HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-7-4, Page 3�� _- e'Ir:a1".11i_ _e:.....ia`il `2C :i!. ��_•�.. 1. Mews of the sistriet, ` 111 A. R. NeRltehie Ilex rMignel his BUvr Springs, Man., on the sib Of itionuwience insater of Kinear- May. ,?; ^:, io• blgh soh.l, 091 \\'whwslay, the Wth tilt., dins I Peter Oowans, a former well-known Mary P;gleotone, of Whitechurch, 1 I teaobpr In this county, has twka. fattter`to`ied \1'm `Wraith, of 1 tce ngs dell ` w I obarge est the school at Warman. Bask, Thy 11aalTiage of Miss Lila I. hand- Th��t11 11 Bran, of Brussels, have die- ley, daughter of '1'. E. Handley, Kew pl)ssdlhTllielr elertric light pplant and forth, to Herbert R. Philhisa, of Tor- P. or- Z' chopping mill to Meant s. Phillips R onto,•tewk place ill the t1M+en City on r Moore, of Or•and Valley. I the l8th lilt. ! t`s Mw. Urquhart, of Kirkton, who In Bellevue, Idaho, on tilt- 13th tilt.. ' Is eight yran of age, had the min• deo, E. ('-Lit, A Inrwpemns r,ulcher [attune sit week to Itactm•I- one of of that town. furulerly of Brussels,• her limit by falling down cellar. was of Belle W Mixt Nva \\'reacher, The death of Win. Morrow, aged aIW Ot Bellevue. 11H. eighty-eight years, it former maidens The and newt wa't 1•cceive l ill \\'ing- of 8usphen, occurred at his home In ham Tart week that John Wells, lur11r• erlp of that town, hart been killed by ------ - tilling 1111 a circular saw in hi. NORTHERN NAVIGATION CO brother's will in Florida. Miry Krtcheaon. of ale \Wilrghxm high nohis41, has ivsiggnaiI I fie H position of English and Inclill a INng- Rome Seekers' EXCn[S9 ,rage .``s•cixlixt. W aCCept a hituutiou In the llnpvt-relty of Toninto. To John Holz, who for the past NORTH WEST eighterru years had been n reaids nt of 1 IAtehwo od. moved last week to hi. on steamers loading July 3rd, 17th sad Slat former home in Parkhill, where he Iteltures tamto Ilia lleford, Baisk., p+ro; will follow the occupation of tailor. prwndon, Alan. W.A",• -•estuary. Alto., .ln; On Sunday, the 'Lied lilt., John Mr• Fstmmnun. Allet. •12.311; ]e,weW aW sk.. Allum. a respected citizen of Ethel. flAIII): Prinne Albert. da.k.. &K. 1: it rMwk., /.1171: N•wknloa,. Wr.k.. wela.nw.h l/n dr rted thin life at his home in I list KMS,,. �I rxl oma, Alberto. It1LY,; w'iunipua. Men., /1-.491 village, at tile age of lift ••el1le yeetrh. and Miler peinta In lroryatlon- He it survived by his wi�I and right fiaNw laeiltade atatelrpen berth In seood claw children. ytearlen w limit of rlruuerr. rr greet y, Meets. 9e• oM•h. AL ►lu+ residence of the bride's Stewnenr. lewve wArnln for taw; Pon sy I It London, on,.Wednr•wla , the ISI I/uluUl every MueAlay, w',%lne•.Ilxy nil Y Frldaf a, '3:310 n. on. Nh ulr.. ('1u111ea Reading, of Tollintu, p sit lnforroarson from all o. T. It. scent. or son of C. J. HendingR, of W ingbans, add re" wax married to Mlaa Adet Clare, e. It. NIrIIIII..SoV. 'frrmc At.%Aaen•r, daughter of 1111(4. M. .1. Abbott, of the Srrma. That. Pormt city. -- - At the residence of the bride's par• e•ntx, IA)w•awanville, un Wednesday, GMthe llilh nil., t'. Melvin l4vott, of I,ist.0wel, 111/7 tit Mr. and Mrs. Ae-chi. mid Scott, lif Henfurth, wvin married to u Miss Margalx•t, daughter of Do. asset Mtro. Robert feting. te in Tornto, on Thursday, lilt- 211th FULL SUMMER SERVICE t ua.. Henry Strutt, formerly tit Winw. ham, and son 40f Mr. and Nilly, t%,dtcr LAiIE SUPERIOR DIVISION. tit,aeers O. Scott, Of Toronuo, w,ati tinted in I ... e Sarin. 3.30 p.m. Mood.). Wednaaday marriage 14) blieas, Alice Coleman, end Friday, for Sault Ste. Mane, Port Arthur, daughter of 111x jar sod . Mea Arthur Foot Wd6.rn and Duluth-Frid., steamer Coleman, ^lieu of the Queen Pity. some Ihrouor6 to Duluth. In Mount Cantel Rmoxn Catholic GEORGIAN BAT 6 MAC1lOr1AC DIV.- church, on NVelne%dav, the :91111 tilt., Str.enere ur• lo. Collegwoad 1.30 p.�eqq... .yowes Mie" 'Josephine, daughter elf 1'atliek Smad 11.30 cit. Tuesday. Thursds sed Flannigan, 40f that town, wan united seterduy for S.uh Ste. Mane and way ports, in Ihr bonds of welblek tie Alex. Her NORTH SHORE DIV. -For Perry Sound,gull, x prusps•roua boainens motto --I Ilene Inlet and French River, stationer Iseves Vaentlslia. Rev. Ftelller Fastin' of- C:olLnewood10.30 P.- Monday and Fridess. Ncixtedattile veremuny. PARRT SOUND A PENETANG DIV.- Steamer lest Pentane daily 2.45 p.m. for A pleasant event took place at.the Parry Sound and way port.. residence of Jlr. and Mrs. Robert Tisiets utor Vr....rt.st bow all censer •as• KaakP, .Kinloss, end NVednetd,ay, the *wader13th tilt., when their daughter Lydon laN:ante the life -partner of Nixnp Neadhatn, of Kincrtdine. Rev. Mr. i Htnith, of Kinloss, tied the nuptial • s ' / knelt in the prest-uce of two bundled guest". �g While unloading l,indere at the TO Exeter station last week, John frnn- ter. tit that town, had a narro%v w - Summer Tourist cape. Over it dozen Ilea%y hinder d table+ which were standintt togt-tht-r "reoverturned by the 'tiring of thi Resorts other I118chinerv. Irl Elliog one of thelPptrrsrk Jlr, Hunter in tier chest Muskoka Lates, Temagam,, Bind hiftiaael a nanly Relish, but fortun- Lake of Bays, Kawartha Islands, altely no IemrA wile blYlke•n. Georgian Bay, Thousand Islands, On Tuendap of laxt week. Annie,.the Algonquin Park, Quebec, Port six-yeeor-old iNughter of It. Alenek, til land and Old Orchard Me White the 0th line of Mortis. Hotel a marrow Mountains. I rwxpe tram drowning while paddling All reached by the Grand Trunk in the river in conipaoy with a num- Railway, the "Tourist Route of her of her echo o4m atew. The little- America." ittleAmerica." girl wits swept off hl.r felt And was Dared connection with all [)oat (being carried away Ily Lina current lerles when she wry reacted by Hnzal Nichol. a plucky ten year•-old`cuur Tourist tickets on sale daily to Pani ,li. all raserts. JIApIN (ilrlvr" farm, the residence of l:dwa d and Mrs. Bryans, of Otey. rargskeU*ad full Into tlove ,•all 1,11 was the toone of nn interesting event F. F. LAWRENCE, on Wednesday, the Will tilt., when Town Agent. their daughter, Miss Annie• was united in the holy blonds of nmtri- Olsoshmtn a31la.ni. t„ap.ir+\ usony to Rupert McAllister, sett of J. STRATTON, \ John McAllister. a well-known reesi- IMlsot Tirket Alm dent of On -y. Rev. E. F. Armatmng. 3. n. Alrlwu.rr natd. �, t Pes.-..%sent. Ill. D., of Ethel. p ei•fornled ate erre. rllnlncr. ninny in the presence of a Iarge nein ler of gne'erts. These passel away At her home in 1'KMolls. nn Sunday. the Zird tilt.. oni. of the reeteemed tenidente of that a a a • tow hip. in tilt- person of Mrs. 'iCI it Scott, of the 3rd conce"sisn. a IMcease-11, who was Nixty•Aeven wars of age, diad beam In pssor health fur Fastest Time across the American Montetime and gradually ie grew weaker lentil death releasYl her spirit. She Contiaeat by any Railroad. was of it genial, kindly disposition anti her nlemur will tie long and lav TRANS -CANADA iolCly rheriele�tly "'urge cirdP of f� trends. Mis. Ethxlintia, ntghter of Rev. LIMITED" W. and Mra. Ho son, of \Wing• linin. last week s, tally passed her examination an not at the Weeat- New rotO;srontinl.nt train. From ern hospital, roronGl,', obtaining Toronto, evrry'rncslAc, Thurstav and ninety-nine ler cent. of the laxinwm HAtutdsy, set 1. �i p m., during 11larkx aIle] 1 11% tiecomilpt go m eletial 1st of her clap". Mins Howslt4 who JULY AND AUGUST has for four years been training. as W Vanemirer in lithe Derr three and tienconess In Toronto still Montreal, will shortly enter the mission field t?n a half dry%. der the direction of the Woman' PALACE SLEEPERS ONLY Jli"sioThur day. h Un 'Chhlwdxy, the 3lrth tilt. David Berth- reserved from T.onmto only to (Iran(. eldept son of David (hent, o the 14th conepaidon of Uley, passe points west til Winnipeg. awns at his home in alt- Marys, after a brief illness suts4Mluent to w stroke of npliplexv. Dreetised, who wax ALL ABOARD FOR MUSKOKA former resident of O1ev. Brussel" An Henforth, had for nineteeen years leen Trains now running over direct C.P. R. the comp)etentand enteelned foreman line. Four fast train- enrh wry every 'if the blacksmith department of the weekday. Splendid besit connection". Maxwell implement manufactory a Ticket-, berth reservations, folders, Ht. Marvs. ile is, %nrvived by hi and wife, fnrmerly Miss Harbarn Houston of Tuckertluith, two daughters an rat tarer"Ation tmm one son. , Jos. veno. •t9,•4rt Agent, Oas.Hrk. Milled in Toronto. A.-tR1M C•1_yO1,TrN, 11. A.. I:. F'. a., 7broato Mrs. Weir, of Heaforth, was kill - in Toronto on Saturday by a trolley car which strlek her AR she Was at tempting to erose Yon a street. Mrs e� ply THE Weir hwd gone ten Toronto to twk electrical trewtment and had bee 1 j Cry- SUPERIOR there fOr slevenil weeks. she w about sixty year,- of W. t EXPRESS" Blyth Bylaw Failed to Carry. f n til.% Ilencla•:`, The bylaw voted upon by the rel prayers of Blyth- on Tuesday rya las week, proposing to lend giant iAvin PORT ARTHUR none the num of ­11113,1`11111 n for the par of estAfilishing a handle factory, di W 1 N N I P EG not sorry. To carry the fiyh►w 1 AND votes were neceRRArt•. The vote we a;t 185 for the bylaw and 31 against• t t' CONNECTING WITH Died of Scalding. Northern Navigation Co. Steamers A particular)v{ s,NI d, -n t h was th,i whi h, on \\'rY1 MI" •If IAAt wee Canadian Patific Steamers brrret%"it Mr. And ctrl. Edward (ilenr Canadian Pa.iBe Trains of Htwnlry, of their bright, lit tip son 1 1 LF�►V ES PONT ARTHUR, q. >tn p. m. two Ypnm. While the ah 11I war l.1 C deavor'ing to open the kitchen doh I ARRIVES WINNIPEG - - 3.00 p.m. lie fell barkwa els into a pail (if ht 4 Connertifin for principal points In water and was Fill .everel srnlde Manitolaa and the \\'Pat. that After two dAys of sof Bring h spirit wusgrd its flight. For hell Inf.e-rrtnliten aroslr to Ilektot ascot. Clinton Hotelkeeper Fined. or write i`•' `l. U. W. C•rinrxR. Wis. Promi,irs. Oro. H. snow. C. W, Rrown, of the Hotel No A.G P.A . 1.. n, ). ter.. Ax,. T,.*, Me,. mwndy. Clinton, a {ear -A Iefo II Flog. Terrace, Winoi).rs. Police Magistrate Andrews on Frill �!'�.�.r��$'c"'�S� dt �a''St•.yc?'�7f�i 'F"„��iT(r'. 1110.,,. . Tiff,, SIGNAL : CODFAUCIt4 ONTAi1to on two charger of viulaGorl of the I'll I_-_--- - liquor license act. The rt►xrge ui �;�� � ��1 r�A�C Hsturday night Yelling waA ptoIt. and a lint- fyr x second offence im- IWaetl, which will anwunt it) ablut Ist't Including t lets. The Hunday charge was not proved. � Presealaboln Retiring Principal Lmtgb• \\'. It. lar i, who is retiring from the principed '1)-ot tile Clint' ptib- _ �� as .t0 TMS Semnrs Cee- ,For Commencement. C. J. hARPER 'PHONE U. 11 �� 1.e4 CO. ::d bNE 5 .� • • i,H u s e ry Hosiery I -I o 5 e ry ` tam lit' Ile 001. was preeveutel on Friday 80� WRPRISINGLY CHEW. �cs�D BELOW we quote a tern of our Isaelinx numbers In Hose. osa 0r l Inst by Ilia student- with a gold- iaenv the mar•. r . us. The lu,uluf+arturer" of these paints hjive• J which have prgved so popular since the season started beadet rune and by the Vit of town with it gull %catch. The Ives - -- Det•eaaed, will,, was foruierIv Mie+ LADIES' LISLE LACE HOSE 1,tlie: 11hek ;old Tan I:ore entationa lta,k (leave it liar trk, { fu 144ny Lowly yY6ib Fabrics Frwn r 111 lila-k. 'J'all +ttld White, N Ilelne•. ,111+1%'e•1' 111I1N1'll�, Is list where over 11 thousand psYlple hall Which to Chouse-Dainty Dress" chronleformsoftmonehixltrinblesAtid 6`very. t•olll feria lite and cteol euelit t;, li+!a Ilerlit+ lurfslain• lgalheid In witness rile III -dings• From Handkerchief Linton, Persian Blyth. Nineteen YeArs ngu Nil" W;O` 1`111". fur undoubtedly Ie- 1eaaa1.v at P.ec pair �O� Including a prugrtto of -Port.. Lawn and Other Materials. iy ► ` , ) Markable value. xt, ��� is r pair A Snap for Somebody! Yne of the novel features of •10141 If for no other neaih,u, woman L Needed ua schaxel txoatals tleaxtlse aha EECTRIC WIRING w a_y \E 't LADIES' WHITE LADIES' HOSE IN; week" al l t will Ili' a tike lave rocokpulzrs the fntitiq of reguhatlon Ing for n reversal of the devi%inn or COTTON HOSE in 1' •1't. If•t X still - publi which will Il 11111114- wt•ely which will public ununYliately after the olw11iug of eommen"'e leeut frac" Every now IOJ per ce.H. Dweb,lity• ' i 'al. etc., -At per It air spl.riul, hear pair - - i�'C , Recreation Park, if two fond heal -too mind then a aetsot scowl directors de- and he ppropounded the question to his 1 til tilt., steel judgment reserved. .art- hraveenough it, make the ventral eresw that esep high school girt grad- Hl Honor Judge Holt has since given LADIES' BLACK HOSE CHILDREN'S HOSIERY flgurest. Money to defray all the ex- sato•mast-alaar a cap- and gown at the e r Ill.rnl.drlrf NGaiulen+ dye, in neA't% +till •I•ickin g+• pen.e•e of I Ile vereuluny and n11ltel uUl gtadaaling e:at•i,,%0t her class- Per- divorer?"- July lAppincotes. hplived 11(4•1. anal taw•-, n t 1-Irge. v -s 1 till •11 it% ootI .•. valuable household articles have leen hap, saute.Ot tb,,, Inca were. fathers I splendid welWer. at, ��� t x li%le•, l.'aahnu•rr ,tint .u.. contributed by different ritizens. amd werimnokted to this lnnovlkm-lby 1 f I 1 per pair . . . "First come, (brat nerved." Wath of Mn. G. E. Deastedt. Gorrie. an afterhoe�rd for the•prtvy"Vane. Il�dbs Deafv� theirrpteadimenb y LADIES' BLACK AND TAN -LISLE HOSE LADIES' SUMMER VESTS After a month's fllnesr, Mrs. G. E. , C. J. hARPER I)tlnstNdt. an• este•elutd resident elf ` tam Ark Brand Paint Uurrie, de'pa rt d this life at her hlitiet- �cs�D to make the house-cleaning in that town on ThIIrkshty. the Wits mar•. r . us. The lu,uluf+arturer" of these paints hjive• tilt., at the age of thirtlileight yeas. jest cro:40pletad a 1540111XIOnnl lit Toronto Det•eaaed, will,, was foruierIv Mie+ UI Junrtiml, which IN itself ,a golit andel. a+ !Mary Krirehling, tear learn tit Water- r at nect.atltl sleeve -as by the most elan Its) and in early Childhood moved with jam < chronleformsoftmonehixltrinblesAtid tier parent• to the neighhorh'ewl of PLUMBING ed model. One tit the daintiest and Blyth. Nineteen YeArs ngu Nil" W;O` R / HEATING uou•riel to her www bereft ho-thand iy ► ` , EAMESTROUGHING favor of the township with costs. anelf with' hila moved tel Auhm•u. EECTRIC WIRING The plaintiffs. however,apppealel, sulk. J 1 where he conducted N hardware Meet Ing for n reversal of the devi%inn or Gustatorial. A tourist ;v`;. at Lowest Prices. Nul waYl11N111Iy rrumved to 111yIt- IOJ per ce.H. Dweb,lity• ".; ,._C. J. HARPER ppleAl wa. argued sit Utelerich 4091 the but for the,(uestfive yearn IY`aifiPtl in and he ppropounded the question to his 1 til tilt., steel judgment reserved. Borrie, Resides her 111'shoi d she small girl Hl Honor Judge Holt has since given leaves twit dati ter- to mourn her de- divorce front hi" wife N --Anne Rho Its his . 11ecision diRmiAsing the appeal with _, to;gain in favor of the town- e r learlule from tilt- scene of life. ship. 1 divorer?"- July lAppincotes. Death of Fortner Winitham Editor. - Easy str el. I As long ars w nt;n Iivea he In x hent) The (lentil of John C Idyll. v former lona to the unti'rtaker. 1 f I 1 Patience is w "A redld vitttu►-M proprietor elf The Whigh,un Advance. ` y ivesiro d under traffic "it (unrst"'Ice" f to the t'olnrul.dol.er of Dominion IA It at +tt Vancouv--r. If. U.. on the •J1th tilt. , „1 I)I-ra,ed, whn wits 'presiuent of the 1leputy of the Mini.ter of the Interior. Nnl•ll,eru he•ellrllie•s (` wpow ittio0, n V.N. 1'31 elborlrovl peblieatloa of rills ad ,•NAh v Cnnce•1.11 set \ arc o Iver, had . ,.. ••, with lin a%sistsant 1nanAger visited kngh"ll Heol, 'balhiult IN•neh. ToI- go•Iher the two men jn11110r1 f•nM ,he diving tiont tend !--Wel Ike' Iowa s lent- , The hecond blue Mr. Corny" AtruCk his Lend either 4011 1hPSMdy IN)tlnnl i 1 of the Isvn•h ter tin a Sunken log. His neck wits bneken, and lir IN' ly tom' IIIete'V pal'A z.Yl. ile w'A% hwliilt• le- mnved to bIa home• where d••ath ill- IeTvened shoril.v ,after. A wife and four children survive'. WUrr9.rZIM1AN.LAwN GOWN. The Late Mrs. Wm. Mustard. an extravagance do too little good as On Wednl.slay, the 19111 lilt., nn to army make -it worth while to -de - ill tier of the honored pioneer. of Stan- prive girlhood of one of its Lunt- hon - ley. in till. perms of Mat•gitret For'- tired privileges -a fluffy, becoming .ylhr, relict of tilt- late \\'til; Jins'.alrl• lommencem®t frock. enteveYd title, test tit the Advaoro•d ngo• Undoubtedly there Is justice in the of righty-s•crn Veers. Ik•t•ensel.'Ab11 criticism that the dr'ssing at gl`adna- w•&k% a native 40f-wotdAnd, Wit- 111:lll'iel tion has been Carried to excess and in tide. street with Ilei' h-01-1,1141 he•( I/lit mat some Of the Cfase perhaps fate In seek oven a the new Marge. After a careen week-' ure•ln cov,tg,•. the alternative of art uncomfortable theyit length arrive d.in the feeling of shabbiness or irn expense teen tract" And Motight lot 11. Htanlev. up- they can ill afford. But things have 40n which they lived ill unmitigated changed much for the better from the hnpppineout until at-vere.l by his dPAlh days when a commencement gown in 1gtRi, when Mex. Mltetarf lx•mov'Yl to meant heavy silks and rich laces and the bovine of her daughter. hir". 1), ehiffums. Now the -filmy lingerie frock McEwen, where hill- h:ol Mind• re•hid.,J. to the only one•coneildered for such uc- i erMlsed wits a wolu:ul . of sterling And r•yle,141 MINI IelllvMl Mona, and 1t 131 eurgirising how cheap by A large circle of relnliviw and nc by Ib a really charming gown may bC y40ai111Anrrs, Eight chi'dreu Mourn fie• her deni+e•. Of course -It mast be white. Who Death of Old Morris Resident. over heard -of girlhood making her first bow to the workaday world of Rrawn- On Tul.slay. Ilse 11111 nil.. ,t well- Worse" in pink lir blue or lavender? known And n•spw•rte d resident of Jlnt'- Such white. lovely fabrics there are to tis joined the Yilent uuljorily. in the e600ee from, too, for this all important person elf John Manning. tot the Srh Poe. Deceased h.l'd leen in plait eOmmene•llrent gown' Alt It does dntY laN,dth for surae time• but the death for a beat dress fill summer and for ,angel's visit cane unexleectcdh• n• he many an informal nffalr next winter, wok. Otendingg b)• the Nreplarce nt Ilia h It 1s not such nu extravagance after residellre. \(r. Manning was am in all. Man, handkerchief linen, embruld- Whithy township in IKII and forty- ered musltlls, dotted hattoten and swiss three year+ ago cattle to Ilnra'n are the favorite materials, but equally county, locating in Brussels. Six beth, dainty costumes can be evolved years litter he WAS II/al'ri/Y1 Ili hit- 1111%y bereft partnere MiA% C-therine Spar - fx•om plain toils linen, dimity or Per - ling. of Grey. And in INDI moved to the dun lawn- A very lovely soft sheer farm in Morris upon which he had dies can be made of Paris inualln, since w"ided. In [religion nn Ejoise o- which L wide and can be had in a I: ali,an, nncl in psolitii% n Ctins•rvative. zeally-nlee gtudlty for 35 cents a yard. he hold It large circle of al.g11aintances WUOn jt Comes to-trimn)ings, natural - by whom he w•.Ls held in high externo. br the�.of a gown may be extended I -Knees his widow NPven daughtel•A fndeflnlbely; but. after all. the prime and three suns are left to nwuru his %equiatte of-a•conrmetwerntnt frock is dearbec. trnahness - snd-ftlrllahmess, and this •de- Towsship of Hay Wiaa suable -it me mite as often be hu;r btaotr, floe -t w n ca, L•rt- vncb in Uutlu I. hinh• wn 18 I est Pattvrus, apoYwi,tl, A i, Nt lU •. 1: •. 1 K:, S k•, V.i.•v pert pair . • . . 40C i up t,l, e:wh $1 ,. Children's and Infanti Millinery' This is ,t leader with u.. Wo hay.• til • h -..it ,wsortewr.•nt lit rxtremeh• ulihlrr+aG• ln•iri�+. Infaut,i H mutt+ fr oua :ii •. U:►ildn ti . Hatt. In muslin and silk frlfa iNk. A few Par,twds 141. niu+t Ise Ovitr,%l w•.thin lit! next few d I:— The Store of Satisfaction is MILLAR'S SCOTCH S TORE 'Phone Sh THE RECORD FURNACE 1� Is fined with the improved Record i I i Triangular Grate -the most perfect fur- nace grate on the market. Of the four triangular grate bars, each bar is operated I by the use of a handle applied to either 4• of the two centre bars. To remove this handle after slinking is impossible until %t the grate bar has been returned to its I I G original position, flat and in place, without any of the cogs sticking up. The result is that the bars are always flat under the fire and that it is impossible for lumps ul coal todrop through and h� %.'asted. The Record G Triangular Grate can be en- lirelY r,nw%ed from without without Ipeng on stomach or bothering ith a hght. 131 4 Write for Catalogue. THE RECORD FOUNDRY a MACHINE CQ �roundriesat MONCTON,N.B G MONTREAL.PO-- Y G u The township of Hoy lids Again Wella iala��+7 •tiny".thread tucks, fluffy inf- s R. P I N D E R GOderich in the cos` of J:tine. ('oicln'ane note, 7 .Selling Agents three others for the return of certain taxes. The cos• arcme ower the linters it_ -__- award drain which pons's through the R / a 1 t 1 d 3 i l C. J. hARPER ' I Ark Brand Paint ; �cs�D to make the house-cleaning they neglarked NI do and the town- mar•. r . us. The lu,uluf+arturer" of these paints hjive• ship wets compelled to let the run - jest cro:40pletad a 1540111XIOnnl lit Toronto tracts still charge tilt- cost lip Irl their UI Junrtiml, which IN itself ,a golit andel. a+ tAaxes. 'lite plaintiff% paid the LIxes 6. mIt6 eA at nect.atltl sleeve -as by the most elan tuthrt{ual'liesofChcArk lhanduf fmjot. jam < chronleformsoftmonehixltrinblesAtid return. The trial took place at PLUMBING ed model. One tit the daintiest and %urieh ht Jane of last year and in R / HEATING Heptemler judgment writs given in iy ► ` , EAMESTROUGHING favor of the township with costs. - NUSOS1 EECTRIC WIRING The plaintiffs. however,apppealel, sulk. J 1 "REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS Ing for n reversal of the devi%inn or Gustatorial. A tourist ;v`;. at Lowest Prices. for it new trial. After senile delay tile- IOJ per ce.H. Dweb,lity• ".; ,._C. J. HARPER ppleAl wa. argued sit Utelerich 4091 the art THE RECORD FURNACE 1� Is fined with the improved Record i I i Triangular Grate -the most perfect fur- nace grate on the market. Of the four triangular grate bars, each bar is operated I by the use of a handle applied to either 4• of the two centre bars. To remove this handle after slinking is impossible until %t the grate bar has been returned to its I I G original position, flat and in place, without any of the cogs sticking up. The result is that the bars are always flat under the fire and that it is impossible for lumps ul coal todrop through and h� %.'asted. The Record G Triangular Grate can be en- lirelY r,nw%ed from without without Ipeng on stomach or bothering ith a hght. 131 4 Write for Catalogue. THE RECORD FOUNDRY a MACHINE CQ �roundriesat MONCTON,N.B G MONTREAL.PO-- Y G u The township of Hoy lids Again Wella iala��+7 •tiny".thread tucks, fluffy inf- s R. P I N D E R GOderich in the cos` of J:tine. ('oicln'ane note, 7 .Selling Agents three others for the return of certain taxes. The cos• arcme ower the linters it_ -__- award drain which pons's through the R / a 1 t 1 d 3 i l CLEANING IAtids of tilt. pinintitf+ and which I , shnalld he inaint,tined toy them. Thin to make the house-cleaning they neglarked NI do and the town- PrOceis thorough and aL the mole. time as light a t• y } ship wets compelled to let the run - EVERYTHING IN GROCERIES tracts still charge tilt- cost lip Irl their ooWlt 01-rlHrra O;GANUIY ; console, pernnnent and A ems resllt%, tAaxes. 'lite plaintiff% paid the LIxes 6. mIt6 eA at nect.atltl sleeve -as by the most elan under protest. &kill] then sued for their jam < chronleformsoftmonehixltrinblesAtid return. The trial took place at in sold by JR". Willson with the [sour ed model. One tit the daintiest and %urieh ht Jane of last year and in R / fund the money in cn1eP tale remedy Heptemler judgment writs given in iy ► ` , nous -tiny tucks and the crams joined favor of the township with costs. r g ---_---_-- The plaintiffs. however,apppealel, sulk. J 1 " Ing for n reversal of the devi%inn or Gustatorial. A tourist f knew murk, but he confessed x91 tic• for it new trial. After senile delay tile- moilonwl dPaire for further enlighten- s (irrnan village in the ppleAl wa. argued sit Utelerich 4091 the art and he ppropounded the question to his 1 til tilt., steel judgment reserved. 1 rounaellor: small girl Hl Honor Judge Holt has since given Auto Guot t " a e ty . t ! he "0[141. '•Oom divorce front hi" wife N --Anne Rho Its his . 11ecision diRmiAsing the appeal with _, to;gain in favor of the town- e r table anti ps'ol half et !" ship. -- - - -- divorer?"- July lAppincotes. BR0 CHIAL TROUBLES - Easy str el. Probably nothing tirklaR w tilt As long ars w nt;n Iivea he In x hent) r- wMlan mare than to sonerninter wn- Parnell's Bread KrAsslr.l I,v m.aha,ler), no sweaty 1 h.nd. lourh it in taanvfartur• ieg. I. I.AA in prrfedly .anitary eurrourdinaa. That mr.m. more than most People think. / It Clots M more thas _ tlwleaeeleanlykineL �\ Try lc. P . T. DE1i N YOUR POPULAR GROCER. AGLNT Readily Yield to Soothing. Healing P Tteatmdlt of Hyomei. ' I' s Bronchial lroubtl•s are purely -lent e 1 e They ming.cannot Is hrllrrl by at onlaeh `( ' 1; GRAY BUGGIES d doaain T11ey nm avulsed ht htitntion i / in lite air pasAAgen and ran Is- mlieve d y _ - till(] colred by medicated sir alone. in ° r- R P^' 4.i k, Ir re ay 3 i l CLEANING this ties the at-cret tit the Rrnxt Rue• I , cess of Hyomei In the treatment of to make the house-cleaning brot Is Al troubles. PrOceis thorough and aL the mole. time as light a t• y } The Not lire -nth of HynnuTs 1nedi- EVERYTHING IN GROCERIES e cAtMl air soothes the inflwmmation. flops the cough, and relief Rlxin Ire- ooWlt 01-rlHrra O;GANUIY ; console, pernnnent and A ems resllt%, fleseot the material and a bit of Lee Hy -o inei has made many remArk- at nect.atltl sleeve -as by the most elan wile cut" In the worst anti [mast orite motifs of ]see and embroidery' chronleformsoftmonehixltrinblesAtid and the intricate finings of site Import- in sold by JR". Willson with the [sour ed model. One tit the daintiest and L, iunralnte'e As he given when Hv-o•mei purchased for cRtarrh. that fa to re- rthati this year fund the money in cn1eP tale remedy ban no nth r trtiromingrbe bas no other trfmmhug than mnlUtl)dl- I dries not Rive RwtislfA^tion. The com- nous -tiny tucks and the crams joined Prete outfit crab hilt •Loft. 117 a.-nanoter beading. . _-. g ---_---_-- AMY VABNU14 A Distinction and a Different " He wwa ynung and thmight thpt he Gustatorial. A tourist f knew murk, but he confessed x91 tic• tfttmmer was p"_ng t�rrou(�h West moilonwl dPaire for further enlighten- s (irrnan village in the Inent. This time it wait w IfWAi point. recentlYe *hen a stout Oernutn girl and he ppropounded the question to his cwtur to t he front. door and called to a laying in front. 1 rounaellor: small girl "Mr. Js►rqueR, own w man get w Auto Guot t " a e ty . t ! he "0[141. '•Oom divorce front hi" wife N --Anne Rho Its in and cwt ytrilrteelf. Main on the 1 not religions? 1 read the tither day table anti ps'ol half et !" i% that Infidelity was w rause for -- - - -- divorer?"- July lAppincotes. There arks shill 111/rn11 vncant lotto elft - Easy str el. Probably nothing tirklaR w tilt As long ars w nt;n Iivea he In x hent) r- wMlan mare than to sonerninter wn- lona to the unti'rtaker. other wolltlan wll is tnteob tatter than Patience is w "A redld vitttu►-M bo reelt. 6"" , manufacturers of Gray L'uggivs tall 'I`IIT give pointers to all comers ill t1w building of an easy -running, handsomo anti durable rig. It is worth. while to see 1301111' of their latest models, ant I if you 'want to buy a Buggy you eannot do better than buy a Ural. I call Isupply you with a11V sti-le. .cr' •AGFNT FON McCormick Implements Melotte Separator McCormick Binder Twine Perrin Plows Brftntford Windmills Fleury Plows Robt. Wilson, HAMILiON til-. GODERILIl TwURIDAT, Jaly 4 , 1807 $ " `` The' reason the nveragoo [stir b oftaO futinu iNrtiathe pr)resstonal hluaor- ist is hecwusu he dt,esli t have to be. - New York Times. HOUSE CLEANING i IS NOW ON. (; ' tea, WE HAVE EVERY REQUISITE, to make the house-cleaning PrOceis thorough and aL the mole. time as light a t• y } task its possible. EVERYTHING IN GROCERIES pure and fresh. An)' ,ren numbered notion of IMmininn ST U RDV &' Cot The Square - 'Phone 9i H. Be BECKETT EMBALMER a, aro WUNERAL DIRECTOR Fnrnilure seek t-udrrlAkina wrmrs neo-. .� N%'wt aide 13puere. 'I'llVk'tt: :at ore al. 11a1erich llou-ea 178[il Nurht rut : At rwideoee, aur. Causbrie rain coed Nul.ou Street. :.. FLBROPHEY & SON -Toe LeADING- Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orden urfully attenu.d to at dl - - hours. a:lght ter day 'PHONE 15 oR 24 Wwroo toit tor. w'ert when you want (end Yard- (.[test and TILLHPer,'1• At nock square COAL ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND tfAll I old welothed on the market-aslea, where you s,•t .1.101 Ibis. for a ton. WM. LEE. 3 Orden, left at C. C. LN" Hardware Store •.J • IYt side Square. promatAv attended to. GUNllRY BROS.' Livery, lack - AND 'Bus Stables GOOD HORS CARRiAGE PHAETON B -RTC., AT - RF,AHONABLE -R A'.,E E3- Well-appointed Hacks and reli- able drivers In charge of fillet Buses, which will meet all train s anti steamboats ALL CALLM ATTENDED To PROMPTLY. FROM HOrlr911 AND PRIVATE HOU811 (SUNDRY BROS. SOUTH STRKKT PHONE fr 1R't ORO SYNOPSIS OF ' Canadian Northwest homestead Regulations." An)' ,ren numbered notion of IMmininn t?s� ,wnd- Ie Manitoba, aAiskatcleewl.n wnd Albert.. P excepting 14 slid •dt lint r•esen•ed. nuav is, hmne. - tl.Aderl by Ill.'s )a•r.on vi fee I. t h. d,• lewd of A family, or wry male rarer is year` nt ng,-. to the oe extent of •grlarter election of 1141 iv re-. more or le«. Kntrrq� must tile mode 1„t*onalh nt the torsi I oed iMlex for he dtarkt In w'hII the land 1. It •ate, - Tho hona.^.IAetdM 1% reynlred to twrform the Itlon- ronnrrted therewith under one of the following plan+: s Ile At leant -ix month.' re.iden,P olxm And d o-l.ltivatlon of Ile• land in each Year for three+ year.. 111 If the father mr nsother, if the father I.de m ,-Aar d, of 11"• horn, -toad Pr rr•.Ide- l. inn a tarn in the %leinlf y of Man Irmo r•ntrt.•d for the re w golrvm,nt- a- to r,.idetere Utas' ter .A,i.arsl 1 by vowlt lierson no tdlrta with tho father or healheri 1 Me If the .,tiler hat Ilk permanent rosidenre n pann Nrnilnlr Iwnd owned by him In the %ein- � ity,f hl. home+,t,Ad, the n. to zillremrnt. rr-Idrn,v may be Mti..Rnl by re.fidene ulm" s Ih, -AM lend. y Not month-' noticr in writing •hmild le��4• ren a to the t'olnrul.dol.er of Dominion IA It at Ottawa of Intention to apply for patent. „1 U. W. t •oRY. 1leputy of the Mini.ter of the Interior. V.N. 1'31 elborlrovl peblieatloa of rills ad %crtisement will not be prod tor. . ,.. ••,