HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-7-4, Page 1ENVELOPES More than 100,000 have arrived and art now on order. Thty are going fast these days. Wt print them at THE SIGNAL (718111111 ! ) i , flo" e b , V _ -. - - - - -- --- 7 n r [] `SIXTIKrH Y"R-No.31W GODERICH, ON rAR10, NEW SUBSCRIBERS may have The Signal for the remainder of 1807 for 35 cents. Z 11 _ =l CANADA: JULY •1, 190 I0T VANATTXR t RUaxRTWN. Pveuaasar' --- -- - ----- ---- - - - - --- - FinaIIelal LOCAL Op ( Ilww. Mich., unit \lisp Amelia Durst, board *tell the inspector of his eluding remarks he maid hP' »d during NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ---July 4th TOPICS. w. • I ief New York Ht»t+•, urs siaters. Kae- riding and report at next meeting. his term yw parlor disrharged his -- --_- - "• _ hider het• husband Nrs. Wil+wn lee►vem The servetary waw all thorbsd tie duty in the fear of thiel, tll'•n¢h often page k t 1• I h 1 1 t 1 1 1 Seven It4r Houvoilm llsila I\aMR.* Fair i Drowned at Port Huron. (ioderich friends learn isii•ith deep re- ggmt of the doath by drowning of Jobn A. Clendenning for ierly of Dr. Malr+r's dental office arid bate of Port Huron. Him death occurred at Port Huron on Dominion Day and the remAiu► are being brought here for interment thin afternoon. The uung roan was only in his twenty-fourth year and wAm enure itd to a young lady flow London. Rev. J. S. Denim Wedded. On Tuesday, June 26th, at 178 Wil- ton Avetiue, Toronto, Rev. J. S. Dismiss, of Alsfelelt, formerly of Ben• tr. ifler, WAN married to Miss Sophin FirtLer, of Fljiewoo d. Rev. D. H. Wing pertorweel the ceremony. Mitis Tulles•k wait. maid of honor; Mian Clara Damm, of Almfeldt. eister of lire ggnaw, WAN bridrsmuid• and Will. toners, of Toreent), wags gr«)unman. f • Med j/ OR SALE. Iy STORY 11OU81 11 ' nn Anicle•t•w .tnvl, li .tory hou.e of Naples imel,' j mttery houme on NAper Areal near Cat holle c licit. II •tory hour on felgl avenue, 1 -tory line, -e• nth Kew>'. Ion 1 1 -tM lion's nn Vlct"rlw street. 1 story brick lino., I Arlt fond. w hamissio, brick Ywrd In colborn. ncr Ieunrllle4 w I ,.,did investment for Area with small mllp tAl. Flarnls for style In An part of nron county. Yol'NU k ItlllFR1 Sr1H (Foderich Ont AN F.XCELLKNT FARM F O 1 RALC-Moneremin ).'eat Wetwwnosh.tw males from Auburn: dolt a clay Nxerd, ).Mut 11 Me. "older c"lUv.titnu tied 3' to p0 wen timber. A well rad two ngs of water, new town" dwelling, w ldern, mtabe an drl,-In` shat. Apply w 'OCNU t KUBF:N1 tiON 8oderich THE STERLING BANK OF LANAI )A Haan Or•rlCIt . ToKoN To AUTROAIZRf CArITAn., 11,frlujol I iNCORPORATKI) rel' SPM'IAI, ACC or iisomwIUN PARLIAMRNT TU REC Ki V F. DEPOSITS To accommodate the Farmers we have opened Stanches in the villages of DUNGANNON, AUBURN, VARNA and BAYFIELD. We solicit the Patronage of this FAIaMRR. amt% N(YrZA DBm'fl'NTSD. SAVINGS BANK AMOVXT opened by deponit of gl.(\), intupat at .3' compound- ed quart.rly i )IIIA ICH BRANCH A. O. OAMRIA. Manneer. 0 Public Notice t- 11yaq . - 1"de . ` 41-1­ 1 ,1F:ALED TENDERS ADDRFSSFi) k) to i bee undemigned. and endormod "Tender for Walkerton Armoury. will be receival at thin ofiloe mill Friday. Jul 12, Poor. Inch- Ice)y tot, Use "on-trmM Into of tin ocrmon" at Walkerton. Onl., .urording I" plan. and -M"i nevotion- to M soon on Application to the care. tAker ofthe sold office at Walkerton. arm. ret the f4partment of Public Worlm (BIAw-A. Tender will not he con-idemd unled, made on the printal for" sup elle . And dgnal with the M•tual mirrnaore- of tenderer". An .Ircpted chegne on a chartered bank. eyatile to the order of the Honorable the . int+ter of Public work., aluAl to ten ter rent. of the amount of tender IIA 1. must ar•mrmpnnpp ~-h tender. The che,11ue will be forfeited If the, lwn,on tendering det]lm` the Contract or fall to cmnpletc the wank a ont meted for. and ,till be returned In raw of non-Aceeptwtso at tender. The l o,lart mens do" net blood Itself to w- erster. i, Ow',`.t Or AA I mor ,t Ili I Y 1 Hy order. F'Itk11. UELINAS, em 9 Ary. Uepgrtnlenl of 11ohlic Work-. Ottawa. June V. 111117. New•efNn rex will no. be paid for Ihb meth sort - 1-ennent 1 they Inmert H w•Ithomt Authority from the Department. ---_,-YvYM- BRITISH AMP1lI1('AN lll'SINFSS (•OI,LF0E T. M. (. A. Building, Tnronto The meh,ol Ihar M1rire. the Mont ho.lt,~ and d.orthand train fig. sewiml rete for the Anmmcr Trrm. Privilege -ref Y. M. C. A. fres 10 nor mt lidenh,, limp lard for cAlw- Income. T. M. N'tew,t. Principal r 11U11IEISTUDY .\].PLIED In one er mare of the • •pl.ndkl mond" given by the #thaw ( MTm"{x,,xl.n.m Ss-hoel, Tomato, will h.1p ymu to lag Use things In any walk ret llfP. l,a. nP .end Toll Per tlrolar tt. .mow h.l pi ng Mmdr.d. Of .t Qitlt- 1=31'. May w0 not wed /fol f (lip 94L sawn name and trail n.. Name .. ..................* . .'f..... Add I.. ... ....... . ---NOtlOe- -- A PTFROLOW- SACRED 8ON( t 1erY(ar, Sonday, erenll.. July 7th. P• o'cloclt- pWnn Hotel Oodetl -h. All are we, o01M. drlr./sn (elle. r _ WANTING BOAR t)ARTiRS r apps)I to MRS. D. CAMF,RON. Brock S M" Atatbn, -.- - -- II Notice to Credtors, OTII'F TO OREDITORM.-AL 1 pownnx havens account, agAinxt the tat m. Burrows, meet merchant. Ogderieh, a e'e.loe-ted to gems theta In, duly v,-rined. n, liter than July silt, I007, After whtch date Account. will 1e rY.wRnlxed by Ihe,dddle. THIM4, Bt-HWAYS 1 Fxa•ntn It R t•. MI'NNINUS I Aldi CENTRAL MMAM8111 LINT salt. KING EDWAK 4ANDI'SKY,T(9")-IeAI'I.TSTF. MARI )lvlsloN Between Aaiudusk)•I Toledo, petro and Sault Ate. Marie and inter- medlwte pe)into, will leave O(xletich list follows: Roulthhound - III)A.m. Wiodnew Northbound - R::s1 p.m. Friday * eather Perndttlnor WM. LKE. Local Agent. T. J. KKN-4KI)Y. Manager, Aawlt St arN,fh.t. -_____ 8TA -COLE LINE STIR. URON A 1'I.T MAHIF. ]Oil A 11lC11., Via North ohaamel, O,argout pay. TrltdnAY, at R p. m. Ff)R MORT HI:HON, DICI•ROIT. TOLKim arA CI.RVELAND. AAT(-gnAY, 7:71 a. m. I WILLIAM LCK legal Ars"1. It. MAXWIUJ. ' TrMlc Manager. IA+In ot. Mi, h.. A fertility of five Mous And three dough- a ivertuw• for w teat•her to to r " ) , Ir ,►t r ev to " low 1 e• love • • Leers, : rheredor', at house : Otter and the entrance class for the X11`101 of Ood, rend hr haul w•vu how amid •U)wh to" the 14•ason -point F'a►ul Summer 1'xltrr, in Minnealt»: l:harlre in testes. It war moved by f(. H, teal•xandtribulationsthrlwwv,)fUtxl "Ort _ ............. _.t Duluth, and Arthur, At house; jlias Cult that Lilt, offer of H. Orr to sell had dwelt in FAMIP muemleer'm of bib Core- , 1iu11a IAwn- Hodgrns Itrom ................. i i.,uust, in Toronto ; Mims Lily, whtx)l his 44noprrrty ou hgin Avenue leaide gregation. He lieu] prized the friend- Fail To l Follett Ho,dritY•e College, Toronto 9 teacher in Goderiell township, and tit. i)av id's ward school for Ol,lak) his mobil) of the Nova street girls, haul tried t, Auuuuer Toprol Itelsort. F. F. IAwreuoe... 3 Mias Pearl, ret house. The delayed steel,{ofd. The motion warMe•onded will the liffectlon of tilt• )••ping men Cornfurtiale M.1'Mmrnerkgw.Henmlteerr WAN ri native it( \Vaterloo county. iry ll. F. Ho)dgrns and war curried and young women in the mud...... and Superior Kxprem, CAeladn Northers........ s war married in Uultorne township. umwimuump to prize the feltot\•xhip of the/ homes of SDerlal Ask 'l'. c, les ...................... i '} Y• flit• con Iw Atloll alloV0 All, be had Iteader -('. P. B .................. ..... ...... s and atter living there for w "'up K K nu,vtel to Gtelerlch townbbip. She The Late Goo. W. Thomson. drrird'to re•e retest rend women mAete worth of Coolfhe"w- w'altw C. Peidham Y was in her sixtieth vrar, On SnttirlAy afternoon'thr reternins one with Christ. At tin- conclusion of AI•ex'ialtie+ J. H. Colborne .................... 4 ()f the late liter. W. Thomann. whoop the service the (•hills• Marg the hymn, streamer Huron -Star -('ole tone ............. 1 George Acheson's Sudden Death. death wall recorded in our IAst imbue, is (toil lie with you till we meet again." Hwtery Millnr'n Scotch Store ... .. .. 7 it waw not expected that Ge(orp(r were laid lie their testing place in Mr. (Imboam #tied hill family leftyebter• Tran. -Canada, Wmtted-Jx lard. C.•P S Acheson would recover toll)• fruit) the Maitland ceslewry. The funeral took day for Chatham, where he is now Agent . . ........ ....................... a illness which (-sine upelti him some plate•,• from the tautly residence and rtalioned. Itev. It Millyard, the new Santo Aermlnable (loads -S. 16 8.......... g weeks ago, but his sudden death on ... largely Attended. rhe useful)."" potittor of Victoria street, will occupy Shirtw,da. Worthy of Notloe- sl6 n Stomil.. 6 Tuesday Afternoon wdw a surprise and of \triple lAutf Lodge. A. O. U. \V., o} the pulpit next Sunder. Announornsent-J. H. Werrwell .............. 1 mhock G) All. Hr had leer, apparently which the deceaseri WAN a prominent gaining strength for MMse days hnd menilor. And repremeintatives from . wits Able G) walk About a little at his neighboring lolgem of the rulne Order PER`UONAL MENTION. ECHOES OF DOMINION DAY. residence, but shortly after dinner on were prPWIIL in It body, And at the -- _- Tuemiwy he expirsi muddenly and grave alar burial service of the Order Mas Lewin ke at pent visiting in towel. A, ppIPlatixnt Incident occurtwl on without warning. Heart failure was was observed. Rev. Jxmw. Hamilton Ile. Alreng )ark w tell) to Toronto da the MomtAy evening. Before Adin tie the ea ow. of death. Mr. Acheson was »nit Rev. Dr. McLean were the ofticiett- woe k. the A riculturct Park to take R in one of our roost prominent citizens. ingelergvmen. The pallheateres were N . Klliolt w•a- up front St. Mary" for the R part h. being largely istereuted in many of rix Workmen: Wm. ('six, \Von. H. bell, the evening proceedings. the Hlgof the• town'). indu.0 ial enterprises Goods Thor. Tilt, H. J. Norris, lino. Ho.. Memomhor n -Chir ext honest Ian wo" landelw, accompanied by the hand of frau. Nvw York. file :tied Regiment; marched down ,and loping tire, owner of a IArW WmAtt and %%'nu. Blesike. PA. Cox. of Chica6p, i. vi.itiner Ido mother. West street to the Park House to amount of real estAte tie the town. A The late George W. Thoulwm was Mr.. U.orge Cox. salute Mr. J. J. Wright, resident of further reference to ilia dri-,mew will horn in the year I8141 at PArtiek, Mi. -Massae Baxter i• hone from chicaKu r top made in thew coluentls,,next wcek. Scotland. +std while a very yyoung on a holiday vi.lt. the 'HIS VrtrranA A,eN1etlUn. When Therfuneral will lake place. tomorrow child crime lie this counts); lvith hl" Mi,- Hing Thonhpnon, tet Lucknow, IN +Idting Mr. Wri1(ht appeared ]'apt. Mclwren bon - afternoon fonts North street Metho• p)trrnU, who mrttlerl in the township In town for a fort niaht. naked his men to take off their dixt church, where- a service will Ire of Adelaide, Midd •x count ML+ lira t Atreng rex+ returned from heal And give the veteran did three Y• MitrMdl for the ctiuxt to,,. hearty cheer", which the did with x held at 2::d1) (T'clock. When it young• clean he went into MINK Loudse Ma --m, wa- n from Toronto busineds xt. St rathroy Alto) In 1873 1' will. At the conclusion o the drmon- Death of Alexander McIntosh. ,0, for .,feral day+ the Ia.t week. Ntration Mr. Wright eta entree tl G,elrri(-b, where h hxtl miner Mn.. Klrkbrtd• and awugnlrr. 31rw I,ogwn K pped forward On Tue.detvafternoon. the remains of tern in buaiturs". Before•l•Qntinp[ to evelwt•Bntonvwtor.h.-]week. 'end in A neat speech returned him the late Ale"roder4lclhleah, eldestoon M' hearty thanks for the compliment. Uoderich hr was nutn•Ir.l dei ler \I h.-l'Iwritr )Althwnhe A:I. reh.nu"1 from of Mrs. Willintna Nc.Int)rh, Flt. David's Antrie Flhieldm, of Wtmrlstuck, 'w Iso the M0sonald In., Itnlr, Uuelph, pLrd hills and throtifis him to his old rtl*et, were Interred] in Maitland come- hurvive+a him. w•it h a Tamil of t w ; The Miaees lllhwrine no.l Julies ars( Mater comrades of 'laS. ••1 think we are re- try Al r. Mclnttmoh, who was Hato Mirs Jrrxir of li,•rlin : ►N. Fr nk Norman Leww have rot arti d to town. duced to itbmmt a linker's dozen," acid Y Mias K. Ahrens of Berlin, i. the ere.t of Mr.. three ytiarr of age, tied in Toronto NVyif1 t, of Hrarlrfonl, and JAlllee K. Nr. Wright, ••and I mhall have much get T. T. leeks,. St. lNr1A's tree(, til week pleasure in conveying to them an tic. on Huntley evening. let►ving lir wife of toAn. H.* is Nurvilerl alMp by til Harry Pa+unoro, of ,t. Loui- I- .mending P )' R and two soon fwd two shot etN t() brothers: James. of Il,weanlont, holidays, here did with ht.+mot her eemate," count of the kind courtesy you have mourn his departure. The dzz.A ; North I1:tkola : Malcolm. on the old ' MIs. Lynda, Sturdyt.. nding her vacation ('*tended on their behalf, anti I know P• had been it rondu(-t)r ou the Grand huloeatr,od in Adelnitle, and Dr. vi+.)tinK riend- at A "Ind -ter and Au)hemtburm. they will appreciate the honor you Trunk Railway for about thirty-five Itoetert. of Hrookdale. Man. His T:, H. Brownlee, the c,pwhle princRal of have- shown its. 1 again thank you." list)llyld public school, wry in tuwu o" Aatur yearn and for souls time had bestial Is hrothrr, .lasses and \letl(-uflti war.- (I.) While the weather did not inter. Charge of a rFt oitese Iger train `.beetwe•en prem•Ilt at the funeral. TbV def -tied Th. Basses Elizabeth and Irene Achraou left ft•le to ally extent with the carrying Toronto Arid SArriin. Mrs. (;ham. A. was one of the best-known and Isost Tuc-dAy'\morniux .on a trip to the Pirinc out of the program it prohwhly kept Reid, of tower. ill a sister, A!} 11 4'harles highly ewteremed Lusin~ 'lien of the "I'm"t• ` many away who would otherwise have McIntosh. of Chicago. x bttllder'pft he town, and the newly of his death was 1, w'. Mskin, wife and ion, of Lethbridge, cufue to (loderich for the day. There de•cra". 'rhe latter wool here tot• the rrr•eivevl with sincere n•gret by x Alta are vi e`ttrlg at the reAden.e of J. C. wait a drizzling rain daring a great funeral. which took place from the multitude of friend, in town find D• Mequareh.. of Crani,rook. w•a- ill town Part of the morning. in the after- residenre of C. A. Reid, St. D,to'ki s country. Mr. Thomson was me menu- over tis+ Widay voting hl. -ou, AUool Mi noon the clouds cleared away and the " street. Her. G. N. Hazen officiating. her of the Preshyteritan church And in 4rarrie. still cattle out vood and hot. The funeral wxq under N»Mndc nus:, politics WAS is mtlaunch supporter of Theis. 01telu). ur A•thfield, I--wn,linm a few Secretary Collor worked hard and IIPI'x and six IIIe1n1eM of the matt day• In towel and mad.• a piossm ants call on The t the Liberal party. miataltoday, (such of the mucceas of the celebration re acted As llloarer+e-(iet). Onahxns. Mr. nese Mex• JA-. Ito.,.. of F: a+t A:yt inn)., w;Gt due to his efforts in preparation A. S»ultss F. F. Lawrence, W. D. Tyr, Mich.. Aro Yltitlnic Mr. Ito.,,•' parent-. . r. aad for the day. Chanter Farrow itself T. fAing. LOCAL TOPICStT IN BRIEF. Mr.. i" III. R- , MI -- Mee Hyde, of HRntlltop, w,w the igu,+.l { neidrnt McKim and his xesYciater Seventy Years at the Plow. 1\ourr cf-Itor* will and Wilmer Anoilh'- of Mn. McF'ar ane. Britannia met. Roe lo few on the celebration committee Are w funlirpn+ RMt are -tore Vquaitern for day- the pawl week. Ir• congratulat,ed upon the very rati- 1 AIn()Ug the Ylait()tw who PrtjUyestl -ou vonr. of Goderich and ell masse of fancy The Mb, -e. Alio(- and Chico Shaman arrival tying outcome of itheir effort•. K The Dominion Day in O(derich was our work lots[ Art .uppue-• mi Monday (ton, A-lootchewan end will -tend brio in of the Rist Highlanders to •ow. K K o1 l'Rl1 x null in Ifkr -.tidier" In nett tent- r -. w cr w R old friend John Buchanan. Thr r 1 1 Ili U n lie town. r 11 fel ie g Y n who• in his ei ty-fifth years is line of forest- to of trots t . rrnw•d of 31st"eer., and Mr., ( arleton Iw. rented nes eottweto ton n town wits an experiment which some (here I. notions like F. J. 1'U, ham'. nally month to Mr. Taker and has thou h Ihr nuiet bptr frit yomlg IpRuwe in the too, orinx to At,r set N crowd of wovlimser- tone to l'llnton K t would ie too costly, but couietry. On Lhr Itth of Iaat ua()tith .After all the o rnly cxpn•wd admiration tot o, Iyer rum then+. entergain it i lis been demonstrated anks o that The hr completed a retold which hers not the Killie. I Ituy F. BMw•tt len 5Yah1e+A. per ser enterprise e, Kinet Kdw•anl, fur a two woe w VI' It wltl. A • The thanks tit the f save the young lathe- of Uistrr'rh P pays. often bees rgmallell ap/l of which any the latter will *%'rely hn%e enough ,oneea I., friend. In Poll Huron. low" Are due to you, gentlemen 1 a man might he proud. On that dery he ha,,their fair feottoi w recnrdmt at We ph.tA graphri' It. R. "Bows for arti.Lic work. Mr-. Tl'o . Miller and two children, of Fist Till' Highlander took the town br The plower for the MYE IILIPah conmr utive Thr land w 1 eve w n am on rnaw•Mich..are visiUrt6tla rady 7t'Pronim. mtorni. year. And although he thinks it i4 1j R p tRf Mr. est Moa. I H. Rosea. r f< the Mguxre this iThurwdryl evening. W. m. Ism•, toarri.ter. of Sit. Catheane,, i. If the laddiem front Hamilton erre as f xlrnrt time to gent he is Iplfctwl hi The Clinton Motivation Arm hand spending a week IT, town vimlUna hid parent.. If in the paofmission of war am think -that lir plowing days ore all Y a1r.rml MmWiu. IArm•. they showed themeelve,t t) to in the Mrs. in the Peet. n the vrar 114{5 hr Pnue ups ter GerlArieh on Dominion Mr. arms Mr.. Juno L,tw+ o. nr t1rl.11rou. rr)tlr arta of n helped to sow the round where the I)Av• "pentl)doodulon Isar in town. Mr-. latw,.on i. K peace, they foist ►o» Ir t 1 K remd"1 len• fora w,ek ,m two. terror to the enemy on the field of Square in Glrlthat is ItOt errehittrho One of M. A. Pigott k Cs m Italian ArthurgMclean. Idle of Thom+on'. dlnm 'little. And he telietee that two othe►w who laborer* hart n Hngeet thiq horning, "aro, has gusto to HRmdllo i. where he I- mow Kolar e.f 1 he visitingmoldiers said Neal"t(d ill that work Are still living-- getting it caught in 'the cogs of w ployed with a doholeaale drug arm. 1 Joseph Halkeld, now (Of Slrwtforl, need cement-►nixer. romjrlinuentary things of the ABrd 41 Mrs. Hale retrsrnal i. Toberto from al" lie Invent insured. Some d» we ,hall g William Fxirrervice. I( he can get An important mPeligg'pf the Gld• terxlh,gha•rdnv6hter. Mr Ilolrrt-nn. wb,lae k Y q into communication with 1heM• two erich Horticultural So riety will lose held death occurred .I CbicaKo un the 27th au, wa 1• Ill) the fACI that we have t vet•raiee n[ the plow, hr Proposes that oro Saturday evening ret H. -IN) n4,lr:k. Mm. Ir. Miller. drrompludal by Olxdy. right do lir town une of the have is the meet at the lowest match to le RKnight. Mitt for the West on w.dnewday us)rn- Irinds in the mince outaide of the plowing All inenilolw ere regllested ti attend. ins. their deetination being Ccgrerllle..\Ita• track cit laandrl,. behl ret Clinton next tall, #tied it it call Orange denlonetrwtious w 11 he held Rev. It. Millyard, paxtor or victoria tenet Y e le arranged it will he a notable mere] ,in the 12th of July to this district wt Merril l . ehun•h, arrived In town on W«Ina. Goderich has, re-established 1(d riF des. a wa. Isconq"anlel by h4 wife and reputation as the Dominion Dar t Ing. Lu -know and Blyth, The Otedarieh mon. centre for this rt of the Province, e An Afterglow Service. lodge will take kart in the denonaterm. Mr+. Kaon Ahrn.on. w)Io ha- Mrn hl Tonna. burin the nsidsummrr lenwem, let,- tion aL St. Marys. rrthepe,-i winter, nrrr'rest home Int- work. What, shall we may of Capt. Me• She Nld of O red ..r In Ibtroll to clsit her lough- Laren ! Handenme in ,form and e ginning 8lmdwy evening. July 7th, at The mte»mer Huron tins commenced, ler. Mf w Carrie. twaring• the Mosldter every\inch of him es ?40) li clopk an informal. 11acr d hour its gmnmer mailings from Cleveland t/ Mem. Arnmur anachlldreu.uf W,xml.t,N'k, etre irlit withal kind) elan etoq Ana f. litre Mons. Armour'„ mother, •r \\' Ya K tet , Mn ,.I on Sons colli n iexlPrich lrwnd t v'r lose held wu:h week in the m n t M)e- mervice P will K R wit G 7"at.terr Mr. t rrleric t G Arnmur waw u, f r -.•ce ,. b ie proud o , 1 ) . old W Ins 1 blit p r the pArlorw ()f the Hotel Goderich. north. on Tuemlaym tit 10 p. rel. and, ddy-durluK the week. era .one of her own poor. He! and Air The music will Ise directed by Mimm bound Month, on M»ttirdays at 7::N) Mn. It. C"rnitherx and MI.. M. Bernardi, of Highland lads will toe remembered for a1ep Teoy x Llalrntell pbuuiat of llrtroit, a. in. Stmtford, after. iending w few stay. with Mr'• many » day in ronnectitm with one of Nicht n, who has alta() Arran Pel tar a IT. }ell. Ctrl marc. -lou. U.derie i Iuwn.hll,, N . •iigan, who h Alan t nvxfor A Iandglide ew:curnd vPmterelay in the retuned w Stratford on Tuad•v. Oaelerieli'm brightest reil•letter days. pet G. &,(.. Stailway line neer where the Olivertthynn., who ha. )eeu %Wittig hs i Ili, "The bonnets and fotthe" and it• I. enjoyment#4 the evenings, and the steam shovel is at work. Several tidally f6r the ya.t couppto of week+, miurnal tering gear' of the lit t j,ps, p n crit• gpIseeine will le renderers by 1lfp11PPt. thUllgrirtd yards; (1f earth came down to Brant fn on T,, -"lay. He wme a,mm wit ThP resident and visitingg IM41111P of (,,fee the- upper part of the hank and Pxnllst tin hh return by Mr*. Rhyn.w. IIufL dimplmy, They delighted the (iodPrich are mewed corliwlly inritirl shifted the sum track a little. Mrs. Willmen ermy Thonllwan will rece1% eyem of every %cot, while the pipers p)ixat for the nml tauY1 mime her n.arrlRge on Wed. tickled him right f tie attend And lend their anpplrt In M. H. Lloyd, of MP ofninee, Mich., nasday. JuIY 1(0. at a New` nie .(root, and R down W his toes. N establishingthe• Ieaeltut cteatool of a Afterward. the n t TurwlAy of the month. The Hamilton Times of Tuegda P the beast of the momP lnr contrnllinK s y I sacred evening hour wt the hotel. A the Goderich Wheel RI a, I,imitd, wool. r: nto it l the Tdward,l HI h r'Plsrrtlrl : 'The torr conrpanlem of the K School. Toronto. n 1 Frwuk F:A ward, t)1 t group tet recit,al.+• cunlpriting illrth II r rich Highlanders which went to returned qua+, in fawn last week and on Friday Chalhdm high a•hoet, worn. among alias• who e classical and popular mimic given by afternoon het the town council And mi arnel to town In tIhie for the uelebration am rich on Saturday afternoon twtutnPd visiting Artists, t ales, being arranged the I,lt+t. horn thin inorning At H fetlock, fill in, IieinTd of Trade tcrr An informal fust. The boys for weekly a loom o inmencm ,and thin Mr Lloyd Ave ,taatlrAnre that the Yr use A e -t. u who M" ,.*Pretty returned Y had the town pretty touch With other form" ret atmlmetitent dur- work here will now to pieshed ahead i e K h yi, rnri'..n w f loarn kl(lll l o is wl wti11 to thf-ollo Plvelr all the. time they were Ing rhe ammeter er will be offered to this Mt that the factory may le in oilier& Ie in the beat ollke in Tokonlo. mole visited there• and there were no complaints resident people and out -of: town gnentst tion At the earliest hla parents In town over Awlsl r. to nt#tkr regarding their trPxtment it plseiblr dote.' the citizen i of Gerder•tch, Nhuuld they care to avail Conlon Ne* Kt).: The oM`friend of Mr. s, as It was Hrmt-class," W"1, thrintoelven of the privilege of high- R. R. Mallows has returned front #Ln Harey lid -Role, bortoter, forea0y n( Clinton, -__ I- clamp Pntertriifmnnts. Interesting trip to tire Provinep of will le glad to loom IMtheat "M", 5a• l"I down uPhrc. He spent x week iu Ilerthier m the realltlem of lots In \1'1nil , and M ANNOUNOEMENTB. 11 ar doing well ; I• eneldored by the F'((,N1erHwmll- C. P. R. Opening. county, exat of Montreal, And toctk It ton most estnte firm, to do their eonrvywnrlrg, - Unelph Mercury: It is now said the large numlor of viewto which he will and 1. alas pr iisoing to pr . ht- exatulnatloel No. t: Wire fencing at crwut At Wln(• U. kU. RAilwA • will not lee opened to lisp in the large trete for thin clamor of at U.r Mnnitolmo bar. ablest Ion ncrPsi arr In MKLI:A hardware, T bon r'R onter that hr may wacti.c in the , ^a iota Blyth un Dominion Day, aA wntici- work which is now (-outing to hint rimrt.. Nine lawn mowers at cont At Wt",, Q potted, bort alenit the Bth of the month. from the Canadian cities, from the Mr. and Mr-. ►rank Hmmnlmhd. of PRris, mltl.i:m hardware. 4' An official high in authority in re- States aa6d even tram (event, Britain. wrrhal list town by Automoblle" ml Aaturday Ekren drxim And windows cheatM I remained hen until Tue"day morning, the gpongiM. for the gtfiternnt that it He found wotitP beautiful hits of sue -t -ref Mr. and Mr+, S. E. Hick. 7'h• left ret ,it Wo(WKLL'w bantam«. will lie ready for o rnl ion to Goode- country And AIM) Point' gtieint and Parl- at "::n Sao utility morrnnx and omntnK by Pulp PariA Green and ling Death rich in six weekm. This meanot that it pietureMpme scenes during hie week's any et Wot)1-Intek sutteet hem heo"Im a cheapest At Woluml. 'fr'hairdwwre. should to open for traffic to the bake M)journ in the bull the habitant. oc k In til.• aftcotnow, Aster eotering title d hundred mllc., with n few .hort top+ on the Tly a battle ft lair BIIRAIo Feng i, by the middle of Atigunt, or, lit latent, -------- way. Mr. Hauumund - nmcMae I. a Castilla, Killer At lFic. r battle. Mute kill. c LhP leginning of tirpte+nller. The renAMul. ton' ;e ('. P. R. mite time ager contrneled for CHUROH NOTE. ernal had a destwnnt call n IAnnlnlon If W T1IUMN/rN'A Drtg Store. The AI 1 Q t - 11 fronh w', S, Irinl1l1imors, mandim not ,dour of The Jtnnllal anlen party under the To the Plit intent, ravel• tale ")all of ,t The Michigan Pr•11Ilyterian of ne- TheSrralford Hemld. who xw.pending ,odny arm iceq of flip Lwrlies' ntilhon nuelu•lm of wh4nt tnttn Gorlp• or two tin Iewn. ivy ngmnfel by hi. an, P Guild of M. cent date crrntaind w dotatled reference• Ile. rich in Angiext. While the Clerks' newmila Mr. nso, Wes f- one of the la•adhsit (ier)rgul 2rAh h will he held M Thur). to the work ()f Fort. Wayne Presby• 1mw•slap+r men d/ Western Onlwrto rend I. retest da July filth. Mrs. C. ('. M()rriNon, _ Aum cation, ;tied the Board of Trade, Y• ' terinn (-lion h, i>Pt")if, of which Rea', Ar pm,telitmmitfo ti,"•u pant w rM Ln IM• rfty I'll '. who In ecru tin (1. F. l'arey't reel - in turn, recently mpokp of nr•rar►ging his s h lolsomlfin I ow he nao11-ta to ."'I'll In PY R J. Ure Stewart, Mm of Mr. ,wit Mrs. P to eelebtate the opening. it is the"hoiion.And.unrx.t."-"b.fanudla+hadnw kin l for the q,I,,of bee veru • N n JwfneN trwarr f this )w in t n the ., nm he d.A•„ I+ aucthin w r dual un g dont Nix]. Gurl h Mu iral Society who will lie kindly oftrrwll the nae of the grnunrfm pP PANGrr. The installation M•rvirP to k Jtimdm Then.on, Of lewroan,ont, North DA. for the occasion and the event will I aajor od to run the first PgcurAion• palace on May IHth, and, soya the Me,- koot, who wa" raved hem lin"r week In' the accoldin l he held them. *for `Vidrman mese the hevPsenrq Count, "it WAN avery happy emxwion depth of ht. hmther, the late tenors•• 5Y, g strrangrrhrnts with the' C. 1 . It, dill• and noel long to tit+, remembered. Ttiemsion, oa moulltdne tit town tti renew nM - ): trice. a )Naenger ago,nCe gifire +a year 1 Perquaintamrshl{ma of him fonner ra,lAem•e How'! Th1sY eapecially as it im the first. chnrge of here. Althongh he hold over three+laarter+ 1N and n half )Igo, and r•••ent inquiry the first pAat)r of this church, but aMilt prytolit •craut, bei" hearty and vl Nhowis that it m1ill holly floored. The h on, and A. Met It In every er"^ floe (rml one hundred dollar+ teemed for an it IP nine mons 4 old." err w'ay ad inner mal rale of cwaereh that cannot M cnrYsl by Hafly OI'gAnlZall()11 f'xpe.ta Gs rllh n4)Ilnn"tPr fifteen )'ear* )'ounn6er. 11 I+n KaNrl unary tear+ CNlarrh ('nn•. The• m•rvice at North street Meth- ince he left Ondrrlrn. Ma he rorninc a warn, F'. .I, rHF:NF:Y R 1 U., Tsolemto.'1. terW uie and to contribute atothe either mon• interest mon the nM btwu "nit It- affair..nd terttinnsene of the ,mall At the ()flier t1/ligErhnrch ()n Mond#t) Horning wad wo, the a i,h-" gned have known F. J. 1st charge of the Yl)mla m:hol, 1C strafe, "1 ,Y 9nlpmvMepaenl. whirh hate taken 'beney for the snit LS year., Most hollwye him End, hilt lhPur la 'n() rewlafn welly the 1'R Y plMce•, Thome, Who know hint in furrier days perfertly honorable In all ha+lno • trwnaactlemw sy Ho»n1m of Trade here and At Hlelrrich being the normal Flower Munday. The tilt phased to have him common must+ m"onK•t and Memorially able to .•pry elft any obuga• "hould not go ahead with it program. y them. -_ _.___ InP1I11eI'N of til. Mlltldw m•hrr11 pat to• tion. retests b rel. ern,. aher in the epnt.r• of Ill• r•hrets•h, and t 'u• ion,,. Klsv nc k M.tatts, Nothing r•oHld.le more appropriate. Wholn+dle Dnlggo-t-, T.Imlb, f1. ower" were everywhere in evidence Sbrdid Always. Hall'm Catarrh ('ore 1. take" internally. e. Public School Board. AddlegAPA were given by the ppantor• There aur M)laP roprOsionot who take A meting directly upon the bleed nh.1 murys. Rev. (i. N. Hagen• and Rev, B. ('1Pslent mnrtaren of the "r"tem. Tr,tlmtm1,c6.ent bee: The monthly ineeting of .thPf public sonlid, litililorhen view of everything. Prti-e7.5mint. prleNtle. Auld nlnlldrngd.ts. arhox,l Mmrl was held con Tu.Mlay wt)d A PleadIng trnture tot the n111ti1rNl Including the as`hie•tpmentd of science. Take HAIL. Fnmaly full- te,r ,"m•Alpatlo,. evenin Irrsent MPssrq. ('rwigiP, pOrtiml of the service wan the "inFing A pitItli it -41 citizen who waw try, - g of w h ranh., He iuv.q Me So,' h r ('tett. TI„ gens. Is..ean, Platt ,end Y inp to tela• funelq tAs A\dills A Well- DIED. Saunders. I'hI• .peretwry'N stalrflellt trip. could girls, Edna PrMham, irl m known Arrtie Px IorPr in fitting out WILMON. -In a«detirh tn,si,-h ., nn Frldw , showed Pwculovltq for Jrenp ref llnrX.71, Price and L(Illnn IS(Iwwrd. in •flhr NII expedition for Polatrea.arch cwlhxl Jnne Ith. rn«n• Illlhl, alts ret rater l+. W Iro .Yl r* n« n Rev. B. Clement I r,. a 1 Par• w. , fit r G er t wddneree sea .A mon o ) r for the 7 :i 'd r tl„ti t awl moo late f t year til .fAi. a . ]upon w wealthy ).nod merchant and The matter of re abs to Sr., Andrew•'m the school. At the evening the Mc j;, 0411. to j„r.;;,n. oil then n:hevencron nor p waked him for w contribution. M Find Mt. David's want mrho ola And the pweto, drlivmvd w patriotic sermon in ••toolrbat'a the oofl of tit Y" klv the t+. 5\ it lam Mrinlo h, At. (Aar M'- street. Central school was referred to the l lonor of Dominion Day. merchants a is of It . t on't mK sd :e yr.". rvhnq. ntitit committer with power to I On Anwday evening Rev. W. H. it l,e worth Msue(,hing W nunkind If ACH11141N. h, nooderh-h. on T"r+dmr. July Ae•t. ed fw•(-tpait tary wdirected to l"b aham prewrh.d his lwn+well aPt'non he- rtlacovetb the North Pole 7" -1 - -std. f+werK• ,%,he.on..gat 7" year. and toff ,, ( .mx,t ha. engage the TeltPj1rPran(-e Hall for n in Vic a street Methodist chie1Y h t1 p,tc h - dopa find It. What good is The funeral will take (,lwo fmm North mi re.t elation room for the` tall term and to it large cont -Per L -tion. His text wait the North Pole to anybody less- Hem \fes Mail -t'hor'n, en FrMAT, July .4h, at a InterYfew this formpr cNn•tmker. An trema St, John 14:27, '• Pearce I leave The "AIIPI•" ,»tience gave trltt• '•I didn't "''Id k n a1.. to Malt land MTMMr. Aertke 1 harder. at !.Ao o'rlork. Fippliextinn for flfb o,)l was read se in with vrnu, My place I {ve rMto you : know but )nu mlppht have M1me rtrtd , LF;NIU:N11INO. n, fret, Hnron, m, Mont Sl. DATId'm meted gehexol wag read and , nut Aa the world glv.ta, ve 1 unit, ()tits, A. An alp"". to know what day. Joly 1-t, .robot A. I'lend.n nen the aPrrelarY was instructed to write vote. la•t not rYend• hrwlt Fat Lrooihlcd, kind of w'osrl its made ()f," he tAid, "t yr"r-'ind t nu,nth.. hot hn. ,.n off the serrotary ret the ap>plicant'q school neither let it' be aftald." In his con- turning un lits Mel snit welkin out. i.nue Johnston, •..d rx, M the lata \try g and Mn. John ClendennlrMt. I I I I \ ) .,.. 0 d:+.. ". \ , •,l ,.ti , ''.: `, ,s,•i ,. •. .:' _w .•., '.. , 4 c .,.... a . •.. F' x. . .A .. a,. . ... .V; . 1... '1 - . . g „. d, - -__ -____ -- Mr. and Mrr. Damm Iris of io lit. Hitt. Alberta. where. we understand, ------ - -_ - - __. -- Wanted GODERICH MARKETS. they will reside. Lewitt's Factory Scorched. WILL PAY CASH FOR ALL Tin'KAUAY, July tth• Fall wheat. per b,u.h, new..... «s NI to i 0 00 The Hamilton k Lewit Knitting , 1L'. your old Moil ;Ming It to the F,mndrY Apring wheat, {"mor b r.h, new.... J Al to a to) Cite- factta'y, At Arnprior, forlus part and made middleman', irWlt. ItllUKlti MA`- ityre, per Gu.h .......... 0 es to 0 45 of n block whirh [vas visited by fire t'FA(•TVItINU COMI ANY. Fi.t Beres[. 45 If i Buckwheat. per bu.4 ......,... 0 45 to a 45 1'hw•sdwy nAlDrting of laws week. The _ ------ IM4.. Ire bu.h., new .......... a M+ to a to Pa,-, ler hu -h . u 7s to n 77 ............. file worked its way into the little mer ' t TO i9an . Berle). Irr bu.h ......., 6 45 to 0 4: the knitting fartory,-#tnd it could not S,•nn•nlnlp,. per ton - v is IAI to 16 W Y1 Ire got at for romp fetes, until it hurot -- __` •. _ --. - _ -- / iO RRNT. - FURN1S11'RD ONE, Flour, trolly. per seat .......... vl t0 Flour, patent, per cwt ........ • ia, to ' t!' Nnn, per tun .. ............... 1 (o to tsr through the ceiling, but it war eon w swlrlurd thele. The machinery in the 1 and -a -half •Leel bona+. never lake. Pawn- Short.. per too . ............ 30 w to 911 UIby tactors considerably .lull given Any Urn,. Fnrnh+lre In nt.t-elw.,. and tion. Apply teTHX S t:NAI„ if H!, {er ion. B w to 11 in w' . terWord ... ••• . 3 t)1 to e,d1 ten for hard en gaster. A wuruxn and four children A ............... Butter, per Ib a Ix to u 17 living in the same bli)ck were burned FOR RFNT.--A oWMLL1NG ON Cheeme.per lb "............... 013 to to Kgs*. (roan, des a I to 0 45 t, death. J. H. Lewitt, tolTuerly ut geary" mlrea. A dwenisg I h,i.od or not I. near lake [rout: per ............ IkKnOsem . ...... . u 75 to u :3 -per (iodecich, is a partner in the knittiteg modern oomenlenoo-. Cat tic. ordin'y to good cwt. 9 u, to, 4 la ('rtde export, cwt 4 511 to 3 os' "at zany whose premises wet* dam- Foa Asa. -Two now dwellingm on Angltr,e.t htraet : one dwelling on P1rton strait : slid) em"t ;g per ......... Her ll".11Ya wdghL, per cwt.... am to a I IAmba i r, to a eel AI ,aR , w b lots on Klgln avenue. Rwex greet. C'ed,tr.treel amt Pine "trent. -9 ................. A eny, e'er cwt ................ 7 50 to 4 Sal Died in Chicago. ea( WAmTKu.-A few tarnished hours. or roots. Ila, n, par 16 b la to 0 1& We regret to mronollnce the death ()f near the lake, to rent file the -ummer .•e1a,"m. Recon, Tier Ib ................... 0 13 to 0 W Mrs. Viand Robinson, eldest daughter ailf vUCNU t Rl1HKRTs os'. Lard. per Ib•..................... 13 to 13 Tallow, per Ib .................. o fel to 6 a:, of Mr. and M mos. H. Hale, Park wtrert, - Hider, {erewt ........... 636 to • fql '3 1 Goderich, which took pl+tee at the w Mewl sista$, i0! estate: Angie l9 kind.............. .. .... w (btr Cea- is w 10 Chicago Hon itnl on June ']7th. Her R P --- - - - - ...... Turkey- " 11 to it illness wad a ver)• prolonger) And pain- SALi? OR rO LET. - A IOuittid muwtete eopaseal fill line of tawny weeks, , which mhe hone Christian I' house on virtoMw.uerk with all modern wnvachmetx-; large lot a" stalls. JuH% ---- - with marked patience. Hry mother was with her the last few LAWSON. Uoderhh• SOH SAIF. ---THF HOUSE AND { -•w• --V------• `Yw-- r 1 * POINT FARM relunining days, N! m. Ruhmsul leaver two children, Joy, in the eau n «r 1" IM on Hinck.-troset at Vre"e t upled / 1( HE rlo • of "Anhalt Field Co.. and Alie 1 ) by the undemlg„ed. Story -Rod -n -half hour, (71Nrw. The t*mxlsr were taken Ur in guod repair. I Iter half acre of ground and , SUM'4iER RESORT Dut111rluesIowa, and Iwid. beside those good orchard of apple., pear.., plum", eherrfe+. eta. A 1 at yresiddes or addressed MRS. I of her buslland, who passed on. heft four Malt l' VA To _ K•Uoder/ch. 4itf. _ UPcn for the aewmnn of Ifs.;. Eguipl)(d ashoYt years ago. IF.BLRABLK P R U P F R T Y RUH F between Square thoroughly for tourl„t.' trade. No better heated term Smith - Thurlow. AAiAL-\jell site" and lab. with 6006 beside and cellar. For place ta.{end the . or to enjoy An outing. The nuptial knot was tied on Wed- ppaarwaku•e app p11s on pant m. MRm. (WED: Picnic, Drivingand )Salting P"rtie+ will neatly] evening of last week at 7:91 ` '. H.Umbarn. between F.I. At, Pate{ok'd Blest. 17.1t and Tar. MINI .FARM the n.oat o Cll(:t by Roev. Miss Hattie Thurlow, els t daughter R \OR SAL.F,.-A CONY 8EVBN- L w 1 n LAM alter nuUY n rd pleasant place to vwt R of Mrs. James Thurlow, Angles. and C Unwed . aft ou r w e In.tlta to kitchen • nlear 11 K1 t to Appel ( , • Proprietor it )M) () T Kt h J. T. LD HwI ileo r S *scored n att'e'. 1 d ( 1 utith t. M BA. OHO. COX, Nritnnnla road: ` `^' ` of George Smith. Huron road. Th -' evert took plan- at the residence o L OR HALF OR RFNT. -- NEW ' --T -_ _ the bridr.'a mother. Tile bride'worr I• hour on Brure bora[t,, All modern son- Apply it. w•. 1110MBO\ S 11rtq dress of white lawn and carriod white , enlenee.. Atone. S1t16w oaCAI1l: carnations And was unattended. Th sue evening was marked by the (,iIIH SALE. -IM A('Kh:el N Xl'1{Ir I R S land for market garden. .,fill ('KU« ytOOD ORNRRAL S R R V A N T christening of two )young ntphewii o buildlnlpa and Tenon.. ; two garde Isom ode- CJI wanted. Apply W MRB. H. R SMITH. tire bride, the sons of, Mr. dad Mlia rich: five aer'em In or•ltwrd of dpplem, Pear-, pplums, cheers,., {mat ha, Krerw and ramp -'-- - 1/ FN ERAL SERVANT WANTED.-- T Ape,ly to MRS. H. W. THOMIIUN, owner - Uporge Wilson. Mr. and Dl n. Hudd have taken up their residence u nl)rrfew. Price awl term+ tavoewbb. ApMr to YOl'NU a ROBERTS( IN, laoderlrh. V,rtori. and St. 1lavid'd .Uvetd. Huron load. HOUSE FOR SALE. - A NINF DoY %VANTED.-TO LEARN THE AttM Harbor. The tug Jim foss arrived of roomed francs dwelling.hating a )vxd Stone foundation t) love and hardware buafrrwl. Apply to w ORSKLL'S WHOLKSALK HARD ANFL and Saturday from Collingwood. Th to .itutlo., on Keay. street. and .rammer kitchen. weed "table. Will to +n1d --- - - - - - 1)rlunga+d fo the Doty Engine Works raa.annahl)) von farther particulars, apply to \1'M. M,t'Al'OHAN, It IMclws ave., WANTED.-APPRFNTiCF OIRt.B and• we undrrNlanil. haw been M)W. b MIG•+. Tomato. yFa( to l r drewnutking. at ones. ADDIY to MSS OO .4. mrner of North .t meet amt is loins Ippwtiluteeei herr and Is on i j, ARN FOR SALT. -ON :ire CON. Square. 42 to wxv to Port Btxnley. ;°het tog (iilphie was in during the n)OY WANTED. -TO LEARN THF, 1' reactors at Cdbome, WwnsMp, ronlalwln6 lea 1 mile from .'ha)l .'e11rtmile frau 1)Iarbertrade. ApplytoJAB. FRITZLKi week And left yesterday with hewn Y ) n mow-, church, t adled from Auburn 1 (4Bm. 4 from Lnrr - loge to Athrr A raft together for the toil from ('.1'.B. -tat tea. (1 ml es dc.larough, It nlaen fmm I' inten. There site on the Imwtnlre two room., .roe Plxa. with For Sale R•twmilf A gat% buoy ourived ()n TuesdAy t "tom•-twblsr underneath, the cher xacaa In mark the onside breakwater for the wit x nal -tone .O,IM 1 K moi a ,"Nt r t „st moo r 1pA 1 fononek1 .•list warms -Md n std t _ W (il•: 4ORN '(►K HALM: 1. LAR )H. F e 'o hr lion •coon aafet d nervi xtt n. T Y K . f Irmo , yy . g and r ly,jen Arlting mbeA. lf7drenlfr fnre.ing water at Mrn' 1., fail or ."loll q,antltle.. M. PFNIMMFItfi :ao:'t toe )r ) n r )u umun i,i hthou i ps tr nth i It g rel 1 resents And its consigned to Hartel and kitchen, glsst +yyrrhag water. nrr,+ wheat. 1susirm in flet -mol•,. "tate Of r.hitl - Ao\, IM•ntolller, -__- Master J. It. Cratgie. tion. pm fault trees neRinulns Io Mer. wrest wmAll fruit. 'e'l aert•- of gars blikh, redtir, ■ ORKF.S FOR SALE. H Thr aaM•n erstexgnersKin K(Ia. to R R hemlock, lw.-wood. ehn, maple. 1'«w"«ion J ■ --- ' 7 Horse. nm1 mom. farnl work. ,std }Huron muds their regular salt iwn begicrn at once, torn. to Belt the Pur- chwmrr. For farther information, app IV elf the IIALLIt►A\', llod• $L; to $'el 7 hormemand noticed good for term work, IFS' ,,nil K the week. Wilson. premimen or address JOHN to ,.,, Death of Mrs. Otter S. •rich. Out. - 9P hae•em tiMl rnwrene, ,In )li4 xu how•- Rod jummoti piY3 to 617:L ()II FI'IIIA\' 111()1'Iling stunt sN•C11rI h JI Otter B. V it+on FARM 1'OLC SAIF. -A l'HUiCF frrr Mendota 9l horm o- and .more,• ••173 to Mti, the (beat of mos. Owlerich township, after An illness+ se farm for sAIP, MtAptel inlx.d la,u•ros g«d itch- P driver"• •115 to tat ATO y to M'. A. 1'I IYIT R -('IS., Uoderkh. Ont. bit•a. Wiloson' litacroschwred est{lend(Mood alyo,it ten do) Eili- Into :t1 Rnd M. JUMBER Te'OK SALE.--HFMLO(%K, nlwlden nwnlP wall Pheelo Dunt. Ano (• DUT Pt, 11t (:.)IiR/t Sle. lend A.(i ood dHvins -Aosl. 1 OrderM•h IownmhlP. Apl1.pp, ' to 11 Plea tired rrraskisi rfor atifron`y ForfortMrparticnlarx Duret• of iwmdlon. are brother", \Yi)il 1'ROI;I►FO(lhl' HA1"SCBI.Alkorto t'HAS orerrsbersttolader. •pplr ToROaKR RL 1'1T . Uedorlch [t Mee. Ahwrftr and Alen. (ung. ()t Sagi J. WwL .18, lilnlon. tilt j/ OR SALE. Iy STORY 11OU81 11 ' nn Anicle•t•w .tnvl, li .tory hou.e of Naples imel,' j mttery houme on NAper Areal near Cat holle c licit. II •tory hour on felgl avenue, 1 -tory line, -e• nth Kew>'. Ion 1 1 -tM lion's nn Vlct"rlw street. 1 story brick lino., I Arlt fond. w hamissio, brick Ywrd In colborn. ncr Ieunrllle4 w I ,.,did investment for Area with small mllp tAl. Flarnls for style In An part of nron county. Yol'NU k ItlllFR1 Sr1H (Foderich Ont AN F.XCELLKNT FARM F O 1 RALC-Moneremin ).'eat Wetwwnosh.tw males from Auburn: dolt a clay Nxerd, ).Mut 11 Me. "older c"lUv.titnu tied 3' to p0 wen timber. A well rad two ngs of water, new town" dwelling, w ldern, mtabe an drl,-In` shat. Apply w 'OCNU t KUBF:N1 tiON 8oderich THE STERLING BANK OF LANAI )A Haan Or•rlCIt . ToKoN To AUTROAIZRf CArITAn., 11,frlujol I iNCORPORATKI) rel' SPM'IAI, ACC or iisomwIUN PARLIAMRNT TU REC Ki V F. DEPOSITS To accommodate the Farmers we have opened Stanches in the villages of DUNGANNON, AUBURN, VARNA and BAYFIELD. We solicit the Patronage of this FAIaMRR. amt% N(YrZA DBm'fl'NTSD. SAVINGS BANK AMOVXT opened by deponit of gl.(\), intupat at .3' compound- ed quart.rly i )IIIA ICH BRANCH A. O. OAMRIA. Manneer. 0 Public Notice t- 11yaq . - 1"de . ` 41-1­ 1 ,1F:ALED TENDERS ADDRFSSFi) k) to i bee undemigned. and endormod "Tender for Walkerton Armoury. will be receival at thin ofiloe mill Friday. Jul 12, Poor. Inch- Ice)y tot, Use "on-trmM Into of tin ocrmon" at Walkerton. Onl., .urording I" plan. and -M"i nevotion- to M soon on Application to the care. tAker ofthe sold office at Walkerton. arm. ret the f4partment of Public Worlm (BIAw-A. Tender will not he con-idemd unled, made on the printal for" sup elle . And dgnal with the M•tual mirrnaore- of tenderer". An .Ircpted chegne on a chartered bank. eyatile to the order of the Honorable the . int+ter of Public work., aluAl to ten ter rent. of the amount of tender IIA 1. must ar•mrmpnnpp ~-h tender. The che,11ue will be forfeited If the, lwn,on tendering det]lm` the Contract or fall to cmnpletc the wank a ont meted for. and ,till be returned In raw of non-Aceeptwtso at tender. The l o,lart mens do" net blood Itself to w- erster. i, Ow',`.t Or AA I mor ,t Ili I Y 1 Hy order. F'Itk11. UELINAS, em 9 Ary. Uepgrtnlenl of 11ohlic Work-. Ottawa. June V. 111117. New•efNn rex will no. be paid for Ihb meth sort - 1-ennent 1 they Inmert H w•Ithomt Authority from the Department. ---_,-YvYM- BRITISH AMP1lI1('AN lll'SINFSS (•OI,LF0E T. M. (. A. Building, Tnronto The meh,ol Ihar M1rire. the Mont ho.lt,~ and d.orthand train fig. sewiml rete for the Anmmcr Trrm. Privilege -ref Y. M. C. A. fres 10 nor mt lidenh,, limp lard for cAlw- Income. T. M. N'tew,t. Principal r 11U11IEISTUDY .\].PLIED In one er mare of the • •pl.ndkl mond" given by the #thaw ( MTm"{x,,xl.n.m Ss-hoel, Tomato, will h.1p ymu to lag Use things In any walk ret llfP. l,a. nP .end Toll Per tlrolar tt. .mow h.l pi ng Mmdr.d. Of .t Qitlt- 1=31'. May w0 not wed /fol f (lip 94L sawn name and trail n.. Name .. ..................* . .'f..... Add I.. ... ....... . ---NOtlOe- -- A PTFROLOW- SACRED 8ON( t 1erY(ar, Sonday, erenll.. July 7th. P• o'cloclt- pWnn Hotel Oodetl -h. All are we, o01M. drlr./sn (elle. r _ WANTING BOAR t)ARTiRS r apps)I to MRS. D. CAMF,RON. Brock S M" Atatbn, -.- - -- II Notice to Credtors, OTII'F TO OREDITORM.-AL 1 pownnx havens account, agAinxt the tat m. Burrows, meet merchant. Ogderieh, a e'e.loe-ted to gems theta In, duly v,-rined. n, liter than July silt, I007, After whtch date Account. will 1e rY.wRnlxed by Ihe,dddle. THIM4, Bt-HWAYS 1 Fxa•ntn It R t•. MI'NNINUS I Aldi CENTRAL MMAM8111 LINT salt. KING EDWAK 4ANDI'SKY,T(9")-IeAI'I.TSTF. MARI )lvlsloN Between Aaiudusk)•I Toledo, petro and Sault Ate. Marie and inter- medlwte pe)into, will leave O(xletich list follows: Roulthhound - III)A.m. Wiodnew Northbound - R::s1 p.m. Friday * eather Perndttlnor WM. LKE. Local Agent. T. J. KKN-4KI)Y. Manager, Aawlt St arN,fh.t. -_____ 8TA -COLE LINE STIR. URON A 1'I.T MAHIF. ]Oil A 11lC11., Via North ohaamel, O,argout pay. TrltdnAY, at R p. m. Ff)R MORT HI:HON, DICI•ROIT. TOLKim arA CI.RVELAND. AAT(-gnAY, 7:71 a. m. I WILLIAM LCK legal Ars"1. It. MAXWIUJ. ' TrMlc Manager. IA+In ot. Mi, h.. A fertility of five Mous And three dough- a ivertuw• for w teat•her to to r " ) , Ir ,►t r ev to " low 1 e• love • • Leers, : rheredor', at house : Otter and the entrance class for the X11`101 of Ood, rend hr haul w•vu how amid •U)wh to" the 14•ason -point F'a►ul Summer 1'xltrr, in Minnealt»: l:harlre in testes. It war moved by f(. H, teal•xandtribulationsthrlwwv,)fUtxl "Ort _ ............. _.t Duluth, and Arthur, At house; jlias Cult that Lilt, offer of H. Orr to sell had dwelt in FAMIP muemleer'm of bib Core- , 1iu11a IAwn- Hodgrns Itrom ................. i i.,uust, in Toronto ; Mims Lily, whtx)l his 44noprrrty ou hgin Avenue leaide gregation. He lieu] prized the friend- Fail To l Follett Ho,dritY•e College, Toronto 9 teacher in Goderiell township, and tit. i)av id's ward school for Ol,lak) his mobil) of the Nova street girls, haul tried t, Auuuuer Toprol Itelsort. F. F. IAwreuoe... 3 Mias Pearl, ret house. The delayed steel,{ofd. The motion warMe•onded will the liffectlon of tilt• )••ping men Cornfurtiale M.1'Mmrnerkgw.Henmlteerr WAN ri native it( \Vaterloo county. iry ll. F. Ho)dgrns and war curried and young women in the mud...... and Superior Kxprem, CAeladn Northers........ s war married in Uultorne township. umwimuump to prize the feltot\•xhip of the/ homes of SDerlal Ask 'l'. c, les ...................... i '} Y• flit• con Iw Atloll alloV0 All, be had Iteader -('. P. B .................. ..... ...... s and atter living there for w "'up K K nu,vtel to Gtelerlch townbbip. She The Late Goo. W. Thomson. drrird'to re•e retest rend women mAete worth of Coolfhe"w- w'altw C. Peidham Y was in her sixtieth vrar, On SnttirlAy afternoon'thr reternins one with Christ. At tin- conclusion of AI•ex'ialtie+ J. H. Colborne .................... 4 ()f the late liter. W. Thomann. whoop the service the (•hills• Marg the hymn, streamer Huron -Star -('ole tone ............. 1 George Acheson's Sudden Death. death wall recorded in our IAst imbue, is (toil lie with you till we meet again." Hwtery Millnr'n Scotch Store ... .. .. 7 it waw not expected that Ge(orp(r were laid lie their testing place in Mr. (Imboam #tied hill family leftyebter• Tran. -Canada, Wmtted-Jx lard. C.•P S Acheson would recover toll)• fruit) the Maitland ceslewry. The funeral took day for Chatham, where he is now Agent . . ........ ....................... a illness which (-sine upelti him some plate•,• from the tautly residence and rtalioned. Itev. It Millyard, the new Santo Aermlnable (loads -S. 16 8.......... g weeks ago, but his sudden death on ... largely Attended. rhe useful)."" potittor of Victoria street, will occupy Shirtw,da. Worthy of Notloe- sl6 n Stomil.. 6 Tuesday Afternoon wdw a surprise and of \triple lAutf Lodge. A. O. U. \V., o} the pulpit next Sunder. Announornsent-J. H. Werrwell .............. 1 mhock G) All. Hr had leer, apparently which the deceaseri WAN a prominent gaining strength for MMse days hnd menilor. And repremeintatives from . wits Able G) walk About a little at his neighboring lolgem of the rulne Order PER`UONAL MENTION. ECHOES OF DOMINION DAY. residence, but shortly after dinner on were prPWIIL in It body, And at the -- _- Tuemiwy he expirsi muddenly and grave alar burial service of the Order Mas Lewin ke at pent visiting in towel. A, ppIPlatixnt Incident occurtwl on without warning. Heart failure was was observed. Rev. Jxmw. Hamilton Ile. Alreng )ark w tell) to Toronto da the MomtAy evening. Before Adin tie the ea ow. of death. Mr. Acheson was »nit Rev. Dr. McLean were the ofticiett- woe k. the A riculturct Park to take R in one of our roost prominent citizens. ingelergvmen. The pallheateres were N . Klliolt w•a- up front St. Mary" for the R part h. being largely istereuted in many of rix Workmen: Wm. ('six, \Von. H. bell, the evening proceedings. the Hlgof the• town'). indu.0 ial enterprises Goods Thor. Tilt, H. J. Norris, lino. Ho.. Memomhor n -Chir ext honest Ian wo" landelw, accompanied by the hand of frau. Nvw York. file :tied Regiment; marched down ,and loping tire, owner of a IArW WmAtt and %%'nu. Blesike. PA. Cox. of Chica6p, i. vi.itiner Ido mother. West street to the Park House to amount of real estAte tie the town. A The late George W. Thoulwm was Mr.. U.orge Cox. salute Mr. J. J. Wright, resident of further reference to ilia dri-,mew will horn in the year I8141 at PArtiek, Mi. -Massae Baxter i• hone from chicaKu r top made in thew coluentls,,next wcek. Scotland. +std while a very yyoung on a holiday vi.lt. the 'HIS VrtrranA A,eN1etlUn. When Therfuneral will lake place. tomorrow child crime lie this counts); lvith hl" Mi,- Hing Thonhpnon, tet Lucknow, IN +Idting Mr. Wri1(ht appeared ]'apt. Mclwren bon - afternoon fonts North street Metho• p)trrnU, who mrttlerl in the township In town for a fort niaht. naked his men to take off their dixt church, where- a service will Ire of Adelaide, Midd •x count ML+ lira t Atreng rex+ returned from heal And give the veteran did three Y• MitrMdl for the ctiuxt to,,. hearty cheer", which the did with x held at 2::d1) (T'clock. When it young• clean he went into MINK Loudse Ma --m, wa- n from Toronto busineds xt. St rathroy Alto) In 1873 1' will. At the conclusion o the drmon- Death of Alexander McIntosh. ,0, for .,feral day+ the Ia.t week. Ntration Mr. Wright eta entree tl G,elrri(-b, where h hxtl miner Mn.. Klrkbrtd• and awugnlrr. 31rw I,ogwn K pped forward On Tue.detvafternoon. the remains of tern in buaiturs". Before•l•Qntinp[ to evelwt•Bntonvwtor.h.-]week. 'end in A neat speech returned him the late Ale"roder4lclhleah, eldestoon M' hearty thanks for the compliment. Uoderich hr was nutn•Ir.l dei ler \I h.-l'Iwritr )Althwnhe A:I. reh.nu"1 from of Mrs. Willintna Nc.Int)rh, Flt. David's Antrie Flhieldm, of Wtmrlstuck, 'w Iso the M0sonald In., Itnlr, Uuelph, pLrd hills and throtifis him to his old rtl*et, were Interred] in Maitland come- hurvive+a him. w•it h a Tamil of t w ; The Miaees lllhwrine no.l Julies ars( Mater comrades of 'laS. ••1 think we are re- try Al r. Mclnttmoh, who was Hato Mirs Jrrxir of li,•rlin : ►N. Fr nk Norman Leww have rot arti d to town. duced to itbmmt a linker's dozen," acid Y Mias K. Ahrens of Berlin, i. the ere.t of Mr.. three ytiarr of age, tied in Toronto NVyif1 t, of Hrarlrfonl, and JAlllee K. Nr. Wright, ••and I mhall have much get T. T. leeks,. St. lNr1A's tree(, til week pleasure in conveying to them an tic. on Huntley evening. let►ving lir wife of toAn. H.* is Nurvilerl alMp by til Harry Pa+unoro, of ,t. Loui- I- .mending P )' R and two soon fwd two shot etN t() brothers: James. of Il,weanlont, holidays, here did with ht.+mot her eemate," count of the kind courtesy you have mourn his departure. The dzz.A ; North I1:tkola : Malcolm. on the old ' MIs. Lynda, Sturdyt.. nding her vacation ('*tended on their behalf, anti I know P• had been it rondu(-t)r ou the Grand huloeatr,od in Adelnitle, and Dr. vi+.)tinK riend- at A "Ind -ter and Au)hemtburm. they will appreciate the honor you Trunk Railway for about thirty-five Itoetert. of Hrookdale. Man. His T:, H. Brownlee, the c,pwhle princRal of have- shown its. 1 again thank you." list)llyld public school, wry in tuwu o" Aatur yearn and for souls time had bestial Is hrothrr, .lasses and \letl(-uflti war.- (I.) While the weather did not inter. Charge of a rFt oitese Iger train `.beetwe•en prem•Ilt at the funeral. TbV def -tied Th. Basses Elizabeth and Irene Achraou left ft•le to ally extent with the carrying Toronto Arid SArriin. Mrs. (;ham. A. was one of the best-known and Isost Tuc-dAy'\morniux .on a trip to the Pirinc out of the program it prohwhly kept Reid, of tower. ill a sister, A!} 11 4'harles highly ewteremed Lusin~ 'lien of the "I'm"t• ` many away who would otherwise have McIntosh. of Chicago. x bttllder'pft he town, and the newly of his death was 1, w'. Mskin, wife and ion, of Lethbridge, cufue to (loderich for the day. There de•cra". 'rhe latter wool here tot• the rrr•eivevl with sincere n•gret by x Alta are vi e`ttrlg at the reAden.e of J. C. wait a drizzling rain daring a great funeral. which took place from the multitude of friend, in town find D• Mequareh.. of Crani,rook. w•a- ill town Part of the morning. in the after- residenre of C. A. Reid, St. D,to'ki s country. Mr. Thomson was me menu- over tis+ Widay voting hl. -ou, AUool Mi noon the clouds cleared away and the " street. Her. G. N. Hazen officiating. her of the Preshyteritan church And in 4rarrie. still cattle out vood and hot. The funeral wxq under N»Mndc nus:, politics WAS is mtlaunch supporter of Theis. 01telu). ur A•thfield, I--wn,linm a few Secretary Collor worked hard and IIPI'x and six IIIe1n1eM of the matt day• In towel and mad.• a piossm ants call on The t the Liberal party. miataltoday, (such of the mucceas of the celebration re acted As llloarer+e-(iet). Onahxns. Mr. nese Mex• JA-. Ito.,.. of F: a+t A:yt inn)., w;Gt due to his efforts in preparation A. S»ultss F. F. Lawrence, W. D. Tyr, Mich.. Aro Yltitlnic Mr. Ito.,,•' parent-. . r. aad for the day. Chanter Farrow itself T. fAing. LOCAL TOPICStT IN BRIEF. Mr.. i" III. R- , MI -- Mee Hyde, of HRntlltop, w,w the igu,+.l { neidrnt McKim and his xesYciater Seventy Years at the Plow. 1\ourr cf-Itor* will and Wilmer Anoilh'- of Mn. McF'ar ane. Britannia met. Roe lo few on the celebration committee Are w funlirpn+ RMt are -tore Vquaitern for day- the pawl week. Ir• congratulat,ed upon the very rati- 1 AIn()Ug the Ylait()tw who PrtjUyestl -ou vonr. of Goderich and ell masse of fancy The Mb, -e. Alio(- and Chico Shaman arrival tying outcome of itheir effort•. K The Dominion Day in O(derich was our work lots[ Art .uppue-• mi Monday (ton, A-lootchewan end will -tend brio in of the Rist Highlanders to •ow. K K o1 l'Rl1 x null in Ifkr -.tidier" In nett tent- r -. w cr w R old friend John Buchanan. Thr r 1 1 Ili U n lie town. r 11 fel ie g Y n who• in his ei ty-fifth years is line of forest- to of trots t . rrnw•d of 31st"eer., and Mr., ( arleton Iw. rented nes eottweto ton n town wits an experiment which some (here I. notions like F. J. 1'U, ham'. nally month to Mr. Taker and has thou h Ihr nuiet bptr frit yomlg IpRuwe in the too, orinx to At,r set N crowd of wovlimser- tone to l'llnton K t would ie too costly, but couietry. On Lhr Itth of Iaat ua()tith .After all the o rnly cxpn•wd admiration tot o, Iyer rum then+. entergain it i lis been demonstrated anks o that The hr completed a retold which hers not the Killie. I Ituy F. BMw•tt len 5Yah1e+A. per ser enterprise e, Kinet Kdw•anl, fur a two woe w VI' It wltl. A • The thanks tit the f save the young lathe- of Uistrr'rh P pays. often bees rgmallell ap/l of which any the latter will *%'rely hn%e enough ,oneea I., friend. In Poll Huron. low" Are due to you, gentlemen 1 a man might he proud. On that dery he ha,,their fair feottoi w recnrdmt at We ph.tA graphri' It. R. "Bows for arti.Lic work. Mr-. Tl'o . Miller and two children, of Fist Till' Highlander took the town br The plower for the MYE IILIPah conmr utive Thr land w 1 eve w n am on rnaw•Mich..are visiUrt6tla rady 7t'Pronim. mtorni. year. And although he thinks it i4 1j R p tRf Mr. est Moa. I H. Rosea. r f< the Mguxre this iThurwdryl evening. W. m. Ism•, toarri.ter. of Sit. Catheane,, i. If the laddiem front Hamilton erre as f xlrnrt time to gent he is Iplfctwl hi The Clinton Motivation Arm hand spending a week IT, town vimlUna hid parent.. If in the paofmission of war am think -that lir plowing days ore all Y a1r.rml MmWiu. IArm•. they showed themeelve,t t) to in the Mrs. in the Peet. n the vrar 114{5 hr Pnue ups ter GerlArieh on Dominion Mr. arms Mr.. Juno L,tw+ o. nr t1rl.11rou. rr)tlr arta of n helped to sow the round where the I)Av• "pentl)doodulon Isar in town. Mr-. latw,.on i. K peace, they foist ►o» Ir t 1 K remd"1 len• fora w,ek ,m two. terror to the enemy on the field of Square in Glrlthat is ItOt errehittrho One of M. A. Pigott k Cs m Italian ArthurgMclean. Idle of Thom+on'. dlnm 'little. And he telietee that two othe►w who laborer* hart n Hngeet thiq horning, "aro, has gusto to HRmdllo i. where he I- mow Kolar e.f 1 he visitingmoldiers said Neal"t(d ill that work Are still living-- getting it caught in 'the cogs of w ployed with a doholeaale drug arm. 1 Joseph Halkeld, now (Of Slrwtforl, need cement-►nixer. romjrlinuentary things of the ABrd 41 Mrs. Hale retrsrnal i. Toberto from al" lie Invent insured. Some d» we ,hall g William Fxirrervice. I( he can get An important mPeligg'pf the Gld• terxlh,gha•rdnv6hter. Mr Ilolrrt-nn. wb,lae k Y q into communication with 1heM• two erich Horticultural So riety will lose held death occurred .I CbicaKo un the 27th au, wa 1• Ill) the fACI that we have t vet•raiee n[ the plow, hr Proposes that oro Saturday evening ret H. -IN) n4,lr:k. Mm. Ir. Miller. drrompludal by Olxdy. right do lir town une of the have is the meet at the lowest match to le RKnight. Mitt for the West on w.dnewday us)rn- Irinds in the mince outaide of the plowing All inenilolw ere regllested ti attend. ins. their deetination being Ccgrerllle..\Ita• track cit laandrl,. behl ret Clinton next tall, #tied it it call Orange denlonetrwtious w 11 he held Rev. It. Millyard, paxtor or victoria tenet Y e le arranged it will he a notable mere] ,in the 12th of July to this district wt Merril l . ehun•h, arrived In town on W«Ina. Goderich has, re-established 1(d riF des. a wa. Isconq"anlel by h4 wife and reputation as the Dominion Dar t Ing. Lu -know and Blyth, The Otedarieh mon. centre for this rt of the Province, e An Afterglow Service. lodge will take kart in the denonaterm. Mr+. Kaon Ahrn.on. w)Io ha- Mrn hl Tonna. burin the nsidsummrr lenwem, let,- tion aL St. Marys. rrthepe,-i winter, nrrr'rest home Int- work. What, shall we may of Capt. Me• She Nld of O red ..r In Ibtroll to clsit her lough- Laren ! Handenme in ,form and e ginning 8lmdwy evening. July 7th, at The mte»mer Huron tins commenced, ler. Mf w Carrie. twaring• the Mosldter every\inch of him es ?40) li clopk an informal. 11acr d hour its gmnmer mailings from Cleveland t/ Mem. Arnmur anachlldreu.uf W,xml.t,N'k, etre irlit withal kind) elan etoq Ana f. litre Mons. Armour'„ mother, •r \\' Ya K tet , Mn ,.I on Sons colli n iexlPrich lrwnd t v'r lose held wu:h week in the m n t M)e- mervice P will K R wit G 7"at.terr Mr. t rrleric t G Arnmur waw u, f r -.•ce ,. b ie proud o , 1 ) . old W Ins 1 blit p r the pArlorw ()f the Hotel Goderich. north. on Tuemlaym tit 10 p. rel. and, ddy-durluK the week. era .one of her own poor. He! and Air The music will Ise directed by Mimm bound Month, on M»ttirdays at 7::N) Mn. It. C"rnitherx and MI.. M. Bernardi, of Highland lads will toe remembered for a1ep Teoy x Llalrntell pbuuiat of llrtroit, a. in. Stmtford, after. iending w few stay. with Mr'• many » day in ronnectitm with one of Nicht n, who has alta() Arran Pel tar a IT. }ell. Ctrl marc. -lou. U.derie i Iuwn.hll,, N . •iigan, who h Alan t nvxfor A Iandglide ew:curnd vPmterelay in the retuned w Stratford on Tuad•v. Oaelerieli'm brightest reil•letter days. pet G. &,(.. Stailway line neer where the Olivertthynn., who ha. )eeu %Wittig hs i Ili, "The bonnets and fotthe" and it• I. enjoyment#4 the evenings, and the steam shovel is at work. Several tidally f6r the ya.t couppto of week+, miurnal tering gear' of the lit t j,ps, p n crit• gpIseeine will le renderers by 1lfp11PPt. thUllgrirtd yards; (1f earth came down to Brant fn on T,, -"lay. He wme a,mm wit ThP resident and visitingg IM41111P of (,,fee the- upper part of the hank and Pxnllst tin hh return by Mr*. Rhyn.w. IIufL dimplmy, They delighted the (iodPrich are mewed corliwlly inritirl shifted the sum track a little. Mrs. Willmen ermy Thonllwan will rece1% eyem of every %cot, while the pipers p)ixat for the nml tauY1 mime her n.arrlRge on Wed. tickled him right f tie attend And lend their anpplrt In M. H. Lloyd, of MP ofninee, Mich., nasday. JuIY 1(0. at a New` nie .(root, and R down W his toes. N establishingthe• Ieaeltut cteatool of a Afterward. the n t TurwlAy of the month. The Hamilton Times of Tuegda P the beast of the momP lnr contrnllinK s y I sacred evening hour wt the hotel. A the Goderich Wheel RI a, I,imitd, wool. r: nto it l the Tdward,l HI h r'Plsrrtlrl : 'The torr conrpanlem of the K School. Toronto. n 1 Frwuk F:A ward, t)1 t group tet recit,al.+• cunlpriting illrth II r rich Highlanders which went to returned qua+, in fawn last week and on Friday Chalhdm high a•hoet, worn. among alias• who e classical and popular mimic given by afternoon het the town council And mi arnel to town In tIhie for the uelebration am rich on Saturday afternoon twtutnPd visiting Artists, t ales, being arranged the I,lt+t. horn thin inorning At H fetlock, fill in, IieinTd of Trade tcrr An informal fust. The boys for weekly a loom o inmencm ,and thin Mr Lloyd Ave ,taatlrAnre that the Yr use A e -t. u who M" ,.*Pretty returned Y had the town pretty touch With other form" ret atmlmetitent dur- work here will now to pieshed ahead i e K h yi, rnri'..n w f loarn kl(lll l o is wl wti11 to thf-ollo Plvelr all the. time they were Ing rhe ammeter er will be offered to this Mt that the factory may le in oilier& Ie in the beat ollke in Tokonlo. mole visited there• and there were no complaints resident people and out -of: town gnentst tion At the earliest hla parents In town over Awlsl r. to nt#tkr regarding their trPxtment it plseiblr dote.' the citizen i of Gerder•tch, Nhuuld they care to avail Conlon Ne* Kt).: The oM`friend of Mr. s, as It was Hrmt-class," W"1, thrintoelven of the privilege of high- R. R. Mallows has returned front #Ln Harey lid -Role, bortoter, forea0y n( Clinton, -__ I- clamp Pntertriifmnnts. Interesting trip to tire Provinep of will le glad to loom IMtheat "M", 5a• l"I down uPhrc. He spent x week iu Ilerthier m the realltlem of lots In \1'1nil , and M ANNOUNOEMENTB. 11 ar doing well ; I• eneldored by the F'((,N1erHwmll- C. P. R. Opening. county, exat of Montreal, And toctk It ton most estnte firm, to do their eonrvywnrlrg, - Unelph Mercury: It is now said the large numlor of viewto which he will and 1. alas pr iisoing to pr . ht- exatulnatloel No. t: Wire fencing at crwut At Wln(• U. kU. RAilwA • will not lee opened to lisp in the large trete for thin clamor of at U.r Mnnitolmo bar. ablest Ion ncrPsi arr In MKLI:A hardware, T bon r'R onter that hr may wacti.c in the , ^a iota Blyth un Dominion Day, aA wntici- work which is now (-outing to hint rimrt.. Nine lawn mowers at cont At Wt",, Q potted, bort alenit the Bth of the month. from the Canadian cities, from the Mr. and Mr-. ►rank Hmmnlmhd. of PRris, mltl.i:m hardware. 4' An official high in authority in re- States aa6d even tram (event, Britain. wrrhal list town by Automoblle" ml Aaturday Ekren drxim And windows cheatM I remained hen until Tue"day morning, the gpongiM. for the gtfiternnt that it He found wotitP beautiful hits of sue -t -ref Mr. and Mr+, S. E. Hick. 7'h• left ret ,it Wo(WKLL'w bantam«. will lie ready for o rnl ion to Goode- country And AIM) Point' gtieint and Parl- at "::n Sao utility morrnnx and omntnK by Pulp PariA Green and ling Death rich in six weekm. This meanot that it pietureMpme scenes during hie week's any et Wot)1-Intek sutteet hem heo"Im a cheapest At Woluml. 'fr'hairdwwre. should to open for traffic to the bake M)journ in the bull the habitant. oc k In til.• aftcotnow, Aster eotering title d hundred mllc., with n few .hort top+ on the Tly a battle ft lair BIIRAIo Feng i, by the middle of Atigunt, or, lit latent, -------- way. Mr. Hauumund - nmcMae I. a Castilla, Killer At lFic. r battle. Mute kill. c LhP leginning of tirpte+nller. The renAMul. ton' ;e ('. P. R. mite time ager contrneled for CHUROH NOTE. ernal had a destwnnt call n IAnnlnlon If W T1IUMN/rN'A Drtg Store. The AI 1 Q t - 11 fronh w', S, Irinl1l1imors, mandim not ,dour of The Jtnnllal anlen party under the To the Plit intent, ravel• tale ")all of ,t The Michigan Pr•11Ilyterian of ne- TheSrralford Hemld. who xw.pending ,odny arm iceq of flip Lwrlies' ntilhon nuelu•lm of wh4nt tnttn Gorlp• or two tin Iewn. ivy ngmnfel by hi. an, P Guild of M. cent date crrntaind w dotatled reference• Ile. rich in Angiext. While the Clerks' newmila Mr. nso, Wes f- one of the la•adhsit (ier)rgul 2rAh h will he held M Thur). to the work ()f Fort. Wayne Presby• 1mw•slap+r men d/ Western Onlwrto rend I. retest da July filth. Mrs. C. ('. M()rriNon, _ Aum cation, ;tied the Board of Trade, Y• ' terinn (-lion h, i>Pt")if, of which Rea', Ar pm,telitmmitfo ti,"•u pant w rM Ln IM• rfty I'll '. who In ecru tin (1. F. l'arey't reel - in turn, recently mpokp of nr•rar►ging his s h lolsomlfin I ow he nao11-ta to ."'I'll In PY R 1. lyre Stewart, Mm of Mr. ,wit Mrs. P to eelebtate the opening. it is the"hoiion.And.unrx.t."-"b.fanudla+hadnw kin l for the q,I,,of bee veru • N n JwfneN trwarr f this )w in t n the ., nm he d.A•„ I+ aucthin w r dual un g dont Nix]. Gurl h Mu iral Society who will lie kindly oftrrwll the nae of the grnunrfm pP PANGrr. The installation M•rvirP to k Jtimdm Then.on, Of lewroan,ont, North DA. for the occasion and the event will I aajor od to run the first PgcurAion• palace on May IHth, and, soya the Me,- koot, who wa" raved hem lin"r week In' the accoldin l he held them. *for `Vidrman mese the hevPsenrq Count, "it WAN avery happy emxwion depth of ht. hmther, the late tenors•• 5Y, g strrangrrhrnts with the' C. 1 . It, dill• and noel long to tit+, remembered. Ttiemsion, oa moulltdne tit town tti renew nM - ): trice. a )Naenger ago,nCe gifire +a year 1 Perquaintamrshl{ma of him fonner ra,lAem•e How'! Th1sY eapecially as it im the first. chnrge of here. Althongh he hold over three+laarter+ 1N and n half )Igo, and r•••ent inquiry the first pAat)r of this church, but aMilt prytolit •craut, bei" hearty and vl Nhowis that it m1ill holly floored. The h on, and A. Met It In every er"^ floe (rml one hundred dollar+ teemed for an it IP nine mons 4 old." err w'ay ad inner mal rale of cwaereh that cannot M cnrYsl by Hafly OI'gAnlZall()11 f'xpe.ta Gs rllh n4)Ilnn"tPr fifteen )'ear* )'ounn6er. 11 I+n KaNrl unary tear+ CNlarrh ('nn•. The• m•rvice at North street Meth- ince he left Ondrrlrn. Ma he rorninc a warn, F'. .I, rHF:NF:Y R 1 U., Tsolemto.'1. terW uie and to contribute atothe either mon• interest mon the nM btwu "nit It- affair..nd terttinnsene of the ,mall At the ()flier t1/ligErhnrch ()n Mond#t) Horning wad wo, the a i,h-" gned have known F. J. 1st charge of the Yl)mla m:hol, 1C strafe, "1 ,Y 9nlpmvMepaenl. whirh hate taken 'beney for the snit LS year., Most hollwye him End, hilt lhPur la 'n() rewlafn welly the 1'R Y plMce•, Thome, Who know hint in furrier days perfertly honorable In all ha+lno • trwnaactlemw sy Ho»n1m of Trade here and At Hlelrrich being the normal Flower Munday. The tilt phased to have him common must+ m"onK•t and Memorially able to .•pry elft any obuga• "hould not go ahead with it program. y them. -_ _.___ InP1I11eI'N of til. Mlltldw m•hrr11 pat to• tion. retests b rel. ern,. aher in the epnt.r• of Ill• r•hrets•h, and t 'u• ion,,. Klsv nc k M.tatts, Nothing r•oHld.le more appropriate. Wholn+dle Dnlggo-t-, T.Imlb, f1. ower" were everywhere in evidence Sbrdid Always. Hall'm Catarrh ('ore 1. take" internally. e. Public School Board. AddlegAPA were given by the ppantor• There aur M)laP roprOsionot who take A meting directly upon the bleed nh.1 murys. Rev. (i. N. Hagen• and Rev, B. ('1Pslent mnrtaren of the "r"tem. Tr,tlmtm1,c6.ent bee: The monthly ineeting of .thPf public sonlid, litililorhen view of everything. Prti-e7.5mint. prleNtle. Auld nlnlldrngd.ts. arhox,l Mmrl was held con Tu.Mlay wt)d A PleadIng trnture tot the n111ti1rNl Including the as`hie•tpmentd of science. Take HAIL. Fnmaly full- te,r ,"m•Alpatlo,. evenin Irrsent MPssrq. ('rwigiP, pOrtiml of the service wan the "inFing A pitItli it -41 citizen who waw try, - g of w h ranh., He iuv.q Me So,' h r ('tett. TI„ gens. Is..ean, Platt ,end Y inp to tela• funelq tAs A\dills A Well- DIED. Saunders. I'hI• .peretwry'N stalrflellt trip. could girls, Edna PrMham, irl m known Arrtie Px IorPr in fitting out WILMON. -In a«detirh tn,si,-h ., nn Frldw , showed Pwculovltq for Jrenp ref llnrX.71, Price and L(Illnn IS(Iwwrd. in •flhr NII expedition for Polatrea.arch cwlhxl Jnne Ith. rn«n• Illlhl, alts ret rater l+. W Iro .Yl r* n« n Rev. B. Clement I r,. a 1 Par• w. , fit r G er t wddneree sea .A mon o ) r for the 7 :i 'd r tl„ti t awl moo late f t year til .fAi. a . ]upon w wealthy ).nod merchant and The matter of re abs to Sr., Andrew•'m the school. At the evening the Mc j;, 0411. to j„r.;;,n. oil then n:hevencron nor p waked him for w contribution. M Find Mt. David's want mrho ola And the pweto, drlivmvd w patriotic sermon in ••toolrbat'a the oofl of tit Y" klv the t+. 5\ it lam Mrinlo h, At. (Aar M'- street. Central school was referred to the l lonor of Dominion Day. merchants a is of It . t on't mK sd :e yr.". rvhnq. ntitit committer with power to I On Anwday evening Rev. W. H. it l,e worth Msue(,hing W nunkind If ACH11141N. h, nooderh-h. on T"r+dmr. July Ae•t. ed fw•(-tpait tary wdirected to l"b aham prewrh.d his lwn+well aPt'non he- rtlacovetb the North Pole 7" -1 - -std. f+werK• ,%,he.on..gat 7" year. and toff ,, ( .mx,t ha. engage the TeltPj1rPran(-e Hall for n in Vic a street Methodist chie1Y h t1 p,tc h - dopa find It. What good is The funeral will take (,lwo fmm North mi re.t elation room for the` tall term and to it large cont -Per L -tion. His text wait the North Pole to anybody less- Hem \fes Mail -t'hor'n, en FrMAT, July .4h, at a InterYfew this formpr cNn•tmker. An trema St, John 14:27, '• Pearce I leave The "AIIPI•" ,»tience gave trltt• '•I didn't "''Id k n a1.. to Malt land MTMMr. Aertke 1 harder. at !.Ao o'rlork. Fippliextinn for flfb o,)l was read se in with vrnu, My place I {ve rMto you : know but )nu mlppht have M1me rtrtd , LF;NIU:N11INO. n, fret, Hnron, m, Mont Sl. DATId'm meted gehexol wag read and , nut Aa the world glv.ta, ve 1 unit, ()tits, A. An alp"". to know what day. Joly 1-t, .robot A. I'lend.n nen the aPrrelarY was instructed to write vote. la•t not rYend• hrwlt Fat Lrooihlcd, kind of w'osrl its made ()f," he tAid, "t yr"r-'ind t nu,nth.. hot hn. ,.n off the serrotary ret the ap>plicant'q school neither let it' be aftald." In his con- turning un lits Mel snit welkin out. i.nue Johnston, •..d rx, M the lata \try g and Mn. John ClendennlrMt. I I I I \ ) .,.. 0 d:+.. ". \ , •,l ,.ti , ''.: `, ,s,•i ,. •. .:' _w .•., '.. , 4 c .,.... a . •.. F' x. . .A .. a,. . ... .V; . 1... '1 - . . g „. d,