HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-8-15, Page 2g T■uMDAT, Augltelt 16, 1907
a iowd
TillepAotte Call No. AA 1h"."
:Tercels of Ooltserlpbell "i
bROLL00 per STUM to tavallw+.
. rnentbe�8so : them * muuLAW. SL51•.
To `nitetl Stair. aD.edbwr , al.•YI a )'sal
WriMly in ,ed, an,•rt
ftabooriben who fall to roosive Taa nieeAt
regularly by unin will halter a ave by ,N•.
legal /1} a ria of the tact al as early a data m•
V1' = a ehallge Ili address 1. desired. red. bol e I b•
old and the new address abonld be Elven.
Advertldna Razes:
IAApA and other abulLr advarliownta, to
r Roe fur first fnsertlou and M per Iaon
a fol
b uCpeob au stent Inwrlio n. Measured
noapartU male, t welve 1111 a to atInch.
Badnw, /pants Of disk Ifr1e, dud undue, 1U rlrl
Advertlaemerna of Lost. Found, Honeyed. Vit
cation Volostant,leis tuestlon• Wanted. Housa., fol
Sale or to Rent. Parma for gale, or to Itria
Artldeb for Hale, plc.• not exceeding -who
zea«. Inc each IsssrtIon ; $1 for nest nwnth.:ilk'
for each subsequent menth. Larger ad voice iter
nlerte in proportion.
Annouaoenaenta to ordinary reading type ten
-penis per line. No nutWe Itua Ilan Yvc.
Any epneW rid ice, the cepa[ of whleb W that
peoltolary benefl[ of any Indlvldual or sasoci
AUm, to be cotlrldnrad to advenleemeat oral
to he obarg.d t000rdilhgl7.
Rfor display and /+ontract edvertiw
oaenb will Oe Staten On appllnatlon,
Address all communi*attolsa to
TNa Siam
__—_._.- ._ _ Hd.wleb. lint.
According to The Balt Reporter th
Board of Trade of that town has a
good record in regard to its rndur'ow
went of industrial propsals whiel
have [acme before it. It hue
caution and discretion in dealing will
such propositions and in this way has
given cause for the feeling of confid
once whiehthe townspeople rvidentl)
have in its recommendateona
The Reporter ways :
For several years the Galt Board
of Trade has carefully considered
eyerymanufacturutg pmptmoition sub►
mitts: for its approval, and in Italy
ode case bass it passed on tothe rate.
payers an agreement and failed in re-
ceiving an endorsement of its action.
It has turned down many offers that
did not look good. Among them our
from the J. :{t. Ranee Company. inc-
lement manufacturers. Bram otcn ,it
which SL Catharines jmnped. The
sequel is told in The Mtaudard of that
city, its issue of the. 31st containing
the following editorial :
"Tbe J. M. Roes bone Company,
Limited, is now, to all intents and
purposes. a thing of the past. Art In-
terim liquidator has been appointed
to carry out the winding up order re-
cently canted by Mr. Judice Riddell
of that. High Court.
It b consoling to nutif the opinion
expressed by City Molicitc Contior rt
the city council meeting Monday evr-
ping that the city's luau of $iyetto is
fully safeguarded by a first mortgage
upon the company's five acre" of land,
the factory building and plant. The
statement is official and leing given
by the city solicitor after ronsdrre
tion should the assuring to the anxious
•'Thr venture with the Ross concern
has been anything tint profitable to
the city, Imst it Is to fee hoped that
some live and pnegtrssivr Inienufac-
Layers wtlI he [mind who will take
over the buildings and turn them in.
to the )guy spot it was expected the
How people would have Made of
them. It is not always best tit look
upon the dark ride of any affair and
the best thing now to the dune in to
turn the threatened evil int. god."
When our Board of Trude maks the
ratepayers of Gait to vote in favor (if
an industrial bylaw lite citizens ap-
pealed to can rest assure) that a coul-
plete rueasure of that protn ter or pro-
tuoterte )tall bweti taken anti the otrritx
of the proposed elitmement thoroughly
discussed. The hoard feels ita re"pon-
sibnlity And in coin -fol to pans only
those proposals that hart- sound merit
a. their basis.
-This is the reputation which every
Hoard of Trade shmrld Aim to rstaJo.
lisp for itself. The towns -of Ontario
have been rather Lou anxlolln to catch
at anyRuit in their desire to "retire
Manufacturing indust.rien, and a
Board of Trade which can distinguimb
between a scheme which promises title•
close and one which dors not, and
which ha" the roun.ge to declare ito
honest views, in p•tfurming a val
IIAl11r service for the curnmmnity.
False ideals of success are- tttreyaleat
in hnsinex" life, in social life,, anti Ier-
haps nowhere more noficenl4v than
in the vmhn of athletic mlNm'Im. ldm Hr
hall, lacrosse find other gnome.- IQlould
lie indulged ill with a view to health
fu) r•rrention and elle drvelopnlent ul
muscular activity, alertness o[ rye
and linlh, and other numb• iloaliliea,
including that of keeping an ever
m r. Mn these n H
Le r til a eo 1" it i. o
Pe' I 1
necessary that the pin'er Amold nil
Ways will the Ramo. Is i. nal nl'nl,Ail
. for oti I 111-1 to H •fl'
r y ug d at- fol
the nipper blood, and a Kamm in will, -11 I
lhdh sides do not play to win i" hnrlly
worth phryiog : lint when ill -temper
in mhow•n, or When oluestunalle prat'
ticomoare resorted to in the effort to
(teat the other fellow,., than it is snit,
to may that those participating in til"
game have lost might of the'true ideals
of gentlemanly apart.
Yet too often we Clear Itf bad freling
between riv* teArtim, rind perhaps
quite an often the fault i" with the
spectatorn rather than with the
player" themselves, and it team given
hoe after s snatch in A neighlmlring
town with it tale of till-ti•p•thnent and
,&bwm from those whit should have
received them an a kindly hoHf wmlld
receive a welcome guest.
The greatest success A player till the
lacrosse Herd or the Imselall diamond
Milk have In to lir a grntlrman nn toll
000asions and under all eirctr(nataneett.
Better lose a gauze than lose your
temper; hetter to own op that yon
we bsatse than to attempt to win by
t.barp t ieks. The people of a town
pp6ys like to have a team that can
ja In a geentlemt.nly fashio• and can
eel■ summ , too. but tbase people
whom Rood dpinion In worth having
w0W radw be" a team that emit
lose like gentletuan than one, which
wants to win anyway and Seta "grafi
The Mraw Brigades'
Away, away ill ole ueWnhlN, to ole revdlb 1><
I tandr to Ise befit by each Individual le*
Is that Mother poiold t titregulations
a ions the-
le [batt, under the old uhaliotn that
it It b take defeat grace
ton from Holding Coal Areas
applicant owned that land, but under
N'hele love.b„Il autoal till eventide with room
fully i. coat of the greatest lessomr to
s one a
'low valley of aw"lie.a into the rice+ of
aril Conditions A Reminder of
the ase regulations the applicant
vier the hill -of ulorn0yt, down to tete •lraela
the Waythe Public Domain Was
Ire learned in this lite.
At ;
The breve belga:« of the' tolua, unto the
merely lersss frotu flat Government
utxlet such onerow ouoditiuns tthat
■ >:v .W
Stock_.-___ iiwt
Beautiful an of the Marry night of real and
•very neaten[ of speculation la alba-
'•gem," fix) -w•hto have brought ••r"lil
golden droon ! ,
Regulations Which Prevent Specula -
Aw.ly away h, tike ula-nhyl roolphy at the
John 1). Rockefeller will live, her-
little atate,
ton from Holding Coal Areas
ring accident, ill he more than ninety-
N'hele love.b„Il autoal till eventide with room
Idle Leases Held Under String.
four y/.ujr u/ age, according to hie
of tale to well ;
aril Conditions A Reminder of
family phyrioian. The SINN: die
vier the hill -of ulorn0yt, down to tete •lraela
the Waythe Public Domain Was
that risks.
Thr brave briNrde. of 1 M dally lite flwll eat•
Dissipated Prior to I8of1.
The Collegiate, Institute rruuion
.,lata. of real iuE pear!
—_ -
next. week will livingback to town a
Aaay, aaay In lite uwrdlat, and knows, Its the
+Lal' 1111.
Ultxwa, Aug. 14. - Donny [pluton,
gooldly array of "old bov” anti
.."I'l reN1
%% till lie. to lisp lip. or love that wall Huller
exi st why the Liberal Admi11istration
'•gem," fix) -w•hto have brought ••r"lil
thessle,. of bhNtnl :
cotilmeude itself to tale people. When
Co the old school and to theiaxelves ill
The brave bristad« of Ihe Idling. ole .heady
du opposition the Li lerxlse plesir
v u h/in drfintd file
theuurel eat t a m
their career". The town "haul: give
andeHl and tree
deet u{
lioalniatbt to Yml alld•the 811M eye.• that alin,.
of P,ulicy, which they promised to tot -
been a welcoule worthy of that IN••
nitir will, Iaee• for you!
low should thry be rehrrtlral to Power.
-Ilautnloev gull.
This was in !IIIb, anti since that time
eleven years have come and gone.
The Yankee" can twat zea At env•
Tile Canadian people, disgusted with
thitig Ieyuiring wind. I""r eustsacr,
the conduct tit public xHairs under
that irdrrnntional yatrh tare..
Conservative rule. placed Ihe- Litterala
The Ontario Guvernuwot it I,) take
tart- A Gentle Suggestion 01,',A:
ill power in 11;iitl, and hirWry supplied
that rulrwrr to why question wucbih
a hand in the tank of wrtlring hired
uurrydl lirr"I.l,
the glad faith and p,liteeal honestly off
help in livid Pmvillle hY u)Netiitig iul-
As it hint to nt-wly-nlart•iwl )ample
the Government of the day.
,aigratio a officer it, England. Ireland
it i" `l"ime"d that rolTee is,a bxui fling
for A tnatl n letailwl' espr'laldv if IIIc
Public Domain Dissipated.
and Scolland.
wife dlwan't know how to make* it.
The Curtarrvativ " ill a general way
rVito the cry of graft against the Lily
•'Canads ix giving away Altogether
The Big Stealers Go Free.
eral Governutenl. Thi. is a subject
too testicle to both file I'nited Ntatra
1'101fArY NCw..
upon wbich theZ lima)• speak with
land Brilxin." says a prote•rlionint con-
A Juan no-mw1 she line ha" eeu l,,sell(
xutbo"it)•. lu ") rrryative days it
OLPITIr"d aN it that do war
tem neat And }rt thin ,mutat nine
I" y'
to jail fur steeling a strut car.
nululwr of fellows who have stolen rn.
held in trust fur tha kip
rempaary arks that the Vannditeu
tire* railway rystrulN tilt- still on she
Politician" and their friends.
tariff the raiwrl ell that it may the more
The manner In which the pally and
diMcult fur the t'uited `Statex and
Fried or Boosted. is er,l,i,`f,4
its frieudn were enriched by the build-
lug of blip Canadian Pacific will stand
Hritain w give un quything. Thr pro-
Taoluo N-aht,
forever a. ualnumental evidence of that
te•tiunimL theory is a fearful and
If. is tiloe that ruule peat al,l"r who,
cupidity and stupidity of the govern -
wonderful thing.
diHs-ganling Ihr daisy, Ihr dafftoilil
ing Party of that day. The public
- ----
,and (,fill.,. flown- of the Held, world
domain. Lhe public funds, the public
Old Coont•y newsptwrs are nut
bid hi" tuner Lo ming of the heunhlr,
o e rl l -Ie a eel Points) e
tilr uerid•
work" wear nil handed over to beelers
and adherents without the slightesthtest
well infurmwl when they I hthat
tvauPornraLicSn. !Lyra that future was
that Canada is aggrieved because of
Quite Proper.
dimetlonte•d need this railway wan I*'
ally louppxeel lukewarmneme on that
V. 1110Ix.l1tm..
lieve d tot the Isynrrut of taxes upon
part tof that British tiuverunlent to-
F:cct•ar•t from n 1 pular atWel ` "Site
pr P
it" railway stations, ground", work -
"huts, huildings• yards and rolling
Karla the ,,all -red" w•hellle. Call-
relllaille d inactive in It eloill ll/`e fill' Il
.lock forever.
/Shinn are not Hitting Op As' night,
considerable period. then nadestly
desrnglaging herself to oLod him full in
Esovmo es Greats to C. P. R. Syndicate.
thinking x1 mint that "All -red" Jou need,
tile couutrnxnce rind mignifiwt n dee"ite
The Cunatervativrx are given to cril-
anyway, they recognize the right of
for melt -communion. By lure's ill-
iciyr the Governmrnt for itn Gtiud
the British Governmrnt to art ill the
Ntinct he divined her porpoise she
Trunk Pacific policy. Have they for.
matterias it thinks fit_
wanted to conceder his proposal aPpui
brow the infiurncr u[ that yhatium' a ilia
gotten the terms upon which their
friends and sup.{aort.rs were given the
__- -
llritiah Uolumbix is said to Ito up
I'rtslmxl Presence. With the innate
tart of a truly grill eel nature be lade
(!susdino Pacific Charter? In short•
the llontervative political syndicate
in arta" against Japan~ iulmigm-
her god evening in French. :tied with
Was given i'L5,IMMI,(XXI in cash. 8,),(11111,•
tion." This atxlemeat cony Ito taken
Ineassired trend Paced away into the
(JAN) acres of land wore dpi an areata,
with A good big ulrasur• of ball. Tit,
gathering gL-au•"
And rompleted ruts value(( at *45,.
JnPuntxe would not Ito in British
te Pockets.
Not Diverted to Private
h<thrl• a[heti[ 1&i-
"'tire, alba
114111,1111. All this votat property was
sinless they were meftil to
Columbia uu
lialmllon '1911te-.
jm l•Pwtually rxempte•d from taxation.
stlrrrledy. A great many British
Some kit that Tor)) urgnn" alae grisiub-
1'hr land in being sold at prices .vary-
(,. olombianrecognize cognize the advantage
ling that the LiFwtal tariff collw•lm
ing from $.i to $12 Per acre. The
of .lapareeme unit Chinew labor in dr-
more revenue than wxH collected in I hl•
Java tit the N. 11.4ariff of de•ptexsinn.
property today has it gross income of
nearly dMe.11110100 annum, or
veto res the country, but that neat
\V}ly, bless them, that im one tlf the
per prac-
orally that same tis the incuute of the
not of the noisy clays.
very things it wan int••nded tor. Thr
Dominion of Canada.
- _
N. P. war intended GI divert the taxa-
All of this vast franchise wax given
After rending of the F"xex disaster-
tion of the nutneeit into lite packet» of
away by a Government which failed
need the carelellnne•sm shown in hand-
the conshines ; the Liberal tariff faxed
to gI-amp Life possibilitir of the future,
fur public purlNries. Audi then• it
oral whose only criterititi of value was
Img dangerous explosives, fine won-
remost Ito thirree Ill mim flint lcnnmdi is
the hopeless deficits which each year
drys that there Are not more fatalities
doing It vastly increased buaineeluo now,
[aceto the Minister of Finance. The
irons similar raossen. In these fifty, of
and the revrmw ha% incr•emmel carrell-
Grrverneneat was millions to the had
electiie wires, high explomive", seuto.
p adingly. Oil )ars! that Liberal tariff
each year, and the public debt was
rtollectn revenue, and Lisle people Intl
growing larger and larger, and it wan
pings railway crmingm,and all the
Lhe coruhise " alour Iwnrfit by it,
not to be expected that men who were
other wlltlpment off modern prlgreas,
But what about the fellows, Pahl) have
unable to conduct the affairs tit the
thi- Would Ito A pretty aetWOUN World
born arguing that the Liberal al tariff is
Dominion. rxeept at a loss, should be
ill live in if we had not become- Ac-
Junt the old N. P.:'
able to grasp the importance ur rslne
comtumwl lu taking rhaner".
Ventilate the Passenger Cars. I
of Afreinchhw such ah that of the
Canadian Pacific.
\\'hen parties f tpuriets nUDrfo
Toronto Wo,ekly,Hun.
There iH another point to which- the
The Change ta•lbyb.
flee told land why du
this country fromrhe
railway conlinxioought w torn RAI
aln ug
all events
rhe pt til of Caoadair cunclluionfor in 1880
arrived aat this
title tholes who have them in charge
attention. Null that is the proper ven-
the after (wing in
gla'Y fllrlll 11 ehxnl•Y to ere tllr twat
tilation of pHsrnger ears, Gil into :[
first-CdliSM r,/lacl tot ti11• train from
eighteen ped -r
for eighteen yens, Wre'C JoUMwl soder
part» of the country? In the lwauty
(;hicagto, which p1s"r. IhmngPt
ten Avalanche of viae., still that Liberal
of it" s•rne•ry, in the wealth and cum-
Guelph rat 0 it. m. , or lit the Montreal
party took Lhe hetni, and from that
[lute that hour the country
fort of its rurwl limt,.ictm, in Ihr intrlli-
express that-Irikc" Ofoltawn it five,
^ utlut.
has enjoyed n marvellous uteasure of
Heuer u( its prgolr. Huron count}' in
end the sinell which greegist the now is
murisawrl only M}• that fi pig Ion
in the very fent rank in thea Prov•
which haH mi"wvl it% daily elrno-
Coal Lands Conserved.
ince, and yet the trghriats Itre nrady
ing. It is different in the 1'Illlnuanm ;
The "Pecs l:at.r findn nu encourage -
always sent )Nark home wlthollt having
in thew, nithough pelyrlesteep in thein
ment from the Literal Government.
MIYII llllx delectable / \\' n
land. hat n
all aught, the fiir is at tell tittle" fresh.
The Ilio of that Interior Department
Ft' -Y Pte
earth in there to acid in much drat.
Thr dlffrrl•ncr in till• condition of that
fthnlspherr mom[ Ito cur to that diffe'•
41 wtohog with that cool yueation
dhows how tuithtnlly the (itivermnrnt
adored places an firnntforl and ?Strat-
eiw",io the form of ventilation. What'
redrettis its promise. heretofore any
fiord still vonne of Cllr other little rtien
i- pr•o"'id"d ill Illy %.,L?* of fresh air for
Pwn wishingh. AnPnirr real lands
Its whish much alai[ods nre taken ? ,�
Nlreping A% s shouttbee provided in
culldd do Nil Illhltl filing ltd" application
fight of (rake Hurone t Lightho"e
orlinary co meho.. It is lot. for risk of
health• if not Itf life. Chat tmt-i•nterHAn
and paying $31 perm -re for anthracite
coal andPer acre for coal of any
Point would eftnee the memory of
orlinAry• clnlch which has teen In`
other quality.
noything litetwrt-n here and NiAgne-ata.
nhpit"I in cul all-night journey.
lander the.ec regulations coal land
---- -=
The Bareheaded Wal.aa. A
ps"I out of the pmarnsion Alf the
Governuiew rapidly the total arra
Thr following fmnl Tfie FStI'affutd
Wood.ta•k Sentinel Revic..
dem{{Neeked of previolu to Match Met.
Herald i" interesting tin nn oufnide
A woman who attended servire in
I(s17, loping 'W14'171 noes. Thr area"
view• of Lite illdmh'ifil ftittntioll in
a Nt. t :alh,arines chorch withoot her
di.pssed of eitch year tender 'The old
Ull:erich :
hat found herself themtiI * -I of some
regulations, which Permitted the pill --
very flattering reolar�x from the
chAs• of that coal Innd", for the five
It Witold »14•111 fhal that town of
pnl/ie. Whether or not a otian
yearn Anil nine onth» previous t1
ti,"lericb gfic,• it,elf a "rtlalrk toy vat'
wefil+Pa hat ill ,-horch truly bee a gtie"-
March :it. 11007, tire- AA follows :
ing dowll tit,- other day Ihr lea"iw.d
tall of good 111' local taxtP: titre storeiv
Your coding Jon :01, 'Irl, :iY, dt111 ,aCl'ea
101/y1AW tat. gnaaulh•e the INmnl- "( the
if cannot been matter of religion. It
du. 'IYi, '27.41'2 •.
Dl ltltl,t"d Ille'1.1' Itowe" f'.1„ Wdlich
1. maid MINI Ih ei', will Ito melo-not ten
Ida •• •'
,� � , ,LT
prnpoas to dam that DltirLuul :riot
women in heaven fur every estate, find
do FIG, Ifi,IIU ••
devt-lnp elowtI" - ower to drive 44-410--
the chmures arae that not one of theta
do. '• 'feel, 40,:CAl ••
rich factorirn, imnish dight. ,nod run
will l.• found wwa-ing a hat orli bonnet.
F'or the nine tia,nths ending JJotch
It I'Aid ill elect I'll- 1.30 Wm y -ymePill , ,rill
If nwtorlhan noty go to heaven without la
'I1, )1117, 14KIIJKi1 arres.
it is possible tlott lite-ehe-ine omy yet
lint why luny she not gra 1.0 church .,
Speculators Blocked. -
'gu fnnvani louder the HrAot. bylaw
Hesidr-, these are ,rout#• People who
It likocanle very evidegtt that. "Pwcu-
oro.... I with rodereoce to tho• same par
thitik that that spirit of devnli"'l
liters were securing the nal lands.
Ihnugh tri• prinnoerH claime,l
that in the
wooed not Ito entire))' deNtrod
ye , bat
for nu less than 103,931 accept were
-tuft o1'the munl•y nor'-
ket it wit. iny.l--ihlr to pr4wore the
alight. be ialprnvetl• If fill wotnro werft
tai church larrheadeol. Live the other
absorbed in the nine months previous
to March :it. 1!+17. The Minister Of
lAt'ge fond- rwlon•wl under the roudi.
hand. of cntlr-t, the nttendAncr Al.
the Interior slow what was happening,
Iionm ,or that hylmw. With e•Iectic
church alight miller. Bot Perhaps
anti on Match 4. Ii1117, the regulntioupt
Imower Glnll•rich might ri-r from the
dead Leese) and Isecotile dilfer•nt fr'oto
the whole problem of the relation of
lire". tl chorch-going is tont deep And
under which Such things were possible
other IuWn"• nm it i" now different
nobtle for the orlina ry man.
wen. suspended.
lander the old regulations there was
tram hhoxt in rwantp of mituntion•
- - -
The "Cap's" Joke. ti? �
uo limit to tike nee page one moves might
rwcure, and haul the name remained in
Many teolPwr:ooce people were Ito-
Toronto Saturday Micht.
force touch longer the cont lands of
guiI1H1 at til,• Ll."t provincial rtrcfiun
1 1/ 11 a' • 1
/mat toll lent 1 n ,t. Jolm c 111
Th 1 11 111-
r cotint tel nl sewn have lice
Ill r n y : n all
by Dir. Whit.nec's ptomime to hike the
van til, anriene tienrioer who nc-
1P1111t,1 tillrhhr PN,llleeld faine,a few yeat•.
in the hands of "pecnlatorm• The Lib-
e•ral (Jovernitirot, dopa things difflor-
Joee11M` Nllsllllll.lteal[1,111 IIIIe 11f Pe till le*-,
I./ e• 11
r es rhe raiz u1 him not only
ag n f
�b >
c New w re ulatitln r e
rat! •. were
) R "
tilos• who
T e h hes rat r, i e •1• It
kept half ra h n
• .,
le* sallow, n r
Lhe rx t t I r- nth Stas[ lake",
pmniplly framed and put in force
the licrow• mitualion minee that lime
bill it dell mod waggish man under hix
which limil Pit the acreage of each ap-
knnw how Ibe pranks , ban been kept.
"Aturnhhc asisect, It will Ito te-
ptieant to '2.Uhl lures, and this may
The flnmilLon Ilcr:dd, an lade eendrtlf
rnemlwred that when hi- vessel, the
llem,lote, flrmideriA in a gale tiff the
only Ito leaned.
nrwmpaPwr, conementing lq"m flit-
we*"tern Kap cwt autumn he, sifter
Mast Work the Mmes.
In to the limitation
in which licenmea in that city
mending his rtew away ton the lifc-
tis it)tthanner
n(T1•age and the right to lease otlh•,
have laetl maoi mlatlotl, size» ti 1 the
1 1
-t. ClueRR Igo the cabin top, which wait
wl►mhed ntlrifl and wits finally driven
each applicant is misfired to cout-
situnlion Al. follow-:
on to shote after the Inst with the
teener active alining operation" on
"The actino ,f file cnmmissionr,.a
crew hail fnnndered hl the darkness,
hi" Irnnehuld within one. year from
has di.henrtenesd nh.mv vilizen- who
This action Itf him has been accounted
the date he in took ifird by the depart.
have- AI bents [ht- moral welfare of
line of the most creditable in the
trent, and shall product- suchyyuan-
Hamihon. IPue it whti.0em the offle
annals of lake sailing, and his suhne-
liths of coal A" the department alecte,
rrprrs ntalive•. of the 'dominant
gtient en/•ip• one of the most mirsrul-
Should the applicant fall to conduct
{{sr•tY• en t he city. The result" in
on"• A few days Offs, the we, c.. an
olmorat.ions a" Ad viNed or produce the
Ifo/nt6,111 IIf 111. Whitney» loudly•
old aequaineanee met. hill) and warmly
ammhnt of coal "tipidated. his lease In
heralded reform in the aelminipterlali,,,h
ronf;rAtulatel him nn Ihr preservation
liable to cancellation In the discretion
Alf the license law nr1• Hitto the
results rlseWhere. Them trnmr��lcoon
Of hl life,
'rhe rwpbin Ihankwl him And -then
of the Minister.
It isalsl provided in the lease that
reform, roll -i -ring ill the diems-l<AI ,If
f bb applicant, for a real Prase shall pay
)partisan Grit coromissioner•s And the
"�yi thin fellow Hheard ron've got
to the Government royalty at the
aptwintmenf ,of ptrtisAn Tory ram-
tip At the City Hal) In no 1klnd of a
rate of five rent. per ton, failure to
mis"ionerli• hna find the inevitable re-
which renders that lease liable to ram
sult of slaking the administration of
the license nyntem serveft the end" of
the [natter with him r'•
"Well, the da After 1'd been fl,tat-
All features of coal soloing rights shall
Idle Tory inntea/l ,rt the (crit. party.
InP� round in that lake for hmsrs he
issued subject t/ the provision that
be to Imiy
The titter tailnre of the Whitney
t>rdlorrd people to boil their drinking■dual
settlers shall entitled
ppnnHe aboold have the effect of colon-
POR thousands of [arms dnternHted in
water 1"
at the pit's mouth whatever coal they
may require for their own use, at a
moral reform to turn with hope to
__ ___
price not to exceed $1.76 per ton.
Mr. Grabllem, who proposes that the
This wasn't at IMIlham'a.
What Country (ivies.
law he administered h nnn-
hotrd1 like the f>a."
"There's a nnrt of a hump right here
A cursory glance will "bow the
partisan police
on tit• rieest," said the tailor, parkins
io Lis hilt,
`4rest advantage of the new system of
lands the
z_ __ _
o»asmemenfa, her will
the that
(l/ralln with coal ever old
The Grand Trunk ballasting
make clothing so Pmt wits not
the bump Is there. " I know
Ont-. was pnwible tinder the ofd
are stilt
the new ■wikches which have been first
into the wbore their new
Ton will," sighed the customer.
Tbet'a m�rAoetet hook IM lay ietslde
rrgLllatioas one personal to acgniren
thousands of acne of coal lands and
keep them idle, whereas tinder the
freight Yi T bwuUL
vest pocket
new regulations the gnstatity of coal
.al4Y'.a'9„•;,.dA,gR,'�1,4f ..:-:;,rrp'u.
C-4" Owns tis Coal.
The natural resoureea of that coun-
try belong to all the people, and not
to A few speculators. The Liberal
Govel•uusetit recognized shim, and
thelrforr A Nyxtrtu of )easing has bases
ret.tbliehwl• so that An applicant is
discouraged unless he intends t, con-
duct Active wining operations, and in
that evrntthe liuvtruu►ent receives a
revenue of 5 cents a tun telmn all the coal
mined. Should the applicant fail to
mine, then the lease terminates.
One of that complaintx made during
the conal 1'
nwinr ill the \\'ret hetser
wee,, that while theta wan plenty pf
coal the owners were doing no min-
ing. The (loveranlent determined
that such a condition should not
lo -cur again and tht• coal mining rrgu-
l/tiona were abrogated. and new ours,
distinctly in the interest« of the
propl., were formulated.
"The Connervath•r" have often de-
nied that the Liler,ll (lovernmentpro-
tects the settler" and holds the itprcu-
hetor at arm'" length, Net herr i She
evidence of it. Speculation. such as
war Carried un under a Conservative
Goverluraul, its impossible under the
tegnlatiunx which the liberals have
framed fur Iht- protection u( tile, pulp -
lie dons aiti.
One Result Possible.
Are agitltlimi in in progress with re-
gant lo) ata general election. 'there
could tw only one result if an appeal
were blade o the People. The lb-
eiad* would lee returned to Iwwer, for
that triple of Cmumbs. are aunt• lustia-
fiel with the manner 1 which imillic
laffnila have teen matea ed.
The trader of that 'uns•ra'ative
omrty will mhur teak fi
I tl political
1 Y
tour of that country. It wo ld hr, writ
I-) keep in mind the evidence If faith-
fill lufuiniatiation of affair», A it inert
the stateulrnts put forth by f r sued
figure,s which ahuuld xatidy seta Iar-
onloJole man that the Governo;ewk of
the day Joan the confidence of tte
4wuple.And+ that confidence will rat
Im• withdrawn.
THR (c.v�.vara%, MAUAZIra. -Tilt'
oliening,irticb• of the Angn"t numiver•
I,( The C.anluliau Magazine in Ivy
Goodwin Smith, on "Party Govern.
ment." Dr. !Louth enunciates his
well-known view+ in opposition to the
pr+lwnt party system of government, to
which he attrihowed most of the evil*
Anso ciated with politics. "What fills
the politicnl air of Canada now with
'graft' and suspicinnm of 'graft* ?
Whitt its impairing the integrity of
judicial appoiutmentH and thus &*-
Hailing the light stronghold ofpubile
rigght and parityofgovernment? `\'hat
batt Ilex necerwitirm of party, which
rumpel it t, lay itc AdherentA ? Our
people are good. knit corruption will
grAtlunlly work duwnwsrJ". It hills
its iustruenrntA in party organizations
And conventions• which, thongh the
le are not Aware of it. practically
take the elections out of their hands %'
The tronble- in that, though Dr.
Smith in very strong in criticism of
the existing system of government.,
he does not indicate what ix
to tike ito place ahuuld it Ito
rejected. Tote" party system is
capable of improvement in its work-
ing, and well -directed effort to
this end will pmtubly yield letter re-
sultn than the attempt to destroy the
existing plan of government without
providing a aldrititute. Thin ntunher
of Tile Canadian Magazine has a nuln-
her of other interesting features, in-
rluding n short pm•en by our former
yunng townsnlAn. Owen F. Me.
(iillieuddy. .
Autumn Session
1 Born. Sept. And ht all depsrtulenteof 1Ile
• \'o a and Gerrard Ht,t, Toronto. am •
G ata,atome "I
Dl*In.+ oar apeNorily In ,
ayulDment, -taR. methal. and r-oilt..
I 1'oit ala Invited to write for it If inter
e.ted ly
d In the kind whdevork which
brirlN.lw-t mut>r+nw. Addrew•
W. H. SHAW Principal.
t t alt
-- "-- ------ --- - -- " __ _
va St. TRO■As, OUT.
Tear L �In ae.lbse.
I 11116011,i ft
University affiliation, Music, fine Art,
Elocution, Physical Culture, Corrtmdreial,
Domestic Science. For year book write
••NNN• 4ft MNNMNM4+M
Fall Term
Opens Sept. 3rd
- -
•TrIATF0rt0• ONT.
Thin whool by twine the beatt ham be
conee the In +r hominess Trag
School in the N'ro, We have three de.
imortmentt: ('OMMRR( IAL, S
ItANII, and TY:LI:GRAPH\'. Ir'.',: e,- ted In ohfalnln,t•practicaledlask,
writeforeurnewratalegne. Graduale.
-.(.lad tood
Dt Ions.
`` Yrinripal.,
(letter Net •Yirnnine" Rn-ineo IObentiaton
now than wi.bheed fie ofd Ytm a rhe m.
Rall Term From Sept. 3rd.
Astend the
110 "Osre/oro
T01<ONM ONT....
#MR. yoNNa ANT) AIAXAsnRA irm)
a1Nl you will undmllAedly Ret 'Vonylne-
business t.ealntnft. rid. the "Imltestior' Rind.
tint, of two hundred Sal Shy Balls for Mok.
koespar-, mtenarrwphera. Ma. we filled Ipnly
an.en of the poxltioH44h• H.no ere eby
ready wben rale were reletvbel. volt It
1,'at atvw l this naheel-n doubly para
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
for the next ten days to make room for the new
Autumn Goods. We will contloue to offer special
Inducements In all departments.
iI, ,
11i 641 .�;(' o ,t,,a,
REDUCED PRICES �-.�y..� 4„ ,,Rx,'f� I111.
1,I� I
.a,,,cL � , t vt i
for Muslius and Wash Goods. � �' 5; ' ��iz
P a .l . sic a'1
for Drees Goody (black and colored). F i'a
1 ;, for linen Damask 'fable Cloths and Napkins. "''
for white muslin Shirt Waists.
� for cloth and tweed Coats and Raincoats. " ., 'I�
r Y�V11, � t for Lin I ;,,,"
, ,, o euros and G ts.
_,_ ..
�. for cotton Blankets, Quilts and Sheetings. "`�',`t°sk',�
In fact in -every department there Is something
rendered specially attractive in our efforts to reduce
SPECIAL Opened in stock this ..it 40 places new fall wool I
dress suitings in plain materials and
small pattern effsctr In a range of colot•s at per yard 76e sad $1.00
co�� -
t«. x.
t ALL SUMMER GOODS ; ' T'1" �t
..LLL,:40- MUST GO NOW... ;
11 Colored Mualins ' Y°r' ''� E11 � 1 •11 "
Sunshades �,
Ons -third Ot -1 t ,r
at one-quarter off, w' Ich
Means IOc Lays no fur i}c, $1,00 sunshades for . 67c.
toe mnslins for 22ic, and all $1.50a unshades for .. $1.1111.
tetwerne at similar put $2110 had
Allthite Goods " 4It_ �:
n lsr
off. t
Xvrry d tan' worth of Cor-
set ('ova , W.1 t• SL t ,
Night Gow, , I)law'•, e.c.,
, you buy you ill get 2. in
cash hark.
e,� Baby Ro a �',,
A., O_tse-Hasner et. Sft,g
Millin _-:tg1.'
almost for the taking of be
away. [fee the lot at 311r,
Home were $2.00.
, c; 11 All White
suns ell for .. $1.34.
$2.50 sunshades for .. $1.07.
$'1..00 sunshades for .. $2.1111,
A few Child's
Colored Dresses
Oar -third off.
All White Waists �;
just My -prime
$1.110 waists for ..... We' '
112.011 Waists for .... $1.00,
$4.00 waists for .... $200.
All other prices to same
cut --cut in two.
A lot of Fancy Goods
at IaaY_rice.
very fancy lines in the
q -third off', at ' '`
The Triumph of the ThIP
e I
!t ;� EXHIRMON =r
1907 1Otor4m 1907
Auduat 20tb to Sella Rlnaii,ter 1kb
QR 6" ,ro � � p � � 'a
5000.000 In Now etdldliads 5400.000
In farellaloaa 34WI.000 Im rrltttlabiaMia
W-'000 In Special Aftnimob..a 5' 0.000
slave iall Pa u,& Gials� N T11a1'e dolt:
AgawilRts sodin M
F. &B*AWMWM soli..11
W, IL P, -I r� a o. Gut
%du. i "V-3 r'Irlta:` z1,;T,:�, �mdaw.w,.
- 44"1or4amo
bi cit ,tom -- —OF--- Was ,?� Off. °.Lv-....
Summer Clothing and Hats
I We have too much summer clothing on hand. ,I
i Tho backward season accomnts for it, so in
order to get rid of it we will cut the prlees
oft quarter to one-half' off :the regular price. i
These prices ought to movA every suit and
hat in quick order. Here is a sample of the .y
savings we offer you .c
e •liLr t at it;:
$i5.00 Suits for v $7,50
$3.00 Light Fedora Hata .. $I.50
Come early and get the best bargains ; the A'.
0 best goes first.-, w.
fie,... 4e,e - .
The I" Place to M wit's Cledit skid !w■biksE*