HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-7-25, Page 1ENVELOPES More than 100,000 have arrived and are now on order. They are going fast these days. We print them at THE SiGNAL SIXTIETH YEAR -No. 31:3 1O �7 ' ti. fizvw � NEW SUBSCRIBERS may have The Signal for the remainder of 1807 for 35 cents. GODERICH, ON PARIO. CANADA: JULY v1:►, 190'7 VANATTICit t RGHjCRTSG,,g• pValj�g alikess Financial �–.r•�r---- s. mor% _- � r�~ ___ _ __-_-_- TPOINT FARM UNri D�1�1�r11 rSMMI M _ RESORT Open fort Ite ....\.m. of )4117. F:,lmlpt.•d l huro, r d fur 1 savings account. lei 1 4t' ) ourf t.' , , Itle ) K ivly s rt titn,1,)g are ner ofill- No letter PIA to+prod tilehcrnxl tern. fled In the Bank, and In tio inctrrhbly short time the owner of t,{ to enJor an aaul,g. the account finds that his money an increnseal in almost ill ice v fashion, repaying him Many timer over for the ental) ' ri a• Picnic, Drivingand it,temir Partir. will P find TRx 1•o+sT FAAa the moll tions" hr um have undergone in older to provide fur the prover- pleamant plea to i s.lI. hiA1 "rainy day, •, J' )LIrT jolt )1tY FOUR lour cent. interest raid on de F, I ro,...,. r withdrawn at any time. 1 !)orifi and money ash Ire `�� ��� ����^ J THE STANDARD LOAN COMPANYLost or Found d LOST. -A FAN( 1' BACK OOMi Goderich Office, Corner North Street and Square. aft Ta rday hJuly Ilk h.fimler plea- Ismavui SIGNAL, I1FFICE. W. L. 110RTON, MANAGER.—. ---4.----- . — – - -- - - . - SAUAi Taossnt -- __ -((AOOD OFNFRAL S K K V A N' - -- ----- -_- l� wwued. Apply to MRS. It. It SMITH. wt�IIteld GODERICH MARKETS. WANTED.-APi'HFNTICF GIRL to'caro dr••mu,eekiug, at mime. AVVI h`jR WILL PAY CASH FOR AL1. TRL•wlDAT. July•Cdh. to MISS t'Ul'SINS,,cion of Yurth.�tmet au your elA P :bring 11 H the FOAL Fall wheat. leer hu,h, raw...... ym +e1 Lo I n gU Ilyuaed, I1 -1I end save mlddlemfin•- Il I. KIm)EHS MAN. Vyr. P when, per bush, )law.... v sm to u a) 1'FAl Tl'ItINU ('11)11 ANI'. Fr 1 St race. (.i U yr per barb U LS to U b — HudCwhrat, per basis . U Li lis U 45 To XAnt —.. - Pealas. per bush.. tow .......: . UNI lis se rl----..:-__ -. - - `--- — - .' r. _- Pea-. Per bush - --_-. -_'--_ Yell !!:state IO? tlwte. s 76 w o 17 HOUSE TO R R N T. -A M F. V F r Harley, per bush . U 41 to a 1.5 A -- __ -- Screening- per fou.. . le 43(Ili Na 1/ lel r°1°eCil,two-vwy lwi,:k ►ouv un �'inuru atrea DBfi1RABLF 1'KOPFRTI' F O f{ hour, foully, ler cwt ........ 2 s) to All rwJern curvenwene.; lyrh, elKtric light, t, (un,an 1 sale. _111011se end lut we tees, it iv'Id'- .trite Flour. patent, percept ....... . •J 01 to 1 11, m , Very J,.irable h -hay Fur IrruvuLr, v 1 t n`ar the square. . nnwber 'r fru16 tro/w uh Hrau. per tun ......... 51.11 W; A. CltisNULN, UuOI P.(i. Shorts. Ir w to Ir Ur w the lot. Huuw f. w frene, Iasi-, with a rpm., per ton •. ............ 111/ 1, to we Iib , Apply to JOHN HURLEV. c ypesm at. I.t Hwy. new, per ton ............... 11 m In lY tar II�UHNISHFD HOUSE TO KENT. W,pd. percord ....... ... .... .... 1 41 t- 11 W Thr uotdrr.idnoal ,,Iter. h.r ee„diem ,e Co Haler. per Ib...... m la to U li L.nw "reel La .eat, N,....h.d, Guar M,.t. ,4e, r I SALE. - A. M HANDeiOMF rherse, sa•r In ::::.:: s l to a Is nest. lb"i'. „es r.„1,r rah au der naaern i.. P tr llemNe set �. A. Mad 'ww, W, M'iMenf kdrum, frail• per doe ...... (1 Il to 111•i W,,1. lb ,i'. ea. hoki,,.tit, AyiyplIy n., .bumf, U(deMch. (Irou,dm xllltAlll ix lots Pooalom,, okl .. U .,Al to o dl lid Mati, Stx1.ACi1l.AX, I.,.leri,;h, with large brick hour .tad ,II upmtern twin- 1'olrl,awnow ............... .. 1 yl to 1 et' - __ _ cenlrmrs,, For rrnlrular. otddream S. A. Mc- 1CoxttIe,u;�In*YLeajood.p@rewt. J m to 4 rye \OK HKNT.- - 1 IVR--'-- OD GA w', are of We.nern Canada, Flour Mills (•o., Tattle, export, per vert.......... r 51, to Sill in, Turollto. _.___ _ __ _ a"Yt• Hoor, live weight, per owt.... a el to Mal , _,t d i° •s start. - {ori"g L,ntlo" 1 :w to S rb dwell IfurnisMd or not), umr lake front L�OR SALE. - CHERRY H ILL Sharp. Irecwt .................. 4 m to 1 Su mredernronvenlence.: F farm. Thr underdgasel este Mr swk him Ham. per Ib 0 ►m to Ills Me Yum SAI.K.- Two raw dw-ellinga on AnIal excellent farts. Ir,ag los 3 and /, rxancem.lon Hahne. per Re ........... a LS t0 U 9U Ires,l : one dwe)))ll)( on Picteou momet : els ftael 1, l',1ltprne. y contwlnr 131 rcnve uf•g,aml lay IArd, Per db .............. . � � � � � Li l0 4S ta"I'llug lots un El1r n avenue, &wrx mi -1 Lau". uanl reply drein,d. Pr acres ,leered. ;r Talluw, per of .. l'edar street and Pine mt ore[. arra. I—Its tlnnbered will, bard wised. la . 0 W to U a(1, rge HIAr,,, ype• ..•.............. lf 5f1 to •ft') 11'Anrmu. -A few fund -hal hon.w, tar r•oorw be+art n•hwrd. Water. fenem, bullolinga nd Shue Jkin"w, :. ' ... n.rnr the Irks• to repel fur the "mauler ,assn,• u genelw re Ir of the firm are the Lel that the Tris .. ... •••• j1, to s to i lis ar'f 1'IIl'NU t I/OHk 1T&1N mus tie lad. Thr land .1.) Ia for froul \vevd• Turkeys � � •."""" "' •�•���� and In a limb late Of r"Iilvanon. Iti-ene Il hitatrie toarket.-tin page Ri to ce--._— _77t____ hallneile (rom, Senmiller us the twin allay) !'oi gale red to UMerlrh. Anyone w1+Ain lis p1,, 1g _ _. ` ForO-lesr gond Prapplyssors -nml4d mer, a 1,i` fano. arotloe tQ Ciledlt0?/ 1,\iHMT-CLA144 WX)T AND MHIFF For pwarrtt )coin apply on preuti,els to JFa1SK r Afd l)nx•ory Stark for sale lis thee thriclna SNYUEH. SrLtf - _= -- - r - An of Dun NOTihF TU CRRDiTORS.rrannon. Iteefre.hnnent iso luM1 fc L�OR SALE OR r(1 LE'r. - A ---1�911111­tion- A god trade ham rnva)m taro L' kouae on V4tAarla •trot. with all modern w,e but owner ham intenwtr 1, Colselt dl.tricl (onvenlence- • IarsO ha arNd swblS. JuHN Note— I- herThy Bit -On that all prtrnrem having I requiring hieattentlor. one of Ila he.t .tared. LAw'SON, IJoderlrh ')aim- again -i tit wiate at, Ueo. ti'. Thomwn, I In the riilage. Will be anM set w low figun• t,, Into of the town of (1Merich. In the t'ounty of via” ('at atocken bloc. For fun her p,rre iculars 7 - Hmm",wew•hmit.drwmaarl.am uitvdtor sed PPIyto T. W. 1,17T1, F. Ili” tau AOR n Biarti THE H(It.RR AID I it.,• ,ween up tun• �( IuIY t'ert Ned. to James F'. TAsusnn, -- --- - -- - - - - lot on Hlarks [rx,e[ at preareat otrupird e•ecutor,Uoderlch)'.U.,on m1befwetleel.lhday (aAOH SALE. -A(i AMOLINE S7'OVF by the under.lgned. Story woA#alai! lousy, urAugu-s,lA,,wftrrwhlcl\date, the smid exert for 1 and wD rnrtnna nips 1� good condition. to gourd repair (her half acre of ground and will proteid to distribute the said estate anionic Apply ski Sfll NAL nFFh' guyed orchard of applies, peat,,, plum•, rherrem, the ller..oam a•ntitld thereto, hating, rewaM )L _ eta ApPylyy at ptend+es or wtdre.w NItS. onlylntlwrlwlftl wM,•h notice .Rall then ,1�ALKER'S ('AHRIA(iF %WHKS MARY `ANRre,a K, IlMerlch. Ia IL Iw\ a been rr•,.•l.ed, and that the mild exreutnr - will not be IiaWr for the prvoedm of the. coetah UMOH,:h. iris. APWY to J. A. WALKER. i►R$IRABLE PROPERTY FOR 11n dl-IMboled to "ill person of whome chosen 11 MALE. - w'all .treated betwom besotted notice shall not hare- ern received. awd take. %tlh at' -d hound and exllar. For Notice b also hereb) Riven that all o\endue I O%N'-DO%VN 'HI'S. T%VU .SFATFII rrtitself + ap� dy , iaru,iON4 MRS. IN)Fift note"tadamos'ntrowinsto(leu. W. Thotusrp / extendon carriage. two top buggies. one !7. St. Pie .44,r Street. I ITU t Seal nowt rt' settled on or before the Lith day -tisk mnaat murdabnut. phaMon. else -a•ond. ----------- __ of Augn•t. IWO-,. after which date w• n will tee hand feet, bnggY. will ,. r.41 Icmm than , r+t. �j OR 8ALR.-A CORY f(EVE.'U• taken to wllea dy )tote.• and nn.manis Iowmr heaciZ town wt' aawunl of all health. i' loo heow; hard end soft water In •IAMICS Jr. THUMSUN. F:xeratnr. J. A. WAI.h ICH. UWerlcl. kitchen nrr collyttwte haut•mt, Apply to July Irl h, IYr. __ MRH. G1DU. (•OX, Hritwnnla read. _ _ _ _- I HURNFS FOR SAi K LIOR SALE.-- 2n ACRES F:XCFI- LENT land for markM garden, with Ikhr and frmrv: two nidus from (TRoMde rlrb ;five acs, In orchard of rpple", pears. I oma, Cistercian. charbon. Bear and rwmp- Meal Prtcw and tarsals favors. Ir. Apply to YIoUNU t ROHEHTSON, Undersell. HOUSE: FOR SALK. -A NiNE rated frame dwelling. haring w g(io(1 Situation. an Keays Street. Stone foandrtlon and rummer kitchen. Baan -tibia• R'nl he .old !Mn.-1117M. w.anabll For further p tertelar apply to !Mn. Was, McCAVUHAN, Il stars- eye.. Toronto. FARM FOR CSALK.--ON 3rd (`ON- oarlon of Colborne I.owuwhiy, containing 1121 acre`, 1 mile from Sessions. 1 mile front church. J stiwn es from Auburn Posts (Moor, 2b mile.; from CP.R..t.tioa miles from lAn i her"" amt snare. farm work, j6'i to AID. 7 boor: and mares goat for h,rnu work. CAI to IL.S, ..n bor•osee And ,:= IYi lei alto t11T1 ,. :et' horses and rmwre-, Y1 hlam .s find 11141,143a,17.: to Ilia. X eirkerm.lifilitoj•tai. ApVto1 to M. A. PRf(ITT it CtI., ifalerirh, Ont. LUMBER FOR SALE-HRMLO('K, elm and maple lumber for -file terms' stock, or man be cut to order. For further particular. apply to ROBERT XI,LJ(Y". Oaderich. ff NOIIOe• �- NI - TO WATER USERS. -- dmborough, n milers from' Crinton. There are 11 -- on the permlate, two darn., one Inxel wl til WARNING• Stone stables underneath. the other 38x(w In ALGOMA CENTRAL STFAMSIdrP The 111-1 use of water tap. and Lawn .-•r [mod reiewid •Rood stone ho"w with w goal ),INF ♦fora 14 prevalent. JAwn services inn), only h• rrlace, anA da renie kl ,hen. n smash Irl and revel ho mot .Illi to ria D o 1 .ill. An inspector drly m I 1 heA. H don r I{ forcing w w w y fifer t barn III (ig oelm`bnwl 1 of l yy 1 ) dlRr. e nngg n n[ Paris ashst.If 17)Werema i `1 r1nR water. L1 acme fall 8TR, KING EDWARD Iowa. Vlulntun of the mgruwtinwoi I the eat. I -JI ncr'es In flet claws late of cnith�fi- Peo.ecated. tion, 1m fruit creepe beginningto hear, and Hy order of the corntplwiou, small fruit. YJ( acres of Rood buah, ceder. IoANDUSKY,TUL ,I)O-RAULTaTE MARIE. Y• tr• JUH\STUN, hemlock. ba.ewood, elm, rreaple. Pa•aession I) vISiUN . So it may., un begiven at once, terms to cult the pier- chamr. For further information, apppplyr on the - - pmmises at adisclosed; JOHN HA LOW Y. Ud driest, (hit. FARM FUR SALE. -- A CHOICE farm for tease• adapted for mixed farming or um. ae, ) acrclrwrvd, to w•res gad nreh- • IS license good timber. Moil agoal black cls kwm, tool frme ahos r, frame horn and "tAtale. god driving .bed. 1,00m M and ;a, mneeewion 1, (FoderMh township, A,ppl Mn PROUD"It)T. HA YS t HLA Ill tar tis' ('E s . J. WALLIS. Clinton. AMI! FORO" SALE. - Ili STORY HOUSF: on AnRlesiml )ret. It story hoose on Napier Alreet, 11 story hon"r o, Napier atnteo, near catholic church. II story house on F:IRIn revenue, I story hove o, Keays at rect. 1 mhay 1,mue an Victoria stew.). 1 story brick Isola ,w, 1, Saltford, w bargain. brick Voted In Colborne. newt IMnmllier. a Splendid in-omtment for a roan wt small capltAd. Fanta for sale In w1,yy ppaarte, uron county. YfyNU t R(,B.';n � S„N Goderich Ont AN RXCFLLF,N'I' FARM F O R 8AL)L-•lmwcresln "Vest Wawanosh.two miles from Auburn; moll w clay lain, about 1111 .res under cultiv,ttinil ,kind vi to in acne,. timber. A well and two - )ring. Of water, a new Mme dwelling• a barn, retable and drlvin``shed. ADPbro *0 'NG t ROBERT A(IN Oode l T IF F STERLING BANK OF LANAI) A HRAD Urrll'R - Tmam-mi AtTRourgn CArlrAl., . IfLeyn,lllx) INCORPORATED BY SPECIAL Ar r OF DOMINION PARLIAMENT To RR('Et V R imissfRITS ToaccominOdat' the FArmprl, we have opened Branches in the villaageg of DUNGANNON, AUBURN, VARNA and BAYFIELD. Well aolicft the Patronage of flood; FA R r Klt. 8AI.k KmTRR DIa(•01,9TN1), SAVINGS RANK AOCOUNT opened by deposit of S1.t0 intereaet at 17. compound. ed quarterly. ( )1)114tiCH BRANCH A. O. (7AMRLL Manager Between Sandtiskyy Toledo. Detroit and Sault Ste. Mnsrle and inter- mediate points, will IeLVe Goderich as follows : Aonfhbound - 9:Tpa,m. Wefnesday Northbound . 9:30p.m. Friday weather Permitting WM. JACK Local Agent. T. J. KF.NNF:110Y. TmMe Manager, Rank Ste. Marie. Ont. Frrm-Nommor Ki'r[SH AMERICAN COI,LFGF M. C. A. Building, Toronto Theol that given the be -L bu"Inaw and d training. Spacial ante for the Term. PrlvlleReesof Y. M. l'. A. Andenta. Drop cArd for eta• T. M: %VATsON. Principal HOME ISTUDY APPLIED to one or nlnre of the splendid coumem given ley the Shaw ( nrtrrppoonndintie Achart. Toronto, M hell) b•me to letter Ihing- m ary walk of life. LM as -,-I'd you ,mer IlrulAr". tt'e Are het Ing hundreds of .Indents Way. '.Mo. I* we mem aid Yale Imr Clip out, -k1, name and mail it, Narte. ............................. Addread................... .... ... t .'B. Auction Sales AUCTION SALT t )it(01*MF:HOLDEFFPX MANDTo%%'N LITS. Thermoses. Gliardry ham received In -traction. from Mr. Thmomm Tilt, inmeirl.y pnbllr nuctlun On Ili,• premieres Intel) ' (ntrnld,d by Mr. Tilt, 1% e.4 street. over Nlrhol•en. hardware 'lore. ON MONIIAY, .1tLT :3FrII, emnnnenrfyK mo 2.•e, p,1n•, the following Imnme. hold gxmtm: I Oak larinwm -,I, I iron bnd.tand. I ham I wok-h't and.. I lareac elm ht e1, ebap set I ml of hoard Road as new, I ,IInInR Is le, 2 kitchen IAli]". I kilehet. empboanl, 2 -elm hurl .Ir,.,,.g', i newttneam pend w. ser "•. I loud kitchen role I woods. I small resel .rner Irl"rrn of Oakml. I good double barrel gilt,. I u,nllary el(*rr -fury, I Oilcloth 121.) 11 per Intent, pits•). 2 K,aNI Irl V. acts. 1 ire cn•am freezer, ghwm Joe n, mond other el uaefnl xrtllli-tip mnnrrous m omelets on, TxAws, (•Ash, except that lwrtle- baying Over five dollar.' worth, nhcr paying e At above montioned. con pry ,i4• n wth th atilt the auummr I. �raG1. eek I Also of the 'Allo• p "ce And .lute at m liOwlt In the evening. A finnlla•r s town Int. in Tih'.- new'ser\r Thew pots are ,plendidly sit nek,ed, hot n short. 1 di.la%ee from Ihr Fnnnilnre and Goderich I %%*he: +1 Itlg-Prrperf y, ami world la• a •eplmalid 1 pbtce to bulid mrcha,i,,' hoo"•., TV11a4. Ten near cello. or ptnrcha-e money. me r,whhdal (IInofns ni) "tor. a sum ual(•Icro to utak,. t Pn•hnw within lift,",la)-. TIN- y balance yr cent. a week until paid. ser Any. reasonable tenn. in .nit Ion,-has,,,,.r A Imo al the shine fines and place, In Acrr. ni r, ew less of frond Jand IyInor h••idr town has I wtl0vc InenHoned, that certainly will -lou %mi usable In the near flit um IO Aurvey in lot.. t• Tltma',- pee per rent., pure,hae• uuwney cwah of N line of -till. w ,.tine .11M. sent ro make one third orf Purchase ueoney withl,� Li Inca flim after, the balance to be agreed ten to .1111 pier v chair, a THOS. TILT. ' THOS. Ut'NDltY- n Proprietor. Auctioneer. P THE CANADIAN BANK OF ('ODIDI E." RC I a HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO). F•8TABIASHRD 180" I3. F. WALKER, Pteealdent. Paid -All) Capital, $10,000, ALEX. LAIRD, General MAnager. i�dst 5,006,001 A. H. iK ached. $ll'elintendent Total Assets - I I3,000,000 of Branched. Branches th9ughout Canada. and in tie United MiaLen and England. A GRNRRAL BANKINO BUSIN048 TKANNA(TRI). ('f$UUER('IAL AND RARNERO' P'APRR DIACOl/NTRD. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT 1)ep0sits of $1 and upwards roceiveoli ; interest allowed at current rates and paid quarterly. The depositor is subject to no delay whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or 'any portion of the deposit. R. 8. WILLIAM& Maoaeer oderich Branch. 1. Ja LOCAL TOPICS. Civic Holiday. (ioderich'r ci.Yie holiday this y will In' on %VerinPsday, August 7 lois )tieing the Ila•st Wcrintewlay %ugust. The Power Bylaw. ` A nuntla•t of letters on the 11a f head Itiyer Power ('o, bylaw• fill .vu•11ed us test) )tilt' for insertion t week. 'they will like published see vicek, ,)lung with any othelx that flit ) hr metal in At a I•enmonallie tittle. The Roller Skating Contest. The skating ctonleal at the roll rink on MondxT night drew Very large crow of SpeetaLorm til the fuutlofer of skmLerd wits t. Imrgpst mince the upe•ning of the rise Mims Daisy Fisher we" nwaldet it di.Ouond ring,Otfrrel fur the bestIa, skater and lleell Farr wait the wiun of the stickpin fur the, Ia•mt ggrutlen. 11 skater. The judges were three cit no•r•cifil travellers. t An Early Morning Weddinr. I The tatarrieage Omsk place v(.sleicl I le"Veil'g ,Lt Knox church Alf Gen• Al•xAndet• Dunlop, sun ,if John Il, lisp, oxford setneer, to Mils: (',ffcllir SCoWP, thurghter ,of AL•. mull Mr Henry Slump. South street. '1` pastor, Rev. Jas. A. Anderson, B. A losr•fortoted the ceremony at OS o clock and the happy couple left o tilt- 7:110 train to Niagara Falls. T Signal joins in gwNl Wishes. Save Thursday for the Band Concert. %%'e are masked tie draw attention. o h•half of the :Ilord Hegi I 1, hand, the fact that ThoI•md"'y night is til night of the weekly c•uncert toy til hand, and amk that mu far am parreitil events fur which the services of tb iNtrul :ate desire) hal' fixed flit- othe evenings of the week. It is mac ["lire-atimfeuaory to the public tha the weekly concert on the Myna should toe given regularly on the nigh set for it. Is Your Name on the List'/ The voters' lista in the various mnni ciPAlilit•s ,ire now b e-ing posted up an as theNe lints will not unlikely be, til Ii-ta upped in the next Parrianlentar elections it in important that sill per sines entitled tit vote shohld keep that their names core entered properly Pel'sonPi whoa• names are Halt on the lista should see that they areput tar at the court elf revision, if they wis to (':cruise till' fr:inrhise at the nix elections. Did Yoll See the Eclipse ? Did v(eu notice the m,man hist night: (usually it taker. a1. tit. a month for Emla to wax unit wane, tont hist nigh the said orb went through flit- various phases within d few factors. About IhW airloek there wits a- full moon, at 11 (icl(x-k there waaonly a crescent and some tinie rafter ruidnigilt the (till moron wait again shining. Tile rause of the Phenomenon was t}le throwing of the part It's shadow over al out two. thirds of the ["(mm's mur•face •tn other w,h•dm, fi partial t•clipse. An Early Death. An attack of spinal fuel] iIfratio wan the cause of the untimely death of the little mix- 'e mer -old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1(afhew Gl-lunco(tt on Thursday fast. Hannah Athelia, an her nater wits. was IIn.- youngest daughter and he�,'.Wfillg will h, keenly felL The; funel:k place on Slit. Inlay atft.rn(N1n the Gunil}• resi. ,,puce set the limitincks strwet, ser. vice at the hrn,se conducted by itev. M. parcel If. The pall-livarel•s were Reuben /Smith, Harold, John and FdWILI I finKl(garth, (irnrge Bell and .John I I. 7'lie funeral went In (Tinton, w le the interment Alo- place. t k Death of John Richards. - Our former well-known ti)wnsman John Richards died tat '1`11urwlay At Hayf1eld, succumbing to the elfectm of n cancer. The loosely was tot•ought to Goderirh for interment. tilt• funeral taking place from the r.sidee a of hi" brother-in-law. lle)rge St:anconulie. Macdsufild street, mil Yatiudity safte,.- nnrn last, to Maitland cemetery. Rev. M. Turwonii conducted the -er- vices and tile- pall-1N•aretw were rnerrl. Imerm of the Sous mf England. of which the deeelumMl was it Inetanher. Mr. HivIo r(I'm wife diel a few years xgqto and he leaves a fnruily of flv. da,g►t- 'er•m effort three sons. There at•te IIe. %fmmes Annie, Bessie, Hita and Elsie tad Mrs. McIA'"el (Hayfield), sand I evelnnd, ifurty tint] Will , Thr de- ceamel wean flfty-tem Years of fig,•, Excurslon from Stratford. 'Che fraterwil society . e•xcutxion v hich is conlipg to Goderich tomorrow Promises to IN, enc of the IArRV-t in I -Ar". It will f-mopritse• eevra•al cif the. niportanl. INdgcm of tie ('lassie /'it.y, together Willi lfae Stratford l'itiyp1` And and the Ln„•y drill corpm or the• inightm (e( Slit'Wi kel. Mevst•r, King. ones find 1ILWISmtl will arrive tie ight 1 intake final nrelutrtions foe' the Ieceptiml of 1114. large crowd, which is xpecthd to to nilN•t• ,note- Ifaan a them. Lad. The excursion will also lake in htblin, Mit('h1'11 and Seaforlh. It in a mel to Arrive, in (ioderich at if::3 a. tri, sed will leave on its rclurn at Id p• 11,. a Inning the ("Y it program of sporta I ill IN • held in Harbor Park and I Trangellients are being made fur fi Nmnlight vxeutsion on [,,it,- riuron, )mail ly on the ntensifier Kin gR Edward: ( rprnnl crnw'd is pxPe•ctel anti flit, ' •ople of Go alcrich should torn (evil e All give the visitors a royal welcome. Nth of Mrs 1. Salkeld, Jr, t N Many friends in town +Lnd rohnlrl )fret the death of Mrte. Income- Salkeld, which occorrpd at her home on t he o fyHeld romp, G,mlerirh low•nshil, mil a OILY tat. Mrs. S,alkpl(1 hal leen in (r Nor health fell- a long time• fill,[ in f ite of all that medical ,kill mold do Is r her Pill#- was taken away in, the i ime of lire, ,it I.ile age of fort •war 1• arm. tier normwing hoshana� and t e yming danghtee, Iraura, have the nnpat11y of all who know them in t sir irreparable len. Mrs. Salkeld Ls A partirnlNrly hright and lovable, nn#an and Pine will be. norely Illi-sPd R the rir(-I- in which aho was Int to move. The funeral took places a __ P 819AV13FO FAZwR � n HAVING AND'HAfR-i)RFigq�pin n 'nmpt PA Rac+�rr �In ; e�,�rythinn eifxrn Windt Mol. P Y. Net end r"Id oath`. w•M. i'AV IS. tlrh Kx,•hwnge Hotel dlook ImreoawPpr W t Frlt/kyL on Merv, I nftM. To 1-111 to Maitland Elliott on Friday evening a,tst to hid) NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -July 4ith ceno+trry, ltev. M. '1'uruhull, rector of farewell Im till old anti e-tw'Inei cont- Nt. lirmrgr'm church, enducting the)►•tiny, -L %V. Broderick, we., N leaving — eir N"cV,"*es, and /iea). Andrvwo, and (uw'n. 'l'hry plx•srutr) lis.•, „ i en an )'top)e sty, for Sale -.John HurleIn y... 1 Hulm•1•t Anrtrews, Frank Salkeld, %VIII. aldn•mm ,itruulpu,ied by a h:uol.-only `Irtwnd �Vrrk of Midsummer �tile- th, Motat•ith, Ilurry Salkeld and John gold•headel cane, the neldn-rt' hying J. L Colbm,rne................. 4 it t } u r • • ( f. t x, tio , -1 x ts call earwr x14 fu o K I II ws 1 Brushes rt' and Cr >II ia,-, s Y X. Weer -John 16rlericA. All l Hick .... i3 Ueath of Edward Graham, t',, vb. J. W. Hr,deri<L 1 r veh,mv"7. 1'he (hmlerich L+adieli Wear -John In the• death lust Saturday morning IIF:.LK 11111tl"TIAN BH(rrHER• - Hay. Stead ............ e it. of Edward lirahanh, Faastrtreet, Wmle- ulg heard that you were• I,•.Ivin,•,rur Hay find Outs--Mtodttart's Harness ve , Shop ht 'e - town u h los one ,• and c o .. Janet " who f tile past, a nwr r I ts pelf ueil P•••••• 1 J t1Y wstolon not •• ..... b his rr,Ulr;v had IN•en a 11-Sidt•nt of town. )ossa the Alpp(nUuli(y. All ntinglin Certringolp Time -W; C. PridhAw.. 'L xt n Mietsulniter Bargains in Waists- llr, had Iwr•n truuhlel with 13right'm with is in church falowshlp and pis Waists - key dimes -e lour w)lue )foie hot even the social gatht•rings 4m yell have )WWII do. W. Acheson A Son .............. 2 tiny Iwfore his death h+ul I1e•n able to ,g for tilt• past ten years, we Ivelem- Fast Trains to Muskoka Lakes -C. Joe about anti around town. Thr furl. )tier the lung thor tint you gxvr so P. K• ............. g .cul U -1k place on 'l'uelmlxy aftrrneN,yl che•rfa yarn time act talent in Auction,Sale,-Thos. Tilt......... 1 ra to Maitland cel tern, the se'"ires cunnrrtiur, with Alto" chut•ch choir, Furnished House to Rent -Mrs. Me- a Is•ing cotryluvted by, Key. JI. Turnbull, mallet inres As leader, but also m read Lachlan ................ I Its rector n[ Vt. George' s ell"' , mild Ile• to +u+tii+t in any wily : we rrntruttx r To Rent -W. F. Chirhnlm. Dunlop. 1 IImil-Imcuen, IN•ing sown ergs of Maple the "many pleasant cutingx we have Bylaw No. 8 -Township of Ashfield. 8 k' I,pxf lAulgr, tio. 'L7, A. O. U. %V., of hall because nothing serntee too uturtt Announcements-Worselli Hard. le which the dwtevu;e•al fiat) Irvin• a ilius- fear )-tilt to du if we were enjoying our. watw......... 1 iY leer. AI.. lirnhxw was Isla•n in ilia- w1vts. %Vhen we thought over the. Announcements -Taube& Son..... I er county of Fermanagh, Ireland, in Pt+ -+t we could not let you go #away Second Clean-up Week-Hodgena NO1FCit1„+end callie to this country with without in resume u,eastor, showing our Bros” 8 his I)arents when quite young. The appreciation of Your rpany kindnlvlses Canadian National Exhibition -tel. f+uully settler) first near Hdntilton, and also of your ChrT.stian character O• (err, Manager ................ 2 Mr. (-Vahan, leaves x -•tinily of eight am displayer( before um front time to — sY childtwn : Miss - (wahwe, fit bottle : tire•. Melanie aa•cept this caul. As a (vice-president), Wm. lane (were•• K,, Mrs. \Villuughby, %Vinde(ir ; Mrs. J. 141,1411 token of our respect fur you, awry-tresrurer), Dr. A. C. Hunter. n- J. Mrruer. Exeter : Jlr.. George and we would pray that you knight Andrew Porter and G. F. Blair. The le Minkey. of l.pxingteol. Ky.: Mrs. he spared for many years and )hat ❑til fres will Porter an J. S. Lindenfeld, Off Zurich : Miss Ida, Mm. Yet' still ,tight have voice to ski the P Woods. of Loo• Th C. F. Preston land 'Phomas C., Alf srings of %ion which you dell a don; Dr. Bruce, of Kincardine, and Clevr.land. Mr. Urmhwut was married sing• %%'e hope that you often clay R. S. Hays, of Sefortb. *j in Goderich to Anti(- McManus, a have the op rtunity of worshipping pgpgyONAL MENTION. „ sister of Mrs. Bernard McCornta►r, with un in Victoria street, and when Th fan•ulerly of town, ,trial him widow .mill'- (+111 meetings are all ever here that Vivra bun. we all may meet a under in that M"tie Kliese Tye is bottle from (Rtawa. aluumerland of along. Toronto 11iw Rated returnee on MoOday to Death ,of Edward Attrill. Signed on lw.hAlf of Victoria street Arthur Carrie left on Saturday on his return 11 %Yuri w•cu. received in town let choir, to Torun to. b1 ThurwlaV everting or the death o[ E. E. C. ftIA•HRR, Mia. Annie Lawson returned last week from U. Attrill at Nieholl'm hoa )itml, Peter• a visit to Detroit. P I VIVA BEI.-, e bolrough, that dmy. sin the result of his Mev, Jamin. Hodson, of Heaverton, Point FI"ade it% NIt'110I1i0Y, Marsh, Ia the Rueat of Mir• Max Clalremont, p injuries rer#-ivel•on .huh• 7th, when hr Sl r. Broderick Inane a fitting reply, Mfrs M e fell front a h:uoolock, at Chemong thanking the choir for their kindly King Irdwridar t tAwp pleftt�onl the ateamsit her oerr r York, injenriOg his a tine. 1).'ath ,Wall exptessious and for their gift. Mr. Mlle• Fred. Thompson, at Southampton. 1, due to eoneusslon , the la -min. The Ilr)derick has sold hia businema here Mew. 'lien Sal who was newt of Mr. Attrill'.) rlewth elicited to G. M. Elliott and leaves short) for malted to he t don about seven uwwa ago a wool oft he n, much mvmpathy, especially in view of Landon Ito take it well-carnc( rest honeOnce more. hear as lighterabbein LOOK' in t Ile untimely told unexpeetel cutting from the ,activities ,if husineas life, way to recovery. yea la •fair off of his life. Mr. ALtrill was very Albert Hedley, of Two Harbor, Minn., fore. well known in t4)wn and country and LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. nun of the car department of the D. t I . Ilia friends were eery numerous. 'Phe Railroad. reRldteredat Hotel Bndford last week. Immly was brought to town rand a fun• The G He left on' Wednesday to Join him wife at Kin- (xderich summer school opens yard ora, where she had been visiting at her old d real service wits held at SI. (:evrRr's set HnrbNlr Park nix[ Adund+ly and home sir. Hadley waa delighted W .1st%y, (. church Alli Saturday afternoon. continues all week. againtheoldtown inwhich heSPOOL hisach)oil. y Anhong those, in attendance were the b,; dAY"- menllrrrn of Maitland Lrxlgr, No: 33. E. P. Paulin has the contract for Mine Morton, of Get h, is the guest A. F. alt A. M., of which the decetarci rrxlfinp� the Wheel Rigs Co.,a factory of Mr. #and Mrs. A. J. Cooper, t with t ceroid rooting. wa w music r. Thr pill-h•arel•m were R Rev, Dr. and Mn. Meldru►n, of e six memberm of the Masonic order, Thi" is the week of the Kincardine Cleveland, are visiting in town. F. F. Laiwience J. Galt, Charles liar- Id iNlym' reunion and a number �f h B O,mie•rI oto R Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Meldrum, of now, K. (ii. Reynolds, Ili. (*allow end Pe P are takin in sense o[ Cleveland, are visiting in town, t His ►imnor Judgt• Holt. Rev. M. theslghts at the. northern town. Tort ,,, conducted the obs ( totem, Are your glasses right? Vision 'Hine Mary Davidson, of Harriston, In #tied the inter lent warn made to �ait. ( lenges as s►ll things do. ,See Taste visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. ,S. Stoddart, land cemetery. Edward Chany At- `Jun at Dunlop's drug store ,an Miss Jean Lawson has returned fill wait a eon of the late Henry Year- Thursday and Friday, August 8th and home from Detroit to spend a month's r w,sal Attrill, of Ridgewood Park, and Nth. vacation. . t wam thirty-seven p,•,ars of age. He im , Wtai�'Tambling, one of those who Mr. and Mrs. J. L Moore left on snrviveil Iry two misters, Mrs. %Yright., were killed in the. recent London Monday on a trip to Winnipeg. They of Its Angele•m• Call., and Mr•e. F, disaster. was a nephew of A. Snazel, will be away a month or so. He•ntntl. of Toronto. and a brother, of town. The boy was fourteen years MIS. F. G. Eagle and her little mon, .lames 13., at 1 lattsburg, Al.). of age. of Nt. Catharines, are visiting Mrs, The A. Y. P. A. Picnic: T. H. Race, who half been Dominion Eagle's old home for a few weeks. Government commissioner at Christ- Mine Wolter King and Master A union Picnic of the branches of church, New Zealand, exposition 1•e- Reginald King. oftown, di If the Anglican Young Ye•(lple'm Amenr•ix- toyer) last week to his home in few clays to �ViIf and Biuevale. tion in the county ens held at 13,ty- Mitchell. HeldHeld yrstrttoay and proved a Bey Mire Aileen Baker, of the (Mastic Y e, ,,lay The roved f wool• A lAerosge snatch is announced for City, was the guest of Minx Dors Ing 1,p the pr(pleet belongs to the rner• tomorrow evening at 0:43 n clock fx>- Yhalen for a couple of days the poet gibe (Tinton branch and the success twee Stratford and (loderich. A week. of the affair must IN- gratifying to faint, clean game in promised, Ad►nis_ Mi- Sowerhy and Mise Hazel John - them. Tile Clinton )%'()FKe noble "this Sion 2''t' and lix•. sten returned to Stratford on Monday the occasion of their Sunday eschool Will. Jackson, of the Jackson Mfg. after a visit here as the quests of Mn, Picnic ,also and almhtt A hundred ('n,, has returned foo his home in ('lin- J. i. Moore. - IllenifMrs set' the A. Y. P. A. :knit Sun• ton after his trip to the Old Country. Aii-g Margaret Waugh, of Chatham, day eehool of St. Pmul'm church arr,vel tie had a good trip and is much ilia- spent the week -end with Mrs. Geoegt ;at Jow:ttt's grove in the .Iaor•ning. Proved in health. Binmett, leaving on Monday to visit The Seaforth branch also nolle the• H. B. Be•cke•tt has on exhibition in friends in Seleforth. outing an all -day tone, Lisp contingent his store windrow an Oaterntoor mat- Mrs. It. F. Foley, of Chicago, who font that town nnmlering about fi trema which ham INen in lane by H. N, had Iswn visiting her parents. Mr. and Score. Rev. MI.. I;unne, re•tpr of )lat('. of Ottawa. since IWk t it is cer. Man. John Kelly, Church street, left ('!into[, Rev. Mr. Berry, of Menfort h, tainly #a goys( tut. fur the (Atermoor, for tier home on Monday afternoon. +md Rev. K v. M r. Kerr • p ()f HoII r- .. Il t Idle Ao , Pleasant d �f'. lireeton'm ,Ind Summerhill• #ails summer faotpl lasten ght.plThe ainui+ic rinK heryfriendhMind Dora Pbalate. who half leo present, and a number of the ,Ipmlmelw vision of Lhe A. Y. 1'. A. Al 11r. Kerry w,a rxcrtotion+tlly good. the IMty the, Past, week. lett Yesterday [raeh(yrt 3 nrrhestrot (wing a -misted by a couple of visit in Stratford, before returning to charges drove over for the affair. The• musicians Who Are "taping at the her home in 4uelph. Olxlprirh crowd. to the numbx•r of hotel. about forty, went down in life after. Capt. 9tickells and Capt. Thomas, nation. A heavy shower of rain and When Taflnr k Son attend to your late o[ Dundas, are now in charge of hall caul)• on just nftyr t.h,•y +arrivtd et 'em- yoil Ret the, benefit of over the Salvation Army branch here. and the mtidp n quick return Ln the thirty-Hve )-earn' experience. (;a❑ Capt. Lamb has none to ,Sarnia And rigs. '1 he retire passe(% over in a little `Ind Conwalt thein at llunlope Drug Lieut. Wales to Chesley. while, however. and 4 happy till,(. was "tore on Thursday and Friday, Aug- On the 24th inst,• Mr. and Mrs. Mac- spent, the moonlight drive home being 'ant 8th And Atli. phee arrived by the steamer King not the Ietst enjoyable feature. An C.C.Le('hasinipr(w(dhim store b)• FdwardAftere ndingovertwoweeks exciting rumtw4y in the village in the cloning up one of the entrances, milk. in Algoma. They mpeftk highly of the evening was witnessed by fi number ing A miligle show window across the Pleasure of the trip And of the, kind of the ooderich co,w•d but they did whole- toreulth of one of the mtorrs, treatment received at the hands n[ wait to It•arl what the• danlagpwas. The window will give spletldid oppor- all whom they came across. Thr only nii-ley) in connection with tunily for display, the affair we- heard of was the• intaner• Therrgtolar meeting (if the G(mlerich ANNOUNCEMENTS. Sinn cif one of the (Tinton young ladies branch mf toe %Vonten'm Institute will as she Waa getting illto assail bereft. Iw held at f he 11101110 of Mrs, H. Morrell (cold Medal hinder twine, forks Affect Loyal nn Th.rslay, August lat. This oils, mold cheapest tat WOR8ELLOnlHear}- The Arrival of the C. P. R. meeting will take the torn, of a ware. The rail-layin�( gang of the U. P. !t. picnic. Rigs will be ready at 1 o'clock (low Sage prevents Hiem on horses pushPd it work thr•ong11 practically Ill g111VPy urrnllea'14 to this place. Anal cattle.to Sold at WoRR1gLL'e 13srd- re Gnlrrirti Alla Tu elpf" . and steel ""deri(1h people will be interested in wale. rrru'hra now [coin Guelph t(e an far +ts knowing that Milan Lizzie •McGregor, ph��in the swim by petting your the rand -Inial is completed. There im of Toronto, "":n lu+ yourgg I+ul who tj Rrwphydone at R. R. $allows. yet a small p,u•t of tis• roto)-IN•d oIn healed 1'he Toronto %Vorld's circula- allows' for #artistic wort. the north wide tit the river amt reeulY tion contpPit, just conclndetl, IN a minter Try a }rattle of our BuRAIo Bug for the of het it looked an if the of Mrs. (', .1. H+trprr, of town. The K Pr wt 25al- per bottle. Sure kill opening of the Ouel1)h' R ooderich event shows that %ti -m :NcOregor im H W. TNOMRON'S Drug Store. AYIFI h salts not tar o111 to "ere off rail- one of tile. lost pop,lmr young holies Imo ing g,u ,'to III,• 1,,rmIN r of nlmint of the ProvinciAl caput), ami in sed- F. J. Pridhwm for mine, says lite righty: am a train of almost it doz,•n man who half once experienced the c,LI•s, mit work on the north sill,•.uf the clition she will have the antkfcuetion of Pleasure of wearing his fine mad' -to. river this week. Tip work of lrnek- taking R trip to Ipomlon. Nvngland, ,it order tailoring. IA% it g is delete very rapidly. the expense of The World. if you are making any, additions to p' y, tat chit loy(1tn some I,•lmrrtm of the Twelfth your house furnishings You can't et, rate of mama%. mile or A mile and e, ,of .Italy celehral.i,)n at Blyth Lh it mi ht Y R ton good. Get the bestinlufirtpr n Jnr. Thr front ears of the y anything train fear 'Life rails and the back ,or moppored that the 33rd Regiment high_Fstde furniture and upholstering !arm the Lie•m, while fi pair mf what ,or wits i, 1110 competition for the ILL �L iltner Nmith's. night iN- rolled spouts or troughs F1r"ae offered fol' the bpmt bratae hand. Remember the date of Taube & Week -'t in front of the traih, Th"s, however, wag not the came, The Son's visit to Goderich and if your ono, for defiverin the tips and (,rip rpgimentd hand was under en age• eyes bather you in any way do not for that rails. Hullers in the tmottom anent to play in connection with the fail to consult them at Dunlop's drupf, if the troughs facilitate the handling demonstration and could not rompetem store on Thursday And Friday, Aug - if tips and rails• and am they fi,r any prize. fl►ndmwat.er yrnith, of net 8th and Bth. awful- front then• troughs the Lies are the :Girl, perfornled the, duties of quickly put in I-Aition, the rails un jollge, which were merely nolninale an AUCTION SALES. ,q) of them• the flsh plates rive 'it,, the %Vinghmn" land wits the only nd flit- rails spiked to the HPs, and A other bras hand there and wait, (f rRATIImAv, atasnAv and TURNDAV. Jetty gang in fie rear of the- train drive in course• awarded the prim. Ih..smh and 3pth. The entire eoountser the mon• s 4ken. A breakeinan pe•reheol -- - - +'rtrfo."u� Shop, including brie -a btec, engrar. If the lent of the tcxin mi Kit m With retire. -nl d we nut furniture hammered OoptIm+ r SUMMER i;PO Tb. and bra-,) will he .old 67 auction. (ileo. rtrl ling to the (engineer at the hack HFA'KF:7-f,auctioneer. f the train when the track in rearly Word hits Ise -en roaceivel Prem the — or the train to move' fnrwpeorl over the Ntmtf('i-ii Bowling Club that three or BORN. rack junt laid. The G, T. H. freight Mur rinks of howlers from the Clammir, SI IT Bert & Still. & ;oKrhra.ka, w 3h. and set ., rains going up the hill on this side, Alf City will coon. 1,pp with the fraternal CIXT:t'ON.-. At Simttwd on All r he river and the C. 1'. R. engi rip on societies' rxrnuwion tomorrow. The (advise It. C1uWm, ofa ,on, jolly rah. row a,fr of hp other side of the rive kept thpir green will tae R lively affc\t. no ,doubt, MARRIED. whistles bn,ey Tura(lay, afternoon, as all dAy. h. trains finessed. in I le, exchange (Lf Thr fifth ,unhlml tohrnament of the DUNLOP-s)'owE. In Kn„x e,kan F, an wraent. m#ahltatimnY. 1 Joey, luly mph. by it-, - Jr.. A. Aralerwm,. B. A., (etselerich lawn howling club will lie (;aoll Al .... des Dwal,rP to Cdenline ICarri ” The hwlls►14finq on the r"A' iw pro held on the %%'el.t street green cam- I ehr;en,ie Henry a"1, Mr. M{rowe, bath `f r"oxinil very well, the f1m lift br Ing mencing �Tnetmbay, Auqust 0th. This (x1, ipleted Alf far Aw Sharpe'm Creek, has now alecome cenA (A the annual GIt Ali t� In t'..1 DIED. wenla sed the second lift will likely Ise corn• events in Western Ontario, end this F:dwarf cr,h,m. .gw1 ),year. y 1"ly ant,, PI that. far byy the end of the week. yyear it looks nm if the number of rinks RICHARDS. to Hayceehi an Th"reday. July M. A. Pigott k (k),'m steam shovel in attendance will he larger then eve little. John Rlcharda, cared air ratio. n the north -wcat. of Lhe river is Iw'fnrp. Then' will bet rev matched ATrRim.- inPrterhoee, ml Thur.da , Je/v hrough with ilA work there end is dis--trfphy, association and conlsolAtion fifth. Edward Chaa1 Attrlu, aged, ,atM1 twntled. --bus dell the doubles and sin 1 a„ d I sAI,KF:LD stn (:odeekh,.,wn.i,ip. ,e. ►'e.Idy, rose, R �, ,p1h, Ire V, TteAe.oar, irlevM elk et' holder rassntation to J. W. BrodaNck. handsome prised wt' ronnectsd with I :idkdkl. al -4 a, yea,* The, choir of 1,i7ctor)m estrs'et church All the event. The tournament corn• oRt11"M,m4 In OedeHch. an Tbwr•,tti. rtheted at the reeldence tat O, M Initte'e in rompe-wmd of Jam. H. Ti rt I IJteet latr of thr ped Mn °~IIsi� (pre►ident of the clrti), W, A. McKim . masa 6 reisn, stth.aae @4tbo- It 0 n' �'