HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-7-18, Page 44 Tnrasmv, July 19, 1907,
Entrance Examinatio1
Results in West Huron Not Yet
Fully Announced.; b
Thr following im Ihr fill Of child
dat.rs palased by thr•hstt,l of rx,tia.6
erg for Went Harm, with lilt- nu+r
t lot Alllaet I,' v ach. A calif Kia iug 11
marks aw•ar.1.d ha. Initial .cut to I. n
pupil 9'Ile rrrtiflrntr. well I.• i..,
Iefurr lhr 1't--olening of Ihr nrho,.I
IIB nrcount of the dinhully ,r tl
literature pm et- the I.A.M. Mark h:
bil irrthavot from/ :90) 1, :474). 'l l
highest MAN obtainoil in each Mol
ject see r1a follllwA:
Heatting Elsie {itlrllel, 4.i.
Writiog--Pura Worthington n n
Maggie Diaher, 43,
SQelling-- MAny.
LUMr%turr- Marjorie (iuivan, ML
Arithmetic -- Anna Allimore, Aggi
Oolcmrll, Glary Nixon, OArtiet V1,41
less, Edna Mc Ewan, Elsie (iaixrl
Herbert Mitchell, Stilton lfmugl
Edith Treleaven, Tena Huckinghau
Jennie McNair. Harry .,Treilin ii
Myrtle Slin.on, Wtlll.• kiilt-ry, ('or
Nicholson. Murray Fisher, Matild
Oestreicher, 11.),
Oraulnlar-- Oral Stoddart, 91.
Coullxlmition-Mav Redmond, Ntk
Total --Mary 1Acey, &n.
Harold Aitken .........�43'l
San Beacons ............. NMI
Fred Bennett ............. 4.25
Nellie Black .......... .... ON)
;ala Britnia•ombe.......... 'ire
Contwd Carey.... ....... .17t1
Adaline Clark .... ....... 4,57
Mattel Doty...,........... 42tl
Margaret fialt............ 471
Mille Ooebel.............. NH
Nina Kerr .... ........... 417
[Sabel Mathexam.......... 401
Herter McKAv ........ 432
Annie McKinnon......... 41:4
Angus McNevin .... ..I.. a(W
Percy PIndin ......... ...:q0
liarwin Prang ........Y ... 41ki
Perry Rmrnary. . 4:41
Alix Saunders ...!... 477
StoliA Speiran .... 4>✓... 4411
OrAI Sulddart..... .. ... OKI
Eliratwth Salgdill ...4^... 470
Ruby Stothers....... it?...:5,14
Alex. Mtrailon, ......0... col
\VatsnSlraitore ...... k... 41os
Mary Sotherls nd ..... ... 433
LRlianThornton ...... i... '*M
Cora Washington ........ ix,
Ernest Young ............ 41Mr
Har41d Ttning............ CY)
Iea1DEBB'H NXI-AHATE 14411114101 -
William Doyle ........... 442
Russet Fox ... :... 475
MA ry Lace .............. I'1•LS
Willie Phe en ............:flu
Co LBo H V M..
No. 1 . Howard Joel ......
f4tephen Wilk .....aoll
Rill \Nish. .. :tial
2- (Aline Mtsme....... 411
:r Florence Voting. :t"
n Fallla McF.wnn.....4Ylt
ha ha Mcl can. _ ....aN
Mary M(adllanuM....fara,
Educt Sand"....... ,471
N Stell% nit,l'ri.h .....4(R
Thus. Mil -hell.. ...:ro
9 H11ule Cluttam..... 41rt
MAIM 1 1'uunK ....CC
n011)KRll H TUw YM111P.
No. I Caro I.• Graham ... Aare
Harry Haitvke..:.All
Rnlh Thilullmaot...415
5 F:luua liett". ., x711
Idu•y Mlnrsh,411.....4tK1
It Holerta Joho.1"ll UK
II F:VAA 1.1. I.1,141M m IIiMH..
Will. R. Itell....... .... .
.low. 11. Mallard ...........:rol l
Harry 11. M eArthor 1.111
.Imine. J. McArll o........ 441
Alex. Strait It ........ :0",
Priori Dry lAlp. 449
Arnold Ifnhkirk.. rift
Luella ( Irl weir ... it s
Irene PnpN• ..... :roil
IMy 1'Illlgbilll.. .. ..... 4:C
HAY T11w•V.HII•.
No. 2 lerthet Munn . 44KI
:I •Naglir If. Wilsom,. 4:11
N rMlra• Caldwell. Ill
Will. (;rroll . 41:0
:::.. acrd
I0- W. H. Faller... . Mo
14 - FlirA M. Thomp.t,n 412
NT.a V I.Ny.
No. l 4Clnudiral'orhrnnp.. 3511
it Mornay M. Fisher.. is)
IArne%.1. J a1T1,lI 142
AgKie tpenimell.... 4J1
Itettit M. Melleath . :Go
No. 1 -Petry I{mydell..... AMI
Willie SmAle• ....:1711
^_-Josie Melton....... 4'41
PriMcillA Ihtltalrr;... 4417
Klennor M11sm . '.... :•Mi
Thalia. Quigley...... :001
Eileen Mullivan..... G11i
John F. Sullivan... 412
Maurice \V.Mullivan 4.32
Mxrkarpt Wallace_ 455
3{ - 1-e•onien Bowler . :Wi
Albon J. (hinln.... 411
Oracie• Johnston 411
Annie MI. McDonakl 401
4 -Duncan Finlaymon. 41N
Will. MiCIA41od 4411
7-i.eila Agotr ........ .ID4
Bridget Hogan..... :e►d
i1 --Eleanor Dougherty 4l
1'b-.lohn Ilraillry ...... 4W
(Luner)n Fames., ION
Sophia Kempton .. Yri
.IenniP Mfelnin .... 422
I.5 --Tena Rtirkingheon. Nr2
Mildred O. Long ... 491
Duncan Matheson.. 37n
:James :McKay...... .*2
MAnlip Sandy...... 1211
Iltemainder of \Vest Huron results
hmvr.not yrt IIrain receivedd.
We give below the ramps of the suc.
crasful.cAndidates At. the recent rn-
trance examination held At the ver•
ioun examination rentre" in East
Huron. Ore the wholr the paper"
were very fair, although Ihr Mcrae.
titre p�r, or written rionding ma it in
now emitted, r,elu(rrel greater nletut•it v
thou ht than 1 nsumll
Of 11 wsra
66 �• Ix
children of lhirtren. The
icy ria meM
at-, arromwell in two claaalls• honor moll
paws. To pmw a candidate intent have
ehtwinpd 3a0 out of a possible rtYl, And
for honors 497. Thr certificate" of
trnccesdul rwndidates and the marks
of those who failed were sent out last
Bernice Anderson Frank Fingland
11st'tha Brodgen Jaeea Watt
ICIva Blown Ambie Wells
Anne Fingl.sa d .
IGNORES DIVORCE. meaamg, eveu et %tie vworu f Yeytlay.
Walkerton Man Must Pay Fust Wde irlttl�'hosa may be too toll
44 Per Week Allmon sixth -You may be eburtllug too fast
Alimony. and thae carrying the cream rtgbt, ry r!
'r,l, IU I,, JuIY I:t. Arrnldllll lu er
aeootd with lila Churn.
.lull a Iiddellis devision 11r+.. lda i
tin hill'.
i a 4111 I,sel.. h ,li per it%% I I Of coolie, then ah tmctsrla} to>esr
,41nuoov fl,.w her buslwud, hahtlll limps that will cause slow churning.,
Sivitxrr. I11d t. Ijlrlllo11 gave till. dr- but I would hardly suppuse that yvp y
ri.irl11,u Walk.•Iroti;it Ihr firm# hemi- would to buthoo l to that extent. t d
iMI*ds u,"""Mm Sa e
oK of the ..at... hl•r Sw•ilier appr+d,.l, probably to loo" over your work, 2° -
.•Iattuull 1., hl• alle,uly divorresl from# some of these aauso Indy rive you a •'*
tviYy;. hi, wife clow.-Protwow W. J. Kiliott, Moutapa
1 ,x" kit
I'll,- IraAl bl•olllbl ,til ,l .l.wy,f lizpprimant statim ON SATURDAY MORNING at 8 a.m. we will commence our mid-
F-Ilrer M-11 I1,ieMillr hu.hatol'. Molal Ilemuurut of )Ili;
Il:awl firnnelt lial oh Mluuryte wife. N,1 roulloll wtlh ahusinK her,, summer salt:. This sale will include nearly everything in our
i I A Cwime, lH filo ted i o Y rY g
1 I \'wenn Hrnilbw+elle Na•rllr Nichol hr ,u•ru.rd ler of had roudut'l olid 1Le pKligro Iflustrela±d lo o[ white
Ke mall Ih„w,l ,I'm, t Vall,,..t,ll Ilnmll, r,.•r.'..1 hPl lilt„ "K11'” :111 store. All summer goods will be offered regardless of cost, as we
k" I.utiat /Talk#• I'hu.. A. I{t Mlg.•l' order ,f MPI"tralwil, and Ilrealroilli( •mak "elle square neck, the yoke are determined to carr no seasonable Dods into another year. These
"' MI„y C"wall \Inv Itoleo-11 to kill ht r if .he ,lid ur,1. This was. No beteg made of wide strips at lace. A Y g y
1. l(ov 1'r,tvf.r) Allait-ri Skedlnl Helot, %%#ell Ih,• couple lived it, MIIn111 short jacket effect of lace and tacked goods must go at some price, no matter how small. The following are
rd Kill.. Cr Wil tut Frank SIr:tllgh#t„ Amir, Wmil,o.a. sllk extends from the underarm seams
No. I; 6111 v. Call IA•1'n,•1iff Tiel-llmv Sv%it/.e•1' (hell wrist Ito South Irak,#[., to the frouL TDs frown peopor falls some of the lines we wish to call special attention to, the prices on
u' I'eph,t Echlin Lillie \\',ttibeois mid Kot ;t diviner fl,.u1 Ili. wire, %itit from, the yoke, wkb two box plalls
'N IA11I11• .1i11'kwml Flor.-ove WatMlal ,•titler presetiev. Al thiA lieu• he dtswa the mlddle•of the boat Two is, which will be cut very low to clear.
Lillian Ler Ilt•s"ie \\'rI1M had IS -ell pnyiugalteralfnn to anWhel
Emilia Leith lill-oil 1\t"Kis
w401II411. admltilog It.. wallirtl In
Imlay liel.
MI1.. tis itz••I finally l noir to Walker-
f n, q ,.>.,
�tA1 ?
{.,.•y,,} r
i4sr ld !
tin, whrrrMheeulrrr,l .mil Gn nlnraly
• he di.lui..inft .. apleva
et,pall.tl w• s
{ 7
� A
#till# Mlao-mv.lark"on
1'Arl ##trill ItuvAd Krr
l odge• : 1rlioe 1.. sou•
Riddell Nays 411•
,vl x t
Minnie F:hl:wml .1.
Icuut.• MLlrtin
.i41e•r a.dicorrr obininl.l illthis way
(ileigg .Irina 31,1%ill;trt
1'v it ller.un Atl .111Iat1el.
the Iot for....,! ....
May (trill C'wa Mlrlinil'i-
Agne. trivial Eat !;I H:.Iv
UlAtruce Audemoti Elo,ie
in T
Au11ice Itutliff 011ieL.h'
8 pieces, ring spot largo and
to Ile had.
Abonot 44M1 yams, 27 inches
(i I,NI �'. ('+Intl•It111 .\I 1'1'I IY1..
Allert U. -pee. B.•t'l Mlillel
Eheel Tijdiog
with, this-woui1t1u'N goodol
Ape1t still florid patterns, fast
cloth, coloring good, regu-
lar:.Nle. Coute and���
Hownrd Clirh I;reg Nrl,Ielor
color", rt- g u 1 a r;1x, 9C
(� U
are scarce goods now, owing
I.r01lar1 ('ole Irnuie Stevenseal
full particulars.
to the great advance in
Dross Delaines
Della Finch NelI ie Siortmir
primWe bought them
William Elliott
"In P.a.M.
lilt Cat
lil.%vAIII F,ttgtihar M At'y S111it11
CI-rioll gl'mind, -mail "pot
1 r
\\'ilbur Ful+1 l,lu, M1ur,l)•
•\ I:,,,xl .epnretur ,wn•flally fell and
Chal-lee (;oto ter \\ I mie Soodere4atlk
14 -rated lx ooe tit (he lest paying me-
Ehzi i MI. (iray Eliz aletlt Tmvlor
chines on the form, says American
cololm, to' choose fr,elll.
F.dw'AI11 (;tell Ml \'1'l Ili Tiplady
Cultivator. To get the best rpaults
7 \
Katie (lulu Elim Turner
from a aagwrator there are certain con.
Katie Ament .
Willi( Hall \\'ilii( \\2,,."x11
dltions neie"mary. An Allmon a. possible
Lji' ) ) mets, very new drsigna
Eilero H,NI%e• 1.PM11.• W".111ati
after the milk Is druw•u It should be
Helen Ilihbs H.-11ert Mitt+
F:uuurllne Holland Ruby \1 Ise
ra•movad from the stable or yard and
Ela•,% Levi. �{
arparlateil. The natural brat U the Hest
FORDWIl'll. N 'f {
for separating. but shouldIt for qtly
I , -
Ilo�olu•. •�
r,nson tis ucrrw+ury to let the milk Ret
cold it may De henttd b y placing this
lAw•reure Maguire 9
In a of halt water and
#mors Iitrmnelt
that] pan mtirrinq
until It is from ill) to OG degrees, when
ad,00a••lar lace an 7f the
Arnottrimg Andrew• Johnston
Hilda Ashton Clifford MlcCloudy
It may be separated. i�
N lo advisable for the name member
The -back ix.. three is
linuhArt Veru:. Merl l,gI II
of the family to run the separator
extrn�gfato'atrahk 'h•ng'
Noble Cartalnarll Will"d M1, -I lI tglll 111
I every time. The helm of the c}Iloder
� sbs�>k [rOm tlhe �• m•
Marjorie 1!1111x1111 \111r•w• tiIteers
leromem a familiar guide. turning wI'I
meed intrant
Hnn'v Gregg lientriee \hratvi
►•ah;IIA Hargrave Olive \\',altelm
Ile steadier, anal the till ell rsl and other I
a ribbon belt may -Oe with tong
INVallwe Ilnlrhisou
det;lls so necessary for good work will I
InJRont or't tam• bOw wig
Will Hl.lnp
Ile more carefully o sierved. A apparel-
the 3•cket effatinatrmttnatsd of the
SKAFORITIf. ,; ;l e•
for should br tlrorougbly washedeach
two �nn•• wkh-knob otwlbbm on
time It Is used. Clean Ings 1n every
!few dda s
Aurin Hell Jli,1nip IlAhkirk
part Is absolutely necesliary to secure a
--- —
Arthur 1'. Birks Wilfid It. Kerr
( first clary product Hive the cream
--- - - -'-
Iran A. Carswell Mhiy Mlr(heg"r•
I duct regulated to give you =, or W per
the nialrning Y'
FFlank fluff 'Mary Mt'
cleat cream. This richer the ilea" INP
eves# last nighl, and Witaed it." 1N I'm
( dialler-"1"rnl ate
always thlnkinK
(Cowan 'Mary R;Iry
others. aren't You.
EA. I :u,tuh;u"un 4
lower the temppnture for churnirm.
when the separating U done. cool the
John It. Alcan h'hlrAS'e Mit Klm
Mlivy firuxt-r \1111th
coram at infix to about uN to IM ale -
g,ms1p rnlxlnt two or Ilrore eklw-
adage together to to have
S:1112 If. eunpls•II L
M. ,Nile)'
sure them
1-:111L Carter Ml:u'v Mr,•Kr1•
both wooled. deo not pour warm cream
A lire Mav Chesnr_vAnuli It. Miriran
In *th cold. Stir thoroughly and •fro
ugh Chesney ,\\'til. in,.. SJeIA.mn
Inry J. Cortin h.•rluv 11rMnnn
j geeotty while ripening. adding the all-
tun if any lo umral, when the cream lo
S \va'`
Arthur 11'. Dirk \\'til. McMillan
first ditzed, stirring often until it has
a .. ••via If'%ttlt
AN C. Ilick-11 li,rd.0n Mfr\rain
a smooth• glossy appearance and A
1'utt'v J. F:I,.sat Cath al-mP ()'Keele
1111116h'r•t•ulau I Inllou Itrid
pleasant taste..
If you lave Backache you have
\\ n1. 11, I;,allld 11-I,{w' 1'. H.J.•1't. I
A Holstein's Gnat Record.
Kidney Disease. If you negrect
Eha lirtv.•. FiuLty H,Ma
The nolstrin-Flriesian cow Colauthn
Backache it will devel", Into
It. 1{. llnmulelt 11"havrl H. Stull• I
IVV.'s Johanna• ownwl by W. J. 1,11-
something worse -Bright$ Dis-
Harley Daw.o11l'. Strait It
sett of Rosedale, Win, has beaten the
b Diabetes. These is M
use rubbing
Chao,. Ilia%, Iiettrud.• A. Smith
world's butter record in a mixt• day
and adoctong your
back C
Silk Tissue
White Vesting$
Dress Muslin&
A duplicate order that gave
Another lot of our great
2Ki yards, 11 different flat-
us taxi many has now to he
value ladles seamless, fast
terns, 411.11$1• Iegultr. Sale
saeriflced. Small patterns,
black cotton home. 8;, 9, W
rrive, your• choice of the
jFslorfect goods. /,pular Me.
sizes. 15c or 2 for 21c. The
t fur LM•. Light ground,
your -choice of 5C
gt•ratest quArter's worth in
rherk And floral pomurrns,
the Iot for....,! ....
stocklnKe to he found any.
where. We have alraruiv
More Muslinsold
I pairs. These
about 741111)Persian
Owng.• ('meet„
six dtiaet, n are all them, Ate
Selena Finall
8 pieces, ring spot largo and
to Ile had.
Abonot 44M1 yams, 27 inches
small, very wide, choice
Eheel Tijdiog
with, this-woui1t1u'N goodol
Ape1t still florid patterns, fast
cloth, coloring good, regu-
lar:.Nle. Coute and���
Flannelette Remnants
color", rt- g u 1 a r;1x, 9C
get your choice for
are scarce goods now, owing
Frehl Juhustnn
full particulars.
to the great advance in
Dross Delaines
primWe bought them
William Elliott
"In P.a.M.
lilt Cat
ends months Ago and YYwt
CI-rioll gl'mind, -mail "pot
will I"• I,dlMeed til abloot
can filly them for lulus filo.,
and fancy pArterna, 32 inches
wholermle prices. A largo
stock, both in light dark
today's wholesale prices.
%ride, 1111 -14) -(lata• this .piing,
We have about 750 yards to
colors perfect, Mw.
cololm, to' choose fr,elll.
sell at snap prices.
Sale prier..........
Summer Dress Goods
G' hams r�
Colored Dress Muslin&,i,l�:
Katie Ament .
Della MclArty
fill" K,wtllHll
Lji' ) ) mets, very new drsigna
and Chambrays
illi varl", 9400d patterns,
of checks, all May purchases.
Frank Mcott
white• grnind, fast color•..
Black and white colors.
Our whole stock of these
regular price 1•lje,1
AulericanAlfsncp's washshie.
goods will tee at hale prices.
Katie price .. ....... IQC
Regular c fat• 45c Real
Oenrgr King y
Irpoe Berkley
While Lawn Waists
Scotch Ztphyr Tartans
#mors Iitrmnelt
MiHggie Jtichip
Four pit -rem of these tartans,
49. sortie short and some
long "#execs, open hack or
n letrerixed. Choice color.
We have just got it fine lot
front. All this "canon's
i n g r, good value mr
to offer at astir salr, All At
inakea And bought trout the
regular price, lie.
Now ' 15c
11mrg,ain pities Mrcule some
factory. `tome It
lecture they are all guar.
theta as low as..... Vel
Iu addition to what tiro named there are scores of things to be on sale that
there is not room to mention here, but there will be good money in them for you.
No will make this a great Bargain Sale for TWO WEEKS ONLY. The prices
i I%ae
tfirr goods at should reduce our stock all we require.
rare chance to get good fresh goods at very low prices. Get here
a-iu can in order to get some of the best of the offerings. This sale
will previous efforts at Bargain Sales. Sale starts on the 20th'P• • COLBORNEThe Sgvare,
Fell h M. filing
1 1,1, rr•r Suopr
test, by forty pounds. The test wnm
ure the kidneys• ars
is Duly one kidney inedicine but
rdu,t Metal
K. Huinu,n
F'lorenrr I dr.
Suluy Sto''
omrially conducted by the Wlmconmin
it cures Backache every time-
Kohut Swnil,
Tramp-- '11'nuld von pints give- til e I
,u `
11'111. I. Suet-
exper]U*Dt station. The total amount
I or milk In this
foe lfa hl
a fail to n
Pett, ct'all ' live just. ruler
,fur .d gaol." l.+utto •Tun Mhonld Ie
H.•rlir Kyle
F:c,t IA,t'r
\lirlllll•I M"Cli1•die
1:wnut E. 'rem rl'
lrrrlhn F:. 11',41krr
ball R'N' W Ike
priduce,l lerloal war
,33t1.o iwundx; total amount til butter.
a-limined (- town it. Trump "1 don't.
t'sa'r it. nl:ixnl: if I #lid I'd Mn41 it."
,a 1
IenwU,IMlr1'orwirk.Lu•k W Wit ravi,k
1 -'We Mlrl'ulrbrou I'rtirl.1pr Worle•11
\lime M.'1;o.rh
Tot1l'ast. diAg11.tWIly Iw'hlo :l" lu•Mn
• nett All day ill the rain Ilshing, and
Kidney h alight nothing bot,
Ill, lit Irxsl 1 run
h"' n Mtnokr, hut. I don't .up INN«•
there will even In- a dry pence at1Klarl
PiUs the Mt, whokea lllnal 1w • I itepril tited oflool
'^q i altar, who heal #omen drpria•r11 of his
talklkhlla ❑caltMtouueldrink# "Try rely thratt.
rank 141.... 1.1'. I•,luuo, Stewart Pt '
i 1
\, 1 •ue.
I.a Aille.
Hoy I orv.•y
li,nbill Youog
Iihinrhe Henoett
\lilton Ro:ulhnusr
rdu,t Metal
11,vy ititehie.
I -Aide Mach lrlall
Lilli;tll I1,,..
\'#-Ilia Ilwkin.un
Kohut Swnil,
1•:mn1.4 For.a'Ill,
Fkawnce Sought
li. \\'ikon I;edde.
%til ry S1 ew•n rt
foe lfa hl
Ada Slave e
Tot1l'ast. diAg11.tWIly Iw'hlo :l" lu•Mn
• nett All day ill the rain Ilshing, and
Kidney h alight nothing bot,
Ill, lit Irxsl 1 run
h"' n Mtnokr, hut. I don't .up INN«•
there will even In- a dry pence at1Klarl
PiUs the Mt, whokea lllnal 1w • I itepril tited oflool
'^q i altar, who heal #omen drpria•r11 of his
talklkhlla ❑caltMtouueldrink# "Try rely thratt.
rank 141.... 1.1'. I•,luuo, Stewart Pt '
i 1
\, 1 •ue.
I.a Aille.
Hoy I orv.•y
li,nbill Youog
lirnr.t Lillklatel
Million \\-hili
Ilevolm Mllittnll
\I1111'ew \1all.wo.
John Mlilehrll
ll.•Iell Wilsa,rl
Eld.ltl \rthe•ry
square - - - - 85.00
Jell11l,' :\1'111.(11114
14/•1 1 ba .1,me,
Te -a And.-I'.,.o
I:e,rgr .La yne.
•I:Iisw,•i .Milker#
Edam J,Illval"ll
1'1;u:1 Iteelovi.
Alex. Kerr
.Nhi 1,.• Ilrr.loall
Ilea it K......
frail l'rltw'righl
%I%;t MIrD,rwell
EI Ill 1'ot iii
Allan I'.1gh
li.•1tit- 1 to Iii
Owng.• ('meet„
li'mar•l St.•w•nrt
Selena Finall
It'%'al 'Peal"•
lilt,.r11 Fixtulr