The Signal, 1907-7-25, Page 2I l u t }I : y`F tt ll�Mt 1 . 2 TnultsDAT, July .A, 1407 f ' r ubmidwsiowd 13016HICH, IINTAHIU, PUBLINHKI) KVKH1' TH1!RHDA ■X VNNAFTKR t K01111 HTWI\ .%,. Telepheye Val1aV Is, J'I TorA10 of Ii a6.a•tlem : It� `LW ler anmuno In as vane•. , PIX !bels! h., Moe,; I haw• Irwin hs, 'L's-, To Visited Wale. ,onh,s-riber-. $1..'A, a yrs 6•IrIr1Iy In bel t K.Pe. Nube•rlbers who fell to nrPlve TNR yilo4 A regularly by retail will .4lnfer a favor by ,., elu,ia .n( the (,let al "'earl) 4 date n�1, Paul IhPn a ehalllpa ,d Address, I. d-Ire•d. both 1 11 Md arid I he new adams. +herald M• given. t I adyertleft Rat": R )~.%I Allot ,9 her .another wlvertIs•nu'nl,. 1• wr liar for Rr,l iuwrt list And 1.• ter Ion.• f . a•lel. .0-Ine t lessers inn. Mr:! -n n,l Iw Pon roll scale. 1 arrive Ih1le to An iw•h. Bo,law. peril. of .iz lisle and under. t% I - rear. Adverk.enlenl. of l.nrt, Fou11A, Islenvrl, e•;l llatiorw vaes'll, Nintati"". \yell•. I. Isom.•- fa Wile or in Hrnt. Farce. for N.11e lir to If' l Article. for Mule. Mr„ not exiNsslin,t Acral lines, W e.rh ❑.serf Ion : al for nal mons h. Ya for owch AubAeQuent lualth. IAtryfer ad,erliw raeata in proportton. Announoeunntr In mdlnary n'wllvistype tP eentA per Ione. Ng not141 hese than YL•. Any •sw„•lal nntire. the obia•t r.f who. -h i. til pecuselary belneat of Any IndivialAal or a.sorl at1AN1, W bm ronAideewA an adxertimemont ben to he AllaraAlf menordllurly. Ratnm for ds.plwy wiiA ealltrarl ,Idoenl,e ImeutA will be Riven MI •PDltswiun. Address, all mmm4nlnitlml. to VAVArrKR R 140FI :ItTWIN, . TNR 111•Ral. M..erleh. lint GODERICH. THURSDAY. Jt'1,Y xl, 1146,. Il ', ' �. n d THE SIGNAL: C011FRICHe ONTARIO ­­ ----- -- (till- hMAin"aa, hat we ainderallaai it - - - - - - fhvn oche• .s.ornfllfl• broomhood,ILide _ __ THE POWER COMPANY BYLAW. .. __ _ - I��e WON thio l►nlnrin-(iuvernment that rebels it w':/mldf.41411yaI.a1N'hatonr. ,- 1nr as.:, had lbe malteh fu laud. juggling with School Book Prices. Tanht- IbAllol' of 7'he Kp(wd. , s " . - - --- - - "f nMfurd 1�',u• n,. 111[AN MIN, Awa rulrlutyrr 1 !bink 11 Future The liall Helmllier Ingest. y,11111I( ls'4.IIP Ill 11411'11 Ilo NN 1111. fillt n11ililya),.. 111111 /'.1.,111 1111' 1 Ir',1 1.111 111 pl'1/'ea It IV lila IIIIMI lll,N 11111 plmilea Mlt 11.11 r\'rl' •, t, to fa 41 .of w•11.N,I I0N11Y1'"' "1'114 T1:111-11141 Milli IIP brInight 14.1111'1• (IIP IMA'11, fol (iP Itself , ql 4 Nwin1 nut .AfPly lllrar F.\'1.1'1' also)- pye hear ill waUN rxlwl't sol, Is.nof r. 111'. 11" lithe 0.411. Ilp 1(o any pl'ivrlle• rue mal•Ntull fill. pp e p&`';.. •'+. •- I t' ,. sr" 1', 1s swiauuer, Inking rralnlPl allot going .alfa 1111111i.11f114 (11., whivis 1114 file thirty yeare, inial to I IP militloated i' _I,, - t d(own toe drmafh.- Hami11loI/ Mlit-Imlol'. l1 it (.",Israel : ^I lel.• i. 1.•1 elllpl'oy.•nl"lll ill Isoe Hives- 1'uN1•r ('o. fn ilaitirnlar. Ar. c riling I Ills• llyltav (lie towel al. - ihP Insecure really mewl as aPi tale ..sty Mar,• I...Isit ' fl..•.I$lie 11:1Iter. It'll Ill .•uIf_ '.little, 1111 iiNk, ,float she Power i Ing lot of old c4)llfira, were way 11, swilu is to go /h1oilKh Ihr I lit. t a, in.l Ion a .11m.4 tittle riwhrew•tl 1'a,tlnluilly nt4d out risk otw rent loo. jF r 111/111lo11, Ill ll 11111, lienal ll,. "T11r 1wvv wm l.•1, „Ileal 1111•\' Vial.'.."ll, roll' Ill 11111.1\ \'1•:11'., wllrll '�"r +� 9 i>t`�l' - +loo• l•, 11, I1, 111•.I 1-am...I loo,,.,1-1y I.• -1d fit,- Itsond, IN-- filter data', the tow11 will r�:.tu,. s; n; aro.- .'A,,,'::' tr`W.. '-�. I If the UIWes rollliclf IN g,.ing Ira loll . at the IIPW Ill'ivets.' Tlll, or ....... I ,.If Ihr InildiNllre„as'' II.IL'.• Isaias Ill, vvi".II• Best -1( (•I lust l'lIC' lima, ,Int) wilil'nit .."slellg thein n No man Is sure that bil,ilil•IIN 1111 tilt- Irinci de 410,10-11111g, 1 d I., go,l rfsl ,.r f11ei1 .h., k -11' .,I.1 Iwa.b.1. &.11ar til,• osI 1iu.1nd ►li„•I• r,IwNr ('am- r ronta'n1-IN toy troldel'. wit'% .b.o,ll It al 1-.Irg;11n 111'1.•••, I .1' :, -1...1'I I.•1 I.NI, ,Rall,' N'Ill -1,yla the 1.1.1141, ,t levelly the days to come will y still) lot like Il ll,klllg InamitioNN ? AN l Ile If- t„ IN. lllad,• Ill. N-111.11 I if.. 111•w K,NNI M•IIPI.1.• rob 1 h.• I'111111Nally.:11111 111 � IN-- of lite em-nkliers renarked, the retailer+ ars i„ued.• Anal I Ili. w,lndrr rats• of Mm .l.•I I.IIt also. 1-1tvu will b:,t'1• as comfortable or 1-1N•n i, nml'r n., t-bligalimi Ile life 1' fns ,1111L -.1d 141.111.;,. .,:,. helaldel l.,' I b.•,hel4u rr..cf aha \1'lul urea Uovrrn to. INIV III,- IK11Ids its „'.•ft, !lot lhr uuist xuul �.in t11inR is fur as prosperous as the a H:aslk of Mond. -al. Why shrlul.1 Ihr lsu•nt ,Is w.ul.•IhislK uuirvelli a.l\' allyalnr• to fix beer 1.1 '14o .c low (or present. Take ad- o. lows n/0- pIIPi4•r its worry WIIP14e It KI'••:Il.The ,1'-telll11.1.,I4w11l11'.11'li:.•d (1111'11'y'efil4+tll1\Ilyp11Ul}.Nitf,nllhakill %%ill i-eeivv Ow hlghrst rats- or fol- role- y-Na1', hind %,art ill the lear'aill Ile, 11,•x1 fi,1...r 11•,1 %4..j1, nia)• I ........... Vantage of present r 1r1Y•Nt? r-1u11ler .1urNs. a lack limid.•r mull 1.1.-K,ctld 1(o (h, - \\'hill **1 prosperity, and by - Landlord and Tenant. --rale left*-. do, we Irwin.% 1 It i+ repmn•(wl Ion{L Wlltl•ItrN IIUIlfP In P.m . -I 111 Ilse 11:11 1, ret rlllg 1•++ !lull! 'I saving -in lite assur- . Ihr 1'uit.41 States :.fir I.•ioK is11al in I Fron, \tail And ItnII)IM" IAWAI I'.rtunu,.) N. 11.. 1.1,11'.1. (I.e. A normal hi, 11:411 so, hal lie 1slailland Iliv1•r Power C.1ulp.ilg• all- wing Ip cb.,Vge ll,,. ante -a part of your till -lit flritnin f141r11 thl'ly-two W NiXty 11141..• 1-1 It. insist Ilse llh n1' AIe1'll (•11' two, e,ion111P, 111.• ill low'll. Preshic,•I• g is IN lilt fa Ilp� earnings, transform !bel- Celli. r•IlealN•1' than ill the I'llitest e pao)'ll.g Iellf Ad- Net all III•,.% ons ill is-,• to., 1'-141 4.1 , ?:orae, tion.e- of thew• watches lave ,;,,We. I►l. lilt- .klf lir \I.Y A wiliHeil I Rowel•. Valk at what lf„• the I% s. the vagueness t�le IN4.11 I"Ill-ba,bill 111 (:14411 firitalll, re- it 11. qui! ,I,n•I wive up lst..,•s.ion ,as live. Plitt 411 tilt two) 1111 1111 11 4• N1,I- s11w1 host ,1,w duing nl IrN,.•nl LnIJ 1 N 1,• gt1•N 11y III raw what 1 .•y :a''. alesit1tI of future Into the NliP11w1 UI tile 1'nitel?H,tlr. and Wall.] ,rilh.t:ulding Ili'. uolirr IS pl:tluel(when Ihr-1tving offtMRn• 111111.11-eil 'ef car- 11ele at A I,.WPa' Its i.... 111,111 the alkal• y.•gl•I:II,1N a1u ,in 1w wrii.e. I., give. ,Ip , „ III,, tinem ,,,all fees, Z.;k 11 ,•1Kine9 it, taint of content - y fag -till -el" w,.1411.e11 IIn-In ill their n0-'„ I"-s1•.41„n. %%""If I"..'.•.•.l11}tn .:al ► If :? 1liand, she tv1.l'll. coasting twildt sl. .If threat- Ment and comfort. rol)nhy, Ai,lot 11.4• illo,ta•ntisen of tilt• I.Ik,• :Il lill.t ,\n.-. No witire• %via Iwplied to put .at .h.11Ar", all small in 111r last live' lir Nix ye"I", allot pet tiliK ill pro- bles,111-NI') of !.I.,.I -I im). ,ter P1141 (,r Ilse 1"11:411.. y. Itv the agro-e. lflwer gal$ hl.ntPi Ill fiU•ir IIA(,... \\'I• Our new Reserve ' - SII hL rll.•Itl 1-,•1 N'P.•1, I Is, 1.:11'1,1' N, III, I0.11.1111•y Nx P11A t1 ,.11 the life lir f,111P. Ifk17. it ,If... 111 1:11x,• welly• IPets,41 111,1 tilt six D awl d Dividend Policies two lrl e'.•.1I',11r'h ,1 I.I,y1•I .11 r,.l'IRlra. end --------- -'--------- end -,rhes Mae k Twaid, divtmii un (h THE HOSPITAL. American strawlm•rrc, which hr PA ---- i, lernnlitlg nWtelese. .Mark Twai It was not expected, of Camille, that Ions INwn rating .tr.IN'Iu•1'rie% Pi 1.11 the Alexandra hcspital would Ile self- Ulna, first "Mark" f4 x1110.• allot ..1 supporting, find an appeal fit teing enloffgh to have first altowei her lite Nn male to the town council to make till diwn'iulinaliom (of Ihr yrn.thful pieta( the portion of the deficit not either- Th'. only ditferenee w•'. nI ... so far i wine provided for. As staled h)' that the srr.lwls•14•y sea.on A'.*•ul. to Judge Holt, president of the h,ulpital he shorter than it was years ago. board, at the meeting (of the town cmincil last week, there in n conaide•1'- Han. K Iwoml Blake lint remignet #thin margin between the charges for Ili" .*-at in the [is iti,h House (of ('one armor of lite welds Plead the rost u( nwn- and it is sapptsed he will n' msintainhlg them, find there i4 no learn to C-moda 111 41wnd Ili.• rem#tin• surplus of pmflt even fnon the high- de -r or his days. .Ir. Wake hall given est -pried wards ; we (hill sen tire- tiftern ye iN of lfrvute) wart 1•o. 1(o Ihr whole there will to a eonsidemlelr r,uaw• (If hr4lnd and f. now in hi, early deficit. Since the opening of seventy-frlmrlit yeil•a nd i, broken it the h(9lpitid efforts have I. -mi made to hoallh. His Canadian Pialmirem wit secure A fund which wineld serve its x be Rind t11 lave- [file onee snore ,lesions I substantial Jami. for Ihr etwo-ving of thein x4 it citizon of hi, native turd. this deficit, and thml)gh priville bill'. - - - wriptionrs this teles been ismartial1v Pic• Weare- told shalt pnhlir nwnPl',hill complished. The siltltltint Asked of i, demirnetive of enterprise and the the town. '.MMI it' vrar, would till till progr"Ave faculty. Thi A Ntttc hent the gap, and world. We' sndrr.fnnll, a, ffrot cv.nfh•ineil in the recent ;let,, a- do away' with Am• nerd floe- other calls "'"It. of the .late railway of 13aysrin, upon the public in Life way u( bay-tals (m which Ihr greatest speed ever st- and WIN And other i onev-raising fin- txinel in El)mpr Iry x ateam-rh ivell lerpriiws in behalf of the h l.pital, train wa, peached on several to It wollld not le sent of the• Irony In A sp•el of see. IIIil.•s :ill hour won mask that tilt, township lffmivilNtlf l i.., maintained felt- a considerable periied. from whom palienls seer reetiveff :If 'That is prelly nearly fast rnnugh for the huspitnl should cont.! ihtife l.,waliv1s n private ownership mall, isn't it. ? r:nve uflh,- iff,lfrma-1u Abe - --- wemains u a h 1 we umleeland that such ,t sit•pi is 1•oli- Thele is talk ,if at chAng,- fn the trruplalel Ly the bowed ; 1-111 till it Ihr line of holding ff11nliril.,1 r114•It.N,m, hospital hes Mwn fn oper:aliun fill' Early Nr.venll4•r ha, IP•Pff ,IIgK••41w1 Temp time, land the IN•nrHl, whirl it it, it ill'or• llitnhl'. tittle•. Islas ohji/vliuu given to the people sef the district sur is taken one Ihr gamed that this is A rounding (lbode'ieh, .* well out let the reeky Ne..11n, in the midst 'if Ihr fall town itself, flue clearly p•reeivel, not bade. Iluw would Ill" end (of .tan - m tch I. til lo• rxl"4•ted (clean file'low'n• ual'v do? 'Thur is g,iier,aiv n shirk shits, and she lows will have- to hear "Well Aff"r she I,brisUna. ta4u11•, in the. great pars sef the hurd4-s. In M. Which trills• freight IN, found to distill'.. worthy A rfitim*• Ihr Inwaslwople. we I.kie affairs anal take• up '%INafe•.," hrlirvl•, will Is• Khul Io du Ihr' lea " title -1lgert ion In Ina present arrange. they (-nn. That she. l"PlI114.1.9 of the 'will is That it filings Ihr municipal hnmpileel loomed, wblegive•their owrvi,•r, ''"Ili'oign along with ,he Christulas Mry,1r111 1' N 11 fl 11.•:1 ' , Int r\'rl'\'INN . }- I\ 1 :11 o r ben (of lel t 't is a •'n freely t the rL h il l t r, Y K warned will privale final Gflnil• affair. the Ilnnn1-i,11 nlTnirn.d too• iaailntion, should he enobarauwrat fn w• -tiring Ihr 11011 the- business loo Ihr nlnlivipality necPxr:iry fund. to meet rnmufffK fix- 'a''''.iyrs 'a' -fill otlenlion front very penalties. f0- NeanrlhinK • Ilint I he IN" 1111P 11.ty' - - _ - _ of Ololcrirh will hardly like- I,. eon. The Calgary Daily News 111. MI template. :told till- work whirls Ihr (iillicmddy's pals•r) h,as some un,-a.11l- hcspilal is doing aP1w,el, let all its a plietwnlary Things to bey al( Ike- Post. 'ease• that shoe dd Is• nngimiginKly oflio.r Iie•pnrtiurnt, e�spx4•ially in l.-giud suplmlt•lel. 1-1 ins larntlffrnl ,.f newaloapelm. It Tile (lawn emincil fn slaking a gruel sa\y : will of cnm•sr. repute let Ie as.11red •''The ta.1111-1e at Iphtw:l f, Ih'fl of the n4uuer in which the rin.lw•t' a, Ill. -re Is Ion tl(oarb r.•.I 1.11W fee rnnn.." to Ie exleendel, bond fn thisconne'tf.• Ilan N•flh Ile• Ih•Partnlert. and Ihr uuu•haal'. will n.•,'.•r run Im.1re'rly rental it may he .Intel Thal Ill.- hospital las A lilinisle•r will IA• appninlyd w•ho IIIc, leen very fortnotatir in %ectiring its Ile• ilulinlnr nii,l se11s,-I, user tl Inter ntwff (or mural, at n much tower ,•x. 01 Nhrlil, to cul I 1 red Ings• in,lcad .11 w,vafiliK lime in Ila,• c.air rn,1.•.I yr than Pistilli have been a m•f• e. pwnse hal 111 lin n xp t 1, Io lnulu the ketols that h:nv horn tied elnsideliuK tile- Mervin•. that they ren• all ot.•I til.. wort is-.•.' der. 4ince lite ho.pilet[ has be"'n The• uiKnnl hns luul ,om,• al'.Aliffg, will, spelled it lifts proved itw•If to he will- the- Imwfnfil.•,• a,lfil'.616.4, :least it ha, thy (of all the effort that was put forth ,,,, fit(.:, tluvf ,s11n1 is "14'(1,11 in tier In r.lAbli9hing it, Read Illy r•ounvil will I►t•parintl lit at Iltl,nv:i is nn injection be fn line with ptiblir M•ntimetit fn elf rnnilelt.n east... making an gemPl4nls se gl-alif as the 4w,fy, condition of Ihr Innniripnl thuuue. I will allow. �C"., Daphne. _. -___-_ _.- Oath' i nunlr:, -n-.0h far Roph.r aur,• °l: ,:; ilf (Aile.1 ao.rr•Ihal Icouhlland:'• EDITORIAL NOTES. 411,.11 I xafhrwa Illir-ruin. and "1111'•. _ __ . Too I..AI fib f he arrow I hev were. In filled 1 a it herlsl violet. f ,r her eve-, The TnI(mU/ News puhliwhlM n t4 - And fru' pd,• i. ,,.;1,e fire Iter grave.f port to the effect that sir more mem. I eathl•nd re..•, ...,l .bed wh0e. e1 Aion of the Pmtvincial Iw•gislatttre will To,o.;ncl. Ihr I.....nfo of liar frP.,. loss held find the new House will be Thrn Ii..oxhl troy ,orbital was ro4gd,.t.•. Plecteill in the fall off IIe1H, And lw--tux fair till lossau.r roue, - - Aha 4rw'the,l n.1. Rower. nlwut 114-1 Lee. It %frely ennnot Ihr• teat thele is Andlo? shepnln..,a.11in.h,n.e, Yet It'll fur vrry team y'. make, My connection between (he frets that Thry might .r L,im,f All the while, Niagara Falls G a much fl•elurnttd lint never ore tins hammed on earth resort for newly married couples atrial A flower:., ..-I n. IsapaendA.ndle, that it in also) x favorite split fair seat. M. Nrhill. ciders. -- - . - _ _ The st,stes,ent made by a e iuncillirr FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. tit he Inst meeting o t li ( the Gown rnnn- , tor. Money in Sheep, , a l:' -ell, to the effort Iholt Ihr wfiter p14•n• sure in frepuestly shut off in the night, , HamOeon Tamen. should not w Hoof ilei. The uMio 1 alit \1409P, I'mlm/rne, Heron p1eN It P elallty, dews' llut t-,-gArl shMll n. a will expect to hear something more ten poor Inyeatlnept. He mold to an Kxe• the subject, ter firm the other ditty III,) fiesec.4 (of - wtxll fell. >s:MM1. .sheep -miming bass levels Has the bete color foto the town to nomewhnt hrgler1e41 here, xnd the irnpNose ulnie stringent Nodding regu• (11-11ty) of the Aus•k Irl.+ not. Alwnyn nations? This is A question that will be'e'n lhr Meat; hence smlrtimPs prierm axils come 1,P for ae►inuN rnnsfderw• °( wrxal firn IAN. Brit mprIng Insist) Prices Ahmrst pfirft1v?A• the hosmPke•p. Lion. if building operations continse es-, and inatlnn is never lube. And toinerpase as they have peen doing there is mann fur is gala carliet in- to recent years. dilstry in l'alPi/la to which the cheap, . comerser w(m)la will M• n began. AetMnsmern report thAt A Mn11et ars Ma Blake's Reurenumt. ' ", approaching the earth at a stir (of A Trwouto mt.r. million mires a day. It it bring car•• It Wendel Is, iuteremlfnpr GI know fully waGatod at the Dorninirxn nil• whether the rejer•tion ,if Mr. Bfrtell'm sweratorystottawa, and If it comes 11omP Hope n/e4lmMlw sty the Dublin toonear the Government will order convention hold suylhiug GI do with Mr. B1Ake's remignntima. It was a thedaportati(a OMCIAd• totakre#letjoin. well-csntrIVPd )jeer of leg, .4111 ns xnd would hrLvp g�t•Pn Irv -land as much 'iiia Oetn'fo Oppl►sition full Man- home rude Pim mile was fitted for, hay. dared 04TO F in its treatment M the Ing hePn s, Ionic sent of praeti1-P. It IN WoolyafR ease Brantford,- ways not Mt. n1Akr'm wAy toe clnmr,r fill. the *hot- loaf, and drop the anlwlantiwl 'Iti• 1IIaf1 and Hmpdrs, Wall. there half. It may happen that Ireland will atlxtdaty leas been sumo Muedlls'inll is yot WLP lw flume w Tory (Itivernment a, hold no right toexpert. that lit- would tariff. Ilo.r,• Is rile. +u. err •nal frill! a have six definite ad- Iw aHoweel t . I -Ill 61.1 in p.-,..,,i...a till. lull. -r I.v Vaill \\•in,+or. , f file 11/oPle.11 Y. til the vegrta{lle eropmatured. it 11:1, ,.:1,•, tied It. Il„ r ,;all .•fuse Ihr vantages. Every one as x right to t:ak,• pr-1r"dtflgs Muller the A•n"rivaii 4Lleet !railway . see..' 111011 K of them is worth i1 MR I -le knowing about. Write �. ;N: `071 I 1; for our booklet -"An N „ ., Endowment at Lite Rater' III AL ..- ....... I � ' i . , . rel" I :�41I" :';J e I 'If , e i ::I Welcome�.:11 l ; Home f fl , #Ci . (;I. • • • lay se atk.e f r Sir Wilf �d �jg i'c I:� .r as '� was ,+s l,.,te p}4: vn'.� .I i,f` `y' -ifs r. (i, ere !o.1 ri r .I,:lsI ti fir Zi. - f ?.;:dS 3 y+rs�f. t - t. d.„,:.A, I;_ . , k .: + '+e, ,�,:.,i. i P a . ;� lir warn I.ntiriPr, chief citizen sef xnd ill, ide411 rrp14•.rtllxt.irr of / :uvula CAnaula, ltrealel al Q110 -far I u Thier•,- A11rlo; sugge•sled that. As I �.rd Jay last Ills his 11offe"-cmi:inK After Lailrier xnd High Couuuis,tioner end taking It lewhng jerl, fn the Imperial Canadian plN11il..lenti•il'y 1'. Ihr vonfereowe fn ,,lot Iwnldnn. A snag- pow's•i. lie- \eeould r-1und out n .ingl)- tiifleelt reception w'.,0- IPnd.-rel hill) NOY .uro.r„fill wld alistingtii,hes lib•. al IIff.•Iwe" itself (on the following days At OIt4wa, howrvrr, -,if- Wilfrid, At 1lontre l And OttAwn hr Was while- serkimnIedgiog I 1 rolnplinlrnt, 1• • rea e' 11 a • 11 r etwl with t IL 1 dem n 41-1:4r.41 r shat .earl was los 's K 1 11 a u this nwhi- mfrat eon., itself r•Npllnded will lion, Sol Imig, lie- ,nid, as it plr14sr11 sIw evllew expr•+sing hi, illy its IN -111K Oull to give- him heall h, and we loll Iw 11"Ine• again xnd his incre:\se l pride. in the 0"'I'dinu Iwloph' IelxNwal their Canada After visiting list- Eumpw:ut confidence ill hilu, he wished to re. nlain ras Il wait. lir desired no title-. culmtrie.. A \Innlreal Con.,•rvnlfve and hr wi-heil tel Iwnlltin aritizen of putp•r, hailirsg him As x natilsal Ilgure ICannoha. (1VPeleolding •Trwults Art. Where it AN a rrmult ,or sty experience with lenam`y is lost. se definite 1wri.41, it ex- I pra4lnrer KAN` I nw nl.a.lulrly pir.•vIli till•, -fill els- Ihas pwrf..], with- convin►•rd tlf L�u• rrlonowy ami relixbil- .1111 list}• notice Is•ing give -it either hyo it ser :a gas I ngine psewer station. Ihr Insall -1r,1 ter tenant. 'liar furl oons,imptilln will Ile xisntt. line -half as roti! lxtwd Willi a "team "Tote Unwritten Law "'P ,; plant, rtinuisg I".•r than I.:i to 1.75 111. T.h"o.l News'.' fter-m•dfng to the load factor send Ill - In an IagliAh•sp4•akillg rnnln(oIll,ly. u1.Nt regardless lot the siz,t ,if the it wllnl.l s.•rns ,tlnlo.t x N'A.I,. of Pf- Pirelli, an Against :1 Io, 4 Ih. in similar fort to. fie wlilmiol gretpw shot sat ••thp steam plants." 11nwril leen law." 1'1.1 the re't•nt re- I was informed the (other dmv by a r.1wllititni ell ,t \ irgiuin churl .,I Ihr priminrut boniness Falls') (rush 4aska- principle of private• revenge IIA' tax", that their flown hasp peslscer st irr•d 1 hr Astoria i,ait new.pull N•r. to 1 Kam phases, making electric pmwrr, will, iodign:ur, Prot'.,t, 'I•hr I'il".Ilrg • wtyx they are well satisfied with tier d'-pmtrh in ;t ,'igoro11. nalich-shows rrsldt, They IIILVP IL letter service - that 1/ V I hat :ill rxf r'.ne iujnry o.anuol j,Islify I nay lisp fi fl•(u:Llnn of the- enol :1n individmd or a last ill jut[giffg :ilial forulerly used. 1 feel convinced we Wter"ItinK nn -11Tenaler. "This d.K•• carotid instill A prxlucer goes piston tains-,! it ser, ....f %%hi, h ,,, 1111101 tins herr, to run our light and Witter leen h •:oat lal'.ly, a, n.-fllo•1 Ii%di:a- NY1lIPttl, Al(o supply sower to fnrtories, lion nor l'111a-tiaflit v. 11 I. ,in.pl, :a Int It I I -h Ie". Class twirl the- Jl,itland re•:1.•lalon f+1w,141At11t• allei- anlf Nnrinl River Power (!,a. would like- lie tie the vli dans -11 -,1%ag.•t t." Tho.re i, nu till lo. In fact, a reliable firm will in- do11tt nb-1nl it. TIP- man 1t h,. I.e.- 4le111 fall- tow pr.slucer gas plant, with- yNtlges his town N1-111gs is 11-1tl,tlg ,lilt PCIALinp the flown fine dollar, as- re wore than a .,Iv;.K,•, n reser r.f the the r ad. lit Thr unmtdian Enginetir, !norm dal Lae.. ,If Ile.. MOM.. Ag, -A. And if not perfectly satinfltelory agter There have sweep ,a.P. evan fn Vmuldx to remove it at lh*•ir own cost and if where- officers of the sew hav, been salisfActory ogres- to take their pay I•oullwllyd Ilo prolert prison'.t4' against. from the saving tilt- towra will make in til:• nnw*•r for A nr111. It is sol 1 -relit- their cabal hill. In face of the persistent 1{hle to (fair civilixalitom endicsti"'K would it not be foolish, even rriulinal, to if,- the town tip with Teaching Patriotism. tNw"� Nnt•h a hylaty for thirty yPars, when Hamilton Tifne even tilt tent-44ruippel P.;Wer plant of Gm11Ly will likely ho -comp Obs4)lPte Ile. �Ilan. 1►r. l'y're'• w"'i's a 11""'11r.t1 for+ the next ten pears? ti.•s lof Imm,kA that will in1-ul.-atce Not beat would anyone think of r, nlet- ;Intriofinm fn the minden lof the pupils. chant who heal leu ht all Ilia he TorontAe Star miIRgrate that ••t.he K glm00 writhmeties might Imye that two and for the next thirty years. Pit present two in Canno11a ,are epIr{1 to Ave tiny- !'rices and styles, and coned 'not Pitt, in where Plow, and life Enrlide artmid mhot� st,K•k anyt hing new for thirty years t(o theft nlunst rally two ptr111r1111nr., c'Irne? \Ve would rertwinly think on being Pxtendel in this hlPmse i hills a lunatic. country, are likely to develop fnlo it The promoters (if the Mxitlwnd rnilwfiy.•' The tlloffhle with solar Hever Power Co. try to make its think People is that they spe-rm to have hilt what A great inducement their pn/po. a very indeflniW ideaof what-pArriot. miti(on would be. to get fwctories to it). film" lateness. They Pirelli to think it. fa cable here, ajnlply "drawing a herring slntething to Ile taught like algelirti arenas the scent." 1, for one, (nil In lir drilled into the lOapil like tier Ver. I we the inducement. A Iprrat mAny ratan moetnl auxiliary lir the French factories mart still ase mtraan - WNLp- paat participle, instePid 111 swing tier makers, canners, dyers, diwtilleripr, lfpVntiloll of t'Ir 41PvP1Al"d sum lel el'-- while sawmills, furniture sena the gravest (of hi. 1-loantr)•. There nee NIN w,NNlenwm[r manufacturers Is n v P to no fear for IhP Iatriotimn lir Ihr• evnste filet enough rtM11it to) snake all nation if we torn out (of the home. the pxbwer they m hair•. All other And so boards of the.. c(onntry triple and works that should wnnt electric pewee women of glo•ml moral., kern fu- will rertainl• go where it is cheapest, telleets mind Wf h minds stoeed Willi and there 'nil- many P1acePl where it , knowleslgr oml I seined to nroppr ties- ran Ino Ra/for IrePi than half the Mail- ' cipline. It is tie le fe art d that. the land River Power Ilse, purr~, to greatest dang(•1• to he spprehendrd f. rharom the town. Orillin in selling the Inrk loo Ihlet disrtpliw• in t11e power olt jos n h. p. for24-hDnr owe. homes. Thr 91-11-11-1 ran 111-11, I he tiler. Vi"P. Ottawa City fm feeing PitPPplied al crept and example of the temochern is SIli w h. P. for 2i-hror srrvlce, and worth mach -taut nothing can snake there are. others, Now, would any ip entirely for parental neglect M the factory come herr ILgd pay i:lu per h. pmof+er training of the children. p.? Brit slmr.orf the promotes inti), The home In the national unit, ray, Uh ! wreN1 we will ave it to tllp fwctori" IoCAting here Fire the swine prices other placer ArP giving it for. According to Peter, Nosh was the f sl, what elan the towni, Well. gresttest financier on rrsxltd. He sue- the t7n Would he Axid for thirtp Deeded in A(astlmR w comPaey when vmrw wt JXlll w h. p., lleeidelt the Malt- I the wbole tv4o'Id was In ligalidwti4m. land River Power on. using the pr•.A- 0 1.4014VID01V hI�7`� Insurance Company London. Canada. W. H. ROBINSON. General Agent. Iport plans a9 111111.11 NA they p11 ape. It is rrrtllinly i, K.N41 light jlX. ltd tie irt ' Yr:u's lhr town would le pN.yinK $L15k- Ie01hun•P than the sLi'angur w'ilhmil our g:flrN would Ibe playing for like ..LIIIP A,Ihalllt (if plower. Is flat .glare ta-,-alulrnt 10WAtdel Ihr to 1N'll, land Itreat exlert the town to gllarmite• I heir lends? Whnl shrill wP,;,It fl? die riwi an'ilols again.t the Own, at i ( •lo K KI t ( m Ihr t( ben to the- Pelwrr 1 nffpitl,c, or la Lime .Ied ('(osl the 1. wet? titin w:►Itrt• what w•r think it f,, fl w•ou111 adlf •n the I.N.I. 111:111 4 join- d:lorl I 1 . .• 11 1 I the Ia11r .1\Pt'. N'� \ rII 111 v 1 eon idea Illi• h)tlw, xnd hlonr.11y \•ill,• fur 1o. (Nest finalr"," f I hr tuvv it. ' less Ir.. 411 v, ---- `FAIIt PLAY. [lee\'I". -I'If N AMILrt. Naleslllan is fine - W114 ell,L finfain 14.11 14, a ulAn who nut wrfor. -- FAL TERM OPENS EPT. 3rd IT PAYS O ATTEND THE �� j�e - T080 OXT. 1-M. 1',1\..1. .,Nil A VXA-4IIA'. ATRRRT.1. The w•hml that lank FIR►1 T In thormlgh ne«. p{mopulAMty' mold R nine neerit. Our wl ten/tal.e i. ��rawn•r, n n• ,t notaries wero plw•ed "I IKN,itlon• arNl better .alArM.+ Ihwn In nay prey lou. y1 Write rainy for haal,onlr ratalalfue. W. J. ELLIOTT, rincipyal. r.r-y-- -�-•,r- .r -y--1,, � Fall Ter OPENS SEPT. 2 Thi. management during til past yews- trained over Two Hundredynsng ladies and gentle. filen, R I. o al en- grapherm. Mm.kkeelers and Wle- grnphere, land place therm in excellent miWations in teluling- Cent►olean and American cities. Individual instruction. Write fol• ratalogi #" + ,, g.! It \,', , CLINTON '"`t BUSINESS COLLEGE GKO. 4P0TTON, Principal. --,-- __ J I a � -�t�") Telegraph Operators ' are wnntaI tally by mor Coansiliwn 14411Nmy ('arilpw neem. They air, forv.ed In mA certlw, fbee them today. It'Ith Sim trill« new red hnlMlnRst the do- newel will be still keener. W it tat. Ret e+ady? The work i. clean and nil* and the Aslnr re I. Wa prepare yen 'nlrkly Aml at tl Ile .. Wrm e. for Pen pNrtla111wn,. ('EXTRA 1. TmI.RnRAPN t4 m(mn. Gerrard Fest. Torenta W. H. SHAW, Pres. ann�� ��*,WA��A Fall Term E Opens Sept. 3rd E CEN1RAt a aTRATlollpa oNT.1 0 1 Th1A .cMmlt whloh IN an Old meta je 1 .I.N.h., ala, stannA to the foref o thelprwteat. ('nmmpretal am wha a .rhnnlln the Wawa. Gnr temnln 1 experlem•eA In.tmMnr4t nears" twift,, aria prarlkwl. Re &saw "ratesiOf�r padUa,w Write far erAtmELLIOTT A McLACHL`rrinn(1 •.,.:.,.... ...-.-. s,w,•-sew„-..a:,.y..:rau.N.>. :,:.errs ,r=tacr.-,:,,;,,,.a.,=,3, ,,', .,.y u::lt'.�'t1Y:. - - . W e ACHESON CA SON Midsummer Bargains in Waists TH °i a We have marked Anishitlg prion on a great number of Ladle•' hilth• CIAse 1.awn, Hmbruhdery and Muslin Watts. Beautiful styles, 1'anging Runt 81 W u', each to clear rapidly, • now, at frons $2.w 75cto... ..... Linen Saie %tu'u" "P tL""�';,err-1r'!Ittpi ,'ti%i',v'va.rn"i1Y f°t,tvrt Linru Deportment we nisairse u .sale about tl. oo Yetr 8 Irish Dxulaek, ]'tire nen, Bleached Tot off trr� at ! off valuM e, in. to 72 in wide. Ftrpnlial• 76c Du IL a 'tato, fol mmask At 760. 9 •I.•L'I flee ............... 5C Sale o/ Carpets =W�ii,ilm�,.,ls alu-,te,..-?i;-,ol> r.r,_.r:, Oursrlliaw of lavpe to during thio prat two weeks has been veru eff"rtivv steel large. \\'r will continue our wLeriAax prices all July "dwe invite heg11•clion. Knitlish'1'Plperatry Carpet, flair, 75c find Kic qualities, extra heavy pile and in nrnt Moral find acriAl designs. Reo: ,green and wood shades. Nuitalde for many iann.' hall or stair, bale price, per yard 55C Ladies' Summer Goats and Ralncoat� I - A ve'v large send hasdmenne stock we ares showing in tilroe"Itarter find in full length styles. Pill thin fietson's Cravenettes and proof�gk Tweed olle•ts, $5 to ig rebates" at fronh 11'1.1:0 to ............. .. X77 11W0.1" § I• SP CTIUN INVITED. , " ;4. W. ACHE O S N & SON ; 1, --------- - t.4r+.. NEW IDEA PATTERNS r• WA. McKIM11/NEW IDEA AGAZINE e loc. n• WHITE WAIST SALE Ahout 1.2 dozen to clear. Not old stock, , I 1 most received this week. ;�y THREE SPECIAL PRICES, 39c, 68c and 97c. 3 dimen \\'[lite lawn, i Ae•yr, .t dozen lot, luyme with clusters open I'mrit, 3 news insertion on lwx down front. i of Ane tucks, n n front, �,I, Ileal (on (-ole others wide net of apses-' tl' liar lint[ sen calfs. SiVA•a to to. Clearing 39C broidery Insert on down front, ,lit s. fi wide tuckse open front, ��pp�� I:C d dcalze 1 amwlrlsd Waists ypl•y �al Npecisl Not; ............... 68c flnr lawn, some m.tdr with Ane r tucked frontA u( fine lawn, with large aasc/rtntent of better panel ,If shadow embroidery waists, prices up to S4.01. to it. insertions down front, others of lelPired at special prices. Very rfine. ennes 1 aroblin a" triol 1,h Ksrswne fine muslins, nNinrwks apllt I "Iltimlinot-ralamnser glen fasmt. others olevii !Irick, million. ete., with I xnd long PIPPIP". (i,m)11 NII kinds of trimmings; wndo,ysll valurset MLI i to $1.41 for 97C ' new styles.- All at npgcial prices. Wash Collars Wash Collars " -'"- " Ill dozen Ane emIN" lidered I , Fine embiruidetwi and w elear- mualin collars, with ttih,, Special IOC i Ing lot of old c4)llfira, were at ... ........... lilt to .N.ic. All at .. .. SC •I' . ..K to"15e fine linenembroidered enol rot drm41 eollasim. turn down,starch• Fine milk Iwws, hrlok nn, gINNI vfilue At We. (her peace, Pit All new. at ......... 19C I,wo fair ................. Z xl , 5 Millinery Special Clearing Prices11 I Whether a shape, flowers or trimmings, 5' ora I s' trimmed Hat, not more than half-price at 1' M' cKIM S BUSY STORE t . ' ' 111111111 tr����a1�tiNl�. �' l] ," w -- The Triumph of the Time I 1­,'.'-,� ICANADIAN NATIONAL�y' .- EXHIBITION 1907 TORONTO -• 1907 A(1ldust 26th to september 9th Our Country's ..s., Canadian Prader o-, Our Couwy*s Resources Ilustrated ''' bdw&in $400.000 In New buildtads $400.000 In Premiums $48.000 In Premiums $40.000 In special Attractions $40.000 Imdw&W Activity National ed F6st• " Al That's Best is Ex emp * Portrait C•/ectim Arkin t re turd is Art FINEST OF THE WORLD'S BANDS XAGNIFICFrn, BATTLE SPll CTACI.l: UNRIVALI.ED FNTERTAINMENT FRATURF.s 11 Siete low be nand on" ani emus" rew w wry balls of nerd F« db all wwmea ellism r t . K. GEORGE. I. O. CPA I, nddl.4ww fr. ""' r r+i r I Cor ma T0rAwro 1- �.I'I �kss Imm -1 j;,,; Clea ingmupTime IN TWO -PIE SUITS AND STRAW HATS Pr.' YOU CAN SAVE a lot of money now in Sum - r Suits and Straw Hats. Th time has come to clear INA all o r summer goods and we intend offering genuine naps to run them off quickly. Come in, see our oods and get our prices. They will both please u. �, .� :-_ 1 ' i 1 WALTER C. POI iAM a i t» The Right Platy to buy Yen's C ethic g aim -.5 & ,