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1llu 1
A union picnic of the branches of
11 I
I ��
Iloltllrsville. SuDimerhill, hliddlrton's
e TRUaaDAY, July 18, I'll
His Value.
Wigwag '1'luot's a tlnr d,,;t of y .elr-
ti+l,rh.ddu Ya•m, ind19r1 he is. 'l'hml
dug loon'. a. fluu h its I d...
l`'iK(vaK I'II Kice )flu It,111,11Ier I,u
FLY a .9
Aexs smallwao04sally
PADS fiww
10*. per paeke% w a pe\o11eb M as..
will tut a whole OO&O*m
5. or 500
If,cy ere ail
F:ac"h biscuit
Ai light as if
made by fairy
Baked to a
gulden russet
Su fresh,
and crisp, and
tempting, that
just opening the
box is teasing
the appetite.
And you
bud a new
delight is every
one you eat.
ser get Mf-
-I you ga
idas - n
-. � ;- _-
0S) INE311
"Royal Crown"
witch -Hazel
Toilet Soap
(Individual Aln)
At the Chateau Fronlensc-•t
Place Viger riutel, Montreal -at
Banff-R,,cal Alexandra, Winnipeg
-on their Pullmans and ocean linen
-guests and pa -angers are provided
with --R. •al Crnwn" Witch- Haxel.
It's a medi,•st,A wp, anA It I'll
at- p.
Tea m•-tr in ne fnr it,, par. of one
Inv. • oke. 2large tike. foto 7.'c
Insist on having "Royal Crown"
Witch -Hazel T•1Mt Soap. Or I I
1111 Blit in Wet Utltf to
12 Coesnm Novgu YCA1lLV • ,
$2.50 Kw T[A/t; iB CTe.A COS)'
uvea nunestn eorntn In ITsav
,_. A ,....,-. -__. .. ___.-.__
'I'll I'; SII:N.�I. 1:11 )I;{Ill` I' l)N'hA{III)
The Making of a
Successful Husband
Thera Has been Frequent. Asser-
tion to the Contrary, but the Fact
Resolution lual The Beet I•lece For
a Married Man Aber Dark Is at
memo. jo iw ip J•
I Copyright, 11W, by C. 8. Yost.)
DEAI[ JOIIhead fr1 get the stotionrand ler
toy brad true t few r•rtiduw
remarks in your lust two or
I three letters that you are put-
ting to a good deal of your spare time.
and Ixisnitily some you bat'p no right to
.pan', with the buy's at lite club. ,
Now, Jobst, 1 don't purpose to give
you a curtain lecture on We evils of
clubs. Ali u rule, they ore prvtty Koal
lumtiwuuun. Uf course there are clubs
awl clubs, but there Is uu doubt ler my
wind that the properly auallacted
wru's club is one of the necessities of
the present day lite ler the city. I be-
long to three-*[ them mvmelf and know
their value. 'lttey are not, as some Plev-
ple seem to believe, turn• gutuWing
delta or drtnklag places ler dylgubk•. ler
all really first chow clubs gambUng Is
strictly prohibited. and Intoxicating liq-
uors are no more In evidence that' at
any realwe able hotel. All this, of
course. you know eery wail, and 1
meutlon It simply to show you right at
the start that 1 have no feeling agaltst
the clah as an lawtltution.
But, my, , boy, no matter how many
clubs he may belong to [tor how good
,tr' ,
Ther are cleshs and CgWPL
they are, they don't alter the eternal
fact that the best place for a married
eau after dark Is at home. I'm out in
favor of reviving the curfew law, our
il.0 I wean to nay that a mall should
to -ver leave the Louse at ulgbL I drop
into one of loy clubs In the evening
puce or tw'k•e a wtwk, and 1 am saus-
licd that ILLY occasional association
o ith wy fellow rueu dors we good.
Ilut 1 don't (rave howe more often than
that unless your mother gore with we,
iod when I ger to the club I never stay
Nota More Transaction.
When you warded Anna %lay you
assumed wt--vibligmuou somewhat broad.
el, find wurr binding than Is Involved
ler the ewploywrut of a housekeeper
A want duty to Stn wife Is not ended
w Leu he we sly provides her with
ru.et, clothing uud shelter. Judging by
a, duos. llrrrr are r greet many loan ler
Iliis work] when would disagree with me
"u that Mosul, but they ore tarot of
atrulned vision and v arped heart.
Tlwy Loo") thele eyes focused on their
vObsh audrttious or plemsu•es until
their field tat view is entirely filled by
the rellectluu of thefr•own image. Ira
t,u use to argue witloethat kind of tat-
tle, and 1'w not gufug-to try. But there
are a great many inure turn who don't
Lnow or don't think, and I reckon
you're one of them. Hoping that you
are, 1 w•ull to try to Inject a few facts
Into your carcass, for the tenellt of
poor wife an well nn:yourself. It may
.1.) "too- (rood, and Wmay out. At any
rate; It will relieve up- mind.
An i w':is about to nay when the trol-
l.-% .lipped, your wifeedldn't marry you
fur your moue).
e•P •+s% Sou dWo't have
r / s any lit the first
W'� 11,,( n place, but If you
,had teen worth
I- ." , to million the as-
\I- ; trrtloff would ■V
ply. She didn't
marry you for a
home. ,jibe left
/sem a better home
than you are
likely ever, to pro -
Not in Julru, of the *vide for her. Sbe
rt%rJno Law. didn't marry you
to get a boort into society. %be
married you for -yourself, and noth-
ing leas than yoQself will satisfy
her. She married you to get a bus -
band, n companion. and It la your pres-
ence, your loving companionship. that
nhr demlte90 above,all material consider-,,
ntions. Tills more, than anything else
she IS entllld to, and there Is nothing
else so easy it) give her; there In Doth -
Ing elme so much to -your personal ad-
Now Would You Lib Its
Try it on yourself and see bow It
works. Suppose the -conditions of the
PexP% were rirverseol, as soma humor.
Win predict. Supposerygo were. tiedup
In the home all clay with no one to
talk to, except the servants or an oc-
enmlonal visitor. Suppose It your wife
comer home to dinner at all she hur.
rice through the most and rushes off to
the club, leaving-youto spend the even -
Ing alone. How do you think you
would enjoy an exlntentre of that kind,
nal w 1 o would
how 011g d yon think you
submit to it witboat a protest• a pew
tent no foot4ble It woullimake the win.
Blows rattle? I think jest about seven
days woukl Bnhlb you. No, by Georges
the (ood)Uooa are not.diReaveOil Neff-
lect Is just as hart on a woman so It
would be on a sir Ilemllarly placed.
And the dally diamttian of a wife to
litialnet pare and simple. It limit a ahv
wont to a man who.lmaginem be in do.
Ing his whole duh, but it's the only
ome that will all the -Mn. flew many
divorce tymee have !ROD caused by neg.
i(et M this kind i dlsl't knew, but rut
hist ty beat Ifeol ltb maw titan batt
this total.
What to the mien• •f Grover cla*a-
load 4•11111, yen toupees of a woman It yess
IM MUllvaatlng around every night and•
Naw bar to her earn dtwfoseT mhos
Illi aim-ou.telti tis bm.bufta A
.. .
guest time what Illi You suppose Rue It
doing? 1 Dau tell )oil. Slur Is trying
ler read or to du a little fancy work umd I '
geltlaig uslght) smull satisfaction out
of the jut. She In getting up every' two
litotes and going to the window to '
lofor you. Shot Is wondering why r
cion don't coule and tilling lore hraln
with Imaginary
happenings. I f
✓% sty Awl %un ale 1oue
�y�j"ol"? delayed, she �Ot .
`r��.�� Nrrn you fault r
KIr11 by a cur, •
I t knocked do w• u
a , by an nutomo- , ;':
title or field up
II by footpads. If
she is of a jeal
nus dls(aalllu s.
Ger thoughts The Name Guarantees the Quality
11 ��
take another
turn. and, no Do you want to be sure of ,getting the tame quality
watter how lu-
it ,,. - :-- ---CJ n o c r u t the of Tea every time you buy ? Not good one time and poor
r:lulw of year the next, but always gocld, always that rich pungent flavor
N,e Is u"orahennp w'by absence may Joe'
y"u don't Conte' you uiust rewhich is so delightful.
ulru,brr sbe has nothing W du but think.
l'uder such eir•uwstaueem the brain has If YOU do, ask Your grocer to send 'Lou a package
■ .f,uo•er way not calling up unwelcome the same as the one above. After you use Red Rose Tea
uud unpleasant plcWn•w. NIKUI Siler
flight of this will turn the wont ardent Once, you will buy again' and You will alma s find the
Ione Jut., iudiRereuce. It will dry up qualitythe same. Don't accept a subsfifula
tilt- heart and sour the blood of the_ r
must lung suffering woman on earth.
anti thru flip foul wuu wonders what __ __
has chaugrll film wife and of coufmo - - -- - -
blames ler. Ile thtukm It all'over and
moved from her In facial np,lrarsnrr i THE MARKETS.
says W himself that tie has given her as It 1n possible to be, yet teklay an
everything In the world ante has asked abarlute mirringer can ret once wt- the I Liverpool Wheat Futures Close High•
for err could want. He lion rn a true, likeness. , or -Chicago Lower - Live Stock
Liod and fnllhtul husband, and her ,
o•oudw•t Is therefore inexcusable. Ile No Plane Like Home. I Markets -Latest Quotations.
f"rgets that he hes denied her that But. getting back to clubs fur a trio. Mni.day Forenlna. July IL
•et- wheat ,i ti w to toed•
LN I ! t r c sed
which site considers of far greater Im- flirnt Is•ture 1 have to wind the clock. ,.d nlKh.•r In Ort lower than Sslurdav,
l.,rlaure than all the rest, that which what is there In club tire to colopare no, tort, f,.Iurrs Im,WhaarPd.
she dralres tar wurP than tine cloth- with flip comforts and pleunurem of an .vt CnlcAgn July wh.•nt cit d iee lower
cyenlUK at home -your drershl • own fluor, SAtur.lny. .lido corn ire lower ,%nd
lug -ills compo Mumhlp. 3' ! g Jul, oats our, higher.
Here's an Example. mull slip,m•rs, your enjoy chair, a L'x/o+I The Visible Supply.
cigar unit you If . • r mi u
K ) e t e toy t Uta dt t x w• -k ,o t al Inv x,ed mt,.hA
'1'brre mus Jlmwy I:uKrrs, a member Ivarin tn.•
lnik to, to read t0 Or just t0 lir then nIU, PIP. cern 'We".Pr,t I.4Sa.a0 huenels,
of nue of uiy clubs, us tier a fellow an
ami nolP tie, reu •.si I I'4 nw h.ahPlP.
rt'er walked the str etm, every Inch n , ' IM,Tw� - i Jul, 1++17 Jute IN•.A
man. generix to a fault, straight as a , F'I oR,, ,,,,e a,% a "r~• w'leat .... 4;!In.',rllin N.Nm Omit
fhsltrule, a stanch friend and one of ' 0 nsr rev saws t - ('urn ...... t':,.o ) a.Iq uU
..a..w (1au ........ ........ ..........
Y .... .
the twist Atury tellers I ever heard. lit Lading What Markets.
w'as tie Wed to him wife, but he was
nlv. Sept. 1?wc.
J r
never kY tau oro
r crate dubwan. lie Kew 'eek ............. ase
an ler rt `,
l \ Nf
dreuwrd hr tca% urgla•rting her, fur, Il.troit ...... ........... !r' it.% w%
IILr rn:wy \tvnurn, site tiwlurrof hl sl• �' To1PAo ......... ........ KL Vaal e:%
k- i I lu.un,lh .. .. .......... W% 10111% 0%
fence. become a cuutirlue-d wlsantilregw I allnnra M,11i, .... ........ 19% spot let;
uud lit1,111, died or uer%ou.Y pnmtratiuu. ' M. Louts ................. n% W% Mai
the vletiw of her own ininglflsilgs. .\ft- ! I \ Toronto Grain Markets.
ser it lung liver - I Worst. ,sprtmt. tktsh......60 et to 9....
.1IIll tuy fell ler {r, wheat. (all, bush ........001 099
fuer again, tills !_r Wheat, Koos'. bush ...... 002 ••••
Wl.rat. red. bush ..0w
flue %fib a wt' 1 11avr your friends in urcnsluno1Uy in 411 I Pram.. bush .............. 0 71 ....
wan who suld / ]Barley. bush .............. 0 61 ....
ln)urseut u'4y. Oats, bush ..... 0 W
things uud who - .....Dais. ••••
kurw SIR tint 1 � to give you the joy' of her prrrrwe. Toronto O•lry Markt.
qr, inure Indolent, ler listen to her chat. . Butter, creamery. Mice• ... 021 • a
wife. When lir ter about a hundred things that ma) Butter, dates, Ib rolin .....020 •A
propumed, she j ! Butter, tube .... ... ...017 011
Dolt Interest you In detail, lout are wuu i Ho tier, creemrry-, Ib. robs.. 0 M 022
carr 10111 now" ' derfuliy entertaining ler the ubstract. ' Fat,. new-lald, dozen ..... 017 • is
lnrornattoll Ch"". large, Ib ............012
IAvuuNr I[ Is sloe who Is telling [lrllt; Clerme, twI Ili ............0125!1 011
about ills pant to let her read to you while you ,oto .k• I lfonr a0 -Ib. tins 012
life that astuu- hr, I the blur smoke with the charming crew . Honey. Wlb. tins .......... Oil
I•tild mud palu- Honey, per dozen combs ..2 60 iii
She ret /atm Burne les- tures of the sine• until the desk lues I
w0 him. She as a Liverpool Grain and Produce.
formation i muuutoue tudes Int,- a thin Sur err
crptad lois, but 1a \' . Peru L. Jany IS. -R'hwinter.
sound without WCafl1+K aLd you tcrkr steady. No 2 red weaMrn ;' pter. 7s '•d:
upuu the rzprejo% toudltluu that be wlilt a start to find tier ant's aruuli.l futwrm, qul,t-, July. 7s 2d: wept . L :+f.;:
speud ut least halt of his ervutt'Ks your neck quit saying. "I\Iss 'WP, .lois; , l"•"• ". LAsd. Corn. rt.it 'ten' . IIemP
at home. Jlmwy ham sept site aKr\Y'- I Arlr.1..•.m 5411; old ours h«res. Sn :W futons
uncut quit sure. I1.• doesn't cowe to It'll time to go to led?" The club call quiet; July, nominal: lrec., 4n I1t4,1. ly-
the sub sure than half a dozen tier+ ,lot give cru)' satisfactory mubstl\oa fur � con. short rlbx. rt.ady. Mot 6i; long clear
This. The our Is an artificial tltU. I mlddlP . light, stead)', 62.; hung clear mid-
a mouth, and lir ors biome earl ltlm Iles, h"%y. quirt. We W; shoulders.
g tluu; the other is divine,square, quiet, 2-P W
ku.,o Iv unr tat the happiest women 1 Still, as 1 sold before, 1. wot I New York Dalry Market.
know, uu,l J1uwy wary loot never really have you give u
laiew bow much good there was to Iltr y K V )our t o If ti esterNFW YOtcr:. .luny oS -Rutter. nolo•
afford the ezpruse. Cott Out withthe western fat tory. l snmon to IlratP, 17r to
until he learned W live at home. "Oalc; western 1mlletlon .•rram«rynrmtPtoy% m.ee ler awLilr. Itwon'tyou I atP dairy, romuwn 1" fark•y, IYe In CNot Always One. any harm, If you come home soand. a very firm; receipts, fan; street pricPA
1'ou sop. Julul, unsure ham planned 1t tluunclally whole. lint tuale tclub cote ex a res
eryrcMnmon to Pxtrattltrcltn r5lrJust that way. 'rhe highest state of the tweamioual diversion. Re%ethe I ilc t, -c.huppiur.s In ponelble puly In the per- great majority of your evenifor cher Orni; receipts. Wl; slate. full
fort c•omyunfuwnlolp Of man and wife. ADDa Ma ', who 17 worth moreou I cream, olor.Yl nnI white. small. hPsr.
7 124Le. des.. karKe, t-olured, t25jc do., white.
It is only when they live wholly for than mil the r1uLs In Chrlmteffdohan , Ise;," do. air to good. 11Y,c In 1^+tot•: ti„each other that they berwme truly one, all the frieudn )you can make relo. I inferior, xe o tot;c skirls Ir to stoic
Fatga-IfP it .ren. 97%1: Plat.. vennsvl-
aY the good Lord deslgued It. Two per- - *touch and valuable however thmay ,shin. and nP .hv r my selected wrdle.•.os err oppumite sex who live together toe. Spred your ererirugn wher. .I.I do.. r oe" , to lc. An . hrow•n andudx«d. fa""' , - t , "1.•do.neststoby authority of the Irw sod the church Ha•e your friends ler occasionaln aD «xtrn assts. 1^rflo '• western. firsts. 17who are always at loggeerheads and Informal way. \visit them in tame ( 111 17-40; offal P ',• . nrmtP. 17d: Pe -
who ntw on little of each other as they way -with your wife. (;o to thhea. condor, 1444, to rcc: et rot-. IF c• ,r, 't
,*all without causing comment from the ter or other placwl,of nS. nruwement-with CATTLE MA"ET"
neigtllurs are not husband and wife in your wise. (:o tu' cburch on Sunday-
tbe (rue %rums-. They are not one, but with your wife. Make her the sharer Cables Are Firmer-Catttp - Lower at
very luomitively and distinctly two, and of your pleannrev, the partner of your Buffalo and Chico".
fr.v,ueutly make an much fits; an halt Joys. and you call tet your life you can I IX)N- OP:, Jul,- I ;-I.It•erinol' red Leon-
doLrn. It lent always Ilse man who depend upon her nharing your troubles. ' don cable* are mteadr .it 1:1C lone . .per
whatever they may be. Stand by her I Ib., dres o d weight. refrle rotor set Is
quoted tit N• to %vr per Ili
J ��, Toronto Junction Live Stock. �
;, m■n..eraa t.utvii � 'f's " TORoNTO JItNI'TION. July I.,:., -
s•• -.r ; i TINT a f I Receipt. od live stork at the 1'luoA
t s wmpew € , Stuck Yards were IOU cur loads, con-
;. `ems' ° 1 misliflK err 'lIIG rattle. 7 hop. 121h
1 e
- , kJ((Mvw I sheep. 30 calve.
at Exporters.
i,l Prlcen ranged frons SLAW" to 84 per cwt..
;•;r" I the bulk welting aromid 16rro. bulls for
II t ., I I export w")d at solZ. 1" V. per cwt.
"�`' I Butchers.
Prime picked form of Ptall-ted butchers'
1 cattle wild at 26.,- to 1:..40: meds of fwir
In good weld nt 97 in S1, X.. medium, 14. R5
to 14. Kr, common. 14.'. to 24:0; cows. R
to $4 W.
. Milch Cows
F.„ CY -Milch rows and forward .lPringees were
,i,, lie av1! roreJul afrous drafts on the hack quoted at 9L 111 $46 each
V • ft,1 :- Of yewfleck eck, Veal Calves.
an your other self, and she will stood I PrIcPA remained strong for vol r•irPm
by you. The chances are ten to one she at 84 to 2914 per cwt. for the bulk of
"a vols (Orftlnp mlpAty otiose W the jump -will stand b PnI"e• but cold.
Ion new milk f" veols from
y you anyway. That In WO- 6 ler 9 "Pets old. will wll readily for 21
fop r,JI )duct muffin charifeterlstie. even when her per cwt.
Is at fnult, not by a dern sight. I don't loyalty IR II.ant deserved, but that Sheep and Lambs.
claim that all women are angels. 1 dlxSn't relieve oil from the oLligotlnn Thera was a prendid demand fnr sheep
don't clAlm that an of ihrtn arc. ) I and Inmbe. u more than one buyer was
e rt a Pn were quoted ' on the market. Export w u t
y 1 - Do Q
of devoted loyalty to c Ihr. m
Y y
Ire l n n
They're just women, [loan► heaeu• trarp, It Inrrealtpm that obligation. at $5.90to M.76 per cwt.; Ducks and culls.
at M.to 84.1616: 1smM, Fold at Oe to
rind they. have. Their failings, name Make her happiness the chief aim of I sy(c per Ib., and more would have sold at
more, Pont@ lens. But 1 am addream- your life, and you will find It recipro- thew quotations.
Ing thin letter to you an mon to tint and more, for what yoq give will Move.
mon. ( don't pretend to may what it ,. returned to you with a Rub*tantlal H. P. Konae:•dy Queues hog* at 12.10 forDefects, and 8606 for lights and fats, or '
woman lobomld da What t want In to profit ridded.I an advance of Mo per cwt. all round, with
mpos vow do what you ought to do to And now, my troy, 1 have said market strong at thews gtsotatlona.
brinR happiness to your home. Then enough, and, be*idem, 1 am tirrel. Willi Montreal LM Stock.
:f you fall It won't he your fault, brit f love to Anna Mny, me well s%.unrniling MO, of live
July Ie X(OUrelal.)-lie-
have Dever known It to tall where the afferlbn fur I +«pts of non stock at the Iltoatreu stock
yOlnr, -If. I bid you goal Yah.' Went End Market for the week
methods 1 have ontnned to yon have night. Yours an ever, I ending July 11 were 27he rattle, 120] •hoop
leen conscientiously and lovingly tried JOHN SNF:F:f). i And hunbn• Sia hog'' end 11M tabes. and
the offerings for local consumption to -
I claim no credit for them. They have 1'. ft. -Mother nays to her very care- 1 day weirs ion eatue, 150 *beep and lambs,
[leen In a*e for ages, and what I have ful about drnfts on the Dock of your 12Z hags and SM catvow Trine In eat-
RaM to alt along this Ilse In but the Deck. J. S, I Ile waw (airty active, mail ■Itho supplies
y g were larger, prfores were maintained. A
mum of the experience of many men I I few sMex of prime suer* were made at
past and prePent, and which, boiled 0ltic, while choice pold.at 6%c to or,: good
Anwn, In simply the practice of the To Make Pretty Hands. . at [.%t: to &%e; (air, 4%c to fie, and lower
P teradeP at fte to 45ic per Ib. line market
(:olden ]tole at hone, where It I. most A little tins t,- make floe hands bents.for hogs wen Ptrongwr, and prices ad -
needed and where It time the most tiful neat not Im• grudged even by the vanePl Me prr est. Derlland WAR good.
bunleat woman when It In mald that I an/ Palos of relected lou wore made at
good. ' Ina to V.fs1 Per cwt. wN[hsd off cars.
There Is no Inner Right In the world beautiful handm are worthy Inmtrnep - ; Shewere In good demand at 4%e per
than tins[ prevented b a man sod wife uarntm of beautiful act%. The soft, Ib.. and combs wore Prior" at 84 to 90each
y t"dwss met With a steady Pale at 12 to "a
who. livingm"Ist Skln that make; the Aond of A
olwayP for each other, of woman Pre Soothing to the fevpreel saii;i awe R ohoosip. week were: 1106
Join that condition of perfect nnlq
bene. Rrl Insulriuv to floe Aral. ocrrr East SURSIO Cs"ie Market.
which fa the Ideal married state. They
are use, In tars, and you Do tlosbt have ties% lurtid which It clasps, rnnnnt ole 14AJyr BUFFAl'o July 16.-Cattlo--Re-
"b(nlnpd or premervoid without due ob• rallies OW; fairly shim. 15P to So lew-
noticed the physical rwembinom which %ervollre of ItyglMlc hlw% And derd. or; prime steers. 96.16 to 16.15; ■htppytg
often comes to such couples In the 96 N to 19.16: butcher. $4,90 to 26.76: hPffera,
crooewe of years.Mr. sod Mos Harper, thin fn commpticP. F.xc(wrslve Selly of [975 to M.to; cows, tis to 84.96; bulla.
cold Is not (only an deotructire. to the 2221 to 84.76; *towers and feeders, ars
over on Renton street, ore a mpMld ndto 810; stock beaters, 12.00 to las; trmh �
locality of slop hands a% to the Isnnt7 cows And to"gwrs, 12 Alghpr IM gaud, example. shoo 1 hest knew Dick Har, of the filter, but If long (lontlnued may etrady on cminlaom, 219 to lit
per. forty years ago, he was a Dardffe
s so act the -network of the noes as Y.",teoeirt•, IMO; active• Ifo blgber,
Pcaram boy who was sewing big onto to mar the delicacy of the touch. to It to I&SL
with a steam drill. He was just about �' ' it-; avy.
j Washing the hands tlfs temperature of setae 'ether., fo to Ib )ewer; hwnaty.
as wild as thoiy make 'em and waP0 to lam; mixes. /9s to KM; )retie;•,
itndgbp cions to tit• jsmping oftde' water should ll! a matter of care, IgM to 190: ales, KM to NM:
and tepid water only should M used. 9s to ILA; eta t•. M to 4.M; o•tr9w• M a
place when be met Mollie Prim. Ho12.X.
Cate should by taken to dry tit• hands
.married bur, and shy made a man of efww and i.a MI,. i4tesyo4a w:
his. That was thirty -eve ream age. thoroughly btu god bong madthem to the *elf" end •nems. Usha gam, 1sa is
'Jr.air. Next to gond bomemads soap fk lew.r; ►.orbs. li tops tw •t .s:
and they are stilt speeeteg. When they pore wtlle M beat for sub ag the 7earllmse' lass 6e US: pis
,a■r. are ew1 be was us= as tae M. _ s} ewe. Mw be Si: dmw ashims. am to
,..,s..Ps+.'«,tom, uN,_11«r4v»,n•aN•:r...,=.,,s1-, _ - -.
�. - I r
comparisons of our VALUES? It's your busi-
ness to do so. We're all keeping an eye open
for 11
from the buyinjj of a needle to the purchase of
an anchor, counting time and distance of
small account to secure the profit. HERE'S
your chance to save time and money In a wide
selection of the goods you want. Some special
prices. .
:n"....P.ali........t....l� • � , � ..1
Ladies' Kimonos, tr41y. ":l „�" ... Sc i
Ladies Wrappers; only ........... .... Ili
Ladies' White and Colored Waists., only ............... saC
Ladies White Petticoats, beautifully trimmed, only ...... 9 C
Ladies' Wash Belt; nal t.V
Ladiee Linen Skirts.'Vi .......................,.�t.ys
and scores of other extra Rood values that we are sure mil save you
- _. ----------
New York Low Bt•ek.
A union picnic of the branches of
the Ang Nc•ah Young Prc/plre Awcrci•
NRw TORK,JWy U--Beeves-Recelpts.
4227 head; 64 care on sale: (rood to chomes
tion mL Ooderich, Clinton. SrAtorth.
stores, life lower: others, lie to ze lower:
Iloltllrsville. SuDimerhill, hliddlrton's
P ■ v t0
lit w • o elro cow seed
III shit l
y w.
t N 111 Ila 11'
and I h til t I n 1 fill. ora N' 091
t +a
1 owe � II 1. Steers .w o K
uc 1 r, n sit >G
nrwlav At Itnytlrl41. Thr frlinual
oxen. 16.60: bulls, 92.60 to 84.56: cow■ $1.7%
to 94.40; dressed beet, selling at * to 10.
fu•rnrh are situ• urigiflators of the idea.
and choice and extra beef At linee to 10%C
Calves--Recelpts, 6771. Wain oroen-d
-- - -. -- - - - - -- _- -
to 25c lower. closed 6t- lower; Pnt-
teral.. 06 opened Plre\ey. pieced •close'
vaa1R. 96.Ib to 1250: top price ..l fins«
28; throw -outs. 14 to M; buttermllk•. Of
v. T. Ewaaltw,v. M. U.
1,16. S. Trmxat'i.t. dl. K
to 14.60; yearlings. 0 to 33%-). dr••• 1
calves, weak; city dressed vealtt. 04.• 1.1
Thr underaigor.l having lset•D it.
L•c per Ib.; few choice. 12c: a sintry tire.-.
stored to health Ly simple mran*, after
ed. 7c to lie.
mutlrl it' for se•yelal ran with m ee•r-
K y
Shiep end 1, rnbs-Re tpts. 1; r.,
sheep, steady: tombs. open«l 'vt• b, P.
ere IonK alTrction, and that Blend
lower, dosed 60c to Sic lower .IPPr,. -T'disease
Cessemples, IN anxious to make
to 16.60; culls. }t; lambs. 84:11 res 1: �
Iknow11 111 him fellow itufTeren the
choice lambs. early. /7.tr %4 to /t: •' It •
means of cure. To those whip desire
60 to
MHogw R@reipt■, 9603; market, lowrr:,
it. he will rheel•fully send (fler of
19,60 to 811.06
charge) it copy of the prexcripliofl
------ - -- ° '
mrd. which they will "Out ,t sone run•
DON'T DIE AT 45- * ra'
for ConsompOes. Astbna. GSM. sees.
cbitlsandall Ihltiat and lung Alalslles.
;, .4,
Ife ho,ttw All PufTerers will try., his
Cure the Indigestion Which Is S*
Remedy, its It In Inyalltlmthose
Liable to Lead to Apoplexy. -I
dt-wirinK the 1111 a,riplion, which will
Peoph. who -ntTrc with hr,ulao•lle.
cllsl them nothing, and may prove A
•id-iine-, palloulliml. INoI taxle in
ble"inK. will please address
ell• o„oil, m-riile•s.. Bier
Hesv.ENWAIMA.NILS0111. gra UAN.Y
wtliuK, anal sly .d Ihr olbrt di.ttxss-
inK re,ulfs a,f iodige-hoo, are in Peri-
ous ehulKrr. Their digrs(ive ut•Kr\11s
- - --- - - - --
fill. lin• f.ssl ,illi,, m•1'ly +111'i
brll11111 e1'e•
honer sloe cools err Ihe• hhasl vrvwls it'
the bl•nio K• -I litlh• flotirishuo•fll, la•-
emoe 1.1itllr :oul llrnlll% yield tothe
firr.•r bl...d ,m...'.1111• :,std oil,• is thou
IIII.HF:err I.%sit rwo E v.xlll event mo'N\r
•,aid h- ha\'t-:1--li,s•k, ho- intialized.
Intl%. I,N.".s, I.F:.\lo. Ill"ing an yeml
111' 1111• fl'lllll aln.,drxy,
ina%.. I1.
ler :Ili disraw•s .of Ii1t :Ilii 1111
11 161111 1.,11 (111•,11'1•NI•11,1(111i1 1'1111.91 ,lo IliIll%
. .• t
has pnicrn it.+elf .of gi-eal valor. It is
Old Foundry, East St.
rellld oilk,ll f,Nlay ,Ik it ccitainly to.
Ieh.-%.• Ihr wmA II.,ublev lot indiges-
ti -n a ll n1,lke It cosoplete cine.
)genesetung ineral Water
Th:st )li-o-11:1 will cur.. the wol.t
=----------- ---
Imois,of storm. -h trenlde, ranrrr a•x.
re•plyd.:old r•i%r yoick relief in irldi.
■ 9Kit 1.0., manafwrinrer of A,lo-,r,e
we'l lust is ,t'oayell M• the umntntrr
1 K
I'I .K." nn• prop red to Helper to any part 4
the town lielf .t Iauser Ale In pint- t'.1
.la•. Wilsorl given with evely .01-(eht
.pun-, .I.. Mi.,,rPi w.aler in threw •ir.•-
,Is.), In round tin• motiev flnlPoU
,-pllt., pial, nod quart+.,. srlls.•r Water lend
yll-o 1114 vure-. A 11,11-:Illlet••like thin
I)ue.blr-oAe. 'rhes elkml. Are ,.mile fens
1,At liml imoteml w.lcr, and ser IheWforP free
uot.l lu•,p11e runllofrurr.
from all itparilie-. 1'. L WALTIIN. Mui
.get. 'ITonr _�,1.
- -
I - - ---__ --- -
XX - ..-
A Good -fitting
Well -tailored
Sint - )t F
} Overcoat
Made to your onler from new-
-t t hot 1. in tru91inn1 411141 liKht-
wviglols, at
Asphalt Rubber
Vo* Roofing
lead the market in their
ilrle4, isa^,:..r. ra ,Z,, ,;.,�r,
Absolutely Fireproof
Ns Tar a,r,-,4, No Paper
Prices right on yoitr roof
or in the roll. All kinds
4'I1I= on hand at
W• R. Pinder's
promptly attended to.
'Phone 1i55. ..
OopT o1 eh+age oI rennin` adorns••
fnents rpyst,bOiLlelt at this sAlee by
Monday neon to ensure insertion
in lesson Of same rrNlt.
EuB1C t�
A ISI►l f 11A\IS d � 114"'I
t1 Ts:o ora or Iha�n
+ i..
�todiio in Hank of Memdnvl Block
lily etik
'/ •
I)itS. F:MMF:K,vON k TURNBU[ i
`.w '•
v. T. Ewaaltw,v. M. U.
1,16. S. Trmxat'i.t. dl. K
Mee.,. Hnntilto.. Street. •Phone In.
11" F:nnncrs,d- resklerocr, St. iket'Id'• .t neet.
(lpl■m-ile Cictons .(reel church. phone laL
' J"
Ur, corn hull - re-Wrt.x•, NPl.on .(reef
\rel `shot.•..Inn•. 'I'limie lit.
])ft. A. If. MACKLIN, M. H.
11 I'HYs11 IAV AND SVIC44'.0N
vtwinlnrnti.m. ler F:yr, F'wr. Knee mrd
� i'
Thront, orllNw d son-kI r, c, old Itaukof Mon -
real, npla..ilc I".1"love. w'e•.t mL, (Inderk.h.
Telephone No, IIV
;, .4,
uEai - - - i,
ICIMTFatm s 11citon. notarlew, eta (Office.
smiltmBt.,Iidnldoorfrom Sgaarv,0oderich,
un A.
N. U. (•AMEI[UN,'K. ('. J. 1. KIL
11 IAN.
p110171)F(R)"I'. HATS k BLAIR.
barristers, wlliclton, ura,arle. public Tin
'ore In t he Merit ltile (court, etc. 0 lee, P%4 olee
Squwrr, nrst door C. A. tiAlrn's gn rsery. Prl
,ate hukl. to leed ,a1 Ir w ynt ralim of Interest.
W. P110171)F(P)T. K. C. It. C. HAYS. O. F
11,A l lt.
HISTFFtS, attorneys, Pnllcitorw, etc.,
Ooderlch. Money to lend at lowest rales. F:.
Insurance, Loans, eta
F:AAtc end Inne mnn• Apntx. ileal em -
fate for sale or to let. propertiesndI In
Any tart Of the Iowa And emnly. .1r'e And
lie Innur. nnoney to loan etc.
4 And Accident Insurance. Agent for looding
mnt ual end .trick ones lAa innurwnee In all
linen effected on best p ens and at lowest rwtew.
('all at note., corner Went Street And Square,
or Addrer. J. W. CKA1011t, tioderich, (hit,
role .hone 21
S U R A N C E C O. -Form And inolalasl
town pro rt Insured. Vnlue of proper[ in-
{ P yy
aural up to awn. Ilett, neer Itt,lexl,lala. (1111Mrw
and it rwto":--J. H. 1McLewn, ; T. Frostier.rice-pprem, ; Jaw. Connolly, O. tale, Mr. Che-
ney. J R' -it. Jas. Ernst., J. 0.Ori,ve, J. Benne.
web,, dlrectnes; T. K Hayn, Sewflrth,merretory-
truswurr In.pecttim. Itearl.t director to las.
J. W. Yid, Holminvllle, Agent for West
;mon. Polley -holder* cwn p ,y aAaeaamentio
and get their card. into poi At Mr. t:catA'.
Cllnl- not at McLewn Ikelim' Palace (.sousing -
Stete llodarich,
--- - - a
_ RAMAse Lloenein ).
-- - -
O(f11ERte H'. ONT. et
WAtrhmaker, J"Weller and opticlAll .
issuer of Marriage l,lrens�n�.
WLANK, IK4(,, Flt OF MARRi- '`
. AOk:Ifnerrr-, owesleo OnL
r=red Ractleneer. (HBO" on SeetJl
Stmhe will be roared Al all Umen
when not nrying tale•. Terms rmmmlwbls And
�oRoA owed W five 7•a Aauehetim.
onet.leneer, We Hamilton etteet liodselrh.
RO. Mia 14 All stelam ;;Q
re esre npalMa
attention. ( will bey lune entire m1.k of
boweboM goods for eePk. and will eNl yes