HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-8-22, Page 1ENVELOPES More than 100,000 have arrived and are now on order. They are going fast these days. We print them at THE SIGNAL SIXTIETH YEAR -Na 3147 .. i",.-* 4 kM I' ffl, L 0.1 r1l nl, I NEW SUBSCRIDERS may have The Signal for the remainder of 1907 for 35 Cents. .1 .- -- __ - --- - - -- - GODERICH, ON t'AP110, CANADA: AUGrs'C l'`?, 1901VANAI`I'Nktdt RUHKHTSUN. Pcausas,es linanew LOCAL TOPICS. - -----.. --- - -- - - - -- --- ---- C, P, R. Time Table, Tile A SAFE 4 PER CENT.,INVESTMENT. Huderiell Failwiay was`Completepd to) k I d the passenger station un _ Monday By opening an account with THP STANDARD LOAN COM- Afternoon and things are IIPinK got in ehx for the opening of the line. for u•vv ..,-....m .........o.,,.. .a,.t 1,....,-. r....11.... ,,,i.a..i, ,.,........ t,- i'r 1'd K OODERICH MARKETS. ' Tat•t{anAv. A11II• =fid. Full whorl, per bush, new...... of ani to a Uwe Spring wheat, per bw,h. new..,. J a1 to n w) Itye ter bu.h . 0 14 to U 14 Huck whoult. per bush .......... tots, ler bush., new .... U Li to 0 :Yl to U,;,) 0'.11 Ideas, per bush ... ..... .: ... n 7a to U 11 Harley. per bu.b ........., .., U 411 to e.:/, senrmtig. p!r len .. .. ... I6 u) to is n) Flour, ftu,lly, per cwt .. .... se at to &I Flour. patent, percept No to .1 on Hnan, per ton .............. ...: IH ^) to W W Short., per toll ......... ... •'1 U) to zi W Hay, fill w, per ton .... ... It W to '1'6 u/ Wood. pet• cord .... .. 4 "' to N nil Hunter, per Ib .... ala to 1. U IN ('heN•wl, {,fir Ib _. ,:.'.•'..., �. 1., to 0 14 It'".. fresh. ter dos . of la to 1117 linttoN--. Ire N I Irl t., 11x1 ' of ' e'attle. urtlin'y togolyd. per est. 3 tan to 1 esu �__ .-�_ -_--_--..-_-N,Mt -_-- ___-_ Cattlr export, lerewt. _,.... a :0) to 4 to tion it l,r-.A'd PKTNt UL NN, und"h•h. ■t N oclock. t0 the .,un- plan a- Iwst sate. over H wnlghl, {wr cwt .. a Al to a is: lw.......... ,all `ippelr)K re111tM • _ �-.._ .t, .tl l0 :i Shadep, cwt 3 to t 411 T{.��\ *{t' IIt,� \ POINT Alet�[ IVY WILL PAY CASH FOR ALL {ter ............. I .... .ill )kru,, p* -alb...... n Ix to o IN )tO''"n. arse lb - a 1.1 to 1.31 I il.µ'. 1 your old trust; bring it to the Foundry wltd save nliddienlrn•+yymat_ R(N)NK3 MAN- .._. ..: lar-, par I ' ... IS to 14 I I,--.. SUDIMER RESORT l'FAITUHINU COMPANY. Ka -t M nodid, (Sit Tallow, put life''::.: .. d lid to n Nt 11.v1 to to: troll, limitI—(a to N o'clock. no Which floor .-....._ {{,newt ... .. Nherjjt Skin.... 73 to 1 Of house ur1 N'ictorb.lreel• with iii neo-- !e-- for sale 1'h lcken. .. 11110 les ....: .. .. Upenfarthe�IewNon I1t IYr. Fgalphed - -- Turkeys ......... N les It Lhor�Wthly fur louri.t.•' Inulo. I -- - ; iItMT•CLAMM-.BOOT AND MHOF: Iu itside�Innrket- r.1 page :i., . los old lleM•al err, No better Ire e 1 eA l 1 D PI' ,.fid G 1' room stock 1st sw a 11 Ie .til les Y r 1 1 11 cit g -------- -. ____ __-__.-�..._ rel Out Or to enjoy R al , ,' II age d Uun�len�on, ltofr.r,htwnt larlun. hi . PIO11te, iMvhyfand Hosllna Part IV. will and TfiR IinNT FA Rao Ihr ,rumrtioll, A sad trade Inas .[ways been.king dost- but owner . s rep M lulere„ts In (olmdt district -----.- - - T - . --.- n1as1 {ilsrssat phos les rWt• to'luirin hinanention. one .(the be -t stAmi+ In thevl Will le OARDERS %0ANTF,h, - F O U R 'ApplytoMIW.JENKIN. twsy chair, a ventre table, rxtenJou dip ngtabte. 1 sofd, I parlor Cook Have, 1 "Wed sold at r low acture toy eweldher ,aken. r J.T.UOj.iYl'HORI K, 1 rnprictn' (•noel, out stork rel blue. For further rertie•n1&r. apply toT. W. LITfLK, Uungwnuon. nKk-m street. lioderirh. 47.21. - •.PA.__ _;. - - i UNDER FOR SALE. - -HEMLOCK, L 110 BO %IGNA \ FICK. ).- THF: kIUNAL eta and maple lumber for mth- frog stork, _tPp1Y .It F PPI uFFH'K---_ -I---.--- - - - w eau be cut to order. For hurtles particular* _ --------r---- - - To $Antapply To . - to H/iHF lIT F:LLuITT. Uulertalt. tf Auction Sales .- _ _ ------ .URNISHED HOUSE TO HENT ' Furnlshed hrut t- with furnaw, tlrrplau•, - - - - - :�-� - ----- - Boal "tate tor gale. 1.1. HIN SALE e ----.__._ -7--__=-T , Irie 1 ht. Im.r•Illerll IIIUId , and NII mud eMr 4t rY ernoenrenfe,N•ea, T-rm- moderate. F'urhrr 1 OR SALE Oe T(/ IIPN'I'. - A flY ITt-It l [Ibe nFInmruc Ueulans split • 1u Mlt`l. JAY. 1 LARK. .o it PV> anlyla-d 3ara•rc Inns hl 11',tst 1N'rwa- :t •S, ed ley A. I have hero Instrurtt+l by Mlt. A. ItLwrF:l' THOM ley -____- -- .- LIOR RF,NT.-A D WFLLIN(i ON ua.h,,ona.-she, tot %%!tit 171•w•rc Ikia good state of raphania,. well fenced, well Watered. Kozel on -lord. letbatik lid,rn,good to st•11 public uurtion ,u his rt --i deur. St. Pa rick'•.twci else SATCHI/AY, SY14-F."t :It .-Tit, j' Ke a .t m•t. lake fro111; hoU.e. Wwfoffl, . black -meth .hot, and -torr, at 1 ni•lo•k .Imp,. the entire ,.mlent- of lei, A dwel?inglto rnf-hut or not 1, near modem eomell ienoe.. Nt corner of farn,: comcoliepl Io -claw{ and church, :1; uidl Imin f'. 11. R. tylion at house: Ilak exte•odm. table. ufk ddele,anl with udrrlr, oak dining ,-Hair-, wk writing FoNMAI.v.-Two new dN'ellitltn on Anirl,+ M Auburn. Term- tot.y. NV; A. HAILIt1SON. ewY ehtlr., nm•ker,, roru•h, July's N-rd- de-k,es tt: alai Imet: one dwelli�ry{ on i'frton snwla Lucknow'. Int. Ing dk, with mirror; (nary fables, .ntlo building lq- oil F:lafn &%settle. Essex mlr•el, - wu.l bednalm.uit. oak bedruoun cit. u...ple Coahkr.tne t rgi l'llw -Inset. SALE. -FIVE ACRES CLOSE lrrlroum,uit. Iron hc&telal. ,'hill'. India co. w'A YTv..n. A few turn, -Md house•+ w routlai near [he lake. to rent for the +nnuurr savor• 1j�OR ill :1Nrg.• fnNltwge tai qN• Of lh•• Illaln thor� hair nlnttrt•-w*, full IIIN(Ire•M, N'rM,l IlUlll n'.,Y, dinner set flfavilatd), 1} I +el fllpvilaod,, toilet eStf 1'O1'NG B HOHF:RTWiN,• .itgh(an,•.,pipd for lake water- fine Lulldiu,c ,Ito, Addr'e., Box pa,, SIGNAL OFFI(%. set ilouitunl, tollrt set IMomkin,, (np•.try -ter _____ ___, -- - _ arranging chairs, eLe., to show the position n[ things AL the time of the tail., nal curtwin-, chenille rorty ns, folding HMr-1 na.la. if'o'f, LtARM FOR SALE ON DIVISION scree't' New Widlianis •Nina runchinr, Im i'r�t ial ut(unl neige, viii water -front :and lhonsuah nut pnrnta{ C Jule In the l•'wnshl of AshariA r•unntlrr l Iherrnontetrr: M)il*-r, •Ir{rt .N••rurr, awful IBIRITISHl,our.e-. noe uslied fecrlli In� hn nems of Aral blar'elar lust", Good for xed ("ening wa-h tuldd, wrfulna, {fait of lewl-, drawinge lien for proud work. nI ar pws(nre witht-r•eekunfans, Man. ;lona Luny. hwmuNr�k. kla•hrh sbinrl, re Fr`Y-1-7117, ItewsglnLir rid -s. Futrr and writ ,•ec.it .ilu&tt-I aa• �rrliln tarn .,•Masi, one wait our tulf mors frlgrrr:or, sley Irdder, gnnicn chair,:+l yoked..r[ more ur nus, Azurin-t.•r carpel, N'i yrnt+. moorany Ilene. Fall Iran trou' NI stiff1W atagor trd n . w'npodl M:r. 1st 11,•.dd reasoNbl Y Da^ r or Ir-+. Nrn,-rl. e r el. std nnnv eKher bus Cr1' .Sed. CIf Itudm+. kdu K f k iia eti w fi0µ in M 1%Mr, cat d1/NW FUr ren ,•r 1.Journal tnulrr-npylytoTHOMAS FOKb. IarN•-•!.O• bolA ortitis. too -numerous les aleallon. U, N'. Itgo'ap:rt. ration few. .µoN•(iaurr. N ATAnN, Pnrwiral. rr--r►- IOpII FAKM FUH MALE.- $PINI: '71 1q.1.', , 11'IUr NA1,l, ' -._ _ .._ coed -ian ii, Gode•ri,h lown.hip, of MI locus, Wood clot)- luau, and withered ley .rerinlr cn-•k ' — w 11 M • o NJ— a TI 1 s �l ,IF TIIN'N 1.4 IT.-. " I. Ica V . Itllw a . x. tarn with . oitr-r,bde+ sail brick house, 11 A Irrerr uuoller of proper ha%o• been making -lonr.. Two acne. guul oni,ard: Flue mile. 1 fmµ lloderlrb a fmm cllulun, \1'oaM ellquirle. re aldi, the les(. 1 have for salt. 1 111( 1� hep. a ronrhuldd to lute(• µJr and ex change In parr for anscon f sty. For {wrtt•. another om SAl "ItIlAY. Alts"1T 31sT. it l,r-.A'd PKTNt UL NN, und"h•h. ■t N oclock. t0 the .,un- plan a- Iwst sate. over :dl as Nicholson'. hardw,ty .ton-. \N'e-t irrcl. l Tin lot, listened will he -1.1 to the hgrhr.t FLMIR HALF. -GOOD HOME. SPLEN- bidder, x- I will limit,- nu bid- And hwve no 011e did location, corner of V a.t -tarot and to hay Infer nie. I will at -o la• on the gmanA t-.unbrla; forreare electric light. all modcru when- tier Inc- new hicatM rvety afternoon. com,neuving Monday, tier 3Nh, 3 to • roll,'enien" .. ISQ new stable large Rroun d+. A ppb' at once to U. M. KLLIO''r'I•. finite .i delo•k. and Tucslay ,flat Thur.lay C%ening+ RAULT RTK. M.UtIF:. MICH.. troll, limitI—(a to N o'clock. no Which floor \Olt YALE OR rel I,L-1'. -- A will sell (o Allane wl-ling to pun•teww• by house ur1 N'ictorb.lreel• with iii neo-- private vllt-. T)he-e lot. are-pleudlllF .dtu- a(M, only n few ubnales' walk fmm Nle Furni- eeavelllenor : lame lot and stable. JOHN LAwSON, Uoderlch. Ulmand sheet RLR L- TrttnuA%. At !i p. Pia. Tr" r A Ten-. Ten rr cont. 0f par- . - L1OR SALK.-A 2'(1SY MFVFN- Pontificated I I rha.r moficy cosh fit tine o�wlc : w -uw snM- If tit I tient to ueaar one half of purchase mqw•)' hoer : han{ awl .oft Nater 111 tohilt ff ern .Ir.)+; Ihe• h.rlance..%1 Cents A kitchen ; near Colloid&te In-tlhtm•. Apply to wrck until paid. or rel)• reasonable terms to rnedinte ppot.Ints, will leave Gooderich An follows: Southhound - 931io m. Wrttnesday Northbound - 9:71 p.m. Friday 'weather Permltl.lna WM. LICK, I"A1 Agent. T. J. KKIdNKl1Y, Trnalc Manager. Sault tate. Marie, Oil t. T H F: STERLING BAN N OF CANADA HRAs orri 'R - TOAON To AUTRORIT.Rn CAIeTAt, ill,fty),lon INCORPORATF:11 BY NI'FA'IAL As'r OF 11,012 ION PAItL1AMF:NT TO ItF.('FAV F.OKINN .... To areomnnorlstp the Farmrred we have (/Memel Ibrsanches in tit' village" of DUNGANNON, AUBURN, VARNA and BAYFIFILD. We solicit the Patrtnage of the FARMtR. IIALK NO TRl1 nlik'0I7NTRO. MAVFNOS BANK ACCOUNT opened by deposit of $1.1411 Interest at J% Compound- ed quarterly. 1111 PI!oKFCH BRANCH A. O. GAMNIX Manager. FLvARM FOR SALE. -A CHOICE IN THR MATTRR fir THR XSTATR OF' [Mill for rate. Adapted for mixed farming' HAVAN I)lll'I.F:, LATR OF THR. TON•N. U. paatum. Ycl acres alwmd. 10 acres good omh- aM lbaererr R"od tlrsker. )toil a It/toA Mark SHIT' nF ASHFIF.LU, IN THF.I'Ot'NTl' CIA)'loam. ( from*- house, fmmue learn and OF H('R')N, FAItMKR. ilVCr,ASKII. PtAblea, good driving shed. Iza. Si and 31. ionrA)Ii Uaderich townnhlp. ApptY to - '- -- P iF1T, HAYS R BLAIR or to U AS. Not ice I. hereby driven pirr.unnr to 1L S. O., J. WALLiS.Clinton. 'Lilt 11117, r'bmptrr I24. Wrtlon M. that at' persons having rlalmm aaminst tier "tate of Idle sold FOR MALF,. - 11 STORY HOU81C Bryan Duyle. who died on or about tilt- 17th .. Angle -on Mneet. li story hgeaf on d&)' of July IY17. are feel1 n been nn or before Ihr Napier im•t. If afoey house on Napier Hmet. 1111 cin>„ff *.4e1uendrr. Pler, to send by INlat pee•. never catholic church. I I stor)' house• on F:Igln `mid or delle rr to 34"rs. Cameron a Killona. 17odcri,h.Onlarfo, olleilolr+ fur Morgan Ihtl fasand,i -tory Ouseet Ist or brick •1 story ton and John McNantarn, tooth ,f Ilia said haus' an . bar ai frets, I wary bink ',mise h1 town -h d .a-baeld, exrralhr of Ib.. LId w'1 I Sia -If 14"a Meds, a beh•k t'nnl st 1'otlfor"' &ml IMtwntenl ,d till, said dlern-ell. lieu near IN•Iudllw', ■ t.y{tkralld ire r -Ducat for a I,nn1r+, adAM-sr- sol dr.•rlpll m+ 1nA n IUII man with -wall veyllal. i•'nrm- fa' -air In nn,T statetncnl of Imerlicalar. of Ihrfl' ala+res. amt 1Iwwn of H imn roomy. I W XU k 1.UHKR7 Ihr nature of the see•urity ill unyl livid by MIN Ooderlch One .----- _ __ them. duly certlanl. AN XXCEi,I,R,N'1' FARM FOR N"d fie 1w Its �rrv•hr gtrrn that alter Iia qdd dole 1 a ,a d exofJ the ece 1, I'M In SALR.=Xrtnrmmin N'r.l N'wwnnwh,lwo dlmfrlbulr Ihe x -.rt+ fir InP deor,wsd among mIh-o from Auburn; roil w d•Iay Inrtr.,, about nal Ihe rrtiem stunned Ihomta, having reAteM notY Ad'" under eulnvation a 'In to M arms Io the el&inls a which th.)' .1)011 then hair Itnher. A well And two ring+ of water, a notice. new frame dwelling, a g.�a barn, stable and anted the Nth doly of Aurf{{ual, Pool. drUln¢ hof. Appl)'io 01'Nli k ROHKRT.('AMKKUNaKILLOKAN.I)Irlerlch,fMt. SON OralerlOk - Aa:N I+olnitonffMa&w KxeClltw.. ---r--- THE CANADIAN BANK OF ('OMWH :'IRCE HEAD OFFiCF, TOR014fT0, F.STAIII.iS11FI) ISO H. F. WALKER, Pr•mident. I paid-ilp Capital, $10,WNN0,00O ALEX. LAIRD, Oenernl Manager. I iZrgt r►,f)Of),l)00 A. If. IItF:i,AND, FInlNrinlendeh` of Branches.I Total Assets 11`3,000,000 J- --------- - Brweehrs throughout Canada, And in tips Unitwl States coil itngland. A GRNRRAI, BANKING Rb1SiNBSR TRANSACTFD. (YIMMRRC'IAL Aftelle FARmpits' ♦APER DIM'1I'NTKI). SAVINGS BANK DEPARI'METNI'. Deposits of µ1s1 and upwards received ; interest allowed at current rates and paid quarterly. I'Ile deliositor is subject to no delay whatever in tLe withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit. - s �I IL Sk AILLIAM8. Manager GIalPrich Branch. N rWt r • I - , e -- r,.rr>:,,, W I+r ', { • d , ,� , _ s.asmr,re..,r.tr,. r„ ..A"tre.3-4atlar+i.-...,. . TM ti . ;.f _. - "-----.---'-- -- ---- Vfase•lager business next Monday. MRS, GFO. COX, Prilannfa mad. nit pur,hes.•r. - --- -- h,• tholk-fable (ill- the plwaent will lie: THIpa, TILT. THUS. GUNDItV. 'ro Iprtrtor. Aulla„rr. went Bagnall'f• car him Ilia LION HALF. -9) ACRES PXCF4 STAR -COLE LINE LENT latest for nuirket garden. w'Ith s�ppopodl and followed ahouldPrm, which Pap uildinga and renew ; two ndlao front lfade� 11%P in -hard !'1LFARINU !TALE C ````�T T T STIR. a l.T I��� rich ; acre- on of apple+. pears. plSlnnuP. rhrrrie.. pea•he-, gmr1ws and rwap� blPrr{s. IMlxanA or HOVAF.Hn1,U Fi-ItNITI'RF. it (!t-ANTITY •FOR tenn•fav,wablr. Agility to VVUNU t R1111FUTSON. Golerivh. OF' LI'MHi.lt AND A HI'11,IIINU IA4TfIN F:IAi1N AV%NI'F,. RAULT RTK. M.UtIF:. MICH.. In the town of Dulwich. - (►ITEM FOR MAI, FL -- A NiN F, ala North Channel. (ieondnn HAY. N'1111"In Jot,+ will sen by publiv "action prolwbly preach in one of the tows roomed frame dweaing. ha%1ng n good at hi- n•.ideucr ql Aoglr.na start, Gemirrich. TrttnuA%. At !i p. Pia. .cluallou. on Kcay- dart, moor foundation ..,I.uminer kitchen. .table. will Ior-ofd an F'It1DAV. AUGUST 91TII. 11007.' FOR I41RT HURON, UkTltoll'. rea+nnnLly. Feer (tut h part iral nppb' sof coulmova•InKnt 1:3, o',-k.harp, it,luantity of TOLKINI and CLKV ELAND. I 1,s 1 MRS. W M. M,e'ACUHAN, 11 Da%lo• "' " househ,Idfurniturra,idfeurul.hing-,etmuisihlir r1ATIL NIrA )', 7µn A. on. Toronto. I_ Yflf of poulaw suite{{ :, pure+. • Y cherry burnous. Y omm�llrte+. I nr....cr, I 1N'dnelfi -.fit. I IN -1' ARM FOR MALE. -ON Std CON. F WILLIAM LEF., Loral Agent. '• %lead+, r win, spring-. onlirt sem i nr•kem I larlre It. MAXWELL, gwden of ('ellpamo township. I�ritwlnlnR twsy chair, a ventre table, rxtenJou dip ngtabte. 1 sofd, I parlor Cook Have, 1 "Wed TrnMr Manager. llctrof6 Mich 1134 ,µ're„• 1 aIle from schgJ, t little front dove, , di -hes. lamp.; ture. Wo -*are pleased it) hear of his church, :1 alit• fmm Auburn I'fw,t. IMIn•, ri mita, frons C.P.R. aGation, I mflea fro hon- deshorongh, N mllepe front (' Inton. Then, air the Iwo fraena, our P xnl with kherr" 1a, and hcrarlic kltcfien utemll+, and Pit hernrtirlt: ho num,r "It. to mention. Also at :1 oclmk sharp will M scud a gIan - -- ----- µharp instrun!•nt. Toney, however, on premises unAerncat h. the of he 1NxM{ In llty of hmnlock hnnberD &ud IW 'Lai on a7f(in ALOOMA CENTRAi. STEAMSHIP stnnr slwMnr f,o,.o,,da ��•^^• m{w14w a stent- Ileo+. wit & tooA avenue, routh of Jas. Tilt'-. Kvrrr hlnir roust he sold, ns the- owner fn LiNE if lrllnre, end n name kitt•hen, w„otl.hul and lend. Iesa'iliR IiuleMrh. Trans cosh. ............ ............................. 41 liirl Wanted "units Hotel drh•InR shat. Hydraulic fonlnR water fit tarn "nit kitchen, good sppring Nater. LS wrrc. fall WM. JON vs. THOS. UI NIiR1'. ►7TII. KING EDWARD whna1:73larrcd lnllret rcI" +tAtx'0f cult IVA- Proprietor. Auction, . tion, time fruittree•, beginning le bear, and bel -- -- ---- . _ ---._ SAN DUSK Y,T0%re)J fs l'I.TSTK)AARIR a000ill fruit. V, ,acres of Rood -h, cedar, bas -wood. maple. 1•u•session 1rOtoe t0 Creditors. C DIV181U�1 henilork. elin. MI)Ilegivenat oma. terms to suit tho poor. • -- - - - - - ---- -.- -------<--_..-. IfetwePn Sandusky Toleoln, Detroit Sandusky, chaser. For further Information, n ly on the prrudaes or addrea„ JOHN HALLII)A V. God - N THE MCRROGATK COURT OF and Sault Ste MArie find inter- ea•i•h Ont. THY COUNTY OR HURON. rnedinte ppot.Ints, will leave Gooderich An follows: Southhound - 931io m. Wrttnesday Northbound - 9:71 p.m. Friday 'weather Permltl.lna WM. LICK, I"A1 Agent. T. J. KKIdNKl1Y, Trnalc Manager. Sault tate. Marie, Oil t. T H F: STERLING BAN N OF CANADA HRAs orri 'R - TOAON To AUTRORIT.Rn CAIeTAt, ill,fty),lon INCORPORATF:11 BY NI'FA'IAL As'r OF 11,012 ION PAItL1AMF:NT TO ItF.('FAV F.OKINN .... To areomnnorlstp the Farmrred we have (/Memel Ibrsanches in tit' village" of DUNGANNON, AUBURN, VARNA and BAYFIFILD. We solicit the Patrtnage of the FARMtR. IIALK NO TRl1 nlik'0I7NTRO. MAVFNOS BANK ACCOUNT opened by deposit of $1.1411 Interest at J% Compound- ed quarterly. 1111 PI!oKFCH BRANCH A. O. GAMNIX Manager. FLvARM FOR SALE. -A CHOICE IN THR MATTRR fir THR XSTATR OF' [Mill for rate. Adapted for mixed farming' HAVAN I)lll'I.F:, LATR OF THR. TON•N. U. paatum. Ycl acres alwmd. 10 acres good omh- aM lbaererr R"od tlrsker. )toil a It/toA Mark SHIT' nF ASHFIF.LU, IN THF.I'Ot'NTl' CIA)'loam. ( from*- house, fmmue learn and OF H('R')N, FAItMKR. ilVCr,ASKII. PtAblea, good driving shed. Iza. Si and 31. ionrA)Ii Uaderich townnhlp. ApptY to - '- -- P iF1T, HAYS R BLAIR or to U AS. Not ice I. hereby driven pirr.unnr to 1L S. O., J. WALLiS.Clinton. 'Lilt 11117, r'bmptrr I24. Wrtlon M. that at' persons having rlalmm aaminst tier "tate of Idle sold FOR MALF,. - 11 STORY HOU81C Bryan Duyle. who died on or about tilt- 17th .. Angle -on Mneet. li story hgeaf on d&)' of July IY17. are feel1 n been nn or before Ihr Napier im•t. If afoey house on Napier Hmet. 1111 cin>„ff *.4e1uendrr. Pler, to send by INlat pee•. never catholic church. I I stor)' house• on F:Igln `mid or delle rr to 34"rs. Cameron a Killona. 17odcri,h.Onlarfo, olleilolr+ fur Morgan Ihtl fasand,i -tory Ouseet Ist or brick •1 story ton and John McNantarn, tooth ,f Ilia said haus' an . bar ai frets, I wary bink ',mise h1 town -h d .a-baeld, exrralhr of Ib.. LId w'1 I Sia -If 14"a Meds, a beh•k t'nnl st 1'otlfor"' &ml IMtwntenl ,d till, said dlern-ell. lieu near IN•Iudllw', ■ t.y{tkralld ire r -Ducat for a I,nn1r+, adAM-sr- sol dr.•rlpll m+ 1nA n IUII man with -wall veyllal. i•'nrm- fa' -air In nn,T statetncnl of Imerlicalar. of Ihrfl' ala+res. amt 1Iwwn of H imn roomy. I W XU k 1.UHKR7 Ihr nature of the see•urity ill unyl livid by MIN Ooderlch One .----- _ __ them. duly certlanl. AN XXCEi,I,R,N'1' FARM FOR N"d fie 1w Its �rrv•hr gtrrn that alter Iia qdd dole 1 a ,a d exofJ the ece 1, I'M In SALR.=Xrtnrmmin N'r.l N'wwnnwh,lwo dlmfrlbulr Ihe x -.rt+ fir InP deor,wsd among mIh-o from Auburn; roil w d•Iay Inrtr.,, about nal Ihe rrtiem stunned Ihomta, having reAteM notY Ad'" under eulnvation a 'In to M arms Io the el&inls a which th.)' .1)011 then hair Itnher. A well And two ring+ of water, a notice. new frame dwelling, a g.�a barn, stable and anted the Nth doly of Aurf{{ual, Pool. drUln¢ hof. Appl)'io 01'Nli k ROHKRT.('AMKKUNaKILLOKAN.I)Irlerlch,fMt. SON OralerlOk - Aa:N I+olnitonffMa&w KxeClltw.. ---r--- THE CANADIAN BANK OF ('OMWH :'IRCE HEAD OFFiCF, TOR014fT0, F.STAIII.iS11FI) ISO H. F. WALKER, Pr•mident. I paid-ilp Capital, $10,WNN0,00O ALEX. LAIRD, Oenernl Manager. I iZrgt r►,f)Of),l)00 A. If. IItF:i,AND, FInlNrinlendeh` of Branches.I Total Assets 11`3,000,000 J- --------- - Brweehrs throughout Canada, And in tips Unitwl States coil itngland. A GRNRRAI, BANKING Rb1SiNBSR TRANSACTFD. (YIMMRRC'IAL Aftelle FARmpits' ♦APER DIM'1I'NTKI). SAVINGS BANK DEPARI'METNI'. Deposits of µ1s1 and upwards received ; interest allowed at current rates and paid quarterly. I'Ile deliositor is subject to no delay whatever in tLe withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit. - s �I IL Sk AILLIAM8. Manager GIalPrich Branch. N rWt r • I - , e -- r,.rr>:,,, W I+r ', { • d , ,� , _ s.asmr,re..,r.tr,. r„ ..A"tre.3-4atlar+i.-...,. . TM ti . ;.f _. - "-----.---'-- -- ---- Vfase•lager business next Monday. -'--'------ "e take united action in connection to atop and hP did see. A little while litter Toney into ------------ _____ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Aug. 22nd h,• tholk-fable (ill- the plwaent will lie: therewith, and it further purplao' mt went Bagnall'f• car him Ilia ___ - L•;la'e lieederk-hitt 7 it. fit.. arriving in the bureau i+ to watch legislation and followed ahouldPrm, which Pap Taranto at 11 it. Pin., And leave fit :along curial used marlin reform line:,. were scratched, aecusing .JI.'rh,•11 of 1 Far11u lAbomn: F:xeuralon-('. P. H.......... a ,i p. un., arriving in Toronto at :tilt, Tile Meeting it, Knox .church should it. Hagn,all told Toney he had d.00e If You Are Uoilig Wr%t ('' P. R .... ......... 6 It Torotsw fit K a Pie., ,uric- Inn largely alta ullaKl. Ur. Eby will IG himself on the ImrhwIre fpn . slid , Careadian National kxhlbltlon-C. P. R..... i n11t.: K at (ioderich at 1.2:'11111). Pif., leave prolwbly preach in one of the tows ordered him flK the car. \Voids and Resdone-F'. F. I.Awr'enoe ..................... I Toronto tit b:fill p. fit., ,U riv-mK iu churchesatbe following Suntlnv. fisticuffs followed find lingnall put New Seasot',ISt Asa --Jebel dt4wA ............ 6 Gictivrich at 10:10 p. ell. A O. C. 1, Ex -student Honored. Tone off the car b force, and at the, Y ) doorway of the car irrnivnl A stab in liras*-F'.J. HLiflland ......... .. .......... 6 Help Wanted - Manufactures Alliance• To - New Mathematical Master at G. C. 1: The following Gv,m The \\•indsoa' the hip, according to our v'•• -;on •„' Promote .... . ..... . ........ ........... 1 A .loeciAl nwel.iug of lilt- OolleKiate Record tit the I7lh inst. refers to s the story. A cut on the door,..,a r , Itenmants W. A. McKim.... ... I .......... Y Incl ilute lyuird adds held on ,%14.1111:1y gradilme of (A,derich Collegiate Itimli- the car was also pointed to as evi• Thr wasp, l+Cquina Aloat.-C. C. iao...... 6 Morning, whps .I. l'. Noe rim. H. A., ture. Wo -*are pleased it) hear of his dente of the use of A knife or other F,JI Suitblro-Iter. Black .................... s wa- appointed uhaheuralical Pilaster advxucesieoL ice his chosen vfNwtionl : µharp instrun!•nt. Toney, however, AurtIon Sale of Town Loa-Tbas. Tilt...... 1 in 111:im of A. N. Myer, r.•yigned. Ail'. N.ti-riwinap Apeell •'Print• t/ Isla departure for lila 'few Rev. Father Hngun•), w4ym he had no knife hest had a ring on The Need o out Summer ('leas.up.-Hailisaa Br'o on the "inter of the Witike•ton high hAhlol. Held of work, who has beau trau..ferred to Flt. him hand which disappeared durirrig the lunate, His Honor ............ ............................. 41 liirl Wanted "units Hotel Mr. Morris h:as sinre miguified his Thop)n-. aftei• leaving hien connected find thought there was just 1► Inummibility th,tt the ...............,.: I wanted 31m Win. Coats ................... I iu,thilily to, accept )h•• po-ition, Ilia with tit. Alyho11mua' church fur ►wee ring might hnvr liern broken and in Store to Lot -David Frown .................. a sl-hr1o1 Ioarl hAVits;; offered hits) in- duremrnlr to) Irnt:liu. Year'. wily plebelted Fl itpigbt wit h , nnluining $1'-- in suule way inflicted the injury corn• New Train' Service -C, P. IL .................. 6 JuA Abouttbe'ILnd-J. a title gull. Fdlained of. Other way" in which the H. Coloonw ......... 1 The Luf know Fall Show. ley Ulc purishionpts of the church. )nJnry aright have leen caused were We have revei%ed n Copv of the The plruetstnylion, whiele was Aee(urt- psllied by sttitebly wurdeol address, snggested and the prisoner got the heeefit Pif the doubt and was let go fleet layer of gravel ax tar the price list of the fall exhibition of the Ldekuow AKrieshurx) KlK•ietY, which wet,, Imide by Jodie• McHugh, dm•ing tel inGutunl K:ath,•ringal the pu... , with a warning. When Beltr"ul ,o"nt into the Fxnz he tteetlework east of the elevator, And r. the work of halhaating issbeing com- 11pp to IK• held Momav awl 'Tuesday. Sepll•nllar:111h,mullh•tolK•rledt. 9'hr re-idesce. Rev. l other Hr/gfin leave" witness showed quite a talent along dramatic lines, pleteol. The tele telegraph iN)lear have Put in to the amain[. ellfered in price..,. for thisex. fell- tit. Thoumis t(Kiny, taking the P lace of Rev. Father Ferr nt, who Ions arranging chairs, eLe., to show the position n[ things AL the time of the elation. At the end end of the trestle work near the hibil loll is tilt- LM .l he t)le 11iatnr • Kd' 3 of Nle Wr•irty. 1'rirA• lints and afire 1K en trtulsfrnrd to Tilbnr}." � disturbance and suitin the Action to R elevator there is n switch and from there to the station there, is x double tnforuualiun truly Ike I ". flu ar tarv, tion to J. Murrhi-out 4rctrUtrv, Summer Visitors Eno Themselves. Enjoy Marv,uld a:ariuus,ue the ways a°r t h e word whenever o c e'I e i o n FtrwllFF)ted, to help mut his imperfect knowledge of the F:ngliah langur r. track. Then there ie cat the rwater s to the engine house at the waters 1AI-k11ow. mtsllllllet• gill"►?. tlK-thrr tritll It few Hill drfillMtlC fi ix rfixe find a switch running to the For Local Option. IK•r-nns free town. Mkt- to convince the loarnslaoplr the•3^ .ur having n performances Alld goxKl humor• which was Nibbling freight filled. On the trestlework thele area numlrr of platforms a6 • 1' b un•rt in iPi rhe Tena w a et- K I I n 11:111 o \f ' 11 Monday •b 1. 11" ' •CNA ,' l• , # i e 11 I r IrNlla I I un an 1 me d r •i l I t It . 1. Y (ever all the time, made him a very mterestin witness. 11 t t tilt- side where barrels reel o[ w iter will nidi 111 11 l el Ns N 1 l 1 lhl• 1. Fw• tmile(Lfley Ill lake s full IIIPNaIII'e fit 1)t- p1Arld as A protection against fire. gtse-timl m( loc•ul opliou w,as attended enjiiyurent out of sash atfair%its those The Ashfield Campaign. The waver to supply them will come b•representativesfrunulJrrtw"-Nletho- dist rhnlr Iles, Ihe I'resbytl•riew church till( til• R,aptistehmrch,,ald,ti•emolleeliote (,f lust Thtoradx alul Monday even- Y inKI . 9'hsladnv e•N'ruiuK lherr wNs A Ill• heaeh just down Thr campaign in Connection faith the eleetrle railway hylAw• in Ashfieldpecten frons springs in the Iwnk. it is ex- everything will be ready for ,.,,).11 ro:Mt' ou is prceeding merrily. Last evening ^ 1 ndAy morning, when the first train w,a-adopted expo."4iug the feeling for fl.,,,,, tilt- seuuuter hotel, un( cora And well -attended mewling wall held At, will leave for Toronto. the nler►ing in Gtcor of hm•ad (ph(lli, The.luw•tiun whether or not u, enter hotter ,and song ,old ITI)Artel were freely indulged in. ,tied on Monday Kinlail, at which the p'n)txwiLion was dincuseced from Guelph Mercury : The only detail elPi a eatnlulign ,lt the present time was Piot derided but will he brought sight the Jim ronsimedof it happy hay ride. The {warty left to own mhtirtly all standpoints. Mesmrs. Roberts, He•eney find CAm- remaining to be Arranged after the re- cent conference at Godetich between ap at awrther sleeting next' Monday after is ti chm•k and dr,ve to near Point Aron, Pit lioderich : Moyes, of Toronto, And Morgan Dalton, ex -reeve of the representative" of this city and that town ses to the date of the G. M. S. evening. I Farul. lits lite "Writ they stupplel At (aazier's stronger than kownship. Rave strong addrraties in excuivion wfta• that with reference to An Opinion from Orillia. t , 1'hµ (h illiµ Parket say- : H•wb•rirli tlulthinK '•soft.') And trent in to MrnrsetunF favor of the hylaw. and J. N. Mc- Kenzie presented the arguments of its securing cars. The date was agree. able to all Martie", providing cars ba. lw e of the led -t Lauri papers is "ark I'or smploes. D:u vlug wits in- dol eel ll and NRI•r a d••fian L hour K 1 9 Pi wnentm. The vote i" it) ba• t►ken PI Monday #•fluid lit- secured. On this score there CAP 1)AIM-1'a %-"rill nearly 111011- lit hest ,Lown ton tine beach they resuarel their ofµ next, And nithou h there is a tit .Ono{ft)ositiun tto the bylaw it was same doubt, owing to the heavy demands of immigration stands Pit steel annuaalli l.. tilt- itsteremts of the town.. And yet the )uurney to town some tittle• •after Haid. alight. All went, Mery ns fi marriage fag Is hu 1 tint the IU i'('( progressive rat pay- regular• and excursion traffic. The int has to- c:nllifgl ham this vent Intas/el U)eNe I:yK•rs by std hnnfled il%•or Ihe print• bath till the part y got to Westmt)eet, Whenthe WA9011 llut It wheel, lull of el•µ of the western division of Ash- Held will tun n out in g(a)d strength defy been definitely settled by it tele. grain l> Mr. Joe. HeBernlan, the C. Ing flf the voter.+' dish to ,t job ufHre, letw ause of it l•illingdittere"ve in conr%e that wan tint sprioum land the and meive the o opportunity of securing the railway facilities which that fine Y R. city Agent, from Mr. C. B. Fos- ter, the district poalenger Agent of the price. One would hitrliv exim-e-t n lawn like Tart tauten it the Irwt mf the wit les 1 )' Y the hotel. section of country hag long. been road. -at Toronto. Mi. Foster wires: Gealerirh to rhlN1.14 nripors ell Lack- wanting. An electric railway run. "Car department have advice. Can Ing in alas, sense :and indeeel in - Phelan -Sullivan. mug along thea lake "bore between G erich find Kinefitdine it; all that. furnish what equipment we require to handle the business gratilaule :as well." Dr. Clark Elected Grand Marshal. Thr. many (ioK)rrirh fl tendo of Paw iuTh ConstableOtod Phelan extend run- is netdad to make the western portion of Ashfleld one of the foremost Negri. Se tember IStb." The excursion will take in not only Guelph, tart all the line The 1. 1►. O, F. (hand hIKIKr of Kratillationr on his remarriage, which iK titles recorded in yeaterlay'm Stratford cultural districts of CAnadx. points along gg west of this city to Gtlderich. Mr. Onlxrio met Inst tarok fit Of illis. !Lied t 1 ,•I els • '1 '/l II ht 1 ntr fit , n e n s if and t -K I ) n J Tient-on : "The isiarrisgr took plul•e Mt. _ .. ___.. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. REF. Foster has made uisition for fort t(al Y cel r" which should seat timer in the• Lake Siunrw iow'ai' Tilt- relit 111N espnitlel show'el 1110x1 va•steriny morning lit Josephs ,.torsi i,f Mists Massie E., second %'f-itor, to town always like to took Lark, crnnfortabl`C. It theeity council pro- council pt A gratifying moth, if lift- Orderduriil K' K K' K the loping in , (1a11l,llerOr Mr. Itself Mrs. 1. Sullivan. •21y Forman avenue, and Jli•. Richard w'itlMieul a.ou%'enlro(their VWL lien'tfor- art thm Wilineramith. i- he,Nlgfmr1cm. Claim. R holiday, fat- expected, and the weather is fine, the excursion will in p:l-t hang ifulOiltrogremoi a pro fi tlelari Anio and condi- \unruK Phe1311. the fiuieoum PluvinCi,al dense. five. of Uoalerieb. Very flea•. Dean .A word u, ole Old Hoy- wrlue you Am In town to honor your old ,na.ter• fir, Stnti1g don't forlret ILL all likelihood be much the largest ever atm out of Guelph. Mr. Hefferman lion. O g the Idrwnd L KIKe office m elee•t-d ens Dr. W. F. Clark, Melee Its rfurmwl t hr r" "I"o)oY. And warn ut/Ni-feel by Frs. EK:w:uul Arnold. to have you# unturo U%kml at K. Saltiw+ .tudiu. If suggests that one train should "tart troth Elmira instead of Guelph and of GsKle•rieh, who wax 4.11-11for the s,ition of (:rand MatshiJ find who). S{) tial music µ•As renderxl h the you go to Oic n atta til. �tts•raoal and ruakem, ub+treke itfall Idto Dd, uru,it depoll yqur stilt, don't worn. to P[�Itaiam Pick u excursionists at intervening 1) 1) g station i to Godericb, we undef•sHeat brings to Huron Choir, and Mins Carlin played the 1 )• weelding ulxr•h. Astris forwwl the go Ihe tailor for a new one• and that the train" from this cit should run Y roman •the Heat lt•xnd IeNI a ndflcr.r's } K decorations of the church. 11 is" A merrvgo•round is doing business through without stop. The return this racer• we'll II)' :Irl pildtl•Ilow fl( thin cuunlw' Jfeldephille Sldliwntl, Of Ihetrlit, w,as At the corner of West and Waterloo street+. rhe proprietor is evidently fare from Guelph has (leen flled at $1.221) for the The Next Rifle Tournament. maid of hit else-. effect Mr. Timothy hollies• Ttir nlu, way gr)(nudeq lull. CU unting on A g(xxl trede with the (i. eighty mile", which I. Ins" than the usual return excursion Arrangements hnvr Ile•n Inadee for liuron Tile bride was gowned in lavender Irish with Ince laxliep fin I C. i. old boys land gills, We Are slrry to learn of the con- rate to Toronto, only "tout half the di"t.wnee. flip (Iitrnans•nt .of the- Rifle League tPi IN• held at Auburn Sppteur poplin• I'lrttles• !;tied h•Lt to ni atch, and she car- tinsel illness of John Walker, Neteon About $12 worth of tools were stolen leer lath. At. this tnsrnninew the team" euIlIp,Iing (or the trrq)hi• will rief It beautiful rna,ary of Anlethydou. She team given away by her Gather, street. Mr. Walker is well ten in his ninth.docade, find is feeling the ef• front the C. P. R. freight shed on Tuesday night. The culprit should P ►s• roupria(el (if seven men, inmtrnd of .NJ r. P. tlultivan. The hridr.mnifl wore fe'ctw of old age- K return them to avoid further trouble. ten am felrnerh'. Thr division cif it lace gown of all-over embroidered The marriage of Miss M. Louisa•, ell]- Pdzf•a for iudivie)ual mhooting fila„ ha" net, with a barge pictslr hat, and car- 1 est daughter of Mr. find Urs. J. H. A NOTABLE GATHERING. N•en altered NII( will be it. follow% : ll it b,moviet off asters. After the Colborne. to A. Burton Vail• of -- File- each let tits- three contests litho we Jing a reception was held fit the Washington, D. C., is announced In Collegiate Institute Reunion Proving a yard-, 30) vnr1A, still quick -firing fit hostile of lite bride'" parents, which take place. At noon on Septenthesur 4th, I Great Success. 8101 vatds) there will Ire eight pr•izf•a- was deroratwl . with aate•es. The at the fancily rtwidenee, St. Patrick's 1st, V2.o11 ; 2nd, $l..in : 'Irl, 4th and gilestpe then vat down to a dainty [street. The (illelerich Collegiate Institute :nth, $1.401 Barb : BLh, 7th And lath, r") rents each. F'nr tyres there will Ix brenkfust in the drtawinK roto• Tip Rifts west nuulrl-on% and Coolly. Mr. \\'r ,tri sora y is 1pnrn the►t Mex. 11acDunald, ,of Donlopt unit Mt'ang Old Pupile Reunion is on this Werk• and has Drought to town a eight prize" ,res Lie wane b,asi-, except land Mrs. Phelan left on the afternoon met with it peerious na•ident on Wellneallny reel• 1:iigr member of tenure students of that they will lie given for tilt- total exprean for Toledo, Detroit And Cleve. ing, She tell downs in Ler house• the achoml. The arrangement" made, slur• At all riangry. As fit Hera ifl(tm Inn(], followed by the minceapmt wishes and austfilnoxl Hivrrr intrrnsl inlurit", feet- the entertainment of the visitrors, Plinio fps. the highc"L ,aggregate .core- tit their rutone•ous friends." from witch it )a feued sip will not 'aPpear to one very satisfactory and the will take tilt- medal. The Late Mrs. Newell• .quickly recover, Pro)Krnin i" ppt•ore-eling with an inter - est and enlhusixem which promise Social and Moral Reform Work. The funeral of the Ila►e Alts. Jo lin Mi"" LAur. Al. Jeckell has been ell• to snake the reunion a notable event. A nlrrtiilg of n number off •ehnlrh Newell, whtlxe denlh occurred on g:tgel by 'he Ooderich rrh(ol board to This morning a reception was held worker wile held yesterday afternoon Sunday evening, August lithe took take charge of the principal's rano fit Int the ('ollegiwtClnstitlte, when many Ili the grand jnry matin at the rnur•t place last Thur&olxp to Mnithahol the Central school for the Model terul. 'hlisfi Jerkell is of the vinito�" registered and tatter au honer nl whit, is remdutirnt wits pdolited in favor of Asking Dr. Ehy, ceunetrry, Htv. R. Millyari conduct= Ing the services. The pall-IMAters an Pzcellent teacher and no doubt will give the Galerich informal handshaking and exchange e,f greetings Addresses of welcome lire well-known,, worker Pilon N1w..(Ir•ar werP Robert (talent)-,,, William Mtedeld, school board good satisfaction. -.Ext-- ter Times. were given by F. Jordan, chairman Anel Illo,ral reform 1inPm, all Af It wa111 1f: little. Jamem Buchanan, of the Cnne•R iAte iIn"LILUtI trustee me•rting in Knox church on \WedneA- Robert Young find Janies Horney. Thp piacAtol•itel mucce"seet of the rt-,_ board, and Mayor Elliott. This after. day evening, ovinher 2nd, nn his The derecome•d's n+Aiden "APile av,a" tar of Mt. Gporges church arp well noon it reKatta and sedan is being work. In connprtion with thin itNer- national for Forma Clmlfont, and she wax born on DecUnitK•r !Nth, Inch, 'At Wp't known• but now x competitor for first hits been di"revered given at the laketl•ont, under the nlo�vnlent the nnitinq of \Wi• plan in the per. J(lint lilt wpicesof the reunion com- Church force" it i- propts"ed t) ental). Combe. Her tsmrriage ill the hale John Penn off lei% peon, F'nnl, who with him mlittRe And the Menesetung Cantle lisle in every town n rallying ventre h•nm Nvwell. alme) of A%-ir•omlr', tfark place ala Jlru'ch itIl, Itli father was nut fl"hing at Sharpe's lfrrpk Cluh. where workrrm all the churches °disrnms , ,uul Filey lett the ether day and lnnfar fi Tomorrow at If) o'clock wprogram Cliff inept ^mF Any matter14 F:ngland un the Lith of Junr'• 11170, les•- trout w•eighinit,no less than a pound of mportb will he given in the roorn. corning up fr•r1111 tittle to thele fiml riving in Goderich on the 113th (or the and thr•r-giinikers. while the other Ing at the Agricultural Park in the following inconti)• They lnttl shice re- mide•d here u 1 to the tiige (10heir re- dexttlim. b!• rnlrgll, v'ot'e• 711,1/ extra large fish. Hi" lietverend sir•, it (a true, hall a larger ; aftrrnaw, •%t :11:;1111, a public Katherinis will be hekb fit the Co1lPgiate Inst). __ __ . -. ---- - - - Situations Vacant spe•ctive \Ira, Newell It-ILVe, catch ds point of numbou•4 but tate in honor of Dr. Strang• and in _ -- _=r_r___ - --. _ - VIRL WANTF'1).-A GOOD IRI. murviving two son and two (suKhtt-rN; Jlra. Ilnrtuu, rfbidinK est Moult Ntp. the p,ilm for catching fig rotes gtlM fur the nun#_e to the lion, the evening, at flOi) a banquet will he held lit the Hotel Bedford ss the wh&ted mt onor Apply to N'Ml4AIU, Marie. Mich.: Mrs. NewIM{n, Toronto); clos- ing fentaare Iluron [Intel. of the reunion. s, a George, fit Henlnille•. ,old J. T., of town. A daughter', Mr -L. i)ew•stow, CHURCH NOTES. --- The gathering in biding favored with excellent weather and the "old II Ildl, WANTED. - COMPWrFNT Rirl wanted for sentenced hour ework. died at Detroit rome flite,of yfutra Ago). Rev.Dr. Ueldrun , of Cleveland, will ir)vy" and e`(lid girls' nppo•ar top nae en- lN` 11143 eranonth. "Apply In •MKS, tVM, (vi Ta, Nelron atnrt. ." n And fi can, Chfirles, ibied abut two vears letter Mr. and Mrm. Newell's Preach in Knox church tMxt Sunday evening. jo)'ing theutselves thoruaaghtY, Next - ar. week's Signal will have A full IVANTFD AT UN('h -- h:Xl'Fli• rival in Goslerieb. Those who, wee prement fit the funeral from out of Rev. ao", WitAt occupied the pul- Acallant of the reunion. I KNIT:) mcndlerw• loopoi••., knitter, n11 "ntunalie unwhfnt--. also hand frame knelt,,,. Hif{he•-1 wnge•d, toady ,1111,10 -tit. write (arivll avert-• Mr. WWII 11(rx, I�haa•le� IIvwmtoly. of Detroit; 'N Mrs. pit of the Sentorth-F'teshytpratn church on Sunday last. ANNOUNCEMENTS, far pUir•:Icular.- THF: MANI;F•n 'TI'RFai+' ALhIAN('K, CnouA,•; NU 'A -r f t Eller t•. and Harold Dew'stov, of Ilr•tr•oit ; William, «'Ned. •Sts1TC1A)t. Iia 1 3', of Mtrattiml, will eonduct n special meeting in the Sal. --- TrAvell"ls to Toronto ___ --- _ 1111 Igliog ria F 11 r. ,till Mrs• \'nugh^n. CingnrA Falls • ,and Jars. vation AnnY !pill oh Mond August µie A gal 11_lith, exhOntihition should avoid the nimh at the "cation h �%ANTE 11 AT ONeR. - G 0 D t brickiap,n. MN�y F. J. NA(it•F:. I1. 1)n , SYI.; ffor I aids, o� lira, J• 1, Near T Tl)r lfrsxrs. f)pwstuw nrP At K P. ell. The H,aptiat M:Inday sohool heli) itsan Urebasing their tickets at the G. ' down -town ticket oAicP. F. F. Wheeldtyra. hfndto 1. Uoldorlch, tilt __._ ,tat% land lildt'en 'if the R' deo!enmfel, J1 r. \Waal n grxndsfm and JIrA, �;nnghsh Octal At Ihe ) alar Point Farm summer resort on Aturday n[ 1fMt LAWRENCR. agent; office hours o::itt p. m, dnrin A' m. to f►3D K exhibition AN TK 1). (1001). SOUN1) bor,r, walakI abont I.poo. Appb• a randdol herr,) if K A nurnhPr of floral oRi•1•ingm tvt•tr w•a'k. An enjoyable dfi _ 'vita spent b the me ils •mof the &t Y wPPks. Toho m) F:xHIBrTIos,-IM J]'.1.0111" 1' IF:Fd. Kl`uS. L+nnil U040 - '- r illiftffront platen On the rNakrt. Among which was n i)enutlful design the lituploy(d of the Kensington ptixt coh- Rregation find. their friends who were able to join th••nt on thin oecfisinn. -Do not fail to take advantage of the superior train mervice and exceedingly cheap WANTED. --Ai 1 RFNTI('F (i1Ri YY Furniture (.n. The deeelmeb w•am A The next Monday "chum -and Christ. )'+ales of the Grand Trunk RailwAy to barn drc•dtawking, colonel". Apply teMiB11(A.WsIN,o, corner Ili Nortit,Ir,•iaod meh)lie' mf North street Mmliodixt tion Endeavor rullventk)n for thio to) ollr great Canadian National Exlllhi- �A+ss• tact( church. "Tliney" Goes Free. aunt , will be held in Blyth on Octo• toldr alt and Uth. Thr, exw utivr Pir the tion. The U. T. It. lax int trains, cuddy in each lilt. hit.iOn with -- -- __ ^- - Public NotCe . - Antonio IiI•lunnb an ItAli,►n who rOuntyy IaNala•i,(lion met, in Wealp) chnrrh, Clinton, On Friday, Angu&t ears ^lift through toilarhPe. Pnh K` l•Avellinl; OIl morning trwina - J*Nhw'! won working on the railway conatmw- I -ion work in Collnrrne and who was chargers with atabbinR n rnilwety eon• 9th, to tnske arrangrmentw for the pr,gra(n. bhould get their tickets the night be -- forr Pit the down -town ticket ofller find av(%W (nletflr hu"Ired ReIgllall, was trdei AL the after low No'rvicr bet SuPi• R - fenslh At the ditfition. Nor tiekfKr VOTPF4Y' I,IM'1', 1fI1fI. ` mn and diam hY Ilio IipfloItnlgP t1oy1(' and Oiachnrg(ef, flip Honor holding day eveninK the Iarge•pet manila r that hma I't am-1•Illblwl at any of these ,►fid Ah'infornnnt•iOn call as FBANK LAN'RRN(Il, (i, T. R. down- kiwi ticket agent; __ MuNIc'Il'ALITY OF THE TOWN lip (IIs). rult'14, IN THF that there w,ul nor. suffdcirol nvidrflej' to hryunel POI 4.Mnndny evening incest ern• creta gathered in Lhr )N['lula office hours o81) a- m, to) 9::110 P. les' during exhibition ' COUNTY OF' HI.ItON, I --` Natlre I. hrnehy alien that 1 have prove rfimonabll• doubt that the wtiond was Indicted 11 1.bIP Y 1 of the all lfltllf•r' 11111.1.1 clad f•nj0yyel a plrlgr in of we•km. - Iran". mi lrA or to the t Iwialt. meat prisoner. The Crown Att,emne alae• Y P gooxl npl-kic find view. The latter NPR contributed 1 A. Uook. AbJCTION SALES. In a,apinp of Ibr (Ilan&Mo VMpI-�d' Llsls Adel Aet tlie,rrpie•. ordo,l•i by sold secOrw di IK, as In n Ore of Ihe ILI ental anal \V. ed. T ol, K, l'., act(41 for the dPrrh<r. The trout a rack I y of Vowel, an(I Mr. Mi11Pr. of I/Ptroit, T th hQ being Faln.ty. A fit.blkh.-.(•lestrinq -ah• w frart•P ": moult lint- of ^11 p t to llent. t0 rniA art fit all {teer.ru4a{ qjlaMln( hs t he ast re\'Is••A A.M`+slll„ell roll Af the FM nlltnt- rPIacP on the 0th (it �OKgstt cry 1 A1)` f, ''+►1'" ►'�l'r a►H tief'n nutty tt•e It In, p1loM exceptionally well fen• delwl. MIM Troy, of Uetrolt, acted Ae fnrnit arc, n quantity of InrwbeT and m (brethil, h �'rlm ""'hint sal ell i� nw he town eip&Ilty to be enutfcl to i in the amid m,jnl al illy At elortl0n. few membe '.of she IA•Rt. �11 {{ Im le Amwenlbly &nit flulgeol in, ' otRy himself nwnin a g 1) to er,al Rlasst". Tone lsecomdered. Aniat. -..-.._ w.....N .Idem►m, Awry unlnr+Ptor. eructs. OI-sna., nnrlloneer. w: npurlrllaal ales lion+; Ia trent the.tl.1Ibr wms It test app ml my .., At Uglernh on Itis ked rear fit y and A n YollilK MltObell. who wax aloe 1.111• C. P, R. OPBNS MONDAY. ---- - - - -_ BORN. Au41uH, 1146;. atilt remain. them for lo.{pert Ion, And t he ll Allan mil refer, to talk,or, Int pleyPd on the work, had Ifeen having tormlp. Toney acid Jlitchell black, Formad Demautratdon WIII BP on Sep- srNlJl!'. t.e (:,drrtrh, nn RwnAw A r. ,W,i.r Itch. to Mr. o"A MI John Ihmloe, ,mId meAfwte pm•erdlnirr to have any nrewr, or omi-.ian.rdxmfdinato law. %sed him ra(•P with Ilia grpAr,y glace, )denied by Mitchell) !ember lath. noon. MARRIED. 1er te"d",U.12011111=1- :La Any fir .hien-1, A}It M. O. JOHNSTON I let and I itchell :mid Toney got. him by the thrmt And chnkeed lin) till he The first, liellbuiting train to )a"a Over the Maitland bridge on IthP 1'HF;I,.tN i Ll,lv,(N. In Rlrstford, nn ,".-A-5-eend) i11nrR•11Rev ifsP;antst,.( ," , t Jerk of UoAerkh, WAN hl&ck in t he (tate, Bagnallcoming up told Tonr Guel h R GI Pric roa/I arrived yes- 1 tArdei' ,., 1• Pn.Jeti fir O Mrrlcli to Mk.µ Mar Irlo; taunt%. y nulrnin end y R Mlt down the , Amaghter of k4. and Mr.. �4iek ?to ,an dtyntferd,