HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-8-15, Page 5THE SIGNAL: GODERICH. ONTARIO NEWVODv i �,"�TcQ aUun. N'hcu the city Wok over the Lea^ YORK LL's.1 jILIA. & oilu iniad terry cows time ago H. P xenoedY rvIo1,11101110irW prteoe at o% -_ humorous storiew of the boats' fa selects. and 81,61 lights and tats. wishrlw appeared ill their columns East Buffalo le M�� COMMENTS ON SOME METRO- daily, anti any slight wccldents that r-Afrr Holi'1•'AI.O, Aug. >I~ -Cattle -Re m. may have (were caused by the green- opts, (ASID flood; actlw and steady; POLITAN EVENTS. utas oID f the new crewaewere lurguitled. pryoe etsare, $1,$a to $7, butchers', Ulf of -- - Now, however, the enterprise e a 1646. bath•$. to $ to rid: cows. 1160 to zt RANGE ,1: groat *occas.; service in frellueut, 86 4L. �� M w M•25: stockers end tred- ro ild need safe, and the StaGeu ted '$ ii w rif$; stuck heti«Lea, s-,,. n to .1 PA Mrs 8aRsa Gift to Science Public { toe: front, cows and .prAlgers, L f3 # l Utlluis• 1)ommisslon Starts Inquiry ferry exists " a splendid ubjjex t lesson bar: >y w fiat. / e114i `, , of the tw+nefit of the operation of this Vmds-Receipts, 301(10 heed, *hull-.•. ac Into Transit Methods Coney Is, means of transit for the good of the tl%e; erlmulun. very slow, ab to a, a row. land's Fire Civic Federation's M. people, ata. ♦ ♦ liogs-Reusipts, 10.!00 Arad artive and O. Report The Wave of Crime- For souls unaccountable reason k w Me bigher• heavy. 1s.t6 to fs.w7: Otte Niw York as a Summer Resort. though Levine may the changeable and rids 10 M.00 hs. Sre, o 1uI V. page, K Y K R to r.10; rou;hw, s1,6s to yi.ID; stalls, -__ __ recently hot weather may have tti- M to ri60; dates. KM to Kos. duced it there is an epidemic of Sheep Afd lambs-Rovelpt*. 1100 head; IL sec"T.: shoot,, steady: lam W. strong: (Now Ywk ooreeepiadanon of The tllipual.l brutal crimes in New Yor just now.: Rvrr da some rhoekin crime, 86,homf� w s7.lo. a tow p.so: yearlings, New York, August 1'l. -,hila. Russell Y Y K M S to �w; ween"$, 1f .6D to so: «wee, !ting"'* bone(activnn since her husband's especially to )'Out g gtt•la, is an- ties to ; sheep, ollxed, 12.60 to ISAL Mh have reached the often of nnuneed. In some cares lynching of Metir York Live Stock. $15,Iko ,m). The last important gift suspected rens hall been (at•ely psu- NEW Y vrntevd. tlerha w when one coned Crs C>lt• Aug. tteelvs R." war tine of f):M.(M to found the 1 eslpts, 4ML Kark"t extremely dull; Huos•II Nage Institute Of Pathology, that the population of the uletrupoli- steera, w to se lower; evess sales IOc where the cause of old age and wast- (all area Is. five million wool* the pro- lower. Blrlb and cows. Ise to a. lower portion may not Ise sufficient to rove some sales, >k• lower. ate*$, 'LUa to Ing onside will be studied. \Vhe f W Y p ri7s; stuek•rs, trip; bulge, $2.76., W M; one considers that our knowledge tit any degenerate tendency tit more covrs, $I.;, to $1s1. Chau usual strength; but there it uu- this branch of science is lett Chau half doubted) a feeling of insecurity ill lower: --sport s, pts. Veal., lk to 6 d a century old, the poselhiliter of the Y K Y yasr$ Aad buterrrn111u and Institute are *ren to w great. dixtricto where vicious culutiirr of butclxeye. �,r lower; steudy ♦ ♦ . foreigners exist. Sheep and lambe-Raa--eipts. 14.M: sheep. weak. famous, slow Arid ae lower. • ♦ 4 *IOW for atrocity prime Anti choice, Thn fact, tow, thst,Mn. Nage finds Thome who call afford it are c which were Jet, to Ise tower. idneep, ln6e no particular pleasure In the hus,tding 4Ll- of her husband', money IN almtwt as manly supptoseed to leave New York in a to fs froth••f. I5.3; coup, a to is: important. Twentystn such a the suentuer for a change of air or Osmha ri75 to Vt. few can clwloe, at Ilei Y Itttu to ism roil.. 1,25. cooler climates, but the hotels are pts, Il,7i•; market higher. gift would Have tare$ the talk of the Hogs-ltsawl almost all full flow me ill winter, It is civilized world; now it it dismissed r steel, to 87. 10; lelgs, woWf rxe..A quo - front the mind all any other news item not cumtilonly known that New York tatfuru. would lie. "A cultivated clan," says claims to lie it summer resort, yet such Chicago Live Stock. gonerson, "beuotnes asharlud of his in the case. Within its birders may I CHICAGO. Aug- 1L-Cattle-Rssedpta property, out of new respect for his ti had all kited* of scenery -mean. about 611,0110; market, tart strung, odic$ nature. At any rate, the number of river and mountain, and many vari- weak; omoniou to probes *'earn, Ile" to Iry le In this so-called sot•did Lown edea, of temperature. One fray shut row• cows- 03 w 0; heaters• to to W [ V hulls, 0 w I6- Calves, Is t•, 17.8,; s who do not hoard money with quite himself from the outer world and ,Ire .r* and remdel•a 112-50 w the same energy as formerly is, hap- complete relaxation in Staten Island fy,p.-�„t� about L,000; *nark pity, increasing. farm houses and hotels; or he may night. fie higher; oCtwrs, e1r.tdy; stood to • ♦ . camp within a hundred yards of the Prtrrle navy, 611,16 to st.s: roodtum to ocean at Hoe may ; or ay hunt and good heavy. $5 to 06 h 16; butchers' weights, The Common People, th►t little fish in the waters of Jamaica Ba ;ter M 15 to sail; good w prime mloi* N to 11 skimp -like figure of a van who stands "15. light mixed, idol{ to 01,16; paekfas, for the down trodden public in yellow otherwise indulge in any kind o out- Ili &) to M. pig*, Ms0 to rias; *elected. dotir life within the city's limits. rico to 01,66. caricatures, is stiffening hill loop end Right opposite New York, nestled Sheep -Receipts. about L.Leal market throwing out lots cheat like of real man IlInterthe majestic Palimuiee, he clay mt,e.p• strong; tants. styady t., tar lower. these days, for the dragon of own• camp in a veritable wonderland df rug- i h"ew ISaI to $A.25 Y~Iing*, ti 0 to I opolyy anti oppression. in the shape of "; lambs. 06.50 to r is the Interhurough-Metropolitan Street gird scenery at the very threshold of the RailwayConi a is brie attxckeel 'metropolis, and while preparing his i Pr► Y• R sneak, almost like primitive niau. Probse-tion From Jepe. I byy our valiant Ooveruur, Charlem H. watch the river hate go up And down, Sia It aaoscu, Aug 13, --Private Ilughes. hi* weapon bei$g Lhe public and see the skyline of New York in advices taoeiwei from the cruiser Ivinst commission. William M . every shade of color. C. 11. Bordelo, which left have two weeks Ivins, counsel our the rtinuni*nion• is ego, state that it atcwlued away from conducting the in air and aL this -" ,he writing it puttingT� oar P. Sh( re a, HAVE YOU CATARRH 1 may 7++xf last week under tele - writing the head of the Interb/tvmgh•Metro- __ tact graph orrice from Washingtontopro- politan Hallway (;ompany, througgh it Breathe Hyomei and Relief and Cure American, interests at Pribtlotl rigid examination of the ueethttlr titWill Be Gturaates<d. of the from the p�ung depredations C, the ompeny in handling passenger Japarlivie. which have been per. traffic, their rights to franchises, If you have catarrh, with offensive aiatently carried on of late. methada Of capitwliyation, and other breath, burning pain in the throat, -- matters that have long needed an air- dififculty in reaching, raising of Chinamares Body In River. Ing. The fond hope that he relay mucous, discharge from the now, Montroal. Aug 13 The ttmiy of a finally be as well treated in tickling or dropping from the back of travelling w•rll<3reeatxl Clunumatl sea. found 1 ser at good horse or a cow teases the throat, Coughing s mus• etc., begin f aoatan In U,r hlut�,r yrr•trrdac morn - [union tine of y -o -suer at once. common People mighti , `Slane• Ing r morgan authnntlr. lirlievr thing will ill+ doing. Hp -u -mei io made from nature's that it will be difficult to identif the „ scot in slip and talseenlr and con+ • • s talus tje germ -killing properties of man. The polies have been o eyed t •'(hoe (if the most important reforms the pine woods. Its medication is to investigate the case. They thing being promoted In the world at this taken in with the stir you breathe so it is a terse of Chinese Reeret society t time," ¢s one of its Adherent; plate it, that it reaches the motet remote part of murder. a is Fletcherisre,-.►nd it is nothing more the respiratory organs• killing all r than chewing your flood until it catarrhal germs and soothing. any -"- - - y trickles down 'our thnoAt without irritittion there may tie in the mucous t taking the troub of to swallow it. Thi. membrane. 7^ 7 enthusiastic disciple ti f Horace The complete Hy -o -mei outflt coots • Fletcher often skips a metal and has but $1.00; and Jar. Wilson given his ,Fm -t i for a period tit several work* worked personal guarantee with each package eighteen hours a day, with three or that money will lee reforwhed unless four hours .Ieep, and suffefwl no the treatment does all that is claimed ti fatigur. Another believer says he ran for it. 7?\'LA\1'VU.iS IfOr,. .. live on 35 cents a week -which is - 1) 1 1 r • reesenahle for New York. Here is his A course of cin cannot IA*t: it or THs 1 ruenu : HreAd. 5c: herrings, 5r- ; ban- cone" to nn Pfd Mune Lillie. And a man TOWN OF GODXRICH. anus, 5c: peanuts 10c; ve getAablen, IOc. ruwpR what he has *Own. p 'm a Rea and chew If you live on the h ys, A dying hlnuorist regnestrd that no A BYLAW TO PROVIDE i'ilR TNF: IM• the minutest panicle of food to a pulp, one should tea invited to his funeral, PROVING AND KXTENDINO OF THS t you will not only tie healtby but hand- rte it wap a civility he coald never toe- WATKR WORKS AND NIX(TRIC sortie. Here is a good chance for ex- PaY. MORT SYSTEMS OF THIO TOWN OF i perimenting, and, incidentally, s topic - - - __ t; GODKRICH, AND FOR BORROWING , for dog -(day discussion. "I;tg�l MONKY THZRXFOR, AND TO PAY A n • • , THE MARKETS. DEBT 1NCVRRF.D ON CAPITALIA('- " Bird 8. Cofer, president of Brooklyn, 1 grid �. COVXT IN RKIII'RtT OF THY, MAID I has adopted the novel plan of publish• Lisuwm Chicago Wheat Falling KI.EC'rRl(• LIGHT MYSTKM Ing a weekly paper to enlighten the C$aed Lower -Liv. Stock Map. ; people of that biorough as UI the way Ivfs. -Latent Quotations. \%'nzmkAR the Town of Godericll ham coil. t inlcted and for .orale yew" mslntwined • they ate tw•ing tlMaterl by the Govern- paooday Flening. Aug. 11 water workm snit el•c•rlr light y-tenl for mens of Oreater Now York -which, LAVWVODI wheat futures. r1usM b -day m"pill yfng water and light to the Inhwbitant.ot P lir disquiets, given thrift little or no Sd to llkd k.eer than yeshmnla, and corn the.wid Town and our Auld purposes•. Ander consideration. Having tired of trying trhses Std lower, the proof+tons of the e- been Val Act. Avn ip! the A Ir M. ft, t /o war h b the alar methods Lo et too nal as Com' H•9� wheat closed ql(• Ina- that the 9 erg R 1 intake pip, through which the aster 1. own i ell theta m.Is le ; Sept. Dorn �c lower rights for hie borough, he purptrnee ducted for the purpise, of the said water cad tf,epL nab lc base work. does not extend far enough into lake \ telling "mere mortals, who are Ifuron. and f. in other re. neither saints nor RPo in Jrels," In hill Winnipeg Options. wets defective , e. ,I rnnron whereof sond, clay ant cher mub.bncem weekly paper, of'hin own efforts to lbllowing are the elosing osotanoro om arr introduced Into the ,pilots and $nine df tb M ht,k wftPr their wolfi�r.� and the Un- �� Rvre futures to -day `aid my"tem, rendering the sold wester impure. ( 1. Wboat -Aug rigs- bid, :lops W%c ted. Asti %%'IfKHKAA the •aM.y.lem„ hw%e bac/1 plot diperiminstion against them from Oct A� told placed under the control of o'onmii-*lone" in the hands of Tarm any. If the daily oats -"um like bid. Oct ftc askeid• lee. unuanoe of the provWo"m of The Municipal S PA Is do not kill the project with Wile- tl-ater Work. Act And The Mumripnl Light ii piP and Heal Art ridicule pone good *may come of it. Loading Wheat Markets. •Avg, WHRHRAN the mid conlrnlwfoner. I • • • Sept. I~ Mal. have deternureed that it, i. advisohle to extend \ Thirty-flvP acres of (Toney Ipland's Mev Tort .-..--..--... 11211 "% ,X the irtAke pipe of the maid water works .ys- flim. strurturns were wiped out h Detroit ....... •••-^-- SAA MX teen furlherintothe said take. and tocceutruct a t Y Pend Y Tytsdc, _•-- -r---.__-- f� M% lslk s,dlmentstion la.ln In conotellw, therewith, t fire last week, and the complete de- And to exlrid the trnfnw to pro%k;e for the In mtritetion of the resort was Averted Toronto Grain Markets• rreadng times of the Mater arid have refine -ted I I ncll ofLitesale ow the oft l 1 T n to $ime fund- Only h f ^.n wind o s. I a l Ick chane f m l an 1 tirwl�- Y Y Y ^ for the scald purpose. b brick building or two. The loss was tyhat, spr um baa .....40 25 to •.-- Aso WIIRRRAN the *aid coinalk.io,e" have enormous and the insurance trifling. Wlrat. nNIL boob ......... 0 Fl --• further remianended that the F:le,-Irlc Light t but, the island "did buxino pw" the M►me What' posh bash '--- 0 -_- mAin. be extendnt to provide for the inar ss - Ida and the frankforter *nen and the Wbsat, red. bush ___ 01'20 irg u-e+thereof, Arid have .re -in -ted the .sold o Y• leas, book . On l'omed to rai+ funds for the said purloins. harken yelled and the hand* Cry,.I.�AYPa1 Barley, bush ..-_-�-OR -. AND WIWHZAm the e.ttmate of the coat of while the ruins *till *rooked. Well., Gem beah •----•.--.• 060 .-- the +sold workm"-uhmltted by the .aid ('om- ti l;nney. Their in no time for mourn- Tasaltato Msrtlat- mfaafo"en Im ns fuUowm Ill ing over tie" or any other calamities Deploy Kxten.lou of intAke pipe sold works there• for the pension in short And lhP IJeovaq�,y- bases - s ri cnnmeceund thereon ....$11,mol 0 1Mettr�datrY.->D- ro1L .�. 0 ZD 0 ri ,yo,l lmenlwlion Hw•in anti work con J dollar must lie gut. The board of teenier, lana .� 0 16 O b *eluent thereon..... -,(110.110 . aldermen is considering A plan to take fir• t�w7. �. �s._o a •.111 Kxten•ion of water mein,....... . 2,01°.011 over the burned property and ronvrrl �` n�add. �a •••- 0 b . cost of la.tallh,x odd:tlonwl morvhot, 2.01n,01r �a1 la4q It, .--,--.4 12 cost of extending Klectrle light mains L011n.m it. into a publtc park, to give the c2mans, twin, m - A n* people a glimpse of the otran -for Elmq, ss�b. them __0011 .r, sill .(n curry Island in the poorest lace in Hooput. 1006- tis ..-__-- 010 -« Axel WifRHRAR a debt of $enn.rrl hA. been a y now York Dai Market- incurred h res,ert of l -a owl expen,IIM7 the world to fear the ocean. oft ma o ry upon the slid .lectric Lig t sy0vin. which o be rambling about life flowery or itA XMW TOIAK. Aug. M Butter• irrecu- rarnnot conveniently be paid our of the or- walke, two hnndr•ed yards front them ler; rPee�b. 7ttII. t}ewrmy, rommoa to din^Lev mveeue of the .wfd Town or of (he water, but, never see it, for the water spe hm,L ne to Ac; ali tt, dalr7. common "aid "ymtvni, and it 1* deemeel M%Imahle to It,rrow the sold Rmount upon the debenture. front in nearly alp covered with saloons b ' I- to to 24c: proo.sll, OOUVM o to of the mid Town. t site] lathing ext W to onkel; wvustern factory, corn - R lu►YilionR• neon to extra, Ise to 21%c Avo WHRHRAA It Is con.derd that The ox- • • • cbmem►Jtrmw; cacodyl; on: state, full lenmion of tow .aM water work, and electric i reiaal, missed and whlha, ,nutl bP*t. I light.y.temr IN claWrable and will prod err, w Should the city give up the park larger revenue therefrom, still LhAr the sxfd project the fire mKidationn may. be lxil". da, largo, colored. Mat• lac: ik>.. monis. should he borrowed for the maid pur- 1 [sear. wafers• TMC; de., taarto gond. lee to p,omv, . hien a more stringent, and the sharks yy AND Ni1r.HRAA In order rtwn,to Ir. will lr replaceol by suhmtantial brick or RLOIIP 1� ions.; stats f'pusn4lrar tea and nM•story to im••ue deh nt ure. of Ihe, Towu of huildinga, An armaide tesorta in Furnpe s*w aseefff fanny, selected. white, f1M; GodPrieh for the -lives of $27,K*L10' Am herein are built. Coney Island, by the WAY, �k be to Mc; beowr amt mtxwd fancy, after, previd col (which im the Ainount of the is becominga decent place con red Me to Se; fion to Pura nret- W to far: debt iMendell to b• creat d by the Hyb,o.) site wes0aefb- f rAL Ise to life., O.M ds. Ise to prooeeda of the mid dehenlures to be applied with what t was ten yea" agO, t has ns.. to the mid purpoww and to no other. I •arned that mosectl•bility pay.. Lem Wilgus- the total amount reunlred There are Ruch Aplendid reports wA CJITTLE A M' eThe o 1 alln aced Munlei pal Art of inn' 1ennA Park, i)reandand and NfAe ,IP- LOIe Mls*1 annuwny by vpecial rate during 1 thirty yea", for paying t c meld debt and DA 411".0 Park, the letter, however, half F7nnor, �- forest, to the.nn, of $Legal. hurried from the conflagration. Half CobIM �-How Aso tL nRHxtm It is deslrable to imsue the R million ptroplP is quite an oriinar7y tie lower at Chicago, I ,alit debenture. at one tittle, And to make gathering tit a Sunday, And the horx - U)N1,UN, Aux 11 lAiorkwl csbb0r, are t.hr Lpkrincftal of the maid debt repayable by wmdA r at Ille to 121 r per It>_- Anrawl ynnrlf alfm+during the period of thirty years, Ism element gne* elsewhere. violated; ria . collator beet to ideated at be l"R the rnl'frney of the mate] debenture• . • • • We par ib. sold yearly mums Bing of much restavtive Ammmt. that the agirreamte mmount. ravotble In Monicipid ownership in no ranch dis. Toronto dunelion Ulm Stock. each Oar for principal anti Intere.t in respect much debt .hall Ir sea neer cussed. and with mach eArnestnewp for TORONTO JiiNOTION, A 12-- of 1 ly s. rvl hie Owl to a wmmml ro ato,. In e h eM111"a, Roe] Against it, that it has boron diffl- Beoeipn6e of live stock at the Union other twenty nine Yeari of the ,aid p,erlod, the eult for the ave a men who watcheR rag I311oc! Yards were 100 oar loerde, cone Aso N'IIRRRW tb wmmfnt of aha whMe the trend of things to come to A awtim- prised of 2196 cable, 13 bep M6 $teAhle properly of file 'lawn . r Gtderlch fortOry conclusion oil the sobjert sheep, 44 calve" mod i horse. Ri•nnrAinF to the last re•IsM anis ehlent roll I thereof A If,wn,llw.nl. notwithstanding that municipal ov1�n- Exporters. Am, WHIERgAR the alhount of the exlmtln, rrahip in far from the experimentkl Pries, ranxnl frxier, 16 to 0250 for the A.Mntury debt of the said munlcipRllty Im mtAge in well governed F oro peafl bast exporters, with one lot of If at se tt f2VAINX lexclnsive of local improvement ,hien and even hPyond the dlppntatinn per cert., the AutR Of the totst going at dAhtm. me•ered by mpe+W art., rate- or a,eow.- point. To Ruch who have been was- M'25 to I{s, but there was a lot of light mental whereof no prinellwl at Intcremt i- in rankle bought for slipping purposes at I anmRr• Pring in the matter the report tit the M-76 to is poor rwt Mxport bins orAC Tm:ARropR the Munict ll ('flygril of the I rommittee appointed by the National from ill to M n per cwt Carp,ratim, of the Town of Gadelich enaetA as Civic Federation to study the matter atrtehsms. follow. may almost ire taken as the final Betel toeds of h ttet,Prw• ani,l from rills 1 11W -nm of $'Pi)n M -hall he expended by fn $A.IO, rt,edlnm Iwte•f•ars'. M M KS: rbc Own of Oedorieh In Pctentling the intake word. Nlnest,own out tit twenty men pl of tbP sold water work. sywtAm, and In gave the opinion that the pohlle $111.1111oo14' v " to 0>t' cows. at $1 to conatrnetinor a arHmenimlif tam LRAM}M, should operate nndertwkin where Per ewt and in work- Incidental Iheroto. and in the Ik' SIR Much Cela& extan.inn of maim-. snit the Inmtwllalion of � manitary motives enter largely : where � a eller moinors and ar, lesson we" pipes for .upplying n-." M water, tint] the the public health, safety or trarlmpor. ewe Lem eve them sn•r remen Iia to so sum of $lire tit) -hall ha expeedsd for extend twtion IA involved ; that ihniterl fre►n- ash• Ing the main. of the Kl.eg,Ac light -tem. And the men, of s1011(i m shot) he exp onnod f , "hisPA only le rem, if at all; and M.r-Carnes.. the paymAnloffndohted"omelnotirred on rap the right to tale over offrpnrwtions Vow -era mama omadMawr� I%M teal wnpount. In rampart of the ofd ,,yatem. that would work tax the plltd{n good OwSM K I Yd MAP purTww of rAlming the wild avm be given to cities by floe f.egislaune. S1r� dehonteroo of tb. said Town to the anion"" nus Md Lane► 1r ^111l In All abet be I+m.d an the fifth day • • • Tt " _n a strong ��,* �� of I�{„Mpn.,to r, Iwr, Aweh of which d.h.nta SL to aa the of New toll Iswaa 7ltiyart ase me" e** $ab m .hall Fp , tz an dl; Atneytu of the I -nim tt hereof ' Ynrkon� a� Mlc n gls gar we : rte. sn ale Tashi oyer and .hall he {,dilly Itiletthirti, ll Ie ill .r'd ' rttlltr+ul.�lir par• alter at the B HOLDS The good ha Pandora a cheerfu Why? Becaw of hot coals as a re CIO" helore relirin In five minutes turning ter the drafts a have. a good, strong Should ahe al two or three hours lot than usual there will be a fire ready for h The fire -Lox, I and dampers are cientifically arra$ that the-Pandors cal rI i• ' If r - - r I II I `IO'.=tri! . :•1, I ti x� Ilii tr i ( , ( .time +std $te W Is m w in rMoen Iepn oro-. 'oil Abe Foote.,, O ten anfd M Tnwn Monday. bvlaw ale Am"AI., Thurslay, itl :.� �� Shoes , i > ' er, Modre.t, wLaiser, Va.-.•.,. GI. J.1m. H..,illoo E. P.li;U LIN, Local Agent. 'own of Godericb. 1 Fish of the amid drbentu .Tnlf',bo Mayor I, Dined by thr'wid T dY of :e Shoes . the err n, styes petrol out hot iiA by '. lv to by the Trm.ure and stand tide walking Fall Term 1t�n tow •ane, and of the Tuwn, fed the ('l.rk. •Hall attach hereto i, feel like doing when you L neat all the SII„, if them. eft 4. he maid h&1I bearllt t The .aid *lull bear into tat I �� p OPENS SEPT. 2 e four find a Ile role of foot gad •half per eotn[um r widths, are llere. ' renunn, dwyable yearly at the .aid )tank a he At(h aY of September In each and eye $ 110; ,* , r•r �} ' This management during the ear durfnic the currency thrreof. wear out. past year trained over Two S luring the currenc • of the said deben- nne*hero.hall tie Mood art n unity by %WJAl y lite;, ,I I rd y ou n g on all the rateable propertyin the mai. own of liaderlch the sum of $1.114 'ti, our the her noics. She saves the time lost equal to the demand. Luli,s anJ 1 ,", R entlr- url-e of paying the art... nit dile In each of he maid Yearm for i},rinc cad and inteira•t in re I �' a (11 1. 11 , !l i p t e Lel it - pact of the .aid (lett, graphent, Iaa)kkeepers stint tele - a The holde"of the .ahl debenture --Hall, `" graphers, and placed them in far R. the amount hereby nuthotixed to be xpendni in re.p eco of the .aid water workm ..a ,•xrrllent eiuewtionR in leadin g potent to concerned, ball have a preferential I ibuuuli:'t. and American cities. Emerge upon Ute .aid tater, work and the ti: '� -: 1 F11 il � „ O INSPECT OUR LINE OF -, ,-k ane proq•rty aph'rtainium then -to for d i Individual in•I[I'UCtrn1. vuringthe Iwlmrnt the -fit debenture. the extent of till- monies borrowed for the � O Combired with the best goods we will urpoeee. of the aid water work.. I i so %% rib t• �e' "Ataloglle. " Thl. Bylaw .lull take effect on the dw of `, . ,•. he final passing thereof. �� ='mss r i ,.. r A. The very of the electory of the maid Town CLINTON f l;iderll-h -bdl b• taken o, this 1{ylww wt J THE TAILOR AND FURNISHER he mItirdingnme.And pleas..that i1 to ay: tlea t u Olay, the 211 h A•1 of A tlg,l.[. ISI; . con ” ,1 BUSINESS COLLEGE lenring at the hoar of nine o'clork in the for•- oon and oonlinuhiglill five o'clock In the sof- .­ ell •. of the .eine dry, by the following GF.O. 4POTTO. Principal. U' Returning OMuer.: l \-��r^�7- l'ollfn` Suldi,li+ion No. 1, at Thompmon 'Woolf ��- Shop, by James Rreckenridse, ('fork, and F:. U. Ifelctwr. IMpa(y Return officer. icer• -. _ - _ Polling-flMllvi Ion No. 2, at T..1. Videan' ton, by T. J. \'idem, Poll Clark, and I'harle• Deputy Itrtunnng Oflloer. i V lb 111 11 l' Nn.. 1 ' t) g hdl I bus( , at lM• ,'Own It,,. y Little Knox. Poll ('fork. and \v', A. H. cure. N EWGATE li IeVutY Iteturning tifilprr. i Polling Subdivision No, t at S Stothe" Wad ,hope by N•ul, eIleher., Poll ('Musk, and ohs F. Bales, lieputy Iteturnh,g Utllixr. STREET PollingSubdl(i-ion Na .f, AtM". Nalton+ tore. by M. (1. Nichnlwm, full Clerk. .,,it Ili c . Hiark, I iori y . R. Atning i ltll.•e•r. Polling Subdlvl*lon No. a. wt John Brophey's los, by Wm. Tait, loll clerk, LIVERY and H. I. Wat- in. llrputy Returning 011lcer. i I'ulling Sublivl.lon Nu 7. At Dlennis Neville'. Mum. by liolwrt Tall, Poll I look, and John \' o'nlatle, licpnlh' Itehlndrlg tilfibpr. s • t , o, un Monday,. the 1111hday of August. n*I7, he Mayor of Ili,- ai.l Town .hall attend at he Council Chamber of the said Town at Good Horses and U oclork fn the forenoon, to appoint persons p- onitendal the %mriml. polling V►weem wfare- and at the I -minning h fine , Imin n n R f tho "Vote. U to to -date Rigs. p the ('leek on behalf of the {desmon- fOrenmt a fn anti promoting or oppoAing the pamsing of him byl%w respectively. 1n. The clerk cifthe Councilor the •aid Tnwn i t Goderlch shall Atlrnd At him olHce in the I Hall at ten ciclork In the forenoon of I the 2rgh tiny of Allgtlst torr., to .um TELEPHONE NO. 173 -' tithe number of cotes for next it •iel.t the ylaw. toted at the Council ('bomber of the Town and a good turnout will be sent to f Oodvrich, the :t-rth day of July, A. to., Isle, your order. Summer visitors will 04F:I'H KLI,f(e T, M. G. JOHNIlToN, Mayor. Clock. ; find prompt and satisfactoryservice here. TAKE NOTICE That the Above I. a (tile copy of n ,,reposed which ham been taken Into con,blemvon nd w(iic-h will M• finally parsed by the Council - f the Municipality tin the event of the nascent incidpubo thereto) Ther f the eloenth tra nthe first month from the publication In Tint KNOX B ROS. ii h the tints of which first pnhllcaUon was I the lit tiny M AuRrmt. 10117 and that I votes of the electn" of the alto mfmlct- thereonn the dayand be ill he h Opposite Colborne Hotel, o"nll tobtre erein fixed. NEWGATh STREET. M. It. JOHNSTO 'N, - - — -1---' ___ HARVESTING TOOLS AND TWINE SCYTHES, SNATHS, RAKES, FORKS AND HAY FORK ROPES t�lt o. BINDER TVAINE: , `'r I311I iyf; 43 I r N (i()1.i) MEDAL, Iqc ", "I (IREEN SHEAF, 12C tui �` m,-- (iIL'1 Ei)aE, 14c Wap �'';'r NATJONAL PORTLAND CEMENT ALWAYS ON HAND. PLUMBING HRATING.-GALVANIZED IRON WORK AMU 6L RCTRiC WIRING PROMPTLY AT- - . TBNDRD TO AND ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED. CHAS. C. LEE Store 'Phone 22 House 'Phone 112 ,TuUUDAT, AaIUsell 15, 1l07a`epap�45 II' .� 11 �. 9I Men's IN��' � � -- I4�, :.� �� Shoes , i 1, 1!7A l' IS bI. s 1 c . Good solid weal' and real R;