HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-8-15, Page 8an 8 THU611DAY, AuguN 15, 1907 NEXT WEEK5116 EVENT. _ - __ Program of the a. C. L Reunion--- AugustI 22nd and 23rd. ,I!:,t $:cellrnt'progress is loping made With the plwpArationm fur the Cod ILAl former students of the ' lreiate Institute reunion G+take plan•richlirammarl3chrpd, High next wept-, and the proxl+p(ts fire treyo1 or CullegixtN Inatits�lr, epc(nrRginK fur a must aocceasful ane(mldpresent students of the Interesting ,becasion. MAily plruin-gi:Ler Inatilulr, nowiuvilwl eat men who oecelyel Ihrir high;• lueMlt at the reunion toschool training inli(xierich areconteld unT'bmw}ay sled h'ridxy,ing Uo take part in the Nvrnl and :nust tdod x°41 Cb -s1. distinguished gathering may Is• looked for. The letters received I.v paill the committee have been a succemiun 1 melal won, the other tuaZls going by Of trst•imonhw to the alfrrtiuu u( thrI revrreisam : e:•student" for the old scho'd &rod Us I 1. Standing broad jump.. / long -thee principal, and the centrAl IL Running Wrael jump. , (*&Lure of the reunion will hr the 1L Hun, holi, stopxnd jump peeAerotation q Dr. Strang u( an Ail- 4. Standing hilih )units dress from ilia &-pupils over the con- s Hanning high Jump. � tinent and beyond. It IN p1eR&ing to IL Plotting shot. know that mann of the D(w•tnr'd n1d 7. itlll-vd. rRep. pupils will br here from far distant S. 1111►yd. rlvr, over Xi year' places W 7asspetwi'ite with their old 9. 60 -yd. race for huliom ����} c4samatea in the tribute to the said 116' Zlia-yd. race. t1i i master. Friday Afternoon. The citizens of liivelerich are invited to participate in the. various event& Un Friday afteroll n, n13:311(iebw•k. of the reunion, and x sp•ciAl invitee• then. will Iw a gathering of ex•mlu- tion is extended w thecal tip is, prem- dents and citizens at the 04legiate eat at the gathering on Friday aftet•- InntJJ'tute, at, which Iter presentation of noon. Many of the luweempeople will A 2tioyunipl to Ili•. Strang frog" his no doubt Rlso Attend the lary_uet land oe M ld pupils will Irade, so be followed other events of the rounion, The pre- toy addresses from saoir ,tf ►hr ex. Mgram file- the two days (Augu"t '-lead students. attd It9 al) is an follows : Friday Everting. The Progr in will conelllde with a THE PROGRAM. OV loanylwt ret Howl Hed(ord on Friday Thursday Morning. evening, xt. 8::11► riclutrk. ladies Are The prrlgram will commence Thur" wile iAlly invited UT attend this-func- I ymnrning with x reeeption at the- title'. Thr tickets will hr i5 cents and CcillPgiate Institute at 1(1.311 o'clock. will Ile on male sat S. K. Hick'm And H. There will lose brief Addresses by two or V. lluuluti m drug "tote". threw inrnlbers of the reception com- NOTES. . rnitter: otherwise the proceedings will be informal. Rx -students are re- lithe mrnllwrie of the Menemrtlrng , uestet 111 register their names on Ar- Cantle Club tire energeticallY for*µ t•• rival tit tilt- schemtl. feeigrannm And ing fur [lit -carrying out of tilt- PIRIw� badges will hr diatrihutel. Rip program, which they have ar- ranged fur 'I'hiusday Afternoon and Thursday Afternoon and Evenmg. evening. Petitions are in circulation In the Afternoon and evening there Asking that a public hAdf-htelidat• he will be It regatta 'told Aquatic "px•ts At protclAuurd fur this day. the muulh of for Maitland River, - _ ___ _ under the tuanaaggrmentof the Menes- Roth resident And non-rrpident 0V etung Canop Clash. The lilt of eventm students aro 711 "ted to register is as follows : their narnrs At the Collegiate Inslilutr AP'I'NH8r1uN--Yll /'IAa7K Ion Thursday returning, me that the register ruav Iw It conoPIPte list, pal far 1. Dole Mrs --canoe.as lamsible. of those present at the rw- 2 Doubles -rowboat. unison. _ K Yacht race (R. C. Y. C. rules). The colors of the Collegiate I11"tittlte 4. Gunwale race. are Mur and whirr. stag - 6. Swimming racy, till yards, his im x "u 6. Double" -cantle IlAdy and gent• gestion for any of the humins men or )enter)). private residents who inAy wish to do' 7. Rowboat singles. any decorating-- - S. Canoe singles. If the slipechr" to for given front the 9' Crab'x he waves. nn '1'humsdap even • 10. Conor race Around Syuxw i&- ior oil tprove to Ile tau "dry," the reo°wly land.will he clump at hated. 11. Water cycle exhibition. _ It Trig -of -war in connotes. Slxn of the rural school teacher, I& Har -pupils' caner carr frena -reel dents► whoseek, ni`howols will open next Monday, 14. Rz•pnPPit&' rowing race (non•rPmi- are speaking Arrangements with their dPnt&) trustees to Ise herr for the reunion. IG Portage race for canoes radon- They promise• to give the inrmlwrs of le. t.br reunion cunuuittee a lively tier Priesest will Ilse offered for the varioum explaining why the date" were not events. flied fur A week earlier. N\•Hl112,10 7:3114icmil-K. .,,. A great development of nrusdP is Illuminated vanter parade. going sell in pr•eAration for the Alto - Focal and instrumenUll mumlc: leticaportson Friday morning. The aeldreasem : Afrnrme•tuuK U411ia' dtrong triple of twenty and thirty, year" Club Minmrr•el rhoruw•o. from n Ago will have it vh4nre Up exhibit their "tags nn the wat•t'• prowess -once mute. Ronflre Find flrewnrks. --- - The:ttld Regiment hand will ate in The baselall malch between the attendanrr'tfto•rn,mnn and evening• town tetru link[ tilt- Old Rnym will lose Tea will b• served Prean .-o to (1::111 worth conoing 4 hundred mile" tee ser. o'clock Watt Attrnl's Point, al.'Li (elate. Will Sid. Malconase b' here? G the Friday Morning. mmiestent gnr"tior,. Sid. was not quite "nate when he wrote last. Sports its Agricultural Park At IH n'clock. Admission, 15 rentes. F. J. H. Demean will Iw here at the A hwseltall match will lie player( lip• head of R largge and distinguished drip- tween the Old Rioyp and the Iloaterich KAtioru front TormUo. The committer team. has joint received word from Ur. Alex. For the following events, which arr I llutehisom. of Montresl, that, he is open to ex -students only, silver meal. wonting. eels, stiit.N. pngrayeri am souvenirs 'of I '-- the reunion. Arr offered. only -line The special transportation rates fair prise Is given for each event. And con. f tilt- reunion nr• avAilable len the loon" teatiotle, although allowed to compete fit the Algunrm, Ci!ntral SteArenmllip In sill events, may hold only the next Line, including the King Kdwani. JULY EXAMINATIONS. This higher "tAndard lists, Of course, cna"el A larger nulelrr of lurew than thele use( UI iso in the dM of List of Successful Candidates in Huron IGII sore cent. but till Ihepartment re - County, ports thI'l the results "" a whole arc The remults o hl• Ju Ie artitoetltal ""thfactory. � 13 { The mu(�rrmnful candidates in Huron examinations have I!La isnuel by Are: V. A. 1" huh arm; T. K. Hato - counties thin year, and following are ins(m, honors : K. 1', Itobin"rm. hon - the successful ones in shim county, urs ; A. J. K. Mothers: N. H. Spu•- Junior Matriculation. ling, bunorea ; 1. Strachan, L It. Saw. pus ; .1. H. A. Si.nlenuton,' honcirs : H. Tie( -pats" elAodArl in each aubjert is }{haw, R. C. Stirling, M. Sullivan..1. tis per cent.of the mark" Assigned M. Smith, 1f. 1. Stevens, K. P. Ste. thereto. Venn ; M. F. Strap, hunorm : C. (i. Tne following list contain -4 the Sherriff, honorm : K..1. Taylor, K. V. names of two clatia " (of candidates: - Taylor. M. (i, Thnrnloaon, W L. Trirb- (1) Those who have Trritten Iggin And rept.; O. K. Teves, holeori. -.I(. N. Welmh, fulfilled the r-goirrrnentee of the 1'ni- L. 1. McKay, H. I1'. McKenzie; K. AI. verity of TuronUo in a "ufllcient skillet. Maleaffy, h-onorm : K, Jlair, honors ; leer of subjects for Ilill mnlriculAtion ; %Vno. Maupinggo , honrm ; F, A. My n, (2) those who have written upon one licensors; W. T. Murray, honors; W or mare muhjectm or ps ra er.4 nm the camp A. Mallisun, It. McKenzie. If. Mc: relayIw Israel have fill 11--d the n•rtuite- Kenzie, A. McKenzie, honorm: M. A. rnents therein. it futhows that nil Met,e(od, honcerm; It. H. MacKay, hon. who have nuude M percent, ulmin else ,,,s; 11. C. Alcl.avhlan. honors; H. H. subjects car papers pelletal wdtich Ibey Main : W. ll, Mor' -ow, honors : R. S. wnHe rete reel. Thr err'1��rltws runtninia Ilk; Mr Htrney.•h,mors: A. McBurney. K honors; A. 1. 1114-1-"ughlin: S, .1. marks will be -wait to the•prinvilmo{A ret Nt`therv. honors: E. 1. O'Keefe: the high me•hledm And the inspprlorm W- Oliver', F M. Phillipin, C. Just n" in pail years. 1•niodidntr" will Prendergast, honor.: J. J. Purer11, Apply toObeseofflrials, nod I" the 14•- l tiswis: A. L. Prwliff, N. A. F:Iliolt, partment, fur their rep.rtm in detail. M. F. Frao•w honors : I), It. Finlxymous, The rota aniesee'ea report that no or„• V, J. Ulenn. K. 11. Olernn : O. K. (iobb•. subject. mar b• conmiderd As hating honors: A. (hible. lon-orm ; H. %%'. rankled the- failure of nt greater pets.. IIoKg, It. H. Hemlgson: 11. IieNtdrrmlm. portion of candidates inn another. honor, : F. A. Hollitud, honor" ; .1. 1% Snr-essfnl eandidnto•m ill Huron Horan, hunters; A. 11. Henry: F. F. court y C. l'. Alexander, A. It% Homuth. bonne"; A. A. lahfester; A. An:bilso; . W. C. Adnmm..1. A. Argo, W, John -ion. honors: M. F. .Icahn. D. Allimrm, K. W. liorry, 1. 1). option, honur"; K. K. Kpvs, honors; A. Buchanan, I). :11. ('lark. O, Ikon, f). D. Lamont, honors; 1, 1,. IAmont, o. therni11. T. O. Onrnin. J. A. Diel- honors: \I. P. i-idlaw : H. F. l.u•tin. eon, T. M. Il ol(H, A. V. Ihlrrance. W. holster": O. Lvishloan. bunters; N. T. rt. Klicatte M. K. Freer. It'. U. FmInhrhar. Arm"t•one. L Arnlsmftlf: A. W' am. H. Henderson, F. A. Holl"mt, 1. AmbihAld, liana,$; K. K, Anderson, C. Horan. A. W, Johnston, M. R. honors ; F: C. Ilitrk,-r, biplanes; J. 1). Johnstone I. L. B.uunnt, It. W. 1,ong. HuelMnnn, honors; W. (i, Breen. M. M. P. I,1101AW, H. 1". IArkin, J. F. l •, VI'Velhew, M. L. Cfvwp rd : 1). 14. McOracken, H. W. McKenzie, W. N. Mark honor.:.(. cioltrr, l'. It. 1)n{w- McQueen, K. Nair, W. Manning, M. I ,am: (i. Cre'ikshnnk. honorer" . (►. H, A. Mosse,lperd, W. A. Mnthpmon, J. F. Crilikethnhkw honors: A. K. Diphl, M"I)onyth, R. H. Mdiavin. D. C. honors, "I",1111. Ihrcnho, A. A. Dalton: McLachlan. 11. R. Maa(rll. W' O. 0. Dean. hisnot--s; U. O, I)ttrnln; .1. Morrow, F:. 1. O'Keefe, W, Oliver, V. I A. Dickman. Immors : T. M. 1 hpldm. A. Stow T. K. Robinson. J. T. � honor" ; A.V.1, Immature, honorm : \l. ikraehan. H. F. RwAnn. W. I). hwan. L. IMvell, (. 14. Ih41oson, (i. C. [)un - .f. Asa11110. K. 81Arling, K. C. R. Atone- can, M. Duricart, honors; W. S. Ft. man. J. H. A. mtonemAn. F. R. SeAnd• liott; I. R'p11wM.d, homilies : .1. I. r`Ptt" R. H. Tye, C. Wilson. William, honor" : 1. H. Poing. T. Klm• junior Taaehanl Salluioation. mM• Below are given the results of the Senor Teachers' Fxamirnation. I junior trncleers' examination. Thim I. The following ease the remade" caf the the examination which qualiArm for menior lem'hes' exprHingtlton. whirls entrance to the model or normal gsinliflem for ndnaiamion t., the prnfrs- mrhoril, and is the luademic toot of At- otional cnuroee In the factilty of oshu a- TRea to take tip the work of the pnblir tion, And in the lowest, pewlentir school teacher. The rwgoirementw now standing accepted for flat-clomm pith - 411 per cent. on ear•h pappi&arr and HII gpapPe lir me•hol tracherm and high "chtw.l its. cent. of the+ total num har of and, aistpnta. in alrordan(w with the pnv- THE SIGNAL: GODERIU11, ONTARIO wildness of regalathn 43131. the brant of examiners lists ehppll"I the stand - Ai In physics need has lawdos a lowanrw for tiler unrlcpeLMel 11ature tlalf tube paper. Iluu,uoatricu"It I'll, re- poss. R:w nal I111,11"x11" nddi"hpd, ,.at will be sent to the pri'ncipalp, with the Ixerlincaer" 41141 malls : C, l`. Alex•' finder, fart. I.: S. J. 'I'. Hran. {ort 1.: W. H. Hirks. pail 11.; R. Hryanm, rleer( 11.: H. S. Case, parts I. And I.: I- .1. Clark. hart L. honor, : W. .1, Cameron. part I L : A. M. CRnnpioll, part 11. ; V. Davidsrlu. part., l L. boasters ; J. S, Flliotl. Ile))•t 11. ;'1., H. Fraser. qi 1.: M. liortltin. part IL. hoeeors ; . ll. Heury, part I. ; R. H. Hartry, part I1.: W. F. Hisvoa. part 11, ; !(. M. Jssnetr, p rt Il. l It. I. Kilty, part I.: N'. N. . 4:ltlrrn, part I. ; J. T. .%lustarl, Islrt I., :rt►aa) and PRO 11., :fit (a): M. J. Ah' ilart'le. {art 1.1.: P. ,%I0,114 -1 -will. part Il.. huuulw: F. K. V. Naftel,part I.: H. R. Hulheeufurd, pport 11.: W. It. Stewart, ``tart I.: It. F. Stvanle. Piers 1.: W. J.. tuyth, part IL. homers; J. M. Stang, part 11.: H. (i. 14rvdt, psu•t 1.: Is. c. Ir part L o U. Troy, oat Il.: K. J. \V'hit- lxker, luirt L. �mm,trs, and lart i1.: R. Wiley, part -II.: T. ti. Wilwln, part I1. > PERSONAL. MENTION. Aria• F:Ina Itoblu&on bilk mlurowd from Hadsrilton. . CbA.. Tfotubull wao up from' ib&rdhlyd due team the week. Mi.. Maud Wite.,11 I. hokum insist Torontes fits' a \ ...at Inn. . Mrysemesters,semesters,Achlwtn left al Monday on a trip to. Tnriedo. Mi.. llan'i•• of 11hiladelphim. 1. Illy ivue•t of n`I:,li%t an Iowa. e'ha.. WAI.nl, i• up frosts New Vark for it d.rlaight holiday. AII-- AIr LcIINa cif St rel fnret, h Ihr r:nr.t "1 Mn. J. 11. VAluselm llr. &od Mr*. J. F. NA.MC.f li ida,•fown, nrr ,vi.itlum "•uric.+ In Ino n. W. H. hell lel. rotur&ve (total Adrip to loin Joe. NiAnawra:paed o1 her point.. alapte.1'ar.on of Toronto, s a.Jd& vNiiint her makes, Nw Nr;. row-. Cluck+top. , The Mi..e. \ina and Nelle, Oraliyse hay.. returned from a vi•il to lirarpt Heat. Mt.. Jet .uir 1 r1Urr, of Huidlr, tram heads we (ting the Ah...•. Sharman. K...t :Inv,. 3.1 i.. N. Holme-, of HAu,Blon. i. \I.IUryr a, the m.idrtnce of C.Tweethv. St. Iravid', .trtwt Alt.. I.w-kie, of like 1".Fil:d, 1+ .lending n month '• h.liday. al her old home ,at Kinon, dine How Lathe T,\eestle left ys dI ni.y on her n• Horn to Toronao. miler .1.•udinm lnlltl+tyn sal home. Henry Monteilh, of 1'owA..wn, waste town fur Afor w da,. %,At iauf ht.. ,Wept, 14M T. T. I.n•kir. All+. Margawl Skellon, of Are-Aa„k. f. \lining no 111,• rr.wlea,e of AIL mated r.. J. 1t'. Vttn.gtter. . ]ti.. Margam) McKinnon r,anned this wtwk fnow, all rxlraMtnl \ lair in tate vieiRlty of 1.,11•k .... w. 1•ror. Mi• er, of y1,•temom College. Tornaklu. wee.. the ICUMt of hi..i.l.•r. M", N. H. Hw•keti. uvrr Sunday. V1•. K. 1&`11{11 ."1, trine•Ita,l of the Herri.toti ublic.n•huol.andr-. I.•pp„nf me.p-ndinm+, ew day. In Inwa.. Itotm•rl Krk1. Ilia• -11 sinuwn furnilure dn,1 or of Meant tons, I. vu-il iug I.I. spite home Petr for a cenpl• of weak.. Mm At. Tw wurv, of 11'i ... W,r. who ha. Mau I hr transmit of her niece, Mn. J. A. Mclnt-l'. rr tnrnrel hnu.r WtmIn •wtny• Fred. SInAl.non. of Illtawq, wen t.a. Men hu:, idii ity,gf fm ;own• will return next week fol' the Colleir I,- lu.tirule rental.... lelt.s Sara Ileal. of(laleri•h town -hip• hA. re turned fr.pu a \ r.is of Ihnv- wrrk to H&uul ton send other root ern lad nil+. Mw. Jone..1x1 children left e.1, Friday .n their morn to (limn, after vl.iliner, Mr,. Jun"' pamrv., Mr. &sad Mr.'7. C. I&Toutwl. Spencer IllrnalN.. of Peu.bina. Noah I)ak,A:t h&,•1"wn trallne _'',rel dnT. In town Ihr cll .f of Mr. lirormr C,,%- Brit.0 ni, Want T. Moumh,•m1. head hold-rnnnrr for M. 1- lMgou t I u., len for hl. hens, In Stratford I—' week, the work hair IL,vtng (tern tvneldrlPd. Mm Ituba. Ito. retnrnwl to her ho..r.w Cleveland. Ilhio, a. S&l.oeday ,uprating, &mer ti+lung mlatte. in Kinsale area; Iar.t A— wrrk.. Inc Clark. n. 4'. ll'hilej ani r'. H. Hund. -r ale Mlendlng the linked dotlae Import Ilan of Ihr IMdfrllow.,dllrlllln. Mrr Clarkan•,pdsptnlyd the Ism•lor. Mr.nnd ala,. Nirholaal IltThe•on. Kenn) of Wingtene aro rnJnying & vl.lt In Mr. ami Mn.. Hen Stealth mnadl Mem. MwcliauM• '•M&r IMnall Hun-." Mi- Man ie. Lysin And MIs. Favors Tayl,. who erre .funding fewer varntion hem, the mnest-ref Mrv. Augg..r., ,14.1 formed ou Wsrdnwd&y to Ihrir home. at Onrlph. Won. 1/.tl11t, of H&Ill.e Creek. Alich.. ws`, in town)-1,tr,lay Mr. I,unlr .1,en1 h4 LnwMle.l in (+aler,h &rat aft•rwnnl+ Ilved at \v►hghatn lufom modes to Hatt le, 4'mrk. .At- Audtry 11ple1.Ntn• Me- IJzr.1e(Imen &red Mt.a Marmnml Mrs&ean. of 111i ant Mr. Will Hy.10I.. of Clinton• am l her gue.lw of Mn. I,avi1 Hy -lop. Napier .trral. U, F. F:ds.rr.nn N In town Ihl. week. Mr Knart• a I• nu Itionwr with the- Nofvlheluarr Pearn Co., h&vinm IM then L"I Frbruary. He i. now w•11h the F.lamer•wll flan. ('o., or Ho -fon. Mia. Health- I'rllharrr enl,•raainent a rands( her of her yuan girl friend, wtAF rmelay even - Ina to a .knsiner pnrly at the Fonar nk. Re� (nehmen(- wpm -r-1 aftrrwar, ri"rat Ihr Y.dsem ravple mourned to their hone. of nn early hour• &11 havirw thoru.nirhly enjoyed Lha avenin". Mr. pawl Mn.. Wasnd.wewth Mann, of Sl. pant' wrn• In town la•1 week on a brief N -0t. Mr. Mann +lure( let. early d%?,. In Oairrich• being m .nn if F'. It. Mann• we�I known to trip- oMrs- ri• idt•nl.. He wm. on he. wee h.tine &nrr mn F: lrrn trip *nd.l.l.`i lines Is hr'othe-. Fm,t and John. would Ime herr for ahe, Collw,llnli` In. sUtutr mnnln, Imre( wrrk. 'NEW WORK FOR WOMEN. flearxsd an Beit shompoa may be used. bdom the shampoo miumte-tfe,oewp - ausscll. Tads winmaet ema bed for grow and -will! gIve4boAdraJ*uUby Investor. An eseeth nt tooth powder may be made th=: ,bar oanaes of prepared ekag these omceem of ex. root. aoe er0). -of putimerized new. ane name dZvwdmodreomMe soap. Pkvm with The Id rad t0 knowledge lies in the his Ire Acceptance of emir ignor Isunce. _ 11 Souveni r .{ del rte. Pr.t...iem.�oMveos« CNansr .Fir I el &bat the handsome di. ILel: bon takes face ofyre{para The Sovereign Bank Wav1ag. "It U ,.a nwulnated Its use toad,'" of Canada tvpned the tasetems laughingly. "I have engaged a professional mover, ''` I, H"AD OFF 1011 :-- TORONTO. whu L to take eutln charge of the Ian/ Vw Completes, . . ea.eee.u.ee. whole tramitJtrD. HDe combs In tumor - aaAv ~ It�aLTeas. morning at the some Dour that I ILYtuea JAavu, apQ., Rwhf-f leave for a three day rest before meet• a&sftoL►■ rrACDuw ALD.a„(.,ef Vrrrft Widmg ,,r,,w Lag the Ddde. On the fourth eveni0e A. A. ALL X. IL.,., - - sad YtfsnhwMf we dine In our new home." Hew. D. Me YtLLA■ Aaca. CatrnuL, rl.a., M.P. "I Dever even heard of such an lana A. K. D*ssa'r, arq., .P. vatlssa." was the gueurs exclamation. How. PETER Mct.aaa, "Would you really trust your beautiful W. K. MCNeavoaT,M.P. ALAN. BRUCE, etp., M. bric-a-brac and cut clam a to a stranger, P G )Seem, - - - GFea,vet ftmissw to may Dotblng of all your expensive it l:„eaaLa. - - . AIM. Gaii,eF.tf.mall r1a'aman r - -Not to a stranger; Ac. The woman Savings Bank Department wbtow I have engaged comes w 1. �_�1 labrrea u Lw „I(ocgl l wc. p.iJ quarterly. ombuended. ;, "Mortng," she continued, '7scapable (1 •1` • 1: nr.u,, 1, A. PORTER �taa Ing a regular profeallou fur, less. wouien, and the nue I have reference -- --- --- ___ -_. _ - to hake a particularly good reputaUm Some assets would have more money and mak« a good living." if their friends would pay up. ' After R girl wile a prize for speak - HOUSEHOLD LINENS. lug in "111001 she contiauss to talk for- ever after. :Wart atyl« In Tablecloths, Napkins, -�------------- - --- Shoots, Eta d the poofes"b°al mover. Tear limitationsI'� Ido housewife needs to be told that ,€„re. haosemld Buell has ft fashions, withFHAVEAN EYE 0061704ftelm.At.prosect WhhRe' Is m ttoulshed her gu-rts by stating that she favortrlmmsd with r em -Vacated OURel" and pleb lace. Ilbr ItxtseheoD11 • this tadselsth L out of halation. A tlae � now, NiftyTies meteIs'peo sad bicapeCbbom ea� gas . round or "notere wart Setts L laid. nwwt an I paetIIb t dosmad or embroidered with hiaM and unpack and be ready to an eaibned iawlso. Her Isixge -ditanow yar- Court House Square, - Goderich. (' tion .moe Ham is to gmatmt frearesse. Our line is the most no men U r ritb samsnea.a" p°F complete we ever IRIS -with a�adem r• tlolbeat lace. P 2be nrlllekts and tables omtw mattes haat. Gr ys, browns, m'�°m be hpsg Oeaeahsvy steel grays, etc. An 4oMoo& C*+- ens%• price at wed mor hdruoara, it Waea s t vkind of DOd The fio0ees we edged wUh Anke Ohmeavid rftb-'anaffect first to 50 cents owe Ona ,t bk .aAktor um A amui.>aawatou far abo tee. w}ti , Sm move and ensure rlcho tl'Ieusafed, -___ -___ comalot" of a la4e bad ddatly os- t:ddee I or Ulmmed web Maks '°ttestn- at ftm 'red edpd"'m re" Ready = mades wdenc mm lace. 'IBMs bad. beft =lade at very fine liam and not believe wn>bs I as ohm as the about -tbm@C Js Our sank of two- rot[ d to the ,beat by beaddlg. tLeoata whirr pretty ribbon is pa ea, piece summer suits In D °"'' Iam'r�"" is but an m nearly gone, . I what are left have to ` TOILET NOTES. "' go, if we have to a. If IzWe tllackbeads have akeady give them away ,' farmed on the lice, they abould be 1 1. Prasad out with a Itttts I �trament for " ^' Fancy Sox ° mase the parpow., Toe aQeeGed ( spot should thea be WoCbed with a so- , latlou of Hatrrine or boric ackL The v"=. ?i �' � Fancy Vents use of a R1�ktx)an brush. Trot water � ' and soap wiu keep biacLbeada from White Duck Trousers fuamtDg, however. livr a° ally, complexion the following lath° WW Prove helpful: one and , 1 Fancy Handkerchiefs ININ OURMN of cucumber Juice, one and beeounces of witch hazel, three - L= an omta of raaewatw. bait 1 I es, as Guamof D-e�oe�e % de. OomrtL `x&4 " at an ounce at oxide of One, bdf an oaos of ameam of rase. Apply this onus a tw4Le a day w,tb a small n (� K(� B spmee ever places -of soft llnm. Keg. hiI If this haler bas a laded aaVeaane" and -b D~-" the ends. 11 Is pwba- rrff T HE TAI ser.. We that the rhampoee pry bag. Item toe strsoe. Tbo mnr� borax a as mmla cwm tade the Darr. as wen as ne a atxeQa11 soap. Use Pam ca"tSe _ - -- __ _ _ . _ . soap-aisd-t rtbe parpaa", - if pre flearxsd an Beit shompoa may be used. bdom the shampoo miumte-tfe,oewp - ausscll. Tads winmaet ema bed for grow and -will! gIve4boAdraJ*uUby Investor. An eseeth nt tooth powder may be made th=: ,bar oanaes of prepared ekag these omceem of ex. root. aoe er0). -of putimerized new. ane name dZvwdmodreomMe soap. Pkvm with The Id rad t0 knowledge lies in the his Ire Acceptance of emir ignor Isunce. _ 11 Souveni r .{ del rte. Pr.t...iem.�oMveos« CNansr .Fir 11 � The professional house cleaner has st •. , i Goods : t 1i ��i fur some years past been one of the FRUIT JAR RING-�8 .i. si recognized factors among women work - fie',,,,`ilvk k t ii f em she opens the town house to the ray , Souvenir Post Cards fall or the country house In the spring; dt & '• Ilan a corps of mc•rubwomea and wart- �^ a; View'" ,.f all she men under her supervision. Bbe en- t pretty "Im,tA in and gages the ,rrvanta, hangs; curtain alsoarnnnd ` (1,mlei ich. gsually overlooks the settlement at a, fii�',�11'�' r 't'%' Y5. [ F (,1` 'lr$ `I Ire'• �j4� Ii Is fC ' ONE-QUARTER Skirts,vj r t ' ,i� a tae eoltLbbohnbont, so that everythbae RAtlBM, deet up Post Card Albums elevatorgarret to cellar Is In running or - •Sl due before the family comer) borne, - from 'L -we to ,$:..Iat1. The prorestoal cleaner may not do f',, tivtl ill any of the manual work herw4r, but GODBBICH . �,�v'f'. 4 ,. ar yy / n r iii ' eqq pe It s 11 510, �� 1 " . i,. }soy l,a ',SI, y S %1 . F+; I t " '� "'G e.*'i `� ,:I �i'y�k `•f �i prtlkl,+¢+ A e "p'. ,.,s; ( , :list t :tI•`' r.l•w �sw IA '.": 41'4, ,,F�,1 {'(.,k n' t ["«" ""+ifPM1'w a -:.r r �, i, �P" Drawe s she must too" how it in done and be 3oureair Enamel Ware steady to direct, and It Is a position re - i�$.ixa it = a �,:, tZ4 ,', ;,� I•y' x°< 't .'yl go r- g no nine ability and tact. It In etcetc a podtlem of tracttrue The same tr 11 tf ' a d the poofes"b°al mover. Tear limitationsI'� ,€„re. of a charming IIWP dinner party u- , _ -- - fil %l - ` r4&vsw ' ttoulshed her gu-rts by stating that she io entn a n kir tp within °aide d dlanrr m •paw loose wtthtn 1 Geo. Porter flour days. 'You don't mean to any that you ex- Telephone No. too. part to perk and move out of this I hiaM and unpack and be ready to an I Court House Square, - Goderich. (' Amplak+ all within four days?' asked I I aR beraidnbua truest. with a sweeping r��ati�va�ass�srmt� 1 WILD STRAWBERKY COMPOUND Was, ' f s Al' (him little of \-Par, evPrylpRly more tar less im trorlhled with byetreitery, ('rnnpm, Diarrho•e► Snnuner lkTmp1lpint, pU fi $(t a ,\•,J I" st •. (Apr 51'ild Sl.rxwFrtuy l'songxlttnd ina per ,1, FRUIT JAR RING-�8 "rj nlmrlent rtlre for till of thvite Find dews not fie',,,,`ilvk k t ii f e•pll(IP the bl\vl`Im tet relax. 'tA other htrhFar twin[ in ray , of options l, Nalfe• eiction, nm well a" dt & '• P(Tr,fnpl' �^ a; ^:F6 ,abtl.TidAd:+T . a '.,A' i el 4 � , :. P i i ! k k1;11 Z i, LARUE BOTTLES, 23c. t F. J. BUTLAND, GODERiCH Successor to H. W. �eiiiiiin,sommimm CHEMIST .UIQ %: akg DRUGGIST. Thomson. Reliable Shoes �tl for f Working Men i,, , ."Wal *t� If you want a good solid leather pair of shoes for work come here and see what we have to offer. Our experience shows us what shoes are worth. It prevents us paying too much for them, so that charg- ing too much is not at all necessary. ." " CAl yt . t, WE HAVE YOUR SIZE OF SHOE � m We have the shape that fits the foot comfortably, and never ask you to pay any more than the very lowest price they can he sold for. r i roua�g e r r ;i' tt' a ��= REPAIRING. )4:f.,4K'I Downing & MacVicar North side of Square, GODERICH. The millionaire tells u& how to get I It is tribe that A good woman ma' •Ich-hilt It is &.fake trail to lead us lift a Ulan from the gutter, but it fa sway from him town private hunting usually better lca ask a policeman to grounds. do so. 5. SUMMER PERFUMERY --- - PSS Chace Colognes and Violet Waters (in sprinkler -top Dottka) p pI 9;( 0 'R Tia r . ':L Y'1.5 Imported German Cologne i�u`if," ( „r ( Florida Waters (m zSc and Sac Bottles) 9 44 Call in and sample the foUowinR : tit i t # x, t 1 g CHOICE BULK PERFUME ODORS j' l ! t;.g#„'I THELMA: AZUREA: MEADOWSWEET ;'k ilill S. E. HICK, a ,""Akf i Central Drug Store - U()HKml('H. -- (ONTARIO NEW GOODS r�,��4'����f� COURTHOUSE 'PHONE NV. �d gr, Fa 14, ,� .eta' tri.: l:tap FRUIT JAR RING-�8 , in two qualities (white ant bleek)i, both 11 pints and guarta. ,�t,i fM '",A I`. }}f s�$'�Aj r� fife' LY' ,f.:p.. Waists �,:j L, ,j ,IL�,f'' BOTTLE WAX ,ry,y,,� 4 4`'`�835 i 1 �ef in till,. 11 :(:s r:++ef91'ni, �a•} x h b ,t i ll ..! fr '�, .t ^:F6 ,abtl.TidAd:+T . a '.,A' i el 4 � , :. P i i ! k k1;11 Z i, FLY PAPERS , F I dl+ 3 "� 'b w„ I,, i S 11 Corseet'Covers,��i i,! t k��i¢ )-.tit Iwoi&nn and Micky kinds ,.,�I itir<,1 ' FOOT POWDERS a, fii�',�11'�' r 't'%' Y5. [ F (,1` 'lr$ `I Ire'• �j4� Ii Is fC ' ONE-QUARTER Skirts,vj r t ' ,i� a for tired, -sweaty feet. RAtlBM, deet up :€ wr,rn.r�s, ' in me packages. •Sl _ He C. DUNLOP, - r thio ,iijF 11,1 ; ,�,�T4,;..e t t r� t �fiu�r.i..e DRUGGIST f',, tivtl f 140 V�9+' y ,l'" + r tt % q�gw y''Y.I 7`� 5, Y.R�1 z?.R0, 4 ♦i7T � .tai 3 t :,,1 �.'�f.;,g,% Rl'�,a�d,,N` r:.e R'il ��'.YT'$S"�k �tp�a."'It "' Redford Block, GODBBICH t COURTHOUSE 'PHONE NV. �d i QUARE.uLO I n �, !C , .fA"ra ,t.•.r f. t',:,' S. �d <<; 1 l f t` ,gy `.D},,�G�'Stvr ,�t,i fM '",A I`. }}f s�$'�Aj r� fife' LY' ,f.:p.. Waists �,:j L, ,j ,IL�,f'' � 1� 1.�.? ,:t , e e k,:+h , t . < l.' , & `".iy?{ ,¢cars *:;7,. ­�­,,, �`51 1 Vy;,.i .A film t..c ..e ,_ ift y �]�[[// t z ►}y,i M�! i ii"I Y I P {tt S a N'_) W, 11 d 3•JAwT I� '1 ^:F6 ,abtl.TidAd:+T . a '.,A' i el 4 � , :. P i i ! k k1;11 Z i, I dl+ 3 "� 'b w„ I,, i S 11 Corseet'Covers,��i i,! t k��i¢ ,1 �4_ ;{� .tax ALL AT a, fii�',�11'�' r 't'%' Y5. [ F (,1` 'lr$ `I Ire'• �j4� Ii Is fC ' ONE-QUARTER Skirts,vj r t ' ,i� a iakq _ \ ij Nor k .c q' a Ot�� 11 Wahl 'Y "red. g its l�q ; }�' tr y4� '"( P�'R'. �l f ' '0� . ", ( ..�u- .mf r •:, -. e� �" OFF. °*(�'� " s 4 •, 1y rk� r i` yi n'''�' r rI p a!i `fit lot`.. *'e, }tm.1is ,, * , P", ,, Pi g b '~,4A"$ rfij tNY'&a3 1;.1 I, 'i: sofa. Gowns r thio ,iijF 11,1 ; ,�,�T4,;..e t t r� t �fiu�r.i..e f 140 V�9+' y ,l'" + r tt % q�gw y''Y.I 7`� 5, Y.R�1 z?.R0, 4 ♦i7T � .tai 3 t :,,1 �.'�f.;,g,% Rl'�,a�d,,N` r:.e R'il ��'.YT'$S"�k �tp�a."'It "' . �,�v'f'. 4 ,. ar yy / n r iii ' eqq pe It s 11 510, �� 1 " . i,. }soy l,a ',SI, y S %1 . F+; I t " '� "'G e.*'i `� ,:I �i'y�k `•f �i prtlkl,+¢+ A e "p'. ,.,s; ( , :list t :tI•`' r.l•w �sw IA '.": 41'4, ,,F�,1 {'(.,k n' t ["«" ""+ifPM1'w a -:.r r �, i, �P" Drawe s .r :;. , t . fa' a t ,; 11 ! f I+ s,+ f l " y v tl 1 !a, '"� i`p xlr i�$.ixa it = a �,:, tZ4 ,', ;,� I•y' x°< 't .'yl FOR another week our great "QUARTER -OFF" sale of Waists and Whitewear will continue. Not a garment in the lot but is new this season. Not one of them but must be sold this season, for we will not carry a single one over. There must be none but brand new ones to show you when next Spring comes around. That is why we have taken a straight "one quarter oft" the price of every one in stock. There is a good assortment here yet and many a bargain if you do not put off com- ing too long. k �.----•r•.-� - . .. -.e-•----+-Y.-••--••�- THE LACES AT alt,; ALL THE FURS IN . ,, HALF-PRICE ��! All the furs are here now. One big shipment was delayed for kept back Little. ; goo or 400 yards of them. all over a week. which its a � going at half-price. A clean-up They are all ready now and we invite you to come any (' of the lace stock before the sea- time and see the -splendid collection displayed in our Dui j son closes. All kinds m the lot, upstairs showroom. We never had anything like Ft { (' from narrow edgings to allovers. before and that is the same thing as saying there has A table full to choose from at never been such a collection of fun shown in odench. o Thistly are worth seeing whether you want G b� or not, o HALF-PRICE and we will be glad to have you come, even if only to lock. ,_A_�----, - - __#_ - - - --A-^ - - ---*--,--A-l-..w--.r I it<_.A 11 `x rfualt^.rllf?a(.,.&nqk... t aa. ° t 111 � '.° ' COATS AT $3.90 AND $6.00 � b' f9 K or 10 Coats to s(eIT_vet.-% All of them marked at about half-price. jint the thing for cool evenings and early Fall wear. All new garments this season, dot or loose fitting, short or three-gusrter length, blacks or fancy tweeds. rNgS�f if It . ;3.90 for Coats that sold at $6.00 to $7.So. ,s �-.�f l � t '0k •. r fSoo for Coats that sold at $8.00 to $io.00. 10 t