HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-8-15, Page 4* U17111ltloAT, August 16, 1907
In looking over my oureoal of Ing place we could not go A410110170.events which occurred during the However, all the working staff en-
7ly days of lily old hotue- -the Paint gagt-d in building the house anwmbled
m—1 find that the above date wits on the tA)p of the- bank and shouted
1 banner season in its history, as there out a glad weleauo afid tiled t he brass
were in the house in August, 187,7. ranfion which 1 had picked ill, in the
two hundred hong tide gn"Is, which office Of Black A Young Of Detroit.
with the stall called for between ,-is The little craft did well, coialh up is
and seven hundred 1114-11110 ler day. all our expectations. I am Lold ,hr is
Letters and lelegramup were Moto re• still lu the fore, engaged ill till- lowing
oeived asking for accommodation f.,r bisiness in Uengian Bay, Later un 1
eighty others, which could not Iw bill,- built it dock nevrnty-Hve fort horg
plied. The 'Tecumseh House at Loss. straight Out into the Iakr,whic 1 gave
don telegraphed for twenty of Ib s eight feet of water at its west end, so
cumber. A letter was received front I that iu cattle weather Khr could land
New Orleans representing a vel + bet passengers.
large party and stating that they A Coach and Four.
would engage the whole house, if
would guarantee buMcient room, As the husiuees had Largely in -
Both of these applications 1 was cons• As
it flow because ne•cessarY to
pelled to decline, in Consequence , f Improve the Syntrlel lit tritli Spwr•t Atloll
the fact that A loser. part of the hours between the house and the town.
already alrdy I,tromisrld. This was dune b xrrangrturnt with
The following copy of All invitatiuu A. M. Pulley. w�iu at uucr. pot on a
which 1 find pasted, in lily journal it, :a most ronlfurtahlF old-farhi )M4, tour-
remiuder of a party that was given f., horse Cancun coach cropable of carry -
acknowledgment of ..the prosperou+ Ing eighteen pasm•ngerb. A lung horn
season : - was procured +old am the roa,•h IPfS till-
. Mr. and Mrs. Wright's compliment ihouse or reu•hed town several musical
to Mrs. and Miss Otti•r, And they r•• blasts announced its arrival. brach
quest the Pleasure of their company pturi of the doors wits ornamented
at an evening party use Thursday, lith with A e,ipital painting of the house
unit., an a slight acknowledgment Of and grounds. which added still more
the. liberal patronage extended to to its attractiveness, the result living
them during the season. an excellent n►oving advertisement.
Dancing from R to 12. Mr. Pullet/ also opened A branch
Refreshments at half -past 111, livery At tilt house, which either for
The Point Farm, 8th Aug., 1877. pleasure ler cases of emergency
proved a great convenience ill entch-
One Great Advantage of Those Days. ingg A train or Boat wheel in a hurry.
A very great advant,agr existed ill Te1 give the tender an iden of the
thuse days as compu-ed with condi L tainPmm dune at title prrio•i. I may
tions now, as domestic help wars bootie stale that I writ Stephen Andrews a
good, cheap and plentiful, momething written under to lay aside fur Ilse
that will never occur agniu. This of every morning one hundred hounds of
course proved a great amsistanre in fresh nicest. This did not include
managing such nit establishment. linms or hacou, poultry, fresh fifth or
Toronto, Hamilton, Lon Jun. eggs. The Inkt-named wpm required
ouelph, Galt, Stratfonl, Chatham at the rate of forty dozen it day. An
and Windsor supplied it large pro ,r• much not one hundred loaves of bread
tion of the Uanrdian Kurmta, while erre gut in one day fmom Belchet's
New Orleans, St. I.ouia, Chicago. Dv -
trait, Saginaw and Bay City ,sent a I cows to supply that tie itch -demanded
great nuualer of Atuericaus. article of dirt.
Money Was Easier, Too. Disbuguished Visitors.
The house was opened "n the pmt• of Independent of permanent guests
July, IR:l, the first gue•Kts to arrive Ise Lorre- were toAnyprominent casual
g some three wealthy families of visitors who would drive ant to Ape
cotUm-planters from New Orleans. A the phare. Among these we" Mrs.
pleasing incident tAouh {dare mu their (inrfleld, wife of the president- of the
arrival. On entering the house they C1lited Slates; (len. Sherman, com-
could not fail to observe thefts own• ruatuder in chief of the U. S. Arley,
her of men were actively engaged in and his nide, Cul. Bacon ; OOv. Bag -
hurrying up the final Ranges of the Dry. of Michigan. Two others who
It to completion. One of the malea long stay weer. Lady Hinckg
gentlemen, ekllint met-, one side, re- and dile Right Rev. Ill-. Conroy
quested it pen and ink• and pulling it Bishop Of Cork, and his secre-
book out of a side pocket he wrote out tary and servant. Several families
a draft on New York for two hundred fromHamilton and Landon would
dollars• and al, he handed it to me r•- come continuously for ten and twelve
marked, "Perhaps this cony Iw of years. Among the London guests
-i_ a�- H
1 '+ 'N
some use to you t now wiU you pleas nearly every prominent family in the
show w into the dining room Y' Thin city was represented. I may mention
kind and considerate act wan at that the Bechers• Carping*, McDonaghs,
time most encouraging. (leo. Rohinsm, ('tit. Little, Black.
During the building of the house 1arum, Meredithm, McFies, Himu,m,
several parties re nnittd cheques and Labatts. Hev. W. English, Framers,
drafts to secure rooms for the mra*m. Reids, S,anmervillev. Judge Stileet,
One party fn particular• known as the Uran loran and nearly app the bank
lumber king of the Saginaw Valley, maningPrs. When+tramtxut eunnre-
sent me a hundred dollars, bot faun tion existed between Go derich and
some cause or other he wens always flay Pity land Saginaw, a number of
unable to come. 1 wro1R that if be the wealthy lunlloa•men came for sev-
could not come himself he could take oral years in nacersxion, bringing
out the amount by proxy, as the their own horses and carriages.
money was still at his credit. His re,- (:lielph, tor, furnished a number of
ply was short and characteristic of prominent patrtirm for years• ineltiding
the American : "Tiw busy to come. the Outhrra, H1)witts„ Sheriff (low.
As to the hundred dollarA--let it rip." Armstrongsaund Williampons. Brant-
ford Ale) sent a lot of people for
lsterestimg Guests. years- Life Huckm, Wimeners,
The person nel ft lie guests ws very rises, Judge Jon". 61cIa"nYates.at
interesting. At our time I limit no
J ottr.tx whosese Ilames 1 forget. The
fewer than mix ministers of various tie- largest individual bill paid the wimp a
nominations and a bishop Of one of little over thirteen hundred dollars.
the dioceses of Michigan, the Right Independent of myself, whit pur-
Rev. Dr. Ha•ris• chased nearly everything set home.
With such nn array of church digni- these people left it good many dollars
taries it was of very rally matter to behind thrill. 1 was, toll by it dry.
provide spiritual entertainment when Reals merchant that two Qruilien
the Sabbath came cooled. There was from C,::1, nnatf who mtle.ed with ml -
Sunday school for the children in the hal paid him oval two thousand dol -
early morning, x merlon in the• after- ►ors. Mat"liousr did it lot of husi.
nam, while A service (if matted teens with them• need the livery leen
No g in the evening wound up shared it considerable'arount. '
the day's doings. I must not A liletnorabk laeideat
omit W mention that x young Ihpo-
logical student, who haat miner be. So many interesting events occurred
come a populow riergym an of the Rpis. Almost daily that the old place might
copal church- in an eastern city, awe called their nAtiral birthplace.
preached him first Aernlnn here tender One in particular 1 might mention.
feecc ulixi cin:ummtancem, the vollng J. W. Bengough, the cartooniat, was
arlirp present congratulating him so a guest., and was giving an entertain.
heart ily it pw„tiv,•ly Coude him blush• Illenl. 1 found it necessary to Iw in
One enterprising aurid •reilous mem. towel that pnllle PYe
efiitlg. hllminel
her of this bdy discovered that. Ihe,w k4-uping me till N ,iclock. Hurrying
were quite a numloer of uijherenta u( up to thhe livery I there Ienrned them
him church as gueats ofthe house, god was not a rig in the whole town. 1
he informed else they were quite rushed down tan lite dock and I tr.
latest he fix I wait o
anxious W have prxyerit in the ,Dorn t ht to 1'n{)t. Marl•
Ing after breakfast of it did, left# iuler. ton. His Answer wam, ,,Jump
fere with the ulntageaMe•ut, which 1 aboard (1 think it wx% tile. Minnie
assured him itdid not. Thprefo,r Maggir); I'll put11011 up am near your
notice was prated Announcing duct home not I can."` .latent oft e• we started
this service• wuuhl take plies- Kharp at quite it hre,•rr sprang up frma the
9:16 every morning ,northwest god A tough mea WAR the re -
At the clsr ref the me omiti 1 was re. suit. Ilowever, we, gut opposite the
3uested by the ladirl to write an Rd. houm•, buf I reque,teti bleu to go a
ress,if thanks for the gentleman for little olore too the north, which he did.
his kind interest hr thin Il11ttter, "Now• often, launch the but," and I
After the ending took place two was told to jnuop iti its quickly as
gReenotlemen Atepprd forward and possible to save her knocking against
d hills a pure an a slight, aek- the fttennien' ••\low•, boys, pulp ml- ms
ledpint fear his tintrly coltidrr. el.to the •phone as n vote cawith
anon. The reverend gentleman we. safety.” This thry did• I reeked for
plied in it most loecoudng manner, re,.- one more stroke, mod just an we were
markingthathephtaddnlwAym realm- oil the top of a Not wave 1jaun{rd
her his excredingly ple+sant outing at Overlsword and Room, p ream ed the
the Point Farnn. As the prrae con- shore, I'll never know how. My pck-
tained between thirty and forty dol. pis were all full ,if water and I felt
lars, it is quite raemy tuundermtandhow, pike A drow1ird teat. I hal finite a
sincere he WA-. walk W the hoose. It wam IU o'clock
The Steam Yacht Tommy Wright and they wen• getting literately. An 1
stepped' into the loll 1 fmin l that
The alpam -111, atilt. Iq• Photon. Hengoagh one in the act of potting
We -lip, nn excellent eiLizen of (lain- the finiabing lourloew lip an excellent
rich, wnm Inon,-h.d on the 211th of eart—n tit aur worthy Ohl clerk of the
July. IR74. A party of Ww•npmen pestre Ira Lewis, pinre passel awAy.
nurralrpring abalt forty wets inioltd I feel underan uldignlion to l'Aplxin
W Ire prevent on the intercmting (rest. Marlton W this day foe ilia sprntan
sion. An the- Iwai slid into the water earls assiatunve. 1
the proverbial lwttle waA broken M Hew the Pant Pana was Established.the cheers went un for the success of
the "Tommy Wright_" Heaalthe were In eoneltemion, miler for the Infori nn -
drunk and short hilt kind mpe+schesl Uon of thorn- who are not mwnre of the
were made by thol late Matthew Hilt- circunutAnrea than Anything rime, let,
chicon and others present. Captme RAY Joint. A few worts rather of An
Danceuy acted as pilot And took chtl�fln#
historical , harmocter. Soo I"'T" mel
of her on the trial trip AA far w was I the flr"t. time I Amw it oath tIse•
Mee Ptylets but r tare was no location and Iutst"King surround.
V .
7Yl"�,e `L�'Y i ,p. _`.n
! I
' .
e .
Ings ofthe place since known as the ALL NIGHT ON THE ROAD.
Point Farm, it appawred to ane to ler _—
just the spat for tired, ruuduwfl I Guelph Men Have Eventful Tim Offing
city people who detired a thorough tingle from "fisfack.
cleange In ever ripe t in their ueode
of living, and 1 cameo ived the idea of The Uueiph delegation that aisigd
building if place that could ll• called x Ouderich last week to Make at•tange-
husep in the country. In rvrrpp sense meutr for the U. A U. R. upon jag cele•
oaf the want, rather than give it wlmo beatiou had snow experieners on the
hlgh-falulin' mune denoting its puiblie wayy ►ems, which are thus described
rhar,u•ter. With this view I erw•Iwl a le, T7w Uuelph Herald :
hugwe with accommodation for sixty it tieue.jon space would but persult
people, nil of the room !wing taken what x vivid word picture could b
Iwforr it was finished. tlfnfOrt llatoely Lunde of the'exprriences of the delega.
till. WAR burned down at the eltbw of ( tion to Uoderich last night—yes, arc
the first meawult entailing it hrnvy this uwruinpp -tut- they were out it
lows, .aka it wILK nut insured, through the cold, c old world all night,
life fotgetrulureem of the agent lei not tin stirring were till- adveottureu
keeping an loI
appwme')t W sign the thro l which "Fickle Fortune' lec
jlsual leilot which had previously the delegation that, without •waitinf
lwru armugel for the still, of five any more time on the work of the
thouAnnd dollar gentlemen at Ooldprich, it will, per
Howrvrr, so out isfW wax 1 with the haps, be wiser to tell tit their 7ork get t
successes of ivy vrnUuw that 1 went to `lug learntl. C
work at once :old prepared plants to raving Oodetich about four o'clock
'put up the prement building with aI in the afternoon they whirled througt
rapacity for over two hundred guests. Stratford at a fine gait.
It•w•as mum filled with put•onelfrom '•Ronk. Kotak," said the.. horn• a
x11 over the country. tooth north and with a huge cloud of duet the great
omnith, making it known far and rpsehinr rtuuhled through the town.
wide Al, A Isupulu• hums for the claw Stratford lead only law is left five mile
for which it war intended. 1 All' safe behind, however, when the gloriom
Lift saying t he thoumuttls of people who run and the lordly ,,Kock. Keynes" came
have visited it in the past and enjoyed to sudden stop. One of the titer
its lr�rand beach And cosy plealel nooks had come in contact with a elute,
NMI rortlrrot have gUlle away with There was a deadly mound, known
most favorable InIp1Y•xsi/rn,* only too well t) the chauffeur, -and
In its ftnanegenert I was devoted tfo the automobile went la ite.
the plrmaing duties it entailed oil nip "Out everybody." was the order and
and the baud work I endured. As l the Doctor proceeded to fix the punc-
considesel it it privilege to have the tore, A couple, of hours' hard, trying
test of people under up• roof send at work sued all was ready Again. In they
wv table, with the Added pleasure of all piled once more and away they
hobnohhing ocennionnlly with them started, hilt not to go very far; hardly
on the vernndah• had they gone two lengths when
I further ie4rgnized its influrucr on I ••Iwtng" went the music tire.
mvw in a et•mutt manner. as
If I n r, it The chauffeur was driven alwcxat to
called forth all the qualities gold ae- dempsrration, as once again he got
tivitiem of a mtenuoum life, which kept down in the dust of the country toad
one healthy in Ixxly and mind and I And set to work again. Where his
Ielievr co ltibulel ltt•gely in giving heart was Mayor ewmteal's mind
ml- It man• than Average share of this was also, lir was thinking of ties
nnrh-desired i•undition its compared councillors waiting for him,, As he
with many others of lily xgp. knew thpy would he in the ensirse of
My home on the hanks lot IAkP an hour, ler two and he was troubled.
Huron wits to file wont AblwtsAml He could not wait to ser another fruit.
was t) Sir \Falter Scott, and with less attempt and set off to walk hack
what little travel 1 have hal I leave- to Stratford, thinking it was only
yet to see tile- place %-her I would three milia. He soots found, how -
sooner live or end Illy (IAyyx. I ever, that it was nearer six than
J. J. WRIONT. three. He tried to get the city hall
by 'phone, but could not, and finally
__ He had acartely left the telegraph
Toaitostar. ioMoe with his ueind It little relieved
Curirr ban a story of a by a "epee of duty done, when he was
farmer who moved into the city
it gaud startled to bear once more that old,
y familiar sound and. turuiug around,
wasorry for it. ••HP used to drier store enough the" wait the 11311011101410
if gloat team, and looked nice when he and the
dressed up And went to martin' with party &a they ou over the tree•
his wife and chiller. Now he lives in tot a elm as they bounded up street
a rented house and has tight squeeezin' to the hotel, abouheret
all had tea
DL Wass torn xlxout 7:31 And they left
to pay a big rent. Day rafter day he Stratford once effort-, this time with a
sits . up lea x wagon that lselongo to little leers of the self-assurance in their
somelxoly else. need gsw around talwn attitude.
lifting Aad lugging anti tugging his All went well And the party becom-
daylights out oil heavy b)xeep and ( Ing restored to their former good
things that lelong to the city folks; spirits were Laughing over the mixfor-
andHr ever goes to meetin'. tie tunm
es that haµl met the.
laxoles so ntired and anti whenever I Petersburg had been left behind fu a
meet hiul that 1 can't help thinking he-tseautiftel vloud of dust and they were
wishes he were lack om the old faros. sailing al4ng beautiful) when, what
He is like a tiger shut up in a c r, y
Hr can't get out. All there ix tar o do yon think?— es, that same ti"
blew nut again. What did they may?
to do is to traeup And tramp and tramp Nobody known. They were. to ray
up and down in hill little den —and the least. In no wimp admirers of auto -
never get anywhere."mobiles in general, or this one in par.
It is an ohs story that the farnner ticular.
craves for the delights of city life. To mend the lire again walo'hmpres-
while the city man yearns for the sibl,. it hal lot -come a veritable honey.
quieL of thecountry. Each reps what client). and anyway they limit rum out
fs attractive in the life of the other. of patches. Oft eanr the whole tier
City saharips leak lig to those who and they prepared t) proceed on the
forget that the city nlan must pay out bare rim. But not for Aid. Lyon.
cash for many things that gti with the No dor« - he had had quite sufficient i
poste pion of it farm --hearse rent, milk, no more of the old automobile for
Pggs, chickens, fruit, And vegetables. him. He struck buck W Peters -
Country life looks pleasant to thebilirg and, waking up the proprietor
casual visitor, whip forgets about the t tee hotel, secured A nems intent
dull days And tlee drudgery which,{paon having him well-earned rest.
with A lot of very interesting work. The party tern muck ono colo riding
goer irW the muni total of farluing- with a
the lr rim. This didn't go
What we have to say it not the who
half had till within four miles of Ber-
truth, but ,that aspect of trestle which lin, when the wheel dished, leaving
shows itself Go the city man. nothing but the huh. This was cer-
First, city life is growing more and taint the last act. They were at a
more expensive, thnuige
h the incrur loom �ce know what to do, only four
in houne rent amt in -the price of foexl, miles front Berlin, but they didn't
Then it in becoming more And more want W leave the automobile. So the
difficult for a man of sueAll enpanm to party divided, one of them helped the
rent at house of his own, except by liv- Doctor keep watch over the machine.
I1g in the subn•tse. where one, or mote while the rest walked into Berlin, got
carfares must top paid W resch the it .livery and, driving puck W Peters.
phwe of employment and the large burg, called Aid.Lyon out orhis com.
stores, Lite in a flat. or in x house fortahle tact, and brought Aim once
without rggtio d -sized piece of land, in mord to the rest of the flock as they
dealt, eacielly for the children. The were gathered at the scene of the
farmer does not quite realize, until he wreck. A own was left to guard this
losses it, the advantage of practically autA)moteile, and the party drove into
unlimited space fur the children to Berlin At twenty minutes W flue in
play in. A city income of tell thole the morning. The Mayor ofd Mr.
sand it year will not bly the joys of a Duff exmr into the city on the early
creek and it wood lot. 6 O'clock train and the test have been
In theme days of riming priers, it in trooping in ever since.
quite An Advantage W Irl, producing The automobile? Why, it is still on
col all m
ax1 for home n m tl n and .sale fI
P r.
CL nitiP OI Lhe road waiting till A
in+oral of plying for it. The eon- new wheel is got from Toronto. This,
ditions of city life are likely W lm•coule in brief, in the story of their trip.
harder as the city grown; the con- The next time they go they say they
ditionx of frau life ore likelyti fm- will Ise content to take the train.
prove through the progress of agri. --
cultural science, and the inti doiction JOHN McCLARY A GREAT CAP -
of modern convenienceit into country TAIN OF INDUSTRY.
housra. This is the city man's Aide of
U [oil •standin del—on tilt 1 ---
le Ig g re, 116-
ive advantagesW of town and country Formerly Owner of a SmTinshole,
ire. the fxrmer'e loy could pmhahly Now Head of the Largest Stove
nuke out A gaol cant for the city. and Tinware Concern Under
the British Flag.
''GONE FOR GOOD." To very few meet in the privilege
given of witnessing such a celebration
Bruce Man's Wit* and Daughter Desert an that of which John McClary, of
Him London, was the centre during the
work that ended on July 18th. For
Kincardine, Aug. 12.—When James during that week a *prim of splendid
Sbelton, a respectable hilt clow-thoW jubilations marked what wits the six-
Iranger of Armow, mix' miles front, tioth anniversary of the Moi Man-
Cincarline, returned to' him house on ufacturing Company.
Friday Morning after being out in the This sixtieth Anniversary is note-
fleldm only half an hour a found x worthy, not only Imrause it relates to
note Pinned to the tablecloth: the largest couoern of its kind ander
• vIi a have gone for ggcap." the British ling. lent Iwecarse it has
ShepWtl'm wife. Mart hw Ann, and his thrust before the attention of the
laughter, Nora, Ellen. hat left the people of Canada a man whose
house And Innis, taking with them i arhsrveuenta make him one of ,the
couple of grips mocked with clothes, very greatest captains of industry this
Shelton reputed the matter tothe ctiuntr • has yyet produced.
%steel- today, and Apkel that mouse. To �ohn McCl try the prat sixty
lad clone W locate the runaways, yeArsha+ meant a change I'min the
t was amcrrtnined that Mrs. Shelton cont ml orf n minae Iinshop to the pose
snd her oi:tughter, who i% eiglitern session of the largest establishment of
yearn of age, took x Moat tin Friday its kind in (Camilla. The Compun s
afternoon for IMtmit, in the company plant in larndou not, covers two
of a man who wore on the occasion a enormous hlockn of land, while there
no hunrh of Black whiskers. are alai file establishments in
Whether the' whiekpre were fAked is Ilontenl. 'Toronto, Whin Van Van -
sot known. The ansa im muppwsed to couvpr. Hamilton and tit. John.
w thq Hance of the younger woman. Over 1.3111l ern[sloyres are on the Pone.
MM. Shelton and her daughter herr ppeony'n pay rolls, of whom over seven
well thought. of by the neighbor&, who hundred are maried meet, Aupportin
ire nnahle to Acroimt for the elope- homes. More than $f11tu,UMl is Paid iii
hent, except W may that f{hrlton was wages, annually. Thew ate a few flg-
a "tightior ." Thtoy took no money fires which will give the twiner nn im
with then,• except the prcreln fnan prepdom of the mite of the plant ns it.
he pale (if A basket (of butter and x at "-~tit and of its importance too
eggs. I the eomfiillnity.
Mr. McC'I*ry ham always been anti is
A Bargain• still the Rtiiding head of this treuten-
"Isn't she a peQnliar girl? She doll" lltuitless. He iensins even set
Lsok at hint when he was bis pprerrnt ARC a man orf re►ruarknlrir
ich, but now since he'* lust all rldlity, spacing not money or pains to
money she's accepttd him?" Attain an reed that, his judgment told
'Well, you know how Frnsy every him could toe won. This is well Mete -
woman b tie Ret anything that's re,- traced in the magnificent advertising
I" ' ' cgmpaignm this cumppaamy has entered
Into in all the (IAnwdian apices, which
Honig Mianlonaty--"fon you helieve have Made the McClxry product"
dour prayers are Answered. 1'ndp known in all the homes from oroan to
Hwtusr' ••'Prods alWgpther on de oeean,
prajyow. Whon 1 prays de Lord to Though the McChtry Company in
send me a turkey it don't come, but Mr. McCIAry's first rare. it in not th"
wbpn 1 prays de lamd to mend tine after only succembful roo opany that "bottom
trrkey 1 gen'ly gets it before mid. in the benefit of his humine"s nruuren
Igbt." • and experience. He is Aloes piemldent
We expect that this week will end up the summer goods
' for this season in the following :
There is just a small lot of each of the above lines left
and the prices will be made sl, low that they will
certainly go this week.
.. zar. ..;r e,�.^e. v ;lWr:r,ex sm:,e •a gr:'ar..a a.r„,»..:�:r'63t ..,,� ..
DRESS GOODS We have 12 ends of medium welght greys, and Wank and white
checks, all this years' purchases. Longths from 6 to 30 yards in a
piece, Your choice at one-quarter off regular prices. Bome broken
checks in black end white, real dainty things.
C L A N TA RTA NS All wool Tartans, bol and 75 cents.
Just new for flet fall. Twelve different
clavi, in our lot. ' a
QQ''.tir$ a,
of the London Ilfe lnsurancr Com -
y and tileDA
Ontario Loan anti ._
C,u” .( •ompan •. and a director of
the London sk Western Trusts (`one-
Education Department's Policy Regard-
ing Coetisaation Classes.
Toronto, Aug. I'2 —Thr Education
Department ham issued an impsortaut
anmmnreuent in mneipetion with the
reorgAnirration and consolidation of
continuation claims" In the rural
The work will in future The %divided
into three clxswa, each of which will
be fiuuleially recognized by theDe-
partment. The equipment must in-
clude library, scientific Apparatus.
neaps, charts, gloloes, rte-.. and draw-
ing models. Towards this eggipnsrnt
the Ocivernment will grant 111 per cent.
Fixed *rants of from $1311 lu $:Ga)
per annum will Iw shade to these
classes. A grant of $10 will he made
when the teacher has the minimum
suadiflentions and $10 additional when
� e professional standing is higher.
The new 74gtilations go into force at
once and R. bI. Cowley. i'rovincial in
Spector of continuation cl""eea, will
tour the schools at the beginning of
the coming tern. _ -
Prison for J. J. Daly.
Toronto, August 12.—J. J. Daly, re-
cused Of vagrancy, wall txday sen-
tenced to six montJta in jail at hard
labor. A second charge against him,
that he had deprived ftamuel Egan of
$37 by means of a fraudulent docll-
ment, was dismissed.
"Thin man was a food to sign such x
document," said his worship, expres-
King the belief likewise that Daly wan
a fraud.
Maly is the man who, it is Alleged,
defrauded the farmers of Wellington
and Orpy counties on contracts
whereby he agreed to sell their farms
provided they undertook to buy cel-
Ilion commissions. On these under•
takings he,, is said to have borrowed
money, and a large nuentier of suits to
recover were taken against the agri-
Many friends may reveal their khnd-
ne", but namercu, enemies will prove
your courage.
New ielcphone Directory
The Bell Telephone Co.
of Canada
is Alxout to publish a new issue of the
� .1V1�1Ib1�1N11�11�11111�11�11b1�11�11�1N11�1111111N11bi111�11�11�1�.
-==-- VACAKT =- = -- --
purpose making further extensions to our husiness next
month and will have situations for a number of smart girls to op-
crate mewing machines loth In Ooderich and Clinton. lixperi-
operators preferred, but to beginners we will offer good
by paying good wages from commencement and in-
sUructions will ticgiven by an instructor for the purpose of more
speedily Advancing girls W position of piecework.
Our piecework prices are satisfactory to our present staff
sura rt girls are earning good wages.
Hours for working are re"onable and pay day every two
Personal application preferred, hilt mail applications will see
xn�werd promptly and full information given.
The Jackson Manufacturing Co.
� ��
HAVE YOU s-, ,1-
1lU YOU realize whet it means for a fau,ily to grow up
J without Any knowledge of mode, without keeping In
touch with the world's proei a om in muds t There to one
easy. Inexpensive way to treat your family to the beet music
In the world by the purchase of the
Edison Phonograph and
Edison Gold -moulded Records
When Mends drop in to spend the evening, or when you have
invited oluemea, then in nothing which will (rive them a
pleasanter erenlner and make It easier for you to entertain
them than this prince of ea)terWnem
Drop into our oto» at any time And we will be pleased
to IM ynu hear one. The prices, and term* will be sure to
Pianosfrom $60_0o up
Piaae-called Itiz-Ixtave Organs ftr. oo and upward
sewing Machines at Iso prices
�( s'
DISTRICT OF WESTERN oNTAR �� amom women —w .
Orders for new connect -
f firm names
ions char e o lWestern
f t
g Fair .,
changes of street address- _
es or for duplicate entries The Exhibition the People all Like to Attend.
should be handed in AT i Q
GEO. PORTER iKNABENSHUE'S AIRSHIP daily, and a full I 11
Local Manager. list of attractions with plenty of Music. Fire-
, works after nrogam each evening, conclud-
- - - - — ( ing with thatgranddisplay,
Cool Off z
these warm eveningsat REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS
TheOlympia hP Secretary for Pri7A• Lists, ProgransA and all information. Send to L
W. J. REID, President. A. M. HUNT, Secretary.
The coolest stunt in (:ollerich.
f 1 London Spp �j 1.
Electric fans all(] most �r �• 6 I4
up-to-date every way. L --..—_....__-es ml
SUFFERED TERRIBLY MITr'1e1'.1.1, ONT H.ty 13, Ilpr.
Tom CLAVIAN ('HY.NI(Al. (i)•, wlNDW)R, ONT.
A great virttt•y has loan won by the use of "Hr-Jil" After n �
year of terrible suffering from Sciatica and Rheumatism.
I hnve heen it great mofferer front this terrible dimmme for 22
}'Part+ back, at tinoe" I would have ►uckxrhp and terrible polos in
• lily hips, hip•jointp and nlRo down my Iplp to the hottonn of my
feet. 1 hnve mufferwl uontold agony And only those who have had
the dimensw know what, the tptTilolr patine are.
1 tried A"', Ythinq I could think ilf, hilt got. no relief till 1 paw
"Bu -Ju.- the kpntle Kidney Pill, advertised iO the 1pewper, and 1
thought I would give it a trial and I did so. 1 I )OR. t. one box of ••Hte-Ju" and got great relief, Lhpn 1 Kilt flue more b,apa of them,l� , And After using six l"ll p 1 stn completely cured of the aches andpalms end awn recommend then (o any person suffering as I did.,Iwpt winter 1 thought I wools] h"etm give upaltOggpther, sea 1 j could hardly get around on my legp. I am more thankhb, more
than tonitme ran tell for getting rid of my disease by the tote of
"Htr.lu," and many others 1 hnve told of it have been getting
relieved of their psinti. 1 shall never be without them In the Ill A - I'
CURED HIM 1 have been days And weeks that. 1 cot Id hardly crawl to the i
IT WILL CURE YOU yarn to do my chores, 1 had to atop diffet•pnt times and rest my 9fr '
legs 1 thought many a time I should Fon a cripple for life. Ant#�
thank (rod 1 ROt al)mpthing at last W knock It Out when I gotli,
e•hold of •• Bil. u," and I enn recommend It highly to ether611 PILI:1 FRICh:, hal (`RNTS. suffering from the wame disease.."".A Yo tive T trotAT AI.L IIRI'ta eT11tN,S Mitchell, Logan Township, ant. JOHNG9kXNWOOD,r'° `'"
a 6
.�r n A '�',4.,
s e d,�, ,S ' ^ , 't