HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-8-15, Page 7l .-- -..._-'
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+ i��� The
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l' it Tl11eiDAY, Aug. 13th.
r A Mu(e beam Thu grrlen party
rl" ' Kiven hers Iasi Wednesday rvenlgg
W tr,, ttyy fns belies of the Hhrppstdton
,A 11[ethudist church was at grand suctwer,
,� a large crowd tieing to attendance
` `" from the surrounding villawes and id.
1 s� so !roti Goderich. In the afternoon
„ r, Carlow And HAILforl Played a gauze
� I , of baseball, which resulted tit favor of
t,IA - - the latter after a close gams. K. Me.
Auley, of Goderich. new as reteree,
a In the. evening the Doty orchestra, of
Uoderich, rendered souse choice melee-
,, tions and the following program was
given, Rev. J. C. Haid actingar chair-
email : Readin6. X. L WUliams. of
i` i
Goderich ; tee cations by Miss Ihtne,
1. tit Uorrie, and Rev. J. C. Reid ; Nile
I'' d uartette gave several selections and
�i: s lr. Hage rendered several solos in
good style. Tea was served from fi to
8 o'clock, the � proceeds front which
amounted w S t1. Alwguther the aL
-illfair wits a highly success ul one,
) .,a" p`-' �.1i�.'r „a'^,atwo KINTAIL.
L& i,LIF. '
a �,WBDNlCAIIAY, Aug. ]1t]n.
,idk� D. McIver is spending a few days
,,!t,-+ with with friends in Ripley.
j x Mea. M. Carney and Miss May spent
i 1 Sunday with Miss Kate &,wler.
J. Laotian, of Goderich, spent A few
:: days with his sinter, Mrs. J. O'Reilly.
�� Mia Annie McKenzie entertained A
h,, a: number of young friends very pleas
MI, antly last 'lthurwday evening.
I �r
c"" Mrs. Geo. Douwlass and children,
i of Lucknow, are spandinK a few
n weeks with the fortner's mother. Mit.
q Carrick. of •'Lake View."
n fN. Mrs..'. Owen and family. ut Bruce
' a
Mines, who) re spending• the summer
�v with her mother, len. Walker, of
�i'.� Laurier, spent a few days with friends
In our village.
'14 Mrs. Rtibt. Russ returned to ' er
home in Cleveland last Sunday by
a � steamer Huron after spending six
j' weeks very pleasantly with her eons.
ins here. Mix Row is a bright young
P matron and her company wits enjoyed
very mtich.
•,t i',',
;;r . to :, LANEU.
��, '' 9ATVaDAY, Aug. lllth.
Mrs. M. A. Treleaven and sun J &me• IIane,
of Ripley, Are visiting at the bottle. to
t' one.
'"' R. Hnelgrove and Mr. McKay, of
Lucknow, are busy at present
painting the house of J. Smeltzer.
Chas. McDonagh. merchant, of
Innes, and brother William, of Van-
rouver, were in (:alrrirh our day
Rev. John &twering, wife and fags-
ily, of ManlUda, err at pieetent visit
ing at the home (if Alrm. flower inR s
,, father, W. H. ]teed,.
i� ".. The weather this Ia...t week has
' tarn fine for harvesting wheat null
i••, hsrler. Most of the farmers, of this
vivimty have the latter rut.
h�°,rg James Krn•, a former teacher of S.
;.,,.1„ S No, let, visited a numiter of horne.
in thepectiun. We err gout to ser
him b. -king std well and enjoying his
short visit.
r' Mrs. Adam Thompson And family,
r• a3 of Lucknow, Mr. And Mrs. Collins and
i " Mr. Collins' sister, Miss Collins, of
P,r' Manitoba, were guests of Mrs. AV. J.
it lane on Thursday hut.
4, LTi`. c.. � ,VREWL
t ,'•
� MovDAY, Aug. 12th.
� Miss Father Wilson, (if tVemt R'a-
kr, ?: . wanosh, spent Sunday at the home of
r�+'r Hugh Finnigan. -
Miss Luella iturnin spent, a few
§T,', ,I^ys last week with her evsisin. Miss
i Barbara Culbert.
i Mr. and Mrs. ('prim. Saunders, of
n n`' (i,alerich, spent Sunday with the lat-
r$ tar's parents, Mr. end Mrs. R. Stan
m-. ( dish.
*'• Mrtl. J. Menary returneol hums oil
Saturday after spending n week with
tier dAnghtr, Mrs. LV. Itegley, in
Ill , Hamilton.
Mina M. Williecon, of Seaforth, re.
' horned home on Thurwlay last after
spending w few days at the honer of
Aberam 0111wrt.
fiThe harry pickers are nm numerous
I as tuftal, lot the terries are Alight
crop, Am can tat seen by the small
u amount in the pails,
Tits sweet notes of the whistleOf
"sf the eeirgine art the threshing mtiehite•
4 r " are Again heard And mome of the farm-
,+i"i ars here are wearing a cheerful look
. the way their tall whew! is tmrn-
r ing out.
A DRlvlmo A(rtDNNT.-Miss L.
# r D)reaney met with an Accident on %Vtri-
a rx nssday which might have provrd
, V more Be one. As she was coming
r , from a picnic at Port Albert with
lriso(Is the horse took fright at s(imr
NAearth thrown tip against the fence
jf�" and the occupants wqars thrown out
nt the Muggy-. Miscl/i)reaney strained
her brick and got a few scratches, but
no hones were broken. We hope she
jhk, will soon recover from her shaking
11. up - --
3 j #,, I
fF'siri t"ry LOTHIAN.
i+{ i
p , ! Achood opens on Monday, August
C = 19th.
Misr Pearl Henderson visited Mise
Renate Barnhy last week,
Mee. Days Atewart and children re-
( s turned to Detroit on Friday.
Miss Marian McLean, Winnipeg, is
Ihm guest of Min Sam McLean.
A1, ra Misses Jean and Nellie Gilmour, of
5Mi~°�' Chatham, are home on their vacation.
Annie and Ada MacKenzie
( took
k in the ezcltrsion to DHetroitAatur-
rMr, Durnin and Miss Durnin, Min-
Bannon, visited thin aection on Tuea-
I ray.
'"';g Miss Dollene MacKenzir, ao:com-
Itanied by Mina Robinson and Mise
al7gf►eet Murray Detroit, is fp,weroding
a ( her vacation at Mrs. MacKeeirdr',.
IL e " --- - -_ -_ 1 11 a' t„�'i'fk WEST WAWANOSH.
i `uA�., SATURDAY, August 10th.
, ' OWN( tI, MBxrlrn. .Council met. ns
pQserradjournment, memhsreall prement.
d„ Reeve Bailie in the chair. Minutes of
last meeting eonflrmed, on motion of
Anderson and Murray. The treAm-
lr- I'mr'o atatemrnt showed balance on
• �i hand of $141.84 ; recrivori and flied on
ii"i motion of Thompson and Medd. The
1s� Itmove and treasurer were Pon ppmowered
V, to hortew 111^0) for townahtp pur-
ti Mass rad A bylaw wvf drawn tip ron-
k firmig` the sans. Chemo" were is -
0, ailed tb the amougt of if*TF+ in pay•
r sent of seeonnta. The council old-
a n11r•Qed to meet tin flatll or
' 'S IM 10 n clock. W. A. MrCRORTIH.
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News of the Dis
TU R14DA Y. Aug. lath. HATV tit A Y, Aug. 11k h.
M . and Mrs. Chas, Hawkins are up 1. Heddle, of Wsolkerwn, was huun-
frouf Windsor mering relatives here on A visit.
and in (iodrrich and Hhepptatdtun, H.,H. Diek, of Ki open, spent Monday
Mr. Hawkins is trying to build up ids at Mr. MohtinRe.
health with Lake Hovers breezes, Miss Helier Hissett is visiting her
They have their grandson with them.( coudina, the Misses Htraughion.
Au artesian well is being sunk on H. long, of the (I. C. L. b helping
Life farm of James Young, engineer, I tile brother John in the harvesting.
which for several yexry past has been H. R. Long roll wife, ut Dungan•
used for the turfing of tattle erns non. aro visiting at their old homes
hut'sur, Mr. Kuntz, the well-known herr.
well -di rr, is doing the job and a '
windou Il is to tie put up at once. Mr. We are very sorry that Chas. Wal.
Kuntz, when through with this job, term, dr., who is laid up with Idber, is
Vto Lerburu to sink A well for k, not progressing very rapidly.
H If League lest week was quite A atac-
The Hheppardton social on Wednes- caw• Fid. Stewart took the topic,
day eight of last week war attended with Miw Mary Mohring in the chair.
by a nuolhe.r of our young people, who Harvesting is now du full swing,
ret.urttxt having a wood thee. A but
party of five, all utarried folks, had a Uhl foradropof wild water,
littlemttr.tmeetingtwoGuttasiq fart Jwtonedropof.westrain.
motion within A few minutes of each A few young people !rein the pre -
other, 1.tuud for Godarich. Thu einctr oC Henmillrr took in the
diver kept a fire hand on the reins summer a hoot concert at Gtderich
and there were no mlehaps. and report having a lovely time -in
Snap and Jack, two valuable the rein.
canines owned, by Gen. Fulford and Delete ,tumor visited our midst, and
Itoleert Quaid, were found poisoned a stopped at Henniiller to inform the
short distance from their homes on Inany, frilnds of Guatave Vanmtone
Monday morning of this week. The that he (Ousteave Vanstone) is the
Animals were very serviceable to their proud possessor of A tine, big, b ounc:
owners, the latter tieing an expert in inghaby girl. Uongratulations, Out I
drivinK rattle from the pasture. We We must bog to inform those young
understand that every effort will lie "gents" from neighboring concessions
made by the ownem to find out who that it is very contrary to law to hold
was reationsible for the poisoning. up or molest anyone in the King's
Our board of education met on Tues. highway. May they take this hint
day night of last week to fix the Ae a warning Before it is too late, as
amount required from the township, Benmiller isn't it 4th concession
treasury for the school expenses for "swamp -hole."
thin year. They also considered the THIS LATH WILLIAM M(o1k6.-An
repairs needed for the school building old and respected resident of Wound.
And yard. These will be done this Iry partied reit) on Irriday. 9th inmt.,
week to he ready for Monday morn- in the person of Williams Moore. The
ing, the 161th inst., when the school deceased had been in poor health for
reopens and the new teacher. Alisx mime time with asthma land the end
Ner, will comment* her duties. was not unextweted. Mr. Moore wan
fruter teacher, Miss Fire Dunlop, in the shoe lousiness here for it number
resigned to take A Normal course at of years, and was well known through -
Hamilton. Two of her scholars,, out the neighlmrhooml. He was a
Mabel Young and Hume Glutton, lnemlatr of the Methodist church, and
Passed the entrance. in politics was a Liberal. He had
- reached the age of seventy-nix)•lair".
1,1 rsz=y LEEBURN. lie is survived by five suns and two
daughters : William, Joshua and Rich-
TI'BHUAI•, Aug. 13th. art, of thin township ; Owen and
Mins Edna Taylor ham been visiting Wesley, in the West: Mre. Percy
relatives in Hullett the past fort- Walter and Mrs. Ward Oledhill, of
night. Waniller. Mr. Mair• wits twice
Misses RaiI.irA And !Vary, Parrish, married, his second wife pFredecemaing
of Detroit, Are vlsitin their brother, hits a tout two) years. The reruams
John, here, And other cela`ivem in were interred in the Coltorpr. •ceme-
Ashfleld. tery on Sunday atterntmni. '
James Chishulnl's new barn, recent. fafr'17
y built, im now encased in its nrr► 0fa In UARLOW.
uetal roof. This is the second harp MONDAY. Aug. lith.
-if this kind in ('olborne. PRHRONAL.-Miss Irene Wads, ref
Mrs. X. ldaechler, jr.. of Sarnia, who Helfaut, was the guest of Mism c. 11.
has ;"ided herr mince her husband's Johnston for a week...... Mrs. (Kev.)
lemth, intends to go to live in Oode. John Young and Mine Coutts have re.
rich with her family shortly. turned to Hamilton After it visit of
Alive Lou Stirling is home trmr But- several weeks herr .. Thr MiNses
ralo on her Annual holiday, seeing her Clark, of Ht. Helens, . visited relatives
tarenta and other relative* in here last week.
:his vection and in Goderich township.
Mr. and Mrm. Wilkentm, (it Toronto,
who stv having a holiday of several
weeks visiting friends at several
points in Western Ontario, were the
luests of John Linklater for several
lays last week.
- - a:Ti.r Tq
NOW. -At home everyday except Tho rn-
toys. New remedy for exttacUna teeth Onario-
ronal. bet tart hall gga�,� ('town and bridge work
N. It - Von can of ways hat eyour work runeh
better done in the dental oMee-mare time,
better facilitfem for doing the work, nines seat -
to table for the pet lent.
In thin�ariran for The Pont-
1111-urnal to at the Pw-
1111- track and ntauonery More where
mire, will be received for mubmerlptionr, ad-
vernmins and job work, and reoeiptm will be
riven for amouidw ciald for the name.
trprm. minus". bonder+, etc.. At the ftae-
c.nnon po( tof cbe, book, eaationery. wall
. pnr ami fancy good. tore. tall and use
>f is„ Itvan'• ..it and set prloe..
11 of ANDKH8)N11 Hardware
WBDNZSDAY. Aug. lith.
THY. FALL Arrow•, ---Thursday and
Friday, Uctolrer Yrs and tth, are the
dates of the ihmgannon fall, show of
107. The prize diet ham been care -
(tally revised And improved. sdane new
classes being added and others exten-
tiexd. The directors see• tmund to keep
the Dungannon fair in the front, rank
of agricultural exhibitions. and are
s(rnrmg un plan* Ut make the rxhibi-
tuin of ISW the best Yet. For the en-
tertxinment on Friday evening Will.
J. White. the well-known comedian
of Toronto. has leen engaged and
other flrM-chus talent is being secured.
'`.r" a, ,^ LUCKNOW.
Moxmioy. Aug. 12th.
Donald McKenzie and wife, of Tn-
If-it." O., are here for their annual hol.
About twenty people took in the 1.
O. O. F. excursion to Harmer ,in Sat-
Mrs. Will Murchison, of Buffalo,
who attended the Kincardine reunion,
mpent a few days here visiting friends,
and returned home Saturday.
H, F. Mocklidge and wife, of Chi-
cxgo, accompanied by Mrs. W. 1-.
Little, of Ridgetown, arrived by auto
this week to take part in the family
gathering of Jlrm. E..1. Smith.
Simpson Rennie, of Toronto, the
judge appointed by the Government
to examine fields entered in the stand.
ing grain competition• teas herr. for
three days last week end visited All
the fields enter ..(I. His report will he
made to the department, and it in not
yet known who are the prise -winners.
The two rinks of Lucknow, Fowlers
which took part in the Goderich
howling tournament this week ar-
rived home Friday evening. They
speak in the highest terms of the
sportsrnanlike manner in which the
tournament was conducted. Bring
a coin paratively juvenile club the
Lucknow bowlers received generous
encouragement, and while they did
runt capture the trophy, they were
well tip in th running, And had A
moa jo time.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
hy htral applieationo, tet, they cannot resell the
dfee,vmrd portion of the nor. There im only ons
way l" r lire deafnem., and that 1. by Minit.itu
tbmml mauedle+a. Daafnae In,saumed by an in-
Mmed eandition of the madamo lining of the,
F:n.tarhlan tithe. When thin tube I. inda n, ed
o, Noce a rumbling sound or I p,•rfort hm r
Ilia, and when It la motJmly II.
the r,wult, and tint- the Indammatlon can he
taken mut and thim tube twmt-md to Ito normal
eonditinn hearing will he d,tmtroyrd htrevmr.
Nlnn raw out of ton are ^,I -A by ('at arch
which I• n thinner bat an Indnme,l rnnAltior of
the morou..nrtoerw
rye will givo one Hundred Polls" fir any
rasa of Is,imfnaam Naatlmad by rauariel that ort
"M Ise cured by Moil a d'at•rrh ('tire Hend Mr
rimill.r., freer.
F'. J. CHBN 6Y a co- Tnlydn. O.
'told toY ik'11=.., t;tn.
rake Rau'. ►lmfly P11M ter oMMlMusa.
1'94,'1r1.+ BAYFIELU.
MONDAY, Aug. 12th.
A NAHnow• �tt•.tNH.-Two monomer
visitors, Ruseelf and Hyerstn. H,aitry,
while out crVmeinKpt un Thursday
night were upputs Thej• managed to
cling to the 11toiiletmvf their cantle -un-
til aasist+�re f A lady mind
gentlenaap �eyyftp thdir predicament
called Mewst-J w t and ArrmttronK,
who went Mean,
anti frescoed the two
young men,
TOONDAY, At. 12th.
Wellington Dow. lit CoLit. has
been spending a few weeks at hie.
home on the 10th concession, but in•
tends leavigg for the North Again this
At a uoeetinw held thin' afternoon ill
I schoolhouse, the ratepayers of S.
N. No. 7. by A vote of 12 to H. decided
to remodel their sell(" after moving
I to A central site in the section.
The patip it of the Melh(diat. church
at Donnyhraek was accepptably filled
by Rev. Mr, DAinant on Suudsy last,
I the absence of the pastor, who is
spending his holidays at Brand Bend.
errl- 8T. HELENS.
TI'gsDAY, Aug. 13th.
Will Todd returned to Cargill last
A number front here picnicked at
Oalerich on Thursday last.
John Mclkinald and mon Coral vimi•
ted inWingham this week.
Robt. McGuire started the asaao`'m
tht•iehingonNVhluesday last.
Alex. Mclennan, of Inurier, called
an friends here on Thurmlay last.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wards and
family spent Tuesday at the -Lake.
Misses Margaret and Blinn Rather•
ford visited at Wingloun this week.
The juvenile baseball club intend
piaping a game with a Lueknow, team
on Monday next.
Meater Angus McDonald, of Bran.
don, is spending a few days At the
home of him uncle, IV. E. Gordon.
Mr. and Mrs. PA. Hodgems ami
little daughter Glaciys, of Kinlongh,
visited at J. H. Rntherford's on Sun-
day. '
Men. Halkeld, Rr., And Miss inur•A
Salkeld, of Goderich, itre a tiding a
few days at Mrs. R. K. Miller's and
Mrs. W. H. Gorton's.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. &files and b:thy
Evelyn And Mrs. Taylor And Tam-
il>>, of Guelph. visited at Will. 1111m.phrey'it over Hunday. .
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Miller, of ,%fr.
Awdev, who havq been renewing old
acquafntxnces in the neighborhood
for the past few weeks, left nn Thurs.
day on their return trip.
Mrs, !'raw, who ham been cin the
sick list this week, in, we 01- ,pleased
to announce doing as well as can he
expected. We hope she niay noon
have a complete recovery.
- msr:i-
WhalDoes He Do?
A teacher in one of the puhlle
schools of Baltimore wan one day in-
structing her pupil* in the mysteries
of etymology, when mhe hnit occasion
to gentian a boy pupil wjth reference
to t�e word "recupet•ats. "An an ex.
ample," said the teacher, '•we will
take the case of your fsthrr. He
in, of cmirae, a hard-working He
"Yeti m," Aaarnted Charlev, "And
When night couiss, he returns tired
and worn out, diwsn't he. ? "Yell's "
in further ointment front Charley.
"Then," continued the teacher, "it be
ing night, him work heing over, and he
being tired and worn nut., what, d(es
he do? "That's what ma want. to
know," said Charley.
,� btrict.i
J. 8. Watson Claims All Land on
West Side Saugeen Street.
Kincardine, A if g. 13. -- Mayor
Temple was tdmlay served with it writ
issued un behalf of J. H. Watson,
against the town, fur it declaration
that he (Wataem) is entitled as against
till- defendant to till the land on the
west tilde of Haugeen street in the
Willixmehurg survey, mail to estah
lish him title, and for unstated deur
ages fur wilfully entering upon him
land and for the destruction ut fences,
Waleson alsrt asks for an injunction re-
straining the defendant front leasing
occu{o inq un• otherwise dealing
w h said lands.
The suit will be tried at the Decent*
Iter session of the High Court, before
Mr. Justice Mabee.
The action is taken because tit the
staWurunt that Mayne Tem ole has
lea tact 'certain luta which �Vatmon
At the meeting of the council to-
night it. wall decided on it vote of t to
3-W defend the suit.
Lumber Sure to Become Mees "letlr
able As Time Passes.
Since wood forever)purpose is sure
to become more valuable as time paslw
s, it is worth while for the fa,ridghted
farmer to see to it now that his wood
lot is so handled as to yield the large it
possible supply of this slow growing
. The fullOwing suggestion regard-
ing the managemant of the farm wood
lot have been compiled from the pub
licataona of the experiment statrtirm
and of the forest service. The farmer
should aim to maintain and if pos-
sible improve the value of his wood
lot while using it. Too often it deter-
iorates under use. If be -cuts the beat
trees or these which are easiest to
work up, be leaves the weed trees, as
foresters Bail tbem Ahat is, the use -
lean trees, which crowd out and dis-
place good `trees -to reproduce.
One aim Hbould be kept up, And that
is to increase the supply of the kinds
of trees moths& it pays beet to grow.
Wbii3e,ari .large paof the product of
the wood lot will generally be fir••-
wood-it•izill pay the farmer better to
grow s law a product as possible
of rs 0raind tis, telegcoph and tele-
phone poles and saw logs.
A Higb-Quality of Product.
A high quality of product will de -
pens notonly upon •ibe kinds of trees,
but on the size of the trees. A large
tree is warth much m,9=.," -
ore ppropwrt9on-
atrtty than a ...it tree loeriuBe (,f
the better quality of itm product.
The farmer should always we to A
that his land ria fully stocked.
Before a Tree Is Cart.
The farmer ahwsid cut his trees so
as to benefit the forest. The branehy,
wid,• spreed ng tree, the crooked tree
or the tree of a kind which is nut'like-
Iy to prove salable is the beat for him
to t when he in Out hi
cus sup-
ply of firewood. This gives roost for
the better trees near by to grow, as
well as opening the ground for repr.i
duction. Before a tree is tut it should
be noted what trees will take advant-
age of the cut. Care sbould be taken
ill cutting to do as little harm to
young growth (often regarded M
brush) as passible.
A Now Breed of Few,ls.
Every year or twQ some enterprising
poultryman announces that he has
perfected a new broad of fowls, and
despite the sneers that such an-
nouncements invariably elicit front
the old timers, who like to bamboozle
the public by making requiroments
in the standard of perfection which it
I-- impossible to attain. these new
breeds are usually valuable ao dildo ps
to the poultry world. The latest churn -
ants, for popahr favor are the Light
Plymouth Rocks. These birdq are
Indeed• we believe it will stop every case
fit falling hair unless there is some very
unusual compliestion sometbin` gree
affecting the •neral health. Then you
should consuft your physician. Alse ask
him about the new Ayer's Hair Vigor.
-as& h7 tae a. 0. ayae o•" Law" giaaa.
than 1h the feed yard.
I often wonder ft there is not a
great deal of time wasted in) trying
to bring up orphan stock. I used to
like tri putter around with the little
pfig that happened to be loft mother-
less, but I cannot remember now
that I ever had much success. With
lambe it is considerably different,
and acme of the beet sheep that I
have ever raised have been brought
up on the bottle. Nothing less than
a skilled animal nurse can bring up
the orphan adt, says a writer in Iowa
There is altogether too mneme noun-
derintt around in the buamess of whack
breeding. If people would only use a
little more good common sense! For
instance, how in the world can any
neighborhood hope to produce a uni-
loedu" lot of borses when every breed
from rosdstem to draft horses is rep-
seaenfed? Some men in the course of
theirexperience have had every bread
of c"e on their place. tlndoubted-
ly the 'term "breeder" is wrongly tip-'
plied in the majority of cases. A
ja�in the highest weuse•of•the
tOM is UDODMuron indeed.
Milk Favor Prevention.
Faperiments in the feeding of car-
rois..baels and amall ,pota'eien to cove
show that milk fever I. let:., liable to
occur when cows are fed liberally on
root crops than when they are con-
fined to hay and grain. No corn should
be given six weeks before calvinngg
Linseed meal may be allowed with
the hay, which should be,rvt,tine and
the linseed meal sDrinkled pier it.
Max O'R•II's Advice For Keeping
It is restlessness, ambition, discon-
tent and disquietude that make us
grow old prematurely by carving wrin-
kles on our faces. Wrinkles do not
appear on faces that have constantly
smiled. Smiling is the beat possible
massage. Contentment Is the fountain
of youth.
We tomplaln when we ought to be
thankful, we weep when we ought to
rejoice, we fidget and fret Instead of
smiling, which keeps the cheeks
stretched and smooth, we frown, which
keeps them coutracted and engraves
wrinkles on then!. Instead of looking
all: the rosy side of things, which makes
the eyes clear and bright, we run after
the Impossible or the unlikely to hap-
pen, which snakes us look gloomy. In
abort, 1 may gay that old age is, of
our own make, for youth Is placed at
one's disposal forever nod ever.
The organa of man are like the works
of n clock. If they are not used, they
runt. So long an the human machine
Ii kept well oiled and regularly wound
up It goes.
It is activity. It is work, that keeps
you young, healthy, cheerful and hap-
py. it is work -thrice blessed work! -
that makes you feel that you are not a
useless piece of furniture in this world
nod makes you die with a smile on
your fate.
Work, work agabi, work always! i
The effect of Scott's Emulsion on thing
pale children is magical.
It makes them plump, rosy, active, happy, i='
It contains Cod Liver Oil, Hypophosphites
and Glycerine, to make fat, blood and bone,
and so put together that it is easily digested
by little folk.
At L ORUOOtSTS 1 600. AND •1.00. Vr
- -----1_.___.___ 11
TuUMDAY, Aug" 16, 11907 . i
ve, Residence, rT7
the prosperity that rias attended the
hard working busband's eRat is in busl-
nem. When he takers Dome to Ithe wits
a golden wedding gttt, It is to grace
the fSftleth anniversary of their nup-
tials, and should yet another decade
find the Joving pair still hand In hand
It must he a diamond decorated brr-
bque with which ke husband pesssats
bill wife. _--
bedroom Decorations. '
Decoratkm and hangings for a bed-
room should be of the datntimet mate.
rial both In color and design.
Printed dimity is quits the pretriest
and most Inexpensive to ase in fur-
nbddng a sleeping apartment- Our-
ta1n4 bedspread, dressier coven and
chair cushions may be made of it
though for the latter ehdntz in the
same design Is heavier mad more de.
in the prW-IY appointed modern
bedroom as iittle furniture as poslbis
U used. This Insures proper manitse'y
coadltdons, for the Jesg there -is to col•
lett dust the better.
The floor should be either plain ver.
niched wa.l with a few rags on it w
a denlm carpet tacked ,)omit to the
Unselfish Teat's.
President Samuel P. Volt of the
United States Rubner Company was
discussing ill New York the amicable
trade agreement that has been made
between his firm and the International
Rubber Company.
'It in best.' he said, "for comped•
tore to agree to be fair and honest
with one another, and this agreement
of ours is at fair and honest one. It is
not like those wherein two rivals,
while pretending tolie fair, yet knife
ne another continally In the back.
Hoch hypocritical agreements remind
me of two children, two little boys I
'They were lunching, Hilly and
Jack, and when the butler brought
on the dessert it was seen that there
was only one orange in the fruit bas.
ket. Instantly Billy the larger boy,
set up a land bawling.
"'Now, what's the matter?' said
the governess. 'What are you crying
about. Billy?'
11 •i'm cr7ing.' Billy answered. ,be.
cause there s no orange for Jack."'
W;ngham Business College.
Mine E. Virginia Grant, of Plains!e�d,
N. J., has been engaged to take chal�fe
at the shorthand department of t e
Winghani Business Coble . M
- ----- __
For Married Lovers Who Celebrate
Bicarbonate of Soda For T
A gaturstr,l solution of this Is elaseitrl
Each Happy Year.
Breloquem, a word properly interpret-
ed trinket or charm, in the torn of
Ames, "a• t' w
Sp Otton seems determined toput the
W. B. C. to the very forefront.
pretty drrorated medals are fashion-
_ . •
Water a sotvenf �
nble In Parts as a present from a hus-
Ingge enjoy an enviable reptltatioo.-
Wingham Times. p
band to n wife on the various annlver-
wont, and -t oke what comem.
earlee of their wedding day.
gpleaned to see the other fellow get it
The flret aniolve-raery 12 the cotton
in the neck -which explains the papa.
J I,u'ity of the comic supplement,.
wedding (lay. Secondly comes thil pa-
per one, and the third in the leather
one, so stolid that it has to last two
LIGHT rLYMemra M Jio.. .
yearn- The next anniversary that has
genuine Plymouth Rocks, with the
Its special attribute is the fifth, one of
shape and characteristics of that Valu-
able breed, but with the coloring of
wood, and yet another gap occurs be -
the ,Light liratlnfa. Naturally the
fore the seventh or woolen event
blood of the latter ham been used in
The tenth annlveritary In eatled
producing this variety, which is n
d'etatn, the tin wedding day, and the
gond lJling, for of the inRny varieties
twelfth, sole or silk. This to followed
Of fowls now extant there is none
by leaps and bounds by the fifteenth
which when properly treated will Rive
or porcelain, the twentheth or cry, I
better retu-rns than the Light Rrah.
and the twenty-fifth or ativer wedding
ma. Indeed, the only objection to the
day. the one most commonly kept of
Light Brahma is that it is handicap.
ped by feathers on the shanks. These
Pearls are the appropriate Rymbola
tit course do not appear on the Light
Plymouth Rocks.
of the thirtieth anniversary and rubfee
of the•fortieth, fllmlficant. no -doubt. of
Around the Farm.
The steer ewie putting on a yard
be found somewhere about Ohs yard '
in the sunshine, lying down and pla-
Otdiy looking on at the rent. of the I
world. 'It is
- The Cough Drop
a peculiar habit of �
Rteere that are in heavy flesh to Rive
• That CureB
A kind of low groan after taking ,.heir
61 1 at the feed box. This is
4r Demand the threr-romered
eomntgo- however, to the show sudl
a kod in tie red and yellow bol
The effect of Scott's Emulsion on thing
pale children is magical.
It makes them plump, rosy, active, happy, i='
It contains Cod Liver Oil, Hypophosphites
and Glycerine, to make fat, blood and bone,
and so put together that it is easily digested
by little folk.
At L ORUOOtSTS 1 600. AND •1.00. Vr
- -----1_.___.___ 11
TuUMDAY, Aug" 16, 11907 . i
ve, Residence, rT7
the prosperity that rias attended the
hard working busband's eRat is in busl-
nem. When he takers Dome to Ithe wits
a golden wedding gttt, It is to grace
the fSftleth anniversary of their nup-
tials, and should yet another decade
find the Joving pair still hand In hand
It must he a diamond decorated brr-
bque with which ke husband pesssats
bill wife. _--
bedroom Decorations. '
Decoratkm and hangings for a bed-
room should be of the datntimet mate.
rial both In color and design.
Printed dimity is quits the pretriest
and most Inexpensive to ase in fur-
nbddng a sleeping apartment- Our-
ta1n4 bedspread, dressier coven and
chair cushions may be made of it
though for the latter ehdntz in the
same design Is heavier mad more de.
in the prW-IY appointed modern
bedroom as iittle furniture as poslbis
U used. This Insures proper manitse'y
coadltdons, for the Jesg there -is to col•
lett dust the better.
The floor should be either plain ver.
niched wa.l with a few rags on it w
a denlm carpet tacked ,)omit to the
Unselfish Teat's.
President Samuel P. Volt of the
United States Rubner Company was
discussing ill New York the amicable
trade agreement that has been made
between his firm and the International
Rubber Company.
'It in best.' he said, "for comped•
tore to agree to be fair and honest
with one another, and this agreement
of ours is at fair and honest one. It is
not like those wherein two rivals,
while pretending tolie fair, yet knife
ne another continally In the back.
Hoch hypocritical agreements remind
me of two children, two little boys I
'They were lunching, Hilly and
Jack, and when the butler brought
on the dessert it was seen that there
was only one orange in the fruit bas.
ket. Instantly Billy the larger boy,
set up a land bawling.
"'Now, what's the matter?' said
the governess. 'What are you crying
about. Billy?'
11 •i'm cr7ing.' Billy answered. ,be.
cause there s no orange for Jack."'
W;ngham Business College.
Mine E. Virginia Grant, of Plains!e�d,
N. J., has been engaged to take chal�fe
at the shorthand department of t e
Winghani Business Coble . M
- ----- __
Grant is a graduate of the G
Bicarbonate of Soda For T
A gaturstr,l solution of this Is elaseitrl
Shorthand School, Chicago, of whit:
John R. Oregg, the author, is principal.
She has had six teaching
when from any cause the si do Rebs/
unions ecsemR Is present, In whbdb< s
years' exper-
ience. in leading commercial schools of
I the United States• and is highly rose.
water should never be applied.
ommended 'by Mr. Gregg, Mr. -
By a saturnted solution is mesnt.orte
In the drug
Sp Otton seems determined toput the
W. B. C. to the very forefront.
which has been ,:Igsst. to
until no moor, can be taken up. riot
tinderstand that she will be the secontl
Water a sotvenf �
teacher in CanadA who was trained h
I the author. gingham Business Co-
lodoa should be mod w>�tra>�L
Ingge enjoy an enviable reptltatioo.-
Wingham Times. p
Hope for i he beet, prepare for the
wont, and -t oke what comem.
Down in our hearts we are all rather-
Fiefore nlar'ringe it man promises to
gpleaned to see the other fellow get it
refuse him wife nothing, and after
marriage that's About all mhe gets.
in the neck -which explains the papa.
J I,u'ity of the comic supplement,.
Gold Medal �'a"fir t'
g^q�{,i Per
� ii
McCormick � 101 1 , 1. �
t "
� i ?
1 q
& i'
Blue,.�ly�i t.
,a., t.., __.L-
DUNGANNON. ' N ��.',