HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-8-22, Page 7:rVk+ Itldla i'el� 1 _.-.. THE SIGNAL : GODERlICH. ONTARIO t, ay of him week on mcemint of theiC. I. ren ion. Iwnt \Ve•dilewlray was Duugannuu'mcivic holiday !nd Am A tvrult the vil- Inge was very quirt. nowt of the pxrePIP spending\the doy elsewhere. A large number whit to Uoderich andAll mp ort A pleasant mIter\\ A. SmithiA spending a couple of w•w•k. ort At I,1 -And Hend. The pulpit durirg his alaenre miSunday last wens nerepie.l by Mr. Ttyloi And the work next Sunday will Ino taken by Mr. Gardiner. of Ashfield. CONONATULATwNN. We rongrttu- late Henson ('aur On hissevuringhi-senior leaving reitMestte tit the re- centexmnminatUouw, lir hevOrrd lash parts After tine yent'+ work, which is very creditable. We alut congraw- lAteR. Rutherford on *er•Oving part Of his senior leaving. DOngannon IseymArealways to the front. IrtPturvr.m rTm.-O, A41gtistine has built An Addition to his chopping mill, This was necessary un Account of growth of Imuin"s. lots. %%'hyard 4" h,ul a cement foundation huilt under the house rrrendy vacated by Mr. Sturdy. J. Medd is giving his *tithle a coat of lutist•whirl molds g�t'reletl"v to iG' appear•Ance. 11. Me. Nevin a house in hm•ing rapidly pushed Ahead And is nosv reruly fur the plAmt- errrr. LMEWE. MoND.w,Aug. loth. F:thee Trnpleton spent Thurulay with relatives here. Botx•rt COrmn, of Hamilton• is vis- iting relatives here at pm rnt. Mr. And Mrs. Hobert Higgins. spent A co41Ple of daym Inst week visiting relatives At Clinton. Cecil Hamilton, of Saltforl• spent A few of him holidmys last week with his uncle And Aunt, Mr. and Mr•s. R.Ahert HAaty. JJs. Taylor• of Huron township, oc- cuPie•d the pulpit in the Meth.disl church here on Sunday, the pastor, Rev. %V. A. Smith, beingRaway nn » holiday trip for twow-eekn.'N: BELFAST. MONDAY, Aug. 10th. Miles Minnie FAwarlm, of Toronto, is visiting her parents here. (i. MeC. Gilchrist, of Tortonto, ealltd On friends here Inst week. Mies LOvie McCrratle, Of Toronto, IA spending two months At home. Mrs. P. C. Carmichael, Of St.Minn., in visiting her mother here. Miss Lizzie Rutherford left on Mon- day to take charge of m school near Carlow And Miss Irene Wrxalm left onSaturday Ur fill s mimilar position in Tharnesville. EAST WAWANOSH.MoNDAv. Ang. loth. A lhmao WOMAN IiONK An Ps- teeMed remident. of Winghnni, form- erly a resident of thin township, pmm-M awny On Friday, 12th inmt. in the per•aem of Mrs. Jansen Mord. ll'he decexmrd diol notenJjoy the best of health all last winter, Tout since EANIPI•had been Confined to her home, with internal cancer. Mrs. F'orl m maidensante wAs Jane F. Mor•oulbe, ,end mhe wmle Isom near Brighton, Fn land, in 1911. She cAMP to CROATA when quite youngq, and while living in the IAin i f Darlington hw•aine »l•- ,gainte( with her futote ble, and• Nr. Anti %fro,. Pored haul enteral Oloo the fiftieth year of their marrieel life, and were hoping In relefirmte their RIfOlden wedding in March next. Mre. Ford liver) A ni(met exPanplary life, hAving imen n men1wr of the Methexlist. Church since *he wam fifteen years df me. In M2 Mr, and Alr*. Fortismoved to Fast WawanOsh, And shoot nineKenn w�!o went t4i reside in Winghnni. IN rot. Ford wan identified with the Women's Mis*ionary Society, and while health prrnittell was &I• ways foiind in her plu•e, whether of worship nr dishy. She leaven w la- rvnved humhnnd,and one dmugqhter, Milt Chan. Taylor, of \Vest WawAt. flesh. There Are Abse four sonm- W. L. in Month AfrivA ; Cleophmn, in Winnipeg Thouiam, In Fast Wawa. nosh, and John, in Sodbury. Ray. Canon Dann, of London,preach at Sf. Georg!g chutrh4ondAy. vWage. accosted him thus: Gentleman -1 suppose the air wng where you live? ViDsporthy--elrsuu' an' healthy, I abooW think age. l►. G.-Tisea Ira considered one of the beatihieet quarters nround here? V. W.- I should tbink ase. Tbere'm m muckle seeletless there. E. el- I should think not Have (sols never been sick? V. W. ---Keever! IE. G. -How do you account for that? V. W.- Wee!, ye sur, it's like thisTL0 doetoris kept mer a' ray life, au' be Pat lots me alone - Howe He Got a Drink. An Indiana traveling loan toll astory the other day of an Incident on the road He was In the smoking car of an express train reading hill paper when a man tushed In from the car behind the smoker, evidently In great agitation and said: "Has anybody In this car any whisky? A wooan In the car behind has fainted" Instantly dawns of flasks were produced. 'lire man who had asked for It picked out the kingest one, drew the cork and put the battle to hM Hps. With a long, sat tsfled sigh, he handed the flask back wad remarked, -rbat did me a lot of good, and I needed It, for ft always tsaakas me feel queer to see a woman fatal away!'Thee vat3earty W bats have the faculty of hibernating. Their hibernation, hnw svlr, b not perfect that Is to any, that when the warm days occur In the mdd die of winter they wake up, together wttL the insects which are their food. atm theirs 1s a true hibernation trance, from sleep, with very low rateof pulse, heart action and respiration. Probably they would endure Immer- aim in water for an hour or two nonfat drowning, as other hibernators baa Dien found to do. a Frappe, Peetta4grism pplP and cut It Into dice, these as small as potable. Ooner with three heaping copra of grasis�I sugar and and In a warm place tits -hours. Strain through a vegefabbeynas to ts�ict W the lake. Tin this add the Jntce of two lemons, ata.•tone pint of water. Turn Into a treses, add the unbeaten whites of two eggs and grind to a stiff trothSer"tfnaehilled gtases. LI w Farming ea Fens. Too prevent tion mmcfi to be dreaded Imes forming eon the face, It is a good pdn, after bathing with warm water and drytiog. to rub It all over with the ball of the thumb, TLL Wmulates the efrislatlton and atriongthenm the mnsets.' If there are deep lines ran - filing from the earners of the mouth to the earners of the nose lay the thumb silting them and then work it from side O►sags noted Rhs6srb Marmalade. "ag and-mtIn half inch pieces five po mods pink sktnaed rhubarb. Divide tweMs orwgtela in sections. removing Womb and the tough part of the skin. Part into+ prwsrvfng tattle: beat slow- tY to tea baWng point and simmer half an hoot. Add far pounds of augur. Cook om, far two D®then turn trict.- Woman's 1� World e REV. LOIE F. PRIOR. I I One of the Fow Women Ministers Who Preach to Large Congr•egioations. The Hes. I.uie F. Prior of Logaus Port. Ind., L a regularly ordained mlu. Inter and one of the few women of the world occupying pnlplln. Until reCent lie she was pastor of the First Spirit- uallst church of !Seattle, Wash., %s ith one of the largest congregations lit the city. She not only preachen sermons, but performs marriage evre muuley I �fNi,��lll 77 to 1 t ,A Y ro s ` / i Rev. LOlx F. Patna. conducts funeral ts•rvicem and ministers to the wants of tier cunt,-regatiun, like an orthodox preacbrr. She is now the guest of her daugh- ter In lwoganapurt uftrr having visited New Zealand, Australia, India, Egypt, Italy, England. Wales, Scotland and France. Most of her time was spent In Australia and New 7.ealand, where nightly for over a year she preached. Her success there was so great that she will return to the antipodes. While In Home Rev. Prior had an audience with the pope. She likes her work and cannot are why women would not make Just as good preachers as men. She claims that a woman can move a congrega- tio better than a man- Go don Lam o. For a small bed nothing can be more striking or more satisfactory and last - Ing than the bulbous begonia. This grand floral gens Is little known, 14 supposed to be difficult to grow and hard to handle. Theory and general belief In this Item, as In many others, are not borne out by practice. Four to six little bulbs looking not very unlike a flattened out potato can be purchased for $1, and, as they last In- definitely, they are far cheaper in the long run than annual purchases or planting. Thal top of a bulbous begonia bulb is cult shaped and when planted should remain protruding above the ground. It seems to matter little whether the spot In sunny, half sunny or shady. They do not appear to care much about the situation. and an ever Mounting bed In yours until frost Comes. Then pull them 'Yip, break off the great stems. shake out the dirt from their minute nota and toss them away on the dark closet shelf to wait for another year. A most satisfactory shrub that will set off any hpuae gallantly when plant- ed In a small place In the common snowball -the American viburnum. It Is not sufficiently honored. In the pres- ent craze of strange foreign shrubs It has been allowed to sink Into the background, yet whenever people este a real old fashioned (ouritry garden the snowballs in It are stare to draw ex- presalonm of delight. These 1s some- thing perennially virginal about this pure flower tree. it Is a cheap shrub. Don't be extravagant about buying a large one. It grown so tart that a few seasons suffice to give you n big ehrub from a small two toot plant provided you take care to see that it Is sturdy and vigorous at the time of planting. The hole you snake for a abrub often makes all the difference between poor growth atilt g(xNl. Isere Is a simple rule for planting your snowball and all other shrubs. Make the hole at leant twice As big all around as In necessary merely to ncconimodate lite rota. Throw some litter very little, however - Into the Notions and Jump on it to Pack It tight. Now throw the top soil Into the hull, first and pack It around the r(x)ts of the shrub with hands and feet, bit by bit. Pitt the bottom soil uu top, mix It with leaves, straw, ma- I uure or eveu avhe m to make It light slid parous and mwamp It with water Immediately after planting. The Care of Plumbing. The care of plumbing Is comparative- ly simple, but of the greatest Imp"r- tance. in building, buying or renting s hoose the plumbing should have very careful consideration. it In of the utmost Importance that the drains from the sink or water clomet should he properly trapped. which means that at some part of the Alpe which vote cannot also thus Ahnreld A plsapae r.ca of l not or ofe r- �4 0�4�84t ,sal! aY1Mt1 be easlbl not to wer- WUkdltsd, wbose alt, Should avoid woe Where is Your Hair? In your comb? Why so? Is not the head amuch bctterplace for it? Bc((erkeep whiffle left where it belongs! Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved formula, quickly stops falling hair. There is not a particle of draubt about it. We speak very posi- tively .bola this, for we know. Dore n.,t cAange tis obs of tin Ari,. u1. .$-it err4".sw 1. 4tiAe11r- .S d..'.r ..aO,,, 'see d. - be ..y. Indeed, the one great Icadin` feature of our new Hair Vigor may well be said to he this -it stops falling hair. Then it goes one oaep further-- it aids nature IR restoring the hair and scalp to a healthy condition. Ask for "the new kind." -.Jt.a, by'l.. a c. Ayer co., 1-.11. .11. " - too t t t e`co stand a llft}e pool of water, which little flout must always be kept so full that It tapes up all the room In the pipe suit leaven no spare her the held smells. Stsuetlru mes people gruble about bud snivel, but we sthoald lie grateful for uhena, bocaum. they tell u+ w uumis- tnkably that dirt to iillsome place that Should T It Shld not be. hay call aloud la w thdr on disegreemble way to Rv to ask us to.make all things clean. Smells mean that there is harmful dirt, and the sunelh+ that arise from dirt are often polsmo ns and make im- pure out only the air we breathe, but the Y(aLet wdrink, Copperas will rimose odars from the drainpipes Miz nae pound of the erystids with one quart of water. This m misUe abouid be kept In a bottle, tightly corked and Labeled "Poison." Pour a little of this Into the pipes wbeosver these to any small. Let no IndlSaoluble thing enter the pipes. se Grasrano. on the sides of the pipes, and many substances stick to this greasy layer. Title dlaagseesbfe amen that sometimes comes from the kitr-tien sink in caused by the gases glees off by this putrefying matter. htiery time a closet, tiab, sink or basin la used itabocld be thoruaghly flushed. once a week flush all the plumbing with a bailing sdution of washing soda. Use one pint of soda to every three a'stlons at wetter. snowing about two qum tveaeh bassistbassistcloset, sink tl "-faah TuUUDAv, August 22, 1807 7 SEASbNABLE WEAR NEGLIGEE SHIRTS WHITE AND. FANCY VESTS SUMMER SUITS ,p,rt:1 �.i•� r ,r:9 TWO-PIECE rrtrt" THE FAMOUS SEMI -READY FINE TAILORED GOODS STRAW H ATS ...., �... FINEST ENGLISH AND AMER- ICAN STYLES FROM 5oc TO =}oo McLEAN BROS, ARE HEADQUARTERS F O R COMFORTABLE AND STYL- ISH TYL- ISH CLOTHING FOR SUMMER o . Stoves�,� � 1'ou will soon be wanting a coal range or cook stove.ay you t ,r It will p •z to examine our PANDOR RANGE For economy and durability it is�nourpasaed. �. If you have A I I LATI �i G JOB come in and let 'us t it, in fundation apooufnl cupful tuls add I batter. half Fora«rr IT WAN DAYLIOIIT. A - ---- *4 4,+*** i seen aMeuf U nus. 41-"4111:11 A I.ridgewvty you the benefit of long experience. Of w IArge tarnwatching will ...tor The News of the. DisDUNLOP. keys and chickens f.Au which of I,ttr k he hal enjoyed Mue hea'ty m. pints. WilhoultellingmnylNNly, in the bread.ever7-day of one weds Must. ast. midnight hour the fatuhrr ratio, 011"ll rest. Borax Powder• him ^fill hr mlade fOr the hn41hr-well. UUNUANNUN. WESTFIELD. until very light. Add a half tea- TgasDAY, Augg. Al)th. R. I 1 A. NEWTON, DENTIST, LUCK• T. NUN'. MONDAY, Auggust IHth. mooring food- x ldand Bl^ir wtlro At homeovnryd•yeaaeytTAua-The lmurers xrrxtto ate da Bicarbonate Soda roc Ib or rY f re earl ea 1 d• •. New rY aorta fur ae tt•eatlr teeth titewreatlastweek and bridre workda)..Also Rxmsxy'r tarn this work. of plain dour, them the mixed Wroea another eorr""ndent.. bre•kwblel.Mr. and Mrs. John Bttlint sr.. 1, John Qwid, of St. Thomas, ►r here Port N. H. You aro Awry. tateyuui work wuehMrs. bolter June lu the denial ufetw --wore tlutc, ar+ on An extt•nded visit to friend+ it Store, 57 Residence, z77 v4iting relatives and wt peeler f—LIIU- tur doilies the work. notice alone table tot the MNChi ail. KAlbert. eeded to make a rather thick drop crop. uuUcut• The fr•ant,er•s exlar[ to finish harvest ----- ----- _- --- Mr.afid Mrs. Underwood, from,NOTICH. -THM LOCAL AGENCY this week. They repo •t crops light British l:ulurubia, who are+ visiting 1♦ In Deaageatiotas for The Nytnal I.at the Puss- Ikwk and straw short. the latter'. brother-in-law, Mr. Smrith, .tract. li(xlericb, vbltet! here last °me cud Stuunery Stora wham,Fist orderwill be rscet+od fur .ittss•ription., rd Mixes f earl Hiles, of Kinear••line, is Werk. rertldur ,use job work. •tui retwipt, wilt lw elven fur auwu"tx paid flu thu owe. Nlerlldilhg rt few days ,lL fhtl hullltl Of Ho Linkl^ter ban token the. agency for the Hlatchfxord Roy knows her uncle, \V. ll. cauapbell. Amy C. Haughton, youngest dough- of our one-time near resident, T. 11►TFW PATTERNS IN WALL N papers. selling,border, etc.. Pun Miss Graham, of Su•ntfurd, is aprndter Haughton. has paused into the atthe ra"non pruALm, book,stationers.writSusie Ing afewdayswithher friends,A. Bttirrie('ulltlgiate Institute with hon- tortloea c'au and .ee ij Kr.�"'..wek uxf and Mar UunlNar. Yore• When hero she war a pupil of ,. ,ret Dari School mopened to -day, with Miss Na fi, at Saltford. JOOD MACHINE OIL lS SOLD G Mary Clark, of St. Helena, in charge. Let week farmers were uu the at ANDEKBON'm Hardware. Misr Clark fax done excellent work hop following their binders orl pea WltDxaruAY, Aug. •list. Fllis Stuthers Is home front Toronto during the Year rhe hxx heen in the section mud it welcomed lum-k rlmthering sheaves And for a few days. very•cutters, heartily:bundles. This week theyare On theRev move towing up the sheaves and Mr. Nicks Irft last week ofi abig duties. peasin their wagons. Nor unloadingthe trip to the Wick IgT. MELENB. sheaves many use the *lingo. Jas. Rowe And wife spent Sunday TuRSDAY, Aug. Wth. Our enterprising merchant, H. A, with friends in Ripley. Will MIextherhead title gime w 81 irlds, is puttingr cement fluor in Miss Miller, of Milton, is spending a Michigan on An extended visit to hits the cellar Of his store and a wall at few (lays with Misr Nettie Bell. brother Malcolm. the west Pod, and la•sider other im- Dr. Case. spent a day air two lastT• Somerville, of Cargill, paid a fly- rovenhrnta with crusent is m curb for week ^t fir old home near Kxettlr. Ing visit to otic village oil Tneal»y. is well. Hl•(ewn liner., of Port AI• Mra McWhinny wod Mlw Haller He hacks hale and haat tie. Bert. are doing the work and when Sunday with fiends in Blyth.through Mr. and Mrs. 11, McDonald Andspent will build A cement curb fora for Mrs. MacDonald. The Misers Mclntyre ore ��pllrrRding family, Of Ripley, xpeut last ww•k willcistern their friends Onthe ninth. LEEi1URN. the work at the home of Jas. \%'hyerd. Ed. Caawrll, wifeand family, of Farmers lie* busy at the harvest. Children have started to schtol. lighted to hew• that he was succemnfnl Toronto, Call" On friends herr last Summer will stoom la• gone. TOlwuwY, Augg. 3ith. Macluteah. of Hallett, vis- work•Joseph Mn. Wheaton. of Michigan, isAIrs. Salkeld returnexl tri (lexdrricb ited titre this week. s nding a few days at the bulne of on Tfiewday after mplending x pleasant Mrs. G. H. Clutton with her tour "om• Smiley. visit Among ber many friends hairs. children ar• up on a visit to relatives Mr. Riley Rod wife, of Lendesimm.Mltss Mint» Knlherforl nrl Mimi bete,viailed their daughter, %Ira. lira, .lizwls+th:HillerArespendinglbe Missw Afinnand Mary HrLaton, from Bradford, on Sundit last. y \G. week in Gtderich and taking to `tile C. 1. ronnion. near Stratford, Are visiting the Miemen MileleClarm. Why»rd rettrrnell fromLinklater, the %Ve*t on Monday And hits resumed We extend nor congratmlatigns Inher Misr Huth Shaw, who has beenA aitiun withS. J. YoAin (N K•Clark W. J. Smith and Lillian And Donald on palming ate suttesnfully their student At the Geslerich Collegiate In- has It. E. Manning IeR tOdAy for his holidays. recent examinations. stitute, passed her examination Mr. Manning, with his, to Thr Misers %fairy and Margaret for pinior trachrrm' certificate still im and son, will sIwnd a couple of weeadks Clark and FlizAlwih Huther•ford receiving ruugratLulations froua tier in Muskoka• re- lriepds. 1. \\'xlkmu and wife »ro vbitlak turned to their rrespectivr choolsThis week Dunhrl Carrey will start fiend% this week in Mit. bell. idler.after spending a wrllrarned est. thrashing with him new uulfll that he ing%1r. 1\'alkuna's Als+ence Harry purchAmed "'bout two month. ago,. His Jonem has charge"f the slurs. rot thrashing is tO he At R. CArr,ey's Mr. Kilw•Ards, inspector of schools, A Plain Hit. tarn. His enginw•r is lu Its %%'air, I.nnlon, with him wife and dA lighter. Am sldeily gentleman on hL way to Brown, of fort Allm•rt. have Im•en the gueataof Mrs. Edwanls' a ofotet watering place in Scotland (net We, with otherot heiv, wrre touch miater, Mrs. IDr.i Bice, fora few days, Sts the railway carriage an old worthy pleased in rending the interrslingItt. School[ rergxned oil Monday sifter who UNDOd out to be a native of the tar dont the Point F'nnn in the cry- the vac stun with m gsNl xttrndancr, Dlsos fad, whDing to have a talk and entiea, /row the pen of its well-known former htat the foulider and hgilderr Istt wilAl�se doseem Thursday Arid d at tba acme time learn something of ay of him week on mcemint of theiC. I. ren ion. Iwnt \Ve•dilewlray was Duugannuu'mcivic holiday !nd Am A tvrult the vil- Inge was very quirt. nowt of the pxrePIP spending\the doy elsewhere. A large number whit to Uoderich andAll mp ort A pleasant mIter\\ A. SmithiA spending a couple of w•w•k. ort At I,1 -And Hend. The pulpit durirg his alaenre miSunday last wens nerepie.l by Mr. Ttyloi And the work next Sunday will Ino taken by Mr. Gardiner. of Ashfield. CONONATULATwNN. We rongrttu- late Henson ('aur On hissevuringhi-senior leaving reitMestte tit the re- centexmnminatUouw, lir hevOrrd lash parts After tine yent'+ work, which is very creditable. We alut congraw- lAteR. Rutherford on *er•Oving part Of his senior leaving. DOngannon IseymArealways to the front. IrtPturvr.m rTm.-O, A41gtistine has built An Addition to his chopping mill, This was necessary un Account of growth of Imuin"s. lots. %%'hyard 4" h,ul a cement foundation huilt under the house rrrendy vacated by Mr. Sturdy. J. Medd is giving his *tithle a coat of lutist•whirl molds g�t'reletl"v to iG' appear•Ance. 11. Me. Nevin a house in hm•ing rapidly pushed Ahead And is nosv reruly fur the plAmt- errrr. LMEWE. MoND.w,Aug. loth. F:thee Trnpleton spent Thurulay with relatives here. Botx•rt COrmn, of Hamilton• is vis- iting relatives here at pm rnt. Mr. And Mrs. Hobert Higgins. spent A co41Ple of daym Inst week visiting relatives At Clinton. Cecil Hamilton, of Saltforl• spent A few of him holidmys last week with his uncle And Aunt, Mr. and Mr•s. R.Ahert HAaty. JJs. Taylor• of Huron township, oc- cuPie•d the pulpit in the Meth.disl church here on Sunday, the pastor, Rev. %V. A. Smith, beingRaway nn » holiday trip for twow-eekn.'N: BELFAST. MONDAY, Aug. 10th. Miles Minnie FAwarlm, of Toronto, is visiting her parents here. (i. MeC. Gilchrist, of Tortonto, ealltd On friends here Inst week. Mies LOvie McCrratle, Of Toronto, IA spending two months At home. Mrs. P. C. Carmichael, Of St.Minn., in visiting her mother here. Miss Lizzie Rutherford left on Mon- day to take charge of m school near Carlow And Miss Irene Wrxalm left onSaturday Ur fill s mimilar position in Tharnesville. EAST WAWANOSH.MoNDAv. Ang. loth. A lhmao WOMAN IiONK An Ps- teeMed remident. of Winghnni, form- erly a resident of thin township, pmm-M awny On Friday, 12th inmt. in the per•aem of Mrs. Jansen Mord. ll'he decexmrd diol notenJjoy the best of health all last winter, Tout since EANIPI•had been Confined to her home, with internal cancer. Mrs. F'orl m maidensante wAs Jane F. Mor•oulbe, ,end mhe wmle Isom near Brighton, Fn land, in 1911. She cAMP to CROATA when quite youngq, and while living in the IAin i f Darlington hw•aine »l•- ,gainte( with her futote ble, and• Nr. Anti %fro,. Pored haul enteral Oloo the fiftieth year of their marrieel life, and were hoping In relefirmte their RIfOlden wedding in March next. Mre. Ford liver) A ni(met exPanplary life, hAving imen n men1wr of the Methexlist. Church since *he wam fifteen years df me. In M2 Mr, and Alr*. Fortismoved to Fast WawanOsh, And shoot nineKenn w�!o went t4i reside in Winghnni. IN rot. Ford wan identified with the Women's Mis*ionary Society, and while health prrnittell was &I• ways foiind in her plu•e, whether of worship nr dishy. She leaven w la- rvnved humhnnd,and one dmugqhter, Milt Chan. Taylor, of \Vest WawAt. flesh. There Are Abse four sonm- W. L. in Month AfrivA ; Cleophmn, in Winnipeg Thouiam, In Fast Wawa. nosh, and John, in Sodbury. Ray. Canon Dann, of London,preach at Sf. Georg!g chutrh4ondAy. vWage. accosted him thus: Gentleman -1 suppose the air wng where you live? ViDsporthy--elrsuu' an' healthy, I abooW think age. l►. G.-Tisea Ira considered one of the beatihieet quarters nround here? V. W.- I should tbink ase. Tbere'm m muckle seeletless there. E. el- I should think not Have (sols never been sick? V. W. ---Keever! IE. G. -How do you account for that? V. W.- Wee!, ye sur, it's like thisTL0 doetoris kept mer a' ray life, au' be Pat lots me alone - Howe He Got a Drink. An Indiana traveling loan toll astory the other day of an Incident on the road He was In the smoking car of an express train reading hill paper when a man tushed In from the car behind the smoker, evidently In great agitation and said: "Has anybody In this car any whisky? A wooan In the car behind has fainted" Instantly dawns of flasks were produced. 'lire man who had asked for It picked out the kingest one, drew the cork and put the battle to hM Hps. With a long, sat tsfled sigh, he handed the flask back wad remarked, -rbat did me a lot of good, and I needed It, for ft always tsaakas me feel queer to see a woman fatal away!'Thee vat3earty W bats have the faculty of hibernating. Their hibernation, hnw svlr, b not perfect that Is to any, that when the warm days occur In the mdd die of winter they wake up, together wttL the insects which are their food. atm theirs 1s a true hibernation trance, from sleep, with very low rateof pulse, heart action and respiration. Probably they would endure Immer- aim in water for an hour or two nonfat drowning, as other hibernators baa Dien found to do. a Frappe, Peetta4grism pplP and cut It Into dice, these as small as potable. Ooner with three heaping copra of grasis�I sugar and and In a warm place tits -hours. Strain through a vegefabbeynas to ts�ict W the lake. Tin this add the Jntce of two lemons, ata.•tone pint of water. Turn Into a treses, add the unbeaten whites of two eggs and grind to a stiff trothSer"tfnaehilled gtases. LI w Farming ea Fens. Too prevent tion mmcfi to be dreaded Imes forming eon the face, It is a good pdn, after bathing with warm water and drytiog. to rub It all over with the ball of the thumb, TLL Wmulates the efrislatlton and atriongthenm the mnsets.' If there are deep lines ran - filing from the earners of the mouth to the earners of the nose lay the thumb silting them and then work it from side O►sags noted Rhs6srb Marmalade. "ag and-mtIn half inch pieces five po mods pink sktnaed rhubarb. Divide tweMs orwgtela in sections. removing Womb and the tough part of the skin. Part into+ prwsrvfng tattle: beat slow- tY to tea baWng point and simmer half an hoot. Add far pounds of augur. Cook om, far two D®then turn trict.- Woman's 1� World e REV. LOIE F. PRIOR. I I One of the Fow Women Ministers Who Preach to Large Congr•egioations. The Hes. I.uie F. Prior of Logaus Port. Ind., L a regularly ordained mlu. Inter and one of the few women of the world occupying pnlplln. Until reCent lie she was pastor of the First Spirit- uallst church of !Seattle, Wash., %s ith one of the largest congregations lit the city. She not only preachen sermons, but performs marriage evre muuley I �fNi,��lll 77 to 1 t ,A Y ro s ` / i Rev. LOlx F. Patna. conducts funeral ts•rvicem and ministers to the wants of tier cunt,-regatiun, like an orthodox preacbrr. She is now the guest of her daugh- ter In lwoganapurt uftrr having visited New Zealand, Australia, India, Egypt, Italy, England. Wales, Scotland and France. Most of her time was spent In Australia and New 7.ealand, where nightly for over a year she preached. Her success there was so great that she will return to the antipodes. While In Home Rev. Prior had an audience with the pope. She likes her work and cannot are why women would not make Just as good preachers as men. She claims that a woman can move a congrega- tio better than a man- Go don Lam o. For a small bed nothing can be more striking or more satisfactory and last - Ing than the bulbous begonia. This grand floral gens Is little known, 14 supposed to be difficult to grow and hard to handle. Theory and general belief In this Item, as In many others, are not borne out by practice. Four to six little bulbs looking not very unlike a flattened out potato can be purchased for $1, and, as they last In- definitely, they are far cheaper in the long run than annual purchases or planting. Thal top of a bulbous begonia bulb is cult shaped and when planted should remain protruding above the ground. It seems to matter little whether the spot In sunny, half sunny or shady. They do not appear to care much about the situation. and an ever Mounting bed In yours until frost Comes. Then pull them 'Yip, break off the great stems. shake out the dirt from their minute nota and toss them away on the dark closet shelf to wait for another year. A most satisfactory shrub that will set off any hpuae gallantly when plant- ed In a small place In the common snowball -the American viburnum. It Is not sufficiently honored. In the pres- ent craze of strange foreign shrubs It has been allowed to sink Into the background, yet whenever people este a real old fashioned (ouritry garden the snowballs in It are stare to draw ex- presalonm of delight. These 1s some- thing perennially virginal about this pure flower tree. it Is a cheap shrub. Don't be extravagant about buying a large one. It grown so tart that a few seasons suffice to give you n big ehrub from a small two toot plant provided you take care to see that it Is sturdy and vigorous at the time of planting. The hole you snake for a abrub often makes all the difference between poor growth atilt g(xNl. Isere Is a simple rule for planting your snowball and all other shrubs. Make the hole at leant twice As big all around as In necessary merely to ncconimodate lite rota. Throw some litter very little, however - Into the Notions and Jump on it to Pack It tight. Now throw the top soil Into the hull, first and pack It around the r(x)ts of the shrub with hands and feet, bit by bit. Pitt the bottom soil uu top, mix It with leaves, straw, ma- I uure or eveu avhe m to make It light slid parous and mwamp It with water Immediately after planting. The Care of Plumbing. The care of plumbing Is comparative- ly simple, but of the greatest Imp"r- tance. in building, buying or renting s hoose the plumbing should have very careful consideration. it In of the utmost Importance that the drains from the sink or water clomet should he properly trapped. which means that at some part of the Alpe which vote cannot also thus Ahnreld A plsapae r.ca of l not or ofe r- �4 0�4�84t ,sal! aY1Mt1 be easlbl not to wer- WUkdltsd, wbose alt, Should avoid woe Where is Your Hair? In your comb? Why so? Is not the head amuch bctterplace for it? Bc((erkeep whiffle left where it belongs! Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved formula, quickly stops falling hair. There is not a particle of draubt about it. We speak very posi- tively .bola this, for we know. Dore n.,t cAange tis obs of tin Ari,. u1. .$-it err4".sw 1. 4tiAe11r- .S d..'.r ..aO,,, 'see d. - be ..y. Indeed, the one great Icadin` feature of our new Hair Vigor may well be said to he this -it stops falling hair. Then it goes one oaep further-- it aids nature IR restoring the hair and scalp to a healthy condition. Ask for "the new kind." -.Jt.a, by'l.. a c. Ayer co., 1-.11. .11. " - too t t t e`co stand a llft}e pool of water, which little flout must always be kept so full that It tapes up all the room In the pipe suit leaven no spare her the held smells. Stsuetlru mes people gruble about bud snivel, but we sthoald lie grateful for uhena, bocaum. they tell u+ w uumis- tnkably that dirt to iillsome place that Should T It Shld not be. hay call aloud la w thdr on disegreemble way to Rv to ask us to.make all things clean. Smells mean that there is harmful dirt, and the sunelh+ that arise from dirt are often polsmo ns and make im- pure out only the air we breathe, but the Y(aLet wdrink, Copperas will rimose odars from the drainpipes Miz nae pound of the erystids with one quart of water. This m misUe abouid be kept In a bottle, tightly corked and Labeled "Poison." Pour a little of this Into the pipes wbeosver these to any small. Let no IndlSaoluble thing enter the pipes. se Grasrano. on the sides of the pipes, and many substances stick to this greasy layer. Title dlaagseesbfe amen that sometimes comes from the kitr-tien sink in caused by the gases glees off by this putrefying matter. htiery time a closet, tiab, sink or basin la used itabocld be thoruaghly flushed. once a week flush all the plumbing with a bailing sdution of washing soda. Use one pint of soda to every three a'stlons at wetter. snowing about two qum tveaeh bassistbassistcloset, sink tl "-faah TuUUDAv, August 22, 1807 7 SEASbNABLE WEAR NEGLIGEE SHIRTS WHITE AND. FANCY VESTS SUMMER SUITS ,p,rt:1 �.i•� r ,r:9 TWO-PIECE rrtrt" THE FAMOUS SEMI -READY FINE TAILORED GOODS STRAW H ATS ...., �... FINEST ENGLISH AND AMER- ICAN STYLES FROM 5oc TO =}oo McLEAN BROS, ARE HEADQUARTERS F O R COMFORTABLE AND STYL- ISH TYL- ISH CLOTHING FOR SUMMER o . Stoves�,� � 1'ou will soon be wanting a coal range or cook stove.ay you t ,r It will p •z to examine our PANDOR RANGE For economy and durability it is�nourpasaed. �. If you have A I I LATI �i G JOB come in and let 'us t it, in fundation apooufnl cupful tuls add I batter. half Fora«rr IT WAN DAYLIOIIT. A - ---- prink Of largerim•th.• , her. dad was Muffins repamade with or awith . re cereals re of aeneals are 'among the most seen aMeuf U nus. 41-"4111:11 A I.ridgewvty you the benefit of long experience. Of w IArge tarnwatching will ...tor interest severml ler\M SI. ..f yountur- o recipe It Its possible to give keys and chickens f.Au which of I,ttr k he hal enjoyed Mue hea'ty m. pints. WilhoultellingmnylNNly, in the bread.ever7-day of one weds Must. ast. midnight hour the fatuhrr ratio, 011"ll rest. Borax Powder• him ^fill hr mlade fOr the hn41hr-well. merge try'irw to gat. under the platform. until very light. Add a half tea- Armed wills .t pitchfork the Owner Epsom Salta, hoc Ib. Boracic Acid, Sc oz. or a5c Ib. umclagnl to diAlatch him at the well mooring food- x after4*harpvtioteu Of fifteen ueinute'uSince and two scant teaspoonfuls of baking tilt• »nional hAa lean killd therehale ate da Bicarbonate Soda roc Ib horn nu morn fowl lima On Butter- nut Row. of plain dour, them the mixed Wroea another eorr""ndent.. TuMDA Y, Aug. JXh. Juhn Brindley, of Port Albert, in of me ted butter. Beat hard, then engaged with James Chisholrn. Store, 57 Residence, z77 John Chisholm has thirty -Ave scree of peva They are an extra tueavv eeded to make a rather thick drop crop. Beat again• then fill buttered Alex.Stirling and sister Lou were ----- ----- _- --- visiting their sister near Lucknow last week. J. Brinleyy, of Goderich, visited Mr. and Mrs. David Hrinley several days last week. Alex. Clutton bought two fine heifers for M. Tobin. Alex. knows good stock when be mors it. Ho Linkl^ter ban token the. agency for the Hlatchfxord Roy knows piano. when be geta w god thing. Grain -cutting is all the go. Enoch one is trying to get through first. C. Stewart. was the first. The Imtchelorm are the early rimerm On Butternut ruin. Leelturn elain s thea• used more twinr than Dunlop, but Michael Tobin aaym not. SHEPPARDTON. WrnrgwDAY, Ang. 21st. Mrs. Pennytaaker, tit Clinton, os vis- iting friends in this vicinity. Mrs. Mcf enmmn, of Denver, (:olor- ado, is viniting her mother, Mr•s. Bor- Fears. Miss Olive Flater lima returned toDo0Let Ont., to resume her mchool duties. Miss Lillian McLean, of Kintail, te- turned to her echoed here on Monday. The children will have an extra hoii- day this week, to allow Miss McLean to attend the reunion At Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hawkins, of Windsor, were renewing Ater 1in- lances here last week. It 1. it , rteen years since they left Sheppardton and their many friends were glad to vee them again. What mi ht have proved a very serious accident occurred on Monday when Mins F.mma Raterwas return - from Goderich. Her hone was tri6htened by the C. P. R. train ling mn noway,throwing her out, but she fortunntaly emcotlwvl with only a few bruisPe. The many friendA of Sandy Gor- don, formerly of this place, but now of Balearroso, Sauk., will Ile de- lighted to hew• that he was succemnfnl at his examinations and is now teach. Ing Ant Plainview, SA*k. It refle•ctn great credit on hint when he had only mixmonthm to shady, since he met with the merident of having him right hand shot off. ('emgrattilations, Sandy!NILE. TrwtDAY, Aug. Alh.h. h;pwortIt i.PAROP topic next Tuesday MerinR will ise : -Remember Rtern- Ity," taken by Minn Gray. Mn. McDonald. of Licknow, mildMrs. Morton, of GOPlph, were visiting at Nile and vicinity the past week. With line weather, this week will eve most of the harvest gathered In thiel locality, and threshing will then tie In order. Mims Maggie Ryan, who ham been re- miding the past two years at Baltimore, Is visiting relatives and friends at Nile aid Dungannon. OOr echonls terrpeoerd this week after the miditomster holldmya, with the former teachers, Miss Gray and MjisMsRobinson. in charge. d►1sisb*we'w dal M ANsaa, ay of him week on mcemint of theiC. I. ren ion. Iwnt \Ve•dilewlray was Duugannuu'mcivic holiday !nd Am A tvrult the vil- Inge was very quirt. nowt of the pxrePIP spending\the doy elsewhere. A large number whit to Uoderich andAll mp ort A pleasant mIter\\ A. SmithiA spending a couple of w•w•k. ort At I,1 -And Hend. The pulpit durirg his alaenre miSunday last wens nerepie.l by Mr. Ttyloi And the work next Sunday will Ino taken by Mr. Gardiner. of Ashfield. CONONATULATwNN. We rongrttu- late Henson ('aur On hissevuringhi-senior leaving reitMestte tit the re- centexmnminatUouw, lir hevOrrd lash parts After tine yent'+ work, which is very creditable. We alut congraw- lAteR. Rutherford on *er•Oving part Of his senior leaving. DOngannon IseymArealways to the front. IrtPturvr.m rTm.-O, A41gtistine has built An Addition to his chopping mill, This was necessary un Account of growth of Imuin"s. lots. %%'hyard 4" h,ul a cement foundation huilt under the house rrrendy vacated by Mr. Sturdy. J. Medd is giving his *tithle a coat of lutist•whirl molds g�t'reletl"v to iG' appear•Ance. 11. Me. Nevin a house in hm•ing rapidly pushed Ahead And is nosv reruly fur the plAmt- errrr. LMEWE. MoND.w,Aug. loth. F:thee Trnpleton spent Thurulay with relatives here. Botx•rt COrmn, of Hamilton• is vis- iting relatives here at pm rnt. Mr. And Mrs. Hobert Higgins. spent A co41Ple of daym Inst week visiting relatives At Clinton. Cecil Hamilton, of Saltforl• spent A few of him holidmys last week with his uncle And Aunt, Mr. and Mr•s. R.Ahert HAaty. JJs. Taylor• of Huron township, oc- cuPie•d the pulpit in the Meth.disl church here on Sunday, the pastor, Rev. %V. A. Smith, beingRaway nn » holiday trip for twow-eekn.'N: BELFAST. MONDAY, Aug. 10th. Miles Minnie FAwarlm, of Toronto, is visiting her parents here. (i. MeC. Gilchrist, of Tortonto, ealltd On friends here Inst week. Mies LOvie McCrratle, Of Toronto, IA spending two months At home. Mrs. P. C. Carmichael, Of St.Minn., in visiting her mother here. Miss Lizzie Rutherford left on Mon- day to take charge of m school near Carlow And Miss Irene Wrxalm left onSaturday Ur fill s mimilar position in Tharnesville. EAST WAWANOSH.MoNDAv. Ang. loth. A lhmao WOMAN IiONK An Ps- teeMed remident. of Winghnni, form- erly a resident of thin township, pmm-M awny On Friday, 12th inmt. in the per•aem of Mrs. Jansen Mord. ll'he decexmrd diol notenJjoy the best of health all last winter, Tout since EANIPI•had been Confined to her home, with internal cancer. Mrs. F'orl m maidensante wAs Jane F. Mor•oulbe, ,end mhe wmle Isom near Brighton, Fn land, in 1911. She cAMP to CROATA when quite youngq, and while living in the IAin i f Darlington hw•aine »l•- ,gainte( with her futote ble, and• Nr. Anti %fro,. Pored haul enteral Oloo the fiftieth year of their marrieel life, and were hoping In relefirmte their RIfOlden wedding in March next. Mre. Ford liver) A ni(met exPanplary life, hAving imen n men1wr of the Methexlist. Church since *he wam fifteen years df me. In M2 Mr, and Alr*. Fortismoved to Fast WawanOsh, And shoot nineKenn w�!o went t4i reside in Winghnni. IN rot. Ford wan identified with the Women's Mis*ionary Society, and while health prrnittell was &I• ways foiind in her plu•e, whether of worship nr dishy. She leaven w la- rvnved humhnnd,and one dmugqhter, Milt Chan. Taylor, of \Vest WawAt. flesh. There Are Abse four sonm- W. L. in Month AfrivA ; Cleophmn, in Winnipeg Thouiam, In Fast Wawa. nosh, and John, in Sodbury. Ray. Canon Dann, of London,preach at Sf. Georg!g chutrh4ondAy. vWage. accosted him thus: Gentleman -1 suppose the air wng where you live? ViDsporthy--elrsuu' an' healthy, I abooW think age. l►. G.-Tisea Ira considered one of the beatihieet quarters nround here? V. W.- I should tbink ase. Tbere'm m muckle seeletless there. E. el- I should think not Have (sols never been sick? V. W. ---Keever! IE. G. -How do you account for that? V. W.- Wee!, ye sur, it's like thisTL0 doetoris kept mer a' ray life, au' be Pat lots me alone - Howe He Got a Drink. An Indiana traveling loan toll astory the other day of an Incident on the road He was In the smoking car of an express train reading hill paper when a man tushed In from the car behind the smoker, evidently In great agitation and said: "Has anybody In this car any whisky? A wooan In the car behind has fainted" Instantly dawns of flasks were produced. 'lire man who had asked for It picked out the kingest one, drew the cork and put the battle to hM Hps. With a long, sat tsfled sigh, he handed the flask back wad remarked, -rbat did me a lot of good, and I needed It, for ft always tsaakas me feel queer to see a woman fatal away!'Thee vat3earty W bats have the faculty of hibernating. Their hibernation, hnw svlr, b not perfect that Is to any, that when the warm days occur In the mdd die of winter they wake up, together wttL the insects which are their food. atm theirs 1s a true hibernation trance, from sleep, with very low rateof pulse, heart action and respiration. Probably they would endure Immer- aim in water for an hour or two nonfat drowning, as other hibernators baa Dien found to do. a Frappe, Peetta4grism pplP and cut It Into dice, these as small as potable. Ooner with three heaping copra of grasis�I sugar and and In a warm place tits -hours. Strain through a vegefabbeynas to ts�ict W the lake. Tin this add the Jntce of two lemons, ata.•tone pint of water. Turn Into a treses, add the unbeaten whites of two eggs and grind to a stiff trothSer"tfnaehilled gtases. LI w Farming ea Fens. Too prevent tion mmcfi to be dreaded Imes forming eon the face, It is a good pdn, after bathing with warm water and drytiog. to rub It all over with the ball of the thumb, TLL Wmulates the efrislatlton and atriongthenm the mnsets.' If there are deep lines ran - filing from the earners of the mouth to the earners of the nose lay the thumb silting them and then work it from side O►sags noted Rhs6srb Marmalade. "ag and-mtIn half inch pieces five po mods pink sktnaed rhubarb. Divide tweMs orwgtela in sections. removing Womb and the tough part of the skin. Part into+ prwsrvfng tattle: beat slow- tY to tea baWng point and simmer half an hoot. Add far pounds of augur. Cook om, far two D®then turn trict.- Woman's 1� World e REV. LOIE F. PRIOR. I I One of the Fow Women Ministers Who Preach to Large Congr•egioations. The Hes. I.uie F. Prior of Logaus Port. Ind., L a regularly ordained mlu. Inter and one of the few women of the world occupying pnlplln. Until reCent lie she was pastor of the First Spirit- uallst church of !Seattle, Wash., %s ith one of the largest congregations lit the city. She not only preachen sermons, but performs marriage evre muuley I �fNi,��lll 77 to 1 t ,A Y ro s ` / i Rev. LOlx F. Patna. conducts funeral ts•rvicem and ministers to the wants of tier cunt,-regatiun, like an orthodox preacbrr. She is now the guest of her daugh- ter In lwoganapurt uftrr having visited New Zealand, Australia, India, Egypt, Italy, England. Wales, Scotland and France. Most of her time was spent In Australia and New 7.ealand, where nightly for over a year she preached. Her success there was so great that she will return to the antipodes. While In Home Rev. Prior had an audience with the pope. She likes her work and cannot are why women would not make Just as good preachers as men. She claims that a woman can move a congrega- tio better than a man- Go don Lam o. For a small bed nothing can be more striking or more satisfactory and last - Ing than the bulbous begonia. This grand floral gens Is little known, 14 supposed to be difficult to grow and hard to handle. Theory and general belief In this Item, as In many others, are not borne out by practice. Four to six little bulbs looking not very unlike a flattened out potato can be purchased for $1, and, as they last In- definitely, they are far cheaper in the long run than annual purchases or planting. Thal top of a bulbous begonia bulb is cult shaped and when planted should remain protruding above the ground. It seems to matter little whether the spot In sunny, half sunny or shady. They do not appear to care much about the situation. and an ever Mounting bed In yours until frost Comes. Then pull them 'Yip, break off the great stems. shake out the dirt from their minute nota and toss them away on the dark closet shelf to wait for another year. A most satisfactory shrub that will set off any hpuae gallantly when plant- ed In a small place In the common snowball -the American viburnum. It Is not sufficiently honored. In the pres- ent craze of strange foreign shrubs It has been allowed to sink Into the background, yet whenever people este a real old fashioned (ouritry garden the snowballs in It are stare to draw ex- presalonm of delight. These 1s some- thing perennially virginal about this pure flower tree. it Is a cheap shrub. Don't be extravagant about buying a large one. It grown so tart that a few seasons suffice to give you n big ehrub from a small two toot plant provided you take care to see that it Is sturdy and vigorous at the time of planting. The hole you snake for a abrub often makes all the difference between poor growth atilt g(xNl. Isere Is a simple rule for planting your snowball and all other shrubs. Make the hole at leant twice As big all around as In necessary merely to ncconimodate lite rota. Throw some litter very little, however - Into the Notions and Jump on it to Pack It tight. Now throw the top soil Into the hull, first and pack It around the r(x)ts of the shrub with hands and feet, bit by bit. Pitt the bottom soil uu top, mix It with leaves, straw, ma- I uure or eveu avhe m to make It light slid parous and mwamp It with water Immediately after planting. The Care of Plumbing. The care of plumbing Is comparative- ly simple, but of the greatest Imp"r- tance. in building, buying or renting s hoose the plumbing should have very careful consideration. it In of the utmost Importance that the drains from the sink or water clomet should he properly trapped. which means that at some part of the Alpe which vote cannot also thus Ahnreld A plsapae r.ca of l not or ofe r- �4 0�4�84t ,sal! aY1Mt1 be easlbl not to wer- WUkdltsd, wbose alt, Should avoid woe Where is Your Hair? In your comb? Why so? Is not the head amuch bctterplace for it? Bc((erkeep whiffle left where it belongs! Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved formula, quickly stops falling hair. There is not a particle of draubt about it. We speak very posi- tively .bola this, for we know. Dore n.,t cAange tis obs of tin Ari,. u1. .$-it err4".sw 1. 4tiAe11r- .S d..'.r ..aO,,, 'see d. - be ..y. Indeed, the one great Icadin` feature of our new Hair Vigor may well be said to he this -it stops falling hair. Then it goes one oaep further-- it aids nature IR restoring the hair and scalp to a healthy condition. Ask for "the new kind." -.Jt.a, by'l.. a c. Ayer co., 1-.11. .11. " - too t t t e`co stand a llft}e pool of water, which little flout must always be kept so full that It tapes up all the room In the pipe suit leaven no spare her the held smells. Stsuetlru mes people gruble about bud snivel, but we sthoald lie grateful for uhena, bocaum. they tell u+ w uumis- tnkably that dirt to iillsome place that Should T It Shld not be. hay call aloud la w thdr on disegreemble way to Rv to ask us to.make all things clean. Smells mean that there is harmful dirt, and the sunelh+ that arise from dirt are often polsmo ns and make im- pure out only the air we breathe, but the Y(aLet wdrink, Copperas will rimose odars from the drainpipes Miz nae pound of the erystids with one quart of water. This m misUe abouid be kept In a bottle, tightly corked and Labeled "Poison." Pour a little of this Into the pipes wbeosver these to any small. Let no IndlSaoluble thing enter the pipes. se Grasrano. on the sides of the pipes, and many substances stick to this greasy layer. Title dlaagseesbfe amen that sometimes comes from the kitr-tien sink in caused by the gases glees off by this putrefying matter. htiery time a closet, tiab, sink or basin la used itabocld be thoruaghly flushed. once a week flush all the plumbing with a bailing sdution of washing soda. Use one pint of soda to every three a'stlons at wetter. snowing about two qum tveaeh bassistbassistcloset, sink tl "-faah TuUUDAv, August 22, 1807 7 SEASbNABLE WEAR NEGLIGEE SHIRTS WHITE AND. FANCY VESTS SUMMER SUITS ,p,rt:1 �.i•� r ,r:9 TWO-PIECE rrtrt" THE FAMOUS SEMI -READY FINE TAILORED GOODS STRAW H ATS ...., �... FINEST ENGLISH AND AMER- ICAN STYLES FROM 5oc TO =}oo McLEAN BROS, ARE HEADQUARTERS F O R COMFORTABLE AND STYL- ISH TYL- ISH CLOTHING FOR SUMMER o . Stoves�,� � 1'ou will soon be wanting a coal range or cook stove.ay you t ,r It will p •z to examine our PANDOR RANGE For economy and durability it is�nourpasaed. �. If you have A I I LATI �i G JOB come in and let 'us t it, in fundation apooufnl cupful tuls add I batter. half For - ---- the question over with you. We can give Muffins repamade with or awith . re cereals re of aeneals are 'among the most you the benefit of long experience. d. popular hot trea. With a good Heating water Q cooking In mare♦-ehj i o recipe It Its possible to give Dirt A i>1"51 IdI (A k o the famffy a slightly different hot Placing small vsesPla rrpon large bread.ever7-day of one weds Must. ast. bar>�w when small noes I Usingworld rest. Borax Powder• Bleat these eggs to a bowl and beat merge hoc Ib. until very light. Add a half tea- Not loaning out the flame before so- Epsom Salta, hoc Ib. Boracic Acid, Sc oz. or a5c Ib. of salt, a teaspoonhl of agar. ![lz tagetiaQ a capful eft floor mooring food- x ELP.Paulin ' and two scant teaspoonfuls of baking Not lowe=init the •ttla®as when fend ate da Bicarbonate Soda roc Ib Powder. Add to the IignSd a half of plain dour, them the mixed our and powder and two tablespoon- PHONES : of me ted butter. Beat hard, then Store, 57 Residence, z77 as mach more floor as may be eeded to make a rather thick drop Beat again• then fill buttered numn pane twothlxds full and Dake ----- ----- _- --- an hour In a quick wen. Tbls will make from fifteen to eighteen muffins, according to she and thick- txse. Suippose you have made these ptan mmffime on Monday morning. On Tues - of f Aay In place of the first half cupful of our substitute a meant capful of cold boiled rice, then proceed exactly as be- fore. On Wednesday add to the beat- en em and milk two-thirds of a cup- ful of dates, stoned and cut fine, then ollow the recipe as at firrR. On Thursday make the plain muton batter. Instead of pans, have the grid - le hot and well greased. Grease a loom or more rings, lay them on the I riddle and almost fill them with Dot- er. Draw to one aide that they may rook through slowly. Wlsm brown urn over and brown the other aide, sllpptng tiff the rings when nearly dome. The Go Move. Do you find your gas sto♦r a rel nomtzer .v If not, these may be some cavi burners. of the reasons: j - ---- -- - - - Ifog burners before "a ars rcsdydy for them. Raking but one thing tit a time. Heating water Q cooking In mare♦-ehj i BELOW; Dirt A i>1"51 IdI (A veasda. Placing small vsesPla rrpon large We dive a small list of our prices for drugs.. You will find this store as cheap or a little cheaper than the bar>�w when small noes I Usingworld rest. Borax Powder• Every thing Of1highest quality• merge hoc Ib. Wood alcohol, a5c pint Not loaning out the flame before so- Epsom Salta, hoc Ib. Boracic Acid, Sc oz. or a5c Ib. Pure alcohol, Turpentine c in 75c pint pint mooring food- x Sulphur Ib. Oil Cedar roc oz. one Not lowe=init the •ttla®as when fend ate da Bicarbonate Soda roc Ib or; ox, 25c I-glefoot. l a double sheets) Sc s already boiling. Alum, Powdered, Inc Ib. Fly Pads (Poison). 5c package 'A diDcSn Cerset'd9• When in need of drugs give w a trial. _ ` To make n asset Dag, use any port f silk prvfwrrd and �coo h how a conwt. TDPtnti itF. J. •BUTLAND>CHEMIST AND DRUecrsr. oft wbilleaHk and lntertlned with rot. I GODERiCH 0o wool through wAfeh Is spetnkled ° „w Successor to H. W. Thomson. sweet powder. Before sewing the ag together etltrh on (to this outer % Is"- of milk only) -a narrow pocket of he same matetlal to be awod as are- P t 1 • 101 eptaclP for the gates. Then a ai he tag is messed +. f\Isdrd In the anal wv �.W_� B I N D S .i TWINE ---- COUGH DitOPS -�`'-' Gold Medal ,m,ea M.re taro.. . an a lo'. i r t\. .euv o.�\r.0 Ask am ft low I. ===s indoor " '` McCormick N" MOMI , thaweet and stwehy A New Orleans wLnftact thin. Blue Ribbon ' �kw-aad trolls; drink milk and esass�ae.tam>�em taw and eof ee. Because she did sufficient nourishment from heAT LOWEST MARKET PRICES if Iso wnesb to svw the coal hill. mrbrl -mk fbeeafv over tllP crral In She took Scott's a` isb.er-Arts- >Y pewieb�kwen Aeon. n Result:r`AND 'She gained a pound eight. ERSONS KARDWARE 1Lratlfrsg Amar f"•will r tw flip wan aALL DRucctsT0 wiser • "tt fifer'' will r"o°'e grP'a" DUNGANNON. Il♦a� bas ti� •)j1�aL ..�t.,,,�o....r......M,:ate.9!ts`i:�'4X���u'f�• �+.3;ry�."ii�°� �$t�, 48 u e fi ta. r jjx'fe it 5 "'Sityy + ry, \ a pyt E $ A'f.