw•Mter'e6elr•gtptrlNctlonary I tbelrsel tls MQ 'frllOws will krtP nn IHC mfr nnnlbr•r INftM and toying one
nt•rre., ILDww.nn.w. h.tm1luR dot,;n educe M the loll M tile, I annthrr lrltrr molly to Rrt dawn (n nutpnr-R, one rap of ralPlns, atonM and AGENT FOR
R•g.tlnEatebnt,s»sw{M.., st.w.lti.b. cbap�er, jnat ten 1a Mat (6opprd; one cup of nuts, rhoppe•d;
% De Lo.•a•ntwtsttsgeeyr. ,�t ,,•n I P R perhaps l. the perinea pint sn of msrrlM life la enough floor to motto a dough that can GRAY BUGGIES,McCORMt( K
, •,m.N,,+,ne,ta. III11! of If w•111 ntk•k and d0 some atPlPl. the
IY•. •Jw,,,at r.dm.p I PrnpPr gtlrlt. tip Mllc.l ant. Roll thin, hoke in a IMPLEMENTS, PERRIN ped
rags -tw,Is..gwa.anw hlwtwm.lr.•Pbraa \nor', my denr, you ars Suing to Ref , That kind of wedding trip to protfy
btarrie•A to Wtlllso Jarlit Rollins Arer as grwl not none at nil, %%-hen gnick oven, hrnxhing over tiptop bak- FLEURY PLOWS, etc.
j l O. O C. hILgRlAlet CO., rilth ten the frons that I can afford toinn with nn past location with a tablo
"•. Publishers. seribetleld, Mslse. throw around the ynor mother nod i were married her espoxonfnl M trogsr.
centow. 2%ft
f '
,�Y y4r ' 3y d � y�p�y L awl psit, 7 • e
t evz.li+rt,.# r x `bur<
i, e��i', �t:• ✓t ryq jXj
t .
f-0: Y l r T!"r€ 1 s et', N'r!j ire �'-•e rte, _ '.s iia ,. .,�rf}1+.:s,atnasnwsv�.•r,.��.rw....r....._
. , +q a,� �i' A j .'� P' , i p } 'x y' • f I• j,�i,Sl�i . .. ,. '1`R.\. -r t _,
Wear Crompton's Corsets
They fit well,
They wear well,
T They cost, no more
limn any other good corset and are goal
anteed. We carr in stock none but
sell here at popular prices, from Sol:. up to
$2.5o per pan.
New Mantles and
i Ladies' Wear Ready
We've ■ large stock specially selected
gild spread out for your approval. We
\ think we can suit you, but oil needn't
buy unless you awl yoursel� The low
O Prices need not make you question the qwl
LAY or style, because the great factor in
our hostile" is
Nothing Much. ;Did It Well.
Huslmnd-"Marling, 1 believe that Magistrate -"There was no re:tsoa
1 Alit failing." for you to nos+tult this Iran and break
Wife (in alAnnl- •'(IrariouN! How his camera twrause be tried to take it
often 1 hove woLrelpet you, (lexHge, anf).%hot of you. What else did hr
against your foolish speculations!" till?,
Ilusbalid '•1 don't utexn in huxi• prisoner- '•Nothing, your honor.
new. dear; 1 wenn I'm ,failing in He pressed the Iuttal, nod I did the
heAlt h." tont."
"Wife (relirvtd) -Oh, is that all r
11 -- - The rid 1 1 1
A Good -fitting
u eMlgliet lilyIng hell I,-
rstored to health by simple m!•us• After
suffering for several yeanl with A bvv-
ere lungg Affrctie>u, and that dread
dIseAar Cepam/tlsa, is anxious to ueake
It, he will cheerfully bent] (free of
charge) is copy of the preacripti•ot
allied, which they will find a ours , n+,•
Vit or
Made In your unlrr foul new-
est ,'Inlllo ill lot4llllol auld light•
w,•igllt.. lit
for Cea�Ptlsa, Asha, CaWrrb, Bros-
cb8bAnd All thtorat And hong 111"its.
Ild a
Ile hopes, sufferea-TA will Iry hie\
IG•undy. As it is intaualle. 'Phase
desiring theription, whiell will
cost them ncKhing, rind nla N prove A
Meaning, will pleas.• .ol.ire"
lky. EDWARD A. WILSON, BroOklys, NJ
town (linter AM bI Pint.
ter e p ...
` a6,o Mineral �t'aln In
Ilautt [hoer •In•.
I,ydPa. =snit quart.!, xeltaer water nal
IAatblr Tta•-e
w. stool. aro Iliad.- fmns
nigra Nllnett.l water. and am therefore fn. �
at TBroi)Av EleplemLer 19: 190;
t, •
n — 004. Thal'o what I like. Then yen
:,t; ,.,lug away ort a bridal "lower
s • n t elm)• u4sx) (O PAY dottrt w free 1 wit 4 . , • .
The making
�i {. ��� djg filw'd. and oficr you've Nplx•J ar,u n -I
`ttk ` 0 ■ thay5 iu10" .1 irw weeks and xcpwuder
• m,�'• hnottey th•tn William run make
Successful Wif a6alln ul,afg -
WILSON'S —� coupe 1P yon true _
cnlue Iwc► haute �^i.�.; .- -•
to Pottle down ��� ,� ".•
One p•ok•t By CASPER S. YOST. old "llce happy .•. - ^�
hall �_ ever nitro."rill -
PAD S Iennea ° debet I I� Thnt, 1 tori pt
N nl.. PD
TING RIGH:. Settling Uowll O slurp, Ill as far f�'ii.'e,
ost Important iart of the Busi. Into, the folunr Q r
SOLD ev -- t HbppinesslsMade,NNfeluwd. sa yait'! g„I. ' ,TiFDRUCCItTR, '2001111 ass C11111A IT011a Start W run/ by Makin/ an Ll- atilt 1 allots It e / l
' pensive Bridal'Toot. /t A far eulitnglt; I.Ut
100. per p•oket, or a P•ok•b ler saw 1 wl+h you'll I
wIII last •whole e.•eon. �, -�q��}
take r fillip 11mc'���,a�yl Com] tc9
[Copyright. IM6, by Casper a. Yost.! T.
from bur.a rind �,.' ..
Y DEAN LITrIX 111nl- 1 rum-, mud each
have just revvhpd • your (f,� rntrauchtg B x -
kc]Pand IlsenA convenience much Every Pandora ther-
llghtful letter trlling lige, till lis;; g
abqut the prpparatlons for little considers- appreciatctllrl•everyowner irometer is carefully ad
ur wedding, rift carrier me Lack to flea, you and krill dou•ra the stream. of a Pandora is tine tOtvel lusted anti undergoes a
Patched at the I time, some forty years ago, when Willis") tugelher, to that boldneess of
or dear mother was uutklux similar Needling, down. hid you ever notice, lod attached to the range, practical test i,y heat --is
Oven's Mouth rangementa And 1 was doing ri 1111le when I've token you to step a horse As one third of the and proven correct before being
We do things right at int In the Pawn line myPe•If. In race, how' much trouble and time are i; made of emery, it makes sent out.
me days the faxltlouP In juyoax all- taken to get the horses lined up for a
the Mooney bakery. rel for mon were not so rigidly fixed right start? That's the most important :I splendid knife sharpener. 'rile figures, which short C
Crackers are packed pipulLr mow. All your \\'tlllam wilt h+ne Part of the business, getting a right too. Lhe required! degree of heat
hot from the ovens. The ' do Is to raise the price. to lily day start, anti It's. ■ grind deal more Im- It'salw•ays there handy
moisture -proof paper and - was different. To Ise Phre, the cut Porto's for )'Ouug falba just starting nCClSS:Ir\' for the SUCCeS5fLL1
f a mau'a cyst and trousers and hat In married life. for YOU. 1'oLL need waste baking of bread, cakes. pies,
au- t has retain all the or wech ucaeluux didn't ndndt of Now to s• "Nappy Ever After." no time hunting around for
X81+ etc., are lilaiuly inscribed
uuch variation• hilt be had more late I waist to Pee you get a right start. the rni.' ria 'ste eI.'s
freshness bald crispness, oto > 'l�
glad! In lite mutter of color mud Rm>uix. little girl, one that will land you and Bright idea, e11 !'in lilac•k on a white enamel
,rid an to malatewsts, shirts mud ties. Bill at the ,post safe winneri, and surfave, so that they are
Q Q he could 160 all far as he plea" with- you'd better out have any mistaken s*seeasla• easily tYadalile, even when
- - tit fracturing any rub- bad enough notions about that "happy ever atter" I An acc»sate thermom- the (Inv is dull.
• 1 ir o shock soi-lety. i vividly rtiltemlter business. it's there, all right. You eter 13 a reliable irttide t0
what a deuce of just bet It in. I've had forty years
If your local dealer
e a time 1. had t successful baking. while an this not affil the Pandora,
8 h'• of it. nn(f 1 know t know; but 1t K
+ Ing to decide be- poesn't come of Itself• little girl -doesn't inaccurate one is a"cheats'
r.all44s, I f s twtwu 0 bright ome jtiit as a matter of course. flap• write direct for free
yellow waist• piness In armanufactured product and of the Worst
y. coat covered every couple have to [Hake their own •1 kind. booklet.
With little blue stock 1 won; you to get that stuck
flowersand a
matter where or when " deep Into your little noggin the %cry • Y to i '
white ooe with ' ` of r�
first thing. Happiness isn't found; It's , seV
you buy them. black dots oil It. made. And sometimes there's a whole
I finally had to lot of toil aid a whole Int of trouble
They come to your w- ask yotit' tnwh- I Iu the I It,g, but ns u rule the mute
bee just as u,vitut3 and dc- era ndclrn afoot � Hle full Hud the more the trouble the
licious as thou
;h )',:Ll ate Il and she fa- better And sweeter the product. That's
cured the wt)lte
them at the ovens in the another lolut tbut's worth remember- I LONDON, TORONTO. MONTREAL.
nue. Of course' Ing. 'Vqu*vp gut to get rid elf a lot of
bakery. At all grocers in What a suitl your her preferenco roul notions before you can get started I WINNIPEG. VANCOL'Vi7", T J':1110f, N. B. HAMILTON
Addy u•'aa• settled the bull• right. It taken most people years to get /�
art -IiKht pdCkdgi S. up". but toy memory Mill lingers fund- rill of thein, but I'll like to have you oto E. P. PAU LI 1V , Local Agent.
ly oil that yellow rest. •t.w•urp a rur led into this busluepe wito your eyes wide
shirt that It took- illy old colored loam• olx•n, with the full knowledge that yon
toy n whole day to Iron and a blue are not g, -lug to drift down the stream
neeLtie that made the little xfors t1vin- In nn open last with "liken and per- borne was Paddled after the cerein,ny Laughable Fergettulness.
Ur, it tea:• sit brilliant. Ab. my little girl, I ftwied Nally and clothing to do but and together we rule through the R(,'•m I As Sheridan Knowles• the drmmritlst,
You can't Imagine what a swell your watch the landscape. There's rome. bordered lanes to the little home I wax walking down the Strand one day
t*dy was when he was a youngster. I thing to do, toy dear, something for had prepared for her. That was all with a friend he ittoppod to greet a
toll Irld 1 liver tell you about the time 1 you as well as for William. Married there was to 1t. Its the best way, I gentleman• who. however. melted
bad getting illy bridal atilt? I don't IUe Isn't a simple speed trial on a I thirty gad yet I can't advise you to do him vary coldly. "Ilia you know." said
f bellece I ever did, and this L a most I straightaway course. It's a hurdle the Prime. Times change and customs he to Knowles, "that you owe me an
appropriate time to reveal to you one ' race with handicaps, and you stand change with thew, mad what was apology?"
of the dart chapters of my life. 1 a better chauce In the running It you Otrfctly proper forty years ago won't "An apology! What for?" sxkedd list
There was onlc one tailor In our know what the weights are and home• do now. The trouble with even the dramatist.
town, and he wasn't much of a tailor. 1 ftln-, about the hurdles, tM if your kind of wedding trip I have suggested "Fur not keeping that dinner engage•
lleslden, he had a habit of looking on i old daddy bother+ you with Informs• is that too much swet•tuess in likely to mrnt
, the wtup, or Itx, Ulxsourl equivalent, I you had with file last Thursday
V`\ the i It was must Inconvenient lent for his ' tion about the track don't get out of pall. I remember once that you, got I had a number of people to meet you.
path -m -P. lie only wants to put you mighty sick on chocolate drops and and you never carne op even scot an
c ietpaLers. IIIc pante was Johueoti, but wive and save you as much of life's you wouldn't look at chocolate drops explanation of your aMPnce."
it wasn't Andy. lie re%embled Andy worries and tears as possible. Ile for a year. Yet !t was the Btleat k•1ne11 "Oh, I'm so sorry"' csclnl.,
"It's ennply astonishing the way In his affection lion certuht brands of
can't tell you everything; he can't of candy. There's an old saying that Kuow•kn. "i've xu,il n m•roary• 1hul
corn juice, but thac•
t was a,, far n• the know all that the future tins 1n store you an't get too much of a good I forgot nil about the affair: forgive
■/t (�1►s Q Q likeics" went. Well, I had given John for yon• nor warn you against the thing, but It's wrong• very wrong. me and hnt•I1P me to Another dinner."
�e lf�lfb �G t7 sou pretty free rnuge and oa)ies of unknown. but [chat the years have There's nothing finer on earth than the It wits then arrnnged.that Ile Photud
• lime Its le limner of lily ouffit, and I tilught him be wants to give to you, society of husband' acrd wife, but not. dlup with the gentleman oil till- folhr.v
Bakingt', owdeT made It A point to call Oil him every and just remember that be does It nes tber at the beginning of married lite ing R'edut•asiny, and in under to Pvcur,
lJgil�AdEa lY owder day and give bim it mild lecture on the because be Is just old and fivirrulous, ,nor afterward is It best to have too against the engagement belug a;;uin
taken hold., f lily a'ustouters. Pvlla of Intemperance• particularly but because he loves you better than [dutch of It. It's got to tie loodlfied by forgotten he there and then recorded
when weddln; clothe, were involved. anything elset on earth except your the diversions of everyday occupation it In his diary. on rejoining lain friend
They BAY it makes lighter. 1 held him up firefly well And he was
tastier. tiller. grained 1w cults at..l mother nod wants above all things before 1t will keep well. fro i may he told him the story of his Mie of
Cakes 11e.en .11 Y other they Iter getting :Jong tin,• with the Job until ' to see you happy. don't string out your trip too long• memory.
the da}' IN'ful'e the grent caul, when an This Bridal Tour Business. even If }oil spend it 1n Prime seques- "Wlio Is the gentlemnu? atike•d tow
Rend for our new old pal of his from Kentucky blow Into terEd nook- friend.
Cook -Bi- fnc larva 'then Johnson fell, and no did I don't inks much Ptock In this bridal
lily ho rex. 1 . was lour businewx. I wouldn't ndvtse you Preliminary stock Taking. "Well. I'm blessed!" cried Rhcrld.ni
soli .,t n.n • :: e • r• ,rc; I gulag hemp that Kaowb s. "1 have forgotten his ilame.°
to cut it out. it's the fashion, and And, short as you may make It, my
sr .,i " t, � night, a•Ith ivy feet lA the tall grass I ".rhat'p fanny," nnW the friend,
nlid•luy head tip lis the Polar system folks wli�tiny meati things If you don't Clear, don't put Ica all of It billing and YOU can easily Bud It out fly refcrrin:
somewhere, as happy an a honeybee in ]o what everybody else does. But I cooing. It's a good time for a little to the (ftrrriury. You know IQ* Ili
'--- ------- June, when I Inet the 011or atilt the ]On't overito It; don't splurge teal pre] f m 1 n a ry sheen, of course.
Kentneklan cumin; up the road. They much; don't let William teed his money � 4stock taking, a "Na; nes even that!' roared the Ila
T were arm In arm, And the A Ino wayto the dicky ,blr)n that will hang little figuring on harpy dranoutl"t
i wouldn't have bee•ti wide Rough for . , r joint assets, moa -
CLOTH..� them to nnvignte without butting Into tel as well as
P,S) PIE financial; a lit•
tial the feucetl. T11ry were vainly en(feav- \ UNf
acing to Plug\Wul to Know.
c won't go hometill ole pondering j I _ 1'alpltaUun of the honrt may often
morning,"over plans. I)On't
r gust 1 knew ]uhux.0 well be arrested by Irrn,liug duan Po as
r .{ , PAOIMt) to _ Le MltlnBeel that they 1 get too all tired to allow the blood to run to the head.
` I nor lite dhn'1
e upset day pilfer, on. s, 1 Ike not star( hollyhocks In the dim
Iv%a 1 got a move on myself. i changed n 1 I take yourselves sen.alorv. They are hardy and do n,.(
-�, my mind alioui R,dnit 6anie. Inxten(f1 t� / f or your future like arLBclnl brut.
rounded tip lily best roan elect, aild to too Perlounly Poached eggs may be kept from
lilts vi loft• sr ►, uethrr we xfnrted out On flip troll. We d
Dot just yet.
r .lust build air spreading In the pen while cooking by
that you Can round then, Ptill undpclded no to w'heth- ptiltUng a few drops of vinegar In tht
p i c k f h e Pr the north or the month tilde of the Don't let William Peed his nmuy 9, the castles for the
road was the IN,tter for traveling, and 1 dicky !Arch. I moment nod get
clothes out of the •- - -
liasket with one I we persuaded thein to k lis the mid- around you Ing and *owing. Teo yourspires In
ocP � R 8 sten see to start Cool Nouse In bummer.
}land, without the of It. It mlAit xho•k you if i told, loony young Couple' put their tutus i In the early morulag open will,
letting gu of file you how we did It. but you must re- 1 In pawn In order to nit a wide swath life rlRht when eveCy door anti window for two hours.
line with the er sl- membrpr, my denr, that we were young I '. their wedding journey. TI oy come Waite for'hcrtodrr.AsYou Ret hack Then clasp the doom, leafing each
~' ' �• And hot bloodod and the sltnation war- back bankrupt In spirit and `� home; to Ptnrt it
� 1 P Durt1e. window open not map than el: Inch".
other. Il can he . " ` ranted extreme inensures. At u worn out looltl b the rushing here As partnlrn wholly devoted to each oth-
yy rete, i y y g Leave this opening In every window
righted into position by n child we thotieht no, And we caroled Johnson ;Hud youdpr trying to cover As, errs Rood; to start 1t with r i fool nor much all over the hotlsee, high arido(f low, peel
and holds loads that olhcr dryers home on flip %oft stile of n rine board. [;round hi n given real as their lout tions in Sour henda About each other's
i f1P and west, and draw down the a ales
could not carry. I Lord, what n heat•}• man he WAR! My i it'll! ptaud nod getting peevish, bad perfectloux; to ptart It with the firm de close to the edge of the opening. By
Send your address arms oche yet when I think of It. we ; tempered and brtrke In the process. 'tproiluatioo to take each other on you I keeping the sun out and
and Irl us D R providing n
send tie a "Davis" in me null to build on thdt'foundation a y be kept
y app
lett him to the willing.mod active min- i It's n bed way to start, my dear. It drrNaLem of air n house may
Ixtralions of tills wife, And before lie stacks A w•eiRht on )Uu flint It may castle not of air, lint of love, of labor. Cool
fn fry. h will only cruel you one of mutual Joys and mnhlal- troubles
cent fora l conhl got out of bell the tlext morning ,fake yours t, unload• rind too often It's l I
Postal card. a L We were with film agnin. :Maybe we the bolds of blekeriil that lead to ter- that Ohn11 last till death do part.
gx t Girls' Ideals.
THE DAVIS REE). C�, I didn't stay a'lift film that day, ane! ntauent UiihappilNePs.• I don't know ILIx lsli t All 1 pinrted out to Orly, l arta nowadays seldom care to get
LOftWA U;,,x Ir.„ u.rT. ' maybe we didn't watch every stitch ! whether you retilinb•r Nellie Ander•' but i guepa It about rill you'll went married before they are tweuty-five.
that his nervous fingers put Into that am or not• but Phe w'as is mighty tins I to digest this trip. I can Imagine Hill j They are willing to get engaged. and
full) Two or three tines he tried to ; girl, tind when AIN• Inarriel Tom Pvory. I to walking lift atilt down the nest room' many girls any that the ideal life in
bre.:k loxste•, lout every time we forced b4stly said It wns nn Mont nmtein, what. Witt) his hand" in hls pockets, wonder., to live at home, have some boainew to
GET THE BEST him back to work. i•:vpn at flint It was ' over that may be. 'Piney went off on a ' Ing w'ity in the world It tnkeo a woman
occupy long to (frons. That'n one of rhe ; Dy their time and a fiance to
dark rind one plePt'e of my moat was. Qrldnl trill with figs nnntnwcexl Inter- spend DY money. on
I only basted In when i ntpheeet frantical. tion of making things tarn. And they thingv he'll never find out. but when
- " ly to my room to drexs. 1 Rot to your I did. Tom heti ft) Pend home for more you g" down }roll eon tell him It n'ns - ---
mother'n home ten minutes late, and . money ten Ret back on, Anti when they ' lust n love letter frmn your next lest
nil during the ceremony i was In mor- 1 did strike it)! town again they were p fellow flint you were rending. That IUI
I aril 1,)' t •,n) unit f.,t at.t terror of that cont sleeve pulling will relipte his mind about the tolii•t LOUDEN FEED AND
v I l u•o LcJ :,;• .•
N• I nt. I
11 Handing Down Asti slid at the prime time Rive film P IPtaali;;r,tI'll, (hut 11-v ware I-.L:t1119 al thing elpr to worry about. tilln all
•_,.h other like n'o,ngdt' of cats we lite right, bit i can't help but fteI little LITTER CARRIER
at that was a long time Agro, Pweet- i '..wk yar.l (voce. .cad the wont of It more of him still for PtealloR y little
henrt, n long flnoe ago, And It doesn't In that they nearer gut over it. for the Rlrl•a henrt Han}• from on so I'll
,tpr•e•at you muc!t no doubt, becanes I last [lint- I heard of then[ they were lenre him nod you to your devotion't
• � onr denr IIUIF heed U no full of your fighting yet. Nn• little girl, don't fry Until 1 go home Again to play n little I This is beyond dispute the BLS1
own bnppm yoltmu
that your hexon pr i to break any rr•i•ords nu your !iridal part lis the grrnt drntlpn of your Iivtw. I CARRIER MARL.
Rowtea lisps )nil by like the Pumrner tr:p. 1, ol't try fu •el how many i If Ilroolby, lift)! �jtrlrl, tl 11 then. Yonr i NO SPRING.
A ! t winds, nnhpanl. Ife•Plden, that wasn't ; vitt klmis At iloetl• o you rep gt-t on affe ollonate fathi+r,
whet 1 Intended tc write to you ntout I NO BRAKE,
' , • vmlr pelt cnson. .not pick eat xome iOHNB\FTh.
when 1 not down tit this forowny Aesk. NO COG WHEEi.
' There are a Rrent sonny things i want I nlev, ryulet spot, where you can phut I
for n few w•arke tit a gist flint will N• "Ms syn N Food.
With the newwortnRpnrthore
Ascentlp Enlarged fn Pay M yeflt. 1'tp IPnrnrrl a heap, Ill- Minor w ilhhr Ihp Ilmits flint your hon Tlere Is on li,<1 way fm fmd the stir- it Prnctivally no lieu[ to ill.
Ike Rlrl, xin o I had that tnasle with itsn,, eon, Afford• till#] then• p:nw the /ernnf hnrda. F'e•m•:I nn)•o fre Ihaf .111. w•e•ight Ihxl one Iwo rnioMd. A
Johnpnn forty years Han, Anel mnytot i ) 11 Isey cnn e•xpily handle bode -n -ton.
25.000 New WOrds I !hue tngrtla•r ns sweetly and ha r ,ill• pnolur•o• roc -malts. 11'lole wMenf, colts :nre ,
New Gazetteer of the World sons at the WIRp I've Warned -may l pit )'nu Tony. forgetting for the moturnt bort•i nre Rn:x) fFslp for All r"I'sori, tires Ill her inlptovement" tires- flip
with moire than lA,dto titim tmarvl tat the twIll yon to fill', haPPhteas when yon thin, thrrp M nncloiely Npe an the face 1 of poultry, ob#] Ptyle Cartier" snake fillet east -
latest controls returns
n,• cormw•.1 o,cr .lie ling flint Ixyi. I of tills Rree•n earth or any other time It' the iN•"t. thing of the kind on
NewDlograplllelallbletlonary e -A the ctrl from fit,! ma m. \IAy• I bel the Present. Thnt'x lie w•ny to Fruit Cookie. the market. 1'nll rind +ee oris wr
mntalntn ill nomPsofoverin.Wow,t..1 One trop of Lnlfrr work eve to n rrPAm my wntvirnoms. Haudlton plre•et.
person@,ejitootbinh.dewt-b.94A:. It will And maybe It won't. It IP gx•nil a honecmo"m. That's what n
' •,1 fes• )nnfh to ser with the eyes of I hoaoynoxm Is for to Ret AWAY from with two rn II nt on si m. Pager
F,dlte�hyW.T.ifAHNrB,Ph,D.,T.t..Tt, Add Nom well Is•nten PRRP, oris ten
lox stace•(wulalonoereroriWuwti„u. to. And all the WINIffin of All file 11X" flip world far it sliell. not to get fife
2360 Quarto Pages I e Pn*t alter flip fart flint mat of tie the- fhb k of It. 'flees yon may un(fer two til of hnkiuR p,xx dl milk. In
"Ae clog to"hl•anik..a arra sl.at..sa I,am by hAnl ps risme the son• I own fablexpomfnls of poor milk, tale
iN' gland air. I Pay iltay. nal Ill Pum! I
' thews would have t n b ?t tesst,ondul ench of cloven nod rinun ROBERT WILSON
Needed In Every q g t tIP. meso- 1 bn.•k nt ppncp In mind nod henrt know. mon. Rrnurnl; one holt te•APpnnnfnl of
i Alsnw•Mter'e6elr•gtptrlNctlonary I tbelrsel tls MQ 'frllOws will krtP nn IHC mfr nnnlbr•r INftM and toying one
nt•rre., ILDww.nn.w. h.tm1luR dot,;n educe M the loll M tile, I annthrr lrltrr molly to Rrt dawn (n nutpnr-R, one rap of ralPlns, atonM and AGENT FOR
R•g.tlnEatebnt,s»sw{M.., st.w.lti.b. cbap�er, jnat ten 1a Mat (6opprd; one cup of nuts, rhoppe•d;
% De Lo.•a•ntwtsttsgeeyr. ,�t ,,•n I P R perhaps l. the perinea pint sn of msrrlM life la enough floor to motto a dough that can GRAY BUGGIES,McCORMt( K
, •,m.N,,+,ne,ta. III11! of If w•111 ntk•k and d0 some atPlPl. the
IY•. •Jw,,,at r.dm.p I PrnpPr gtlrlt. tip Mllc.l ant. Roll thin, hoke in a IMPLEMENTS, PERRIN ped
rags -tw,Is..gwa.anw hlwtwm.lr.•Pbraa \nor', my denr, you ars Suing to Ref , That kind of wedding trip to protfy
btarrie•A to Wtlllso Jarlit Rollins Arer as grwl not none at nil, %%-hen gnick oven, hrnxhing over tiptop bak- FLEURY PLOWS, etc.
j l O. O C. hILgRlAlet CO., rilth ten the frons that I can afford toinn with nn past location with a tablo
"•. Publishers. seribetleld, Mslse. throw around the ynor mother nod i were married her espoxonfnl M trogsr.
centow. 2%ft
f '
,�Y y4r ' 3y d � y�p�y L awl psit, 7 • e
t evz.li+rt,.# r x `bur<
i, e��i', �t:• ✓t ryq jXj
t .
f-0: Y l r T!"r€ 1 s et', N'r!j ire �'-•e rte, _ '.s iia ,. .,�rf}1+.:s,atnasnwsv�.•r,.��.rw....r....._
. , +q a,� �i' A j .'� P' , i p } 'x y' • f I• j,�i,Sl�i . .. ,. '1`R.\. -r t _,
Wear Crompton's Corsets
They fit well,
They wear well,
T They cost, no more
limn any other good corset and are goal
anteed. We carr in stock none but
sell here at popular prices, from Sol:. up to
$2.5o per pan.
New Mantles and
i Ladies' Wear Ready
We've ■ large stock specially selected
gild spread out for your approval. We
\ think we can suit you, but oil needn't
buy unless you awl yoursel� The low
O Prices need not make you question the qwl
LAY or style, because the great factor in
our hostile" is
Nothing Much. ;Did It Well.
Huslmnd-"Marling, 1 believe that Magistrate -"There was no re:tsoa
1 Alit failing." for you to nos+tult this Iran and break
Wife (in alAnnl- •'(IrariouN! How his camera twrause be tried to take it
often 1 hove woLrelpet you, (lexHge, anf).%hot of you. What else did hr
against your foolish speculations!" till?,
Ilusbalid '•1 don't utexn in huxi• prisoner- '•Nothing, your honor.
new. dear; 1 wenn I'm ,failing in He pressed the Iuttal, nod I did the
heAlt h." tont."
"Wife (relirvtd) -Oh, is that all r
11 -- - The rid 1 1 1
A Good -fitting
u eMlgliet lilyIng hell I,-
rstored to health by simple m!•us• After
suffering for several yeanl with A bvv-
ere lungg Affrctie>u, and that dread
dIseAar Cepam/tlsa, is anxious to ueake
known to hill fellow suffererb the
uN•Itnn of cure. To tholes who desire
It, he will cheerfully bent] (free of
charge) is copy of the preacripti•ot
allied, which they will find a ours , n+,•
Vit or
Made In your unlrr foul new-
est ,'Inlllo ill lot4llllol auld light•
w,•igllt.. lit
for Cea�Ptlsa, Asha, CaWrrb, Bros-
cb8bAnd All thtorat And hong 111"its.
Ild a
Ile hopes, sufferea-TA will Iry hie\
IG•undy. As it is intaualle. 'Phase
desiring theription, whiell will
cost them ncKhing, rind nla N prove A
Meaning, will pleas.• .ol.ire"
lky. EDWARD A. WILSON, BroOklys, NJ
Menesetung Mineral Water
;r 1NK (im)KHll'fl NINKRAI,
TKR a el.. a,annt.rturel. of 'N,•nr..
1Inas,'an• lirlfntsd to [tart ,.f
the Ilolfeisf Al to
town (linter AM bI Pint.
ter e p ...
` a6,o Mineral �t'aln In
Ilautt [hoer •In•.
I,ydPa. =snit quart.!, xeltaer water nal
IAatblr Tta•-e
w. stool. aro Iliad.- fmns
nigra Nllnett.l water. and am therefore fn. �
froin all iu,puritle... P. 1. WALTON• Man 8
start. Ilum. oil. - {
A. IiUI' ATsaucsai w
is Book of l onueal BWOL
A. T. Rr N. lo-
is "ri.i
w'. N, TI'NN NI'1.1. M. 14, t
Tce,. If"' Moll 811')'hone lo!.
If,. F:nunrr+rn.'. n+•hienrrst. IM, id ..l re. -t,
, rptw.ltr t'irtoNa .tm:t rte "I" 'phone Its,
lir. Turnbull'. n•.Idrrxr•, Nel.nn .Ir,,0 I
Next Sim .•. ,love. 'ph.Nie 1x1. i
Good Horses and Up-
R, A. 11. MACKLIN. M. H.
) I'll I's I( IAN AND 8I'HII
to -date Rigs.
r,lrr•ial a11en4iun to lar, )ier, No.e and
IThroat. l/lna• and re Meme oM Ilan kof Moo
real, opprk•it, P.r, t.1111 w'rwt .1., 1iI..
Trlrphon•• Nn. IIr_.
Call up
hJ IItsTK)tN olititun. notwtlee,ela offj_..
2111 A good turnout will be sent to
(mt. M. is. UAM KICON, K. C. J. 1. KIf,
your order. Prompt and satisfact-
ori service at all Nr.
barrister,, wilicttom. notwritm pu bile pn
:,orale the N.oltinte Court, etc. 1Mke, r,, t oir:o
Squarr, next door C. A. Yalrn'a grocery- f'ri
vale fends to leol oil kw mt rotes or Interrot.
W. PROUDWN,T, K. t', R. I'. ILAYS. U. F
Opposite Colborne Hotel,
HIN'fRRM, wltorneTa aollettor'. eta
O Aeric'. Not pr lend at low'wl ratan. F
InsuranOs. Lonna. et0.
IlItate Ar.d Insoranre Agent.. Real -
' Into for wale or to lel. Prowrtlam hand'xl in
An pert of the town And manly. Fire and ,1
.Ire Insurance. Alone. to Inan ae.•- ..
Provide for
the Winter
(I'll, thatwill oa,-v proal and gk v
cl'ef't' "alinfoctl.nl.
There;n•e none lwtt,r thnn
a fi�lod Cheer or
a Penn Esther
A full tine 1" rho o,e from.
\Iwo Ilse rrlrhrn1 off
(food Cheer Art
Base Burner,
and riot Blasts
In Plumbing, Heating
and Gefteral Repairs
we lead
'Phone 155.
r y of change or rvnnlA` advertise
men 9 must he loft at this office bl
Monday noon to ensure insertlor
In Issue of same week.
a Arttiulr„ I,Irr„ roar,
and accident Insurance. Aiontforleadintt
nnfaal nal ..tock compwnle+t lnsurari- In all
Inem eft rtod on host plans Anil at lowest mfr..
'all at office. ourner West Street and Hquaro,
r addreaa J. W. CILAIUIK, Ooderich, (Mt,
'ale ,hone Yr
wets, alre dorm ; 7-. K, Hays, saaterth,aerrelary-
Lreaaurer • Inspertom, near—t din,rtnr to lams.
J. W. '100 Holrne"vllle, agent for W"I
Huron. Pooley holders ban pp1w'�y awwwm
Clintonor t oat Nelnaa lAomMl'Alam CloViling
More (Werich'
ssa.vna PARWA
TAII1,01trf. -- The he.t pinr_ In town.
Tempi •ermlre; eterrt Ainp clone ad aaP1
d sn.
Ito- -nil 1.11- 1t'M. DAY
Il.h K-hanlrr Ilnlel Illrw•k I,nrre"omor t0
Jan. Frital,•i,.
— ceases
�LTlllhta 1.1 —
WAi.TER E. KBT Looll,14,111C114. ONT.
�ratchm.iker, eweller and OptidAn.
iirAner of MaMagn I• -on—
•ANAGO BwrIM Oed•rieb, Ont,
i- anchonearlat .
anil g t�rn1 avert lo.oer. IDf oto mMonth
street, wMtw he will he toned mt rill om—
when not "na.talew. Terms reasnnahlr and
e''ery effad Med to price yon Pet.,afArtlon.
'hen• AN -
General Astllasetr
New System of Tick►b and Catalogue.
P. O. Bow t83•
l•'lOGi,:: >i0"t,:ei.� f "�. w .f'SF �•r.ar�t
]�•Gn:,A;..:.fG..+det,:e ,.Sia:lYd.Y.•l$ a>..'s nam?i.ra�:�