HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-7-11, Page 4OWI
mel�? ghr t,r'a ���xi w•., - ---..I" til. a
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*• Tau Y, ,11th it, ttw� THE SIGNAL: GODERYCH- ONTARIO -
Ilndimi w ruhablP nal tar flat the now THE R16B OP A HAT
The Electfic Railway Scheme.'
Nlntfnn. Thr "Cora pre'!ts'xl al fityt,
llrvon" rod ' l%ill"unr," welt+ Iwlh
_ _
luhrl leul, $fx thrrt, erne x(attiunr fol
Town Council in Perp"ty Over 43
elle *,$false moor. elw-whrlr. It is r••
Meetin s Held Last Week at Dungannon and Kin.
{carte) that the U. 14. It. nuthuriliw
h"rrtircidel t" esu the nt,w *,tattle"
"Mc(taw." uud 4,t e4mrse their de•imhn
Thr/ mayor amend Councillor hold•
thurpe wen+ alperat front the meetlog
tail Receive the Proposition Favorabl
�s y
to final. In the opinion of funny the
"Sharp's Ovl•k Station"
tat the tnwn council on Friday nlgbtl
title would
haat being at the electric arWway
have hero uwrP xppruF,rirte' ab 'It ix.
tilt, Iler"f 11x111*, fief x Wit 1•k1ll/Wll local-
nw+etin at Kintall. Heeve McLean
The isreoition for the construction Mr. .\foyer aalaNerel as nutiaber of
$$t xo steeTinc• railway line from Gode- asked by in tilt-
ily, "Ild alit- chUaen demixontiuu III,)•'
was wowed to the chair.
, yuestionr {xn•wrns
Lich to Dungannon #anti Lucknow women ',nldleule. In replyto a litivatiou as 111
Ilett Ile tar ple"eing to lin neightxtrbaatil
,a„ the lrxlllt, given W that faluuur
A little touch of nutuur cause out in
ppersrntell to tile. rate{pa 'err of Asia- whether the lint, would awl un the
field and What \\'$fwwfot� at a u►eet- highway, lie slated that the plmn
tritest elrrk a generation or two ago,
a hat fart with un account for >R3 for �
w hat fur the first captain to court- into.(
ing held ilk Il ingannun on Thursday favored war the Pterclusin of n right
(evening last. Oil Friday evening a of wily, dui to 40 fret wide, altrngbide
by the *,fitly w+ttlers.
First Train at Blyth.
this port this reason. The a,*rfou11t
heal flown before the finance committee
similar• meeting war held at Kiutail
for the discsmtion the
tier highway, covin lack the build.
Uurleah Je•cu
lerp, July It
the pervious evirning, halt the clew.'
I here dui not know of any instrtctiuna'
of prulx»al to
twill xnuther line along the flake
along the trxul whew ne,•erwu•v.
M. (i. Cameron. 31. 1'. P., briefly
nlilestfene in the ronj*,,c•
t iota tit the Guelph k Gode ich hail-
I tlnul file cleuucil for the purchNse of a
e re. through Port Albert I%fill Kill-
sketched the efforts whie`h IINti tweet
N'$fa' had been aearl4l, Ylld til• a'If Cage
flat flu' llltl NIyL cwp(YIII that CYLLIY into
WI to Auelwrley. At ria h utel+tisg
inside h • himaelf and those with whoop
of in tate heart of Hellon
P"rt�land they were rat A hist tot- a pre -
c eat to them in dealing with'
the wollooitiou was clearly ,Lnd cau-
dilly set forth by Mr. Moyep, of Tot--
he had Iron .ant,"inted t)1 care
through electric radlivAype in this
county: it slow the terminal. Calif.
ductur Ayers and Eligin1.er H,uuilrun
such an account.; conargtiently they i
00 Easy. and his definite assurance of tilt-
district. N"»u4•Isrly haul to talrke a
were in charwe 4,f the regular train,
refrrtr4l lir account Illicit t.1 the coffee-
of the lines at tan early
start, and they did it; only altaa had
title to leave (iuelph for Milverton at
j aril tali it whole. Chairman Clark of
date, pprovided the encuurag(.menl tie•
sired fr the is forth•
tweet a few yeat•s fou awn. 1'huugln
their formal .r had out boteeu roc•
17: ti, find which upon its arrival attic'
latter Tart
the aaumiure explained why,
the ac,*uuut had not leen {reared by
an asunicip,dities
cowing, war received with muc1, antis-
ceartsl the matter had never lx•rn
41uiut night hitched up Ire
rus{a•uurrx and istarted oft for Itlylh,
the cummittaw and ,caked the council
faction. Electric railway weetings
lost right alt, retail rota• there "ppexnyi
wrwe tWerlty-nils, littler farther tau,
to deal with It.
are no new thing in this part of the
W IIs n prurlx•cI fol tier early construe•
Nonkton anti K'$fItun weft pxNrlrl,
The council a.enfstd as much at *ell
country, but this it the NayL time so
tfun u( the "tad. Mr. Cameron mbioq
,old the new station agenLA let off lit
xa the cnlmutttre lad Vern tar kuuw
definite w pmpxwal haw newts put lie•
Notated that he could any else the Ix•ht
their new heauhinartrrs. At 11
how tfo deal with an account for it hat
fore the ratepayers, with sycjr ex.
litmuthmrity that these was net prulln.
toruser meantime N goNxlly crowd w
for the first captain that rnme treat)
(repent prospect of leiteg cars ied into
within A definitely•rtated tiune
in At froth
hility of tier buddhig "t A atrpiun ►maul
thrm11gh the dittricb Is --tit Luckmi.1w tit
(ioderich, little hoped.
present to welcomes tier Ntyt Finatx4•ngrt
train tm {star their rich their village.
Wtt. Of courve -hills have been pre-
i�r'nt"1 to tier first captain to coule fit -
Tmi lanrt prvviuus yearn in accord -
the vent- future. weetingo
at, wad at unmi
lint at ahhmngh the train tilt[
anon with lir old cuntont. Prohetbfy
feeling was uverwhrlwing v an
favor of the plolxnaition a",.il ,.wt)
V. M tt.dwrts, mf /i.mierieh, "iwr
Nlankr briefly, He instanced tilt' ejtlw
nut arrive until 141:311, owing to the
delays authorized by eautiun to travel-
tier luau grew un busbts or {trrhaFme
by Mr. Moyes, Meld pett6im-a.{{{tit• file
mf a st eaalll 1'+ulll which wits h11dt monW
fillet imer a Irlxd "x vet Illltried rill
Cllr al l'I111li1a for thl•111 Were Islet Irl tire
submitting of the mieehwary bylaws It.
Nftearu tar rightw•u ywu'N ago betwi-till
thusinslic Plating swaited the ,,,tin,
mehrulfle, at till evPnlN tilt- council did
the rate us 'sty were lar mel mei ned
Nt (''tharinma a nd NiaKlu:a Falls It
I 11 I'
not remember ever having heal such
I I K Y K lust. when at. uuuntrntnuunN ) fail a an rur,nint before it before. Fin -
Thr ptolxr.ml in that the eastern pwv- Itself failed land arle'l•wards avas cost,. into tier station it war greeted with
tion o[ Ashfield (polling Nut-diviniunN wettest itatn "n rirt'uir Blind find hN/l loud,appinlw•. '1'lweri rwd then Look �xlly (impinge Babb, who was prep. - _ ...._ __ __ _-_ -
Noe. 1. 'S and •i) guar"nure the Wisdom Iweti laracely PxL•nalel. Ile "alit tier Iwmlwx.4i"11, mud as many ,as could find *,tit. Wxx Nppewle t to an an unthurity I ---- - --
of the conlrny tfo the extent alt >r3,- report of (.,.uhLl•lsrtfmu mf an eiretric line raft Ito "le f be trii +around the '•Y" I on nlnrfne Matter,, find he gave tier! For til• Late {thou•*,.
IMXt, and t flat the township alt West. would:bP,11"I" *I-')-stxl lel >iIN,t1Mo x while the 1 rain w,ur Iwing reversed. I infurun"tion that (last clwtirm of pre• I In the murntng N'LPn ttaa *,tient ®- 1
WAwanoah (cutting out at worth �anr• wile. A pertly little loan 4n Blyth. (Art *,toting $f hat Lm the first captain that I willingly let this thought be pt4amt: 1
tion in Life wrtatheetst corner, N•hi:• is ,*,Line into art tat tier 4, Ienin of nevi• g 1 T� �O� n e p y } `
At if fatail Friday Nsgbt out in th1.trntie ed at rich a ricuhur,rl <w I K I am ayeln to the wort of a mar v : L/ ` ' a.r
not interr4 t-1 it) the ratilwm- gear A section thrift which there o" nfo other Rxti4,n had Ineewu in rxixU•ucx "finer Lite \yby then and I dlsuatlrned if I am gal
similar elxr"tatir to thi•n:unrpiu,,,(rla( Tho uiP1.titig ail Kintail foil Prioln)' ti ...I• of Ad,uu. though lar had ls$$ fn -
K ,long tilt- ru111l• ,.t the ll. A li. Normal 1148 to du the things for witch 1 exist
The western swrlien let Ashfield (di- rcroiuw W,s held hl \'oumiK N tariff. built in Ihr will*,, wrlid style which f ll-nluti.1n w give IS L" Wilt -re Pty hats
visiting 1, 3, fi and 7) will lie asked to ) and for which I was brought Into flee
Nbu h w:s fitlel with sat) interest, is
coot honor. of ""oxer in tier flurufl world? Was I then desl�ned for not21-
ebll,ty,1."s,I. tilt- (owns ler Harm t FURNITU R F
unrxnur IMII111" to Like t•zt.•111 alt andieuce. .1. N. McKenzie wits edretwl R 1 xucb sur authurilmtiv1. stalrls,ent the dog but fn tfle!I and batten beneath the
R r,.unl)•, it I. a INMI 1.xnw oar ,.0 tier.
S1'L;.Iasf fn eo inee(ion will tier Inks- leo Ihr t•nnu` Lows which thri%es WiLhunt member 'lts"'cil ml unr*, tiw idol lel ,me)- Ihr
Nl"Ar limit-. F:n ulster Holm•rt,, %vl„r :N,$)'ur I: