HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-7-18, Page 2n 4 Tltct(uuer, Julq 18, 1907 ah 10=1 uut)KRI('It. uNTARI ). P(IBI.I8HSD EVERY THURSDAY' w VANATT6R t RURKXT'SUY Telepleolte ('all 140. al Terns. of wMcrlotion : �Llrt per annul• ba advona+. Ix natant lm, iron ; IAtree months. 11C.To United Statrs sub•s-rilk,, . $I..0 a year fatrielly in ^Aide"-. aubr:rlbera who fall W revolve THa sltn'ar. relptlarly by mail will e+oeder a Anaor by ae- gpouintina as of the toot At am early a daW a. When a change of addle+., i, deshwl, both t he old end the new ad rem• +11011141 lie all' 'Oil - Advertising Rates: L.-rpi end other similar Adrertlm on'otm, I's' per Ione for mat Inwrtlo,1 y,n1 t• I.., III,,- f"r .A,•b .-b�m,luent Insor iltlR Mcg-onrt h) a nonpareil .Coln, twelve linen an tenalneh. Ru.inete wards of six )Ines cud candor, $5 p•r rApverlieement,o of 1.o.t. Found. Strayed. Sit- uations Y'acaut. Hitnatione Wanted. Hon," for tale 0t- to Rent. Farm+ for Kale or to Item. Article. for +tale• Mc., lint excraling elector lines. 1:4• ra.•h igscrtiou ; $I for fro, nwollh, fir for each dutlwfQ�eetd month. lArlter Aed%ortise- ment. In prolku'(iolu Annouewementr in ordinary rendl# U n'1w tr11 cent, per line. Fo nothr Ir•« Ilan i1•. Ant- .pkrlAl ncAi,.r, the ohInCt of w'hn It 1, tbo peeuntrr7 Maellt of any individual or a.tmot•i- &ite s, to 1t-• vensideml an advorlimenn rat and to be charre,l ,urordioafa- Rater for dL.play -rot elintritm aAverthx•- assente will be Kit en on .pplfudfun. Address all eanun#@uirat 1011., 10 VANArTIBM & Ito)HVItTRON. Tres SIUNAI. IN.,erieh. (lost. OODZRICE, THUI(tlUAY. JULY t*. fair,. MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS. It ix a pity that the council ill the l Il • [Bylaw h , r ower 'u t f the 'drraU u condo 1 not have Iwrnrelit nn authoritative ■lattemrmt as to the lmwmpmtrumt of running the anunirilnal wittrr +Ind w beca me - us r Plant, Ill.. 1 t 'n Ian lighting 1 R K 1 \ plwrr of lbs power grateraled at til• town plant., and Also- portions fit tilt- pra•eent citarged fur mlatn- hr law" •aN 1d 1 tenonver which n 1 vice prop,ewd It, Are , furuiAled b) the Maitland River J'uwer t'ongstny. We have swellients frulu different scourc•es ilk Ili Ilse poA of the oval used andtla~e hom w wide vri-ttiou. There IN dibsKreeulrnrl. alanm Ica""' Kmvlllg of waged rat t he lower hon.- its it I, - mult lof Ihr rhanglt. It id to I'd1ber strange ...tail. fit aflmirt, if there tm Illo• loosely whose mrqumiutaulre w'ilb file facts is rec--Knizeal and whose state - Preset, of 14 te- Prenlof Ihr cook• ('00111 loo leepival ah shsolutely dininler•slel ,treat whilbl . Such a dtmteue,nt w/inld have lee"'in-. valuable Ito rumbling the eourivil mud the promoter, of the Maitland River power prolomilion to TPAVII till irgrr•. trent Am Ito tilt' ptice W Iw chargeil Ifuf power, supplied W the V`01'11alrattiou. The PnHnotrt•d were not litteluptiug W overreach the cuulleil, lWit her wt" the coetatcil trying lit drier mu lattice's bargain with the prounott•rs, 41111 Yel, because ,statim) dowelled to lreuw fin stare what it fair hargain would I e. them• is Still missile doubt AN to haw Ile thing will work out. 11 lit connection with this nattrer'it cannot he sAid that the R(mu-d of Trade strengthentetl its influence by the pausing of the resoluti m in favor of the power bylAW alt rat flrht Sub- mitted. In spite of the Il ard's rat- dordAtion the pr inuter,n maaw that the objections revised to the $i,tMKlclause would iw fatal and immediately est to work W put the cosine in a form that would Am- orrceptAhle to the town. If the Ballard of 'trade hold delayed Rev Pn- dureation until thin change wave made its approval of the bylaw would have lead some influence with the electoral. The B(ar{ of Trade in a town like this, which In growing into con- siderable iurp/rtanee• in business affairs, lehcnlld Iw careful Pill([ ceutiouse in flat deliberntionx, and above nil shoubl avoid making for itself the rep- utAlion of being ready to pass reesolu• tions in favor of anything that cooed ailing. - This particular change of the bylaw Is the weak'Spot in the power, proposal. tion &It it. concerns the e{ to ter rs. Though it, is now framed in A definite foa•tn, and it; prolan y an fair a prop - coalition an co uki bAuiggemted in the pt"ent hack of infornintion relative to the matter, there is no doubt; that many will still find objection to it. It may tae, however, that we are giv- ing altogether too much attention to this feature of the lecherue in propr- tion to its reap iniportAnre. If the carrying (lilt of the pr)lct will en- able tine to bid sucerssfully for Lu•ge a mnufacturing• industries,. and I it will he the mP&um of giving us the proposed Plectric railway develop. ment, A few hundreds, of dollars herr or there are ret it large ronxiderlt ton. if the w'hrule As conceived by ILP pr.nlntrn•s can Imo realized, we van tit - ford to )•field it paint rn two in A is of such vast iouportarlee In the feature of the flown. The grant lints• tion tat flit- enndiderttion lot the- prop. twitiun by the electors in that of fed- aoming the respites mitill it, y of 11;s, gainr. entices of Iktnd+, and if nPeruA Au in` grn- Prally nrpepled as it it-Axi mnble prop• eailion Abort to Pi meatier let this kind 1 municipality 11 tl a mune p ali I v rah old btkr it rink &long will( Ihumr reit., inn• iuvesting their airline)- in ILP enterprise.. Thim is the age of vyat.rr,ow'er develop. ment ; we are field by competent ere gineers that the Nmiflaud River in capable of grant development; Holy one proposal for taking advantage of thin condition -the protection) lot :lea. Maitlmnd River Power Company is before tax. Are we Kiting to seize tilt- opportunity, heopportunity, fir let it g-- by . Many ratepayer•x will gnenlion Ihr wisdom of the council in again put ting off the repkiring of the fire Ion' gine xo that it may tie ready for no when needed. We all know that II Will oust A good deal to put the songless In condition for work, Mat It in some tittles economy to spend money land fire In an element with which we dr toot want b take too Baa eny chances. Hy the Way, what 1164 iaeclele of the scheme for the rsx)rganizoation of the fire de e The council bar uutde & departure in the awarding fit A contract by tender fur the printing of the voters licit. For years thin work have hPen dune alternawly by the two news- pialver officer of the -town at a fixed Price of $1 a ledge. Although ill re- cegt yews the eomt, of printing has Advaured very materially this prive, although it was never more than it re•as ilable tone. has out Ween tit• vreaeal ; the 811,311getrleut fur tile dividlug of the work- wets mtiefmrtory to loth uflleld and obviated ally yuar- reling• and evil naitht-V ufltel- eared tea disturb it. Now n Jobprinter. whose Luaiuean m in carries ounder voutli- tiolly which it is uul nead.ary 111 dis- cuss• i, asked to fertile'- for the work, Haid Vets it, \V herr lite cira•u111mtal1vt4 ,Ire known ,auuong the t,uainesa turn of that town, the nrf iom fit file council im strongly couilei veil, and, iuetresl, mulue of lite vounpillonl Nho favoreol flit- giving all Ihr work L)• lender ate emldid enough to. uatulit that they would like to have Nn ulllk•rtwlit•y of re ctnisideriliK l he uutl ly. 011e plea in juslification ill that. having asked fur Irndeym, lfoey err,• bund to accept Ike lelwed.. %o sorb rule, however, is binding, and Comes iltur MneLliu tool file manly roost' fit ,ntusitliug that lir hild retail.- it IrltletaLo Piled volinit In give the Work lit The Vfur, - M'hnss, tura it Wam to II ver t1 this year find.•er the role Ihal 11 IIIll11•It,l Ie4.11 f"I. halved. Without money a ld wtllmut prier the nrvYmlalwrs give vel gl.t.1 11enl of stn of oro •r / rvo r 1 at d I rff Space find I 1 a K 1 ro Ibp furihrr in.P fir Ilie town's toter - 1 mtn, ,and it is [east do stli' •h to may that tyr Se•rYirr vvhipb Oalw'i•h lerrivrn fl•t111t Ila tiewopo Nark in 1Il %,;a). has . t o Iwen of inrslinun blr valor t lieY lower. It he m bel -11 givru without Itllalght or hitpw oaf rew'arl, find ver to f e, still to dBa fine lwdt in for mPiulr 11t1eX l In. II I% nut t,ll/ inch too ask. huwevt' a nus fur unetda� (avers. Intl fur fat,. •eat- nn•flt. 51141 r--nnideraliou : weld the rouneil, irlit taken Ihr brfad vi , Will ate` IllPir, it im scot KINNI pNflll•y 1 dj'al in' a I)iggau,ily 7d•hion with agendum whirl Ate in flue fnrp•musl ralk among ole, rleoa•uts is( ptogrrss iu calls- 1u011. .sou -Il!iug alight Iw sails fur lilt. pr•.rl relufaeil in m11,hk- erfltiml elf its Cel alliterative "gr4•n- nr#m." Mont Bar its 1l eieilwra have nal hn/l much exlm•rieucr in their prevent Ix,Sitiuns, and, like uruul green hands. Iley ata)• have lit pram wislont by staking Mistake.. The''r V,pap•r., Iluwever, ohja•f to Im•treK dads, Ihr virtinld of such lelidtakrm%ud whenLir council aigalll Ilan firvalelacn lit con- t der it siulil:u. yuestisu tht-y Will holve for a different vonplission. EDITORIAL NOTES. Premier Whitney hats gone to tinea ilribain, heat if he IIA) left (thief Raise rutiunrr Judd at large the country will nut notice hit- Absence. They are having It ruld xnap in gu- solve Just at preAcnt And Indies in sun• lion are getting nut their :urs. it's not that way here just now. Fur from it. There in is general agn-ement that Baloney is eraime in Calandra. The only retutd. lhal ver can suggest tx duet the frilows who owe tnone-v Should pay up indte al of trunking fresh tn- vestmentm with it. H. 13. Elliott lifts ronclaided ten years in the editorial chair elf The Wingham Title". Keep right lit if, Brother lilliott: Stitt relay the next ten yearm be even better ter you thAn the past ten ! in noting the (Act that twenty-one yearn have planned lattice the first trnne- continental titin was run aver the Canadhan Pacific Railway, T h e Springfield Republican paints out that ism ,vet the United Stites hale mot It lrnnsecuntinetltal railway syntent under it single owmt-rshtu and manmgcment. rhere is It gtxxl deAl lit the abjection taken by The Canadian Courier to the Morning of .%[I-. King, the Deputy Minixter (if r.AINH, its,A coming politi- cal factor. r. , Ir. King hatt ,t 1 erfeect right tri "art" him p,sitinn ams seek it Seat in Varliatnrnt, hilt all lung ata he rxrnpies it peemition in the civil leet•vire lie ,actual have no cutin cation Willi lata•I.v polilI(-.-, It's tilt to The Ilnmillon Slertatear And the ilther Ihr-r,114-1•01 of Ihr ('on- merarnlive presm to get busy. The On- lario (14Jc vrn,nl•n t hall derided-- 1 establish S hilinguld training mehoill fall. tear•herm at Otlawete. ht w•hielu training will be given in English need French. Iluw thoughtful it twit.- of Ihp (overs ut-eit licit to intake Ihr len- nuunerment unlit after lie#• 120b .if .duly ! The ('lisitom New Kra sae 111114 where lite South Hltron i.1lestrals meet to meler•1 n eanetietate few the [Awnl Houlee the rh--ire will proheaLly lit- Ise, Me-. Kellerman, of Ihtshwvmdl. and Mr. Jluminnl, of linlcefleld. F,ithrr of theme gentlemen would steaks. A mttong candidate. A rumor is current that literary Rillarr, the pren- Past Conxervative reprraentat tt•r in,thet I.x•ml Ilouse, will he`nRstrd Lilo nomination fact fie,• Doinininn, whirh would mean till- turninK down rat a it. (Iursa, the pn•ttrnt M. P. Thr Ft,oaker (if floe lloupp of Uo on - mons, )lot). lit. F. Sutherland, me•mher for North Kmw•x, hitt for m--nree time •leen Joked ulna its it coming tuelu- her lof the 'Fooderal Cabinet. And It would n6t lie xnrpriaing if wpm Lht- relearn of til,• Previlipr A pr/rtfnllo ahonid he pl ares in his hAndx. Mr. h uthPl land's twond is A capitea) one, a THE SIGNAL: GODERICH. ONTARIO and his evelrctiou for it Platte ill the Unuinet would IN• heartily approved by thsd,r whit hato heave wU•hre ed his carver afill would glue Nie tVillrld IAurier tin Able and h ntorahist colleague. The sugiremltion in «Kale, statute Thar the nitrate elf the ProvinrLal Tlniversit,v nhould ►nee changed frame the ('river. 'city of T,wowo to the ('adversity --f oufftrio. It does menu an aooataly lot, flit- l'nivrrshy for which the i'ruviuce is rempainsihle should have uiero y a lural deoignsaievn. It would w•rul temple More fltling that it nhould Ik- known by ,t nitrate which would ex. premm its true Ielation to till• Province. Was vire fillet. --f plour#r, that the I'nt- vemity of Toronto in mow known .it well ill foreign countries Ily its prev- rut mune that, it world he.. unwilw to %link*- the pro,xstal enange. How- ever, if it Iwdecidel That the 1'niver- sitv Bar Llrelatlrio w'Balold IN• a (letter oafue flit- moemer the change- Jim made the wamer will the new and luutr ap- prelpriate designation become known taw Ihr World. .-__ -- A Lille INok taauA•11 by tfle Driliveh (es tPlnuent 41VAII119 with Vit,tl mlla- I.iNt ieS to England and loValem shuw:d that people are living lunger than they um/e{ tit. In fifty years the -tverage life p•ri,vel for wen has in. 1.lrnsed fr,enl a little Iess than fprly years to ,ever forty-f-ur vein• anti for Women from nearly forly-two y.•as- Alt uwarly forty -right year.. lit vertain wlrrled healthy dis(riefm the phanves of life were .WKo yearn for idea late,[ 55.71 yeti's for women. fu compared with 4N .5A vnars retail 4:1.15 year . rempet-tively, fifty. years agoo. e 1 ors w , v Theme li tat ht sU•,n•• r+tdrnt of i< iru{upvelueut in the coudiliutim of life in Englmnl Incl %Videx, land PV,:I ably to scour degrep A similar tun worvement im baking plan in must itether matetriPn. Tire world is r e r ►etiwr, in Spite Baf What the pensiwint■ Alla)' may. --+_ - His Faith. So he diet for hl. frith. That I. Mete: ]sun• I loan umrt 0f n. da Asset, o.t,'U•an poll ^old to that lith Thum too liveaffor It ism? In his dealle M- Iia,• It ifitesp at In.t A. a io. l,r to truth. Sakti hi. life ,h, the +,ane in the past. Fnma t6r d„y. of hi, youth t II i, eny to Air. Nen bate• diel For A vel- i ler A whit#@. 4 roe, hest\:Ido, or pmt-si"t. M prmae : \%.t- it hanter for Weak! K0 f” lit r ,.very army to live one \ I I f h,r"'[1,11 ... I We ti n• fiat. N sub- In. friendmulel hisroroinrl with donht, .\fid liar stv.rhl with routrnn•I. If \\ ns it ltial.l let lie plo.ldso,l nhtwd. - N, er I li(uinr aside I 'Then will tall of list life 11,.t he livrl : Newer nun. host he diM. - Knlemd l'roilw. FROM OUR-014TEMPORANIES. But Shots His E Wben 1t Drop«. halt f rtes. Don't you forget it. The 4aker is watching the maivanc in wheat. A Dire P ity. Kirn-Antine Itevievs. TIIPy are 111'e log lllg, 1111 Gl n11edat -h t the Plovincial rircti ns now• rr- gardlesn fir tier fact that Atter the real otributiun fat splits next ear the CAnolldates aPle•ted may nut living in their own ridingm. The Prerogative of the Presil� Stratford Heeonn. . The Std Cetharinea Stands n newsp&per0morrvative in ftn s. - thies, refuaen to support the Conner rive candidate fur lire I.rgimlpUlre. iL I.- well for a p+krty newslaper to aeccaat- tontally b►ke that attitude, if for no other reaeom than to *blow the politi- cians that they live not own the piwair— that the extending(st ouppptrt by even A party newspaper is vuhlntary, relief, t•untpuI cry, and thkt & publisher is licit Muted to support aver)• scnth poli- tician itm party may chem se to place in the Held. Sboald Die a Natural Death. W innilleg Free Presd. Theie in no lip rat stetsn owhy there hhuuld too [Alaninion elections either thin year or next ; at -11 we au•e sure that the public would lie very well content to leave the Present Par- liament live out its full term fit five years.. The power• to consult the plo- ple without delay, in great, eu ergen- clever, in l precious cunatiuttinnal rlKht which i not to lee foregone: hilt with theae exceptiona it would be to the country'* advantage tf oar Gtivern- mentic. Gaal and Federal. would HII out the terms for whi(9u they were elected, still then Ito to this elect orn fur ju lKtnent. on their record. Sudden dinwdulions and short ca(npaigno do fa N di uamiern of 1 .lath n I h leC n at erneit tire p•ltdic aftaira vvhlplt Kilhould preede the casting --( fit() hallots. Characteristically British. Yew York 4111). A thoroughly Ilrititth hit of ,olitie:l Er(reelure in tilt- pardoning (of Col. ynch, giho, after IerdinK tilt- Irish brignds, againnl England hu the MWI. Witt, Was ele•rteil 111 111trlialuelit fmuu ,ut Irimh co istit eoiry, wnm trial fur high treason, wentencelIto dpmlh, haul I)IA xellt,efl(:e p111I1I11Ulld fol It 14.1.111 of intariwl[euu'rlt, Meed wit" relemsel f/ N 1 A 11 1• IIIrat 11 uudrr c--ndil u n aftera a feW faf (•apl.ivity. That is why Ifrihtir ulny r•m,ort to the mailed -flat when dhP dept um it neredxary, an in ZnlulAndt and ton miuur degree in huliA nt. 1 hr present lines-, without, invurring the rhargP ler Iklioue tyranny, from which lie•ntany, tar instance, rontinuem to stiffer. Great Rtitain 41yyerw pilot nag. o ,law- not met. tilt fshath intoe helgem -lout myAlty and governmew, metal whip had little boym for inwhioq protests over thrill: and, when the plxr wart-Aut it, will indulKe iso a ptriktfig no -I fir uingnaniellify• Flit in Ilse I•ynrh Affair. It lucky Ip• only mat ap,w&1 to the groure11litigm. Mt it is effective in nu&int4dni[eg ,eau hi-tnrieal Iwpmlation for nnexamgdel Append viellm in polt- tiem, Col. lynch will pnilptldy enter Parliament allow•, tvhirh is nam if Sane earl TLalivi,p o, lilts, let lier•lunn Ne111.11- wed11 Africa, worn• IU I"- Ple•lel is, Ihr Reirhstag. TAine [esel pat wander if Fralive wacnld ever show lisp t„nOlrt• to. scene *licit am he load winos- ed in England --an anar- himt nrnWr tie' nouncing Queen Victoria in the rael- est terms, and two p>nlicetppen by hat tilde totert him againnt the fury of the tufall. Bhe--•'Same men think -tore of their tvlwwriteyw than they also tar their wives." He--'Y'ertainly. They Pan dictate to their typrwritera." 11 HOME STRIKING COMPARISONS. OttAwm, July 15. When the Idlwe- old in IWA pre ntiaal W tsa/strtict a tariff that would p,mlucea revenue withtxlt plar•ing undm• burdens else the people. they cannot loo said to have •-builded IwttA•r than they knew." fur rrwitia prove that they srcul•e) tilt- ►esult they pronliakl.. The dirtiest collected Lott year Amounted to $18,01aMi*I, which was $7,977AM ht Palestine of the previous )'ear, and 1II0,119,177 greater- than the total ruatourm colle-ted in ISM, the eighteenth year of Conleei votive rule. In that year, the het the Cunw•rva- llved wee in power, their prohibitive tariff, whlch '1vtarltml P"llsieln in tiade and elevated luuwign Markets to Vanatin. prNlurel easily $17,MK7.;YNI. It is intrrrmling UI note fillet fur the timt thtw• tuonths fit ole current fiscal veal" stnding 3411 Jane, 1H117. the Iry- enur wan $13,ItLIMr; arl'ineeelse fit $':,IM14:101 lower Ihr eurtrspcaeding periled fit Lest year. The average rate of duty has la•en 13.Sl Iter cent, under the new tsriK an against IdAt err cent. uudrr the ,.Ili lAritf. 311 other words, that aveinge titer)- is It -am and lire revenue the Lu Kest in the history .If the Ikmninloh, Chronic Deficit Tur�ned to Yearly Sur - ie 181,541, after Sur- plus. Vral'o I,( (lonsrrvalive note. the Finnmpe mile- letter- prmeotel the Iw„pIP with a de,fipit lot $S30.W)I.:31. The veli. Iw fore, the deficit sera, ,ever $4.1"IAttalla. alld fill- year. lefol,• fillet $I,-Il1,INaA. For It'll )'.•:u. the Lilwrill (invrrmnrnt (-ill, show it murplum .•,rah reit-. The Average snr{fdum is heady $111,IN@I, aim) a ye.m•. lit WI -6. atter tell Years Alf Literal utile, the Lilo -i- a, hast A sur Islas. of $12,?4k4,i1H. How the Revenue Has Increased. Ill 1f3(a)4i, airier eighMleit )•calm of CBan. l%ative rolr, Ilse ('ealmer•valiars uauidgstd with their high and upprrK- St Vat v In utf lit •i ver :a o sec a urYereur f xIll 18 .'Al . ' I vert nor f ) fir the r,t r ending Just" :01, 111117. wit. over $lll.[?lal,misl, after leuyears of Liberal rude. At Ilia Pretoria rate fir ioclwade, which ill n►out oar million A month, the trvenut• ,,l tsae o1i, this'stn � 1 will le ural -1v Ihcrr Ihop. "ilei( it was test venrs Ago). A Government which can redurr the rattle u( laxation alad its- o•1,•A-P floe 14•vrnur t# It pgwlfar gelv. natural with the palple. THE POWER SYL11W. fu Base Kdillir of The signal. Si H, - UI lio►ing titer, Ihr Power Cmupauy bylaw, 1 ser the town tm to guatr-Ante• the eupuPmll)''s Iklnds U, the ext sit fa( $1:fi1,IMla1 for a pm•riod ,if thil-ty «Tare,, with interest nil 5 two• relit. pmtvablr flit If -)'PAI -1y. 1 6111 hlor- prisal lit mer that the bylaw 4.40111aiux list pcuviliiuu whatever W roam•! tilt. Power l'ontlany fir tier alwn tab create it staking fund, Payable am"T in under to reduce tier debt silt, us,erPmt thrnrro. Itiotrad, the whole liability is to rule Straight fur thirty yealro, which assented that, if tilt, w:hrfiar Pfovrs A failure. the flown is liable, lit the lon-lholdern, princilal solid inter- est. to Ihe• tette lo( $.i7a,ulri, or neverly half'A ueillion. There is no disputing lhr fLef. Hea(1 Ihr bylaw varvfully -.fur yuur.rlvet-. 1 ramluot under'mland v% It) M ayor itself cuunril relaid nut met. a•that titer lowii,s irlletrsln ere,- coot leltrr mnf.•gunnled. Hud 1 think that Reeve McLeau de•ttrtres great ctrdit t[e in - misting that till- watter Ice laid over until ergot A full need unbiased retort from an Independent engineer. i wsold ale) say that, in the face of the present great revolutions(wing -lade in power, it is [eIterl' alaurd to ask the times In tie itself up for A period of thirty yearn.At to price which will romc nn far in soxcfw ler what we are allwadv paying tap upr. nlr titer plant. And this event can loo more than rut in two by installing n pnxtocer gatm plower plant, which would reduce our present coal aceAmut by abut two-thirds. Theme are facts which can Ie blackest up I) the beat authority Even the hyT11u-elootris lower etoatunimmion mile it In their own veP as that Pnwhicer gate plower hats a right future before it And that it in ely to beeoule it xerious competitor ev n with ere ctree power created by wn t•. But ander this bylaw, to luau r &t what price we were ,offered pswe we would he tied up by this compo for A period. of thirty years, Think t ore,r in Iver town'& intrrrs!, and then sit ymtrself if you are pre. pared to st rlort any such acheuae, Yours, liIT1ZZY. C. P. R.'S NEW, CKOSS-CONTIN- EN FLYER. "Trans Canada" M"-. Fastest Time Across The husinems of the unfey in grow- ing to Nflch Nn extents that the C. 1'. it. kinds it tip"sorry deo i•�mat an stddi- Onn al train letet wel M�ntreAl and Vancouver, waking thrrAAll• tripe it week during July and Augs�t. Thin train, which will Ill, khotd Aan the "Trans-Cris Limitaxl," wlfi make the fastest time of any train across the American continent. It •.will carr)• tantge car, dining car• and pml• nee aleepiing cars, only, of the very latevet demigh with nowt Modern lisp - ,ointments, And fairly-Ornt-claws Nsnm- eugerm will lip carried. it will leave Almotteal till the fit -at tri{r duly 'led. Hera le pan Ise renl•rved in Tutors o for pasmndgc tnem North Bny to glinix " , .. N' m (or � 111111 N• Ll g at. which Ihr ••'Tran#-Clanada Liellitel" stop,.. No pnx,senge m will Ili- parried from Tier• unto fur. Wiunirwg oto lointp wast thervor, rax Winnipeg larsenget+ Al'. rive only oar hrnar liter by taking the !tit{Nerd, Li it's fillet u( flit P" fall 11{artieulmrx and d Iserth Irrrva�tifanan x r le uhlxinel rat. 1'. P• K. lochl ii(•kel office, fir fare . r: . H. FaalPr,•U, I'. A., C. P. H., T!lront(1. GODERICH SUMMER SCHOO Details of Interesting Program Prepars4 for Third Annual Session. Pel grants for the Ihinl A111111N1 aeA- Aion faf t he do flet irh Diietrirt Snntnler Ne•h/xd, lit lop held in the��larlor Pieria, (ifxlerieh, former .Italy til? to Augural lilt, hAVV IN441 imitated. The grand mitered ronrrrt which watt nnnulmreel felt- Friday evening, Aug - list gird, ham leen ehangel to Thurm- hdral)• ev na lK. Am fie rat Ir wi11 Ise ed in Neal eh street NPthlNlixl rhmreh. Rev. Wallet. Rummell, alar of (to greatest living evanite•listm a at d plwarherp, will ennd ort w emlrse of HI(de study poets afternoon, which wary loo votimider d the prlxduct of A sl/rcialint. lily will Alsat give Are even. lte{iatir ll1PXAage *'Itch evening. Rev. A. Sutherland, D. Ib, general eseeretary of foreign minsiutlx of the Meth(Nlist, church, who lit well known as line of the ablt-xt apeakers in Coinadm, will give mddroommew Igth Afternoon end evt.ning of 'faraday .duly Apill. Dr, Authrrland has jumi n•tnrnrd front ate offlrial vixft. MI Japan, and while away attended the " greatest tuiwiuuary conference In Shang- hai, China, and everyune;ahould hatteat-' hiost. Rev. C. E. Manning, atirewinto slria- veiunary secre6ary of the Mrthlxll*r church, IS is most inspiring sly aker, and his maddressem cannot tail to makr a drip impression oto rhe arhrx,l. He is down fur nn address eau Wednesday evening. "lid ,on Thursday vveniug will alarak tin work i c New Ontario. He will ,1)reach nn .(uud,ty m,orning, Attgust+lth, tit Virwria street itletho- dirt church. Rev. W. W. Prudhtu s, whit lilts Inlnred far yearn with success in Jalast, and is Baur Bat tier •filet t-l(kluent s,xaakers reprtesipwing the Methodist church in the torrigu Held, will mlN•ak evil Japan un Friday afternoon, Aug• uvet'Lnd, null will voudnrt the prayer and lot -mine atervlce trill the everl- tut(. lin Sahn•dsy nmrming he is down for nn add re.lruwcunllN►uitd Ir a Japourem a exhibit, and sit the Slunda(v evening srrvice he will give an 11 d. demi at North attwrt Mrthekliat church. Ret'. Dr. Adaues, from China. whom the committer did asset expect to Ise able to get, will &Iwo take partin the program. til. An Interesting Operation. An operation wan performed it short Lome ago tiptoes Alex. McDonald, of Huron townrhi), fur the removal from Ilia right �ip of a Hoer bullet Hammocks and Croquet, Hammocks ranging in price from I. also to $6.00eacAs. Special close woven Kammocker with valance, and pretty bright colors to each. aril. So ;3� 50 Croquet 4 Ball Croq t Quality. 75 fie 2nd QBaa at c per set 4 Balt Croquet, tit Quality, rAi per set I 6 Ball Croquet, test Quality, ;1.50 11 per set 8 Ball Croquet, ist Quality, $i.6S per set Special. 6 Balls• large size Mallet, Iprofessional), =2.25 per set _I _ _ _ Geo. Porter Telephone No. too. . Court House Square. - Goderih. ,„ ALMA UDIES' M&& COLLEIE IT. TN0I11Ag OgT. laersr,, Mask. Flee sA [ilssAM• hlwasrellah hyde^I Caaers, Deale1144 1leltean. a ... Ed u nos. 1..0el.str fid abaroogbsew writes he nM1.ee.. Fall Term � OPENS SEPT. 2 Thin management during the papt year trained over Two Irnnitrt-d young P- airere end 'Cool gent) Ill t. n, n N x t P n 11 - N 1 P e- 1 ata er1P ant L 1 r& heel w kk I s R P F graphatra, and pltared them in i excellent mituationx in leading- Canadian and American rifles. irndlyidual Instrucl inn. Write for Patalregue. CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (iF(), v porrON, Principal. . �� eleg aph Aerators ' _______ T 0 an• wanrrl Imus by aur ('nnadlAn Railway rim, ani Th,.y are Altered to nalrrrti-n �nr t u, oaday, IA -lit. :Milo miles new A„ilding the de intend will M• still kook+r. Why wo get ;Ally t Th,• wnrk is elrnan anti nirw nod' Ihr sHlnry crrY K,xdl, 1Yn PatppwwR ) nn Quickly mod At little rnst. `veil,, n. far foal•,me, ire tar. ('K�TRAI Tg1.xnNtl•tl l f1.1n.11-.e;Prrxnf Fiat. T"nmmo. W. H. SHAW, Pros. _NM84aN8 44a--_ -- Fall Term Opens Sept.3M I CENTRAL taT11ATi011or ONT. , This-rhrm+l,whlnh I. Anent And well r. tab)1-hal ono .tends t0 the totvh„nt .. Owgrw.lee,t 1 Imill,mi*(avl Shorthand w h..d In the \yawl. aFair tisanher. err wrpnriwnrwd a/Kt,rnelormpoaa r.s that ongh and praotirwl. I%'. ".a grad lute. to P-1110".. n'rlte for not Mev II rwtwldrnw. } ELLIOTTAR McLACHLAN, 2 raises iLal•. Niz MMNtt We AOHESON & SON JULY SALE IIT EWS Dress Muslins and Prints. ?*X) yards high -clary Drew Muslims, Organdies, Prints and Hatiatee floral drtiigna and dainty ftifured patterns in till eulury anti black (� &till white. Valued, 12ile W Mir. Special At .......... ....... 9c to 20c Hosiery 29 dtlsen only lAdies' fast hlmck Cotton Home. Fine imps/ tried goods, Sizes H &rad 9J. Regular value Mo - tar 'L Spec al axle .................................. . .......15e pair 25c Shirt Waists Dainty prclucUotes In Wsirts of Linen. Oryandir, lawn. and Point D-Napirit. Sizes 34 to 41 MOM*Mective and handsomest range we have ever shown. Regular valuta 75c to S2_95$1.W U) ,11U. Rtductd W from ..................... Carpet and Rug Values Our Carpet departuaent in nun of the largest in the county and the @elections, we offer aro of high claim and very correct. 11 a cut deep into the prices now W effect rapid clearing of our overstock. TAPESTRY CARPETS 'L7 inchtd wade. Britirlt make. Extra heavy pilot and iu great variety of designs in colors. Browns, rete, green#, blues, fC etc., and suitable fur any ream. 655: W 751•, at per yard ............. 55C UNION CARPETS Yarel wide, reversible Carpets Ire splendid patterns and coluyingr. Well -made goody and clean stock. Regular 35c, at e]�C ret ................................................... ......... L BRUSSELS, VELVET, TAPESTRY AND WOOL RUGS in all sizer, ranging to prier from fiY1.(Mt to $AAA,101, at reductional of from 15 to all per cent. from regular. LINOLEUMS 'L 3 anti✓ yards wide. A large range and 3(>,.. {Cmc welling now at. per ro,uare yar•d............................. odour to 50 INSPECTION INVITED W. AOHESON d SON from a Mauser rifle. Ncdktnald is a '• 'Well,' said the millionaire, frow0- Hervie Noy who enlisted rat Fort iug thoughtfully, 'what are your prim. Steele. B. C., fur the war ill vaAmath pects:' IS there any chance of pro. Aft•ica, The lrtlirt, which wait it motion in your IssuiuesmY little over tau inch in len!h &rad alm,ut -Any chance y' cried the yamg tone-sixth1 1 ec 111 ata 1 of inch 't Altimeter r (*,air. titan. •�Yrll 1 h IW r . Wh IfU 1 t r r r, verging toward it Mont point, entered we employ twit hrindtwl suen, and lily his I.11a on t Ile left Nide am I he :31st of job in nest to the lowest in the estxh- March, 1fIlIP during the tattle of liethrnent."' Hart#Rd t 'vat • in which - hu h w nlauv l:nnx- - diaus lust their lived. During the five There is at hest tint- redeeming tea. yeane to which McDonald carried this lure aalont our Air eaftdem, and that is hul{rt in his body he suffered at time#, we don't have to pay t&xes on them. and he now ferlm great relief al (wing Solo*- users newer succrni becaaae rid of it. _ I tlev earn Afraid of doing more than R00m for Advaneemont. their x hate. Oovernur Stuart, elf i't•nnmylvcania. Notice people tlelteve in nothing: mAid rrrently in Harrimbueg of A bill others only in what they can under. that he opposed: stand, which amounts W pretty much "This bill, mt first glauve, is full of the &^me thing. promises anti entnuaiaon and hope. The man who doesn't take his con - but it is piaivv. It is like the yomulg science out of the locker and examine inner of Kensinictlon who propow•el for it now and then is very likely to for - the hand of the milliuweitw's daughter. I get how to operate it before long. ____ _--- - -- _ I :1 ' a PATIDEA NEW IDEA as TERNS W. A. McKIM MAGAZINE' 10C. x, WHITE WAIST SALE About 12 dozen to clear. Not old stock, THREE Wash 5,• ' most received this week. SPECIAL PRICES, 39c, 68c and 97c: dozen White lawn, j Nlreve. t dozen lot, some with clusters --peon from, 3nlwsinsertion on box down ,of fine forks, o re front pleat front, on col. 'Sizes others wide 4xtner of ent• lar And ten cuffs. :4ltu 461, Clearing 39C Itmidery insertion down fron 6 at : wide tucks, open front. Special dozen salaolted wraialra, very At .......... fine lawn, some made with fine tucked front of fine lawn• with A Targe at9w,rtrneot of ilettee . land of shadow embroidery wmexLd, prarcm lop to 64.()11, W he insertion (town front, others of cleared At special prices. Very One spot cuunlin with fine Vel- fine muslins, nalnnooks, spot encienneslace trimwings,some open front, others open tack, muslinp,Summersilks, ete.,with I' and long slerves. Good All kinds of trimmtm(n and All value rat $1.25 to $1.31 for 97C new ntylPN. All at special prices. Collars Wash Collars \. a dozen One embmidered i 1: Fine rtnhroidered and door- I . collmrs. with fah. !tpN•cial IOC Ing lot of old collelim wdt'e At ... ........... 15c to ?tic. All at... ..... SC to 3")r fine linen embroidered Fine silk bows, hook on. good collars• turn down,stmrch. value at 27k. Our price, ell. All new, at ......... 19C I . two for ................. 25C Millinery Special Clearing Prices Whether a shape, flowers or trimmings, or a trimmed Hat, not more than half-price at a McKIM'S BUSY STORE. �@��ttttr.01 r --d vel.e_.NMEN�atmg>_.tt.GN MEN'S NECESSARIES FOR SUMMER COMFORT E ARE SHOWING the newest Summer I W needs in Men's Two-piece Suits, Duck and Flannel Trousers, Fancy Waist- coat se Negligee his �r S I ,Washable Neckwear, low comfortable Linen Collars, light -weight Under- wear, Hosiery, Straw and Light Fedora Hats. Two piece Suits, $10, $12 and $14 I. Negligee Shirts, 75c to $1.75 Fancy Waistcoats, $1.25 to $:3.00 ase` ' Fancy Sox, 25c to ci()c I SPECIAL SALE ON SATURDAY OF STRAW HATS A SEE PRICES IN OUR WINDOW. WALTER Call PRIDRAM The Right Place to bay Men's Clothing sad Fsreishisgs.