The Signal, 1907-7-11, Page 2I 117�"T,l R a �. V S TnumpAY, July 11, 1907 THE SIGNAL: GODERICH. ONTARIO — _ —_ is open to argument, Inst there Is no it a grievanpet to he cert olat alf the Argument in such epithets.tlrr CIA" of At nericxn puhlicatlona, •'damp h•uln j�Mn� th Q M� M*A eNi -- - - ___ _wilirh fir. Justice Kkldyll it *bowing til at (-file rea,-h thele the Plewa, Likewise- Canadians in the Stater are allot wellIIeMMMd flu IN•' (lO1oRRItH• (INTARIm. A judge may ho a IxWitive fuive for the Ing deprived of Ihrir favorite h,oun PUBLISHED EVERY 'THURSDAY dispensing Of justice tyid not4neratly it papers. my , cog in a wheel. Him (action fit mgpord A Quea for East Hanson. ., tltfo TN VANATT911 A RUARRSU Telephone tall No. 111. a \ toy a recent railwa cident case leads Y +t(' Lw,dun AA ctrl l.er. i a contelnpotary to rtmoark that "the 1►r. Chiwholnl, V. 1'., nt,uts flown tee .Teewle M HuMerMtken : �,-,, 0141 idea that neceidents went accidents, nuud"Ateal M• Ila Fee 11Ntavu1 COn •tmporannum`Inetevann•- II1l Ix nwnUls, elle : n sac onw. .854., that lhev were Iwound to hat len, 1 1 rervxtivew, f)r. Chiwhuhn is the pot bullae alliticixn who axya tilt• tueln• To United States aubrrllwr-, SL.xI a ye41 and there waw nothing more to lir Iters 1,f tilt- (fovernuwnt arr thievew, IsMMIy In aA vaorw, w Subs•riber- who ti1/1 til erratical Tits SIGNAL said, 1% fist losing its influence." Can IiunIn vonotc, with its great regularly by limit will confer a favor by tor. fe"Antine us of the fact atton early a date tow --- political trxditiunw, .Atfo d G) tat re n't•• { I parable. (1114. w•ay to get rid of altar wealth is rented by watch A min % R'hewaehangeof addre- luderirwd.boththe old and the new addre�w -hound be elven. is) bo% g,xwlr in that Unitestl Stwtew in- Nature and Morality.t -s • £ :�'"1. _. wttead of manufactlu•Iug them Our- Advertising Mata": at -Ives. (fail Repurtel. Ouulph Herald. Ile sal nor other similar advertl eenlenta. Ilse lulus for eat Insortinn ,uft1 lc per line for A quicker wily to et rid of our q Y K Uiti ulevunr ever hear of a real lover of flat are Ilwlo wall at heart )I per esell „uls,ewuent Insertion. Mn.asured by a wealth is to insist ole making goods, at lead man % How can at mmol' w•ho finds non parell .a wle.lweIra lines town Inch. Awlaewt p41d-of six flow and under• $3 pm hunte which we c,tu oirchaite Oatmeal I a uq•atery ill every flower, a hags -If year. „ Advertisement+ of Lwt, y'n"nd, atn.Yed, • U- nu/rw chratdy. What would The Its• ludas lel rutty wWnr, a virion in Y erery cloud, x delight in every bind - nation -vacant. Alt wwI logs. w'nnted. Hooses ter Acle Rant, Fwnus for Awls air to Item• porter think of it onan what should tl'l' NIIIIA, have file h*•,aH. to lie Illeall Ill' l to Ankle. for t4tto, etc., not exceeding eight z 1 t leo stake everything he filled ? The K the time to device+ wicked things? line., Bin Novel Inserilewn : N for first leaned for each subasquent month. laarwer advertise- In proportion. menu p Robinson Catsup. life ix not A luxnr- 10118 tine. Looking Backward. Announcement. in ordinary reading tree tea Delta, per Ilse. Nn nutke less than tic. Any special n,Nicc, the oble't ,if a'III,'h Is the :Tunwant of any Itdivi4nal or wwsocl- n, mresideed an advertisement and to be Charged m alydingly. Rates for display enol mratrwct advertils. interim will be given on applioatloa Addreas, all cMllmnni"ation- to VAVArrKRt ROHKRTRON, Tru SIGNAI, . 1N erieb. Ont. OODXRI('H. THURSDAY. JULY It. for: EDITORIAL NOTES. This is the season of the festive straw berry. _ The coat ofplena as peant to toe a burning question. Sir Wilfrid Lianrier will Ion• given it groat reception when be reuhrns home from Furope. _ It looks AN if the British Oovecn- ment were aft -swing A blue pencil througb the all t•el line. - will the C'onerrvntives of Ontarin be pleased with the were"a of 110 ur- Aefui. the nhan who thinks isvtrier is too Hritilsh % _ Twenty -ane years ago the C. 11. It. began its tranw•1,ntinental su•rytcr. The twig railwxy will have wile Of .age when'it reachen Goderich, When wt- get it system 40f 4.14.ctrit, railways through this connty, we'll wonder how we ever gut along with out thenl fur so malty year,. With the Otpning of flat- new line to - Blyth, we realize that it will nut Is• long until (hool-rich has the hing- lio)k4d•for 'ronne•tiun with elle- C. V. H. The• public debt of lilt- Ih:ntniteu wax ralucel Ito over fru mill.1n 1I0l- lars in the f1 -CAI peri1klenllleg .Nlitr•II 31st last. Thin is gtwwt dinner and gotwl fxditil•s. With 114.. Sprnde attacking him oei one side, And Henri Boumm-& leu the other. Sir Wilfrid lAttrier is between the devil itself the• deep arA. We re- fuse tat, eoutnit ourw•Ive%a,4 to which is which. _-- __ _ The Fourth ,if .Italy hits born vele- berated in the• Vnited Nfur- With tilt - usual record of death wood maiming. Are we in Cauitda It— patriotic (at - more sensible tlouh nm- neighbor" across the line'? One gtxwl result of the construction of electri,• railway limes through the townships will Iw Ihr increase of travel through the Ipantiful coun. non 1 t l Oar •'c try tern m il l 1 11 h. The p- K r ton who stAv- in town dta•s not half know what A grand old colon. ty this in. _ Henri Htnrn.n , IN tie Ipad Noinde- pendent party in Qut tope in optxomition to the Liheralw. We shall we whether with the help of the Conserv. ativesof Quebec he will be aIle to tau - do the great work for Canadian unity k) which Sir Wilfrid Laurier has de. voted Itis life. Sir Wilfrid Lurier has been visit, ing Dublin. it's a pity we cannot spare him front home long enough to Nnttle the Iriah question. The Old Country climate doles not seem to lend itself . to the development of the "sunny ways" which have (loop so much for Canadian unify, A rumor ham been floating about to the effect that Sir Williarn Van Horne, the C. P. H. magnate, hills fission asked to assume the leadership of the Conservative party in Cnintula. Thrlr have i oxen tinges in the hintory of this cotmtry when it almost lookel as if the C. P. It. were virtually lend. Ing the Conservative party, A phyaicinn of London, Yngland, Attacks ntritwherries as fin Article of diet and 41mlarex that if eaten in quantities of more than if dozen at A tine they produce Iain trooper, par- ticulo rly in women. We cannot speak for the woolen, beat nothing is calculasteal to provoke at more violent tPmper'in if man than tie offer him less than a dozIso atrtwherr•ies. it is noted that tinder the lower Average finite" of (h4. rr.viaNI tariff the custcxns trvenuecuntintarN to increase. This 1 I w urs m It the argnnfrnt (if the low tariff Advocate who clninlm theft, it lower rate of tAxatiun and a larger revenue Are not at all inconsistent. Perhaps we have not yet fmmnd the tariff rate which will he the greatrel revenne-producer. We hnve tvtrplered it letter in which the Maitland River powpr schptne in cAlled A "wildcat scheme," fi '•fake," and its promoter '•grAftera," "seherrtew," "a wheming outfit" -and go teeth. Hoch me letter In not cal- oulateed to throw light upon the nub• ject ander discussion and we withhold It frnuf p"blicwtion. The questIon erbeetser the town abould cool• should clot solaces the wtateok-jil ser project The Toronto Milli- sai-A "lns)kinglwtrkoverfurtyyrxts and forty years 11, cdmielt is, nu more than the t4.4.t ing Otago wAa In \Irthuselith -we can safely say that this gifts], rletn, wlolrsaauP cuuntry Iles n1, in- fantile wenkoewaws,• runstitait1,ng) or otherwise, that it rannot took grow." To which The Wotwletock Seutinpl- Review retorts : "What Antoni the infantile weak - new, of lift-• proterteil industries? Will they Poet- uul.gruw tilt- welkne" to each an extent as to Ito able to (lis - pen -e with thewlltion-11eteling tire) - cess?,. The tOrillia Parket t1•Ikn tN soup re - neat its e-neurits tit Principal Dickst)L of the CA- legiale luslilmt.le in that town in n I'I•- eent ,oldresp,. He !41111 that in hal 1we•nl).-eight yeatx experience as it tearhe• he had never known it Isay a41dirteil to ('ig:u•rttp Nne,kinK t40 IN. a xucreayful studprll. IIP t-1,uld nut ri•- call fin exception ti),the role. If a IN)y did well the first vt-ar, and then fell 1,ff in studies, tudies, he At Once .oveelel th,tt he had l,egun to smoke cigarettes if hr Lnrw of tilt otherv.iusv. A -,t real*- this no-neil out to lie tight. still Ihr indir;ttions Noon Io•g;to t1, show• in I .ht- fare Anti nn Iht- hau!Is, a- well as in n1'rrsteal mental ,a••livily. Cigar- rlte'slonking w:ts filwtodotely ineuln- Patildr with nle•nlal develupun•nt. The rh.m•actel-Wir of tilt• vig:metlr snwker was atlli,l-IOpidily. I'mmi avhi,•h tilt spur rltnld niou-,• him I 'This is -filing lestim ollY 'roil Onr win, Isis had t-xt•rpliouah'IsI. rUunitieN fit• ,ilse•ryat ion. The denland .of III,- I'leitel Nl:ates 414.x1 trust fur ilia a dditionnl IRI it tun fat• a dm•nblt• rail iea tis The Jlionc- apotiA 'rribmne. it !te•publienn swiper, to call for it,.. suslpnsiltn of Ih1• Lana nn arra rails. "%%*a• do not, hear," it say- "I hill English link[ (irrtasiul ru1N en:tp ufo4b-r ;it..strllin of urlinaly Lratllr, and We Iplirve that thelf cliff lie illipol tell lulu .440141 in this country wilbullt fit,. tariff fur alxaat *:, less t hall 1 be 1111•su•nt prise•, iuNle•Iwl 0f 115 Inter,-." '1'hf• peolole of tilt- 1'nilel staters have• endulerl a Ktwel 414-111 in the (•ILI"- Of pruleclion, tout uuuly of thein fire Iw•ginniog it, Net- Ihr fully of it ,cat. (iovernor ('Illumine. the Ile- poblienn (fovernor of Iowa. ronom right out, and say- : "I aIn for tariff revisiuu and tariff eduction as u oefsore of justice to the buyers of preatec:teil couunitlitirs. It NePnlx to tine that we hart- state*- mad in our r zeal for the sellers find have alandunel the- buyer to the tender mercy of unonopuly, connbinfition need 's rule u o lw n•NL' t 1 r 1 rel that n K4 u K i limn p.trty It-Adpi. in the State Of New York not Iong ago expressed his (opinion tA t sult-tt Roo, vrut thatt the Detn ocrfitic party would twin with A yellow dug at the next election' I( sumtnrthing is not dune to revisor the I tariff." Guelph Mer•ury. A man leftist Ito at least sixty years old to IenneInhel. At All clearly the events rmnnctel with the formation of the Dominion of Canada. fail,, at- tach Lew them anything like their Irxl signiflauce. The fallen of sixty now was not even a cuter at the Hr.et Dominion electimi held in the hunnuer and fall of IM17. Reform in Bread Delivery. ,.i; Woodstock `4•ntiuel- Rei iew. In sulfate parts of the country there tN a demand that all heead offrtrtl for Nilly ler delivery NhNll Ito enclosed in sealed INIiN•r lags inuuediately after le4v,inK flat- oven, 49 11 Kllele'antre ,IKatnNt run,tanliattiun in handling. Such it druuutd wits INmnd Ite cattle*-, and is bonnet til Kr)w•. With the [Hill. ulhrization of knuwledg•• with ref- rrell,'e III dixell`II• ge ovi ie"ple•'s stool. lit•I's 111'1• INY•liening Intel, I more arrtl.l- tive than they nse"I In Ik•, :lead gre.tter 4nwautt1,ns ,ate drunendeal in Ih4. hnmtllinK blood. It is yuitt- n,tinrxl (lilt bract should risme in' fur stair attrntiun. Vegetable?. til a y Ito washed. meats easily Ito rendered harm- less by VOoking ; hitt brutal is a -mall). sI.I.Ved as it in receive(. When One• run.4ider% III.. history of at loaf of hexon fro -ill the'tinee it IPavrei the oven till the lima• it reaches lilt- toil,' -, is it jilt). wonder that tier -to oneh ,e•1" N little- Nple"ulish :' CHISHOLM AND BOWMAN.4 Nominees of East Huron Conservatives Ask Time to Consider. I mnd,tn Fn•c 4.n•„ Itrpell. Beni ---k. .lolly :ill. The n1,uliwil- it rontrnliun in eonne.•1 i40ll with Ezra IIliton 1"uuservativrs wits held in th. e 1,%11 hat11, Hrussels. Fridav after 1m.",11 with it large lepreotentatlon of d4.1e•gates present fallen Iht- vvtous' loonivil4rliiirs. Pr•sid.•nt 11"hors foade it brief in- trNlurtury si)e•t-h :Inti the lere•tinK was ro•gularly cu11stitutel in af•.-(1111- 4114-P wile Ihr,lbjert rise- which it %•As val led. Dr. Chishtelul, file prestof Ill.•miwi. felon ""1101nm, will' w1lo the ridinK Al last elution, defeating Dr. 1'. \Lir• I)-lald, deputy Speaker .or ler llouse was again mauiou atell its stlldalll•, Iwo er on motion of ex- 1\'arleo into. Hnwman. of Mltrri- luwn"hip, sm•- onde•el b). Fronk Met rfoff. of Myth. The• Ihm•tur askel to ,allow 111p lont- ter fu ,,Lind in tie• uleantion• fur per. soleal reasons. .L•unt-N Buwmnale .VAN the only nuln- inrr fur Ihr Iw•Kiseuure. Ik•ing prI- Is)st-d Iry4.x-Waralerl 1'oa . 1,f Furl. wit -IN, et-rteledel Ill. Fwlw,ull Hi -vans, 4.x deputy reeyr of (ir p- township. Mr. Hownumn mods a soniltl• request to I list of Dr. Chi"holin, eat the proh. Abilities are that both will Varry the C'Onservalive lannern wheat the ele:- titln cxllllwtigns draw raver. Ilan. Jnr. Hanna. Provincial seere. Lary. water areselet and delivered ,lel ad- deeal denting with til,- live queetiuns Of the day from it Legislative lstand- point. OrgAniz-r (1Af Nt,tire xlNli npl,ke, referring to the organization of the I'll fals• ,s geographirnlly they Are ,lot Io enticed fUca o 1 I f r the two houa4•s K e- Nolutiunn condronninK the Dominion Government and expr(•NNieg ronfl- dence in the Ontario Government wrrr pas4eil and the convention closed with cheerm for King Edwaanl, Hunte. Whitney and Hanna find the nom• ineen of the. day. The Book of Memory. English Views of Our Premier. I 41s' My grandma hA-a aifou+IwN/k she often lel- The Reader of L4)ndon. Fnghlnd, me see. , : says: -Flutelike" was the ter•ul owed When In the du.k 1 leave. my pbl,le to -it lel oil by 11np ptrwantxn to describe Nir. N•il• her It I trod isturier's voice, its hpatd at the 1 cannot bosh the book at alt bol shut mY Gloildhall'" luncheon, bat week • erre, rep tight,- I while two others likened it to a hell Whole smndntA It 11- the pictures, and r see, anti it ttionfiet respectively. ,In ('atn- thotel clear and bright. I ada, however, lifelong lei..4 awn F'rent-4- 1 wens the dear old farmhouse, where giandma i Cana(lio n kith and kin he is known GewA to play, I universally as —Silver-tongued [aur. The lara, with all Ihr cattle, and the fragrant' ler,•' a name which Ht" him to, a mown of hay, nicety. Ilia pecoliarly charming The tw,ls tbat grandmn easel to have. and all enlnrottion, toxo, is last hpmnl when hergorrreldloy-, �ietpnking in French, nllhongh the And the little rmrniry s1•hoolhou," full of i faint trace of an alien Avrent . that mcl•ry' airl-and lar-. . bangle alxlttt hin Fngli"h dlpn not de. tract from,, Met rather rnhxnepa, his Anil there arc other pbiure., too, which nuke fwat,oriCal efforts in that Ifinguaire. Illy gaminat sigh: And, by flat- lave, shill- on the mubjert. She -wy- I most not .ec them now., but watt of Sir \t'iltrid, tiny one tat• tprmitrel till by And by, to milk whom dopa he really resemble? Ant thongh ehr think. they're tar too sad to He ha" been publicly likened here in -how to III Ile mr. i London illCayd\innl Anning land Sir Ahc'. sure they ,ill l•l,.k hrlahter Often Fin m at. Henry Irvingg, while the last clition t lust an her knee+' of the Enryrlot)elist Hritanniert, in its My xroudn,a sony% I'na n)nking a book to be req very intetrating biographical notice, sown.insN ists Olson his (aria) tespnmillanee GI And that I'll often look at It aid smile. when 1 Iwonl ilen)n4Ht-ll And Sir John 31,te- eu,xlVwn; donald. Personally, the write,., when And then Ili -un• Ihr elleture that I'll like the atnnding optx)nitp hive the other dnv, test to re was Atrote with the excerdingly 1% ill he my -elf A sitting In the dunk on grind. strong likeness he h ore to the little., fan's knrr • lished portraits of HP1heti Spencer. FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES: High School Entrants Examination. Toronto look,. 3''' The Shnnkin S ti,T,,: Tile chnerneter of the "written rend- , Spitfire. , ing" patter at the entrance exAmtnA- Or li- Parket, tion Of this ).pAr will nut tend to Thirty-Ih'4. pea" at(o Jules \',erne , It-sapn the 11nrx)polarity of thin vener- wrote •'Around Ihr N urld in Eighty Hills' hot allxntel test. Thr, '•• et-lev- Ilay"." A fortnight ago Lieut, -Col. lions fan in I,m4.tl•y atilt onp ill prn.e Hurn r • 1 t n1 ycan•II , ricwl 1n 1e1l asp Inside the llaeN n f tilt- fI fealio ata hnatng ,trrooli-lel tilt- trip ,nlran ,tmkel. Two .dthe•nt-lt-rtion"nlrquits• 1111111 forlv-ltne dnvs, nnaiited fol• the purPo.4e of ie.tinK the He Is a Good Customer tittles. of cntltlidittt-s to 4.nfe• a still A' roorN• Of study in it high So -1111101. and i Landon Adtrrtl.ar. romp Of the qupatuns esketl nKKravatee The GAI Kepotter r11111pI11f11- float thin ttrfect. The lr•xtx file not Affnnl IL "the Lnolier Ito,1.YRTial tariff Kivra the dale necpsadry is, An"%vr aretne of a preference to Ino• %visa k of a foreign the- gnpation%, ,trial it is olivitnl. that nerhnnic." Tum "foreign'; inecha„ic the examiners in an -undoes they did in Livertonsl or NnOt-hlv,trt•, will) para 'nl weir lending into throw %•hnr the I*nnldern cherse ,anti Ime)n, may nothor did not pill there, ,and. 11.19. think that hair rxrhange In if., I. 1=11111, not. intendell to INN foolml Ilrrv. there. A Be ieAt and a Grievasm. In fact the very idea of a ,,written reading" papM paper ham been nriaconerived. ' London Fr"w 1'm•.. Thisone Ilan examination on literatnre The mail i%WA from (treat. Hril,iin and rhetoric• whetrAw it should have fir' growinl! Irl Wright. since lop rellur• aimed ,only At Aan•rtaining whpthrr tion in i rNgE I rale, on are"" ell'" the candidate undentanda A simple maltpr. If 4.4.4,... read KnRHNh 1„ -^gv atafllcfently to road it orally I Ilttl atinr in pfrfl•ro-nlr to that Of with InlPlliKpno-p. An a hpttrr way t' 1 ether eolmtHosee, it will las a IwnpNt in find this colt in to Ask hien to lead It I mo1•r ways than one. Blit many hoed Orally, the •'written reading" tact I should Iwo withdrawn, filo quite un- uectwNary filed Incurably allsurd. Hut aline one may properly ,object that the local vzfiminerwan, not nacres- sarily good judg" Of reading. Such an objection obviously utllllat" Against the whole Iden of it uniform ontralleltl examination. Permission has lawn given teToronto to provide an alternative promotion test of its own, said thongh, with.the usual de- lilasratenew of altar civic authoritieA, this option has not yet been eXOM111 d, advautxge will, no aloin/[, Iwo taken of it after another year ler two of neral - Iran delay. There is no reason t11 the hatur• of things why tilt- sante priori - lege should not Ito extended to other large conttres of population. And in this way the entrance examination wy)atrm will pit hl • receive its death how. It shuuldy��f had it lung ago. THE ST. AUGUSTINE PICNIC. Great Gatlwring on Dominion Day - Full Account of the Proceedings. St. Augustine, Joh• M. -The Cath. tic picnic held in Wollsie"N grove ort Doluinion flay proved to. be it great success. Although it rained a)Ine in lite morning it Cleared uR be. foce ilia tiFr and the weather was all that could he expecte(. Between din- ner find supper nearly line thousand I wadi were atrved at the tables, which were under the management of \Its. Jon, Kinoshita, fund everybody said that it wan the best dinner and suplor they ever full down to at it picow. After dinner dancing w'as stArted find kept up continuously until dark. Mr. \Icl'hee, of Nile, hlrnisheel music On the violin and wi.s accompanied by hoose talent. Thus. Lerldy took charge of the shooting gallery and %%'lee, lde(ldy lead charge of throwing lstlls pt the '•nig. ger babies." Holh gave great neouse. ment. to the let. yya. The Hiatt pamtd, whirl proved to he it source of great annnsenient its every- looth., was taken charge of fly Miss MrC.41'thy and Miss L ulrendenu. lois Mvy Kinahan war, awarded a gold watch as first prize and Mites Carrie Met?ann a Rguud rrosw as lee uud pr►z• for selling cinanrrs in the drag- ing. which clnsiste 1 .,f dirre prizes : 1st, we •abinet Of -ilverw•a11• ; 'dud, it Nlnthlfltw'tt Aheell: :1111, n *5 gold piece. Jas. I'halru, of Winghnm, held the Itacky tie-ket fur the first prize, Ed. IArnnvan w1,u 1he second prize. anti .Ir.Killoryn, of Goderich, u'un tile- gold pier. .%Ils.M4.C.olghev. (of Blvd), sun an ..it tilt Istillg Wlliell wits v1t111e1 at .;Ill, In Ihr gu.•wsing .of the (11,11'1 moue .Ins. Kinahan, jr., tons Ihr lucky gal••-su•r Itnd l hrlrfnr.' won the doll. In Ihr• e'voing a lug -of -weer t1o,k NN'4I�I -e loo -two -en leans vhm,4•n frog t :and \\'est Wawlmnsh. Reeve Pirie Ileal Iter..- Itl,ilie tveeenttlairts. Thr Ea -t \\ ass;,jl sh 14.44114 w4.re F'tiulk Doyle. Harr). Chnifnrv, .laws. Ch nolut-y F I. Haines. Is -vi MI1M4"sI and (iet. Skene. The men (role, went Wali anush were ('nous. 'Taylor, John Ntnffurl, F:litter'riflin, John Waddell. ('has. Hubin►lul and .Ise, Plowhuan, After it hand pull Fast Wfiwnnab won. The two,re-fre•ehuteol ioOtls were kept totally all day. .Ir. Anderson, of St. Heleon F.Iayt•d usiuly erle•tioloo.j ptI his Highlninl piles, which torn• Refill). rujnytd-lwy evrrv- IwNly. \can Filzoi.orTpe•swale•, Ihr Knr+lt step danver, give saner g.hsl performs a1 rlrees. (cru, Manna and 'r. A. \fills, of Wiieghaul, each gave 4t rug, 11) 14 nwanlel GI Ihr Mat -hooking married woman and tilt- last -looking Kirl ,,if the grounds. 31 I-". J. Mrild, of Dun. Kannom, and Miss Julia King, of `\'tnKhnnh, were Elie- hu•ky onr-. On the whole file 'piratic was con• side•r•el to be till. be•Nt ..".r held in St. AuKpatine lanrirh, INdh Hatncially ;Intl otherwise, And Fnlher Laurrn- deul is to Ile c ngr"tillate(l on it sal -- at -A. it toting the first picnic he ever hold. ' The Mirror of the Deep. *° Illy a llanker.I in ill her varied Ino odl, whether turn by hurricane or lerntlest into, x11 • raging anR.ry a K le m R t rt u it Of sur in K K w,ttrla. ler whether glittering tike tiiaeruon(ls let• sapphil-e•s in tilt- rty.4 of the nlxndav sin, or whether c,11InIy reflecting tftr w•intillating ghwit-s of the nlidniKht sky, the greatt ocean is ever sublhne, ever majestic, ever. soleutn and -oaten)). As the N ate, Ip nhaoleN Of night grin-, :ly fide away before the advancing daalwn, :laid aurora'" loealets faintly it- li nlinethe eastern horizon, the murky blackness of Ilei- rolling billows gives place rapidly to a glimmering opales- cence, until, when the first glinting rays of the orb of day estrike the wind- swept foam -crests elf the waves, it ' roseate, flaming hue trans nute.4 thosr I surging breakers intofinishing vits- cadeN of tire. And then, non the . grefit luminary rises higher and higher. those noddy morning tints melt away, find, as the winds ahxte, find tine heaving swell .ol)sides, the watery expanae al4seltnes its azure or its emerald hue : al:uetiooea vieling with Ihr poll of the domecfinmpy of, thd e skkies ; Namet.imen rivalling the vernal glories of the av(xxls ; or etaue- fifteen fl"hinK in the tintmo�ip f the nquA- marine or tilt- beryl. t!f But it is when'the sun has "ink in lhw went and the heavens Are on fire, and glowing iu a lustrous splendor e)f nutllvP Aal Kuld, and vivid carmine, that the, great deep is in her most re- splen(lent loveliness. For now she is mirroring from her rippling w-avelets , all Ihe'glories of 111e skie. ; ench tiles wave Kt-oomel with wpntrklinx Hren and shimnterthg in real) endent rainhow hope, which, with the uuuayeA And violets of theaultanang tw•ilight..fxm fade and pale into a neutral harmlrsa gray. And then as night once more ASAt•r4x her away. And the rayn Of hpr Iorant- ema full-orbal ymfen glitter upmn lite surface of the deep, forming an Angel'x Pathtva}- him the shun, right out to the horizon. anti the heavenn fire groomed in all their loidniKht glories, And the twenrly wimple of driven sur fl fu atrest like 1 o w p t hail In ,then al- so is the. nlirtl,r of tilt. great deep Iwr- hata Alnlrat elillally fail- null attornw - five ; until ret l•nlill) nil IN veileal is 0midnanti flat kne.4 , Anti the let- is nnultletl In gloom and murky oh. Fuitrity. An(f fix the vivifying rnys mf t11e son rhnar nw•av not l0 1 1 k <. , u... •..-�. -1 1. i.s. a A. of solution. The (I. T. R. IN no doubt doing the ver�yy prat It call under the circunstenr Laid we are not finding fault, but wltiner ler later the public will insist ole x change. No fault can Ile found with the service eastward. [Tile objection IN to the arrvlca west• ward A,ecunliug to the that table the first train to Otedeich is date to leave at 11:415 a, ail, hot it has been Wer than this quite often since the new service started, soinotiutes nearly 1'l o'clock. As lift- 1 o'clock train to Goderich Is uruall•v on time, it thrown these trainee cloves, together• and those desiring to transact business At the county town nve virtually wane off than thev were before I lie change wits ouatle. '!tile holding lel the L, H. tot B. train here fur au hour or more is apparently unavoidable. but it is nevertheless detrimental. The Signal to January lot, 11XX1, 3k. rs Ten -' Thousand 'I Dollars o a� Enough P Have you con- sidered the earning power of moneyP Have you thought of the amount of Prin- cipal it requires to produce a given incomeP Invest $10,000 safely and what income would your widow getP Perhaps $500 per annum. Is that suffl- clentP Are you in- sured for even $10,000 P Think seriously of this. A man should have enough insur- ance to guarantee the comfort of those depending on him. Write to us asking for particulars re- spectinjj our special pan* o Insurance. �Ol rlioli T �IVIm k Insuteralnce Company, London, Canada. W. H. ROBINSON. General Agent. FSlid, TERM OPENS SEPT. 3rd IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE ?4><I.I.IOTT�%�%��C TORONTO. OXT. I, ata. vol r.. %V ik ,%I.):x tYnNN N'rlatRRTsI. Theseh/"d that ranks FIRST In thoron h t 1 g new. 11, popularity t •and nnlnc merit. )r la i earl > gC niten xn.•e is �1Crwntrr. mon: hldcnle erre placed In pe.itlme- and all better ,stark, than Ulf), provinns year. write today for haeNl+,III,• cataloortle. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. (-4.y__. � Fall Term _OPENS SEPT. 2 Thin management during the toast year trained over Two Hundred young ladies and ,l�W gentle- 'ifen, x itteno- grapberse, Ise,kkr,•pers and tele- gtnphet•N, find plAcel them in excellent situationa in lending. Canadian and American cities. Individual instruction Write fur r•atalltgnl j "`�'• CLINTON ", � ­ � BUSINESS COLLEGE GFO. SP(VMON, Principal. —___Y ,-N ­—v_ . . "Mm"st_lit��1 Telegraph Operators t'1! %ante( I9ully by our (•anAdian Rallwny Coloirnle,. They are fo"I to el`crtlr for thee" today. With Jess 'ail Ms neat "'" h""d" R the Aw mAnd will b• -1111 kewner. Wit nal gat ready 1 The work Is clean anti nine and Ihr salAry very �rww1. We Irpwre Yen . nlrkly and wt 111 tle rnst. �yritC ns file I flMw twerlirlllar-. 1'marfill. 'rrl.rn NAI•N .4'104,ow. Oerrnrd k:ast. Tamestn. W. H. SHAW, Pres. -- - - — — g 1 ant Inch 1 lar no M. .o the life-Kiving influence of the Non I . of Right rooftop" driven Awfi). theACENTRA[ ahaelOwwanti hlrid g(ra)m from Ih/o.4e 'vital clime tie Nim for aalvetion And -tprnallife. Fair by making ntone- ata•tlt for sin on I he crtlown by 1 he • •Acriflor of Hitnaelf• He, the Ham 1,f STRATFORD. j NT. Sod, paid, once for a11. the ipnalty "s w'..twhli-hed twenty rear- ago And by law h K to All who will accept Him s . thon,wlrh w,.rk And honmwble den 1n/ ;heir Saviour and Iheir Redeemer. with its patr"n. haw become ane or the -_ .I -,- IAr�e•t. And most widely known t•onlmer "Irl e'"llArww in that thwvinne. That dwnvoi.1 The New Train aervfte. m almost it- foo r,arnert jal twee- arband off e" assl.tsant.ilrontlr evreed- the .apply. av'e The Clinton New Era nays : The ate a—l'ri lust*. n" ttten-. StltAwnla few train srrvice is admirahle in "ee""h'eA"tl. ('Alwtegue.ht+e. 011101ttesWta, MIL in others it wmld ELLIOTT ! )IcLACHLAN, toad improvement. How that la toI 1-Affec pal.. » made Is the problem that that is difilcult - We ACHESOI �( & SON 4 I JULY SALE NEWS e�, ' d „ V, Dress Muslins and Prints. - SM Yards high -clans Drees Muslin, Organdies, Prints and Hatbtes, floral designs and dainty figured patterns in all colon and black and white. Values, laic to Me. Special at .......... ....... 9C cal 20c Hosiery Kti dtnao only ladies' fast Mack Cotton How. Fine Imported Special goods.. Hlaes b and 111. Regular value tlllc. I5C or poi 25 rale. r C Shirt Waists Dainty productions in Waists of IJnun. Orrandie, Lawn. and Point D'Esprit. Siwe 84 to 48. Mokilleflecth•e and handsoulest ran we have ever shown. Regular values $1.00u to ,P.«,. Reduced to from ....................... 75C to $2.95 Carpet and Rug Values Our Carpet department Askin of the - largest in the county and the selections we offer are of high class and very correct. W e cut deep into the prices. now to effect rapid cleairiug of our overstock. TAPESTRY CARPETS 27 inches wide. British make. 13xttw heavy pier I and in great variety of designs in colon. Browns, reds, greens, blues, 55C , etc., and suitablerxrm for any . Ebc to 75c. oft per yard ............. UNiON CARPETS Yard wide, reversible C is in splendid pattern and x c lor. Well-goodsade goods and clean stock. Regular 86c, at pery= .......................................... 25c ,h BRUSSBLs, VBLVET, TAPESTRY AND WOOL RUGS io all size, ranging in price from 1118.00 to $30.110, at reductions of from lb to 3U r per cent. I'i from regular. i4 LINOLEUMS yon Sand 4 yards wide. A large range and�/�� �.num selling now at, Per square yard........... .............. 0C to 50C K;, INSPECTION INVITED' We ACHESON & SON - +;'i ��Il•Illtlltttill•�llel•�l•tl���t�l!t o NEW IDEANEW IDEA I PAT«ERNS We A. McKIM MAGAZINE - - X• I A Millinery Clean Up Lots of the most stylish goods yet in stock. Some special shapes to handl tart week, bought. at a price by which we can sell them at half price. New Trimmed Hats, $i.48 New Trimmed Hats, 2.25 worth twice these prices. 1 '' I f?"K MILLINERY Lace at 5c per yard, worth 113, 14, " t ;_ , to /' up to 25c. ;psi. WHITE WAISTS A spl,cial lot to clear at s7c, good value at $1.00 and $1.25. The very latest. White Silk Waists from x;1.25 up t ' 0t, .,t Special lot of fine `luslins at 9c. `'' i is,',, ' � . ,., ; � .F red Aten's and Boys' Bow Pies, worth 20c. each, 2 for 25c. Men's and Boys' String Ties, worth 25c, for - ISc. Some of those Clothing Bargains on yet. YOU CAN MCKIM'S I SAVE $ $ and Cts. at BUSY STORE. I ---.-------- m 1 Among the good people of this town our FURNISHINGS are 5 kin $ strong ma p ' impression. ,x, + 1 -i � ''"' It's our constant aim and effort to please careful dressers and, our constantly increasing trade proves our success .,, . + �, ��, FRANK He MARTIN W_,, I.:'_41a,,? w,... '•calf Tailor and Furnisher Lot..pal.. 1.t.t_. e11t.4o�.e_ `t. m tsomm� ��7 , MEN'S NECESSARIES :arra, i� • �r�f,,OR ,...... . —.v., i r: adt"�eea.. J UAI AVI ER CoMFoRT WE ARE SHOWING the newest Summer needs in Men's Two-piece Suits, Duck and Flannel Trousers, Fancy Waist- coats, Negligee Shirts, Washable Neckwear, low comfortable Linen Collars, light -weight Under- wear, Hosiery, Straw and Light Fedora Hats. - Two-piece Suits, $10, $12 and r„ ,; �,;l" $14 A r ik4, '' t Duck Tronsers, $1.2:i ° Negligee Shirts, 75c to $1.75 Fancy Waistcoats, $1,25 to $3.00 1 ' ...r ,O;f, Y 40 9 .v Q t e 1 Fancy x, 2ilc to b0c ., M rl�1i tit• -a "� - tt ` 1 ( ,Lt! SPECIAL SALE ON SATURDAYly "»"a OF STRAW HATS ,�'! X 1 ;"4.'t° '. ` i1 t 1 Iaj,#�r e,�tg"� SEE PRICES IN OUR WINDOW. 9v C i 'i t CI I WALTERPRDUAR � I FThe Rigkt Place to buy Maine,,CleddifE aonel PtrttlisWga