HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-7-25, Page 3THE SIGNAL: -GODERICH' .ONTARIO
TnUIUIDAy, July !b, 1 7 3
cess �f theSistriet,
Dentia Sunday. Re.. t M, smith CATTLE FOR FAIRS.
Ou a0411 the Rev. F the Mth. When a then makes up his mind
trr'r call caw" lit Rev. M M. Ileitis: I Helpful ill I that he will never run to catch a car
Ali afq(ed and beloved niluister of Kin ggsetions In Preparing PHONE +than, he has taken the o c ch s1, to-
cxrdlne, who grtyea away at the ugr lsasts For Show Ring. I 56 D. ! I, /�/�A R CO. PHONE I wards brc•oming a philosopher.
1'burlKlay, Augu"t hit, will .Iw Wurv! hit's been received In Exeter of seventy•"evru yeuw after un Illlorss I llwp young mita who contemplates �
\Vinghaur r civic hulidnY• that John Hxude(ick. u tomer real. of over a yetr. Ik4rared, who, tests mak4r` a cattle exhibit at the (airs I
tier fi"ufurth fall Gtlr will IN. hrld oil drat of that Lown, rocera lyy• cumulitted Ilan ill �xkhao - Hlxnt county, 1e• I will fled Urn following duggestioux I hfousehold Linens - - -- -
September 19th and dtllh. suicide by mhouLing at f3merado. N. Gently celebrated the fiftieth xnuiver' 1 helpful: The new cauniblg to story at M.xrter D• A wits, dtirvivem. aiory of histent)'xnce into, the millimuy (harming. -This -is a must I"
has COintoencel operxtims.. In Harwood, N. D., on WedneNd Of the MethohrL church. Though I patt of the ogre of auimrlr ad
Y, MIPe"Ali',untel for tionit- yeal'N, hr wusI t(rr fila slew ring. It it just as rxsrn- THIS WEEK we direct your attention to our very
John I. lids Im real e•Htatr ngrnf. of Liss, Iran leaf., Forks,
Witt. Chou. \vil"on, active in loving,luilli1itr7LLioblr le tile, j complete assortment of Household Table Linen.
ikxGn filo bout IKr n apgN,iutt of n J. P. of Onuul Murk's, N, D„ fol"'Priv e( sick and urely and in Irlievin Iris, � as car"tul 1 -ding. Cattle which Our at en so meat from the best Scotch and
Among the injtrr•tl in the reeOi (lis• Colinton, W aH Married to Miss Jeae K I have beet, well btalded aril kept clean
AleMurrhy. eC liawoNL >"rniger, bretJob" e( the blrinixti carr usually be gut into gtxxl form by Irish centres and all marked at rock bottom prices.
aster at lwmduu wan Gilbert Oha"s, n whru cxexsieu demanded. Elis wiled about III" mut,th.' grouuring. It ' TABLECLOTHS AND NAPKINS
lornier well-known Uliittuuian. A Young IiyrixIt pedhu•, known' am is left to urouPu hin druliue.
On 5uudxy of tart week John Mc- •1ohn Thollua, waw found dead in Idyl halt the battle ill ahuwiug etuJr to A Iswalliful ,iNSnl Uurnf of TnIIINAe1It. ,Ind Napkied t(t w:et( i
Lear of Howick. wits mt•ickrbl A,ith ''I lie remains
betel, ken too htsL week. A Pioneer Citizen of Heoull. I have their coats in good cuudiUon, :uul sq«•dally worthy uC viHiU,ls+' cuneidrrxtiun lit pricer lunch hoelow
�nsralysis He it blow progrensin tots a it,14i11m ser" taken t, hi" ferule[, In the gret•Al,o of inurayuthe•rlaDd, at,,' stock owner" who fail to have the lnw,eut valuer..
avotably. K I bottle in luxtford fol intrrnlrut, who departed this life sort Tuesday, I their animals ill til a very best poo- !'ableelottr" ill a variety of design" anti the IKest for ever day
the Itith inst., after• a lingering illnes", sible form Dead not expect to will in merge, fl'oal• ........ ir.ep each
fhr InxLh of Mrs. JunrH, x furwrr l)1. McLaughlin. of D,whwoKl, who ....................
well-kll"w" resident of Wroxrter, (r•.
tart ,uituubll Iran been vimitiu death has el,thuel unr of liensaill'el aLru°[ a1mtA+Ntuu. !t you each to TABLING BY THE YARD
carrel last week x1, her holm, in Kill K uldnmt and uu,eit udtrrulrJ piuurrr Citi- I " Uie otwt, this, may he dune by
the In"gr hosPitxts of (treat Britain send. DNceaw•d, who war a untive n( the use of a wanu blurket. If one i" l'nhlrsochwl TahhuK at .............. (x,
istiue, axsk. and the houutineblt, hit" returned t, IArtu hal Toddle • 3 Sit, hoc and 7Sc per lard
unsIt df outs rfaumel his, `icotlald. resideKl ill linibis, and nut sufl3eieut, one two. The blankutd ►, tit .. 5oc, hoc, 7Sc and ir.00 per yard
The ewuurrr $(•had uudrr dile tis• there Practice Auburn prior U, his tx,wovnl to Hru• Deed nue dee kept ori except during a TOWELS AND TOWELLING IN GREAT VARIETY.
Alcon of the Methodists of Exeter sir• Hall. Coming W Hensall Witt, the first I day. In additiou, wash Ude animals,
tract will be held at (hand fiend, Aug. In filet Mound, Man„ on \velars_ I �igKa•hd lint in all -linen Hurkt►tl,u•k Towel", size "7x18, only
train, l t was our of the first budpi ;r.5o per dozen. Not less than r -z dozen said at this price.
list 11th fo 18th. / day, the altl ins(., Oei, lgenunill, of roes, nC dile villai(r +uul its first qk,.1
John Hartley. of lisp Blyth public h,tt town, a f ll•Iuer well-known 1•erd- 111amlNl'. He COntllluel to fill the Ila.; \VP hnve a splendid lint' i0 a KINK] "Nefill Towel lit..... , ..2:r.:5
school , has horn a ,gr,intel-incipal '10111, (tf Turnip rry, was unitwl in lune- tion efficiently uutil x few years ago, t " � A lender in b'rinKtyl l'otbAi Towels, rix• :f7xSl in., till all erulu,
of the Clinton Mtrlrl Scho,�ut a sal• riage to Ali"s M»hrl %'Rnder•burK. almo whru, incnpnr•itafel by till mHrwitieH lit pee. gab's ....... ................. ..
ary lit SIM p"r aouuur.
Of Pilot Around. of Age, he re.ignrd in fotvor of hid soll. t s ({IHSH TOWelting, ('rush '1'oN•(•Ilinj(, ItygiADic'1'oWelling, .. ...
Gilbert liot,Al•, who recently sir• l tst week Frank ♦Ilru. of Hullrtt, G. J. Mr. tiAthutlxnd wad Also our of Ille.te•11ed+urs l nldrxcheel'1'rrry'rowelling.
Awed of lots harness Il isineea" at Fit. had x onrrow esca r•, 'I,hr the founder, Of Ca,.,oel church 1,1141 i COUNTERPANES
ater, has urchaael the businrnd lit I ved in 'pit until hill death "Illy dincharge d the
pp in which he wad working awed in and duties of elder. A uran of remark-; tingle very "period lint -8 in ('duuterpAnew•tha: we were fortunate
Albert McBrirn, Hensall. earth-
was buried mevel•al'tsui dere in the able intrlli rnrt•, gterlin in Neeuring al. old prices.
JONeph Haliklrk, of Hlyth, and his rxrth. Forturntel)' wuremr. wad li integrity Ise -
near abld hr was sown rescued. and genial Jirgr„itlun, he WAN Ir-
eister, Marr Hells liabkirk, eC HI! lived by x large eirelt• of nlviuuill_i axiaar ren THE $tow taro. OF SPECIAL INTEREST TO LADIES
Neill, left last week for the 'West, The 11rarrage of F. W. Ansley, of tancre. A widow and (tile daughter (Shord'"as better that has won maty
where they will reside In future, Syracuse, N. Y., formerly of \t`inKgt- surviyr. Prison, f All our rert)aininQ Spring Coats, either long or short, are being
haw, u, Alirw Mar McKellar. dalgl,- --- -- at least twig+ a week with carbolic cleared out at cost and under. Come early.
The de»lis Of Mn. John Mrla•Iln»D, tear of Mros. .\. McKellar, of Poplar How's This 7 soap and tepid water. This will
of Winnipeg, ferbllrNy of \\'inghsni,
occurred at her home in the Western It ti OnL, hw,k plate x[ the lwridt.ttce tyeoKer un" hundnvt dulsars nvwanl for our I alaanse Une skill grid do stay with TELEPHONE ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION
city recently. I{es, husband bride's of the bride'.mother onR'ejnrxdx\'.'a.eorrlWrNiulat'wmwtIraruralbyeaus!all dandruff and oUrer •curt In PHONE 56
the Nlth ins•, c urarrn cure. gnx)mlug use a quoad suit brush and I 'PHONE 56
1:x -councillor fur Johnston, of Or«y, n n r 1 t i Is, a eLue.ul(ylu,'J,' a piece lit thicJr fiaunel or chamois t f `�
On 4 t, all lisp 11th ins(., l'htrphi tt'e the uleJ mL i.i ) Ir;„e .nnwal F. r. 'skin. arta the sklu will iwowr,e soft M/LLQ R S SCOTCH / STORE
has purrh7La"t1 the east pat( of tut I:r, nenrY for wr Ible 1.;
on the lith concessions of ({rev. (rum (ixuurtt, x11 Aged nits rrH Aytwl resi-11
sr,u'., and hruu re Aim ,
dent of Hlnev,de. departed life at IerterlJy Iw,:'rroleia1 ..4 ylior;� �i"yA ori�iK " if this
ala, treatment. � he currycomb MM. Aloe II, (t( Hr'u"selx, (lir [lit• +u,ll pq1xx and anaurixll
=Ural, hili home in that village. Him widow, nun. uuulr b)' I,i.flnu. very g
WAI-Mm'i K7rsA%a:>IAat),, 'Y• a•' it is likely to scratch and irri-
Hix ea1H and tw•ti dauKbtrr's• Alr"- ii'holrrllN lir
David. of IrstONrl. and Mrs. (:rerl(e HaO. ('ulauo" ( err e- �ts.t.. ;,°..trdi,:n P. tate the skin. A skillful user of the
Weight, lit Turnlres,1' acting dinyuy ul",n the blued .n.I un(cuu.l cloth does his rubbing ire a quick man-
y. Milrt'iyr' .urfa"Orthemyxtrul. 'P1wUawnfrle-tel ray ner, ee then it in much more effective. I 01,♦-•-.
Thr gold m(dxl dnnnteI by .1. IL• 1'N1e�'01ut �"rd,uh•. -uW by audruHgi-,-. Constant use of a Rood flannel cloth
Caurpllrll, of Pinkerton, to list. Candi• Takr Hnu' "nilly 1'lll-fnfcuAALip.,tio,'. is the only pure and sate way of P" I '
dale• g the - highest
0xlai g Ilion est curing a soft and shining coat of hair. C. J. HARPER '
txwinK 1,h'• highest nlnl k in \VrPt STAY IN ONTARIO. in
Ill lore in"I'cetorale w,ts won by Gladys putting on the final touch nothing ' _
l, 11
of the [.Iraknuw public is more effective than the adze of the AI•(1, Bl•alld p�n+I,uudnu Free Pres-, bare hand in rubbing. A good coat of lB Gln! 1 nt,w h(kd, wilt) obtbnel A 1ptllofWitt ' hair and a soft, mellow touch cannotFULL SUIM[MER SERVICE nlarkr, "My +ulvicu to tint+uio farnirrm is 1,u'�eeoales in n week. It will take at ' I'he uutnufaehrrerP lit Lhe•He gi+tinlr hay's.�Qapl•6RIOR D(VIStoti. - steamer. Ieaw , arty in their own 1'rovinct•• I (- imint•fae a S.i0,1of►home ,1,t Torea ee.rnut 'o 1, "1 )1,.,,,,1,,wedne.,l.v .I'd A yowl nrjitrimooinl event wits sol• Thi" is "Hid by Mr. Andrew Elliuu.'least two or three months of faithful .lune( I"I which i" itself x guarantee n,
fn,Llin &hitili Ste ilwr,e, I'..n Anhur, Rat en,nixrd »L fhr 1+•irturv• •Ramer, on of 0411, w'hn lts 'smile -d ,ever the .work. to theynulhiell(t itself Hrandutpeeit.
wdhethis- Ikd"InsxWe111`11t the I'd in"i.. whru Rev. ITrimmintMottrh to D„I,,,h Y, Krewt \\'r.'sI ablds•meu all that i, tob,. R the Feet. -You must' inss]pDR4Alt/ATiMAGIORAtpfVrte,••,1►, W. (;chins unitwl in u,Arri,tge He'll• not frr(u ",r ear window•' bol very careful about the feet n1, your PLUMBING
stn Inve t'„IlindWsl , 'o 1. ,n u. ,•n s,,,.1 Afars �Flurrnre Jrekrll, ynungentfrom an ,iutomubde. ill whishhr show animals. Overgrruwn hoo(g aHEATING
.T1rnr.,L•..,,,t r,,,.,r. dxughlrr of Jalued ,ltwkell, of Extrrit•ac -rwyl the hu•grHt estitel, (Venn end great eyesore and soarer or later are lig
then Tum"I.o : •"I Sawnb, .( „„es,, g" and .lack C. Hence, Rrrblierl)' of Hauge to end. likely to throw ItiP' uumals off in ELECTRIC WIRING
tnr.•uNn t•, R>w lour ryu,n,t■v their hocks alis hi►id lege. They i REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS
aro •nom„dating Ire 'n l.a•rager., g'-•. to "teed, Fng. 'M I•. Elliott found nn Ruch fnc(twt isle
condition. 4N ore Ptekrblte"1 ill the should be frequently dressed, kept at Lowest Prices. .
�pRtft P-1 h pry.--P..r fan's &,and. Uvng On 1l Mnday. the' 8th pits MM. "Ural di,tt•irts lit Onlaorio. 'II is .' clean and in Youll shape.
loss". Pren,h R,vrr and Kra.rnev. (canoe's (:eur•gr MrK:t►•, who ((t1• Liter {art (oily ' l"Ailr The dol- 100 per cent. Uurat„I,ty. -
leave. li,Rinsw, 11 to to r whrnt, wheat and 'little elme. F:vru r fouls may 1,"e tillr't for U1is ' , '
Pr;,la,m 1,•m.. sl.,nelava sits Yrnrt hall INwIt rwHprcLed twkidrnt of the (rtim tart wheat-rAi,erd uw• in Da. ; work: A heavy wooden mallet• ai-
1 in(ii C. .I- HARPER
fwRRT >�ooxp • Grey, drg•nrtwl till" fife x1, het• hnuie kota they buy from elsewhrrr, and and a half chisel, a blacksmithpar-
NCR[TARO pfV:-xtetmey (tn the l:,lh rone•sHi('n Of that town, rattle ,uw few and flip lwtwe•u. Of, mg; ,knitg, a ramp arid a file. By the •_ - -�-��
L.. .'and chit,• , ac P n,., l..r fan
ship "iter a few day"' illness r•mOltill
Tk►-I- -M i.hr�.li.. it- .II r.ilwty $at.• frxlr,l A Paralytic stroke. Hrr• hum- '•mixed GtrniinK." wlri(•li'hI s iK•rn the •careful USP of the same the feet may
A•'s'r •e•"• lured. HcrAtmsand Hr" daughters are salvation of old Ontario. +told it guar- be kept in good condition. '
left to mown an dfive , K xiltw' ttgainkt rt year'" failure, tile' elipPinR•-The Appearance of the i
lands r (tn the 11'rly whwu heed arid neck of tto, h animals which ' � �
An inlrresting liymenral event w:aN land- know praetieally nothing. .ars, not nupfx,nel to have long Curly
cel'. tell ill sit. Gty,1-ge Cnthelrnq, Nhru the grain crop i. bout full. hair may Often is,• very much improv. �n
• • g • Kingston. (t11 \\'whlrwhty. the IIHlo eve•r•ythiug Gills Hhorl. el by the judiciou., it sP of the clip-
inst., when Francis V. si"n,well, .tri Herr in Wr,terll Ontario Ihr Ciu'm lis And Hhears. Thi: should alwayo
w • of the lolls- henry `htuiwrll. of Exeter, "1" ralio11m Are N„ divid,sl that n Ilo,grO. ; DP done a fee' seeks before Use show,
watt ""it'll in the hill (I" lit ww11a-k t, lessfAilurt• is il"Ik,N,iltlt•. \vill h cat tle. so that in came an even job is not, - FURNACE
%lisp Nellie. datilter of \\'. A. and I"'K"• graloltry. dairying, fruitg.r wit,g matte in remirvinR lisp hair grpwth
• Met. >ihvud, of Kingston. Mr. and and the uniriutt (tf the rnar"rr prtin., enough will have taken Place to pre -
to Trains Airs. �grinnvell will reside in KinK,tun, nod roosts for C1, eyliryf, threw i" till- vent it from berry apparent tit, the 1i Is (tied with the improved Record
on \\-wtut.m(IAv, the lith inst.. Hitt— round security. If unr strop Gills public. The tail should always he (
s,0 riot Smith. relict of list. has Jahn "lourt ,mother sonke- nip fur it. Clipped ton indicate refinement. ('parse I t Triangular Grate -the most perfect fur-
I'mmg. of Wilbert. qutiesell AWAY x1, a No only druwlrx, k in ,Ill l►nLu io i+ .hair ores any of the other parts may Harr• grate on the market Of the four
MUSKOKArhe re•xidencr her Alin, lel n 1'eull Ihr w•ar-ily of hdN,r, het that is not toe removed on the game way -
i g' lr"'ulixr I.t, thin 1'n,vinre, IL i. a W. J. Kennedyq• Iowa State College, tnaugular Qrale bars, each bar is operated
of tirn(orth. nl the advngh Age of the i1rve.%as ilitelr out wt ,1. when in Farmero' Advocate. righty two vest's", 1'11u11K11 Sbr haul by the use of a handle applied to either
remidell in 54eaforth (lir-nilly it eAr, tar hnrvuA whit. .4 abld few Ill.(. the
LAKES Y h:undg to g,tthrr it. "°"• •-°• of the two centre bars. To remove this
she isnot u,a11y friend" in fhr Inwn by Hw,r Ihr roll last )•esu• frsnn Weighing the Live Stock.
N'h-o slit• wA- highly •"termed. Can• as, t \urthw•rmt. Aire +Ire taken, I It is a oommou thing nowadays to _ ( handle after shaking is impossible until
Leet week Elule•r. the young ipm oq front the East ill e,xeurNiun trains. and fled platform scales on the faun. A the grate. bar has been returned to its
Over Direct Line to Bala w. G. 1►uhrrty of lit ntm, met with :-Iololoyel nt a pr•eliun, fur the few few yearn ago orrly Uwse men who fed ^-
x very painful oterment while at x pie. 'lay" lir' w -,-its (of r•vgsing solid Ihlw"Il•I stock extennively or bought a great 11 1 e original position, flat and in
air at Ilmy"eld. AN be was attempt- ing. It IN will.*(• in the Stpilthwrst, de(tl of grain had them. On many a place, without any of the cogs
Equi went P ' farm now the Peale is not used as
Handsome Day Coaches inK tie enter x nwyinK eonvr)•nno.e., where h:uvest Imnd-4 ate Almlr years 11, i sticking up. The result is that
one Mf hi" leg" M•ean,e entangled lie. ?lilt to Its' hoot for 'toy's., or nuniry,,. much as it should be. It make- no
Parlor Cars, Sleeping Cars twe•en'the mirrkem, binding him flint. "Tenderfoo tis" fisnn ihr nortt, +1,r.,, difference whether you are feeding beef the bars are always eat under
and Diners When hi" leg WA,, extriealel with '"""r worn Ont Ilylhe heat :Ind hmlyl or hogs, you ought to use your form -
much diftlrult _ it wits ((thrid that. the g- Inn hot,". lbl thei, Peale. Have it arranged the bre end that It is impossible
y work Burin g ECd Po that it is for lumps of coal to drop through
Day and Night\Flyers free IrK N'rN frxetrusrl in two phtcea. Nurthwrst. the rliuratP is rvervthirig Hoe difficult
to run the mock over it. I
On Ttrreday, tilt- 10th inst., Ihr th"t in sultthl"' but when the work is Then weigh up the individuals requ- and be wasted. The Record
I leame,r of H'uknka Ns' igarion (n, ronn..•r "n dune (here is nothing bet, to return larly, so that you can find out the ef-
IMIw for all
lot• 'I n e
Pl on wt' IAke•. K t Irxtl g11nist 1, I to his r,•- e•a"t ns, slay ,and try fortune's wile•l feet of your feeding. It Triangular Grate can be eo-
Nvn'd one irf Ihr nu,mt rsw reset a(r your hogs are
opthe foMer+, trate time-, low momn,er 1 1 � lir- on the virgin land. getting a good teed of grain and milk tirely removed from without
rslr ane err rrsidrntii n( Ttuulwrry, in Ihr Per• And even when Ihr rrup i" gnral, and make gliRht going, the scales will without lying on stomach or
rest soot r..A., Will of .IxmrN Nicholson, who drpxrlt.'1 And prier" high, all i+ not Nrrs•nr, (lir tell 1 that. If the Young stock
tu•n.'rrt.a ■t,usa.rieb, this life ill the age of "eventv•fiv g bothering with a light, IOe
.•.ate('. a. roxrr■. Ir A..C1".R..•nnoar yrxr-. h'i(t"en yeti" ego Ihr drreu+wl the railways are mo far inadequate to are not increasing as they should,
carry rhe grain to nlArket. ,md there the scale will do another bit of de- Write for Catalogue.
had n Paralytic xlrlike, Mme which he im low's in moorage chargem more Ill- Ids" tective work. The importance of all �ts� �p� �+d�
never recovered. His w'idow'. two exorbitmnI, :t" the rievittorm Are totally ! these things can hardly be estimated.FOvreDRYE MACHINE �Atll
likoll and six d,tt,ghtrrs ,1,n• Irft 1,r „r (r W. o1,• under fair lir rulhlema ru:ul- It is fully 1,p coutinur, 1,0 feed 30 cent foundries et MONCTON, n.B. L MONTREAL- PQ
s mourn hi -4 drmiw•.
i I aKennrnt, corn to hug){ or cattle when it is not
Doesn't Suit Ripley. Thr end 'If all Notch considerations in, giving you the bePt returns in growth,
stay in Ontario. n, if o- flip in i vis nt1. t ix entirely Possible Drat Irse corn R F I N D E R
's, O Ripley Exprems : The improved mail fairly , On tario.j 1,t Ihr ditto i s Are
I ltd differently would do better. Think
service lm giving very gsinr mittinfarlten If then. is Ie"m surplus hulk to earry it about this, says Kimball's Dairy s t , Selling Agent, Goderieh
nn thin Il1Anch of list. G. T. K. The strindm to he
all the more vAl11aldr, Parmer, and gee if there is not a
Summer Tourist Toronto pnperm hitvr Iseen Arriving and the nearness to market is,» prime [Teat deal of truth in it.
'one! Ixtr tad very oft n wt' do not -
Resorts rrcritr the Gurdon maid till :i o'chrrk. faster in "acre"", ,,,, well ne in Sgxely
'rhe eunnertiun's im Ihr L., H. and H. Anel romtortnblr drnlinK-4. Building Up a Mutton Flock.
xpdrtvtr t? les he cause of the dela The nine 'who is dosing well ill On. From luoq observation and experi-
Muskoka Lakes, Temslandsagarm, 1'• tnrio is wisely adyiwyl to silty w'he•r ence I am saLisfied that the process
Lake of Bays, Kawutha Islands, It is now nP u the, G. T. K. to dee he is well (Pit And '•hoe it out." If we call radio is a gate business in
Georgian Ba], Thousand Islands, that the branch linea An• given x deet• Altered by ttle'm of Padden Hud grading The r 1,l_ 611,1 a ,rnerr,■z inatind
Algonquin Park, ter mail service. great the hands of ,tiny man, even the most t•i..t. ,h. r,,,,,, rot
Quebec, Port we All h. he might reflect thrtt nnh_• the• inexperieucrd, and ig always attended m^r•el. f.,r her
land and Old Orckard Me White An Aged Pair of Lovers. liteky Onepnre hevud houi, end• Any• with Nuc(ece y,un$.
Mountains. Way,'•nuniey is nor everything. ill By Irrndinv T mean the one of well Th. .i.. nom.n
A very inleteSting mmtriuuxrial thim world.
All reached by the Grand Trunk et. d'1'menv was Performed in Parkhill bred rams upon common ewes and lead. h., 1.1ins-o■
Rsilway. the "Tourist Route of on Alondey, the 8th inst., when Henry Saving the best female pr pny for as -
America, " IlAgermai. AKeI ninety yexrit, (or it CATARRH CAN BE CURED. txblishinff of future flocks uld breed- Parnell's
Direct connection with all boat K;nrnition n rrrident of rhnt town. --- 1 ing Unese to a ram of the Pame breed, Pure Homemodslines. was wedded lu Airs. Huuurhr, aged Kill the Germs by' Brcathin H o mei and thus continue building ups flock Broad
Tourist tickets on sale dailyto "''vent)• -tout• prni-P. Rev. S. .1. Allin Gins Y that for many purposes b as good alit
Quick Relief• a pure bred flock. A man with n flock It b„ ild. elect,, .h•rp.n. integ-t, lay,
W resorts. nfltriatrd, Al r. and JIisI. HAgrruutn
ere lath lisle still hearty and have 'Nally gK'oplewhnhav"Suffere(l with of native ewes who wishes to produce (Quad•"". for ,{scree. matho.d.
harKe families extending into three extlrrin for years n,utu•,tlly think muGnn can select a good ram of any P. T. DEAN
For tickets and full Information eau or, nod four generations. they cannot Ir• rurerl, nits !r•rouir dim- of the mutton breeds,. Rl,rugal11irre,
r'ollraged• flou Uidowns, Hampshires lir Oxforls, yOUR POPULAR e1ROCER. AM %T
F. F. LAWRENCE, "Rory" McLeod Is Dead. The reason they 11:n•P Gtilel of cure and by uaatir pure bred 'sealers for
Town Allred' Roderick Mrl.wrl, n r•sideia of is I's-o'n"Pe they have tint. tre:ued the four or five gerterationa arid saving the
Qffice hottm-r.l+n.nl. t„up.m Kincardine from his youth, wits dimestAr with fhr hrxl renr(dy. Hv- bent female Prugeny'carr losrild up a
J. STRAITON, drowned while bathing in flip river 4t (""lei, which i" Brea ked throng!, A flock that for mutton purponeili is as
the remr of him ern r•rfy last Thurrlrt O1'"t 1""'ket inhxtel• so Ilint its healing ROM am this pure. bred an and
IMlerr Ticket ARmrt, l F Y •nieli(sttoml nip r•e them the "nos, r•_ will make just as goon mulLm.-fir. _-
J. 11. MrIMnn1A. 111-Irlrl Pw+., n ''i'rniny_ F'rnm fhr runditiorw Of fhr
rent. holy when found it is Nnp sneel that nlnh' nir•eell", kills all c,ltnrrh germs F- B• Mainfurd. Missouri Agriaolttral
Toronto. h,• h,ul n eat e . g itne klmi after stn. And 1w-e.t hl f hr nd lois 1mll:% hone Of �negr. GRAY BUGGIES
trr•ing the water. Hr ivji-4 upararl- of lis`' °"-4e, throat( and lOngP luta hemhhy
fifly 1,•e"rm of Age, nblbl,nrriel, and condition. Oats as Green Food.
-_ lived with his sister. He %VAN n favor- Catarrh is r•r.tlly a Incoll distorter, still Oala ran be mads, to pro ride an
its, with jilt and mush regret in ex- to cure it, it count qtr treated by ,t abundance of toad `b�+yJ tieing grown
easetl at fhr and occurrence. tenudy which rwtche- every Pilot, in and cut while the 1x"Rlg are in .he
fhr now -and it;mat Wher• the disease milky stage, says Western Lite. The Z`IIE manufacturers of Gray Buggies call
"THF, Datil of Safotth Citizen. gormn lodge. Hy -o -'seri 114""(111-4 and straw is then in palatable econdition,
Atter nn illness of mo-ver•ml months, gives relief insist file flMt day :m lose, containing portions of Ute nutrition give, pointer{ to all comers Irl thq
fT�t_ SUPERIOR .!ninesNhortiv-1,"n esteemed citizen A romplete f(y-o-nisi ou((gt o•nPtP which have brrn arrested pn their
Of Sen�rorth, joined the mitred •irfn- ant Sl.(M► Ana .ins. %V"'nn given it way to fill out the heads. When cut building of an easy-runnitlgr, handsome and
EXPRESS•• jjprily' on WeMeAday, the 17th inmt. KoAr,nree• with every pnr•knge to re• in this green eonditiot the mtraw and llllt'alfle rig,. It is worth while 1,0 see some
lhce•a-4ed, who was horn in Hniton fund the monev unleits it ruses, headso are F.urwl like hay, call lee bun -
DAILY RRTtyF:RN countvnixty•aix {'PAM ago, Pun;hsPr(I - dled and then stacked on the ground of their liltestlllodels,'and
it,)NO the 1011 -acre fain on the Ath • Professional, for winter usis. The proper
PORT ARTHUR ro fitted nn it Morris ugrrn which he One morning when Itufu-4 ('hnnte P �' way if y011 want 1,0 bey A
(Ped onto cured in thiN manner is to
remised nnl.il LiRvP years Agopwhen be wxm still in Fnglanl ilia r•Irrk Pn*a them thrmph A fr"Idu't ebruur,
Itirel front native life And removed informrd him that a gent.lrmnn nits they v ill be enten rendily by Illlgh7 1'0 Caflhot (10
WINNIPEG to •olonforth. His wife• formerly had rt►litsi,aidrvatnted him In miller- horses, ratty, and phrep• -__- bftt(`1 1It 11 blly a Gray.
AND Mis1I CArolinr Brodie, of Morris, » sort take, a caw•. "Ah I and did vs,❑ o.,,q_
and nn "dePGd d"lighter survive, deet,
trgnlar rwtabning fess?" •el Black Rot In Tomatoes. l Call supply you With
CONNECTING WiTH Fatality In Kincardine Township. Only e"llr''tel twenty•fl%e gninerim, Black rot iA often very troubipaome
Northern Navigation Co. Steamers Pfr. ' The regnlxr far wits Ilfty in our Party tnrrnekrs. A GmrxiaA ally Blyl(`, I t
[ inhn Miller•, x farmed- living on the gninem",• And Air. ('holds paid ; "Hut nA a loin party i
Canadian Pacific Steamers someSmitlint, KinrsardinP townnhiP, thrtt w"m unPmfennionni ; rye", very bmnRlrt gpgy" itnnhel in t
Canadian Pacific Trams
some thre lir 1rn1r mile•n front Kin- ngprofendonxl!" "Hut. air,'pnid the meet of hiss, nrot strop wits upmarket AGENT FOR
cxrdinr, wAm Aeridentwlly killed Thur•a- clerk• cls logeticAlly, and anxious In aMe pit areieunt Of hlark rot arritm.
LEAVES PORT ARTHUR, q.xo p. m, day, eceninK. While h(• wow unlnAd- ditorleratP himself from Lisp char
•e( Re have. not vet learnold how to non_ McCormick implements 1
ARRIVES WINNIPEG - - _l.00 p.no , ing Some hay in hin learn by me»nn of Kot ell Kr isnot." ' Ah f" waist Mr, gnrr this dimrnar. Possiblywe mA • Melotfe $eparafO s
n hAy fork the trip mPr hmkr, throw- Choate• with a different expreflmion check it nomewhaf. by f wl( P ) McCormick Binder Twine
(%(inn's -tion fnt• princliril pnints in ing him IKtckwn a, him head Strikin "that was n•ofr+eagnnal i P^tT Perrin Plows
ManitoMi and the \Vatic. the ground. The pkull waN fractureda 1 Y1,"• gnitP Ing with anrrlPAil' mixtures, bet Onr Brantford Windmill~ Fleury i
l»efaselnflnl.--Aryfotlwut. main rv,iiwsre mnat M framed in al- y Plow, 1
sed dentis rAanitad in A PhOrt time. - to" fr,eP eimrlation rot air arr>Ryld
rer fait information" apply to tickel azentx Mr. MillPr wan an old resident, a The hatter Norue le, fire I& the pkant ,
or wets quirt, unnSanminR_tnan, and very nrrrtr violent the rrxe on. " l ai . nR- its, RO��a
It'- W,fYaMa, M'r. Plrr-troe,•xo.Ill. HNAw, highly rPwpertord. He WAN aholtt Nix- If mrsynne is nnxion" to know h"w pin -A ay aA 4s, fieikl np Wilson,
A.G.RA., Gni, t •.e -m Art., l r.la sfar . 1,y yearn of age and Irxver a widow to make a ■ merwign. he is r
winners. Terwre. witaip.g, and two children. advised to visit tilt mint. *falroettully ri trios, i 'ir'nt� HAMILTON ST.
Oao`�"� '� GODFRICH
Pic-nic Parties,
Campers and
will find everything
ill Choice
Lunch Goods,
Fruits, etc.,
for the Summer
season, all that can
be desired, at
Phone 91
Furniture and Cndertakinor wareroom■,
West elde Square,
'PHONKS: StoreAt Goderich
lfou.e, rx
Nythl e+d l-: At re-Wnee, rnr. CamhNa
lA and Nel,w,n Street. -..
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orden carfully ■tt.no.d I. at all
born, ulalrt .r day
'PHONE 150R24 24
s, \ end Y.Me .treer.[ ano j
THE11F:.•i't' At flock ��8quare
L•rAll I nold weighed on the market Neighs,,,
where- yon get Y,,oal Ili.. for a ton.
' (r„bl(r 14 -ft at l', t• . LMR -8 Hardware store
c.wt-lit S,Illare, Prmmlitly attended W.
Livery, hack
'Bus Stables
Canadian Northwest
Homestead Regulations.
Any, even numM;mt •"s'rlon M flominlon
land- in Manllnhn. Samkwtehewan end AlbemA,
rxtw "I nit A end Ys,. not rm*rv(.d, m. b„ It 0,
to. ed by any lw. ren she I. the mol* to of w
farxily, or any mete over la yewm of xa,� to the
e ritrnt of ono-rinarter Aeetlon of Int w e". mow
tor to-.
Entryy meet M• made pea,*rnally as, the low%,
I nface for the dlxt Nrt In whirl, the land I"
The hnme-tendnr 1. rrwnlrwd to perform rhe
-nditlnn+ r,nnotrtAd therewith under one of
he fallowing plan.:
111 At Meat "ix month.' ""Nidentre utam and
salivation of I.he land lir each year for three
(Y) if the father dor mother, If IhP father ixde-
''g&-Al of the Mmes -teaser reeldee upon a f■rnt
n the vicinity of the .Inns-nrereed lso the iri
inlremenl- we 1,p rP-Idon("• may he aatl.fleri
hY itch IKrn•„n reAld r4o, with the father or
43I If the -"tier hall Ill fe,rmyrent rm-1denM
,tMn fwrndnt Ivens ewnes s1 Alm Ip Phot whin
1,y of hl. AomP.rews, file rr•rlulremmits at. to
m•IdP(irP may Ire rwMxAM A7 rexMenrs neon
he - ld In Ps.
'Six Month- notice in wMUng .hit"M he `oanl
,he t'nmml,wlener of Dotillnien Hid- at
p,Wwa of intention to Apply toss. pnrPxt-
De d1, %. w', f'oR\'.
f this,
N.H. t'apMhosNetxl pnbik•.tnlo. ofgthl• N
erti.ement will cot be paid far