HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-9-5, Page 2The NeariN endeavoring to awaken the pwlple of Parry Kl11uld to tike danger of the railway ci11lllnwi•. approprinling flit- rutin- waterdrinl o that I,Iwn. If they lire win- lhry will herd the wiu'ninK. Orillia math• the Ig1me unitulke, lead ha, bitterly I•Pgretted it flit- thirty year". Tilt - railway crlVillwanie", if ilary have their Will be a. NWIe•1 a. 1141114 -V1141114 -V W 1144• way, What Are the Terms:' : Dime Itnm•.r Twontu Klmr. state. It n new n.pii;l r, it. poliIi TWo Llrgr pr,.jRrl, have Ile II 1.61 -ell 4-:d h"It. it 6hnnilig up in Well Ilurnu in IN•f.a,• list- 4'.11lruliall public ill a leery- ' 11, W11" itt 13i.14.r lit.. \\'bilely. indrlinile l4. ner: the ••.UIHell 4.l I:.NI••r{4-hi, fo14•roller IIo01e." pro.Mi11lr Porn ht41 .Ir:un,hii, It 'I••eal Anlninalinn. I'h.• I/•r•Inr ..•r/•irr, lull Ill..1:.•or9inn nay el ulighft• il-All rellow. pn•lially Their have 1.0111 r4-elain eleill"111 1•Inrronnl.,1 far no dnnlf L, tb.• f:u'I atlru•tivrue.,t 1.. people 0,h,/ take's, i Usel Isi, .w'ile1, .•cal holiefnl view of Palladian progl,.,., I Lull{ly. irlc 'bot tfir\ ennnot be. int Icy •e 111 1'' • tell SIGNAL: 00DERiCII. I0illet(p, Truro. N. N .: "lAtwer h'nrt (tarry," illu.lnttel, by 144r1ow 1'um IN•rluua, with aburl a.1ril•r ly W. A- hrnlwr, pallet Hurk wider and 111herN. TNAT HEW STATION. To I Ije Kditor of The Shru it. IIxAN Him. - I Nh/luld tike l4. expres. Uel•o0gh pour INge6. the upitliml if 4 grrnt nuelly with rcK,trd lit Ihr wlllie of Ihr V. F. It. simian which is a1rK11 4.114• a11d n-brdf wile. I.• Ile• 11u1fR of .0ul• village. It IN ,1 un\•.Icr\• l,I till why it .buuld IN. called .\Irli141v. 'flue ult11lr hew 1141 Niguill..un ,•. It IkOl i111y wvml.l du till r{ghl owl 4.l 1110. 11131kle ru111111'1' whel1• Inlhle..&I'1• .1911'19• 111111 illi• 111u11e will du, INTI 0,r di nut lh{uk Itime 4111'11 "holdd le 1114- ,•TIM• (lee. Wh,v "hriild Jt heel lN• called liru- wilkt-? Sudo• of Ill.- .111111111% ailing Ihr selul• line elle alN•111 al, far fl,itu the vilhlgs• after 11hi1•II they ave• ur41uWl a4 IM4 41111• i, frau` unt'N. It wo0w (hell h:tvN thl• nav:uNageuf IN•. hist kn41w11. fur Heniniller ii. ail old %'hinge lend {4 nu1Wl far au41 hear C.I. RA 1141111•x1 lenuty. 'Then in 4.w vib Lege we have cern•,([ ild-a•4U►141ishWl indlwilier which do a"Ij.i ivilthlr .1111, ping. tell([ it would 1..• a eir.-at v..nveni• e11re for thein tie have the "hipping "tAtiuu and lkMtunlct• IN,Ih 011414-1• tilt- Miele he "x111 Il:lllle. One- nl'iglllwll• let th.• 11ur1h. of 4.4 1Nn"ihly think that Iliev .hunld Ivive Ihr bouur of having the slaaiou n4lu/vl after Ibl'iv buret, •Tari.-..,' 11.11 0,r do tIlN.11t 11 71 I dile" JIM Illuch buteilIc,4N, n, IIt.•y 11:lvi• 4.0 indastrirw owl" de id a .lift.•, The wellerni opinion i• That the uau.r 411uu1d yet IN• 4.11:6019.,1 141111 I Inel IINV V. `I'. It. /•uuld tall .141 1N•It1.1' 11.;uI clall it Henuliller. 11, ,,1.•14-". if Ile , 4ollalde w►111r. wuul,l he "sIlm i.e . 1'Pr4-k. Fol' yeNM !ill it p4-•, Creck Irk, Iweu known and noted 111foughiul Ihr I'i-ni11rr lir its NINe•klea tku111, mill pN•opll• would at oiler fe`ngniz.- I he LN• till y by ibiliname. Thi -creek tin" e1 hidury ,7141 we slimil l like 1.. ,re I h•• wlaliofe which i. "iluat•d .Ville near Io it IN•:Ir {1, nnulr. 1 Ynol, truly. Kept. 1. likes-. I1f;N 1111.1.-4. H. AN IMPLOSION. It Is the Opposite of an EsplosiCrei so Las Familiar. F•very'one knows what an eiplado In. but iN opposite• all Implaaloa, 1 less familiar. At Creat depths In th Sea Abe conditions are favorable fa Its productlon. At :,.,4.0 fathoms till pressure In, roughly speaklug, two an a hatlf tons to the -blare inch- that 1 to lldy-i se%erul Umes greater than the prrasure exerted by the "tram open the piston of fi powerfel-engine. An Interesting experiment to tam trate the enormous force of this dap Sea prlwurP wus made un the Alba tr.xui, a governmeut ve9:Nel engaged L deep sea explunitlolr. A thick glass 6 r s tube several Inches to •Wil full of Or was hermetically wale,] at Loth ends. This was wrap- ped In dYnnel ulld placed l4. one of the wide cupper cylinders uw•d to protect deep sea thermometers when they are seat down with the sum,dlug appa- ratus. The copper cylinder bad holes bored to It, so that the ,kater find free ecce" inside, r„uad the glass. The Case war then Sent down to a depth of 2,000 fathoms and drawn tip agu W. It was found that the cylinder was bulged mud twat leeward. Just as If It I�ad been crumbled laward by. being Violently Millerzed. The glans tube Itself. within Its daanO w•rupper, was reduced to a ptip powder, almost like snow. The glaet dile, It Wnald Peet.•., SP it slowly descended, held out Ion;; al.•altu t the pressure. but at last sud denly gavp way and wan crushed by the violence of the action to a flue powder. Thin provesp, exactly the reverse of an ezploplon. Is termed an Implosion. MASTERY OF THE NILE. Parry lklund people lintel thl,u' rL•utu a K 11 n 4- ` isestablishel,,tl441will lhell trent them rli""rl lentil IIt. ,hell I. - K Ter Method by Which the Flow of RS allP11s Mill fnll'r1011VIl. Orillin I le hefillilt v its Placket. et n� li nuts Waal, Is Controlled. t- fe;iI- Every- morning from a little room of Their is n .nggeldiun here thnt may ,e. ■ grout white boutsp on thp eastern have nut it little- vithie lot• the IN4•1114- f,,,,,sbure of the Nile at Asaman In clicked of Goderieh. Ilic lawn emincil tint]the by telegraph to Calro the questlou. the 141an1 of'I'nulr »bout([ walch Ie.I lilted »How much water?" The an'nw•er d Pocomem so many thousand gallons motor ii the N:tuq• 11nfui•tul"'le well. wile, or 50 many wousaad galloan IPM. A 1f 9 TatimilAr, Rep6obw. S. 1807 tl / ! v ' ('► THI In 441 {X"'111. 11yl w lF4nnetiulP/rMIM•flt• UIIPP 1'111114-4 tV11�N 111 111441• 11111-1i1111N WHAT THEY SAY Z�..Li ` ,{� thnl all. pro INlllu puldinl,Ali" - 0 Vets Oa iia Commissioners' 'g► crown WW Be Broke. I Bylaw. UunWth'N, oN'1'AIt1U, 14rorklille Itevorder. 1.11 11:N'r 141 viollilnl.• lily loud PliAl.IR1IRD .1,RHY TIi171414DAY \\'lien NicithilNl be•IIII.l,YY ron41uun huh.firamither yo -iii lit letim. ler a. uI1,N need title -pull, it will be rlwkj' A. IiINwK'rTmi.m. vA\ATTER it HUREHTW►X btl,iur.•t 14, live- at till except iud1N4,: Usemore or it little leas water ou Its �1'tlophouel 4-11 Nall \ fI•Il..w won't k1141w .hal lu{ulde lit- Thrynr\er run.uUr•1 life. .Tonrls of wwariptfew: trill get ,t reitcL life the heitel frau, . l'.U•j. h.t1tN. {{I.i11IlexnyI IIIA IIIINI1'N111,•, Blx Illlr.1411114111' 11g, lie. wlelich, 1 ..11144•• thing rite Ihat h4o,'lel•Il tI111I11Y•II fl4.111 ' tier -whiz! 1'111 1gl'ad 'Ihe ,Ilrnplr wonthrIhlr.•mee. h,, YLv To Viilt.rt sone- ,y16N•riber.. II. -i1 Y Tell' .luruf the Ilyiug mprbineN. fill -uedlue.low1ifail- ruulelli..ioner. I.trirt ll' in ad, M,KV•, rill warty aplNlititnle„l, 1'Ftla'i' MuS.1•rlMn w'ha f.611 la rwel%r ills )1141-441 A Delicate Question. T relfulNrly h,. nu.II well Iuufer a lutut hr ate- gwlulfng u, of Ilw fw•1 at N. earl" a ,hill N. I Mantre.11 Sim a uu..•1,.N41r,, ►\'hat. we-w'nlll 4.l thi.1r.11 (. li-A• pollbid . l YheuNrh.lnre0,utdre-1.dwlred,his hthr i \\'11;11 t1'uuld Ik:4pteu l4. \I r. 1'n.lw' N (!AS. J. I. (i 1 1 N'r. olA Nnd the now r..Wnw.twuW he Riven. not ohs -t lute Liberal pii-k„ 1 hill, I'h.•y di.Ll'1 kn.0A' huts l4.' ".kill" that c" Advertising Naas: '•a i et," 141441 alNk041 Milli l4. le -law file Ilylalw. TIII•v wI11N1ht 1n11.N:1,k141 IIID. IrKal 4.1„ t ltill•1.1mil.l l' +41144.'11 •ellltlla •• be I f4 -1,1111.1•N 1111 1,•111n"tlt' 711111 1111 .•K 1'11\'. tlll•11 1'tVJ 11111.4ItYI lalll 111 W'\' if ill. claws by a prl•ss,llrn of the button. MId 144 fifty Ilr.l IUN'1'1 Poll and Ie Ire flip• f,•4- 1 h ,nh.%pieul h,rr7lout Nrwun,I by a • elldlinlr of L Iliitk 'rl'll.l. fund. were iii - \\'fiU ell.{441'1. gl'.41t 1, lei tial••• none., tell N'..b•,t.0, a Ills, to mi bleh. I •11MIIn1111'e with Ill,."• Ielivt111aL., 4.1' 1'nK 1 Kul'LY.'x Hu•Ins..cnnl,uf mix linty. Nnd tinder. SS Ire .: Ur. F -14-r» preM9.1 day 1-6-jo•1•i1y. ,luF:. y"a'' Ad ernL:ruu•ntw of ho.:, Found. Nlrn.41 ([fete 144 Ili% revv ll 4.l- his a clta .Ir ? • I I 1 A of w:ttlt of rohlhienrr. Ilia,/nn t'IN'„III, .II IIIIelnI. tt1.111 YII, 11U11N•. h�1 6.1 a or to Itent. Flinn, for -We or to Hela. Is Thankaoiefing Day a Farce? ' - W. A. McKim. , ArtVI_ for K.Il , rlr., nut eight A 1 r- �41nn9 uud roar health 9o.Nl.illel when loll md.•tN•n.l.4.l roulp»•fru.,• !illus, t7w --h In..•rl lou ;at fur ri"I muulh. '4 • Uu01,11 \h•ry ur1'. '1'11•• rumt11{:,ietaile .h4.tl1.1 144flai+b fores.•h.utw•qumn411on11a. uirtlormi%erti,N1• mento in prollorl look. 1.IufundN"u raleflll l4. We) it. hill ; K :4.l arWU'al••' artel h•d .t41t'nle11l 4.1' Anlwllhae lllelll, il, Oalfma)r„NII IKI)Ir erns lh.•r1• ••11•4- wurh a 11•lind a. Vale what 1111• \V:ItI.1'N'irk,l Illld l•IIe'11'11' Mine. per II,, No tier h„le-Ihmi, --. .i. Thrulkwgit'ing Ir, y? \\'hu g11WN I IIg111 1'1INt t114.1a1'1'l . All%' INe•La 111111.',•. I IIT u1,4•••f ..f 4Illeh I, Ilse indit-ril leen-k IUkw, publicly 4.r pl ivall'l)' ? :\n.1 U4.• ,11•. .yell F: 1(.\'f M:I•.\1'kIN. IMOunto t rr d l) t4- it wor aUOn, 110 IIN lw"INhlerwl NII i14l\'rel l.ePltlllt YIYI II III• I � It sell IM IIr11111.1' 11'11111.1' IIIII' Suite- •• ' to to tae chatirell ,al„N,tll,gl'. r. lie iihort, (liar l 41vulilt" ThailAm. '1•llt/I nal.lullligie IIf 1111111• 0,1111111.1 Rata. for di-pho' x141 eonlrarl pdrertiw•- alentx will be Kiven ,N. appliention, Ing i, r lleillN•Ihh, ural, 11.06. Klhod Il;lt•r ill.0%til 4.a •4 I:U el- I"wtl. 4 11f ie .• 1 1 , 1 Ili I f t F l .l I „1'• r' K 1 Ifs Int 11 , 1 1 herring. Clef it nal. 4.l• low Le it T. Mult.%F:y. Addnoall l•onuunulratla"sto d'I'luulk,g{ring I1.,�-. .. 1 v'.\NArTF:R& 10111F:ItTwnN,' TlwtlmKAir. Tke'Bonus Evil. ('fie INNIIIIN onghl to hay. gni Ihr ' e:.,eriele. 4 poll, rid Pie.• "t ;ill illllel1Y1111e.11 ell li heel•. 111.6 ill.... 'r.....•-. L 14441 \IrLH.\V. 000ERICIL TIII'ILSDA\'. SE11T. '.. Iwh, Wlul will hove the rouragl• l4. brinii I _ i'1 a hill 11.-X1 Meww14111 t, L. a11'a1- lvilIs •111.It a1K111111.111 Mullet iuVI1ell4i4 `- - Ille INaill,ellg evil I'.4.t Mill III'rllll•II ? I,IX:III.0II II1e1 a1g:1111.1 1111• IN.Wel' I1'- EOITORIAL NOTES. There Aw.+hl be all 4-1141 1.• Ill.. lmlwer L•n1' "n, a Is.unkera11g. LtX I .....IIIc 11, In ..Ile 4.l' III'1tl Ile ..........lU:ell - \\ . l'\il l•IIHLL. i,.it- •Illtiuol b.•4- na:ul lir tie o. .xve IIN \LNlrrn civilization Ire ire n dtw4dfll� :1:11'11 t, -Kbellies• it he by Illnlley I If 1 4.6.44141 .IN•:lk. 1 know what I'd toll in Such neridenlN it. Ihu-• of the gl:esll, limn, etivillla imp. ,l",41:41• Walter 0441.. Hastier bridge And till, (1. 11. 1(. eXel41•, I LU-, 4.1. by lolly o1 L,•4- mean., And I'nlc 1)etlily. . "ion ti,lill during the Inh1 few days. I.n• ab"w• vml 1.• W141.,1 40111y by is ----- 14•li4.y of 111o1'4.ugh. , I dull'( rano : we're a-Iling l 11. R. :1I,»•t ..f the sa11uul•r visitor. are Mr. Whitney is Responsible. tickets, not town th•INiulunJ J.K1111 ). . lenvil% it. alill all. Imillably mi4,ing hi.luY 4-1 IMNurr. one of flip moss enjoyable month, if The action of IIll- Tory Iio1.rr11lllent Vu1hi11K. Tnwil nnL ial, ,hould the seikmm in Iii Nlerich. Selliellll.l•r in 1►ntauio i, till the Inm•e lit were lilt. keep Iheir 111.1.11 11..ha1. fmillently is the l-iv,d of.filly for Ilse. i•1 cont 4-n Nl w'ilb that ..f the label -Ill 1\'. I. llortTrlN. Ilei ht Weather. K (ioverOflient lit Otutw,t. \\'level like I.rl.•r+d0, ral:u•• oto IN.1r•,• ill (111a1Av4 I w"4.nde-1• if i1 0,a, rrl.di:etiuu. m -------_- :III 1 be int.'.•1', \1'.•1'1• 'I'••1•\ 111,1 :1. 111 11.1, 1114• I•ylaw" .1, aI1.tNkt• The Oinfar{uMimieipalAsmwiettiol" Ihll:uio they w.•Ir•Liberal. (tut �I\19tt:Fl.l.lo'Pr. Ilan plat itself a0,"111 lift record 111 feev.n• t I., I.- 11ew . let whole, ill. di,lniw•:ll+ of Ietlinl,llinll pi-rulitling minliAl"lli- 11, 144 Illia".1. 24114 ill.• i11divi.111:4141i,. I'll" it twill ..r fill w..rd, bat I Wmel tel tie haw their arninuad elf-cli/111. in I,li. 11.• .....b• tilt r.11l„• .$free. illvemi. 1 Ir•l,an jn,r ).•I. - UIe fla•Nt week 4.f IIWe1171er ill-leall of 14"l it" \l rlr lew• :111.1 f.al• I0•1 lserh ill 1'11.\III .tI t] \\•. \\. ('41Mrew"141N. e•..Ili.11 l,mi "till Ile. 1111111111.1• of INI.f-� the lit -of week of.lnntulry. tion. alfrrt•a nod for eunfillu..uN ,lad 1 .10161 knl,W i4 61.1AW was IN•i11g w11ule,:dr Ie.ey,1' .1, n, 1 1•• 11 '1'uro141,,, 1"1041 ..It. The Wiunilbeg Pree frees+ pnLli.hra On I' 11,11419 i, ecnle..l t,.:.11% le.1-11161.• C. A. repeirts from Ile whentfields which. "els :aid Wal i-. 11..I it Ibr e%il, of. 'rlN II ":1 \'N, Il,ll,lllt W:l ",sI 1,114,'l11f\' 1'1'41 1 K p the .p,.11, +1,telll I, .',(late f:1,I r11W1 I,p•m liar Ih•ovin.'.• IIn• re,phnl,"I.Ili,t v w.miawt Ie) 1111• \',.1/•• . , cuunt04llrnrlgain,l it. Thi„ileal 0. ik flit. ilall. It '16111.1 he INII•Ile 111 11111141 1t III 1'.•0,1 IIINIft 311% Weill iley :IIId 1114 1, it greet ...It ........ I I.•al-Ilr,l It Isom that the WeNI i, 11- it VeIT exten,i%e li,.,rrunl/•„I, our Ui.•nd Imit.1„ki. e •rtiuu, uoly district nl 1 while mnuw nitill Arguments. Ltrr1.F: Ilnns. have (Nor rills of h,•4-. Will have Kul"1 1'nruuln �L.r. Thr ..1 .\,1110.1 10-liete in I 1 yields. 111141 un Ilse wholl• rhe inlh"ek Tile BriliNh liuvern11u•nt h11a lought , pro9rrs.14n1, but Un• p.•upl.• a 16..1... noIIIN 111 het1mAi letter Ill:lle It w' wee• IIa4,laa1 lNlll•.� of Ism' -..It N'4 Ill III(• riril a . »ear Io favor rrU,. I I wits a few N•tekN mg.,. I Itiltl Still--" fur till it a if Illili4b \\'l II (".ave Kiug.briJ9r Ihr round t - v.lvalry.1•11.1 %Ir. Ilaldaile 411111.1111.. Ill" 1.1%% It )'4-l. .. \lultu.\N 11\LSo\. In cnnnle•Iion' wiUl 31r. 14,nlru'. 1ig111 .d the Itrili,h liuvrrunleuf l4. - prnplwal for the ualiun:41izaliu"1 of flee 11u>' in the rlu•alNwl mm-ke1. 'rhe .%u,- , - Ilett, 4-..t .\.Itli.•LI . t'It tekgtaph ,1041 trlrphgnr .y.U•ul". eI11An u. uwLirllahrl n,k• All. proem'- tit11fl„111 Ib.• malt»•l iti.0n ..f HIM i.11 ris 01 he 4-n„lie 4-.,:d .„nll,l.1 will ,lima 1»• :. The Ottawn.1111a1wil re•Itll,llle 4f Mle- g.4N1•. .•11 fill- 91m11"l 111.1 \1'.19.-,. Nt..•I thillg of Ill, p:l,l. I)a. IluLar., meat of Sir Sallilfil,l Flenliug, which higher in the I'aited Stale. thaut in it .t will la• u snrpriNr to w:uly p.,IpIN, 111-01 i'll rl.11 1 m e• 1 I I 1 .4111 111 ( l 1, ill ell lell•liv iulere.f Ihal high wn9e. IN•I POLITICAL NOTES. "thitl the trlegtaph ham leen I Halle 4 inniewtinWl. Till• older gives, by the service of lhr -tate in every riv{lizell Ilril{,111u �nPern44•nt"Illm,..it114.1• That It.I. It. L. liurdrn, tile L•a.L•rof the <1 L.I country 111 fill• world. will) .)Illy f,vel l.1 Il'N•,11. N•N "ill le IlNSwell ltlllfael Sl III/.Ie r11rsetdy in the Urtilwl %late.• lir that 1 lel ill 11'.11W4.f e•, N,III4411,. 11 l" ezceptlpns• rind Canada i. line 4.l Ih4-w Ihl• Ane-rivan nlnuntu•lurrr .ell" hi, W It ulretiaq til L melon 4.11 two." Tile• usher is lite I'lllttel StAlt•4, g"'I. lit :t Iuwer prie.• lit fiuu14• lislin Friday. !lepte,nl"•r 1:1111. It i, nutlet **At the prew•nl silly, C11,111114111, I" in thin ajn'1sa1. In the f411111rr ra+r. prnlw• rti-I thi, 1, Ile unit. 11aeeli11K 4.e IIll, .I1.11'lel that III.. n.'l'deil will pwrticulnr uu6ttrr tNfiind every lint{i'n tall 1. lIII IIPee,eolry : 111 the iNlter vilse. i11n11.e•64.11 i, 11-41 114,1 mean. of fining addle" l• o4. hi. pre„•441 lul. rued .urnu�"na•nl• of Europe ;end every p:lt•l of likeulja,lier In Iln- Aineric,ell ou.an,rr. :lir 1»:iag 111:1d.. for the Iurou1n1.0I Briti"h Empire." It 1., rtlarul lie file In either crew if e1pilear. little the Am """ of it large ntlml,rr 4.f. Wcr u- Ott4Wa (1141.ernment 14N,k till till" NI'11•,1111•ml4tlll"e• 1, brillg II44-rl1eol it. fl'..11111„I111. mll,llb•.of the 1 -ill' w"Illi matter in 19u•11rNt. 711 IIIc )Irltlare o1f till- 11.4.t,•tive .\'.• trill, will %111 t 111 111':11' 1111• ('m1,e11',111\4• leader. The NeariN endeavoring to awaken the pwlple of Parry Kl11uld to tike danger of the railway ci11lllnwi•. approprinling flit- rutin- waterdrinl o that I,Iwn. If they lire win- lhry will herd the wiu'ninK. Orillia math• the Ig1me unitulke, lead ha, bitterly I•Pgretted it flit- thirty year". Tilt - railway crlVillwanie", if ilary have their Will be a. NWIe•1 a. 1141114 -V1141114 -V W 1144• way, What Are the Terms:' : Dime Itnm•.r Twontu Klmr. state. It n new n.pii;l r, it. poliIi TWo Llrgr pr,.jRrl, have Ile II 1.61 -ell 4-:d h"It. it 6hnnilig up in Well Ilurnu in IN•f.a,• list- 4'.11lruliall public ill a leery- ' 11, W11" itt 13i.14.r lit.. \\'bilely. indrlinile l4. ner: the ••.UIHell 4.l I:.NI••r{4-hi, fo14•roller IIo01e." pro.Mi11lr Porn ht41 .Ir:un,hii, It 'I••eal Anlninalinn. I'h.• I/•r•Inr ..•r/•irr, lull Ill..1:.•or9inn nay el ulighft• il-All rellow. pn•lially Their have 1.0111 r4-elain eleill"111 1•Inrronnl.,1 far no dnnlf L, tb.• f:u'I atlru•tivrue.,t 1.. people 0,h,/ take's, i Usel Isi, .w'ile1, .•cal holiefnl view of Palladian progl,.,., I Lull{ly. irlc 'bot tfir\ ennnot be. int Icy •e 111 1'' • tell SIGNAL: 00DERiCII. I0illet(p, Truro. N. N .: "lAtwer h'nrt (tarry," illu.lnttel, by 144r1ow 1'um IN•rluua, with aburl a.1ril•r ly W. A- hrnlwr, pallet Hurk wider and 111herN. TNAT HEW STATION. To I Ije Kditor of The Shru it. IIxAN Him. - I Nh/luld tike l4. expres. Uel•o0gh pour INge6. the upitliml if 4 grrnt nuelly with rcK,trd lit Ihr wlllie of Ihr V. F. It. simian which is a1rK11 4.114• a11d n-brdf wile. I.• Ile• 11u1fR of .0ul• village. It IN ,1 un\•.Icr\• l,I till why it .buuld IN. called .\Irli141v. 'flue ult11lr hew 1141 Niguill..un ,•. It IkOl i111y wvml.l du till r{ghl owl 4.l 1110. 11131kle ru111111'1' whel1• Inlhle..&I'1• .1911'19• 111111 illi• 111u11e will du, INTI 0,r di nut lh{uk Itime 4111'11 "holdd le 1114- ,•TIM• (lee. Wh,v "hriild Jt heel lN• called liru- wilkt-? Sudo• of Ill.- .111111111% ailing Ihr selul• line elle alN•111 al, far fl,itu the vilhlgs• after 11hi1•II they ave• ur41uWl a4 IM4 41111• i, frau` unt'N. It wo0w (hell h:tvN thl• nav:uNageuf IN•. hist kn41w11. fur Heniniller ii. ail old %'hinge lend {4 nu1Wl far au41 hear C.I. RA 1141111•x1 lenuty. 'Then in 4.w vib Lege we have cern•,([ ild-a•4U►141ishWl indlwilier which do a"Ij.i ivilthlr .1111, ping. tell([ it would 1..• a eir.-at v..nveni• e11re for thein tie have the "hipping "tAtiuu and lkMtunlct• IN,Ih 011414-1• tilt- Miele he "x111 Il:lllle. One- nl'iglllwll• let th.• 11ur1h. of 4.4 1Nn"ihly think that Iliev .hunld Ivive Ihr bouur of having the slaaiou n4lu/vl after Ibl'iv buret, •Tari.-..,' 11.11 0,r do tIlN.11t 11 71 I dile" JIM Illuch buteilIc,4N, n, IIt.•y 11:lvi• 4.0 indastrirw owl" de id a .lift.•, The wellerni opinion i• That the uau.r 411uu1d yet IN• 4.11:6019.,1 141111 I Inel IINV V. `I'. It. /•uuld tall .141 1N•It1.1' 11.;uI clall it Henuliller. 11, ,,1.•14-". if Ile , 4ollalde w►111r. wuul,l he "sIlm i.e . 1'Pr4-k. Fol' yeNM !ill it p4-•, Creck Irk, Iweu known and noted 111foughiul Ihr I'i-ni11rr lir its NINe•klea tku111, mill pN•opll• would at oiler fe`ngniz.- I he LN• till y by ibiliname. Thi -creek tin" e1 hidury ,7141 we slimil l like 1.. ,re I h•• wlaliofe which i. "iluat•d .Ville near Io it IN•:Ir {1, nnulr. 1 Ynol, truly. Kept. 1. likes-. I1f;N 1111.1.-4. H. AN IMPLOSION. It Is the Opposite of an EsplosiCrei so Las Familiar. F•very'one knows what an eiplado In. but iN opposite• all Implaaloa, 1 less familiar. At Creat depths In th Sea Abe conditions are favorable fa Its productlon. At :,.,4.0 fathoms till pressure In, roughly speaklug, two an a hatlf tons to the -blare inch- that 1 to lldy-i se%erul Umes greater than the prrasure exerted by the "tram open the piston of fi powerfel-engine. An Interesting experiment to tam trate the enormous force of this dap Sea prlwurP wus made un the Alba tr.xui, a governmeut ve9:Nel engaged L deep sea explunitlolr. A thick glass 6 r s tube several Inches to •Wil full of Or was hermetically wale,] at Loth ends. This was wrap- ped In dYnnel ulld placed l4. one of the wide cupper cylinders uw•d to protect deep sea thermometers when they are seat down with the sum,dlug appa- ratus. The copper cylinder bad holes bored to It, so that the ,kater find free ecce" inside, r„uad the glass. The Case war then Sent down to a depth of 2,000 fathoms and drawn tip agu W. It was found that the cylinder was bulged mud twat leeward. Just as If It I�ad been crumbled laward by. being Violently Millerzed. The glans tube Itself. within Its daanO w•rupper, was reduced to a ptip powder, almost like snow. The glaet dile, It Wnald Peet.•., SP it slowly descended, held out Ion;; al.•altu t the pressure. but at last sud denly gavp way and wan crushed by the violence of the action to a flue powder. Thin provesp, exactly the reverse of an ezploplon. Is termed an Implosion. MASTERY OF THE NILE. Parry lklund people lintel thl,u' rL•utu a K 11 n 4- ` isestablishel,,tl441will lhell trent them rli""rl lentil IIt. ,hell I. - K Ter Method by Which the Flow of RS allP11s Mill fnll'r1011VIl. Orillin I le hefillilt v its Placket. et n� li nuts Waal, Is Controlled. t- fe;iI- Every- morning from a little room of Their is n .nggeldiun here thnt may ,e. ■ grout white boutsp on thp eastern have nut it little- vithie lot• the IN4•1114- f,,,,,sbure of the Nile at Asaman In clicked of Goderieh. Ilic lawn emincil tint]the by telegraph to Calro the questlou. the 141an1 of'I'nulr »bout([ walch Ie.I lilted »How much water?" The an'nw•er d Pocomem so many thousand gallons motor ii the N:tuq• 11nfui•tul"'le well. • : r /., an Potty e r N Ing 11 1 le et, - , July the river tl.•wa freely with all Its other ern thnnsnud ;nee earn who it rxl"et041 Ilu,i hi, IImininlinfe 14, K historic Indull'11a•. ° R. 8. Milk", 1•ay, n. the few pnhlir otllrr, (hat are wn11p, (lthlw•a wilt lil.atw•i1111y ,lrlvnKl,ht-n Ihr J. Henry Fhlem, I n Icy. Illinof ahilr lir lir•• 111rn whn are Irr•k,•n F'041rr111 Admi11i,tration. Dr. IhIv.L•1' _ Miss Ain" Welsh, 1.1 an, (Int. ,loon ill health or diad leen " Mrs. 1.Irzie (iee•n F'er s,m• 140 few Ihe• Nhelr. ' '1'h.• acrr.i Mountain. , ')Mee iN Iml It p1-iv,tt • 4nap. \A. hHi lop. fel. 1. P., N% *114)n. mistakenl..mt it. F'rnnl Ihr J.Morris. Austin, Man• show in rn,hirler for n enc W.Hogntth.l':sPler, t'rnl InigM o,1`,4e•1 thiel it k.on, titwiknnP. \\'ash. i ivhillS. belt note Iwe ,.Nm it 1t Ti-hde, Flt. Thomas. N. Ihlul Feet frail lir npple. of . H. Gnbhlrelick. \1'1,4,4IstA I,, '1.uu get it, van ler• nMcKenzip..Monkt/n• , •i h net Int»•. If vo11 may v,aln. Ih)nald_ Illetrtit, t4- „0,.n -. lie kind frim([ t 1 thnl it `111111,;.• of (mventnle' 104- finish. \\'h,•n roll tak i . •, peon. of view frien.l. will In , e job With Ihr "rhr1n14-1A 4- " ynu 411gd.1yel when yon w. It. If roll 14-1•1114.1• they 14-{ -.I . If yn11 tilt-, Ihirty-tlin, will in ►h.• coul.r ..f n motif 'ourdemb. rind `lir-• your rind the entire whn lip1mip ONTA It 10 Our Policies Are Unique That is something to think about in connection with thet policies we can otter you. No other system yet de- vised affords better or mora complete protection for you old age than our IDEAL BONDS. Our new RESERVE DIVI- DEND POLICIES furnish ENDOWMENTS at ordinary LIFE RATES. We have a TWENTY-YEAR (ENDOWMENT PLAN upon which only SIXTEEN PAYMENTS are made, and the payments are not higher than the twenty year endowment premiums of Lhe leading American com- panies. • Write to us about these special policies. LIL"IV"0W Ins_irance Company 1_7ndon, Cattalo. W11. ItOWN�O.J. General Agent. ,teats mat tele btfYttIS originate at 'tile bottom of a moving current and the cumulus at the top. ' it is probable, then, that the Ntrptus owe their origin erenrp In velocity and tem- perature of the two layers, while the cumulus are formed by ascending cur- reats within the %w or'air ALMA COLLEGE lee. a I Warner. 0 D.. PrinU.sl Yrs Ilan W)Ilo Grey, Lad, Principal. Wi6 la ..it Toent Lt Sept 10th. n�; Student LJIe at Alma The hN of the student Ie made as Muth as possible Ilk. uta m a well regul.lyd fsrnlly. s few ample rules govern. During U,rear. IrtturN sod talk. no current .velli. 4..d tLr Leet run - Nmel-ary Illerslur. are wren, and uMn,y and suclal eaWrtainmeolui held at ►ha eolleas. The school 1n opened every morning Ly appropriate relisione eserr0are, stteadanre all. eburril oh Buada)o In requited ..f all en,dent.. We seleetinn of the ehurrh beans left W tl,e oueatc Qollegiaa and Preparatory Studies. Masse. bine Art, Flotation. Business. Domestic Sci- ence. Moral and Asthetle advautagea Write for Catalogues to Principal Warner, It Thomas. Oat. Himilreds of students of th.• Popular and dutcessful ELLIOTT yj TORONTO. ONT. (late , •..lured INl.ition. Illi, year. Penland i. fill- tere•ml,•r thrift the"up• 1.1y. F.Inrat•• (4.I• husine.N INl.ition, Adel yell will gel fJ1e111. bill file 441- etratiill 11111.1 Fill-wr-CLA1I!I, tltlul- arinailled al any lime. Write for r,N•lingue. - tut-. 1'4inge alit] AIPx dnde•r Kim. W. J. ELLIOTT, Princip M. CLINTON BUSYNESS COLLEGE] E 11'P ti lip 1 ATI• t 111el' 1 t- 1 II In i I • (rut Ind, of it progn•.wi ve isge. il Moet exarling 1114,411.1-11 vil4 41,111. r..delighledwit h(tier rndilntr.. 1 11 • 1113114gelnrlif llaille Innis• yonng'pelple annually that) any of flet. its \\ r4ten) tlntario. We el'N. 'P iii1 4-1 4- I n hal 1 t 4- t h r of . 1 4.l els of n ,r'rFN TFACII FH4 into nne gt•.11ld unexcelled while. 111th cntlrm-4 fur mire+ of nap. Ilny as lew.4 nut• alirnd night Antis• t-. free. FALL TERM from SEPT. and. Enter any time. Individual in- .truction. Mrile for hafldsom:: catalogue. (i1L'(1, 41'ill'rll\, 1'rincipnl. 1 ►Nat►oaooe�oS000000000� Fall 'i erm t Opens Sept. 3rd e I l CENTRA( W. AOHESON SON pill AUTUMN NOVELTIES The new fall Dress Goods and fashions are arriving very day. Already we have in a very late showing at wal make w Inink through them decide ly interest. ing, ' TASTY DRESS GOODS Many -autumn novelties are already in stock and include the largest range: of standard makes that we have ever shown. WAIST BARGAINS Arrival of new bill goods is not in keeping with white muslin waists. We decide to clear these at once. Good selections of highest class waists at gr, itt sacrifice prices. SALE OF CARPETS About 5o rends of Brussels, Velve4 Tapestry and Wool Carpet, in lengths of from 4 to 25 'yards, We place as it bargain clearing, prices were from 50C t041-35, on sale at per %,. rd ,;IJ\ to 75c. LINOLEUMS I Hitlance of oor fall import of unoleanlN and (NIA loths are now in stork, 4441 Iwtlterms tinct / tlitie4 are very select. Linolents lit block. floral or the pat. terns, hl'� 3, i wn vards wide, at per satuare y;el'a 4144, 41w and 1111or. W. AOHESON & SON Reversed the Preoosa, op a letter ana oeuvot It to the lvr "Yes, air, the major went In swim- we to whom It waaaddresaed, twenty min', leo' I'm blest of a feller didn't attic.- away. come alimg an' steal all his clothes!" --- "An' what did tie de then"" trade but Still Good. "Broke the record by Coln* home In a A judge from oto of the ,.frlvan barrel, lustead o' the Harrel Coln' home crown colonies, now home on Ieuvr Is In him." telling this story: It Is the custom Ili the local courts to a -1 -inter to tele Shocks to the Ear. native* the form of onth which thee A Succession of noises means a sue- consider twwt binding. one day a reetallun of Kbol-kr, says I:uuutry 1Afe. chrlstlun colored gelitieulan, or whose The ear. unllkn the eye. has no nd goad rdth the Jeanie entertalnel win•• under which It may go to Bleep. and doubts, was about to give evidence At Indeed it ban been ptosard that the his own request be was allowt•d to tak.• sense of hearing Is at work Just atter the oat) of a l'brintiau. •(hen th.• skep comes on. Judge Intimated that be must also he -- sworn In the naUve fashion. The man An Obliging Cyclone. was visibly' ellnrtwaertnl. "Olt. no. People who want sutuethinC bright malaat." be plesided. "Nut dat. M- and original may be referred to the very bad native, but me very good story olf a Texas cyclone that picked l:hrlaUan" jj�� T� M PATTERNS We A. MCislr`A�-IOAWAAGMA&M E' I FALL G00_DS r I 1 119071 New Millinery The newest styles and latest ideas direct I from New York, Any early order will have care- ful attention. New Dress Gone;.: Specials at 50c to $1.50. New Jackets, a first shipment just to hand. All summer goods at clearing prices. Waists and Jackets half-price, at McKIM'S BUSY'STORE. rsus�m tin �tsstt�a� �u�m � �' Brushes and B sloes ! We would like yolk to know something about what a range IN TOILET BRUSHES of all kinds we carry In clock. Hair Brushes, all kmdsand prices, 25c to *3.00 Cloth Brushes, various styles. 25c to $1.75 ,Hat Brushes, Bonnet Brushes, Shtving Brushes, -tooth Brushes. Sc to qoc. Nail Brushes, Complexion Brushes, -Hand Scrubs. Whisks, etc. etc. etc etc. etc. S. E. H/CA, - - - Central Dl 'ug Store • (iClhkftl('H, - --- - Ir\'TAlal.' Oenaal��m��rarlrasa�em _•� MEN'S AND BOY'S =NEW- FALL SUITS! Two good consignments of Fall Clothing have already arrived and will be found decidedly up to every expectation You expect to get the best at this store and you will not be disappointed, a ither in the tailoring, style, fit or quality of goods. Stylish mixtures of greys and browns, over check effects will be in great demand we have them in single and double brested styles, especial ly good values at $10.00 and 12 on. BOYS' CLOTHING After the wear and tear of the holiday season, that boy of yms fees a want a new Solt, if so, don't pass by the fine stylish range of boys' clothing we are %hawing its the kind that looks well and wears well. All sizes anc prices from $3.50 lip to $8.00. No. air. ain't 4111 It. If, I We are sole agents for 20th Century Brand ISP a 111"n itfeaNlg men, -if a Clothing --Special orders taken. retain your nnthitione. v aTRATFOR�. ONT. IAnrr, veur insieglPgdPncr Thi, rhonl by Wrier Ihr belt haw he em.. the Inc ..r Hw.lnr,• Tr*Ining •hw'trl when n (lUrl11111n chnnl to the fVe4. ice hsvr Ihrm tie \ \ t, IVi lilt- aotllh: iiedI ol. 1O�la1:INIAI,. tlHllltT IWAUrER C. PRIDI1A�1� -.-..� _� - • fA Vh, and TKL1:UItA1'HY. If Inter ` .-Mi lli nMN lnlnr n 1~1 ItAlrwl V. If i fon, trive fel' mer ril(h � rilefor wit, new miolle,ane Ilradnale. •t left. 1 • •.I,lod to INMIIIMI.. a Whets the man 0,h ELLIOTT A McLAPrince CHLAN, The Right Place to buy Men's Clothing and Fsrnnhings •e ^ea}g�MMt' •e•NNNNo•�NaNallo ���aM��� ..' •- a 1,l, e a s�x 4� a��� � i i Y ', i " ,'\` ..:. � .;9,•�•e, ..,' t•,v M .p.. �.. �...•�T,u �.,.,*. ,. wile, or 50 many wousaad galloan IPM. A button to presented, the welter which 4.lon down under the Iron bridge at Cairo Is all d increased or dlmladsbed some tell days Well later In accordance with the telt-Kraph to answer• and the Intervening valley \ing between Asson:m and Cairo bas if lit 410 Usemore or it little leas water ou Its N llitl f urfal-P. The man at the button may ' ' • • ' ii. 1 hill rite IN• ([line i. In dtw•11,s in n .....:onun':udy h. t,1k•• Irndi11 1,11-1 in th.• Nenal•. If the ti I bring Joy or sorrow to ihousnnds .0f t.I Ken• •" ,till way Ihr Iimlif, /2u1n14 :old I 41114.r. that IN• w,llll to Ill, the (.111' little farmP It 1. all according 741 tie io y. ,I lel lll,lllll", 11 klll,l 4.( Ili,•r114!Ii1111 flint (lllllg 111'. �I:1e 114111111.1 w1111111a I'1•rrl1 .• message he rr04•h0.a. �'(�,•! leld.,uld 0.11.14 1111wher., rill warty aplNlititnle„l, from the great white house there e 'twit View \lini,ler. lulve leen Iaketl extends ucrests the elver a granite wail intra Slit. Wilfrid 1•a11rier'. C.Ibinrl 11. or dam I. -A) feet high. lialfway up Don't Be an Office -seeker.. (III Ihr v4rai114-ie,.•re.lt.e1 by Ili,. .Ir.ig. this wall and stretching Its entire HlneanU..• Ite,lew umfion, of \L•s,r,. FViunpn.on m1At length a line of shutters opens or YounK null he w it 111 • 1 in-_4jmr. ilvul:nl; Q--)lc91• P. I:4-+llwnu. who Ila, claws by a prl•ss,llrn of the button. Let uonne e-01 even y,ml IIw•n ielf beclO the Iradrl• of till' 11P1"l.iliin in In the winter months a hugp Inks ex-. "illice 1.4.11 1.. ,vvk n pnblit• elite.: o,. Ile• Iha:11'ill Ilnnw•, 0,a, „corn {11 A- panto to the southward• which has ev- ,vhnt i. runnuouly rnlled n I:ov"•n,• ' •. .11111 11 1' t.f H:11111',/ •, , � � y 1441 lanai nn'I e4- a if tae permit for y nu•nl jolt. In Ihi. age whorl year life \\'illianl I'll Icy. a nI.•mb r .d Ihr g' to ceresin pintts the to{041 of palm trees tain places tepee f r- �41nn9 uud roar health 9o.Nl.illel when loll md.•tN•n.l.4.l roulp»•fru.,• Vrw Itrn.1,wirk 1'rovinehll I:nvenr dicot, take, Ihr l",rlfNlio of I'nb11.• are dlscernUde nlnne Its ■urfate, cod ,I t1•nil. aur urnn 0,'h„ h.ry gulp. none• \Turk•. \L•. Iir.I h:nn', rrm•.1';11 ih the sumuelts of Inundated ruins nppar- intrlligrnrennd:" tvilliugnt-..I„wotk, Int low;% trill nrre,Iilnl. Ihr eh.ss:0 enUy mark the eines of sunken c1Uew. con w.INld le ;, loll In taken (:ovel n ' r n new lendrr for the I.ikial 1'n'II„ i Ase,the days go by and ('afro drmnuds loll•nitllRre. It there neer llfly Ill.,11 menlnry parry is, Ililfti1-{o. \t4-. Is#., more find more water the lenlm trees ROBERTI 4rtlnl u1114-4-•holarr.,ih Canndn, depend llalll g41111e1 1•nllalaelal l.'tN'P4tg.' Ault 't1 tend the ruin. Ne•ul to rl.e from thele ' elite n •1 Ion it h t f i t fhol „ u 1 1 end f liu•I n 1 4 11f ie .• 1 1 , 1 Ili I f t F l .l I „1'• r' K 1 Ifs Int 11 , 1 c t lit e4- • lxels until In 1 and early y the a • f1 1 •` 1 li •r INsilion 10.ulrr :IIN( it. i. runlfal•mh• .1 • : r /., an Potty e r N Ing 11 1 le et, - , July the river tl.•wa freely with all Its other ern thnnsnud ;nee earn who it rxl"et041 Ilu,i hi, IImininlinfe 14, K historic Indull'11a•. ° R. 8. Milk", 1•ay, n. the few pnhlir otllrr, (hat are wn11p, (lthlw•a wilt lil.atw•i1111y ,lrlvnKl,ht-n Ihr J. Henry Fhlem, I n Icy. Illinof ahilr lir lir•• 111rn whn are Irr•k,•n F'041rr111 Admi11i,tration. Dr. IhIv.L•1' _ Miss Ain" Welsh, 1.1 an, (Int. ,loon ill health or diad leen " Mrs. 1.Irzie (iee•n F'er s,m• 140 few Ihe• Nhelr. ' '1'h.• acrr.i Mountain. , ')Mee iN Iml It p1-iv,tt • 4nap. \A. hHi lop. fel. 1. P., N% *114)n. mistakenl..mt it. F'rnnl Ihr J.Morris. Austin, Man• show in rn,hirler for n enc W.Hogntth.l':sPler, t'rnl InigM o,1`,4e•1 thiel it k.on, titwiknnP. \\'ash. i ivhillS. belt note Iwe ,.Nm it 1t Ti-hde, Flt. Thomas. N. Ihlul Feet frail lir npple. of . H. Gnbhlrelick. \1'1,4,4IstA I,, '1.uu get it, van ler• nMcKenzip..Monkt/n• , •i h net Int»•. If vo11 may v,aln. Ih)nald_ Illetrtit, t4- „0,.n -. lie kind frim([ t 1 thnl it `111111,;.• of (mventnle' 104- finish. \\'h,•n roll tak i . •, peon. of view frien.l. will In , e job With Ihr "rhr1n14-1A 4- " ynu 411gd.1yel when yon w. It. If roll 14-1•1114.1• they 14-{ -.I . If yn11 tilt-, Ihirty-tlin, will in ►h.• coul.r ..f n motif 'ourdemb. rind `lir-• your rind the entire whn lip1mip ONTA It 10 Our Policies Are Unique That is something to think about in connection with thet policies we can otter you. No other system yet de- vised affords better or mora complete protection for you old age than our IDEAL BONDS. Our new RESERVE DIVI- DEND POLICIES furnish ENDOWMENTS at ordinary LIFE RATES. We have a TWENTY-YEAR (ENDOWMENT PLAN upon which only SIXTEEN PAYMENTS are made, and the payments are not higher than the twenty year endowment premiums of Lhe leading American com- panies. • Write to us about these special policies. LIL"IV"0W Ins_irance Company 1_7ndon, Cattalo. W11. ItOWN�O.J. General Agent. ,teats mat tele btfYttIS originate at 'tile bottom of a moving current and the cumulus at the top. ' it is probable, then, that the Ntrptus owe their origin erenrp In velocity and tem- perature of the two layers, while the cumulus are formed by ascending cur- reats within the %w or'air ALMA COLLEGE lee. a I Warner. 0 D.. PrinU.sl Yrs Ilan W)Ilo Grey, Lad, Principal. Wi6 la ..it Toent Lt Sept 10th. n�; Student LJIe at Alma The hN of the student Ie made as Muth as possible Ilk. uta m a well regul.lyd fsrnlly. s few ample rules govern. During U,rear. IrtturN sod talk. no current .velli. 4..d tLr Leet run - Nmel-ary Illerslur. are wren, and uMn,y and suclal eaWrtainmeolui held at ►ha eolleas. The school 1n opened every morning Ly appropriate relisione eserr0are, stteadanre all. eburril oh Buada)o In requited ..f all en,dent.. We seleetinn of the ehurrh beans left W tl,e oueatc Qollegiaa and Preparatory Studies. Masse. bine Art, Flotation. Business. Domestic Sci- ence. Moral and Asthetle advautagea Write for Catalogues to Principal Warner, It Thomas. Oat. Himilreds of students of th.• Popular and dutcessful ELLIOTT yj TORONTO. ONT. (late , •..lured INl.ition. Illi, year. Penland i. fill- tere•ml,•r thrift the"up• 1.1y. F.Inrat•• (4.I• husine.N INl.ition, Adel yell will gel fJ1e111. bill file 441- etratiill 11111.1 Fill-wr-CLA1I!I, tltlul- arinailled al any lime. Write for r,N•lingue. - tut-. 1'4inge alit] AIPx dnde•r Kim. W. J. ELLIOTT, Princip M. CLINTON BUSYNESS COLLEGE] E 11'P ti lip 1 ATI• t 111el' 1 t- 1 II In i I • (rut Ind, of it progn•.wi ve isge. il Moet exarling 1114,411.1-11 vil4 41,111. r..delighledwit h(tier rndilntr.. 1 11 • 1113114gelnrlif llaille Innis• yonng'pelple annually that) any of flet. its \\ r4ten) tlntario. We el'N. 'P iii1 4-1 4- I n hal 1 t 4- t h r of . 1 4.l els of n ,r'rFN TFACII FH4 into nne gt•.11ld unexcelled while. 111th cntlrm-4 fur mire+ of nap. Ilny as lew.4 nut• alirnd night Antis• t-. free. FALL TERM from SEPT. and. Enter any time. Individual in- .truction. Mrile for hafldsom:: catalogue. (i1L'(1, 41'ill'rll\, 1'rincipnl. 1 ►Nat►oaooe�oS000000000� Fall 'i erm t Opens Sept. 3rd e I l CENTRA( W. AOHESON SON pill AUTUMN NOVELTIES The new fall Dress Goods and fashions are arriving very day. Already we have in a very late showing at wal make w Inink through them decide ly interest. ing, ' TASTY DRESS GOODS Many -autumn novelties are already in stock and include the largest range: of standard makes that we have ever shown. WAIST BARGAINS Arrival of new bill goods is not in keeping with white muslin waists. We decide to clear these at once. Good selections of highest class waists at gr, itt sacrifice prices. SALE OF CARPETS About 5o rends of Brussels, Velve4 Tapestry and Wool Carpet, in lengths of from 4 to 25 'yards, We place as it bargain clearing, prices were from 50C t041-35, on sale at per %,. rd ,;IJ\ to 75c. LINOLEUMS I Hitlance of oor fall import of unoleanlN and (NIA loths are now in stork, 4441 Iwtlterms tinct / tlitie4 are very select. Linolents lit block. floral or the pat. terns, hl'� 3, i wn vards wide, at per satuare y;el'a 4144, 41w and 1111or. W. AOHESON & SON Reversed the Preoosa, op a letter ana oeuvot It to the lvr "Yes, air, the major went In swim- we to whom It waaaddresaed, twenty min', leo' I'm blest of a feller didn't attic.- away. come alimg an' steal all his clothes!" --- "An' what did tie de then"" trade but Still Good. "Broke the record by Coln* home In a A judge from oto of the ,.frlvan barrel, lustead o' the Harrel Coln' home crown colonies, now home on Ieuvr Is In him." telling this story: It Is the custom Ili the local courts to a -1 -inter to tele Shocks to the Ear. native* the form of onth which thee A Succession of noises means a sue- consider twwt binding. one day a reetallun of Kbol-kr, says I:uuutry 1Afe. chrlstlun colored gelitieulan, or whose The ear. unllkn the eye. has no nd goad rdth the Jeanie entertalnel win•• under which It may go to Bleep. and doubts, was about to give evidence At Indeed it ban been ptosard that the his own request be was allowt•d to tak.• sense of hearing Is at work Just atter the oat) of a l'brintiau. •(hen th.• skep comes on. Judge Intimated that be must also he -- sworn In the naUve fashion. The man An Obliging Cyclone. was visibly' ellnrtwaertnl. "Olt. no. People who want sutuethinC bright malaat." be plesided. "Nut dat. M- and original may be referred to the very bad native, but me very good story olf a Texas cyclone that picked l:hrlaUan" jj�� T� M PATTERNS We A. MCislr`A�-IOAWAAGMA&M E' I FALL G00_DS r I 1 119071 New Millinery The newest styles and latest ideas direct I from New York, Any early order will have care- ful attention. New Dress Gone;.: Specials at 50c to $1.50. New Jackets, a first shipment just to hand. All summer goods at clearing prices. Waists and Jackets half-price, at McKIM'S BUSY'STORE. rsus�m tin �tsstt�a� �u�m � �' Brushes and B sloes ! We would like yolk to know something about what a range IN TOILET BRUSHES of all kinds we carry In clock. Hair Brushes, all kmdsand prices, 25c to *3.00 Cloth Brushes, various styles. 25c to $1.75 ,Hat Brushes, Bonnet Brushes, Shtving Brushes, -tooth Brushes. Sc to qoc. Nail Brushes, Complexion Brushes, -Hand Scrubs. Whisks, etc. etc. etc etc. etc. S. E. H/CA, - - - Central Dl 'ug Store • (iClhkftl('H, - --- - Ir\'TAlal.' Oenaal��m��rarlrasa�em _•� MEN'S AND BOY'S =NEW- FALL SUITS! Two good consignments of Fall Clothing have already arrived and will be found decidedly up to every expectation You expect to get the best at this store and you will not be disappointed, a ither in the tailoring, style, fit or quality of goods. Stylish mixtures of greys and browns, over check effects will be in great demand we have them in single and double brested styles, especial ly good values at $10.00 and 12 on. BOYS' CLOTHING After the wear and tear of the holiday season, that boy of yms fees a want a new Solt, if so, don't pass by the fine stylish range of boys' clothing we are %hawing its the kind that looks well and wears well. All sizes anc prices from $3.50 lip to $8.00. No. air. ain't 4111 It. If, I We are sole agents for 20th Century Brand ISP a 111"n itfeaNlg men, -if a Clothing --Special orders taken. retain your nnthitione. v aTRATFOR�. ONT. IAnrr, veur insieglPgdPncr Thi, rhonl by Wrier Ihr belt haw he em.. the Inc ..r Hw.lnr,• Tr*Ining •hw'trl when n (lUrl11111n chnnl to the fVe4. ice hsvr Ihrm tie \ \ t, IVi lilt- aotllh: iiedI ol. 1O�la1:INIAI,. tlHllltT IWAUrER C. PRIDI1A�1� -.-..� _� - • fA Vh, and TKL1:UItA1'HY. If Inter ` .-Mi lli nMN lnlnr n 1~1 ItAlrwl V. If i fon, trive fel' mer ril(h � rilefor wit, new miolle,ane Ilradnale. •t left. 1 • •.I,lod to INMIIIMI.. a Whets the man 0,h ELLIOTT A McLAPrince CHLAN, The Right Place to buy Men's Clothing and Fsrnnhings •e ^ea}g�MMt' •e•NNNNo•�NaNallo ���aM��� ..' •- a 1,l, e a s�x 4� a��� � i i Y ', i " ,'\` ..:. � .;9,•�•e, ..,' t•,v M .p.. �.. �...•�T,u �.,.,*. ,.