HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-9-5, Page 5S` .. , • , ,. . .. v....: d M1 ,. .. , �' :,. E. �a F � (1� i � ' w!rv�x)�� y��,� `. •., .' ": -. 5.,t-• ,., ` t - :. . ..: -.- .... - .,,-•._... ,...,.a r.na.^ewa,ue•+ Rrmz'.r 'W9 3,'A4 $ ` •,.. ,cr. , :,.., t.i,. J,`.. ., , p> F, `F,.pq: ,:gqbgpB�,, r, . A.ld!a., i,rF.4,v. v , ^t .: .., "r�,. v, r.- t. o-.a::.,� - i.x r 1,;, .1,;,.„: ,...;„, , .. �, w9 r;.!+:�'.«+31, E/ �iPy" - 1EY ;. iI'whe: �t�. -Ct-.. 5 a"vxbP "wxf..z.„,�'-, -, . q. ..,,u,-,...,-•., ., 1r y� r d:,,kl. r. Yr,. .n �r. a,W- ..A:.�.A�,.r. ?4 1, ,u,w. ar,.+..r.. , e,, , g -,r. . b, , 1.R ,. ,.,.. 1 W,'. x,. ,;. 1 @4 yv riti , E.' ^, •r ” , fiYa„.ai•:,11 I ,a fi - }.i i',.,•e' i+•at" rt^ �''Va� "r:. + ['III', SIGNAL l(►I,II!1C'It. UN iei _TuuIatt', Sepi •maws 6, 1J07 ' 1 COUNTRY POSTWISTICR For tM Layette. " GET LNCREASLrS. WORD 1UH i WE PORCH In u recent number of the Delineator y are given theme few very rtiggeative ,leer -Scab of Remuasration Adopted :re helpful bluts In thel nmtter of r�, •,. f [ l i by P. O. Department. I buby'■ first wardrobe: y Men's �f ' Ottawa, Sept. 'l.'- The teals, of w,lgc" i Designs For Medallions and •'r'nt, a tow of the 'don'ts.' � R p)' country postumaters has heels I g "louu't buy poor material, for 11tby'a w ♦ IN �� �T------------ PL Hnrlly �1[inn by ails fuaunluter- scales In Broderie Anglaise. , t�u,ra ore oaten guard uud °taco I �' 1+ est and 'his Department. IoI washed uud should be strolls enough ore the minimum salary salary of a to look well after freeluent 'launder• n- „t Shoes poistlParterwill Ile >Rvi,,while DAINTY FRENCH PATTERNS. tn�i. V1 a''''f at prevent tilt nlinial u l wtlary ie i'Li. ••uou't make elaborate, fussy gar- The Pandora OVCn never itDCEIt Ckltte L revenue the m)NL• on n1 a Ill Ire cent. I�riw- u,etits, which make the bleb hook like ` and stuffy, as do the l i g 1 The Designs jNay Be Enlarged to Any mu auluwtevl pllluwab:uu. Thr>' uua►e oven l8 y� rfectl Y i Good Eolld wetir awl, Paean r after he will get rio per cent. lin tilt Required Size and A I y perfectly majority of range ovens. Heat gl,lkk) fit nt1 over af11M1 and asp W e(1 PP ,•d to An hard work for the Isundresa,much lrou• C( Wort 111 ono' N1 (.it 'S Food cooked in it is more S10,Ikla he now gets Vt per cent. In Article on Whish Embroidery Is ble for the mother fund a.great deal of ventilated. The air in the , I a5'I!(/€'3 future lite will get Ya per trent. on .111 suitable discomfort for the baby. OVCn 19 constantly lover Sl.un and ill) to, 111141,(11111. At "Don't wake moral articles than are y being healthful, as well as more present he is allowed 1:1 per cent. on There are few happier ways of In- neatly needed. Baby grows very quick- ' BUILT TO WEAR all over $In.(Yomind in the- future he ( traducing .tuuehes of embroidery, lit lye and needs larger clothes every few renewed with fresh 81r appetizing and satisfying. t will get dl lefor cent. Ali allowance towns, blousrp cps evening INdieem drawn through three vents If your 1. 1 dealer cLnwl Ili— and stand till! walking fur night duly IN ry)+v piiid when a I than by means of Incrustations or up- wuHr�etly, then, get good waterinls. you c. late ini.r ation sls,ut the a which you will certainly Ntmttnamter ham to hr fin duly after i plied a )our motives. fells this• some p 1 Y between oven and fire -pct 'PoInJ r■, write d,rert hor fr�eee �o ). fir, or before 6 m. n1., If- Inini-; wake neat, Im le et les and get just y I f''el like doing wheal you e unim pay for thin being alt and ails of the old medallion designs umed years the needful quantities. An ample list doors, and the cooking w�t. j andyeah ago as the borders for wear then. 11ixxinusnnalM ae•onlin tfi til,• title, will Include: I s' waked moue "Six night sll ,m, six da slips, one fumes Car ;;1,aplowed and the work done. It has , grams or tultlels on cam- g P Y P - - I All the best makes, ill K i now lawn decided to chait e till- h-ou1% i fine robe, six IMrr)ecuats (pinning r i e d out to 0 p ill. and 7 a, fit., and to make i blankets), three tlunuel skirts, thne all shaped sizes and the train 'atilt) allowance flNl and nils l ° %'bite mkirtm, three pairs bootees, tor• through luaxinnMr silks. 'rhe present scale IN t six dig \Vh1t118, are hero. 11) per cent. fin the rieve•nitr (if the 1CY • pets. shot ftuuuel bunds, another cel -officer fur which forward duty Ir per• three knit wool shirts %-lilt long Easy to get a fit. Easy formosl when elle forwarding ix dune sleeves a/d seven bins." Of vents in back direct, nod a {mer cant. when indirect .� --- end J(nen, as shoes 1(i wear and hard to or through another forward post- �I Washing Lace. / wear 011t. office. The new mcatr it 12 per ('ent. 1 One girl who boards and does not shown 1)) Illus C 1 for direct and the sauw for'th,• indi- { I like to send flue plec•es tit lace. 'to the rect forward (lilt Y. - �Z laundry boo solved the problem by tralton. •:, AA4 • � washing the pheces In her room and l nndurn �o / / W � • SH ARn A Steamer,tSreyhound at Ooderich. f l placing thent on top of a marble table .moo In connection with the of ivial -open- Alfff to dry. It is the value ns mtrelching I >o ,.- L Ing of the (luelph k t-ode•ielr Railway A them on n window punt, and they ,dry = wail the demonstration w Ike held »t ns nicely and la)t us well us wla•n _ (Io derich o11 Thursday. Keptrnllaer # 1•do- l --- -- th, the 111nmical 14ocirtieem oironed. Tho f (iut•IFF01 ^ T 1lerrr are then placed In aitd Oode•rich have ariiinKel with tier/ a book. a weight put un them, and White Star- Lille. 'if Ovtmit. to mend there they are, fresh and clean, ready \• �� + �Iw• ` r� l 4ti -'. ° their ruagniflcent new rtsel maeanre,. R I fur use %%-hen wantad P�OUR STORE � (ireyhounlj G) li(Nlrrirb Winn e•xrur• I REMOVED AT LAST. -: Pionm un drake florists during tilt day. OLD rRaNCa DWIGN. — L This r11drnJidslA•anu•r, with a rap:U•it)• -. � f,r:t,1Mk1 people, will non three, tripe fill brie pocket handkerchiefs supply scone The Figures Did Not Appear In the mc is abloom with newness. _ the bake fin lite IYth, tilt- Hrr't starting delightful suggestions. Illustrated 'are I Final set of Drawings f�T `tel shortivafterthearrival of aha- train- two deslgum reproduced fruits n sect fit' A cnDdidate for the royal engineers � WE HAVE ALL THE- LATEST STYLES IN trolls fftllelph. Theis• will Iri is trill ill French palte•rum of some fifty years or Soule yearn ago was told by his 1n- , LprCC1:, 70r CN1O.MCN1REAI. WfNFlFEC. VANCOUVER, ST JOHN, HAMILTON he afternoon, with bogie h)• till• wore ago. The delicate little garlands mtructor to draw up the plans and spec- FALL AND WINTER Nuel h MUNiC.t K.N:iely'a 10:164• and Ifientiurrs for u railway viaduct to con t' %III tend ttmnnN4-1+r» to all kind+ of E. P. PAULIN Local A silt. OVERCOATING5 HATS out to the land Ofg, when ails :land tart two hlglI hills, between which f b SUITiNGS Krgiment Isnd of lhNle•irh, will play. different weh,Nls of iteslm4-ot and TIES The (ireyhowlel is firle Of Ilse tilled way be carried out In solid embroidery ran a small Ntrea,n. VESTINGS HOSE s excursion Im)al•reffects tmoil the continent and or In ped effts acconling to in due course an excellent set of EROUSERINGS GLOVES twill make a bio attraction for the fancy. Ilalf a dusts medtlllnns fit mor _tlraw'ings wits presented, one showing P ema.ta be Studied. E-verything for Men. 1 't A FASHION` FROM WAR. (hmlericheelel,ralion. The(irvyliound pattern would muke a churnuiug 1n- the bridge In Its comVietlon, w'Ith a lire nisi "f sclvetumsfr.Will Engli-Ir is bringing an r:cnrsi0n from h•troit , crustatlon for lite lace yoke of n ere o sketch of the surroundings, - and on -' lN.rts to Im• tuJiwl in tilt- high. w ileitis ,SVT r y ( Hew Flat Old Time Teo Plaeo of the and 0.11e;1, r InmliUlf*sof the i'rfiv- FRANK H MARTIN W Oomlrri4-h, leaving th•t,oit \Y.dt,e•m' ale chlor blou•N•, for example, works{ w'hh•b sot two torn, w•Ilh their Ings day nrorninK.lit otrnllmor 11th, +Ind on. 1' Old Time "Turnips" ibis hu+ Im•c o ,r•e1taled I•v the .1)r- • ( upon very flue net In cream or colored lonngln;; over the side, OsIlluq. The ' l° the return trip will Leave Goderich un drawing was returned with the request q'hru the neat eau lakes auto him• pnrtue•nt nl' ,• fienlunr. fir riwdi• smillia) ttrpLenllm•r 11th., after at-• silks, am the case clay tea. Ity tilt- ald d,,tem. or df -u ,-f c.•rtficater it is n+ self n watch ns thio us parehmcut to > THE TAILOR AND FURNISHER rival fi� the nnrrning tritium (vol of splansl pular rhe• designs can, of trot the men toe removed teem the hollow.: 1'run son - "Tbr P.m•t•" held little thinks than that thio watch re Guelph Stratford. euurm•, IK- drawn b, scule In :lily sire �' sults fru%huhu re;ulationa, Thr l.,ul of hnlolt,;' lh•nfine.' Upon receiving the paper the second y a •The F. a. one "\forte d'Arlhur," that may' be requlred, w, that tory eau 1'p to the tinie or the ulliey taklug Don oto his. be used for ally' article to; whit cur' Urate the prof--wor dineuvered that his earls tire ordinary watch was couyrx KI. Agnes rev -The \'")'a r, instructions bad been carried out, but "Ilreak, lineal lite k." "lit Ile ill- flint ll - -- - Tor°ntuT ,,. broldcn• Is applicable, from a {oex•let In shalme :and enneit fronts Its outliuc n lev of til.. Cante•rtiz." Ileowilinq — ih:,t the two nncu erre genteel on the o °Thr trestles of the has thio hanell'ereIllrf to a damask or kuru baulk of the stream. still In quest of "turulp." The W1hrM or the Itusstan ••sly I.Imt Ihu•hrss," r•Thr Itidr irvnn disadvgntxgr that it yb d!• hr patri- taWar loth. '1'tm•Ir adapwtk,n uavrl not and other armies objected tq tills tore Ghent lit Aix.- • hove Among Knim," fits of Uxlay to cw•.a the re•almon+ibili• by any Delius be volrtemd to the cm• r, ;I rid fit the tinny arises. firs which hw J the omlrinla asp Air in was the,paper returned. apd cause It buIIN)us [fir:u mode the ant• "Ilonia-'1'huughtm 1'r -ow Ablo:ul," -Up 1) 1 belllshment of dress. for Ilse oval uu` a form of n mail oil parade beak uutldy, at it Villa," • Andreat del Kit lo," "1'be old. dalllon, for e•xa.w dr, ou d Ile eulnr ed L11N time wills lNmifthe orders to ler• (il:udian Ao -.I "PI„ sc. "Ali 1 + K whether it were carci•l fn fpr co:lt or ti 1 " Britain was not mvvel by A ire• And to fora the mountingif it ,lolos;ra )h, wove the itself front the drawing alto-' } I': ,idle of Kar, hi. -h," l',e+:.liri Innes." I t nils tub. In learns, however. they fnnnd I 11nlranunellel press in nils• days of and uu exquisite wuuuteuq It would g.•th4-r. imaglme flee consternation P.l junior timbers, tihokcr{av41( i q •that the watrhunakerm ,qC the 1 Hints John erwkedrn' be, vwrkel upon a mud fit m•prl • a+blch mer�+rvnel the features of the �Iatlm•tli' in udd.rl ,uud f,er wellie s lrthewi"e Mr. Ilwm Ira would Royal hall contrived n chronometer p' while satin IoW 011e rlhlou worn- or Ivnrmd Instructor upon nrel'Inq the teachers another adJiliuit + 11uIJc, u have e'diel up him fmvOrite new+paloor• pa{n r+ for a Ihlnl time to sod toil which got over ilia- difficulty. 11mrsely• • ,%\ You Like 1 Tbr i 1'hr Huckinglrauti+bite liugla-, and Ulf •silk rwbn,Wrry' ls,wderwl wllb little.- little graves nail tombstones with asp 1'LIt wntchca were tbt fagh:on In p,,,•n,s to hr tu,•Iooriz••d h) c:Iudi• We teach the "Gregg" System of The Principal of our Shorth d telephone win• uuighl hove grown hot gold or silver putlle•ltem. '{,ruprialr e•pltaphm situated near silo Part". The F•rit(lish when they np- dateo for entrance to the high schools Shorthand because we know it is. the School graduated under the Guth , a,f follows :- lin a larger wale still grneeful dr hull!: u[ the ear •:uu. Isla orders dud poured In the streets of the. French ,41 t the s:un.• -in last year. best. of the " Gregg " system, and her tw , 4 "Kew. ell:tt'm the 111'etie • signs Nuggrost the•rllm•Iaes for ewe capital marched In not In gala dross - — - - -- \ Ill Is written in One straight line aassistants are graduates of the Susi- t1 assn ohcycel and the oleo removed sl• with all yell nrwmloa{N•rs:' Al'r brvlele•rrd cunhlou ouierm wlJclt InlKbt such as the oth.•rs won-, but In the Tainted Nosey. \ and based un the movement nyuired ores Educators' Association. You V4011 all bought asp Ihon'l be worked out entire) In whip• saloon tn6etiter.--Loudon Answersoil. to "•rete ordinary longhand. It re- are assured of the very lest tuition vn1, know lire Star Chan11N•r Yra ign. which they had worn pr caw- •Tilt big tnarinK s eat gild just whizzeel a bacagrouud of cLvlrinualin mode up - - - - - palqu. Gneut ivaN the Imprexsiuu by Is jilt a tu.n•Iikt at KiK:ulric nN•krt. quires no shadings, back slash or hire, thin hilmnunrr�rlaxlois tile In+l ower colored milk, ulna linen lit flax A Scottish u and the M story of Ban- which their halillimentm crested, tont ,;nod Pat ,41141 Ylike honed tit %Much• fl �..aertcul strokes which are "hard to More information in our large yy R alrvic.• spit » lliirvish King % thread or ,•+ell In tine tlle.•mtn' woods 1 (N, y they nt once a opted the smart flat Ili�'.ppr.ot in ,I clued or 4111.1. remember" and require slackening illustrated �ttalogue, which we would fly Sfe , a Forfarshire former who k1'bim chit¢ %:, ma must .•.,.t it up" W make ceirrectly. like to mail you free. First lesson �t'b Jnn't you .•t after them % w etch unto brou t If Muck to F:ngl:md K'g' I'll expert to core sorllethinic > had been slwudlug awn hour or two In '' "t 1 he,op at- enao." sail Nike. •'1114- , il•lo The Gregg is thus easier to learn, on Gregg sesta free on application. r , the evening with a friend a couple of for our ow Tmtlnfacturers to cn )y.- i+ fairly burni11' noose mote pod mad. A speedy, accurate A greater demand for our grades red-hot in the paper tunirlit " London Standard. y' stenographer is the result. ates than we can supply. \Yell; you know. \Ir. l ,ship- y miles nway. It was n.wuunlight night, l An' IN• lilt +mill :n it-," niOwl Par, den, an interview wilh'a. man �,C amd Sandy, atter "pnrtaking finely cit A Resod Answer. "it nears be Ihol tlinled mosey. %e do FOREST Crff BUSINESS COLLEGE fit our standing would help .: hila friend's hospitality, was riding y IN• Marin' so touch nboot." Kncce•I•N, u+') -y,' When f;e,rge Prances 'rrnln was giv- Yet ben •f Ills•:■•ss Educators' quietly home across the sheep pastures - J. W. %ESTER VELI, bb•ss ),(air life. 1 -don't o's his •'gold nuld mare," when they In, evident.. Im•fon, the metropolitan A•■.d■tie■ Waist 111 l'0' 114111.• Illenlionel� board of filderulca of i OadOIl In favor _ l'ri.cir■1, L■•dee. :,()Is, 110N'I' 7h: JI F. f lits scheme for layins; n Ira some to an open ditch, which ills mare-- COLLEGE RE -OPENS SEPTEMBER 3rd. refused to crave. omw• lwily asp 1 11 11• h 1 hl John Ilalnpilen• hchPvell'thnt til•• shill Utx was roblm•ry, anti that the Star Ch either was tyranny. land hr � his. w nwa, Nagger," gold tilt elder, "this. winos dad. Ye salla )tat gang Ludgate Ii , n not a ort among m lnterloi•ulorm suddenly fixed the old pioneer with Ilia i iontirle and said: N EWGATE KN Hemstir, though 1 can't admit flint OX lOan, .,•. s.u•rilicel 11utlney and went U, j til for ronsrienee rake. IN DOT AND ALL UvaR arracr. °'ver•" Ile turned back about 1001 yards, ••Noy 1 --ash- sk re que"tiein, Jit. -ab ," _Train?" smiling faintly, 'am glad to nlpet you NF.,WGATE STREET. ---- / Thr John H:1npelens of UNbty .ee• r-obl)r•rq triumph and- tyI'anny upon muire or jaspe Pllk -_fir heavy linen. Reverting to their original pure wheeled round and gave the mare a touch of tits whip. On she went nt a That Is what t nm here tor, my STREET 1 H"nrish nnif are afraid to haat their muneve mentioned fur'cone,vie•nve make. I,,,de ns the frnnllnq fur cmbroWcra-d fe11rm brims canter, but ns they reached rho edge fit the ditch she stopped dead and lord." he replecJ• ..You know. of shill. how arty oar- LIVERY c GOODS 'rhe little mosoRrnuls, their owes In'this ore mw Is i.u41>~IM hill. Rnplx>Se that patriots -of tcmlay 114-141 a of the slum)' courage of the H:tmp practically endless as nn ornaments- shut Sandy cleau over to the other when 1 gas down to the Nauslon house _ FRUIT JAR RINGS dens who folighl their cnonlry'+ tion for sachets tmd LlWterN. The patterns should lip Ptretrhel lit it fK ride. Gathering himself asp, Sandy looked In nay Cel one Of f tosses Should I I%' -o Illl,tll lies (i1'lllle• and blacks• EN/til bottles when lha-re ave•I7• Ilii nYw'N- t0 tike tire bllydl•11 Iotf their from@ for working. when the result is [its mare straight in the face and Raid: s cilli on your - falls nn41'break his our l,q• would pay for 111C horse"" pilltm' alll quartet. j):aprn nhoulJe.m, likely to tet• much more successful lama done In the hand. "\'era ween pitched lolled, ma lass. But Loo are ye goin' to get ower yer• y011 The reply souls like n Hash. "My I Good Horses and U )- BOTTLE WAX The public spirit, ore pwtriotic zeal U the xUtcbery were- loon, It ;Ina c•uu14 convince me that l that inspired llampilens to foe the - prison and scaffold in their Kettle r__ _ a _ sen', ph?" yonr hone would not hnve fallen If the to -date Rigs. FLY PAPERS ' a ainstahnses dormant Hit the *outs g Oro" Asooesories. Was an Expert ort Figure. rolls hod not been there I certainly II 1"Iasi of the modern HamfNlPny who cell un- tea mhume•+ unit Belts, collars, veils, giuvea, shoes slid stockings -all the little ,detail* of the a Atter no nMence of several yeas a to gh°°I'1 pay" p"icon and sticky kind* II FOOT POWDERS on newspapers slolish " then art in the waviog clause. a istame--count so tremendgusly lit the one time cavalier of a lady called on her. Ife found her In the company of Tit For Tat. fur tired, stccaty feet. '•I)ON'T QUOTE NK." tout ensemble of the outfit thin season her three children "A r'nitel States senator," said a � TELEPHONE NO r- I i F.AKI?)1, fit u in )it- l, p P TM Preeintor Sticks. in the parish church of Ochillree- on one occasion A young proloationel was offlcinting in Ihe ahse•nec of ((,h�e regular odniater, and as he had 11n tired with a long journey and wanted 11 rest lwfor* delivering the Pern)tm In K{1ave a long P*,Jm to Im sling. 1101 knowing that LhP s ecenlor was+ Rolf fering from a ila cold --indeed, the bad told was a chronic enmplAnt, The first four vermes were Hnisheil not No hefty, hitt at the fifth Tanlmat stank, and ren atncnln1 of lonfnp could get hills relarted require. At. btNl the minister had to stand up and than in no pleaann( mond. L.-aninK oven the{�{�Illit aide lie thus addreetmel the pre,�htor-"TAnunns, if ye ufilk' Pic n warm shout mkirling toot four vess•s fi A r,+ahn now, what'll ye doe throng) a' litr. ages o' eternity?' No Such Leek. Tile late )Bishop Fit zgerald once de eland that ayngrrthy, f,ir more thav eltm{nenee or learning, fund*, for nor remit in the ministry. !'Ton mans of us, thmug hied of evmpoatb},' he mid. 'lav the %•prat themnothsnp!)rnpriwtelh(ngs. Thum a vnnng Baptist frlenrl of mine, eon doling with s h msebr•esker In jail droned : "'Ah, my friend, let not rememhe that we ore here today send gone to morrow,'. - ' "You may tee t 1 ain'L the hnutee Iirt+aker answered shortly.".- Wants ingto n Star. Pleasant Surprise for Him. F@minlne Customer --"What, Iwauli fmf thingN yon Maloof celluloid 1 il, eon thiole yens cold make a pipe nu of It F, 9holeman (aghast) -Why, m"danl don't you konw- Feminine Oumtonler -"Ole, i don' rare what it mom 1 want tel give i to my husband for a lArthday prem ent. (111-1 Lady to r'hemio "1 wisest % Ion of c.lnine pillet." ('hemi"t-"What' Ihe 111411 for with the doge- (old bad)' indignantly '•i avant, dna to under Mand, mir, thst isiy humband is gentleman !" "ash, r P r t At n l) 111AdAnr ii' .rand he banded her menu gnlnine pill", that a goodly part of Nle allowance should he kept to Ile expended on just these so called misnamed minor ar- flcles. ifllf an Inch wore or Irmm In the width of the brit often stamps a gown an Swart or out of date, while by the height of the collar hand, the style of the veil pattern and the ecdor of the Shoes, stockings and gloves the well dreamed woman can at once W picked out of a crowd. Princess and empire frocks are so poisular that it is difficult to may just what Style of girdle will lie a nettled facet, . for with the two piece dresses, wnlnt nail skirt separate nil possible widths nail models are to Ile seen. The tailored suit with a narrow stitched belt seems the tiling. and for dremmler costumes the draped girdlem --large buckles have just lately become the crap- and hand- some rhinestones of fancy demlgn In dull gold are always A11 effective finish So a ribbon belt. All collars are high, but soft In finish, and a splendid back- ground for nPoklaePm and brooches In most elaborate designs. Chemblettes or plaited fronts, similar In the ruffled shirt our grnndfgthem wore, are quite a novelty and can be adjusted to any costume. They are mode of handkerchief linen find have tiny nrchengs of the same materials on each edge of n one inch fold. A stock and jabot of ruching el,:ed with lace, giro the finkthinq an ultra smart touch, Danmark Original of Thule? Was Demmnrk ilia original Thule, the world's end land of she noclents, Ile gond which lay only the Sluggish Sen? nythe IN of Iltamsllia, who wait nbout contemporary with Alexander the Great, b believed by molne to hnve referred to what we now know nn Jilt - land by this name; but, ns there Im nothing to show that rythens had visited Thule himself, he was prohnNy rather vague shout 1t. Ainee he neem! to have r•eprowntO d It As n IAnd of tilt, midnight nun, others have Identified It as Iceland or ev/n orPenlNnd, anti the Thule of the Irish monks of the ninth century A. D. was rrrUlnly ler land. Rnt the Thnle of Tarltnm, millet Imy near the orkney islands, mina hnve been part of the Shetlands.-Londor (IbnIIYtPI4 ( ti J lam_ "r°•- `4 ,"I 'M_' "s-- " l' ""` 6 dL,. _. hiII�_- "Well, well!" be said. "And bow old nee they?" Johnny," answered the lady, '7s "even, JpIln Is fire and Maud is two... '•Dear me!" he tiled, a41rm In illi,. ruice. "Is It pomslble time ales like that? who would think that you had ern married fourteen years?' The Incentive. "Does yonr son study Greek In col- lege•?' - "Oh, yen. se's very i ithuslastle river It.*' "i thought he didn't care for Ian gungesy, "Ile tloirmi t, as a rule, hitt next year Ilse football team is to have Greek slfrnnht and Ilnrry b trying for the 'levet." Tommy Changed His Spot. Tenclier-Vats the leopard rhnnge his spots? Now, Tommy, answer met Tommy -yes, air; he enn. Teacher- \ousenae! Iiow call hr? Tnnlmy_ 11'ell, air, *hen he's tlml of sitting !n one spot he cin change to anotbera' can't he, air? A Reproach. cook - Iewkm! Here's mlmtrPa1 Quick, Into the clothes press! Soldier Sweethenrt --in the clothes press and not to the in Mer? Nlns, and you say you love Inc. Lucky, Then. y Jfrm. Renhnfn i got It for 1.1 rents a %-.ant. Reenhanl isn't la nn unlucky number? \lrs. Henham Not when it rs m,akel down flees IA -New York Press. _ Long Felt waf1R Jagglos Un yon think there will e- tr he any millral change lit the style of men'm hats? Waggles Not unless somebody Inrrutm a hilt that will cover the held spot on the hack of the hend. Not ,sly to Nppesr grind aught morn M esro, hilt to ha on both privately and puldlcly.-Ple" young physlinn, '•addressed the class ,s f was graduated from on ourcommence and a good turnout will be scot to mint dny, ole nllvlmal ua to this nd• dress to he broaJ and gcneroum In onr I your order. Summrr visitors will views, ile "aid he once maw two fa- II 11 find prompt and satisfactory servo e moue phy'mlcinns Introduced nt n ra• here. sorption. They were deservedly fit - Atilt He Co. DUNLOP, DRUGGIST Be.;fuid Block, -- GODERICH mous, hot they were o oppoetmg h hook eenoois, and the rt•gnlar, nn c S the other by the hand, sald softly: "'1 am wind to meet you as :t sen- KN Hemstir, though 1 can't admit flint OX lOan, .,•. Toil are n phymirlan.' "'And I; said the bomeopathliet, I Opposite Caltorne Hotel. smiling faintly, 'am glad to nlpet you NF.,WGATE STREET. fix a phyrlelan, though I can't admit you are a gentleman.' 4 „, '. ---caeaarr�s>r:maar+se�sara:-atontulsnanais� r i Tit.` �t'.t '1 '"_.Clallliile aloha t;l"', %%,hell volt \1'111 NYl b t it NEW STOVE We invile yoll to call and see our complete line of Will. Intel; Stovii Cos. Stoves anti Ranges. Rad- iant llonw IIomer an/l Happy Thought Ranges. We have a number of other makes which we are otleiin;, cheap in order to clean out. 11'hen (doing your Lill painting (lo not forget P. In f'lnnlbing, locating and Tin4mithing overy- thing asp -to flat(! and fully guarantcl�tl, NATIONAL PORTLAND CEMENT ALWAYS ON HAND. CHAS. C. LEE .Store 'I'hnne 22 Home 'Phone 112 1 ! afs ergs I. w FROM NOW ON We will tell you that we have the largest stock of STOVES, RANGES and FURNACES in Western Ontario. The best bakers, fuel savers and easiest managed stoves made. We sell only tried and tested goods and our prices are the lowest. Let, nil ti;;ury all your I':lectriv NViring, •Ifeating and i'lllllll)lllj;. WORSE:LLS' Hardware and Stove Store.