HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-9-5, Page 6-__ -.-... collo-,-uo-a �r.xm�rwuxt,wr Vii,, •- '111P, 1 � 1 \ `r \ \ \ , , \ - .. ...... , °...,,u%. , .:...r �.. :. ] „� , %m3:. llll'12AItA\', I�PplrUlifr R I!Ili ' i'Ir ���r 1\!`r1 �I����•�/ll i�,lf• �i11\ f:�'�'t� .J r lAir WILSON'S a will kp FLYkill venose fila "qan � pap PADS es. -r - *OLD BY - MOg01sTt, CROCER9 Ago CENINAL RTORER 1M per Plaskett or a p,tokets for 24o. Will last a whole eeteon- ,FORECAST OF MENsem r,/• -C • -____ Sunbonnets Are the Latest Fad KILID ]K()N V of the Summer Girl. t, ti -_.._---- P i iQ IS r- ' THE 1,ADIIES'WEAR TEST OUR OFFERINGS 1114a;'.r• „c,r(tp 1 RULES FOR THEIR SELECTION k. � d 4 f y t a+ 1 sieve at'r'I r.:: �i ray YOa Owe It t0 yOUf self t41r�d0 __ Iii I 7t ' k '�f A�,,, R ° TiftEA11.tits. !f we can save oil mone til„ ....+,a 11 r' Pok• Shape For the Round Faced Girl. Ili ' �` t y. " Ire a. 1 k) lou wish W know h. a love the e Baby Faced Maiden Can Wear the i + 7 x ,; choicest styles for the fail season. • Lingerie Model-Featherbone Cap Gels are neater, more careful, and more cleanly than boys, so they are t I {� ' g correctly fashioned, tasteful) trimm. Style For Edna Miy Type, em O ed In the )led R09C fiel0 t0 10 ah the Ckln and lobe))) 1 ry 'rri ed garments, superior to the Uveal ,t employed factory B II 'µ"Vi ' offerings. T, Sunbumuets are the rage title gum ,r i,, I!, h is a factory girls like to work in, and Red Rose Tea u -OUR SHOWING QF a ,' er. It Is undoubtedly a pretty rash '� I i, n and, It may be said, a from Wriabh a tea you will Y n drinking. Eve u tine to ensiles _ NEW MANTLES, SKIRTS, WAISTS ETC. ,.x.rP e too. The materials rsponsiblr fat beingabsolute) re and clean. t ' iia'' •se bonnets are so light told alry that g pnd, white w7v i 't� 11^d Ar weight !s not noxi, cels ( ! � i(�i%1 you fy a potkajt% fink your grocer jos lf. 't.>. r fir? .- •� KK, lscomplete. We have rverythtng from the best low ,.a r cording trwr• protection tan the t ) 1' iced the market affords up to the most expensive. 1 1 14 eruge street hat, they flu not disar- td Prices na every case are lower than you would ezPect t0 1 age the Coiffure. There core no haul pay for the quality offered. We invite your inspection. ":¢, � " reg resting on the bead our stiff pins _ .11 J. HOT WEATHER RECIPES. _Pnhre �.. v NoWKYt I. ork z'vbes«.ekie.rel s holding theme sunshades lu plate I pr r x,�. ��r1,�)rvr _ �._ IW D �..�r�'r JOHN STEAD 1 i. ; '� The oust -Sts }'ears tit hard Ilal►or- 'head _ cars on vele. in"r■, strung: ry l ��'� I`YI5 Ir• Creams That Can Be Mad, FroN roll%, arm to lac higher: tows, steady to a a I, r #;, ��• \ °f _ t �' yI Reli �le'Formulae. �'un•11 get a chat'i;p t0 �aru a trade...;cor�ts,v wlnimi ttlrua.ndvta•r,. ttiZ to is.W: "1� 1' The Ladies Wear ) - ht.% man. Burglar -Jud •r, 'couldn t i bulls, t= 50 to $4.50; eows. $. 50 to $4 40, saI VI- -, e \ #I A Good Inver da • Icy Cream. -Brink be pPlrt29tted to harm it er by tigers turrtan of beef b r\ , a quart of sweet milk to the bolllns to t.lverpoul. , WEST STREET. In" I sputulcuce course! Vallrn- Iteceiostfi srs bola: v.a,. anti GOO@RICH. I J, ` \• ,� \, 1 pOlnt, UB{ng a dUUble boiler t0 aYOld ac: rd ,,. to �'S.• hlghrr; xrs,rrra and bultrnullka, ' w I THE MARKETS. •--.. " �.� acoryhing. Stir la our tablespoonful m S;a• to s0.• lower. ulgl wa4rrna, strung: is ," illil t=,: _ e � , • yam. /'� W gnss►n unmu 1: vests. K to 77.1fi: l„y.tycryav,;;..,: w• /r cornstarch dlatsolvrtl lu a Ilttl• colt Liverpool Wheat Futures Clotted Hiatt M lected, do.. 0.J % to a1 -W culls, 64.29 to ,, mlNt and cook fifteen %)cooter. Bent o1�Chlcago Excha •Closed -Liv L'" gr.sarrm end Duttrnohkr, 13 to -_ - - _ - __ _ t, .f two eggs until lemon colored and thick 7a.r a few' nwlPr.. 64: wreirros. p.3. Saw" and I.Anrbs-Receipts, 12,211); 29 �- t � i 5'! 47 add to them oar -half cup ut sugar ono Steck-Loh-t OuotatioM. rnrs on gals: sleep. ateaoly: Phony lambs 1`1i grandson): Moa Ito highly III Imrll TO! CUNSO�IPT V , talldaun �� ell, '1'rtld ill Iwo u g� i I t,,, stir luto the thickened milk. ('oak 1 Monday };yPll{nK. opt. Y. N'n;'P arm amt •Ngnu: Cool prin,w, g ) y.v y i �iC r. Chicago uhd other )'cotta) Strlrm C t -IA -ata sAY' ill hers, slow; %her D. 64.91 to 29.9k what do Von learn col %Chekd." 41)41%', /// le J• •, moment. no longer, tale from the fire It ehunsrs were closed to -day. cull%, t_' w $3, Into W, 0676 to Ili cults, "l,miet Plod (ieee•k and Fleurll al.d ." , y r J f flavor with 8 teas ntul of van)))s o1 At Liverpool. was at futures Closed ,d U. to $6.50. ThtM undelwiitnq•d hu41n "t+ q Baker's s Triumph I ! ' '? 11O° " algebra." Self-ulaille Mites : ••Ho, in• ' g hewn rr lemon, cool and freeze. to tl,d hlghrr aeon NaUv.lay, end co -n Hop-Reeripts, 7213 head: 24m on make: ,1-esl %And what's the x' rblw for enlw alta•td a hrnllh by Aintple Q1ellns, sits) i" ' i L I future• &%it to and higher. • nenrket easier at sills N F; cbolee Itgbt, B .11f ,,i fur sevelal yeara with •w at r �I, / I it It you wish to wake brick Ire create Mill. bnge +'-Tit-Hite. eiv hilliIff 1 , produce an better t It a I I r'`rR - / ',' I ,1�, use two aqua , 1 GN spring. bush. ......N Y to 9 - 4s' .-._ - _ dimem"e CeawNPII". it anxioua l0 dread '�, tablespoonfuls of dWolve! Toronto Grain Markets. «s anything t gelatin to a quart of milk. He Got the Trout known to his fellow vufTrrels the ill% The cone Baker cann`'t I Mnpk p;atxe boa Ice )ream.-C41o9 Wheat.. psi bush. o,+ Aston detillnK with a large trout. %sane of cure. To [hoar wit( firs d Mooney s Perfection ",,l " I without stirring unit) !t "threads" a K'1,o•at. gu m•,, bush. d f g ....... u g5 That was rising regularly and fRgnent- i K'heut, red, bush. ......... o g• c ir, / - .Pint of maple sirup and a halt cup of PPss, boob. ., it ly Is told In "flow to Flah,: A Treatise Cream Sodas "'r � l/( .1. ' .,y cream. When a little of the sirup cool • Hurlpy, tough. .......::.:::.. a s. on Trout and Trout Fishers." This Is 3 ed In cold water can be rolled Into s oats, bush ............I... u 4: t•TS the Ptury: The very best of flour, butter LnfOxktls IIUDiL real: SONili:r, I soft ball between the fingers take frog Toronto Dairy Market. "Ile was going up and down, cop and and creltm-the most modern a"d theii they have the additiumtl merit the lire and stand in a pan of hot wit flutter. creamery. box".... ., 7: 0 V down, up and down; not an the Insects of I. -Ing universally' Attwuuliug• Nut I ter until ready Ig serve with theerea , Buttrr. dairy, Ib ruiW.... a :: a 2: offered themselves, but am It sult(d Ills Butter. tulw .................. a le 0 M plant. the very best baker in that these mullbounets Can is plaef-d I Chocolate Hn te. -Fur the choculatt Butter, Cr,anwra% Ill. roll%.. a 24 a 2; composure that he should take a midge Canada. A biscuit superior to uu the head cot rauduul not cot nil. sauce put four wluares of unsweetened Ewsr. new -laid, ac,xen ...... v l7 .. from the abmodnnoe. litre Chrome, large, Ili. ............ 0 1: O L't9 youth was any other you have ever tasted. The careless grave with whi,•b they acre chocolate Into u saucepan and stand Ch....: twin. Ill . ............ 'O'll Irastlog at the trout; another was look- wurn Lr tear n•sult of real -ffur[, out- + In a larger dish of but water. Stir un Haley, 10 -lb. this ........... u as :::: Ing on. Bald the angler, 'I'll have that Say "Mooney s to your grocer. withstanding all their a u1 •IPs% efrarf 111 tilt mixture Is smooth then -w'' Liver ool'Gr i d Prlod fish whether he takes It or not' Wilt) - , - 4 ilk, r A i Luxury for the Uft Hath. _ i• "Royal Crox�o" - i:1 Witch -Naze! I Toilet Soap a (%cols li><_ . u:r 3 ..kcs L,r r r : ,. ..,. ells,_ ..... • )tut, thou, not there is no true c•uuven- without stirring untl it reaches the; I,It'EItPv ol., Vt. an lwhr,;_wheat, 'flow?' his friend asked. 'I'll throw _ tioual way of getting the buuuet upon "ball" stage. Add to either the maple spot, uuminal; fulur••s. : fc eJ.'; wept• 7a the Illy Into Ills mouth.' The trout 1111` head, I cat It t Ix• tried uct-r +old' uc,r Or Chocolate saute a half cup p[ul at, td;. Iles•.. 7• led. mmen, 7s Ila. (•urn -rigor, Ilam; American udaed, new, w' out on rising; lir tingles went u° again at e•5'rr%- laugle until it suilg ills. English walnuts or butternuts chopped N it%d. tututem, steady; Sept. 5, 45sd. ('eating. I perceived 'Ile angler's .ru)- ewrtuur of the head "ud allot d.win%1 fine w'heu you wish a superlatively due Oct. 6. 5tid. Recoils tion, It was that If be kept casting c.gfurttildn tou-h is arcvwplisla•d, deasprt. Kir I p the saute but withoUt Vusuberland "it. quiet. 51s; short .req, o uiet, 5.tg GI. long clear mWdlrm, night accurately land the trout continued to A few gerit•ral rult- In toward to their further cooking until ready to serve steady, 'Ss W. char bottle. .IetWy, Sts. rite in the regular milliner mentioned. seleetiun tire, however, in-ssary, as , with the cream. I Lard -Prime wo•mtrrn. x,en lv.. 45.. II" ds. Ip London (Pacts- o 's' ttw¢y. the fly would ere long fall at the very there are quite a uumla•r of models to I Catskill Yanllht Cream. --Heat the t3 5,. moment when n midge was being selet.t froua, anti our may not be quite talks of two eggs until lemon colored i Rot•tn-c'ommonw mtvad . tie taken. This reckoning was Justified. cuutldent as to thele own jgdK4urut l0 and thick. Add one sup of plowdrnd lJnsltPd oil -Steady, . 1, a The large trout was hooped and land - such matters. sugar and a plot of milk that has been CATTLE ARKETS. I a eel by a fly that had been caist into his 711- rrett • sake bonnet ill the Illus- pretty i brought Just to the boiling g {motor nude mouth." tration will bo -come the round or short raved cook two minutes iia double boiler, no longer. Stir In -�._ Cables Steady -Hogs Quoted 5c Lower A WATCH PROBLEM. malden, whether sit- be fair or the -whites of.the two at Chicago. dark. The poke will add length to the M:g•, beaten stiff; a teanpcouful of LO\uuv. Set s Lo_l,.n cables - ____ - fnce, and the broad low formed by the vanilla and a quarter of a teaspoonful aro firmer at [lilt ill 1Ac Per Iib., dressed Tailing the T.me In the Dark With Iho ties will provide a pretty ba-kgruund 1 (o[ almond. When Cool add a pint fir weight; refrigerator beet is quoiad at lot: Hands Removed. for a plump chill. 71nen the soft trill bolt pint of tleanle freeze and pock.-- ger ItsT Toronto. J Some time ago a poor old peasant es I-V ,* °a*�P if, hr veil rhwrfully Arad Ifnr of ' -hnrlrr) n oIy of the pnwriptunl tp, 11MA. which they will find n m11 rr earl fur Consists a. Adk29a, Catarrk Sew AU cbhla and tall hiu"I unit lllur Aldadks o. i `" fir tnolm• toll mu1Te•rpr•a wilt In• II w ,4[1 RP I'LAY. its it im invnlumble. Tilt)— r: , dpefring I he pp1 •act 1pl ibn, which will I : 'roar, thrill rud it Anti may prove x ?',;: �<f1 Weaning. will perm AJtil.e" Ret.. FONARS A. to SON, 6reotl�g, N.Y-:'>7,J,, ,-„ a p - -'- r t�t^ WANit� 1 ,�_1 11 t; n .. m 0 ,.. t 11 I'Ril'la W'H (e t :.' ll(u�, lu 1 I!A h All , u A have a l l s ) r, ? % TME RIM CR., LIMITED I , d Found t St. •a: ; _ i I NiSnesetung Mineral atbr11 rt:( rt1HF, (i()I)FHI('H NINRRAL`. SIA t. r, 1' o I I TF It I0.. manufacturer% of afen�„ I' " I t ung.- an• Iver ouvd l" deliver b ass t I r ", 1: , I t so loan Ilelfa•1 (ilr•�r Air I■ yh,l.. u I a ° • ' quart+, col-.. Mhs•ral At'sler In Ito i ' I It -pin glut. veru) quwri-r, Wlt.rr w'aer r 1 r.e Ikatbk• h,slw_ 111,- mal, tiro n,site in I r (slat ural none-ral water, vend are t1.Prettrr fere ,R ,`46 Emma Paddock Telford. • o unetron Lova tapioca. who had lovolied the king's wrath was from all hnpuritk•-. P. L WA 1111►x7 Nmn a of ts-e uutlimLlR lir balm N trolly oar ager. I'IWUOr.1. `•1';•'! of flip most famcluating feature% of the - --- TORONTO JUNCTION, Sept. 2.= selztd by the king's soldiers and placed - -- - 1 ��. \ ,'►,,; whole tohmet. R. cri t f l' The, baby faced girt -nay wear the lingerie, model nud look more girlish still in it. This In built from batiste, embroidery, lose unit Ihlvgt lawn, trim- nled on the -lids with enbruhlery nod lace. Am a rule, 1 think throe should full straight rather than be t•led. some fates may be able t" mtand tbp IN,w under the obin, but what might be plc- turesque In one camp may become gro- y trsytir In nnutla•r, so tit/• sah•r plan for w the average maiden will be to use the a. : atrinlfrl lu 8 toying fashion for holding the buunet down to the head rather --- than tying It so. You see, the shape of the bonnet being round, Hae effect of a THE 3DAYIS large flow dlrectly under the chin and fid on out- aide will d(wtnoy ale lines CLOTHES REE re the botch should t mptIt. . only tient bntrlo•s should nttt-mpt It. *' ,� +�T brings the P 1 i clolhCs Imo• - to you. YOU can Mand on our'. t Y P . own back steps 1. in winter time . and hang out o '-' whole', washing �, withoulloavinM to , • ✓�{ rag the 6bsket n (Loot. We believe the "1)avis" in the be r,•c( made ami we wont to pro it to you. Send us your name rl;d addr(�%s and' we will send You one on ural witi.oul it co%IinQ yo ccnt.� THE DA iS R r . CoO9 LONDON V..X I,.)\ O.W. 25,000 g,E: NEW WORDS art added to the last edition o Web ster's International Di ctiona TM Gazetteer of the World a M Biographical Dictionary �iave r Complete) revised. The Intern tions! is always kept abreast of tit( times. It takes ronstant work, ex• pensive work and worry, but it h the only way to keep the dictionary the _ on STANDARD AUTHORITY of the English -speaking world. Other dictionaries follow. Webster leads. , . It in the favorite with Judges, Scholars, fAucatoors, Printers, etc., in this and foreign countries. THE CRAND PRIZE (IIi��th��eat Award) was (given at the WOr10'fi fair, 3r. Lwin. ftw- A Postal card will bring n- tereating specimen pages, etc. G.&C.MERRIAMCO, SPRINGFIELO,MAse.. v,�w"" Pus. .18.6 11 or to WEB 8T E R' S "Tm"""r III DICTIONARY I CRYSTAL BASKETS o, •, Unique Table Ornaments For Holdiwg Flowers sstd Fruit Crystal handle baskets, both large and small,.whl-h must surely e(ommewl themselvrvto the hostess who has nu eye for heautlful table furnishings. were seen recently at one of the. ave - One shops. , The large baskets are p s u the stock at the union Stock Yards were 86 car loads, tomo. fared of IM94 cattle-, 370 sheep and tombs, 43 cal• -s and 18 horses. Exporters. The market for exporters was a little stronger titan last week Prices ranged from $4.75 to 15.22:-. the bulk at the hest going at about 16 per cwt.; a couple or prime quality loads were reported to have brought a little more money. There wave a lot of light cornmon unfinialwd cattle bought for export at s4.•:; lu 64.tw per cwt Export bulls ianR,d frorn 13.:10 to s4.a1, with one DrknP quality bull at /6 per cwt. Butchers. Printe Picked heifers sold from 64.76 to p per cwt., but there would out he more than one In every hundred -call[, that brought this prlce. Loads of g,Ws1. or the beat on the snorkel. gold at $4 % to 64.46 per cwt.; moralism, s7.a to sL%,. • u,_ mon mixed, $3.r% to s'.%: cows, s• to 64; canners, {I to 92.50 per ew•t. Flinders and 8to:kers. There were none c4fered. and seemingly none wanted. cow «very drover and fanner spoken to ,in tt•P matter rPporl„1 pen. - in a dungeon, says the Scientific Arneri. I eon. Ills majesty was Vre.eut and load the old ma" searched before twiny in- car(erated. All his personal property consisted of a cheap watch, a small Penknife, n shilling In cash and a lead, pencil: The poor old man begged for mercy, but his pleadings availed him nothing, and he finally asked to bit granted the privilege of knowing the length of his sentence. In reply the : king took his knife and watch, which lay on the table, and, after taking the knife and prying the hands off the watch, returned to him his watch, say. Ing, "When you have learned to tell the time correctly by this watch In your dnngvon (ell you will be libersit. Pd." The poor old_ man, knowing that the king meant v life sentence, Ptag- RPred Into his Cell alit] wept bitterly. ILI- rthelc•% ire p featherlome style of lingerie cap will IAvvbwe the girl with the demure lXDivmrAL Dragm p(iR nCniagm NADIt I � tures eP all havfng 11P,n dried up with the drought - e 8 was lil►ersted In twen, ty-four hours, having accomplished the tree of the Fdun \rase type. Supposing R( KRAFN or nasaters. Milken and Springers. wonderful task of telling the correct 11rP wearer lays cl"Intl 10 a certain twelve or fifteen Inches In height and 1 I MllkprP anA rpring,r. of so.sl [n rhnlee is Illy,w•PrP murPrpsotlful than for Pnrnw time to the dark with a watch without amount of beauty 8, well, she elan use °r' merit fur•dova•rrs. They core Ideal tlm,.u1 this mark,[, and sold from sive hands, sow did be do ICT this Quakerish looking model, set receptaelaq Oar roves, an was t -moll to 75$ each. A watch derives Its power of motion gqunmh oil the h-nd, alth fatCbinR strafed by n:hostess at n recent fash Veal Calves. Thr market from the retot of the mainspring, and effect. the curtfiln, n %)metal feature, IonnblePt]ltmgl, who ,ruttideol them, till- 1 remains steady for veal calves. Prices ranged from 64 to 36.60 pPr the recoil Is governed by the bola" giving a Prisellitrlike effect that will (41 with thesefflowern, as favors for her cwt. and levers For Instance, It It laked he I.. few InatiuR. if, however, she A b A gtl@ilg, The smaller baskets are dec•ld- ' (div thew cont] ))coed with Krtc•u Ilslvo•s•) Sheep ard, Laarbs. 'Export ort ewes sold at 64.25 to 64.10 pPr twenty-four full turns of the stem td wind the watch and tit t h --e ' tusk - i' . _ , YR. TKA411MIS or I'r.,s t. `@`@ k St 1011, in flank of IMontrrwl hlocb W+r ,.',(r�,'I ya1" lEedliml ' , ','I 1 I - _ 1J It14. KINMKIt.% t TURNBULL i► - A. T. F,rtuatnns. M ir. � t;' 1 W. A. TuRNat'LI. RSH. try „ Alw, I11'suallon Attvet. 114..", Kmmrna.n'w rr+Mea'•r•, at. iAevld re 1 IL �- , npl.s.11e Viclrnts .Inset chart �" a , k 'IrboRe IML Iw. Jar. Turnbull'. re-klence, NellonR wires( f Next SAew'. sista•, 'Vhofln 121. A M Cy y la ; �Z ])It. A. If. M;t('K1.1\; Al. IL �ttP.4 PHYSICIAN AND SIJRUKUY ' rilm"•Iwl nnPntlrwt to Rye, )fair, Name and ' Pu rblo at. nRI" wild nridetm•c Old llsekof it ,al t" oral, ul,leu..irP 1'a•loll v. Wast ,aIta.., Oedertr h t".I " � p ,a 11 �_ _ LQYaJ_ IIM4�4, V 1- �1AMERON sit KILIA)RAN. BAIL I I(ISTFIW molf,it., comas) , l Ml am Uloss Mt.. thhrldan true ..g1aoo ie,(lodwk•h, �L ..,! V I 71. G. VAk1KHUN, K. c. J. 1. [IL plot. It tr _ d I)itOUDF0M. HAYS k BLAIR harriwtcr.. wolieltor., notar(ewppvvtone n §,�;IMPI ;ora In the Mnritt me ('oast, eta (mace, r ant dee ryIt"� - statLam next door 1•, A. ♦Aim's gsooery. t i' on to er own charms, then let her cwt.; lambs were reported at 29 per a wa a runs rate fund. to let1A at it wast rata, of Intertwt d_ Gt wakeomehurming reveptaeles for berries. ,cwt. for the best. twenty-four hoses when fully wound, - - - -- - JLAIItO.U)FUOT.Y-U. H. C. 1tAYt1. U. F I I For ill dinner !p 11where -one o[ the large H I then for each turn of the stem It will r,�tt •• • H. P. Kennedy reported selects et 13.26, run one hour. tIICKIN80N k OARROW, BAR sig) handl(! baskets filled' with Rowena is . With lights and fats at ss. CALL AT LL�� INATKItd, attar salletWsw etc . 'I' yj userl�as n iedtrrple(etum smaller Dues ; I A more simple method IN to hold lite olrlderich. 1Mone t;' Menfrul Llv Steele. rwland bwsetrateP K 3 A con Ile umrd cff(-1 ll\'dy for n t]tercrt stem firmly between the congers and 1 1. D,'F 'kkIN. CHARLa3f GA$RUW. LI, n 1r , + i1 I I r soutw(- of life ci'eum,. fRlrrouaded b i MONTHRAI.. Sept, x-(lspectal 1 --At the torn the watch around. in winding th.f p I N D E R S ``// ) lallont,•eal Stock Yards, west end market ti. r`• fresh lrerrles velli a few d their Ienveg, the receipt• cot ova• stock for us.« week wntrh to nm for o"e hour the ratchet r't'" • endingAug. 71 ware �1 rattle. -a) sheep on the mninnpring will click• may, thirty j Insurance, Loans, etc. -" ' ''I', • e Iiw•n Plunger m1I11 corp 111(• little long- , and lambs, 4110 t gs and 6111 calves. The (a ( ' 1° 11 mea, tvhlCh proves t21nt this waren for the following lines :y, - i 1 ♦ I;t-ts Intended nn 10(17{ aloof• t]lshe, for Offering; for tbo local trade tills ulurninrt I YO N0 k ROBF-RTYON, RKA1. � ' s ,ip I salted hills. They are not more than •err 1cattle• iso sheep and lambs. 1•r10 mm� tan tnlnutt" for enNt rllck of Cha l };,tate end lnsurwnrn A i'� �y,tf It i,`` 't� three or four' Inchon In t]lanrl-r nod ' boxe and 700 calves. A feature of the ratchet whleh is attnclt(d to the. main i..te fur alt or to Irr. 1'm1lcr�le, haoAled hl 6 t it trade was the stronger feeling which de- Brantford Roofing are t -x -t--1❑ A g gl anY pan d the lows And exnnty. Fire suit 4� ti , ITncetul � in Phnpoe) 1 velooed In th% market for cattle and spring. We will suppose It was 12 I lie Insurance, money to loan etc, �1 ?turns of the bnmtrts nre'O[ Clear yyrlces show an advance of %c to vet per o'clock noon n when the watch was last I 5 s -✓ e. rrJn+- i Ib. dnty thea day weak. Tib to .come est- Garden Hose and -- t' r t ` tnl, with n imlr Hue of mdd (or wand u and you now wish to knew lUH'V'W. CRAi(llls, LiE'N, P'lltl, i; 11 jtR4n tent was due to the fact that the run Fittin $ J as. /) , 71YIsteol about the lux alle. 0 herrn are a was fully sLl hand ,smaller than a *ask the time. Beginning to wild It n r and accident inwurnom. A cot for lemdil aso, Dut more s0 to the Im Improved p' nultna and rtoca consultant nwarant a In w ` green with rich floral deAlgamss n'gold. D ved demand yon count the clicks ane) Bad that i►e• inw elfecard on Dat plan. and at lowo.t sac �J I from local and out.lde buyers on account , S rinklin Cans tall at office, corner %Vat Street and uarP s ), - ---- - - -- of tits eeel•r ...niter and the Dieter con tome It IN again wound up fully tho ' p .. i I dltlons of tit• stock (%rico ;til yiy.,., or nAdmww J. W. ('RAIUIh;, Ualerfch, Unt 1. ¢Jit The Piceio da Likes. s forward. Cat- ratchet r•IiCkPt 130 times By dlrl(Ilnq , Pole -hone 21 ` I tlo•sd♦ttys from I,tv this by thirty we get four and one! I " i� �; 1 • f{'hat n plCOlr pY nk king hasltR comp: showed no no Improvan.ennln o nitestaoriyi 1 Tinware Graniteware ,, 'Tilt.(- was when. a Inueheon In the last week, but they reposed trade firth. H11rd, or four hours and twenty mint r �t(KILLOP MUTUAI. FIRM iti I� Notwithstanding this fact, ho r ` R U It A ,N' C K V O. -Farm and iwnloo d 1.11 i �' �/ I(I' w(Xxlg meant tediollm. lugging of rim- wever, there utes• which addeel to 12 o'clock makes town marl• mwurol. Valise or sty In w'ws an Increased demand from export -Plumbing goods and Anrp1 U I toJan, Imo, Deer 1`). (;W 'r befoatims, bnPket% mil lul.ortd portage are and they taught a number of ce the honr 4:20 p, m, D M sa,nnr un, ( , -of st,our Jogs or, stili mom ahuoyluc. ateero at 6x6(• to 65tr par ID., ew•eades •tot While w•atchee are not all exaru% Repairs of all kinds and dlrocU,n. - J. It. rl,can, .; T. Fraser F I mow/ p�m•.r. els• prr,a. ; Jnm, c'nnoollt, U. lank, Mr. ('hes of ranch cattle anti heavy bulls. OR the nlfke, the principle Ig the game, tind 1, _-- Ref. J. Watt. Jae. F;von., J. U. Urie, P. J. limn. • 1' ' FIA4.r 1rlr�'i'butnluatR the M•vt-roRq', whole a fairly active traAa wu done and weiw.dlrretorw;T. K. fial.,Sowforth,wwcreI^r) , nxN!J whatover It Initht be, the market was well cleaned at o earl Is simply a ease of mental arithmet a '°',fl-+ ; q •. LI110R8IR f10Da4 hour. Choice beeves Y +itttii tmwwnmr� Ina{seine+., noarra dlr•P'�tor to Inn sold at id to 6%c; In order to be nble to tell flip time. Hadquatters for J. W. ]no, Ilnlmewv1111 agent. for Went If ant- took i -Moils oundis ln.1 t fond good, at 4tc to 4%e: fair at 4e tott� c, ��f Boron. Policy -holden Pan ms nP.ev.nntmts i If It upofi the head, the crown of tit! holes of enjoying IPnwnndw teen to u"o• and lower grades at 2%c to sloe Per Ib. But. you must always remember rico ' Heatin b HOt VVatei and get their rArdm rcrelpte,i t Gtr. (•osu', t ort Pt•t Upon the rruwm u[ the hP°d• It Rena slt-h a lotfirr to Rt•t1l-ool venter There sans no Important change In tM time of the startlnR point or first wind• g J f� Clinton or cot Alch"wn hru,.' PeaVace (aahing i l 11 ... the brltn fs1111nK over tot- pace con- that [ht- drink w'agn't worth tit- Ir.nr ronAftJnn of ,the market for cheep and Imo and cotter that the tltrrP cot the Steam Or Air More (foldeAch' 1 lambs. BuDDllea were Cdr for r Monday f tt•2t11 part of It'and prote,Aing tAm Id-. !,s for butter, ervaiu sad kiudrerl for which the demand continues good last vClnding. --- - i PI,• VVI" lit the Rale time. The tilos 1w1K ',waPtttpAlN to reel luu-hlug, ph -y either fnrh Inca enA export buyers, ■cod an ac. I'hr nlmave sans the method uae(1 by Plumbing and General BRAVING PAZLOIt foes)) g is velli high foreheads and 110(1 to Icor left b -hind or eaten In (eon- Ann pricink live red- Sit lana In these Iipes at the poor old peasant, whose IIfP mostly Tinsm thin . - ` MD sold os. M to 4toc, anA r g �1HAVIN(i AND HAfR•URKI1yiN0 al'ruw (,lMkP will llno4lhh•+ ntvar ns- stlllons for fltrin pulrtltlble. Icoraba at ec to 64k per ID. owing to weak- ,1Plsnde(I on him release and who wfirl itt1 1 1•AttIA1kA. Thr tort+t nears In town. I Ingly kiut], while the half dauluwm the Anirle• t tramp tender a\blazlug Pr ■d wee nn CanaAlan,ba(•on Aurtng tbP Imnt-diste•I)' rewarded by the kin ' 0001) GOODS, !•mm .. MI's ,met wank, from Cha our off privet. g pt Ire; cold 1-1lux •'Iron enA wnnl trlth Ills Iltw•rty rand n Iifr nsion. fl(N)D WORK. tnly, He• Aml roM inti.. w'M. hAvts, k wt Irr more lino la charily to tlu• (vo11P PIIII lu-nnl tl,nt ecer)ihlnR nMltnblP goon eg and lite fact that our coven prlvelw I IION RYl' Pllt(•F9. I., -h I.. hinge HOW Im.ck r.ncewwar to plex n that `%1411°IIs g,m•g wlHl this mpltPrh and onP woiq luck • if Hleunmt 01111 of A'itorda.c frnm London anti Jaw, Fr4tsIPY1. type . (JeI1Prs1I R Nrtatal noted a decline In prices of 1s to pK nkli g, flip thin In Uu• sAneMvleh-s dldu'[ npcoll. NOW in per cwt. and In I,IvPrpsmol 1a to 6% • Death In New Guise. W. Re P1 N D 1`11041 R I has n Rlvnder t)arurP, so tint Ihere are several uslkps of plenieftu; - .weaker frPOng drvPlnDPd In the local in a little village on the llnuRnrlan I , she may eve no hl"Itlttlpn about don- 1wroo, nil of wld-h the (nod. In say of marltot- for hop and price, Ptnco thh ,frothier not far from Pr("burg n ER l _ tul'lage Licenses I Ady week show a Aerllne of the: In :16r I ----- __ _ -.. _.. .. __ __- ; cope --- __ nlnk gu(h yuuthfrll hit'of h(Ioltwear, them* aul.tlukl refrPtllm,-nls mit} rat. slapPileg were tarty largo tide ;poeasant woman recently rvrPlcel 4(gr Phone I55. WAi.TRR R. KisL1.Y, eYru IhotlKh nip may not las n twenty In- In1nA kali% %tat v mile" mrd kept nil I Poor Ing, but the bulk of than were raw,• kronen `. (11/h};Itl('H, ONT. 1" y { t p (�•L'el from her husband In or purflemhtrl young. appetiNuK :I% •the) would Ire' nl h orrl/'. trnrtrA for last w •PR at ■ fmrlMn over 'Amerika. Rim• promptly •ipploslted It In Rea I f•er cwt.• In some raises thor,fore the I Watchmaker, Jrwellwr and (IVt.lelan. CHT VARNUM. There N a compartment for Uce, and go t number for Palo on the mket to -day ,fhe locnl branch of the p o-gtnfflc•p mav- __ _ ___ - Imav'r of MArriwge I,loen.m. ` - �- - ' 11 a•IaRuntstly Is the rr'frigenition ar- " a% comparatively small sod artrado was Ings bank and then the next (illy went - Quito with prk•PP n Mc•t for 1 1 1 �` ranged that a small lump rw•ill keep rvery1h111R dt§AilttLlly Cool. The best of it Is that the haus per Is as llgba.n" is CoullNQible wlth strength, null the weight of lin-ell plrles and drhattnblPs Ig :*)out fill ' hat has to Ir (ontol0eiad. Any of •noire hnmpers.elm he stowaw Lnay la ta nm an 4x• aurre), and all sate the Jnrarr %I" cay be carrwd eom• fosbbly on flip arm. Nino. TAlkivul•dm- ••Heir%. term Terre L 'king ht ,' .11 ,., f h.- ,I,1.— Henry-"PRrdop Ise for ince; 19pt- ipg Toll." eea at m TaHa a skirt A Rorel way to 11 ug a RkI"Ifor cwP- r• If Is to New up mr(, pr('As, alerty. I ,t,te Wells r)r piston t places,,put an baud• then fold.Pklrt I half ,nod tlq on table null tike K' nia1F1 aRMI which hang- correctly aW Illy nter .Pnmr, platting it boating or rbv- of pills atnnad bottom edge M show -where to 'turn cop new sklrt-an pasty sand setls- flletory way. To pelt In pk4* p co ,"t. ly fold armhole, hnving reaats•r fold ono Inch hark Of sohnnist" sfo m,s and where the half romc, Join under "Mil of Pkevo. This alwoze Iaaogla Ia peelfect a_A - . .111. L_ Is a gtlot- ld at 14 Is to p s0 per Cwt.. welshed off the cars. Bast BuMele Cattle Market. vV,AST RUFFAI.O. Rept. 2-l'attle Re - C(13 ts• sono hPed: mtPady; prime PtMrR. Is.to 0.75; PhlpDfng. 64.40 to M; botch- er., 64.29 to 06.6; heifers, 13.14 to 95 ••, MIAMI. 13 to 94.70; buil.. 0 N. to $4.111: •to• k fors and feedt'rN. 12.76 to $16.24; stock h,if ere, 92.60 to 13.i; fresh rows and spring ere, steady: $2 to for " Holl"lveipts, 11,029 head; fairly a, ticP anti ahnut st•adi; he■try• loan fn In so. availed. 29.29 to tls,7a;ymken, 96 m to pass. Pies. M. 71: ria hr to 09.0. stag.. M to 64.60. Aearte., l9 to M 3. Sheep anA lambs-itsic-irts, ltd' h«sA 4"IvP; lambs. 19.29 to W. A f►wat N In foarllnRgpo . 49.75 to i; w(rtltr.. Put tso 0 75 ltwroa, IM N 411; abed, seized. 92 N .to withdraw the whole amount. The , (rank official wns somewhat surprlgpd :And naked for nn 04planntion, when Phe Ptak] that T>!•nth had appeared to ,her during the night and threatened to 4nke her awny with biro unlessahs had the 400 kronen ready for film the next night. The gendoirmerle warn rcommuni anted will), and when TtPnfb mad- ht% promised nprw•ernnee ha was found to he very mach alive to the perwnn of this tont Jusigr The w'Onlan's money, Addoo our Vienna earrenp(ndent who PendP the stns, In still In tho bank. find the Jrldge la In,ta1L-4PJ4.JMJ3 •1 Bette. -------.wtsee1Atl(.a.aL i ( W I.ANB. 1MMUER OF MARRI I . AGK Ilesrwsa (Iederfck, Oat _ a - 2 I auctloneerinit �___ ►('HOMAN GUNDRY, IAVR RTOCK ■ and ssenera saetonew. (offices on 8onth Street, where he will be found at all t.imwm ,. hon nM ' 1ping Islas. Term. r•Pasonwble and e, -Pry retort, raed to give you .atisfeellon. 1'hnne .5x1. /1KORGY BNCKh-17r, OF,NF.RAi I Anet loners. IoM Hamilton it reef, Ooler ch 1'. n. lens IIR. All Pales will rrPPlre r.tmrinl ettentlnn. 1 will bay nor pnstoM lhw rk hnnsehnlA aereA. for rew�, so nil M111 .ell sow -)soros, f.mittire, mattrnw,., -1 ring•. Plc rhe■p. Call and .eve what we can do for you In thi. IInP OROROK HRl'K6'TT, Curiesity ' &T7lAmxlm,.a, _ -- --_ a . . __. - . - •- I _.-.... Rhop. Uaderleh ,..al.. 1-__1______ - __- 701'"17-___ - -_ I_ _• -_,b