HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-7-11, Page 7.'4. ...�.- -. - ,4 i •,3 -- ,• ` N4a , ..•�P:iL.iea" wi l'f avg1N yr1* 'G'`.'.F Y sl'x i? -$ a . b " �- �yg;y"^p\:'l,K.i:tatL...' ., � •� I 1': r rt-. ":"' TI I'� SIGNAL : GOD RICH' ONTARIO TituwuwY, dal► 1! , t907 T 11 , ,� M es is . � �1 The News of the Districtle,,:, �* Hair Germs I i �' DUNLOP. Walked solos, choruses, readings and LAURIER. I AUBURN. Recent discoveries have shown a nddnesses. H. Mcilwalu crud charge TLYN14DAY, Jul Nth. 11H , N'rEKL1:Vli ItAlVK Oj' l'A - h11�eDAY, July Nth. Y ulwu 'rua� of the refrrrhtuent stand and torr I Al Al'Hl'It\ that falling hair is caused by Several of our tertdenfrl Wok In the No talo yet ! .\Up:Nt•Y. Farmers' Liatftute p4:olc at 8ynhr kept busy until the stock war roto out. Srv.. 1•unrlry. „n I �.tu .1s,►+. ♦ rrurn.l John end 31111 Mcl.tatuao spent Nun- Iwnkfns bu+lur. trwwu•lwt. 4aalnr+ funk germs at the roots of the hair. Therefore 1 [ The race) tr.Ltu.....8 i W.Zutt♦•t0,IM1, Morris' at Morriada a Friday o lust P da at home. dewtrtuarw et- twpu• b lmrsus or ♦I "old u,, y to atop falling hair, week. Miss Fanny Quaid took r hart which, ounrideriog the rnaR fee I went+. InWtua .al t im•r cunt {mu unuuln• WU In the mwlaal peogrr with Ger ehargtd, fitteru rents, war very good. You shouldn't diraplwihL our Iselie+s able ea a•ry Ih,we mm,th�. buvu•r+' sale nota . ti Awlwrley t vury'hr.udst rvr-unabie rate,. A.U.UAMIILk, you must first completely de - stray these germs. Ayer's Hair I —_ like that, eleven violin. —_—.- .1cih,r Manainw. Mr. Mower will have to travel w lung AIuNu.\v, July lith. Vigor, sato Improved formula, i i Peter Ulasier. Mr. and Mrs. John MAFEKINU. waythis year to cut x tern of hay. , ( iwitcu RKeoit-r. Thr financial re Barger. Mr. and Mn. Joseph Berger, ) y J MUND.IY. July 8th- Miss Kate McDonAld. of Point Clark, port of the Auburn vircuit, Metlomlist Will certainly d0 this. Theo leave oh t amd r. and Mrs. oho HoutA anti Miss Ellen Woods visited her home returned house After slwlldlt� A few Chutch, fur tilt' yt-ar tnuliog May 31st a ftS t0 nature. baby, relatives of Win. Otsaier, weer at '(.Ion on Honda ' up from Toramto on the H. O. B. ex- y' days in the neigh{ltxheerd, has Wert iostled. illit I - shows 1i tutu, of Ose+ net dwnge the celer of file AJ.. cursion and were his guests dwing David Andrew, of Zion, spent Sun- Miss LKzy Melaxu, who has lae•t 31 f•73 raileeel rl 1hr Auluru alopuinl- r.r..1. .till —it wool. their sojourn, seeing polutr tit InWrwt day with rwlxtivca herr. K y meuL $t>31.fA; lot the \\'rstllrld Ap s►.. n - sear i attending the Brantford Conservator ,uiutlneut ,old $Ifr .21, ill Dunuy around ere and visit I the old home- Most of the people here Intend of Music, is hutele tilt• her holidays. eo°'"• stead in Ashfield. spending Lite 12th in Lucknow. Will Mc(ire lar, fano her lot Ht. brook. A amuluuu y lot the exl,rnsesAyers' w's ►,..era u, K of tike circuit shtowa the Inituw'i„g a►.o a. e. w.y. KRYINITINI OLD HcRNvA.-Uur one. A couple of little "fresh aha are Helens, and Ktxi Mclannnn, teacher liguieh : time re.i¢entla Mr. and Mrs. Osorge staying at the home of Normae At Dashwoexi, are home for their holi- Mallory • • • • . • - .. • . • • • • .. • • • • • • $}sN1. J3 Rartlt discoveries have also proved that ' MacKet+, now of Callow, Mich., visited Shackletot. days. __ -_- Removal expenses ... ...'r.... i) IN) rye is caused by germs on the scalp. A. Allan's the other day atter an »h- Hulot. Edwards, of Toronto, tr Missionary5:(;3 Ili Therefore, to cureQandruR, the firstthinC 11 to do is to completely THIA acct destroy fro these dan- t of a quarter of a century. sllrudhtjt»taw week) vacstipn »t the � \Vunlrn's wishiuu:ny .... 77 Ib D Y Y Though so old Ooderich boy George house ill his parents 1't 6sD.►Y. July Nth. l►tIlrr conurxiunnl funds . 1. 131 2fi' druff germs. Here, the same Ayer's Hair z was r resident here for five or six Kichnttl Findlay and John Mal- Miss Nellie (:ilwure Ir►'t Last week to '1'ruxtrr Iltrntdm ..... 7:3'3 INI Vigor will givetbe same splendid results. yeas and farmed on the (rack lot of lou((h went to Calgary on the home- tt»in for teut•ee in Cheathaui. Uddies Aid fl ciety........... 73 I'll —casae base a, o* yw oe,. Loweu,traee.— the Tobin fibrinat the lake. Tiffs farm se okem, excursion en \VetineA*y, Chas, For liken[ Sunday st-hool put•- 1Mic[.rAn, Chitatgo, is spending .... ..... 139 IN) - -- - - - he •oto W the late Jam. Tobin, Owing Jul 4n1. Ioaea • • • • .. W death and other clt»ngob there were Y • his vacation at his hums• here. Pill-, local Epworth langur LUCKNOW. one two of his old neighbors here Uur new (pastor, "i� Mr. Hawyet', Mrs. J. 1). Murrav, 1►etls,it, is visit -QJ Y 6 tok chx a of the servlcts on the Ash- pur3N ees .. ,:1 27) \VeuNKNn.\v, Jul loth. whom he rust, The sawmill is gone iggMrti. MaI•Kenzi-, thin week, Grnrral worth langur fund a 'Li y and w school house ypty ru►nds in the Held circuit un Yunday+ preaching at rs. H. Ncl ran rntrrtxitlrtl a num• Hurlda rt.ttcwlnidnud eztenriun tial LnCknuw Oruugenwn are busyy m»k- cotumunil •. When here (leu was Hollt•, 'Lion and Hrckett's. Y -- ing puwlmrpliuur fur like Twelfth of ) George herpf her friends \Yeelnewlay et•enwK' July rrlrba:uioo. deputy returning otticer for the The cement, gang have commenced The trustees have se•cureti the mer- Total ..............11121456) .Irl township several times Nnd for the work on the foundation of Thos. ______ It. N. Matheson left last week for Porter And Cameron election in Juur, vice* lot Miss Durnite 3311 teacher the Blake's barn nod the stone mwNms are ('.dKary, Where he will :wmltlt in the 1101'L Ile war township Assessor loo at work at Mrs. Will. Weathers' INrrn. next tats,. WESTFIELD. Mrs. ngus McDonald And 11aby rrecliir new pastor dwellings. ISO and afterwards filled » similar DKATH OF \V►t. BI,AKK.--On N»Ltu•- � ri.i :.- A l July NUI. The terve vastus of I,urknow Nachos _ Kuth, o Fort William, are visiting I office in Ooxlerich townshipp previous day rittrrmon, Jul • fish, the rrwaioe R \\•KnOiNu Br.Li.N.- Au rvrnt in dist, church, Rev. Air. Ford, occupied to his going to Michigan. (ieor was t ) MI•li. Ittltl 'Ampliell• which the people of this lcaalit erre P g g R RI of Lhe late \Vol. Hlxkr, whore dentia p 1 Y the pulpit At loo h services un Nonddy pleased to see the progress Ooeierich is occurml on Thursday, were ltid to Mr. and Mrs' Rolwrt McKeith have ,,,,,(.I, intrn•sted took place Not St. and deliven•d excellent sermons. leaking citywards. test ill (:twrnhill cemetery. Lucknow. olovoil to to it, where Ihey intend to Patrick's chure-Ii, Dublin, on June Wth, rest in file uture• when .toils ItwUuond, of l'uIgNI'y, Rev. Prof. Ewalt Mackenzie, of _ _- -- The funeral was one. tot the largest LEEMURN. sewn here for some time, the provetehion little Clare ve Hetedermun had his Alue., was united in the Imouls et Montreal. ,will) halt bet -en visiting censislita of over IIM) rigs. Jit•. Blake tilt- Nluiilsl turn l•u,u Ilia limit toll Mon- oinlritu,ny to Miss Kate Keullv by herr, left. last week of ,t hulida ' trip TVKNINAY, Ju1V eLh• haul beensufferingtrote cancer of the day. \Ve hot* . to see him Around Rev. Father Noonan, P. 11. Thr to tile• Pavific Coaust. Airs. Mr►c�enzte Haying is starting this wewk. throat flat- nearly it year past and s'lt'n•bride. who wits given away by her and fnntih' are speeding the. summer __ '- father, looked charming in rel. at tho h,i ne of David Agnew. Ash - .Ars. Richard Foley, of Chicago, is death was lout imexpecul d. After KIN IL. broidrrrtd Bntssrls net l)cer Caw»m silk Held: visiting here. several months of intense sullering lie And wore r mel- o 'old veil. 'Phe -- E. N. Shaw war lap At Shep)N►rdton gradually 11Peame weaker till he \g E HAVE PC IN A Fiks,r- WEST WAWANOSH. the other day And while there visited Mbott ed prxcehtlly awn Nt '3 Il clot k 1111 �I t'I,AN i eyuipmeltt for 1111+1,1ft111nN. I11'ItIfh11111eI GYN �IIMV Jennie Kenny !! y rays+trot lin , nwanr..e ., and onlea for sitlt r of the ileitis, aatid sIN•, watt u our former towrumru, James ('anile- Thur•+Nlay morni iK. Thr fuurrrtl teak elf 'I'rl•:sum July 9th• dace fr,u1 the fxmil resideure and any1hinx n Ih . line a, t and prouipt at- pretty flowered rrgateltie, while the TowNsUtP 0n,%'i n- - Council mel bell, who it still in INx,r health. 1 9 cannon. Mendiva nc,atl an •hemply dem. Rl,,,nl, Was Assisted ley his brother, rn June• 'iii h. \Ie•n,1N rs all NesPut : X. N. Shaw and John lAnklxter Ives largely attended by the friPnds A trial solicited. \thlNr. ' I,D K M” Jas. Reduroult. Little Alu l`Norlin i were at the atrawbN•rr festival of the ,,,,it relatives. The rervicea were on. NII'IU'HY U. -o -rat VI•rchait• Kint.il. Y Rewe fleilit. in the Clair. Minutes of Y rnd Mti v Jordan mauls +wart tluwer sister con re ation At the Union in ducted ley Rev. AI r. Sawyer and 1 v. \VKnNKmuAY, ly loth, Inst me,tiug re•,ul :utltconfirwrel. The R K Rials. Aft+r the ccleuiony aalmnut fifty (iodericb toenail) Monday of this MI'• Nauith, Noted the Irnll•Mvlrrs erre Mnnl«h NrlwsNl m nt a fewdAve heusnrers tnleul,•nt slowed x lual- P .lnhn. Blake. Et•ne+st Blake. Thus. " frirnds d1•trar to Ile bride's hunt''• liner on land of X107.71 The Reeve week, in Uxtallxr.hie I:tst waw wlCrr lin aibanitaot re 1 tit was served. Klxkr, It. d, Blake, Jon. MnllouKb and i ` n•Iwrtevl that the solicitor'" advice Miry Jessie Linkl ter And Miss, Jean Rich. Johnston. Mr. Blake was torn -Mrs. Rolkert Huss. of Clevt And. is Tit,- bride is a gradiiate• of St. Mihh;ttTs was that the town+hip was not re. Cilintelon, bath nt w'huns remigued visitingg her cdusiu. Mrs. Her Aic- hospital. Turouto, and her Ni ,clarity nearly mixt} •Leo yeaWsligu in the Donald. f { t flIN111N1111r 111 l ilr ulna h•r (if tile- Ings of their Nerhealr last year to undertake ronnly of Wexford. Ireland, and wa"s shown by till- nunu•rous And G. Vint', hurml•. \\'tea. Watson was the course• of study lit tilt- Normal at CAnle with his lutrents to this country Jack Knetchel retu•ne•d to i ain L•Ilstly pl'e•sents. 'I'll• grtonua, who is olvletelt to pay over to Lite He•evo- the Hamilton, have pawed their ezauhinA- while only x young( child. His par- \'PNtenfety after spending a wee at well ,tad favornllly known herr, 1134 :Iuounl of subset-) til)te rt- Shannon s tilanr. itis Yl)mr hem. Ike residing to file \Vest fat• tile- past ants took tits land in Amhfleld town• hill. l)n motion o CeunrillnrN Aledti (Quite x numla•r of later farmers, with ship. one Garen near Port Albert and The Aliases Rose And Julia O'Reilly, twulyrnnt. After sprnitinK some tial, ,Laid Abirray. The petition of l:. Beg - their wives And childn•t, anti Also the other the farm which Mr. Blake arrived home ,in Saturday for the yisitng frirnds llev "'I't nn I'll"' ley ley ,rnd othei-m reg [-if, sidewalks at I oif Ow•ell !ill rnd Lakr K some of our young twople, were at the• uccnpied until his death. He uturried summer• vacation. Inugaul nun wan granted, las ,,,,,till, { K Mis,. (:olden hats returned loo lilt. fur their huule in Ihr Went, 1 Farmers' Inatitutr picnic at Mnrrih- Miss Mary J. Alxllou h, who surViVPs of Councillor+ Murrnv and Thompson. dale, the residence of H. J. Morris, on him, with a fatoily of rix : Matthew ith them the best wishes of Tit, township a m;l to ,ay 4l) a• Nro, after No pleGreg visit with let n • friend. fora hri ht future. 1 aft 1 flFriday afternoon and report that Lhry K., lot b'urt 6'rulcrm, Unl. ; Mrs. 1{irh. brother, Uxn A(cGregor, y K cent oC the cost of ceuarnt sidewalks had a gay time. Johnston. here, and John• Erneht anti Morgan Austin tins ,t giang of men-_-_ -----_ -_ lit I►ungannon, on motion lot coincil- the Mimmvs Lizzie and laila lit blame. lit work moving the huts"• aet•enttyST. HELENS. lora Andersen and Thompson. Anti A� Mr. Blake was A faithful member of hVlner was drawn up for the sa me. COLBORNE. pnarhnsed faonl Mrs. AlcRue to his1't'r:sn.\Y, Juh tltL.lilAkr's MethoNiist clutch +and was G. 1"uungbinr, and J. Arthur, of Au- faTh Firth, of Lnpiun, is vision MeyuwY, July 8th. well anti fxvonylrly kneavn and the K turn, x4ktvl fur nssistuicr to parcbpw• la W • 1, The Kintail football beau won- n 1 •s \' I•�s n his au 's . It ..1111 t , t ill Mr. Foster's m nificent new barn news of lir death wow received with Arlt build x ri,xdway to the (. 11. It. the Heid last night for A galue with I. nearly Herm le sod L the largest sinCrrr regret by n multitude of Misstw A�iargnrrt l'luk mud MiteiN station at Auburn. On motion of it 4 thooRiple•y team, but the- latter failed Ruth,rfnrl barn in th vicinity. friends. tux Nor. ate hums for the VnrALiun. (l)uncillurs Mtrld And Thompson. $IIM) John Nebel and family, til Michigan, - - -- -- -- appear. Miss Jean tu•tly, lot Dungannon• was granted. The township rate was UUNUANNUN. Alts. Will Taylor and children and spent a few ds 's here Visiting his salicyl on old ends in the vilingr e„ struck at 1 7 -UI mills on the dollar. Airs Jerry Flynn, lot the Salt,, arrived Chet nem were issued to the :Iuounl of parents and relations. / 1 A. NEWTON, DENTIST, LtiCK- 1'ursdxv. 1 time last \\'•skis hey to spend corm, nlNnit t1:kN). The cnnncil ad'nurnesl to Children** Day will ter crlebnteNl at li. NOW. At homenverye.yexl•eptThar*- time with friends her,. Alex. Metates , nt i,vumirr, paid a i urs o Saturday. u Nm I t i t sAr a t faith. a I ' w or eat racU tcerhltbmllot 1 do)�.. Nn remtmf ( ns, rR Visit i r it a r, on Nxtunlxy o ofH •in in 1 the Evangelical clsutrb n the 8litbK K > crown M Work furual•l,ettarthan�a,t ro d ridge 1'he 13e11 Telephone ('l). have Uo• o'clock. W. S. Jlt•l'unNTlk:, Clerk. July. A g«x1 program is in prcpwr»- ell'. Almnlnam pal w mon bre,ekablcr. ,vrning last. le and wines to r )gilt to the village tido. There will ter no preaching tier. N. K -1'oa ran ll des hate your work nun h Mrs. Y. ('lark visited her bothers, - lee next Sabbath. better done in the darnel othm .more Uo/e, lerenow. The it we. will Is• installed better taa•f11Uw for'doing Lhe work, uwre cum- in the cuur'sr of ,a week or no,. the Messrs. McKenzie, tet Loch:almli, a t3AYFIELU. With so many picnics, lawn socials• furtablc for the unbent. __- few days last week. \\'KI,NKNDAV, July 10th. straw" festivals, cherry awes And *T(yrl( E• __THE L(x'AL A(iENCT Hiss Brown returned to Blyth last other socual gatherings, the young 1\ h,p,l,yan nouforThreyrnalbattheft.t- - LOCHALSH. Friltay xftrrawera's Visit with her Miss E. FAlcunrr, of (iotlerich, is peopIe of this vicinity axe. without ofnm Hook ar,d Suationery Store when WXIo-,KND.\Y. Jul' 10th. sister, Mrs. Weatherhead. Visiting her patents in toss. p orderN will be renelved for mutomeriptlon+, Ad ) doubt havimK s good time. verti+ina and Job work• and receipts will be Potcher McCharlem has taken it plmi. (:orlon McDonald returned haute• Ir. Brown, of Iwmdon, is vjaiLinK COITNCIL MKKTiNU.--The township riven for amount., laid for the same. tion with Mr. Farts. of Lnckroow. on Saturday from Owen Sound.,where the Whilttion family this week. council met July •rod : Poll the mem- `7E%V PATTEKNai IN BALI. NeilCamptN,11 has abilot coniplete(I lie fail IN•ete Attending Homme• Miss WhittuKer, lot Lindon, is viait- hen present. The following accounts .,q p»per, milinrs. bordem etc., at the Dun- removing his lumber loo Lucknow tut- College. ing her friend, Mrs. Hewson, of town. were passed : J. T. Ooldthdrpe. team- rannun pom toalom, book, .teitionery, welt shipment. .John Sturgeon is home on A visit Tar arid• fancy •Dods store. call and see ( :Ira. Them. Joynt :and 't Itildn•n, of , ti i a Adams, work in tar. .113 James Ad n•o o • ► . >�Acquaintancesb m f It Dover. where Mw h 1 • b m u1d visa r o e ham N•l it �� K an tock trot p •- R'ite haus renewed Id" cemetery.•IW.15 : l%Isola• Mitchell v Mr. and Mrs. Faniuhxt• 1{. Ado - K(or over n year. gavel, $5.8t); Joseph Carter. (travel- RESTING IN A HAMMOCK iN Charles are visiting friends prior W here last week, the guest of Mrs. , ling• $40 • I>ove . Msudrl, inoWting, iU rhe shade these warm days Is all rilrhtl their departure to Nelson, B. C. Jovial. sr. W. \V11iddon ItIft till. t he West last. t 1N•10 ; John P. Linfield, gravelling, (;et one at AN'DEHSON4I HAKDWAKK The niamons are makino good grog- Mr. anti Alrm. 'rhos. Todd and family. week. lie experts to Im• aw'pv flit. x I $50.55 ; Thos. Sheppard. anspectinR, \\•EDNF.NDAY, July PHIL reas in building the walls of the house and Will:old Mrs. 1). Todd. mi-., Not. laple• of uannthm, i i'l.23 ; John P. Linfield. repairing Miss Etta Kitson. ,424t. Thomas, is which John Mal•Le•o d has in course• of tendwl the twentieth welding auehi- Mrs. A. \ 61" land flollily, of Iw)n ' culverts•Ill$1.51) ; David C. Bogir, it)- Visiting at the home of David Sproul. erection. vereestry of Alr. And Mrs. D. MeloAuld dun, are• Visiting the farmer's mimter, I •{rel•Ung• $2.00: Abner Morris. gravel- A number from here attended the Mrs.' D. Finhtvsou left yemtpnlny in Rtnghaun on Saturday, July'0th. Mrs. .1. W. Tippet. I Iing„ $'12.1!11 ; Wm. Bogir, inspecting• lawn social at '.Vile on Tuesday even• with her sister. Mrs., W. K. Nmyth, fl.\HN llmsimi. A large nunelm•r G. Brownlee and his niece, Mint- $Lill : Abner Monis• team on grater, ing, who in returning to her home in from this Vicinity attrnde•tt .las. Ait- Ida, Visited his danghler, Airs. H. $A,50 ; Alden Allen, railing un bridge ' Allies lora Hoherth returned hots, Magnetawan, cht•mon's Very Niiere•iifol learn -raising Little, felt- n few hays last week. i al Howell's. $14•.75 : Alden Allen, ex- on Fridaylast atter spending x week A. R. Finlayson expecte a busy time on the told \1 ellw•o oll plere of Satot- 1'amjiers And rottagers ale arriving e tra peeling posts, $'L(s) : Will. in Goaderih. during the last two weeks of July Illy last. .\ Very excilillK r;t l- took daily. The cottages are all taken up Bogie, repairing sl! culverts. OL ; ,when he intends having it enuine• �Fll4lae e, the • c•yltainm toeing Charlie and the hotels and private {ltolrlin r Allen Bucha an, rave , $0.111f ; James lit". McWhinny and Miss Belle re- R K loslk and }{IrIN•r'1. Mc(:uin•, the• fot.nirr K R R turned( home on MondAy After » few stork reduction side, houses are filling lye. 1 Jones, one rand a half days work with days' Visit at Kiotpil. Inness Stewart, of Lucknow• spent side finishing Hist. Ahnul, 31111 people Till'. l'nceCn P.\It.1hF.. - AlNrut i teaun. $4.31) ; John Barker, clearing Y ls the week-rnd with his father, who is lNtrtook of a is,unliful supper. When seventy Oran colas ARADF - in their - ditch and grading. $14.01 ; gravelling, Rev. W. A. Smith officiated at the under the doctor's hire at his .dao h• the building is r•nniple•till. Air. .1itCh• K $'!i ; Jtrieph rhompson, gravelling, funeral of the late Wan. Blake, of R etp,al will have n very Conollodious to die room last Sunday Anti starched I 11 12i; Joseph Thompson, work on Dun. Ashfield, on Saturday last. ter's. 'Mrs. .1. 1). McKenzie's. Iltrti, u, rrinity church. whore Rev. \V. topp hill, $8,25; Robert Bogie,6ravelling, Mrs, H. E. Sanderson left last week John ('amenrn and his gang sue At R.aNltiNwl.i.. \ ar•ry suirressfnl ham Hinde, a brother Orangeman, lie - t)21; Andrew e, inspecting. $1.10; work on the found»tion which Alex. livered the e people Orange sermon eyes Bog( pec on an extended visit to friends in the kat piic w•,1•. A v in Mertota'm gross Robert ie• work on Dunlo hill, Long is having vonstrueted with a hood. by the of this neighbor - Robert he Province.eastern ,art f t , last. 1 t- es ter 11 Ti'l'hurwinv I a t. An i it testis P 1 �R 1 R hood. 1• took View o remodelling 's f 1 t x k fur• him e iew t rem Nlelh 1 his learn. 1 text •'1 • •l at m 07; ltotrert Bogie, gravelling, $'t,5: Thos. Handy arrived on Tuesday K blaw•boall gxnlr \\'!w IIhYfNI, IN -1 \s,'1./'I1 t III' ) r A. Fulford+ inspecting, $i.fi0; Alex- Mise Mary E. Maclennan arcrnn_ light seek shine before nen that they Pce g with hi. outfit end it now engaged in nlarrievl .rnd lir single turn, file scum hely see your gooil works and glorify ander Bogle. grsvellin $0125; Jam -9 laying cement walks in rnlr village. panie d her brother Donald, who ham M•iug 12 1 in favor of the m:u'rie tl wen. 3 K aR 1 your hxthrr which is in Ilrntt-n•" (n Long, cleaning ditch. ' Hugh Thur. The IGrPoe Gault Comedy Co.Cum- ,een renewing argnnintani-P4 dor- Oil the winning to•:Iu well. mono• ,chs low, inspecting, i'L85 ; John Barker, Y ttaK tht- pxmt week, on hill return to l,t%-ed in lhr St. Helens cbntu ,ion the first part of his dimvom„e hr 11PAIt a ement I 1 tonight a week engwg r rt)adwork,>Xti;John HallidA coffin roarer q ad Nwult NIP. Alarir, hn•Hv a•ilh the nrigiu of Ih,ulge•imul y' K in Elliott's hall. The are vertisin tr:uei twenty' -flu i, elan+ Ago. An- hfll, $15; Hammel She Nerd• di in R Ill lit Iwintesloft like diKerencrhrtarrn ditch, 1.05 ; William P RR r certain lines of medic• ,rare The etnolrntm from the snrmunding other gars• is to he held next Afnnolay Protestantism land Orall eisn1, mintin i le, culvert cu - , schools, who have Iwen writing en the everting, when the young inen hope K' K vert $8 fi0 ; Jnhu Treble, culvert anti The picnic at }ort Alfrert on Thurs. In examinptionm, are n•sti to reverse the se•me, that one dillerence is flat 4 I t visro coveringbridge, $7.0) ; John Hymin day last was well attended, Dungan- prlN:un•d Protestantism for os. If it R at their homes after the nrvere strain ton, inspecting+ $1 : W4 ; Cook• non tieeport them practically time. en masse. they have been under for over et week. let-'a'fi not for (hpmeii. I here 4-cond cleaning gavel pit, $4 : William All report a plraexnt time, EAST WAWANOSM. let- no I'roteht+►ntimm. In the second The sacrament of tilt- Loral's Supper part. of him sermon he• dealt rhipHy Cook, repairing two eulvente. $4.815. Miss ids \Vhywnd waw in Uoxlerfch AIuNu.av, .1111%, Slit Council adjourned to ineet again on oar Thursday hast trying her eihunin- was d' need on Hahlrath in the new Mims A[,.IN•1 Sharnren, of OfIdt•ricii• with the wry in whish Onllgeuie•n Tuesday, the 0th of August, at 2 Ations in Junior piano. She hsltsince ehureh hare. Rrv. A. MiIICr, pastor. In visiting for n short. time At Oen. Tis• should liae tip to their obligation. o'clock m. F. W. MCDemAIGH, wan assisted dining the services fly Ho• stated that no MAIN who ill not A p• learned that she was successful. We [rev. Dr. MacDonald, of Kinearline, 'lxlr's' ('hristian call IN' A trial- Oran emmn, Clerk. extend our congratulations. Adam Robinson, wf the loth con- K end Rev. F. A. Mclannxn, of Kinloss. hut. he wram wrrry to a,av that n frac NILE '1'mi.twiioNR.—It in expected that - _.____ cession, had A Large attaw-mhed raised fIj pIN•ritem had gut into lhr under and 11 I the telephone will reach hetes by Hat- Inst Monthly. t11e IN nit way to get rid of them wag TC11raDAY, JUIy Nth. unda next, as the linemen are now ST. AUGUSTINE. Y K' Y Mr. Acheson tit West Waw•attu,mh to dive qp to the ulligatiunm and they Ro� Potter and his sister, Miss well up the fourth concession of Ash- , WKUNKNDAV, .July loth. had No anccessfi d barn•raisinq Inmt %nt• would Ile al, xsha lied that they world $that, of La Araeggee+ Ill., are visiting field. We understand that the cen- Aiims Pollard, of Toronto, is Visiting urday aftermmNN. poll nut. The service laver, the pro. s,0 the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. tral will lie in Dr. I3ires drug store. at�,eo. }trophy''"• The Donnybrook Methodist mini- l-essien wam again fornu•d land tilt - Potter. The tslPphune will prose » INNIn to Afk„ McCuurt, of (Tinton, in visiting vet+Ary mervirf•s will lee heli tell I)e. Orangemen pr heeded to their hall, . Mss. Jesse Grummett, of Ooderich, our village and with the talked 'of at Th*' ('unnnin,i. toter 8lrth. Rev. Ir, ('n•aym, of Tor- where ea few short speeches were electric. railnrewl should cause lluo• given toy members of the order. A ls vidtingfrietidain our neighborhood. Mr. dtul Mrs. Will Fiala of l.lanem, onto, will IN• the prepl•hrr; for the K We are leased to have her with us Bannon to hoirm. ig occasion. heart yet• tot thankm was P spent Hilrridny at John Craig's. Y given to once more• Wroen another rerrempondent.► Miss (iAtr) of He»forth, is visiting The new al haul at. 1{rlgrAVe is near- Rev. Asn Hind( fila• him AhIP address. The farmers are getting busy these i.awrence .}. Tierney, of Chical o, in her frierfll, yNisa Annie Brophy, Ing coniple-t ion. It will heIour of Ihr In the eVellin n mnnb er drove to days. Haying has commenced, and wt uesent Visiting his cousin, Thos. flneat aCho ols In this county, VVCty- Varna, where the rrvprend gentleman g pp Mian Duggan, of Striation], is Visit. preached to the imethn•n. some fields of fell wheats ate. ripening Mc(1»nm. tt thing being modern end cnna•ehirnt. fast. The hoed cropsand corn are ing her Islam �Niw Lltrpndeau, HTHt71'K HY LtAIITNiNA.--The nei• The cuntrnetor expects (o have it Also receiving attention. Vincent Led has fl -heal l from ­_ - - - --- -- R dance of Thus. McCann was struck by � ready for like Loll term. the \Neat las arc nut, of ill -health. e pig which wan tieing driven along lightningstorm on t after y, .Ione eth, in On tiov fad evening Iwet the St. pATERSON'S otic of ewe scads cxtaled an ttcc{dent in the atorni chat afternoon. The thim• Dick Welsh, of oNlPtich Cullegigtp Augnstinr 1\nll tenor playpol n instittate, in home for the• summer the damaging of a buggy. Thre ani• ney was injured And the plaster .end Mendip grins with the' ('nlVin bleu- ^��� mal got In front of the horse, which joints in tour rams were coneidenahh' holiday"• at Ht. Angnstinl-, \vhich r••rultCd in itV.I The w Diiip bolted, breaking the shafts, and, turn- damaged. Mr. Mc('ano'a sister was ($ariie Robinson i veil w driving win for til• forterrr. .Seale :(n. Th'. •hI1Bt �.•oirGBing A wmd, put hack W the plwce from stunned And Mr. McCann, going into etleed Lot week and In tatting it on w St. ANlgtmline Imlym are II1Nklrlg A rl•edwhereIthad just conte, and by the one of the tooma Atter the Accident, cement foundation. Iteble showing, thia twi: LhesecondDommd the dtreraasssdtime It got thele hail kicked itakelf iRceived somewhat of A shock. Other Berney Brophy cote q Ite w dash time they lave defeatesd the sanie kind is the red and yshfisar lea clear of the Miggy. places in the neighborhood which with his new driver, wh r he /lar- yarn this aensnn. Lew„ SMIAI.. -7he gathering At wer*struck wpm m. Andrews', Mra. cheasesf from Dan McNevin, of i�un- the homE of Mr. and Mrs. Cbaa, Otr• McCsha's and Wm. McAllister'•. Bannon, last week. - ---- - - - .- - - _- vin Tuesday night was one of the -- ---- We are sorry to hear that Mr John ��� most sucoessful events of the kind that. How's This Y Leddy is not ircproving in hrplth At have been held In our neighborhood, rearm she is very ill and the . is about two hundred and fifty being w'eofhr OrIP hundred not be cared for any nt on the lawn. Uurin the ea"e or oatsrrA that nailed be caned O! Hall m Prtde hlape of recovery. The effect of malaria lasts a long time. ptasr g Catarrh Care. On .Splurdry evening the Ca1V, forepart of theevening wgwme of feat- ►'.1 t'HENFY R CO., Tokdo r You catch Cold essil or become run. hall was indulged In h a number of the We the undersigned nalar known r. football tram layer! k return match y a men In the field opposite the 'l'eaer tot the bwt to res"' till helleve him with the At. Augustine team, but down because of the after effects of malaria. yw R PPf1s perheUIF kdgesble to ate he inemm trsnaactionm were defeated by w acorn of i0, lawn, wod social conversation was andaaanctallr able to n.rr)' out any oblige- Strengthen ourself with' e.St1 all".f' am -led on throughout the evening. uersr made by -hl. arm. John McCabe Is home #Rain from g Waynuxa, Rlaa.a.Y t ktaaa nf, Calgary on a bus new tri Effrtt{Llsi%Oflt. Tables were pp1 on the lawn end µ Aolaersie ( ss,, Tdedo, o. P. but intends pleot of Chlwgs goad to rat were Rsll'm Catarrh Cars I. to on Internally returning to the West in a taw dare, placed hef�re thecae present. NIie file �uuyl directly open t(,� trlood she maoena Ale=. McCabrr intends going etch hien. It b1011d$ 1f1ew blood and t011e$1>Ip your pw$p{ga and dram bind Furnished w ers( I mar (seem of Lha aywbousk Tsstlmna&I sant tea. --- - - wlectioos of ou•icI which was very I Take+ alit, �as11y In fewFlceu,a►ipdation. The kindness of Insincerity Is like �' much ated Mrs. gags of the beauty of artificial! rosea • we ALL DRUOOI■Ttil i Soo. AND $1.00. Oarbwl Mr. 8�a, of Pal AI;M' liih, A Inas to rule a woman mud he value it for what It !s intendtle1 to choir, Pasbr Meld wall others fur- dtooR enough Inst to twe his Arsngth. tepttwmb s 1, ,1 1 � s „r^+ %I tl'M ';i;t, iI4 •.i 4 e;�y, tt-, '.4 :it Ar'• }' C ) .a et- n''';: r•4;"O •l, y� `Y,Y, ti !�'"" t-1 =.). ,,, ' �' ? Yap .•fi; .,, .:'•"".j �'Y,:� 5i, S . �r., ...:7f,. " .,._ .. - •'. ... .. ,,. ,. . + .., - �t , ,.r 4"G•. t ,Iy +_`'., NEGLIGEE SHIRTS - WHITE AND FANCY VESTS SUMMER -SUITS TWO-PIECE THE FAMOUS SEMI -READY FINE TAILORED G OO D -S STRAW h 4TS FINEST ENGLISH AND AMER- • ]CAN STYLES FROM 5oc TO ;;oo McLEAN BDfIS. ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR COMFORTABLE AND STYL- . ISH CLOTHING FOR SUMMER I WARM WEATH �R IS COMING WE KNOW BY THE WAY OUR GASOLINE STOVES ARE SELLING We increased our order for these Roods for this season; already we are down to the smaller sizes. ('hear up; it is going to get waren enough ; and don't fail to call and see our Gasolino Stoves. CLEVELAND COILED WIRE PORTLAND CEMENT ELEPHANT MIXED PAINT PURE WHITE LEAD FISHING SUPPLIES HAMMOCKS BROCKVILLE LAWN MOWERS REFRIGERATORS PAROID ROOFING First-class work guaranteed in Heating, Plumbing and general job work. I i E. Pat Paulin 'PHONES: I . Store, 57 Residence, 177 1 ___ _ -- ------- -- --- .; i C. P. R. for Stratford. ing north to Listowel and connecUng with the Guelph-Goderich branch. i ThPre in x persistent. rumor abroad ,,Thr line would have been conte n official circles that the C. 11. it, will "'were some. time o, he saldr rots N r tax fn t nl i wg u (law, saym The ••ern, it not for the diRlculties en• he trotf of on. Notwithstanding 4d. P. ,•+aunt ted in the construction of the hr rnpny hot weather utles of a U, I (;oelph-Ooderieh railway. The line t. entranC, which have fretiucntly ili Stratford would traverse Along the ? wen Aired 1m•forp, the inform ation is northerly ride of the river Avon, but fait• officiml said of A nntur, that the location of A station has not been t i eleven; nn doubt Irut that a llpflnit• ,i„„ nov( will Ilt• wxelc in the snore l)[ x decided upon.” 11 year. While the planter are in an embryonic Ante at the present time, the inform. 41 A ,ruminent official of the Canadian Nation coming from an authentic I 'He ' in A runa•errtAlinn with it Bell- source. C.Arriew weight And further . un trprrw•nhati\'r atatxl that it w -at- developments will likely be fortheom- Ieffnite•Iy osNot"I that it line wumld 1N, ing in a short time. nn through the city. The scheme As - --- ,lanneil at present calls fur A line The .Signal to January 1st, 11)08 for .urn St. Marys to Ntratfurd palm-eed :6i cents. Subscribe now. j 1HAY1r .1� : ' ` � !� ! I � TOOELS I , ___.______________ I � •� I � WORTMAN, WARD AND LOUDEN'S S EN I YI t HACARRIERS . HAY FORKS 1 SLINGS STEEL TRACKS RAFTER BRACKETS 11 ,. WOOD TRACK HANGERS • ' 1. PULLEYS FLOOR HOOKS BEST MANILLA ROPE Anderson's Hardware, DUNuANNON L -1111 -- ``Only One Gradeand That the Best" This is the motto of the manufacturers of the McLAUGH L I N BUGGY The McLaughlin BUWy X . RUNS WILL LOOKS WELL WEARS WILL It is the beet you can poet, and we give it to youat the right prices. We have just received a consignment of these Buggies, including some of the latest styles. Call and see them. WILLIAM KNOX Aga( for McLaughlin Carriages NewRati St. Golder b �' W i .