HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-8-22, Page 4i
I 11 4 TaUasDAv, August 22, 1907 vi F. 'S'IGNAL: : GODERICH. ONTARIO h*=.•. _�. „t, ,, x ', .7 .�p^F I 1t�� :i1:r." l:l . f �.':11' �' k.111
I<1> 1.,, ,
I A G. C. 1. OLD. BOY.
I - A KW Eases;6r.
Defeat Blyth on the Latter's Grosnde
- --
Call from the West to Rev. W: R.
Duties Uetr•fined Caw" Orpington M-
WJoin BtaLwr was dearly Instant by
the atodeots w4ga he was
by a stere at is to to.
McIntosh, of Elora.
trl,•"a Mi"tre"s and Mair.
professor of
mu.k• at Ukfaed. "As au examlt,er be
Ton Ooderlch tm%etmll towel, Ian41e
A call frown the Woket it, lilt- Hay.
If the praclse duties of satvtmM
, was {post coosldente," saki ohe who
the entturn trip to Hlyth on Thursday
W. H. McIntosh ,,f Knox church,
ware mots clearly uadentood and
studied under him, "anti would always
. last and wiped out tilt- rectlrl tof their
Ella. In lev,tb&r once*t,ti v tel t#•u,.
closely-adbensd to there would be Ices
do hL best W VA you ,through.' I to-
dofe" the wtirk previous by LrinulliteK
wrancr and mural reftlrw fur the
to "the servant quertiaq" I fancy. A
member his asking me a pacer In a
the Hlyth teAul by Ihr scnr.• ,,f 12 I,.
10. &/til trauim ralher loximpl%.
,,f Allprrta, offering till in-
woman who has been hired to du me
viva voce t/xamlnatlin. He waited pa -
alttttalggh GtKlvrleato .lid n.)t have too rol-,.
ambu-y of W44001 ,uul ra{wnw•.,
cane IN•folr the i ,_NhMrre ,,1 l
kind of work dues ant can to do other
henuchae unless ae Is sometimes wilt-
tlPatly fur Lls answer; but. partly
til+ ttlptenrllips Igl_r Lite r it, .
wt lea tukoh'
M1•. Mclulo.h'.
I my nwvolrnmw use doubt. 1
ho- II
Ili when Ihry ,,l oiler the HI)'l11
Vu v,dfig.
lx•uplr rxyrrmmed their drug desire
Ing to In" for a very abort Unlike.
me should till do
could not think of It At length be
tw fur rievelt hit:., which wilt a
that lit -should menain wills thein tot. n
pat expected to ads.
I exclaimed testily. me, bow stuffy
' nudLrr of err -N suppliwl by the
tittle at IWtel, uttering tit fill- .41811•
koweiver, or Dr cousldeted oQeaat•s if
this room In. W two sure,' and he went
home teauf•tuao."d right i unr mer Ihr
time x .rlb.luntial incr•.aw• ,,t .l ip••ud.
she mfuem DaIWY-
I and began tlooeguw at the ventilator
loan. Atter that the %Whirs t4vok
\It. .Nil Intul.h, in giving hL. Ile, i..
To expect a cook to answer the front
, cord. It was quite two mluutes be.
things eaa�• and alluwe,l Myth It) gel
ion, eaid th,u hr eonNldered Ihr cull :1
dolor is uuntaauttabkt. She to not
fun he got the thiug oily", and by the
. within K1rl►iug,ha&uce, hill kill Io file
arv"gth for batter wee nbt all
i very i1111.11 Intel our lull Thal it ap
demand font, and the wank L WIDOW
lite be I" est down again and rear-
dahgerou.. In that inningm Hlyth'praclicul
wooled 10 him .tlo/ogly Iw.•,al.e ,,1' it"
ani.siona1v 1•h.aart••r, Ina
wlLont bar province. Negligible should
ranged his gown I feud the answer
took A .purl ami got one run ,,err Ili.'
thele waw ,,fie difficult a Ulal s -loe,1
she help with the dining room work
ready. ('uolsr(ng notes later Ill the
. pall &fill io the Ural inning. gut three
to hiul 1., ., 1111..•1 41ebt). '1'la• w,,lk
1Y Mob[ for maid aaatrtaam. It the
dry with a man who was examWed
mute, which will& Iwo toe the ninth'
wA. Lring 4ppr,,acheil 41 16r .aIle
"nosw7Yo an Sued friands and �
quite soon atter me, I t lit him. bow
hruught thrid total up 1,, tell, U,mlc
' lime fl•,,ul two w•luu'alc qu,urel..
cook dam saootbtm far the maid for
the veeulmor had moved me. 'How
rich having an inniugm w .Isere.
, The-churrhea wrrr apl..iut mg .,•cele
that nomm It b a matter dbtfactlY
remarkable,' be replied. 'Wby, when
Ill the second ioning%. aftei (i,Nb•-
tariem at h•:al,itial'Ietw t,, d.) fill,
Dstenes the two, and the mkitr r
I was stuck be aald, "How extraor-
rich limit -coral Ihrrr Ilio., Ihr would
work and file ritizeud had or)rulize,l
shard pay 00 attmtbm to It unless
dluar draft this
> S Place Ir." and spent
of thr fill- 11.•11 put ao end t,, Ilse fun.
rile Blyth playris all going In the fit.-
to do the .Ager work along 1'r,,viect.t
lilies. In view ,,f thin, N,, ..•1141,, 11
tba ooat is l her own work
quite two minutes In shutting the ven-
-evidently they All "I'log"i to the'
raid that fee had ten.&:ly do soled. hoe
The latesr's dutles eotesYt not only
tilator.-" Manchester utuortleen.
Ne* brigade, fur thry I,m,k along Ihrir
I iug taken ,ale ire f1mu all .i I to sec
«�• but keeping her part of the
-_-_- --- ._----
Ills to help tight Ihr fl:unrs. len
, uuuorn41 Ihr emilourl.•.• 1.,'
o debty Ihr
•bode cis• KlEched, pantries and
T` Razor In Diaropart•.
their return Lite (i,Nlerlch lm,ym reemM
aplNlllltlllellt sof a sevit-fa •) until
ntrlgentor an entirely In Iver bands.
"And lin tight her will lilt heart. and
to have (curd" by file re.1 ,tied tie.,
' house Leafit app-alwl it) have become.
there is Blur Ger Ilw..t• uo.•rr.tWl ill
the 1..
it" she b at fault If they are not in
cou i tion. She
said unto bet there bath not come a
excited over the blaze, for it I,m,k"I
pr.o.rt•utioe ,,(lhia wink ngrv,%
if poasel'ile, .)n ,t r,,nau.)n title ,,1 ,it'-
proper also answers
the basement Dell. The {add sbould
razor upon mine bond, for 1 have beets
foraMNIL tNs lolntlta•s A& If the lila,.•-
tl/ltl• N11,1 what ion. the pll..,ellt at le:l.t
never be required to du tbss. whether
n Naxarlte unto God from my mothees
womb; If I be
- rich trwin would tie imiller Is still.
than the lie*: &t Jany Pale, when II,.•
he wtmlltl n•Ill:aln 111 Ill. I,B'r vol
chat, go.
or not the coat or maid proper" the
shaven, then m y
strength w'IA go from tile, and I shall
fun atoplied tilt visit,,/U had f1.r•wl
lie%-. MI'. .14I.-Into.111r+1 forol,l'.tll-
nye depends somewhat Upot, pre-
become weak and be like other len."
over right rues and practir.tly
deur ,,f (i,Nlcrich Collegiate lu.tiflle
vfbd ageeeessnts. An sxporieoted
- Judgm or,. 17.
.•. ,r
OHIV a few olllli and edea left of tho warm weather materials -nut enough to
Silt' ullylhing further shall `to state that price is no object now, for what is here of
thrill, nearly duly old price will take them.
Is it too early to say Fall Goods? well, perhaps it is still; if you would
like to sec the early fall dress Materials we can show imported lines
Just eolne and are what they are like. It is too Aetna to
ark vote to holy lir to quote prices. We think they are as
very nice lot.
CLAN TARTANS All Wood 12 clans In our lot, 50 and 7bc a n;J�I w°1_f"11 $5p
Ott Ie .." ; �x al...11
waitress L to know bow - - - - --
cutrhe#I t r game, wed IM YI{a•t•tWl l.. IN• pn•..•ul ,t Ihr Haar on mea or brute b a sign of -- - '- -------- - - -
The dutihlr•um ire{s
rysteenwasagain reunion thin eek, and to do them, but In thin awntry cr•
tagrh. Ile who desires to keep ata
worked. 1i. 1'. Falwwnlm or Otldo•rirle - these dislikes at-! woes tbpseetly loot* safe 4flan[!• from dent{"teGotdatn,th's Generosit, let hem y'
umpiring the- ballm :trill strikrN and c',, 13
P K Mr. Sieveri ill's Jubilee. ad after by the tusk keep oar, a great distance from the l Leith . one w»ke.l nems a Oliver
13adwrtwa,, of Blyth, IlNlklllg Nflel' the g It ear thaw was a "Simessl servant" knife of the barber. To shave h sol art Goldsmith n» 1&t- wul►tad wftll a friend GOOD h1 IF
ases. There were several disputes Thr fo11"w•iug fr,,ow The Pres y- she b that am commonly colied "sec- a 1 up Flirt street, and he gave her n still- SITUATIONS
Durr the tatter's Jrciaiun0. but ou the b•rimn will IK• 1_441 will) ifitrl_.t .) to test nature. Provoke aatuR, And lits j
nod girl-" Tie amarat of different g• Ills rompat"bn, knowing some•
whole Kolb did well o,any in IiIlierlitI and eirinil)• : wad that y In 8MD name* well r:provoke-he Wing of the woman, censured ate writ• -3 �= VACANT -- IP
On Julr Ihr lit It. Ihr 1'r.•.1,)arr)• ,, ��� tae y wpysa• `tale Daniel WMwtrr: " -the e•azor!
(1oDICHICH• tog, sad It in only a wonder that she It has tau er for hlm excess of humanity, saying F
North li&e crll,bfalwl Ihr If ftirthNnni. gilt me to torr. It has lost that the shilling was nllsapplkrl, as E
A. H. K. H. h: ever gab t- 161 - she lays the u- g
At le. 3rd b..... .... 8 2 :; l vrlrmr�•uf thrunlindtinn,,f Kec. J:uue. mr {save temp end more tmnble than she &•add s
g Nieverlght ,t Iiurk's Falls. (•ong rat- �. see•ee may. washes dbbm• duan ell • Droll It for liquor. "If It * Wt- purprle staking follher exten.ionm W our hunine•w next 1F
HArnes, r. o .....r..... b l 2 2 olat"I.)• mi'lle.sem wr1_ ieen b Ite•v.. wart. Cleans the hove. keeps t� {moo M•m." makes her happy In any way, my end
Barnes, 2nd h.......... b 1 2 Y. Chdderhow. J. lk•Kker. ,1141 It. sll•er In oedw and 1s even expect- t " I•h.Mtr, the lawyer. called the Is answered," lied Goldsmith, Month solid will have-itua(iunse fur It nunlMr of Nnlatt girls loop. 6
Wiggina, Ist;b......... b 2 3 u d° I'ra rookie an Instrumpnt Invrnh"1 by Ln- Another replied gen. � Prate mewing mNchin" I%uh in Godetich and (Tinton. ExpPri-
Drinunn, f.)ll,,wwl un Iwhaf ,,Y he sit' to help with the wdhlag and Ina• O to II oil hell with Imrrlerers, proof that the doctor s
Oil 1 ental o rt 1 K
Ikon, U., 1. L......... 1 1L 1 l'rws6vlrry bt• Ihr p1_w•uta ion .)f +tel mg Added to shy It L not unusual rroslty esu tat always regulated by Pe t+ rt- preferred, but to leginnrre we will offer tN,J
Devine. es ............. b 1 4 1 addrrm. and a pule. arid Prerett never nal profane
discrotlon was at a time when, after I inducement by lxaying gtKNl tcngst fmm conlnlencertlent and in-
F1ean, V., c ............. 4 I 1 II _ The c:u•rrr of 111 r. YirePrighr it in for 4 mfetaees to lit[ the maid to go I Into•, but tlrinrr ahavine he would structions will IN• y
fa rlahly Icy given 1. an instructor for the pure. of roots
Tait, p .................. d 1 'l 1 ma0y rrslNnte w nniyur unr. Hr has out to do errands. It the latter retruer glue eros to nil srlrtA of much delay, a day was fixed to C.
Butlaod, c. t.... ;,,. . 5 1 'l '2 leen cunnctl,d with rlrveu {Ireml,t,- $be y called "Impwtlomt•" 14eneA borbsryms. the i40 dor his tailor. Goldsmith pro nw"lily advancing girls to pettion of piecework. E
terip" hoot 4upiwe to Winoilieg, it;,. A woman who dues such a variety coed the money, bat a frlond lalling •11 Our piecework lovicem are Nwtisfactory to carr present stag F.
. 43 12 'LI A latter at that time the ural nest)•. d wueig,ban come rather near to adv- ,„ upen him and relating a plbons tale
1 Joerdan Water. . And "mart girls are earning gooml wages, .
• eL7TH. tory west ,,f l.akr So{n•ri.)r. fir hxv (tag the plohMm of perpetual motion. 'I7rere y a gdanrol Impre•%elots 'teat d his goods being edged for rent, the Houn1 fur working are reawinable and pay da ever
s A.B. K. H. Fs. Ales• Neeu a church lir a 1111LIIW r1_cawl Elbe pies from ones duty to the other. thoughtless but Benevolent author gave 7 7 two
the Jordan water which Is used at weeks.
Nomenil c ....... ... ... 5 3 0 2 for ra r,y tau )caro ,,f kir winistry. Iliad It tike 4 ceraude and gab Iter wort hem all the money. The tailor called 3
Forty years be o in conjunction with royal Daptlarm Is taken from the en- Personal application preferred, but mail applications will he
Johnston, Lt h......... 5 1 'L :f K , out of tDe`,way gekiyy she y fn• cm1 streym, Put Into a txutlp, bermet- and was told that It be Dad come a Ilt-
F�pr. J. H. Mulbul rat F'cr u. hr w4m P 3
Watson, r. t...... ..... 5 'l 0 II K an•wel•wl nxlw Uv and dull infortnntiuti given,
McMillian. 2nd b........ 0 1 a u the first Pnxretant n.ini.ter I" vi.it Thin Is of sametMng more W nice ,rally sealed and led{ untrnlchpd until ale Bowler ter cube! Isco had the .1 I V
McCarter, ;, the !nrulwr camps north toe Ottawa As Thin y orae the most tbotlghtieaA the bottle is opened ber the otflclsling money. but that be had Jet parted F
p. • ... """' 1 1 1 far Ar h',,rt Ur.rrt, which then 1t- and things done by priest. As a matter of fat the water with every shilling of It tv ■friend In i The Jackson Manufacturing Co F
Taman, I. t........ .... 5 11 1 ti 1 C
crivwl its flea Pr/trrt»lit 'rrrvicr. yrs• iae meld war felted to wbkh flows o(rt of tDe lane of Gal. dkttrees, adding, "I world have Deva
Gidley, c. f ............. 0 1 '3 1 .* CLINTON
Year, as................ 5 0 0 I The visit t_,tulUd ill the collluie uvp- do a certain �abmt of work. If she Ilse and desoende a rocky gorge to as unfeeling monster not to have re- GODERICH
Buchanan, :int h........ "i 1 '2 0 talent of one. of the Nchrines of the tittles it so that show just gets through, a level far below that of the Medlter- Ileved trouble when In' my power." �A C
church. the nliNsion to the 11ueler• nothing [notehexpected.andshegives ria is full of organic suDatauces ----^9!!1!!n!1!!1!!1�!1!!1!!1!T!1!!1!!I�T!n!1�!n!1!!nT!1!!1!!1�T�t
4b 111 1'l 9 men. 1'hr pioneer inmtinct wn. in hi+ sttislstKlon. If, on the other hand, it a bottle be filled with the water
Neore by innings : fdtNKI, and in 1940 he left do dt rich fur . she b a good wwndumr and anislem tie- and l t tJghtl had f suing Mint Up. - ----- - - - ----------,- --
1 2 3 4 b 0 7 9 9 R. H. h'. eD
(ibderich.. 18 1 O 2 0 0 it •-1'L 'll m
Ante Alhert M the plonrrr home tone the Ihmit d telae, Abe b ahnest
1°h'Nlonnry u[ any denomination in
' y fir or a few
days It turas pertealy black and of-
'How much money really has be?"
Blvth (1 0 0 2 0 1 3 2--10 12 9
the Tuva'y wry ,,f Saskatchewan. To, always given nue thing more. This
fan to the nostrils all the odor of
.don't know. What y by attitude
... .'2
11mPfres-Edwards null Robertson.
trach his destination hr Mut to fare a to wring, formthe woman has planned
the toward
troptea. The precaution V there.
the law?
journey of. ):A) 11lih•4 ill N lllnaliev WA end honestly' worked to bave a IIWs
tore taken of boiling for water and
"what do you mean! -
. N(YT= nv THE teAMK.
gun over the prairie in the bleak time to brastf, and her aoccaadal
sU•alnbg It before It u sealed u sad
"Does be evade, defy or Ignore ltr
Revenge is sweet. - ;:1
month of November. He hell to can,F, I maaagemenpaad own rights obould be
thin Is why the baptismal water &I--
TDe new men did well.
F.rrorm galore, although s.lnlp were
alt at flight ,),I tier open prairie with I ami: I A servant Is baasan, and
nil opportunity for stargazing, an hr rape wand em oeetWmal Doer W Dar-
ways � the crystal Clearness
" , It"t'
at- 'ealsilll•ttR
lord chA arov
' Both Berne(,' and Dean's errors
hod tb keep it) fart• tro.ol, wl zit l. self. Thy 10 ani to coy, Ot Mourne,
buKAl,, rules Ito keep fmm h•rrzing• I
which one notices on hese ceremunlal
°loot.-Isadern Bodety.
Bigamist* In Hungary got old pan.
wPn excusable, both being on hard
that she should Ds Woad to a
In INKI he opened the flrmt 111_.by.
- IshtOent.
The man silly enough to
terinn and Nl,thtmli.t. chulbe- in till, slomakI3 vllft the arks wort
The Undertakers shop.
marry two wives In legally toned to
Goderich lunate lost by -ahem !
TLrritory of S,emknt(site low, #in. He waw I..
"rte one thing In New York that i live
with both at them in the sums
- oak Monkey or Weary.
one lit the pioneerm ,,f Prinve Albert, I OF ROSES. e•
cane Set aged to," said til► tountyy boast-.
A couple of easy pip flies were
dropped by the Guderich infield, hist
and indeed vlai uR to Iw the i,runder
elf that thriving The
visitor. ,•y ape manifold uses to which
i %( w•
did not figguure Much in the scoring.
city. p+wt HM dra t Gsan Fti a end slap
twenty yeArN of his life have IN•er,
undertaken put their ah(Iq. 1 used to
- __
. That Trebel] rang at exactly the
m*wnt it, atreuuuue ulimion work in Fr"rs'Oeolowg mss'
Ile of the ogRalou that the only possible
For the burdens which God lays on
right moment, for the Blyth playerm
northern Ontario. During it ronsid- whom the Rem SY is ahtlmimt on
ecrund a person could have at an an.
us there wilt always be grace e000gd
must have tined rap all their energy
rrable portion of that. time he t1Nlk aes
it is beuse ybele not
dertskWa was to purchase f»tleral
The burdrus wbich we make foe our.
, trying til light the Marne", And when
:1 It Active part in Journ+elimm, Ming Ihr, censidt:ed the ways of the ant sad
inlitplies. but to this town I find that selves
we must carry alsan.-A, W.
the hall Kwme wan again stmrted their
'editor of The It rk'% F411" Arrow, peen Wille - to the fact that the greet,
people go tbere fur all sorts of pur- 'l'lwtoW,
D. D.
nKK 1orrnesn had All vanished,
Sinrr him rrna,tal l,, 'towline,, he i+ fiy b the, slat's , It Codes the
DMeti- They [o to vote. to get mar -
Bo ! You will have to cut this out.
baking p,(rl Willi all Ilk old time Stan to- on the eea0<rMoab o[ the
.•nrrgy In tile work of church exirn-
r/ed and to transect all the legal Dual-
uma that a notary nonce U es bl of
' A Big Day's Sport- Large Crowds and
Successful Program,
The celPllration At Seafurth lams
Friday under the atispiere of the None
elf Ncotland was w great m lecrsa.
Among the attractions were the 49th
HiKhlanderli {rand ,,f Torontt., and
Tont ionggM,xt, the rilUnum Indian
runner. Thee* wan n Ttig crowd io
Gown, many told Senforthitp14 coming
fmm w distance M enjoy the day.
Then was A conniolreable attend•
&nor fmm Ooderich, and n OtKlerirh
tiny ewrt•ied away line of thr utetL►le,
W. O. FJwanl getting second in thr
standing high jump,
The alnatrur sports brought out
loome of the Mat athlete„ in (•&nnoLa
and the entry lista tut each evrot wrrr•
Iamr. The IN ni event% also were- well
contested. The Highland dlanving wits
another big fretum of the program,
many reentenhtnte bring pte"rnt from,
w distance.
lral•vwrle mer- H. Kerr. Hsulillou.
1: 1.. A. Marsh. Toronto, 2: .1.
Nwt-env, Imrndon, 3, 'rims• 1112.5 mre
Two-mile rJler--(i. Adorns. Hamil-
ton, 1 . Dick (hent, Not'
MArp•s, 2:
J. M. McDougall, Porrer'm hill, :I,
Timp In minutox. 511 nevora s.
.ion, to which he 11+414devatwl hi" life.
He be flit- rulterintrnolrnt of the new
Sunday srh4md recruit,.- ,,rgan,zed b)•
the Dovercourt Hun,, eongreg+tiun,
which has nh_ady oulgeomes the limit»
of the private hou"p on Arowtrofig
aventir, ism pleowelt hmlle. Mr. Sit-ee.
right finds him joy io nciive Nervi,e.
C. P. R. Will Run Additional Home.
seekers' Excursions.
"Thr \urtlawe.t 1'l•uvinee•m Are o1.
tru•,ing a big ctowd of Ilropple Ilii.
munuut•r," olid aavi.ilinK C. 11. It.
unlciA. going nn l,, .av that in t•irw
of Ihr volume ..f trufll.• Ilia tuallmgp-
meut line dpeiJwl 1.. von cheap round
I, ex1•ur."iun. almor iolo Oet,der, n
decidwll)' new depnrtare. That i. In
may, the well-known honne-seekerm'
exrurmiaum will I.•mve T•.Irant., '1',,e".
(lotVa. Anguml'_ lh, Seplen,lwr 1111h:and
Nott a. advelli.Wl. nod aW. 'I.11_blv.,
Ik•ta,twr mill and 'Lind See.)n41.ctn..
ticket- will )w on .,,Ir to N'inuilm•K
and till holmir•laot Wt -m-1.1-11 lows" as
r ina kabh• low rill#•., with n relurn .
Inuit uf.ixly dei(•.,
It "hould Im• k --pt in mind that Ihe.c
tiekefm at-_ honored in taurimt slot pi g
rarm, whirl, al_ atlarh•d to eavl; •x-
Pnntitlo tfain. nc+l in which iwrth. -11;
tare said Dong thms-to ant= Lam. Bse
whale alit, soap and- tolsma water for
the greearoy.
Wb- tlfm.gteea .4g __ ,bmoat!)
the Nees and gently skehaalses
them\ this only away Is to prepare some
hellebore. Allow two bblspoonfaim
to w backoV.,ot boiling watt-. Coes this
Mad nes wiM.a whit* broom. VUrt it
well tp'eD�eefte deism an an to resci
the ship. A AAerp whish broom ■o-
*weo.as well les u ezp�tw syringe.
Mrs. QeorAs Van Hromr of New
Ysdt b the reotgal:d expert' In pho-
tagsfg,htag end m'�oiartag of rOW SUdes.
She does was& wUh the camera,
presmUng tdv l- mr, •taxtare of the Ilv-
Ing rem. so Untiome books at lbr watt
As at the Tellmhane
who have not tried It �g a good
slide mtgh sea® coq. Dead Jim-
ro ire d Leeson •{bony a wasmom.
Tbe^ede baito m against evesywhore
but to Asrtralla End Beath Ameries.
Me nada ransom hose boon reload there.
but these emerged own will thrive.
Fleur Isms to•MQ10o is the nine belt.
bet waco the taasdmtb and sevea-
t-no Pa=ue►og9atttub
• }
• T'01T ' NOTES•, - \
W e
transacting. Teatel sy I even knew a
party noting hmabecn In an under.
takers establishment. They bad come
Into town apparently to attend a fo-
0@1111 and Instead if patronizing a res-
taerant they calmly munched their
uldday meal In the midst of those lu-
gabriotm swo naodina."
trssaible Carlyle.
A lady who Meet neer T1lomas Car-
lyle kept Cochin t'blt,a fowls, and tkete,
crowing was such a nayroce that the
pbllosupber wat a cumplWt to hen.
Thr owarr'was lndigeant upon bear.
!ng the appeal.
"Why." said she. "they crew ably
four umbra a day• and bow can lir.
Carlyle be seriously annoyed at tbatr
Upon hearing of bar attltade upon
the- subject (srfyle replied. '"Ile Indy
forttets the pain 1 suffer in wafting for
those four crows."
011e" Too often,
"Wbars all this excitement about?,
"Nothing lata mmvout0g. Nag
got knocked down."
"Not exactly. One d them mea who
mi -.r catch hold cif you and push yon
A!#� ,*.:"f:,'In y HAVE YOU •.•.t : �r r,.,
\U 1'ut' rallrr what it meatus, for a tansy to grow top
J without any knowledge of male• witlessness, keeping In
touch with the warld'. prddwell . in olade 1 There iaotie
ea"y, Ineapendee way to treat your family to the haat. mode
In the world by the pur•hame of the
Edison Phonograph and -
Edison Gold -moulded and
.Chen friend- drop e1 lo.p,•nd the evening, or when you have
invlt.1 s4twt..
Ihrrr im nothing which will give them a
P'" millet rtenilyr ,ami stake It eater for you to entertain
them than Ilii. prinee of entertalneem.
Drop into unr .tore at any time and we will he &leaped
to let yon her one. The ppm, and term- will be *tiro to
Pulses from $6n,oc up
Psno-cased siz-octave Organs $S5.00 and upward
Sewing Machines at all prices ____
T h o m s o n's Music Store
Stationery. Souvenir Post Cards. Sheet Musk.
I�gnm�=�dmon� - - egeeeeee
lWestern air
� I
The Exhibition the People all Like to Attend.
KNABENSHUE'S AIRSHIP daily, and a full
list of attractions with plenty of Music. Fire-
yanda race It. liner. I1,41n11.n1. be secured at low rale•,. 1►n +t 1be A 9,aw P-Pder for prnplring oat of their way when yen hsppes to _ i works after progam each evening, conclud-
1 : L. A. Marsh. Tommie), 2: .1, excnt•.inns ihi. muoi u.•r• spare it . 1&.•11 riot y eOmPaaed of few pacts takem {pent them at a cewill comer grab•. ----_ I ing with that grand display,
Sweeny, .IA,ndon, 3. 'time 111 err• wt Apr I. Advi null h, "woke n_ of n powder add Lor- toll the wrong mgr )sit now. ,tars r "THE SIEGE OF GIBRALTAR."
ends. IN•rlh It I. Advisable 1,, Ie.rry rat Irn.t ertlgho uwbc d, a1flP �,i001 off, ok, .
One-odir race- T. Coley, ILuoill,,n, two werk14 bertlrt• twe intro v lenvifiA
K tm g rmo f boota - for 4sdfes And \
1 : Ic AJNms, I:1. 1. ime .. it. 11. The local ('. 11. H. tirk#•1 n fir is well its fim g>�pg o[ Ilenz, two o(taces \- „g �� thvso warn) evenings at: REDUC ED RATER ON
L naion, a. Titre• :, winn(ra, postal. and will Ili. glad , Kivr any- ALL RAILROADS
di 4 5 se"•onda, line ftrt•ther in0wlllali..11., d Utompmbr aad tmw.ol�les of all of 11'rleerl(tn•kus am. early In the mars •
Five -utile rmme T. Coley. Tor.-wo. swent dmoa`' too-W%at is lite meg>deg of this? The Olympia , Send to the Secretary for Prize Liet%. Programs and all Information.
1 : J. Nicholl., llunevy. 2:'I-'. Nichol. i"�' A few dhvgiof agtgemstiaB.t water lying b tad with your cloth" W. J. REID, President
A Rural In Iden{ Toe ant A. M. HUNT, Secretary,
Muncry, 3. Time alt ninute., li , to the last abasdt whirr given a talar OL ,yon (a student} Yes. fallen. I do Cafe arrnnds. "Slap." "hontwl the plan on Ihr sa" a Ofwff tstheImbthat that so that It i ore1171!!p myedr I
Standing high jump .I (.,,.cell eolooliv rrmal 1101 ing ml n w•nrning boggy
0t,de h, 2: ,A. I 1C. li. 1':dw•.u,l, hand. llntyn'�
w ",,tnatlt.l. almallevrd. sMll not be late at cellege. London Sept.GrNle•rlrh. 2 : A. If..h,,n, Tonml.), a, , rt1r41 cli.• nnl,,n„ldlimt. o1N•cr.l. Oat>s+anl b the bleethlwedr will Im- 7 Ile COOIe9t SFN)t 111 (lollerlCh.ff,•ight 4 fort. 4 inches. "Tu. and caro• INtck to luau P� a wsbeV solwss ft tJts�• \ --- - - `If*' 6 to 14'
Electric fang a11(l most
VwuItBIR O. M. Hr,wk. tauthlo.: Wish 1
41 Ihr alr rogrr. "1'.)81 � the womb pipe as the TerolsiJ. Sweeny, i.undou. Ilcigbt, mCert. Were 1.•n.t :ti Boil.•" nn h.)fir." o�Ml 5 a gaud lead ehsommelam A shrewd.old doctor core mid: •'if 1 Ill) t0 ll:ete e1'ery N'a)'. �Ittmm�--�2 inches. "Yoc,,n.talde, 1 ,oilolN..#.,' bag. wanted to torture an enemy, i wouldTom Ism INNIt said Ilobili�t. Willi +t cov.vt -- --
K Kaee nu rxhibili.)n -- -_ - -
TwmtJ few bou n OWORW siampso- tell him be had an Incurable disease. ----__-------- -
r"cP of 1wa rnilPm paces) by Dirk mntwr,lc) had n•mt•hWl Ihr t11 ta�gmant" the,wcwlp,wttb%W,MOUTSIlls life would be myerobie, and he
Grant, St. MAry•s, mud I. A. !l ar,fi, ingp, Osat[al gxooTon,nto. "11eied the-h,utgt•r. '•V,,,ogg- �oorvrry:nMlht w!L would be almost evrta o to d1e befotr•
Farineni loll-ywtd" olio if. H. I'm 'farmer, note hail ra camp flit.) A b b mM ,�oatr to be sly ume." SUFFERED TERRIBLY . MIT(•HfeLr, OAT., MA• i:i, 1907.
Stevpnm, 11'. J. Oripve. Ff. Kyk, tow when all tM b•anan weft Mnsy* Pad THE ('LApLIN Ctirxte A1, (`41„ WINtNI(►R, ONT. ahg is •
Temp 12areonds. Ni. growing wl,,th#r. Thank.. 4 Misesd VemdooL 22 YEARS FROM � DreAR FRIP..Mr)" � �I
_ 1
lions n race, ve nnde•r plvltPmt ; 1d1i)'• ' �smen Tse ' C11eat-Didn't you make a ks of ye A great victory has been won by the, line of "HlIJ.u" aftlf !! & ."r�t
dpeidons not yet Kivrn, knruhlg ron,m„rat i+ penp..elt• tslpttibel (taw tsblapolss[ab Im gamg Into few Inrlaad d tkp of y? d
Illy: rete, nnJrw Li it. 11eys, T. outwitted. I'hiL,,b labia Ietilg.•r. Sash of house add RHEU14ATISM 711"
� ��mff�E from Sciatica and ii1►egaatiem, r�
Wholely, H. Hest. _ _ supe. wMf two Lawyer -Way? e94ot-By the way
(a �'� a gMeot'mlih^•nfrenolMh yiou charge there would be little left 1 have hw•n n Ktvwt suRrtar front thin LPrrlDle dlsenSe frn 93
uarter-te►ilr ra#e G. Adam", H" La eat In Air Shi s D�rmed bate to -Write a este Of the roes yt-arr (lack. wt {imps 1 would have irackechr and terrible palm in
Ilbm. 1 ; Darnell, '1',,nnito, 2 P . Pad y Lwdaa Tet -Bib. Iny hips, hip -joints and also down my lege fn the MtGtm of my
10U•yntvl% lwcr L. Merville A, N.)t .)rale will 1'npl. Knwlr•n.hoe•m bdii. Bale to •enetmn visits, .111W.as ----- ferf, i have anffarpd untold agony and only those who hair had
. 11aTas T. Whitely, fmmou, mit- fillip make dighls pat •h (lily esm es d`e fldtK•. pot tbeetwoosOm Ra& plrmamptloa is a ladder whMl , the diwenr know, whit the- tor•ible pains ate, �'+.
Girls' llllhvanls race - It. I .lulan, at the Cmmo1w, );,dispel Rshibith 11 of � �a'tog"etbeir agda.�lbrNa.a MII heenk the ammowe seek-0ms. 1 trial evrrythln4 ( rould think or. MtC gut no rpllet tg11 saw A. Unrxet. St. l'ruxrr, Toronto. but will mem„ snake -,a dawn• ~"� 'smile. j . . Ens Prwerh "Flit -Ju," the gentle Kidney Pill, wdvertfsed In the paper, and 1
town flight fell"' the' F::cllihition into I - -Teo; Too Menet. ' thou0dlt i wrn11d give (t w trim, and 1 did mn, i ttnuRit Onto, hex of is
Why MS Lingers the city, rnrirclin ( Ihr cit hall nfid C►ver Oir1. •'rhabk J1h-. n" and got great relief, then 1 got five more boxes of them, "ii.
Y you. goo." cold old l bloc st and atter linin
e*turtdnK hark to til.-Kroandn. This lttofhrr Whrtm's Kart i emeriwi+llamf w the tray who hall ram .event {blurb g sex Maps i am eempNtNy eared of the aches and.
As the clock mtrurk fat t.hr 41ifildent downtown flight i14 is Ir made 1hp "finally kbtwed-you at the riallwwy atm- pains tend Tan n•comntend them to any person suffering Oka i did. W'
youth In the parlor w•P prefuttrd til, first week fir father within t.hp first tkm? And what did » as •ort'. d for Mm. "Hewes • }enny
girt a homeward nu,vp b hhnnelL you do, poly? far yp." 1, a twat winter i thnlrght 1 would have to give upwltnoggetlter, u i
tour dAyN rat the F.xhlhdion, Align"i 1Moghtpr-Well, +n sa to made oavtttn• -Iyge t tempt res, gs•'ttsr," Mld IDs could hardly get ItMnrid on my I i wm more thankful. {note
"Goodnight." sAiel the dear Kit . 27 to 31. The air milli will hp hoo.p,l body thin{ til, was to nlatl to wad so Phwn fnnKaar can tell for legs,
"And don't forging, to give my love to In A tent to which leen nrce»s will lie fright try. '9f 1 wan tar take all Mt KettinK rid of my disesse b the use of ) 1
your sister." Prevent A Il!'�1 l:kyaed Iain sew\ massy i •{gilt bay a na" old k fir Bn-Ju," and nlanv othera 1 have told of It have �n gptting
Krmns and nn exltprr Rtiide will oil• relieved of their ltwim. i shad never he wltknst them !a tate bases
1 J-Pr--g,hAg, Ir," slwanaurteel fhP wwyr irp prpmPnt f,e Pxplmin the meek• gH p�Mdtar r'•a CURED HIM 1 have ttpyl days and wepkw that 1 eettld hardly crawl to the
d d.'1• M Its All the come to fwl(1 et- wnism and 1.) giep rlprnlls of lhp prv►K- i .4, {tarn ,o do my charm, 1 had to stop dlRerpnt [times and tart my
�11r Asid peeler to , it myelin ems of neriwl nwvigmrion. Nothing but ratnlopMNwN• •t � IT WILL CURE YOU ego, thought many w time 1 should he w cripple for Ilse, but
Aad ss the dear Ki was willing to a violent storm will prevent Captain "M Tramp• rftpr all, it-pilye tette �„b` thank (rod 1 Kot Many hen at IAA{ ul khe a It („u
t ant It `o rat that he lingered another Knatoen"har making w flight path des peflts, panlble. SWMA Ttnmis-ICM Aer•+et fb mtlet esalq�g Asm g READ JOHN OREENWOOD'S LETTER i t, when 1 gut
fir• from August 27 to fleptemb"t 7. y always. The stfm day i • aemd• hen bold of " Big -Ju." ' and i' can rpepenlsed it highly to others
f� 1sildayY-Tbrs baa es = 50 PILL'S -PRicK fel► (;FNTN, sufferMK hon the some d6ow t
- -- deaf and dst■hwhm a ton r a: se 'is, ,'•, l ?
I` %. idtroaNsa terms Um wltd sweet A vigorous Initiative And wtnasR self. Mxpesm I els• ,ql amk mea tom^ a no aUles pas Isft them I bw bags AT ALL DRUG STORFA Mitchell. Loiters Towmhl Ont Ynnn vett � •i...
},I. than Into n ytteeoly naw fnit6 siavke up tba Hers rat pewit. Aad M hall tar�r}�d QMMd <r wtlr 1!s teres hes oke 'OK R JOHN O ilsxwOOD.
kt w+' r a t T o �,' < J & ' dee Nslsn is now taut r>rsu� !R
k40 - d S K S L.`i e %
, r ) v,.,Io.&ti -rai'Vt ",f 1� ,•4 t I dv - I. -
- "
rte_ .., .... ... _ •