HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-8-29, Page 5i+
.-acs. ,•r, -w , , , , r ,. es, ,. 'tttrppie d �f%' Rvt�t: ,; "v., "V,. Y's f9, ate iia it *"'4e',,t 1,"' Y^' 't �. ,
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THE SIGNAL: GIODERiCIf• ONTARIO Taosa,DAT, Appet 29, 1807 11
1'HE G. C. I REUNION °tondville; Rev. R. McIntosh, of I Y. Hayden, Ooderich, and redpmtdrl
. . Itlorly altd Dr. Armstrong, of Mit• to by Oeu. R. Ooldou, of
H. l` Ilk W Am�
ICseGaasd naso pees a l A vote of thanks on behalf of the
visiting ex -students was tendered to
the local committee for their work in
'leave school for good with apparel#. preparing for the reunion, w which
and perhaps real, gladness and relief, the chairman made a suitable re -
interested only in the new life upon• sponse. Mr. Blair in the course of his
in� before them, but in later remarks expressed the desire, un Ise-
IIfA these I pit ils come to realize half of many Of the ex•etudents, that
that their ac)IoOl life is an ex- the i4ollegiaw Institute tru►tee Ixtard
perience they can 'have but oy.n�shou1tl, perhaps next year, give Dr.
their old sehoolmates and tiTd Strang leave (if absence for thr•e•o or
teachers have becowe a part of their fouls months in Order to allow Aim to
lives, and that In a real aense they Ile- take it trip to Europe.
long to one another. It was cuuceiv- L Banquet.
able (he would not admit it posaihle)
that they might have had a better On Friday slight the concluding
teacher, and a finer lot of school -fel- feature of the reunion was reached in
Iowa; but these were the ones that the banquet which was held NIL lintel
memory would mon and more bring Bedford. The tables were filled and
back to them. the gallery of the diniulg-rouur was
Professor Robertson alluded to some crowded, and the room presenteml a
of the attractions on the program of very gay scene with its decorations (if
the reunion, but sold, "After all we fl le and with the happy faces of the
ourselves are the greatest attraction," I ladies and gentlemen who were
union was somelhinK like s ga1,11 urumld the festive board.
mutual admiration society, and, After justice had leen done to the
ver Wendell Holmes says, if a excellent repast provided b Must
s not a member of a mutual ad. Davis, S. F. Washington, KY C., of
ion society he is not worth much. Hamilton,, wok charge of the Coast,
Robertson said be could not list. He narrated the eery Of the
the predominating features of Irish private who went up to tilt-
Mr.trsng a character, but all had felt sergeant and said, "Say: blister, if a
ue power, just as the botanist private should call a sergeant a
all a flower to pieces and yet monkeyfaae, what would happen w
a to find the source of its per- hint?" 'Tu the guard -house,' was
an charm. One element in his the answer. "Well," said till- private,
a teacher was that he, hal "supposin' instid of callin' hills a
t d •eloped the {sower tit grow- munkey-face he just thought it inhis
d, had a freshness of inter- muind, what would happen to him
In respondingto tho troaat 110111
Uuunlry," R. V. Cameron, of fuck
now, "aid Ile was our Of the uld hoy"
of 11178 and wait to nitwt t he olel
Ix)ysand young glr1, of twenty-nine
years ago. He made it very intetelt-
lug speech Oil 04,111114114, which he de-
clared wait goinglf to lie one of thr
great nations, of tilt- world. Hr weld
Mack to the time when our country
wits a mere string of scattered prov-
ince" and praised Lilt- foresight (if the
fathers of Cunttsleralion, of who'll
ugly two now remained. `is, Charles
'supper and Senator• A. A. Melsohald.
He alloke Of tilt- extent, progreks Aod
possibilities Ot, Uallatha, and said lie•
Kl'PAt prublt'nl better" lilt' stunts• N'a.
that "f assimilating the fortyy rs.diffelvul
'lutionalities within hherIsrl'de"A
Strang Old bitys," lie maid, "let ull a>•
sist in Laying t/ruad foi n tat iuus,"
Proposing the -Old TOW" " Ur.
Haulilton, of Uornwall, said that 4111 -
ing the last fete dayo hr hal Ix•en un
almost every street of iht' old Luwu.
There Was not a sLre/'t that W4`I 1101
as familiar an his Own 1141114', but h. -
noticed the Old landsluu•ks of his how, -
haxd's days were cruolbliug daily to
give place to mansions. I)n account
of its air, its sunsets ,and its Kcnelal
comfort, he thought there was u"
place like Lialerich.
In re" xlnding. Dr. 7�•iyl1or cpuk'e of
tilt' le;t thfnlnl•ss Ili the t"N'n and
said he would nut atdviw any da low it,
locate here. levoill w lit. would slut yet
anything to it(,. 114,vout'll-I fur Dr.
Strang's Knoll pllysioal couditit'-
.._ ..: .... ...............1 •••rt,,. 111,1
elude the two old schfxd+. the old
J. M. Field, It. 4., the prt-vnt priu-
grammar ,shall and the high school
il)A, sea ....... Y11A bill).
"r Collegiate, of the first of which -hl
'••' t"% ^'
wax is failed.
Mr. Melhidr, who was Mr. Ntrang'-
flirt assistant in tile. lilsierich high
t< .• �...'
school. 'and who is now in the in-
eiOran a lousiness Ilt. Willllilx•K, Illad.
11.tVince. Its K1aJ1lalen art- lodav
A hionor us sim—ech. telling a"lllf•-
i' : ry
d how .• n
thingnls"rt himself cuhwa
,•, r
aged w corse to the reunion. Ile
Du.ue ill distant I:oxl.. I
(riticizwd the action of slow. U. 1'. I.
The Kruwlh of lbs srh"nl is shown
ttustc• honed in reducing Dr. Slrallg*'
i.v til. - dates at which wHilinn, to tile-
.alai 1, when he- grave up the priucipad-
ship and threw wit. the- Kui;grstion for
.411110111.•, assistant e"nstitlltedtile- staff
ill(- board that It \hoiald lx' pl:l-si tial
1111til Iti7P1, wh•n. ,t third teacher wits
ihr Old tlgum. Eulogizing tilt- Kunst
hr till hie its 1
appoin,r.l. A f"north was suldtrl inShepp:areltun.
01f tier .-veninK , referrca
• vl.i r.. '+ "+ t r .:
•• ' ' - 1 ,
one of whom i t Wight Ix• said. ,
"Niles, honor and nw llf.' nrr one;
l',.LU Nasal, t ,el,OI.ew all.t IW lire L d.n,r.•
TT RR �.✓- - i.
F. S. iingnrth, R. A•. l nor
r Scor N•hiln hf•
rhnt•xc•trrislir of tiewhie
/ • ;,
.:till vertalr ly hill not helorl is to Ila'.
1, -allK. It was Paid of she Srtt that
:110at tier present tittle.
he. sept tine Sabbath ,old everything
7'he plesent buildmio ',or at )cast the .
ckr he could NV his hands 0111, but t ht-
original portion of it I war+ er.rtrd in
at'filligit lys•Ilf•YY Whi"ll this Illlphed
w•:el lilt dirowt Opposite (if 1)1'.
Iaifl.-in which year the gvnlllasiuun
stranK s character.
we -%built, prrpnralory In tier srhool'e
Afterdrinking to the health of "Thr
im•ingmult•aUullrgiate Inst it u. e.
wild N,txter,"the gnthePing hmkr in1O
til.• strain" of "lids it Jolly GO"d
Fellow," followed by three cheers and
;a tiger.
Dr. Strang was most happy in his
reslx)nse, and Phowrd by his manner as
H. 1. STRANG, B. A.. LL. D.
much as by his words 11"w greatly It,.
appreciated the expressions that had
Hugh Innis Strang N•al, born :at Glilt in GIII. the Pim of Rev. Ja ale"
pine fr•nill Ilia old student". Laviifg
9t for Aquarter Of a rentury the pastor "f onenf the- P•,reshyterian
aside rce•ry vislige "f tier scan"d-
g; Thr date Of his birth coincides -with the date of the
eburcht s in Oa I.
u„al,t•r, he wad in :a simpti-, unatfected
establishment of the Gotlerich grammar "tool with which he wax des-
way of his life• how he had dune t"
tined all Ilecome xo prominently identiflyd. ile wax one of Dr. Tasxie's
enter the profe"sion• how he grew t"
pupils xt O:►IC and in lilts- graduated from the l:rliven/ity Of TOrunt"
101st' the work, the discuuragemrntP he
with the degree of B. A. He dates his career as a teacher from Jan-
h.ul had. the rrlistakete he had Inrule,'
ustry,l+sib. For six months he taught in a country school. and in
and what he hall tried to do. and nuttte
August of that year he went to Owen Sound as assistant in the united
tt'nder r•efrrwneeP to hi" family and
high and public wbad. There he rime its successive steps until in IW1•4
home life, revealing unl ou"cin11sly the
he was aptfD1inked principal in succession to Jesurr-x Preswu. In Octo-
headmaster the Octderirh
plan of strong purpose, high ideal and
ler, 1971, be succeeded the same man as of
high school, and this position he continued to fill with great benefit to
witrn affections. He gr etwl his Old
laapil. avid Paid he would like to in.
the school and credit to himxe•If until 1111A. when he vOh11tarily relin- I
(tilde his lin44lib•in-law• if tier Wives
the duties and rrsponxibilitie•s of the principalship in order to
and huelmands Of his fnruler pupils
able go enjoy more leisure. He still retains the position of classical
would accept the r0atiOnship. Ht -
master on the staff of the school, and looks gaol for many morn years
said he hardly felt as if he were tilt -
of work in his loved vocation. Dr. Strang is the author- oil several
man his pupilx took him t" Is'. AA
text -books.
I)liver Wendell Hoboes puts it, there
waP John Smith as John Smith thinks
he ix• John Smith as, pe-ople think he 'tit,and
John Smith As his ('reactor knows
W. ev n In matters of mere scholar. '-Nothing." "Oh, well, then, we'll joist
him. He was afraid his 41d pupil-orship.
There were many men who early lave it go at that." Applying the
wert' rating him too high; but ht,
rromoi d the dead line I who existed, but story, Mr. Wsnhington said there were
hoped when he came to) render hi"
could not be. said to he alive. Mr. it grrnt things hl• would like
account his Creater's opinion world be
1 at m:tn
Strang was not one of thew. A second to Ilse about1 r. Strang, a great Y
m i ban his
nearer that Of ilia old., l Ix p I t
feature was his bigbmindednesa, which things that he had in his mind, [pit(
Own. He had found out that pe•r•"On-
had been such a power for good. Again, if Dr. Strang wo111d take them as said
alit}• and Pyrapnthy counted tilt- roarer
Mr. Strang had devoted himself he would ',joint lave it go) at thaf."
in tearhinK than mere scholarship.
Heat and foremost to his work and had The toast list and program was car-
He had always tried to treat all re -
given himself w his pupils. He hal• rind tall its follows :
llgious belief" fairly, but he felt that
moreover, never been guilty t2 us, Tilt- King—•'Ooxd Saar the King
the, principles of. morality were sonle-
affectation and had never worked )lel- Osir 1'ountry -_- 1'rolxned by \Ven.
thing a teacher should seek to instill,
rd. privies. Ie, 4;Id s -richt and reeopemdtd to ley
flshl for recognition or rearossu
and he wax going [sack after tilt-
sor Rosaid that he world not it. 1). Cameron, of Lnrknow.
carat ion to teach moraality' Ili( Nil.than
may Mr. Strang had for theme last many Solo. -The Vet -run's Sang," It. N.
ever. He felt that it, was utterly
years been )Ate tint citizen of Oode• Merritt. H. A„ Peterboro'.
wrong that there should Ile an idea
rich, but he knew of no one more The Old Town — Propoevedi by Dr.
that a different standard of morality
worthy of the title. C. J. Hamilton. of Cornwall, and re.
wait demanded from a woman than
No remuneration in terms of money aQonded to by Dr. Taylor, of the G.
frfint a Mars. and that it should be
could repay the work done here by i✓, 1. truster board.
thought a man souls,. do things In pull.
Mr. , ttaug. His salary was like the Solo, "The Adndral's Broom," A.
lir life which would be emisidrmd
t allowance one gives bin wife, which no Sutherland.
wrong in private• life.. (Applause.)
one thinks of as a recompense for the 1 The Old School—Proposed by S. F.
w bWill.
)le thought he wonhk laelopt I lie met g-
in the itfternom
love end devotion of a lifetime. The Hick, Goilerich, respondel .
geRtion thrown out
only fitting payment was in terms of McBride, M. A., of N-inniplerK• H S•
and takt- a trip to the l)Id l'tunlry
StrangR if the
resppeecct and love and imitation. Hogarth. R. A., Of 11amilton, and
Parker, Owen Sound.
with Mrs. next year
6imlelrveuf alsenee.
IM,Robertson complimertted John of
hoird would giver
the committers in charge of there- The Old Maater—Prolmsel by John
union on the perfertnese of the Elliott, B. A., of Howmanville, and
In proposing "The Aboent," hr.
arrangements, with ,the possible ex- reslxnded to by Dr. Strang.
Hayden referrel to tilt- many letters
ception of the committee on the At this point the vin• -chairman. J.
that limAl come- to the hands Of the
weather. He thought the clerk otthe A. McLaren, of Toronto, took cliarge
committee from ex -pupils whO could
not be here for the redni"n, and in re-
sponding Mr. Oordon rrlade to very
pleasing address, suggesting the
th"ught of the many till Over the
world who were prolan fly thinking of
what was going on at the reonion line]
jtiningin apperit with thug who were
present. Hr objected It Mr. Mc -
Bride's speaking Of his (Mr. Mclh'ide's)
corning froln the Nest. N innileg• he
raid, was in middle CamuLa and Jlr. Mc-
Bride did not know anything about
But the arrnr
ncrnent of the Pandora flues differs consider•
ahiy from others. Tiley are so constructed that the dreft for
Laking is also d:: lust for cooking, the heat circulating around
the oven tttice and under every put hole before passing up
? the chimney.
The Pandora bakes and cooks perfectly
at the same time.
Do you know of another range that does?
If your lo, al do I"r does not sell the Pandora write direct
lows for Free Booklet.
London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. John
E. P. PAU LI N, Local Agent.
f,,I• thirty-four veal•, tu111 in 11113
.leuuit- Man—ii, U-sleric•h.
J. M. Field, It. 4., the prt-vnt priu-
Mr.. St. lien. Price (Georgie Afar-
il)A, sea ....... Y11A bill).
till). IIIPII'1')I'll.
Ile Isir„ the schpd was (I:tssl•d as a
E'va V. Smith. Ooderich.
01114giat'. Inslilntt•. and it has always
Lillian M. \\'ebslor, liOderich.
le.•n one 14 tht• IP•a-ku01ta•n in.titl-
Mrs. It. W. Heid.(Berthaa Farrow),
tions of me'-udary e.lacation in the
Brooklyn. N. Y.
11.tVince. Its K1aJ1lalen art- lodav
Mrs. It. Johnston (Emily Curran),
ttullig positions lit lo"11ltr slid r'rspotin-
ihility ;III Oyer till c"ntinrut, and
Hattie V. Dtneigh, Go derich.
Du.ue ill distant I:oxl.. I
H. Pre -,tau Stranoc, Goderich.
The Kruwlh of lbs srh"nl is shown
Vesta A. Watson, Goxlerich.
i.v til. - dates at which wHilinn, to tile-
Mrs. Bogiv (Annie Burrows), Oode-
tl•:IrhinK stelT w•e•rr w:"Ir. \I r. Str:InK
r irh.
.411110111.•, assistant e"nstitlltedtile- staff
Mary J. Driver, f;oderieb.
1111til Iti7P1, wh•n. ,t third teacher wits
bars. liraharu (Eulily Johnston),
appoin,r.l. A f"north was suldtrl inShepp:areltun.
Itis•, a llfth in It,11, and it sixth in
Edith M. Heide 17 Grange Road,
Isla, and the staff ,till ri-maitls at this
nunda•r, There N.•1.•- alx,ut sixty
EthelN•vn E. Will, 1.Ondon.
pupils two the Ire g i s t e or in iLroI
Hattie M. Downing, BI-11Iseln.
and the nundier has incl eased toabuut
Blanche V. A. Watson. Oadericb.
:110at tier present tittle.
Stella (ii•egory. Exeter.
7'he plesent buildmio ',or at )cast the .
Oweredulinr Cullalrne,11:11) Q S tenet,
original portion of it I war+ er.rtrd in
Washington, U. C.
was enl"rged ill IKiil and attain in
Jruuir 1'tva(dfuur, (ioderich.
Iaifl.-in which year the gvnlllasiuun
Eliza McMillan, Port Albert.
we -%built, prrpnralory In tier srhool'e
.Iran A. D"trgI" Taylor, Baty Cit7.
im•ingmult•aUullrgiate Inst it u. e.
Alice R. Sharman, Prince Albert,
A11•01. E. Jennings (blavy Moor-
house). Pinrnnniog. Mich.
Clara Sharluan, Thefxbore. Sask.
Those Who Were Present at the
Mrs. J. E. Nelson Otinnie Yateiel'
The ftllOwing is a fairly' c"utpl,,1e
1'• L. Crasxweller, Sarnia.
Sara Dickson Crassweller, Sarnia.
ilei .d the ex•sludtnls aha welt' pars-
Marion Dickson I roud[oot, Ucxie-
e'nt at the itucion, although "nulls-
her faired to u•gisler :
Agnes B. Dickson, (:alerich.
Mir.) John 1)dlnnl, W"(xlmtf ck•
Nellie Morris Robson, PetrolCa.
(Dr•.I l'..1. fl:uuilt"o, CONnwall•
HatttieJohnson, Galion, Ohio.
(No -v.) J. .'rt- Stewart, Detroit,
bl ich.
A. Ihlwle", 13rlfaPt.
(Continued oil page i.)
H. H. IAmg. Ihtngaunnn.
----- --__--.—
Mrs Stickier iMaty S wence) Win-
field. [
Jean NI. Spence, Metz.
11. Vtaughan, 1;Ode•rieb.
ch i�teiia \l. ,Int P
r Intu n, l';u•luav,
M-11 Sillels. Sal les, N. D.
Clain' M. Am{'lstine, (Itederich.
Emilia A. Ho :olh. Exeter.
Jean IA.vt-ll, `\lucrlcr.
Nina Kilpat'ick. Crew...
Margaret Kil -atr•irk, Crewe.
flattir Price lays, Ooderich.
Fred. It. I l ice, Sault. Sit-. Marie,
(Rev.) Aichd. McKihbill, B. A.,
lieu. M. Howard, Make.
Mattie M. SAIOIs(�., iA)VAl.
Not 114. Rohl, %h Donald (Winnit-
Johnxtlmtl, Kinhtil.
Flory MacIAssl, Kintnil.
Lilly Ferguson, (:clow.
Mrs. G. H. Woodward (Marion
Orient), CanninKton.
Miura 1). ftutht-rfmA, St. Ht-11•ns.
F.lisaleth S. Miller, SL. Helens,
Junnit-Str,aug Halmos. Mount Forest.
Cur,( B. Hnbrrt,, Ih llgnnnnn.
Lulls• E. 3e471A'All, DilllgAllo011.
1'ranre•. E. MrLearl, Duilg,annon.
Marie %"elluet :%iac1A•Ix1, DOnI"p.
Annie Weatherard, Elkhorn, Man.
Olive M. Tomei•, 'Toronto.
Isabellaa Porter, lialeiich.
Francttolt IIhwk•. Toronto,
Eva Cattle McIA•all, O"de -Ich.
Frnilie Huchan,ul. (itArrich.
A. E. blatheslan, liOdorich.
Alice Craigie, (i"derirh.
Ethel Farrow, li"derich.
Minnie K. Mr Vit tit-, Otdelich.
Elixe Tye, OiIitwA.
11ree. W. E. K(Ily (Weil 1Cil"ou).
tier N est. Ht' told Aomethlng alsarf--..-
his c"untry and srtggt'stel thlt instr:ul
— of taking a trip to flu• tad ('"111111 y Ili-.
and Alr•P. Strang should visit 11'eetth•n
Gonadal re•nlarking that if they did e"
every PI"p un their way t" 1.110• (roti;(
he tnarkcd by a welcornl-from
the D"ctlr'" forcer pleVris now sett-
lor -r tered tli•onghrenr file \`'e"t.
The gath(•ring broke a at 2:30 a. tit.
with the mingingof "Auld Lang Syne."
GoderieIN Collegiate institute.
The Ofxlerich Ornnlmnr School wax
Opened in the year ]sit. Rev. It. F.
GODERICH COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. Camplell, the localChnreh of Englund
\ clergyman, Iwing the first principal.
He re"iQnell after six rlhnnthm and Nras
weather, being a scientist. was weak o the r ram and the followingsucrrelyd by Rev. A. McKenzie, writ
g Prig remained ax prinripal until 1811. when
In his Latin, and had minundArstond t .tis Nrre ofuly honO1'ed : John HRIdRtle became the prinei Iml.
the schemrl motto, 1iPalmam non Rine Profetwsione—Prcglosed by Rev. The school nalay Ise amid to have inKPI1
pulvAre," intterpPseting it, "You can't Jae: A. Anderson, H. A., of town, and itx real start under Mr. Haldaiw. Ht-
have a big eelephMion without dust." rem hdel t/ an follows : war the Pole Iexcher and mnde use Of
The speaker, with the imlque sunset Th Minixtry--Bev. J. Ute Stewart, monitors after the old Scotch system
of the evening before in his mind, con- of neptriit. in which he had been trained. The
eluded with a gl•ayeful comparison of Fduc�ton--C. L. CraRRweller, R. A., attendanre at the Rchool dnring his
Dr. Strang to the nun, which no one Sarnia ; M. Field; B. A., principal time xeaem%,,,h-'
e averaged thirty or
paid parUcular heed to during the of thll 0� C. 1. ; Pnhlic School in- forty. IlntinnMi
das principal
early part of its coturse. when it wax Spector J. F. Tom, and J. H. Tigert, until Ifwt, n heirextynedl And. an
doing its teal work, but which, PA it principal tot the OOderich Rathlic nor renders are aware, he Is xpendi111
proceeded down the western sky, ate schools. his declining years in Toronto. A
tainted increasing splendrnw, just as Medicine— Odlum, W(ltedstock. IatMe number of Mr. }laldxne's pupile,
Mr. etrang, in the afternoon of his Law—O. F.\8 -r. Ooderieh. have sincet attained distinction in
life, was attracting the attention Thew, Prevent —W, H. Robertson ant varioux apher•s and reflect luxtre upon
which his well -spent life hal won. JAmes Mitchell ,\ Ooderieh. their old teacher.
A number of letters from shsenlees Commmes minrh industry—Proprmred Mr. Haldane was snccerdid by
no ted by 13ev. James Wilson, of by W. H. We>rllen, Toronto, mind re- Jarnex Preston, B.A., whit had had the
Toronto, and brief Addresses were spoleded to by A. 111milindervo. of town. united charge of the gmmmmir and
given by C. L, Crassweller, B. A., of The Lwdlss — P p� 11 by Rev. J. public schools at Owen blrrrrnd. Mr.
Sarnia I Jobn Mllott, B. A., of Bow- C. Bold, B. A., H. - et Nil•, and rn- Preston died in 1871 and N. 1, fitrang.
manvllle t Dr. C. J. Hamilton, of sponded to by A. D. x, of Chica�. B.A., was then appointed heaelnrastfr.
Qftwatl I Oso. W. Somas, of lief• The Absent— by Dr. W. Mt'. 4tt'anR coattswd to this pWtlon
� f
•,I, Goud solid wear and real
comfort in our Men's
and stand the walking
which you will certainly
f?el like doing when you
wear them.
All the best makes, in
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Easy to get a fit. Easy
shoes to wear andhard to
wear out.
is abloom with newness.
Everything for Men.
Very often the reason why one "Rapid Calculation" is not only
accountant gets through more workQracties, there is a " method "as
in less time than another, thereby ane method we teach, but the
earning an enviable reputation for Practice remains with your
quickness and cleverness, is simpOur large, illustrata ea is
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because he takes advantage 9f every detail the various subjects we teach
Short method possible. and shows the advantage of A
Simply amazing how flaw know the Business Educators' Association
many arithmetical short cuts—how Diploma.
few can do simple arithmetic ques- Demand for our graduates exceeds
tions rapidly and accurately. the supply.
momdms of meioses Zdocamm' J. W. wtgn 2MT.
Asismisladomes' rvbslssl. hello.
We are offering a large trunk with extra dress
tray, heavy brass trimming, brass Excelsior lock, for $5.
This is
A SAVE OF $1.50
for any person wanting a good trunk.
Brass Trimmed Suit Cases
from $2.00 up.
We will tell you that
we have the largest stock
` of
in Western Ontario. The best bakers, fuel savers
and easiest managed stoves made.
We sell only tried and tested goods and our
prices are the lowest.
Let us figure on your, Electric Wh'ing, Heating and
Hardware, and Stove Stores,
c l>+!*s£°. � .,-`�"� o '.: �. �•, fa4H*'��+ :roa...^®"tt,n� Y". we." n`w .� ,o. �{ . yl*".* ps`�,v�y,��,.;�''.�r�11�1.�� Tii:5. A�`*'i ..�:: w. ,. �a-:��fw°:�, .. f, 'Y" n' Iv. \-.
., s... ... •. A.xi . i.�.. .. v K �. ..i.1 . '.. ." ,,. . 5 ,.,. �, . , r $ 'P . e `$♦d dpP14rf 1�.— i
. � - _ , '°'�C,'e R�r�e �:�� awrx� ,�t. •is, a.,i �,e ;�.:•
: ■
I i
The sea'1OIt is comities almig fast, . when you will
\\(lilt al
We invite .von to call an(l see oar complete' line
of Will, iAlck Stove Cos. Stoves alid Ranges. Rad-
iant ]ionic Ifeater and happy Thought Ranges.
We have a number of other makes which we are
offering cheap in order to clean out.
When doing your fall painting do not forget
S. We P.
In Plumbing, heating and Tinsmithing every-
thing tip -to -date and fully guaranteed.
Store 'Phone 22 House 'Phone 112
� f
•,I, Goud solid wear and real
comfort in our Men's
and stand the walking
which you will certainly
f?el like doing when you
wear them.
All the best makes, in
all shapes, sizes and
widths, are here.
Easy to get a fit. Easy
shoes to wear andhard to
wear out.
is abloom with newness.
Everything for Men.
Very often the reason why one "Rapid Calculation" is not only
accountant gets through more workQracties, there is a " method "as
in less time than another, thereby ane method we teach, but the
earning an enviable reputation for Practice remains with your
quickness and cleverness, is simpOur large, illustrata ea is
ly free. write for it. It explains irk
because he takes advantage 9f every detail the various subjects we teach
Short method possible. and shows the advantage of A
Simply amazing how flaw know the Business Educators' Association
many arithmetical short cuts—how Diploma.
few can do simple arithmetic ques- Demand for our graduates exceeds
tions rapidly and accurately. the supply.
momdms of meioses Zdocamm' J. W. wtgn 2MT.
Asismisladomes' rvbslssl. hello.
We are offering a large trunk with extra dress
tray, heavy brass trimming, brass Excelsior lock, for $5.
This is
A SAVE OF $1.50
for any person wanting a good trunk.
Brass Trimmed Suit Cases
from $2.00 up.
We will tell you that
we have the largest stock
` of
in Western Ontario. The best bakers, fuel savers
and easiest managed stoves made.
We sell only tried and tested goods and our
prices are the lowest.
Let us figure on your, Electric Wh'ing, Heating and
Hardware, and Stove Stores,
c l>+!*s£°. � .,-`�"� o '.: �. �•, fa4H*'��+ :roa...^®"tt,n� Y". we." n`w .� ,o. �{ . yl*".* ps`�,v�y,��,.;�''.�r�11�1.�� Tii:5. A�`*'i ..�:: w. ,. �a-:��fw°:�, .. f, 'Y" n' Iv. \-.
., s... ... •. A.xi . i.�.. .. v K �. ..i.1 . '.. ." ,,. . 5 ,.,. �, . , r $ 'P . e `$♦d dpP14rf 1�.— i
. � - _ , '°'�C,'e R�r�e �:�� awrx� ,�t. •is, a.,i �,e ;�.:•
: ■
I i