HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-8-22, Page 2,
nm vm _dk;_ A. ", ISH I'rtt M;.m` At:'SP:M. 94o- '.!..MMd: ,.,J
2 To'RADAT, August 24, 1901
@don to the town. It) the 9141 studrhts.
ghri"�� ondroll
W "I Ile uki msstpr." i
R. L. 11,)rden, the leader of the Oil-
pssiliun in the Haws0- of 016111nlel)m.
Tolephsa e t •all Na ti
her rinrlwl un a raugwtigu tour Nf
' ;Taeue of SuMc.latloA : ,f
(launch touring whi,.h he is to ad-
dren% 1111 -•Ring. in till the Prlvinr,.S.
T..lent!., fns a iter twnith.. 4r.
TO I noted State. suheerthem $I.yl a )'ell,
The first lueetieig 1)f tilt- tour was ballot
1 ' i, . e e,•I.
jet It, 1 til lin
I 1
tlbModbera who /sal w ne�teriw Tom along@
al Hultfax un 'rurwlwy, when MI.
regularly by, 11 will ,older a favor by or
the fact a. early a date w
Iit"•tlern indicated Ihr p policy which Ihr
�at)na "+ at
poorly in lu piu•r Iwf1-n
��]yy]!;�1,teakrhanso setsddrorlede.u•oll. both til.
ela.inal the new address should be Elven.
the rltrlor• in the c•juupnigu slow
r lo w w r n 0-i n X. The l'unw•rvativ'r
AAvaertieiela Mtn:
1)IN NuI'lll NN e11U11PINleI by Nr. II,oIvlrll
1 1 Still Other .1n,ilsr wlrenl•elrelal., 11-'
,eEs r Ilse fol
par sloe for MtwlInw•rlawl sad 4c, yr
1 suilluallri'LfY1 also follow•N :
leek subtlemalain inomrtiwl. Me"Orsold by .I
• liomemt a 1pr,priatiun till I expwmJi-
noalwroil Nuala, t wrlve lift. to an inch.
llti7 .+cants of .ix Ih+e.. sell under, i' lk+
lute of puhlat• nu)nrya.
ysu. !
ProvlMlUn+t l.e) punish brilway and
Advorllrewnt. of toe:. Fouled, Strayl. Sit '.
tionswc %' RI. NYyu,atioll- K'alded, Hou.m t,o.
1Zo gal„ Itent
fraud at P104 -tion s.
Publicity 316 Ill rxpwnditl,e by poli-
or to Kient,'Faran- for at to
Afllele. for rials, mv.. not exeeedinr leighl
field org:llli :Yllulls.
Ilaew, Sr each lneertlon :fn for firmt nuenth.:na l
Re•forlit Itio" of the law'. Irlsliug to
for Back eubeayuenl uoul h. larger is a t -H i.e
plana In proglel lm.
t•iriI wry ice.
AnnounlenNnl.l lel ordinary reading type tell I
A 1'e•f111111 111 (Ile III/sole' 4e1` .1•Ie'1•
ee is per Ione. No no1Me IeNw ttlesn YL•'
ung %enat, rs, ale IIs to snake 1 hr SrnAle
Any special noike, the object of which In the
pacweiary beoaofil of any individual or aerorl
mote laIle1111.
atbn, to M ootleidered ao advertkeeoeent and
Nun• rueful rrlw•tiou of sources
to beobaegedaccord Ing l ifroW
Rat ask for Usplay and .outran advertl•e
which iluilligration .ball he
nen" will lw Elven on application.
(rpwnati,ou 1)1` li()vrl'n111en( railways
Addrlswall rolllannleattenoto
by an indelwndent (•uunolishilou.
M14najoeu.•ttt ,of the public doumin ase
a,.,erleh. Out.,
that 1at-reneent sliming Iheret•i"sl -hall
-- ___ - _.- -- -_
inure to the• I"11.1r.
Development and iouprovpluent 1-f
national waterway..
--- - -- - --- -- - - - ----
Rwll KAnizatiun ,of tile* present rnil-
WAY rollllll"'Aloll am A public litilitirr
commilt.ion with wider povyr-trs,
The bylaw Lal vole tile euut of $C.-
1•:st abli.la11lent oaf . A svr,ul of
nation te•Irgrapht, awt trlr10114),lrs-
"to the water and light ro11lnliheio l I
Iluprevemrnt ,of exislilig pwlml
for the vuiolu purposes ort forth
1 r.unsiuRa ,of a imitlal trade pre(er-
therein IN to he vi)Led Ott next Slit"r-
rllrr within the F, nopie. •
day. Ilse rodurnissionere have Dill
A IINVAI IK)liry to pnKlut-r iu Canelo
gone to any plains tit pl&re their plana
nil artrlrs that "•lin fie �prlalucel Amt
dlie regard to
before the ratepayers and there hall
manufactured. having
the interests of the etu annling And
been no opportunity for a public dis-
wage-rarniug IK)pulmtion.
eussion of the bylaw, and in cunme•
quence many of the voters have only
I ;,„ l
an inadegnate idea of what the t-,oul-
mission purposes to do with the
a -- "
Welcome1.. the N. l'. i L old IKy a
money proposed to lee voted.
The total amount &eked for ill appoi.
and girlm. _ -
tlOned ^a follows :
"I" r"111 In! Is 1111 she jurat alld the
Fstension fipe and : t intake pi .
(.1erich Spent. tie he in a
unjust badd
works consequentill '.fithere- rt
IIA-- by itself.
Ion .......... .....
Sedimentation Iwsin and works
comaefuent thereon ..... - 7. 04,
Extension of water IAain- .. 2.11111
Cort of inedod ing Additional
services ............. .. . _.INMI
Cost of extending electric light
mains ... ......... ........ 1.1011
For debt isketirred in respect of
capital expenditureon rltec-
tric light system .. . `.... 4.INNI
The pn)posal of the ronimiessiun is
criticized by some ralepsyrrr who
object tI)the voting tit the whole -
amount Iwfore the effect of the sedi-
mentation bruin can top sewn. They
argue that if the sedimentation bsrim
will clear the- water thou will Iw fail
necessity for the rxtension of flip in-
take. and that, the bylaw should IK• de
feasted and another submitted otait-
ting the amount for the proposed Px-
trnaion. ThIly May shat in the inter-
esta of economy they Are willing to
drink the kind of water atprrmenl
supplied for A few monthm longer
rather than that &n unnecessary ex-
penditure should top incurred.
Commissioner Murnpy'- fetter in
this imNor introduces anile further con-
biderationse of a Mrriouse character. anti
it is a pity, an hwr aireuly Immen "ug-
greated, that the con)mimsionprM did
not give shim information lot the pub-
lic at an earlier date. With an up!or-
tunity for public dimcuosion ,of their
The Signal ham for years Imen dr•
manding clean water and weleo"oe•s
the pmp)sal of the comnliMsion to
carry out at &n Poorly IIAIP it ischrnle
for providing it. Conside•nitionot of
economy. of courw•. must. harp ties# -
weight, and The Signal, having pre-
mentel the ar'giunrat ,of tholow who
oppose the present. bylaw. would large
the ratepayers to give 111#- whole mat-
ter as full and ear poi eonaideration
an they ran and to poll their volen on
Saturday in accunlanre with their
bast Judgment.
lioderirh weiroin" flip furtner -10-
demts of the Collegiate Institute who
ate coming to mp•nd n fpw dny- in
reunion at the old mrhtol.
Some (if the mchrolloyr of ern,
twenty, thirty n0- forty years agohnvr
wandrrel wide, unit it is plrmaing to
know that many of thPni Int. corning
Imtrk to renew for a short time file
aa.leciutions of their youth, still that
others who Gaanol risme ;Ili- honing
their lhmighls hilhpiwarel and in,
spirit reuniting with their 1-141 ,-loul-
The Coliewiate Int,titllte• hal, alwnv-
Im en one of (healerirh'm nu. -t IopnMr
iiiatitutinna kind the pgople &re proud
of the work it has (inns- and of the
splendid army lit young torn used
women it ha" Irained and a•nf, forth
to the ens Id. The roll of the -rh,m/l
"how- many stamp- that sore ronplel
with eminent cArevrm, And n ho"t of
men and women in CAnsdn. Ihr
uslitril Stat Pa urill in other hands
acknowlelgr with Realilnlie flip
influence which the-m-luol hm- rxeilel
upon their live".
It. is altogether titling thus the old
Attioloontm should tiukp their reunion
thim week it demonatrntitan of affe•tilon
mind respect for the honorel ex-princi.
pal of the mehrmd. To Iw for this ty.
four years at the head air much an in-
stitution, to have the Opportunity of
touching the iniMfA And hettrts 411`
many hundreds of young student*. to
occupy a position lef recognised
Iwthorlty in connection wiLh the eda-
(stleanl interests ofthe country--
tbese have been the ephetw of in-
duence in which Dr. Strang has done
his Part so well that him fbnow-citinens
ata gist to wit•aossis Lbe evidessom of
commence and "te whish we be-
ing elttlntlt to him.
M&T tae retlsimn be a bwy aca-
Thr wAler and light runnnimmion.ito
displayi1lK it nl.tslerly inaa•tivity in set -
god 141 lilt- bylaw tlo Ile volval on next
Sanirday. _-
Mr.Jf,orden, Ibr Opponilimileader
is loot strong pnouKh to mistake off Mr.
Fu.ler. who, is tea accompany him deal•-
iug it portion of him tour. Mr. Bearden
is toot IdeN"crl in his, lieutenants.
The Mrneowttng Canter ('lull Ile.
hrrv"roulmpndation for its efforim to
ent-outnge aquatic Ap)rlm in (iafrrich.
We ,fu not make am u'leli use as we
alaouhl of (out- mplendid water facilitir-.
he delille with Ihr gne+dio l of r/011 -
serving Ihr ttntlwr re-llur•rm of the
,.o,uutry, proruinrnee should be given
to, flip policy of reforestation as an
alternative it, the sugg"1611, of an rx-
pOrt duty.
OLIrliflal Merry del \•al, formerly
pmapalalolegaletoo l•Ansds, Was 111011hed
the other day to ten Italian village.
Any reportthal Grand Maalrr Sproule
rushed lo, the cable oflloe• to mend him
ronJulene" in upon to doubt.
Well. Ihr old toys who are visiting
to. this week will not find grave grow -
Ing in flip •,trtwts of titederirh to, any
extvut. The fact is 11131 the wGalher
vierk halt Iown diw'rittlimating again,ef
U,mlrrich in the matter Cls rainfall,
And grn-4 and other Kreen thinK% have
not had 111twh em--osraKenlent.
J. N. NrKendry..a well-lnown humi•
n0-"- man oar Tor,nito, who ham least r0-•
urnel fru¢n n trip 10 Europe, re11ar awl
lo, n oewAlmp er noun that Cann41A im allow
n•rleKnir.441 At-rWlo flip Witter nue it had
allot Inert her#-toha•p. Thim t.imr. Mr.
M,-Ke•11tiry said. hr WAS inlr.Kh11-w1
lilts nn nn "Amerivan.•' icor nm A
Canndi"n. Tulin is a gain w,ot•Ih 114.1-
ing. _
Do. (Ioldwin Sunith allendel it base -
hall mulch in I'molito Ihr '.1114.1 lily
,Ind rxpre•asel himself AA finite pleased
wit 11 the game•. So far w0- have not
land hie opinimi ;u- In Ihr uulnne•r in
whirls the KAnar wan de-Itrribol by flip
reporter,+. If Lilt. Stage delver into,
Ihr iut'icncie., of batee•Inlll English I.he
n•%IlItA usity Ile interrating to Ihone
who follow him wiitIngle.
It Man Iwen found that the st►te-
mentA made by alarmlistit an to the
number of .lapanesr arriving all
British Columbia Are exaggerated.
It would profitably be diar overel on tit-
vvatigaatllon thatother mtstententle Of
the anti-Japunpw• mait&torm sue
wplally wide it( !ht. mart;. The ngita-
c tiIgnorance 0
'o '" tare 1 11 n and
tun 1
prejudice. rather than airport troth
and reunion.
The (Nola• "av -float if the ronipnny
heaelyd b}• It. W. Perk", flat- British
M. 1'.. i- willing to build the NeorKinn
Baty canal it' "hrnald Iw allowed lot 410
we. IfTil.. (Ilr.l"• meals that it nr•hnle
av"npany -hoold IIP all,owel to build
and lopwrloe she canal, we doubt file
wialonl,of tilt- mlvive. A great hiKh•
WAY Of Il;OIC Sur•h n- flip Ne.l'gian
Bay ene ill i" inle•Il41.41 In Ile Should not
lip in privitle haul.. If the little ever
rutile- fpm "nch A 1-1111111 IO Iw lelilt it,
will p10111h1v Iw• Poland she IseAI peliry
loth to conseliewt fold to maintain It
as it public entrrptbmv ; ions] before it.
Is built there- should Iw m gteltter need
for it than rplh•nr% to exist at present.
Commenting upon the request of
Nue commercial travalllrt" that a Mon.
day instead of it Thursday bre ap-
pointed for Thanksgiving Ihy, The
Presbyterian says:
-With all respect to the Crammer.
Had Tmveller- Asslriatlt"1, An rtni-
meutly rp"pectalde ^nil useful bxly -of
men. and toll2 rerxrgnisinR that the
change G) a Monday Won he he a cons.
vrnienrs to them, we submit that the,
changes would toad tl defeat thin pur-
ptlse for which the day is net apart.
It has always b%ro a ratter of gmu-
.s,-eer core e.,.N.-_.,....•.. ....•.- TfI17
Mention that as A nation we ran'Iwat se
In like uli,lrl of ,a hu"y week and take
tiusr I,. n-Luowledge Ihr Iwued"ttil
bund of (lost in ,mar a unt•y'lo'lifv.
N'hethl•r will "A.r
ill uhwved, the dov
Ilia, nalimial rusher Ihsn an w•elrhl-
ANtirnl or drfiunllllatiomal fine. Tlle•
S"melival elfprl 1-r thet•h+lrlge to Most -
ay W111dd Is, Ilia she r•ligi,ousmrr-
vice. wo,old Ile held lois Sunday "fill
Ili#-Th+ulkrKil'inK oInY w,ndd IKe dr,-
vuled entirely It. 11ulitby ulakiug.
1\'e va11 1111d luue ill the 1lIId.1 of our
, lift. fur huliJ+l
y.1-f vvrr
un kind
du wF which all 11u 1. 411i , ttY11IIMIIIYNr
'. iso NII NI NtIItl/Y 1. \\'1• run well afful•tl 11-
4-1-11tiu1,o• a4146)' in uud-woek the
Itvuwi%l purlmmw of which is Ile give
thank. 1'. 1 Ne,. iii%er tit' all glral."
It mYrul" "n allsurelily Thal it 'it. hind
trache• %'fill rant sell Ids aloud the
ling- ilf knglaud in the 111`144.11111 crit-
�luv Idlould not know lite oamese ofthe
'idiiig living .I,atemoito1 of his or her
:,. N'11 t-,.11 lltry : vvt IIIf111y much n ('also
ja, hK• found. rspa-i"Ily ;ullong the
wooa.•sl teachers. Thr huperinteud-
r111 of r,hfali,oal ill (Wah,o11ia pre-
pt~r it, rrnlwly this .tulr of affairs in
hi- Still#- by insisting that ,-%'Ply
temelver IN• :a-11he,rrib•r• 111 at dally
palm -1'. He NIys that If lle•esmal-Y II)
lulsel thein In Au emerilw he will its -
.11141'. in Ihr IW ,of exaulimaliml qur•.-
tioms for lem-11r41i ve•tiflt•Atr. A 1111111 -
Iter ill regani 1'. 1-11141.111 eve -lit., I les
mating it 110--•e•n14uy for the If-m-hel,
to keep Ilp with flip limes. It eeolain-
ly i. ,only Ieaw"ulble that atwirh.r
should Ile abreast of rul•fent hi.loly.
,old the new.Iulp•1'• reader must itl-
,%it:lid-v im-cense IIIA Nt.n.r ,of infurinn-
ti,oss nls.0 It KIPAt vailit.ly of subj44-Im
which jar quite ,is iugortanl" "BARRY
of the Ihing. 1.. fell found io the lext-
--- - v`{
The Thoughts of Youth ja
./Heti I think of the he,ntif ll to,t•u 'I
TMt i- .,,tied by I he w•a ; It
Often in thought ase up and ties%u
The plrawml .l nets of Ihst dear oil to%it.
And any youth Pont" tack to mc.
And a ver-,• of w Lapland .sang
I. hauna ing tit) mensory -till:
".1 only, will 6 the wiMl',, will.
Atoll the- thoughl. of )uulh ,in- lu..u. I,.mc
1 call -I•c also, .l.s Lowy low. of its tm'•;-
AINI ciurh, in-ulddrn Irk•alu..
The •hewn of Ihr far.urma/1dinK"ea.,
Anal {.lanes. i hat were I hr H.s.eerlde•
1 stills sty boyi-h dm ulw.
A iml rate bursen of Thad nld . sir. -
II 1.114111411 ml %111.1wm.1ill:
**A Any'- will I. Ibe %sold'. %Ill.
An,l Ihr thought. ,it )akuth aw lung. king
1 muetuber the- glraut. stmt CWMI#. 1 1111t.1 tea
Arne• I IN• w•hmlboy'" brain :
The .most Aml the incur• it, the heart.
That in tail lin• pgsleriplt. Atmt in lap
Are loenrhur- wild wnml vain.
AMI Isley i- M IllAl Mtful.,alg
ping, test. and I. nr%Pr .till:
••A boy'- %111 i. I sm• vetted - will.
And the thought. of youth Arc IouE, hog
t houlght s."
Strange to lue IMM .tre it.. form. I elle•1
W hru I e We the dear cold town :
Ions the, nnlivr sir 1. pum to d Sweet.
And theIt". tial tier.lawhw exit will
known "n -•t.
fA• they tl:alel". up and dawn.
As,.inuing the locanaiful w K.
Aro-ighbla ro ml whkpirring -f ill :
"A bely. will 6lhl• wind will,
And also, lhtoEht- of youth ser torte. bettor
H. W. longfrtbw.
just a Little Bit Dry, That's All.
Tomato T.-wer,on.
Outarite is it leemutifnl Province.'
rlothel in the .August glory o,( perfoct
onimme•r wenthe•r 7 hr \1'.•-t i- ,.sol-
ing people nwoav, not only from the
1mve•1- in Fu1vIK• and Ila,• tolopow"Ift
of .•I11w•de41 slid voiltllry Cilie", Inti
from Ihrhlwi.-iull% raril)n and (nil-
r•lonnlry villagr. of the graudra luov-
inrplon enrth. Ontaiilo, in Ihr-ple•n-
d1-r of her huilluser liewity. hooks glmmt
rnuugh tlo live in forever. (Iroom t
must Iw• the attrarl imla of Riot. wePterll
vountr), that ran Pull people niom-v
arum -urh a prlrvinee a" thi-.
A Premium on Laziness. e9
IlAmilion Tiber-.
Till- care ,of the- nnforlunnlr per
1111"I alw•ay. IN. a diflleult probleu.
01holtl nddiRaK toil hY a slab illvifa-
lie.n lit make no. effort tlo provide fur
the• nue-I" 41f Cliff agP but Ill 11Pp•nd up-
ltlt the opighlol-te meseirty for a liv-
ing. .\Inch lit -tier pilnneol it Sir Rich-
ard Cmrlwright'a annuilie- unpalturp.
whirls dOeot 11411 Ienve out 4 ner//unr
lisp iodivi41uml duty to l.ok ahevul, heat
whi0a envouragesIs- p•rfur•tnnnrr.
The -floe ,.jail me as ply rate for its
worthy Agell pr w'ilhoill Offering n
premium un lie paid by in4lu.'ry ,anti
w•nrtoley lit lazineh" afld pro align sty.
Lord Rosebery a "Quitter."
Mmaral minr.
IA,rd Ito-eltery lilts fall. hark at lilt-
CAul11)Iwll-Minnerman G o, v e rmnent,
whil•h ventured to 4.01 11111611 a I,i!wr"I
mini.try without putting him in file
Foreign (IfNce. by nasulling their
SroltiAlt hand hill at a moment when
(heir pi-PAlige is most expeal"I to at-
tack. lnt. Il. doubtful 1lflllwhether
Rose•llery now• cnminnnda much
weight in the r,lnnlry which Witold
not he fortnight info play by it speech
from +olv proutinent 1,111prA1 Unionist.
The firitiesh pr1111r (1Cl not like a
••quitrr": ,,,all if Ro"pbery hes n )t
Parmd flip frpialaton of one, it halm
not 1Kwn his fault.
How to Make a Billion. ZA
Harrillon Nfm•ctalar.
A union curious In figurplo lilts been
Irving to find out. how long If would
UP W gpt n billion dollarm together,
and he started out. by Allowing Adam
the lil>Prml invome of 111150 it day from
the time he entered the garden of
FAIP11 ,flown l.. Lhr present day, And
still Adam would bill Abort fif ,o bil-
lion. Anih mind you, nil it (.01.1, of
the $Coll a dor ens expwndel for the
household. F:vpn Mother More was
not nllleweed any pin tnonev out of if.
and Adults Ass,f Myr would (rove, hill tee
continue to wallets- the- airy ce)Ntump"
they sported in their dA m of Inno-
cence in The Oamen or Eden before
they were. expelled for enting that
apple. IAter day hisV)rical writerm
AAy that It wan w lemon Adam gave to
Foe instead I)1` nn apple. French cres-
liona of gowns and milliner , and not
even a Mother Hubb&to wrapper
would bre Allowed in five nut of that
$461► w day. The money accumulated
with compound interest. and yet the
whole &mnumt flpfu red down to the
rvw1epnt tnrnnent would not reach the
Mllirm mark. No roan Aeet has ever
heirs worth cane billion dollars.
Be sues that the honors yl"r are
striving firr nee not really dishockn yn,
How the Reveow Is Growing Liberal
Govwa a is Pisaaeial Record.
Ottawa, At, IN. The prOplr of
Canada know the history of Ihr past
Pioveea yrar,. Folhwii"' thr
businle-m heagnation and haul ti11nps
1111410-1. Conlirvalivr Kove•rnulrnl like
pelta• of Canadle have exposrient"I
under Lilwrwl adurinistratiuu nn un -
p armollelled cosiunercial inille•tus and in-
ti. ial 1 os ori The lanufactur-
d f 1 t Ib u
1 1
ing 4.loucrrum, wlu4.h it wnN prophesied
would la lgiiuh, have attcanel ole somial
prola)rtions, imp!irim have largely hl•
ereaad, Items evidence of Ihr p11rahas-
ing (ower of Ihr Dominion. papa
never were grouter, ,111 the great
revenue dr1i1►rioueusm Id Ihr Kovern-
Ownt nr• pouring into lilt- tuemsury
wealth tip Itn rxlrut never conlrm-
ll+llel to ti
the wildest Jreuim till the
failure by the ullwt optimiNtic Yule
porter of flip (iove•nuu•ut. Drparl-
uupnfm of government heretofore A
source of expense have become more
than Kelf-Nustaiaing.
Immense Revenue Receipts.
A Kilner at the general revenue, for
Isle first quarter til the current fisrwl
year ending .Luh• Minh, IIIb:, willdie-
clow, all reularlable condition of af-
fith- Thr Udal,revenle fur the past
but , monthm anso nim to $.ct.:WI,NW ;
duo ing Illy Name}• Iwri(Kl the totAl ex-
pN•nditlnn lilts IMwn $17,1'+1,IMCi on con-
wdid:llel feud ace tint uud $4,301.041
on eapitnl account.
For the first four slaothm of the
ru1r.•nt fiw•al year 111« surplum of or-
dinnl y revemat- over ordinary ex•
IN•11,lltae is *19.11111,G;t In .hurt• the-
Iatf,airN of Ihr 1►,"uillilu leave IK•rtl
coudueled Illness such s woundhemis
Ihat I11ere is at vi.ible surplus of $III, -
11111,'=V in four Inunths.
For the Hrst four weds of the pares -
#41t fiscal Year tilt- ru+fonts rrvenew
t. -falls slip lop uot:h figure of $31,451e-
111:). Thr Liberals p41unisted they
would vouxiruct, it Iarilf for revenue,
mud uhit, i+ file gratilving result of
Ihrir lalmsr •.
Records Contrasted.
The LibwrA., have I. -en little- t0
0-:110-, ,.I, flat. eon+h•urtion Or great
puhlie wlt1k- filet by follulviug Nor ex-
ample of thrC.bo,wrvnti%". wimadded
twenty -,1110- ulilliollo tip Ihr public
dplet 1.1 their Nott sevrsl Yrne:s of ofllre,
butwithout adding :1 dollar so. the
public delet.
Sinve Ihr Liberrls assuueed office
Ihr m•divary revemn0 hes, rxre--Irl ler-
dinarc exlwndit lP by lle;Irly 1111110,11111I. -
Ms. I lstring flip Iasi seven Years ,it
Conservative Kovernlnrut, the pxerlo.
.of ro-vellale over rxp•ndit,ur WAS
alollt $1.1KA1,INM/. 'rhe l''.Ilservath•e.
411rce•de•d ill toiling up do-116tmamtounl-
islK to V,.#1N1.s:Aidoriitg the bast three
yr+u•r Ih•y were ih'.Mce.
Thio i.. tl:e 0-xplanafiou ofgeslrrltl
.-untrue'Ileit anal prpelot-city rojoyed
by (:"nada frrnsl lofar end of til" land
NI.• ether-gemid governlurot. K,mKI
policy. wimp and ear -fail adulinieltra-
tlt n, h ne•Nt Ji",•Iwrgr of public dot?',
s•rupIlllour draling with the IN-golr all
the performance of plelg,w, ,old the
n«,nlls are everywhere apparent in
the genuine expr•e•nsinns of m"timfne-
t i, on.
Increase in Expenditure.
It in tour that the Keneral rxpendi-
lure list. largely islcrrused. Nu npal-
ogy iA offered for this, nod none is
m-•rhalry. The Iluaucied re:finl of
the Lilm•ra) i;1-venuNnll is subulirted
for approval. :old it is worthy of
nppnevu) &and cousimendlitiltn. The
Uoverumrnt ha- kept pace with the -
progress lot Ihr country. The ratio of
expense lof government im Iran now.
takinK into roll-iderat ion Lhr t•xtla
receipts, than it was under Ihr CoIl-
wrvativel,. No, fair comparison can
Iw made with Ihr rxlK•sldltule ,of tell
Years ago without making s11uw'aslce
uur the l0-.111en41'.11lt laolv"11/e11lent Ibr
vonntry has inadv. A nation'm rx-
III.IIAPot IIIPtealee with the Ktowth or It
Imlrino•met, n- 4141 Ih.~ of an hodividutal :
in lite rase lof 0tomin, uuple letoorti
lilt- In -eta 144•rivel for every dulhlr rx-
l oviv. Iw d development, incresaetl
trade, inrle:r+rd drvrloped Ie•ritory,
inct-r"sing public works, and inrrenN-
ing lopahation involve inrrem"el
national e•xileo liter•. A" the hu-i-
neemm of Is nnai,o11 expend", ism-exlwn.e-
•ale 11.)lllld 1,. 1111•leaw. 111 prgl.,vtimi.
. man in IowK•-silts Of rww.ning
)owrlr, will way that inersimreol rxls-n-
dituse im 1-f it.plr elenPhinive rvidr11ce
of illraapsu•ity n, extravagance.
Nosttenapt is m:ulr it, deny thus
taalional rxpwildilore little increased.
The e•xpeudilnle" have IKen Merrell
lot prudent, and -have had uua•hto d'.
with file, grw•
eth and pl..gr•mA &
All expenditure" have Iae•n ulltde in
lheplblir iuterr-t. The (iovrrsluteti.
Ilam ke})t pare• with the- limp". And
mauls tlnr prurisiuu fur flip futile.
1'h• Conservative method wan to
for-nd mr%eral neillioll" mute each year
thorn Ape revenue furnimhe . and lor-
,..)w' the differemr•e. The Lilievala iismy
slwnd inure, but they have Inure de -
attitude is on tient, and withal the
arratige fur b
it su-tantial srrplum riml
yrm r..
The Conserv'atvem spent Iran than
I he Lib•rnlm, but they spent more than
1 hey had. The Literals spend rmlor'e
Ihan the Conm•rvativex, Mut they at
the #ovine time lessened the rate of
tsxstion and had many millions of it
elefit balance each year.
Liberal Triumphs.
The Liberl Government ham devel.
Raped 1
pw1 the, r, mntry, reformed the
ruatoins mervire•, exploited Canades m
nntttrul re"oeirrm, reduced taxation,
promoted tinde Anti cmumerep, in-
crea-etl the t•e•veime, made mob-tanlial
mil '1ylumen I c e apt trillion 'U ta
f n t x I urs 1 y , uta n
f:N•IIItlem,,rartied nn A %ticcf4mllll inunli-
gration policy. legislated heneficially
for the working mean, improved the
great waterways, prlketisrd is witer
economy. produced s healthy Imperil
sentiment, built public works, mule
Metter laws calculated W conserve our
timber and coal funds, kept the IAnds
for the twitter, and groprally (milt up
Canada for Canadians.
In daym of pr.maperity the pw)lllp
should nut forget the causes which
hnve held to do with the pomntioRa
Ana n Ida Pita Race lo (rod time"
1 nutint f
Nothing mholld 1)e donetointerfere
with it political party that in it held
tell yearn has made the Dominion of
Csnadw the leader of every other
nation on earth in the matter of per.
renhagr of increase in triedr.
--- -- - - ,.yrT
Her (aighingl-Oh, I wet such A
lovely, psolite man to -day. Hint --
Where wAa that?
Her -On the atret+t. 1 must hsvn
been carrying my ltrnbrell& carelessly
f,rr he Itlunped his eye Into it. And I
solid. '•P&rdon one," sold tie said, 1
"Don't, mention It -1 have Another
eye left." --Cleveland Leader.
Ate muTied men braver than Inch-
elon 7 One writer, who un••vso. "
efarnornusly declatim theist It cony he
Itece•pted slnntst an an asioln that the
neery fact of aart(aW is in Itself a
guaranter of coursoae.
t THE � ,
�' SPAN g�
y]ja F 1 i'1
q of t:x"11
t d�i�,°.
4 i" �
, ! til
• ,I FE
�'• �!9
t , + t w
" 0-a alu�aN&V2ihrgx.n,�e,a°IS 'Y u;'IV
is uncertain. It may be long.
or It may be short. You are
strop= and prosperous now.
and NOW Is the time to make
sure that no eha fte in the
days to come can rob you of
a competence; or If you dle,
can fling your family upon
the cold charity of the world.
Moderate savin=s now will
secure for you one of the am
Reserve Dividend Policies, M
Y v" s e "a yu�r C f„
' f., �� �i'i r , 9 : t in
IFu �L'
,� If
Insurance Company,
London, Canada.
It will provide an income for
the future, and, all the time,
right from the starte protect
dependent ones.
W., H. ROBINSON. General Agent.
Seph•mIK r Wonsan'. Honer Clonr-
IlAniuli\ its rnlarkablr principally
Air ilia, thing" t h r exquisite
rover, bv^ F::arl SletAcm Crawford,
which wltn Jhe $1.501 prize r0 -
bully ot;r, � by the 1a/nlpI1aspion,
and nn rxcell«nt article un Che In•
fluence '.f Hu-in"It Lilt. ,on Wofuen,"
by Annfa Stew" Richard -en. This
S.gotrulher cover reprrmenta the high -
plot "rhieveruent in magazine -clover
work yet produced, and flip article
ulentitphed alKwe will stake- a pro-
found inlprem"ion on all people in-
tereAled ill the subject of women in
business life. am it in the candid exprrs-
miun of'A woman who has made a pre
ul.uneel husinew sucress herself.
The fictiun,in thin number is far above
lisp average. Anthony Hupp contin-
ues him charming novel, ••Hplenes'■
Path," and Jlmnelter IA•r, the late
Juliet Magriider, (fence MAr(iowan
Cook anti nevetal others contribute
short stories. Dr. Fdward Everett
Halo's tuonthly editorial page in on
lite muhje•t tit Letter Writing. (irate
Margaret (could, the fashion editor,
tint, mpecial pattern pagro for children's
and young ►tulip"' school rlothev.
Foemp W Farrier tells how to c.ok
the ditfee-nt kintim of inartironi, and
all theotherdt.par inrntm embroidery ,
Jresesu►aking, knitting, 0 -u:. -are full
of timely and helpful mugge.tionr.
r �
Autumn Session
111.r- Stets. 3nl In all d,yr.n ntemnl. cof 1 hr
Y,K1EE.,•and Uerrml SI-., Tomntn. tour a
rr.nl alto ... rxplAinA uur tiee•liority in '
luilKncnl, -Iwrc.
ff. mets"d- unel nlf..
You are Invitnl 1. write fur it If IMrr.
•. furl in the kln.1 no-•ho,dwr"k %-hlrh
bring.Iw.l Same,... Adder.K,
W. H. SHAW, Principal.
%w � 1`i
Tow Limit Is A, fieAUea w
a ISO a
Yaluersity affiliation, Music, fine AR,
FUssetion. /Ryden/ culture. Commercial,
IerRestle Science. For year book write
Fall Term
Opens Sept. 3rd
aT11ATF0110t OMT.
Till. -hem! Av 1leing the lerAl has he.
come the lar�m.t llu.ine." Trainor,
mrhml In Ihr R'rrt w'n have three Ae-
taetments: COMMFM IAI. RRORT-
IANII, ltuft TFIXIMAPHY. Ifinter.
.•.Ied In t.A1.dnbst a prar•ticwl r•elneation,
write for our new rat AAKraw. Graduate.
-.1-ted to rKl.11l,)n..
Netter area ••(;rnnine• Ru -Ire+. FAmentinn
now Iban wl.k you had tine, wart..
Fall Term From Sept. 3rd.
Altcnd fit,-
)/ -"/?
)/-"/? 1�110"/�l'/O
kvR. ynnaa A" AIANAMOVIR arra)
and y)tl will nmin/eMeAly geN "f•oeala)e"
bwlnetM IrwlnlnlItt nn¢ the "lmltatAoe' kind.
(hit of two IlnvI and fifty rai)" ffopur belek.
koopetn. Menoa•rwpbene. neoq, we Most! only
fifteen of the pMdtiet s. X04 no one eke,
ready %len calls were re mstIV Al. \'s,, It
t stbM ,rberel --it Assembly paym.
W. J. ELUOTT, Principal.
_..__.-......-._.-.__._ .-.. _"-...,.-.-..".....x... ""....run. ..--...a
,r ..,._.,,q,
._ _ �
�� ReducingStock h}`��� '' a� tNf.
for the next ten days to make room for the neer
Autumn Goods. We will continue to offer special
Inducements In all departments. -
t .Ts. r¢now
REDUCED PRICES -__._.. ># ,y 1'! k
v ;, .
. ;M
for Muslins and Wash (roods. I ;' � ,.,�, L'11 k',
'$ ,', _ for Dress Goode (black and colored . Z, s
C W-Mlfor linen Damask 'fable Cloths and Napkins ;,,
for white muslin Shirt Waists. p ,°
�t' ,,.
:' i for cloth and tweed Coats and ltWncoats r,,
nor ',,,4 s, . " "iia
,, 4� for Linoleums and Careplts. I , .
x xy I for cotton Blankets, Quilts and Sheetiogs.
In fact in every department there is something
rendered specially attractive in our efforts to reduce
SPECIAL Opened in -tock this week 40 pieces new fall wool I
dress suitings in plain materials and ��W
small patterp effects in a range of colors at per yard 761 ,
and 00 1
W. A.
>,;r`- baa'..,.,
11kf�z ?i
i...:i �
0 0 I
(..111 we
°:,- 7 :j,�x f ,n ?
t§� .',f I:v
't pm.��j t t,.
0 0 I
(..111 we
°:,- 7 :j,�x f ,n ?
t§� .',f I:v
't pm.��j t t,.
Remnants - Oddments
Yes, more than that, many to clear. The end of the
season is 'at haled and we have broken lines and rem -
rants in every, department from a suit of clothes to a
Yc remnant of Ince and all must go. Little prices will do
the work.
White Cambric Shirt
Waists. White Silk Shirt
W a i s t P, Jackets anti
shower Coats all sit half
Shirt Wnimt Nation aml all
Skirls, taste thiel off.
White Goods
Night (iuwnm,'Skirts, Drawer.
Corwt Covera, one quarter tiff.
All culorol Muslins, one
quarter off.
11) dos. white and cohered
Handkerchiefs• were ae now 'L
i for 5r or :Ilk it doz.
r pair Tale Girdlras ICoreetm)
were Wk- for'✓lc.
YI Ismail boyli 'tweed Suits
priced up to aL75 all at $l.sli.
Mrn'n Tweed Suits were SWit)
all at >j.4.fffr.
H pair Childs Hoer Lir, or 1 pr.
for ar.
Homr at 7je, Mr, and gar Hoar
fur 15c.
Renlnantr of 1)teaa Goosi" all
Remnants of Muslims, Writ; -
ham". Print., Cottr"ae. Blue
Derry, F.mhmidery. IALt em. Re-
mnants of everything in the
mV,re at prices in your interests.
Spr Hats at 25c.
You know these goods both quality and price should
appeal to you -they are money gaver's at
The Triumph of the Time I
Igor a nor aV alilt�, 1901iT
Ata j"t 20th to S•ptemeb v D&
Ole c4awy'e)"',ca•e&= P"Govss aN Ole (mMety.s
PAM=ft s su ataj bAm im
$+00,000 Is N•w buddw:a 14m.000
la rtr•Ote S"r000 iu rnma 1�
440.000 la Spsifctal Attraasens W.000
FAm*iis11W Peresit Cw4eees At'IL'� So�s a•d is An
iAGRIFIcxwr s,LrrLs sracrAC E
�"�"t SAO* IwIwssmdair-Wwson emm/andfta. r.1a
Fall an idretisa siis
V. IL GWI E, am
O. al'
Sf1, 1''fl, j'w •l' xrt 66W.-Wass.Lrr.
-���� "'Midsummer. SaleI-2Of_Of
__--DF- ftd.,nxi lw,' kinr.,
1 Summer Clothing and Hats
---- - --- - -- - - - 1
We have too much summer clothing on hand.
Tho backward season accounts for it, so in
order to get rid of it we will cut the prices
one-quarter to oncwhAl off the regular price.
These pricers ought to move every suit and
hat in quick order. Here is a sample of the
savings we offer you
e j If ( 1 _
.00 Suits for . zt&. . . ?'%
s i
oo Light Fedora Hata .s,. $z
Come early and get the best bargains ; the
.,."0-r -t, :jjr"".„
The ftM Plane to sell Hen's Chiodi le ad Fwmb*"Ca