HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-8-29, Page 7it-__ - __ .. 7.
;+ 1 The News of
•• ADA--Al'HI'BN A(IkNC1•, a{woe Teem. The Misses Dalton returned to
ihfv-. Thum ifi.. Auld m.atuHlayN. A gunorrl l`hlcl u oil Moeda
t,wkllsr bu-In.:- ua lsla,tat. KavhlR• ,lank ►g y after spenttinK
dcommuont .,,twptS depasltr of p and up the vacatlun at hums.
wan l.. Lderu.t at alN•r runt. Ia•r,wnuun, pay.
Alllr nvury uuvw Ingluw. Eamon [tall, fifties A uu111ber Ileum here altendt%1 thr
p,.rehfutve utrrawanablerales. A. U.UAl1BLIC. lie 1'. 1 and 8 rat Old Pupil►'reunion
Actions Monsieur. and report a gtxnl time.
TV►rrAmdovAy, Aug. '37[11. PAKKwK1.1. PIRaKNTATION. - On
Mrs. }tnwe(1, of Landon, is viritiug Friday of last week Mr. and Mrs.
at tilos. McUunald'r at visiting
nt. Donald McGre or'find family Ieft for
Alex. ltuufmf•y, rr., is visiting het ►(file' their Intoe hum., in Duluth. On
lunhil at p with
t aw(I renewing aft- Thurselay ev4ping a nninher of their
yulle da a with old neighTNorm of by friend►' end neighla,n met at the
gone dxyS' • home of 1)uucah McKay and pre -
%%'m. Andertion returned, inini the slated than, with sl, adilrera and a
Northwest total wpek. fit, iutendr re• purs•. Mr. Melirei(or and family will
turning in 1.1111 s bring, takiZ Mrs. Ali,lar much mismed ill the community.
dols is and (Alit ly with him. _-- -_ _-_-
Scarcily -if water is the- general cry LOTHIAN.
;it present. If the
dry iiihCoen- -
linoft r11('longer Maitland will N , tlv. Aug.'Jtl
he.evupsmat d laden• It leaCheN Gode• John McIA•an viritwl friends in
rich. Winghaw It couple of days tort week.
. \lima Annie Paterson. of Molt. Who Misr Dolleue McKenzie, who spent fi
has IN4•11 visiting leer Intel(., WALL. Pat- roupk• of weeks' vacation at her house
4.10111 of •tbhs vblbage, land other rola• here, returned to Detroit Monthly.
lives in this LN•lality, returned to torr• Mrr. MrIAr,ml, of Chicago, land sun
home hint TuoSbfy• John, of New York, were- guests at
The C. P. It. is rimniug at last and the holne of Alex. Mef,exn, last week.
we exlwct t, neap financially by it. A load of our yuunp( people held n
retool Sunday Ihr greater' part elf the hayrack iiarly at the ke Thhtwlay
villagers/ were down to lir stttin11 to evening incl fend a very p eawult time.
suer the cars going (oast to Gaalrrich to
la• lavul) fur Uuudny. 1, MAFEKINU.
Ata Invited Ineeling of the Prerby
h•ri.1n eonglsylations of Manche•stq. Moxt)Ay. Aug.'Wth..
and Snlith'N Hill held hen• yeslrrhay ltrtia Reid• flf Lurknow, its a'miting
it war, unnninitnlnly decided to exl.end at tilt- hotel, of Thou11s Reid.
It rill to the 1te•%•. .Mr. Riehaualstn, of John and Alorley Hall paid n R ort
\Vyi ring, 14aruia { rPSIDY1ery. visit to friends herr hast Sunday.
N x
A FI r. RK uovNa
K. \ v ,
Air. , It 1 1 lyraElliott:Ih b$mon. win has been nor•.
haul a new haunt• built which will IN• ins In Oudrrich ,his suuunrr, is
Aur elf the Im•ht in the county. The ,Ing a few days with friends lit- militant.
house is of cement block-. or which J. J. Taylor took charge of rhe nape•
14 uuu•I Dean was the builder• Lowne arias on Ashlleld circuit last :;unday
Seritngwnr did tilt- rnrls•nler work. :- the almenceof Rev. Mr. Sawyer.
Mr. M(dd cngagwl James Ihu•hanan' 111
A nnuler from hr Intend taking
of GrNlerich. to du "lit- lathing• find p' J g
John Sproul, also of Wmlerir11. to do in the garden party fit Mr. Irwin'N. of
the plastering. Me-. Hni-banan fur- !iarkett'NA-11111•Ch,on Thnn-hty even-
nisbed the fini•bing. Mr. Medd Is•- ins.
Neves hl engaging the Inst workmen Anung throme who attended tilt-
heto lar had. s U(Nlerich ('nllegiate Institute and
011ITUM&Y. -Thn•ing the us1 w•rek Strung lard Pupils'reuniuu from hen.
while thlneN• around us were Kulh- we Jnr.. It. Johnston. Mrs. \Van
ering the fruils of the earth. that Finlay. 14•. M. Blake, Worthy Kil•
great realer of shorn the INN•t writes, patriek and Cannon Stuthers.
"Thou latest till lit usslrls fur thine town," -_-
hos visited tile. Mrs. Ow/rge Dawa en, LAURIER.
Wit() had IN•ru to 'inferrer for alNn(1 a
year frow ronsunipti,in, ,Wits called •Illultswil', Aug: !..Ind.
from the• N,•f•11e•m of line ural pnteled 'M We MARKie File ries is the guest of
on the realititw elf the tpts•i•n. She Muss Annie Mclw•nnan this week.
was of it quiet and .,tiring dispwNi• Quite a nUlnler from here are lake
lion stiff wits cheered alollo+t to tit" inK in the reunion at (ifxleri•;h thin I
Inst by tilt- hope of her nitirnate re. week.
rove -rye. !flip heaves herr hu -band to Alias Margaret A. ions rC-
mourn her early departure. Her 1•c U Miss home from McIntyrecIntyWtr;a Acco c. ,
141711 N 'l•'• .1 ,
n were II nvex1 bt- n stead nigh. panie•tl Ioy her friend. MI" Cameron.
Int• of svm``a1Ulir.itiK (rii•nds+uld neigh.
heirs to Itoll'h (cemetery, Haiti- line, liul- Mism Hattie HendeMon hall re- i
lett. I Warned to her home iu Lurgnn after
A SAD DKATH. -For memle unex. spending a few day.a in this neighbor- i
plained n'asun. after ret nrninya(rom n h, mod.
trip by . the G. A G. Itailway, \\'n,, Jack McIA•nnan and Mimses Mae a
King, jr., a fariner living hear hen•, Lyons and 1). Mr1A41l, of Luck•now, I
conrrnittd orniride last Thursday night ►gent Sunday roe Mr. McLennan's i
or earl- Friday morning. by hanKing. home here.
Arch. I'unuey, whrn'he went to the Mesters. Wid McLennan, teacher at
cwoloerNh P1 at u oinK.(aa1 I 1
shwmld and Will Me -Gregor,
teach -
unfortunate tivin. it)- nil npppearnnre•s er at St. Helens, retur fd to resume
he hotel pla ved two bafn•IS together their duties on Saturday after their
And then placed Ane on top, from vacation.
which he dnlpped after placing Ole Wr are pleased that Mitts Imslm•I•\tc• I
rots-. T1s• corner, 1►r. Milne, WAR I.Pnnall has taken sale Ainvii-
notilW and derider) that an inquP"t ran Kidd from fair ennainR over the
was unnecestutry. King Ieft Blyth oil liar• havin won two Ko1d mednlc ,
Tuesday (fir Goderich and came
back frail, the ( hirnggo College elf Music,
uh Wevineulay, On Thumlaty h(. where r•11r xtten(IL41 the pats) VPAr.
went to Guelph and nn. retnrnfng in '
the evening went to Livingelt(n'h Aec- TrKmn.%T, Ang. 27th. I
tri► light plant. Rlyth. R11Pre he Miss Belle MCl.enhan spent A few I
stayed with John Nivens• the Pngin- dnym in (:odrrich but week.
Per, till the lights w rr met olit. They Misr 13, CC+► McKenzie left (on Satur- ,
ppaartes[ fit the nind, King stating than 'lay oil it few weeks' visit to Detr)it. i
hP was going home•. lnst•a d he evi• Mims Sadie McKenzie, of Sarnia,
dent)} went to the Couper mhop and im rrne•wiug acquaintanceR fu this
rook his life. No ream ran Iw given neighb orhaxl. I
for the deed. The unfortnmate noun Orn., Dan. and Miles Kate 3(c- 1
was lifty pears of 'Age And brave. a Ore•gur, of Lon -know, spent Sunday at '
wife. noel ,wet dauglterm to mourn the their honie" lien-. I
departure of a kind husband find I
father. The. renlainv were interreel in
Hall's cemetery Saturday afternoon. LEEHURN.
--.---- --- Tric,n.%Y, Aug.': th.
WESTFIELD. Mi.An Joksmie Linklater, who has re -
reality completed it cnurnae at the Nair. 1
Mo]ItLa Y, August :001.Mal Coliege. Hamilfon. is now princi. '
Nrha( was chwelf un Friday last.pnl of the Urownhill School, near I
Alis Clark attended the O. C. I. re- harrier, having commenced her duties ,
union. then- on the lath Inst.
Mrs. Will. Jolmstnn, of I31y-th, Daniel Carney's r inlnnroth thre•sb-
visiled her lin)ther, Wesley Farrow, Ing outfit threshed at Wit,. Chishohn'A
Inst week.tel Friday afternoon. R. Carney, sr.,
I;efe. Itau,ffird, of Toir,nto. is spend- was the captain of the sheaf •moa•• r
Ing a wrekb holidays under the .I. Hnboy, jr.. watrigrain clerk for the
parental roof. first limp and wait asRyated by Nit. I
Men. R. Taylor., of Bethel, Spent a CobEnglands, who carne fm England almut
few days last. week visiting under the eight monthm Ago. Mr. Nohbm Said in r
parental retiaf. Ilie Old Catintry he hasoften taught a t
Rolwrt flaover ani dmtghtpr, AIpNte barrel (if r+ur('nn,►dixn fipples+ for aMHut
( are, of HneoS•Is. visited friends here 1111N). The mn(hine threshed at B. X. t
4haw's oil Mundsy afternoon. and FF
- on undny tolyl• then went up t, th1•emh at Loyal. f
AI . Rnlert Ramsey of Michigan. 1
mrrfve past w# -Pk to sp end nation, time Lr. ewe FROM .s Fn )Tp a letterRNT.
with h , so David. --A /(.w extracts frotp x IPtlpr re• ►
n 1 at i 1. I
crlvt•tl this week by your Scribe frntn
A larptt turnout is exp►trted at the ,I well-known young lady who Ieft
]larold .1ft"no r(oneprt in I he Wemtfleld here flyer three yeetrte nKo, will Iw of p
church on Thoisday eve-ning. interest. The young laxly Ena)ur►ticen i
Won. Mc}n tv, Ivan. Table. MrS, went first. titNevatdw and now in in the J
Robert Buchan n and ':Nis. Iii sn41thein art of the Golden .State. beat I
Huiove'r start for)0e Wept tomorrow•. She is alil loyal ion the slid home on (
Rev. F. Junes Sonde a1 hie work otl Huron's shute And hopem comp day to
Ntmdny ,affpr nn ISN•nce of three rpvinit it. Before Ihr lath of Augtaat
weeks nt (:rand (111• d. His many Choy had ten days in sucepRteicen wit• a
friends were plefime(1 M rave him wits, the I iernionitt(.r Irgistereel ]ill alp•
them again. greets. The writer Rave : "The orange
\Ven. 4t u khntme• ions dim rm 1I of his r". a has heen Katbe•Ir.l fur thin year b
remaining farm to A. Inn ly. Mr, nn, already Lite green orangem are f
R' .e p Iain endtl e all- I
Ail(. n ly T11 r fir l
}hualesly .Ines owns INdh d 1r•. aost rips but the wRlnnts won't 411 1
Ntuekhonee's farms, hiving pit hased rawly far use for wveral munthS yet. t
the South farm some monthv ago Saw the waves of the I'acifir oc*pan (
Mrs.(,J. N. ('smphirll tetnrned h nu' Mont a'Inonth ago and walked alonge
on 4atlnhuy hint after mpen( insg t e itm shore. It was a grand view, but t
Vwl three months. visit inR frienda i there are no nice trres growing along I
ilhnry, Comber ami IA'amington• #R hanks like old bake limon. Wan e
Her. little arandilaughter. Miss t'vrfall L
1p ion Angeles to the famous tnurimt 1
Ainslie• hfTilhnry, ncrrtmpanied her. n Qrt, which counts over :0411,011) in It
pnpohlatinn now. Uncle San, lately I
BPONCHIAL TROUBLES. htR Rtationprl part. of hitt Atlantic, fleet r
under Itear•Admiral Evans and mix- t
Readily Yield to Soothing, dealing ten large battleships come on the I
I .rifle on,the California Shore." The f
Treatment of Hyomei. writer begR`Jo he renentetad to J. J. 1
Bronchial trouhles nrp orlr•ly local. \\'right •%till A. Allen anti Henry 1
They cannot he helped oy mt(om+leb (iron (now in \Vinnipeg). t
doming. They are ('Hamel toy irrit lire I
In the lair Joanna KpR and in IR 11 • Deafness CoAnot be CuFad 1
lieveel need enmel by medicated .air I
alone. In thin IicR the s(eletof the /lrftIapplirallnn+, AslhftlCannot teach111e I
d .as+Cal port lime of the mitt, Then In oh
great surretis of Flyn•nlei in the trent- day M, Imdenfne-, and that IS by enemUtrr
Ment of bronchial I.nauhles. tenni rt•amedl(t.•. Profne•+..I+ Ibr-",
by ark In'
Thr fleet breath of Hy -rt -reel- Medi- nhNst l•s+'111tinn M air InnnlnRMlhC1F:ns otel, n rets•• Whon thele Inflamed
Bated air somtheR Ihr inflmmintion, yoilhavouk,rnmAlinR.onedforfart hear- istops the congh, tinorelief anon le- Ins, and when It be entlrotly eometal am Is
cumrs rmanpnt and a rurr remilta, he "nit. sial nnle+m the Inflamrna al ran top
}'e' taken not anti theft tithe rmtornd t9 1 narmal 1
,,holly-U-mpi boom inade many reinark- r.,ndittnn h,oHna will he deart0yed rrseever.
silo cnreS in the worst Anel incept xhoe'am.lint ef ton ori• ramal lay(ealahh
chronic fortes of lorinrhinl tmuhleR t r.lrn eons--rinthing darer Antnnam«i ,endntZlh.i 1
a hr mureoss purfnepm, i
and in mold by JSa. \VilRnn with the we will Sire fine Hnndmi TMllart, for any
Sallee guar•nnIce All he givpm whrtn Ila-- rftM of Ileafneatitmirsoid byrat amhithat Alan-
n -mei iS}a, tnrchmeted for r•alnr•rhhat. is, ,mt.IN, r .reA by gall's Calarrh Cure. [lead fer
rim„lar, free.
fit refund tit,- numpy in ratio the F. J.rHFNF.Ytro.,ToleAte,0.
remedy rlws not give thmfnrt ion Pnlrl lay laroterlpM, tOC.
The can,plOtO ontlk costa It., $1.111). fftke all'- Sae(Iy P1IIs fof Ionptltvttbn.
-- - - -. NArriage IS Often a fallure h erantie a
It takes a Morn diplomat to pick a man in unahle to think n( tlw right
gnarrel and dodge the con"nencrn. excuse at the right time.
When Scotty Scored.
An Englishman in Scotland wap
abusing the, country, complaining of
If one is to believe the medical ex.
get less to rat,
(1 A. NR\""" DENTIST. LiTnK-
lug to the tirade.
lT NOR'. - APh,nauuverydayuu'epl Thin*'
Where's that:" askrd the (other.
day■. Nnw u.memlyfur nstraealuR tooth laluwnu-
"l►h• just whaur• an hnKlishman'm
,.;,. ,.;,.bell*, thud Iptt eu. ('fowl, and bridge work
etc. Alumninuu, ,fit Awn-blw*it bier.
nloul laufld fruits Ib•1Re SI
N. L.--1'uu rail ulwnyN ha, r your work much
hello done In the dental ullhro- uturr tiwp,
better farllillett for doeinr the work, www cow
Maory Halse G r i g i. Rangleol
furtablu for take patient. /
JLC. H. Ilaydeu (FulIna 'gated
to I/uft1rwusoa fur The ailcual i•at the 1'u+t.
r(taliwwry Slpn,
I furl Albert. •
011101,lkwk slid who
ordnnpermit, will left ► ed for ubw,riptioo• fid'!I
W. ]•. JIN dNll, Il, D. S., lirmderit•1'
vertWiuc and Job work, and rexviptm willbe
Mary G. Robler•1su11, \Vindsm.
siren fur s lluauts nail fur the dull..
AI. Ada lhnn'itl, Ooderirh..
hN I 1 ERNaJ ti NV
1 ► i
A. Ii..lrldruw 1 . I . Cleveland, l
N Iwlwrn. celling+, tomer:. etc., tit the Dela.
H. 1'. Wuahillglun. K. l'., Hnluihul
traneft/l tofllcb, INbuk, .,latiurory. wall
It. (:. Reyunldo• Goderich.
"Ma11d IWIt•' ,x=, .Wrn. ('all and sea
Krun'sftux toed 1(et prhe :
T. C. Wright, Montreal.
know, Johnny, 1 didn't finish my edu-
If. 11. Parsons. Montreal.
lieu. It. Gordon, Vancouver, B. C.
at ANDNICSOXIS hardware.
J. E. Lashaln, lllll,letwo" N. 1).
%%'m. Mclivide, Winnipeg. -
Y111. AndNrNr n' hardware Intore i r
11 1'. Murray, I n l 11.
filling ill) with stoves U te (nlltrsde.1%,
,. J. '1n)•itr {ispl [are.
ltuht. Durnin has retanned fruul the
F• 1V• &ron('hntuuu•
Wast and is at present viaiting friends
F. G. Sweel, Kxeler. .
(I. If. Ite1tai11ron, tilederich.
H. J. Fisher. wife and chUd. a)Dray
Alla. Florence hall Clearihue. Fraak
ton, visited H. It. Long It couple of
Ititi Jordan, Ooderiela.
day►this week,
A11113 N• Ibl11rev. l;,Nle•n1.
AA'few frond here attended the
l.ui,ise F. Mille;, %VinlliI4.
Hn1osId jarv'is ruucerl at Westgrld on
E. .' Willinuos, Oesl•rif•h.
Tue•Iday, evening.
E?. S. Ilogarth• R. A., it4inilluu.
\t'r are, plea11ea1 tie r•elwn•t th,►t_ Mies
Alar•Andl Miller, ML ,rv.ville.
Mlarlfi t Mallough, Witt) ham; been seri-
Ella Stewart, Urnmiller.
uubly iudwf•
illp(d, is HOW fill the way
ME. rr. J. Andreus ,Annie Slew•
[u nrauvcry.
art). Cleveland. O.
Dr. M. It. lihike•, of Fort Frances.
Edward Stewart, ISI -.miller.
rallf•,l un friends here Inst Friday. Ile
:}ICs. A. AI. litirchill . (Jean
r,%Ille (town to Attend tole O. ('. 1. re.
4t1•(Ithe r.), West,ell.
union in O.derirh.
Alargnrel Alnrrg•. l.,Nlerieh.
Rev. S. Pentland is Spending n few.
Aft A: X441 -141I. -
n •sur, Be•Igraye.
fnvm visiting N e
1 Un friends Ile a Itcu•
K t re If
.l \yy. hl • \
.Ice welt ►.
A. M. 1 Turner,
I,ivd lake pedpit fir lir Mrtl)alist
:hurch oh Sunday uulning.
A1+ulfle A. \\'xtmon, Towonlo.
Kate A. Walson, Ii,Nterich. -
lims•m. Frank and Lily McLean,
('hat-. \V. Watoon, New York City.
F.t a Andel•wn. Corsi It. Italerts, Rev.
Maggie 1►. Frlas•1•. (molerioh.
['. Hnthf•rford and sun Rosw•e'll•
Elizaal,rth Alarfurlanr, fine River.
ted . It. l.,nlg xtul wifft were lauhll,g
Carri.• Milligan, Iliti-VIA.
.hoer •oft hen• who attended the O..
b -nu \I. %valtenl. lhtmle•riell
I. n•I dun last week in tialPrich•
Alinnie L. Ceuigie• Orslericfi.
far. Bic wishes the public to know
It. S. Rnlertruu, Ni rutfutd.
hat hu efu.rd tit further ntleud
1'. 1t. AlrNns,, I,rlthi:In.
.he raw• fl H. IIt aabn received x
Juhu AlrNuy, F:guuthdaillr,
'ractur• of t1 leg a eo41ple elf weeks
Marga iet Skelton. Arcola. Sisk.
tgn, lkecatls hr patient refllhoml to
Katherine MvIA•11xn, Turon tp
.lave applied n lint well adapted tl
corp the leg sr Are end nu.rt 311 re-
Pc,ul Fisher, Fl•uu1 idler.
tnirementa. -
Ulla+. Al. Wigle dh))a May), kings.
Tt•K.c11A •, Aug. 97th.
Miss J. Lawson, of inderich, \yis-
Olive May Buchat ann, lifalerich.
l Lieuetta Cunningham, Port At.
bort. -
ted here last we,•k-. I
Ethel S. Acheron, Goilerich.
Miss Maggie 1 tw•s/n, elf Ahenlren,
.-Ernest Sherwasl, I •Ifast.
icotland, is visiting at I). 1, wSn•m,
Edgar \Norma. (hode ch.
Our well-known resident, im. Mac.MyrLle
liichan, lisle► t$•
)onald, who met with the seven. fall
H(.fllert Morris• Saltfulad. •,
,n the stairway of her hoe ore
Mr-. Jas. Wilson ilmu Gibson).
(:rlArrittah. A.
IVedne.Aisy of last week, is pro er-
linir filvorably.
rrun 1-o Ood h.
Nlcw TnIt"HINU Ot•TFrr Dani
Jwmir V. Young, licxlerich.
oft cleric
Aldwrt It. Robertson, Wadlaceburg.
tine new threshing outfit,
Cox (Annie Downings,•
Mrs. W. 1)\G1.11111111(i
with oil[ the latest impnweruenta, in-ong
,lulling n self -feeder, threshed heseE.
Ru11Prt Quaid and Alich:lrl Tobinalter
Hiek, (irxlerich.fir
F. Ifick, GOderich.m
Natterday and Monday. The grainn
waw v ry (:lir.
Pronilftwt, Oaderich.rield
Cor •yc•Kenzie, fort Albert.
ton do Dean• Goiderich•
gira Id I ve, Q(Nlerieb.
. A. nthrwm, Galrrich.
Tt KsuAY. Aug.'37tb.
ernie ttdm•rtxon, Uttawa.
IisN A. \\'. (arra will spend theuy
Jnr •,sl, Ormlerirh,
,pat two welekte inTomnta
xrKuret . r1A•(ml. ih•troit, Mich.
\lis► Courtnpy has returned to hes'A.
Mcl,e lar., Otederieh.
home in Amberley after 1a very plea,+-ev.)
S. V, Pentland. Louisville.
visit with friends un Poplar Row.th
S`►haw. I) .leap.A
large .under of the ex slodentsa
ll Clutton• I nlup.of
A. Haailie, rawpwrity.
the G. C. 1. from Uullwrne werelwl
nesrnt at the reunion held in Gude.-we
1L Linfield• ))nl.rich
l st waek.
nie I.. (irnteIn,e Toronto.
Threshing is the caller of the day,ulit+S.
h. A. Wilkinson. 1 ngxonnn.
lira,. \ire.
fRrnlerm are now waiting fur rain
n order to prepat•ethenaoil for the fall
Alirr Dougherty, Shepparallon.
Minnie M. l :uupleell. Arcola'.Sauk.,
cheat Sperling.
Grace S. I)ir•kwln, Stratfurl.
W. F. Young last week harvested n
Lizzie Ili, Kay. Stratford.
iften-arse field of barley. which con.
Grace Jtohn+ton. Strntforl.
fifty-five pound -4 of twine.
\Vinnie Slimier. Stratford.
rhis in the hest crop het has grown
It. Inne•m Strung, O(mlerich.
he undertook f,u•ming in this
E. A. Shvidiard, Utederich.
Chrimtyne MrEwan, Goderich.
\Inv L. Newton. Toronto.
Fdflh WigginS• Otederich.
MuxnAy, Aug.:lltth.
Ivy New•tun,fortinto.
A. Cook. of Goderieh• visited at his
F%diel Sulhrrl+tndp G(Nletirh,
home for a few days last week:.
Cyril Carrie, Goderich.
W. Fingland• leacher of No. 1:3, at-
Annie Johnston. Mimicking.
W. 11, Wooden. Toronto.
ended the G. C. 1. reunion Intel. Fri-
I Itev.I Juror-•• Willson, Toronto.
A. M. Rub ertwon, Harriston.
Dr. Albert McDowell. of Turner.
Troy W. SlAvAKe, Buffalo, N. Y.
Rich., visited fur a short tittle fit his
IA•xie A. Mco tflh, l`lVIgranyp,
,orae near Westfield last week. He
JeawO. Dickson, Senforth,
attended the G. C. 1. reunion.
A. Irene Dirkson, Nrafctrlh.
Henry Tisdale, who has b twn teach•
1'll(MIN• I)VIIN11101Y•, Weatflpld.
ng in North Dakota for a number of
Ili,. M. It. Henke• Fort Franees.
•retia,, is hotel(- again. Ht- plrrpeotees
John T. Parkinson, IA)ndon.
the Godrri(•h Collegiate In-
Mrs. J. T. Parkinson. London.
titute this next term.
It. S. (lays. Senforth,
. In a I~Iwtll match at Illytht Inst
Harry I.. Salkeld, (loderich.
week, the home tonin won from HPI- I
HCm•y TWIaIv, NpAhe. N. 1).
by 7 to) 2. Th11 game up to the
Rloswell Hillherfoltl. Ihingannon.
ftle innings wait pretty even bot then
Albert Sharkletm , Crewe.
11yth forged nhraut find cinched lire
\1''Irtlq Kilpnticlt M,Ifrking.
Jan. McCalluul, of K-1grr.ve,
Frapces ReUwon Malcomh(n, Luck-
uupil•nl SAtimfactnrily.
P. A. Malcolmson, Lucknow
Among those who allen•letl the- ex-
Walter F. A. Naftel. Goderich.
Indents' reunion at ('rodorich brut
John Elliott. If. A. Howmanville.
vee•k from this neighborhaxl w•er•e:-
\Ville H. Johnston. Kihlwn.
Nimtetete 1 h Ienmmorc find IAexy
Sarah Al..lululmtan. Kappwn.
elf Westfield; Henry Tisdale-
J. A. McLan'I. T.nrslntn. '
Donn 3•bnroke: and A. A. Naylor.
(ieo. W. llohmrn, Fgnlondville.
of the Belgrave torbox 1.
John Pau•ker. Owen Sound.
Teresa F. l'r,dam• H illlpsTille.
The True sportsman.
Alice M. Trotter. Blyth.
1Intrles E. A-quith. A111mrn
A true aportmnlan plays a game as
lis recreation. It is, conspyuently,
ilmrurd for hili ever to Iw anxho la or
Il -tent m
rtrL fie ion tl •, .
Ie in tine[
ove of movement, to which is adder)
he pleasure derivetlfrorn the exercise
1f Skill, whethe•t' it lie- alrenrly argnired
or in the 1/Mees, elf being nrgnired.
Winning or posing in to him rather an
housing detail than it meriouti efnl-
ideration. He (teen all he can to win,
treatise that in Filart of the (ptlante; but
he fact Ihat snmcnne else has it
wtter eye, or hits land more practice•
or is more flavored by fortlne, (nen
net annoy hint.He plays the game
or his health and pleasure, find there.
ore he does not. carte whether anyone
m watching bill; prowess, nor dreshe
leers a.hnnd of 'rie oters" In target flim
.o exert himself for lei worry -him (oppo-
tentee. To the true spxnrtlemnn Ruch a
Ipiect&ele not that of A team crying
wrauter they have lust. or of 'a than
t(oM off lu '•worry his pitcher," or of
L man lining •'Inoinced., or bribed to
tmnae himself: (if a player depending
upon artificial etim llo s from mperta-
CorS, or of any Serio• rloarr•el or
►p=iety ever a pastime, i. miniply tin.
Intelligible. That Such nnnlllalle•m Px-
imt in sport indite, primarih•• to the
9 fesplotmi. The prnfespional, though
may lap a gnat fellow and a K.xmi
rtsmanatheart, cannot proof iI y ler
IL true aportaman, or he world never
accept maney for am lair himmelf-
Francis H. Tahor, PrenidPnt of the
BOYS Club of New York, in Leshie'm
1hp expert who said 'hat •.inginll
mak Ps tip healthy And happv,hamnt
heard some of our friends sing.
Ili-. J. T. Uunran..7'onbnto.
Ifte•v.1 Ilirhand Nefthei•n, Toronto
F J.- I3. h r
m +til nl,
Torn ,.
Jnr,1'. Slothers, Mnfrkin,l.
O. R. Ellifltt, lialerich.
(Rev-)Vhats. M. Hulherr.ord• Dungan -
note. • •
Ittvulnnd Itrdmond, Westf ord.
( Rev.) Jodann Ti nnx. lipanlnville.
InhroCanlpien. North Ilay.
Alex. Smith, Blyth.
141111PR It. Addition. Nount Forest.
Mary A. Ila rriml Toronto,
. Ifelen T. DrysdAle, Iioolrri:h.
Eva Dilnlop, 11;0deri,•h.
Walter %apliderm, (iredel•iebl.
H. N. Merrill. Peterlo on) ,
F;unnit C. 1'rnig-Finlay, Mafeking.
Msr•mhall Wright, Narnia
Linda Sturdy. Oodrrich.
Etta Hendrmmn, 1lungant►on.
pat^. F. 1•k Ililt vey. Nslrw•irbl,
A Ha- '
If you wish a high-class hair
dressing, w'e are sure Ayer's
Hair Vigor, new improved for-
mula, will greatly please you.
It keeps the hair soft and
smooth, makes it look rich and
luxuriar:, prevents splitting at
the ends. And It keeps the
scalp free from dandruff.
A— ,."I, hanre the Color q( IAe hair.
roroula war eeoh rata•
joHaar .t W your
O sole,►
A.e I.aw
Ar wroul 1[
th. da - he e.r.
At the same nuc the new Ayer's Hair
Vigor is a strong hair tunic, promoting
the growth of the hair, keeping all the
tissues of the hair and scalp in a healthy
condition. The hair stops falling, dan-
druR'disappears. A splendid dressing.
--tiW b Cas 4.6. Ayer Co.. Lowell, Yarm
F. (i. l'ourtive. Clinton.
T. M. McEwen, St. Oe(Hge.
\\'m.Thimland. Auhurl.
Lilian Clark 4( lielenm.
Mary 1. Clark, St. Helens.
Hary Il. F'ingland. Auburn.
1%.. IL 1tolN•1•tsuti. Goderich.
AnnieSAllyws Young. Callow. •
]((at AI. Yu41ng, CALI•low.
.M. Aller[► Yates. Gocleriel,. -
Margaret G. Clark. St. llelenti.
Jas. I1. Tigert, Gtslerich.
N. Sl: Kuniball, Goderieb.
H. 1. Morrish, G(sl rich.
H. D. Cameron., .
1, 1 kl awe.
G. C. ~ions. G,lrrbrh.
A. It. \earl)ounid, Ili -tassels.
W. It. Alclntrwh. Elora.
Wall. Towerlwy-. G(Nler ich.
W. G. Edw•anl, G.Nlerich.
IRev. l C. A. 4e,age r, Tonitltl.
Jilt). Alunul, North Blow.
Kathleen Hall Murton. G.mlerich.
Minnie }call Clark, tiudcrich.
1'tw1•1 Knox, Gielerirh.
Stara (l:ordon.l MCIArhlan. Gederich.
Blanche Knox, G.mlerich.
Wilbur F. C. Ander.(., Gualerich.
Frank Fusser. Glslerieh.
J. W. Craigie, Gcslerich.
"'.I.. Ifyslop, Buffalo, N. V.
Helen Str,mitun Whitrliy, Goflerich
Mona M. Weatherall, (salt:"
Mny J. Dunlop, Goderich.
Annie E. Andrews. (s,x}erich.
Alice 1. Johnston, Buffalo, N. Y.
Reginald R. Elliott, Oalerieh.
F. Barlow Holmes, Gutle'rich.
\V. Prondf elft, Jr., Goderich.
Is,)b el L. MrEwan, Gaberich.
Isobel If. Pnnrdfat. Uoderich.
Marion I'ansm. Goderich.
(Rev.) It. If. Barnby, B. 1)., Belmont.
\Vw. iathesun, (.ochalmh.
F. N. Patt•1•sou, Auburn.
It." O'Itrilh•, Cobalt.
Ila Allen. Goderich.
Beatrice Pridhn is. Oalerich.
Wall. .1. Sulith, St. Helena.
1Sa lovll Mael,entlan. Chicago, ill.
Adelaide Nairn, Guderich.
Ielphine Nairn, Goderich.
ImAdel Hamilton (Mis101iver), Gode-
l'harlotte Stirling. Bayfield.
ChristAhel Anderr(n, Gtslerich.
Eva MacMath, New York.
Alice M.Andrewa, Goderirh.
Mary E. Salkeld, Goderich.
Grave Wilsin Andrews, Goderich.
Tillie Sli rline. Galerich,
Isalwl F,. Sharman. Goderich.
'Maggie Robertsem. Grellerieh. '
Ella M aCMILth, Toronto.
A. P-'heppe d. Nile.
J. C. Robertson, Toronto.
John B. Young. Dungannon.
W. A. Cowan, Toronto.
IUr.) W. J. M. Ara strong l Mitchell.
Margaret Kernighan Beck, 'ror-
Rev. J. C. Reid. B. A.. B. D., Nile.
Minnie J. Durnin, Lothian.
Augusta Burritt, Goderich.
Cremmie Elliott. Portr'r Hill.
]A -WIN 1'. Rundle., Goderich.
11. T. Audermon, Goderich.
Jam, Dickson. Goderich.
Ellen Miller Dickson, Goderich.
John M. Field. Galerich.
race .. Strang, G(sletich.
o ('. ALlnu, St. f'xul, Minn.
ren/e W. Graham, Galerieh.
. ugllmta MMeEAro(, GtNlerich.u t mfa A. Mclw•nuan. Goderich.
F. it
Strang, Goderich.
1lelen C. Strang, New York.
Margaret Strang, Goderich.
Additional List of Those Who Furthered
the Reunion Project.
In addition to theme who registered,
t'unclnded on Page 8.I -
I One of the most danger-
ous and repulsive forms of
Disease is
for which Dodd's Kidney
Polls are the only certain
cure. In Dropsy the Kid-
neys are actually danrmrd
and the water, er which
aho and
of be expelled in the
form yf urine, flows back
and lodges in the cells of
the flesh and puffs out the
skin. Remove the filth
which plugs up the drain.
Restore the Kidneys to
health. There is only one
Kidney Medicine
Scoffe.s Emulslfon strengthens enfeebled
nursing mothers by increasing their flesh and
nerve force.
It provides baby with the necessary fat
and mineral food for healthy growth.
e At I nn000IRT8l 60c. AND $1.00.
4 44 bb a
'1711URNI)AY, August 29, 1907 7
STRAW H 41'5
You will soon he wanting a coal rang. car
cook stove.
It willa
p yyou
to examine our PANDORA RANGE. For
edonomy and durability it is unsurpassed.
If you have
A HEATING JOB collie in and let us talk
the question over with you. AVe call glvV
you the benefit of long experience.
E. P.
Store, 57 Residence, 177
- -4
When Scotty Scored.
shy Insurance Companies
An Englishman in Scotland wap
abusing the, country, complaining of
Against the Gentle Sex.
the slate of the larder, and wondering
if there were if spot where he could
If one is to believe the medical ex.
get less to rat,
miners the reason it woman plays
p ernlld tell ye It place what ye wad
pore for the privilege life inhur.
get IeNs," Saida Scut, whit was listen.
nce is that sip is nuu'h more con.-
lug to the tirade.
nunly it victim of indigestion and
Where's that:" askrd the (other.
toulach troubles and th11 fatal nil.
"l►h• just whaur• an hnKlishman'm
Amts that spring from these CanwM,
It it not flip ,refile alt:u ks , di+-
I late" I" Slid the Scotsman, dryly.
nets sione, beat thepceurtt tCeft-4-1-
"`HIIIP m/11111• 11f the- lllnlN Ilnporf;fit
hParomble. indit(-
erchstng to dry which were un-
ion a d stomach
ion and RWuans trouble. 1'jos',
hingN, physicians Ray. kill
one huldl•e,di years e."
Tommy -••Yon and tile." '
Pople than many of the wore merious i
"Do you M'lieve that Sampson lost
• •
For curative power in all stomach
him strength by holving him hair cit.?"
11mked the non '•I
roubles nothing else in an safe, wet,reason
fTrc ive, nothing rlRe can Iw thor-
-believer. have no
to Ilnlllbt It," replied the pl'aC.
so ,tical man. talkative Imarlm•ralw•ays
ugh y _Ii !_d upon W relieve all trou- lulakes site tired:
I,- fit indigestion, nm Mi-o-na. 1t is t
nlike any remedy heretofore known :
The Minister -"\Nell, Johnny, and
is not a mere digestive' tlJdet ; it
how are yon getting on at School ?"
Irengthens ,Ind rratores to natural
,luhnnay- I have left the Schule n(s),
rtion the Stoin,ach and WivelsaAd
,Air. I tit thirteen past, ye kern." The
lnkem a congd(.t• cure hl even the
Mnmter(Inlpresalvely)- -"Oh, heat you
rorst form of stonlaeh troubles.
know, Johnny, 1 didn't finish my edu-
Jas. Wilson Sells Mi -co -ton in Coil-ernt
oxe.+ under
("at'()" till, 1 °Wham tw•ri tyy three."
luhony--"Did no. Ye
it Ktenr►ntee to refund the
101ley unless it does 'fill that IN
ye sir? Inuu
hale ht"'n an awfu' thickheid."
Iainled for it.
Ihuhxnd --' Ifamanetenlrr not.:.
+r what it ite-he will live to regret
,. "During (Har courtship used
Copy of change of running advertise-
') Steal kisses from n10." IIuR
Well. you hound slut i said."
mants must be- left at this office by
Monday noon to ensure insertion
in:issue of same week.
u r
i ;
I I f'2111, 11 ` v
Here is a
NATIONAL good Com -
NATIONAL , .'' ,Z mon sense
stove for
STEEL ' ''q the farmer,
, I 1 _, a
Ir. .'T
-- - - -- - - - ----_ _
because ,t has large oven, 20 inches square by rap inches high, large
fire box to burn coal or wood: w`;I take 24 Inch wood• coal linings easily re-
moved, will give lots of heat, .m built to last At long time. The above cut
does not -show the latest imprrvement with ,hurt legs under range, giving
a better circulation of hot air around base of stove also making t more east'
N kept clean.
We recommend this stove.
Kindly call and see it in our atotr