HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-8-15, Page 6THE SIGNAL: GODERICH' ONTARIO B THURSUAi', August 15, 1807 A girl is wlwwy" sure mhe in in love with some parr, even if she isn't were which nowt he ter. - *16 �_ Wit—SON'S • �t Wit F L Y estem •t« latae PADS Nso — soOLD sr — NOffltTf, Of100[p AM 1 ENM ITU[* tee. per Peak*% w a Peaks" M aao. will twee• a wAeMe eeaaeer_ PILES from piles until 1 diad; but Zam Bek cared me," ler Mrs K Read, d abe - sed iAde:-"I was as we&kawd tact i oto k.e.[l, g.e+.aL.at, ua a utaJs .week attestedM ilea J howl of this are" ka+g0. eo[7 au Wsokful to s= Y b beer entered saw' 1r .r.+ser ...w •. 1 at�+.•a You have beard of bLwuits---anal read o(buc�- sand fuer, bacu"- bat you don't know biscuits- anvil yin try Mooney' a Perfection C'resm Soda*- ney the everything that cite ideal biscuits should be. 7"fie w - right. moisture - proof package brings them to you fresh, asP• ire, g. Practically every grocer in Canada but M0014EY'S. Yours will get thea if you Ask. In 1 & J 1b- Pkgs- ,,,.. •, a r• lid When you stop at the Chateau Frontenac or any hotel owned by the C.�('.K., or travel in her Pullmans d\r Steamers, you will find. "Rovil Crown" Toilet Soap (,nditeld 1 ie,e) <nppll-d for your c nvertience. / s finest and }les wap made r OrnMM kgs a N Chars" nut. lapel r• I�rR ' Ilk.e �_, 1,.ke•f« k. , .. 251000)` ,. NEW WORDS are added to the last edition of Web- ater'n International Dictionary The Gazetteer of the World anal the Biographical Dictiotary Eve been completely revised. The Interna- tional is always kept abreast of the times. It takes constant work, ex- pensive work and worry, but it is the only way W keep the dictionary they .tea 6 STA N DA R D It' AUTHORITY of the English-toeeakin world. (ether dictionaries follow. -Webatei leads. V It in the favorite with JlldgeR, Scholars, Educators, Printers, etc., in thin and foreign coli nitipt THE CRAND PRIZE (Hi hest A%varrd) was beat •ttbl World's Fair, tit. Louis. Now A postal card will bring you In. teresting specinN•n pages, etc. + G. C.M RRI 4 E A1N CO" SPR+NOFIELD,ftAAss., &--- INTERINATIONA ►uaauaal•e. a WEBSTER'S L ' DICI•IONARY In Gardening # Time. * By ALICE LOUISE LEE. 1•op)rlght, 11eA. by Ali— l."ulre 1Re TIlf:X ley side by vile. two long. Durruw *tripe of plotted laud separuted by a ww'eu wire fence. Tull, well trimmed hedges at either end screened tbew Irum the two parallel streets of the ttlliege; tall, well kept badges at the sides scnwned them from the houses of their oti vers. Facing each other in the side hedges were small irou gates, entranced to these prosaic plots of ground. On May.,Ib, all 6:30 In the morning, the gate In the south hedge opened %0'0'p' NOT SO MUCH ' Please do not put quite so much Red Rose Tea in the tea pot as you do of other kinds. if you do the Tea will be too Atrong. with a squeak. and a trim d6ure of de• dependence On film clean cut face, he own gardening." -- cldedly recant Jlmenalons stepped brisk- ly through. A short blue denim skirl em," she said decidedly alta tell w ions- and Ann arose agum at L Rau :s reply was irretrvaur. ' 1 alto Well, a bit laded and word, barely reached work with a will. -- repaired, si ubouneted, to the garden. aluur! Why. Ano, dear, I confess now the tops of stout, thick soled, dew Stephen utwyed. -Semis to we you Her heart fluttered a little as she no- that 1 hate gardenluc. but I've tried `,,vry wh`'r way for Ove year+ to"-. proof shoes. The sleeves of a blue call- are rather little to be bossing your I latched the gate. "lie will get some i Illy face. with th#- rest of the Neu co mblrt waist were pushrd'above the eldeh r- he said, with a flash of his one elve to do the hoping surely," she tenor. NUv lost ht the depths of th' elbows, while concealed W the derpthm much dreaded fun. told herself. But no, replied Ann promptly. "This I'm going to sow things of au enormous blue suabouoet wan a Ana hung her head mail Wusbed un- He greeted her with a rueful face. soul""In1•t. __ small tanned face crowned by brown I comfortably. She conwWered It a dim- "Ray. I'm glad you're here," he pro- I The Polite Man and the Gerruornale. hair coiled tightly In convenient work- i grace to tee go small, uu opinion shared claimed frankly. "Do you pull these Mauy people do not pretend to real- aday fashion on top of her bead. In by her dressmaker. weeds or hue 'em out or put a charge Iso the difference between •'polte" and one build she carried a till pail full of "try much as levier that I can find of dynamite under 'em?"I ' kentle," which may be only a misfor- plec•es of potato. "Nets" for Planting; 19 where Ann Wrigbt's waist begins or Dote bad seen much the latter lacdlvidual Ann heard herself laughing happily, The hoeing had begun. tune, cwt sometimes amounts to a ca - the other a which ends," complained mervice. bitterly. "She's all waist Might's season On the Fourth of July the famW� lulnity. Politeness In often an ut•cm j sluual maulfestutlou. Gentleness Is u, Beside the dividing fence abe began I well try to fit a bruou)vnck. Best I Wright and lAmg euJuyf•d new puts- ways an inherent permanency. One work- un the potato row, digging away Chili do 10 to hang tier clothes on her tors and peas. Stephen's row of vines I works from the outside In, the other leo ludustriounly that she did not bear and let It go at that. With her sister abounded in peas, while bis potatoes frodl`the Inside out. A horny fist ala) the• gate it, the opposite budge open Belle, now, ICs different." were deficient In Ann's garden the distribute alms and a manicured hand and wam unconscious of any ellsturbing I Bo Ann meetly .,crepted the dress- case was reversed.abuve a note. Scratch a Russian, and element in her listen until a cheery maker's hangings and surveyed with "We'll sap," said Stephen promptly. I you'll find a Tartar surely; scratch it •v;oW morning, Ann." erased her amu- longing Belle's plump pruportlos. Sbe Swapping had become u habit with toollte wan, and you'll find a geut!e bunuet to bob up hastily. sighed the morning of May It; as, at 5 him. 'Twos weeks later both families ! amu perhaps. "Good morning," she returned In a oteliock, she donned her short blue den regaled themselves on beet greens. The fact that a man lifts his Lot faint and wondering tone. } im skirt and looked at her small but Tiley came from St@fiiheWW garden. but gracefully, speaks deferentially to wo- Ou the other side of the woven wire muscular arms, white down to the ei no one knew save the two gardeners. j meq amlles upon children and doe,n t stood a man, also in biter dealm, but it bows and brown beyond. Sbe took "My sweet corn will be ripe In two out soup with a sponge Is not alevltys was surprisingly new. So were big b4; j pride and comfort in ber garden. but weeks," saki Ann timidly as she took a gunrantee that he can be safely left +trues• hat and his bright tlu pall, full she wished her hands were an white as the greens. "There will be enough for alone with the silver. Because a mon of potato sets, and his hoe. So also I Belle's. it,; loth." bounces up In a crowded street cur a• wan his method of preparing fora po- _ Hrr face lighted as she Opened file Her predictions were correct, but an- give file seat to a golden haired dre:on into crop on his file of the fence. pts In her hedge and saw Stephen tedating the ripening of the sweet corn e I It d„esn't follow that he may not it - "I made up m mlod," he begau, vlg- "I leaning on one of the fine fence posts was the picnic In the Bridgeport grove. prove him wife with a curtain tole A urotuly thrusting his hoe Into the dirt. Impatiently awaiting her. In his new "Will you girls ride over with' tate?" man who ebucks other folks' chil,lieu ,,that this year I'd get outdoors more. role as gardener, with overalls and big asked Stephen, coming suddenly around under the chin may crack his awn it's not goosed for me, this staying In bat and with that odd expression of ddeials are more potent than sett. over the head. A pleasant smlle out the vture all day. I'm going W do my dependence On film clean cut face, he own gardening." slid not seem to her half as formidable "Are you?" came In a faint voice as the Stephen Long who had fur tell from the suubonnet. It was a troubled years gayly sauntered through the color. Ann was afraid of Stephen hearts of half the girls in Bridgeport. Long because his epee twinkled and his own untouched: danc•ett at their � duuced to the secompuulment of a fun weddings and stool godfather to their loving tongue. Belle could cope with babies. him, "giving him hack." In the par • I "I tell you what," be began as soon lance of Bridgeport "as Rood as be as Ann appeared. "i'm glad to ser. ' ,tent." some one looming over the horizon who F'fr a' few moments the only sound knows a trifle about gardentug What brand In the garden wag the click of are you Ruing to plant next?" two beer nue a loud, strong, but un -"Nothing." replied Ann promptly. "This I'm going to sow things ce•rtum rIwk• the other light, but sure. Presently Stepetlen wiped the perspire- morning j-oulouw, fur itintance." tion ffo11t his i)rehend and looked with I To her own surprise, her voter was I in exclamation of dismay Into the reg- I miscillevoum. A strange feeling of buoy• nlor. shallow boles, the product of ! aucd oosseered her. The still war send• i \an's brown bands. I Ing red heralds up from the east to pro- "Jprusalem!" lie ejaculated. "is that claim a perfei-t day. Belle Was asleep,. the Way you do? Ree here!" unromeciong of the drama of the Rar- Ann glanced over the fence, and the den, and Stephen well. Stephen's eyes night caused her Internal mirth. Next were gmiling at her, but not Just as she Invebtorled the new tin pall, and they smiled on the publie at large. her mint} became external. Their ,Motb" isn't up yet." he began beat - usual positions were reversed. All the tatlnRly. "so I brought along a rag and the following morning, al- a mtrtas{'- He panted and held a hand out to her appealingly. it was the medl- Der wounded the previous morning. In company may mean two growls ut Dome. -Washington Star. A USEFUL SPONGE BAG. A Decorative Covering For the Water- proof Fabric. The ordinary sponge bag that one sees covered w'!tq a check waterproof fabric Is not a very decorative object but It Is quite possible to make some- thing which shall be far prettier by Inclosing the ordinary waterproof bag In an ornamental outer covering, such T' �fR August Prices at THE LADIES' WEAR Ladies' cool Sum[sisr vests at loc. D Lades' Grey Lustre Skirts at.... .... .. $s -9S• White Shut Waists IA . . • 1 • .' • • • . Jyc. Print Wusts at . . .......-.-. 39c t Print Wrappers at . . .. ......m. - .. . qlc. Fancy Dresnu` Sacaues at ............ ASc. Six styles of Corsets at . .. ..... . Soc. Girdle Corsets at ..7 .�'7 >9C. q, Ladies' Outing Coats st . .... ... . Half -Price. Nottingham Lace Curtains atper pair I'it.So, il,00. 7Sc. SM and &Sc. Cloth, Tweed and Panama Skirts at prices that mean very substantial sums of earned money saved. JOHN STEAD l ' WEST STREET, - GODFRICH. ' OlLi. For Wasson, How narrow mlRded and sown soeled TO CONSUMPTIVES. L the man who permits a woman to The undrt wignrel having Isere ]e share his carves and worries and defies sturrd to health by siulplr means, after her a share In one of his greatest suffering for trwveral year-* with a &1•v- pbeasuraa Were It not that we knOW err lung Aelfrelion, And lhnt dremd It is tbouoUesxuem rather than 1n- disease Coawsptim. is Anxious to make befrent meanness on the part of the known to hit fellow wufTerelxt the avenge man we would ban a sorry means of run•. To those who desire opinion of our sex. It L because we it, hr will cheerfully rend ffrrr .,f know It L thougbL nonem that we charge) n ropy 'If the prescription preach. We want W tnstlll the tbomght +"c c1, whirh Ihry will find n sure rarer for Consumption, Asfksss Catarrh. Oras - Into every married man's mlOd that c fill Kill] All lilloal And IunR MalNks, the very Dent fellow he can take with tic. hols•s All suffrlen will, tri• his him on his hunting or fishing UIP Is Remedy. ns it is invAlushle. those his wife, and we want to create In desiring the piriewription, w'hirh will every woman's mind a desire to know nest than nothing, and may prove. it for herself the pleasures of the woo4 I Iden"i"K, will I'lesse Adcin•ra baand ndt�te� here .o fane�.a iter >>a• I Rer. EDWARD A. WILSON, tinotlyf, N.1' Anp Promptly dropped her hoe and � her surgery.11 "1 theruy/it you hold goat to the picnic, " W;� attended to -Say." began Stephen soddenly, the corder to the porch the evening be- • watching the operation. "do you al- fore, as Auto was waterlog the flowers -Q ways wear that bonnet in the gardeur I sued Belle swingiug in the hammock. very close touch with the president all "Yes." retarded Ann Innocently, "Si- I Belle answered promptly lu the of - ing wan needed, but she hoed deeper- ways." I firmadve, Auto tardily. After he had done'.,- Stephen sighed. "I should think it gun' Belle yawned and remarked cure- aeoNlu 11Au. would be awfully host away back In Iessly: "Three in that narrow buggy! as the one shown Ia the illustration. there," meditatively 9111ilug within as How tiresome! If you'd not happened This bag might be made in cream serge Ann raised her head. ond" - She did not flulsh the to De aru or blanket cloth, with a milk Lord draw But the bodnet slowly shakes was remark Belle never hurt Intentionally. string and tassels In crimson or blue the only reply. In some ways Its Ann made Liu reply, but swallowed to match the embroidered lettering wearer could' not Rep beyond Its Pro, ( hard at a big lump which would not which gives much a pretty finish to Jeetdng raid". For fifteen minutes a1- I do down. All her IuvltatiodR were al•- the front of the tog. The embroider leder reigned in the gardenia. Ann cidents and earn,- because she "bap- 1119 should be worked to some kind of worked with her back to the wire penel to be around" Belle. Nothing fast dye womb slit, so that the Mg fence lent Belle should chance to we I would Induce her W go to the pleute. can be washed when occasion re -her through the little gate. 'Abe drewTherefore, the following morning, al- quires. In pale blue Ilnen. with white the end of her hoe handle along the though she donned the denim skirt she lettering, this bag would be pretty, or smoothed surface of her yard square dM not repair to the garden until 9 In feat green, with lettering to pale onion plot and was carefully dropping I oclock• pink. the seedn when a voice of triumph i ••Belle. I've concluded not to go to the humbly, "that 1 better wtick to the sounded behind her: plcole. There R hoeing that must lee Not Afraid of Assassin&. "I've finished mine. Now what are ,lone In the gaoled.•• llrealdeut Benjamin Harrison used to going to plant next?" There wall "Bother the garden, Ann!" came bark rkmble around Wasbhlgton at night ,you a mtep beside her, and the ruloe of tri- Belle'm voice good naturally. "You're by himself. Uulunel Dan Ha -m dell, a umph benine a voice of dismay. "Je- wedded to that garden." lifelong friend of the great Indianian, Ird The iaalrng Wax Fad WANTED Do you know that sealing wax Y again fashluuable? Some say It's be- cause wax L to tee used In settling Mau bugs Instead of using beta sal keys; Hitim.:wr (,.%sit 1.1111 K PAID ►vin He HAP others iusist that it's Just a freak of IKIM 14MANN, LEAD. filing all you e DmY' o asblon. have to At any rate, not only Is It to be used. TIE R06ELS rf�• CO.,l 1liTE1 but the latest fad is to use dlffeerent r f coium for different occaabns. OW �Ouadry• FAA St A wedding lnvitatiou must be sealed with white, a btslness letter In red. a I Yenwmuw Kinwal Wailer better of condolence In violet an Invi- _ nation to dinner in yellow, while per -HE OODRRiCH MINERAL WA. somal notes the sealed wllh one's fatror- Mit ('I1., rnanufamem" of --Mea_ he ' mn• err cared to driher to any I•arl of ire 0010x. 9r' 1t bots as tlsoogh the ,tM town HeffA.t UhlFFwwr Ale In t•nitn end snag wax business were look Wile up. 411111-, lel"., Mineral tt'nlrr In three e-p11tA, Ifdol• ar"1 quart.,. Arltwr w.ter .rad trouble )4x11 Thwood. are n1Aae fmm statues] minwesl water,rad are therefnrr f, - .fruit. ell tmp,eritlete, 1,. - %VALTIIN M.,, CALL AT PINDER'S for the following lines: Brandord Roofing, Garden Hose and Fittings, Sprinkling Cans All nizem. Tinware, Graniteware, Plumbing goods and Repairs of all kinds Headquarters for " Heating by Hot Water, Steam or Air, Plumbing and General Tinsmithing. 000111 ("'IDS, HOOD WORK HONFAT l'RICR8. We Re PINDER fllroOse ISS. UPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A rAMfLY Lf•IlART The But In Omit Literature 12 CiOMK[Tt NOVtla YtAPILv MANY SHOUT INTOR1Ef= AND PA PC RS ON TIMELY TOINICS $2.50 PtR VEAP; 28 OTs. A COPT t111110 CONTINUED STORIES . avERv RVMeta COMPL(TR in ITSELF agar. 'l'ba" ;P-1 i ]RUM A: ROY ADAM8 TKAcraa or nAme, �g audile In Bok of Montreal sibeek. YetilCal (11 88. YMMER1ION alt TURNBULL. i� A. T. Tarrnfwrv, M. U. W. M. Tumvwcu- M. K me". Harafltnn Mir t, '19rone 1.r!. Der. kaemen"1n'te m11Merlrr. Mt. I1►rk1 . beet, Orpa•lte Victoria .Utvt church. 'phone Int 1 Dv. Turnbull'. reddens, %*ewm, .1mef \ext Sha Wit mtora. 'phone Irl. Zi llIL A. H. MACKLIN. M. H. 1! PRY8IVIAX AND OUROWN I "'ge", atteattsa is 1ty4 liar. Now, rail Tht-L (►aloeAllidlanlderlce,nldBwnkafMon owl. lei ._N4 a 1'or-0-. mewl at., liodrnch. Tedapkoee >•w 1R. -- Jl.esa. — -- - I 1AMKItON k KiiJAMAN, HAW ItIM1'KItM as11rtlore resomer1w.,etc. IM1re, 1 rmilton Mt., third door from s4luam, Uederich, 0111A. MAN. G. CAill KHON, K. C. J. LX 11, WH PPfi0tJDF(N)T, HAYS ek HI,AIR, bwrr{wtwn. sedielton, notwrlww publ)r fire tors In the Mwrltimp closet, etc.. (Mara, e-„ a rlee square, neat door C. ♦ +cairn' -grocery. PN rale fund-to lend At k w,ewl rates M Interw"t, W. PHOUIWt)(rr. K. C. It P. HAYS. U. F 4LA114 P ICKiN14ON A OARROSV, BAR- RISTIC tM, attorne", Actuatof'�rls�, etc. eh, le. Mulley to lend at lowmL n KICKINSON, I'HARLM (]ARROW LLB IlIIal[raIICe. sOaaae fie. I YOUNG k ROBRRTNON, ,sRHAL tatef�lesr tollrt raI a Agents. I e- p•rllew haudhvl m ter pari d the town slid roomy. Fire And Ns Inwurarim. mmeey to Joan eta iii W. CRAIlOK LIFE, F'IRF: t and acrident ln-urance. Art for larding mutual and trek roafpanine. ln,mran,v Innll line- eRwrted ,fie beat pians wad at Inwe-t. rate.. Twit at ostein. corner Whit Mtreet and Mquwm, or rddrmw J. W. C RAIUIK Uoderich, (lint. fele .hone YL 11 cKll1.011 MIJTUAI. FIRE 1N- 1�1 M U R A N U K ('41. -Farm and I,ndal e] town proreerty InaurM. Walter of property in -fired up to inn. lWlk over 811,an,nere. Ulmr, and dlM'tor-: J. K Mcl,nwn, pma ; T. Fre ,,. rlry tem-, ; Jas. ('or,rnlly U. IMI., Mr. Ch" - ney. J. WwR, JaA, F;awn-, y. 11. Urtece, J. Firnne mei", din,rlor- ; T. K. Hwy., Mwwforl.h. Awrralery In"utnrxr inapectelr", neareid dirwrtor to Inca,., J. W. l',.o, Holm,.,vlllw, agent for We -t Huron. Policy hokier- awn qy .wwrwrrlwnt- And get, their eardw reset tmM wt Mr. l'nwh•'. 'Halon or at. Mehra Bre".' flounce (nothing 11noterloh• ! --- -- BHATMA PARts.O>t - QHAV1NG AND HAiR.DRKSSING PARTMICK - Tie, beets piece In town. 'rmtpf rralm : everythlna cletwn and -Anb Iary. Hier and cold Mfhw. WM. 11ACIS. Hritlsh Ktehange Hotel Mork Iwaocewwer to Jw� iNtsivyl. �aTlla�s LiO�aaeB � s _ I WALTER E, KELLY A OODRRICR, 04T. w vb�ko�al imw Marriage Aamd. Weer AB S�di[A Oman&G�OsRRt- t. lailrhoneenlltllr ►j'HOMAS OUNDRY, LiVR RTIWK J1L and I welcf.ln,tear. (Mlww, dl ae.tar Nt.r'••wt, wkwrw hw will be fnorwl at all dmm when not •trying mleow. Terme memasnable and every etrbrtowed to wive you ruafwwtion. '1'ialle 14 IllHORGE BECKE T. OKNKRAI, l� atioronwwr, SIM HatnHUn inmost, riedwrirh. P.0 Mx IM. All .alma win rwet a-fitvitel etttent.lem. t will bn7 ymir wntim -fork of ttrw,weltMd gond. for tali. and 111 -A11 sew .torte, famttnm. mwtrrs..e-, wpring•. cheap, Vall and Awe w w. ran do ttw von in thl. hate. UICORUK "CUI( tTr. (•nrleAty Socia Ooderrfeel leu-ma-lem! is that the way you fix Ann did not hear. She had seized was I'rkdent Harrison's marmhal of w "OoeAl murntng, Ata.-" 'em ." e down the walk and her hoand icta the District Of (olumbla noel kept Ilal V dance and twinkle departed from Ste- Ann turned and glanced Intel the through the little hedge gate. No boe very close touch with the president all filtrate Rrey eyes, and he sent a look I next garden. "Yet. What have you ing wan needed, but she hoed deeper- through his term. Colonel ltansdell of comic dismay Into the capacious done'.,- ately, checking the nottm and forcing lived north of Dupont circle, quite a wuntionnet. Stephen ntuRed Join hands deep to baek the tears until mile heard Ste tulle and a half from the White House. "I've made every hole deep enough I film overalls packets. "Mc? R'hy, i phpn's bu9Ry roll down the road; then lie c -axed to be surprised by the un to plant oto Hickory In," be said roe- ! nowpd 'pm brandcant." ile removed he stropped the hoe and retreated to expected and unannounced vinits made fully. illcL'ory wan an enormous cat one hand and motioned as thaagh now- the cora W him by the prenldent at various hours that played havoc with the rate in Ing oats. The great stalk, towering above her of the night after c;enerai flarrlmon'v Lo11IPm hardware store. Again Ann wnm ronvolsed with lead closed pntectingly about her. first few monthm In the White }louse "And you've gone and cut--thiteyes Malrth. "floA-how would yon weed 'rhe rustling of their leaven drownt,i Once wbpn Colonel ltansdell remove cut of your prof atues!" gawped Ann. them If they came rap it k all over?" the wound of the released wobv. 911, stated with him against venturing out Then whe citing to a post supporting Stephen warmed n tt Into the soft sank down and, pressing the ,Well of at night unaccompanied, admonishing the w'IrP fence and laughed. Iter nun -so it. '•Weed) why, t never thought her bonnet tugcth-r over her fare, wept him of the danger of assassination, lominet saippesl back, revealing two I moat the weeding i think," gutta its though air#- were thlrte•b rather ((,anent Harrison said: pduk checks and n mmnll, dellcate chin. humbly, "that 1 better wtick to the than twenty three. ".An ansaawln cannot be dodged, Dan Stephen chuckhvl In sympnthy land Ptrorw and give all RnrdpnlnR." There wam an at -be 1n her hear'- which I ■m am safe from harm on that gore carate nearer. TallifilJ'• confound It all, 1 Armin heart unnccountnbly sank. 80 was out of all proportion to Its appar while walking from the White House elft the p)r oft twcnnse--well, be- did her snnbunnet. ant rall*e. 111 fact, stop would not fir to your residence after dark and alone cmu4e tltl•y dido'1 look pretty, I Rmp- "No. I w'on't, either," with sudden knowledge the real cause even to her as I am when receiving callers or go- Irosc. i-n't that all right?" energy. "If you'll bolster rue rap with pelf until she heard hear name from 'inx about the city In the daytime under At fillet :%fill IAughlvl until the mun- advice. I'll slick to It." I the pull of the row in the midst of the watchful eyes of detectives and Monnet rollnpeRetl In a heap into a po- Ann*$ heart unacconmtably at•o". So which she mat. puellcemen. The assassin always gets tato hill#- back of her. Then she did her Punbrmnet. "Ann, what iR the matter? Are you his prey when once he makes up big rheckel herself no,l explained: "The "i et'w nwnp work thin mordrig," hurt?" Stephen puabed rapidly through udal to do too. But I have no fear of sprouts come mut of the eyea. It you peopowal Stephen n ntornent later, and the corn and stood 'looking with per asRonalnatlon, least of all am I afraid don't )cut,- the t•yr., you'll get no po• Ann aRnelad. t plexed eyes down on the slight figura of being assaulted in a dark street at tatoes. Ses•Y" Next nmrnlnR shortly after flv• folding beneath flip big bounet. night --Washington Hera id. "Yete; i sec." film visual Intprest she found uteplMft smolthlnr, over "I thought you had gone to the pie- renteral, however, on the speakerj her en"nt plot )visit worth of IIIc nn File," repll" Ann'm muffled tonere. Ideal* and Acts, rather than on the eyeless pritatoom. ,loxia. "i 1hnuRht 1'd Imesin." he rix- •'YPR, i went, but more lemons were ddeials are more potent than sett. "Say," hp auRgeeted suddenly, `let's pinlnat it little nhameMrally. "In your needed, and I volunteered to come Let a millkrnstre give f10,000 to a bon - /wap work till• morning. I'll help I garden no yml wretld beetle Move. I don't )lack after them imcaame I wanted topltst. T'hp public Is for the Moment rots plant, and then you help me cwt.i know what to do with the pNenky ask you why you wouldn't go. You struck, but who save the Institution - be set&" mvefMlw, d:Ilbi I'd plant 'en In A tn•uch it". i knew no work was needed to self remembpra tate Rift wit day? lit ".\fl right." n:re#-d Ann. Slip Inrne1 00 dapP they'd nrvr letter the la•t the - Ann. Why, Ann, dale you alen a "leader of society" surf • chanty to recover ber "nnlonnet rind inn fa;lesl tnimp or pine 1'd gentler 'em over the Ming!" bassar. i,Pt liver Rather a little court to gee the retprvo.;.In ofsop}timfaefiou top to file four winos sol the luvezem Stephen dropped on one tope beside around ber. iet the stall holders be wldcdl ovornfin`ad St#-hhell'9 F11., nor he betNTell!- her and, gently openlr* the bonnet, rlabow of beauty, their coloring per plared n hand oa top of life pent Simi After fbp RanlvenR` Wert planta) looked In oil a little wet face. bap Just a trtfle "nsslsted." and an- Inn1tR1 the low fpnefe there w•nee mt reaman bre Pxeng• tot • "What Iso It, Ann?" he ankpd ton der their,pill] flt the buying bre brink \Chou. an boor Inter. they ,tni hewide "riming 'll :, o'cl" k until the welt :,t derly. and a peat financial success be scored. The ha1Re ill er it Inaket of potntorw aMrl•'ired. Therefore•. Rtel-Ilen, ftleell- Stephen toot a firmer held on the The massps will � the amount In provided by lttelitti mnttere, grew duties, et fmm hI4 enrly mornlner d an of the aunhonnet and, tilting ber klve tbelr newspaper with ad- w•otatP III, el,d not cut the, Rete ryor. rafter came np on the Wrf;rht p•errh bend farther hark forced her to meet natratiml, but they will find themes an Ird The iaalrng Wax Fad WANTED Do you know that sealing wax Y again fashluuable? Some say It's be- cause wax L to tee used In settling Mau bugs Instead of using beta sal keys; Hitim.:wr (,.%sit 1.1111 K PAID ►vin He HAP others iusist that it's Just a freak of IKIM 14MANN, LEAD. filing all you e DmY' o asblon. have to At any rate, not only Is It to be used. TIE R06ELS rf�• CO.,l 1liTE1 but the latest fad is to use dlffeerent r f coium for different occaabns. OW �Ouadry• FAA St A wedding lnvitatiou must be sealed with white, a btslness letter In red. a I Yenwmuw Kinwal Wailer better of condolence In violet an Invi- _ nation to dinner in yellow, while per -HE OODRRiCH MINERAL WA. somal notes the sealed wllh one's fatror- Mit ('I1., rnanufamem" of --Mea_ he ' mn• err cared to driher to any I•arl of ire 0010x. 9r' 1t bots as tlsoogh the ,tM town HeffA.t UhlFFwwr Ale In t•nitn end snag wax business were look Wile up. 411111-, lel"., Mineral tt'nlrr In three e-p11tA, Ifdol• ar"1 quart.,. Arltwr w.ter .rad trouble )4x11 Thwood. are n1Aae fmm statues] minwesl water,rad are therefnrr f, - .fruit. ell tmp,eritlete, 1,. - %VALTIIN M.,, CALL AT PINDER'S for the following lines: Brandord Roofing, Garden Hose and Fittings, Sprinkling Cans All nizem. Tinware, Graniteware, Plumbing goods and Repairs of all kinds Headquarters for " Heating by Hot Water, Steam or Air, Plumbing and General Tinsmithing. 000111 ("'IDS, HOOD WORK HONFAT l'RICR8. We Re PINDER fllroOse ISS. UPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A rAMfLY Lf•IlART The But In Omit Literature 12 CiOMK[Tt NOVtla YtAPILv MANY SHOUT INTOR1Ef= AND PA PC RS ON TIMELY TOINICS $2.50 PtR VEAP; 28 OTs. A COPT t111110 CONTINUED STORIES . avERv RVMeta COMPL(TR in ITSELF agar. 'l'ba" ;P-1 i ]RUM A: ROY ADAM8 TKAcraa or nAme, �g audile In Bok of Montreal sibeek. YetilCal (11 88. YMMER1ION alt TURNBULL. i� A. T. Tarrnfwrv, M. U. W. M. Tumvwcu- M. K me". Harafltnn Mir t, '19rone 1.r!. Der. kaemen"1n'te m11Merlrr. Mt. I1►rk1 . beet, Orpa•lte Victoria .Utvt church. 'phone Int 1 Dv. Turnbull'. reddens, %*ewm, .1mef \ext Sha Wit mtora. 'phone Irl. Zi llIL A. H. MACKLIN. M. H. 1! PRY8IVIAX AND OUROWN I "'ge", atteattsa is 1ty4 liar. Now, rail Tht-L (►aloeAllidlanlderlce,nldBwnkafMon owl. lei ._N4 a 1'or-0-. mewl at., liodrnch. Tedapkoee >•w 1R. -- Jl.esa. — -- - I 1AMKItON k KiiJAMAN, HAW ItIM1'KItM as11rtlore resomer1w.,etc. IM1re, 1 rmilton Mt., third door from s4luam, Uederich, 0111A. MAN. G. CAill KHON, K. C. J. LX 11, WH PPfi0tJDF(N)T, HAYS ek HI,AIR, bwrr{wtwn. sedielton, notwrlww publ)r fire tors In the Mwrltimp closet, etc.. (Mara, e-„ a rlee square, neat door C. ♦ +cairn' -grocery. PN rale fund-to lend At k w,ewl rates M Interw"t, W. PHOUIWt)(rr. K. C. It P. HAYS. U. F 4LA114 P ICKiN14ON A OARROSV, BAR- RISTIC tM, attorne", Actuatof'�rls�, etc. eh, le. Mulley to lend at lowmL n KICKINSON, I'HARLM (]ARROW LLB IlIIal[raIICe. sOaaae fie. I YOUNG k ROBRRTNON, ,sRHAL tatef�lesr tollrt raI a Agents. I e- p•rllew haudhvl m ter pari d the town slid roomy. Fire And Ns Inwurarim. mmeey to Joan eta iii W. CRAIlOK LIFE, F'IRF: t and acrident ln-urance. Art for larding mutual and trek roafpanine. ln,mran,v Innll line- eRwrted ,fie beat pians wad at Inwe-t. rate.. Twit at ostein. corner Whit Mtreet and Mquwm, or rddrmw J. W. C RAIUIK Uoderich, (lint. fele .hone YL 11 cKll1.011 MIJTUAI. FIRE 1N- 1�1 M U R A N U K ('41. -Farm and I,ndal e] town proreerty InaurM. Walter of property in -fired up to inn. lWlk over 811,an,nere. Ulmr, and dlM'tor-: J. K Mcl,nwn, pma ; T. Fre ,,. rlry tem-, ; Jas. ('or,rnlly U. IMI., Mr. Ch" - ney. J. WwR, JaA, F;awn-, y. 11. Urtece, J. Firnne mei", din,rlor- ; T. K. Hwy., Mwwforl.h. Awrralery In"utnrxr inapectelr", neareid dirwrtor to Inca,., J. W. l',.o, Holm,.,vlllw, agent for We -t Huron. Policy hokier- awn qy .wwrwrrlwnt- And get, their eardw reset tmM wt Mr. l'nwh•'. 'Halon or at. Mehra Bre".' flounce (nothing 11noterloh• ! --- -- BHATMA PARts.O>t - QHAV1NG AND HAiR.DRKSSING PARTMICK - Tie, beets piece In town. 'rmtpf rralm : everythlna cletwn and -Anb Iary. Hier and cold Mfhw. WM. 11ACIS. Hritlsh Ktehange Hotel Mork Iwaocewwer to Jw� iNtsivyl. �aTlla�s LiO�aaeB � s _ I WALTER E, KELLY A OODRRICR, 04T. w vb�ko�al imw Marriage Aamd. Weer AB S�di[A Oman&G�OsRRt- t. lailrhoneenlltllr ►j'HOMAS OUNDRY, LiVR RTIWK J1L and I welcf.ln,tear. (Mlww, dl ae.tar Nt.r'••wt, wkwrw hw will be fnorwl at all dmm when not •trying mleow. Terme memasnable and every etrbrtowed to wive you ruafwwtion. '1'ialle 14 IllHORGE BECKE T. OKNKRAI, l� atioronwwr, SIM HatnHUn inmost, riedwrirh. P.0 Mx IM. All .alma win rwet a-fitvitel etttent.lem. t will bn7 ymir wntim -fork of ttrw,weltMd gond. for tali. and 111 -A11 sew .torte, famttnm. mwtrrs..e-, wpring•. cheap, Vall and Awe w w. ran do ttw von in thl. hate. UICORUK "CUI( tTr. (•nrleAty Socia Ooderrfeel tectly. Tll. finger" e'er* fill tlttimM, Warne mening,t and entertnia,A film him a ew. ll frnve, dear girl." he 7 � wboilamsmn stlmubw-for themsetvlW _ NOT106 TO ADVERTISERS and he rame perilrnualy near hnviog neif sally wtUi ilelle'm -hntte w1ole plesdod. alum the metitwcrf the hrmwat tow - one Ira to gef In Mn way while cut- .Ann allrepgl sway and wnnde-I In "I-threight-yan'A rather -take flPlle ties was rnoeprl ib dtaplay. Is efoulty. Ompy lilt ch" a Of runnings advertise - 111119 hill fnnrth potato. flip ganleu hut:fing weals nRt/ppled In cen. -alone" Ann's tae M sswhevtert ss el , it K r retp• not the se- mer•tme wrtsel t be IaR at th{s office by Ann Mmnl up the rot dPstprmtsly. At Inmt sifter it henvy Jim- rain fnninn aver the wnnls. while thin hlmod domf, Mit the nptrlt fir tis agwOt. that Monday rep On to ensure Insertion 'ri en whe "mot her fnnt dawn." "You I they came n,ramp:InIml by file 1,•11,ler rMllenved her eh•eks. pwrinsnvent)y falls aMeseteff OrsflisR- in Issue at isame week. baud mr the potatoes, and_ 110 eirt reaetabls eboots - Irotutrew, ber•tn, on Ittenben lamtbed In sadden rallet . iia ha lbetald]ta'Ifa•tr�. . . Ird The iaalrng Wax Fad WANTED Do you know that sealing wax Y again fashluuable? Some say It's be- cause wax L to tee used In settling Mau bugs Instead of using beta sal keys; Hitim.:wr (,.%sit 1.1111 K PAID ►vin He HAP others iusist that it's Just a freak of IKIM 14MANN, LEAD. filing all you e DmY' o asblon. have to At any rate, not only Is It to be used. TIE R06ELS rf�• CO.,l 1liTE1 but the latest fad is to use dlffeerent r f coium for different occaabns. OW �Ouadry• FAA St A wedding lnvitatiou must be sealed with white, a btslness letter In red. a I Yenwmuw Kinwal Wailer better of condolence In violet an Invi- _ nation to dinner in yellow, while per -HE OODRRiCH MINERAL WA. somal notes the sealed wllh one's fatror- Mit ('I1., rnanufamem" of --Mea_ he ' mn• err cared to driher to any I•arl of ire 0010x. 9r' 1t bots as tlsoogh the ,tM town HeffA.t UhlFFwwr Ale In t•nitn end snag wax business were look Wile up. 411111-, lel"., Mineral tt'nlrr In three e-p11tA, Ifdol• ar"1 quart.,. Arltwr w.ter .rad trouble )4x11 Thwood. are n1Aae fmm statues] minwesl water,rad are therefnrr f, - .fruit. ell tmp,eritlete, 1,. - %VALTIIN M.,, CALL AT PINDER'S for the following lines: Brandord Roofing, Garden Hose and Fittings, Sprinkling Cans All nizem. Tinware, Graniteware, Plumbing goods and Repairs of all kinds Headquarters for " Heating by Hot Water, Steam or Air, Plumbing and General Tinsmithing. 000111 ("'IDS, HOOD WORK HONFAT l'RICR8. We Re PINDER fllroOse ISS. UPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A rAMfLY Lf•IlART The But In Omit Literature 12 CiOMK[Tt NOVtla YtAPILv MANY SHOUT INTOR1Ef= AND PA PC RS ON TIMELY TOINICS $2.50 PtR VEAP; 28 OTs. A COPT t111110 CONTINUED STORIES . avERv RVMeta COMPL(TR in ITSELF agar. 'l'ba" ;P-1 i ]RUM A: ROY ADAM8 TKAcraa or nAme, �g audile In Bok of Montreal sibeek. YetilCal (11 88. YMMER1ION alt TURNBULL. i� A. T. Tarrnfwrv, M. U. W. M. Tumvwcu- M. K me". Harafltnn Mir t, '19rone 1.r!. Der. kaemen"1n'te m11Merlrr. Mt. I1►rk1 . beet, Orpa•lte Victoria .Utvt church. 'phone Int 1 Dv. Turnbull'. reddens, %*ewm, .1mef \ext Sha Wit mtora. 'phone Irl. Zi llIL A. H. MACKLIN. M. H. 1! PRY8IVIAX AND OUROWN I "'ge", atteattsa is 1ty4 liar. Now, rail Tht-L (►aloeAllidlanlderlce,nldBwnkafMon owl. lei ._N4 a 1'or-0-. mewl at., liodrnch. Tedapkoee >•w 1R. -- Jl.esa. — -- - I 1AMKItON k KiiJAMAN, HAW ItIM1'KItM as11rtlore resomer1w.,etc. IM1re, 1 rmilton Mt., third door from s4luam, Uederich, 0111A. MAN. G. CAill KHON, K. C. J. LX 11, WH PPfi0tJDF(N)T, HAYS ek HI,AIR, bwrr{wtwn. sedielton, notwrlww publ)r fire tors In the Mwrltimp closet, etc.. (Mara, e-„ a rlee square, neat door C. ♦ +cairn' -grocery. PN rale fund-to lend At k w,ewl rates M Interw"t, W. PHOUIWt)(rr. K. C. It P. HAYS. U. F 4LA114 P ICKiN14ON A OARROSV, BAR- RISTIC tM, attorne", Actuatof'�rls�, etc. eh, le. Mulley to lend at lowmL n KICKINSON, I'HARLM (]ARROW LLB IlIIal[raIICe. sOaaae fie. I YOUNG k ROBRRTNON, ,sRHAL tatef�lesr tollrt raI a Agents. I e- p•rllew haudhvl m ter pari d the town slid roomy. Fire And Ns Inwurarim. mmeey to Joan eta iii W. CRAIlOK LIFE, F'IRF: t and acrident ln-urance. Art for larding mutual and trek roafpanine. ln,mran,v Innll line- eRwrted ,fie beat pians wad at Inwe-t. rate.. Twit at ostein. corner Whit Mtreet and Mquwm, or rddrmw J. W. C RAIUIK Uoderich, (lint. fele .hone YL 11 cKll1.011 MIJTUAI. FIRE 1N- 1�1 M U R A N U K ('41. -Farm and I,ndal e] town proreerty InaurM. Walter of property in -fired up to inn. lWlk over 811,an,nere. Ulmr, and dlM'tor-: J. K Mcl,nwn, pma ; T. Fre ,,. rlry tem-, ; Jas. ('or,rnlly U. IMI., Mr. Ch" - ney. J. WwR, JaA, F;awn-, y. 11. Urtece, J. Firnne mei", din,rlor- ; T. K. Hwy., Mwwforl.h. Awrralery In"utnrxr inapectelr", neareid dirwrtor to Inca,., J. W. l',.o, Holm,.,vlllw, agent for We -t Huron. Policy hokier- awn qy .wwrwrrlwnt- And get, their eardw reset tmM wt Mr. l'nwh•'. 'Halon or at. Mehra Bre".' flounce (nothing 11noterloh• ! --- -- BHATMA PARts.O>t - QHAV1NG AND HAiR.DRKSSING PARTMICK - Tie, beets piece In town. 'rmtpf rralm : everythlna cletwn and -Anb Iary. Hier and cold Mfhw. WM. 11ACIS. Hritlsh Ktehange Hotel Mork Iwaocewwer to Jw� iNtsivyl. �aTlla�s LiO�aaeB � s _ I WALTER E, KELLY A OODRRICR, 04T. w vb�ko�al imw Marriage Aamd. Weer AB S�di[A Oman&G�OsRRt- t. lailrhoneenlltllr ►j'HOMAS OUNDRY, LiVR RTIWK J1L and I welcf.ln,tear. (Mlww, dl ae.tar Nt.r'••wt, wkwrw hw will be fnorwl at all dmm when not •trying mleow. Terme memasnable and every etrbrtowed to wive you ruafwwtion. '1'ialle 14 IllHORGE BECKE T. OKNKRAI, l� atioronwwr, SIM HatnHUn inmost, riedwrirh. P.0 Mx IM. All .alma win rwet a-fitvitel etttent.lem. t will bn7 ymir wntim -fork of ttrw,weltMd gond. for tali. and 111 -A11 sew .torte, famttnm. mwtrrs..e-, wpring•. cheap, Vall and Awe w w. ran do ttw von in thl. hate. UICORUK "CUI( tTr. (•nrleAty Socia Ooderrfeel