HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-9-12, Page 1YOU CAN'T SELL
unless you have c u s t o m e r s
who want them. Many peo-
ple may want the very goods
you've got, but don't know it.
THE SIGNAL can help you
out. The people read it.
tlirtill'rH YZAA-240- aIle
nuanolal - ----__ ---
GODERICFJ MARKETS. . Situations Vacant
-"- ---- -_
T>/VaeaAr. I; W if o
.. $10,a) 1OOD GRNFRAL SUR VA N T '
Fell what, per bursa, Hast" --
Spring wheat, per Mees, Mw,,.. a 7m to u NI T wanted Imw•i.liatrly. Apply to N&9.
Rye, per booth . U aS to U 45 OAI.T. Nelooe .treet.
Huck what, per bunk ... ... a 45 to U 45 - _ _ - - -
lest.. per bomb.. Mw.....w.. u 37 to s a
I,~, per bums] U ax to U 7: Notice. I
U It to 1 4:
Harley. per bush ...............: is W to In u1 - u.. _ ---- -- - _- r-
Serernbis+. ter ton
Flour, fsenilY• per cwt.......... Y 81 to y+ { KYOVAI i
Flour, Iawlent, per owt . Y bi m ' a'
Bawai. per ton ............... ..... !) W to !1 111 1 have " . I lot• Aw tat office to the room*
mhorim, per Gat ... ....... Y3 11) to .1 )a' over the Sorrretrn lank, corner f Colb sola
.. ll too to IY u1
HAA. ,saw. Per t .. S ,1U to s ul dreel and the Saran• lift I.. M. M AHKK. I
Butter. Ib ................... a 71 to a :h
Ihewte, pirlb .. .-......._ o 15 to t 1a ODEKII;H ItiDI' i'f HIA1. EXHIII-
F;arm, erw.h, per don 11 1.5 to u Ia lT ITIUN. Tender will les• res eiv..d by the
1•utalom new 1 w l0 1 111 undsmalgned up ba Mo"dn)-, Pall. in.t., for the
I'att le, ordln'Y W goad, /K stet 3 (11 lit 11e' exciamh•e retremnmenl privilelr•+ ,it .burr el,
cattl a:port, per cart.......... 6.511 to S of hlatioa Sepaamber iS. A Y!. HIVI. M. O. ,
HaVt p.•'m., live weight, pia' cwt.... a go to o to 6 al Jo NAS' X tMeretary.
Sh"p,)Amb. : „• • - 3 Ss] Io . 5111 ,
:;l,T4 per cwt - -.. -. _ _ -. '- -
Hun, per Ib -11910 u IN
Baru.. Dor le LS l0 Lt ___. -,--- - -- .
)ant. per In ..... A M to A In -
0 W to if ,I
Ib ................. UMBER FOR SALK. EM 'K,
tallow, par , s So to f Imp i
Hitiem,µ r owt .......... L elm and maple tumhmr ser rte ernes single.
W+ "' " 75 W I At
Sit. 10 111nm or van be end Ip outer: Fur fnttJwr rich. locular,
Cbrtsrw 11 11eo II 'WpV• to ROHKRT K1.1.1ifTT. Uodario'. It
'lltrllry. '
ltlMiie ririsiu w pap .LI - - -- - - - --- -
_ _ --- -- -- --- To Bent _ _
* I.AFt9EM.' I AM YKF- Kra +-tr,et.
NII -SIC (, Adwt,IKn;Ifurnimhed or not 1, rector lake front:
1 I PARKD to me -lie pgp{d. for Irr.nn+ in modern cotvenieucAc*
,t&no and th,aiory. wins the feurrouKh. musical Foci SAcit. -Two new datelHeyem oil Aulrn..ea
Inderecarte,. wethod for Yount children. treel : one dwelling on PirtAal .1 reel L am,t
Term+ and other Inf-uaatiun posy Iw+had At building lulu on KtUin ,wenn.. F:._-% .tort,
U.i.m•h. EMMA At
ANTI.rwa % newdc .Ism, if. C.dar. 1reY•t and ►'Ins iis]ho-
ANUItE%\"". w'Amrxu. A few furni-lied how,.•+ or roowe.
rsr the lake, to rent fur tile -untltif-r .,wmsW%-
-.. --- u,6if YOUNG t HIIHYRT)a)N.
Notos to C><odltors. --- ----- . .
_ !teal Estate for hale._
NOTICE 0 m IN brit -lo .tom and dwellinse for male:
IN THE IIIATTER U/ THE ktlTATE OF li. turn. over between five• And mix thoumm ul
N. IIAVLS. LATE OF THE TOWN OF della-per annum: pn4ol4.m In mune^lion.
OODF:RII'R. 1N THE COUNTY OF Address JOHN 10i St. Aturumliur, Pont.
YlftAlfi,K p{mrvoper) crxaer of Paliner
Not Ire w hereby given pursuant to It. K O.• ton .trees till Britannia row.l. b•tweel, the
Isar, chapter 120, that all ereditili and others fl ayarlAand Huron roAds. ourupied by J. H.
hating clelul. a"ind the -Into of the -A*Kd ward. T1.4 t+A conveniently laid out eight
(leorge N. levies who died on or About th.-fifth ,ox,aptml hon+.• in o.e If Ili" I1-1 w•tiorem of
day of August, IaG, are reunlred far. or tw•forc the town. Herr sa a g •
ood chance to cum a
I lie I.xh day of September. 11117, to seoA by 1-1 quiet, rmxnfortabte how, at a m:a+nnahh• It,
prepaid, or deliver to lol_rm, llickinmml it Gar- ure. fell and Investigate. J. It. FIIW A111).
rowof the town of God,rich• ,toheiton for _• A-31 -
Mark, Turnbull And RirMnt S. Willian.s, - -
raerntor t, of th, last will mot temtwmanl of the OUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -
-akt dreemmd, their Chri-t tan rad our nam-. That fine, roomy and eommodlour brick
Address" and dr,..rip,lenm. the full Stan lculanm welling now orrus led by Mr. A. HI-s(•t Thant.
Of their claim-. the mtaten.ent of their aMYaunla Flar, the noudem impmyementw..atonn wind -
and the natum ((the mecuritiem, if any. held of owl stale mof and km within two nifnutem'
them. wYk of the S4ltam Apply to YUI,NU t
And further take na.aline that after much Immt RURZRTIVALN. :B -If
"tent Ported date the -fall rxmut." will procced -- -. __ - _ ---
to distribute, he a -mets of the ddw.Amed among 10R MALK OiL TO RENT. - A
the partlem entitled Wereto. having re Anl only fin•) claws apaAen+ JAM in Wet•t WAwA-
tnthe claim. of which they shall then hair ,.ix.h, eonrr..iro i, 1 !L with 173 ,x•n,m in A
not i(oe, and Ihn, the. kl exreulor+m will nal be scroll mlAIP of culUvatioa, well frm•ed, well
liable for the maid et.,etm or a ly unit thereof to %ateml, gmxl nn•harA, large bunk barn, gf..l
tiny permnn or permons of whore clwinl. nom ic.• houme. PomlalMfx, blac4gnith shop And .tom
•hell not have been meeived by them at the at corner of form Cuntlenienl In webuol And
time of +urh'distribution. rhnmh. M mile- from C. P. H. .ITtiro At
listed thl.Yith Any of A: 1-t, 1017 ""burn. Term- e. -y. %% A. HARKWOIN.
In(.KINZN ik U.kultow I.urkno%. Ow.
,91.3( Solicitorm for the F.xe.vtor. _ _ - - _ .-
_--_ ___ _ __ __ _ L OKMALF..-FIVE A('HES CLOSE
1' In ; large frontage can one of the main thor-
.r-ronghfamm.pipeod for lake water - tine buildhW
(,deet 1n I wnwdA, n.n•l -Ito. Addrems flux its), SIGNAL OF•F1('K
FBRITISII thorough end pn✓tlrwl eoarso,m, une"aAlled facieL AKM FOR SALE ON DiViSION
A:Y ora for good work. PMy Ite..nuwbh rete+. Fbtar liar In the town.hl{ oy Amhfird mntwin-
i K Any time. Fall terns fromint Ila mares of gond blar- rimy lam go.l for
Aept. ": ,%." ogeeAad ml tied ferretingarpasture wiNP creek on farm.
\O Journal of HuAnes. Ydu itoorl boron, Ano. well ewc•d-iOuted one -
nation free. 6AIf mfle from -.•hrol, one and one-half miles
1 T. M. WA1Aov. FMn l!i!: • ` from I..I.Mc Will be sold rewwannblY, por
(ter-,Y , . ,,._ .-..-. . r newton will br given at once. For further pnr-
dcalar. Apply to THOMAS VORD, IAnex F . O,
AWOMA CENTRAL STEAMSHIP .r did Zonation. corner of F:AmIbeet And
LINE • Cambria; furnace, clowt He light, nil modern
RD emlvenleno++, KOM new twee large ground*.
Apply At (rocs 1e U. M. KLLIO'-_
V n with all rood
SANDU8I Y,Tv)LlIVISAAI'LTftR1[AR1E heeso on Irl liAotawrt, t 1 em
Ult'(SIUN eonveAlence*; large IM end .twbk. JOHN
LAWHON, Uomtrrtrh.
Between SAndumily, Toledo, Detroit ,OR, RAf.E.-- A CONY SEVEN -
Find Sault Rte. Marie And inters counted hon -c: hard And moft water in
mediate flointw, will lee ktrhen •neer C-Ilrydnte In.litute. Apply to
Goderich An follows . MR9. Gl4 I. d'Or. 14ritannir rood.
Amithbound - 9:9)A.tn. Wednesday L10H MALE, Aa) ACRES EXCF.ir
Northbound - 9:110 p.m. FridayLKNT land for market garden, %till prod
aildiir and fences: two nul+
l. from Grade.
Weather Permltting
rich ; fl,.
met" In orchard of applo-, peam
piamm. cherrl,s, pesef rm, grapes and ramp-
WM. LKK, Local Agent. rrlew. Prim and term'
forwhle. Apply to
T. J. KKNNKDY. TmMe Malinger. AAult Ste. YOl'N11 t R/1BKRTAeIN, Goderich.
Marie. Ont. - l I OUME YOH SALE. " - A NIN F
Il musts frnme dwelling having m grind
dtmalnn. nn Knaf•+ .tree!. 11.111 fOu"9:141 "
and .un.mer ecltehen good stable. Will Re sold
reawmmbly. For farlhor pert teulAr4 apply to
THE r NIRS. w'M. M(i•AUUHAN, Il I1aTlem Aee.,
1■p1 Toronto. __ aFtt
Frort-loo.. T`11m. 7aa 1 a1 n ,ry ... ,,.. ...,ti u i e C t •._.I .,alnf
, ... _ _-- - _
Rain t17rlcg - TonnYT,O
At-rMMMW CArITAI. - $1,(1n,oD
To Rrrommodwte the Fanners
we have opened Brionc•hes In lite
vilingem of
We solicit the Patronage of the
AAI.K N(rrxm DIn('OtTNTRI),
opened by dRpOrit of III.I(I
atA compound-
t -
evl q11.s]mm 1od rterly.
111I F. (`
Ki ,H BItANt}{
A. G. GAMBLIt, Manaavr.
Isla Arrem, 1 mflr from otrhroh 1 milerom f
rhureh, 3 mile- front Auburn Pot tMtm, It
mllom from C.P.R. mWinA, 1 mrom
ill. fJAM,
idembrieough,mndlew from I' legion. There ale
Ihn the prendm,• twoharom, tine taxa) with
tone mfwbl. underneath, the other 3axAN In
O r,nxd1 repair; n g.and -tone hour with a good
+(1rn(afv, anA n trine kltt•leen, w•onid-hed and
AH vllag.heA. Mille
fnrclnK water Pat harn
and kfRttr'hen. Komml +{{irheg water. Li ,.•rem full
wheat,tt.'A wen%. In first rift." -tate of rultivft
tion. int. fru' trot- heginninq In boar. and
m"tall fmin. 2!t a'" of 0_1 bu.h, cetlar,
hrmlw:k, 1JggmmwOOI. rim, "Politic. PPaw Mn
ran heal wen t oncetuna. In +nit the par
,ha -r. For her information, a {ly tin the
pretnlstem Par ad cess JOHN HALL IIIA\', Ua4
crirh. (lid.
f ARM FOR NALF+L A ('110I( N
faun Mr mnM, milwtged for mixnA farnafne
Par pre 1 fru. w mer-,Inr1rod. lip sere+ gt.d oeh
al, n wrn!sm gnn.1 tlmfMr. Snfl n nr+d black
clay Ina.. (Jfsd frame house, frame Karn slid
mtalilmm, grmxb drhiner .hemi. I,01. RT stud 3t
conrr-mion 1, Onderlch In"-nmhip. Appl) I(
3 %VA IJAS.('line nn. 1.HfOR MALE. II} INTO • HOUSF of Antrim" Or,et., If story m
Napier m imet., 11 story house of, Nw ler street
near ('nthollr church. q •tory hoomr .nn Klich
avrnne, 1 story became of Keays mtrr.-t, 1 tor,
hou- on Vietorlaollmet, a.twry brlrk nee li
Saltennl, a Mrorsln, brick land In ('rogue
near Rnnmil a mplendid tnte"tmrnt for i
man with mm.1 capital. Fftrn1. for 'male in iiotn,
AON VaHduerlrO11n oiinrty. YOUNG t ROHKftl
AAiAL-1111mcrwin We"t Wswananh,tw
met"text Auburn :.nil art loaf". wMut Il
_re,, 'Mt rultivatimm ft;71n to in ern
Umber. A well and twoVingm of water,
new frame dwelling. w Pow) stable ren
driving -hart Apply to VOU I L RoBKR1
OU N Uoderlob
'tea rner Greyhound. J
The steadier tirOyhulind arrived F
,x tut Deti-Oil about ft o'clock P. Ira.
estetday with ablaut 3191 ezcureionists f
it Imianl ,old is giving short trips on t
he lake t,dity. Tile Greyhound is I
of giving it round trip from (balericb I
u Detroit on this occasion. Site will t
euern to Drtruit on Saturday. leav-
ng Goderich horn or at 1 o'clock is. rsf. i
liblee Society Meeting. I
The annual orating of the Upper I
lamada Bible S ociet will Ile heli) in p
he Temperance HAII, North street, to. {
norrow (Friday) evening. Rev. (Iles.
'.Owen, of New Haulburg, will ,
live an aaldresson the work of the &I. ,
ietp, IllustrAVrigitwith views thrown I
)n oanvA,4 by it good lAnteru. A cor- ,
Iia) invitation is extended to All. A I
•olle:tion in Paid of the funds of Lite Fir 1
•iety will lie taken up during the ,
N. C. T. U. Officers. I
Tilt- annual tusslingg of the Gtoderich ,
march of Ilse W. C. 1'. U. was held ors I
ilo Clay. The reports of the treitsdrrr
,fillthe superintendents of depart.
nrntA were eminently watisfaactA ,
Ind the report. ors evangelistic work
Ind work amopg luniterntell wen Px-
x•cially glad, .howiog !more work
lune thitn Parer loefole, The election
.f oMee•r resulted its follows: Preai-
leant, MIA.. J. H. Robertson ; vice-
nrmident, Mrs. J. 1'. Bru)vn { c or•res• i
Ponding secretary, Mrs, E. P. Paulin ; ,
-ecordinlr secretary, Mrs. Jianim
iokie : treasurer. Mr•a. (i. M. Flliott. ,
Navigation Notes. •
The st.rauer Huron of the Star -(`ole
Ilse made her last call ;it tioderieh un
Ialurlav last, botmal down, find the
King Fwiwart of the Algoma Vionlral
ins calla tomore ire for the last time
his seamen, hound up. With the
Paving of the. steamer Greyhound of
hr White Stu line ore MaturdAyy
.he pxanmenger traffic by water IN ('10".1
It 1 his Iwrl for the n•fisin.
The slea eucr louic uulonded 1111,1991
slmhela of wheat :it the. elevator Pin
Thr nchlmnler Katandin arrived on
•illllrlly will 511111,411111 feet of Illtll1WI!
ricer TorOnto. The lumber wits from
I'ur•)• Mound. 71i Kiatalldin left on
Tuesday night.
A Family Reunion. ,
on Monday. Me•ptentler2nd the An.
nual gathering of the Ilarlmons family
was held At the. Rommin Horan•, Tor.
Put). This las come to leu Pan annual
pvent in this large family. anti it han
now become known.Ili the '•Palwmm'
Fair." thele 1wing hrlow,
trPers, sistrt
Isn't ht•rr-in-lieu• and sisters -in low, and
they fill coniiregat'. otlr(- it )•car At
Toronto. There writ. An exceptionally
lA'Ke gathering this year and among
th-we prevent, Iesidem Richarl Par -
Politic of Parson.i Fair, and Mr. and
Mm Jos. Br. nsiner, of town, were H.
1'iusons Anti wife, Orillla': George
Pal•wans :rod wife. Marnia : John Par-
sons and wife, Owen Sound ; K,,tiert
Ilarmonm Anti wife., London, and W.
E. liaunl, And wife. Brockville.
Women's Institute.
kart Thn•mod ay aftern,sm the item
twill of the Goxierich beras]t.h of flit -
Women. Inntit'ste bell their monthly
uteelin At the houie of Mrs. TrrRhe.
w•ey. The ntt•ndanWivere Wo gruel. The
committeve ire charge Off, , the program
hall done their part %veil ani kept
every permon jnteresled dnrtng the
flernw. The prograul consisted of
the following : Reading by Mr. J.. J.
Edward, entitled "Modern Discip
line." vocal duet by Me-. Dietrich And
Mina Tretheweey ; A pater by Mrs.
Clark on "Hest Wity to Increases
Membership :" a very instrueli-re
{IA per by Mrs, Bugle ; la solo by Mimm
K. Brown; instrumental 1)• MINA
Skimin m, Many of the members
helped by giving reaipey for picklep
end apple jelly. The October meetin jg(
will lie held at the home of MI11. (i. M.
Elliott, East street.
Death of H. H. Smith, Winnipeg.
Word was revived last week Df the
depth at Winnipeg. on the int inmt.,
of H. H. Smith, In former well-known
resident of Goderich, lie wax a
brother of James Smith, of Clinton.
diel of the Iate Abraham Smith, of
GoderiCh. HefolY hie loen)owfil to
Winnipeg Alwalt twenty-five year*
Ago he cArrie d on a merchant tailor-
ing buidnes" here. He continued in
the same businewa sit Winnipeg until it
few years age), whet) he went to Rows.
land, B. (I., returning to Winnipeg
short time sago. The dece sed in sur-
vived by hls wife, his' arms-Allxert, of
tle C. f'. H.; Llwatd, of the We ptern
Canada Flour Mills Cu. • fdibert, of the
Winnipeg scho.d IwmrYA offices; HAr-
v.of .thd Smel! ith-Feency Co.
11, of the Internatirmid Harvester
Co., Regina, and Roy, fit Winnipeg
city hall --and his (only daughter, Miss
\Vhenle Ymilh, a teacher to the pull-
III- schools of %\` innipeg.
A pretty wedding wan celelleated At
of Mr, land Men. John M, ftuwrir, when
their second daughter, iw►liella Oil.
slim, Ixw•anlP the bride of Henry
Stevenson Baker, It., Me., C. E., of
'Niagara Falls. Ont. The houme was
tit -eked in Asparagus and white amteric
and About Aeventy-five guest" mule
the occanion a very Animated one-.
Rev. ,tones A. Andersen tied the knot
ns the happy enuple slaxxl IeneUh A
heart Of White A%tet•A. MIA" I.ixzir
Clark asmimted the . bride And th(
gr,whl had him bmlher, Carey Baker,
as heat most. The hrjd+d gown w'na of
white ailk with Ltit inlings of px•arl
and real liter anti a ►monies of bride's
rti"es, And D1las Clark wore pale hlur
silk And carried pink rfoem. Thehl'idf
was given AWAY by her Gather. Me
and Mrs. linker left on the!') o'elsr)
C. P. it. train for a trip to Kingmt,o
And the Thotesnnd I.ltnds find nr
their return Swill make their home a
NingnlA FAIL%
O. T. R. Notes.
Moms of file dir-etors of the Oran
' To link Roilw#%7 l'onpnny Are ore
from the Old Country Inmperting th
tat or Fodbd -
. han ret 1, noeeeelbn 3, A.hllald, Pat n
A Pal. A.agAaf. Cloth I.h me y wrling-. 1 (nIG
t heifer, 1 1V.t hrefer And 1 rel mfret Any 1
1 I formation k.Adinm to the ret• 're'y of diems ftr
n,aM will lie grwtrhtlly rooclve.l. J(avkl'
I QLVSR, Port Alban, sett
r or a , - :.o r,.
naI '1'be•y hieve gone West to safe the f stent in Western Ontario. etwy at Siasconeet, on Nantucket i
hr Archon of the G. T. P. which has A mMx+ting wits held IAat. eveningto slitod, Maus. The will Ire at home
t.en coufplcted and on their return it nolminate officeie for the Literary Fin- after Lko•eniler 1, ,et iif8tl Cornell
l expected theyT will viptt Gadaricb. ciety for the fall term, and the elec- &Tonue, Chicago.
'hepartyinelwlixl•'irst %'icepresident lion will take plitce tonight. In all -- F
withers. probability u prorsienladC. will 1)e held LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. I
The outside woodwork of the (i. T. on Fridity evening, am it is the usual x
t, pasernger station has leen re- 'eutitnnt to continence rack team in this it. It. Sallow. Punta" portrait, that plea.e
mute) and the Inhidc ix to be re- manner. artistic and true to lit, -
At iiishtA.
iteAtnishtd. It In inteoded moult. 411neThe unx•t fat,m
tidiou, dru r east have him t
%fere to have the Inside chaugel- to SusinesxCollege for Goderich. is+tinct Jet- natty dr'enaltur miatk.fieA At Prid 7
illt. t.eo. Spottun. of Wingheam, was in hien tlw tailor's Cao veOil htw for l:, . , )
thing 4t faH nolle and ovosoollts.
tiood progress is being made un the town yesterdity otadking arrangements Rall war ps uingA.o fess have come but Daae
rirkwork ill the. O. T. It. freight for Ilse esltablishing of a business cul- ill halt a c«eeiuryryat Uoderivh, but the need of
ho -J. A eheplle'ally i -11-th-11LY1 hrick lege here. Mo.. Spotters is well known rselmethitnggmAnow ear their H noellJlI- a clqlluuaitieiv I
mule in lilinnim 1+ serine onvl Au( the ass• the head of several flourishing r e funeltu '. upholstering. picture fretting,
luilfling will Ism a has Ill— ne ere, A bumineoth cnllrReoi in Western Ontario. pictum. ate I
Jorge lift%- window ill the front will A little les% than thnr prarw ago he The C. P. K. turntable has been put 1
unke the. fright o8lem very light. organized the Winghal" tiusinerx Col- in lace and, was used for the first 1
Lost Raton,layy the vl+-v,ator loaded lege, which note employs a regular limn un Tuesday. I
ixl v curs, the lint luteins aggregating ptalf of threw teachers. Last )•eta• it y
Y,0t9) hushvl.. lntigh the eleta►ttsr enrolled over one hllndroxt atudepts, The excursion from Berlin which
I1Is landed As many rare lefnre in a and the opening attendance• this year w•a% expected to come here tomorrow
lay, they were out eta large cat's. too wets two-thirds larger than last year's. (Friday) is not materializing.
haat this unakes the largest day's Two years ago Mr. Stiletto" established We were pleased to see G. F. Blair up
hipment yet from the elevator. a husinusx collegge at Clinton, and town again eat Saturday, his illness
rhe Sterling Bank. later one •et Walkerton. Lewe than not proving as serioum as at first re-
g ten uusnlhe age lie orprwnized the ported.
Meveral change) have lakes plitee in Or;,ngeville Business (,)11 P, which The regular monthly meetingof the
In• ptntf of the Sterling Bink here. Inlay hes its] attenda nce of furty•flve. Daughters of the Empire will ire held
1. Arthur Sutherland, who line held Mr, MFPoitou Itttributpo his success to in the courthouse. on Monday next,
he pexlitiun Of ACCOUntlant, is placed is ge
oml seleetiun Of teatellN ttelieving September 18th, at 1 o'clock.
Is rhtirge of the Anhoru :%geicy of the ••its it teacher all) the schta I." The D. F.
Handiuk'r evaporator is o tcu
link. w•hicll will now l.• ilte•rs rvrt;v c011ege to Ix• emmtnldiahLv) herr will for the receipt of apples and in in
lay ietst•Ad tit only three days Of ll:e have day ,,evil night masse.. giving
Pe'e'k na b.•fore, Mr. Sutherland I% a nun rates] Land women who work charge of Chris. Sanderrou. The work
1 aurin the du +rat u s ortunit tlo of drying will at,f t in is few days.
:useful, ran salrlr Insine pg mann. end K ) I p Y
•tertnners Per the Auburn ngeney will improve thrid• condition fly xtudying The financial meeting of the (itxie- 1
ills] their interests entirely xafe in him in the, evenings- • We understand tide rich district of the Methexlist church
aardn• :fir. Motherland 1' xncceeded o}euing Will take place in at few weeka was held in Clinton on Tuosday of
)y W. ('. (::uthwaite. of Port Slitnlrv. A. ,undone . ItpreKte d should write this week, Rev. G. N. flaxen, of (iode-
ap ncrounlalit he the Odds -rich branch. the Wmghnln Businewl College for rich, presiding.
Ind A. 1'. Schusitz. who colleges from full iuforn,filinn, , Mr, spotton hasnot J.D.
. Captrll.afour(h-year student
it•bringville, sueooxls ti. H. tWighwn yet devidid on it place for the college, of Toreuto University, has been en-
Loteller, Dir. l't•eight r, having leen and Anyone having suitable renes to aged Ag mathwnaticaal master at the
novel W the IA-frov branch.rent xho,dd cunnmunivate with hint. Collrgiefte Institute until permanent
digger and Better than Ever. Almost a Nonagenarian. teacher its secured.
Dr. Clark, president (if the Goderich ()II Friday laxt the funeral Of the Ors August 9th. the wnoiversary of
indumtrial Exhibition, returned this late John Walker took place insist his the coronation of iiia Majesty Kiog
concreting from Loudon. where he se- residence, Nelson street, to Maitland Edward . NIL, the wed shrubhorem of
aired rise. Ilse (itdrrich show a num• cr►ueterv. Rev. Jam. A. Anderson. "Gulden Lderi h in ((hosed thelilerary
1wr of fir• Il Lass altri-ii-is 'slow ex- lktmtl.r of Kvlllx church, conducted the of the• lilderich (lollegiate Institute
hibil il.g at lilt- Western Fair. Amontt "erviceA, and the eaalllw-arers were with a copy u[ Err prisms. T¢e gist i•
lhrn• is a troop of perf..rtuing fine- Jones Tait. 1). Mtx dn t, W. \\'ary duly appreciated in the beard.
ue:dp, lepra itnd nx111kr •s, which is nock, Jam. Hoehanau, E. Downing find DRM
r. Clark, Chas. eid, . O. John -
tilt. lest of racoon :it ,ondou this •1'h,ss- Hood. Mr. Walker departed seen and J. H. Worsell were in IA m-
yeiir. Others ores the gLim•. blower"; title life on \\'e elefiday of last w•erk at dolts this week attending the Western
Ile Ossi1Md Man : Happy F innlaa, the lite g(xxl old agpte of eight y -eight special At
yearm Fair to Arrange for traction"
Fat 4iirl (,ever NO) lbw.) : a coulpa lky (If and five Intent 1,4, ,,iter fin Mottos of it for Lite Goderich indusu ial Exhibi-
J,apxotes• al-lobat+, :►Pad nutwtrous frw weeks- 'rise decraset, wits A naa- tion. They report prospects good for
other stualler attractions. 'Chep" tivr of Seotlle%d, loving Imirn at Train A splendid .line of attractions.
sloteld to It lig drawing riml for the In the year 1419, At ,an early Age he Sam. Jordan, who has 11rrn pro-
roudnitexlibition, which prooimes to moved to Ayr. And litter lie learned prietor of the Bedford shaving parlor>i,
le higgi.i. and letter flan a ver• hip trade ail it cau•ptvile•r +►t (ilnxgow- for the last two years, has mold out his
I'lle rtxoYing tests are Attracting lie cauue lit CatinV6 in 1815, 11* 9 business to F. H. Later, of Kincardine,
much attention anung horn -i en, and been lord-rthvl hither by him brother who Look p(Pacesaion ors Tuesday. Mr.
a lu•ge nunalwr of xtel. Petri- working ItOb rt. Ile lived siert at flay ('ha- Jordan team not yet decided where he
,ell .,it lilt- track in prep:,f;ation for leurm find then moved to Montreal, will Lake up his permanent residence.
the coutesloc rise track is getting wber+ he married Elizabeth Angus.
into splendid condition anal some Mrw. Walkerdied in 1879, and of their The water and light and
gleet sleeting will bet worn when the childr•u three suns wed throw dAugh- snit un Monday night end deadt Svit .
show roueA off• tiers are still surviving ; Robert, G. T. so"'Ie Applications fur water and light.
Tits dates of the Oolerich Industrial H. cooduct r. of Tnllsonhurg ; John They decided to have the Water and
Exhibition shim yr %r are• \\ elnenlay. A_ „( (iederich : Hugh, of Krreneeoa, light supplied at the fair tt((rounds for
Thnrwlay and Frit ay. September ].5. 11, (•, ; Mir Janr1, at toes; era. the exhibition as usual. J. J. Thomp•
2" and :es. HAL of Turoei land MIN- O, F- Blair, givensine manager of per
hour f rt el was
Expressions of Esteem. of Goderich. A brother of Mr. Flows a talc of aper hour for electric
N'ulket's. Andrew, is .still living in }viewer for two days this week.
Prior M his depart tire- Erna Thames- the• Old Country, His hrother Rlobert G. M. Elliott has received a basket,
tore]. J. N. ltohin"nn, the recently: died ,a nnn,ler of yeast ago fvhile fill- of cranberries from his sister, :firs. A.
appointed xiell. % etgen i for the C. P Ing th.• txlpiliun of libertarian of the O• Snarling. They were shipped
R at Gol•rich. w'nx made• the recipe• Goderich \le•hallicei Institute. Since from Ninp s, Southern Manitoba, on
enCtif f tivivell A,Idres"eA from Cnu"t 1891 Mr. \Valkrr hall beetles, resident Friday, Reptemlet• fith, and Arrived
Thaannesforl, Nn. 1104, t. O. F., itself of ti.,derich. When he (-nine In Can- here on the C. P. K. Monday noon,
King Snlamon Lodge. No. 8111, A. l':• Ada he had file occan voyage of seven September 9th, in good condition.
food A. M., expe,e-sing their (egret at weeks, and,.fuur y'earto litter he had a They are what are called high hush
him 1•emnvni anti their hearty good Ialmorious trip to Ooderich, coming cranberries and grow in large quanti-
wishes fur the before. In each case trout Montreal to Hauuiltun by water, ties near the mountains.
the fu isle g t. t toftile M sl by a thence by stAge to London, by Irons to The following donations to the him
handsome gift. that of lhr M„mon. Im•- l'hntham :ancb from t'hatitam to (itxle- pitxl are gratefully acknowledged :--
iPaq,a Rlo-te :itch emend and that g -Ill I.ich by boot. Those were Lite stern Mrs. . John , McAuley, w ppAir of
Ihr F,otYAt a ,t gold-heIlie ouge ' day* that developed sound meet. crutches; Thos. Tilt, wset of Cooper's
slick. At all. 11114 of the \ t -P w;1s )'
(ustiUHe, lire. Huhinllon, who wars physically and mentally, and of puc6 works, ten volumes; M(•. Lely, apples;
vice-pre"ident -of that organiz,ttiolt. 'e'en Mo% NV+alker was is line example. qtr". HAys, canned fruit; Mrs. Morri.
wits ncn•ntel %with nn addreps anj 'Fie had gotal health rill his life and son And Jim. Pigott, magazines; do-'
mnitit a gifts. The Tlasntrmforl Star diel of old AKP, aand his mental conessi• waled by Mt. Patrick's wird, 811.50
gill tuition wan of the %nine wholesome donated hy, Hayfield road resident.,
"Thannt.pforl this week limit .one of variety. In religion he was a Presley• 83.(N; And by A Friends 81.1)0,
it% 'fixast highly rempecttd ritize•ns. lerian, and he haat the distinction at The new factor • of the Goderich
the time of his death' hf having the
when .1. M. Itobinson, who haat leen Wheel Rigs is making good progrems.
P tershi a in Knox
C. P. H. pDuinn :IK''llt ilerY• fur urxrpy. longest t! m r f nesse" I Thr, bricklayers are getting well Along
church. Politically he was A btamech
twelve yrnr", was tonafwits to with their work, which, Manager
Goierich. Mr, KtihineePn wits well Liberal. He w,as n good citizen, end Brandt informs is%, is heing dune by
Ooderich is poorer by his death.
like) herr null hex drpArtnir is gre%tly dA)• Iwller inatr+ul of by contract. It
regretted by All who knew him. We Fouler Goderich Boy Wedded. is expected that .the roof will he on
congratulate Mr. Rohhtson on his pro- Man [riends in 011detich will learn and the glaess will Ire in this month,
motion." Y and that the factory will be in rein.
with Interest. aQd pya)tre. a of the wed• ning order by about the end of De.
A Splendid, Factory. ding Pat F•J. If. Paamure, a well-known
The new ndditien to the Kennington former Ou derich boy, which texok cember.
furniture factory is c mitteletet, the place on the 5th inst. atGmnd Rapids, At the Toronto exhibition thin year
new machinery hats been installed, Mich., the lady of his choice being a the Huron Old Hays' tent was again
and the enlarged factory is now in reVent of that city. Mr. Pasmore, ren interesting feAture for visitor"
ruuoing under. A e cpo"writative of n" some of our readers know, has by from this county. This tent is main -
Thr Rigmil called the• ,other d,ty And force of exceptional business ability tained every venr At the exhibition by
wall rnmrte hely xhown th otegl the made for himself a place of consider- the Huron Old Keys' Association of
fnctnry by Lhr. inanager, Mr. J. A. Able iulportance in the commercial Toronto, one or two of the officer of
l(111r11e,19, :end twat, surprised nn)1 Krati- wood, and he is new prominently the Association 1leing always on hand
diel to n -r the great enllrgement that identified with n large manufacturers t0 wel joule vise ods. and it ie fi con-
taken place fund the Ihorough. up- concern Pat Chlcaqu, The Sip n I venten and pleA%wnt meeting plates
lo -date urt(uner in which the whole tender" him hearty congrattdat onp for former and present residents of
factory tm rgnilsped. The Addition. upon the atep he has jumt taken, and Huron county.
which ill of brick. ix considermi wishes hint And his bride all the joys
larger than the old faetory, which of wedded life. From The Grand CHURCH NOTES.
nenesm that Ile estfilltshnient loan Rapide Herald of September lkh we•-- ,
been note than do1Q11ed in mile. The take the following account of the The ladies of Victoria street -Meths]•
addition' lit theunachine eluipme•nt 11,a``)py event : . dist church i it-lxsse holding a JouPPpx•1
Are. urs. the m,.and scale. nd tnewWe new marriage of Mism Violet to Rhel• on the evening of Thanksgiving D.y,
ma, hint -,f ler of tic very latest type. by, and Edward Harries 1'asun re' ltev. Ur. Be•sumunt, o[Toronto, oft"tient. of them 1" -ani; ammig the first of which trek place last evening fit 8::111 coated in Mt
the kill,] to ►s• ti --eft Int Cansula. The to p
the home of the ride's pp+aI ta, Mr, dap last in the Absence. GeorQe'A church on Men•
rite'sof the rector.
goodie of the Kensington Furniture And Mrs. W.K, Shelby, 05 Perth I afety-
Co. Arco luring sold front coast to coamt, Otte attest, was marked by leauty And - -
tind the Pnlefgenlenl Pit the factory aiutplicity. Only meutisers of the SUMMER SPORTS,
Wan necemsary to enable the company families and a few intimate friends
to keep op with its nyder. With the were present. 'Che full Episcopal per- Goderich Defeated in Semi-finals.
-..L..t.e:,a ...,-..-.Li.I:..- .he .......... ...ill ..;-- m..,... „o.,.t rho .w,.nnv {•Wino
Kennington Furniti to Co, will take sa
place aintsng the largest furniture
inanoratetorira in Canada. We intend
Ili it later inm to to give No Bute ex-
tended description of the factory.
G. C. 1. Notes.
A large number of new studenth are I'
nowattending the Colh!giate in"ti-'
tate, And for the ltmt few days mnvend
inventions, including more very novel
omen• were nsed in initiating the new
h club had meeting tin
'I he Rxlt All cl 1 1 a m ting
Friday nfterntxm (last anti Plectel of-
ficera for the year. It has not been
definitely deciAgod whether the te,fn
Will go after the liuugh eup or not,
but the prospects am- that they will
challenge for the trophy, and f they
' do --well, don't le surprised if it temim
In the window of one of nor Mors
during the fall. The following ass- the
officers: Hon. ppresident, If. 1-M1 rang,
LL. 1). -. pre"Alent, O. A. itobe ortarm,
I R. A.; seem.•treaem., J, A. McLgannan :
captain, Gorta
on Whiunn. A conn -
It r mittee of siz, one from melt divinioe
of the school Anet one InteltheModel
• Rehool, ham fern appointed. it WAm
decided o a . ev. i. W. Wright to
le 1 lel t 0 1 k K 1 1
(-,,,tell the tenni, and it k tindersto od
) he has Accepted. Dlr. Wright has hall
,r large expert ace in AaaxleiAtiIIn font-
s] hall, being sit exc(vdingty fart player
" hiniowif and well till in the fine poiintm
if of the game, and under his cox -king
the telling should develop into one of
,T l .m, ,t+, 1. .a'q+ vf
# 7 ,iin,3.n"aA'4f e 4
J"l .tfl,r5'Mi, .4 h Jit n ") - ml¢ y . r,, y.
I...,...,,-_.- .. ........... _1-,__G_,
-..__ ._-.._ `__ ---- --------- ---------------- ----- --
ClIrly, 4 etre wan a aitnp N Artistic Maitlands of Toronto were otdereil to
arrAnggnlRent of apters in pink, white play, off in the intern)ldiare semi-final.
arM lavender "hadeP and enthedral Pat the C. i. A., And thione team.
candles in the bridal parlor and a journeyed to Ouelph "on Wednesday
flank of }xdniA funnel it Imckgrqund Goderich being defeated before i
for the altar. Mrs. Alice NAah moiall crowd by it score of 7 tit G Tho
Brown, harpint, plityeal the 'eBr1glAI gamle was An exceedingly fast exhilli
Chorus" from fohengrin an 'the bridal bition and, considering that the.tean
Garty entered. Twn little tads, from Toronto have, leen practising
,tet . J,w'r•ph Shelby and Ge-orge with t he fittnen"'l e-meeh" all season
P"nior-, nephews of "tate bride and the Huron" ar,p(oiltr'd themselves ex
groove, union first find strewed the repptionally well.
pathway with glees. 'Phe fertile, who The Maitbnds got filter of thei
entered Poplin the arta of her father, seven goals in the first gnnt•ter, Oolr
wopr fin exquisite grown of while loco rich failing to bulge the nets at all
over white satin And lit•idal veil fast. while hr' the second quarter neithe
coned with it wro-ath of awanxonia. trait tallied. In the third, Malt
She carried switnmonin. Mrs. R. it. panda grit two more, Hurons agnil
Tlmnirlifie, minter of the Mille, w•an failing to Vdly, tent in the last (uarte
matron of honor. John Mershon, of the Ooderich leave%Kntlalay and it wife
Saginaw, wax hest tines. Tile bride onlythe exeellent work of the Mait
wap given Away at Ilse alto• by 'ler Ianda'defenee thAt kept the acore frogs
Gather. Mrs. Brown played Mendel• bring run upon that to -am. As i
msohn'n wedding march at the close, of was, Goderich favored two to thea
the ceremony and other numbers dor- opponents' one, making the final neor
ing the evening. Among the- ont-isf• 7 to 2,
town guests were Mrd. John Pemmnr,, in the first: q,enrtt.r, phortlyy afte
t•iesforth, Conad,► , mother of the thR ggAme began, Mall, of Ooderieh, ha
gryonl -. Mo
Sir. And Mrs, Chap. Posme, his fl Igor split open to the bone, necRi
St. Louis, Mo., brother and Pointer of sitwling his retirement fronn thlonme,
"itlA ti n nn rin n o e
a M n 1 off 1 VRtI 11
slit. rlxotst • Will 1 R n g
ern re (:hien n
K Rt
11 writ li P tm• IaIo1 u n
h /gg o i 11t I k l f r "odd
n slier f the x m • Miss ,
gr i n IlnrriPo. (f p
Detroit., cousin of the bride : Mea. E I
tune, its his injury was an exceex
N. Ligghten, IlRtlYeit; Mr. and Mrs, inR Iy lad one.
Cass Mhelby, Elmira, N. V., broth rr Norman lambert, of Mount Forego
and Pointer of the bride ; loVRb,,r. tuna referee. The team A ver! ;
Hamlin, Chi(:ago. Mr. And Mrn, i'Ap- Goderich. -J. HaRernan, Nicholsot
mote loft last night for •two nunlleti Johnston, Doaks, Hooncom, HAII, Tai
m;. .,. , .,.. a 1 .
I wise Y
may have The signal
for the remainder of
1907 for
25 cents.
NA17KH a: HOHLRTHUN, PususRaas
,re You Making Money ► -- Metropolitan
Magazine....... . _ .. ... .... _ .. S
lore for dale -John Boyle, Sr. Augustine.... I
'argains in I.aAierNewt John Steal ..... s
'ew System of Tickelm And Catwle(tue ileo.
Beckett... ..... ... I......... a
rand Jewel Range Oleo. Beckett.......... 2
he New Mantles -U. Millar Vo ... .. .. .. i
lore Fann lAborerw Wanted --l'. Y. R ..... i
len'. New Fail Wear - Walter C. Prldham s
Leads, for the Fall Trade -J. H. Colborne.... 1
Sb Teach Telermphy- Central Business
College, Stretford .. ........... t
pedal ISelliug-w-. Acheron t Son .......... t
sillimeryOpenlner-w•. A. McKim............ S
tall Faxhions In Coates--Hodefens Bran...... s
lervant Wanted -Men. Galt .................. 1
31"Itford, Johnston, S. McKay, Bet-
alin, Frank lieffernan.
Msitlands,-'1,ortey Burton.- Brad- -
win, 1 eousan,' N ',xxlley, Boland.
Wright, Storey, Tweodie, Lillie, Hal-
;ou, Warwick.
Scores Made at Auburn Last Tuesday
-Nalst Shoot in Jswe.
Thu Huron County Kitle League
held it match on Tuesday at Auburn,
but towing to the rain the quick -firing
contest did not take place and the
trophy will retrain with the present
holders untilthe next match, which
was arranged for the first Tuesday in
June next. As the tea in competition
sherd Auburn was Ahead on the abyot-
Ing at the 510ar•d range, and Clinton
at the sits) yards.
in Lite individual shooting eight
prizes were awarded fur the beet
acorea at 50I yards and eight for the
bast at 8119 yards. The winners and
scone' were as follows:
:1191 YARDN.
Dr. Bice, Dungannon ............... 28
Wm: Watson. Auburn.............. 24
S. Elliott. Wingham..................... 28 ,
(len. Yonngblut, Autwrn ......... .-» 21
P. Randle. Goderich township ...... 21
J. Glepn, Dungannon..._ ............... 21
L. Scrimgeour, Auburn.. .............. 29
J. E. Hovey, Clinton .................... 2D
J. Nicholson. Wingham............... 29
C. H. Dowding, Clinton ................. 23
C. Prouse. Goderich township..... `L's]
A. J. Goldthorpe Colborne............ 22
A. W Crawford, Wingbam.......... 21
W. Wattsoo, Auburn....... ........... 'll
J. Elliott. Auburn ................... ..., W
W. Whitely, Goderich township.. 20
Officers were elected as follows : R.
Cummings, Blyth. president : A. M.
Crawford, Wingham, vice-president ;
Dr. Weir, Auburn, secretary ; Goo.
1-mithwaite, Goderich township, trea&-
urer; match committee -C. E. Dowd-
ing. Clinton • Chas. Robinson, Col-
borne; C. Elliott, captain, Dungana
non; C. Howson, Auburn.
MINI, Delta Bootle. of Heilman, is the gaeat of
Mimmi Annie IAwmon.
asJtimm Mona Kidd left for Montreal on Satur-
day to attend school. s
Mrs. C. A. Humber has returned from a vlotit
to Toronto and Hamilton.
Mix J. Sands hes returned from an extended
visit to Toronto and Niagara Fella.
M. Sohwants, of Henmiller, left per C. P. R.
lent week on a trip to Lipton, Soma.
Miwa Gladym 101tott left on Tuesday morning
to remssue her studio at Belleville.
Archie Mitruillivray im attending the Des
minion School of Telegraphy at Toronto.
Miss Olive Turner hes token a position on
the publie Achool staff of Merritton, Ont.
Mrs. A. J. Moore and Miss Marjorie have
returned to town after a t wo rrlonthe' trip uaat.
Miss Jean IAwson returned to Detroit last
week after -pending a mix weeks' vacation at
The Misses Elizabeth and Irene Achemon
have returned from their trip to the Pacific
C'hexter Farrow, U. T. M station ticket
agent, im away ors holiday+ to Peterborough
and other point.'.
Miss Miller lett on Monday on her return to
w•innipeg after a vi.it at the home of her
brother-in-law, S. A. McGaw.
flarry L Irwin, of Springfield, Mew., form
rrly of ilodgen.- Brom_ mtore been, mpent a few
.lays with friendm In townduring the week.
Mr+, • Walgarthm Brmun and daughter, Miss
Berthaof Memphis, Tenn., are the gnemtA of
Mr, and Mix Charles Symon., fit. David),
-t rest.
Mrx Marsh. of Toledo, O., and Mian Agar. of
Fort Wayne. Indiana, aro vin(ting In town.
Mims Marsh came with them but ham returned
to Toledo.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Himmet-Thom and family are
staying at the Park House• minoe their sale.
They expect to lave the latter part of thin
month for Kngland.
Mtn. Charles Munro and little child, of
Fayetteville, North Carolina, are the RRuemot of
Mc and Mm. Munro. Cambria mad, and of
her aunt, Mrs. J. C. Hart -bion.
Geo. Pepall, eontm,tinx freight meant of the
Central t ermont Railway, and O. T. Petti-
{{mw diviAmi^1 freight agent of the Grand
'Drunk, were In town on TuemdAy.
At the Intleting of the Canadian F.mbalmeW
Assoclation at Toronto fart week our towns-
man H. It. Iteckett was elected to the pomition
of flr.t vire-president of the Amsociwtion.
N. M. Runtb.11, who has been junior clerk in
the Sovetelgn lMnk here for some time, ben
bt,n PIP
to the New Dundee branch of the
Crank and has (leen advanced to a higher
lanition on the -tAR.
TcxpuAv, 4"d.
17th.-Mr. IleAnim Dolan win
sellby. blittlonat lotIn, LRw'.,Amh-
fleM,gomiOfMone n'r•lork sharp him
formstack Implementor. Toon. Urs•
DRY, AUCtIoneer.
FFInAr, Sept. 1st.-Aurtion -ale of farm
.leek ^ml Implement-, propertyof W. H.
Farrow, wt lot •Cr, conceambn .5, est Wmwa-
noah, }-ommgnrinx at one o'clock. Twos.
(JCRDAy, auctioneer.
SATURDAY. Sept. 21mt. --Auction sale of de
slrwble .ro,ddence, known Jon "lAkeview,"
Klgin avenue, property of Nn. M. J. IIIc
Ik)w.•I1, commencingq at two o'clock sharp,
Tuns. (It-YDAY, wuetloneer.
SATI RDAT, Sept. 211th. --Auction mile of
hnnmrhold furniture and furnimhingm, proyorty
It Mr.. F. J. T. N•attel, ""I, -,-
*or ft. (lode
rich. Thi. will Include. lot of aha-rl her,
ni.hinK-. which mumt all he disprmxd of.en ern
,,.rel hAa sold the property, T/Riar An Gra-
nny, muctioneer.
SATO RDAV, October ilh. - Auction sale of
farm. -oath half of Int a, roHYmation 10, w•. 11.
Colleen. prop',tY of Henry Orwen. Al
Collsorne hotel, etolerich, at 2 oclock p. m.
Tena. Ur4oRV auctloneen._
Ht'1,1.-IIAi.IIWIN. -At Knox rhnrch nrnae(
on Wrdnr,dwy. September lith, by Rev.
Jas. A. Anderwun, R.A.. Loon KAwin Holl,
Of ItrlmH, Mich., to Bertha Ell^ Baldwin,
of the town,hip of A.hfield.
BAKKit-HoWliff. - On SOedne.day, asp.
r.ntleI 11 at the homo n t
1 f he
bride's e n
ruts 1. ht stns ml roles.
iK lin t. by Rev- Jen, A.
Ard •ntro. R.A.. Henry Srermaafm Rwk,r.
It. Sc, C. X. of NIOTM Fall., (hit., to
I.Ahellft Glisson aemr daughter of John
S. and Mn. ftowr(e.
M(LF:AN -- CORBOI'LD. - At, At. John's
chnreh. Fort Arthur, M the Rex. ( . M.
Hodlrr nn g
Auu-t 'atth. laurel (: AINH 14.
mnrord dxnghtor of Mn. 1%i l►m CorhnvM,
ofGoderich,to Alfred Arthur McLamn.