HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-8-1, Page 2j TNUMDAT, August 1, 1907
6 - - - -- _ --_—
00L)K tltm- uNTAKW.
Telephone tall No, 31.
,Tonne of •ubecrlatlern
tW per annual ire aavanat
.>; month,,. Sun : three totfinthm, 41n%
To Cnitad littalee mubmctitsom $1..•u a fear
letrae.l ly in aAvancel
rubmerlbers who fail to moelve Tar SIGNAL
regularly by total) will aemefer a fAvor by ac -
off u -off the fact at ar early a date —
Wbeu • rhaege filo adds,. 1-Aoslret. both the
old and the now address should be given.
AdvortleMg Raises:
LAW&I and other disaster allvertlwfmentm, fur
per them for time inmerl Into and 4c per line fur
eaoh suboatuent Isoerilon. liea„urod by a
nonya oil .rale, twelvo lies to an Inose.
Hgiessi m.,dm of six lines and under, $5 pm'r
y AA verelseatattta of Lost, Found. Mt mYeeA. Sit-
uations Va,•ant, Situations Wanted, Hou—n for
Safer to Kon). Farms for Male or to Itent.
Arlin.& for Male, plc.. not eroeedinr elrht
lines, ,"c.&Sole lu-ertion : tl for Ant Month. .N
for each suteotauenl official. hexer advertba.
nwsta In propmt to e.
Antwunoanent., In ordinary reading type too
Dente, per line. No routine less than Vit.
Any opecial notice thoobje•t of which is Ills
pecuniari bawAt of Any Individual or arool-
stinn. to be ronmidered an advertimeurent and
to be obarxed aceordin.gl!,
Rates for display W (nntract selverti-e-
mento will be riven on application.
Add. all oommtlnlestloru to
Tax tllelNAt.
no„erick. I int.
The vote on the Maitland River
Power Company bylaw, is to he taken
on Saturday next. The scheme has
been pretty well discussed c thOlw
opposed to it have, terry properly,
brought their objections W plrblic
notice, and the weak points it, Ih@
project have leen given title titlentiun.
There is never a propowition of this
kind that is sbteolutely satisfactory tsi
the people whit are :u,kerl to supp,t•t
it; in a bargain between the corpora•
tion and a company the curpuration
imust concede something, and of
course there will always le differences
of opinion As to how touch should he
In the present instance the chief
point of attack has leen the clause
providing for the furnishing of power
for the municipal waterworks and
lighting plant, and thereare a consider-
able number of ratepayers who in a
general way are in favor top the power
scheme who object to this part Of the
propmition. With the conflict of
opinion as to the present cost of run.
ning the municipal plant it is difficult
to reach a conclusion as to exactly
how the awn will come ouf in this
matter; but this uncertainty is not
the fault of the company, and we bay@
the opinion of Cominimsioner Duty.
Who ought W know something about
its that the bargain is nutunfa,voraahle
the town. At any rate the town
hive Ihr compensating advantage
ea 24-hour service, which is just
Wheat many of the townspmople have
been wanting for a long time and
what they have been unable to
secure under the present mystepn of
running the power plant. The clause
also conL&inm the provision, of which
little lisp been said, that the town
may apply the stun payable for power,
up W lj'i,500, on the payment of the
charges for interest on the bonds
guaranteed by the awn. Thim mum
will nlee•t the interestehargeet on $130,-
11011 at five per rent.
The question largely remolvea itself
into this: Is the town willing to, risk
s guarantee of E1511,M0 on A scheme
which, if learriwf out, will bring the
town very ruaterial advantfiges Y We
want cheap power an an) inducement
to manufActuring industries; we
want electric railways w facilitate
trade through all this district and t0
improve the pwaition of Onelerich &%
the county town of Huron and the
leading town Of this part of Ontario
There in no lot her means in sight of
securing tbeae things than the props•
sition that in now before tea ; if we re•
ject it we may wait, ninny years before
receiving an eelually favorable prop?•
sition. Wefind that the huminems earn
of the town, who have large interstm
In the town's welfare, are almost
unanimously in favor of the pasinpl
of the bylaw, sad thin in a fact that
should have weight with those who
look to business men for guidance in
I business matters.
We hope to see the bylaw Carried or
Raturday by a good majority.
Ikmn't worry ; vote for the bylaw.
eaid to have a go1Nl deal to dl) with it,
&Sud it it ittterretiutt to Is, told that
for breakfast Him I,ol%Ixhip takrs por
ridge, brea l mild boars and n e ruga
lade, and weak tea; for dinner, suup.
fish, joint or fowl; no lunch, no whim -
key, no tol teen. But they doai t tell
umewhat Donald Smith's gutronomic
habits were when be was, say, thirty
years of age.
A hill fight wait advertised in Ham-
iltAm orae day last week. Tare
thousand men Anl Iwys amsemWed to
see it, Mut when all •nialAl About 1110
min of x Newfoundland dug appealed
in the arena the crowd, realizing at A
glance that tit„ "Imlll tight" would not
iN• half As exciting as the cuallmrary
...Cap between lite Haolilwea new•n-
ppers, kicked offset riot mud n)obhed
the proprbewr of the tehow. Tory say
that even no stoic -fight her a small &Itdl-
race lea Hamilton when The Nller-
tatur ,tied This Times saw at their best.
Thr items of proponent expendiLua•e
by the Maitland River Power ('le. fur
land and pronholion exprnwl need not
troubles the ratepayers elf Oadrrleh.
The land is worth something, and the.
promoters ahould at least receeive tin
much as they have expendel in their
efforts tit have Than w•brnr Carried inlet
effect ;. alt thim%r who invest thrid'
money in the undertaking will have
to decide how Reach the land its worth
and how much they, should pay on
,arscOunt of promotion, and they are
not likely to throw their Rooney &way
ThomeLindmay'tounterfriterN didn't
get nnv thanks for their ilterilptm to
relieve the scarcity of money.
The lathes of little London At•e nut
sin strike, and the Iwho can't
NIIAre fire wild about it. At least
they hook wild.
We me-*- having anch ail intcresliog
time over the Nailbed River powerbylaw it i, '41111"'I 't pity Ilit• end of
the campaign i� spm near at hand.
Europe will have A short Apple
trop, and the pryspveta ale that ('an-
■ sdian Apple" will have a good market
a1/ in the Old Country next winter.
40 As a contemporary. realarkm, Sir
Wilfrid iAOrier is Actually growing
younger, find k mildly dtawppointing
those who have been looking for his
retirement. and After him a political
dringe. - — ----_ -
Ooderich in having an 111111.11n11v
large number of ga►therinstm of on,•
kind and another thin year. They all
do the town proxml in various wave,
and the townspeople should do evet y -
thing they ran to make the vimitormre
feel that they awee
LAwA Shrathcon o hap reached hi
wighty+eventh birthday and is enjoy
.t Ing a Imtovant old Pigs'- His diet I
A Ouelph paper tells it story of a
clergyuaan who saw halos men pule
ting new spans in a railway bridge at
Rockwood on a Sunday. He went are
Ile them quietly, constrained their
violation of the Sabbath, and flrndy
warned Ilene not w continue the
work, ten peril of being prosecuted.
The men gathered up their tool" and
left the work. That wrote A pretty
effective aeration. It may le that in
many cases w little encouragement of
this mart might help men who ser
working for souullemm corporations to
assert their right to the day of rest.
When Rev. Charles Raton left Tor-
onto some years Ago to take charge of
John D. Rockrteller's church in Cleve -
head. many of him Admirers regretted
his course. feeling that it was not in
the directiun of the career which they
expected him to pursue. Now they
hear that he in at the head of a costs -
party, with Rockefeller's backing. Gr
snake gas out of cornstalks. it may
Ie all right, but Mr. Eaton's Canadian
triends considered his abilities to Ie
elf A higher order than in necessary for
curnmefcial pare pita. We Are Afraid
the reverend gentleman in dege ler-
filing. ---
The Dominion milw&jt-eoinneimmit)n
recently issued A revised schedule of
freight rates (rout Ontario points, w
meet the complaint of Ontario shill -
lees that the Canadian railways were
discriminating in favor of United
State" "hipping pointe. Under the
new *chedule the railway% are obliged
to u)ake material reluctioam in their
rittem front Ontario pointy. Thr runt -
mission ha" AI*m (ordered the O. T. H.
to pnt on third-clAas passenger
coach," between Toronto antV Mon-
treal forwhich the fareshall notexceed
two Conti$ A mile. Thi" tactics that
the commission is attending to the
Iniminew" for which it wait constituted,
and that we have in Canada a lonely
with hoth the Authority and till- wilt,
to impose conditions upon the rail-
ways which appear to lie in the puts-
lic interest. So lung an the comalis-
sion nlmintain" its indepern(le secv And
Artivity it will ort ILA AAtr,ng de-
terrent of the ne
umvetunt for public
ownernhip let railways.
Thr taolw'- illiberal views tett the
question of Oriental Imtaigratiou lire
nsi credit to it. And its te'rnt articles
on the subject look very "hahby In
rontrs"t. with the article fallen The
Montreal Wituesm which we republish
thin week. The (Hole talks Of thin
its "a white nuan's eountry," me if the
(creat Relief- ,if the universe had ex-
premply "rt Canada apart Am the hshi-
taliun of the white entire And title for•e-
fatherm did not have Ln make x place
for thein*•Ives hem sit the expen"r Of
the ted inner. Unless freight is right,
the Chinese, the Japanese or any
Other i nnn lou+ an sh"lelule right to
(-(title to Canada #fail to remain here
so long as he olhrya the paws which
ore enacted felt- the government of the
whole teatime. Valenta might I" right,
A Chinaman can clam the same
privileges in thin country, or In any
other country, nn a Scotchnun. an
Irish Linn, An Engli"hmare or anybody
' elme, and to deny him any top theme
(tepuAl privilege" in to deny the prin-
ciple of the hrydherhoodof man.
it. IS A sorb y 1,11111K to set. the great
Liberal organ clinging to list- hilea•rahle
-ohlertogrw of exprilienry.
A Memory System.
Fnrfart rash Illndur-. fault yon dA
A m mann A- ynil hn t r dlt@r It
Forart Ilse IAub-• that fall- to you
A- sons, a. tae, hair wan It
Forget the-1(tod-: that yon hear
Ile•fote Toil ran n•Im•nl II
Formyl eorh -light, ea. 1, .pile. earl .oyer
Whrneari yennun meet it.
Itemrullerr evervhn%be-m done I. ..
To You, whsto'er It- m~11m : ) �'.
itenormhor p.roel-r hi• of her won
A iNt Dams It on with plewnm.1;
elneueler every p.nl-e made "":
And keep It to use let tor:i,i I y
Rementher I ho -e who Irnd TOR old 1
And Is, A mralpful debint. 1
Romrn.ber All the happine- '4,
That roman Your way Is living:
Forret each worry and 11, reins.
Re harmful and (orglvllar t _
Romrmtser goal• mrlw.nnpr t r nt h.
itereenther Is aren - Aeneas yen.
AM you will find. Ihroarh Ago And youth,
True Joy- and heart- to lo, -e Ymr.
" pri-rill. tumard.
" Sob," ribs for Thr• Nignrl.
'L Not in the Public Interest. ' M!n,(real N Itue...
uurgd,.NI.n .0 It may be +wulusd aan critain that
Me,. Ouldwin Smith i. well within whichever party was in puffer at Ot-
tawa there woubd lie found same one
hat pulltical attack upull the private in the Uppousitiou to realise how
ivr% of public bleu iA nut in the public greatly he cuoltl eiul,arrass it by
utrrrml. working up race feelnpt against the
Japanese. It in probable that us)
Let Them Grumble. ..... method cewld lie hit un better c&Icu.
Moist teal Star. laud to dlD barrel W the British Empire
it it shoftld affuni anyone relief to that) this ; but what Of that, if It Nov -
write home his own inuptreaalopr which ernment can lir erulrrr&amd P To say
ire unfavorable to Canada. due to him nothing lot imperial interests, (!anad as
x rsonxl expanrieea neor pteju ilem. let erupxm'ially the Yxrific slope, is step -
line &filter. OSmola is Trig enough and remedy interested in the comulrtce of
)rung rnourh to Allow him U) give the Bast, which is almlut to develop by
treat W him feelings in that way. Nei lempm and boosted-, and which is nun
Ilriton would think match at a Country for the taking. Yet what are CAR -
which would prevent him "writing to mod
h ess*Mh&ve v oit nto.& rh+til ref like Hthrhe ld Issues
rjie Tim." :+ Pace spite is the lowest of
Electric Railways for Here&. Ittumap Instincts. It is the une which
arm."Is pool, it is the ndaslun of the twentieth cen.
A movement is on toot to ratablish tury to five down. TO the Overcome -
fit electric railway from Oudvrich to Ing of it no people have ht the past ten
l)ungannun and perhalml to Lueknow, ter twenty years dour more than the
rhim would no doubt b,- a god paying people tot Japae n). whimrapid evolutiou
Inv, ar it would serve a fine mesetion lop ffrom mrutl-harlarism little sine of the
he Lou I r now cut toff froue public meat powerful, wise and self-respect-
'acilities of travel. Thio proplmmd (ng of peoples ha+ been a rebuke w the
1110 In only a section of a telt toad follies and degeneracies of the West.
Allied of years ager in which B011"tore, W hat is it heat race prejudice that takes
iVroxeter, Hrumselm. Meatorlh and lip the cry that Co nada leftist Ile at
it&yfirlt were taken into the count. white man's country as an &:Iona, and
Air rea*ono not easily explained the treatm the attitude it expreasrs 1111111 vir.
oropomition was allowed w drop. tuaus is
rhe Poet Is of the opinion that the If those who made this their cry
dma in more feasible and workable to- were asked to Nhow in what way the
lay than ever and we have, little Japanvee were IPN- d"'a"hie as clti-
lolll,t beat a numlher of the iuunici- fens titan a targe propeortion of those
alities interested would take. hold of Whom' we admit not white inen, ter
he matter quite heartily if met on Oven than #onto of onarwelvese they
Iaft. Between paltbengers, freight, would protlably flied it heard to tell,
express and mail carrying it could Thereare, no doubt, drunken Japan.
tangy fail to become ,a paying eon• raw, but they are in smaller propur
s -1-n tion thorn the dronken Uanadiana.
When the Japanese firet visited New
The Happy Holiday. are
York, the sobriety of tar sailors was s
(•aurdlan Courier. subject of unbversml remark and rur-
%till holidays are fine things. They prise, Everything was done that is
tivr us a change—even in the bidden • usually done un wcAminnm Of fraterni.
are. I aip in favor of holidays which nation to induce their, tit drink. Beat
!urniph than grs►temt permissible change. though an anxioum U, please as tiny
Permoreall )- 1 want "by holidays x1110119 vinilotm could lee they voua
rteusly bile
people who do not know anything firmly declined, and there was not a
about Canoulian politics. At mit out man missing ter out of ane when
no a'n,snad veranda with the cooling they sailed away. Had it level, Any
baei•zes blowing ¢s% it and the white man's fleet the story wuuhl
ruwamneer take lying shimmering in the have leen very different Indeed.
n ; and then have srmneone w Then• are dishonest Japanear, a,
break in with—"Oh! Mr. Monocle, now there xrr dishonest Canadians.
what do you think will (onto out of There are different estintatrm it, tar
the All -Rel line scheme?" or "I want twit pvrplem of the demands Of moral.
Ge tell you, Mr. Monocle. what 1 think ity. They shack um And we mhuck
ahlaet that Erftmers011 humiueame" is to them. They arr simply AAWnirhod at
Not out the aummer scene and carry the behavior of children to their
else back to my desk in the city as on {areata and at than rudeness i the
magic carpet. Hut, of course, tine training which children get. of
It RI work is another mAn's aecre- course, there remain% the general
&tion. Poibaibly it is the condition of charge that they are heathen. Even
the "tock markot you wish In escape ; with regard to that, it may lie maid
and Rumlhurnt-by-the-Meadow will that what religion they have they live
Act that for yon tetter than Renewal. up W tetter than any of the Chriatian
way•by-the-Sea. 1 like w he alone in peoples live up tie l hrimtiAnity. The
,a pprnaI crowd of htrange tmeople ; for charge of heathenisul is alma bcoieglit
1 have Pi great passion for humanity. againlit the ('hint.*-. YOte here in
other people want w rough it in the Montreal at leant, inure of the Uhin•
[loneliest wilderness; and that is ere, in proportion• go to Sunday
what they should do on thrirholidaym. school than of the w•hitem, whether to
No man can prescribe another man's church or Sunday school. They are
holidays. But every titan should take Snore regular and enure attentive than
them. An momerine has maid, we ran the white people. and, &part front the
do A year's work in eleven months. mere traditional profession of Chris.
but not in twelve. And it is rrinally tianity, possibly quite to many of
true that we can do a week's work in theme in proportion, ,are practical
six days. IMI) not in seven. I venture Chrimtians.
to thunk that we.. would do it even The teal reason why the feeling
better in five or five and a half. Against the Japanese is so strong
•-- :along certain cloashes in not that they
sot.• OTTAWA NOTES. A re inferior, but because they are
-- more &xmiduoum and more bent upon
success, in short. because the outdo
Cabinet Reorganizatiltw—What ImmigrA-
non Returns Slaw.
Ottawa, .lulyy :51, --There in plenty of
unotDcial Cabinet-making going on
here jutet now, but there will Ir noth-
ing official (or some little time. The
Oovernor-General im at present in
fwbraddre and it is not possible for
Sir Wilfrid to make any announce -
menu in the matter of filling Cabinet
vacancies, but it if. presluued that al-
most immediately after His Excel-
lency a return, which will prohalely be
shout the middle of August, the new
appointments will tw announced.
Fruit By Weight.
Britimh fruit buyers are gradually
Adopting the mrtitml of purchasbng
fruit by weight inaLemd of by measure,
find thin, says Mr. Jackson, Canadian
agent fit Levels, in his report to the
departnnent, will he to the benefit of
Unnidixn shippera, as Apple" from thin
rountry tireheavier in proportion w
hulk thrift are those, imported fmm
other mantrirs. Mr. JAc:kon11 pre -
dicta a serious shortage in the English
apple crop. And a hmm)per uexrket dor
Canadian frifit.
Immigratisa from Great Britain.
The figures iionned by the Depart -
mentor Immigration go to di vr?ve
the mtatelnentm that ('Snook in Feeing
filled up with "the scamringx of ,Jon-
Iiterated Europe." For the last fiscal
r.rie)it ending March :nate IAS7
Bitish immigration to Canaria' to al -
led r 791, tin increase of 18,170 over
the name period of IINKrB. The in -
creation in Engliah immigration wam :p
percent. And in Scotch immigration
84 per cenit. An examination of the
atatiettics proven beyond it dsinht that
l,anAda ham the preference &s it field
for immigration, not excepting the
United States. By fear thegreater
punitive. of immigrants t(1 tate healbn-
ion hail front the pother country.
The objective print of Britishenigrot•
tun In shifting w (1Anm ls, as will to
morn from the following figures I
1'. R. (,'An. Ans. "At-
IWI....161.617 14.7.,111 /.:ilii -2R, Ni
If1Rt.... 91,041 9I.2ttf 11,112) :1,1111
Revenue Still Soaring.
The reveille ntin rontinryem to in.
creator and the returns fnr them three
nionthp April, MAY And inne last
show the magnificent totahof 82:1,2Ri-
211N„si8, Dinning thin perind the ex-
penditure has been very moderate,
amounting only to 117.iiBfl.VA31, lash-
ing A very hand"ntne surplus of r•y-
enuee over expenditure. During the
month of .lame the puhlle debt was toe -
(lured by t12.'L-i3,24n, and interest up-
on this large, seem has reased.
In Good Spirits.
no Premier since him return %brned
its in the beat of heslth find ar•irilm.
Hilt responses to the many adultrmwee
of welcane were in him most ebneptuent
strain, his otservatiorem on the char,
Actor of the civir reception tendered
hill at Ottawa living in a finecaliarly
hAppy vein. Sir Wilfrid retnrns pn..
plated to rontinne that pdiry he ha%
worker) out. for himself. He will home
no time in urging on the great Iib -
Ile enterprimen to which he im commit.
ted. and nothing will he allowed to
atand In the way of their early A@aun-
That this in l'AnAt1a's eeultlry i% no
longer questioned. Ftisim one end of
i the land to the other resprarts come of
ripening crops, increased hank rr-
turns, rxpandiriR comme.fre, rapid
railway construction, and, hest of all,
prenuine contents ent ; and the Indic.
ations fire that the country is just his.
ginning to feel the Impetarn of the
Cyth and development which have
so marked during the last few
the while man as workers. 116is clay
her disputed, but it will he found that
him competition is the teal grievance•
against the yellow, nlau every time.
At it time when the country is in bit.
ter need of men W do its work, it
raison, or at least certain classes of the
people rsbse, every possible obata cle in
the way of workerm coming here.
This Outcry against the Japanese in
only one phase of r general obstruc.
tion, which finds its chief impulse in
the regions tot prejudice an Iur-
mence. We must open (ivr eyes i! we
would hold the prmsperity which a
growing country hlaaxx forced upon as.
Our industries will in the next few
years to in competition with those Of
Japan and China. If wo keep ort ex.
eluding labor in order tA) enhance its
lit -ice, we shall find ourselves without
any markets bat our own -.and dim•
Leers will follow. So long an rapid e•x
panAion alran-NA our output we shall
not see thin. Hut we shall awn out
ran our own markets, moil, if we Are
wine, we Quill look ahtNud and uuove
Along the linear in which the world it
going. Our obvious deity at pteeenl
is to cultivate the trade of the East—r
trade which can wmon make our Pacifit
ports into the Liverpmolm tot the weir
tern hemisphere. And ice eultivaurap
that trade at is only coalition sense if
cultivate all the good -will we car
with the peuplem with Whom. whether
we choose, it or not• we have to do --
that is it we would enter inti, the
goal fortune which Providence boa
out to ata. '
TM KA f rrw LOW. ,
Faltnrn`s tlblames to 4o t n&” PI—
of Cowlsaees.
Netnews vban to ttse Emma bees.&
of ems ars mb and to the sedan
moc n im of a gallery Pruw%dW alfa •
heavy Weema gracing. - When a omdk
b� of eoavessattoa and light lasd•R
Sam" down from the ladlow gaUW7
meae. look lap and a" t» tllti
lsbratiew of the heavy gram .0 awl -
cab -thus at soft tlsirla, the Monera d
it Air clook or the glossae of a ban
wh10e arm
Ammmommt and curtmU7, of comas,
haw the hushes to the house of issue.
aeras, but tons cannot be the eoV
m )ttwa. TLs Rir vtdtors word band -
b tnnmle to array Ummoofvas fa Ow eh
t'avWttg evening tauav merely to
tit in the gWwy, that III lighten On
where *.&Sawa ars not sem to Ad,
yam aga
No doubt C was wttb a winner Ito Me
pre Iona= of alerting tha!•the she was
b1d dvww that it a aesubbr•dookm to
conve rss wdlh a body In the Bellamy be
may d• so for Ow-inutar only, bless•
bon. math Aa Young �d i mW—
dooafas4 aer, bro ee t vldb to the
cage- Of corms tt is tar -ow pa0a•a
of prating out - ow- cobdmdm •-ea tlhrd
bonehn Arrw.
But-ff >o -ossa
Owe tes taw BOlapl �saOnat Ir
sop o meed rb -eau . bba. rbq item
hwoaa. but dkzmb.rto'OmefteblhatAm
bra edabpad bL .ram it Is to. be
f)ttemd that 00 • aMdmY♦ r a•embe
Sen A. a3l•tr a> S else
bdrnmwtk by kb -Boo h 4. shrr
It hu been Qii
rslr • Nomm . l
nedomwodo t\
L tbet.af•ett IIlhs —
m I (mss•
"Disobey A Best"
to rasp 6sC 4. setJftf 4iiiiiias h at.49W
plafnWr a her, nobew11,lme r' X21W
the shop -
n rtlalowaaL
Rea seen Waahar: - simmi es, 7rsoNEW
We bmat fa =in* a atrdt mM
me. I am ebttrr
that I
It, but M mlbrnoefag as&.=d1s1l•g
8% Yoo►ast44 the paws boo4ftt Ile'
Matic aft—:many yaao revel gid &
noIt sheog,at.all.J8atisiod. \N
AA seedy laokin6 hopes. holding etc
idgked ands eaten a
&a-- as ire hoed to-the-vmMw-Cwt her
had no nwue7. The wafter term►
dlatdi told the'sales paogibob G
who sent for a pollcatm The pew
pristar, going up to as, mmakene
gosat. exVtalasda
' Z%mak goodamok. Ym �Y •re -e
to a temeeb pastlpr' 'tan maeft 4% ape
Il110111ane Wilkes- a .--
if , 1 Nk ;:-,; i- el
I&. Why, what; are Yale
elybg •'ebooC dear? Maw Jaeco%-
oD. (gmawsl Thar ntsee hew got keto
the poetry and sm ao up a bsmOM
e'Oe:aSQ pie I macro K&Nwn Mr. Jasat-
eotb--Ilwm thereof i)sdt cry ower a
fast little, t»ka
Midsummer Bar -gains In ,Waists
•1m=P oft*
"Omc" asked a ¢pde4serar, "Vilest
i• the nota above F7— "r shall."
'Tans, and the nee bsisiw rr "r
We have marked tlnlshing prices on it great number of Midis.&• Ili h
clans Lawn. Embroidery and Muslin vitt. Beautiful mtyre.
,.&aging troll, El W tits, each to clear rapidly, now, at fmm C
75cto ........................................... $2
Linen Sale 4l ?? > 'p='R%" m
In tour Linen Department we place on sale about 3W yards Ir6h
Damask. Pure Linen, Bleached Tabling, at I oft regular value. AM in, to
72 in. wide. Regular 75c 1)&nessk At 5&, it Damask at 76c,
$1.25 fur ........... 95 .. .... 9 C
Sale of Carpets &;nwi!VT I i1I="_M�1j'AVfl="T_6UW1M1a6
Our wellinic of Car is during this post two weekm llw liven very
effective and large. We will continue our uscrifire prices all Judy slid
we invite inslm•ctiuu.
Fng11"h'rApNstry Carpet, Mr. 75c slid KGc qualities, extra heavy pile
and in prat floral Anti al•rvell designs. Red. green and wood
mhxdem, suitable for Any rm ill. hall or stair. Sae price, per yard 55C
Ladies' Summer Coats and Raincoats
A very large and hesude mia Nock we are showing in three•yyomite,
and ill full length mtylrm, all this setiwn's Crave11etlrr and pr«,f ��
Tweed efftwt%, $3 Ito alt values at from W-1.610 to ..................
Weattnn and /(.lops.
That the raisdaa An JoIY'ceuetrols
the corn yield tora fmsarked clatrnt is
the cotsclusasu.,alWJ.. W_ Smith in Tin
Uhio Naturalist. Allier comparing
much tiara a chlslt wasr000stractod by
the author whtf.ch iu3calea that for
Ube best yield of oafs •lane and Joey
ebooM be moot' rdely Osis(. sued dry; tur
pdotatuee a co of auampsr with A fair
amount of 11 an in Joe and a dry
September; 'for barley the smmmsr
should be v barest and dry; for boy
abendent to -fall in Apel ]gay said
June. White 4, rye and cJeleer gas-al-
feeted by w cuter cuaditions. such m
alternatg tit eeaing and thawing abort
periods -01 g evere cold, snow IltlsaieuB.
etc.., avow than by mr>dEiy bm pega-
Itetior set "(lennine" Ruslreems kdtrr•atlae
now th to wish you had after wanlm
Fall Term From Sept. 3rd.
Ancnd the
m—ellll dN— -WOMAN S �
roc. 7c.
A Few Seasonable Bargains
'_m3 dui. girls, iniewoand Womrde I Tale hose, a cliariva lot at 1,-s'
fine white hoar to clear in lots and 'ilk;. Worth l W i more
at Ilk, 131 and 7tk the pair.
The season is over and we have a few HATS yet
which we will clear so as notto enter into another
season with any left -overs. They are divided into two
' lots to clear at :Lac and 50c.
Flowers, any old price. Feathers from ac up. All
Illust go. ,o
White Waists White Silk Waists
Another lot to hind. Must tee $1.25 to $350
rl,•mrod it last week's prices. All speviell good waiat at
prices. A Lestsw white Skirts lreft.
39c, 78c and 97C were :''L50, for $1.75.
A few left, light and dark colored wash Shirt-
waist Suits to clear.
'All $'2.00, $2.25) and $'1.50 to clear at $1.60. 1 All wash suits at $1.35 and $1.60 for $1.25.
t 'These suits are now at the price of wrappers.
emeull�m um mellt�Im� � M•
ANOTHRR Ealtlttat OWMH'%-. —/An-
whirr of the delightful Ezekiel tr# Lie"
which, for all their rich end far ,,•ifnl
humor, Irxve" unit with a alight after-
lt/ l t1
Seise nt athsi". A rm in u ,
Ppea Au -
Mode"' '1'pia
gnat thine the whole
scary in taken tip with Erre!' n'I'n de m-
scroll. voMe► AVD At.rs egos.& it".)
p1ePALe attempt to ptet Ili f .(•hla.l IIID
time, an effort in whirb a
and )'ole will eemlonhtmir ret ••gpnnine"
hn-dor-m tr"Inlnm. ..,,h. "Ineitatim" kind.
lar a art
Of the conamngi{y partieit, g I
6wm. These-
(hit of t.wo hundtwl and nn.y call- for hook
kreperv. AeneRraphen, etc.. we 111e(1 onIi
stories have tho true q it of folk.
Iorv. The alleges, w it. --r yangttid,
fifteen of the poriliole-. HrA no one el -r
read) when call. were revelrcd. Van. it
"ratitfmM and tpebynl.soly--finds a
pays to attend till. ochool -11 doubly d*ys.
roularkAhly Iait" d aw .i hrwutiful ex -
inn in the taw
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
who Dry tt►ew& cite Of little F.zrkiel,
iA rite of the most
lovuhli• chilthe sty '
. in M.ction.
N%"04A\ a ".{.lilt ('g11PAN11)N,—The—�
Atuivat aw,nber The Wn11rarn m
Naue tester a
r,gnion is primarilyAan ,all.•
starY nw fn►m.r enttlrpt. (if course, for
thehelveindi"usable de rtmentm
r in rach secondw
f)'r..alRl.1 f Anthany• K)pr
am wanted twiic qonr cm endlan
I'five alt
tory, '-Ilenw s I'wth," appears in
RAHWAY ('n.n{wnt". Tnry am forced
to lV' per thein today. e'Itn
thin number twill all the other fiction
sae nde- new ,oat MdkttnRpt the dr
comem lap) to net ex, ellent. ndandwld.•
ConAidrrable space in devoted to the
(nand will tot- -till keener. lyhy not met
ready? The work 1• clean n("1 nide ami
vacation jpprOblem, send Dr. Edward
iler-glary very 1. Wo Irappanm ton
quickly and at 1 toe m.t. �'Mto no for
Ilwie, Maryt wry it h'. Mangmter.
Anne Steew Richan bA)re and the
free particle 1. rs.
a-lirrnn. (lerrard Kane, Toronto.
MhitA mr ell give wome R dmir•able Vaca.
W. H. SHAW, Pres
tion mtlggeMlonm. T be, Rainbow is
elPihnealt pictorially, is tratur t heirsR w
- --
double page of ph" �tWhe of chbl•
dren of royalty Arid (if tether promin-
ant panple with their The
00000004 ItDNNbe••
p it ponim
e Term
article of greatest in ieaest to most
women in this numlevr is contributed
Opens .Sept. 3rd
by Urmsee MouVottert, One this the fashion
editor, nil "Thr (Jon ling Fall and
Winter F'a"hion%." ..t this very
early date Mbsm (Fou M bas secured
anthentic information on thin mnhjects
throe to the exception lap connection"
that Tbc "'Oman's Hn one Campanian,ONT.
ars now made In all tt K rest fashion
centees This article r rill prove lin he
Thl- ocmoma, which Ira an aN artA well a-
of the greatest help awl Interest to
tAbll-hod nue, ddandm to the —
the gro,,teet ('/nnue smial mad Ahort hand
m,honon the \goat, onir teerhers aro
ovperien,od In-ts"CAMaea,,eanma., that
Quite Eeeaw nflltcal.
or ASA p 1Mlil. Irnd
nape -til puwition.. pyrite for our fm"
Querulous Quincy— -"In obi] PaMI-
moniols n" stingy sae t ,bey ,a he is T'
Frit rtpals.
ih f4nmfeh—"9tinRpp y L Why, nnwn,
be wo•'t even give ad ,sit.."
The Triumph of the Time 1
19107 1w TORONTO ��� 1907
Atdduat 28th to Septem►or 9th
OComb a ,R0 Coined— SjC�'e
$400.000 In New huddlnds $400.000
V Premiums $48.000 1n Pressallgss
$40.000 In Special Attractions $40.000
bld.o,.l Activity Naboxisl W Histonc&I Al Flat's Bed is
Fee Parties Part hes C Lvoo s A Kuhwe small as M
3111111* tsar tee temd trip s/ caetsra res most seat' (iso of arnwi.
Fr All 'tlrtas- sddm
PatlefrrMi smmftw.
4li , to.`I..`.91P. �0 TORONTO
r ----- Midsummer SaleTli-21 OOff
ff O
se F -----O�t �„
Summer Clothing and Hat-si -
-_ -_
We have too much summer clothing on hand.
IThe backward season accounts for it, so in
! order to get rill of it we will cut the prices ,
one-quarter to one-half off the regular price.
These prices ought to move every suit and
hat in quick artier. Isere is a sample of the
Mvings we offer you : 44
$t5.00 Suits for o ..4 $'7.50
$3-oo Light Fedora Hats .v". $1.50 '
Come early and get the best bargains ; the
best goes first.
WALTER Ce-mo,"1141 _._J I
The Right Place to buy Mr"'s Clothing and P:rnishinga
%r _.iiiiiiiiii.t. dommk .•p ai