HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-8-1, Page 4-- ------ -- -
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The Maitland River Power Bylaw. 'i
huh Surer work. Fair atatelltents are
A Number of Letters Dis !what rol&reit lttd Iallle xt•d
- lotrnl cuucI unions ft.
'rhe wind-up of this article credited
d • • • (u l'-,wwismiunrr Muinry cuntinurs,
cussing the Proposition ' la It fall Itptel iter water attd light
plant with this ha ldirAp, as 1 thu'k
Pro and Con --The Vote to we are har"licaplxdrlelak xlredl'
Willi the Water. as wt- have lit mal i't
lel ouch it bright nicer the laky, and ns
i the object of the system is to give the
be Taken Next Saturday I r,otlrsyl„lr4,ayrrtyil thedu, srlT•th•ie'e•r ns cheap &*
stit is
ittemenr. that
e t
we can save it ratan in incorrect.” etc.
- ->-- Thr ,dove is it very droll acknowl-
TotheEditorofTheSignal. � 110 cubic feet pe
per v•(oud, representing elguH•nt to IN- credit to the rhti
411t. -in r recent iaaurof or% Flignal au output of i,oml htirwrlow•er otil). num of the loan) 111 water curumim-
I notice a letter written by "('ill- sill, iu order to provide fora self, rel. sinners. l.et 114 may it afpain : "Am 1
zeta," ivin rxtractx from the Puwrr pude of 2,:fi,U �urs�pm,wrr as oullinrd thick we air handicapped enough
K K 1 i with the water, nil we hsve W raise it
Company bylaw, and cowmrnlN upon w \ uti .Srhon's report it would Is it. such at bright over the Ix►r."
Maine from his Islint of view. necessary to include io lilt- emtiu.ate \\'here is the hvudicap:+ Is it Curr
[.think it would have been goas, tilt, r.•+t of au xusiliary hlraw plant. 11, Murnrv? Didanyone ever
taste on the part of "Citizen" to Kive This lar Irts not dune. It is »Ihu pend' hear such an aissurdly funny handi-
this letterunder his own naive, tntr- able that in the winter xseuher low-. ? All umpa ere built fur the ur-
1,kularly am he nttim-kl+ the Mayor and ,water IN•ri'sl will ohUain, whir,, would P
council in x must un4rluily, unxnurr. saw/ burr to Ir (1tken ,lo.,. ,of by a p.sr 11f raising water above the aka
From lily recoding of the bylaw, 1 do st,PatiM auxiliary.•' ill- other source of supply and vias
nut undermtand that the town is to S. Thr muuici}al rti11ncil having Klu►rrntwd to puwp s given quantity
dsaue guy debe,Aturel, lir will it in- this root Poli,»tion too Nle in the 11f w.►t. ugainat n given hr+►d iu n
cur'Illy liability at, any tittle nnlesa clerk's oQlrr I think should have lied Kivru tisir, rucl in ,hl- case of O'slr-
'c awl til um ainst a
rich me guaranteed
points, +tf(
• r the
default lie suer by the Power Cure- dill further nod to unull n r with far greater head than that given
i►i titwn t L of the principal lir oil -ole ilsiren and u�uoisrd emir rpittis-bey dile standpipe. Then again •',end
by the
t upon the bonds guaittee it aihdr inilig the
i1: flue thew Iwfcne its Ihr object of the svmtem is to give
by the. Wwu, which gguurnnt+�• is ruhu.iuinK the foybtw.
limited in the bylaw to 8 .-AIM)II. ,rise toting (on this hvbtw takes the rratr{ayers the service its chratp ns
I have suplxrcted this st•hrnrr, as 1 plawe oil Saturday, t hr 3rd of August, it is lossiblr W du." l'(ouuuilwbunrr
firmly believe it to IN- in the brat in- and it is Ilolod all property-uwurrs Murikey Must lie it humorist. A
tereetm of the town that cheap power will [urn 1111, 011 that tiny ,end record lovely merrier the ratepayers, get : if
} you have sickness in the hoose and
should lar provided for facWre•" Ail. their yu,rm as they think (rat in the want water at night, it is len to one
ready in operation and its an induce• iWeret,ts tit the town. you can't get it. Why 7 Ask Com-
ment for other factories tit locate in Wm. CAMPHgt.l.. siirmioner if urnev. Hr ll nu doubt
Qoderich. i think our citizens rnrr- -- -- - a ••(•hen , wrvicr." \\'hell yon
ally will concede the fact t tat.'E-tor- To t)w tahior of Th. "s,1aL say. 1
I,. established in the town nn• the DKAH Mi K. -'rhe qur-tion of Kap- turn tin the Iwpa in the morning, yo"
very best medium for promoting it. Is'rrlinK ill,. Power byltw ,low before think you've struck x natural gas
prosperity the iwope'ly t"vse•rs of Oode•i,b 1 well, for }rate get more air than water.
In matter* of this kind, we shm"ld look upon :tm x Inu
uit-et'itis "littler 1 suppose that the following notice
be to a certiin extent oplrmistic in and therefore desire uo snake ail lilt- was published in the interest of cheap
our views: basing our judgment on p'rJIldlrel volulxtlisurl of th(• expenw service:
thin that are in sight. and nut non +under the- present hystrni mild that of 'iV) WATF;R USERS
things that may happen in thelfar the Powe) Cou[pulyas advertised in \1'ARNINU
distant future, as your corrempondo-W the bylaw. The illegal use,l water taps and
"citizen" auggesta. Under lilt- presentfrom tile system. frofor lawn service iil
- prevalent. Ltwp art --
In his letter he Intinp►tem that till- 1st Juno, IMMI, to the Ist June, 11017, viers may only kw used from 4 p. in.
power scheme way end iu failure, but we horned 1,4.11 tunm of coal, and Ila to 9 p. Ill. An inspctur will toccaaiun•
neglects to give um Any goixl reason we have contracted this tat $3.70 per ally visit different parts of the town.
for his fears. On the other hand, ver toil delivered in shed, With duty paid. Violawrao pf the regulation will be
have reports from eminent rngineerm this will at aunt to lj,,'*W.711. Had prosecuted. By under ill the Commis-
astotbefeasibilityofthesthemrwhich good coal Igen purehao
sed, much as we sroerm.
Lave not an et been controverted, are burning now, the cost would have This im tike vervice we get -filthy
and we also have the fact that the been less than $5JI101. water to drink for the brat part of the
Company are putting till guts) Mtld load . $6,(NMI.IN) year, nu water when Tool want it at
k "' "' .... night, and /romeclrtiun lir. laying the
cash, viz., $4Sr0,I1N1 in sum and lands, lust of nil.... � .. .. I:iS.Ix1 I � Y R
to back up their opinionm in the power rest of waste .... yI .......... 411.18) dust in front u( vonr'remisrm during
scheme, and the town has a half -in- E -t. cost of repairN and colo• the hest of the tiny. erily it is time
tereot in it first mortgage for *0111.18111 lingencit l .....ti... ...... 41x1,19) for it change. No wonder the water -
on the whole plant, which will cost \\'nge* ........................ 2,417.0 I works art- handicapped. rhe. Mait-
$w,f1li, rMa .u:a st"h —_ land River Power bylaw will give the
"Citizen" also makes the stateinent ' $S,(IlO.tNl 1-hntnge. Witter servicem every day
that the price agreed upon with till- pro. -
Under the Maitland Riyrr Power for twenty-four hourw, til, fear of prom -
Power Company in the bylaw is tar in (.o.•m bylaw we air rontrncting fur '•ruaiiln, electric light for twruty-
excess of the present cost of ulwrating po,wertutly, as legally advised, &tad Mr. f"tit hours a day and rune•
our town plant. 1 must take• excep• Moyes admitted we hsve W pay the lltteslly A greater revenue, the
tion to this statement. We are, to- w lower• plant operated with less labor
ages of the turn in the plant. nand for less moue than it is t"1x
day, paying nearly $9,(811) per year for Flat este ill 2101 horse power. $i,W00 Y -
power ae at present generated, and F;st. metre rate over 20) horse I [ is pretty near time tar &public in -
1111 have farce tl large ustlay for vestigntion when statements such wN I
renewals of pumping plant, it we are plower ..... �,IW-411) have quoted above olpprar in the pule
to continue under the prezilt condi- N ages .................. 417.1111 lir Its..
tions. Vomt of oil ................... 10(/.01 PHIH+RxrH.
"Citizen" also introducem the mat- Waste ..... ................. 40.00
ter of prodiieer as as a medium of Fitt. cost of repairs and con-
-m To the Editor of The Signal.
ver for the. town. Thio is one of tingeuci(
"' N t lith, -In reference to the knitter of
the naintows that it behooves Its not �°u, T'V $111,7fi7.00 the Power Co., would it not Ire a wise
to chase. F. W. Uerrv. !it' r . , �. `see? } , M 010.110 thin to follow Reeve Mc[.run'm Ilia
s ,; _ gPanun and engage au indepe"dent
To the Niter of 191s 8ianad. A loss each year of .......... $ 2.747.4m) engineer to report on the (ower of
Ata, -The objections taken W theAnd for all years tit interest :it- Per difference
Maitland ? For instance, take the
ll -
Maitland River Power h lew by s few ,•rut, voua{lssrunded ulerns a Vita{ I. mss dinpeence hhe Goeen the Power gi rt-.
ratepayers have caused the withdrawal il( (over $1101,(NN), which means the rale ggll,- and the Co.engineer engineer.
of same and a new one submitted. 9'h1 Power . engineer says than
This one is still considered unsatis. nvrr our present rece•iptt, tit 3y1 (rt- tare 2,SSU horsepower, lite Oovernmed.
cent. engineer says hr would recommend
factory for the following reasons : r* it fair to loud the water and K
1. The fixed charge of $7,(1111) for 2011 electric, light dant with this hnmdi• over $48,ing for on auxiliary N doer
horsepower, with an additional charge rap, an 1 thin we are handienplx•tl ►'hint during dry Nran'nN. Nuw, dors
for every horseprwrr ued sover this, eimugh alreadr with the water, as We not the magnitude of this proposition
will probably make the actual cost hnvr W mime it to such w height over warrant s,mP much ,tithe i
Com -
from $9,0011 to $10.181 yyearly for the lake, and ON file object of the Take far instance theuirtter ('the
thin ears, for what IN on costs tniseionrr Murnry hrnught out a ay
Y y r Y costing squirm is W Sire file ratPlayers lilt' Fdcard of Teale ntrrting, that the way
today not more than $.1•!081. services Its client) at- it IN pshible to the bylaw strtod it world cost the
No advantage, therefore, in sector- do. town pintnl about $13,(00) for power.
Ing power from the Company unless it The statrment that we (-till save a ,or a Inssuf $So(") it year and for thirty
can he supplied tat it lower cost. It mall is inrorrect, as we have only tine .rat's it tool loss of $51111,111111.
is now an aulmitted fact the coal man on duty ;it it little except for tilt- Did the ratepayers of the town
for the waterworks contm but little .nix hours from if p. us, tit 121i, tit. while realize this, and wilt, this not, the
over $5,0 per year when correctly the load is heavy and he woidd be the bylaw wail changed to the'
purchased. needed under MIT rilvutaiataucem' le reawmn amhorit one 1
2. The corporation shoulel have W. T. MI•uNay.
com tete control of their own plant, - - _ _- _____
pore &PP power only from the ower
Company at it fair and reasonable To tile [}tiler of 'fill- Mi4towl. To the F'Ulor of The Signal.price• which should Ir lower than Sill,- in Inmt week m Star there ap- DRAK KIR, "Progress," in sr•rplyy lo,
present cost, and in case the Power pm
•nrel A comparative sutteniew of the y fetter in your ias"e of .lu1y Im1:,
Company are at any time unable to ,ort of olo•ratinK lite waterworks and tries tit b e funky at, him ows conceit.
supply power then the corporation electric IiKbt. plants from Jose tat, I think it wan Al N• Lincoln who maid,,
use their own plant. There should he 110111, to Jun" W. 11)117, hended -Coo; -•'Voll can (,lot tall the Im•oph• "()'Ill.-
no dual control. fltissiuner Jloiney says." With all titan", ntid suns, Irc de all the time,
i see nothing in the bylaw hinder- (lilt' re -pert t" commissioner Marney hilt you can't (cod ,111 , . people All the
' r." 1 e• Ne•1 •'I'ry r
rsa was 'oat
'4 IT""""
,- 't Ula i
Ing the Power (:ompany from con- I world ritthrr arra{rt, hs. nn n un { Mt J
trolling the Wwn plant for the whole beef ",title and hog. than un I �le tilrri- its ready to bark up the tint bylaw,
time in case they could not develop &tion of it waterworks and eleetrie which has now beers rep ale . its the
enough power for the facWripm and light plant. The former ie his hosi. present one. Why wet.+ 1t repealed :•
electric rail it s which are expected ness and he is, at any rate, -apposed fie rmolo • conooisminrirr 111urney Otis -
to • o one fraud that
Iva 't bet the
tete, the rn ern
p to now s-,mn•t bin x 11 1 n h
to be built, and nt the pricy lhu aur- k K •
poratioli has lay them for lonut
lower latter -well, In 1.111 it mild• it is Ilia would have Bern ter letrnled on Illy
they could ruW n the plant at n profit to 4tr,vg loins• its he ham shown (on more horn had the first toy Law carried, iisd
themmelvet. than unr os'r:..iou. He has nu tech• flip ratrpaye•t•4 Jensandrd its telwal.
3. Last year there was it surplus of oirml knowledge- or his subject sold The Company then ager•ed til alter
receiptA over expenditurem for mail,.never'lilt h-,', and is making a nii.-- this rlAuse, beC11,11hr they NOW it
reliance of the water And Ple•tric light, take. Hnd Ihr statetuent forest headed ti-oldd be fatll to their scheme.
plant of !4,678. "Cool mismiuurr Turney Nn�-. I ,in is- "ProgresN .eels so pull Ihr wool
This under the bylaw would he corn• funnel," it tr1111ld hay, sumudwt (Iola• over cur l-yrN by wm:u inK into
letely wiped out and this mum would rel..euu,ahle and would hitve rarriel other stibjrcIl
.ad.. electric rads• eft..
Cave to Ir raim d by taxation from all Maar ele•igla. will' the raLepayerso. which all, not. is the question.
the ratelayfors• am this sum went into 'rile lmtinutle'd vo.t of $x,1110.101 is is- The 11 vlaw ala it x(1111414 is Wilco we ,lir
the eneral funda of the corporation ,-orrrct ,old i'11000ithooti tle•r M1 rney so ronsidlr, and art- if Ihr town ie Io
R to " o
and helped to lower txxatiun. knout. it. le•1 1'unumianiunrr Jlornry be pnul.el into ,wnnthrr blood 1l, r not.
4. No provision to male for a mink- pilblish it correct statement in drlsii, "Ptogn•at ' waya the reports from
Ing fund for the payment of the de. "hewing »Il e•xp endiWrem in runner- three• enginrera, inrhlding the (iut'-
bentures, two that at the end of the lion with the „lorillion ,old utnin- vrntin•nt one,rurrofontll-on(-another.
thirty yeses the rorporation would tenanre of fill. wnterworke and a be 'I'll, filet is, there sore uuatvrial differ -
still he MpOn4ihls for the $IrA),iNNI if Laic light plwlta, ,Ind mike no afit- riwoo-4. Ilse it in :The (ioyernuti•ot.
not paid by the Power Conquany, .Civil, duly 4whiru IN•(ute the ttiR•n Mudie- repnrlr stf+ that . 11. \ u h n"
The to 11 some yearn ago Kurran• iter, melting Cis'Ih thatr the s(1It9•nlPmt tiu11lle sof income gives n prier Of Itis•.
• Ilei lit
mr • e tit for light, although ••0 1 k. w. h
•,. e•. 11 sen ants K
'a r' Ile t and eouteina r S
teed the debrnhm•s of lhr Frlrvnf or I I
l,'ompany and the interest and part of rhargenhle again -t the operntion mild the present tittle the price fill- mtennl-
the principal im bring laid ear,, year. ustiweiii,oc.; 11f the witIerw,arkm and gescrnlld elecU it light in Oodet-iris is
. so that the remionsibility of the town electric lightplants within the• only W,. lot it. w•. boon•, nod the price
in accordingly No nisch trowelled. period- menti nneeb in the mlate eitt-ill *llo,lbel IN• relltelell•t',iblly lowered when
fie The Power Vomlany. thtongh and that therr,tlr no other nrPnUne.- waierlower development, in 11114111.
Mr. Moyem• Nay.-: "Tit.- developlite"t cllargeahl• ngnin't "aid av"teol", ain't .Seoul,, the only twit en ine•ring
of the water ower will r•,s.t probably it nine rar % ncight and int IIs" same leatm of pu•lirnlnr nose are tale safely
$60,(111) W $l(N1,<010 more than will Ir tine %N ill be,e very nscftll des'oviwol, if of the narrow st•ipof land at til,• -Ox
rPakzed from the prcmeelm of the, the,-itizen-ill Ihi4t-,wnmol- lit to dl-. How." \\'hill- Von Mchon'm estimates
$:11A(0N) delrntorem and Ihim addition- MIAMI hill ill% wtiKAti-,n Or inquiry into 4hown nit item for slrrvigthrniog Ihi-.
at*IIm will have to he put up by the the 111 Omer in it Itch the w tlo'14mka it im doubtful whrlher Ilia intended
atnekloldrrn." .Sholdrlhaot theeorr{r- and .rll-clrir IiKi t pl.itts hay.• lwmi 4trengthening would IN- I,m/keel up"a,
ation know who three mWekholdProt managed. If ('.unnli-Nioner Morm-y am perfectayy snfr, and probably it
are, and their financial standing? I will .repare a stat"'event ,of th.,t kine,, would Ir.uh•imahle to mpend consider -
per / s
Ile unr 1 fill N not than I
ahem r ru n
t 1 Im• .-,et- I hill the I
tit ta d it. it will i l t
1 rN1 '• and � Y
mPe t y Von Mrhonb rt,•.{px�art he Pah
mates lliP rust ,I. $•Li7•tMro and no cost of rept-tali,,, :old usin•rnaure of ralimaied upon. The dry weather
doubt, he puts the cost at the highest the twit pt, end- i- mated• $1 011e" tall flow an indicated by Von .Schon i- un-
fignren. There is added to this WWII) $M,4N01, wirer,• I1mr.t the {niece of Leaser duly uptineimtic, as a,•rnrate •K-.." .og.
for land dansaRem and $12,1011 for fran- )Ilia inerra-rd beet t due• labor ill flu lr-,w•,er have IK4-n made, mhowintl� a flow of is
Chia" and ��,ronMtion. ho"s• lot.- not dcrt•,tawl, ver ('hi,l
fli great deal Iemm than af•. `'ran Kchon't,
This is WTI9N1 that will not. go into mione•r Mornrt ,;,%., list. wnur- t„Ill report. In Mr. Von Kchon'm report,
construction but into the hands of the .Ino• W, I10Nt• I., .111110- I's, IlN'i. erre lar anya it will Is• oec1N-Ary fo inelode
landowners and promoters. $2.117. Thr %%.-Iters fur 11W wrr• in the et,tiolate• ,tit allxifinly mfc,lnl
fie Nm prnvision in mate in the )I%--• fP2.x:f. 'IThr:.y.•rnge• Annonl 90x1 of plans. 1Ntimnteel set 111114.7-101.111114.7-101.•,+1. An ex -
law regltlating thelrafl rfill. lower o terntitifl ;till] r,ueinte•nnore of Ill.- •wo Amination of 117. Von Kchoel'” emi-
to he aupplied to facteories, etc. We plant- fhir til" v.•Arm {x118. 11011• 114111, Innte shows It to be itindetlllxte.
all know rnrporationsi will exact the ws- $x,731: this the pear* 111111. IfNr4 The le•port :Ila-, give" for land dmo-
hutcent, ThetP�Islatioh of charges 11081, $10,417. An incn•aae rrndily ape $ihi,INNI, plr,Iotion, els.. $12.11101.
should have hPPn left with the hydr•r.- nerounted for by the inrAea-v in load NOW, 1 wuold ask you, dere thio
electric commission. They have no on plAnt hif iRMp•roeni. Ammulelhnt cornllotate Ihr company's enginerr'm
such statutory Io lower now, although Ail iurr•mme ham berm made for the rep{Ni,rto its "Progrem t, would have you
Mr.'MoyPs endeAvorm W leant "m to years IfN)I. 191ti, 19t11snti we have nn INellPvr 1 Again, hole at the IAst. two
believe they have. average ittlnoal 4Not of $12.4911: in other stents. Take, for instance, the cont
7. In AN communication fnslll the wonls $1,731 more than is given by of the land• which tm tat at $..A(M111 ;
hfdro elPr rlc emmmlesima to tat* town ('ommlmninnrr MninPv'n not only api• [(nomoting. $1111iM1. thm Retm this
clerk under list@ of Ifith Mayr HAM, cryphal hit inimleading emf im*te of $It7,a11 ? 8J.fNMI for a of of practical•
the following statement is made re' whist it will cool to operair the powrr IT valuPlPme lwnd'and in all 8017,111111, &
o the Maitland River power : plant ander the teras* of the bylaw pretty Rm'A thing Mr the promoters
' weather flow as Indicated � -an Petlnlate which, In spite of his think of it.
E: -r
. ,on is unduly optimis- iftrrat. height• he in small enoergh to And again, take clause I of theRRwugings have been att@Inpt W father on Mr Moyes. bylaw ••PmRtPes" wottM have till
ehowing a, of not more then Copimis*ionc•@ Mursey'n @etimates Afe think the town Is liable for only $180,•
_. ...,.n,.... ... ,..:-..rx "..3 ,-'.•9t- .d+: 91.... a_ _._.R'r.:'w.--. a,e to ---n k'Y �rll�'S.§ ..-i'.1A.:9.9 1F4;-y44SM"iki'8::i,,fioRX�.!NNC 1 -.L:.!'t'k,7
01111, whereas It distinctly states we
are liable for Intenrst as well, which
makes the sulk Ilia (Italy swio,01x1,
which 1 first slatedbut with com-
pouu I interest aurutinia tit 'the sum tit
I =7175. And hear in mind there is
Ilti "itikinpf fund whatever crewted
tar we•t torr liability.
Vt)tll'm, etq.,
To the Editor of TheHytnal,
KIK, At the Board of Trade Merl -
ing last Friday night Mr. \villianl
Campliell surpprised those plemrnt by
stating that hr wits in favor of t,,.•
lower w•hrlur and lh+tt he cossiderel
at would he a very g'olel thing for the
town, but Ihat hr wits uplosel to the
byyltw' oil certain Krotinds, the main
tol.jection bring the vomt of "theing
til, witterworka &till electric light and
some idea alotrt w sinking fund fur it
loss which dorm not. exist. He makes
e'rilflrous and Kuesswork e4timateh ;
ale they made with intent, to deceive ?
Ur. Camphill e"IinnNt•4 the cost (of
sleato Ismer hit $,inlet. Mr. Murney
esti t►tea it at $8,1110. It actu&lly iv
solupwhere between $111,1191 and $15,-
,tr l'nm1 Irl, does tanor
[know r
can he 'prx,thwe x stntefornt •hawing
What it costs to up•l.,tte the water-
works and electric light. He talks-
rr,:-m and it ,- ihiasu tyllurt- butkiiowsif aha would
Pnxlure an iwettiale muttelkent,
which he Ishii beets ho frequently
aslel for. we might beli-e what - - - - - -- -- - - -- --- --- ---- -----
hr says. All he hits puolishel hits I I1r,t1 future. At the present time option was in force lir where s lural increased business for the electric rail-
Ihirn a little squib about the cumt (se t+tst.Sntuday'a ltxil and En iiel option campaign wu csrciel on dor- ways and the hotels of the city of
jof ,.nide and even that could ix• div-
putwl, fur 1 don't think it was; ac- the largest atrxw engine work in ing ilia residence there, and the evi- Toronto, he pointed out that the
curet`•. The do curt of coal use; iu Canada, the Goldie k• Mt•Culloch l r., dances that cauir out in Ihr meeting closing ilf the des in Toronto June.
year llll/7 will rxrl-e4l >]B,IMNI. The are installing r gar engine plant f of his activity and enerKy Its n cum• tion had At all events done away with
c'at of otrration will Ix• : 1*1 horsep«ewer fur their own nae an paigner along throe lines Irl, the chair -.workmen's dropping into salmons os
are going to make the Name kind for men of the meeting, J. S. Tom, ill their way to and from their work,
('081 ........................ .. fMkUINI side ; and the largest convertin in the mark that if lh(re were half -A -dozen and he said experience showed that
Knginrrl.......... ......... i10U world today are positing in producer en W bit• found in (hiderich with many men would become fre-
F'our aassistr►uts at $14 per Werk 221.,91" gats jower phil .Such actions speak thing like him energy along temp- queoters of a salmon in their
Repairs ........................ 4(11) louder than wombs. We ,►rt- asked to raw cit linea there would tile something own block who would not Income
Oil and wsrte.................. 3iU vow fill- a bylaw to guarantee certain on here before very long in the way I patrons of A bar w few blocks away,
" "=='° -- bonds for $1311,411k) and intertest at If
of ism 1 op 101). Dr. Pidgeon had signed slatementa
Ttaal $111,4712 tMer cent. for thirty yl-nrm, and tar Ur. iliReun quoted figures to show i from merchants, the chief of police,
Mr. CAuydrll's figures of rust of op•r-, what ? .So that eertnin promoters the ilio mer ih material' pruspnV., and otbeis at the Junction showing
ation for 19111, 19(12 and IINKI total I pnary Kot hold of the tuwn'a power where h . t option halt hw•n adoote , the $treat increase in business, in spite
IIC notij. v, an average of $1o,4W.7u I,rr lot of worthlrrm IAWit. still Also m1, Itbig
worth f torr donethl1Kneg bstn ter gond w of huxiness of increased trally in- greatly decreased number' and of convic-
annuui. 121x. g1� Y
There seenln to lie a strung effort 11ug taxes c,n. In a (Ilovernmetit re- creaxr� pre+ 1 tneuw in na[ing pity- tions for drunkenness, to spite of the
on the Wart of enure to withhold and port re the AIstitlxndsRivrr Pmwrr Co. menta. He t. d tit ilia experiences Ili proximityy of the Toronto saloons.
huppress inforenatiun which the trate- an r. in
is nolle giving an itein of the township a Marin in tlueb•c, in The address was much appreciated
paye•rN should have. %%'fly ?
In x11)- $'ZJAXI for land drainage ; another of \'ictnriatuwn, i1 Muutrval Nest (his end the speaker was heartily ap•
lr' cove lit) tv I $1211181 fur promoting. IC would Ix Nrat chntgrl. but r Kreatrat interest plruded &s he oat down.
thing ing reelWhich It rn t •
stand the light of tiny ? Are nils- interesting to the ratepayers to, know centered aruml,l at hr hall lir say _
(epresenUL6011s of Ihr rest of uprt'a- jtimt whose txmkels thin $ti7,iNN1 go" about local (option Toronto Junc-
tion mottle with intent w deceive ? into. This flfli.iN01 xlilng with $1tSU,UNI tion, whirr he is w located. In B B. Gunn, M. P., end Mn Gunn.
What is Icing kept back? 1 aril the Maitland River Power Cc. would reply to the objection at thm cloning Of.Seaforth, have gone on an extended
afraid that if r thorough stock -taking
,,it) the town of makes a little rum of of the hap. at the Junct n only meront trip W the West.
of the plant era 11vule, and romp red $247,txv, ,old if interest hr added will _ _ _ ____ --- -
With vouchers fur mopplie-, the re• he liver IIWNI,eNN1. In the town ready ,
salt might it l-xt her,asu,prime to sour, ft, Ir bled fur that itttiilunt ?
IN Mr. Canipliell, ,t town official, I Protuotora and grwftr[•s most think , t *141* I 4 7S ip�4v vv vtj�v4 4,'+ F9 F7 cG�v9 P�r0�vv�P+
agerft for the Fairusrunt Coal Cu. ? this town is dead era))•, and so it has ,,yy.�
Does Mr. Campbell, a town official. been. -It is time fur n change. At the '2"
receive a evinuiissioii for coal sold W present time it is interesting to note .�+ 141 i 31AI S THIS WEEK 'f +3','
the town ? Has Mr. Campbell, a that ,boat twenty-five yearn ago the yC, •
town uM iul, ever received a eusunim- Canada Company pmp se•d W develop + h Mus
Nil fur ctrl add t(o the town 7 F;Irc- P"wer uu the \Initlxnd and hrouKht at Tilomso ' �c Store frit power will do away with the ptir- rwinrnt engineer* Isom FrnKlxnd W ,y_chaw tit coal in file * quantities end {nvest'lothe possibilities, hilt they 'X
if the Nominee W the adore cine -tions gave so rneouragetnent and the pnr- + - - _
:is Tea, it im easy to is iderstand hfr* jest war abandoned. At that time 1 "Weber" \ ,y_
Uampholl'm o peo*itiom to the bylaw. well remetulmer there wits more than '.�+ One Weber Piano, care - - $60.00 "y'�'
double the flow tit water there is now. 4
To piulmoat• y make rstinu►ttm to tt +
deceive and to atssnnMe ilutlndiah Clylc Ow'ftKRARIP. One Crossin & McPbii ' s' Piano,
figuteN is wrong. Thr court of the con- x, -- square - - - 85.00 *
stn.'s pl t of the Maitland River Power A Move for Loral Option. One 1/Wormwith" Piano pright, ,t,,ts +
Cil.'m plant ithe pia rvrropho-r neclion - There wits a fair attendance at the
Nary W pat file plant in . 1s;1ildifi - ntreting in the TrmFFrrAnrr Hall on large size, verShghtl used, ,y�
laud, dxm*grs, marhinrry, buildingm' the 'Gad tilt to hear Rev. 1)t-. i' +
etc., rte., its i. the case of all plantm, , original price, 325.00 - - - 235.00,
enol this rose will exceed sim.(NN) Pidgen, convener of the Presbyterian _y�,,
and pmwuibly reach $111010NN1, as the to Assembly's committer ,in + One "Bell" 6 -octave fano ase
rum ny intend vonmtruclin storage temperill mural mild s .ial rt-- C,
1'" R R form, and its it result (of the meeting A Organ, used but a S Ort ti e, 5-t 00 +�
reservoirs, to op sel electric
{ower W Kc"s'" ea' sr of temperance workers and "�,
operate the pm{os4 rlrcuie railwrym f We have also a number of new Pianos and Organa, which we
running north, Past anti mouth out of ")'Irip•'thixrrs who remained after the �sf��,, will be pleased to quote you very low prie
(ioelerich, and supply the ne•wloo cif. neetiiiK carried at unnnimons remol- + ,,.e. 4,
Ooderieb. AN the denand fill- power "tion id favor of laking o i -tion in c jt, rye have& few (1l11e Bicydq left in stock, which lK - I 1 ,
l:«leich along blend option liars, s
increaimer, mon• Ntorxge rrNen•oirs will :''y sold at wholesale cell in order to clear them oat. t+ 7
tie built. A connnitter yvam uplwin[e1 t, invite P^ i
If the- hylnw, cnrriem thp• MxifLtnd
the different religiomm drnnwinnN,,,ls u your opportunity to buy awheel at manufacturer's.
River Power Co. will have to enter to appoint mix membeis each to form ei
into an agreement with the town and r committer t(o meet and dincusm the ,;sit• 11 you are not able W tau, write, and we will send you
this agreement will cover the
reason- alvimaoility of launching at local option + full particulars. +
ablecumpbaintsuf Mr. Campbell. In r;unlaiK". and tat a tueeling of Ill.. _ -
ye lig I not
say, '.l If it not. that committee the thine Monday Ill A0g• + ,THOMSON'S MUSIC STORE
yr br not judged." If w town ens• list ens fixed xx the little of tiu•rting
Plover accepts commission" for goods for sorh committee whe" appointed' THE SQL/ARE, GODER/O// ,,qq
mold to the corporation, it is callwI Ili -.I Idgeom IN him intereati"K Nlraker. if,
(:iIAFT. Then• ie an inti oroyel,, Hr Neenlb to have been thrown all his +� � The place to buy your stationery and souvenir post cards.
"People• in Klause hons•m stouldst( life in l,it,triclh either where h_ - w,7"*'W-+*- �� * *46-41*46 L.I.,L,L,t1*.* **N
throw aWnl-*," anti before m&kinK ill• - __ W �" 'W 'W "`TJ -�` "7""W"W`V'"P""0"'V- W` tN
minunlions IN- quite sure (lint, your '
own Inst in ,lean enongh 1) that in- I - - - -- -- -
wmi' tionN home
it roost.
xly raw I BACK
wun't ruins Isonw tm nest.
IMPlilt•KttRNT. .
- - -_ - ____ -
To the lAlitor of The gignal.
t)K.,R MIR. As sit inti citizen 1
would like to say a few wordm on the
Maithilld River Power scheme. 1
have nolieed there has been it p•r-
4iateeit attempt going (In for sane
veml by nnsrrupuloom mrn W get
hold of the lawn inert• plant, and the
wmn•mrnt. bylaw• is the climax to it.
.. sh"uld we give up our Voint fir
any private vorpuratiun :' ane, to n
comimny' that in thirty Yemen will
make 114 pity the yitPt 1411111 Of $111111.01111
more for Witter and light, than we tare
flow paying ? Thr town would i•hor-
talill)' have to rot me the water and
light rates to ronxmmorm •Li Irr rent.
in order to make it up. Let us keep
(tile plant. by all s'pnns. We are get -
ling light ht nod water now at asi n-
re ,
able trate., and by iulopting n' pnNlucer
gas power rymtem we cau rill even
the present ratan illless,than one-half.
l, tad Ire the own Ir lull u n
t fe
thirty yews. tact on he independent
r. of Ila e
and t fl err at, the ihPA .rt
K t
rue. If this hrlaw r&rries and we
could Kra lower for one quarter whist
it now costs, wt- could not take ad-
v)MIAKe of it fur Ihirty years.
Hate is what. the hydro -electric
palwer comm)-simi says in their third
1oil "F:xp•rirni•r shows thou
w'llrly the dist•ibot ion is rtinlrrmlled by
private rorpurnfions Ill*- dimtributii,n
arva retains l.r-lrietel, nod frfln' Ihr
infornuttiun obtained toy ywir com-
missioners the))• are able to may that
the trnd of ;tfT,aire with privntr ror-
r/ralion4 ham IN -01). not W compete
Iis hitt-im-as ,old thus krep down
the price tit con,
Illi to
amAlgninate ,or otherwise dl-st•ov
cr"nphn W loonanti I{iPfix the price
stowording to the slight wring which
they uu%)- Is- ;title to induce partirubu•
romton'rra tit mnke. Till, timoral rp-
mnit of this,,am Im•,•n W forew individual
vonsonlen, whirl- the chollolsttnrPs
1oml1f In 1tiinitial) generating p1mnU
of their "wn, or to modhere to existing
methllm, rathe than plate them-
selvi•s At lilt- merey of IArgr romldna-
t.ihins fnrnnrd file the p irpltsP of pre-
venting enol setition amt ke•ukill
the price (if /�e'trical power."
Again tin page 12 of the nine re-
tort it toys : -It will lie noted that
the charges for If ht, by municipal
plants are nniforeuly lower than those
under private control."
I think the town wroold be wise to
heed their rehire. Let its guard what
we biter and till not Rive it to any
privnte,•orpnestinn emking to plsnder
the town. Hitt let nn he Me to cake
advantage of what pnducet• Res anti
newer methods wlll save tae in the,
il-I l'il; ir_ The Exhibition the People all Lite to Attend.
4. V, p
t .+ � ,
.r,. '`x'1'...>,s, �� EXHIBITORS
It you have Backacheym eta to UE'S AIRSHIP daily, and afull
Kidney Disease. if you neglect yz
Backache it wilt develop into list of attractions with plenty of Music. Fire -
worse. There la elm Brights Dia-
eass or Diabetes. works after progam each evening, conclud-
use robbing and doctoring our ing with that grand display,
issoonlyone k. Care
the mnedici a but "THE /,THE SIEGE OF GIBRALTAR." .,, a
it cures Backache every time--•
`lend W the Mere , '
`,; t tar file Prize t 'on.
.tsar, Pro rams and all informaG :r R
W. J. REID, President. A. M. HUNT. Secretary.
Sept.6to 14.P111S _r�t�
Clearing up the. Last of the
iq •
t zt .jiJ p`��';
,, Summer_
s 1 Ili, �i
Goods � q ("',
.i qkq _
41•0 ',
1-11111 °
REMNANTS.0_.t � V_'L k, �"" `A,
Only y/ to sell now and you can have voter
11 choice for less than wholesale hnew
Flannelkte mill sada, a few hundred yards, at
price, w
means from one-quarter to one-half off
I' Every
Gat some while
� � W wil�en*i m s so good at the
regular prices. ane neat he sold All on
w money wbm these an 1104.
sale now.
We have had in the last two weeks a great sale
on these lutes, but there are a few still left
J� 14 dress • no two alike, ry yards a
Note the following big slaw``ht*r : 4oc and Soc
for arc am for is - xsc (k roc, and t for
;, each. Soc and far lane. {Sc (or Y/Je, gad
ilj $s.00 for s Nearly all shot egrets, Rood
will They lee
It sic. We feel sure just one week mon will we
the last of them
colorings and not cut. wal m sale
at these prigs just out week.
STOCKINGS . ,, _....", r a.�.Fl x714:
t Y, I
WHITE VESTINGS `" c''�" ti'�"`'
We just got about goo pain of our great 3 for
asC ►tne� The beat hoes we Over 25c
r` J d. ,eft ase for eye, all cttltice, .mall
11,1 o eyed a z for ....................:.
'Phone ,',<. J.,
feet. I have muffend untold ngoid y and only those who have had
Pnxlure an iwettiale muttelkent,
which he Ishii beets ho frequently
aslel for. we might beli-e what - - - - - -- -- - - -- --- --- ---- -----
hr says. All he hits puolishel hits I I1r,t1 future. At the present time option was in force lir where s lural increased business for the electric rail-
Ihirn a little squib about the cumt (se t+tst.Sntuday'a ltxil and En iiel option campaign wu csrciel on dor- ways and the hotels of the city of
jof ,.nide and even that could ix• div-
putwl, fur 1 don't think it was; ac- the largest atrxw engine work in ing ilia residence there, and the evi- Toronto, he pointed out that the
curet`•. The do curt of coal use; iu Canada, the Goldie k• Mt•Culloch l r., dances that cauir out in Ihr meeting closing ilf the des in Toronto June.
year llll/7 will rxrl-e4l >]B,IMNI. The are installing r gar engine plant f of his activity and enerKy Its n cum• tion had At all events done away with
c'at of otrration will Ix• : 1*1 horsep«ewer fur their own nae an paigner along throe lines Irl, the chair -.workmen's dropping into salmons os
are going to make the Name kind for men of the meeting, J. S. Tom, ill their way to and from their work,
('081 ........................ .. fMkUINI side ; and the largest convertin in the mark that if lh(re were half -A -dozen and he said experience showed that
Knginrrl.......... ......... i10U world today are positing in producer en W bit• found in (hiderich with many men would become fre-
F'our aassistr►uts at $14 per Werk 221.,91" gats jower phil .Such actions speak thing like him energy along temp- queoters of a salmon in their
Repairs ........................ 4(11) louder than wombs. We ,►rt- asked to raw cit linea there would tile something own block who would not Income
Oil and wsrte.................. 3iU vow fill- a bylaw to guarantee certain on here before very long in the way I patrons of A bar w few blocks away,
" "=='° -- bonds for $1311,411k) and intertest at If
of ism 1 op 101). Dr. Pidgeon had signed slatementa
Ttaal $111,4712 tMer cent. for thirty yl-nrm, and tar Ur. iliReun quoted figures to show i from merchants, the chief of police,
Mr. CAuydrll's figures of rust of op•r-, what ? .So that eertnin promoters the ilio mer ih material' pruspnV., and otbeis at the Junction showing
ation for 19111, 19(12 and IINKI total I pnary Kot hold of the tuwn'a power where h . t option halt hw•n adoote , the $treat increase in business, in spite
IIC notij. v, an average of $1o,4W.7u I,rr lot of worthlrrm IAWit. still Also m1, Itbig
worth f torr donethl1Kneg bstn ter gond w of huxiness of increased trally in- greatly decreased number' and of convic-
annuui. 121x. g1� Y
There seenln to lie a strung effort 11ug taxes c,n. In a (Ilovernmetit re- creaxr� pre+ 1 tneuw in na[ing pity- tions for drunkenness, to spite of the
on the Wart of enure to withhold and port re the AIstitlxndsRivrr Pmwrr Co. menta. He t. d tit ilia experiences Ili proximityy of the Toronto saloons.
huppress inforenatiun which the trate- an r. in
is nolle giving an itein of the township a Marin in tlueb•c, in The address was much appreciated
paye•rN should have. %%'fly ?
In x11)- $'ZJAXI for land drainage ; another of \'ictnriatuwn, i1 Muutrval Nest (his end the speaker was heartily ap•
lr' cove lit) tv I $1211181 fur promoting. IC would Ix Nrat chntgrl. but r Kreatrat interest plruded &s he oat down.
thing ing reelWhich It rn t •
stand the light of tiny ? Are nils- interesting to the ratepayers to, know centered aruml,l at hr hall lir say _
(epresenUL6011s of Ihr rest of uprt'a- jtimt whose txmkels thin $ti7,iNN1 go" about local (option Toronto Junc-
tion mottle with intent w deceive ? into. This flfli.iN01 xlilng with $1tSU,UNI tion, whirr he is w located. In B B. Gunn, M. P., end Mn Gunn.
What is Icing kept back? 1 aril the Maitland River Power Cc. would reply to the objection at thm cloning Of.Seaforth, have gone on an extended
afraid that if r thorough stock -taking
,,it) the town of makes a little rum of of the hap. at the Junct n only meront trip W the West.
of the plant era 11vule, and romp red $247,txv, ,old if interest hr added will _ _ _ ____ --- -
With vouchers fur mopplie-, the re• he liver IIWNI,eNN1. In the town ready ,
salt might it l-xt her,asu,prime to sour, ft, Ir bled fur that itttiilunt ?
IN Mr. Canipliell, ,t town official, I Protuotora and grwftr[•s most think , t *141* I 4 7S ip�4v vv vtj�v4 4,'+ F9 F7 cG�v9 P�r0�vv�P+
agerft for the Fairusrunt Coal Cu. ? this town is dead era))•, and so it has ,,yy.�
Does Mr. Campbell, a town official. been. -It is time fur n change. At the '2"
receive a evinuiissioii for coal sold W present time it is interesting to note .�+ 141 i 31AI S THIS WEEK 'f +3','
the town ? Has Mr. Campbell, a that ,boat twenty-five yearn ago the yC, •
town uM iul, ever received a eusunim- Canada Company pmp se•d W develop + h Mus
Nil fur ctrl add t(o the town 7 F;Irc- P"wer uu the \Initlxnd and hrouKht at Tilomso ' �c Store frit power will do away with the ptir- rwinrnt engineer* Isom FrnKlxnd W ,y_chaw tit coal in file * quantities end {nvest'lothe possibilities, hilt they 'X
if the Nominee W the adore cine -tions gave so rneouragetnent and the pnr- + - - _
:is Tea, it im easy to is iderstand hfr* jest war abandoned. At that time 1 "Weber" \ ,y_
Uampholl'm o peo*itiom to the bylaw. well remetulmer there wits more than '.�+ One Weber Piano, care - - $60.00 "y'�'
double the flow tit water there is now. 4
To piulmoat• y make rstinu►ttm to tt +
deceive and to atssnnMe ilutlndiah Clylc Ow'ftKRARIP. One Crossin & McPbii ' s' Piano,
figuteN is wrong. Thr court of the con- x, -- square - - - 85.00 *
stn.'s pl t of the Maitland River Power A Move for Loral Option. One 1/Wormwith" Piano pright, ,t,,ts +
Cil.'m plant ithe pia rvrropho-r neclion - There wits a fair attendance at the
Nary W pat file plant in . 1s;1ildifi - ntreting in the TrmFFrrAnrr Hall on large size, verShghtl used, ,y�
laud, dxm*grs, marhinrry, buildingm' the 'Gad tilt to hear Rev. 1)t-. i' +
etc., rte., its i. the case of all plantm, , original price, 325.00 - - - 235.00,
enol this rose will exceed sim.(NN) Pidgen, convener of the Presbyterian _y�,,
and pmwuibly reach $111010NN1, as the to Assembly's committer ,in + One "Bell" 6 -octave fano ase
rum ny intend vonmtruclin storage temperill mural mild s .ial rt-- C,
1'" R R form, and its it result (of the meeting A Organ, used but a S Ort ti e, 5-t 00 +�
reservoirs, to op sel electric
{ower W Kc"s'" ea' sr of temperance workers and "�,
operate the pm{os4 rlrcuie railwrym f We have also a number of new Pianos and Organa, which we
running north, Past anti mouth out of ")'Irip•'thixrrs who remained after the �sf��,, will be pleased to quote you very low prie
(ioelerich, and supply the ne•wloo cif. neetiiiK carried at unnnimons remol- + ,,.e. 4,
Ooderieb. AN the denand fill- power "tion id favor of laking o i -tion in c jt, rye have& few (1l11e Bicydq left in stock, which lK - I 1 ,
l:«leich along blend option liars, s
increaimer, mon• Ntorxge rrNen•oirs will :''y sold at wholesale cell in order to clear them oat. t+ 7
tie built. A connnitter yvam uplwin[e1 t, invite P^ i
If the- hylnw, cnrriem thp• MxifLtnd
the different religiomm drnnwinnN,,,ls u your opportunity to buy awheel at manufacturer's.
River Power Co. will have to enter to appoint mix membeis each to form ei
into an agreement with the town and r committer t(o meet and dincusm the ,;sit• 11 you are not able W tau, write, and we will send you
this agreement will cover the
reason- alvimaoility of launching at local option + full particulars. +
ablecumpbaintsuf Mr. Campbell. In r;unlaiK". and tat a tueeling of Ill.. _ -
ye lig I not
say, '.l If it not. that committee the thine Monday Ill A0g• + ,THOMSON'S MUSIC STORE
yr br not judged." If w town ens• list ens fixed xx the little of tiu•rting
Plover accepts commission" for goods for sorh committee whe" appointed' THE SQL/ARE, GODER/O// ,,qq
mold to the corporation, it is callwI Ili -.I Idgeom IN him intereati"K Nlraker. if,
(:iIAFT. Then• ie an inti oroyel,, Hr Neenlb to have been thrown all his +� � The place to buy your stationery and souvenir post cards.
"People• in Klause hons•m stouldst( life in l,it,triclh either where h_ - w,7"*'W-+*- �� * *46-41*46 L.I.,L,L,t1*.* **N
throw aWnl-*," anti before m&kinK ill• - __ W �" 'W 'W "`TJ -�` "7""W"W`V'"P""0"'V- W` tN
minunlions IN- quite sure (lint, your '
own Inst in ,lean enongh 1) that in- I - - - -- -- -
wmi' tionN home
it roost.
xly raw I BACK
wun't ruins Isonw tm nest.
IMPlilt•KttRNT. .
- - -_ - ____ -
To the lAlitor of The gignal.
t)K.,R MIR. As sit inti citizen 1
would like to say a few wordm on the
Maithilld River Power scheme. 1
have nolieed there has been it p•r-
4iateeit attempt going (In for sane
veml by nnsrrupuloom mrn W get
hold of the lawn inert• plant, and the
wmn•mrnt. bylaw• is the climax to it.
.. sh"uld we give up our Voint fir
any private vorpuratiun :' ane, to n
comimny' that in thirty Yemen will
make 114 pity the yitPt 1411111 Of $111111.01111
more for Witter and light, than we tare
flow paying ? Thr town would i•hor-
talill)' have to rot me the water and
light rates to ronxmmorm •Li Irr rent.
in order to make it up. Let us keep
(tile plant. by all s'pnns. We are get -
ling light ht nod water now at asi n-
re ,
able trate., and by iulopting n' pnNlucer
gas power rymtem we cau rill even
the present ratan illless,than one-half.
l, tad Ire the own Ir lull u n
t fe
thirty yews. tact on he independent
r. of Ila e
and t fl err at, the ihPA .rt
K t
rue. If this hrlaw r&rries and we
could Kra lower for one quarter whist
it now costs, wt- could not take ad-
v)MIAKe of it fur Ihirty years.
Hate is what. the hydro -electric
palwer comm)-simi says in their third
1oil "F:xp•rirni•r shows thou
w'llrly the dist•ibot ion is rtinlrrmlled by
private rorpurnfions Ill*- dimtributii,n
arva retains l.r-lrietel, nod frfln' Ihr
infornuttiun obtained toy ywir com-
missioners the))• are able to may that
the trnd of ;tfT,aire with privntr ror-
r/ralion4 ham IN -01). not W compete
Iis hitt-im-as ,old thus krep down
the price tit con,
Illi to
amAlgninate ,or otherwise dl-st•ov
cr"nphn W loonanti I{iPfix the price
stowording to the slight wring which
they uu%)- Is- ;title to induce partirubu•
romton'rra tit mnke. Till, timoral rp-
mnit of this,,am Im•,•n W forew individual
vonsonlen, whirl- the chollolsttnrPs
1oml1f In 1tiinitial) generating p1mnU
of their "wn, or to modhere to existing
methllm, rathe than plate them-
selvi•s At lilt- merey of IArgr romldna-
t.ihins fnrnnrd file the p irpltsP of pre-
venting enol setition amt ke•ukill
the price (if /�e'trical power."
Again tin page 12 of the nine re-
tort it toys : -It will lie noted that
the charges for If ht, by municipal
plants are nniforeuly lower than those
under private control."
I think the town wroold be wise to
heed their rehire. Let its guard what
we biter and till not Rive it to any
privnte,•orpnestinn emking to plsnder
the town. Hitt let nn he Me to cake
advantage of what pnducet• Res anti
newer methods wlll save tae in the,
il-I l'il; ir_ The Exhibition the People all Lite to Attend.
4. V, p
t .+ � ,
.r,. '`x'1'...>,s, �� EXHIBITORS
It you have Backacheym eta to UE'S AIRSHIP daily, and afull
Kidney Disease. if you neglect yz
Backache it wilt develop into list of attractions with plenty of Music. Fire -
worse. There la elm Brights Dia-
eass or Diabetes. works after progam each evening, conclud-
use robbing and doctoring our ing with that grand display,
issoonlyone k. Care
the mnedici a but "THE /,THE SIEGE OF GIBRALTAR." .,, a
it cures Backache every time--•
`lend W the Mere , '
`,; t tar file Prize t 'on.
.tsar, Pro rams and all informaG :r R
W. J. REID, President. A. M. HUNT. Secretary.
Sept.6to 14.P111S _r�t�
- MITe 111CLL, ONT., IIIAT 13, 1907.
DK.,n FKIKNiH :.
,y •
A great victory ham been won by the Itse of "But -Jul' after 22 `' d
:� yaof terrible suffering frem sciatica glad RlwOmtsm.
1 have been a great snffetr t 'emtthin terriblee feglse for
years tack, tat time•N p would have Iae:krchr and terrible pains In
my hips, hip -Joint* and also down illy le,gm to the bottom of my
feet. I have muffend untold ngoid y and only those who have had
the Alternate, know what the terrible Itiain* are.
1 tried Pverythinq i roflld think of. bill, got no relief till i Paw
•Ills-Jil," the- gentle Kidney fill, advertlald in he pgllter, sod i
thi11 lk I would give it a trial end 1 did no. 1 uRflht one box of
"Bre-J u" nmol got great relief, then 1 got five more iNoxen of them,
and n after fls in max Ix, '
R xPne 1 x111 completely tend of the aches gad
pains and ran recommend therm to any person suffering as 1 did.
Iw*t winter 1 thought I world have to give tap witopthen, she I
could Madly get around on my IPF.s. I am mors thankful, more
than tongue
can tell for getting rid of my discs mo by the use tit
"Rn -Ju." and many others i hw•.,P told of it have been getting
relieved of their palns. i shall toeless, he witlxwt them in the beaus•
i have ho"n days Arid week* that 1 could hardly crawl to the
darn to do my chore*, I hold to stop different times and rest my
legs, i thought many n time I should he a cripple for life, but
th&Ilk (cod i Not mmiething at. last to knrlck It out, when i got
hold of " Bu -Ju," and 1 can recommend IIL hflfhly to other
.- a6':.tis
suffering Irotu the same disea se.
- s
mtn ver tial
Mitchell. Tmgan Township, Or,L JO H N awkENWOOD.