HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-7-25, Page 7T he
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WKn-iKAnAY, Judy altf
Mr. and Mrs. D. HLuwart and to
II , —it, art• visiting Mn. K. M
Jus. (lilmour lett for the West
the 111th. Jim will be much tells
around here.
Jack McLean, Winnipeg, and
mother, of Lrfckuow, new the gtlente
Mrs. A. McLean this work,
Jack and Will Henderson. w
the latter's win Wellington. Are t
iting their mother, Mrs. T. F. Hend
Mox DAY, July 22nd,
Wm. Shackleton Is sick fit presei
Last night's rain was Much neele
we had ttitM a night's rain herr.
Arthur Culbert and his sister in
were visitors P.t Langslde yrinvi •.
A few front here attended the lar
soeiAl given by the Anglican chief,
of Duogannon an Friday evening,
The Misses Maggi&• #tied Ida Shack'
ton, of Crewe, were the Crests of M
and Mrs. N muCsn Hliarkh•tmi,
Miss Vern Durnin, of Dunl(Anno
and the Misers Mary and Fiarhai
('Miert, of Crewe, are viriting the In
tee's sister, Mrs. T. Y. Heed, .if Maf
king, at present.
Will. Hr)wn, of Port 'Allert, Hi
ished it cement cellar fover Jan. Culbei
last wrrk. A cement walr under it half
barn for Mrs. H. Peers and a poetic
of remrnt floor in It. D•lrnin's Atalile
For quantity and quality of work it i
hard to beat Willinnl need his gang,
WKIINKMDAY, July 'lith.
Hugh Channels. of (-uelph, is i
our midst renewing acquainRtnrew,
John Mr RAP returned front w•orkin
with the railway ronetrteetion gang it
GiArrich to take off the- harvest.
Miles Annie M. McCharles, of Do,
trait, is visiting friend. Willi her ei+
ter Bell and two daughters from H t'
John llurdta•h and family, of Ilam
who ave leen visiting ast
t Re
Prick ('ameron'do, ii -turned home of
SatuldAv, "
Some of our indu.triomt ferwrr
have alresul}• completed gnthrring in
their hA)}•, The crop is evl,o,rtAd to is•
rather Iight.
Mrs. F. McLennan, (of Godelerich, wad
Up for it fete Jays Aecumpanied hY her
daughter Miss Tenn. Alex. Mc Len•
Fears is asainting his brother Roderick
At harvesting.
John McLefxl, of Duluth. win of
('a fritter McLeod, who was once
well known in this district, visited
friends here on Mimdety Intel. His.
autoul a wan quite A novel sight it,
this burg.
Trt:.D t v. .1111v 'Clnl.
Seoul( -rant visitNl this ncighl.o-
,hosd tliis week.
Rod. Mclenn r•tnrnWflow hi,
ip to the ties, tnahis week.
for Martha and Jri}n .InhnNt„ru-
Apr t E'riday at Htrathcran.
N 1'iulrt (liliw,n waN ihr gu,.st ..f
itlira noir BuMlarde" un Sunday.
Don't forget the conlerta ire Kintwil
All this week. Hurrah for Kintail !
John itiFid Mian !Margaret Clark, of
St. Ilipleruld, spent a few days in our
midst this wteek.
(-rant Hoy'j, of Goolrrich• spent a
few day% the nest of his brother
('harks thin w
Miss Mw are& McIntyre intends
leaving for Iketroi thin week to spend
the rwniainder of her vacation.
alias Penny McKrn ie hax returned
home after spending a tele of weeks
visiting friends and relatives At the
Alex. McLennan and ijstrr Tena,
of Goderich, were the ger n of their
aunt, Mrs. Kenneth McLennan, over
11iN% Martha Johrextone, lef\ 'anear
hie. relorned home after twin the
grtt.%t of her friend, Mism Jean n-
%Gine, for a few days last week.
Those- whodidn't gel straight hu
Situ lit • evening from Church woul
mo.t �ikely Ix caught by the rain or
the 'old man" at the gate : r., take A
lesson, young men.
Tl•RxnAY. Jlly" Zird.
John Clark left on ruesel morn-
ing on his return to i'ittxMirg. I
Haying in well under way. The i
Crop es very fair on the average. I
Mica Bertha Doyle. 4-1 Toronto, is
spend few n few weeks at the home of i
John W rlroter. I
Mrs. J. H. Bet lherfordfind daughter, t
Mimes, are ap,ending the week with
friends at Asnberley. t
Mina Lilian Clark left on Tuesday i
morning on it two weeks' visit with c
her brother Ocorge, at Midland.
Mrs. A. Dinsmore, of t4tratford, vis•
ited her sister, Mrs. D. B. Rutherfuld
on Tuesday and Wednemlav of this
work. I
Robt. McAllister, and hip nitres, (hr e
Mt-- Richarclxon, of WomAstca:k, it
c^IIPd on friends here on Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Thompson, who a
have hen spending it couplerof weeks tl
visiting friends here left for their
home at the Soo on Friday last. ft
Mr. And Mrs. i). H. Rutherford, H
Mr. Find Mra. W. E;. (cordon and bfrs. n'
ft . K. Miller attended the funeral fit B
Mr's• I. NAlkPld, Jr., at. Ooderich on
Monoi s y- at
Mr. And Mrs. K. A. Miller, of Mr. w
Ae,IPy, Ilan., are spending a fete
wrrk. at the Ielon,e of Lisp latlel's par- it
'fits. Mr. and Mrs. De. Todd, er. Their
many friends here, Are pleased to odes,
them again looking see well.
The hasrhdl match. Lurknnw
against Flt. Hehmm, on Monday night, w
was quite a drawinga•r[ card. Although
fila score gas rAtnrr one-sided file
fl' was interesting all through. si'
With A little practice the boys should P
he aIle to give a good a^count lef
thwmmelvps. ap
A promin'nt MontAnA newsppawper
man was making the, round of tb' In- ()I
"'tel' asylums of that Htate in an vii
('Metal t:ap ity as an iumppctor. One H
Of .he inueat+a mistonk him for A r!•
Point arrival. "Wh-at nlnrfp yob so aic
rrasyl" "i -Am trying to make riot
tn'"l out Of the n0wapaper but(,. th
nems,' -Jli^i the rell to humor the
dernpntrd Over. ••You't•r visit crate
"nit't•o Jost a plain f1x,I" wan the leftist- en
tie's W,tn a . --I hrlstimon Advocate.
I _r'
to News f I Your Hair
o the District. ,
46 Contrary?
UUNUANNUN. lE IOU is It iscline to ruaway P
.• /_1 A NK1.,bsA U YNTyv-eptU(K __ ON ROCKY LAND. pont punish It with a cruel
ills• G. NUw.;s Al l,uwruver dw nn•n 1'kunr
at;- days New rthandonfur ratrauth.at«sthetaouuw. lief ONisg ftah6iig Post to Kosp Some Interesting Details In Regard brush and combl Feed it nour-
t„rrul.better th,u, 1�fJ�,s- frown "fill brldau work L__� i
let+:. 1111,1uuu, Is te.,tao., brt,akable). Haws F,pw•ot'i3u. to An Orchard. ish it, save it with Ayer's Hair
Op N N.- -You ren al w"Y. have yuur work much ' ,�,s�t q[�, Of
batter done in lhu doutsl ulllaw uwro tlnu•. •iiQ1Y'• Piis'e j leave �,,,,
1ox1.bnttareforthefordodosthe work, more.0,u bed aanrri tlbit I basin vi>•t 1 arra Kruwlug the smaller V(gor, aetV IltlpfOVed formula.
turutblc for the 0x a}• trace or lams tn,td�iad tsi� Clam says earlier
and peaches fill a lite. In my Then your hair will remain at
1 +,1 earlier dayx we took the easier land., home, on your head, where it
his ATOTI(;1.. T F LO('AL AUENCY a '�� is Pante Houseisu- It is waU but more receuUv we have cut timber
U( l� IuUullf�tanuuu fur Ties iiixualislit lh,Hr.t- kOown Chit anry kind of flim& &bat and burned out tttlw diatriCW, Cjaaitad belongs. An elegant dressing.
ulll,w IF,- and `ltatiunerY tllore wharu is trnfblo-1 HIAA bee !appal 'thrive.
Anion, will W+ roadeud fur ,sb, •tlptiou. wt. uP the rocky hills. etc., getting this Kee s the seal health
In vertl.lna And )Jeb work, and ruivilaw will be Huta' a. -ma huts Wnderw in them ip a good state of cultivation and P P y•
is- siveu for auionnt� iwid for she wtuiu. �b by boo and the mnoity &hot read for Doer net change the color of the hair.
(L Y gaud fruit. My eye tell on
rt- ACh \V PATTERN4 IN WALL year by the worry and about tali acres of chestaut sprout r.r-,.,..un -it eau.
1\ fstl>rr-..Alli fir., bordom etc., at the Jews i � �d by lice livadd —k' laud, and I bought it. The owner said s... a ,. r. .
r"onw, Va,t.otllev, book. +IatiuuurY. will] a-Jesge unuLnu ut-pa�ea„jor-ttle feeder. a�,or
y►irryyee, nn11 hu,rY suod. eturn. (',ill a,"1 ,u•e ��aand w it was worth over $:i an acre to be
m1 .l . liven'» stuck aisl set price.. It to be a iiwe�pmtauki.aad Cwt' and when hr found that I ers a•a h,- .o.N, o,
I tOOU MACHINE; OIL Ili SOLD il.hie, •psis tori is wanted it he wanted $14 all acre. Isee ,n..a.-it...r.
it. >f a[.',%' ftardwars. gym' bought it at that price and put mon We certainly believe this, or we would
d; WKUNF-snAY, July 24th. . AAkMAcdog4GRer' I,, work te cut down these sprouts, not say so. Ayer's Hair Vigor as now
Mins Kytan has returned home from Wetmmm - an.tre and one clear day in about two hour% I made from our new improved formula,
Bialtiolol-P, wady d a lice kiikr that worts ]tike the whole place was swept clean with is a great preparation for the hair and
ae a � it, fact' It wodil itself and tire' I scat Stops falling hair. Cures dan-
Thum. Sheppard, of Nile, spent Sun- is wtbat m ^be -caged a Digging the Holes. p
+n dry with friends herr. I K,. kh7>eIig acv g drug. Promotes the growth of hair.
J. Ili. Kula•! lx find wife left a %fur- It We then commenced to dig holes for M.a. by ta.j. C. y.. c. , Low.,l, Me... --
'h Y ree0lJta-Of &Itmrdoa-Pamt..ed trans, and we soon found that Aerate
day on a few d,,yx' visit w Kincardine. two foul into the .gmxmd amid made of Use ground would out dig. \Ve matt-
,.- J, W. \',anitttPr. of 7Ter Higlenl, wax l r,sliii w4th slefoon or outmmL- A two aged, however.' with dynamite to get C. P. R.'S NEW CROSS CONTIN-
,.• in our village Saturday last me bwsi• inch �i"06 ia•bamud from thehap •and et all right and planted I while
,f Ilea"• eeatre-d-ars-pall crawl as faros Clea business in apples, with peacdies ai ENT FLYER.
MisseMargaret levan, of Halltui„re, I aopa'w+i1-ssaeii and rfpveees Aeesuthin tillers.
0, Md., i" Blending A few weeks at her , arx incise. d Sla+'gamd• Banking the Tinos. l "Trans Canada" Makes Fastest Time
a huuir herr. Tae arrgar hole is kept filled redo When we planted we banked the Arcosee America.
t•blies: Fva I)tuilop, of (loxhirich, wami I cosi �' wil>;� roil aoal.8od its way trees up about one foot high. The
r- the guest of the Misses Durnin A few to the ss ind mala,-a-malu ailing winters of 1904 and 1905 were the cold- Thr Lu..inr�.., lof the ce,untt•v is grlow'-
days Inst week. rubbbimg pont.ghaa.thin bogs 1011111 160011 est known in the lae:t 200 years. But ing to such all extent that If* lr C. P. It.
I- bin+. A. TI-0milier and Alin, of ('lin- Io,arrl gall enjoy. we had no trouble with our trePx. finds it FeeveN ar}• to rule an additional
Tlh-bugs-1iilmai-dai}y-uas.dat►e The men dug all about thesee little train' l.•tw'e"ll blouteal Jeff(, V,ul-
t R. are tit pg•x-nt the gums of Mr1i, resbbmg poet and ,� brnrg'the"oaal trees, and atter they had grubbed a cohere, making three trips a week
r H. K. binuniu oil iDto oa[>a� enfh tree during Jnh• :aid :1u lest. !'his live ek
n 11rn. J. F. lirydgrs xnd dao libel, Dam ry circle of 'her feet in ddarneter about K
K part d thew Dodi slow •aAcnew each trey of the whole lE5 acres they which will�la• known ;W the "'!'ran.-
'• Nies Frank, of liidrrich, ut-e visiting' flada hesbur• Canada Limited.- will mike torr Geso-
friends here at present. then started over "gain find extended ,.,•1 four of nl.y vain "cell"s Cls Amrr-
The oil t ri Abe the circle and in that way kept on im-
Thos, Allen ,tied J. Walkuu, with hag to The �,a�L1 proving the Ian(,, and the trees kept lean routtncot. It will csul•v Ietggage
their wives and fawilies spent Mun• d the body(, thn b1lg.aod••gtaiom on growing. Par, doling "I. And palace let, ,
day in the county town. ( dire b bairdrom,fi eavuibelhsd. esu'», moly, of I lir very latest design
Fre. DICWhinney and Miss Hrllr The batteder that' ell expes_ .. Plowing Between Rows. with nu,.t nu%leen nppuoinhnrnts, and
, "pent a few dsys last week visitin 'tel OOs liOe �g Pat V-cw surf The plowed up the land between only fb'.th-la.A 'rutN.rlig'.11, will Is•
K four rows. and these trees were grow- carried. It %till (FAvP 11o,trval on the
Will McWhinney, of Uultwirnr town• Place•oaes�.erih•Sot-wiinis:>bt+.iurPs in best of all. I[ di g p
ship. bow R ggin im royes tH•st trip.) ,1} .led. 1:,•11:1, c:nl lie I.e.
tMorley and Harold Treleaven. oats RrowUi. like that. why not plow all? sPI.v.P' ill 'I'lo,N rsto t.,r pasxngP flaw
�bi.e-agalkaes We broke many plows and were help- North lin}•,.. p.iolN w•,•st lof \\'inns-
Of )try, K. J. sir u veer, let HAmih„Ii. i ing the plow business, and as plows lwg "I whif•h tile. ••;