HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-7-25, Page 5P, TUB TOWN COUNCIL. ADVIOE TO YOUNG CLERKS. Manieipal Affairs that Received Atten All kinds of clwksJloegin well teen at Last Meeting. new br•unell ewer{p,s clean. But yc Srveral deputations we prernnt at OMPluyer will judge you by the w the meeting of the town council u t you wear, not b) the way yuu sal Friday eve'iug last. The first to he n Lute of gotat'r artrtr are pi. Hnbhrrs. heard was that reprerrntfug the hos- Be pnll"Pl One of the first thin Pita) isOaLrd, Judge Holt, pre/ideut of t,or, b elan alt lMrn if be expects the board, asked that the council pee'tr to make It grates, to( Iilli towards the a 1111"1°err man it the necrr"ity i nuinlruancr of the h(wpiW. with the PrOMPtnems. Tudinew may do rxxls,11uellilstion (fur the Kuldanee of "well society,' hilt it won't also, in ba future council*) that it he an annual O"** grant. Judge Holt polntattl out that, There's A right way W du ever although the efforts wbieh had for thing. You probably will do ole years hewn put forth, notably by the things the wrung wuy first, \Vh Daughters of the Rmpire. hall re- rose c o filed out the right way, re•noet suited in the estahli"hinK 41ithe hue. ler it. piud, the institution was salt[ self -sus- Keep busy. As lung as there fl. Wining and the difficulty was to re- bit of dirt in sight, ))•ou have aur cure funds Cu turn the rurrelet ox- cAse fill. being idle. You have no r pensee, Home of the w"Idr paid only cube for Being idle anyway. The $4A week, which was eo nsiderahl Ile- area thousuld thinxw to do witho low the cost of maireWililig theist. waiting to be told. The @starrr paid were not extravla- Don't got the notion in your hes i grit. but twits nectlmrary that a car- that suost of the old.feahiuned, Lund fain slaty of nurses be kept "P. Since tuental rules are exploded tho orie the hospital had looen oplene•el bass the and that you have a lot of new idea• lot of December last it find dune b that talc sue going to revolutiunil enable work, xud hr did not believe any Ialsine"s. Revolutions are not t ratepayer wuud (object to the proposed easily started, and many of theta ell grant. Jaulge Holt rise mentioned i° mistake anyway. the fact that all the official" in con- Be 'a "Inall. Nbw that flu uection with the. hospital ioard are y hal ening their servicer free of charge. started in business life lust drop lit g of the Gall IM/y tricks gest are a noir ll overnmt-nt returns wen quoted to arrcr to everybody but bis s show whet other to air doing your Job seriously, but don't ah Lis the maintenance of haw itals Khxomy and s(oIrnl11. —for example; Stratford. 7511 Owen sound, >ftliq; Wcxxlrtx•k, jtlll(1; lHo little things with the some do, Sarnia, 11115,U); Barrie. 111M); Lindsay, fr'e'e Of care that you use in the tine. ON); North Bay, Smee). important things. If you have idea Judge Iloyle alga addressed the don't le afraid to suggest them to th council, endorsing Judge Halt's IP- bxws. halt think them overs, little ala, Inarkr and Wxtify ing t1 the corunietid- wrest out the I' uoterese first. ethic zeal with wtricll Judge Holt has Find *seat where things tire, Keel attended to the °Knit+ of the hospital. 1(xbkinliver• the stock until yuu knov The council referred the request to Inot where to get whatever is malletsthe finance committee. off•. That is one of the firmt ways t, Rev. U. N. Hazen appeared oil lie- make yokirself valuable ; lie able to half of list- sunnier school to Is• held wait on trade without keeping Iwaplt in Goderieti next month and srcursl waiting. rrillission to locate the Lent ill Har- Keeping things in their )Olxcrm is Mfr Park and to use the fu ilitil•s in more than necesexu•y. It well rntihh connection with the park pavilion• the baler to know Y. I t to lou )•enc J: N. Krrnighan end J. H. \VltrwU thesetller to know what to "ell. hull's supported s letitiun asking that .null. leave things (kilt of place it minut( mearss be takrn to meats the dust lunger than is necessary. uuimance at the north raid of Victorila Be bKahlr and courteous. 13r i(kIiir street. This was trferred to the pub- i lic works conrnuittee. ala the holies and to everyone el+r. Petitions for a cement crossing at Don't hurry yotir customers. Alake Ns irr strut on the east side of Vic. then' feel that you have time enough Coria street, fur a sidewalk cm the to Ket thecae anything that thev want west side of Hincks street, and for a and to show thein guo ds b ehides. sidewalk on St. fietll•ge's Crest•ent and Band People their change or pack. Wellington street were sent to the 140'9• Don't lay the uxe,leyjdownsumr- public workscompsitee. where in their vicinity for them to A motion by (laluncillos•s Beckett piekelip. and Macklin that fru u'or• sidew.0k , Make yimr packages neat. Make he u°dertaken this year. also aecuuntof these, eunspiclaotial fur their ittlir>'tm. the diflicudty in Hnlanetng the tip. r• ih't you snake a single rulehat lemur•, of the town. was Pamsed• yuu are not absolutely Positive you The flnaucr c(kfnmfttrt• ureal"'- are Allowed to make, and thus to pusi mended that the G. k O. Railway tine that you areright before you h onus money belonging ti, else torus, hake it. lies, into the habit of ta•ilig lbs deposited with the standard loan right the first thing. Co., which offers a higher, rate of in- Don't be rockstire. Just make. of , terest than the town it now getting. 1 A previous resolution of the cmneil yid mind tat don't know A favoring this step• and the advice „t thing. that ))oil' probably don't evrn the town solicitor to the '-fire[ that it ""epees, anything, Few me11 get uvrr would he perfectly legal, were tr_ tile p e cocksure rr•itxf before thirty. frrred to. lout the council dpride d to Y°11 might try to for an exception. leave the deposit with the Bank of you an• liable to le calle•tl to wtiit Montreal. ['Pike, very particular people it any, The water and light r*su inittet• rt • ui(ksnenL, Always appear as nest an commended that a bylaw he prepartal Piossible to cuatonlet's. and submitted to the rat•payerr to Don't wear a this ton your shoulder. raise 11'l7,)titi an retinrate•d by thr it glacial many prop r will be ini erti- Water and light cununission• This nrrit to you, but you can't ItfforsI to was adopted. resent it. 13tr ataorr Keeling angryy A rerx,rt of the publir works ono,- when enstosa'ersshow Lie ill brep(I- mit.t". which warn adr,ptevl, contained ing. this clause • 'That an the solicitor t The pmprirurr wants yaltt o drew Approves of the Rogers Mfg. Co. draft to) the store All the thole you can, Met mortgage the solicitor le it structwl that dors not mann that hr want" that the council approve e, of the 1-,tur friends to get into the habit of The council Laid uvrr to the next i, afing there. LllaflnK is the inane of meeting the matter (of providilig( litany A slots, Illi all yon can to keep drainage for the• prb(arty in the itm fui hurting yuu[". neighborhoxl of S. Alorningstar's Identify youesrlf with the store to (dace. it wr-% sugKrseted that a lo- the extent or keeping lip the swine fn - inch sewer he corentructetd fr oar ilar. t•rTat in the htisin -sit that you wail' hor Hill to this neighborlsoxl At a if it were Your town. tent of ab olit 11111.3111. BI- honest with yourself and you It was dei•idct to pntirh,arn e 'n plant will he honest with everybody rbft•. for soaking (*,terra Life, it a cost of Never eonsproulise wheat it i1 it not more than 1p:r1, gnr"tion of hunekkty. Karp the differ - The gmpstiun raised by A councillor place between "ynurr' and "[nine" re to whether the street sprinkling flrmIv fixed in Vassar Mind. could be emotinuerl through ,lie night. i)nu t slouch ,rotinii. Duu't sit on an As to cover In. ground. Iwo Clause- the counters and don't Act all if y laur cillor Beckett to, give the startling fitIrlcklmi ie was nttat►er. He erect and formation that there is firrilientdy nn ah., t. water Pressure at night. The coma- Y;,1 11iAy think shoat it is none of cillos srpmelf incliner) to call the the ,ois business what yuu do uti Witter And light commission to Ar• side of store hours. count for this, Aa it might easily le :1 1'iu irr. Ti'' 'rT1• ike•rioti» naatt.rr. taken. I' im very inur.h his basin a, The town bar and' -"taken tie eon- though hr probably will nut asp- u st he to I about {K,&sl worth of great deal abmkut it. The fir•mt. iss (tnna- ceu lit aidew,dks this year, and b hy- intp you irr likely to get of him }m•inq law aA panned to raise funds try ear_ for true•tpd will Ix• an invitAtio1ry to look rent mall to meet this expenditure. for It 11(•w job." , / This completed the business before ( I.pAvr alcoholic drink. ,fdune. A the council. rescdotion to that effect rt ants of no Iii—ihle qualiflcati(in lir a ception. "BLUE DEVILS." Get Rid of Indigestion and Things Will Look Bright and Joyous. Rverything lixoks gloomy and dark It: the person suffering with indigea- llnn, in, the prearriplion known as M1 -o -lir atuulach tahlets wen put tip in popular forest Am a safe and ef►ecfiye cure for sick hertlache, indixemtion and stomach troubles, the "hlm• devils" male everything hook dark. gllxrmy as,tl depressing. After a few days' time of Mi-o-na the nick headache, dizzy feelintf, drowsi- ness. ►std taste In the mouth, dist"[, after eating all these symptoms of a weak stomach will di"appanr. And with perfect digestion there will be Joyjous and beautiful outlook. ?1fI-"•nit atomach tablets are d only in it neat meh,l box convellit. for the vent poncket and rest rill rents. .fall. Wilson has seen ao many cures male by Mi'o-na atornarh tablets that he will give a guarantee with every box that the money will he refundeel if the remedy fails to give sr' isfnction. Transformation at Toronto Exhibition The gmundn tot the Curandian Na- tionai Kxhihition at.T'oresto Are rap- idly ungergoing coutplete transforms - tion, ,and nil the wooden huildinK,o. which nt one time were extensive and even considered goeal-lookingg enough Us he the. "Pride of the Prov tire," ere being replacM by permanent ntrne- turAs of steel, cltncrete and brick. Thinyear alone close baptist $401,0111 in being expended in hnildingn, which when thoroughly reluipped and fin- ished will mean that an expeAditnrc of nearly half A million dollars ban been made. it in not an long since the expendiblrn of SIMM in exhibition hldldings was conaidrr- d phenomenal. The Torontn Kxhibition has of late Years certainl?• heen stepping a very rapid gait in the matter of buildings. Pretty and Charming. There wore Jim weddings in Tnronto during the month Of Junr. All but two of t Arm wrre "pretty,"ones. The two were "cheanning — Torontco News, Take pains with the children. They very sxm Krowlit• all 1 children are theinn's"imcriwinxti gcumtoinersthat conlh inton Atnre: hey know every reale when the ee• N t1112led Well :tied they repxort than at hump. Your salary f small, but yuu arpll't worth mulch ; n fact, the (Moss fs talk. ing some ch res in k'-rpisag you at xll, and it w 1n't fe Wisp for yen to, dlacenutt y lir future wages. Keep down ex mere and then your credo• Fears wo ix• asking your employer en help them collect their trills against you. If our lease is the right sort he will rai your Wow," aotmer than he••artid Is Olt --if yon ere worth the raise. tar he worth it. 1Vhen yon set nut to all, it thing, (b) It 1 Oran t be a quitter. Be thorough. Don't hang around the door of the store, either Inside lir outside: Don't he it .ign telling lx•oPle that there's nothing it Ing. Keep Close watch of the alvertining that the store in doing. Real it care. fully and know what to expect ells- tol ers to call for. Try parr town blind at ital. writingf. The ernploye•e. who oars write lads. Is always in resluest.--Hardware nn' Metal. NO DOUBT NOW. N1. ' i,nuia Du fin list, line., Jnly =od. -. (SPrelal). - There is nu doubt now that Dondd's Kidney Pills ate "Woman's first friend," ,end the fol- lowing better fmm Mmol amp iAyoie, of thin place, is convincing, proof of this fact.. She writes : "it. given lisp great pleasure to testify to the leneflt I have rrreived from the one of Dtsld'sl(idnry Pills. For many 1'eaw f mnlfi•red front weak. ness and ophility remulting fmnt dam utvlrred kidneys. 1 was subject 'o torrhie pains in the hack land t urmigh my loins to that I found it, very haul to stoop lir hand any hack At any work. i Also slsRered from pfMainm in my legs, cramps In the muselrn And drnpairal swellingm of the fort and ankles. i never found anything to do me gtrcod till i tried i)ndd'a Kidney Pill.. They gave nip test relief and finally cured applsae'ed." p for Test pains have entirely dies. t ti K It It h P itI's P it t1 h r r a Q a i ti a — _ TIIE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONTARIO TmuasDAr, July 25, type ST. MARYS TO GODERICH. IN QUEST OF AN HEIR The Sunday School Picnic: — -- , the lapse of mann vears." Auto esette, and by his marriage to her + flow dear to my hurl to the sslmlay.a•hool I u ur CeOaaLti&ff Link of Railway Which Would Serve South Huron. Groat Napoleon and WAat Night ig NI°(lie. The r•uudry ..•Iwul Pkeulc that c,Anw onL•r ay Int ' o Thr Zurich Herald is again urging Maw Been• Had Josephine borne Napoleon an r ysu' ; The uuwu Jar cranlried with a wuaderful ,.tad, or the conrtruetiou of auuther railway I...through the southern xortiou of bear the hlstory of 'Fnluce based In- all 1'he cqp. that were Wiled till they're hard un, care. Hnsvnc)nuty&slidWool eats it(.- all 'rop" °Inst hair I/eall tart Tile Wk-ulClltNlloiN'llkof)asset&aid4.attuc. gr me be tiuu of the Inulicit leb interested in diflereut. In We hours of triumph Ti'' '° ,uti( all a ,l a+ th•Il w,«. cru+hal uu the tfi bringing Atxaut the rrulfrutti(ku if the atter Wagram Nalpo Li realized that Tlla , •u+will pie uul the 11,aa•lon+tenser, off• project It said )alt week : l(ailwa)) lied the young (;e•rmau feututJr wbo 'I lot, twa.at yuu au ntul teo like lql. in ruattern are being pushed at (Iodericti had come to attempt hill life been aur- 110. -1,u' W lily heart I- the Gundry ..chaxll si- at the present tion". 'Thr U. & (1. is ceasful In Iola 111114#1011 One thrust front '1'ha.."Il,uaYy ' sbxout culaopleta! unit trains will sxln he that vulgar kitchen knife which the w•6kw1 Vlruir 111 a1 to eujo) •rake r"r•hrlb the Y iter +toll+ into yaw y- running oil lhii line, Makin direct lad concealed would have shuttered all Iaa'krl. 'I'll" fit at Wolin Ilei Wf'f'li litxltlr•iell all( /1lYlnt/1. 'l n T'ottlen*s1•th III VIOCtriClilleWill lebuilt the glories whose fashlouiug bad caused Ill.+ that rn,'will-111ina alVtoud to slkllay. Thelulkch in tha•.Ilale of a wide .ureadiox twit W (wnnrcthoK Ihurgaunon and Lucke(oW. ouch rivets of blood to flow. lie re- tree• The phm•e, of rhic►un yon tiltIn >nur The Herald hila Im•AII twing alt work solved upon the divurce of Juseyhiue. hand ; A up, sande tlnthumiasr fall• u line front He •would take a" his wife a priul.•ras Ifuw Arrr to a hwrt b th. Sunday Wochoul picnic, _,a _ K. li(xdr[•irhl L(InchiuK Hayfield, %ur•irh, null found a dyur,ty'. Who,,, should c With joy, ohoe Old Ijulurer wn hn.t understand.z. Exeter slid St. Marys. A C. P. K. he marry? Should It be it princess of --- - .r branch is now being built. frow St. it Marys to Woodstock, ,uud With the the Rur:fan royal house lir a princes" All animals ahouid NO supplied with ennn link between Ht. !1lbrve of another? He slept In the polace of the Wau wbom he had but newly re- ail ebuudaulal of pure trash water. It, it Godber d and Glxlerich this pal•[ of Huron county would get the railway ,&sequel• conquered, the eWperur of Austria. and a very expensive business to allow animals to is onto real thirsty. Staab a it bluely needs, bud at the s,ulle slept, is fate would have it, In the very t •• •tnoent nod . ulv N, airs lite ani - t tiu u ranee LIWtl supply a valuable (reales• ielin room In which the heir for show he mal• but causes the animal to fifer i A to the U. P. H. system in Western Prayed was destsued to die. lander the I on drink all abnormal amount of wat Ontario. We believe that if the root of the son (if the Caesurs be r•- er, which usually deranges the diges- d LOW11" bold vlll-igt•m (tailed would snake, solved to marry C[at man's daughter. Live and secretive organs and eXlsaa it tin!" et tf.1, we could get the C. 1'. A little while earl ­r she had heard an unnecessary waste of tissues. b' to i)d this piece, of road, too the great r advantage (if the" twee"Ou, all well as that the Ude of battle had turned 'Horsendish In the Glanders. . Where c•Au t to the railway company.of agatnat tJle French and had written to her tattler: "We have bean! Horseradish should be grown in -the You field a (letter sect1(111 count''! e than you Held right along this pro- wUni great joy that Napoleon was pre"ept garden, where you earl get nice 1 back " planed line? and where call you fled,t at the battle which was lost. If he I suuvuth roots, and not in the lean or chip yard• where you B country those, is pxxlrer ill► for railway - facilities would only lose fila head ns [yell!" n rnn• rltllhitlg but. slender, epovatrgly y than .this stet of . llnron The writer of the surds tocrame, tx•u actually be stumbled over as one walks along the h r county: We would lie to mer it good months atter the French troops eutere l The e railway rotiuoitter appointed lit vACII Vienna as conquerors, the brldo of lbs The naockln, g bird, of romantic fame. I of the uhuvr-n,I, (I towns, uud with 1 united betiop we believe man whose death she now wished. I Largest Crater ow tds►E.MIL our tet schrnle would lecolue it reality, befell" she was the granddaughter of Marie The volcano Aeo-ear, in southern , the lapse of mann vears." Auto esette, and by his marriage to her Japan, on the Island of Klembu, pt - ,o Napoleon believed It would be (tie nal- messes the largest crater knowa.Cn.the i ration of France. A ruau wiser In the earth. It is about foarbsen wAm ' CELERY AND ASPARAGUS. Inatter than himself bud Pointed to a across in one Qheetlon, by ten or 1 [tusslan marringe, foreseeing renewed eleven In the other, and le-savoaaded Points of Culture Given In Brief For hostilities with either Austria or Ittm by walla of an average height of 400 Small lateWen. ala. Napoleon, lie said, knew his way feet Although the vnlcano Is atM ge- In brief, it may be said that one will do well to buy two -year :o Vienna; he doubted whether lie knew the road to St. Petersburg. Napoleon tiwe, its eruptions cmafst only of &seam I I (tad dust Indeed, a raxrge of woieanle -cold an- Paragns Plante from some reliable nursery, These should be set out ch ose to find, as tie afterward said, that the mafrlage was but all abyss mountains, evidently of subsequent form Mu, extends directly serosa the i early it, the spring in well prepared land.' The rows should He three Leet strewn with flowers. The marc • lugs lett inevitably to the ealamltuus !Cess- old crater. 1 n these Particulars Aso- Ban resembles some of the cratem of \\'r teach the " Grc • " S s gb y tem of The Principal of our Shorthand Shorthand because N•e now It is the School graduated under the author best. ,apart the planta two lest apart lit flue rows The rows should be furrowed elan campaign and to the breakup of hi" empire. itis rule began with his the moon, where a long hlstory o[ atee caestvo and graduall enfeebled 1 of the •' Greggand " s stem, and her two It is written in one straight line assistants are graduates of the Busi- Buse - out deeply before planting. These fur- rows should be at least a foot deep, marriage to the princess w•ho was to be the mother of 1119 y out. breaks of volcanic force Is graphically I and based on the movementrequired ness Educators'- Association. You to write ordinary longhand. It re- are assured of the very best tuition though better sixteen inches. The hot- turns of taw furrow" filled child. All Prance acclaimed the union with joy, which I repareaented. --r_ quires no shadin back slants or here. vertical strokes %rich are "hard to More information in large are with well pulverized soil, the rents put in Place on atria baltteaW. The was eclipsed only by the birth of the heir.—st James• Gazette, I All He Could Thank Of. I Wblle driving along a countryrued our remember " and require "slackening Illustrated catalogue, which we would up " to make correctly. like t, mail free. First ground is then filled in enough to cover Use crown, — a man saw the roof of a farmer's house I you lesson The Gregg is thus easier to learn, on Grcgg sent free on application. write and read. A speedy, A but not enough to fill the tur- BiROS' EGGS. alass• Ile gesticulated and called to accurate greater demand for our gradu. stcnogrupher is the result. row Completely up. As the plants grow and cultivation goes on during the. Two Infinitesimal I the farmer's wife, who was calmly standing in aces than we can sal 1 PP Y• Year the • filling is completed. It is white eggs tax the the doorway: "may, FOREST CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE elean by then to keep the ground clean by frequent thorough tiny nest of the lovely humming bind. The cat In ht's seraphs"kat-like Yom• house Is afire!"neaces "What?" she bawled out Me,Jer■ ell au:nsa Canton Aikol-mt. J. W. WtSTCArrCLT, and culti- vatipl and to furnish a reasonably our nest lays four to nlz blue green eggs. 'Z Bay y'd' hoose is ttj9a "What+did e.iac . Lee" liberal supply of plant food. The as Four to six little whtte eggs are laid say? I'm a little dreafP' --- Paraffins plant grows well on liberal trading. After In the domestic phoebe bird's beautiful a "Your lonrsae fa afitef again yeslled I the the bed is once estab- fished• and finished nest moa at the top of Ids lungs. "Oh. thorough cultivation, liberal manuring and careful Blue white eggs o[ the bobolink may is that all?' calmly replied the woman cutting of the Of Product make up the general round Management, actually be stumbled over as one walks along the h "ICs all I can think of just mw," TM The says Country Gen- Demanwhich also states the main The naockln, g bird, of romantic fame. I apanded the man 1n a rather weal[ voice as he drove on—Fwhange. address of a Points G. celery growing, as follows Hew to Grow Celery. lays from four to six speckled green BW in her loosely done nest Toed Asawtaot Good Tailor In growing celery it will be best Two white eggs occupy the mourning as Gardener. also to buy Plarl'jl of dealers. Any of dove's home, whicti stands for the poor- By tel Inspection of a Mg, tat the leading seedsmen or nurserymen Can furnish est sort of bard housekeeping. toad's stomach it was fo®tl to cuntaln not leas and F Furnisher then). There is a Rood deed of bother fn One of the best architects In the than fifty large grapevtae w a' filO`five growing celery plarnta, especially when the facilities world V the oriole. Its graceful nest tootked four Potato l etxty ttowpyvg> forty an>Ideseortss a thirty are not at hared, and y will he bet- ter, therefore, for any one under- this in A small way and for to six rvtll n. eytgs r° with black it'd brown. Olive gray eggs w•Ith brown a ,xh bags worms, wtth, try way u spa. aonlog, uumerotes Hies sadtaking Now MARTIN'S the first time to buy pots (five them) m», t this, tend I th,nk tlp y loo w1U plants from the pro- tessional growers. These should be net of occupy the blue Jay's balky nest In a tree crotch high appreciate the value of an army of out about June 20 in rows three feet &Part. &shoes the ground. toads on yeti premises, or say nem- lose required, acc'or'ding Bed%Ord Block The Square Planta ten inches apart in the rows. There in a Rood deal to the sere - tcee that mar reas°°ably be peeted of contro- verity among mspl cet gardeners as to Their $tranoe Behavior Explained. 'from j one toed. the exact distance• but those we re- A "cel estate broker was our day commend are safe. The rows should be well furrowed out with a Wa1111ng down the street with a friend. After proceeding a short distance the Plow and supplied with emne barnyard manure and commercial fertilizer -in the bot. friend ids back a step and closed in on the iarakees right 2 5,000 _ toms of these furrows. The furrows are then partially filled in, and the They proceeded UP, sy feet, when the broker backed tap, a3(lesrryped ant regained fits tor- G NEW WORDS '/-// AND OATS HAY plant" are ret. Very thorough cultfvn- mer tion and careful weeding are required, during the early part of the posttioLL •Excubble M " &said the friend as they are added tothe last edition of Web- y ARE VERY DEAR year es. pecially. Toward fall the soil im shov- proceeded a Uttle farther along and he rptTCIItOd ster's International Dictionary The Gazetteer of the World, THIS SEASON Bled up toward the plants, whirl, may be blanched where they stand either a e tep and again slipped around to the right side of the real es- and the Biographical Dictionary have been completely The AND YOU by banking up with tj,e soil lir by Placing boards tate agent They revised. Interne - Interna_ tional is always kept abreast of the CAN SAVE THEM b7 having along the sillies of the rows. continued along together a few times. It takes constant work, ex- Stable Sheets and Fly more paces when the broker, with an "I Pensive work and worry, but it is Nets on your horses. SCUFFLE HOES. beg your pardon•" exer•uted the same maneuver the only way to keep the dictionary and regained the right hand position. P ht dlist's Call and see the big reduction They Are Specially AdapLd For Work the matter?" demanded : STANDARD"' We willwillgive you on = stood whip. With Root Crops. Root crops succe,.1 first the friend. hear with my right t•ar," ex. AUTHORITY We have A good assortment of where the"Can't weather fa moist and cool; hence their Peculiar adaptation Plalned the broker. Same here," sold the friend. of the English -s Baking world. Trunks, Suitcases and Telescopes. t to western l)reRon d „gb l, Other dictionaries follow. Webate A few Dusters left at b oto western Washington. in these re- gions the yield of these croPn fn enor- mouA, the. ordinary yield being front Twenty to thirty-five tons per acre, chile reportA of tarty -Ave or fifty tons are not infrequent. Mangel liunels and rutabagas are 'Anally grown in rows from, twenty. J'e,;Is A sCOF1La 11M. so -to thirty inedaay apart. Considera- ble hand weeding and hoeing br- lovor" the hilly and along the rows re tvwalty-necessary. When sown in continued rosea, the binning is IsRely done with a hue, .rikiner aeras the row. An retools ram mdble of the wuberqueust-eultiratiaa done with a horse cuhjv%i or. fretrad of the oarnnror, weld V%ml A for tfri "mW and wee sane refer to use neuffic hops. Whrr, in We the Mala of mneh A itrn• is in a Willimlel PeaYtirrra anal'rm pmslted and Tlbtd Jaen tersdoor the pan few cot`the 'nervi. The blladr of *I,- style shames, Ow cut iA diamtwrd shalMrl, aJonrrt m inches wide in the ndddle.arld adf an irseh wide at each etrd4 and mi rt. alight inchrs long. M1he Mae Lying Tiw L wsciom Versa- In thse neatr- w/Raatermrthe-(\osaker: bAtoel.tire tgb. wbe 7m rat t ase torn, are s srne-e fair Fox. Rehlr-'Os&sM s.e`N Wars. Now, linos that ttlsboak as i errs yon 'awe in yaks ad bdbl rear mho Is bier' hwwa, sdr? Nob-iillm wall I.eyn a e. , Where to Find It. Two sons of Frin shared the same bets n. well ns the same bottle of whisky. Pill w-alted till he found (Nike slept. ,vhen he quietly arose °fid emptied the tattle. Soon after Mike, waking, stole out of bed and, groping about in the dark, was asked by his companion: "I'hwat nr• yet: lookles' ter, Mille?" Oh, nothlu't" says Mike. "Well, Mike," Any% flat, ••ye'll totted it over there in the corner In the bot. i tJa"—London Answers. Statp'lyfng Cattle slim Water. Too much attention cannot be giv- t(, sly, .. t.,,•, all ,c.,r, . .,,Dlv I arysatn leads. , paces. It is the favorite with Judges, Scholars, Educators, Printers, etc., in this and foreign countries. THE GRAND PRIZE STOUDAPT'S HARNESS SHOP Award) was given at the World's Fair, St. Louis. GODERICH. A postal eard will bring you in- Penske teresting specimen pages, etc. G.&C.MERRIAMC0"............... / --- i - - SPRINGFIELD, MASS., • sni,,a pV.LI.Ma Re OF LL WEBSTER'S e,_-.., INTERNATIONAL HARVEST ft DICTIONARY r.. HARVESTING TOOLS AND TWINE SCYTHES, SNATHS, RAKES, FORKS AND HAY FORK ROPES 131NDE'R TVA INE (TOLD MEDAL, 14c, (IREEN SHEAF, 12c (TILT EDaE, 14c NATIONAL PORTLAND CEMENT ALWAYS ON I I:\ `I i. PLUMBING, HEATING GALVANIZED IRON WORK AND ELECTRIC ;0fiRiNG PROMPTLY AT- TENDED TO AND ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED. CHAS. C. LEE Store 'Phone 22 House 'Phone 112 NEEDS Gold Medal Binder Twine, j Pure Manilla Rope, Forks, Rakes, Scythes, Pure Machine Oil, Cheapest at WORSELLS' WHOLESALE HARDWARE \ GODERICH ANi) BAVFIELD