HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-8-29, Page 60
F TlivmwAv, August 29, 1907
FLY as packet
has eotYallr
PADS k"'�a=="
-solo Illy-
OR000I8Tt, Ceoctss was CE1112At $TOet$
loo, per pooket, or a packet* for lap
w Ili last a whole eeaeon.
When .. sweets'
lose their sweetness --
and 11 substantials,"
their charin-there are
always MOONEY'S
coax back
the appetite.
Do YOU '
know how
good they
are ? xe,
I a a a
When you stop at the Chateau
Prontenac or any hotel Owned
by G,e C.1'.R., or travel in lit
PulImans or Steamers, cou viii)
"Royal Crown"
Witch -Hazel
Toilet Soap
(individual tis.)
supplied for your convenience,
The fntit.t an.'.
beat aosp mid,
Aarfel het
;ZWyaI Crowe'
It...i 1.Alc1
Lnoeyr Ilk soil,
P maktnt the line
come to you. You
simply stand in one
spot and
spin the
line by catching it
here and there to
hang the clothes es
you sort theth out
of the basket. A._ �-
child can operate
We will send the "Davis" on
trial and approval to any one.
No cash required with request.
Write u9 for particulars. sal
S -x 105,
1.011111110111 - ONT.
Recently Enlarged
25.000 New Word
New Gazetteer of the World
lIf h mare than fr rl t.f loa, lw,d oilthe
atest rr-.uH mt.n, n.
Nowstographical Dictionary
mntalnlnf the nemem of over l0•Iqu loud
Ivents. state of bin h, death, els.
ItdlfedbyW.T.RATtttT4.Ph.n.,1.T T)
I:nitedgtateatummi. i.,u,.ruf n1u,muism.
2340 Quarto Pages
weal, PW, too lush atealaw.
Needed in Every Home
Apo Meter's C~mf# Metlenery
ilia r•eaa two ill - .",s.
ltegolw aditiin 7 crept y
twb- aAWl..
De as adltlon ►filtntalti i.. T�I....4 f."",
rq., a %_01 .1 h1..1Ne•
e, "ptwf...,w.rk1,.^ m.a..t.a y..rr.t.•.
O. A C. MLRRIAiI/ CO.. a
slahits`efa. asrindfleld. Maas.
Young Folks
EPablee the Performer to Show Rod or
Black Cards at Will.
The followlug i ng•hanleal card trick
is easy to prepare and simple to twwr-
blrwt piocare a new deck and divide
It into two pike, one containing the
red cards and the other the black ones.
011 cardis facing the came way. Take
l the red cards, square them up and
Plaaf, it$ a v1w, Than. wIW a pleas,
I plane off We upper right band comer
I and lower left hand corner, as In big.
1, about one -sixteenth of an Inch.
Then take the black early .quare
them up and plana off about uneiel2•
A. -;1-
AA Fye Ry2
teenth of an Inch on the upper left
band ozner■�n�Z� lower right hand cor-
ner, as to Vi2
Neat restore all the cards to one
pact, talking tare to have the first card
red, the next black, and so on. every
alternate earl being the same color.
Bend the petit no as to give Home
rprieg to the earls, and I,y holding one
thumb on the upper left hand corner
all the cards will appear " to the
audlenee; place thumb In titer at
top of pack and they wiit ppear
mixed, red and I,ludc; with thu b on
upper right land corner all r "a ap-
pear black. You can display elt
color called [or: -Popular llrchsales.
Called Puts -pah•tife- -way .and Is
Simpler Than It Bound*.
Indian Kirk have a game called "psh-
Pah-se-kaDway,'• whlcL means maid-
ens play ball. The bull consists of two
de•rskln bags, five inches lung and
one Inch wide, famttned together by
steps of leather seven inches loyg.
Each girl Is armed with a stick five
feet Iona, with which she tries to catch
the- tall and carry It to the goal ou her
The girls, with their long braids of
hair. assemble In a group, and the ball
Is thrown amodlt their uplifted sticks.
Thr one who catches It soun bas it
tont from her by the stick of another
player, and so It In ttm(sed among the
playing sticks untll a girl on the out-
skirtm of the group gets It and etarta to
run dome with the prim The others
run after her, and the game becomes
nm h, but Iudlau.girls do not mind
.all.,tbe while thelgume L tletng play -
rd the ,,•Iris keep 'up a gentle cry of
".tmgtx, a sound like the cooing of
which It is Intended to Iml-
tutr. Who)— villuge•9 assi•mble to see
this game, and prise" of red cloth,
heads and bright ribbons are given to
the best players.
The Potato Bug Hoax.
Did you ever hear how a ct•rtaln man
(rot west htamtlelggtd that farmers of
that region? At a three when the po-
tato bug pot was rulafog the crops
the man pen an adverdmemeut in the
newspapen saying that be would fur-
ntmb a more way to kill the hol,'v to ally
(me that weukl Head him twenty two -
rent atampm It is said that ti,000 or
70x) farmers meat the rewired atalnps
:,Irl n•cetved to return u slip of paper
In-ariug tIm"f • words. "Put your bug
iu a tdrtWJe and then hit 1t with us-
(Ithrr "tdUOe." This rerutted in a
at•arch fur the man by n good many
farnwra nnned with (-tuts, but they
fontld tie [rad coaeto F.trrope-on urgent
4°ataamu. Cbk txo News.
What Does "Smtah" Meant
The word "se•ilb " as everybody
knows, occurs rmittently In the hark of
P-Imm, and there has been much dls-
Cu"skon as to Its raraning. Dr. Smith
In him liihikal dlctlonary maym. "Be-
yond the fact that 'srlah' Iv a itimilcal
term, we know absolutety a(fhing
about It." Nattheson, clue {peat inumle
criUe, wrote a book on tWs mubjcct, in
which he recites the various the l,ries
that bare beet' suggested alxrut the
word. After nttempting to show that
all theme theories aye wrong, or at
least faulty, .he concludes thatthe
word IA equivalent to our •'da caps"'
and means that the air or wuxig Is to
be mwated from the bronning to the
part where the word In plated- In otb-
e,r words, that It Wn.- simply s diree-
00" to the mnsi(Jaila that Chanted
pealtirs In the temple.
When the "low Raab.
•ftLe bears like every other working1
Part of tilt, l,o(ty, las Its ps•rtodwof rest
or It could not 1 -ug )m•fform is furs. -
1110110. The lwrltxl+ ..f rest are shorter
and occur inure frerlrnUy in the case
of the bean than of any other organ.
The action of the heart 1n a beat ocen-
plca abnnt elgbt tenths of u flemnd,
and of thin four{Cnthw 1M test the
work of contraction ealy luuccapying,
half of the time. The mOemSrh. eyelids
find other working partslha," tM•Ir
perbdm of est, tM• brain which mRbt
during **Pp. Ilavipit thr1Iemgrwt and
lotlat frtqueet. •- - _ .
The Gletten.
'T mbould like to know,Ica"
As they at the table aa.
"What oeat so fast for, Tvrsap-
Almnmvnt gd ittnny In thatr- f
"Well, you a.v, Pa." nnmwer-1 To11�y r
Twist n swallow and a putt. ,
.TM afraid that i mlgttt get '
Through bore" rve !at eowlp►e
Want AMwya Work.
"Imen In Itonse, 60 ng the nonans
de,•• he gnotecl
'Tf you Intend to act upon, that
theory thr(Iargh(mit life," she mttirmA.
"1M ns hope that you never will have
breludon to Matt an Irene asylum for
my pumese.-
Dead Cities.
"What belrn me "r \I it sit l r t askr 1
thr. R,tmdn.y, school bee, -her,
"it w dentroywi." saki 4l811M
"And what basalt of 'T,yvwt"
The Expert Tea Taster
- 27
is the one who knows the real value of Red Rose Tea
and uses it as a standard to judge other Teas by.
Wouldn't you like toudge it for yourtlelf) It 7 = 1
is the Tea that has that ri, ,fruity flavor -
just what pleases the expert Tea taster. -
Ask your Grocer to send you a package.' @ @ f
/ You owe it to yourself to do
• t this. if we can sane you money,
you WE to know it. We have the
choicest styles for the fall season.
correctly m
hioned, tastefully trim-
( Jr • 1 garments, superior to the usual
f offerings.
is complete. We have everything from the best low r�
PPneed the market affords up to the most expensive.
# ; Y ices in every case are lower than you would expect to `
pay for the quality offered. We invite your inspection.
Old Fashioned Oratory, '•s , n:nmgrr are opnngcre-
THE MARKETS. Then• were+ 3 clitity milkers quid at T rr
ria don't have no etch [tlrenale ora- €f`'f H N STEADS
.tory as we used to have," said the Old Llve 1 and Chicago i't5 owed, and . at 8 r hit -t I11 met. x y
antler. "Lawyer nowadays don't [poo ago wheat Futures ao,l sPrlmgw .:[ i3V to 160 tw.'h. l�.s
Close Higher --Live Stock Markets veal Calves. The Ladies Wear
orate. They only just talk. . i I", - ,.f veal .uIvey. fanged [7ae
,'lake old Bill K. Simmons of Fao -The Latest Quotations. $4 to $4 per cwt. ' WEST STREET. GODERICH. '
Clair. If Bill was de(endln' a lowly Monday Ev.•ning. Aug She
and Lambe.
chicken thief he'd speak with the TJve;po°I wheat futures36. + dosed to -day Export xh.•rp sold at $4.W to $4.76 •_-.•- _
a su 1 %d to )d higher, and cota
corn ltd to d high- per cwt. for ewer; bucks at $3.50 to
fou •
gu u[ flagella. I'll never forglt the I yr 4tantrlcaterday4ept. wheat-, r1 -a .l t:Ic N: lambs at $5 to U.15 per c»vt.
pawration of his Impassioned Pbilippic higher: (pica corn 11kc, and St -pt,. -ata tXc Noga.
In the Clay um likcume
wheat the yt3lao¢• hlstrr than inns eg .5 P. Kennedy d rants selects at --- TO CONSUIMPTIYES
ed cat It rye like tlua bora^ � s. 8[.50 with Ilgtfts and tate at 8e.$6 I$•r
The little. thin uld man ran. reared ; FollowingWinnipeg
ecru s do.tnr�uotau-ns -n cwt 'Tide Is Thief.'
bard[ In a decant attitude and shoDOed Not in a thousand will blood •
whtmfH-g grave [usurer w -day: East Buffalo Cattle Market. 7�•
In the cracked treble of sal: tt•h.-,.t--Aug sv'ti(• bid. Sept. /6?ar bid, r. -,RT HUFFAI.O. Aug. $i.-,Cattt&-Rt forged blood, even to tt" great nation The undersigned having 1w,11 r,
"'Reatln' upon the couch or repot IkY. 971„r asked crlpls. 57W head. aative Bpd steady. of ours. attired to health by sieuplr uteans. atter
lyta-Aug W's.• DW, Ckt. Saye hit, Dec. prime steers. ft..:. to IU6: =.Ing. 35.50 sutTerin for i everal
I"n liberty as I do, covered with the 3:t.,. bid Tlae colurmn had Dewe winding all R prate with w Inst•.
blanket of constltutlould o ns I to 14; bower. ileo to tA; inks. g, 6 to
ere 1tu1K uHrctitin, vend that dread
panoply Toronto Grain Matitmb. w i6.S: Iowa, 3235 to bis: DWIo. C76 to morning Ihe,00gh-open country. Now It
am and protected by the, aegis of tit :'.. 'stockers and fesder•r p to 86.16: was approaching close woodland and diarnsw c4asumpill a, is anxiOu" it) °lake.
re�, known u '.
Ame„cfln �� Grain- st.ak bettors. >`.75 to c.s: tt�t cow■ t ht fellow sufferers the
rgaaLp as I feel If to Wheut, spring. bush .....to S to S.... and springrrm. slow and stoody, tl to ><. high grana The captain of the co-
p Meana of will
ch To lhatwho desire
be. 1 despise the buxxln' of the profess -.A•hea[, [all, bush M ...... r ,,,. Vt•sls-Ha'w+ipt+, 1f0u bead; active and So reap, acting as advance guard. knew it, he will rrrfully rind Iftw• tt(
Mount Insect who baa just sot down Wit:eat, gorse. bush ....... 0 r higher. 1; to 18.46 that trouble was probably tying ahead. charge)
IN' a-11,100 red, bush ..........030 Ifomr►-pILI00 head: fairly active and lee grl w Cully u( the prowwrtription
and defy Ws attempt to penetrate with Pea., bush .............. 0- to :.,o higher: heart. sato to MA: miaAd, He piled to him his Day sergeant-tlr ut.atl, which they will find n autr• um
puny puny sting the IntersUees of me Im- Barley. hush .......... ... 0 V. ... ii.:L to T: Yorkers. 1410 to 1:46; Pits. man he had been saving through all for CO wOPtlea, ASthss. Ckiarrh, Brea•
oats. b,rh ........ ... 0 50 $7.85 to 81.5; roughs. Ii.S to 36.,D. ,cage,
psnbus asverin'.' •• , ...... •.• the clay for the fame when u •'Dost" tblt4 and all threat and lung Illaiarles,
Toronte Dairy Market. ` it to $4'60' dairies' les to $7. He ho em ell sufferers will try hie
Fhrep and [Aimba-Two thous -id head: man veto tleedtsL I 7
Nalter, arcane twxes ...0!! steady: drop. acuva: lambs, spew, 6650 •• Hr¢led am it i" invalualdr.
The Log Driver. ry, 3erf(rant O'FIare," De Bald. •'t crawl )'•
Buttery dairy, IL. -sills :.... 11 21 S! w i:: a yew. rr.L%: yearltrUM 85.75 to S, you to droiring the premeription, which will
The life of a river log driver is a life halter, tuba .. C• 19 a M Welborn. •.60 to $676; ewlw $LA to 86; pick out from the company any 1 mist thein nothing, Bpd tray )rove 4
t t seenis to get hold of our after a ' Witter. creamery. -lb. •roys., 0 :4 0 75 slurp. mixed. C.50 to M. six men lou choose and go ahead as a 1
Ksga, nevi -laid, dosen ...... a a .... blfmming, will please address
ye or [140. You are genrnO} wet ' ('Leese, turn., lb ............. 0 it Now York Llfa flesh. polai You can have anybody you a�� Y
for twelve boat's out of the Cheese. twin. Ih .............. 0 71+f .... NEW TORK. Anst. S. -Heaves -rte- want-o¢ty eb°use, the 11eR you know. PAT. DWAU A.MILRIN Ornkl NA
toren four. Ten or, you deep In a IUlle.y. 10 -lb. the ........... 0 13 :... cllpM 3176. Steers. -more amtive and ani I think we will be fired on from those '
12 by 25 foot shanty; you live ' Liv"rpeel Grain and Produce, to a shade higher: tat bell.. at, ol, low hills." _
bologna Lulls, lot higher; cows. •Le,.dy. i
on Med everything. "black strap," t.IVFRPOOI.. Aug. x -Wheat -spot Hteers. $4.16 to $6.6; boat s$.fa to $4.211: Sergeant O'llamis eyesseaxried the • ¢
finu. No. Y red wrerrrn »•lulu, .r Iykt1; curry, 3136 to p.>o. lixporta to -day. °° WANTED
treacle a stYwed ala. You go t0 Dad (rture*, flrm; Sept., :a tial. lie.•.. :► •yid: cattle. comV•nY r.
at 10 and t1y flu :1. You are reser- 1 March 7m sL,d. seers, spot acedy; Amrr1- Celvs-Reodpts. 306. Vaal• opened "ttulUvaa. be c>tiR,d- "McCarthy! 1
lastingly asml Dever praised by i can milled. new. 1• I%d; old. Northern. about Meady; tail per icy etoahtg wealt O'IMnneB! IaortartW. 1ic(Nanla!"
6a 3'Ml; futures- sts"w- Y NA; Uct.• buttermilks and gramooM Me to We low- Ile hesitated. His glaaee wandered 111OHBRT CASH PRICK rAID rOR SWRAP
the foreman. 'air life is In clanger I So :;%d.
more or leas al day long. mad you Ilam., short cut. call. .ta W. Baron. or. Ye41a, $eta to M: culls. M to 86. Kraaa- uneasily o Ilnl5t, IWA R y
Cliallm sh cut. toilet. `1% d. clear erg and beltaesedlan. M a 83.^�: orders. y P and down the Una. ills, have (o �' LICA U. Bring all you
never get more t fj'S a month for ! irJddlee, light. quiet, `6.s ed: short clear{ 86 wedorn gives, K to 36.45. few, at honest Swexle, bttryy 'iletYtas, lanky
work tbat Is worth 1W. "Tien why t.atls, quiet, Na id, e4houWrrs, ae)uara� Sharp 17 and 1YbFRecADts, ISAM• Yankees, their were In ;+-%ty itut
stick at It?' you nn and all I call i Meak. 341 W. Lard. prile- w-eattnl. Ia sf."y, tnmedy: lambs. ifsk tm l5c to ie I where -ash yes. tbllb an the left of the THE iro�Eis MfG. CS.. L1rITE1,
answer oi, "Just ^Ire It a tale that i firreea' Quiet. 16x; wmerlran, refined. in lois., Sheep. Sita to W-14. culla. IS. lint --that bright eyed, plug nosed. ted Old Foundry, Fast SL
pals. I6a 3d. flops 1n Umdon. Pada• i laarbr. MJ" to 8ti; two cairm, $t: culls. 16 beaded little
fur n year, and thru y 'U know."- 1 toast, quiet. 12 5s to iz 50 W. to 3„10. t , nod�r� std Im-
Wide Iii IJ Nrga2ine. New York Dairy Market. H fteoelpta. 1a.m. ttartc"C we a pl°ri°g dte°tlon wat>b W tpigbQ op I �eneflAtIIIIQ )��IIeIaI Water
I NEW PORK. Aug. 2i. -Butter. firm; re_ I ]S" h1�er: gaud. bsry t° tight Ings. i! face. The yKsEanty blVw i'le�. _ - _ _ _ _ -•_,
celfits. 7IN. Creamery st-Amis, L,&-. 6A.1 to 37.15, "Lyaebr be tatted, with a at i/llNis (:(lDERIell MINERAL WA.
arra, 5(k•: da. thirds to ant. >rr to' Chieago Live Stock. relief. "!!1b L flim, user." 1r moi\ sg. 1 TF.K 4'0.. tlrnnfaeturen of '.Menr.r-
The Remarkable Part. _ o �. state dairy. cotranon to finest. IDr to l Ca1CA(7O. Aug. 3a- 0 ttle�iiant�ta, turning to Imo. lung.- ^rr prelvi ed to delllrr to any part of
One day some Americans on a visit x pr(xesr cqu,noe, to extr.1 la• to wheat Cgp; martet, ataasly b t¢rmg: \ Ills town Brlfa.f UiTr Ale In pinta and
2'.'yc; western Initiation creamery, firsts, 0wrenm to pHme teen. M to ter; cows• quart.. sd.o Mineral tl'ater, In three ,ire.
to Wales ezpeeuwed s tvfah to n I :Vy1r to etc: second.. Is(re wear. , to rias: netters, S to 0-31,; brio.. 1 t•Dnr.. {ince and quart.L Meitner Water ,rsl
receipts. t.. S:Y. State. Ik.able Ftsla. Th + ,road. are made frons
certain old and historic Church. ¢411 rm 16: oatves. f$ to p. etodows'oai - - - natural mineral water. and are uhsretore terse
A too lemaed gull creani, .,Sall, ru , Lt A, sue, 17c•; do. t tteeiers. Cha to M. from all hnpuritlea P. I. WALTUN. ?tan.
111CnmbeDt was sly-' P w:litr, 1'M: foie , Ro rely LAc W 1244V': rip• a�_Renelpts, spout L,000: tnwAat, alter. •1•nnar �,1.
show them around, especially es be be,\,,ir
olored. floe. 12%,'. do, white. 12%c; lac to 5i. Idgyw; ch4in+ 1rr+e1
neved it would end In a donation being ordinary 6.0 gca.i, Ile to L•+ve; skim, WX to $6.10: Hgttt b-cbswW,Ifght maxed.BLS to I&W argaee 11gLtgiven to his parochial funds. lie in _Ftrm; re. elptm less. leas.lVanb iuiJ +irarb)• tank>' HelneteJ M''• t° Ca' Dia'ZSsO to $6.s, titss. Tillala
as proud of the school am he is of tes 4u Presirom was fairly ao-
9k• to J0.•: do. good M .-hnlce, "Ic r[6.w church wel tlnlmhcd uy by a*L•1¢gbrown •and mixed far". 31c to Me;' fere and prices Idris �y � A Good -fitting tting A. R Y ADAMS
them to there also and inviting them I firm[ exttx first. Lc to Iles Jarauhi buytru t• TaaCnRR or Pull
g that this W71aR was for foi•elgn eCee�l:.
6.0 gttestlo¢ the s[�otare. ' I 1 fbtlarted reoetpts for tomorrow: Wbe"
(1pe of the party accepted the latlta•
MARKETS. to ' = cars: tort`• 6.i•' ewer, osts. 507 cis; Sl1nd\Iti Bank of lfentrud aleck.
Uaa . ; he" 17,g• h..d Wel/=tailored - _-
"( sn you teO me, 11111e boy," be sell Cables or-Allogs Higher at ad1Ca!
to one led, "who George Wmabington
"(ss, Imrr," said be; "he Wass a
'Merryean gen'ral."
"Quite t'lglrt." aald the American.
"And call you tell me what (leorge
weabllagton was maistriabie for?"
"lea, a=, he was remd rkable 'cos
'e wines a 'Iderryran an' told
t r rwth."
The Amerism didn't quurstbn for-
t Der.
The Tea Taster.
What are a tea taster's duties? ll .
roust distinguish the mUture of tw
blends; point out In each separate In
t,tanm If the mtxturlw are of equal
grades; be must know to a nicety th
diCerence between a pure brand an
-in inferior one; he mast know the
taste of every individual sort of tea -
not an easy thing. when it Is remem
bomil that tmmndH of tra are many a¢
The blends are constantly being re
Mended. In tell years' time a tell
taster cannot be deceived as to the his
tory or nationality of any tea In th
world. lie can prevent his firm from
being deceived, for be has drunk le
with milk, cream, lemon, straight
served according to the rweullar wlsl
of every nation. Ile is split to ('bins
Japan, Russia, India, to study the to
brew of each tea drinking nation.
Careful Boy.
Two American tourists on their way
to Abb otxforl were in doubt about the
neo! to take and the time It would oe
cnp.i to get there. Halling a lad whc
happened to be passing, th,y put the
necessary questions. The native re
tilled by showing the route, but did not
know how long It would take to gel
there. Tito tourists rrwdmed their
,ourui,y, tint find senrrely gone a hon
(!red yards when a shout from the bx,t
u11de them turn.
"It will take ycm an hour." called th.
tum' at the Writ (if his voice.
"Then why the drum didn't you tPl'
ns that harem?" rvtnrnal one of the
A nwrlesnv.
"1 couldnn till ye afore i knew hoc
fast ye cook[ ware "
A Beautiful Bull.
'Tin for"man of n grand jar} ! e the
tae) of ireland had b,t+an ptvsentr•i
tW moan pubtlimrr•vire with a golf'
wtllb, of which he was very proal
Md M be dfltpla7rd It at a dlmrr of
the pearl jury brim were trade In
vleaobrrs.as to wbrime walls! sees moal
arruwaie At bad (ars-one +tetirstr(
that 7111 snow kerpan.m6.e len:; man.
'('IIIc' Haiti the fbeegnaa, '1h•mplif-M
drmrsily fdneR thstl Ttftre % a ran
deal In ave garden. and vd11 tsb s
lam vn mad drekte• the •batt, tad vow
Ptrur�r �f+sel hills a UgaM b -s
vtllaeY+ltet:tte4e landlss4 � .three
erwwB Rdegler.etaeloAtsr ye:ttTtt•e
ty ataotpt that big fm taw_ His herr
sena rel, Ito den stud• dos V atm
9W it [fad] ` <x�rr^verbsw be
A clean Points. f••"�
,.,b:,H are Dr. Johnson 4mys In his "Grammar d
Or & a :4
,tra,tl at Ilz„- t 11'4x' per ih.. .Irr+..r�1 the I tD Teague." •-ILe comparison
Is I
AA T. Rulaxa ov. Y D.
weirht, rrfdx.r. beef quoted at d adjlectIRB is very uncertain and,
lu per Ib. been
K. Tvitiam(.•IJ. R. FL
!hero... Hamilton 8tre'et \ '1'Aone Ie2.
much kited b c¢minodiaaa•
e Stock. g ° y
Terento Junct%k.
Dr. F:mmenun's re.4denee, t. 11Hr Id'..trn t.
sew d u"efance, Ia not txally . Zee
Oppt-Ice Victoria ,treat ellumll, 'phone art
TORONTO JUN, .%OR. 9g.- duped to rQb.
Rt•mipts of live sthe Union
\Lair t„ }oar melee (rnm new-
Dr.Tur. Shaw'" residence,
Then bequotes pasmages from
Pluck 1'ahlr wereleads, run-
Irian of 21M cattle, 2 holt, 292 she• i dhre I.oW' In which the words 'Ytr•to-
ca cloth" ill uu•dium and light-
and lambs, 3, calves and olumesC and "powevfullest" are itmand
tc.•ights, ac
and a from "Sammoa A n-
Exporter. I passage R(/
Space on omun • boats nu te1DYWell" which contains the woe'ef "fa.
+fpecW 11"Aon to Fye. Fwr. Nae .red
Throat. IM1(w and n.lArnce, old flank of 1(nn
real, opposue IbatoAl(r, Nest .t.. Ooden. h.
rearm, caused n little more a fluffy. matafot"
I Telephone No. IN.
but prima were no Meter. Fxpr err. 8--ly Milton had an ear. -Notes at1S
-- --- - -
1n the true .bnme sit the
trom $5 to $6.26 per cwt., the bulk .f Queries,
�g _
the Met class selling at 15 to tt--
per cwt.; common unanimMtd light. Tough F..
- -
e / R18TFItF solicitnn,
we{ght exDortere gold ttOrtt $4.56 to la a lila 7.ealalld taws one at aha
notslrla., eta (Mire,
I amWun"t-, rlllyd doortrom ualV, uoeerirh,
$t per cwt. hulls said at $iTb pal eindidates, a prono¢pasd
j4.40 fxe cwt
yy (.
(Int. 16., U. ('AMKRO\, K. J. L KIL
had received a present d a
- - -
Out -tide of tw- or these leads that huge Scotch thiWe, which at the me.
meet happened to be lying on fa-
were bought for r;port, there were Pipe 7
L r�tp
:,om in 111m M�time (f rt, etto. (mceb�bst meo
cat- of bis See roam. A R'kDd,
tier good well m. friend,
8q mar r, next door 1'• A. Ydrn'. gro ry. IM
_ -- . -
het. and o en
ale on the markM, and more d the lrlt!ling, withdrew• sirddeety, with tie
rate furidw to lord wL hexa rn d Internet.
firrhated clam would have sold readlly• remark: "I beg yow pardon. I didn't
W. PROUDFO(yr. K. C. IL C. HAYS. U. r
Picked lots of prime cattle mold nt
know you mere at •"
$4.76 to $6.10 per cwt, but they were
scarce; medium mixed loads 84.26 to -•
' 84.50 per cwt. (•oa,mon $3.2.5 ro $1815: ' Net a S
cows 82 to 84 per cwt. One load of poefdtjrlilt-
! RIt1TKttF, attorneys •onelton, etc.
Ualefleh. Money to tend mi lowest rates. R
An2btis Mother A iia on are Dot
the tart tlrltesre Seen ort the rnnrket Dt' 7
for Home time, 1100 Ibe. each, that thinking of marrying youPR (1arksan.
cost $6.26 in the country, were not soli, He Hpeftth eve" rent he earns. Pref
for the following lines:
insumnae. Loam etc.
am nobody seemed disposed to Day the ty Daughter--CH4 writ, lis doesn t earn
pedes aid er the to rich Ta, hush
Fomdffa and Stssirsrm
Brantford Roofing,
A Eptate and Inennlnce Agents. Real
-A_-_ __
Ons toad of NO the. feeders wolf! at i -
Wefor ,afror to let. Prepe•r11oa handled In
$826 per cwt.. which were eeparted M a good dinner ciao,
be used .unallty mitten. I balm be In ane sans _ $rlmf5k.
Garden Hose and
any pert of the tun n and "minty. Fire and
"foray W lull etc.
us ",Hart,"",
Flttings, .
, - effective Monday, August 26th.
noIWRlen. Irate . 7:4, a.m. (:110 p,m. To o, leave.... Alrl a.m. 'Y:i