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The Signal, 1907-8-15, Page 1
ENVELOPES More than 100,000 have arrived and are now on order. They are going fast these days. We print them at Zhic THE SIGNAL 11 I 14 NXTIDTH YZAR•-Ns, alae GODERICH, I r.I =man° - ----- =' -I LOCAL TOPICS. I- -- -- --- --. -- ----- . .. -- - - -- - - � ---- - Coming Term Last. A1 t l I SAFE 4 PER CENT. INVESTAI E.N' I Only eve or possibly six of the ex - istiug be tit . , Taummi, Full wheal, per Dash. new model sdhoola will opera. tion in Ontario next year. The By opening an account with THE STANDARD LOAN COM- Sturdv. John Holmen, Ato ;. M¢Le(Nl f� Uovernment asked J. J. Tilley, Pro- PANY you will experience thathappy feeling which comer to U . vint+Ld inspector of model schools, to ins($nie A careful investigation au•1 those who know that their possessions are safe, as a savings ac- le L5 to 0 4, to turnish the Education Department count with this Company is Just an secure As An investment to (hate, per bush.. new .. Peas. per bush ....... with a list of the umxlel schools it Governmeent Bonds and yields a higher rate of income, The spacinus dining -room of the would list necessary or advisable to re- U 11t to n 'n tain temporarily after the opening of FOUR per cent. interest paid on deposits And money ran is, Is W to the six Provincial Norn'al Schools in withdrawn at any time. per owR,,........ Flour, patrol, IctCNt September, IIM18: This air. Tilley has I an when it was filled with a splendid done. His report in now undergoing THE STANDARD LOAN ('01II'ANY IV uU preparation. . Shorts, per top ............... Hay. lot jig to f ust Walter. -- --'- ----..-fir- --- new. per ton ....... :....... Wood. her cord................... An old" resident of Hollerith town- Gt.Aerich Office, Corner North Street and Square. Situations ♦ SCLII% •hill, in the petwin of Mantiel Walter, W. L. }TORTON, MANAUER. 0111 o V. 0 17 passed to the unseen world on hatur- day afternoon last, lit* death being IMnOtes. now,- 126 to due to annemin. Mr. Walter was ----- -- ,- _ -_.._ -sixty-ei ---- ht years and four months of Age and leaves a widow Anti a (Sillily. The funeral ttm)k plave Oil Mon(iay -___ --- _ __ J afternoon to Maitland cemetery, keV. M 1 GODERICH MARK • ►• 4now1 un cuntluctng the ore sequi�r. The pall-leeareIs were Ed. Acheson• A. .1. Cour I. Salutwi Taummi, Full wheal, per Dash. new AI . i� R1 1.)O' U al Sturdv. John Holmen, Ato ;. M¢Le(Nl f� ....- Spring wbexi. per bu+h, nob.... U st to U . And %Y illiatnl Gould. , ye per bush .. ... ... Buci wheat, per bulb . ......, le L5 to 0 4, to U 1.5 o tI The Summer Hotel Concert. (hate, per bush.. new .. Peas. per bush ....... a al to e m to :le 77 The spacinus dining -room of the Itwrlry, per bush ..,........... U 11t to n 'n sulunter hotel w,ts turned into R cOn- St-rotiniAg. per ton ........•.... Flour, faunily, Is W to la cert hall on Thursday evening last, per owR,,........ Flour, patrol, IctCNt Y ve to y Vol toan I an when it was filled with a splendid .:..... "nu, Ver Wn ..........a,,.,..... Ir W to IV uU lldience of Ilntlnic-loving people. Shorts, per top ............... Hay. lot jig to 't-' W -- --'- ----..-fir- --- new. per ton ....... :....... Wood. her cord................... 11 U) to sell to 1: tell a Irl Situations ♦ SCLII% flutter, per Ib .................. Cheese. per Ib .. 11 frr.,h, per coli. .:...:... - 11 IS to a 13 to o w to 0111 o V. 0 17 _-,___� - - - - NTED AT ONCS. -GOO D IMnOtes. now,- 126 to 1 •!S ` brick) en AVVly F J HAUL& ('&tile, onllny to good, pe�Icwt. 3 W W { tip When ltlplm. M.;It.. Uad.rieh, Int. l'&Itle export, per cwt..... ,. { eY 1. S lot - .Wit Hog ,live weight, pet cwt.... ; ell w • e xl _---- = TO t Z4 intra . / AI) to s oil `)[,A TSD. -GOOD, SOUND t --.-. _ - --_ I beeeep, per cwt .................. 2 30 to { St 111' o hor`ts. wefRht shout 1,!1111. Apply L�URNISHED HOUSE TO HENT. Ham. per Ib ............... ... w u to . o Is N'HF:FYL aa. 1/.iced, uoderich.Ont. C TM wmlerixned nem hrr reside. r (.d ilaron. Iter In 1.U 15 to 'U sin yi-it Fw,r wisp hm ant, fur,u.hed, In,e Sey,emler 1''•M, per Ih ... 13 to 45 Tallow, Riot. Thl.i•x:. If., win, " ti. „m.tr,a ... Ilide w cit : :':::::: eel to Dun WANTED:-APPHF:N1'ICF GIRLS We" ed aurally Lsatal. Alry.l t' t,. y 4 . •. •............. g de (o t UI a lenrq AIr liking. at once. Apply Frevaaa^ a N heel.. kin. ...................... 75 4r 1 011 Y stif MR.S. Md.ACH1.A . ("t,r h, 4. hie . la to l t to M193 ('OUIH. 11 corner of North street and Turkeys .... 1410 I( square. ( tf },TOR RENT. -A DWELLING ON IOvisldernr&rket.eepaeesl ---- -- ------- i ICM + +triol. !,, rr l u ished r not),n r ror Sale A Awllling famished O ,me I pees front; (idles; Con, reelrncr.. (teal "tate for resale. Fna AR,J,.-Two new dwellings on Anglaise. L1lt4YT.CLASS, BOOT AND SHOE .treet; on! dwellinrrg on 1'Icton .treelt: .40 I' DAIMIrtg Ivo on FSRIn avrn ue, F:.srx sl noir., FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -A and Omcrry Stuck for axle in the lhrlvtng t ! .r t and Pin! -Irert. r grelrl&xa :9re-wre lams In Waat Wawa vilhyCrn( . A goon. Kd. ham always b In q'�RrRIt. few furnl+Ae.l hoes.+ yr moms no,At, cunro.rxlnn .t, lot 'C- with 173 &eras In & Ov°nvrt ion. A ward trade has ►!wa)'s txsen next the lake, Co rant fie the ...... or.t or ein. done but owner ham interest* in Court di-uriet gnarl tatrsar�o,ff Cultivation. well fameed, well n•tl,tltinngg his Rttentlort,, Oneof the Ire -t stand. *it 1'OI'Nu A Ito lly.R")N. walend.r - orehand, IwrIF* bank barn, Roved in llµ. vftlxge. Will Ire s ld .1 A law aaure to _ ___ _ house. } eslMflcr, bl&rksnmth shop and' stun dose out abm•ken bloc. For furiber pxrtfrnlars u corner of farm. convenient to mchoul And '�Y`t-1r`r'-les"--'y; -`c" eharrh. apt.la' 10T. W. LITTLE:. Lung:umon. . OMed In ,'a ntula. mo-( tF miles front l'. P. R. wt ation at Auburn. Term. eA.y. W. A. HARRISON. IIRITIMH 'ho"o"gl ,,"tt.,11.1 film.( Lueknow.Ont. j UMBER FOR HALF.- IIEMWCK,) A MF:1{1('AN ills for Ramml work. -- �/ elm and maple lumber for sale (ran stork. arm IWS I N FSS Ital mara.ble res(-, Enter IIIOR MAI.E. -FIVE ACRES CWSF- apply o ROIN o T er.hl For further .deri rt. if n y time. F&II mrr . from In ; latae frontagr on pee M the main thor. aDPIY to ROHKHT KLLB)TT. Uoderieh. t( ('I)U I,EOE: ,Slept, Ard• C.tA kw" and nnghf&re .W (ped for lake water -One building ----- ----- --- - ---- 7111tuNTlt Jot real of IJIIAIerw F:da rite. Addta., ibx lel, sWNAL OFFI(L AIItZt1oII Sales ,'atWn free. - ------- = T.I. I,% ares., 1'rinClpal. L5ARM FOR 4aLF: ON DIVISION X, ""Y�'�- j` line in the township of A"hOeM, ivietain PLEARiNG SALE _ it: lee .errs of erotd black etay loom goal for t/ or lift ad f.rminR or p&„ture, with pepsin oo tams, Iy"WiltHIA1.1/ FURNITURK, A-QVA\TITY barn. and well fenced, otta&txd one- Or LUMHklt- AND A HL'1Id11NU If mile from seh,ol, one and ons -half ndlw. LUT ON FIAHN AVENUF. front po-tofllre will Its sold maso.0.ly, pea in the town of Goderich. HOMS'A \E_ion will Iw given at once. For funhrr liar- Williayt Jones will .ell by publie .notion UDI' timlaw 1i,pply to THOMAB FORD. "ties I.O. &I Debt re.ldence on Angleses ,dreeL Uod.rien, aPP(.IF:U to nor or parr nes the �UILDiNOH FOR SALE.- TEND- nn F.fitDAV. AUOURT:rrrH.11n;. -olendid counom given by the glues en will be emm,rl,•ed by the .redrn,ige,arl up vmmemirinR At Etre deice mhx. V. a tonantily, of �orm,pN.lerlty school. TOM.(., In Saturday. AURIeI 'ath, for the, lntrthase, of household furniture and fur fishings. consist l)iW wall Map Ou to bolus things in any Ilie building- in Salt fond ut pressor txrupied of parlor suite, 5 ptecrs:.Y cherry buroans. Y walk of I�fr. 1,et n. mend you lean by M. A. Moves, t ('a.. Including the old hotel rotnmodom. 1 dr•••s•r, 1 bedromn milli, I Mml- tiruletr.. % err he] An, hordmt. building. -table and hall. Purt homer to take dentis, Y wire springs. mattm%eme,v 5 rakers, I d ai ndlnt. tars). May wt• mol aid down nod rano, r %hr huildintt•. 5ny further Larne e&my chair, a tmmtre table, extension dim you t l'Ifp onL etas, na1Ue and rnwll ywrt�r" ray 11e had from JOho Saudis ina table, 1 sofa, 1 parlor nook stove. 1 "GSM you )MRH. K LAWIVAM, Oalerich. @t. Chair'stove, r•arl,els, rurtwln., dishes. lamps. kitchen utensils, and other articles too nutter. Naxw 4rOO') FARM FOR SALE.--HXINO ous is mention. (1• lot li. caxpebWon ti, Ooferieh township, of Also at 3 ucla•k sharp will he mold a grout .Address. tlty of hemlock lumber and lot A3 on Klgit late n,•te., Rood rl&y lout and watered, b. .51W.4s avenne, amoth of JaR. ILK •rcrk : also well at the house. There Iw a:frex SU 7rnit's. %learn with .taw suables and brick koamr It Vverythirur must be+old, am the owner im rinries. Two acr.xl Roof orchard. Five mile,, tends Iwvinor Goderich. Teens rash. --- -.--.---- fromUtdrtirhand ItfromClinton. Wouhlex. Willi THOS.UI'N1.7t1, change In pa"'.1.0w; [ for small ptvteeK For pail k- Yropr4ior. AnrUunerr uLe.addrar►k"I7tyUl'N., l�oderich. ------ -- -- _._._-__- STAR•COLE LINE 11 in I . No_ tes to Creditors. /�RH T L1ORMALF.-HOODHOME, MPLEN- S j e U110*T 1 did Mention. cod orner of Merit- -wart. need 7 N THS SURROOATS COURT OF Cm abria ; furnace, electric likht, all modern 1 THR COUNTY OP HURON. conveniences, gonew Kahle )am Rroami.. P Int SAULT Nr1L MARI& MICH.. Apply at oma to O. M. E1416W.- ,'a Nath (9Mnne1. Uro A. Ray, - IN THK MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Tt,=DAT. et s P. In. LIOR SALE OR TO LET. -A BRYAN DOYLK. LATK OF THETOWN• .bouse on Vier with all ern SHIP OF ASHFIFL). IN THE COUNTY FOR }eu1HT HURON. DETROIT. esavnnsweem; large tai- ynd %table; JIFHN lir HUR)N, FARMER. tlK(•F:ASF:I1. Tor,vim).ad CI.FVFLAND. LAWSON. Ooderloh. SaTI nnAv, 7,-X) a. m. I)E81RA(rBLR PROPERTY FOR Not,i}o,eI- herqb) given purmuant toH-a.O., WILLIAM LKF Local AV�K nt. RALE --well ,dtnated bet wren rigaarr, 101• Chapter IN, slection A", thief ata {{annon. R, MAXILit,, And lake. with good buume and ax•Ilar. For having Claims against Iter, estate ofthe Mid Traffic (tanager, tmit.. Mich sopww„mow" apply on prember% MRS, OOFH Bryan Royle, who died on or about the I,th F.I.. 8t. PatrMk'm Atm•l. _i -..If day of July, IW7. are required on or before the 40 day of Selmemeer411117s, to mend I ppoos.tt pre - LbOR MALE. -A COSY SEVEN- ppaaid or deliver to Messrs. Cameron R Kllloan. r maned boss hail resod soft. ester In OedrMch.Ontario. onfiriftws for Morgan Dal. AIQO]IIA CIBNTHAI. MTFAMMHIP kltrkip; wear ('ol APO Ioditnte. Apply fv ton and John MrNtimmra.'h.lh of the wiA MRe ll tpU. COX, H rola ronA. township of Amh011d, exa-ulory of the M.P will LINE Alwl te.tunr-nt of the mahl deit•amed, their (Mmes, atldrtmwem Aid de-riptI son- anti a full y(�, R AOR SALE.-dli ACRES EIXCF.1 statement of particulars of their claim. ,aid , / asci. KING' EllVVAII,D f LKNT land for market gandrn, with food the nature of the securil) ,if nna) held I y Ilding" and fenow; two miles from Gad, thrum. duly eerUflel. UNDUSKY,71)LFIHJ-AAUI,TBTKMAH1a' rich: Ore aonx in orchard of appb,m, lwar•.. And notice is hereby -given that after the DIVISION a' nom, cherries. pw•hom, grnyywes. nail n,sp. Mad date the mAM'cxocutory will pnm-eed to , &Mrs. 1'dCsand terns flevoraW. Apply to distriMue the amse(- of the dri-earned non mor Yo oUNll t ROOrKTOON, Uoderlch. the {{ xrt, ell entitled thereto, hxvbilf "Ward only 1lettveen Vandoaky 'ffolerdn, Detroit to the claim% of which they stinal Iron MAI and Mault Ste. Marie And inter I� OUSk FOR SALE. - A NiN F notice. 1917. mediate itriint.m, will leave 11 roomeel frame dwelling having a goal CAM the /th day of RAN. ode sil'oet aM.oa .treat. lltnsre andaLion CA)Ii:HUNt FILtmttKAN, Uodm•Ieh,Uut. Goderich as follow.: :'" Solicitor for said r,je center., and ournmer kl 'NOW .lakte. III he moM 8outhllound - 0:3) a.rn. WedneRday rye1" lul''y For further partioulaa Apply to -- ------ olthhound - M,:10 m, Friday MILS. 11 . , Me AUUHAN, {t I►arlsor ave., Public I<Ot P• y Totronto. IDtf - c "'eRlh.r Permlu.ine IAHM FOR NALR-ON and (ION---77-----=------ \ .�__.- ------L---- -- K•M. I,KK, local Agent. rawslon of ( ale erne t.w•nshlp, rrn e, front n t Ja-.. Tr la!I sr"., 1 nails from mehcol, 1 mile frim +y J.�KRxNEDY fflc Manager. Sault Ste. • e- i Auburn 'os o eo • ( T-�•,r, nail'. Aire -f Anal fnm A ern i 1 in J. l[arlec (ort• ndlea (rase t'. 1'. H. station. ( ndlrm fmm ipson d -borough. a nSlea from C1Intnn. There are CIFALFD TENDERS ADDRESSED - -- -- - - .,:the the p"misx twolearns, Ono PI:An with k to the utdri,holvl, and emtor+ad '-Tender tons .tables. uuderue.1h, the other :wvA; in (nes supplying l'oxl for the Ikmdnf n Hull I gtmmf rwp;Jr: n art dueµ hon -C with w Raxal rope." will lot t+•rolt'rd M thio o antic ,{, f{ E ntrnace, xr.l m (rams kftuken, wamdshed wed Thursday S.plruolm•r 5th, Ite1T. Itm•Ins vrly, for III i, i"K A .... lhdraullr fortiiwwmer at barn the sn''plY ofaval for the Vublir building, ,f l and kit, h,n,, iC("! +`,ring wawr. Li 'µms fall 11 1h. the ihuuinloh. \l �1 ' BANK wn"'It, I.Nimioo in Il"t ,9a.- elms of rulti,n ('ou,Ainwl lm`t'INt. lot and form of tender ( j, ERUN(r f tion. Nn fruit tor,+ tmytinning to fossas. and con to ob:ainld nn nlgdl,atfonaf thl. ogler. .malt frail 't[i arms ( gond bush, Cedar. 1'ermnnslenderfnlia" notified Ilam tender- Or, /'( laT ,t 11 A hrminek, Irm•wnad. %'I"I. maple. Polmao*w1On will not Ic eon+111ured nn)emm tnadeon the lJ NA ,,an M•Wfven at ns•r, terms In -it Thr pur printed form muV tad. and ,tinged ,{QIP their eh.mer, For forLber in(or&1ouon. apply Im the artwnl mlRnxt ar> . HRAD OrTK.V TORovm Dremlwe• Or tiAArtte. IUHN AL1, ) 1', teat Fit•h tender mural rte eommpnnlel by an rrleh, Ont. arrlpted rholJus on A chartered bank. made At'rROa12RD VAPITAI, /1,Wil.ar) aniy.blO to fhe orderelf the Honorable the L1ARM FOR MALR.--A CHOICE: Mintmlerof Public %Pork*, e4lialto ten per INCORPORATED BY SPXCIAL AC r 1� farm few sale, adapted for meed fam,inW rent nu N r,) of the amount, of the tener, or (lire, al Rerem C eft . 1(1 across Orr. whl h will be forfeited if the fireman tem]crinR (W IN)MIVT()N PARLIAMENT I5 nor" gaoA timber. moil a Rood black A no to enter Into a eontrart when called To RKcri1'E iIF:1'ctsM CIA 1- laanI. (toad frame homme, fnnie hart It noon to dQ M. ar if he fail fOCOm Dlete ,be work _- .tie les. good drit .hod. list. TI and AI, mntrnCtn4 for. f Thr tcndm Im, nut tiecepud coner•salate 1 (Ipetorich towntehi r, Ali soI}• t. the Cts,yyu. will IPO rW prietyh To aceommodAte the F errs PROI'uF'INfT. MAYA k HI,AIR or to ('NAS. The Ipeptirfinent dim•+ net bind tl.aif to nes. we have opined Branches hi Ile J. "'ALLAH. (llntow. tttf Oept 1.hw lowrmI or a y lendet. order vlUytMO[ L101t SALE. r l i3'IY)i11' HOUMF. F'itkiR GF:LI wre 1` ` H ecrrtwr). DUNGANNON on A.RIlees drmho o n N keaase on IlepwrOnenl of Public lrnrk-. 1 Napier sim•t. It .Ivry honors on Napirr.s�roet.. unnw•n. Augnsl I, Iflll;, near I m1hollc Ohureh, It story hour an Morin New*sociis,. w'lll not to Imrid for this M'or AUBURN hrenur, 1 .(Ory booms am Keays efts •1, I d.rY limnment If Ihoy in -ort 1t wit heal Ant Motif>' �* P. Mums am Victoria Amit, 1 story brick house Ili (rem the IMpartnient. ♦ ARN • D • lWt fora.. bargain, hrirk Yard In I oHcrne. - - --- _ - --. --- .- j�NA and nrnr Hsnmiller. a plendid Inve.imont for . �,R, Li9'1'. IAlli. man with ■mall capital. Faros for Nate In an rrzvt Huron Bounty, Vill No A ltlHlFlty. V BAYFIELD. SI IN Ooderick (41 MI•VI('IPALiTY OF THK TOWN OF OUD Rltl(' IN THK COUNTY OF 111;RON. WO BOWL lire Patronage of the �N FXCF.Ie1.FN'f' FARM FOR NMIre Is he" Rroen that A here tran.- FARatRR. SALE, -2110 acres In Womi Wawanomh. two milted or deliveredto the I,eemopm .rote ned Act _ _ ml (*.from Auburn :soil w Clay Iaeae.r. Rlsrut. IRs In section m Of fro (Ontario Vot,n' filar. Act NALK xOTlpl Otltl•OI'ItTR", acre" under enlUvafion arm] 3O to an Rrnwn theroDlem "'quired by .aro sectio, I. he aO umber. A well and two ppring. of ter. It trannertw4ed at delivered of the 11.1 mail Iter• now frame dwelling, a good ham• -foals and saint llhl ,rid Def ofall prtwrn. alltwarin by t,e. 9AViNGS RANK ACCOUNT doll held. Apply (o IOUNO a HONKfill L.t.Trawl Ramo«ment roll of rM ..1 muni• MIN (iodrrtrh atti aNry to M entitled to vote in the maki In I, - o M pored by dapxeait of �I.(t) at ea flit eletilomm for member. of thO lwngl•- inf@rewt. At 1 X compound. tl�Q IM,•e Ammemhlr And at, municipal ela,aonm ; W" &Od th.m the .a A list www Or.t pained all al, my feel eplArtearly. _ - -•�-- nf]{re at Ooderich on the Aid Any of Xegn.t, -- L -OUR HOARDXR4 1�ANTBD.- Im-. And remain* thin" raw in.portion. L' Apply at THE MONAL O rite(,. And I he"hyrah upon all vMwr. to take tm- _ mediate pmcerdinRm to hair tiny ester, or 3 11 ib,ItiClj ARAN('}{ om]wlnnm mrrartAll AAcronling to law. E Wit .L PAY CASH FOR ALL ]Jared at M4Vj1.h this 3rd day of AotgamL A.lt.6aM1eLE Maeag•r. W ygerOlaless : ale "RSWAp IMf and aRLia mMdMmaa•spros R8 MAN• ikS.N, rL O. JORVttT()li, UFACTt;Rlhu COM AN {lou Clerk of Uoderkh. ( 'A I , I �-V� A 0-1�1"I,* _7. MARIO. CANADA: AUGUST I5, 1907 Harold Jarvis, Detroit's great tenor, tol+nllafiten put in;next the house he was the chief Attraction, and his ring- . built last year; R. Jewell is building a iog crellitrll great erltilUmiarm. •The house on the corner of Elgin avenue Death of Nelson" and •'Cho 4tandant and Canlhria road ; F.. C. Belcher• in on the Braes of Mar" were stirring, building just off Cambria I't ". Jamas alai in lighter pieces him voice wits Mac Vicar having the contract ; J. wouderfulty expressive. Mix. Hnlevrt Newell is building next tie AM, :Hae- Loete, soprano,p((ave several nunllwiw Vicar's on Hinckr street; J, Edwards iu a sweet, vultivated voice and was and J. G. Reinhart have dwell in in warmly received. Miss Trssona Troy progreon Britannia road and there Waw. the Acco"ipAllist, :old Itlwn gave are the two hounee Wm. Acheson is some solo selections on the piano with {putting top on Cambria road. and the brilliant execution. .It wam it musical houses Wnt. Blake is building. treat, and the management are to Ire tiueeesetul Students.congratulated upon furnishing tiles opportunity of enjoying such au even- in' the list of successful candidates Ing. at the matriculation examinations in July are the following from the Oode- Hospital Notes. rich Collegiate Institute : 1). M, Tile Da{uKhlem of'►ho Fmpire will ('lark, O. Dean, U. O. Durnin, T. O. hold their annual monthly meriting in' Durnin, B. W. Long. M. A. MacLeod, .the court house library on Monday. I AV. A. Matheson And It. H. Type A%tiat filth, at 4 p. ul. Pupils of Uot erich Collegiate In - Will the friends of the hompital etitute passing the junior teachers' kindly renlemler when coining their Iexaminationt are an"follows : R. Shaw, fruit to set aside A can for that inoti- 1 it. C. Stirling, M. Sullivan. W. A. tuliont This will lee a.gre1.t help this, Alathesom, R. McKenzie, H. McKen- coming wippter. I zip, A. McKenzie, honors ; M. A. Me - The ft)Ilnwifix dnnationa t, the heal, honors : 1). H. Finlayson. hon - hospital tile gr lefully neltoowledged : ors ; T. O. Durnin• A. A. Dalton ; Rev; Ali-. Hamilton, $5: Port Albert O. DPan, honors ; D. M. Clark, hon - churches, $'Liao; H. Salkeld, Mrs. ore. O. 0. Durnin. Hutchisti 1. It.. Fergo.on, M i sop Q. l.'. 1. students passing seninr lobuston, Mrs. Tavlor• I'egetables ; teachers examination were an fol- Mrn. Holt, Mist/ Fraser, fruit; Mrs. lows : 4. J. T. Beati• part 1. ; B. S. U.u•rie. fruit. And screen door. (!Am,, pa rtle L and IL ; i. J. Clark, At the Pjar•bor. tart I., honors : L. H. Fraser. part �.: F. E. C. Natiol. ppaiart L,: S. G. The now convent anHakowtaack At the Mctluarrtp, part 11.: H. R. Blither- The Mill has toren completed. It in 140 ford, part If. ; W. G. Smyth, part if.. feet in h-Igel• honors : J. M. Strang, part 11. 'file steamers Grenfleld, - Ionic and Scottish Meru are expected at the end Reddlit-MaeViear. of the wreck with grain for thth.ele- I A pretty house wedding took place vator. yesterday at 12:•iu .clock. at the resi- Ou Tuesday the Brand Trunk find dente of Mr. and Mn. Jamps MA&Vicifir. surveyors makitg plans for the mew Ilinck's street, yvhen their second TO THE ELECTORS OF WESYASHFIELD. HE Power Company enterprise is still a live sub- \jectt and will be proceeded with at once if the railway bylaw carries. Even if the vote of the town, given a; few days ago, is not reconsidered, the bylaw of last year still remains in force and it guaran- tees the bonds of the 'Company to the extent of $150,000• The question of the guarantee of the bonds of The West Shore Electric Railway Company by West Ashfield will be voted upon on the 26th inst. Meetings for a discussion of the questions in- vo'-ced will be held next week at Port Albert,' Kintail, Laurier and Grant's School House. Port Albert, Tuesday evening, August loth, at 8 o'clock. - Kintail, Wednes!ay evening, August 21st, at 8 o'clock. Latirier, Thursday evening, August 22nd, at 8 o'clock:. Graht's School House, Friday evening, August 23rd, at 8 o'clock. THE ONTARIO WEST SHORT: ,.F,LECTRIC RAILWAY CO'Y :witch they intend putting fn patst the daughter, Mins Nellie, became the elevator. bride of Fred R,Iesell Hodditt, of Har- .• The waw"nill has Iwen at work again I'e- Rev, James A. Anderson per. since the raft of logs arrived last we•k. formed the Ceremony. The bride IN, - The Weitt4•II Canada Flour Mills ,Ing of Scotch descent aril- the groom Co. have nlrldP preparations for a (!(in[ Fng lish as pretty idea was carried out yard near the old brewery. in the twining of thistle And robe in the floral decoration under which the The loathing house ham been much happy coutple stool iaR the knot waw patronized of late. ` tied. The bride was very prettily The tug Frank AirAulay, from dn•t seal fn white mnusmeline.de-soie, Point Edward, was in yestrrlay for tr•inmeil with vnlenciennes insertion !worn lop and took un some coal. and Race, rand her louquet was of white rues. Aries Alar MaaeVienr, sister of A Beautiful Mirage. the bride, was bridesulaid, +and worn A The fortunate individniala who were white muslin dress and r•arrIkI pink at the. f101or 1 ;irk and /at the Atom. rooms. Ilims 11e1'thl Redditt, cousin of mer hdtel on Friday morning were till, groom. nnaade It charming flower treated to A night of the MichiKRn girl, dressed In n costume of White aho•P. Twflecte(1!Hn the hoe•is n, whleh point d'esprit trimmed with valen- appeared to lee only it few "'ilea awns-• riennek lace, and carrying it basket of So perfect wits 'the innile that nut pink and white sweet local.. The besot only was the said lose a traceable• man wale Edgar lt(dditt, brother lots till- distant heavily -wooded hills of the groom. Thr• df"itg neon andwhat appeared to fni clearings wall done in green And q'llite, and cultivated fatms could easily be Aelters and ferns being consple- dieWrned. Along the edge of the, none in the decorations. Uat cof•tnwn•I water several ateam vem.,elm were seen• glleats wore Miss Rutherford, of Tn- with the smoke from their sulgke-,rnnto, and Mrs. John A. Carlyle and •tacks leaving n long black train on Mina Lily Carlvle, of Brantford, Aunt the still atmosphere in their wake. And cousin of the. bride. e Thin beautiful mire e'laate(t toes an Th gr(xnnI g ent to the pride wild a pearl neck. hour or au randwrit" mulch enjoyed Iaem Anti tie the bridesmaid A pearl by all who caw it., although this phen- ring. Mr. &till Mot. ltedditt left on tNUPtiOnn of the air in comunn ell to the '2sW train for a trip to il8trnit, at. thin *etamm of Nie year when the Ningarta FAlla and other points, Ipetnle weather condition. are favorai4e. taking up their rrmidencp in Wrrie, A Chance for Investment. where the grown hips a position with IL .I. Mnrningsfa1.r, Whne is IIILPnNIfNI the Sergeant, Smith Co. .The iride'm fn 1..1. mining in the ttafn) River distriinterested fravelling with Wtaa brown serge trimmed with hoer le•Alher bread, ban been giving wane interesting I'll- end hat to 'match. The bride hibitfonto of "panning" gold to our formerly had a position in the HA,rrie citizens. One on Saturday is report. Business College hilt latterly had been ed in another column of this paper. lit Toronto. Her many friendm in ant'yertcriay he gave another which Goderich and elsewhere wish her un - was w'itnomesPd by Mheriff Reynoldm, stinted happiness. County Clork Lane, C. C. i", Wm. WArlxxtk, 11, J. Urawforl (Ihlhgan. Five Fires "In it Week. non) And others. Tho reanitse Tester- The fire forigade had a bully time day were wonderful. even "limb Ix't• last week --three Alarm%. The third tier than thoew of Satnrtay, the opera' was on Friday nfternnon, the saw• tion iwing performed with some of the dutit filling of the walls of the Bedford ore frons the Minnehaha mine. Mr. hotel itxehoteme having caught flu+. Mofningstar has a limited nrnoont of stock in this property for sale It any A flee In rho- gratis Past of the (F. of the Undt•r•icp people want to invest, T. It. traekm romp dimtsnee south of And although he diem not want to tho paasm-nger station called out the make anv unduly optimistic stats- brigatfll vedterlav ahort.ly before noon. menta the n'sults already demonstra. The grAas had born burning for monip � LOAD] indicate a rich return for ,the. In- Itime, hilt when it began to get on to - vestment. Mr. Morningstar will lee wards the oil tank the alarm wax went fn town for a wF4,k or two yet. in: Building in St. David's Board. alina( night figat in rloe•k the Martin again rang, , the blaze thin limp One of the liveliest, parte of the being at Thomas Postlethwait•'n town, xe far An building operations hnuatr in Mt. AndrpW'm wArd. The fire are concerned, in Mt.. Davidil wand. had already gained ennniderAhle hPud- There ate the new Wheel Rigs factory way when the Alarm moundwl And by and the Addition to the Kenmingtoo rile time, the brigade arrived there', furniture factory (now np^riqg from- was no chance of saving the hou", pleb.ion), Died with the tWhMel Rigs And moat of their attpntion W&m MctStry gning np Ili Im Ilii to ieOA directed to Rimording Craigle Hrothrm' a hies er Fanptet.tiae given In Mlftie irP htnlmP, which waw next to the hurn- opNr" "'.. W, /:"ter'. neW owl ioghnume and ciao caught, flu. Thn brick hrn1aP nn Elgin avenne, put. np swops of the flrOA in w mystery. Mr. by .1.I. Mn, Vicar, fa neru'ing complo and May. Postlethrrwite and child eft. (fon ; Rev. M Nott is having A lament the bodes Tat ahogt a yilarter to li in the evening and everything" as all right then, the only tire (wing in the kitchen stove, which, togetl•••r with the pipes, was new. When i.or !,'. turned the v found theirhotel. a loans of H+lufi te. le house was burned GI the ground and all the furniture with the exception of one chlor, which Mr. Postlethwaite was in time toge t out, was lost. Mr. Post:ethwaite had per- chased the houae only the put. -( I • • and had no insurance on it. Tho f u= niture, however, was iniourod. LOCAL TOPIC8 IN BRIEF. An pili+tic partmil of yourself Is waiting for you Al 8allows' ,dudlo. All that you have to do he to lot the shutter of the camera wink at you. Sitting.- tit ally Uwe. V. J. Ptidhaw's im hoadquarters for natty tailoring suitable for dry, dusty, .t a finer days urforstylimhsuils fordre.m m+-asiuns, What: ever you nuod yon awn delmend on the test at F. J. Prldham'.. Aro you thinking about. new p1Oco of up- holstered furniture for your honest Dorm buy the filet thhig you ss, ; Kota W /liner Sallth . Andyplck out your own covering from his large stOl:lt. of the IaLee,t in furniture coverings Dred' have your furniture done to bull you. R. Parsons is building three houses in St. Andrew's ward. The brickwork of one of the houses Win. Acheson is building is in prog- ress. Cement steps have rreepplaced the old wooden ones at the 0ollegiate In- stitute. J. W. Pharls has made an excava- tion for a house of) Xlgin avenue track of W. Proudtoot's. The trustees of S. S. No. 5. Colborne. have engaged Miss 1let8y Smith, of Lucknow, as, teacher. Mitis Oraace, Strang has been ap- pointed teacher of modern language; at the Orangeville high school. She takes charge) of the work after the vacation. Airs. Rees Ili -ice Announces the en- gttgement of her daughter, Helena Dora, to Dr. Walter Scott Turnbull. The marriage will take place early in September. Frank Naegle, of Colborne, has the contract for the brickwork of the new factory for the Goderich Wheel Rigs Co.. and T. -McKenzie A Sons, Clinton, are supplying the 350 frames required) The brickwork at the faAaory of the Goderich Wheel Rigs Co. is now Ili progress. The cement brick is tie- ing used for the inside, faced with or- dinary straw-colored brick. The tim- ber supports for the second floor are to p. !Hiss Brown, of Goderich• sang in Willie church, Clinton, on the Sunday before last and the Clinton 'papers speak very highly of her perform- ances. The New Era says : "Miss Brown *possesses An excellent voice and in a favorite soloist." Arrangements have peen made toy a tent at the Toronto fair in connection with the Department of Agriculture, which secretaries of Agricultural and horticultural Do )cieties And farmers' institutes are. invi:elt to make their hea tiquartem while At the fair. A meeting will he held next Mon- day night in the 1'empemnce Hall. at S o'clock, when the representatives appointed by the various religious lNid its of the town wall meet to discuss the taking of steps to have a local option hylaw submitted in town. F. W. Broughaill, of Toronto, gen. eral manager of the Sterling Bank, wait in town on Friday last. He was much pleased with the new office of the Bank here, which is one of the most hand.,00ze among the various branches of the B ink throughout the Dominion. A lawn social will Is, given by the Indies of St. Petrr's ITL C.► church at the Harbor Park. on Wednesday. August'21Rt, Momlc will TNI furnished by the :lard RPgiment hand, and Ie- fieshntents will INP morved duringg the afternoon and evoning. The admis- sion to the grounds is to cent@. On Friday afternoon a pawing auto. mobile frightened the team of horses on the Kincardine st,►ge, as it was standing oil ,the Stpnare near East street. The horse. sta't(d Anti ran to- wards the park but c,)ming ag:ainsi a tree noar the street came to it stop. The ton Kg le of tale enrage was broken hilt no older damage was done. The usual large crowd gathered I()'- the afterglow service At the Ammitper hotel. bast Sunday even. Ing. Three Rpt•c. if numbers were then, W.V. W. 1V. 4toddaart. Mr. iller, of Detroit. And Mrs. IAeete, of Detroit, contributing very select Roloo. MisA TIAY and 31r. Wuerth, both of Ibtruit, Actexi As Accompanists during the eyenitlg. arria e took A n t g (x k pplace at St. Otorge's church on Wednesday, Aug - list 7th, the cantractimg parties being A1ina E,thO Meid, orf Sheppardton, and Jnhn Weianl,illPr, of Germania, Muskoka. The - ceremony was per- formed by Rev. M. Turnitull, still the happy coupto left oil the © o'clock train for Tornntu .and other points before preliceesling to their home At Qennania. + The annual garden party under the auapiceR cif the Iadien of Knox church waft held nn Tttee(la} evening on the ggr�ronnda (If It, it, ('lift, and C. UArrow Montreal street, Tea was served from 5011 o'oluok to 731. In the evening the 3W Reagiment hand was in Attend. lence and tour booths, for the sale of ire cream, oandy, soft drinka And fancy work, did A rn;hingg business. The grounds were IightAol by electricity anti Chinese lanterns. Over x/125 wap clpar(d. The following pupils of Exeter pub: lie nchnol passed the junior teachers' examination: Ida A: matrongg, Maggie L. UoWard, i)Aiay B. Hodgson, F. Aima, AlmMay (honor-, Mary T. Murray (honors)• Edna, V. Taylor, Ai. Ger- trude Thompson, Will. L. Triehner, Johw Herh eri` A. 4Wneman (honors). Alma May And Herlfert Stoneman were only fourteen year" of age at the time of writing. Herbert Stoneman alio paxtiet1 the junior matriculation. The Exeter public school passed nine nut of twelve nandidates at the junior teachers' examination. The fence around flip convent And separate Rch(x)l ham Iooen pulled down and the cement sidewalk contractors have continued the Not street walk down Candonin. tei mce W the end of the Reparate, a-hoell property. A rnatRing hat; bFen pot fn acrosR North etreei, which will Ito A convenience, in ppItael1s�jog from the ronvewt to W . Peter's church, as well as a ceneveni. once to the general public. The stakes am in (narking the location of ,r, ,:- � , I7! ; ..,....,..a.H,"-,.vs,--,�.,.,.,._ _, .."a.�s..-om.F%."J.liif JJ,"FTi4"e"G `71T0:, , .. ,.,;. ..: I Isa, :Aso e,, ,....,..- NEW SUBSCRIBERS may have The Signal for the remainder of 1807 for 'ANATTICR t ROBILRTIION, PusLisaanis NEW ADVERTISEMENT"ug. tbtb Autumn So..iun- ('astral Hessians, OOUSP6P P . Toronto .... I .111 at Our -q uarLer (1111--440divens Honest ...... .. i Fall Term-Centmal Surname ('011ege, Stnt- fonl... ...... Y e'anadiau National ExhibiUun, Toronto -F. F. Lawrence.. ... I %%"lid Strawberry ('..pound -• • F. J. BuUand s Itrantfon! ltooflog- W. It. Pl aider............ s Mess'- Shoe. --%%'III. Sharnt&n .. a Nudes to Codit)rs- l'auteron do Killonu.... 1 Farren lot Sale Or to hent -W, A. Harrison, Lucknow ...... ...... ReliableShoem- Downing it Afeevicar...... It Reducing Stock -IV, Acheron R am........ Y .August ('rices -john Stead.................... Summer lbrfuenery-8. & Hick .............. / It %Pill PAY You- F. H. Idartin............... 3 Souvenir Goats -Gee. Porter ............... I Have You Children Um)ving Uy-'fkslssse MusicStore .......................... 1 Stoves -FL P. Paulin .. ..,m .................. 7 .. Meeting( in Ashfield. (Special by Telephone.) Kintail, Aug. 13.--Afeetings of the ratepayers of the polling sol) -divisions of Ashfield intereated in the, electric railway bylaw will he held as follows : Hemlock City, Friday, July Ili, Laurier, Monday, Juiyll). Lanes, Tuesday, July ,-V. Kintail, Wednesday, July 21, Kingsbridge, Thursday, July 22 Port Albert, Friday, July. the next walk to be built, on the east aide of Waterloo street at the north end, extending up to the steps down the hill. The second lift of ballasting on the Guelph k Goderich Railway was com- pleted to Dunlop's hill yesterda}� and it Iyy expected the rails will be Aid in to Goderich this week. A gang is at work levelling; off the road -bed on this side of the river And draining it. Where the town water main'cromen under the road -bed near the bridge at the harbor hill a protecting arch of brickwork is being put in, so that the weight of trains passing over will not injure the pipe. The glaas hat; been the windows of the station Kuhouse. The posts along the sides of the approach to the harbor hill bridge have (peen sawn off to an even height, and A rail will be put on top and a board half -way down. The following is the menu for a Sunday dinner at Hotel Goderich: Savory cna&pes SOUP Torrutoe a L AnRimi.e Queen Olives Radishes Sweet Pickle" V18H flailed Salmon Trout, Tartare Sauce p oteme. Palliate k-NTRKF Douches of Lobster, Cardinal Hanans, Delight ROASTS StuffM 11nck, Orange S&uoe Choice Ribs of Beef, An Ju. Fillet of VMI, lied Currant Jell Mashed unit Now Potatoes Fresh Garden Pear ('hicken Sal&d en Mayonnalmo &"need pFruit. I'uddinQ. Hard .Sauce Uoel Apple n „'hipped 7 J . 11'owhlnRtAm F'an l.etntm lt(ertppg�tta F9e Vanilla Ino ('resin. Fancy loo Wat Tt•a McLaren and New Canadian (_Iwalte _ Coffee Milk A SUCCESSFUL TOURNAMENT. The Prize Winners in Last Week's Bowling Tournament. The fifth annual tournament of the Goderirh Lawn Bowling Club last week was the most successful event the club (las yet. had. There were no fewer than fortY-one rinks ptesenf~ The coopetition wax brought to * close on Friday afternoon. in the trophy competition Dr. Wood's rink (London) won the first prize, four ettt4g14" berry blowis, and A. M. Crawford'a (Wingham) won srcond'ppraze, four silver bake dishes. J. McNees rink (London) won out in the association competition, the second prise also going to a London rink, A. M. Heaman'e. The prizes were, fleet, four 'ysalad bowie (English ware) ; Second, tour cut-glasm water bottle". The connotation match resulted in two 4tratforl rinks, T. McCurdy'x and Dr. Oray'm, being in the finals. The semi-finals were completed on Thnredxy evening and the players decided to play oft on their home green. The prizes were, first, four biscuit jars (English ware); Second, four stains li*.ngliah ware). The game Wats plAyed off at Stratford yesterday, McCurdyy wfnnfnq 18 to 8. The Or remultel as follows Reem and Jackson, Brussels, first; Jackson And Clements, Petr•olew, see. ond. The prizes were, first, two nut howls ; Recond, two "Ilitif-dozen pearl. handled fruit knives. In the mi em R. S. Hay., (Senforth) 1.1111 J. K Hoover (Clinton) were in the finals, Mr. flays not renu►ining to play the flnal game. The prizes for the singles were, first, at bronze statuir, and Second, a punch howl. The txtrnament committee con_ atmted of Jae, Tigert, W, A. McKim. Wm. Line, Dr. A. C. HunterAn- drew Porter And U. F. Blair. , Death of 1 Noted Educationist. Dr. J. A. McLellan, one of the taremost ednc&tinnists of Ontario, and prnelpal of the Ontario Normal (lol- lege, Hamilton, aince ate establish- ment. died on Sunday last, At the age 3f *event five. years. He had been m poor health for two or three years, tind his death was not unexpected. Every man has hito price, but in nine. 'inoses out of ten he isn't wnrth it. AUCTION SALES. FRI.Av. Ani. Xoth.-('baring ,,.�). of house 'told fnrnintre, R qu-antity nes lumber and a nfldl lot on Elgin avenue in the town at la]er1C , comlmencing at I:X) riClotk .n.rp. "'t 1. r.lAAt JONES. proprktor. Town. Gt•NDRr, auctioneer, MARRIED, ItXIMITT \t,a•Vt('Ah. (m Wednesday. Averw H, at the horn, of the bride Hineks t,rert, by itev. Jas, A, AnAer son, B. A.. F'rrderlek Hensmell FtddltJ, of Barrie. to Neillo Or.l'• ARughterof Jaman And Mr. Marviear. DIED. MlN,9?:.- At Henmillar, nugu n Friday, Ast Il .William Moore, Rgel Tm roan.. WAt:rF.t. In Godirirh town -hip, an rl.tyr day mrromoon. .Angnal Ir"h, Samuel %%.I. ter, Sam M year, Ana 4 mon(hm. NF:WKI.L inonderdch,an Svndlev Divanloe, An9u.t Itohh.. 6mmatbalt.nl, widowof ap�ee Into John Newall, Aged t" yeasts, ? ale 1= and 14 days,,