HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-8-22, Page 5THESIGNAL : CODERICH• ONT.kRIO `
What the Mualcipal Fatten Did mr Mow Many Parents Aid Teachers In . , • .
Ftd.y Ev4raitg• i Their Work.
The Mayor. the Deptny Reeve and I In the ul�_�I,Ip. when a buy wu. ,
Oouncilloiv Ouldlbla" Beckett. Held -- -- ----' _-- -' flogged at school. Ills stern parrot, h1
and Munnings were present at the order t0 exhibit f•,rclbly fhe duly kind
regular tueeliug of the town eat [tell FORETELLS THE WEATHER. _^
Irat Frldar niKKht. v[ co-oprrutluu Iretwet•n hotue and
It wad a ecldea) to solid four hairrels How is Malls a Sarontetor From a Rot- school that exp ed lit those days,
of efay frau Uraletieh to (julnml1Ue• cls and a (Maas Tulle. promptly bestowed another floggluy,• at
Oltio, to have it leeted as l.0 Its ►uita- To rash a trtometer which will tow home. Of noose•, therefore. If the t1�st
bialy for the tuauufwcpor flue tell the weather take a flat, broad pint Wan
brick AuJ terra silts work. This
Phis it Iwas uuJlwt or seemed unjust, the <
in caulso clog with the inquiry dedismiss rko0o. fill It third with avatar and seeming was doubled, and to the lhy
an English company w W the pre- close It with a cork, through which a his whale world +vas gone black With
�ctr fur: the location of such works beat glans tube U lnserted. The tubo', Injustice.
Mere, should be cut eo that the outer leg is L `
A complaint fmnl residents on the a long u the bottle Is high. while the I Today we do out protea the against
south side of Napier •treat was with Inner leg -that b4 the end lonsrte l ! -indeed, a"c often protest to a the s the
reference W the uneven said weedy school ttogglug -but the take the snux• �41
condition of the place where w ricer attitude In the minor troubles that the# a Qj
walk (ought to lie. Therompbtint wxr children bring home to uN and call our
referred l(o the public works counubt- refuertil to blear about them loyalty to
1�51the teacher.
A pro�iosition front the local papers � $e Now, is Its is anything loyalty A convenience much Every Pandora thec-
ae tote Jostling of rpiecixl rJiuunr I which leaves the child full of resent- appreciated byevery owner urometer is carefully ad -
in cunni-etiun with the opwning of the ,neat tawanl her nuJ bltternesa, u
Guelph K Ulsleriell Hailwxy was �` of a Pandora is the towel jested and undergoes a
favorably viewed by the council. the i resentment taut one particle hwseotsl rod attached to the range. practical test by heat—is
matter ut x Kraut it. meet. the differ- because It but; grown to Include Ills
once between the revt•lme from such s t" mother? What we have to do lu or- As one-third of the roC proven correct before being
wn edition and the rust of tanaluctimi der to be really Inyal to the teacher 1N is made of etnery, it makes sent out.
(wing left with the tluxuee cotlataittee'• , to get at the heart of the twitter, and
The pmpt-li wits for the issue of 5,111111 '11 a splendid knife sharpener,
Copies, r1 ht rxU a e rd Gr ►e uu '° that lu a spirit of purr justice. It IN P • The figures,whiich shotty
sur•eight a trispolil with the town not right to assume tit -fort -hand that too. the required degree of heat
fully written lipiuo illustrated, solid n I the child lR all wrhog. fir luny Ia• It's always there handy necessaryfor the successful
grant (of 51511 front Ibe town. right or partly rlKht or right front hill for you. You need waste
Lett+es (role th.• I:ur t of Uonuner•e point of view and I[ you begin by y baking of bread, cakes, pies,
and I(terding Rank .e- III trema for I antagonizing him because he know-, no time hunting around for etc., are plainly inscribed
bandit ng` the towle'. a11count were that you are listening with a mind al- the easily misplacedr"stml."
in cont W the finance c,nntlitter. rFady made ups you can't foul your Bright idea, eh? black on awhite enamel
The public wor.a ro.oulittee recoil- troy any on such a subject -you may + surface, so that they are
mended that the tddewalk on Rraek an well give over the investigation. iter►*otierr4ilw
street tar pat out -i I • IIt.- trees ar re- TYH WLTHM OIserL easily readable, even When
quested, that cerl.un ntproveuaents through the cork -stands out a trifle Make him sure that you are really, An accurate thermom- the da is dull.
lar Inside on the `tahford hill, that the inside the Heck of the bottle. To make lnmostlp desirous o[ justice toward y
Wm and toward the teacher. Justice lteI is a reliable guide to
bathing hooka• be ulnv back from the cork waterUght use seating wsz I If your local dealer
the water. this sprciacx ons Iw per• Is better than loyalty, anyhow', because successful Laking, while an
The Illustration shows how to hang does not sell the Pandora.
ted and tenders ask for (tar the It includes lo%nity. Every teacher inaccurate one is a -'cheat"
f"• thb bottle upside down by a cord write direct fol free
mat file street
t(o lh, t•r hall. and Hang in a protected place when the worthy of the unme ++'held prefer It. of the wul'St
that lhr sarrrt hwlwctor Ret rsu.tinKs D � Then In 161s attitude hear his talc:.. booklet
for the gtllleys in connection with clip sun will not peDetrate. Draw him out: go with h1m; see the 2 kind. '
Auk- m
cement sidewalks at Duty's Kngiue This weather Sias• simlls to theAl
L facts as they 14ark to him; don't mor- 11;;x,7 -•.d�rTi^Jb 1•
Wnrkr. Adopted. tisrometer, Indicates the Dreatan of aline -not until he 1s entirely through �Or, P SiI , p� "
The perk, rouunittee recommended the air. I[ the pressure of the air w
that Mr. Nelson he •tllt)wt4l to set tli' laz4es, the water will rise In the outside
with bis outpouring. at any rate, and oven
A merry-Ru•mund pit trivet- property not then If you call help it. `J
4 tube, showing the approach o[ nen It I p!
in town, hr UI {lay a 1lcetse fpr of $IO - '-,lac•Nu4 a
per week, snd that the sexton of the the water In the tube winks, dry weath- �'s <. rj• �r
cemetery Ile given son rbovaexse of 825)er is to be expected' LATEST IN POST CARDS.
in alar dating (rltl July 1st last.
wadpt..� PUZZLING NUMBERS. ' ' A series d Views Exhibited In a Novel
Prices for the Imnl art in refuse. Manner. LONDON, TORONTO, 1 MONTREAL,
tine with the Guelph k 04alerich limit. Now M Pe I" • Mystifying but i'%r'om present Indications the cram WMNIPEG. VANCOUVER. ST. JORN. N. a.. HAMILTON
wily opening celebration were re• for post cards will assume greater
ceived taco some sot the hotels and Really Si•aPle Trick. proportions than last :ear. go many
were referred to the special . cittunit- This is a very mystifying trick, but novel and beautiful design-, are present- E. P. PAU LI N, Loeai Agent.
tee, and Mesdrs. Reid And 00411111orpw It 1s perfectly simple when explained. ed to the purchaser that he cannot re -
were added to the coutnitter• Cottoned seven partake In your' hand
The flnsnercummittee recommended and ask some one in the company to rust the temptation to buy. One of the
It rate of :NI mills for ordinary pair• think of a certain number of pennies- most recent has been patented by a Sam's Kindness.
pares said a rite of 5 mill% for school say namber, no matter what -bat be New York roan and Is shown In the .\o old flit -Ill. -l- :41111 Ili. wife, who I `
pPurposesforthe year, but the stalk. illustration. Instead of one card, the livedntat far fl,rnl London, came tol� Fall Term
Ing of the rate was left over lit an Jul• matt not Wl you what it 1s. inventor utilizes six, Incased in a ree-
)o a nod inert ing of the counril W los You then ask him to Imagine that he town for the City ant long ago. and No, 5
held Uri \Vednesdwy. acnes lh*-c hrtau ht x soh- I!
Bylaw No. 1K, to anlhtarizr the Iarr.
rowing of 1110,U11r till the taxes oicne
in, was
('. A. id wad added r„ the flnsnee
committee, owing to the difficulty of
Betting a quorum.
Cloyne, (int.• Aux. With. 4N erial.l
--That IRald's Kidney fills will cure
Diabetes nit well as all other forms of
Kidney trtauhle is s well-known (art,
Mit the statrment Inside blow by Mr.
Waddington. of this place• goes fur-
ther and ``:roves that thele cares are
lasting. }ir says : -
1 was cured of diabetes and outer
kidney trotables by Maid's Kidney
Pills three yeArs ego said I sill pleasel
to day'the Curr wws Wtingg for I hnve
been well ever since. i' eviol t if,
taking Dodd's Kidney Pills i suffered
from diabetes for 15 ?eats and thmigh
I tried many remedies i Rot no relief.
I was subject W neuralgia and pains
has borrowed the same number, from
a neighbor. which be adds to the origi-
nal number. Then you may:
Now, suppose, it you piesse, that I
give you fourteen pennies. Add that
to what you already bad, give halt the
whose amount to the gentleman on
your right, rebrn the amount that you
borrowed from a nelgbbor and tell the
Company bow many pennies you have
Isft So far a I am concemned. I know
already, for I have Just that number
now h my land-"
The answer given to you wil/always
be sewn, and you open your band and
show that many pounks.
The answer to this will always be
true -halt of the number that the spier -
attar •'giver" to the person. Let x equal
the number thout of; then 2x plus 14
wtit equal -bat the person has atter
the Imaginary loan and the gift from
the opentar. It halt of that be given
to the gentleman on the right the m-
mainder will evidently be z plus 7,
In N,lte rx{ K
stanti,d Mach in it lutsket, which the
old I:Idv cm iieil. A+ they ero-,srd a l
:old 21, 00.0.•r sand ,'. 11"und-trip
vri,wde,l streetthe farmer irnlarked•
This t]xnagetn*-nt during the
"Here. Hnnlulh. giolloe the Intake t...
plu,t year trained over Twit
The tiled w•ol o ll Nuliled gl•ate•full-v i
That'-, kind 4i ye, 1:1111.' Nlie Maid.
till[] It 110.41 j' 4111 It K
"Kind %" snorted her husband. "I I
bollen .old'2� I Kent 1 e -
was afraid t•.- d Kit IoNL-
m e n, :1 s N t e n o -
What Would Happen.
gr,tphctN, Isokkcepehl incl tele -
In a small t,,wn in ill,- Midlat)(I .,,I
Kraphers, and placed them in
two Irruthetx who,u•e Ung grd in the;
e•xcrllcnt Nltu atlhnto in leading
business. A noted evat-'
retail rowel bu
f 'xnadiati ,tad American cities.
Kali -t votiLed tit*- tllwll,,tall the shim
brother was cunveru•d. For weeks l
Indivoltutl instructi/ip (Y
,tfler his rnnversiuu he entravored'lo
\\'rites for ratxloqur. +. 1 1
{ae I'-11!1111• II IN III I,t lire l/l 11111) lilt•
rI111 [•1•►1. One day In• -diel ata hien.
\\'hy can't Itich,uel, loin thri
hutch, a- I did'-" -It's all right for i
be six cards do likewise. Presenting •
f tole chch.'-
yhll Inhe A Illelobei elor
Richard "hilt, if I join. who'sI
replied :
going to weigh the (-taut:'.'
htedreit and rr(lorade.
seeks of scenes In the form of a fan
(;Isle SPOTTON, 1'rmcrpal.
f If You Are Going West
rcmciolier the C. 1'. it. hhuleseekers'
OuldeR are attached to each cant and
etrersiun un AIIKII-t Yi. Reptemla•r 10;
in the Is and b►c . ( thought
and when the Imaginary loan L w
•run Naw MAST ensu.
:old 21, 00.0.•r sand ,'. 11"und-trip
nothing would ever currv]e till I tried
nodd's Kidney Pilb. 1 t«rk wMrut 14
turned -which. it Willi be remembered.
lanifular box. lu the back of the box
t ••K
ticket. to \\-inni r ,soul all \K. -d
ve•ry low ruoN.
re_•a r0s
boxes and the complete) cured tile.
1 Uodd's Jitney Pills
Is the same a x --the flgum will be x
plan 7 atnua X. which equals 7. It
Is a elide which b etanneetetl ti.) each
Normally the entire bin p'o-
w"t points :et Kood
for sixty day+. ?ismer .,h.epel. all
cannot pn w
will los reads seen that the vales of
all t,lius, sot surnll rxta,t cos.
lou highly."
scuts the appeanncr o[ a very titin
Intal l'. I'. R. agent will give you fc.tl
-- -
x does not aRoet less cue In any way.
box, but when the slide In withdrawn
parti(-uhtr- Auld 1-Ites,
be six cards do likewise. Presenting •
r c •
htedreit and rr(lorade.
seeks of scenes In the form of a fan
Up-to-date Baseball i
Although the kWrenbelt thermome-
OuldeR are attached to each cant and
'-The gentleman i, safe." said the
Park Experts at Toronto Do Not Like
ter 1s the 000 In geDenl Use, every-
also to the slide to limit the withdraw-
mophe. i
Them Nezt Road.
body should know something about
the to compare them
at movement and to present tbe.ards
"I hex Y. -Ill- pardon, hlat he Neenled .
Is• deice
TomnW, Aug. 17. "In drivinp�
eentlStada no a
or so a to Convert the reading of one
In a Dest arrangement. A series of
to lint." Naial the rwptain. 8311n-
tering in (Toil short.
thmu`(h your brautifnl rbty," will
tot° the other. By the centigrade sys
ernes In rotation or n.namDer of local
views add to the atfYac•
" \ thousand I111,IUIIN, but he he,a[ I
t r
Hr. t rd NaNbaumer, tit. Paul,
at last night's session if the
tem sero markt floe tre4tsing poht of
tivenem of the earl. The latter Is
the throw about a vxl,l," the umpire I
American Association of Park Snper•
water and 100 degrees the boiling
mailed In the usual way, the name staid
Thr base runner ecus c:allyd sop and
Goc1d Horses and p-
intendrnts in the city hall, "i wait
point; by Ifthrenbitra, 32
residence of the addressee 1�
lIl*- 11111 p11'e• tank a Hlhlt! all( hf Mit
somewhat taken sbwu k by oar
above ado °arks the freezing point
on the rEverse aide.
pocket, ,tilt ;ware him.
to Rigs.
streets. 1 do not mean the c in
but the the
ad and 211 degrees the boiling point T`
- '-
\sow were von out Y' asks d the Inn-
of the sttrrb, way side-
walks are placed. i cannot under-
temperate mark, 00 degrees F" is 15
deSrees C" blood beat 1x6 n]egrees
Heart Probeetors.
,ir,., - I
l I
the base I'll11 ilei'
r �
stand why the sidewalks air bald out
F., is 1117 C. The centigrade thermom-
listly persons are Puzzled to levee
wits." all llllttell, if `!r �� t
whereupon the audience fell W talking'
to the curb, instead of the lawn tieing
eter L largely Irsid by scientists both
why policemen wear their so
I f t he old 4141%- "r lie+, tines and ark.1-
nest to the curb, If the sidewalks
were alongthe line it would
in this country and In England. thoogh
low on thele costa Instead of to the
An mat -
t ear% drrisinnN. 't E1Jp_PHONE NO. 173
1 fid y
have a better effect."
the popular Jess is almost entimly m
tor that a
toe o[ tact the badge or she. a he
Deafness Cannot be Cured
C of and a goofl turnout will tx sent to
Vice -President John Chambers said
that he hwcl twen asked the some kind
strided to the Psbelattbett
man apurpose.
callflaps Otde
y pollcema r. �t
by Intal nepli. •..Is n- canon[ mash the i your order. Summer visitors will
of question by several of the drle-
The spa of Sharks
next to his heart. Some of the blue-
thank their "starse for bele-
,;, ,r -rd Bort Joh lir I ...•i r. Ther,• .1 unl enc
. nv lu roar de•.an„•._. ,ria ur.a i- by roa uul End prompt and satisfactory service
i h+
gates, and his expllanation was that it
was a fwd in Tomato W Ixce the eel's
so tar a 'Down the largest shalt
coati can
alive. This Ilius metal shield has li-
tea n•rne,bc-. -.•.t -h nrl til i
Ili.• .
nnnu•a t•onaulno lir err n.n(-op- ur,tna lir it,,, here
out. He had cut down 1,IiIM1 trees in
over captured was ODQ taken lately 1D
ftallfornlan watsm. This stark was
fleeted the Doibt of �r a htSh-
h:mt.p hleur rnbr. hen n4o tui-, I. i' l her
yap tuacr.t rnmblu�lr.cord lir iii{{,crfta t hear
ora. ana .. hen n 1..•ot irely dn+w send u.-, i-
t �
s few mors in older W make room for
thlrty�wo feet bug and measured fit-
Weyman. end et times, too, lee stopped
ue.• rr-edt. and urn.•._ urn tunnunfan„n ran br
� t
the si1ewltlks next to the curbs,
Several delegates w Bred to take
eR Pfe
the matter seriously. and John Dun-
teen feet around the body. The mon-
star weighed 14AW pounds, and his
the knife throat of world be utnaaeltls.
During the last fecal, or mtrt„etr.
there are many Cls [has
t,il;t.n sol ,aria ort- nn-• 1 -tored to Its nul,nal
nndtt Jun h.•ihins wlu pat 'i-Iro •rd roma,•r.
riot• ra •-out or Ino .h,• by c of
can, Britton, pmp]cred that a commit•
mOath measured three and t halt feet
been a
Ing that the little badge has been •
b g
w-bi.r. i- not hind in"I o.
un iatlnmtNl r•.nullt inn. ul
it ... nnu•on--nrnacc-.
tee be appointed to draft a resolution
on lbs subject, J. W. Rogers. Cin-
from lower jaw to anoat and two and
half feet
life aver. Even ballets fired at ebbe
w'e w ill si. r nuc hundred Dollarm roe env
caw of D—fnc-...•na.... I by rmtwnfii that ren
Opposite Collodrne Hotel,
olnnaN, remarked thwt It wrnild not
t serum
range, a a rate, camel penetrate the
soul i,. cun,f by Hell - /'alsrrh ('ort. MnA fur
eirenhu-, fac.
look well for visitors W dictate to this
shield. That's why a blDecaat always
r..t. / H):V k\' A c'n„ Toloxlo, n.
city where It should plzce its side-
walks, and it was agreed not to take
it Dickler father be John's stn, what i
feels safer In keeping the star at a vital
spot. ellen off duly some policemen
Sold b1 Dru�t a -u. 7Jr.
1'skc H,au'- Vill. for mn.tttrntkto,
I L :r
action an a body. However, Mr.
relation is Dick to John? His grand-
wear their stars on their r'eater. but al-
- -- --- - - -
Nussbaumer Intlmsted, at Mr. Cham-
ways over the hent They are
hen' suggestion, that he would write
it all the Massey In the wedd wam
so accustomed ee to filo little protector
a letter to the Toronto Parka Coln-
missioner on the matter. The dip-
divided equally among the people,
what would each one get! An equal
that they feet uneasy without It
Collision followed .the reading of s
paper b Dr. Baker, Washington, on
The season is coming al of ig fast, when you will
the subject of parka, 1
The lte+at�.i'ga. b may-
Scott's Wits Doe.
siva It a
it I were asked what was the-tl2eat-
est toe to beauty in Mello man and Wo-
13o veracious a man a Sir Walter
l 119
The above extract fmm the repast
Ma14 I world sap not etvon In diet
Scott had a wise deg, a bull terrier.
"f him
"1 1� NEW >� rOV j;,/ ) t.'
of the meeting of the American As-
Said the novelist Dore: hnght
sociwtlon sot Park Superintendents
Octlack o[ ezmreise, Dot overwod, not
to understand a great many words, 1n-
ma Ile of interest in connection with
corsets• not any one of tbf , Dat Dad
asmuch that I am positive that the
” r
�� c invite Lou to tali snf�l see oto• complete line
3 p
the perennial, diwcussion in Goderich
a W the proper place for the cement
mental habdh, says a writer 1n the
Antiag Magaslne. It we ollim m close-
communication betwixt a cantne-spe-
elms and ourselves might be greatly
of Wm, linek Stove Cos, tiro ves and Itanges. Rad-
Iy the flees of the people we'Dee t at
enlarged. camp once bit the user,
iant home Heater mill Hal spy Thought Itanges.
random on the street, at the tbmtm or
who was bringing Dread to the tam-
We Have a number of otber makes which we are
1n the gloat shops, we will observe that
nearly ail of them are charaehatad
11y. I Deet 61m and explained the
eaormlty of his offe m, after which. t0
Of�Orltlg Clleap 111 cede?' t0 clef LR out.
"I thought i must go on suffering
until i died,” says Mn. E. Read, of
by the lined mouth, the dawn brows
the last moments of his life; he neer
NV hen (loin b your fall p ait itin (' r flo not forget
Mteenburg, (Ont.), taut Zam•Buk
and other facial dletgamments whichstor
heard tJrs feast alluaioa to the y in
has cured total For eats I en-
dured n could hard) walk
accompany Dad mental /tatli.
What do I mean by bad mlmtal
whatettar tone of rdce 1t was men•
tfoaed without getting sop and redr-
about. wand loltt All my wtreDgth.
states? I Megan anger, tom• w�'
tog to the dartemt cornet o[ floe toeM,
Everything I tried seemed uselesa.
anxiety irritability, regret envy. )ural-
with get app�e of dlttreter
Then Zam-Buk wa recommended,
ousy, lack of ttftlst in ooetetf and in
Th= it you said The baker was well
In I11umbinrr Heating aid Tiustnithing every -
and I bless the ddy 1 It has cured ale
the great good. All of these are bad
paid. sox VP baker veal pot hurt, after
completel •"
meatal staters. and wit thesm d4tatmy
an., (Damp came forth from his hiding
tlllll}� tip -to date and fully };nanitlteed.
-Bok Is the Avert hrntsehold
balm known, not, only for piles, but
beauty pot cab ily intertettaR with
the action of the "W eigans. but dl-
pLnY, capped end Darted and w
'°'ted "
all .kin troublesfee and d'.ai ea < on-
t etty M"w ion of the
sore fest, i stings, son-
burn. eeterna. eta AOc., all stoles. or
a 0c..
UNION the isnot wo•
Washing LI Kid Gloves
a Sro
light kiwi
A 1.\V A l'!i ON H A tv 11.
Oo., Toro Ito. S for $1.25.
An Up-lo•dato View.
sadden young
sax In ptttepKIed to dsBhrsuaeb euro-
When wishing to wash
gkrvea, try thin plan, which I have need
,. t,
y t
rate geed trs>deerl
to 111111 T: foists
very tor.( ally: risco the pair of
■^ C.LEE
"liars yrw tato the latest thing f"
ebmWfdaera siva
glover to be elmined into a clean SIA-,-,
f�'� p, `/HAS. `/•
asked his (ANA. who had mottle along
Ma M asa4w
fruit jar and pour r,soeSh Rserallne to
after• ho had been staedlep� forty -Ave
an � � imstil l eta tet
mom than rover the Rtoven. Then
r .s,„,
Store 'Phone 22 lioltse Phone 112
minutes on a s,bwa tirena.
ahwis seatleaeI Altar. wit he little or
the corer she's tRnx
"Y ” he said t "i'm weitioR for it
an haslet ftemlar•s>msrb to dewatap In
—idserveit is
.tltyi►ly mtfl the eftieler der eJeraoerd.
TaUnaDAT, Aegest 22, 11107 5
His Itll!♦++If�f��
Good solid wear and real
comfort in our Men's
and stli:itil the walking
which you will certainly
f4el like doin¢ when you
wear them.
All Ili#- It -t Makes, in
all shapes, sizes and
witltll�, airs here.
Easy to get a lit. Patsy
shoes to wear and hard to
wear out.
A knowledge of Busihess Paper is counting, "protesting," etc., or he
of inestimable value to every young will find ,himself "out of pocket"
man. now aildagain.
An accountant must be familiar We thoroughly teach all these and
with the uses of notes, drafts and many more valuable things in con -
checks to hold a responsible position. nect]on with "Bills of Exchange."
The young man on business, for Write for our large, illustntedr
himself should possess the knowledge tree catalogue. It explains our
necessary to draw up correctly all Business and Shorthand Courses in
manner of business forms, such a$ detail, and shows the value of the
macs, drafts, vouchers, leasespar
, t- Business Educators' Association
nership agreements, etc. our Diploma to graduates.
He, who igtends to remain upon P
the farm, must know the meaning of Our graduates are in constant a
"negotiability," "indorsing," "dis- demand.
Monition; of Hesi•m gdrt:rt•ro• J. W. WrATElliv 1. o
Aa••deti•r. "+'>�,,1: :•,•. Pris•Ima4 t.M+raa t
Woollens and Furnishings
, Comb;ned with the best goods we will
�' give you the latest correct styles. ARM
We are offerinc, a hirge, trunk with extra dress
tray, Jleavy brass trimming, brass Excelsior back, for $5.
This is '
SAVE OF $1.50
for any person wanting a good trunk.
Brass Trimmed Suit Cases
:. ����a�Tl l� il'�� from $2.00 up. r
FROM \wm
, Now
We will tell you that
we have the largest stock
• �I,l�if�! a '�x.•+rs� i �
``r \
in Western Ontario. • The best bakers, Niel savers
and easiest managed stoves made.
We sell only tried and tested goods an,4 our
prices are the lowest.
Let us figure on your Electric Wiring, Heating tied
Hardware and Stove Store.
I. rsow. I.o aerled to iL"--Jp�. Mselt ftswasigitb"M dit at l..d. � �..�sa.
in I
affu Asim