HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-9-12, Page 7Ttliif`,( r t '� atF*jeri � e�.
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+The Cough o
110The News of the Dist,rict.,
' Consumption
OUNLOP. deport tate August of N. N. No. 9 ANh• i tfT. HELENB.
TL'ZOV1Y. Sept. Phil. nerd, in order of merit: IV.--kanny Tvxmt)AY, Kept. 10th.
Jolty Yomg, tit Iwoyal, lett tart Fitzgerald, Wui: Altera, Lefler Blake, I Mes, Stuart and Amina rpornt Nun.'
week to continue his studies at Nand- Maly liaunders, \Yet Alton, KrnrNt , day in Ripley.
George Naunderrl. Ill.—Effie
with R. C. college, conamencjng his Johnston, Hidin Twuwley, Jessie � O'll' Iwrrlutll (rant expect to play
third )+ear's course thew. Mothers. Kdith .Iohructo Will.' Woodfield till Naturday next.
Mr, and Yrs. Chose. MacNeil were at Glazier. 11. -Lily Alton, la* Fitz Rev. Dr. McIweAIL of Utldericb,
the Toromto exhibition and also Viso- i rrald, Wer Glazier. fart 11. ---Rets Occupied tfle pulpit helve [lost Nahlrath.
,tell their relatives, At Cticukrtown, waurley, Peter (crazier, Gladys George Clatk, of Midlanli, it spemd-
chur'ehill and near Barrie while away. Rivers. Part 1.- B aryl Johnston, Ing a few days under the parental
James, Jones, a well-known resident (retie :Horan. J. V. HTerjergno, roof.
Your doctor will tell you that
fresh air and good food are
ithe real cures for consumption.
But often the cough is very
hard. Hence, we suggest that
you ask your doctor about
your taking Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. It controls the tick -
lin Mets the cou h.
of loyyal, it down ft,ow Thessalun, se -, reacher. _ _ _ Het. K. \Y. ('raw returned hove un BOARD DRAINS. g' Q g
inti alter bier farm. and lives decoded' CREWE. Tuesday After a ending hit vacation We aaosltsa... IMaele.
\1 w. K. Taylor to take the contract at Thoroton and uthrr pNoiufr. w. ►..Iso nts.a.t
of buildinga new line wine fence b+• As a substitub For Tile They Will nae o.r w,rNta«
Mow DAY, Sept. 9th. Rd. 'flit) 14 Colin McDonald, WON• p
i' tween his faro wad that of Jmues Fred McGlynn Is ill with dlphthrrin, True and Iw•w Wealherhewd Are tak- Last Many Veers. Qrs wpo�n r—Y.Imo
young. ,jigs. Jar. McDonald it ill wt present. ing in the lwoudon exhibition lhir Drainage Is a live rat )et.t with the' �j �;,o,
The chief of the Loyal police wall in There is quite n rush here for week. farmer• In the uorfhwe.t. and many
'Toronto to see the exhibition IRA q would IM glad lis du a great deal ulur • One of Ayer's Pills at bedtime will cause
week and, it is rumored. brought threshers at present. Me@. Rutz rind grandson returnevl to an increased flow of bile, and produce a
K M)altkk tiff Tuesday after N oeudin A of It 1f they were lis n Ila it -vial coodl
haws rums new batons for himself Dry weather and toile pastures is )' ! K fiscal to du no. While tit- drains are F.
laxativea h bo the day it
nnd his frlfcow 1xlnsGtLlev of this (are still the prevailing topic, few rbvr with the furuler'r daughter, ormula on each lox. Sbow it to our
and I.raburu to Ira► ready for place
Miss Franceb Treleaven is taking fu Mrs. irt.ko. cousldered U«• beA. L I:Ird 'll"luq will doctor. He will understand at a glance.
luwe ell• the sights At Tormto fair. - give very &od Pervive for is munber of Dose, one pill at bed�jme.
AY OLD•TIr1gK.—Arthur• W -4.t, wan. Mrs. A. Hawkins, of Port Albert, it COLBORNE. Tears and will rnmbk• tri•• former to �rw►ywr.c.y«os.yswrLsrs.'�
ager of the 'rrarlat" Bol k, Ilarrirtlin, spending itfew day., with Mrs. J.Sept..K ('tnrwott', li.3rd. — — - — —
taut., ural Vincent A. Nr.,l, tit Turn. Whitely. MUNICIPAL Ceocxcla.. Culhoro.• SILAGE CORN.
to, who were at the funeral of their Tire lAdl es' Missionary Society of council hgmun
field its reular eeting
unclq the late Dixie WatiniL on Fun• Crewe me having at social on Thurs- the alcove date. All is • owmlMr. -
day of this week, visited their uncle, day, the Itch. were.
present. 'rhe follow eg at.countnZ
Breall Earn Should at Least Appreash
ILowIA1a1 Williams, and their cousins %Vrel• Nharkleton lust a valuable w'err paid:' N»wyrr A ,jpwst-y Co.. the Roasting state.
on Monday evening List. The former mare un Naturlay. LI htufo is rt- Mira for grader, svicil; .Aluuici mal
im Slow pant Lir rightyy seventh year. said lti 6nvP (Men the cauNrK K - \ljorld, IMM,ka and hhwks, 101'Ll : Through abetter luutvlydge o[ the
Be was ilmooeilt in -limb-rich in lhr 11'illirun (',.,it, re .4iiirtg ru,ul. 1011.73: hest to
l that
t It is safe
iunrrt'da + sinl'e 1K�, and waspit-
it- Nl,c. Joseph NpN•l•1'M au.l 6cr sun, �; risme to [reel that It IN aafr to lent
! )'' { Tholllar, of Il.0 krtl, r nt NrUude► J. A. 1° 1%14 C. 11m•+uiuK t uh sol t P
rat at the first Division Court held In } tin L. It. s11."at; Jolun Itukt•r,dc..io IN,krtru for the Pllu quite Into lis the rra-
(i,Nlerich tothe Intl judge- Acland ill 'with the (urwrr's daughter. Mrs. 1.41aid aflkrw:t�rdt,ovehillsromidoil 'Polley Pierce. in 75.- Ard,uld rrputirictg twoeulr.•trveno wligri n faros. S melte In Amer-
iN.i.i; .►. J. •iuldthtirpM. >,redAr pNt.tr1•au .\KrleulturlNt. Ruwr farmers In
him first of courts held In the Alr+.lira.l'Inik +old her two chip old 1 plank, tOY.sh; S.ouuel I'oUrr, aorthrrn Vermont have largely ove•r-
Ilur m tract. We think he islhe only drr11, ,f lletroit, and her brother, building vema•nt abotnent ILL Brnn+d- TO YAaa wOUDI N DRAINS -II°. 1. come the dlffieulty of rer•urlo
.urvfvor of thine who) were present nt Job's All -Glynn. of Crewe, left here on g fiuuel
. >R
A 1tt i1 w,l
ally fn,u: ["'["attire n
ths•re near. sluts held b the lair NAtn•d«y for Ih•lrit. rats: better t.ropos and that: provide silage rt Ire ora by cutting
Y rnlerl by Al. (i. l'an,rruh n+king the
Judge Acland sixty -rix years mgt. — ---- council to submit it bvl.tw to If vole ill himself with tie- menus for buying the chop mud u1lowl119 It to wilt for
-- UUNUANNUN, diti.ious 'L and i to gunrunle -. the till later off. Board drains, exp•t•ial At•veral days before placing In the silo.
LEEIIURN. I t boo -la of the Onlnriu \Veer Shun• 1y w'hi'rr the ground Is sat wet that Through MIN pructice they uvtc•owe
1 A, NEWTON, DENTIST, LUCK. hlecu•ir It tilWAV 1'u., to til•• :uuuunl they are kept constantly saturated with the danger of early trusts, and by the
)<. \Ow'.- At.h,Nur eterydayti—as Tlos , ,-
7blwuev, Nr`1l. loth. la>.• 1,:wleu,uayfurr■traeti,titaethe+uugw uf:r4lNMa, Jlo4d I,v J. A. vlrh:w,ut, water, will last for years. `b'urwrr.1 drying out of a part of the water con.
Ruth Shaw, Knew this waYr to G."le. Ifurteu.tseiter rluu, laawa.s... ( m%o and bridAe work tN•rondwl by Jahn IIffatw, I hat said living 1n the districts where timber 1, taut they arcun• it lighter rolored, l,raa
rich to attend the Model Schild there, eat•. Aluuununttrare.tiwmbnakantro• bVbaw IS. re«d n 1['sL tiro•. ('.u'rie'I cheer will find that such drains w111 acid Al1agP. '1LIN prnctlrr may he ex -
\'Ou .:et I%a) • I,a. r your work nuic1. P
lit sinkingthe artesian well at E. (Heiler dune in Ihr deulal pah,: nwn• 11111,-, Alot'ed by Jitllle•n Alf-Maffen., wrrloll'1r'1 tended tills ,N•am.m.
answer the purpose very will without
N. Shaw's Nr. Kuntz, for (,atlr:urt11., b''llrrfa.'ilior•furduluru,e work, oven t.o,,, by J. A. Mch:wnti, that ,,:cid byhtw IM
struck a Imrge huukler route distant.; itst.wlr f„r u..• I..urnt• rr,I.l +t second r iole. l',u rird. Thv ranch expense. Such dralus have been The White Sanford Variety.
down. Hr had to withdraw, his %haft �OTICE. THK LOCAL A(:F:NI'l' `'est.• tit IM Ltk,•n oat the oath td thi. known to tart twenty ur lwruty-ffvre Silage coni rt4luin•s the Name cul -
tit another spot and is sinking the L in II)Crrti.mifor TheAtlfnNlI.atlhr►b.r mouth. F. W. M(-IN)\ctm, l'IPrk, years, st.which time they serrated to tural conditions as field corn the same
well in the new late thin week. 'sat... iNs,c nod sr,diutwry von, Wiz..". _ _ a be Ip Just as goal a state of preserva- IIIMral fertilization, flit- Name thorough
P anitfM1 ig lir nam -1-1 for to nomiyriun., .til tion as on the day they were put in. plowing and e•ureful eultivajlon, deep
Alter. Inwretice•, formerly,Misr r,•I,i.tae reNl }„n work. aad,escwlPf. will in. t0AYF1EW.
shvit or auluuutm laid tar lhe..r,le. To make wooden drains It usuallyre- a first to Maintain a welluw condition
Sarah Foley, in here front Chicngu till Tuvso%v, Slepl. 10th. j
fi visit to her rents. Nhe iP tOO1► MACIIINF; (Allo 1N SOLD quires two men, one to hold the boards I the soil, shallow Inter in the season
G nl A\Umatnt\`I ll,intwaee• Dr. Nl:UIhSl 'y IIaN IN•eu :tiv:ty fur n
also visiting her relatives in Kin i to place and the other lis uafl them to Aculd cutting the crone nests and to
od (sow wPrk» [olid«}'..
bridge, li crit.[ stwl Nydr. Park »atop \1 ra'NK!'ioAY• Nrpt. IU6. together. This metbol of maklul; maintain :l drat undrh. In t41fl n•K1on
this tittle in sccouup flied by her MiaN VuuuK, of Tonin,), is at pre- L. tfuchall, (If Ihlrhtun. is eisirinK board drains can lir Improved upnl the White Ranhonl corm Ir the favorite'
cut vihitifi \lir. Nettiv lull. his 'Wel. Mrs. Il rr'.i \\',NNI..
dnuKh(er. K • by the use of a standard. T[Is c„u for the Nilo. It IN ji sulk, strong grow
Oe -i. Br:ulford find twits- rel Or. Noels his. purrhA.ed ,til up4u-
'1'ug BYLAW. Thr elrrlrir rrilw•t)' alstm o[ an upright INoan] three fret lug euro, thrives well on somewhat
question. which was thrice• voted scif hums son titUn'd+ty after rIN'nding n 'Intl dliringo,trfit from Mf. 1►Atis, of
I tlrnNalh llgh, having notches cut luta It rix close l'Iaj' mull and Ill ordinary sentient;
'"4ver four years ago in CollNorne. will '"4 '1 oromttl, Inches apart, one Inch wide and sereral mature- sufficiently for good silage. I
x ain toe voted till b the ratepayers Mrs. (iw1. I%illimsm mud child F 1.•nt Alr. and Alis, AllenhN'll ""$;a fate
g Y e ! 1 inches deep to hold the hounlN firmly. have ripened It soffirirntl' for meed.
in the western division ofw lis to
tin n few i -W iii. week at the huiur, ti( 'i"-:tY oil a t ip ti Buti do :old of her The boards are laid in the notches, For best results it should b! planted
1hralRh inH. The bylaw is lis guar- Mac. Nt.1\'bion}. 1'niterl H[nlcN cities. P
anter. SA(lda of the bmdr of the coast- r. 1:. Allen eumdr a buminvoi Iri 1 ter, Appde. are daily no riving at t11t• when the top tooard can be quickly and fu drills three to three and one-half
oat The m ll clerks and returning I evenly palled on. feet apart, mec„rding to the fertility of
1 Y• f K PrtrrlNa•tiugh Ill«t wt•rk, obese he bar Itaytirld s•vatsir,ttur, which will cuw-
ofilcers are nammd said later lilt- Isrge tiulbu liulit., fflrffcr "IN•l:ttious oil Molid.ly, Another method conmistA of two poets the soil, and there should be about two
Ncrutinerrro will lir appointed. Farut- John P.•Il,s•k h:as relurnrd from till. driven into the ground about thre growing stalks [o each foot In the drill.
Nish Nevins rilurmd to our t•il[eKe• n
Art ore talking over the question at W. -m. wbu•rr hr wa. lklliu un Lil,,• Good farts manus• plowed under the
house and at the threshin head
(if Ch Sud trill again lir At III K
K"' bend of l'hA.. klliutCa millinery esLab_ N'innipMg during lhr •a a greenaN•urtl at the rate of twenty
lfedoment. l'bri.topht-r I uupter, of Seaftillb, spreader loads per acre supplemented
BNEPPAROTON. R. F. %fanning, wife and rhil.l rt-. wilt) IIPMI to drive the +lftl.rt,Nal Nt;tg.• with 450 IldunM of high grade com-
turned home last week afters spending fur Mr. Lift[•, is voting in tour, merclal fertilizer will produce a yield
• MONDAY, Sept. 9th. ,e etou sole of wrPkN in Nnskuka.Thr B Ile. Alrfr:alf h9s sLarled hi boiler A large enough on land not too badly ells
Miss Dell Brindley, of Shep idton, "'up
friends at Holmre•evllle last report nn exrelleia'Noting. cement breakwnter yt Thr to N tf the _ _ o (f have Hetet succeeded In
week. Mal. It. J. And Alims Olive Ciawfrid Inky Isnk it, preserve tile. IMach. It ralstoo
IN A Ial-Ke undertakiIc When creno- `" " satisfactory c
Nies (iraoP Herntan, of Detroit, it retu'nPd borne Iasi wt•rk, fuvin� K• n' y tops of silage corn on
the neat of Yiw l,lAra Brindle "donut the• .unutirr with lhl. former N plead it will b,• .sten ft I' in [right. commercial fertilizers alone. I find the
g ) J. N Na kuunl hit the cunt;,,•(, To KA" rcoDair uill"Ini- seat. if.
Sheppwrdton, for a few weeks. br,other•, Mr. Wils.nl, of Hhortsville. ! barn manure carries it through the
N. 1'. The ftillottillg ntlrod"d 1.-1111-111 flair feet from the fent.s•. with ffoff hv1 latter part of the mention better and It
I.M. Rubinson, who has been it rrsi- thiq we wk: Nr. ,and Mrs. F'; A. I:d- Loardn nailed nenrw from rash p,rst finely and well spread and completely
PORT ALBERT. dent of our village for About A year, (card: and Mis. Flov Ellw'nitN, 4o the fence. Willi such a Ng no thl+ mixed with the flolhaldfl In carrying It
A1i'.m Alice '1'i , m•tt. %tiro N.te g cpult.kly and ensile through A drought.
MONDAY. Sept. Ikh, •lover with his family hest week ed Wilds, MiNN Griu•e %Voir. 11. Ihrhomn made by van
usual ulnre. F'aruler.
Win. f3age 6+u guar to Yltttkokr for (ioxlrrirh. Mr. Kobinson has secluilel still fi. F. Green l,lde. In Condition For Cutting.
a couple weeks. A posiLion with Yr. Morrow. the s For best eiluKr the cru should [air
butcher. The Barr V U
John xhi $ti oenhwls took in the TOrnn- y Patch. mature. Thi• smaller earn should ■t
to exhibition lost week. J. O'Connor and H. Reid shipped n The Monarchs of the Snows. Beware of deer• n•d sou.( lis th block yeast approach the roasting stage, and
Cat'lold of cattle yeste•rdia from %Ic. capor blackberty i p
Nis car Cunni• barer is home y (vy r It.,nkrr., I :Itt.h. \\ 6e It n ' If some of the most
mature are well
R (caw station. Thom. Durnln shipped s p corm at once dig out and burn he In
again from t 'tin Fwrm. The uunual death -roll [•roll lof wtinntnin-
cArlo:ld from the samoe piece last week. glared no harm will corns from It
Mis+Tena F. Hawkins hall returned (aur whippers find this dal ion quite 'est and ez oluierm of thi hi her \I .. ferUrl plant.
{ K � 1 When corn can tic secured ID this con -
U) her school at Leamington. convenient• and til her mountain ranges cunt inur. Remove the old nuiplierry (-ones as dation and Is cut In half Inch lengthy
Robert Bennett has returned to ever, year toy year, tit lengthen out :is soon as they have frultwl: also remit..
Mr. Little, who was herr for a new Maks null lefty crests :old meas m. w-enk• sat rtluuum t eve tins, Ilnrn till tato a silo, the silo filled slowly and
(Vicagr) After visiting with hin cou ill of weeks relievingH. E. Alan• 1 I pe without tramping, n light colored,
parents the twrek. ! h'it[l.rtomilted by the Sealfood of lil:ell- PUCo time t ntulte.
I P� ninK during him t•ncatfon, left un \\'e•el• alr•Trr,i,t thine to time �cnlc•el by in- sweet silage will result. Ruch silage
A1i,ts H' nniP Cunni• bora and neesla [wt far Nebrin Ville, wh;re Le Continue to cultivate atsl ha tiros•
g Y K Irellid uuounlain vlimloer,. Acid it i. will not 811 the barn with unpleasant
Percy Hoyden started attending the will tor' engaged in relief work iSl cup- PtrswlMrry pluuim art I:Mt Pprin^
high school At Goderich last week, nec•tion with the Nterhug (tank. u'.t surprising that They +rete content odorsIn fact, qo one will know that
bo take anus risk in � Surmounting \\•herrae•nolgh rumlt-rs nn•. s•cttn.l ala �� le a silo In the barn except at
\\'e wish them every success. LK(Tunit.--John R. Clarke•, the those towerin n•eri oiceN :and i each raw', colt tiff till others Jllmt nil If K h 1 T they were weeds. feeding lime, and then the odor 1•
rooted lecwtourist, will deliver bared, beetling escarpmtrnta ; for pN•r- slight an -very pleasant.
KINOSBRIDOE. his fanuoue Ict•tare **T(-) and Froin hill)% to many there cunld a. n„ Beware of expNwing blackberries to
Tvsmnar, ye t Irl
Landon" oil Thursday evening, greater mundane pleasure thail. AIIN'il- the sun after they are picked. Ran A WIRE FENCE
pp September Wall, in the Alrth(idi.t sx
tuck of- ier-a; ill [and. I.) achieve fight soon buns the• black, mislay fri ll
Harvei,thig If alaneat coarpleted in church. Dungannon. Mr. Clarke Its ran the Ascent of name of ,those mighty to a rusty, dull, ,'tinpleRmant looking
this neigh INirbood. Pntert(aimer of the highest quality and nlonar•chs for the snows, and, in the red. Get the brrrie•P Into packing shwa f:ewveeient Means of Tightening Up
Mists Kate Kenny IPit on Thursday shonld draw a large wudienre. I(.eep eternAl sitimcr of those r,wk-Kilt or crate no moon as possible find then Slack Win.
for (halt, where she will continue her tbim date open and eorne and hews cone e(x)enls; or oat file sannllit of those into a cool cellar until shlpplaig time. In building n w ire fence a great
studies. u[ the foreuloat Joel orers; of the pros- jagged wind-swept pinnacles towerin{( Going to sPt sum; fltrnw'tMrrlrR lis man le nice small stays between
We are had to report that Mrs. entday. no Inmjestiraldt• opwarlAW the skis.. August to Sept( s \Vr prefer they posts. find small y
Noble, wilt has leen ill with a severe RAILWAY. -A well -Attended in' I. to c•(olltenrp13tP nature's wondi',ols p P Pro stays are very
cold for the past few weeks, is recur- iogwas held in Elliott's hall onHatur. hAndiwor•k, and from th,tl. .elevated spring set beds, lint If yem mumt met In bandy when It comes to Ughtentog up
rring. day evening lamt to discuar C. P. IL iinint of view if, experience that sense the fall nice pot grown plantm and tie Plaek wire, says n writer In Iowa
Rev. D. P. McMenamin, of Lucan, connection for DonRRannon. It was Of awe, that feeling almo-t of stupor Kin to pfettare the gAhnd now. Flow flouu•ntead. Aty ;plan In to take a
a nt a few days of Iwai week with expected that K. NT. Iw-wim. M. P., which.is evoked by the profound stili- ft early. Po that It will have a chane; atronK muck make n loop ID the wire
yy would In- ,rrtwnt, hat he wrotestatin liulily and colenol stateliness til' tilt' to settle 1,efore InnNng time. liar- and twist It around the upright stake
ev. Father McCormack. of Kings- 1 K p
brad a that it would tae impossible for hint is wone roam scene, rote or r•tk • It ft • t k it
Missile Minnie and Annie Connor
attend. SPvarwl matters. however,
were discusAtd And A committee, con-
The first stege of the Hareem, before
the anew -fields are reached, (:),, is rr-
t o f 11 n eep cit n
tvleedq nnd ronmerve malstnre. Then
left for Detroit t ix woe After
a prndlns A pleasant six wee s' vmcA-
PirtinK of McAal?. Crawford. Allen.
Roberts. WAlknm, NUotherAAnd liAflie,
Prete• rich wild IN•ltuly told interest.
At tht side of the rougli rllh :a moon-
the 1N4 will TM In Onr ahnPP to terefvo
The plants.- Form ,inartlnl.
tion at their hrnnP [PrP.
war appointed with instrut•lions W
tails torrent Nw'ir'ls aw teddies liter
On Wednesday of but week the re-
eonununicwte with the C. 11. it. of•
huge b oulderm Aud jutting nwism. allow
shield Budding.
mains of Miall Jennie Dalton, who
•rials regarding thin mutter. Ali-
torn into foam food .spindrift by :k gust
in rnmmerrinl prnrtlrw Ilalding In
died In London, were brought to ber
,Kher public meeting will IM held in if
sof wind gendPreol in A deep fls.nrc
l4mlorwe•l hl the north from early .Tule
parents' home here. The funeral took
bIACD to the Catholic Fri-
couple of weeltm at whir[ it in ex.
t'Ieft in the moontaim. or now lestE1W
until the middle of Rt•ptemter. In the
cemetery on
Acted Mr. Lewis will IM present.
over the precipice into the Seething
moutherrl statem It ' Icsiially , tMKInP In
OAy Turningand wan b ely At-
tended. Tu Mn. Dalton
r1IR FALL Hallow•. The fall exhibi-
'Auldnm IMneath. liorlrrinK Lhe
Jnr". ,\q :r rule, laIles n d
pf n P�1� Are
r. and and
family extend our sincerest ryas
Lion of the Dungannon Agrirultnnl
t•aPidl' ,am"end"19 Hath Art• nconleroum
Alpine nowerP, splkrN of yellow fox-
bn•lt.',1 I.•fo-P p,e,'IMR. IMix la due
PAthy In their hese.
n t
N, I lie, IN fin event for which the
I de of lhfN disU'icL mit 1 11 1
glove, stoat+•ne of vprinK Krnli:ul, lh,af
t, Cc• f.1t t (tell , p t,Mka ore nearly
t""''' s
F_ I n i ( mow M IIs," IMalitlflll blur in names, licit rlwnym bu.Y,ml Cc • ^:sone Renam flit -
making active prepsrationP, The To Tto9TxN Tilt wraz
ulrk'. call lilies, with alpine tome", awl I ITR nrerNlmnbsl. m,•1 the opPrntlon mind
KINIGAIL. 111i1PP11( it rah//W,y`r ped Iha and nod until the wire IA as taut an desirable.
11th, And it is to IM hoped I Init Ill large many Another richly hard IN•,ulty of IM dMAy1YI until the mttx kA Are+ IarKe
WKUNRi1DAY, HepL 11th. 1 K the floral world. enough to Ile workt,l. Alont ottwr fruit The end o[ the stick then is either
runner of intending exhlbilcone staple(
OKITQAn\'.-Thee remains tit Jennie IiuL naw, rofflinuinK the assent, tn• Stock R, ow•Inll 1 or wlied to the wire to the
ore getting their pnNlncts ready eR1 y upplea And plenrR, are fence. Any
T. ll.dton,
daughter of Nr. and Mtm. Irate tilt this fills pro.prt.t nnd :ate y time atter that that tilt,
for exhibition, .n Ilult those ,lis not btAldwl until ton yPArR after the
Afirhael Dalton, arrived at the family N,Nill 111 the midi of the cert elastin • wIre lPxomeR IaoRe the sfjtk may be
reside piny may IM fully r•prsrntNlive o/ steeds are flown. 1lailey, j
tyre \Vtsl incwth rvJon ,Armin- Arco•+, lhr pets[ crowing :a F;Inrierrent given another twist around the Play.
parried Ir her Irnot.hrr, John, of ihr. the raglir'u11110,tl find allied indmatries to • tilt• ever adt:uu•in nloli m of tar• -
if the diatrirt. The prize IININ will IN• ) K mud your wire is tightened with but
trait. r d,ArnRrsl had (Men in psis ire into all manner or if. fnrni•, The Most Profitable Her". little trouble. With n stn et.
lelNlf for distribution in n few 11oys, The must y cry stow•
health for A nnuilr. r of pears but 1st r And•1I;(t toy der r ltv l j..Ne t-4 16.1(„ pro0blble hors• to have on
it all with Christian pailenrr, nnd her For the t.oncte,ert Ica To cb,+ing evening in all thrtI•rnutc this.• %% .11' ,,,K the form in flit. g,mal Ilremsl more sh; and thou lis n fru;,• the wires may lIt
\call I. white, of Toronto, rhe rhm kept taut wlNl very little trouble 111
death wan not crit fwrawl. ShP wall 1 int. of azure :url of IusU,no. rnl••r;dd. w111 raise a droit moil ytrnr, and R will tills plan in put Into prartlre, ,
hrnlr.l hnlnoroum enlrrlainrr. hn,
Iwrntyfight )ears of »fie•. Thr fun- fiat wish a sly Kxrrlsint, 1•;xt.el.ior. sell for a snug Pulls In the fA11, re- _
rrAl to Kingsbridge tenletrry tilt- fol• dicer Pn AKrd, rnsm'[Ig a pt•ogi wt-! continue the rt.ceuL. liters rent
that vets( IM enjoyed by all. Ali, g marks American .\grlruµurtst. With iL'fl PaA
)lowing non 'Icing w am largely n't •t d •,I. hununockn of frozen mntiw, Dp lovkc a It' extra care the more will do y to lite ,on ]cove f41011P be-
will 1M nsttialle,l 1�• Ali— Ifnzel Iwren DeAls.
Rev, bather McCorulaek oRrred e.rnrpinenl«, nod over rugged react!.
N-11, of Tornito, soprru,i and pianist ; an mach work An any itorwP. Thin In
high marl nnd ei( of Ihr .IPrr,asP(I's and precipillous n(e.gls ,old ledtp•+, the kind that tic• nv4nage farmer
AdIPP Ke•hmah Brown, sc/ /i,Nlerich, PATERSON'
formed srhai[uatrs (sore her INN( until fit len th the mommil. in altaiIce•.l, wents'and Is the kind 11e should Ree(
Y vend Nr. M,•(irrifur, (of.4t. Ilelrns, silo- K
t" the grnv.•. I1lr bmthc•rm, Flank, and A glorious prospect hmrtl. upnn
Jilts. and MIPN RPIIA lLutck, of I/ray' for his awn hMneflt. 1fAYP at Ieciat
lof Cb iaago, nnd Charlefl, of Uolialt. the chew ; around the IIn•nkN and ,tra-
were urtalrl0 to gPt hnnlr file the fun• lot, elocut i deli ThP ;l Is in I tt nt,n- Illidm And sn ow•-enpi"J drlinrs oV • Life one good broad more on the farm;V/R
ecid, bit Charles huts mince wrrivedband, of he exi ibi will IM in atter• luunntnin rangelt : IN•nrrath, the n'iud rafae yawawn borseP and acme to sell.sero .N .r. .r.lu..Ns ..IAnd will tem»in far a few wePka, the I AC the ezhihiNon all day Fridwy, ing gharierm curving downwmnlP to the^the '11th. plain, while tiptstr•tchtd far blow is ll, X-t".d 7oN 4s,Ile that. Its to IM flPrn ttonlil wtit a.r t..ti..:I"elii„iMAFEKINU. EAST WAWAN08M. the [oldsrnpM cof for NL nnd PIAin, cif amaulntedusk.,.y.1A1-11—W.. t
Iwke and Nhioing river, of hamlet nnd T a R T WILL CURB
MONDAY, sr'►M. 9th, MONDAY, Kept. Oth. scattered rhnlet.
Bmllie Rtotherm batgone to Oode- Roy IsTWithorse nnd Tommy Tay And then glancing upwarlm Ili the --' - —
rich to attend the Yndel school. -for wn Attending Winghnnl high wzure of the akien the heart IAmndN
Rome of the people were At lisp school- with it thought of gralRIM.• to Ihr AI-
lh•grgA RArlen pAriy At Zion an Fri. A meeting of the rA1PPayerm Of N. H, mighty ([,•aloe 41f all this IMnot.)•, ilicketa.
day night. No. 7 is rAllai Me next Halurlay 10 wilt), Inyinpp�( down His majrmty, it
Finlay hall returned from a aPpnlve or disapprove of the aite se- fulled Our Toru. Pail flit 'that ngoniz Simply the visible sign that baby's two mouths' trip out Went. He was lected by the truoWs M which it is Ingerosa took rpm Illmmelf the Pon- p i t-1 b� ' borm
All the way to the Ostmt tills time. propocrttd the old school in to be ImhrnPtlU, due to tiff for nor mis(leedm. are not forming rapidly enough.
moved, And that expiation in granted to All
Mr. _pd Mrs Rich. Johnown and who, desiring to eflrape the wrAlh to Lack of nourishment is the Cause.
mi"" izzie Rhake and Mary Phillipe BPlgrwve defewted Westfield wt color, will go to Him for forgivenefla
Am wtnoeg those taking in, the exhibf• baseball (ii labor Day at Belglnwe. and far salvation. SCO>t>P i Einlu%JtOfll nourishes baby's
tin" At Toronto this year. At the end of eight innings the forma.
Karl Riversoff Lnckrtow Mb
ear bad fifteen Inns to their credit More system. Stimulatlas and maim bone.
Pn and the latter frac rtem. R. Henry Rho (after ordering)—"And what
awhotol, and Worthy KilpaLe". of um ted the are yowl Aavingi" a—' I'm jnPL
aoderleh Collegiate Ince trite, .pent M RIyt11P. H F.><aCtl� that baby needs.
8enday at their respeetive holonals, thinking." Rhe—You know what ALL DatjfjCllTae M.. AND atJ10
�N� R.atr.R. Wbdm all is lotit veva [ono- w man the dorf(x ewM about overworking
fil4whtg M �i M•iw to stltN stn M. dignity. roune t f �JL
7 e , Y 11,1' yr" y
a r' •Ay
y� -i • /
�yy,, 1, yl,�, �rM�y� �• �I,� L
'•re, ki. .
THVasDAT, September 12, 1907 a
,You will soon be wanting , a coal range or
It will pay you
to exaulind our PA N I )ORA RANGE. For
economy ani( durability it is unsurpassed.
you have
A HEATING JOB come in and let us talk
the question over d+taith you. We can give
you the bet►efit of long experience.
E. P. Paulin
Store. 57 Residence, 1.77
N"hat in your favorite amuse.
anent Y' asked the peach kernel. Copy of change or running Advertise -
"My favorite nnnlmement," answered, menta must be left at that Office by
rhe italiama pial, ••iN tripping the light Monday noon to ensure insertion
fantastic toe., — I in issue of same weak.
CANADA Here is a
NATIONAL good com-
mon sense
stove for,
STEEL the farmer,
because it Ahs large oven, ao inches square b 114 inches high, large
fire box to burn coal or wood; will take 24 inch wood, coal linings wily re-
moved, will give lots of heat, is built to last a long time. The above cut
does not show the latest improvement with short legs ander range, giving it
abetter better culation of hot air around base of Stowe also making it owe easily
ker.' cleo.
We recommend this stove.
Kindly call and ane it in ear store,
.a tf�? •.:' ..• s ' r ;. i ,.".M,,. a 'c 'r•i J': •v sow ,;a �.t+ ,,.t ,. p
' •^•...:.r.•a.,+asel ��r..,. .ea'f„,r�.a".i�, i.a.jrr;>.:.i>• '.i$• , a a,y .. N.+l' •.�+. ..' �, Y. ., �,v '' (u^r'sat, t L.fi
�'x • �::+.t.' ,#soxyv �aA"a' �aa"•,.ii:,��s-,tb'«. 1@s.,Y .Jlovw.;.:• it.rW�� Ire "P;.vI�).E. '•�'t ,'� a $rt'..' "b L” y�
aa+►re. z .*iltY• t$a.,' _. - i i ' . till