HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-8-1, Page 5a �b r I ' • . .�r, IIC�a-" i" arre�'hlRE'�Jt:dt + a "1bn;m"W2^ -11. f �; 1. - TME G. C. 1. REUNION. , ; .1 ,,,, Preparations for the Gathering Are Being Advanced —Some Notes of the Program for August 22nd and 23rd. It is now only three weeks to the finesta thing the old town has ever date of the Collegiate Institute ex- dune and 1 hope that a great nutmtwr' students' reunion, maid the various of old students will gather fn till . committees iu charge of the details of honor to the Urand Old Man of jfode- the affair will have their hands full rich. No One who was ever under until the Chid olid Writ of August. his influence could forget the greats Howo change line hoen utade in the good he r'exwived' Iron► him, land the program am at first outlined. For .the success of so many of the Uudsrieh afternutm and evening of the first dsy boys is due largely to the noble Pro.a1 it is proposed to juin with the Meuree- ceets taught find lived by our former Lungg C%flue flub in the holding of a yrincipal. 1 would tat glad !o hour ga ft pwrty and regatta at the lake further particulars and expect to ser 11 ' !root. The regatta in the hands of yyou August G:nd." Mr. Mantis old the callable officers of this Carew Ulub friends will lie interested in knowing will Ise a wont attractive event and that his is the president of the Mealey will afford a very pleariug to of l)IguuxlaVat. of lit. Paul. entertainu►ent for the visitors. The Mix. Catherine (Dobie) Murdos•k, pprograin will consonance on the morn- South Bend, )Nash., writer: "I want dug of Tbureaday with A reception to you to count me iin' on the celebra- ex•students at lhe(!ollrgiate Institute. I tion. 1 shall bring you greetings On Friday morning there will be a from the Fmpire (hate, on the whores pprogra a of sports at the A•gricultureall of the grand old FIvlfic. Yark anal in the afternoon it public John Odluln, , Woodstock : -If ggmthering at the Collegifite which will. nothing prevents, will be pleased to Ix Addre•sredbr n few of the visiting be resent and renew old times. 1t ex•rtudentm. '1 hr program will con- I will lots much pleasure for me to we H. elude with a lanquet on Friday even. I. Strl(ng find rejoice with the old , Ing which is expected to be one of the I upile for a prolonged and useful life. most interesting features of the. re• � I attended the old grmatinumor schoolunion. A base lall snatch IS the I which was situated, 1 think, on North present Uoderich nine and the famous street. That was about thirty-five team of ten or twelve years ago, yeano ap1u... r( {p which wits composed of O. I Mrs. ``••ill 11. Irwin (formerly Hattie (', 1. students, will have a p1Ace on Johnston), Galion, Ohio: "if at all the program, probably on Friday.plausible will come. as 1'd dearly love The railway arrangements are on I to (meet my ol(l Canadian friends the certificate plmn. Those coming to again." the reunion should purchase a one -I H. W. Ball, Brandon, Man.: "if I way ticket to Ulxierich front their can make arranggements I will be in local agent, procuring from him At' the old town in August, 1807." the Planar time it "standar( cerlifi.I Rev. W. H. McIntosh, Flo►s. Ont.: call,." This certificate must Ise sur- "I heartily approve of the project amd rendered at Uoderich to procure a'will do My hart to be pra'rent.' ticket for the return journey. Th,l1 Rev. James Wilwn, Toronto : "I speciAl fatty will cover the period I am sure i wish the connuittee great front Saturday,August 17th, G) Fri- I success and trust to be able to attend day, August 911th, and will be avail•, the gathering and rejoice that Dr. able on all liner cast of Port Arthur I Ktrang has been spatted so lung in use - and Detroit. fulness." A committee has been appointed to arrange for hoarding and bodging An amusing letter from Hagen 1), accommodation for visitats". If tiny- Carry, dep utsy district registrar at one win eto have such acrnnmmoda- WinniPeg• an interesting cunt l - tion provided for him Or her. notice to ta►tui n to the literature of ails reunion. this effect should toe sent mal am early I He refers in it hurnorously reminiscent a date as possible to Will. Lama, waj tat his school dA go in Go derich Goderieh. the secretary of the rr- .0 goes (in to may :.. have crone G, union committee. I the cpncltsion that all ioys are fools The letters coming in front all dire e- and 1 marvel now at the patience dial. tio nn to the contntitter show an in- Played y Ur. Strang when dealing crettsing interest in the xppracabing with Lh rule who sat under hien event, and it pr uilmaga to Ir one of thirty yea .go' when 1 was a pupil- ' the most intenrating occasions in the amd i ltavr a doubt that (hear :urs as history Ot our town. Yrohmbly the many rubor 1 the world new as there visitor who will have the distinction were 1 him letter should rerrh of coming the greatest distance is the eye of the l :tor 1 only hops• that Mn. (Rev.) Origg. atf Rangoon, Bur- he has f )rgivru a for All my offences mal. Mrs. OCiKK 1 who will tie ro- when 1 was A iNl' sitting under him. membered herr al..Il-N HAI"•) is now i have alw•Ays had t e highest ISalpect in this country and expel -to, tat lie pn•a- And esteem for the'jvnial Ikx•tor And amt at the reunion. Many others will I often now think (it the happy days he here front a distlance. and many spent in Glxle-rich when, 1 was a pupal who have made namrs for themselves at the Collegiate• Instituter, and I win - in the world will manse to revisit their rarely hope that he will lung continue alma mater And W do honor is) their to enjoy the respect and emteenr of the+ old principal. people of his own town xnil the re - Among the letters r•e•riveal by the spe•ct of tit-- people of hie own Prov - committee is one from Juhn Mann, ()f ince and the " m terof those of his St. Paul. Minn., a if emler Ot a old pupits who withothersre bu aild- . family that will lie remembered by Ing tip an enipirr in the \rest." the residents of a quarter of is century Others who have intimated thri 'n. Ago. Mr. Mann smyw : -Have delayed tention of being prement are Rev. Di answering your kind invitation of Meldrum. of Cleveland, O. ; Prof. J: April 15th until now, not know- dl. Robertson, of Victoria University, Ing whether it would lar possible for To'H nt o; Want. liamlen. M. D., of Dr - me to be present. It is certainly the Omit ; Rev. C. A. Hedger. of Toronto. BOARD OF TRADE. . EDIBLE COFFINS. Arralsgeagaentis Being Made to Celebrate G. a G. Railway opening. PoetryMaking In tEarly Stapes of English Cookery. A meeting of the ,cunei( of tilt- At a very early period the Orientals Bomord of Teale was held atm Friday cone rafm111ar with a kind of pastry, a night, when three ulaatterN were di, mtztnre Of dour, till and hoary, noel cussed. The first was the formal ming ,if the Uurlpth h ()fslrrirh for centuries pastry making went uo o 1Lailwn}. Thr w•cretary stated that fmrtber• even Simms the natluus In ttie he had i een ofllcially informed the Moth of h'arage, But In the begiunlug real would Is. opened, by Septeinter of the middle ages a change tura( to int, And Engineer Holertn, what was tips place In the method of mixing the plvvw lit, said there war no doubt the ingredients. and some other sttastaifees l'. P. R. would le running trains to were brought into ease. Batter, ego Toronto lit fair t imle, ats the Corney and salt found their way Into pastry want.eei the busine-PlPl, Thr date of the Mfg. and the result was a manifest formal opening was finally fixed by the meeting for Tuesday, September dmpevvetnemt Pante meat came to be 111th, subject to the approval of the C. mod an an Inclosare for meat, seasoned P. H. offlcials,'the tarretary to euro- with spaces, etc. Afterward It went n municate at once with Mr. Fuestee ter, C. p furtber, the next use being for the P. R. district postmen ger Wait. It waw Ineimeuro of creamw, fruit, preserves. alae dreide•el tai ask the Gurlph Board rtc.. and later still it began to take the of Trade metal city council to sand rep- many fanciful ahspem In which It has resentatives to Goderich an s min an since bases commonly fout.d. In the poesible tx) talk over the details of the celeboation with the joint committee early stager of English cookery the of the Oederich Board and tA)wn count pastry rases were called contain or ell. It was t•omnide,ed tllAt menus "corfynee and were made In various member of the Government land aunts adzes from "gret—frynal with Lowe of the C. 1'. R. high ofncialm should le ,kpdh„ for the '•cartes of Mesche" to Ft to come hereon the as•rasion, hill the •-smalle eorlynes" for-tartolettes" waw i MI defer rortempondrnce• 1 of "(facile or >Deactse," mixed with Along t at line until till- date of the 'btaf of boylled figgrs g —d and good opening in definitely w•Ctled. A plan•11 wdaro and 'P"-"quet in the evenin(p was generally Do looked upon am A demtrable feature of Petruchfo in 'The Taming of the the apeming celebration, land Chair- Shrew," It may here be noted, calls a man Macklin of the town council's re- little cap "a camtard coffin" Theme cof- ception ron tnitter and the secretary I Ane correspond with filo "vet -aa -vent" of the Board of Trade were appofntad or todty.-I.ondrrn Saturday Review. 11 to get some idea an to the cost of such A function and make some recommen• dation as to the best place for holding THE LOST SOVEREIGN. it, the manner of Imaging tickets and _. other details. A Trick That Is somstin.•s Played or A communication from a concern in the London Cabby. Tngtand which manufacturem fine Have you ever tried to play on a cab . brick,ppoottery and terra cotta was with reference to the intbrcements for man that old joke of the "lost %over establishing a branch in Go olerich. A riga?' Its very fanny. A friend trkr number of questions- were Asked am to It last summer in London and succrCil supply find demand on the Canadian red too. He took a "growler" after mid market, what kine( of r1my wall nVAil• night at Piccadilly Circum to go to bit Able, Por. The wrret.ary mentioned lodgings at Bayswater. Refinemberiop having it convrn,fition nn the matter the sslenea• of the "loot sovereign' with a gentleman who wax staying fit d�� he thought It would hardly "got summer hoteland who was inter- down" with a bright, canning cabby eaf.tsd in much lines .if manufacture in the Staten. Thin gentleman consid- but resolved to try for the fan of It Prod the rlay around OOderich of ver Just as he came in front of a pmhll exrenent qumlHy and suggente•d Plenm- house it few doors from his home th' Ing a sample t" the English concern -fare,* sttxk his head out of the cal Makin Inq miry. ThP merretary And window and ordPeed the delver to halt Yr. (ioltithorpe ngr•eed to see the wI may, cabby, I've dropped a 'Nva' i pntlemmn, mrlert a sample of clay and memt be on the bottom of the cab. Jus have the drmirral information given. poo up at Mgt 'poo.' un a Porn m an The third matter wall the MlaitlAnel get a match, M that I can find th River Power bylaw, end the meeting ln.' decided that A meetingeo of the Boar( should be called for Monday to organ- "All te «All h1Rble" said the cabby an Ise to mmist in carrying the bylaw. paned tip opposite the door of the sl Pro. The fare alighted and had take Notice re Montreal Weekly Herald. scarcely three steps in the (1treetion ( Owing to the recent change in the the "preb." when' in, Mr. rabhy whip postal r'egtllations requiring the pay- pod up hon bat se and new Rang In, ment of one rent ppxa,mtAge On each thm do. it s of the night- astT=1n paper going to the Vni tell SGutPPl, the i with Mm, ti he rnTnwwPd. theft POvr puhlishers of The Montrrml Weekly eign wnngly c•OnPa-urled in the cnrhinr Herald have notified subarrilverm that of the cab.-1'.endoe T'1t-Rats. Itnleam an Advance romittarere is made to them to cover the pen airp they will How desk• Poison Kills. discontinue the paper. Thin no lice TDw action of pownx replan the fly will Affect some who Plubscrlbed to I Thm Heraid In combination with The tem U and mlwsys ban ►cwt onP M it Signal. The combination offer foe moat interesting of emblems I-. Just her Tilts Rignal and The Montreal Weekly and witty it ksls have been .h4ret1tlnt Herald dors not now apply to mllh- thream! a earbr of exp"HnwnvA( Snit a ' scriptions from the United Atatem. by atlmucfwn 71)o tfallowing Ararri i i -- ---� teen in ane of the best and moot for l,s';_, Thmrw arm many hlpyh-a►larled temach- of any &at has bean givevh to the p>n on in the school of experience. 11C ej y�� ay be roughly psP ,,t THIS: SIGNAL: GODERICH. ONTARIO . THEISTRATFORD EXCURSION. FraMrnal Sc6datiss-of the Classic City Brise Crowd to Town. The fraternal societies' excursion rrom Stratford on Friday last bruugbt No people US town. the excurswu train arrived abut 8:90 o'clock in the morning, consisting of len cutches. There were a few passengers front Mitchell land Soafurth' asset the 1e- maindur were from Stratford. The A Stratford Citifeenli brand a:co ilpallitd the excursion and headed the pr(wes- Ilton to the Harbor Park and (here were about a scory of the Knights of Sherwood, in couotuu►e, behind. The different - avocletie". however, did not form up in pncce�Fthe n: Four rinks of L'immie City lowame u`i with the excursion anti d loth morning land afternoon West street rill retornimpp oil the b o'clock train, r rinks/uf bowlers from Clinton v arrived in/ time for the afternoon " Play. Osie of the. rinks went has 1 oil I the 5 },. tai. train but the othbrs re- maitletl for a second game. 1, The result of the bowling was as d Y roilows : i Morning. r UodaMch Stratford a J. K. Jorda1: Walsh ` 1. 11. brown Harker w', bane ilr•,agau p F. Davis, "kip -38 Kelly. -kip- ' ", S V los. Kidd C. Pat•kert { it IM. Macklin 1. R. Hridireman I. k 1'. Brown, Jr. F. Iluckiugham n 1, 'sitter(• skip- 5 A. E. ('ash. "kip- * t K. H. Wal«on K. Mc1Areti t W. A. McKlln A. U. Rankin lei. Yue" A. C. Hlenudale a H. W. Tholnwiu. -A. F. Mc1Aron, skip - IJ c skip -ill ,nt. t. E. Tum H. T. Urs H. It. Hackett K.Itobts.on A. Porter J. fWbvr lit r Dr. Hunter. skip-Ith A. Falll; "kip IS 11 Tout at . Total al u ( Uoderielt Ig upon l Ise Returning: play. '. Afternoon. , I1u First lamas. F Ofderlch (alms �'i E. IL "'atom F. Jackson - S I1111. loss J. Johnston r. Leckie Wiseman I . M 1. Galt. .kip - W Marland. ,kip µ '=f , J. F. Tom It. l)rahain i • l If. H. Hackett . It. Morrish i `�'i,.': A. Porter •N. )lata Pr. Hunter. skip -LI Jai. rail .kip ,i m % it H-B,dwud■ u J. Kldd a; ';' I' c W. Lana d F. Bari., eklp - a up Dr. Asn•w, .k A - go IS N 0 Uoderich IT .hots ahead of Clinton. . Ooderkh BClatfunl t J. V. Drown '. Pli•kert II J. Klliott 1. It. Hrtdgeman 1' Jew. Yate. F. "on! I (tdtill, r' H. W. Thoo1-keV m A. K. C'iuh, .kip tM t J. 11. Dram n. Jr.. Wel.b ill, I F. H. Holmes Hrrkrr J. Wynn INanNg,'" $ G ; - d J. H. Tiffert, .kip-- IT Kelly, »kip }[ 1 It. Fox 7: Orr •; L.t r' t J. 1. Killoran I,r. Rolwrtron 1 '4I F. Jurdau. .kip -1 up Fnlll, -kjp - ,�'t , 1 a) I ' , = u t Guderlrh S sbolr behind Stratford. t (•Ilnton stivat ford J. (.Parties McLaren I J. D. Wise H. Rankin K Holnw" A. P. Ilarnadalc W. Jackson, .kip -1.% A. Mc(Arse. M. P.. Il ' • p- , >(eeond Dune I Uoderich, ,Plurten. ; F. Jordan ` I Graham F. It. Holuse, Nedlg,•r , T. I..ckfn IApp n,• rk J. Galt. .kIV-M IOr, Astir", NI IT K'.IAne F. Jack- ��•3 1 J. Elliot ft. Oraham a 1 A. Porter J. Wiser nn '� R F: ='i., "kip- Ill J. Harland. .kill ui; 1 J. P. Hrown 1. 1 . C'urtro It. M. Iran J. Wi„•man I J. It. Tilacrt J. Fair f �j.'; Dr Hnnter.Aip 1: K'. Jack -on- .kin ft 01 al Ilfxlrrl.'I. zo at;.. An interesting proggram of sports wauc"�arried oil. At the Harbor Park in flat- aftenuon, including raves. find A tug-of•war for the committee men. I it the evening it htcr oma• InAtrh was �Iityed at ths- Agricultural g1'otnds elwee'n Stratton and Goxlerich. ti -fen -ed by Will Johnston. Tile Knolls- wow ahle w•ow nothing fall,,,• than a practice for the Goderirt► bunch and the seure might have la tris anything ;lin to 4, oto -ume•lhing like that, was what the referee chalked down. 'rhe excursion Iratin left at (►:all p. Ill. rated into two pats, one acting Upan the blood and the other upon the nerves. When Injected It Immediately begun to create terrible destruction in the blood vessels. The walls of the veins are eaten away, and an Internal hemorrhage takes place. While this is going on a portion of the venom U attacking the nerves. Partdc'mlarly susceptible to Its ravages Is the 'Vaso— motor' system, a nerve center which controls the muscles of respiration. Paralysis takes place to these organs, and the victim generally Blas from ab lumbOty to breatbo-"-lt'I. tchant•e. The Water Lily. A knout everybody has observed the strange charscteristic of the water Illy bud opening Is petals at sunrise maid cisrng thew agslu at sunset It was for this reason mainly that the au- cfeab held the water lily sacred to the sun. I'llny say": "it Is reported that to the Euphrates the flower of the 10- taw otaw pirmiges Into the water at utgbt, re- maining there'Ull mklWght and to socio a depth that it cannot be reached with the hand. After midnight it bestns grainally to rias, and as the atm rises above the horizon the flower also risae above the water• explode and rafs(s itself (tome distance above the elerment in wbich It grows." It was also through this peculiarity that Itmar vllle proved that the Egyp,tlans croo- ■fder'ed the Illy an emblem of the world as ItTaae from the -Riess the gip- l:esm•a Apia to Golf. it is probable that the Itttls boy in the street who calls a beaft" st lek a Solt club ls only sp altbw the truth a tow ran turiem tseO late. Mtere are many regulations to tefteve that the finotrh risme of guAtt soanetham-coum I>ormly ball in the okl acrourrts of It, deeabhoed Into hockey with a flavor of foe.. about it whets It calm mrwth, and this In bares out by an old fif Seventh ceertnry prbt of two bandy hall payee in which the atirk earl, caller] bendy kreeat w bent. rvxwrnbled a bock' S stlek far nacre than a golf club. The-Aeetlpmmnlm . Magsvltw in 17, 16 ill ao 161dy as a Scotch gnttle dmdtirr-i)-OW. anti another writer (1e N Ahdl as "an frfertnr kind nl pmrf' pkRyad by paying re•nple and It t,nrydoveafl bnrimy.'•__Lnnckm Stand Ord. Appp"r%*- A sfrrbfl .Jwm nlr'zhomforh ant "hist "no JhNN,w was sftek to sward iris hymn telterrOtSa •� ,Immdl of ow he Mo Vorillantlaw. fbmgggM Ian smelts Min on y�tt�setI I I I I it -Ihw top fnryprt Rsdasea 'f bm%-nor!b :lin-thm *nmo mrwm isle alb aalAlssaa. M , bllpm in Mere on MISS, hpm arl0kow 'SwkL what 1 Q ; e°fi kJ� l' k't , r Fr 1 :E$AI aF _.-....___ -- v4 L It11 Tsotno&r, Augent 1, 1107 # ' - r;. by Llu,l Klwx. Poll ('lark, said W, A. H. Cuff, Ik1Vlil y f Wtyrulaw Omeer. You will know the correct way to garments which have done cod service battling the b Q hr t f',f ttttr 'J -i 7`_� I'ulllnr HubAlvlrlwl Vu / n[ H. tltothnni you will feel sure of yuuJself, don:t - "t,J tri y, I e� Wow( (shot). by K'lu. Htothen. Poll Clark. ud Juhn M'. (fetus. Ileputy IWturnilyt (Officer. ulnot roaveulently bit Ise d not of tits ur University tIDllatlon Hlxh Sca huul ClClur, Iniry,re,•nnue of the •aii,� Town er nt this � , , :I „ _ rM " P -�,. PullinJr--X-'Idw1 Na S, at MIs. K'ktar, r V(Iro. b)• M. U. NlcholNwl, Pan ('lark, and modern banking methods. g SPRING al '-;i9 daub rasa _�. (.)nurse I. Noack. 1 Wputy IWtum:lltf (-lflkver. "LLt,t1YIN1U11 NO. a HroVlter'+ i dLulnatatiun laude iu umueetion thorn colt h, Ar l,µ cJ 3 \0. Iii. IMO". Pulbna NtJunu Sluro. by Ww, Tnit. Pu111'lork,rnd H. L. Wal ergine reveal- a Wi rg,ill. end that this "aid e1Z -uze campus. For year book write :isle-shuuW be burrow'rd• for the .wiA put I .. - _ .. _ t 'r 't! r'AW -oil. lk'put3c Halurulus Oskar. PLUMBING, HEATING. GALVANIZED IRON WORK ANI) ELECTRIC WIRING PROMPTLY AT- TENDED TO AND ALL WORK FULLYrs GUARANTEED. ' 1 ,;, ,' i k. 1 or THK Pistillate subtlivi"Owl Nu. 7. rt Venni" Nevlllal; Hour by Itubert Tait Pull Cleik nlld John IS HERE; with it comes the desire to cast. off thosla' , ''� - TOWN OF 111UDICRIVIl. l. Deputy ReturningtnM�er. K'.t'ralgte You will know the correct way to garments which have done cod service battling the b Q hr that when you finish your course •1'O'11ROVIDF'FOIt w. Ilei uondNyy, the Ifallday of Atutu-t. IMrf. like blayor of the Town .hall altnnd at you will feel sure of yuuJself, don:t - ' HYLA"' THK IM- „aid the (uullt'ItIn Chamllor of the amid Town at ulnot roaveulently bit Ise d not of tits ur University tIDllatlon Hlxh Sca huul ClClur, Iniry,re,•nnue of the •aii,� Town er nt this winter storms. When you see our showing Of dainty A,0) K'tiKHXAa the sett Uonunlvfoner,l eye determinedit I.r,&oldtu to se breaks, pipe of Ole ud water work. sy.- PROYINU AND f,'VrKNhINO OF THK K'A7'F:It KWORKSANI) M:I,k:CTRIt' iota aclw•k the forenuuu, to Appoint Verwtl" attend the %ariou. paillins plat" afore- modern banking methods. g Spring F'�ootwt•ar, you will want a pair of shoes t0 1�e will thoroughly instruct }oil LIGHT SYSTEMS ()F TIM TOWN OF UOUKHIt'H. ANI' FOR lVARROWINO 'cid and at 1 o anal -ula up of.ths votw ad `l1e` lark like i i dLulnatatiun laude iu umueetion thorn colt h, hri rhten you Intl make out feel �unore in harmon with it y y McINEY THKI(F.Fult, AND TO PAY A pro111inualOf Ili suet prouwling p oythel,ti I is the toas"Ing of till" birlser Iwuew•llvulfr. ergine reveal- a Wi rg,ill. end that this "aid e1Z -uze campus. For year book write :isle-shuuW be burrow'rd• for the .wiA put I , ` the ft sl)1'llla, (lays. '`F . . UBRT INCC'RICF:Ia ON, 1'AI'll'AL, AC'- COUNT IN 10.14PK('T OF THK SAID lotTho( lerkofthe('ouncnofths-aidTown of UNdrrlch .hall attend at his oalce In the PLUMBING, HEATING. GALVANIZED IRON WORK ANI) ELECTRIC WIRING PROMPTLY AT- TENDED TO AND ALL WORK FULLYrs GUARANTEED. ' 1 ,;, ,' i ,e(brtw•il of tae ..,i,I T„cols It now fan(- M Llltl „Itis {ILLrta,st•. KI.KtTRI(' LUJUl' IiYyTKM" Towu hall at tarn o'clock in the forenoon of Monday, Iho yfth day of August, nllr, to .amt ' ANRe WiIKxKANihesaid 4*61111n1-,ioner.have • _ __ yyHeaaar the Town of ((clench Iai rpt. by this uwulwr of vutne, for suet Iegafn.t the bylaw. •town - --- --. _— O • d e 1s n Footwearruotwd Nov. a. I warner. 0. 0., prinf:IMd. auk for .oti: yeses r Uatrd ('.unci( of the Nin, be extended to ,Ivvidc for that in,•n,rs- I va ; utnr work" ud ulrcu�lc light .y.um sur it .vete,. yChAtntiorofJuly of Iladerlch, this 211h day of July. A. U., lMt7. is . t 1 MARTIN'S - Ipph h water and twist tot he inlutWtantr of fill JOHf:1'H F:1-I,IOT*I,. M. U. JOHNSTON. I '. :.,aid uwu and Duhbc kk urp,)w,, under ha proof Won" of the \l unicilwle .%vt .. Mayor. " C'Inyk. • p d'- ,,}} \N w'IIKRKAN it luf- Igen found that the f -- ' ""'t-e,lu."t Iheroell •. .. . ..... 11I I.M.., �1�{,E vA[\rTl�, 11o11t, nn r d by far surpass anything in i. itaallfpllw through which the water I. owe TAKE NOTICE "' err If. T acted for the purpoose, of tits meld water ork. dires nut exlewl far enough inW Lake That the abovoIsa true copy of aposed '� the past, We have a trell-selected stock front the best xfcmiou of water wain.... n.. n ural. iu„t i, in other ro-pf•,i. defective, by 1Samu l whereof nand, clay and pher.ub"tanwr bylaw which hr" been Stakes, IoW owns deratfon nlNl which will M• anally IwN.at by thn ('uunefl manufacturers , and are iu a position to show you' the m ' 1!1'" e ItitrwfucNl IoW Iho pi{w. and main. of taw Lid my„tenl. n•tidering ahs said water Impure• Amis WItKHKAN th1• said-y•4la. have bei -11 "f theMunlei{smhlY lin the evmtt of this a-senl 'of the eltletus. Iwlas obtaiuud thereto) after month front the first uublleatio i in THIS: SIGINA1 t e date of which first publiMtion sea" NEWEST and BEST In Footwear.unu i;�, irxd under the antro( of Coluai,.iunnrl{l� In ursuatirr of Iho N - ,It ,rhe Kill, diaesl ThunNfrY. taw Iso dry of Au eels IM,7 and that You will know the correct way to VASX.., that when you finish your course purl,.i Enter Wurkm Act atilt The Aluniripai LJght the vow, of the elector+ of the -aid munlci I,r,itY will be liken thereon oil the day and you will feel sure of yuuJself, don:t - ' aid Het Act. at the hours aid place- therein axed. ulnot roaveulently bit Ise d not of tits ur University tIDllatlon Hlxh Sca huul ClClur, Iniry,re,•nnue of the •aii,� Town er nt this That', the way we will teach you A,0) K'tiKHXAa the sett Uonunlvfoner,l eye determinedit I.r,&oldtu to se breaks, pipe of Ole ud water work. sy.- M O. JUHNSTON. e1,'i k. WM. SHARnAN modern banking methods. g further list* 1ruftaegatend iu W the .aid Inky, rid W opl,l ntf•t r w f uolkat 1�e will thoroughly instruct }oil Axil K'UM'BRAN II 1. aro�iderel that this fix- I alsrcal, Domestic Science. Elocution, Physical ! i dLulnatatiun laude iu umueetion thorn colt h, business life. And, do you know, then make you apply your theorct- ,d to extend the main, to Vrovl,.e for the ill ergine reveal- a Wi rg,ill. end that this "aid e1Z -uze campus. For year book write :isle-shuuW be burrow'rd• for the .wiA put I ical knowledge Ina practical way. [a P Y• _ -".Ins taws of the tvrter, snd have ywtue tad excellent witurtionm in leading%. 1 Canadian American 1 PLUMBING, HEATING. GALVANIZED IRON WORK ANI) ELECTRIC WIRING PROMPTLY AT- TENDED TO AND ALL WORK FULLYrs GUARANTEED. ' Ave L111 /:xtrAN In utder then•to It will 1.• i ,e(brtw•il of tae ..,i,I T„cols It now fan(- M Llltl „Itis {ILLrta,st•. ALMA COLLEGE --- -� Store 'Phone 22 House 'Phone 112 ANRe WiIKxKANihesaid 4*61111n1-,ioner.have ��-y---�—�.,-��Y-Y-"-y-, Msarbers •f ((%alma EnaeeMri AawculwN. - --- --. _— irther recoumlluetiA that the F:kwtrle Light Nov. a. I warner. 0. 0., prinf:IMd. COLLEGE RE -OPENS SEPTEMBER 3rd. Nin, be extended to ,Ivvidc for that in,•n,rs- I Mrs. Jean Wylie Gnu. Lay P=,,osl. va ; tree., 'R u -e- thereof. not i, r twtue.ted the said DUne•11 to rates fund• fur lite laid pure law. Sysidenlial ieheel for girls and Yeely MARTIN'S - Axn K IIK/ta AN lilt• a-1 illate of Idle revel of Lanier. 27ta year eeelas Sept, Isla, I ” ?e � I L . . it -rld workr as wbuucted by tits .mid l'om- i..lwler- i" an follow.: 1" xten•inu of iotakr pier unit worlw . ' •.. ,i AN" VV)IKRKtit it i. de,irable W i".rla the rid delsentllre, at one ttwe. and W nake ""'t-e,lu."t Iheroell •. .. . ..... 11I I.M.., Bedford Block The 5quere i. I dinn•otitlun Hr+in ::nit work. cab If. T wquent. thereon !a.,,.� i ; '� - xfcmiou of water wain.... n.. n r 1 ft o.tuf iu,t«Ilins,uld.uunalwrvtc .,n,,,, 1 /l , list of rxtuuding Mectrtc Ihrhl mala,. 1.Ixs.,. t` '� of You want to learn bookkeeping so You will know the correct way to VASX.., that when you finish your course enter up every conceivable kind of Asn l is. reapicats a d.nr of sla c -s let. 1-.,.. , curlo.l is. re"{,,Ni d �N pltal expend min• , you will feel sure of yuuJself, don:t a transaction by either single or Pon it. .gold kltrtnc uaghi .y-wtai. which you? double entry. ulnot roaveulently bit Ise d not of tits ur University tIDllatlon Hlxh Sca huul ClClur, Iniry,re,•nnue of the •aii,� Town er nt this That', the way we will teach you You will know every phase of tilt -)'.frill, and it i- daroletl IVIvlaable to; also Junior department. No better facilities bookkeeping. P n[• modern banking methods. g w rev the said effluent n ill t u n hu�f ., the .aid Towes. Ott' [ lebenluro anywhere for study of Music, Fine Art -Com- 1�e will thoroughly instruct }oil You will " make good '. in actual Axil K'UM'BRAN II 1. aro�iderel that this fix- I alsrcal, Domestic Science. Elocution, Physical ! In the theory of bookkeeping and business life. And, do you know, ,lilt to) of tike -aid wthIr work. and rlrce4 Calture. Most Southerly College In Canada. xht,go,reti I, Ae.R,thlr and will Pthe st a. then make you apply your theorct- we cannot su y the demand for pp1 our graduates? ergine reveal- a Wi rg,ill. end that this "aid e1Z -uze campus. For year book write :isle-shuuW be burrow'rd• for the .wiA put I ical knowledge Ina practical way. [a P Y• Urgar, illustrated catalogue free. [ t tag D-- 1'riaelpal coarser, sr Thomas, ort excellent witurtionm in leading%. 1 Canadian American 1 PLUMBING, HEATING. GALVANIZED IRON WORK ANI) ELECTRIC WIRING PROMPTLY AT- TENDED TO AND ALL WORK FULLYrs GUARANTEED. ' Ave L111 /:xtrAN In utder then•to It will 1.• i FOREST CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE raw -wry to Issue dels•ut um, of the Tugela, of ,,-wish for [lin -nm of dile aUr• a- herein - -. Store 'Phone 22 House 'Phone 112 shoe proitends t I as .rh is the analthe Bylaws f1( ll: d to br r she intended l the Hyla ter ��-y---�—�.,-��Y-Y-"-y-, Msarbers •f ((%alma EnaeeMri AawculwN. J. W. WKSTK*V:LT, lriacipl, Iwa�aa. of o -live r p a[hendsoflhe•wtd ntitoaooth. applied ) ter coal seffrp0•a•m tlad too 1J COLLEGE RE -OPENS SEPTEMBER 3rd. ANRe at RaR.t. Iho (stat. mtlj aul un rO Ilirwt Fall Term va ; tree., , -That wlannually 6) ,Ixipal Art of Ilan' .,,, p be ral.wl raw during, f MARTIN'S - - - - — --- --- - - --- - -- —. . Mail, Yeare fort forpm3ty -1 - said( $17i hr salA debt old lu• OPENS SEPT. 2 I ILIsIv:)/rrnxK ,. :ra,t, is tike -um of :1.1si.ael of •.. I '1'lie-Mitisoft.!I,, Ifm)"llalltmexpen,ledoy hr Town of Godrrich in extending the Intake AN" VV)IKRKtit it i. de,irable W i".rla the rid delsentllre, at one ttwe. and W nake This Il1aa118KPfllrnt during the Bedford Block The 5quere i. I ' lin rincillrl of the win debt &payable o T early .uu1. during tilt- 1wriod of thin Y ear Y ynalw; pan, year tratie over We) HARVESTING TOOLS ilius the currency of the said l re,,t ore+ mid sums het.m, of soul( rn.prrtive I Htndt•rd y un n g The address of a til- tilarl) Uwll lel- lhN(thtl Il4lrrl'Knle et1110U11t IgyNbW 111 ladies noel 200 Kent 1 e. I i BINDER TVA INE Nrlt year for princgwl and intC rest in respect f such debt .hall tie a- nemFly •w/ Ihlr men. at , s t e n o - 1J111) (io lel) MEDAL, 14C 1. ' total lathe anloafll w 1w>'able b1 each of� the (her twenty-nine yru- of the grapherm. INlukkeepers and tele- a G cod Tailor ,wool period. AND K'nraRAs the NIIIOtInI Of the M'helY rti hr ,e At r, I . let laced thein in l K P P , Nteable property of the 'lnwn of IJwlerirh ter lxst reri-at n.ws"umt roll x•Olif hereof excellent witurtionm in leading%. 1 Canadian American 1 PLUMBING, HEATING. GALVANIZED IRON WORK ANI) ELECTRIC WIRING PROMPTLY AT- TENDED TO AND ALL WORK FULLYrs GUARANTEED. ' • - and Furnisher , igIo i. lh,wrt'QKlxl. tux( ritiea. Store 'Phone 22 House 'Phone 112 ; A!lu \\'IIRNxAN the nnwunt of the exjj;;,,tbls chcnttlt•e dell of the .Nid municipality Is Individual instruction. • i,-, a :117AW.57 Iexcla.iee of local In,proveluent debt-.-ecurerl by spec-Jal melt, este- air assess. nentw whereof noVrincit,rl air Infero -t I. in fY'•'` �!,' Write fat• catalogue. R va ; tree., MARTIN'S the Municipal Council of the 'orporatlon `` 'Y.• , CLiNTON I ILIsIv:)/rrnxK ,. of the Town 0I Goderich .•anal. a+ ollows : •.. I '1'lie-Mitisoft.!I,, Ifm)"llalltmexpen,ledoy hr Town of Godrrich in extending the Intake BUSINESS COLLEGE Bedford Block The 5quere i. ai{nlut the said water works y+foul. and in - - mntrucling a ,elinleutatiun hh"id therefor, Laid to work- incidental then•to, and in the GF.O. YPOrl'ON, Principal. !xten.ton of lamins, atd the in-Wiatioti of stN•+ fur suppDying torn of waster. and the aR___--w_-NrN- J I ,um of 411-11111 Its -hall be expended for ,ttend- ugthe matin- of the Electric Wsht yy•Wm. _ - - -- - ---_- wd tho.unrof e11u1Jr1 -hall to exponflal in 1 'M• paymenl of .11 enle,lnew incum I on CAW -- hQ m'uunl in reslKet of the weld q• tum. Y. Fertile pairlK"K• of rnidns, the .sid .11111 Iehentum. of the ,eitl Town W the Mount of W.VVLnr In all -hall be L-ue1 on the fifth day' ,f .4•{{Kernler. Var, ra,ii of which d b ntare,t -hall Iw datel on (:,bay of She i- Ile thereof. Ind -hall ler lwyablr within thirty yyuan there otter lit like Hank of Alprtroal, it, filo sad j rown of 41 lerirh x. FJtch of th,• ,gid dAh .fares .hall M• -iorned by the Abgror of its. said Town. ur.by .)a.. other lwrron authorize( .lay liylaw to -loan the -msec, and I.v the. 'from,nnT of the laid Town, ami I ha• Clerk 4i.11 at lash thereto Rho- torpurate-t'alof the MtnlNt"Jity. 1. The .aid drl.•nfure. -hail basso ind•n•-e ,, Ill rate of fool, suet a half p•r fveolune I ­ eYtmunl, pa):mble yettly lit the sell hank „ Ihr atlh dry air tigrt•mIN•r In omrh and evrly leer daring tilt, currency thereof. 111rinw tilt, ,vu•h•nev of ib,. sa{,1 ,Iehpn., luno. there -hall IKe raiwsl nnnnally by ol".i l rateon nil Ill.,nut. Halle Plola•ny in Ilia weld lbws, of llelclicl, the .on1 of 1117114 Ne, fur the pllrIm"'lot I--% iota( lhu atn,wrd,brr fn each of the saidyear- for1rinoi,aal Road there,( in re. +pet, of Ihr v1td, rb1. fL Tait- holder+of Ihr sold downnlrr..hall. w far- to as...wunt-here,by nuthof ized to tie rxprndel In rell.•rt of the ■ell waler wpk. ) trlu i. fnite•nlfvl. shall hmve s ran•ferential •tato rxt' ill"air Ili,- vakl water work and the lend- mill PmIK•rty rppertaining llwrrto for -aN'arinR file fnytnent of Ihr solid "delienturats to like extent of the tuonir. bnrmlrel for the purlro.t••, of I u- . id wmler work.. 7. Tbi- Hy Lew ,hall take effect on the dory of I he anal pft-ing t hcnwf. A., Thr yule of I he rlea•tor- M lite -id Town -f I:cl.rlch .h.111 M• lake" on Ilei" liylnw at the followlnx lime, and nlare., that I. to say : On Sall.ndny. thr•Jltbdayef ,fig llln7,.ro"1 nlencinw At Ihr pont of nlnr aiclork tit She fore nftun mal r•e,nitnainx till ave oclock in thlrgof It•rtimn of the nun- rimy. by the follosring Deputy Rmuraing Office": I'mlling "I'ladi„•ifnl No. 1, at Thompson Stud. W.Kd Sit"u. by Jaime- HtLrrckenrldgr, Pull (lerk,ard I: f , )aelrher. Ihyruty Itetnrn - inw I "flow. 1'"Illnw +uMliaislml No. !, al T. J. N'IAenn'. t+m', by T J. videmn, fall Clerk. and t'hrrl. - t -N. psly 1:0,11niftg oreler. Ibdling �ut.'r1 Lion Vu Y t 11 - T H' ' HAP,VFST �, � I I— III I NEEDS kiI�,;i;, "�� 1ii;F f Sk4 1 4 i . Y A k. !(. 4 i' /' d. +:. 1.A�PiA3�41,�?�. ,t .__ i,r r:.i, rN' .{It. a. -w t:"tl y°*',Y I«,,,_ iia..^6 ti n i. 5 e,:t,, .. ,.i S,. tl' . - -" e.+ ,I3i!e...a•.r,dm'>•,e..,,., ;t Gold Medal11 `t+ " Binder Twine, Pure Manilla Rope, Forks, Rakes, Scythes, Pure Machine Oil, heapest at WOOSELLS9 11 a Wfi0LE5ALE HARDWARE I,(iODERICN AND [iAYF=1ELD. A•Mih"� J'4'�^`l'iN' k�,Iiiva CW�ri"rt4�li ia'9ka2 .lt, l ', �r ly ,, , q: ii r1 HARVESTING TOOLS AND TWINE - SCY'fHES, SNATHS, RAKES, FORKS AND HAY FORK ROPES BINDER TVA INE (io lel) MEDAL, 14C GREEN SHEAF', 12c ' (iII.T EDdI:, 14c , , NATIONAL PORTLAND CEMENT AiAVAt'ry ON HAND. PLUMBING, HEATING. GALVANIZED IRON WORK ANI) ELECTRIC WIRING PROMPTLY AT- TENDED TO AND ALL WORK FULLYrs GUARANTEED. ' CHAS. C. LEE Store 'Phone 22 House 'Phone 112 ram nam kiI�,;i;, "�� 1ii;F f Sk4 1 4 i . Y A k. !(. 4 i' /' d. +:. 1.A�PiA3�41,�?�. ,t .__ i,r r:.i, rN' .{It. a. -w t:"tl y°*',Y I«,,,_ iia..^6 ti n i. 5 e,:t,, .. ,.i S,. tl' . - -" e.+ ,I3i!e...a•.r,dm'>•,e..,,., ;t Gold Medal11 `t+ " Binder Twine, Pure Manilla Rope, Forks, Rakes, Scythes, Pure Machine Oil, heapest at WOOSELLS9 11 a Wfi0LE5ALE HARDWARE I,(iODERICN AND [iAYF=1ELD. A•Mih"� J'4'�^`l'iN' k�,Iiiva CW�ri"rt4�li ia'9ka2 .lt, l ', �r ly ,, , q: ii r1