HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-8-1, Page 3�f ,z �. _. _._.. .., -a s.^r' 'J' ' + %.•, �7+rr.t rrr,�rr'T ":'r , PI _,:r±ns.rL' :rvxw
1!+�r0' r, %7mr .17., . - a.,: . ;'lf"',^�" i� ryuv F$ g�, fi qT D g� .55yf M1f$ 1t- L af.8 ai' 1. IA..:.Frt7E i �W?, isaa Y,,:std'
J<..r a:✓�.$,s, r�. r. I I't's i. .Y 3W�IIi ::,.4 +.. `�..3i'Mxa Ars.'4dT'�Li: Q'1'� y'a�/1 ,tr+w Di M$ x dA r (�1 M ,liA i,. IfW tk ?� 1''..... .,.
. . %A, _. Y ^ W
1.--_- . ^ THE' SKINAL : CUDH:RlClt' ONTARIO " THURSDAY, Anpet t, 11109 3
0 Vaccination for Blackleg and Anthrax SCHOOL GRANTS, A liter utwy think lie throws more
I 11���� /�� the
in Cattle. thxlt udsctor, but he in apt to listen�/ The dlrraw• known an blackleg In To Thr Fwuwr of Tl,r Signal. , PHONE 6 wbnit a lawyer wile him that he needs •
cattle, although rntirvly unknown iu KIN,-Almnit July list a cosy of "All 5 PHONE g6 x change of enolate. c
finny etwueivr Agriclrltund rection► Act to aueend the Public Kello,ls Act, t• j
UllnttlD will observe civic hoUdaj/ On Wednsaday, the loth u1L, Mise otUanada olid out ,►t ,til widrmprr+ul {1017, circular leas, ('inn rt- iu lhl' Miller's Scotch Store
uD Tuesday, August Ott. I Iron Motion, of McKillop,, war in any dbtrict lir Proviutw, annually Hlgh olid Pul(lic ti hoylm Acts." +til D e e ' 1
The Clinton hlsll41tal wlu reopened 1Y�dr►ltedwat Ilwnlluta, Mau., w Irvi cwurnr yulW rxtenaiive lorao•r to cattle- I tht uc•tiors Nit, IY,'l•xplaiuiug the 1 lc -lila Parties, Is" week after having teen eloped for i r wleerous engineer of thwt millets. Anthrltx, which is quite a • Uirt ibutiuu d slap. l r islxtivr
a nunder of weeks, town, formerly of fisaforth. d{ffuremt direaw•, although fi•w tient{ K Them is no leder Plant- than the Scotch Store to buy
In NL Jtsw / conluleexd with hlacklr K 1 Y Urant," were split ht, the secretary of
Min MatcV411nell, lit Nt. Marys, has { h's church, (3in1A)n, on g in the Ilinlar 1.11,01 public ,a'huol Imauxl in„ Weill �.
been n sdnte4l teacher of English slid TUPmtlay, the 'Liexl tilt., Rev. Father of m»ny cattle-rmilaM•n, {,t also the • Cam ars and
p' K "Am 1 i' Your Midsummer Wants I P
me,llrnlrin the \Vinghatia highschool. Hanlon malted ill ltimarr! r Mem. aux- I'xusr n[ 1latit,uh lairs lit stack. Thr Ar Uustrpa +lir still nakiuK. What
Thr ulxrri r uC Mlxr f3ruttir. lira anuah liclstlghlin and Arry Jaulrr, tormar diwame is ahuost entirely cou-
Wf y. grants :ter wt- likely t„ get this year 'r l
of McKillop, to Alfred Harms, of lam- two err steal rrridrnb of BI til, fined tl rattle soder there yr:uw and I x
i" ) (feast- ,ublixh lhi,i'.tlrr for the Ix•nr- u k
p The muni,a isgrnerally Gnu►. The latter uU+aek( 1 Housekeepers dun, took lister im Ntratfonl, uI flan gr of John F. JlcKiu• of erclarwrof'farll auinodr ;end the It of all iuu•leapd sutip"' HE FEW COATS we have left, both lon and
17th lilt. no0, of Flirt \1'illiauh foruwrly of 1. i•:,t h sr11t,ol .'..tion +vill retrive T fT P
Orry etvnsh! 1 and (e human subject is nut exempt fl•uml its short, we have re -marked re
Win. Hillard, offlraforth, Int week 1 la. tit Misr info it,n, which generally Iv+sulfa Gt,w flit- Wwnship general fou,{ a regardless cost. We i
had the Misfortune to have film place (i Fa ho 1, of l',u•{nlon. tltee,, trek er,tlt lit' $3111) fur rash principal and have four Silk Coats left and they are beauties, but p
clew• in hilar lower Cyn»(flan wen re- w+rimtrl)'. g;Jllo for r,u•11 assist,ull cul to I 1
shoulder-b,1ne fnuaarrtd by a falling cent( Hy the. said of science cattle-raixers I >" they must go soon. will fin( everything t
scantling. y . Thi• Education DI•palimptit will
xtv uuw rnahhd to prott+ett their reek lit lu ser cont. of .-Itch m'• ..:
HI . P. RrPkle. of ('linen, has later. Norenttn 1.. Munch, of lflylh, has against theme ulal+ulier. As the I Y 1 1 uu ipal'r Lawn and Silk Waists, every size in stock, in long and short !'aver 111 Choice
.. ►seen Appsllut"d se•rrtary ulf lit• Boys'hurlian to llil is vuccin»ted a mint a41my nest pt lit ,old up it, 7JNNMI, and 66
cllawli a (frig IauiMrse m Dutton' {kpfiartwent t,f the 1. M. l:. A. lit ) K {u peer rt-nl. t,f rash u.,isL,tlt'. s,ahu'y Ladies' Wash Steib, lent a few left. I
Ont., whither he will reuo,ve with hie sruallpox, iu the saute ltlnunl•r cattle y
l"ldt,n, to rut-c•ead Fred- H, ('haul. over 1pJNI ; »Iso t$J' l fur easel fresher Lunch G
family shortly. mune rendered iuuuuup frwu btxrkl''ff boldin It II'ufrsmionnl Yerul.ti•rl+aNS lir Ladies' Cotton Night Gowns, White Skirts, Corset Covers and Drawers QOd$
turned. of l'lioWn, who her re• K I
Oehl. Nesbit, of McKillop, recently and anthrax. Phe 1)r{xtrtwelt of first -clam et-rtiHt-+t ••. This will Is• T 1
i Y signed. ( all reduced. • Agriruhurr at Ottawa thruagh Ute•
had the racturing a tall (tout a load paid »bout t•pt•ullm•l- Imp. Our assortment of Ladies' Summer Hosier is almost
of hay, free haring leveret t,t the rile The Clinfor Uollrgg.1L ll. of (' has health of o limp animals brooch is now in » :1• A grauf for pynipment ,anti ac- y Groceries, rn nt. a teats •,mm F:. !1x11. lit l'hlax• 'position to supply preventive vacclue eS`f
on his lett xWe• 1 conmmmintit,us, whi, h Jt-pN•ndm leu the complete, which comprises one of the best rtodu in town.
moot, +et- bother M nl•,llerns satJ x N»h flit rush s these di»rusrr at the unto/• :tad r•rl,tliv,• K
F. U. Heulaxl, of \Nalfon, her din ary of gleet, and Miss Moll', t,1 Frm- nominal cost of Hvl• cents iter dome.. grndln of lip
of lair laterite-- shop Is; Neil Mt-- :2111L, am ct,mfinercial teacher at'x mal- Until ivevnth•, by special 1 arrange- pitch echo null 1, low1 udill I of I
Neil. blwckrDlith of that place, and wr of 0 , rnent. with rxlvnsivr uwnuGtcturl•rs iu '''1Oh school in the• to%vu,hip. It is MUSLINS l l b 1 I I .etc.
will tumour with lair twulfly w l'xnlp- e•xpwrlt'd that. this Kr.ull Will overage
Uro a Bedford. of Crediton, hits 1,1111 United Staten, (he,e• prealuct.
belllonl. c xlsnit $11 for reel+ pliut'llial null tll.i ;l
I his twenty-two and x -half acres %%-e•r'11 secured sat n reduced cum% and fur each AssisGllt. IL %sill IN- paid UR TOCK OF MUSLINS are being greatly {
On Hund") • the 21st till., Richard of land 'end tilt- dwellingthereon to w'e're Ph+eceJ in Ulm handm of (L1nluliall O reduced every day and it is our intention not to 11 I
for the Summer :alaluL 1lrcrwlm•r l.t.
L. Nhwrpl, • (dieser well-known hotel. Jose h \\'oculxll, of IlvUoit forMerly cattle -raisers lit ten cents per (flese fur f. A special Iibl.u'y
keeper of Neaforth, deplartad this life of Crvdien, for the runt of (►i1L blackleg vaccine and fourteen twits i grant fur +ill carry a yard over till next season. We will put Season all that Can i
At his hotels in Toronto at the, + of ij book. pul-e-h,ased I. -twerp July Imp• on our tables eve da some veryspecial values that
►Ke Fairly next year Mr. Hartford will per doss fur anthrax varciht-. It is 110111, ,tied .lu1w I,t, 11017. No school 'it- 7 y be tlelalred
sevrntY•four venni. leave Ctxditon fur a title at bast. date to the fact that those prepuratiuns will be sure to make a speedy clearance. , at r s
Ace uuw twill w+ule mt the hial gleet W receive snots lh;tn $ i. i
The death of Frank Mclkngall, L,amt•:week Abraham Deering. of Iiv reading carctllly "Instructions
oungrxt silt of the,, late A. G. Mo- Stephen, sold his I :okra farul oil the laboratory in ronmrction with the Nn. 1'_' t-,u•h school hoar should IN- SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO TELEP"ONE ORDERS.
y health of altinstlet hrmuch that tiles STURDY&COLS•
[)ougwll. of Sw►[orth, on•un+1•tl at his 'nth cunct•mxiuu of thio tuwomhi , to elate to estien+atr. V4'1% ,
,•r%' nein ly %% 'hill
can Ito supplied at if ceuta{;per (film:. home iu Minnraabta recently. Ilia Hrury IluurflWn, of (hand IA•114 , fur Kr,u11r the srh(.d ,huuld receive fur • '
widow and fatifily survive. the sum of $7,Lill, After holding milt 1'he vaccine flet blackleg uo1,y bbr sad- 110f7. 'Thr Ips IG•Kohatiunm (or (I 11, Mlllar's Scotch Store WEST SIDE SQUARE ,
ministered by ,lily int•Ilig4.nt person Q
ntertlon lair in llctuher Nr. Orrt•iug tinuxliou l'1»sse,plo%'idr fur incrr,aar,l
__ by means lit nu in ruuld•lit supplied
--- will txkp up lair Ireidence iu Exeter. "� gralits. A copy %%ill IN' split to eRVII Phone t
lay the Department at lift.y .•rnl,. PHONE 56 'PHONE 6 9
A yuirb uwtt•inlordied event ha)k ,perrLAry as simile as-•a.%.•t'ived trrll the 5
Anthrax vaccine, which it lits" sill.. F,liwatiun lh• , t tm.•nt.
ciao til Sl. .huneni church, Sexfurth, I +
on Tuesdw the Efrd tilt., when Rev. plied at to dente per dump. it t)nl a .I. 1•:I.ulx Tom, & j - - --- ---- ---
y difficult w nd,1linimle• rel olein t •
lir le )o vm.. Yondaya and (orlllmtlrlto•. til Ila" 11ot sra.nu IIRvr Oh, 1 Ila slot p.o'lo•ahi1l%' :ulxlt,m.,
Fridays, - Ohio, of ,a Fornlrr well-known resident since I Ifr•mt Iwg,ul to Ito lrould..l %% 411 lw,-n riact-d tu.Ihp'Hy'. ILe,%-inK its WIt. lhr,alul n•,pon.r. '•I don't Ito• A man isn't necessarily w vocalist
r#M SOOMO a rCMZTAMI DIY. -Starner of that town in the person of JAne t•heulilatisnl," Nava Alr. W. H. ('rain'.. fit 1 1 I' • .
vas enatang ' Y rat II•m:, flee Parry
Sound and way porta
Father (4.,r 111111.11 tied the nnptio d
q,"dified vetvaillarial to .twat"till
In-lie'.1 r for %\'r,t Muslin.
_ __ _----
of Oberlin. Deceased, who
was furty-sevell years of age, was a
knot hetweenMine (latherinr'1'AKne•Y•
data of the lair Mic lsel '1'aKney.
Not'Worth While.
I Doubtful.
,Nucces. Every spring, Its `ries• ;as
of aewforth, and John Shnnuu"• x
Viattie-r+eise'N %who h;tve friar tarsals,
shark of either hlsekleg lir anthrax
A l :uuolian sp'.akrr w'ho wits. rtr1Y-
During n brief oceLtl voyage licit•
)t�Lj. $ f�R slf:)(Z��
plxbspwroms agriculturist of 1'mtlmatl,
would do well ht, upph to the
The Common House Variety Are a
lora. it- `vin f(-nlininr favor hall ex-
thrcoast of Newfoundland, one of the
T H 11Z
Penn Esther
%ete•inarydirector-Krurlitl sat 0tt;lwa
Menace to Health.
Iwessed himself fervently' in public as
passengers was au srrionsly diatu'llel
V )o P.rl, M,ndaY. Wednesday
Ors \\'esltiestbey, tilt- lith Inst.,
fur the prolier preventive treatment.
h• overdo.lipd," caul Dr. U. O. Viob,t,
(......lady, ••but w4. slow know that floe
lir f;lwt,l' 01' g1:mltiuK flat' tr'anchiSe W
that hr Wla amu him dt-reth wwS Art -
, and
t rW�y.forS«Ilt Ste Parr. Port Arthur. Port
James Worthington. wMr far Durr
The 1'lllli•d alit.•, Ila• "lltellent. of
W"111/•11, ill (.1. lllg thst lilt- influence
n-oiLehlrlg. He wa:4 fail melancholy In
William and Duluth --Friday steamer going
t.venty yours hint hopes ,t lrtejj,ul;t•
AKricnlUur ham st;utw' a crux:u{,.
'd' Ihr• skirled sex %euuld purify alae-
Eim Hrw +tsstiranu mit the subject that
thn,ugh to Duluth.
T a YACtiD1AC pry. -Steam-
I'Ar•blrrsend reapwcteil remidrntof IAwk-
now, dP barted thin life lit him home M
Tor•onto, (•)lit., .hely ' lth. -1Npef ixl.l
against tilt- couuoorl home Hy lad is
cul lying on cxtrnhive ,aperiuo•ltt.s eta
tit,nm and eels p"lilie, I,, :a higher
levels Aflt•r his address hr was talk•
another'aensenger said to hint, half-
f:Irptiotis v :
*an I IvM�
en leave ("Ili p
ngwo.mt . ,o p m , ern Sound
It )O m .Tuella 'a, Thurs,L>'% and Sat lir•
that town afters Ira thy ill)ersm t,p
( K
-The remarkable case of Jlr. ('I -;tint-.
whirh We pi -int. belo W, In art,, lle•I• of
lu the. Is•,t awry of h;uii.hiu 1t tenni
K '
in With his huvt•s, %%'hmu he had ex-
'•l\'rll, have you xoy wishes regard.
days and Saturday seamen go
tltrough w Mackinac.
heart lnmble. Two rhildrru,s Naomi
the, many proof, daily puhli,hl,'I in
tilt' alllmle ,If Itnlll. Tlll• flv has tepees
11r I,. illea.,t• lay Ilei (adltic al
iug yule.. relllairls :'"
Thurdav steamer,
accommodating but )6 I.ss•etyaen. goes to
,laid .lames, are left to mluurn ilia de•
tilt- newspapers of the wole.Irl'fill
found to Im• nut only n ami+burr, int
"1 ho flat' day' i, far dlnttrtt,
The sufferer regarded him lntl-
sot. only
lear•tllre from Lire seep• (of lift..
p(,wem of Dodd's Kidney Pill. III 1'111'-
a tilpn:til•.• to Ilan'+ It. hair
N• nim.
uidl don't believe," he said,
tiTO lltiORC pry. -For Parry Soil Bens
Word was received in \\'in hum
iti that drendf11ldisease, rhruuodis",
IMdy ,'�ll'rle. INI111 .II%l•a.l• :lll,l drAlll.
Illy 11.•:l l' yl1',. 1:1:111 k. \%'11+'11 \',.11 will
Glllltly'. •'lllnt there's gain W Ire any
alit, ;relish River and Killarney. steamer
Iarrs Colli wood y
Im1t week of Ihr drnth in 111mYlin,
IC in fh(- years ago hast spring
r lidemir. %%hi,•h .aver. over
ALau. p 1
exprcis,• till• %f it-. , .ver." lip said.
K I "
reruainn."-Canadian ('ourmer.
lir le )o vm.. Yondaya and (orlllmtlrlto•. til Ila" 11ot sra.nu IIRvr Oh, 1 Ila slot p.o'lo•ahi1l%' :ulxlt,m.,
Fridays, - Ohio, of ,a Fornlrr well-known resident since I Ifr•mt Iwg,ul to Ito lrould..l %% 411 lw,-n riact-d tu.Ihp'Hy'. ILe,%-inK its WIt. lhr,alul n•,pon.r. '•I don't Ito• A man isn't necessarily w vocalist
r#M SOOMO a rCMZTAMI DIY. -Starner of that town in the person of JAne t•heulilatisnl," Nava Alr. W. H. ('rain'.. fit 1 1 I' • .
vas enatang ' Y rat II•m:, flee Parry
Sound and way porta
Hrlur I{itr•hir, Iwlucrd wife of N'ilfold
of 11 Ci li11ulmUnir tivt-nup, Tt,rullt,,,
of K It 11 t I. et news with It tilt•
h:utrixwhichbrepdinlrlth. :\lid a.
n %.• t -t , %%,,, I I %cry omech. .\I r. Int -Tulse, he sings hes own praises.
liinnk .:1)'.. th:lt ten dolLuh was all
' ewTh"b"aaytisia W«wsWa Ito- d ►sss•v sr••
of Oberlin. Deceased, who
was furty-sevell years of age, was a
Ont, "I bird everything I could
think tit to get card, Lilt "ithout
it moves alsmt, now crayliuK over
that ,orle wen got in tilt- Inst Ihnuiu-. `1om'e (nen c(insidrr themselves
ileo D brave Iwraume of their ability to keep
, • '
dlau ht•r,,f the Lite John Hhrllie. n.,
`vinghaul. The
,Nucces. Every spring, Its `ries• ;as
l-rfns:•, now over %ht- food un the
table. flying from flip lips lit' Ihr sick
e•Irrliuu." l'xn:adisH l'uur. out of ,t fight.
of rrnutium were
brought w her girlhu(nl home far in-
till, .W asap c,tnt• 1..111141, 1 would I.•
tlxnlblel sa dela rhruuula!till' "n.l " Ia,t
to lilt- lip, of the lu•althy : it i, ,aid to
• � � '� �
ter•tnent. I
A Pioneer Resident o< Sea(orth.
I gut Ml IDAd I wits laid ,1p in h,•d fill.
H%'r IIII.I11 II s. At I,lmf I II,•.l l',I
the( i itthq.Kidney Pill- and remo,lA to
lit- more dangvrom. to uomlrrn aoript'
thall were till• %%i14 hoamts tri prilui-
ti%%. a11.a11.
The hitch nnortnlity' tuuuuti file•
T H 11Z
Penn Esther
till Flid,ly, till- 1&.h lilt., Williams
Trncpv, 4 respected pioneer remidetA
give Ihpsl It trill. I e,tlnnt civ how
pfruwd I wits with tilt- rpsidt. • They
'.'hildwil in flip c"Ilg,it•d dis(Ia••Is of
ov want (cared l atroeW
YY / \\ 11
THKBk:`i1' at Dock Squarti�
it ret%. where Lmu1hl•m air clust'l. Q A N a" E ,
of f'Jtwft,rth, (assail xwwy to tier Great gave nip relief almost from till• fhrl vrowdpd I 'gelher. Whelp I.•flis,• it, '-
Heyond at the mgr of seventy-two ;laid in Ihr end vonlpdctely cured no••" rummimps ta,t. whep r- it is oflrn
))rant. Decr,amod. who was native of kept in living rootu•, !v 4111,• to is ht'g,, is en ideal baker, the Conatruc- , `
11 IIrrinnd, cane W (1 Lnxdw in l,nrly man- Vantions_for Mothers, Too. d4.Krrt', mo .ciput.f, note .n to the
hood. locatlllg nt Searlmnxi Beach, O tion of the oven being such that
where he mhortl- after entered the People wilt, work file th,•msrlvem, r.- Hy. IuGult 111,11-4 -I's chtl•Hy plea•;til nl
if • I t I every heat unit he t
Try Out West
m,atrim-miAl stair. After residing
then• w few lie removed WSeu-
pecitally nlothpr,, often glory lit stilt
takinKayn,mtion, in sLtyinK torcular
m to s.as n1, w Iden the H1.•s itbouud.
Ihr..I. T. U. Nash, in ]'h'..1on1 mil of the
s o pass com-
plrtely around it with all its
- ---
Big Crops
he was ease -ell in th laslrk-learkinK
nt houle. in slicking solidly' I„ %%hat
they Ielie%e to Is. their dot%. 'f.,
ynu. Illy cinl.rn:dice trader.:a %arm•
Ill)) Ssuituy lu,titulc, Ki%iuK hi,
ex{m•rienct• as ;ill I•:ngli.h health of
lice, ,ny. [hut flat t1r i, It'. N.
► n,ihl''
%%armth retained before the
^ 1
PHONE 15 24
Rich Soil
ill, iness, A11'. Tracey, who wxh to
tion it jtid as nper•.u•y am it i til' the
fol' the death of many chihht'n he
smoke and waste can alta Pe up
Frery indurenn'ut to farmers in
ruin of genial, dPoiMMlllelll, tows well
known and hi Id ente•mlel. fie is
tient tr+o•hrr lir the fnilhtul sleek :
r.ulml• rif Il11tin •the nlllk %%hick they
P" 1
the chimney. The heat travels
warehou a /Coe. west
tt'hen� :or -
Provinces of Mnnitol Ito, .ya►k:at-
Nurcirel by ills wife. one eon :nal
:end for the .:limp 11.14mon th:%t you
rm%y du work laser du
"It is alnallprthat has 1.4-11 entire
from the fire box across the to
., P
ov want (cared l atroeW
YY / \\ 11
THKBk:`i1' at Dock Squarti�
rhewan and Alberta low prirtrl
land*, fine rlitrlwte, larger cn/ps.
Death of Mn. Alex. Murdock, Hensall.
route w yon
work, Real 410 it snore elfrcliv.•ly'.Aft
The duty which holds yt,ll %%ill IN- IN•t-
h• overdo.lipd," caul Dr. U. O. Viob,t,
(......lady, ••but w4. slow know that floe
of the oven, down the back and
then forward again under.
Oo end are thin rYnlnt, for our•
crowd. In addition W the many
tt•r terfurmed. the homy' lhal
"01111 tin Kom,e Ity i++w agent of iw
bare a-- less ad mom
. Y
--take :advantwgr u�thr chrnP
Aft4r n few dwyw illness ofps•riWn-
1 you .t,•
will les Is•ltrr kept, and lip
P"rt:up'. In cnrn'uIK lir Kt rma „l
neath, until it strikes a baffle •spit
round-ip rates os
flim, tens. of the Ie,nt e.Ur•tlled re.i•
dent Bernell, in Mrs.
cheelfnlne.,., :end tours e, Read o ,tile•
K t
typhoid leve. ft wit, fol me'ly
P late, around it
Hoineseekers Excursions
of the crinin of
Alex. Murlock, passed wavefidly
1 1
isles whirls vols rlt"d will Ito 111..1'.•
lieV..4 tll,ll tl+.• g1•I'.11, Were mll sal'-
ipd ill
which circles
and goes to the chimney.- The -' - .
to ell impslrtxnt were in Manitoba
nVy+►y: leu Sxtuntny, the :llUl lilt. 1)t--
relulil arrtimnonr(f, if yon tike t imp
I w.ue'. milk or . other li. nisi
end the Northwest rwnad 1g ,front
\\ innip(-g to l Fe�mwl.
reamd was Imam in Hibbert• ne•arl Y
thlrtyright. ago and tow+ alis-
not neyx( yea•, tut in rho renLtlnln K
wrekx of this very •rammer to drink
t sl. blip., holt biped and feed in
e'I t' Ili,- germ, Rep to he
temperature of the oven In the
wlgary end
h l in
in the stimslwnt of lieu faces, lien
:en'1 finer, 11%iuK into our
Pen'Esther is always
sansei, win was M/rn in f rinrl,
p,u•ty. Amerinlr hominess
is t!" he said, in 1.114. course t,f a h!s
std to rt- now r yearw nidevind
Ili..-�„ :\ftp.. n four ya•+u•N' re•ridenrr in
InndsrapwN and new t-x{m•cipnt'pm. In
hoe+,l•s. no dooht otipn variv til.•
even -there is no I
tf'All ('ail wniAhed on the market sial
where you set 2.t .Ilam, for a ton. e'' I
Frani Toronto Tio-Wnva. Jilly :el,
Avglut.13. C, Septrmtwr IO, 21.
Tickets err for
Tftwmrsvillp. Aft-. Ind \Irv. Muni« k
remount to Hrnwlh whrt•p thew had
\\'t,1. x Ilona• 0.1111,:tliun for
- -- - -----
get and de•po.H t he•nl un our food.
pnmarbihty or . gash -
gassst r•eWroing sixty
sines, iv.idel. Au active .worker in'
lir 1 tvmbyleri,tu chin -vii, o[ which sir
Western Fair, London.
t.f cold air spoiling a
haltin g
e,O rd els left ate . (,• I,Sk'S HArdware State
promptly attended to.
Tourist ol"ping rain -berths ct
smell weldit' m 1 t
was n devtlted inemher•• deeamed halt
a Ins a rin'le of ,art naintaltrta In
R 1
The Weetern Fair, lAindon. Ont..
I"'(nlllmea this y'ett" to eclipse I'll Imp•
8trupDltiti of the Pit rimChild W'th
Call on our local
1. a CIM 0 I ren 1
ranurorwauea era. whorl she wits univera»Ily rmteen1e1 %'intim records. Ay Ihi, is flip fortieth One of theyR's." agent or write us
)leas ati,n. Tlraet A�aea, uoA.nes, slid Is•lovel. iie•midPs her hnNlrard exhihition Withont a bleak the loan' Nezt to nmaushl
o-wrlse C. a. rttaraet.I .A.. c.P.R.. Tormalo mile leaves to mantras her demise two ,.genet ;u•r ,urxiouh Ih:U it mhoultl IN- (R D the colonial ,o -
direcf for catalogue 1
R 11.41 murc.•r.. Flats are ahr;,,ly school and schoolmaster took firm
little iter. stets. f""" ''"'tilers ""'' " RECORD FOUNDRY E• MACHIME CO
- tun sisl4.rm rowing in yuit.• tent :uuf ronsi,h•r- stand on 'ciphering." 'The Bible and
atilt- npaee Islas IWMI allotted in Ila.• dif- figgers is what I want my lwya to
a. Is. MeCI1r11kid. 111+Irtel V&-.,. Agent. I�
Tomato. '
-0 "THE
GAILY lik'rttNV%'
Ni rtbern Navigation Co. Steamers
Canadian PAOSC Steamers
Canadian PacificTrains
iVIS WINNIPEG - - o p.m.
Oonnection for principwl points In
Manitoba end the West.
per fait itafte ati'Ve.14V to tlekN "gents
t,^„ W.l7sseaIt. Will. l'"ILIJra Asst N NItAw
Scottish Celebration at Seeforth.
1'mgrmnlm And po,str have Iswn
issued fur the Sam N of Spellbind big
demonstration III. sit r Seim-rth, on Fl-idny
Au oat 111. Thew lits m rain is a
K p' D R
gl"mllisle, while the ltiugr;un of the
49111 Highlanders band, of Toronto,
for the evening concert in ,alone well
worts w visit to Sesfurth. Thin
fer•lnt I,IIildirigs.
A nonllwr• t,f improveulenta ha%''
br,•11 nl•tle in the rounds nisi build-
con this yen flit• Ila,• rnlnlnrt ,old
oorv%'enienrt• of rxhihitors enol %isltots.
Thr rize list has beets c;n••• 1111%. r.•.
IV anti added to. Kl alwllAli .•'s
,airship will 1113ke s.rn,iona daily.
The Dit kinar•Srhiller trotiple;ill! also.
know," said the old farmer. I have
ezamineal with cure n \vingate'e lrilh-
matte which was used for over a coal,.
tury In the Winslow family In MassA•
ebusetts. The first edition was printed
1n lt,�'O. It la certainly
y bewildering
to a modern reader. "Pythagorna-Ills
Table" Is of course our multiplication
W R FINDER � Selling Agent Goderieh
_____ -_ _
fnnu,nm hand will teuppl• Alth:ic during
Frneslo Sisters will thrill those, who
table. Then come "1be Rule of
the act tire tiny. Alreaffy x number of
are then) with Iht-lr d,t•!ng ;1(.1s.
t\'hit•fi Ix\Lunt iuultlu• Is•m Arib..a
Three Is "The Double Golden little,"
inysiries have been nr'eivt-d frolll the
lending al.lileu-sand indications p Ant
will inn11.11A 11,1141 mmnsp, I1nJ %%it 11
"The of Fellowship," The Rule
D, „
o[ False;' "a
to n very large rlttry list in each
nlumir• by the hrrt nv.lilnldd• hand. ;,oil
the gr+tnd (lispiny' of flie%%olks .each
etc., Pnding with collec.
tion of pleasant and polite questions
event. The committee hn%•r arranged
for single -Gun rete a on the t'+tilwnyN,
e'`'rring followed Ly thio uuaguill, pat
toezerctieeall the pasta of vulgar tfrlth-
K(sml fill- aftern,mm trains on Thht„-
Is. vrof•rhnienl di.p11ly I'h4. Sit-ge o{
dry, valid to return tiny train SILtl,t'-
oibr•,tlttir," Will make t,np .if flit- hest
Wingate's Arlthmetle and ldodder's
i' ° Made by r achimary, esabla
daily. Thi. is sere In attrarta IArgt•
.rte ram+ ever .resclited to the Irlhlic
1 R' I I
ArlthmeUe were succeeded by .Pike's
' the emoissm h.emenfs is
crowd. In addition W the many
:it rbc \1'ratl,rn Fair.
ArIUlmetle. This had 3CsZ ruler to be
bare a-- less ad mom
eventm allvndy 11n the pmgrnui the
Remember the dates, Sept•,1IIN•1-til h
to 14th. Reduced "atom flit
committed to memos and not an ex-
whole'°°'° breed, with -
ell", %tee hnaw dperdel to give nn rule
till Inil
planaUaR was given of one o[ them,
of this
pool aM (clot yfal of 3111 vwlds, to he
let far by fwrmere ol1 the coratyy
\�1 it• the Secrrtnl y. \\'11•.1(-rn hair
It b the most barren schoolbook I
baking dar oceld
worry baking day llCfa•mmpe
Woad bee alother.of
llalmn or Perth only, for which
Ofldce, iA/11(hnll, flit pnrtiruharn,th to
�� ever read. 4Uese printed ar1Ul-
lilel'MI prl7ea NIH ile nHPrpcl.
mpNa1•, prize lists, progranlm, etc., :old
Mitt ware not In common use. Near-
esb ilia flse b Nab.
The Late John Beaton, LI1CkDOw.
musk(• voter entri•m early.
- -
ly all teachers bad manuscript 'ams
books." from which the scholars copied
; , P . T. DEAN
On Fridwq, the 10th lilt, .loin
The Commercial Instinct
• s
S,aint•Sn-ns, fir Frt-neh rvanix)se'r•
page after page of "eoD)a;' too often
Hearn, w highly -respected resident
sharing him visit to Ohlcngo, tit n h.
without say a:planation o[ the pros-
of Lucknow, entered into rest at
the ste of mevent three veers. lie-
��ct Y
hrirt,arldrwam on Aulrrirx lit a dinner
' The
ens iSb there were also litany and
lon rules, which het
g ped the
sansei, win was M/rn in f rinrl,
p,u•ty. Amerinlr hominess
is t!" he said, in 1.114. course t,f a h!s
ship if they dkl not the mathematics.
- - -- _ _-. _ - _- ____.-
Fdwnrd Inland, for many yoArs
d l . ..-
made )fix home !n Sarni:t, while
hr followed the orcufstiion of a sailor.
Fort v-meven years ngo he wax married
e Nass iA,lenn McKenzie, of Kincar-
dine, find .shortly after settled 4-n the
tarn in Humn.township on which he
r•Pnided until two Vi'ln'a Ago, when he
retired from active life ,end rpntoved
to Lucknow. A pninfml' necident
which befell him ,even years ago
crippled him for life. The cl(lse rpu-
finruwnt this, entailed tindprmined his
rugged conxlitutinn and he graduallyy
grew wenker until death releAAed his
apish. ihNw+eeed wits n man of ster-
ling integrity and waste enteetned by Al
who knew him. lie IN survived by hill
widow, seven sons And three dwugh-
tPre. - ---- __
The Fussy Man. -'
Felerybody know, one or more of
theme comerientious PrAista who ean•
not rid bhempeelves of the idPA that
no one ren Ile transited to mrry ort, the
ximplextdeWim of roulinp wdrk with
out. Ihoir {wrannAl enpervision.
It won one of thPxe men who ,Ailed
for RnRlwnd, leaving in him hrlNher'n
care w prarrot, of which he waste very
fond. All the way weross the Atlwn-
tic 1M worried About the hard. And no
s:%oner had he landed wt Wmathwmpton
then he tushed over this cwblegrAm to
hill mother :
"& attre and food pwrroL"
And the hrealtltpr b11Pd M k
,t 4 I IS". IS ,all exs ellrnt I Imig. so 11,
unduuhlwlly. Ant•ricn'm unpxnlnplyd
pr•llmpe•rity, in dal,. 11,11 I think that
this as *rel !s sommrlillies crtcli(•d too'
Gtr. F`or lnslance, in a Rotel hlet'Is•t•-
shop y -sterday 1 asked lhp barber if
he hat ever heard x rertxin celu•hrnled
pianist. 'No, sir,' he- replied t-nI-
phaticAld�'. "I'heme l,lalllmtm never
patronize at- land mo I never patronize
them."' '
A Cheerful Hint,
Amongg the present, 1,11.-1)• showered
upon w Alnry1alld bride was one th,U
wits the gift of sit elderly Lldy rf I hl•
n-lf�hls,t•hosml with whorl inch bride
Mil gl'Ulbnl erre print(- favorite,.
S tine years ago tilt- decal• std sort
Acennlltlnted a supply of raxllm.Anl
slot" -s, which she wnrkfld and find,
framed and tin which she na•ver failed
to draw with the gr•aemt lixrdonl n••
oce. Ilion nrrlrP.
in cheerful reds and I41nps. Anm-
pended by a cord of the saltie colors
over the tulle ),n which the Irther
presents were groltptiol, hung it,,.
motto :
'• Fight. on . light ever." \\'ouutl'm
Honor l'ompanion.
Stones of the people who lite, dirrsatia•
Red with }this world will le dis-
w (pointed with heaven -if they get
ten .
Many w woman wouldn't do n thing
A Lucky Device That Brought Mitr{otts
to Its Inventor.
"The hickieat Invention In history'," -
acid it patent official. "was that p[
barbed wire. It came about by sect.
"!suet L. Ellwood was the Inventor
of barbed wire. In his youth he lived
In ile Knfb, ill., and, having n neighbor
Whose pigs trespelssed on his garden,
he put up one day a wire fence of his
own make. This fence bad barbs and
Paints on It. it was queer and ugly,
but it kept. ont the pigs,
I "it was a real barbed wire fence,
the tint In the work(, and there were
millions of money In It, but young Ell-
wood find him friends laughed at .Its
freak appparanre. •
"One day two stranglers saw this
fenrp, perr•elvod bow well it kept out
the pigs. realized bow cheap It was -
realized, In In a word, Its value --and or.
dererl several tons of It from Ellwood.
tortbermom. they contacted to sell
for a turn of years all the barbed wire
be conld produce.
" hnetnaatrd hot vel $Lapp aad.set ftp
a itttM [aetary. A few Takers later on
Kitt serNl in w hasty PAII for tho doctor 1116 bsd Paid bwft that Ilan sad was
A G.P.A ora,:.,tern An., Tm4k Mgr., ( """I" fel him,.. belt he's hultptry If her husband wati to appwk w kind tstMlb as t>saa �ttsese d RlipggAap
a , Winslow lanae, wk,.ys• agsi0 W hilt shall 1 leo no" P " lead b Mfr
' I,
Canadian Northwest
Homestead Regulations.
Any even numbered moeiiot, of P),a lnion
faend. in Manitoba, naakatehewa'n and Alberta,
ext- a``,ti1.R s And A not rw,er%'lid. in be home,
-tc,vlrA by any iwrmon who I. the Im.le head elf w
family. lir tiny male (neer Is year. of alp•• to the
extent of one-wiarter section of lain &cess., morn
m le-. • A
t:ntIy mast be made Perwnallr Mgttlp local
ttnA otlloe for the dlmtrkl In wh ch the Ind Im
sit' ate,
Tit' hmmdteAdrr i. rrgnirwd t,o the i
rnndltion. rnnrlor•tml therewlta ti�tlt plc\o(
the following plan.:
ill At bast six month. nsddene, fiffea isi-I
vulthAtion of the land In each year flit three '
Tent.. 7
121 If the father for mother. If the father IsAe-•I I14
A-rdl of the hMn,•.tpaderoM�. u w farm
In the vleinity of the land" •.ntered mor the re-
Inlrrment,. as to reside 0, may be mastbestid
by -.I'll penton ros.Ming with the father or
mot her.j
ill If the "V. 1, has his permanent realArnce fi
npon fwrnd"g Iwnd owned kIY him In the vMln _.;
ity of ht. h(nm,teaA, the requil"nsuta sa to
r•rmiders" may be satb.flild by reaMeuoo spots r`,
the.aM land.
Sit months' notltss In wrip"s abmtld bs rsn to ria c'mmmkwlpterrof 11annetnton Leads at11
()Itawa of Intention to aptlly few patesG
W . W. q
fh%patJ of the Mlnl.tes d the Iauerltx. I
V.111.-Ua ntherised IwhMewtlee N NkI
x situational well set its P•id fee ~ j
t+�ty t;, ✓f. fin, ,rL 1 6 1.:,i of h ,1 „ti n.. ., u 1 1 c
1 �, - -`
` . .slit . ep.. .,; "Vat,, ,. �' . " .}), F a 1 k.•fi , n 1 *, ,„.,. " . 1 w.. i
sift,. �, p,.�--+�$ , •, a. ".f. t, .
-..lit_,. %e, r�wti.. ,.r,. s , ,i11 �,X. ",.:. p .q. -; .i. ;' `: d ,:.,.), s i
x. - t w { '' '% x`91 µ�. Y. +y ... i ,.,.. ,II+ . .s k :... , ,. . , IS
..t • F.. 4 , r::
,l. , ` X.
, i w. ... Y tit, 11 , . • > �'
.+..a...aaaAu i � A.,T..n..,At lf- , d, a +
ill, 0`1
.. f -`..sr, �'.,«IY tt .,: '•'NM'„ x1°( s .', 1pI , l.. d�'.f ...,e, bi �,'YY.!:.,(lk ,.'f YS- slit t.1'i la.• .. 4
t-'.1 ,.. e
�t,.r'+(s'• .d' - , i .5ul'.s ,.c�. 'a a,., ,tp6�r i�e'�f `r `. • 1"'' �f.4 3 , 4,Y: a.: i .'kt '�i '+411 ;;i �11 1Y.. ,• 1 1 1i;a.' t ,r a , ,,ii�.�. :^w k GL t �g d� { tl ' i, . i : I .
Thi;..'"&Ia%a+M.at,aui?1'�.141LliA 4t-.•atuiit,.N ttrol.;„dk.�-�ii;Ri iit,�;w 1,54
1 0`1,•x.�.i.k �,�.ar-, is +k )if0( q4 # tl4 ,k 4 # , ' is et- ' "•, ce y% 1 i "
.__.._-_ r _. .. .
11 �
•.:... N ,. ,,