HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-9-19, Page 3- '-.. .... '. ,. .. ;f.. ., ni v .�r 5 t, �' t+�AJS.f' :k:f .. 9 �fy� . ,..�* , _.,. -- n.+ ;„l,t rw9w, rye P„fl.w .H t .t a', ,•„ �y 'moi yC• , . , :.:e , , :���+ i ' d: ' ; W,"� i"Y,a"6'[,,�µ �,� t�'6 ; w r� ^4 iiia.. ,..,.. /-vL q „ .... .+... r�? r , M.� 1N a r , :t ' i r �, •. r,.. -7 A .FM Il.. •.k, i : , t i"' ., r,. pp pp 1 ..1 4 . rrra -'lei �'T. '..•, .-.. " :. t Nv.�..:... a ..,.:. `, b 4 A . iia I. .f +n .� �, r” Sr" r , ..' .. �. Tile h'.'7. ,, ,r ... , v „. i.. .:.. " e -. ,. s i IM'' ;. , � Cie ,. _1 :.. ,Q :d. ., L ....„.r. y ,..,I �l ,. L k.. .t, ,,. #„.. .,�, .o .t.. N w, 1, ,i 4 .,. 1- a, w e ?`ly'.1... t re 5'.tY x }i. - h.... A ;. ,�i, .r. , , f .. t,.r,...: �. ,, ,.a.,.„.,.... '~ .AMT .,a�,r71 �o.'11'1?. „u, �.�. iiia..,•, .Y..,.„...� r .w x; ,�, ., �. =rr r.' ,'t x+, n, , .. ;, , v„ �,;: , rF .. .. , - - _ .. { THE SIGNAL MOODERICI , 0NorAIti0 . THDJISDAT, SeptOObW 19, 1901 ly beloved by a larg” circle of aalualat- Vews of the Sistriet, da Has left one their- sinal arae daughter stet Irft tu.uuru their lass. Fire Exeter. _ -- - - -- ' The Bzeter north oral evaporator, Dlitts Philips has resigned her {w"i- Inlet week. She is still In a critical owned by the W. A. Ilibbe Compa ly, tion on the teaching slats of the Seat- condition. of Hamilton, was tetany destroyed by forth public school. On Monday, Lite 9th Inst.. James flty hast week. The origin of the He Mr. F'aneularo, who for rums [time. of Rodgerville, was married in Ws a tuyrtery, but it war uudouhl.tit time conducted a tailoring husinpsr in, Londowto Misr Ailey Nelmen, of Liver- incendlorry. Heaturtb, los reusovid to London. I pool, Eng. Winghmau Man Dies, it. (iiRnrd. who hal lweu a tori eat flr. It. L. Slewart, of Bluevale, left Joseph Gowdy. an old itself recap ectea of Seaforth for the Istat threlr ser our bait week fur the West, where hr will resident ..f 1% insela..l, pulsed uway year's, last week rentovtd to Chien , hwxte. hits. Stewart will Iruixin in ,at his hours un Friday after a tun \Vingham town council is Gail (hilatio tw.a time. K ill..rsw. Deceased war affected wit 1 steps to secure a bettor enfurcrtnr t i 1\'title picking prince rel-enty V. gangleale, which a short time ago of the liquor license act in that tows . McQuarrde, of Cranivrook, fell from turned to blood twisuoing, resulting John Sanderson has real nod lir i tire Iree, dislocating hie shoulder #Lead in hie death. position of postmaster of \ roxeter, breaking au arm loue. which he has held for the past fifteen Mire Hallie HutchWwm, of White - 1.8 of Wm. Gillespie, Seaforth. lurch, wits ..w..•riel In Win haus, nu On Saturday, the 41h inst., ono of ypars. the worth • honer residents /f &.A - Thr ulnrri»gr of Joe. Wade, of V M1. owllednesday,ay lire title Wirt.. U, 1Vu1, 1 f Fordwich, t,) Mir” Mattel Tuck, of CRU F Mowbray, of tint town. furl h, in t. u• peal))n t, 1Vflnaul 1ii11Pr- ford, Ont., look phu•e on Wednesday. )r. John Agnew, of Crestline, Ohin, Pie, joined the rileuL ear".noijirily til. the !hr 11th tura, (f. isitiug iia pxn•utx In \Vingham, age of eighty•ono )vitro. pwreasel, tars mtxtnied b his bride, who waw soon wits n nalivp o[ F'ibstiire, Scot- the 1Vnller Huss, of Teeewater, , y, Ixnd'i' in 1S7:ifxuer to Cxnxdit with hi" who wits sr, seventy Mnrolul reehtly, fora only Mimr Bros of \Vatfonl' xKrd ,StrUiri-in•lifr, who predece+srtl was br,)ught. to the 1Vinghuru hwpitAl Ar nsUY,ng Bros., chemists and 6h1u �uur yea•&, After n Hee year' Idruggisls, of hucknuw, have dimsolvi nridrnet, in ('liar.... and sulwegilently partnrrohip and In feature the business in Hullett he removed to Hexforth, j will lip conduc6ed by (carnet Areas. whole Ise haul siuee lived, with the ex- AtronK alone. ceplion of a few years apxm6 in Sault I lin Monday of bait week I Joseph Sle. Marie. A soon fid "let Jinx integ- Rom Ifcnpy, of I(1)•th, dlsloatAd his rig• anti genial diR{Awiliun, he wits nh,nllder &fill was otherwise seriotT17�ly well known and antivelsally restx•cLel. injured by being thrown by a ro tit- Five sons, Jet I- . John tried \\ illia n. way te:uv of horsiest. of Sr-arorth, total 1),tvid and Jose )h, of The death of Mr". N. J. Clarke. » "'Ll -nit, Michigan ; rand two I�Asegh- LAKK al'PBRIUH DIV I'.I.a•-m,• %11il-P forner well-known resident..f Exeter, ter-, M;.. .101111 McMillan, of Roselori, fruw Sarnia 1:111 ,-t me Nepl. la. sr. Y.1.:,, occurred tit tier home of her dangle- 'real Mls. MAitert Jonea, of Setfurth, I wt. Y, 7, 11. Ill I.:a�, Nov. 1. a, 1:1. 14• V. z7. are left to mourn his demise. Freight srlllnssIt. AddiNouloalate. ler, Mrs. Miller White, of Berkeley. t 09ORt11AN HAY DIV. sleouner leave. I'al., un the 11th tilt. (1o111amwaxl 1.31, P.M.: aviation Sound II.3i1 P.M., A Wawsaosh Pioneer. Tuerda)•s,Thurrhtp wand Yalunlay+ for ?fault In Ht. Peter's Uathedral, London, un tate flavor ,only. Maselllnswe .service di.wnun- Tuesday, the 'hd inst., Miss Thors,a The'oleath on Friday, the 0th Inst., rad. Me.ulowo. fot•nlorly of Brumels, was of John' Tavlor. of Vital Wawanewh, NORTH SHORN Illv.- For, ferry `emend, united in marriage to Adolphus Hen- 1114-41'"111963111, removed one of the Dy er Inlet, and French River, steamer ueeu.)', of the 1''un•YC l%it)-, pioneers o' that ,Low"lli ). Thr de- IearrsUullinRw'oodwtHtlrP.M..`Monday- and crraetl wAll� �on", in Ire "d eighty F' syr'. ` Word low IIe(n received of the tit -nth )erne" xgu arlll•caile Ise Canada when i'ARR1'SOt'NDi)IY.-4ertiroTaE•oalrteuell. At lips- blime in Hrucr Mines of Mrm. quilt• yunng. Vie IKIN hr wits united 'nekrI' and infornulion frown ,tft rallwAy. Ilia. (ireKK, who al",..t thirty yea'N in Oxu•1•la r xt f trUa1l4a1 to Eliz.t Tri I-wwuarer and ago wawa well-known resident, of Lite K' R- dohline of \!orris, seriar 13rlgrace, Rawl, who morvives hila. Eiltht years __ xgu they cefa•11f•nt their gulden a'wl- No action ham yet been taken ll (it• ding Auniverwr). n 1)kil \L. 'r:(%'Ire fatter..( the licen"c for tit• Waverlpy Look up Int :iii, eo pos-ion 14, Past IN s s hotel at Clinton. The proprietor, IN,atw,L 11, and the suowing spring WESTERN- llrorge htewtut, who di*ap{"•a-ed a he brought hi -`wife• ate( awn children n ESTERN EXCURSIONS e•w weeks ago, has not returned. to their fmtnre home. 1 , Ta`ylor wa" In Sault Ste. Marie. on Wedoeslny, a rlimula•r of lire Ali * - u on,..nuaiou -�- lir 11th in%t..Joseph Stepheus, ref Ihilt and took a very ,tone., 1 rt Wn the . city- sun of At - And MIs. Thonots election of the first. churc�l 1 11'hnK- Spseiallowrolmd trip rates Hte•p rear. of Srxfr,rtb, wits InArried to ham. Int• w'as ,t Vo.."w'v&lige in {N)11- from Hera. Tho.... an Alen of the Sot). tic. ,and for unxuy y etas warn rout• G O D E R I C H Dmnr• nand Fra"rr M,•D maid, gen• i t.. I lveosher. mfiv ug t Or s :t der. oral rear roseate set Jamestown, +see He IrnvN five daughters tend sou blears: Mi4x Fraru•1.4,uf Wiunipx•K; I SEPT. l , aOth and ansa. is"tilvi_g kt'tilPMhlp. Thr busineaa Mivandlitb, .or Nelson. If. t'.. MI". A will la• carr •d un by Llle fo fuer• The Fraliek start] Mrs. W. G. liray, loth of Port 11,~I. michlRuo ....S.117'. batt& r may t e n trip to the West. Winghant : Miss LillixA, at hoer : I)elroit, A' The death ,f 1'hae. Schanck, of John, ..f Lrold,ln. and Rrlht•ii,. of Hine - 1 1. I 1 it t,tpld, �'^r 7 xi ('ranbrvouk, wh •lea occurred oil Thar"- vale. 'rite death of the• father is tie Innes e'n tt,/ Lite:016 ills in Ihr ei ht ••srv- >'. K ) HrNt break in till. family. I h tutu• Illinois. . 11 0, I 1'levelaml, Ohio, rain llorrtloat (•, esti %'r»r t)f hi" a1 ' removel a wt•II• _ t i.1 #-I known and highly remple teal pion(- er New Monster Terminals for C. P. R. Cleveland. Ohio. 1%ia ]let reit t It. resident of Uley. St. k uI R Minn' a"/h. s7i t i Ur. 'fait, who a few ears ago py.nc. An important ingfetowrnlrnt is la ing ,nod st s, timed in Hlyth, has n w a very ex- rnmidered by flip C. P. H. at Fort Valid for return on or before tensive pra tier in Tums fi xv use rye, 1lilli,tu, laving the constrilel.im ser Monday, Oct. 7th, r qo7 Par &sed throat specialist, and is G, tae new freight and "tl•illhlshlpl U•rwipnlr ORP fid the+ leetmrpro eat Medical there, to IN- Ilia. Ilorat in till- world. ('ollege this year. The scheme easy invnll•r the transfer Thr wiuringr 'of Nis& iyalx•lh of lir I):u•kage freight fir urerchan- FARMEWi WANT MOUE Jal1e Kelly, dxughtrr e[ t bate dere to I ort Arthur: (htlside NtP:unrr HRLP IN THE James Kelly, of HrWlNllx, to 11 file. lidos are bringing prewsur•• for int- Iteid Hill, of Chicago, rur"ap u( '"acctdoinaageanal y !-ni-e Ilivern r Northwest (il»4gow, Scotland, Limit plan in �,uililiev,And sea they carry nvrr Ill Winnipeg recently. � fuer cent. of the pa•kttgi• freight going went they are entitled to Im. heard. n •N4 •l•P NPPr, daughter 'f An additional fnnn l.b,rent� rxcnntlon MI IitYtrl He` R Then the ('. 11. H. with its new will be nor on y,•pt. rt It. ear,. JIt-. and Mrs. Micha -I heaver, of ('red• "llioners will toy next year tmye :a ilAnn, w144 married in Detroit., use ,,;Lover arriving daily from Owen Thursday, the 5th ins!., to Wilson and or (:ralerich. 'rte meet the $12.00 Monolog. of the Detroit Savin ,l Bank, K cn 'aur roY uireutent+, the C. Y. 1{. run- R{ 1 Frowmill staiimos Inontario• ffirseerly of Torrent..• telnhlate Inlhlding n million ton opal The and intelligence was received in dock, freight sheds with (i,I93) feel, or Ctelfitoe hest week of the drw<h in u n� mile. frata P, Note rise ire n - For UckeaPaid full lnformaumi call on Pigeon; Mich., of Mrs. Tnhiats Wort•r., arrange neat the yawls w•ithomt re - F. F. LAWRENCE, formerly of 1'rediton, soh„ with her Kxrl to IP ;,,fnmrut shfYlA, hour• or hma11xm1 haul for the p1x"t. year resided outchin a o , : la1-w A I:arg" 'c7rnnilig Taws Agent. with tier children in the Jlichig,un rlec,unt•, an other inglrovemte•nta. to (Mice hour.-4.,oinn. to!$ p.m. town. make the•frer ht terminal nmtple for The death of Mtnirl Stong'ai tine I!....... )ears o along(-. Fort Wil - J. STRAITON, time well-known r•e•"ident of the loan- 11x1., tin tiletaawl Ith the new" of what Di-I.o I'wket Awnt. dun real. Tocker•saith, occurred in WN in eontpn11 'nn. n" it involve" J. IR Alrl,onald. Di.irwt It.".. Anent, Nnrnia on Tuesday. the 10th lost. ..luck larger ex ulhturem thete• or Therem»tins were brought for inter- construction and in wage». Poor the I"t„a, h, meant to Se,tforth, where Iris daughter. year a•q dell 1iada )(1,16 111191, tier('. P.R. 11rs. A. Stark. re4ides. expended eat Fort \1''rae in op erste. An interesting hrineneal event took ing exprnsey mune ti big num of --- - plan• &t the• tesidet;vr of Mr. and Mr•m. =Irhl•I991, an btcrWlse of Ix•r cent. James Ford, of Stephen, on Wednels- over the previous vee:. day, flip lith inmt-, when their dmml(h- CANADIAN ter, Mina Lorraine, het•ain a the life- Would Take Chances. partner of JohnWald well, a prosp/rr- A prisoner wits arraigned ' Iefore a nal% young agricultnrisl of Tucker- the cronin►f court. Present ill ourt Rntith. morn ern• IAwyPIN Smith. Hro\p•n, 177 MORE refuge hag be n ext manly hill-tenil of inti (reds ' Where is your a non ” refuge lav Oren egGahlishel sot• ten inquire) the Judge. ••1 h.w1• none, year*. Rangoon township has never responded the prisoner. '•Haven.r sent an inr..Ate G, it. It i4 the only any airline), ?"/ •'Ilio cote evilest it Law- n FARM township in lite coonly that call hay yet-?" asked the judge. •'leen, your claim to much a record. honor." ••Thele iv .Vr. %tariff', Mr. LABORERS Alfred Ernest Meniah, or the AI"t- frown, and 11r. (Ireen,•' said the L 4 i1 ro{olitari Il,al)k. Petrolea, who wits for Jodge, pointing its the young attow- WAN1'EU severld years a resident (if Brummela, &try" awaiting brieHe4y and hrealhle-m wits nl#Lrriel on the ith inst. Ga Mins for "n"a"IhinK Ili turn pp, "Strad Mr, to ALudttrlln, S.•kntchrwan And - Emily Matilda Brown, of Charlotte. Alexander. is out in the corridor.' A1t,ertn. Gown• Prince F:.Iwnrd Inland. Thr prlgoter flyel the budding athor- EXTRA TUESDAY . 1). A. Ffirn•ste', of Clinton, hard n crifi in the c. strnoon, and, niter a EXCURSION nStiTow emr»ixe Inst week, when he was critical marvel, stroked his chi.. had LEAVES SEP. 17 violrnlly thrown from his carriage, "aid, "Writ. j�gueaa I'll tnk�• 11 r. Alex- ander." -St. Perot Pioneer iia 4w. hie horse laving frightened by an fmntI r astation, in Ontario. Kin toten approaching autoumhile. Fortun- -' _.-------- and SharbM Imke west to Windsor aro! &re•ly he was only severely hrni"el. ANOTHER LASTING CURE. SarniaAnd north to Owen Sound and North Itay. St. Thfi ritts church, Senforth, Naw- - 1 Going Q Additional the scene of ,s pretty Septe ober eel• St. hnWdure•. N. H.. Sept IOtiL- (SIW- Trip $18 Return ding on Thurrdity, the 12th inmi., rin1.)11n n few Convincing word% Mr. when one of Monfort's uxnat popular Lraydu•e G. iltm•los• of St. laid. pre, N. B., WELL-PAID WORK FOR ppuues lathes, in the person a)( Miss tells the story of his muReringse and ALL COMERS 1'inle•t Gnaw, daughter of Mrs. F. Cage. '"mllsegtient testllration to health by of that town, ht•cnnle 14P, bride of J. the use• ..f prxld'e Kidney Pill". F. L. I'angmau, of Tomato. . 111 write thpmP few words," .aym MT AM011110DATiON A happy event took phiiie eat the Mr. During. '•tn let yon know tlwt oven he ftwur,i Im tell, residence of Mr. and Mrm. W. Webber, 1 em "till quite well (hough it of Helaall, on Wednesday,thr lith is or) long ago that Devoids Kid - H O M E S E E K E R S' Inst., when their daughter. Miss- ney Pills curet rise. Mifx• wn4 as Annie F.. wan united in the honda of carp of bone back brought nn \brhwost, OCT.fons, hra22 wellx•k to Colin Hmdmm, formerly of throegh kidney tmml)l• and,11, Notreleal SGPT. 24, OCib sad I2 • Henwall, later, now of R,00lNteok. 'I'll(- terribly, for 1 could tatoe. "trop or Im•nd sa tiny t'nirn ii, k.•t. tonn Northwest '-elennntly wnA Performed by Rev. F. Imo• bae•k to do any work. Hilt Dold'P p,int.,w 1ow ,;,Ie-. lievirw In tourist. F. Mk -1,. Smilh. H. A. s K[dney Pill+catuP to my aid send matte hart"err At .mal l:ulit it in nn l coot. a hi hl P4l isflactl/l' rlll't• fid a ser ern lnrn1—tior r,,,,,, An interr4ling event frank pill(-,- in a hiK aar." ) y J,.,. Krn..'rt, La Aar.t. oodorlrh. (Iterate on Wednesday, the 4th iii"t.,---._-_—.— •.' ante ('. a. F, Tot . fit' A...'.P,it.•'rnrantta 1 when two popular yonnK le"Ident" of Mike Got Even." thellth eoncemmion of Howiek, in the pIxersons of Robert Spotton, landMig" An Engli%hman and tan hishnum - )•leliama flick"• only daughter of went its the ("I plain of a "hilt bound million flicks, were matrimonially for America and n.krd p ernnvi ion to united. Rev. T. H. Fair. of Oorrie, work Iheir taamageover. The explain "THE officiated at Lite ceremony. consented, sot, trsKel tele irishmno fail - In 0 In the Lutheran choreh, flakmhwo d• references And let the Fogli.shm:in K,1 iUv` SUPERIOR on We1nP"Jay, lire lith lust., nn without thpmL This made Ili• Nichola% Sl ire, of that pinc:•, clitimeel 11-kholan n"Kly. +mal he planned to N EXPRESS'( x" him bride one of the nm4t. charming ll even, floe (illy when they were ytinng IndieP of the vicinity, ht the weighing tiff t.heil la the Engfishnurl n ln,h Ila r%VFa;N IwrPom of Mise t!hristinit ' Ifre'nner, leanest Mr fiver tine Iloilo dropp ed the bucket, itself wive east, nlont tit Ileal daughter of Aloim Bremner. The care• J l PORT ARTHUR atoy nsons pPrinrm"al h%• Hew. Mr., it tip when It long" Ti came and That and seas fnlloNorl fly- pleasant Pullet him ov"r•lonrl. Tire Irishman festivities At the hone or the bride. s)+Itt at d Iwo totalling, went menet• to the WINNIPEG On Sunday, the 8th least., the nngel nail, ,told seeing w the lilt-Frixh ain and AND or death relieved fnen hit RuR"ring,a Kati, :pnenrPad went no aha• captain and Holnert Farrel, ."-find Ann of Mr. and "olid I'e• Mro. WFarrel• of the Turnb•rry rhnpv yrz remirnllrr when 1 W. CONNECTING WITH Rhi{ga%1 mboxnl this vessel ye mskwl rand, near \Nascence, who pngsel site for riferencem and lel, the English. Nort'rr n Na na'.i o t Cs. S t s a m e f s away at n privntA• hoApiI4I in Toronto man come on w•idont thine ?" Canadian Paci6- Stammerer after a pain fol illness of over it yell CA The captain said: "I'es, i Canadian Pacific Trains renenn- derat.ion. ih•rempeol, what wax a Ivo•r' moo, "Well, ye ve been drs;nverl," . psi imable young conn, wag held in I ",aid I he f rimhmnn 1 "hr s gofer fiR will LEAVES PORT ARTHUR, q.so p.m. affectionate regard by all hs nerynnin• I year pail!" ARRIVES WINNIPEG - - Iore pm, tnnreg. ( -, _ After n lingeringp! illness Niltimeluent The faint not only lovaPas a cheerful (Connection for principal point" in to aparalytic Atroke. Mary Fl Hunter, giver : He Invest a giver of Root chrer. Manitoba and the West. beloved wife (if JiMPph 0-(.cr, (if lot, 10 \.,Int will never mike muse h broad - Fra the fifth concession of lire•y, w•a4 way gain Pt thin P with the head Fra twill W wtnatlMl Apply •s tlnket mRelnti, ateMin ,nPtf to her "ward af, the age of K K or wrlM mixty yrsrA, on MnndAyy of Lamt. week. aeon"• C• w'. ('ngrw.R, Wool. PIIILIAP14• liar. H. 14"Aw. f*ceaap(i, who worst It slaughter of the I If yon cannot find O -I in bilks on A.G.P.A.. Gia• F:.,mace.en. Area.. Tr.agr Mar. data Frank Hunter, of OI'wy. was a I the Atteetyoo will Writ Mal Him „n the I will .0 • ';*. • wiaelpeR, most exemplary woman and was dear- golden streets. Fruit vn 4L Flow]ers BEAUTIFUL LILIES. They Are Among the Most Stately and Showy Garden Plants. Some of the old fashiootd flowers are again attracting utteutiou. Among them are lilies, of which a writer In Suburban Ilse say": Lilies are &mous the most stately and showy of hardy garden plants. Their large, handsome and strikingly colored flowers are of almost every Iw- aglnable hue from the dwuenculate pu- rity of the Madonuu Illy lhreugh vary - Ing shades of pink, ruse and orange to bright scurlet or crJmsyu.r Malay have a delightful odor, used auV61dowfeshloutd garden In which there to a well select - pd assortment w`IR h4tfle rfolue variety to flower from June until October. For some reason these beautiful old fashioned flowers are conspicuously • T IZ TIOltlt LILT. abownt from many it garden to which they should add beauty and delight, remarks u writer In Suburban Life. 'their cost is not very great, and as rout of them succeed well in good, or- dinary garden Poll there Is every rea- p why they should Iso more ezten• A .ly planted. Snow of the handler PoAm Increase with aurpriaing rapidity and ace planted eau be left alone for years 'until the bulbs In the natural course of things become too crowded. One of the tweet known sorts dower - Ing in July and AugKwAt Is the tiger Illy (L. tigrinaml, often Peen In old gardens lei grand condition, on way - strips orlon the e.lges of w-oodlandstin New England, a very reliable variety. Another tine Illy 1,4 the native Ameri- can Turk's cap'Illy (L. Puperbum), of- ten turn six to' eight, feet high and carrying twenty to thir4k of Its bright orange, heavily P{ol,tted (,lower". The dainty North Am eilvan lity (I.. cans-' denset, with yellow Mowers, to fine for massing in .- mixed 'Durder. \ it also does well un t,.r trees. \\The pretty SI• berlan coral Illy if.. tenufollunn; with unwitting rich starlet dowerm, boreser on Pleader stews nue turd nue-hal[ to tido I • w bet high, Is an Pa I y goo a s{x•c Ie The gorgeous gulden rayed Illy of Ja pan (L. auratuw) mukrs a beautiful show fur two spumous 'and them rutlm out Tieing cheap, however. It should find a place in every garden. Cultivation of Strawberries. A fine toothed 'cultivator that will stir the soil from four to six inches deep mhould lop ran at frequeint inter- 'Vnls during the Bummer, empeclally if the Season la dry. As moon as the run-- term begin to spread the weeder must stop and only the cultivator and hoe be used. The cultivator should be run the Pattie way In the row each thee, so that the teeth cony not catch Into them sifter rooteil and pull them out. With the rows four feet apart the plants can Ire allowed to root over a space of two rind n half feet wide, leaving a walk of tie sad a half feet. The plants should 1 encouraged to root as evenly as pext- Atb over this space by placing and I",.- ng the tips from four to five Inches part. h After tbet(e beds are covered with plantoe lr at all others as weeds, ad- visee a wr er In New England Home staind. sit.as runners that grow out Inti the walk nn 1 very quickly coat off with the .r ti"Wes' r cutter, but thos+p in mm�ug the r".1111 Iced planta moot iN cut or pulled -off by hand. . Tin Grape Ser Worm. fiolnetlmc% it at"Rl'o rr- rtmnins fresh find undeenyed .0 ciently long ias nature a w•nn4ni, hilt mo • often two orihree are entered, and If wiVorms are nu..ierous by harvest time tranhy of the grapes report a cluster are plerely, empty Akins, other" are partheljy de- cnvel nod or a mushy eonghlteicy, t, Nile otlier4 sire freahly;enterel. La clusters, cousimfing of eighty to L •'•ri-, N!ll roinetim" have every berry ruined. The. caterpillars migrate' to other grfipem tis moon erg their original food 'm ripply becomem too much decayed Ili IN- healthful fir them. They In- variably perish If compelled to remain Inn mama of fermenting Creeping with- . oat the posalbllity of reaching fresh foxvol.-Ohio F.xperlment Rtntion. The sow Is important. In fceetfng scathe for market, the whole structnre must have as its room - dation the trroal sow. With proper methods here, the feeder will have strong, lusty pig" to begin with. Ry (;slowing them on pasture an ranch as povRible, they will remnfn strong find vigorous, and when the time comes for the final fattening on corn, he will have nn anlmaLmith Atrong-powem of d1gPAuioln and anelmLlation, and temptable of withstanding heavy forted feeding without demahMAng only form or coextl- tritious 1 to esknest. - - ewes.. Trees and Shrubs. .lq n gel,ernl Thing, deep trenching or ,nhmollinv. rEith liberal manuring. an11 then Ihnromrh ctdtnro If the •seen Anti Phri lNa nrt• growing lie bordem, or fr,•,• writering it standing In the Ant) Ili sensonR of drought, tore the thingR needful far proho•intl the hest returns. Itet•nuAn the"p pnlntn are not better howled three-fnurthm of all the frog% wind ahnih" In private gronndm at•p Net neat poorly, grow• slowly And hardly mnke a decent Rhowtng In a iifetime- li. A. Imo,. STM ✓Y e. ,1.+. std w . _ - )04 �fyYG`.f, A rlits"a i ; , ':.;Fat n •wi, .��tAv. .Maa.•,TLiwY tirAk...iA". ' .11. D. MILLAR CO. I - Opening of Our Infants' and Children's Department N SATURDAY we will be able to show the best assortment of Infants' and Children's wear that has ever been shown in Goderich. We would draw the special attention of mothers to this section of our store. infants' Carrying Cloaks, Infants' Dresses, Infants' Headwear. Children's Bearskin Coats in Large Variety. MORE ABOUT THE MANTLES. ` We have this week received another- shipment of fall costs •• bliss- embrta•Ps all that is new and tip -to -dale. The newest clothe, t:,. newest styles, the lowest prices. Special linvo,lo ]"lea'. fall. coats front =.11.491. - UNDERSKIRTS -UNDERSKIRTS b,serial line in ladirsi Another leader in Morreen skirts promise to ack ",tteen tender. best quality mercer- Ise Very popular this molten 11* skirt, pleated frill at ized sateen half 4A in. We have anexceedingly bottom edged with nreurlfeon pleated sinar1jineirimil I the loading I J In. rutile, h,ls (lust "dice dura ruffle. This which should Appeal frill. Slw(-i,al $I.00 skut is ,great value to lout m wlis like *cure- at,.each $I.50 thing ex!rag6odand smart. Pb,-.- 14illar'- Scotch Store 'Psere, Parnell's Bread Erery one waw ha* tried9 it will have no other. He. a nutty, palatable, whole wheat flavor 1 that u peculiarly its 1 own. Our same ie labelled on every loaf. It In the Sem• Prloe w• . the Inferior Kind. P . 'I'. DEA N YOUR POPULAR UROCCR. AUENT At the Wild !least Show.I Not Altogether Bad. The Manager of Ilia- wild anointed A policeman Raw a inan siting show wm% sea onfort..nntp a% La, lame by 1 rather sumpiciourely near a jewelry dealhth••,)lily lines Ili'his collection. mtore oneevening, so, going over to After trying in %•line to replace the lilies, ler demanded to know wilt) tilt - Item", hr finally secured nu Irishnsxlh to I man WAS and what he wanted. appear in hiA exhibitioner on sill fouris ' 'Tin thinking of opening it jewelry 11 the lion's 1•' 1 ti I I II m .l N wrapped R 11 ' g . sal p1w1 in the'store re in this neighborhood." replied dead -beast's skin. I lite ..ran, "and I'm watching to Ree of Ili" leftist worked well enough for a , these is much trade," whereupon the while itself 1/ •' •r 1 I the ns hr %rum of all o n nn went fooled. 1 eat alt him son • satisfied. I Il > t One niKht, however, it berame ..e:eb. , Neill morning word wato received at n tit! 'y • 1 ra the course o ousf tear perform. tile xtntifinele -houthat tilt- jewelry arrive, for the lion to enter lisp tiger'x I xlore haul lawn entered and robbed rage. Pitt pleaded mtreouously ("•hind during the night. The policeman who the scene" against bring sent into the hold accosted the sn )•"teriouR stranger other man-eater's pre- net-: but him 'I *till reflectively : "He Ina)- Ile it thgfr, nfi em 1 er %via n . 1 unyielding. a but e' n ' as sin he's n Ilan."- Li taro ' 1 ) Y R R PP tt a Magx• hila I'VIKaelly that the tiger was zine. tsarntlrwt. - Thongh wellnigh dealt arith fear, She Was Ready, P+ after lung and rigonus pPreua- A young July from the rural dis- mise ' rat last ct:awlrtl into the tigprm trim, who was something of n belle in cage. Nti sooner sox. he in the cage luackw[xxl" ArN'IPty, and need tri hxv- than a loot what little enrage he inK conaide•nble homage VFaid to her, h:ui left, and lay down, calling in a expe•ially by neighlacern of the oppo- hoarme w is{x r, -Please don't kite me; site mex, INuardel ea railway train for I ain't nn I n ; i'ul'au Iri"huian." the first tints not long ago. After she Thr tiger Ii,esred thorunghly (hat- lead se•ilted n Near, removed her wrap, gelated, and in n moment growled aidjustel her baggage,,, and "niadhed hawk. "Shut ilp, von fool, sat am 1,!" out the wrinkle% Wu her dream, she ---- I called the attention of a passing Ise is uplifts) in ble+auing who lift" brakeman and demurely raid anotheCie bot -deli. Ton may tell the contlnctor I'm I ready. pleaor.,, Special Offers F THE GREATEST EVER 10 The Signal and the. Toronto Daily World . 97 To New Subscribers Till Jan. 1st, 1908, for - 50 Cents - Your Local Weekly -and the Best Newspaper and Agricultural Deily In Canada Almost Qlven Away The Laornd Newspaper IN part of "very homsehold. it is your friend rural hrnefactor. In filet It in pearl of every home. • _ \ Th" Daily Paper tram the big rpntrem in necessary to the near who wantii to Ire abreast of the thele". All the learn love the old fnlrn, its attack, its frtilC its veget- at ilm dairy, or its forests -in fact. no love of the farns liemde•p I III ewI \' hPh -1. The World cadly lwulm all d;Iilica as the Patein • )baily, Sp1•ehtl p igem are given to Agricultorvi twice, each week. SuhNCr•il At once and , `; DO IT NOW � - Address--�,ANA7TEP & RORF•kTSON, ,The Signal, (10D RICN, ONT. ==Er� =- w A Good Combination ANOTHER BARGAIN THE SIGNAL 'i -HE SIGNAL. 111.1 -d l WEEKLY SUN The Famih tlerald find '"" o'lo, Weckl Star i r •T To NewiSubscribers Till January tot., tgoS, To New Subscribers To Subscribers January est, ttoS, for 30 Ccnts fol. 30 Cents The Wo•ekly main i% the Kral. F»t•mlel•: \Vepkly of The Partially Herald And Weekly Star i" known from ITNI: .(, taallaEvery farm•Owllpl In Huron. Cuonty should maul Ilmlifax to \'anr011ver. it. Fivem w maps of general read. it. Ing matter Pvol week. Address : Addams : VANAiTER B ROBERTSON, VANATTER & ROBERTSON. THE Sl(;NAL, GODERICH THE SIGNAI . GODhRi(H lilligill 11 111111111111111 111111111111111111"1111 11111 J M, aN.%, _. •-i'MnwM*T'rYmMm•`;i�q.'v_'.eiiW'u�rv..'ar. a,=.'aip'wnerag�x• a >..a.., r I ➢ d� .\� 3 Rvery doctrine must prove itself by w doing. Conscience is a good cure for unduet conceit. -- -------------- - . _ ° K i It is Worry , ,t ,r ;11 That Kills The housewife stews and frets because the groceries haven't ar- rlvd -and when they do&e she frets and stews because they are not just the things she ordered. The Way to Stop Worrying is to stop it, and buy your Groceries from STURDY & CO, WHO DO BUSINESS ON THE SQUARE.I The Telephone Number is 91.E He Be BECKE17 EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR: F nrnilure and Uwderlakiog,wariovoma", West aide Square, 1'HU., House.17g uhei:h \,xht calls: At re"hlenpe, car. Cambria ,- mut and Nebron Street. ..a J. BROPHEY & SO f -P • LEADING— N Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orden urfully atteneed to at all hours• nlRht or day 'PHONE I OR 5 24 (warehenee car. Went` 11•henyou want \ end Yard.) atreet and J THItBEB'f, at bock `Square COAL ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND tArAll Coal weighed on the market ,toile"• where you Ret an lbs. for a ton. WM. LEE. Oder- left at C. C. LRE'8 llaniware Store earl side Sq twaro. prOMPUT AtWnded to. .1 UUNllRY BROS. Livery, hack 'Bas Stables GOOD HORSES CARRIAGES PHAETONS —2 T C., A T— REASONABbE _RAT HS ,"IW S1 well -n pointed Hacks and reli- able drivers in charge of Fthe Buses, which will meet all train s add steamboats ALL CALLS AITENDFD TO PROMPTLY FROM HOTFL29 AND PRIVATE HOUSES GUNDRY BROS. /OUTH STRItKT I' I w V: F F r Y t' .- _ _- I -1 ��Ifilsellgo`I saviel SYNOPSIS OF Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. Ali), even numbered section of Dominlon lA ids In Maultolww, reawkAtcheiman and Alberta, rx=Ing R and 81, not re,wrved. near be home, stcwwdded for airtY pe n who 1n the We head of a family, or any male over 18 yearn of ase, to the extent of one-quarter section of Ise) armA, Moro or lees. Kptr3• raid 11e made yerPortatllr wt the Inexal .1ta te.evfortheAbtlr , in which the land am sltugt r. The hnurr.teaderlm rrq.ltwl to perform e rondlthm, connected therewith nation on M the following pian": 111 At le,a.f Ix month- rrs41rna4e a and eultivmtimr of the )slid in each year t there ream. (41 11 the fMtier for anthFr, if she f her IN, PORANrdh of the haxne.teader milder p("a1n w fano In the I ratty of the lotion -nt Ins the re •IolnemrntN as to r idenre mw toe smtlsaM by ash prr.on re,IdlnR son the fat Mr ear nother.j ; IT If the mr111er Aar M. nent rwtldenee upon f"rminer lard owned him In the vicln It1nf him honnestaad, th reyvlrew,e"is wA to rtwideneet may be, Agtl"a by re tai lal upon the said land. Slit t t,h4 non.ice 1 writing .hotlld he offvert to chs ('1lmmis"ieNl of IMminlnn IAnd. at Ottawa of Intent a otpply far patant. 'A w, s'ORY. Deputy, the Mini.ter t><the Intortor. N.S.-Cm a oriard rnhllration or the, ad P nt all 1 not M seas,► for 1— ilamil"Orbiblikibm km