HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-9-12, Page 88 TuultaDAY, 80ptember 19, 1801
The baking of a
Successful Wife
PAPA'S CONSENT. b'* All Ri/►t
it Nilliaw Love* Yaw &ad You
Lave Sim and ■e'* Iteklter a Dead
Beal Nor a spendthrift. but au &
Good Job sad a Little Cash off N&FA
[Copyright, 19M by Casper 9. TwtJ
simply consumed with a
toulabment The idea of m
- daughter, my little sweet
heart, thinking of marriage comes t
ice like a blow from a pile driver,
you know, my dear, that pile drive
hit a pretty hard lick. wpecWly
YOU aren't looking- I'm away fro
home so much that Irs mighty hard
realize that you are not my baby
more; that It In no lunger proper
dignified to dandle you on my
pot for me, at least; that your
have lengtilened downward until
cold around your dainty ankles, an
:the golden hair that used to hang do
your ck lute a streak of woven sun
[chicle now dour up in a faaWonabl
aometLl or other on top of you
head I that you are a you
lady, a [late from a swell sewl
Dap, can wer the piano W wak
a I'aderewskl I'm not sun whether
Spell that right r not) sit up and tab
aoUce; can club der dinky little flow
ors so faithfully at the houey
come into the
windows to sus
e curner drug
a o r e lierfum .
\ fro their silk
en c liters; can
quote 'argil and
I I Tenni a and
Browning a m d
other peopl that
1 don't on er-
I stood slid du 't
Pare to, but a
wlghty proud
e otAfi that you do; can
wrlte and r•ad
t7arc Aammrr fan such erudite pa.
11O pers on the
whlthernem of the w•h.•refore at the
women's Glut, that all the hearers, I
am told, are filled with wonder that so
much knowledge could Is• brought to-
gether under such a pretty hat. In
Short my dear, I forget that my daugh-
ter as an up to date young lady is
strictly It.
La me, child, It seems only yesterday
that I was reading you fairy stories
from a yellow covered lluen !rook and
WWWing you. how A was differentiated
Qom B by certain peculiarities of art -W.
lecture. Don't you remember [row you
,Used to hkle Iot4lnd the rosoebash by
the walk and jump out and frigbten
we ball to death by hollering "Bour'
when I came home In We evening?
Don'( you remember how you used to
elimb\up Into til.• haymow and slide
down with a cry of •'larw at the start
and a @*tout of delight at the fiuish
when you\lauderl safely Ise u'y arms?
Don't you t•rmemher- but, pshaw! Of
course you don't. You haven't reached
tie age cJ u'1' cordes yet. In your Ise-
agitatiun all tf Is•attty and brlRhtness
sad glory of Ilfe re just ahead of you,
emit you look tha� way. i pray God
that you 'tiny nlMt�9 look that way,
always see the snn4111he n little brighter
Just beyond until yon sk In the light
supernal. \
The Young Man In ilio Case.
And now my little gtri wants to get
married stiff would like to have papa's
consent. Papa's a good deal lit• the po-
afUon of the countryman who s up
against the shell game at the circus.
The young man
w the case e
working the
Sheila, and the
dbi races are 1 e'0
to I against pa-
pa. I'm mighty
sorry that 1 don't
know him. At I
least. I don't re-
member hat Ing I
met him unless
he was one of
that string of
dough faced pop -
I a j a y s t h a t UP aguinst the ahciL
danced around alms• .
you all the time I was at home last
trip and kept me from seeing you
when I wanted yon all alone. of
all the high collared, turned up trousers
dudes I ever saw that bunch was the
worst But there; maybe Ice was one
of them, end, come lu think of It, my
judgment wan based on the mass.
You say he's the dearest, sweet-
est, bestest-but, my dear little girl,
If Mr. w'Wlam Jackson Rollins in all
that you may be Is the morning papers
In heaven mast be running dimplay ad-
vertlmememts asking for Information
as to the whereabouts of a lost,
strayed or mtol.•n angel. If \Pilllam fits
your deseriptimi he's got no btsineos
down here. Ills proper job Is flitting
around the pe:n ly gates shooing away
um old struiers a !'o, watt to break In,
But I'm willing to make allowances
for superlstlrus of rhetoric and Potion.
efomm and consider your prospectus,oD
a 1 per cwnt Peals. Besides, your
mother assures me that William is -
411 wokol and the proper width, and
forty years' experience has taught me
tilat your mothers judgment can be
relied ow
Personally i don't think any roan
teat w-alka-or any that tides 1n an 1
antnmoblM, for that matter- In goerl
4qnongh for my little girl• but your okt I
eiaddy's got sense enough to know i e
the way of woman to Jet mese govt
W nothing caw In "sum rs carp halt
off, jest OR i did your mother, thongh 1
(Of the life of me 1 never could under.
'stand what lube could see in thin bull. 1
dle of brines to booker atter. Tloe t
I -ed of d a mighty good job when M '
made welman, but It Kpms to me be '
might haft lmpttoved upon Adam a
pule. i
t don't expect to and perfection In
William. If Dees got a sufficient quan. a
thy of goad. ov/ryday same. it he's
bonast sad upright. 9 bo Aoetn't jump t
backward wisest attllboQj Says wort,
and it be rosily and triaty, bvw yM I 1
rockrin that's all that I an raawsahty
axpaet t
t' &AW6- a a. &-..t_
I'm not particular about the size of
his bank deposit. Just as an evideuer
of backbone 1 hope hes out of debt
and bas a Ilttls.money laid by. 1 would
hate to see you marri d to a deadbeat
or a spendthrift One Is a moral snit
the other Is a menial delinquent, and
you wouldn't Lie
.,. likely to Bud
happiness with
either. But giv.
en Industry and
a disposition to
spend a little
less than Is Lunde
and comparative
pov•. rty lu youth
is no great draw-
back. When 1
married your
mother I had a
am Lt,,i stout heart, a
s u strady job, my
y �me+.�v trousseau and
0-Na""aaatng to a That
to cash.
o Dytdt That was all m
a11d capital. 1 have
n n than that now In cash, but I
when ''t feel as rich as 1 did then,
m was I in reality. That is a good
to •stmt found&Uou for any youngster
any u • begin married life with, provided,
Dar coarse, the girl In the case is can.
kne4- I 'ted to dart wttfi that and be antis-
dreases I it with what he can provide for her,
they v Itbout overstepping film Income. • so 1
d t ey that If William Is as well fixed as
wa 1 fuss 1 shell have no objection to him
- oa the financial score. But It Is mighty
o Important that he have this start It's
r rdghty embarrassing to a bride to find
mg 1'ie tallor'm unrecelpted bill In the In.
tale put•k-et of her bubby's weddiug
e e .at, and if you discover that Willlaw
J is a little backward In money matters
o you'd better postpone the joyous Gere-
' ony until he can get n move on him•
trees e. if and get ahead of the pay wagon.
e UO the other hand, my dear, If he has
k 1'011 us bib as a telegraph pule I
v. .uldn't consider It am in..urmuuuta-
e Ido Obstacle. Money Is a wlghty good
filing to have lying around, and i don't
know that 1 would comer It adrisa.
file• tm pat n limit on Une amount pro-
vided It doo• ti't pile up around a tuan's
b•Sv so that he can't work. I have tak.
en It for granted, little girl, that you
lure each other. I don't know why I
should, fur 1 am well aware that love
N getting t" be unfashionable, but i
aw ane of those old fashioned fellows
'hey believe that love Is quite essential
t happiness In married life and have
III) atience with those people who hold
Ihut sinal esteem Is a sallsfy'Ing sulk-
sfitutc. Tlo-re nre lots of men and
lots .,f .wca that I highly' esteem, but
I'd little i ghty bad to have to make a
contn'ct to ive with any one of them
IndPOuitely. ve Is an entirely differ -
Put propwltio It comes to the nor-
mal man or wo an but once --once at
a time, at soy and It's the feel-
ing which the good Ord meant should
he a prelude to an a necessary se.
c•0mpauiment of the re times between
man and wife. It's the r 1 divine fire,
little girl, and there ore' u substitutes
that are of as much value a a cockle-
bur hl a sack of oats by co arlson.
Itut yOuug folks are sometimes Istak-
et' In the feeling.
The Genuine Article.
Iko you remember how you broke oht
with the hives at the same Ume NannIs
Jones wall down with the smailpox
over In the next block and how dea-
is•rately scared your poor mother was?
I.uts of people make the same mistake
about love. They think they have a
very serious attack of the real thing
when It's only a case of hives, figure -
lively speaking. I hope you and WII-
Ilam have caught the genuine article.
Some but the genuine will last; none
but the genulue will carry you through
the storms and land you safely In the
blessed haven. Your mother and I
have passed forty happy years togeth-
er. There have been trials and trou-
bles a -many, (;oil knows, butte bray -
Pit and breasted and surmounted therd
together upheld by love. That's the
main thing, honey. Do you love hits,
really love him? Does he love you?
Money and position and brains are of
small Importance when compared with
love. it doesn't Insure happiness.
\There are circumstances under which
love In unhappy, miserably unhappy
so petlme•s, but you certainly can't be
happy long without It.
Y'es my Ilttle girl, you have my con-
sent fall and free. I wish I had more
light. I wish that my judgment could
bp based more upon personal Observa-
tion than in my confidence In your
motber's goof? sense, strong 'as tthat 1s,
and In your own well tric•el-A.1 Gretton.
i woukl like much to see and know the
man of your choice beton I handed
you over to ills kAeplut(, bat I am so
sltunteel that i eanmot do as I wish. I
must go It blind, toy dtar, and perhaps
It In just ns well. if I were at home I
would doubtless do just as your moth-
er and yuurse-If desired me to do, rind
whether we know or whether we don't
we must still to n certain extent go It
blind In this matter of matrimony. We
have to take a good deal on trust any-
how, and we can Only hope and pray
that your married life may be as hap-
py. as free Rom care, am your mother
and I bake tried to make your child-
bpcxt dnvs; that your bnreband may be,
Grill Always be. all that you now believe
hhu to lie, rind that as wife and mother
you inny reach ns near to perfection as
the dear one who gave you birth.
And how, t;ttic one.. as to your n,•1
din¢. 1 don't la•I{e•ye In tout (.11x1
meute, lint dun't he In it bin•r} . 'I ; ,.
cucnge•ruent Is a tr•ricsl Of U'inl that i-
n mighty vnluab'.• prollmlunry to u.. ,
tinge. It gitem you n chancP to g.•I
IN'ttev nrgnaint-1 w9tl' one nether. I,
get a closer view of the other's .tuall
it", to find out whether you art• really
fltterl for Ilfe fi,re•ther. There's u.,
resh shout It. The parson Isn't g-•
III: to leave town. And whatever
von do, honey don't snenk out the
rock door null get married by n )amuse
or the iwAre will, n deputy eontoWe
am the witness. That isn't a real war
r1agP. It's )not n going through moms
POP forms that eunble-Xou to Piro to-
gether without Irina Interfered with
oy the mherlR. tier w adding should toe
he greatest event of a Rlrl'm life
"Inething that will be full of pleasant
nemortn file her In after year.; a
memory of pretty drew" and a prettier
bride, a memory of joyous moale and
1OTitms flowers, with the odor of or -
nee Measures horering over nil and
eePnUng the years like a breath from
be bleared IsDd, and, above nil; a
ttlsmtry of solemn ceremony slid of
hely vows so impreseM upon young
bsarh by tbo beauty and sublimity of
be surroundings and the service that
tins CUM ,Race them.
You Are Werth Waiting For.
You c,D't afford to lot" the material
~rw of the preparation; ye hours
of shopping with your mother, the
making of plans and specifications for
No Great Artistic Ability Required to
the bridal gown, the building of welrel I
Make Thorn.
and wonderful garments Immersed In
A novel Idea for score cards was
oceans of tvtses and laces and rll►-
seen at ■o afternoon party kvvently.
bons, the delightful little pornupUal
'Me cards were cut in the shops et a
&octal events with which 7"r friends
lave, but none of the features was
boner yon -you mustn't skip all thew
indicated. A few wavy lines were
just becalm William Is impatient
drawn In. The features evere drawn
Olve him to understand that anything
separately, cut not and tiered am stle•ken
worth having In worth waiting for as
for scoring.
well as working for, and If my little
As the games progress the results at) -
girl tan't worth having I don't know
talned toy the winners were hullevous
anything on this green earth that Is.
In the extreme,' as the face gains a fen.
No, sweetheart, take your ttlae and
ture at a time according to the num.
got married right I haven't any use �
her of games won.
for them impromptu weddings. "Lets
Two eyes, two eyebrewm, two ears,
so out and get an fire cream soda, and
a Dome and a mouth provide for Plght
white were about 1t we might as well
Us up." That's the kind of stuff that
fills the divorce courts and the news-
papers with harrowing tales of unhap-
-pinesa, Don't do that, denrle; It doesn't
pay. Besides, I want to have you for
my own a tittle longer, and when you
do- get married your old daddy wants
to be there to be permltted to walk
down the &tate of the church with you '
�\ ProRresmWas. If additlouel progree
ssloulax are
needed neckties, scarfpina
Yeti sea and heads may be dAtwa.
No great amount of artistic ability L
Your olddaddv wants to nada' down Me I needed for this work, as any atPN
aMu t► Waft IMon It"arm I two drawing may serve as a model and
on lila arm and to give you away the features copied 'from that. By
while pride and sorrow and joy are I changing the Ilues of the mouth and
foiling over one another In his beartthe lNmnitlou of the eyes different ex
Yes, little girl, Son., have my consent. I hl
may be. obtained. The draw•
and may God ever bless you. Yonr Ing will answer the purpose If done im
aabettenate father, I black and white, but the effect will be
JOAN SNEED. ! still better If the dtfferent features and
P. S. -I have just received a manly. { the face are tinted with water colors.
sensible, modest letter from William'
-just the kind of letter I should Potatoes KW For good.
want to get from my future son -fin- I Potatoes can be' kept for mead by
law. It gives me the impression that spreading them out not over one dety
&a friends call him Bill, and I llke and keeping Them near a window un-
tbat If his name had been Reginald til August or even later. Try a half
or Algernon I should have felt corn- bushel and plant In August for your
Palled to go home on the nM train to need In 190K It will pay, you. spray
look him over. J. S. them Often W repeal the tdlater beetles
and you will have potatoes that feat
Poultry House With Scratching Shed. !'Red River of the North for need. L
It requlrea no description to show Roudebmb In National Stockman and
the practical potltry ralser the value Farmer
of the heu booze alone view of which In - -
A Thoughtful Wife.
"I was cured of an annoying gropem-
sity to sleep at the wrong tutu In
rather an original way" sold Sunozer.
a I I
"Some time ago there were aBum-
1 her of nights when I could not sleep
I i until just before It won time to rise
- 1 I in the morning. Then, of course, It
was hard to wake me. My friends
advised all sorts of remeilles, but n'y
given herewith. There may be d thou- wife set her wits to work and found
sand modifications of this,general plan the right one. The next night 1 fell
for a home for poultry, but in the Into a light doze after i got Into bed.
main, if the beet resultsrare desired, but In less than twenty minutes 1
\4hls scheme mint too more or less close- was as wide awake as ever, phchlu;
1} adhered to. and towing and unable to close my
eyes. Well, my wife got up. ;truck
Treatment of'Roupy Fewls.\ a match and pretended to look at her
Fur roup 1111 a pall! Wendy fall oflwa- wateb. Then she said:
ter, add a "'I wouldn't try to go to sleep, dear,
teethe hticl of every ailing a It will soon be Ume for you to get
and then dip the trad'ot every ailing up now.,
bird. Do not take- much time to do 'That settled it In three minutes
this -just long enough to have the oil I Was asleep end slept like • log.
penetrate the Doors stodrthrost. Put This vas repeated once or twice, asci
the birds that haveranyrdlecharge from
nostrils or eyes by -themselves. Keep now iRet my regular sleep every
sick land well birdx 4mwL Add a few Dight The heat of It was that 1 elldn•t
drops of kerosene no every drinking know for a number of days the little
dish on the place, andi ceep'thts up un- rose that had been employed to rend
UI no new casees.spiear. Then clean m- to sleep."- i'ear•son's,
out every pen oe .dust Mth and cob-
obwebs. W ltewaehyevepthing^in sight'
Disease AraoegtPigeons.
In reading above the diseases that
pigeon flesh Is be it )to, It' is no wonder
that.a good many*people are deterred
from pmbarf ing dna- e�uerpttm when
such a handl xp.iseagainst them, Poul-
try Item truly oilbaves. They would,
bowever, aasnre�tl
dlaivtntiy if they
could be at pigeons nsixrally
are most rlgoroas, hardy ,and strong
birds. And wren aommoalmense and
regular and lhtel igent management
are given themitr quewttontof eUseam
need be nolostnmbUng block whatever.
Preparing Fattening ``- Food.
Where soft: food Is iraedvextenrdvety
for fattening!puryomes•the food is heat-
ed In large. cast Iron cook kettles hold -
lug from, 100 to 150 gallon. These
kettles aye made speclslly for cooking
food forl stock and are nupplled by all
poultry supply and farm implement
hoose& , A lot ot fopdtrooked in we of
these coveted- kettleskw111 keep bit
from 1PD to twdve boom after tbe-AM
awdertthe ,ketUe•ie. out
Caftingtooth Ways.
A.cmyany;prosrmter who adverttsed
for an,omce,boy received a iamadred
reNk'+c. , Out $nf the hundred he melect-
ed ten twbotwere asked to call at the
office fier a.1personal interview. Ills
final e11 upon a bright looking
youth. "Iltdye boy," swd the promoter,
'T IfIr-0-ow and
II Schools
fl Opening
1 �1.
A!I the cutherized text books for
Public School and Collegiate
Best Value in town in
Scribblers and Ex-
ercise Books a;2
Bookl `1 Store
:sl %—rjce your man- L�
Ines very tomdt I'`think yon may do
for the place; DId.yoq bring a cbar I
1`"Nool *," re0plled4the boy, "I mn to When in Goderich
h0meeam getnt." Don't miss seeing the
rnwlthft, t came back tomorrow MOVING PICTURES
mofag wlthtandlts
f 1t ,eathl(ac-
tor7; 1ldlmw ser l abaft engage you."
IAtepthat.Sense tttftemoon the final- AT
claxPssmprhied .%y the retmm of Use
"Wvr•umamOt yomtrobs-curl
got junum an' I ahe"IewaWl''-JAdilss-
man"JoornaL Y , I 0P.,11 cal'h evelilli {
Two Fine/Straterberriae,
fur Pill 7::30 to 10 30.
One 0, f the beat, of ,the newer stnw-
berrist is the *senator Dunlap, says an Pictures Change Tuesday,
Ohio, w an In Amerism -cultivator. It Thursday and Saturday.
Is a ver 7 early kind and:keepa In bear'
Also illustrated songs
Ing loin t enough to herelaswed. also as
a mldw aeon variety. !it is aa'rellable ' change same nights as,
and Ess .dueuve as thin flalerland and - pictres
has a If ♦rod color and[ pleasant flavor.
TAP lido nlap and a gold late kind Pike'(� t
the t;ra nvtlle make &/fine teas for the i Dont iNiss This real
strawke rry grower. An Important I Admission. Sc.
I"Pon I point U to puts on atnw
knrtnttt for match and Wirler prolse-
10- tet slant anal the bP g seaaoe{ J. J. viomPSON,
a" kat gflpe III@ ire dean. 1 tY: PnlRiatfrr,
,o 2
The Sovereign Bank
t �• of Canada . r
bean N artlar:
a WILAGO jAAvu. ".,
aAMAOLts 344CO MALD, �rq rel Y'
a. A. ALua. sq.,' nit
No- D- Mcarrws
Am In.
CAwrasu, til.
A. Y. Drraa r, lip, .P.
110a. Para■ MCLAasa, o
W. C. Me-410%ar, •]de.. til.
Ar.sa. Sauce, t)e4.
P. O. Jammarv, - - Geeee.rai�baraw
Savbw Suk 1lepatritmd
lasrrew 1'f b*o estreat woe poi j prlilt`,
A. PORTKR dor ch Hrancb
FALLr �1
e 7"kal ,_,ialy
OIll' extrat extensive
sttK;k 111 Fall SIlitiu!.,s are
here. There aro Bro%vn
Worst, el-, Fancy Wor-
steds; Black and (Slue
l:hvci"t5--iuf.tct we can
.n111,1y Pitt N it h nearly
S'Yel'1IIt111;� in these lilies
-that voll want.
Beavers and Atilt -
011.1;, in Browns, Blacks
and Biller. Give Its
yotir order early and
avoiel that rush that is
Still(! to clemo next
TIES.--- ��t.��l`'�; i�x.
1'•eiul•-iu -hands snit �
l int\1'llli;�.
The latest
sh'i'm al -1 all the Pitney
Iuul fayliional>leshatle:�.
"From the Best that is
Made, to the Cheap-
est that is Goo,"
is our Motto.
�e< s •� ` :v1'
Reg. Black
I His TAILOk. .•
fi RC
for Work' y, Men . ��`
If you want a Rood solid leather pair of shoes for
work mine here and see what we have to offer.
Our experience shows us what shoes are ivorth. It
prevents its paying too uluch for thein, so that charg.
Ilig too much is not at all necessary.
We have the shape „that fits the foot comfortably,
and never ask you to pay: any more than, the very
lowest price they can be sold for.
- 1'r
DAmun1Acr R'si UcAnZ%tn@Ati* ". f
North lido of Square, GODERICIL I
Bargains in Whisks x"A
F,.. We were It in purchasing a tut of Whisks cheaply.
I , Now there it w Btu DIFFRRRYe'tt between purchasing a lot t
of Whisks CHKAPLY and purohasing a tut of ".,.P Whisks.
? ThPoe are grent value rat li , lout while they last you eaen
eeatt have
k ' � w i Ask to see then[. No trouble to show gcxods. Mao"
F. J. BUTLAND', 4", ,1
successor to H. W. Thomson.
Pickling Season 1
Barring the Fnlits and Vegetables, we have
all the necessaries for putting up PICKLES.
Rublter Scatter Itings (Pints laud Quarte). W.
PURF, SPICES OF ALL KiNDY (ixoth gmund and whole).
Cloves. Cinnamon. Nutulega, Allspice, Maw. Mustard Need.
Curry Powder. Turmeric.
FiLKS11 GARLIC, White and Black Poppe n
S. E. NICK, - - - Central Drll/jr Store
uVUkltlull. - ONTARIO
r.._...._. _ a.a._..........
Fall Fashions -in Colts,
t = TE HAVE MADE greeter pfeparaitons than ever for big
w business in the Cloak department. Every garment we '
show is this season's style. Not an old one or a left -over
is en cur racks. Direct from the factories of five of the leadingr
u Canadian and German makers they have come- -the best styles
iy from the best makers of Ladies' Jackets in the trade. There is a
wide variety of choice, wider by far than most stores can show.
'''' Of the best garments and many exclusive styles, no two alike t
We draw special attention to our showing of handsome black
e, Coats. It is greater by far than any we have ever attempted fix
and ladies in search of something exclusive will have no diffr ,
in making
stocksir selection Best choosing is done
earl,are full and complete.
t 11?iporte woo s an the fi
so nish clean and
bright. No better is sold in lots of places at
$i. 15 and $1.25. If, by chance, you got it for
S1..vO per yard you would be getting extra good r
value. Our direct import buying makes possible
the low price of 95C per yard.
BROAiWf DTII PUiTINGR made from vert an; Ise
)xi pnrtrd yarns. French cloth. high finish. *fid) to std
Inch” wide, joist the right weight for tellneed muitm.
Vn t wo ahadne of reel, two oheldea of navy, two abodes,
+ of hrown, green And hlnek, vulry special, 95c
i price per yard ............. . .
Good Umbrellas, $1.23.
$1.50 and $2.00 ,
Real strong one& ladles' or gen-
tlemen's dues, extra quality tops,
e;t guaranteed fast colon, hollow ribs,
[ a variety of faney h&rAN& Jost
the thing for the tall rains.
t w � $11.25, $1.30 and
a.`zrfel4 l .. ;2•0
f'� n A New Broadcloth ff .le
a � .. tt
Wrong Stockings
4iso*Ir 95c per yardIIa��;„ir`�_ 6e►' `t
for Boys
We have added a new quality to our famous
Exceptionally stron stock -
im�prsc for boys seb.1 wear.
lines of Broadcloth Suitings. it comes to us
Al+aolutety fast black, seamless
feet, double heels and knees,
right from one of the leading makers in France,
)amt the kind to stand the ever-
wherethe best broadcloths are made. The qual-
' ity is extra good, the cloth being made from the
ase boy for school. All sizes.
=3c a po
be f ' d i d
t 11?iporte woo s an the fi
so nish clean and
bright. No better is sold in lots of places at
$i. 15 and $1.25. If, by chance, you got it for
S1..vO per yard you would be getting extra good r
value. Our direct import buying makes possible
the low price of 95C per yard.
BROAiWf DTII PUiTINGR made from vert an; Ise
)xi pnrtrd yarns. French cloth. high finish. *fid) to std
Inch” wide, joist the right weight for tellneed muitm.
Vn t wo ahadne of reel, two oheldea of navy, two abodes,
+ of hrown, green And hlnek, vulry special, 95c
i price per yard ............. . .
Good Umbrellas, $1.23.
$1.50 and $2.00 ,
Real strong one& ladles' or gen-
tlemen's dues, extra quality tops,
e;t guaranteed fast colon, hollow ribs,
[ a variety of faney h&rAN& Jost
the thing for the tall rains.
t w � $11.25, $1.30 and
a.`zrfel4 l .. ;2•0