HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-7-4, Page 6e Tat'BSDAY, July 4; 190; ' (,ODERICl1• ONTARIO ' :0. r A" IS GOOD TEA" The Expert Tea Taster \ a ell_ is the one who knows the real value of Red Rose Tea _ and uses it as a standard to judge other Teas by. Wouldn't you like to judge it for yourself ? It is the Tea that has that rich, fruity flavor — lust what pleases the rxlx•rt Tea taster. Fisk your Grocer to send you a package.` lech I tri-- m 18 tread is vein, soe kIDN Dow, but I'll bet a horse af�(aw� time$ &,'tually working wish that he's doffing hiv crown every two tl' 11, me air -tuna ganup to the ogler you out no a rather. lour cuUdre., ,hent its my h oty I w's"'I - minutes -that is, if he's gone to a place vide of the pasture. 1•Yually the lilt L• sill le very much Da you make them. Cam• twin, ID ............. 0 13ti vlr,i tufty L►nI•Buk, and is' inhere rnsw11s are au ai,sed to be • Hower•. OID. ruse ........... 0 12 11 beast would 4Pow Itself to be caught. and your actions will 11:1ve mora to d„ rtOaly, 101D. rue .. w less, hours it ttvtfierd the ......... 0 !x .... 4 smartingandsore•new..lkept necessary article of wearlug apparel. hlxt like :1 •woman, 21111 once rad• iron- with the making than your command•:. Liverpool Grain and Produce. He was the must painfully polite man hit Im ads o1, 11,11, the old gentle wain They will, couselously Or uncuuselous- LrVXRk'UU1., July L -Wheat, opt :,neson with it, putting• dk%. would let boar a flood of un orofam, 1 Srm; Nu. 11 red western winter, 7s: No. , i. night. In a few dav■ I ever saw. I'IIv grnuflertlons and I S. Copy your faults ow well al your t:alKurula, 7■ Id. FLturem, arta, Jul' Le rune.@ was all #a,, c11" wunle franc ttuuLl phurk the tutu virtues, and the courtesy you display r!ra: 7• 3'Kd. torn, put stead; 111 •u u,rqu.A m«D,inrrrado„ n rr .� :`• ill t11e Lura. ••t'uutamluatt• }•t,ur cue: fu their presence will. [D some net fit Hw, "rind. w t tete h,,r...r Yom I:,.k l q, 1•,,. : {f trs,a a[ in,t P %a. OW twrtirrn. 6e 2' . rout,, h.uaeevsyy eirrit,ab rev's fir„' hero r ly "ide-" he would altuut, ") f}rl like least, became flied habitat w'llh them. R' rd,! at0-dy; July, nomlgnl; sept., , •r1:,W,00, i„•..•towl.f•..a.. t breaking every Inane l i your ou•egeu Your own training flan txr•u pact, ibat �. llama. short cut. rteody. bas. Baeoi _¢ ,tat ,,, cols, Mtr.0 ami x!1 Nu, 7 abort elex, betck.. your[, Cie Clear 1.elli,. feJurie ardd,.uesr. fi{:;' v • crate Barran."' But he Never did. My 1 Ido not fear you will go fall worn; In it'. 48. 411. Tqul't' rte splrll,, du .±' parent was lI ham:use man. nod. Iv'- this 4i eon., n I. Hens dried, steady. 7w i, ' I particular, but notw•ilhatnndhite 111' sides, the colt w -a; valuable. this I have eeett evidence that you circ OM northern. atradY. 58 2%d. Cheep Camadfan "nest white, new. Quiet, 4-•1 Aja D•f6re and After. not holding up to the old mnn'a stand. C adieu finest rulure,l, new, quiet, :a at '1Lat's Just the terry will, n ;meat ani, and 1 want you to toe rlrht--aG many oleo after they mart}•. The, a:,:! rtght Now York Dairy Market. t �'., +'i. 1•a••F pursue a woman reit), atlrgbum ele. out Don't Overdo It NZW TOR14July 1. -Batter, irretular �'•WI•. SM. Street prier, extra Ier'tm y1,, fit e. tyi•its• wmnMs o1, the elassh- Now, John, don't nllantidemvind t•:•• a prices cream pry n. tam• to :e. oraelat uulliu--s 1,f. her snub ilo m-, crawl ill I don't waist you to lie u Juuq"114 J." r co•nmon to extra. 1,w• to •,tat State da!ry f'U ort a their knee's before her lll:e the devott•rs In the hoz nt home pr anywhere el 'tnnmon to fancy. Ilk. to S{m; r000vrt.d -- ----- - -- - - hovw hes; doflllw his crown rorn mon to -extra. 1&• to _1c; western far every two mtnutea. of a heathen gtddest and, after they Exti•eule,i ate •,' tory, common to "ret. 17_ to tstyr; we t RI[� "bet patdom" used to get on my ort her treat her like a n,nvlct or 1,)-e a•rr.w ways u d l u u .. ern Irldtation creamery. firsts. 2lc nerves rdo I could hardly refrain luferett 11, her and let her get along man and f (2pulilew•, Chee”. firm: rerNpta. M; new•, stmt full wenn,, --Mored and Waite, small, beat fruits a protest t11e tn•at way she trn1. .\fid R(wmi• 1,C may be p1, u:er- 1_ c I He wonkiD't wear rata "'M•: els, latae, L1ic; an., tote to gn.e There's hat 11, the , tilt's-- Iv!l lw'v really love their wiyl••. done that it Il, In 11!ac; do.. Interior, ac to IOc; rklrns Presence of ladles, n11d I've tau '1'Lor n!nlply think' that the ,rets} comer u oafu in I- to fr, peen hint standing on a street corner � 1 logs. arm: receipts, i3,at2; ptate. Penn n ora; :iud gentle I. urtetl •s of court- attend of a pleas- ss•;vanla and nearby fancy, wleete. hour t ed 111 the broiling eon for an sh;p ; r,• fcatun•a of th- Ihr`ite and are are 11, IW alt d hour at a time while he talked with a whlsr• 2n,: r1Mlc 14 tin Ise; Drown r.apert:iuus and foolish after ilio call- Jot. Bleu li!.r mixed, extra, is,; Dat h extra fiat 1 female acquatntnnce. 3 In 175kr; weatrrn first. 1.*.z - to tat•. . •r" I am reminde(1 or Perkins by some tory. They uv m to Lngt•t (hitt pn4lhug (will Perkl11s sial eta price Ib'yel; tntrdt to aecones l:�r Reason actions of a aeIre N ore 1111119 and keeping her is ply make then- to 1tic. )noel that I e visit while n„ther, Is the m-ordv 9f the divorce iielvee ridicu- you and Anna May were yfafUng 1,a ,.,,arts show, but the same prtxt•ssrs i'forrr rrvent Vnu ro ht I^Its. Tire 11,. CATTLE MARKETS w y frac Dusc.css of H. WOR- last week That old h are effective in both. f Mn!f Incl i- was the 't ufn ntent'ss la uer- SELL & SON is lacreasrng so � rmbodlmeat o[ ersgberatr(d courtesy rap:dly this year. In fact there are to nal, You say. :1 man can't nlw•nyv LP er obtrruah•e. The tout of a well Cables Steady -Hoge Are Form ar.d every one he met, with the single un him Ix -M brh:rcior; be c'an't nhcn}s slmarwA man la Higher at Chicago and Buffalo. many good reasons, but among ! exec yonr lunblllty` to .. ' lin them stands out prominently the Ption of lib wife. LDless to rand :it around Ills 6%vIl house In full dn•vs; memtvr what he Wore. If br Le IJ)siDON. July 1.-IJvrr(n,ol n1 fact that we can give you hardware eompany he would drop his rnanuere London cables are steady at 1`c to on 1118 front porch and on the other he can't rn.Ike d°lir ave of file stilted IDclinal to happinhnrss. the con pi (-Ia- 13 1-4c per lb_ dressed welght; refrig- at remarkably low prices. That side o[ his threshold become the most n'mnIdes of polite society In I is ouahs:k4 of luta noire will nrret,t your orator beef is quoted at f ' to ► 11-bc may sound rake an old phrase but home life. There you fire wrong :1,111 attenti°a, as well av ;your roudenind- per lb. it's a true one. We are giving our disagreeable ceProbate Lust aver were customers the benefit of our fore- a long suffering woman to the you ur•e right. tioll. On the other hand, the nbseuce ' Toronto Junction Live Stock sight in buying before the bigead- I don't menu to Intimate, my t,oY. - if there lit ally of any Part of the correct costume dT Receipts of live stock at the 1'.uor trances and we can now retaii manj that there is any resemblance betwrell Plsr'e on earth en exhibition of nntidiuess or rnreleas- Stock Yards were 44 carloads cu: , lines at less than they can be you and old Perkins, but I saw wleil t11:1t a Aunt nets In tale Rehiring i, always connplr- Weed Of 821 Cattle, , hogs. 335 be ht at wholesale. - e nous, Ro with nlReue as. Jt Is and lambs and 10 cal*es. gg you were here that you were already `1 phonld Ix• Oh his p greatly Butchers. V✓e have been buying hirdv arc Z r s `� Lest behavior• it missed tvhr•n It le abveut. It should b0 Prime picked los o[ eta❑ red t ,I a: for over 20 years and understand "eginulnr to follow the general tend- unnoticeable when )[ Is 8b Pr to that important feature of the bush ” Icy of lersous who -wear trousers and A� Is :1r. tome, but present. Tbast $5.4u and 36.55: fair •o medium nese. SELLING RIGHT can rorgetting fit homeaome of t � 1 do not mean Is it* brand to arse in the home as well load' at 114.6; to $4.85, but these- he l Ile inside. as onLslde of It. If you take It (weft O on Rase; common mused $456 only follow BUYING RIGHT. t:•e you would never overlook outside. by that that he 11.60; rows =:.76 to 114.x It a so easy to do. We are all naturally shonll put In when you hang your hat up in the list 1• Mitch 20 per cars. s;Ivagm. prone to drop the social graces pracUce all the you can bet your sweet life that Anna Trade In milkers and springers gess 1 whenever wt. think- nobody's looping . 4 purely artificial Hay will miss It, and the missing will dull at sw tr S:J each. and our families arc st ,osed to kind- fertile of pocird hurt. Veal Calves. 1 s 4si Would rouse 1G end rip etiquette%. Ileac- IMu't greet her with a grunt, but Not many veal calves were on awl r. » 4 • '. w' 1 7 hDt their eyes, Yet the little cert- In frac (air, a with a kiss. I wouldn't advise The market remain, strop at :�.! to m.miea nttl verbal a en forbid, No 86.50 for medium to e Remlons which you to goods and ;.rlrrtr constihffe our everyday cal• of pit- one detests nlenulugl'!st cerenum} apply that form of courtesy to others, hew rnllk calves are went. 8- per wet. quette were'desl nod for the sole more llla11 1 du. l:ut the wurhwls but In the 11011- 1112 customary funus Sheep and Lambs. t' 9 Vur that spring fruits the heart. that are I fully be uloelffir.l. tat', rather, magnified. F::Port "b"ll were caster fit 36 •ver Isar of rc orse the rough edges of the vutwurd ultinifestaliu11s of it desire' fur love stud not custom dictates there. cwt. for export ewes, unit 38.i.r - our Intercourse e•Ith the world, the oaf.;» aesh and the Jeyll 1 I to please or to i,e of service to Ifs ob- I)-D't tnke the !lest chair In the room Per cwt. for bucks; lambs r.. ld at rano ► �Cy : rtf liroa , from ec,t ;Ire entire) different. To the true unit -as she commands It. She it to 11s each. fl}•ing At one anothels•ti throat, as we J }- probably Cr would like so much to-do. gentleman they urs- On natural as file will Insist on reoeming the moat con,- Hope' fortal a rocker for H. to Kennedy reports o, lig is per •fi. circulation oG Nix Llsxl. Ice eau no you. but you should cwt. lower. selects at 116.•0,. Ilgbea : fid A Potent Forts more dispetue with them than he can never get Nato the habit or taking ' rate at Is.is per cwt. Next to the ChrlaUan rdiglon polite- with hi -4 breath. It 1. a pity that so things for granted. Show her that you Montreal Live Steck. naps la the most latent force 11, the few of us are true gentlemen. Host of think o[ her flrRt, that her ease and IItV'1TREAt.. July i world today, told I[ le Jrret na effective no are selfish to the IwoOe, anal p,•(r0alue PPlnrsp stand foremost ht Ise'talJ- health and Ina Cables from Lt and Lordten on ..' I 11, one's own )tome as lWas In the house courteRyerls nn evidence of forgetful- your thoughts, and there Isn't tiny Canadian cattle were easier and pricer •y-' ) 3Ir•0,a live street. Naw, without any ness of self, a virtue which we have to doubt about ler reciprocation. Howev- one quarter to one huff cent lower � more beating around the bash. I want cult,v3te. If It Is worth while to Ile a er much he may w'Isb to do, them n with solea Sit 1: 1-2c to Ile. F:xis,rtr to say a few ihings to yoO.on this sub uvaall 9 [1,r the week were 2962 rattle. Tic• p•ratleman at "II -and l never heard }' stets the beast o[ the bargain In puppb', eltho smaller, was ample to nnylxkly express ally doubts on flint the matter of nttentions At bout*., but fill ell ret(ulrements. There was Iunne er,urn point -it Is certainly worth while to Ise he shouldn't get the Idea Into lits nog- dtmand from exiorterm fc.r a few to 1 i , It gentleman at home. The good (spin• gin that 11°4111119 Is expected of bill,, meta sf iwmo thewithi.t fid they loft Of your wife Is of more huportauce i.vsrything that Is tender and polre- S 1de to 6 3-4r ler Ib.. but there wire UNEEDA ' G . to you than the opinions of all the lions find court'•one snit loving is no rosily choice stock on the market rest of the people of the world put to- petted of him. It Is so easto feel wbkh they would have been wiltln9 to SCREEN DOOR.,r .inert• y 1.•rther. Yet you would fall to show to' that these things n.e of no 'avail, In'- loy Se for. Choice rattle were quits - SCREEN the courtes • which aid at r. 3-4, to Oe, w�hlln gond trrvra SCREEN WINDOWS. - 3 }'on would tee 01- sold at 5 1-4c to 5 1--c; fair at 4 3-4e• stew upon another rte a matter of to [ and lower .grades at 3 1 -sr to lle h:nr dr1zr11s r'f Ihenn, plain t course land feel ashamed If you were 1,r G ) 4 1-2r per Ib. There was no fnrthrr utty, all airA•s,ruul 111-1ppm. a remIns In the (cast particular. JJ AR[ ra� rhts"90 In the condition of rhe• mar - Doors from goc up. Yow +cert aim ht Cultivate Heine Eti vette. I t°^rr, it for live hogs pince last Wt•dner•- =V V Vorgc'uiur'rurwlVou q /- day. A weaker feeling has d,vrl,, Extension Wigdows, fit eny win- acted• No, you can't do a better thing than i In the market for sheep, and wirit"el dew. SOc to S0C• Ject, and I want to 'put 'em to 'you to trent your wife fit least at well av ` t have decllrlyd 1-_^c fwr lb. In spite „( straight. When yon.bave rethe comparatively small supply c,om- adjtWalJet- you your mld ms's. She will tip- � ter once; read It over again and get Predat ean r It. 'I csay that with em- ing forward and the continued fair •{fi Armand fro. exporters for the same•. If van tisk us NTut tat ev, It stuck Into your- headline It w1oDt slip shads, fur nothing hurts a woman However, sales to -clay were mndp at SEA10i4 t PAINT fhtil every- loose, morn than the appareut lost of that 4 1-:c per lb. Thr demand for lambs fell) iv tniki-f( nhoul tai• can 1 wasn't around whenyourwere9,'pet. fine coumideratlon wltich distinguishes Is good at 84 to =, each, and calves II you I mer.[ with a ready sale at from 2 to tin' 1,P" to Anna Stay }but 111.bet nfisile the waollg days, �o matter if she' ib each. 8 Therds Nothing In It of good hurl dollars Chat you were ,a1- does feel sure of your love, no matter East BtAFNo little Market. - mighty particular how' yonducted whea if you prove your nReetlon In numb•,. FART BUFFALO, July t -a std.• -R fit frac pnrrvt of lead, zine•, lin- you were In her preftnee. There was less rather ways, she w•ho [las reiguptl i relpta, 4110U feta: [utxl at.adv t° lel Id<h- eit .'il ,nil culcarilix n1:11ter, uutlling In the shape,Y 'Is quern N never full satln0ed wllh *I, common, Ht• lower; quality Inf•N°r. of Cnalrtee then y prime steers. SLZ to 8260; shipping, 3•:Ar It . no secret how, iCs monde•, r1,„I was any tat, filar for her wheat you b tt than the honorR aur to royalty. f'"K-'t 11131, il's too I to 110; Iwlchero'. 84.fr1 l„ 3[.i:; Ilelfera,44 rn Percent. came a-woolug. You had all your • llud It Is so easy to gratin-_ her. It Is Sht tctll insfsr on re,mrinq the molt cum- 36.&s; Iowa• lit to 14 w, bull.. 111.&1 to Sl.;a, pure. gracrR and sunue you bad borrowed, 1 (,arty nerrcxsnry to keep In mind all the ferrfublar rocker for VWt. 6(ockera and freder.. 33.x1 to $1.60; tilue” have no doubt, out for her .htppectlua y I 1 helfer., t:.,5 to $3.60; area. t.w. tlnle that our wife Is a wastuan nmd ra Ilse they nrA to often 1m Oree,ted or nprl•gera, $2 to $3 tower, $ls to H•, Have you seen out Oil Stoves ? You had old CheatwBeld beaten so bad that gond breeding works an well In a OPParrutly unnoticed, but yo1, can't Vrr1"-It«rlpu, Ieq head; active and }-on could see daylight betrve'en you. anloking Jacket an In n dress suit. make n gloater mistake than o tomt l 2' hirrtwr, 85 to 3kza. They're dandies. 11^aa-Reeelpta, 1:,.3011 head. •,n 1 Yea. you did. .'l wasn't there, but I 1 have a very strong recollection of them. be to !ft,• higher; heavy, 11._0 to It, r,0; mfr• know. 'chat Ilf tle girl you were ex- n bineksmlth who lived In the IItUe Ile polite to your wife, John, whether er!. a e t" xs: yorkerr, fs.A; pegs, I If you need as lawn Ill, er wee• reedingly caret 1,l about tiles 1R your vllhith• where went to srhnnl when a lou me fit hums or nbrtwd. It dorRn't W 86 w; roughs. :rt a the p/ruph• you tav,nl to meet•, wife now. but In lite dean a, tr.7c; d:drle,, 86 to 110.16, ge•Rhe lids I'o}'• lie was gent, brawny, rough I cost yell a red cent, It need not Incurs- I Sheep and l•umbs--Relt•lpta. ROM he,.d We have Mowers from $2 u?, lent none of iv r rilttlts. qhe 6p,Jintt as lnpklnr fellow, whose face land hands I venlence you In the latest, but It means "�`Ilw, ■tow; lambs and yearling' f,.lr v a p� The Making of a ill nrml y 1 active and lower: Ismhe, 3, to It; yen, ght lot to Anna llAy mini Just I Ilnc,, S&S. to 36.1,0; wether., D.:,0 to 16.7-,, • Successful( husband wore n runt find never a collar except on Sunday, but By AASPAR S. YOST. ora, $4.;0 to 84 76; ehrep, w'Z' \ 7Doot Fail to ate courteous ►I Farmers, farmers' e• Always Realiaina That It wives, store girt, clerks, bricklayers, Is More Judiciuv, Io Be retire Policemen and postmen .all to Your Own Wife Than to Your who have to be on[herr NeiShbor's. Jap, feet all day, and softer from sore Ieet,chuAng or buttering, Lv ey0n• other tymnnn 111 the T. Rge will find rel,ef in Zam. Ek W-I)Yrlllhl, 190:, by C. S. Yost) "'Ili. K'.. Aehlc! 627 Sri):•� V DEAH JOHN -Do you re. . nuIr "It , hluutreal,says:-•'1 .utrrnd cruelly from yore feet, tuember colonel lioness I'er• kills, who rated to live Just wiurh be, raw and bh,t Bectu. 3 me da}v 1 was hard)} around ilia -corner from tut able it walk home frau work,r tai either* I had un WIlltam Street" Of course you do. I Nobaly could forget that stately Dgure W 1War oi about E p'chrk. 1'owdros, and that ceremonious howwith wbleh wive• atld ointuleate of all he punctuated every greeting. Old Per - :0. r A" IS GOOD TEA" The Expert Tea Taster \ a ell_ is the one who knows the real value of Red Rose Tea _ and uses it as a standard to judge other Teas by. Wouldn't you like to judge it for yourself ? It is the Tea that has that rich, fruity flavor — lust what pleases the rxlx•rt Tea taster. Fisk your Grocer to send you a package.` lech I tri-- m 18 tread is vein, soe kIDN Dow, but I'll bet a horse af�(aw� time$ &,'tually working wish that he's doffing hiv crown every two tl' 11, me air -tuna ganup to the ogler you out no a rather. lour cuUdre., ,hent its my h oty I w's"'I - minutes -that is, if he's gone to a place vide of the pasture. 1•Yually the lilt L• sill le very much Da you make them. Cam• twin, ID ............. 0 13ti vlr,i tufty L►nI•Buk, and is' inhere rnsw11s are au ai,sed to be • Hower•. OID. ruse ........... 0 12 11 beast would 4Pow Itself to be caught. and your actions will 11:1ve mora to d„ rtOaly, 101D. rue .. w less, hours it ttvtfierd the ......... 0 !x .... 4 smartingandsore•new..lkept necessary article of wearlug apparel. hlxt like :1 •woman, 21111 once rad• iron- with the making than your command•:. Liverpool Grain and Produce. He was the must painfully polite man hit Im ads o1, 11,11, the old gentle wain They will, couselously Or uncuuselous- LrVXRk'UU1., July L -Wheat, opt :,neson with it, putting• dk%. would let boar a flood of un orofam, 1 Srm; Nu. 11 red western winter, 7s: No. , i. night. In a few dav■ I ever saw. I'IIv grnuflertlons and I S. Copy your faults ow well al your t:alKurula, 7■ Id. FLturem, arta, Jul' Le rune.@ was all #a,, c11" wunle franc ttuuLl phurk the tutu virtues, and the courtesy you display r!ra: 7• 3'Kd. torn, put stead; 111 •u u,rqu.A m«D,inrrrado„ n rr .� :`• ill t11e Lura. ••t'uutamluatt• }•t,ur cue: fu their presence will. [D some net fit Hw, "rind. w t tete h,,r...r Yom I:,.k l q, 1•,,. : {f trs,a a[ in,t P %a. OW twrtirrn. 6e 2' . rout,, h.uaeevsyy eirrit,ab rev's fir„' hero r ly "ide-" he would altuut, ") f}rl like least, became flied habitat w'llh them. R' rd,! at0-dy; July, nomlgnl; sept., , •r1:,W,00, i„•..•towl.f•..a.. t breaking every Inane l i your ou•egeu Your own training flan txr•u pact, ibat �. llama. short cut. rteody. bas. Baeoi _¢ ,tat ,,, cols, Mtr.0 ami x!1 Nu, 7 abort elex, betck.. your[, Cie Clear 1.elli,. feJurie ardd,.uesr. fi{:;' v • crate Barran."' But he Never did. My 1 Ido not fear you will go fall worn; In it'. 48. 411. Tqul't' rte splrll,, du .±' parent was lI ham:use man. nod. Iv'- this 4i eon., n I. Hens dried, steady. 7w i, ' I particular, but notw•ilhatnndhite 111' sides, the colt w -a; valuable. this I have eeett evidence that you circ OM northern. atradY. 58 2%d. Cheep Camadfan "nest white, new. Quiet, 4-•1 Aja D•f6re and After. not holding up to the old mnn'a stand. C adieu finest rulure,l, new, quiet, :a at '1Lat's Just the terry will, n ;meat ani, and 1 want you to toe rlrht--aG many oleo after they mart}•. The, a:,:! rtght Now York Dairy Market. t �'., +'i. 1•a••F pursue a woman reit), atlrgbum ele. out Don't Overdo It NZW TOR14July 1. -Batter, irretular �'•WI•. SM. Street prier, extra Ier'tm y1,, fit e. tyi•its• wmnMs o1, the elassh- Now, John, don't nllantidemvind t•:•• a prices cream pry n. tam• to :e. oraelat uulliu--s 1,f. her snub ilo m-, crawl ill I don't waist you to lie u Juuq"114 J." r co•nmon to extra. 1,w• to •,tat State da!ry f'U ort a their knee's before her lll:e the devott•rs In the hoz nt home pr anywhere el 'tnnmon to fancy. Ilk. to S{m; r000vrt.d -- ----- - -- - - hovw hes; doflllw his crown rorn mon to -extra. 1&• to _1c; western far every two mtnutea. of a heathen gtddest and, after they Exti•eule,i ate •,' tory, common to "ret. 17_ to tstyr; we t RI[� "bet patdom" used to get on my ort her treat her like a n,nvlct or 1,)-e a•rr.w ways u d l u u .. ern Irldtation creamery. firsts. 2lc nerves rdo I could hardly refrain luferett 11, her and let her get along man and f (2pulilew•, Chee”. firm: rerNpta. M; new•, stmt full wenn,, --Mored and Waite, small, beat fruits a protest t11e tn•at way she trn1. .\fid R(wmi• 1,C may be p1, u:er- 1_ c I He wonkiD't wear rata "'M•: els, latae, L1ic; an., tote to gn.e There's hat 11, the , tilt's-- Iv!l lw'v really love their wiyl••. done that it Il, In 11!ac; do.. Interior, ac to IOc; rklrns Presence of ladles, n11d I've tau '1'Lor n!nlply think' that the ,rets} comer u oafu in I- to fr, peen hint standing on a street corner � 1 logs. arm: receipts, i3,at2; ptate. Penn n ora; :iud gentle I. urtetl •s of court- attend of a pleas- ss•;vanla and nearby fancy, wleete. hour t ed 111 the broiling eon for an sh;p ; r,• fcatun•a of th- Ihr`ite and are are 11, IW alt d hour at a time while he talked with a whlsr• 2n,: r1Mlc 14 tin Ise; Drown r.apert:iuus and foolish after ilio call- Jot. Bleu li!.r mixed, extra, is,; Dat h extra fiat 1 female acquatntnnce. 3 In 175kr; weatrrn first. 1.*.z - to tat•. . •r" I am reminde(1 or Perkins by some tory. They uv m to Lngt•t (hitt pn4lhug (will Perkl11s sial eta price Ib'yel; tntrdt to aecones l:�r Reason actions of a aeIre N ore 1111119 and keeping her is ply make then- to 1tic. )noel that I e visit while n„ther, Is the m-ordv 9f the divorce iielvee ridicu- you and Anna May were yfafUng 1,a ,.,,arts show, but the same prtxt•ssrs i'forrr rrvent Vnu ro ht I^Its. Tire 11,. CATTLE MARKETS w y frac Dusc.css of H. WOR- last week That old h are effective in both. f Mn!f Incl i- was the 't ufn ntent'ss la uer- SELL & SON is lacreasrng so � rmbodlmeat o[ ersgberatr(d courtesy rap:dly this year. In fact there are to nal, You say. :1 man can't nlw•nyv LP er obtrruah•e. The tout of a well Cables Steady -Hoge Are Form ar.d every one he met, with the single un him Ix -M brh:rcior; be c'an't nhcn}s slmarwA man la Higher at Chicago and Buffalo. many good reasons, but among ! exec yonr lunblllty` to .. ' lin them stands out prominently the Ption of lib wife. LDless to rand :it around Ills 6%vIl house In full dn•vs; memtvr what he Wore. If br Le IJ)siDON. July 1.-IJvrr(n,ol n1 fact that we can give you hardware eompany he would drop his rnanuere London cables are steady at 1`c to on 1118 front porch and on the other he can't rn.Ike d°lir ave of file stilted IDclinal to happinhnrss. the con pi (-Ia- 13 1-4c per lb_ dressed welght; refrig- at remarkably low prices. That side o[ his threshold become the most n'mnIdes of polite society In I is ouahs:k4 of luta noire will nrret,t your orator beef is quoted at f ' to ► 11-bc may sound rake an old phrase but home life. There you fire wrong :1,111 attenti°a, as well av ;your roudenind- per lb. it's a true one. We are giving our disagreeable ceProbate Lust aver were customers the benefit of our fore- a long suffering woman to the you ur•e right. tioll. On the other hand, the nbseuce ' Toronto Junction Live Stock sight in buying before the bigead- I don't menu to Intimate, my t,oY. - if there lit ally of any Part of the correct costume dT Receipts of live stock at the 1'.uor trances and we can now retaii manj that there is any resemblance betwrell Plsr'e on earth en exhibition of nntidiuess or rnreleas- Stock Yards were 44 carloads cu: , lines at less than they can be you and old Perkins, but I saw wleil t11:1t a Aunt nets In tale Rehiring i, always connplr- Weed Of 821 Cattle, , hogs. 335 be ht at wholesale. - e nous, Ro with nlReue as. Jt Is and lambs and 10 cal*es. gg you were here that you were already `1 phonld Ix• Oh his p greatly Butchers. V✓e have been buying hirdv arc Z r s `� Lest behavior• it missed tvhr•n It le abveut. It should b0 Prime picked los o[ eta❑ red t ,I a: for over 20 years and understand "eginulnr to follow the general tend- unnoticeable when )[ Is 8b Pr to that important feature of the bush ” Icy of lersous who -wear trousers and A� Is :1r. tome, but present. Tbast $5.4u and 36.55: fair •o medium nese. SELLING RIGHT can rorgetting fit homeaome of t � 1 do not mean Is it* brand to arse in the home as well load' at 114.6; to $4.85, but these- he l Ile inside. as onLslde of It. If you take It (weft O on Rase; common mused $456 only follow BUYING RIGHT. t:•e you would never overlook outside. by that that he 11.60; rows =:.76 to 114.x It a so easy to do. We are all naturally shonll put In when you hang your hat up in the list 1• Mitch 20 per cars. s;Ivagm. prone to drop the social graces pracUce all the you can bet your sweet life that Anna Trade In milkers and springers gess 1 whenever wt. think- nobody's looping . 4 purely artificial Hay will miss It, and the missing will dull at sw tr S:J each. and our families arc st ,osed to kind- fertile of pocird hurt. Veal Calves. 1 s 4si Would rouse 1G end rip etiquette%. Ileac- IMu't greet her with a grunt, but Not many veal calves were on awl r. » 4 • '. w' 1 7 hDt their eyes, Yet the little cert- In frac (air, a with a kiss. I wouldn't advise The market remain, strop at :�.! to m.miea nttl verbal a en forbid, No 86.50 for medium to e Remlons which you to goods and ;.rlrrtr constihffe our everyday cal• of pit- one detests nlenulugl'!st cerenum} apply that form of courtesy to others, hew rnllk calves are went. 8- per wet. quette were'desl nod for the sole more llla11 1 du. l:ut the wurhwls but In the 11011- 1112 customary funus Sheep and Lambs. t' 9 Vur that spring fruits the heart. that are I fully be uloelffir.l. tat', rather, magnified. F::Port "b"ll were caster fit 36 •ver Isar of rc orse the rough edges of the vutwurd ultinifestaliu11s of it desire' fur love stud not custom dictates there. cwt. for export ewes, unit 38.i.r - our Intercourse e•Ith the world, the oaf.;» aesh and the Jeyll 1 I to please or to i,e of service to Ifs ob- I)-D't tnke the !lest chair In the room Per cwt. for bucks; lambs r.. ld at rano ► �Cy : rtf liroa , from ec,t ;Ire entire) different. To the true unit -as she commands It. She it to 11s each. fl}•ing At one anothels•ti throat, as we J }- probably Cr would like so much to-do. gentleman they urs- On natural as file will Insist on reoeming the moat con,- Hope' fortal a rocker for H. to Kennedy reports o, lig is per •fi. circulation oG Nix Llsxl. Ice eau no you. but you should cwt. lower. selects at 116.•0,. Ilgbea : fid A Potent Forts more dispetue with them than he can never get Nato the habit or taking ' rate at Is.is per cwt. Next to the ChrlaUan rdiglon polite- with hi -4 breath. It 1. a pity that so things for granted. Show her that you Montreal Live Steck. naps la the most latent force 11, the few of us are true gentlemen. Host of think o[ her flrRt, that her ease and IItV'1TREAt.. July i world today, told I[ le Jrret na effective no are selfish to the IwoOe, anal p,•(r0alue PPlnrsp stand foremost ht Ise'talJ- health and Ina Cables from Lt and Lordten on ..' I 11, one's own )tome as lWas In the house courteRyerls nn evidence of forgetful- your thoughts, and there Isn't tiny Canadian cattle were easier and pricer •y-' ) 3Ir•0,a live street. Naw, without any ness of self, a virtue which we have to doubt about ler reciprocation. Howev- one quarter to one huff cent lower � more beating around the bash. I want cult,v3te. If It Is worth while to Ile a er much he may w'Isb to do, them n with solea Sit 1: 1-2c to Ile. F:xis,rtr to say a few ihings to yoO.on this sub uvaall 9 [1,r the week were 2962 rattle. Tic• p•ratleman at "II -and l never heard }' stets the beast o[ the bargain In puppb', eltho smaller, was ample to nnylxkly express ally doubts on flint the matter of nttentions At bout*., but fill ell ret(ulrements. There was Iunne er,urn point -it Is certainly worth while to Ise he shouldn't get the Idea Into lits nog- dtmand from exiorterm fc.r a few to 1 i , It gentleman at home. The good (spin• gin that 11°4111119 Is expected of bill,, meta sf iwmo thewithi.t fid they loft Of your wife Is of more huportauce i.vsrything that Is tender and polre- S 1de to 6 3-4r ler Ib.. but there wire UNEEDA ' G . to you than the opinions of all the lions find court'•one snit loving is no rosily choice stock on the market rest of the people of the world put to- petted of him. It Is so easto feel wbkh they would have been wiltln9 to SCREEN DOOR.,r .inert• y 1.•rther. Yet you would fall to show to' that these things n.e of no 'avail, In'- loy Se for. Choice rattle were quits - SCREEN the courtes • which aid at r. 3-4, to Oe, w�hlln gond trrvra SCREEN WINDOWS. - 3 }'on would tee 01- sold at 5 1-4c to 5 1--c; fair at 4 3-4e• stew upon another rte a matter of to [ and lower .grades at 3 1 -sr to lle h:nr dr1zr11s r'f Ihenn, plain t course land feel ashamed If you were 1,r G ) 4 1-2r per Ib. There was no fnrthrr utty, all airA•s,ruul 111-1ppm. a remIns In the (cast particular. JJ AR[ ra� rhts"90 In the condition of rhe• mar - Doors from goc up. Yow +cert aim ht Cultivate Heine Eti vette. I t°^rr, it for live hogs pince last Wt•dner•- =V V Vorgc'uiur'rurwlVou q /- day. A weaker feeling has d,vrl,, Extension Wigdows, fit eny win- acted• No, you can't do a better thing than i In the market for sheep, and wirit"el dew. SOc to S0C• Ject, and I want to 'put 'em to 'you to trent your wife fit least at well av ` t have decllrlyd 1-_^c fwr lb. In spite „( straight. When yon.bave rethe comparatively small supply c,om- adjtWalJet- you your mld ms's. She will tip- � ter once; read It over again and get Predat ean r It. 'I csay that with em- ing forward and the continued fair •{fi Armand fro. exporters for the same•. If van tisk us NTut tat ev, It stuck Into your- headline It w1oDt slip shads, fur nothing hurts a woman However, sales to -clay were mndp at SEA10i4 t PAINT fhtil every- loose, morn than the appareut lost of that 4 1-:c per lb. Thr demand for lambs fell) iv tniki-f( nhoul tai• can 1 wasn't around whenyourwere9,'pet. fine coumideratlon wltich distinguishes Is good at 84 to =, each, and calves II you I mer.[ with a ready sale at from 2 to tin' 1,P" to Anna Stay }but 111.bet nfisile the waollg days, �o matter if she' ib each. 8 Therds Nothing In It of good hurl dollars Chat you were ,a1- does feel sure of your love, no matter East BtAFNo little Market. - mighty particular how' yonducted whea if you prove your nReetlon In numb•,. FART BUFFALO, July t -a std.• -R fit frac pnrrvt of lead, zine•, lin- you were In her preftnee. There was less rather ways, she w•ho [las reiguptl i relpta, 4110U feta: [utxl at.adv t° lel Id<h- eit .'il ,nil culcarilix n1:11ter, uutlling In the shape,Y 'Is quern N never full satln0ed wllh *I, common, Ht• lower; quality Inf•N°r. of Cnalrtee then y prime steers. SLZ to 8260; shipping, 3•:Ar It . no secret how, iCs monde•, r1,„I was any tat, filar for her wheat you b tt than the honorR aur to royalty. f'"K-'t 11131, il's too I to 110; Iwlchero'. 84.fr1 l„ 3[.i:; Ilelfera,44 rn Percent. came a-woolug. You had all your • llud It Is so easy to gratin-_ her. It Is Sht tctll insfsr on re,mrinq the molt cum- 36.&s; Iowa• lit to 14 w, bull.. 111.&1 to Sl.;a, pure. gracrR and sunue you bad borrowed, 1 (,arty nerrcxsnry to keep In mind all the ferrfublar rocker for VWt. 6(ockera and freder.. 33.x1 to $1.60; tilue” have no doubt, out for her .htppectlua y I 1 helfer., t:.,5 to $3.60; area. t.w. tlnle that our wife Is a wastuan nmd ra Ilse they nrA to often 1m Oree,ted or nprl•gera, $2 to $3 tower, $ls to H•, Have you seen out Oil Stoves ? You had old CheatwBeld beaten so bad that gond breeding works an well In a OPParrutly unnoticed, but yo1, can't Vrr1"-It«rlpu, Ieq head; active and }-on could see daylight betrve'en you. anloking Jacket an In n dress suit. make n gloater mistake than o tomt l 2' hirrtwr, 85 to 3kza. They're dandies. 11^aa-Reeelpta, 1:,.3011 head. •,n 1 Yea. you did. .'l wasn't there, but I 1 have a very strong recollection of them. be to !ft,• higher; heavy, 11._0 to It, r,0; mfr• know. 'chat Ilf tle girl you were ex- n bineksmlth who lived In the IItUe Ile polite to your wife, John, whether er!. a e t" xs: yorkerr, fs.A; pegs, I If you need as lawn Ill, er wee• reedingly caret 1,l about tiles 1R your vllhith• where went to srhnnl when a lou me fit hums or nbrtwd. It dorRn't W 86 w; roughs. :rt a the p/ruph• you tav,nl to meet•, wife now. but In lite dean a, tr.7c; d:drle,, 86 to 110.16, ge•Rhe lids I'o}'• lie was gent, brawny, rough I cost yell a red cent, It need not Incurs- I Sheep and l•umbs--Relt•lpta. ROM he,.d We have Mowers from $2 u?, lent none of iv r rilttlts. qhe 6p,Jintt as lnpklnr fellow, whose face land hands I venlence you In the latest, but It means "�`Ilw, ■tow; lambs and yearling' f,.lr v c OUR LINE OF SHIRT WAISTS is, we believe, worthy of your notice. It Is made up of the best things that can be bought, and great care has been taken in the selection. WHITE MUSLIN WAISTS sizes 32 to 42, priced at $2.50, $1.75, $1.5() $1.25, 98c, 75c and 50.; We are alwa) s on the alert for things to please our customers and we spare no pains to get them. You will find it satisfactory to buy of us. The quality of the goods and the prices tell every time. Yes, our line of SHIRT WAISTS will certainly please you JOHN STEAD, L MES' WEAR, GODERICII..--.-...... J weighed louannd o' sugar octrteyrte fO CONSUMPTIVES. One method of dodging p opubtrii.y 1'11-- ooden.ianed having treat l.• is to give ynnr nrit[hlaora 1ulvirr• stored W health by wimple no•atts. after -- - •Mitring for nevrt•nl }•Falb with a stet•. ••re 11111: ally" tion, mild that dr.•nd di.rmne ceaasraptlor: is anxious to uoike koow'u to his fellow atlTelvtw the Impe meansor cure. To thO06 who desist• dal aI, IRE will thee. (full}• send Ifrrr 1,r cluul{el n.r.,py of the prew•ription o Cafe { .Id, whi.-Il they will find III %I ir• ('lire re and Quick Lpocp ft.r Cea,umiNle., AstYala Ca18rrb. Bros. -' _ chill, and all throat find lung IMalsdk•. Hu hnpea all suffetelw will try his ICE CREAM DELIVERED TO ALL llelned}•, as it lit inval"Able. Thaw• PARIS OF THu TOWN. deaairiug the prescription. Which will crest thein nothing, wind trey plots. a DINING -ROOM UPSTAIRS. hlrs-iog, will Neame address 'PHONE anti. Rev, EDWARD A. WILSON, ImIllys, N.Y WANTED ' Hlit HINT CASH Pal('[ PAID FOR "('RAP IRON. RRA141, Uma. Bring all you. • a • t ' have to THE ROGERS MFG. CO., LIMITED, Old Foundry, East St. When You dopateheChaleen I )�eneaetllnq ]�i11eTaI WlteT Frontenae or any ),Mel -wised ►iIHF (:(1DFRICH �fi\FRAC 11'A - I y the C. P.R., or trowel in her 11 TF.It ('U mnnnG.rturrr. of 'Meme I'ullmana or Steamers, Jew wit nma,'wn, (a*pw�d to deliver In any Is,rr fir find. itbc town r1r1f .t canter Ali, in Vint. nA Q gmnrt+, all, }Ilnel-A lt':,Irr In three •I„•- "ROy11 Crown" I�plitn. pini„ nod q.xrt.,, .41•wrr w -,ter and I Rouble r4,da. 'fl„ e..nl. pro 111_14. from natural mammal water, .fit an• thr•rfnn• h•. Wlteh-Razed front all lupurttic.. 1'. tt'ALTON, IImo ,user. '1'horw 2111. Toilet Soap (,fid., e1.a1 .,r•( --applied for your convenience. The finc,t sr..l iirst soap mad,. Tow arosslrt leas ily.: rrovu" Wlke-Ilarrl [•art Soap. L. -tai,,, 10,_ ei. 3 cies for 2;.. A Good -fitting Well -tailored Stilt or Overcoat 11ndr to vont order from nen- v,L 0,01 i in medium and lip;ht- Wt•iglitp, fit DUNLOP'S CLOTHING EA11"O UNI WEST STREET. Brantford Asphalt—Rubber Roofing lead the Ill:irl:et in their lines. Ab!o:u.ly Fir., l i f No Ta No Paper Prices right Ila your roof or in the roll. All kinds I on hand at We R. Pinder's Also PLUAMING, TINSMITHIN(l. F t c , promptly attended to. 'Phone i55. 1 1 - - music- 1101' utsic-Ilul- ADAMS - - -- 1 Tr,, o- it fir PIANO Statin in link of Stontreel Rlork. Mentletry C. F. RALE.- L.D.S..n.n.s. _ west Street s\ext (-. 11. R. omtx.l-`-- ltiedlt:al r'RR. FMMER.90N k TUItNQULT. L A. T. F.MwIRtw,.r, x 1). let'. p. TUIttat•rJ. R. li ilcen. Hamilton Street 'Phone br. Kmmeon'- rddence, St. 1)wrll'+ ,tn.•t. Upnn poJta Victoria -trrrt chureh, 'pllmr 1,o: Ira. Tnrnhnll'. rc.ldcnce. N,Wni .trent Next NMtw'..�ore. 'ph,me 1'LI. ])K. A. If. I►iACKLiN. M. H. t'MI'SICIAN AND Sl'HGXO\ 14pe,1r1 .Uentirm to Rye, Knr, Now• and Throats. (Waco and re.ldroe,, old Ilank of Mor, oral, e,l/pe►.frr Pm,tdOac, tt t t .t., Uoderieh. Telephone No. Ia2. --- - JASPI �/AMF;RON k KiLLUKAN, IIAH IttrITF;R!', .ollclton, st•Savlsl4 etc. tom,-,.. arnflr too t+t,tAlrrl door frost 8 Uaterich, sertqj MN.. .tAN. U. 1' AMKIVJN,K.(.`, j; L Kill IAf1 pRO1T1►Ftxrr, IIAY*4 k BLACK hnrrlrreov, +miler N. nnt..rier public pn 'ors In the M:.rlr ills• I' •art els. ()M,o, r„tdde I.3,Imaire, nett door('. .t• 4nlrn', ara+ery. Pel •' este fund. to Molal fir k w,.t rote. of haeto••t, W. Plto ulpy Je1T, K. C, R. C. iiAYS, U. f ILAIK DICKINSON Ile OARROW, BAR. UoderMhh. Sto"I attorney.. loww,t raiio..t1K L DICKINSON. lHARLXm OARROW, LLB Insurance, Loans. etc. 1rOITNO k IJ()8KFtT8OR. RFAL Fichte end Innurarree Agent.. Real rs- tAte for wile Or to lel. Propertles handled in any pnri of the town and e+mmty. Fire and lie lawn rwnoe• money to I sin eta JOHN W. CRAiGIN, LiM FiRE wand arrldentlneurwncc, Agent for lead", 4.1-1111.1 arnt stock asomrpw,filen. lnAllmnrr, In int„ eRreted on bent pl,n. and at lowest awl-. tall at oftlec, cower Want street.tml11gt1,trr, x ^Adrerr J. W. CRAI(IIK, Uoderich, fha fele ,hone it g cKiLLOP MUTUAL FIVF IN- SL'RANCF c'O.-1.yrm and irolatrd n propertin.nred. Value of Dropedyy In. d mp to Jan. 1 over Smian,.( it, (Ime,rn dlectora :--J. R. McLean, ppmeTtr'ts : T. Feasor, Tl+e-fit• .: Ja.. (•onnnlly, U. /7wle, Mr. ('hep,- nt y, J. R'wtt, Jer. Kean.. J. U. Urleve. J. Henne- wels• dirwotnrs ; T. K ltayo. !leaforth neorotwry. ¢rewnneer:Irwpectorr. nearest dlreclor to I. Holm"Ttlte• agent for Wnrt mmn. Policy -holden own pay alwep,ment. and get their ewrA. ,•e(stlptM wt Mr. MCoats', Milton or at McLean Ilru..' Parnell tiot.hing Store d4erich' - - Lrriare, Ltoenses _ WALTER R. F. KELLY, OODRRICH, ONT. WAtehnt.tker, Jeweller and OpUofwn. Loner of. Marriage Llmnm . WLANK, iM91TFR OF MARRi. AOS Ilesmaim. (ioderlok, ons _Auctloneering 1`HOMAN OUNDRY, T, VF 47'O('K wrxl ggeene-1 wnrtlnnaer. Vffl— nn M,,Ih tlr•eel, whore he will be Mngrl atall time. when nM ^.r) Ins ale,[. Termm r'earmable and •Tory efrnrl li iod to rive you t atio"unn i'hone al, - Jatrrc(►r, "KCKK T, GENFRAI, enrt.lnnner. l"W HwmllWn short noderfel, (). bnT IRI. All .elm all) rtwwire rwwf.l .ttention. 1 will hnY your entlm of k of en -mid conal. for ea,h, and ill -11 Yon Ince., fnrottnre, nwrlrte•io, ring" 01' , el,heap, a'.11 and aail we nnpn forramkis line ax"R(Carl ny trop. Uoderbh much entitled/ to the obatery a uce. of Use forms of caM.enp ta'rre rttnedl b the smoke Of the forge, T ila, seldom ill nrml y 1 active and lower: Ismhe, 3, to It; yen, ght lot to Anna llAy mini Just I Ilnc,, S&S. to 36.1,0; wether., D.:,0 to 16.7-,, ns tsetkatN more than then, for tail y ulrr wore n runt find never a collar except on Sunday, but I fit nmt•I' to yon. Yours nRrctlonately, ora, $4.;0 to 84 76; ehrep, w'Z' wife Rhe,should hold fi higher and more honorcsll lolace in he was °rte Of the truest gentlemen ! have JOHN SNEER. - I ( Chicago Liv Stock. Your life that,1 as your Rw'eettietl rt, Yet l Pier known, find hit wife .vn,a envied THE MARKETS. CHICA00, July 1.-Cattle-Rrrelnt. noticedl la f t week that yon did not Lv ey0n• other tymnnn 111 the T. Rge (About 30.x: market, steady to a atkl- lift your brst, when you sineLiher down. Itimpty beefinse (if his defrrenee to her Liverpool Wheat Futures Closed low. P tm4Vgr' teeves. $460 t^ $7, rnw,. ILM t,. M.tls: heifers, 32.al to 16.6). town, 1 D"t10J that you olBdwed her or, Chicago Higher -Live Stock Cady -p, $6 •� 1Fi: Rood to prim- oterr,, S.;.1,' to 8;. LI )rick be"own way along-MePoor ustreet, to st(P "Pea the curbstone Markets -Latest Quotations. to metnum. 34. a, to 3-,.(6; ato,•k-, and feeders, 32.1A to 1r.36, withor(t any effort of ], aR>r,elanre from oat I uouced /Mr pwrrw•,s ro! en -,n w n••., Mnnea y Rventnir, Jul ! T•Ivermnl allnnt future. elo.etl to-dav !{offs--Recelp til, about t".0)0; ma•k •r, R iii.Ka to M. J,: mlT-A, IMg1 light r.6.tl _ "'her' w se dined nt the hotel ••that you r Sid lower than FAturday, ant corn futures t 4y: heavy. 3[.60 to 84.07%; ro„g ,. RS to toP,116 - left her, ' iw t(ZroPe through Iteurnysterk•s 1,C Ute, marrows Sea lower. kt• At Chea n Jul,wha•L rioted Itis high_ iso. :6,611 to 3010; DI aonel to Naolce hes p. 0,% hock fir I Ty, 10.% to sal•., „ akc Yourself Horne" unaided, while 'your, on- rte most deilralsMrrlsh(safnr I the t or than NanlrApy; July corn ,end Jul oat@ higher y '!,c Inver• M to 84.10. StxeD--Reaa.lpts, about 16.OM mwrY,t at matnf the aatla[ar,t10n M your (wain preebaw I / Winnipeg peg Options. week; natl Ter, N to M 111; wntern, N to I eI111: yearnngs, M M 10.73; at (wire.linter•. Ullr t, r,een:1 asp tint ft irnrlr and wt, nor nlaexy ofd ORCh. 7 the old!taan Isn't n,lerp,.my , Fnl.nwtng are the dating gnotatlonw tin's• Winnipeg strain futures t0- Wheat lambs. 3350 to western, 16.60 to 17. — - - - KIaII so Illeet yingjrthetO whether lhry sire IrnyihK Klxsln 1,r not. snn,flf h4r d0ea nest Oeraslonally after his i 1 June tope• Md. ]utr f04kr Md. (A t. fats; kid. Ust@-Jane 39%, bid, Jul tin y fr: kid. An Aberdeen Story. -=---�-. 1 seaJr, and when i Raw ltb rw• IMUe ilgn, of Ingrowing tselftraints m It wor- _�C•+ la trete Jo r rok'4th furl tAen the Oct. iritic bid. The Visible Supply, ' llortte Io n this aye wi- ;t•rr butter. I .,lira. nmalm," said tin Atw•rleennhht Worsell's f fled too. Reminds ere ofm en It my rat- n h^1107 (fur• dli? t �ofu Y, July t,•in Jay 2, tw. R7, Kltx•er to ono of his c11sf.onlerw, as I their rntr d to owl' down oe•Uur•otd farm. I to prlrnte nal well nR 111 public He was -fir ...... ....... 4R1:tfOne 26.t11,In Corn Shp entered the whop with her Iwtwke3 of �I It wMln trtslry IH"'. aarMLro1G arc, in rustle ltacnrd, but hIR chivalry waft y ,,.,•• •••.•,•.,• ... .. 7,330,mp Oa I. a�'iMom G'a'rs Pmrliler, "The thing that caro wholesale Hardware I'- fatl er was very pread,oftlt-anA d - ns tanto find lone As tient of tiny hmnd- nurtnr rhe wr-k wheat derrreard 1 47.,_ mr,hel., I in hot ase k was nlmrsrt an ouree, 11 r<i1rnL In Rhewlrrg It 111 vbrtsrs. As a cloth nttireat Pity man. NO, mer pan, rpm, increapM 1,747,Oon h.,rh alis eta,"fau end nota arcrea„d 1Zaif00.OM blYhels. nhort tan ever)' Paeans], 11 '•i'lli nate ' Nafamished wt tint," �•a.r. tul;� rs rat' 1 nlr, a bon be wnnte•d to exibu tt the colt N' waw In the paehfrr, and genuine courtesy la not a matter of drrsw Or of cerrm-ny. and In prsetir- Toronto Groin Markets, replied frac form I rr'r wife. •'My Ira, weight was fa fit Gold Medal Binder Twine. ons n[ I flus ma it vivid r'eroliectlonrotN my boy. I ing It nt htnn" yon don't have to .aryl. eratrt-_ Wim, , ri the sinogsr•r when 1 minae it lip. nn' I Mont A un Is that dignlfled.okl geiltle- flee y011r Own MtTlfOrt to an extent D rigs Mrwh ..... N % to Wheat. fail. bush '-'------- man d over a Miel that [Mrot worthy of mnsldpratlean. On the Other ........ wi'l't• arnnae, tallish e M -- --- - _ Mw 1,a tl truss Hr won1A ted ill I wore Ric ung and hand. It pMyw wonderfully 111 the Iris- F .. Wheat, rod, bush f fe Perle hn,h _ t110TICE TO ADVERTISERS aPlt'gtl 10 file roll In tOrl.•1wv,f strallred NI-sa!y. nen 1t ghees to Your wife snA, hr rsArr- tion, . ................ A 73 Barley.an,h .,..........., 0 61 ••� Mtp, 1 a - _ He wTmM isTs fid l0 offer a to you, ft Pays In the gMre it he,h ................ O M - (�y Of thinge or runnin` regtxlttr rnvm-Oa of thintin that Irt— to year Awn rharorter, anal, bet Toronto Dairy Market. advertise mahts must be left at this h t ws ar' apppnstod to kWh four. The ter than all slap, It MTs to Ira inflnefire I Rafter. 'vamtery, Ante• ...0211 n tt office by I Monday noon to •neon insertion foie crud coyly watt nno M wap al- illlon the character of y(Mr famlly, Reith, Aalry, ID. rolls ..... • 20 n 2r. Peltate, fuh, in iswe of same week. asaat • [thin r•sarh; th twq w101,e mil! of RAme Of thews Aa yr., aelo!aa yon are till Rnrl•r, rr.,w� e U 0 It n. Ira roils.. a it It woakl ralaeslta tMkg&*$Ot fans[ ff*u ted 00)vrt7 of IOaakin4 a rat ►O MR olw-hadd1D es" ..... e To O ISS6 • • • - .......... it .... • c OUR LINE OF SHIRT WAISTS is, we believe, worthy of your notice. It Is made up of the best things that can be bought, and great care has been taken in the selection. WHITE MUSLIN WAISTS sizes 32 to 42, priced at $2.50, $1.75, $1.5() $1.25, 98c, 75c and 50.; We are alwa) s on the alert for things to please our customers and we spare no pains to get them. You will find it satisfactory to buy of us. The quality of the goods and the prices tell every time. Yes, our line of SHIRT WAISTS will certainly please you JOHN STEAD, L MES' WEAR, GODERICII..--.-...... J weighed louannd o' sugar octrteyrte fO CONSUMPTIVES. One method of dodging p opubtrii.y 1'11-- ooden.ianed having treat l.• is to give ynnr nrit[hlaora 1ulvirr• stored W health by wimple no•atts. after -- - •Mitring for nevrt•nl }•Falb with a stet•. ••re 11111: ally" tion, mild that dr.•nd di.rmne ceaasraptlor: is anxious to uoike koow'u to his fellow atlTelvtw the Impe meansor cure. To thO06 who desist• dal aI, IRE will thee. (full}• send Ifrrr 1,r cluul{el n.r.,py of the prew•ription o Cafe { .Id, whi.-Il they will find III %I ir• ('lire re and Quick Lpocp ft.r Cea,umiNle., AstYala Ca18rrb. Bros. -' _ chill, and all throat find lung IMalsdk•. Hu hnpea all suffetelw will try his ICE CREAM DELIVERED TO ALL llelned}•, as it lit inval"Able. Thaw• PARIS OF THu TOWN. deaairiug the prescription. Which will crest thein nothing, wind trey plots. a DINING -ROOM UPSTAIRS. hlrs-iog, will Neame address 'PHONE anti. Rev, EDWARD A. WILSON, ImIllys, N.Y WANTED ' Hlit HINT CASH Pal('[ PAID FOR "('RAP IRON. RRA141, Uma. Bring all you. • a • t ' have to THE ROGERS MFG. CO., LIMITED, Old Foundry, East St. When You dopateheChaleen I )�eneaetllnq ]�i11eTaI WlteT Frontenae or any ),Mel -wised ►iIHF (:(1DFRICH �fi\FRAC 11'A - I y the C. P.R., or trowel in her 11 TF.It ('U mnnnG.rturrr. of 'Meme I'ullmana or Steamers, Jew wit nma,'wn, (a*pw�d to deliver In any Is,rr fir find. itbc town r1r1f .t canter Ali, in Vint. nA Q gmnrt+, all, }Ilnel-A lt':,Irr In three •I„•- "ROy11 Crown" I�plitn. pini„ nod q.xrt.,, .41•wrr w -,ter and I Rouble r4,da. 'fl„ e..nl. pro 111_14. from natural mammal water, .fit an• thr•rfnn• h•. Wlteh-Razed front all lupurttic.. 1'. tt'ALTON, IImo ,user. '1'horw 2111. Toilet Soap (,fid., e1.a1 .,r•( --applied for your convenience. The finc,t sr..l iirst soap mad,. Tow arosslrt leas ily.: rrovu" Wlke-Ilarrl [•art Soap. L. -tai,,, 10,_ ei. 3 cies for 2;.. A Good -fitting Well -tailored Stilt or Overcoat 11ndr to vont order from nen- v,L 0,01 i in medium and lip;ht- Wt•iglitp, fit DUNLOP'S CLOTHING EA11"O UNI WEST STREET. Brantford Asphalt—Rubber Roofing lead the Ill:irl:et in their lines. Ab!o:u.ly Fir., l i f No Ta No Paper Prices right Ila your roof or in the roll. All kinds I on hand at We R. Pinder's Also PLUAMING, TINSMITHIN(l. F t c , promptly attended to. 'Phone i55. 1 1 - - music- 1101' utsic-Ilul- ADAMS - - -- 1 Tr,, o- it fir PIANO Statin in link of Stontreel Rlork. Mentletry C. F. RALE.- L.D.S..n.n.s. _ west Street s\ext (-. 11. R. omtx.l-`-- ltiedlt:al r'RR. FMMER.90N k TUItNQULT. L A. T. F.MwIRtw,.r, x 1). let'. p. TUIttat•rJ. R. li ilcen. Hamilton Street 'Phone br. Kmmeon'- rddence, St. 1)wrll'+ ,tn.•t. Upnn poJta Victoria -trrrt chureh, 'pllmr 1,o: Ira. Tnrnhnll'. rc.ldcnce. N,Wni .trent Next NMtw'..�ore. 'ph,me 1'LI. ])K. A. If. I►iACKLiN. M. H. t'MI'SICIAN AND Sl'HGXO\ 14pe,1r1 .Uentirm to Rye, Knr, Now• and Throats. (Waco and re.ldroe,, old Ilank of Mor, oral, e,l/pe►.frr Pm,tdOac, tt t t .t., Uoderieh. Telephone No. Ia2. --- - JASPI �/AMF;RON k KiLLUKAN, IIAH IttrITF;R!', .ollclton, st•Savlsl4 etc. tom,-,.. arnflr too t+t,tAlrrl door frost 8 Uaterich, sertqj MN.. .tAN. U. 1' AMKIVJN,K.(.`, j; L Kill IAf1 pRO1T1►Ftxrr, IIAY*4 k BLACK hnrrlrreov, +miler N. nnt..rier public pn 'ors In the M:.rlr ills• I' •art els. ()M,o, r„tdde I.3,Imaire, nett door('. .t• 4nlrn', ara+ery. Pel •' este fund. to Molal fir k w,.t rote. of haeto••t, W. Plto ulpy Je1T, K. C, R. C. iiAYS, U. f ILAIK DICKINSON Ile OARROW, BAR. UoderMhh. Sto"I attorney.. loww,t raiio..t1K L DICKINSON. lHARLXm OARROW, LLB Insurance, Loans. etc. 1rOITNO k IJ()8KFtT8OR. RFAL Fichte end Innurarree Agent.. Real rs- tAte for wile Or to lel. Propertles handled in any pnri of the town and e+mmty. Fire and lie lawn rwnoe• money to I sin eta JOHN W. CRAiGIN, LiM FiRE wand arrldentlneurwncc, Agent for lead", 4.1-1111.1 arnt stock asomrpw,filen. lnAllmnrr, In int„ eRreted on bent pl,n. and at lowest awl-. tall at oftlec, cower Want street.tml11gt1,trr, x ^Adrerr J. W. CRAI(IIK, Uoderich, fha fele ,hone it g cKiLLOP MUTUAL FIVF IN- SL'RANCF c'O.-1.yrm and irolatrd n propertin.nred. Value of Dropedyy In. d mp to Jan. 1 over Smian,.( it, (Ime,rn dlectora :--J. R. McLean, ppmeTtr'ts : T. Feasor, Tl+e-fit• .: Ja.. (•onnnlly, U. /7wle, Mr. ('hep,- nt y, J. R'wtt, Jer. Kean.. J. U. Urleve. J. Henne- wels• dirwotnrs ; T. K ltayo. !leaforth neorotwry. ¢rewnneer:Irwpectorr. nearest dlreclor to I. Holm"Ttlte• agent for Wnrt mmn. Policy -holden own pay alwep,ment. and get their ewrA. ,•e(stlptM wt Mr. MCoats', Milton or at McLean Ilru..' Parnell tiot.hing Store d4erich' - - Lrriare, Ltoenses _ WALTER R. F. KELLY, OODRRICH, ONT. WAtehnt.tker, Jeweller and OpUofwn. Loner of. Marriage Llmnm . WLANK, iM91TFR OF MARRi. AOS Ilesmaim. (ioderlok, ons _Auctloneering 1`HOMAN OUNDRY, T, VF 47'O('K wrxl ggeene-1 wnrtlnnaer. Vffl— nn M,,Ih tlr•eel, whore he will be Mngrl atall time. when nM ^.r) Ins ale,[. Termm r'earmable and •Tory efrnrl li iod to rive you t atio"unn i'hone al, - Jatrrc(►r, "KCKK T, GENFRAI, enrt.lnnner. l"W HwmllWn short noderfel, (). bnT IRI. All .elm all) rtwwire rwwf.l .ttention. 1 will hnY your entlm of k of en -mid conal. for ea,h, and ill -11 Yon Ince., fnrottnre, nwrlrte•io, ring" 01' , el,heap, a'.11 and aail we nnpn forramkis line ax"R(Carl ny trop. Uoderbh