HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-7-25, Page 4., , h •• ., ,. 4 'fnrnstev, July _^h194)-,194)-,, I _ _ THS SIGNAL: GODFRICHp ONTARIO . THEARCTIC AFFAIR pialte, •[)ain't laky us dear ove-lwilaly I ,n ufx. .ad 111.1 11I.-.0 ror"pl • 1.••d lwrt l.� �.. . op. �-T '.4 -_ to when we talk wildly, it i. all froth, it 1 •-writ..o, •,I .... IN,.41'd lite Awlw to _.-. -_-- _ ll ee'lluN Il.Ithillf( at oll.' 1 14111fr"., NII', I wale..• 11:111.'111K. Tu e. was, lit IAI/•e ! fry that in thr 1Lilalry I aI all rvPut, %,ill eel.%gni„e•d iul...1 a Iilow. Irrrihlr, hrii- ""i STATEMENT OF THE FACTS RE. IN- Ni-er Ihnn I have Iran it, tilt. pn.t, I "us. 11'11.11 1Jtr u.a•it.•. wrlvirivrn t.. . sial whrn Keillrlrlru uf1 the ulhrr at %%.= ,'•%.•ri lN"I all, I e.•klrhs ext env- a �1� b tea. CARDING ALLEGED "SCANDAL." .idr talk ax wildly a+ they do I .hall I ngln.•.. '1114 Ihr iulluc.Pul ,.,,...I I'tin an b@0ed In a �* pqr� r I • --"--L*- hruceforth realize *that nu ImINlrGuuw lurid Cur tiir I:-•Jufulaux Nae tie- �i-lkgKIL i4 I.l IN• NIMt-hl•.1 I" IIINf• w.11rIN•' 11.,.11,.•wl ". d(•l.ill• h 1,. a �I n� that se's bad 1 Government Insists on Inquiry and I 1 ulmo :,1.-111.1 .•liuvix 1.1 ...Ii oils Premier Insists on Inquiry. .. , n, , ;, h u _eN %%hirll hair barrel Inst I dsummer .Appoints a aebct on Charee to , 11% Ile,• U..%,•. mu. -Int will. atlull druial ' a DoRta •'Xou las; Th••,I hay.% h'll•i 'it IN•,•u filadt.. tiit . .� Sale Inwst;gate' Opposition Charges \1'ilfi•id iuwistwl tbal tale ruuuuul,,.,. auJ --,q,.,elunilc 1.. •ubulfl pr.N411 �t'mO wf� � d'' Evidence Taken Disproves Alleges. ,hould invP.tigate, ,111,1 hr de•, Ifurd 1.• >�ed. 'mss �� IIIC1/ ��• _ . _ ruuhl ..• c. ,•Iv IN• inr.r;i "' 'lilt. tions ofExtnvagineeAnd pnN. W. -Up imt,rra" dile ('flllht.l'alatl%eN I'wi"hale 1:.,,..,.,,1,.1,1 „,N n,,,. K balite «» •.*.oma-s1..�,..1� ( N "EEK OF SUMMER BARGAINS wrrr ,ulxiuu..-I..• miuel in "eking Ihr ve..l•l In pI.:"•rwl 1., the fat SE(;0 `D VV EEK to p.Ias the rt.w.lulf"11 Ile N-111 :led I•at.s,-,•f• N"vyl•eign rights. --- - - 01tNwA. Jelly '-.l. A tie lrmivrl, ''lead"II",r'I with Iht..r winds: The 'u1'ite" ,fee it iled fir, freed.•, are � OMMONO,r,i HIS sale will include nearly everything in our store. All summer Larther than the Lrplh. wild 11 ,. umvh "he my humble jndgni•it owil, „t h•, lilt ,I,,v vIllr.t:u.n•II..Iu,lr.nul.•„u.- )� rasit.r lu give , hr•Illali.,11 ly 1t I tl.r is leader*. *. tortriulyutnl h. '1.t. ,"di. v 1}- tl',•,11w1, F;,/'tyllkillg dont. Was �,a�r, goods will be offered regardless of cost as we are determined to whirl uu{Klhl Iu prr,.lil ill lila. radii,. NiII •h •view .d' in.1461.g .•....li.lru,w r allrgntall UlW '" r"uwt Ihr 'lead"' tit Ihgn flan%woso--uhl nlltow:111\' dl.. sail IrN,N•rt. Ir 4..,11.",;I,e"I lnu,r �, '�•@ carry no seasonable goods into another year. These goods must aft. rN;urls. 11'ilb the I"•.f inU lel.u... huuNr.l. ur1 Io pee.. uunueirr41 whrn a K•••NL .I•u"• "f 111..• l'."..nlLw lir or Alipateiii riou'Nlitatill one} i. P gilel•• P'"'1 go at somelprice, no matter how small. The following are some of the An injurious aUatrulrot unr. gavels 'IuarKN'Is fitA1L•, nod in ehul ri••%r I thllt,u/h rlitiri%eel ,•. l'un"•rvuficrr :igtiin iwk the- Hotels.- ti note" lu Ibis dirrct. .II Ihi, expw•(lititon I. withon11 'v petther ,;nn t" l.rfIdver la• rre•anr41, . -- lines we wish to call special attention to, the prices on which will be neither 1:Anita hanrtul rtTrcl. Iw , per- ,uu1i"n sial eu h:nv ihlx rhnfKr lawn,. warrrtl Nnd uujnrl, --- -- ._ p rev invl•sli ,ilwl s";lg fo.t.l• N•hrlll"I cut ver low to clear. yentel. R No Sc+lild*!, Only Politica. are 1Mar Fid }/ it i, U•nr of not Utlr. � d Tal • AlkRad "Arctic" Scandal. The rl•snlution p,►sxwl and Ihr r4#le,. '1'huar who re:ul Lhi- N•ill know what Threw hats (sera murk wait in the of Ile— •,tet. need brald till tike t.vidt.nrr ,'n-.IPll •• In place in I hr "Air tie sI•an• f cat emery day a -ma aw abom eej Hosiery prase of the county. and Illxut Ihr eta. exalubleel fill Ihr wit$ar"s. d,at." Tht.v %till knrlw that nrirr hav- * -8e%vtat-�� shay but mil mwaas. speaking of la•hnlf of Ihr (.,,%pr,,. Public pintf-0rw 1'uusrrveeivr ora- What cite Evidence Proved. he h,ul every opl".rluoity to prove WhIU-� dM�t tfae pow 1Ltot till al wks hnuw to Ire Iota have har,tnguwl. un the oubjecl of 'rhe ••xtrnvnganrN fir wI Ruing, Ile MARC to eat an d>41 Hereat black cotton burr. 11{ V. Ili %lentowr :Meal,• wits 111 IN• l.l'o. Liar "Arctic scatldal." ws'anwl. HI.W ('lu"wrYAtve- railed iwerly LII 1111 xe.• �b/�w� � ft y� ma'am; abe atiallbe-eaIIty. check And „ural patterns, funny ritizrnn of Canada really know viNionwl fur a vovag,• of there %r:u's In future widen Ihr Atelie .If,,,,. i" the pinto, unvnt•ninhwl fart« with It.• °11'1 file Deputy ..,Iil1Wrr .of ltariur 7111.141441 t" it will Iw• velm•au1N•I•rd that stockings Lou Ire found ■nv• vol orN perfect. lulilet to the Arctic? Thr aub'rrl ,old Fi.hrli.•s wl"1e, to l:aptain the "Are -tic" wax arae in which was brought up in tile' H,nlow it lie. Ile that if. wimid IN- lei. .left). lu vertAiu rhurgrs were Made in the e - Pe off Le-isa Persian rattle the atbject elf an rn1 uiry h}' A Make 1'I.riaiii rm,olui.lfimis I,.1' illi - x11,1- IlmiNa•, would wheat Illi filler ra111P Jet twinmlty - .fit'" lwtilan0 Of your umd�r "I rratamdifieta ces ow the eye, but line thein %tom vllrloos tndfcnt}oos. When our plies Ih:u. w.•r.• required fill- lilt- select niuulitt" of 1 arliaulNnt it prove Ihr111 the ('nnw•r,w alive. firuui, loaned It to Tompklna.'• to lie had. was vPv..,va e. Thr .lununt ina,•Ivwl wall ntilated 11p")t over). l.rahiblr K fhe•itst.lvrn ulerr nal In tier laaMk. 1 "Wily doesn't DP return kr colors, r e g u l ^ r:l,, 9 9C occasion, staff after It hmlr rrN.tYl I,1 IN• "b"111.dlll(,INNI. Capt ain lierflier. will) Intangible Scamalal* " IhP owner caught mm/with R smd It public (iuealion of interr.t ter Ihr NAx in rh.ily(r id ill.- cexwrl, hsndwl in ineinbers if the flntite. it w:,Ilr llnulr 1" IIIN rWflll.11iou. alld Ill.)' wt -re VIII,• _ 'I'laere :art• either Alle"Ke•d terN1ldgls �atuanded alt I' . I_— W the great tu17•ruce in prices. We lernlght thrae do party political duty ill it vague, F1111l11ir11 by the D.-pal'lulad'nl. that leave Ili Illure base. Lhall Ihr foIIr rndn months ago and you can buy thrill fur Ives than field fancy patterns, Winches ufidrflnwl Nn) nn the Artie w.au• lltarket Pried Paid. dal " ill rrfrrl•I'Ve fu the Aretir, but it is worthy 4#f finer filter, having lhfleal s" A Pleasant Sort ofIg". The Dower of the elm' is a thing Retook. bottle, ill light itself dark '1'1.,- I lrp irfulf•nl .of \bu iue and Pish- What Was Alleged. f fgnuulini4#u.ly to prove N Iretlettlojug fu about which many of an burs but the owl[ at anap priers. e•tie. stent lelte•r. t" w,•II-known The char•grn wPre compriswf in three ulrrehants. ,asking three, if t11.•v ell-: this re•.lievl, Ihr (7ouscrvalivr„ In," not, .-k--,l fur ,ul). vole r"fil moat batty Ideas, and Indeed the eardl- nary coudltlolfs Colored Dress Mullins all ion". First, that the NIIJIp,Ii•" ►irw1 h. supply ,uliilrl in nrrni,,,,,,.r ndUe•rslrf'""""tig"lion. It i. uui•h with %rhleb we are surronded peavent tea tram fully LS yarla, veru new demigna pptatrchaeei fit• the Arctic wrrr paid With the n•yui,iliuus "f C, he [ot• lirrni.•.. stating tont the Departlrl,.ut rxairr (" allege• acaudal Ih,ul Iu prove it. up- precfating what It can be at times tit extravagant prier. ; N44•muJ, 'hat :he a uantitira weir" greatly in ex- N•ould expect them In supply these Y') long as tiir %vilfriti Laurier fir•- lila people of the lal�i[ d Ca1ncP te"g1el regular prim 1_'11•, 1 cells of the re,luilrmrnts of the rx• g"eads tit the going urte-ket prices. The nanins in p"Iwrl- public Nff:,irm will •iw whkmil h Is about a e and a Regular efie, fur 4:,•. ►trill petition, and third, that it was iia- evidence pr"vel that with a trifling h.orl"Ily ndulifkWervd. need 1-11%, 111,tu half have, however, apport aides White Lawn Waists pwalllhle to hav,• placed oil mama d the eff'"Iltiml Ili• g,"wls allppl awl were of he the. Il"uN•• who in pfepair Nl t" Rinke saint..., for )udg ag this 8xpiiAmme..whilch they nlrrcerfrr(l. Choice c(111,1811• i ,idantity of stuff 1wrells d. K",.Il ,I.14,ity as ltd %%,,I.e ellal'gwd and N ('ladll•ge will Mad every Ie jpou,llu,il%• most find the rrver'se.o[-pleaaan len to (rifer at our sale, all tit IL 4444 auggrZpiol, ►alt not definitely I"fid fur eel utirket rates. This elite. Kivetl to hiul to pruvr it, Thr Lilwr,el Its eastern aide and laketwermIt and the fncWIF" tlonle of charged, that wane of the gcstds pill'- Posen of the charge of extravagance. Obtained found their wtey into the x" to priers paid. P,Irty stallion (,or ra-foree, .fel to wily is oAlcial life, ^till fur tills 011 b Aaeattasne idiot, is plrx- ( erwl,rll of LinYrl•IIItlPtlt offirinla, l,tlt No Excessive Qaaatitials Parchoused. - rVitm 1 it lots PJ and fur long year% rte ro.fir also a mile and a half rvdde� p�utDtDs power wttb -web the thin feature elf the cast- was not made Willrecr will ret?/fn Ihr roll aidNlll•.• fir file - 4411 veeMrOme in rprclflc Puough to demand particular As to the Nrcon(1 charge it was our, PlectolratK grant that at some fplatem the anrf attention. vrry fully. cm, ptaiin Iles Icier, whir was . - -- -•--. _ sweeps enthaly over Det. , lranda- maihug ul:uter, had hail a lung export i Whit Sir Wilfrid Did. London 8txndard . Prier In Arctic rzplurnti,lfi +fuel wawtXlRtOU$ DECEPTIONS. --- Nn man lois Prl•I• rharcrd 11)nt tiir quite conllwtrut 1" 1,uake huitrtble A Talented Meese* Argent.; Wilfrid Laurier would connive at rwpliNitinns fur Nlppli(n- lido. w•ndii wrongdoing, neither has env man K in his requisitions ('aptaill The wayOur lleltees Are Liable to ]urs. nomeeeek., - You ceuti wy don't }irt•rI1rC rN rrrlelly ex:atlllnwl' (IIr re- brought forwant a spP,inr1 ,'Ili►1'gr P►*Y Us False expect -.;body to taks• this house! Why, fib@ COOr7 agaill-t any oflleial of file (;/,vel„- (•Aldi.% of ill" different Arciieexprlli• Oar SeII*es deceive os curiously at au rgII adOw'n hilt A tit Silk Tissue White Vestinjs Hosiery Dress Muslins, speaking of la•hnlf of Ihr (.,,%pr,,. A duplicate order that gave too Another lot of our great :X; }duds. U differrut flat- till al wks hnuw to Ire bNe value [rues' auulese, fart [mels, 4110 t4011111110 regular. Yale sacrificed.• Hmltll patterna, black cotton burr. 11{ V. Ili arice, your choice of the lt far '3„r. Light ground, )wrtect' goods, regular L15v. '1'."i!:";our choice ladgreatest 15C sizes. ISL fir 2 for 2be. The yultrter's worth in check And „ural patterns, the lot fur...., ..... stockings Lou Ire found ■nv• vol orN perfect. p11" Is tett Iu the brain. We do not actually perceive different where. We halve already Persian More Muslias sold skint 7191 platform. Thear Muslin rratamdifieta ces ow the eye, but line thein %tom vllrloos tndfcnt}oos. When our nix dozen are All there are, About 4111) }•mind., 27 inches K pieces, ring •pat large and small. to lie had. Nile. Jilin 4easaIII's Ramos. "JNft'told floral patterns, faNt very wide. choice .,loth. cobriug guest. reKu. lar 2W. Come Flannelette Remnants colors, r e g u l ^ r:l,, 9 9C and 14c Ket your choice for fur ... • err scarce goods now. owing Dress Delaines Prints W the great tu17•ruce in prices. We lernlght thrae ('rental grouu11. small spx .t will lie reduced to alw.ut rndn months ago and you can buy thrill fur Ives than field fancy patterns, Winches whulewale priers. A large trlday's wholesale price”. wide• up-tea•dnte thin spring, Retook. bottle, ill light itself dark We have about 7W yar e, to )A•I'fert, i8c. tblorsl' colors, to ch(x)sr from. owl[ at anap priers. talure.......... plUC Colored Dress Mullins Summer Dress Goods - Gingharres lh5 LS yarla, veru new demigna and Chaffibrays yar(IN, g("wd pnttrrnN, (lf checks, all Mav pllr(•Ieaae,. whit' gr'uuold, fNNt color•,. Black and whitr colors. Our whnle stuck of th the. regular prim 1_'11•, 1 American fancy's wnshatel". K(x ds will 1)t. rt •ale pr..theater seely pricy............ 82c Regular efie, fur 4:,•. ►trill Scotch Zephyr Tartans Nllape' White Lawn Waists Four pines of three tarts Hosiery •ti). ,ome short anti w,,nr lung elevvea, nlrrcerfrr(l. Choice c(111,1811• i We have just gut n tine lot open trae•k or tnrrlt. All this re g %;- good value at regular 2fic. to (rifer at our sale, all tit Nl"l-t'a makes and twilight from the price, Now...... ........ 5C hoe ,tin priers. !ireurrsome K *t lecture fncWIF" tlonle of •- they err all goer. them a. low rt...... WC Iona under f;e•rtna a Xie hsh and time*• d flash of Legh >t P e, i h 1tfltrt ma>� u w,a bigot but Sir 11' o Jo huh thr 1laN•d l K' Lightning lights u fi fir tow aw ,vavnn aura,.. �m to In addition to what are named there are fietires of things to be on sale that bis williuKnes. to gr:ul11 the eel"., Auarrirun ,uuhtority. NIIJ upon the the tlPoaind for only one-mI111outh of a searching investigrttion. - 'rime and tussis (if their e•xlwrirolcr math- out a *e0mcL yet it seems to us to Last ever — there is not room to mention here, but there will Ile Doll money 1[l them for y011. again f he Premier tins intimntwl that list of Ihr thingA ttrfuired. eo much longer. What happens 1• - - ti would pay nn attention fu Ke ttrt•Nlf- Expenditures Compared. that the Impregnation remains in the rye Mitat,o 0 Just one week more. The prices that we will otter OOdB at should reduce our ties, bur he has a ..I, -,t ;. p1441gw1 or the retina for about oueelgbuw o[ stock all -we require• himself to Appw)inf a .••Irrt rmm�litllw rile Arctic %vas Hord nut for forty. ' to examine into the truth of Ally right urn for thee•.• kwu•s. Thr F;n a *'rOOJ O[ 12.4000 tluxw as long as straight forward charge. fish a zperlitiun in llist\ (very fur 1h,tKe file IIaeh lash If oo n dark night n THIS Is a rare Chance t0 et O(1 {r@s1. mode at V@ l01V prices. Get here It did notcorte tin a stirpr,%e in the )Pars rust Q99N1,1991. '1' a It treat cuR 1,f train speeding along at sixty mllca S bRinser, thrn•folr, whrn the 1`rirur the Arrfir rx rrditiun w aII lour 18 „t u D a3 earl t =I:Ni,1.iLat. D Y a til Ing mail y as fou can in order to of some of the Iles% of til (]fferinga, This sale these, rr rase in ilia plx(e and a«w, The coiarnvl•1',• with a rew of 11fry It appears etatlonary, yet in the eighth of Dodtraw Kidney Pill% ata will overtop all previ(uls efforts at Bargain Sales Sale c\sesolthe 3rd of these, wants: Ing. currier 111,:a91 lw)u s alt nfrtit. 0e a Second during welch we seem to I The Mary Ellen of the At Prfran ex- ase It the train travels eleven feel the oubidelCoating on- The box is imitated, AObllst At 10 p.m. What Sir Wilfrid Said. tlelitinn, N'hlrh was 1'-01111 of furl Bat we g and shape of the . "Three rhargr% me' inn .ol int. W Is• ) te*lb' oily we It during one pills am imitated altd the name-Dodd's lelrrl and w:il for ten erasa, d :1{1,11.11 milli'nth of a second, and In that Kidney Pills is imipted. Imitations are Massed over xnd 1 h:I%e• oily to sir fwnnnlN .pf malt. The l;nuN x )4414- - Iatollwell-1'11111" 1 time It travels omly one-hundredth of that I AgIPP tit carr In rhe %ingr"i--r. t )sed of.vent}•-sou learn an Inch. dangerous The original is safe. Dodd's made a momrrat n o by Ihr lion. item :17u1 was Ito e4•rupy thrl•r ywfrs,'. a'iadPhone that if he (ar. Taylor), whrnhrNN t. 114-451 ,»,nods of mt.11t. 1'hr Kidney h COLBORNE, .The Square, ' A •Lir When a man's leg Is cut off, It the Pella have a reputation. India - that if he Iw rythi it eummittrr Ito rzlty-ei h Nnn fur cheer yrnrx w',1. stump be Irritated be feets the pain tors have none or they wouldn't ;mitd4 a He Godtrieh. will pr )vr rvrrythinK that he has f4#rty-righf`nlrn. rued Ihr it.i fly f 10 til toes, This carious dece U le So they trade on the r ehalgwl. I ran only say tie lily honor- able friend that 1 think it wy tut}'. folk -At carried w;ih 111.7:A Intel Thr F;nK1iN6 rxiw,litinn the same as D on any one ran practice on epwo- on or Dodd s Kidney cells. Do nut be deceived. There speaking of la•hnlf of Ihr (.,,%pr,,. c.trriw1:18,- 1900 laeind.,rfiliN•lut., tho Arel irror. 111—if by *[riling his elbow on the 's only one DODD'S. Dodd's is the talent, I-0 NnY that Ihr Government n'iwl :it,t991lN.lends. H-olh the 611Kh.h table, when he teeb the pelt In Dle g• 1. un tea Lbdde i% the none to be care cannot ,elbow these Nerinu. nrru..tlinux. •Ind 11.•• (Chadian rxihtlitio1,% carried mss. Of coarbe In With cases the fulabout- ! . - - - to Ire moil• with4#uf Kiving Ihr honor- Able grnlb•ulru who make thrul .tel IIIr «4mr ga;rtltit)' r,f hngnr'. I:,,19111 I"Ifluilm Thr Ku,;li.h rcfrwlilioil c;lr. p11" Is tett Iu the brain. We do not actually perceive different � I Illeey peaas m the r - - eepplrrhmily eft.euln,ln"Aole, Ihwn. and tnnll(11'etoN', It Iter I14#11.`rrnhlr IrrrlllPlnall want rflrl i.:,1xl J"eun.t. "f biller', the Coll N,II:111 r:ll'1'lld 4#711).:...'1001"n11uls. 1'1..• F' rratamdifieta ces ow the eye, but line thein %tom vllrloos tndfcnt}oos. When our �� � 13as � -��1 f)_0__ � 'C I posm m•� 141[_'41 h I 1 cave 1 -,i hr .hall have torr. l -fated. rxlN.lu tun rant awl tt.Mill lodgment a at pens i are deceived. skit �d>dDl>a.n The Test ••Ifntl1ri rm%* f�u (we11gV, 111.Yif i is 1.,111141' Ili [little, tilt (';III:1111:111 LMI91 Ir you see a t)e19op In 8 f I i of Tl me'. taut prff•rs wt. lent*t knot,. i,. If it is )''need", fog, ter KIDNEY ecce y� �amd �• b` , '1'lla til . lIIsiance, be seem. to be moth bigger true that supplies wrrr IN.aghf Ihn1 1 in•% rarrieel nn %fir I;ny;li •h than arcual. The same thing happens D°tLa*�'Q't:oll-do�'tlo•tfl0lrptlS4 \ Mere nut sort u,111Y pall 111NN1/rl this Nfll pl, rxlNrllt 1-011 uultie up 111,lexl )atoll I., "f anti lad3 aBaiaOu knoll ;��r but have Kung rlsl•N .rte. it is 111 the rhAuqutgn,•. N• I -„key. be -n .1y loud when You bee men or cattle on the top .���� , Interpol, 11"1 114#1 ea to tot Ihr rte• [ales iA prdi4#,u 1Vli I. 'rhe ( eluilielt yx. light • btu bothagainst dile t1.UrdJud In teed- PI L.L.S FROM the 20th to the 27th of this thin llonsr. but of til,• nlwulN•r's tofihix Dr%litiun .All I••n rest.%uf clubnpaftnr, Ilgat .III bole Cases you lodge teem - •. . (;ovro•nulru 1, 14# know N'b.•te Ihev piil%. ire@ ,-ii,,.„f purl avifir. nvrr11,ers to mer a y than t11ey really .l4ulxacrilw• far The SignAl. month I will have on exhibition at have gofer. Nnd if I herr 1.n. ►Nell all} 11t bl•:tndy. unr Iwu•r•I "f whi"khy. are• a•4 nT they appear II>r - my store an rake-off ire favor of nuvimN,v It i" to ']'Ill. F:nKli.h "Ill-litiion hotel !hal grit- qty kifje, - � ---.-- the interest 1; fir file lt.I t••rnulrn► that [ton. "f rllnl, Ihr cuu,uli:up one)' I'N' OSILRMOOR PATENT ELASTIC FELT MATTRESS we .Move knew wilt. IN.o.,•nllwl 1,1'it. Knllon%. oRp p p ry The (1(.y,1•"""'"'' will t"' Ioo.pxrrdtar -Rations Milch Below Rule. A B LU11ER• 5'+ A` T I that has been in use for 50 YEARS. mlYt. Ihf• "uKKPallull u( )alto. grrlllr- 1111" nplNrNife lltl, we- should h,ayPit The rooli••n• :ill,.%%.•.I I"I' Ileal, h}• Fee Lay Firm and Celiquered the .114 BAROA/NS THIS WEEK + ! This mattress was A ull 111141 rungdrll' fnvr"lignli"i," wrll•rslNhf)shrd I...•, :nal by ,nrlw-iu. Bride's Close Fisted Father. y OS.T,ERMt7Qp ctouole•il (,n' -the ,,I"uuleol i'"lirt., iue I remember, says a writer on Irfab'E used c o n S t a n t I y Ge first Invites Ia "bearti.4 fit• -ei l u wu.-Il •I'l,, AII•:i,•'hrul at Thomson's Music Store * in the home of Mr. P► '.nlr EUIST.IO' 771. „fit pslinl Q. IW nharr%o.l is I"" ?rfghl Ill"""ONeNToo and Ih,,.I of rAfe• the marriage of the daughter of that, tullotving jmlei,lhatyly upx,n Nm' ,ions fur 1,:lI9r ,lay+ wtonll I.• !9i,41•r well to do shopkeeper In the towu of + Il. 1.I. Bate, of Ot- MATTRESS petalled., :♦4# 11.:u I h.•.. Galway. The father of the . . hnlKeN ulndr by the ('-0nNtvrltict.%. 1 ►.•fir wee" 4,Ikit1 1trMe wp , tawa, for over half a Your Wilfrid IAllrler prolnptlY ,all 1N 111[.1. I"•I•.N Ihr •Jle„ou fly :all-0ww� by considered to De decidedly lase @stet { �hS�a 117 invn(watewl his will' to Appoint ;rte .n the I ale-r"uuril whirl. wNe ININNwI The brtdegroom, as well u I remertt One "Weber" Piano, square - $GO•CO + century. It is in fnvertigating wnnn,ill.w to inyuirr 1iylhrl'onNrlvalile,,. bee, wan of a •canon somewhat fin. // I. splendid shape tI]d �ovs.ora into be•ir fi•nth. Thrrr wan iolhfllK As I,. Merl,;•., ,be Ica. rrr,turnt r,l perlor to that of the [sully be p ` 1 One Crossin & McPhillips" Piano, to Ipr�fp,urrl, mind ,hr Inn., •r•:uehil,,, ,roll ,1114#1,'.. 1 "' N.,rfin%,•"t .outlined Dosed to any himself wftIL The a square - - _ _ 85.00 I 1S convincing proof itty air}\ one-two invifwl I,y 111. I'rill e I -tier• 116, 1--, 1"'a' „tea,,. h'"rr)• riuhi w of the claims Of the i<>z Jlini%tr�who nnnlwl the following urn in ll.. I . 1` N4#u1- """.'It'llsrt. f"' wed day came, but when the ./ 4"' t -� party amembled at the chapel One Wormwit h” Piano, upright, N.•hrf rte mriltr• : 1Ir-aw. .11,10'•1111 IMN11""11111",�s4# If,-- Amite• wale find*., i manufacturers that ILnnrnlNlr� 1'nryrll. li•nu•I".. Par. till• tit"%%,u"r bI aY,lt.al lNrl1111N. `alta tltro abrtrie�oom failed to appear. Atter � large size, very slightly used, the OSTERMOOR /� � der. 1hi7I ttw. \Im-phe•r",•11.Ilwl„rlt alit): in re•l fid Ito ►lour 111,11 ,.Ian, wing t� and vainly for the lag e l original price, $325 00 - - _ 2 .00 o' Hrl'gr1te11.:Vf\thrlili.Ind 11r.:•llr.e•k14#11. 1,1111--11.. the .\blit.• %%:,s gartd tie elmlreark" weSe dispatched 3rd %' I is better than the --- lead` '" One ''Bell" 6-c eta, a piano -case Thr n•wdnlioh of May Is, IfNNi. to %,Simi 4#le Ihr..al.•NIInNrd by te--v to ills Il�Ode to ►la.ten ills doming Z b e S t �50 HAIR which tile cla. to r lttrr was rte ,uldtr•se ''luulrnl rygul:ultole . They rotfd Dim snugly ensconced Im + Organ, used but a shirt time, SK,00 , MAS TRESS made. +� � r ilteelf rr..IN n« fol .1v%: Followed Prescribed Rule. "'ntsrlaI Resolution Pa by House. ('Apiniu Hyrni.•r pill"tcrd'xrin.•,%',,, foot do I stir oat o[ tills," We have also a number of m w F �anoc and Organs, on wh.rh we' Wears better, IS "Wheream "11,11Ar\ charg,•% IIn,P to. udt. ll torr•• %rilh rrg,Ird t,1 "line the f prospective lleoedlet, •'unless � will be pleased to quote you very low prices. , more sanitar , ver tweet treat by nit.uAA1�, of [hip Hou",. ''rnm,•1" I'll I (411' i., nalber'Ren l 14' Role or•tune's doubted." �� * y }/ 1'1 tt{['eittia7i.lsliCoet),s.d�11 M front their "r111P, to Ihe'l-ITe•rt ,lint Ihr pi lies •t7akrn til• nlher 1?br an hour and .nate tntiormeedla. We, haves few new Kicycles left In stock, which will be much more comfortable to sleep on, will not .1 Iarilili, .or , 1 ' mat, pack Of et tum teipplirN which. In 1f„ ",,,,,,,,,.,. „r rxJ"rhtnns../1111 ,•crh lhyn lir nuulr rte* stn Deckr►arl and forward pe s�, *eld ta►holesalepnttvmorderto clear them out. This g lumpy, ani well please you h9ct, wet• pntt•hased by "ie lhywa •1 r:•gtisilion for,/ilrn-et. gnnn111 %. I 1.m, tweeII tie-cAapel and the brMegnoom's 'S' is y°;opportunity to ouy a wheel at numdacturer's prices. personally. nlrnt of 11Nrinr and hi%hw'i x Cur Ito. Ihr ole ,+Il.w,. 1111.1 this haw was 4411 l,, a►..enttig adrtvtntt to mate terms while (; 1n•rrn'IY"t stealuer Anti�c" watt• ley Ihr,'"na•r•%;Iii%.ell. the brM ib welted at the akar with such If yon arae not able t a call, waste. and wt will send you b"neat all pall ll it,-, o file. 'aid l�,••,unrr. li i, Hail•• rl,•,il Ihetei'mr' thin no palkence an she could master. The dull particulars. 'you" COME IN AND SEE IT ermn still unknown: NI•Ilell int• ofhr,• of a- qunnlith'" of .upplieN erre'It?'o•asn. however,+ -...--.-- -- alt wtoy in part di% uses, by Nml for fhr iwnlnl nK,pNr. Punhnawl. I'.m h} cnurpwuiA.n1 with 1 sfuo(1. or eaten- 'jHOMSONPS MUSIC STORE illi wht.ltoas like "ohrr ••xla+lill"'I' 11 Att•tir wow ran- q' �' sod nt fast tPi tither, be y We al8o sell Star Felts and a nice Inge of CIIaI-gP. IIA,I• Nleel [well m11Jo• that. x. Nidrl•nbly def prtoviairnwl, alit did 1�[ tit hLs Ib7 r silo°Id Ge ► THE SOUAREJ, GOUER/OH `7� cessive prirt.s err• corruptly paid fou fol rye•. Inky Ihr gnanfily plt,vilb-d D� to Oram" m tho stmt of all Cal- Al Mixed Mattresses teAid supplies. And that, in cunnw•li,en t'Y 17iw, way Dy-rrtarn}ng tn-her tatirr'A %louse The place to buy roar �ti Dotty and souvenir post cards. therewith, Jx•rlenin,y brurnts were fie. , Were Supplies Received? anwfed, Cayce way and IN'srrtsed to `,'4y*y�p,y�,4646_+�y•Y..ie. x` �`� �[ * -See our tale•(.; hyufllriniteul dile .n;,, ,epnr•t- tknrla the Oortate v !m*a,ded• '0 � ' J V'�W 0 V acts WIREIHAMMOCK, ehe most coni - I". talent; 1'11•• nu.Nr N•'Ploi" rhnrgr www that "A Npwrinl rounnitr. IN• npptoinlPf} 11.\h),iwl " t/urrh't"wl wrrr nyvrl- put fOrtallle l lalllnlo(k made. unhr ,Phan. In f fix regard --- . W inquirP fully little NII tile. virrunl- — - — stances rouner•tPel with the' purrhnsr I1.uu•ut ti",k rarer% pxr,teiblr111�i,1111111 111111111111111111111 I'll of said NIII1rr111P". the dispxor.711 of Ihr pft'mptairt Brlrlirr )aims•[[ same, And lliP diffe•re tit nlnttrr% aIN1VP lead%unnlly rheckel the ib•nls Telephone.: B Beckett 1t""Menae: mentiunwl. with plower. to "end for 't"vwl let flee Veneto. In Illi. SUFFERED TERRIBLY AIITrnx:L1„OV T., M.%Y la, 1VQ7. • • cot.. \elt.on e'Afpersinte, iI"Pla, And moth or, and to 'I'pn..is T by x pnrxer 1111'1 22 YEARS FROM I'ntc ('r..aFr.Ov ('nitsti.,r. ('O„ �S IMI)WOR, (1NT. A1o,r,Nu UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER and r:Amine witprast.a on oath or ^fttrmia- ,Italy rl\k.1'hA inv,licep were Dx.vt F'tt ie,-, o s Itealdenr,% rottion, Aid that the %Nfd cnmmittl•r J„ r'h,•ckrd Andby cheer nuvl. In MM A [vat virt.rry 1.,u Iw/•n wan by fhr use of 'Hee-.lu" after t7All calla recnve (!aalbefaRA. rrpxort in full the erielrncP taken Is-a,,wit Hoi s IAllrlf•1' N•nt ��Ull1 A TISl11 q Drompt attention. for• thrin Nod All other pnrrrelin9. i1"v' n Air. !fu and (cla \\'ilia•years of terrible suffering from E;datica and Rheumatism,on the reference." ,•f the M"unoffice. to rhe•k tier I have kern A great auffetPr frtorn this terrible disentee for 2'l � Ix NIA and Pxanainr `into their gtlnlit%-. Ryear" hack, set i.imf•" I would h care berk,vehe and terrible pales in Conservatives Dodge laic. n fact evvey putvAnt n pwtesihlt- wee% illy hilts, hip-j"inti and also (I,Mwn lily legs to the hntbem of my -- _ - Nu.(xmrr did Yir Wilfrid romp) taken hr tile' Unvyrnn tit In "rt. that fart. 1 have augured untolda pen and urtlythea" who have )alit Y the g,nnfg hnpplirJ wrrr if east ,r I. B the•,IN•AI1l know what. fhr err tdbiP pains area withtherttlurst of tilt. OppxN.i. t" Rgilt. them eel, opportunity tit pnovingicy, "f n•n"4#lenldrprier, a I clad ticy I trityl rvorything 1 cn"Id 11Junk of, hilt gilt no relief till r saw their chargeA, thAll theyAttrtuplwltodeal, eel I it r, .•n I lir v o1. '•Hee-Ju," the gentle Kidney Pil'1, w dvet'tlaed W thedcad r the inane. Thi" .h•ruld Dealt, IN pafrank end f Chargee Not Swfa thought 1 would gree it w trfel sad I did no, 1 t%uRptht unr hex of aver rxpkeJ, far it haw An important . ••Nuala" xnd got rrlfef, t' dew I gat. five mot•? Isoxete of them, bearing nn the rustier. F'irsl caner reach,ehnigr felt l" the 1ften d forUV And Neter using six hpxP. I and comobtely cured of the aches and the e�rplirit rhnrges, then rnme the wAnt .A rvide•le•,'. it , loon ,lilac ins 111141 tan rriennnund them t.+ rx,rntnittre to invanstiRate this %e1.). The prim•" Jolliet w•no' 1t•"s"I.nl.l• any person auRerMg Aa I did. chnrgt> made. The men who had a, .ivat. 11. w,%N .1'.1 treated Ihntartn s IAtet winter I thoight Iwo, aMbaeeto give tip nit, rgrther, Aa 1 gBlibly attempted to dise.rpdit the ")((!P"aiv''gionnlitl.•" ave•tr "te'•1Pd. It r"nld hardly getArnund on my limits, 1 Ali) more thnn il. more (,loverrument hesitated to /a(.'eefd, the, wan ""'IrI11N1Yrly pawed that all Ihr than Imagrte ran tell tier getting rid r/my diteme"e by this nM of (lnvernment's challenge to wnkP g«xl I Ramada -0rderorl I' had the voxhr•I need "flu -Ju," and 111A11, (others 1 hio Ir, t(M aid it havP toren Retying their charges, and objection was road, warn checked 1,p „fir Iw)alrl, CURED HiM relieved of their p^ina. I shelf a wsbewthout them in the house. t/ the terms of the resolution. 11'hwt rhea INrtomra of the- Antic I have (leen days and work* t flat ! c(larld hardly crawl ice the %rAre"IAI? Afl,., e%cry oepx IT WILL CURE YOU lemarn I do thought m l I time I1. bottle be cripple. eaor teat roy Sir.Wilfrid's Timely Retort. pnn•e %v1."I whey had �•AArttMl+*t the legs, t thought mahyatime i . itewld tele weripple far life, hot To this the Premier replied that he 1)Krxxi.Niti"n .ixnally f�fl;,1 it, make READ JOHN GREENWOOD'S LETTER thank (.(1d 1 Not something at In it fel tnnrk it out, whrn 1 gat was better Informed than when 1.P hold of" Bu•Ju," And I ran n eieiunend 'fit highly to "then 1uaa��trod to allow an inv"Atigatinn. Objteted to Hesotality. ii11 "I IA Y PRICE, lit) 1'KN,N. suffering farm that same diAeaAe, yy "Wa are," acid be', 'met with ,hal IltoaPrer, it tran.,i AT AIA, DRC(i HTOIt}�ti Mitchell, LoRaII Township, Ont fame" dC*r tri (ill�iil>:N1�(N1D. Statement from thin gentlemen op- meals had 1)ee'n glut Lf)hthereywitI Lime Fruit Juice The most refreshing; drink for hot weather. OIIr new stock justrecP.lved, 20c and 35c a bottle. M. C. DUNLOP, DRUGGIST Bedford Rlerk, — -- GODRAICN