HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-6-27, Page 86 THt'USDAY, Julie 27, 1907 THE SIGNAL: GODERICH. ONTARIO I
ytST HIGHLANDERS. And if the play the hall nil tlpawen - -----..---
THE___ _ -----_ - _ - —_i+
yy The Soveref leoeaOileRrml,trofthe,�Id4lwit at IU o'clock T�"�-�
that they laid in I.11cknaw I'lla FI'ill'" II h f -
n 1 « ureo/.on ,o rVWiul perwe,. to s'id at at
Sketch of the History of This Crack they whuuld liesvt. uo troupe in dial it Ihu vary„I, Vnlu,u[tJ u.r, xt,x,,",,fd xnd w the
rlfeeO of Iwai u( Ihr IYhall. 10 \\'l -sl 1 I eu,tl .uwwlog up of Ibe 1 otamo by the elerk we
`!`^1+• efy lull lest l'lo. :\I atl4gt'1, 11+eflll'N lin► Basle of Canada ' behalf of Ili„ Iwr9 I -ted fid In sol 1n •u
^lade file hie leeuu fr,,,u oil YLA W NO. 1:1, Iv7, l uwUnr ,w uplw.inK t'e pr..lurt u/ til," hyt.w
1'he l-nlhusiKrtie s oiritr o/ l'rllic y nig pl,{)t.l>r uV tor. ro'•pa'tA°ly.
orlib in N'ho cunevivki flit. idea ill' a aIle, although the) N ill iulpr,ve gtw/l- ru1t1N 1RATION (l' T1{k TONVS UY' uol)K-! IX The ednrk u( the culmcll of the mid town
. Highland reghueut` fur lisp city (,, ly with experi"u,•” lilt.). pl,ny {rely It ('11. ill Uuderieh,hall attend „t hl.,memo i uhol
_ town hall at Inlielrwk In the forew,an of Vote
HrwilLnn were far Doul iN•iug wit.. "ualgq' IN{II Nod fir,• ill til•• guwe tlt.w—IDvitC3 the ACCOUntE _ risks, she I,kh day of J,dv. Ile, to .wq lip olio
Laken to their b hl-selt- of railing held,' NlNrl 1u tinkle. Cx N110 Nen by lh1 1 A 11VI. Alis' Til Ut'AHANTKY: CK11TAIN OF _nwuberof tent°" forxnd, 114.. 1 the bylaw.
Nco14•. in tmN 1 Tlly: INLYInI OF TUK MAII'LAV11
a corlml in t111?'f,/Nt developing aletY,l,- h gauu•N Ihr felon i» n. . ItivkR INeWN cU., IX%IITKL. Iktlud at the e, 1nt'd ch,4nllm r of lir, lawn of
utas of flit- Nlagat•,t pelbiuxula. No ''zrrpliuuall)' halt boding oar :Ind ; Corporations,! F'%aterna� (iudw•Ich, iliolimb d.ty u(JanO, lUli.
4001ler WAS Ihr Itrujrrt wooled than Itl lied I I ta. tali nn the Wall al any uuao -_--Ivor iWIXI'ti KLI,IuTT. 31. Jul{\4110
t.1. F:Amit The ivild,aJ Rk.tal ItUa 11 ('0111-
hrlu'ly rr•Ntmmsc W the xp foul wool, rel nod kunrk out ,. t•irLnry. 'I'll, pany Lludtl•II. Intend. w eY,n.0 hwt r erm n .Ilryur. ('Inde.
( nine are l0elo to 4 ;:::It IN Societies ' and IndividualD Ilio til, yr Mail laid about ,have miles ea.terl
given by th.afe N'hoxt. furl-fNlllri•s 6.411K NI Ill-ldrrr. :t J r
1\'allll lit- liar' LL, do 1 film" mho "lit lull*, of UotieriPh. bet wvvi, the trodden Ihr hoot uC lbs heallu r• 'Jello I '1 ► k flit. IN•el uU hen e- town,Ml, of I ulboruo W.f 1110 luwa.h,p of TAfCK NUT,( K
difHcuhi"" IIIaL IIIPNI'IKblt• xLLYllll Ihr 'lav, brit Hta'ueN slid Does in,- 1) kills jntereSt lowed On Sav1I1� u,Nier,r 1, munlcloalitie* N11,1"rlllt 10 140 -fin that Ili,•,ehorelr a true COPY of . proplr»,d
dividi-d flit- chlor hot/u1y Innen of &fglr.riell (ser the purlww u( Juc01o1. bylaw whhh 11skN be0u htkeu into rru.IJnrellun
C,WYtI-111 of " 11P5V rnrtl,lwort• Uf Celli -V r ,ug Iw,vter and appb'1"x,.11"u W all olio ,e. a„A ,t filch .ill o boost
ehcuumlereNl• GHfcixld+nn hold w u,. Thr lwun lu. Luckue,w did not have DepOsltS and CCedlted or Intl wank•1 P"•"mNl by the twuneu
limy Iw Gnuul pmrUcabh, h1'ludiog dric,nit of parity lin the event (Uw n+.mit
IIIUYl-II nlld IIUse N•M11a uhjl-rl lona wet (,11 I'., fldl Nt lwllgtl, thy.e Nalaelilutev- 6 Ihu'Ila• hl"ur/ of 111u walcrwurk. and electric of Ila, tllerlar- Rcloir uhlwu^d th -votol after
And overvuule, but in due euutnr I be I Ir•imR use 111” nim•, bol ,tL that like) t I,ght Phtit ufehe NNd Lu,ru of Uelcnch, ooe nwnth fruw til- dlwt publIV-t1un In The
�j a year AND wns:NN.ta the .rill The Multla id Itiver S'xnNl, till' date of which et.,' publi0ation war
ria em OftdINTI Highl#IIli ac lour rnu,- ft r, the iecoh fur U4• finale t,•euu ,uht '1 w Thur.Kl,ey, Llle .tinh d.ay "f Jour. SAI(. and that
Illem NLIr1[Ig. tv tLN ,NI uCl'U111111ia11•d :,flee 1111• Nt•ru1111 IIIIIIu{;a IUHI flit. alllr • 1'oN,•r l'um tNlnY. Lhuilvt6 lou. rey ur•.tWi Ihu
wfd tuw'n u tuderich to,dd tietlin h, 111eirs,eid Ih0 volel of the ntheelector- of the ted wuulrl-
act. The citizens of Hatililf mi I K A. lent: I L I:..tL.ur t' e U Nlurich flea u.'I, "mdertakle.g h) iturrrnteeing to lbe extent of Iptlly NII, tw trktlu lhenon sea Uw tlxY and at 1
well ill ri hand. Till- 1' iottoltl rlarleal uU' 91➢I,IW.W pmur Iral he.ids, lut.re•t Owen,... lhtl lwur Nnd pla,w" there,^ fixed,
lady S mpathetic the ares iaoill u.•L, tcdll. Nl'lll'lllg l.N'e 111 Shu fll•aL ihoiuK", ;,1e hunts r Julwuhuc. to b• L.urd by Ihu M. U. JOHNSTON.
11111{`' N)'11111fi 111t-flGlll)•. buI Hnauci+Jiv, ' %nest in Ihr, feet tend lbs)• fell use til-iNu❑ Ifs awl his rlrvt•r Ked wafhulblr wife .+`fJ Thu NedUaud Ili, at. 1'uwrr tum toy,
and 111 rlll,l't Lltllr Igen, ill,Ilio re,111 tIN1111•N feel. f11U 1' N,lfrlil•N and N'ltll l•t'1', •11s rt, 11- will IN• Illlu,t•, 1, mild IIIN 11 )' 111 (itNl rt'le h" it,...,II ! [lie tot "tal al rwl'l,rt of wed company ('fork,
Wer" rates" anti
added W tilt, I-egl•. trilnted toy (ilt• loosen, tonal lietied x will follow bell filed their family beiuf 00,IwP, beside. ,ulorma, 'r"ny - ----
ment. The regiutenl walk still further, total of seven eon*. Their last run tvit.If fervent v%i»heh fur their fufu3e Iso wus:R3:.t" it t. rlirxileut to grant the Lightheart Lane.
increased ahurtly Lhereaftrr by two w#I» 111441" in the sevrnlh'un a single Nell-twing. ,wad aft "illy et to elle leruls and cwndltiouN
:ItculPpanies, Anti x full Ilaftaliun +&fall twoerrulr. , hereiurfteraelOUL where birds lnhedgemblo.womy
elf PIgl1L offal IN114•» 1111W 1'1111xtILl1(rN Flnwrt Slit ldx)' 1V Ill iN' Ill m:rl')'(Sd Ily 'I'II M:Nk: YY INR LN) 11 , IINf•I1V1, NI1,I (r Ix hereby
'rheic 17r1c n0tlr repeat,
( I Lu,.kurlN' "lade their• Inns tally in Nurlh •l, •t �IvIh,NItM YnudNh%' Nch•Na1 enact.d. by tlfl muntdpal tvuncil of the lwld TIII mornlugnrlW with welally
unto (NIn4IN N fTNrk 1'rg1111rr11N. Ihr .I \1 h, nil lion) h Ihr)' hNlkrd IttCr next tin /bey. Al Ihr Itlol'uing Ilrt'- Iowa of Uuncl4l., xs full"w" : - \trll,euuuxly "weal ;
Lieutenwnl•Coluut.l Logit., who has in-asingin 1 bl' Lrurl b. 11'ith two oleo oil vi/ l-. xl I l /, clock, Lies, )aunt a wch(,„I 1. It phall les lawful Mr the Styrol' and clerk \There lova front brlmmhtg batten aps
hero in conmuaul of the rl-gintrnt i IsuNN lhl- ,pall ions hit Ise mho intil-ld. will 1,1• PI'f Illy, 111,{ INN,)', aril n NIN•rlal fair wwn'of lla"'irry h nAl 0( lit itrWe Llurn tc
N,net. its (Ut'nlatii,, 111 IiMt{, has Staved pn AmbrwJal aect&” drain
I ater4iug a I riper pixy whack l-udld the urvlrl• of Ne 'v lel- 4711 IN• obmer•ved. The .eel. to exoculu altd deli, er a. the act and daNl U lin, but ref'" to loitering!
G1 13e a must efficient and popular home ten. w k 14) Lam ser 4 Ne law. 1'6e collrrtion vial Iw dr.vott I) to pfiyiug printed U hey, for Llghtherrt Lane!
"I'ileer, 'full to hiw is dile ill lar a Ut th0 wad rwlx,rrtwf UK• Written or
(L HnNI score N'Iw 111 W L , Kurr..uttlr or gunrx atax•. of Ihn wIJ 0urp am ,
nleNrtllM tile tl11Ce'tww of the ('lH l)m. 'tyle l lit Ihr INIIi Ire ,IUP (,n Ihr cork ear,
set lilies gmtraleteeixtt the dile f1Mywent of Ihu Where way".•Irotch cool and shadow
Ninety-Firot is uniformed ill the salve I The tents' in the win I rlxeal. he the- AftY•rnooll principal and iotere.t of the p11edm or debt.
m 1
x N "''A m t"em"uf Th, Stallland Miner Power ('on, in Tulure the talfsaed feet,
dress +tN its Old Country altars, Ihr filar 1{I/nK.Klta• LITKNoVill. Yat1d41' eel 4141 elft m.Ire l,IrenlNrrul�» D >
1 -use,; aft uP :o the aunt. ilk Ilia ,aggrcKate, ill And little w'lnJ" hwy laughingly
At xnd Yuthrrland-Ihr. Ltrtull i 1 111IMPe1•,a1 Immo hundmA ,Intl ehY thuwmu"1 leuwu rank.uf rippllRe whe&f ;
living the lanae xx that set Ihr ffinlnus Ile,ul rat -n r lcl'uy And other f irate of Ihr arhooi ,sew Jollxnl (ser pelmet{mil rel"u'ablu In thirty Year.
Haack Watch. hr T+lit filch•• +':&f nl-wl l�' in fled W hr Hefent ill LIIIs 1^101 the na3' fit the plane thert•ot, w,tb',n N% here wild blooms pelt the butterflies
iN{d{fe'r•apurxn, I r I{riNlin { tereml it Ila, II,tYlll(hlal• NI 1110 al h• of et U Ix r \1'Ith runts 0f nm y Iwln--
L )Q, IN worn 1, lite CNuadian High• JIr('rrntll l"t brise !111teltrli »t•N.•:iun• eY•nuun pun,nnum {Naynhl0 hall Yearly un the ll lint but IeIL
hinders / am liawilWn, field feather It41'ar. *-'1111 INI.o ThlafllNnn - - - - princflN,i lu 1!w he) fit the slid (rdn`Ix ser IN loitering!
tNselnets that would IN• flit- envy of i I.indleter JOIN•oturp a0hatfNrnuo•etobu to Ihr •t(ect U hey, foe LlahtheartLaun! .- -
I!•vin/• short sto f ,,'all may k sew n nuln'm power when Ilya ulr,,, ticWlilt tr•Inauwdr by the ufJ Tile Court Of Revision.
an)' lady fair in the count1'y. lu N illl(inr 31'41 Ila." W. Johnston )'nil •know til things that provoke Vailhtnd Iti,°r Power torn I,ct'-lease the clash and cleworing, $'�. C. 11, Hey1P N waw Iwducrd
h:lli(,tt Iefr tleld Ifeid him. I"U'lirnl at. Ihn• �MenY. Idudhd, in Thr court of roviwion of the #Iwmeaa- I ✓I�M) and Joe. F. Whitely N was red brief, Ili other Canadian twgintrn, IN - Ili,• . pe1mipoJ ser fit° t es c'n by The da.t and ,Ilea and heat
so Nplendidh' mud expensively l-1 ui S- 13. Ul-use lillht Held 1{. Juhn.t„al sed 1.n.d.ord0berlare. w ury-'tulaelf or Input roll of the town of Godrrich 1Jt0le. The other asrPmmnlCntw were left
1 ) 1 f Yon r:aufilt . G{ldiwh your ritixrn- any' of novo,. the IYlri"n'nri Ne of Ihe' town set Lrt's gull flies rtamplog.ordldnca.' as they were. The, (loderich Klevatur
pv1 +{w the Visit. �\ cid, rl•llllw Hr•Id l laLlrirl U'.lerb la win PRY to Ihr 11.1,1” Ihr. tomo,,, w The "tru¢ale of the.tree, : held Ila first rating on Tuesday even. .hip in hr:n l -ll dtxlgiug yunr {axe•+ iu.ferxuu, a inglly W. I. HurWn, for the (itNlerich' (ore• camp will ix Considered lit an xd-
N'hilet the Ile 'seat Las nut ,men Pulpit.• 'niltau here. p.,deuaml..mhsularanteetosee Fur one full dNy.Of)o)fielnoNm 'U&S. vas will
ably to Nea•pl ill Lhr inriLtlioul+ rz• Y'• 3. otherw'i.t• in uch form mud to ro.stale. .11,if Lilt's ell ,the ):levator xnd Transit UO., claimed the R Fridx)'
(,Ir I)v ilolirlg+ : 1 _ .f I .i li 7?i H 61her or 1.1".1 11 0 pro, 1, .ser .stat,Iil tun. ,N. 1 Ryva• Of {ealu- evenirew
tended W it. yet nn a nuu11ter of eN1r:t• li,"1.'lirh ........ u u u i 1 e t lel Hl-at'l-n h/ t /lm not tilt! prayer far .h„u Is rept0,ld 0t. v)' u u SLt)or .,lot wd,r(- (1 hu bill let'. so loiterlra ! Compwny was Improperly NaseaatNl, _
alone it has enjoyed,the he�pitalify ill Lurk^+,w ......... u u u 40,11 I nun I i •Lrrnllt h that xs nu ohject it r in ,or for Ilio maid esti , o plvo a,"l, hawoe'er, [loo U her, for Llgh:hear[ lane! the huetneas Naaeepment toeing nu41e t An ideal woman is one we frequently
` _ _ Service. uch pr0h boar and ruoditfwh+ du out Iiurlt the on the wrung hasis: N. S. Dunlop, for t ty
--.------.— . -_ _ _ - _ dbllgNtlon of 1he„aid lu.'u to pas Ihr "mount llflruu It. tinter in July Lippincott'.. . beat• about, bat +lelduw flee about.
_ - _ w, it, default, nppi drmxu.1. r. afun•-sed tile l'. 1 . It., eomplained of excessive .
'SPI3ND DOMINION iDAYJIN GODERICH. -• Prlerislhn uxw•ur,on of the rain gw.r Iaseemetalent;findthefollowingCIAIMOd A aniall hoy regards work aN ;,
.n rt.,,. any of them ac west Tho Maitland "Du )'use think n twi7flm Cantor INolh they were over-asatNlaeel: W. F. Kelly, I /means (if k mischief. eping grown-up P00PIroul
Iti,er Ibwer rwulrMy: Lhuuat. -lull] .fill the rich and happy i” 1 don't know, but I VWRI. McVittie, C. H. Heyl find Jim'
. 1 t 1 -wry approval of thele h "eh"I'lem duly I'ni Killing to Ise ux:•d for expel -h leutal X. \% hitely.
K""' In 11'"I't"'Are-le,i far that part-,•, exe- \When a weRlan takes the Conceit
It 1 col.' wild deb, r t , 'r t, n.tl .'he, .11.11 rte PurlNow's.' --Cleveland Plain Oe {ler. \W. S. Kell aaweeee (out of a Alan she herself is likely to
, ,rifnaUy Nalaed n1w" by Use .,tad n,n.1ii n • )' mrot%vasrYducosd have ad oilhle displa
mut Ihr ,nr1",raliwl ill Ilse twee of Ii,N1c.
. - rich a uoa'Sx"Ke npw tbr!r and.. build - - __ - _ _- ___ �' � ,
h,K•• Phut. mmehhler3. fixtllrn wo lies'.. -, _-_
rwh,. "sed euNOmeNt., which set mart-
^ - - KIeNr .hall he it nr.l rhmme sepia all loch'
properly a."I 'hall r."Iftm Ute 1.1 mer•. Nn.I
. •' 1-111% Ifou. LiNurl in nlurtxage- Kicou by ..m. I i u1Wh to Necarae bonds w•tt le,1 and app ,rel u[
t Ihn Nollotor for Ihr .,sed ,own xu shall
t.• .. slum an,l protide for fill• exeyyi,eut of n jor10 COURT HOUSE,
'paliesed,nit-tNi d ho" Nb"Ij .I lie -• d 'PHONE NO
1 P I.I I - Q
3 Use nth° wW Imnw... hr hr ,N. n. b).
I he vuf ,'.'Joan)' real fu, the trlxty"war to hr SQUARE. I.
t- fid aI uofu•. of all lit which may )�
I"sed by It hr a•.Imwa s.f .aid I,ttuanude,d Ism D/RLC IMPfaRTCRA
h , 'ores Gila .illi the .11 er INoe - lu ho I..lied x9 OODLR/CM.
_ _
: afbn•-u.1 i' -tis• .aid lvanlmon. 1-14-1 .uch won..
gag'' -ball /nether per, loll, for IM• in•uri ore Ly
III,- -.,,d couy..,v of flee -sed i1 ... rt tl,I -- _
• cru) .0 bow of Vw--till Imlctee iu-..".^oar lune'..
1 ley' Ila• fir IialituinK. he ..p.h re'+,,pu,ie, a,• .hill!
fr� ",""rot wl W be the+,1141In ,I..-aeh""1 by WI. Windi
� S
fl ,,ill fiIrllni,gomil.1 1. kU"Mn am "Ihc wool.' g" UP June Business
__ "We r -141`e" if denlandomf h) Ili,- said trn.lt•r, l
„ria K IMtbyrnl,i p'nrtthr wad I"nid+'nandrlint
,rue i.eyni•nl of til° p,i•wuux. Ihe'etef. rAY
A. a....nullinnlrfe•rrl.mie'Kfhe. .r ed1, nor
o,het•allu-aa f hi, bilill t. vd.•or plwlKc With a Good e
"I fb.•.a,d lNnxl. et. Jrlpve uy. ,u In; gllrl It, List of Specials
n•rtl hytia see of Ilii. b, Lt.-. .lin ll Ir• Iwid to
h” .Md I rh,.t.N•, moo A ..11 Im• ,'Ik fle 1: one) I n I
h••,sr.l ofron•onrtio1( ,fidwta { aagg ,tee
,reek, mal Ie I ... pan ON.r of 1I,. .....f''r,ilhls
f en'Ic+.+.•narntNlnroruw•IinnthclY•wi,hpn,rto, HERE IS A
"ilia the 1eroYatl.+lrr liar 4111• fir .Itdxe at. fie- f GOOD LIST OF SPECIALS to wind up a busy June
, s - set ber INefu .wt. to I - i�.ntd a. mlun•wf,d. and
I,:J""•'"t''' by Ili • -,kl r4.Ier e'tl, .1 of d start July selling at a brisk rate. The season's stocks must be
r„r,tr, p(,ar"a, crrti , I., far u'b erma of I
..... t.IIA„ Is- Ixi "d'": l.xe pt 1.)' I'n to q ickly rounded up and got in shape, for already we are planning
iS nes.. ••dela of the far••', ilu.'ulroN,'�rch '•rytrpl se, the
v "It,+s,er" and preparing for Fall business. We are going to take July to put stocks
- J - e -ate.. which ,ser• to Ile I. nod fur .nm,.ia.
from rinrelso timh not exceeding !b per rent. u(
'111--..I.11,c.n.erU,'lrm anal dot.. all over the stole just where we want them, and you will find this corner
,'hat.• Iq' Ihr rueth,cet fir ntr11irtt; ,-t mid
fl t.0 r
`c"'I-''e u"' le "ark"""' Imo' nf':l feA.et aeon' o: the paper doubly interesting for the next few weeks. Every week it
+. iJ: and Ihr b»Lau;,• ;•h"II rk ,net, out linty I
mo :Jlnrnnuph•,iunor Ihr .+,lid .ark., .wl „err will be well worth your reading
'he+",ne mhxrl hall..mpplftrl lwwer 10 the .al'' and full of helpful hints for
e I— to +tree. Ihe. i'l 1". ,..Wall ll.ve o:e*1 ted If!,,,,,
people who
.nal wah•rwork• mild electric toghl +).i•m ser want to save mune In their D
• "'•' •1RN'r of 111(11 )',loin IM ,, .;a;,t,,,., ory ,I,;,,,- Y Dry Goods buying. Qualities are good in
"ere every case, and prices are lower a good deal than regular.
A-1. 7'hr -lfd I'll,' Ila it Lend River I'%%er ('nal.
puny. IJodh•d.+l"dl ext'e'nd IM• .lin of }:tab,-.
nn,'ral'.Ilat'Im1 haNe of titin +„Nl prf,Il"r,•.• Strictly summer stocks will be kept full and well assorted throughout
and I hrcun.tlnetiun of the wld data, and Ih1•
... ...tlla..,n of Plant and nmchlnrr)'..nd a„ the season. just what you want in summer goods will be here ready for
THE qts{ HIGHLANDERS, OF HAMILTON, WHO WiLL TAKE PART IN THE FIRST OF JULY ""1pB'thrn roe"trusted "hall be of the ii. i
DEMONSTRATION IN GOUERiCH. nlalernt31m antl'lia'1 ne yr all Ilia rpokee err
_ +."Pr 'Inty,nd I you Just when you want It.
•YDlfx n.Yp. (ser the ser "Nle of
-- _ Vpp1)'Ing Naelrl'mrt tN>N'°r to the wi'J town to
-. - __. - _ - cmthlc rhrm to DtMIm,Hy upt-rnla [belt wale, TT
outmidp,,Uses. A mtereng detachment - - and eleetnr light work., nail alw to furni`h Costumes at $y mwo
CHURCH NOTES. i p,wer to all the manufacture" now it, tem wl'' Raincoats at $5
under ajar 13rurP and Captain Bell BORN. town. or who limy hereafter locate then•f0.
visited New York in JI#I 11MU, els ("OHER.- In Onler:7 h, on Tuesday June 'Lith, who) 'hall refiutrr title Name, d, the extent f at
)' Ret, J. Y, 1luldrrw, of f31111t iN, Jt#In., to Sl r. xrot M”. Nin. (ober, r aughter. In,wcr. and the wIA 'rho Malt VYO R'011ld lilt t0 sell til@ last TbAd ma We will sell you a good
gueataoftheMilitwry Athletic Iwagfir, preached in Knox rhltrch on Sunday Ultlt. In UrMeMch d,wu.hq,. rnl Mvnd.y, 'oxmtLnuhor- y d@ y
and proved W bt• the fe#Iture u( tilt. and Kill IN;culo) land Itiverl'ow'orf'ourrmtn?'.I,Iwih•d.,hwl"1.1,
the pulpit next sit ,
June, 24th. to S, r. Nnd Sl n, Nutt leer, w son, krs"Vw'nQufirixd and mwlutnm ulo.a(d works in COstlinte we have 111 AtOI 1_ OD .Sattirl]ay.' t'' raincoat off Saturday for
great mtlitar+v tollrn+tUl"ret in Ad+4lien❑ day, 1 ('HR\4TA1 --Al Mlrctlarh, flask., to Nr. rind u t( Iw NuWte Of 011cin No eo ryJim auamitthi- c fumy `• e
W6 Vi tiKtdenP. YorMAnk
fir the wen At flit. Mout I Ipeting ,if ►he alt• I If"' It (' ('eery"t"''"'on' � ammo. ought to if prices will do it. 'ou can take your 80.00. There are ten or
W6 vinit<d New 1 irk rnl that uvea- Qlican myna, or lluron Judge Ilolt DIED.
orlon will Ile included ill the detach- x The said The Slnitland Riverl'awerIlit,,. choice of any of thein for zaet) ! ,tl twelve in the lot. Most of
K'It.- lip .lotl•fl to represent Ili/• din- }Il'4T.\Illi. In 4 o anon Lindtel..hallsnpVlyto Ihr.al-1 CIuiN,r Q y yI0:00, All are them new nient to visit (iadertich on Iluminl,,,, tu,lry. on rnnrlwiun on ati0n of the ,ow'n of li,aier, h -if Ilia -11''1 @ j;aTm@ate Lh19
come a iron oio lilt+Nen+{Le of'I'riseit ate WI . M,trarl. F. Ili, relfet of the town .11x11 take /,vm the mid tutu 111).1'1 -class garments and most of them double this
Day and will Perform the earn" 1) ,.-t,,- Y ialw K'In. Nu.fald, y rNthe .fit
ral drill ,hatxruuawd so murh enth,,.. i uivl-ltlty,,TUronlee• fall IfillaY Nged11 a", 1 rnontb flrlent rrowcr he oro m•rly oM,Mtc their wwer season, tw@@419, Or Craven -
work" amt eler'Irw lwht eymtem. at. the prwe price Or more. :•ITO matter whether they sold at
farm in Now York. '1'Nv, hauls, one Thrlr war not a large attendnnrr at THI ISI4VY. In (I xleHrh, on That la''' worn. ,f {7,nrl t"v,ln,,,un nayable half yearly for Ihr y ettes, fawns or gTa 9, three -
co aln)*ed of braw pipers, the other tr( lilt, lawn «ocinl Ing• 3"lle Toth. lienrefe W. Thou o, "i>e''e „( Shirt)' lie,, , and the obl con, pari • $18.00,t J
Riven re the Intdie!t Kat fit yea" mad a months. .all "Iso -"ppry all 11.61." mild fit her 'il VII $ 20.00, �l•).00 Or .$30.00, Ott take our (l Smarm@r an(I full length.
Iruglrrm and drulnmrlt,. N ill rlcroln. Aid Society of North stet. eL hfethalisC The fuurrll w•,II Inks phut. /ram hl+ Irate nares Irogalmlt.• tan , d .nth Y y fit
�p}ny the kilted Ixddi"N In (irNleriCh, chfit'h on mho grnfindN of it d-•t'L Nr• rn."1ieave...rjeio Hums)
11 Ital•k'"ra rnadn V Vowur dhr, to 1{eRlllar, Yfj,B� t0 t�,��
RRff ate Pr"eat twNRilatj• now usrtl Ry til° nand choice Saturday for $
W our citizens will Ile rllfolde•d x11 y town ,in then' -ald "•stem, No that the ww ' ,
lw•4❑ nr,Tul-N/btyeve ling Slaitlm,d ccu,etery. .�arvlcc aL hm,.t- at .,t4 town 11nll nest ten obli choice of the lot Saturday
Thr lhrr,ll god to pulcRNne. other
opportunity fir meeting the flnAst fol ening weather doubll+•fin kept, many "''I° k• town "mt mxrltincry In aider to, enable Incl„ A Ten Dollar Bill
Of 11ulitNry hien in the• Province, Ai A`r`k And it dove INalr of rosin htukrl' to"-eLIIe.Md fx/wer. I'Royrll"'ithet in raw. Five Dollars
old (ioderich hay, in till- 1,frsorr of up the'pne,ty utth,•r hurriedly. - the use, rude toy the -lot corptrat,on as��
CaPlain John 1. :1Ic LNtY•n. Neill caw• -- of Its mid y.trtu .hall Incre,ute to till.
Next Sunday will Cheap Rev. W. H. extent of twenty fllfe per cent. over and ��
,hale the dPtachml•nle lie will Im• """' the prerot useN 1hereaor "r .hall y
IKcolnllamed Icy K numlN•r of til" ntnlf M Ill,eell'm Ichatch. 11f til/'111rn1 Nt1Yet -, IncrexM that Ihr power drtll"wied minll' 60o yards Muslin at zoic
find colllpally of}lepres. Will 1 we tF11mL `II•t11NI1NL 1•IIIII'rll. Mr. (il•allion ha.- NA?T7r excrat'arahor-c ix,wrt', than the rhnrgr; Ila"dr C
hero 11l-tr for tl 3 ff%% W r° 1 it, t e Chir tw lm, td ripen the . ",'Ace +eI (Mali y"NIN fancy rolomd nreaw Muslin• navy rnunde with enlxll, white flglllr or aka dntw o
will enjoy their first visit t( our town, %..ftkU. to-rni or roar Sul ha Ilia {Mrd remro of the Hydnr.kleriie Rg (1rNt
^__ yralY fold during thlN aim" has fail Power l'onrrnl-Nion, rebtLlnq to water {wwer -white grounds with flower hatter'nm in Pinkie, littlest greens, plc., alslolutely new gaxtw and r
pr•rsmld hiulw'1f file(,,, the eunonanit V PGS{ Card AorelopmeW nn the Maithmn ltiver. bill In any regular lex: quNlitier, on axle fur the Nest lfrne Nalurd" ,fit , OC
SUMMER SPORTt9. case: the Nald (xrrlx,hrtfun of the Town of (hale- ) per yard, . ,
,W a ,meth (' mush n1ae d al (.1114146 w rich shall he at 1'hcrrs' to .apply the wld stun "" •' • • •.
--"'- force (,( e. praeLl•1' ntttl out• W lin IN 'y� In Imq'ment of the .ern,-annultl Installmentm or �'�
Th, Inrromw' uwU•h al-hedfill-d' fn la• Imn'kr d for pMwins.nl I1oNition in l6r l It�1bAm� alma«I due or ar•crainsi dne upon the wed
{flayed hemon the 111th with �Winghnin work lu whish he hiss Im•en called. li INmrl.ornetrentun•. guaranteed by Ihem. 15c and IHC Ginghams at IOC
1fm IN•rn INNetlxened W mains. (Int,• him pulpit. lull ,nslaral atinix +L The will Th., Slaltlienn Itiver Power t'on,. I Wash Skirts, 39c
prolmtbly early in lilt'. Wingloan ' {gill(,)fl (0,111)', I.flltihYl-hall hate the prfviiewc are,.- Afxrot:NMlyml-fla of them, ntr'ippe and cheeks, :111
hr hats Imre fell flint. hie rungtl-gnl incl Special value in full "x the pre.ent pINnI of the Tow•u of U.xlerirh x141 lrr� of �S'ash Skirts, in ducks, muslinie,
naked tar the change of dnle, r•n111d dl-Nit(ei but pntridl of this, in' rinth•Iround "• lilt nluufary to their pro�xpm,d rw-er.)+- in Yawns. 6111Pe. pinks, greens, reds, 'quNlitirx rte,. .lust the thin for mf
Tnesdxy, Aug114t la• has IN•l-n Ilswl 111'' grnl-rd nlffiirr o/4br town, his in. I Wert card taro, whcneccr til° wales shall he ref 1 Nand tar that sold ,lt I:x! W Ifk fuer yard, far July, K rmng wl-ar. (�
that Purlro„e, noting the currency of the .,aid ehoire of the tut per yari 1oc ('II•aring commt!ncing Elatuttlay, fit eweh... 39c
Am the opening ,hl)• of flit. (hNll-ri, 1, fluence has t -•l -n Hilt Fitt Ilii right, l Albtti e, ranging in price that Purovldod lh.f they tcurr currency
howling rhlKx nnmull Gmrnanient. to follows : - ❑ Mule, duriox sol.h ewnYNhxu Crash Towelling, $ 14
keep tilt- said aoxill"r annual nutlnlaw and C
J. H. Tigrrt, W. A.. McKilu #Intl Au- - - '-- - r vRtn� In n ��.� wad $L9$ W111tC Quilts for $L45
thew Porter have I -•en llppfialf.d 11 ?St. 3Sa Sot, 6Sc and „Iticicnt+troe of relstir, and . 11 also rnlattr )(M) yards heavy Craide Towelling. 17 to iR
NORTHERN NAViGATfON CO1 1>a. orroPlaremny ,wri W +IIf'h p1N11L Nhlrh inchl-a wide, red lxo
couunittee Lee pnrchame the prizes for Rrh,JumdnrIreekr1 darh.saol by Ihel' "'m Heavy quality, white I)Nmwsk t(uiltN, i'1z1M; leder, special at por yard, rc
the Lournaua•n,, anonu11crcor..ndmhwl nRthernlpply all roes, usehe•I. I-rge enough for douhle het r,•guler commencing Saturday ....
.5 VFW von] - l all such ...red-rafly
and xl.o all .uch price', JI1.114, clearing ,Saturday. 'choice
�'" wre not anxious (rl rah it in, hilt �' , I, -.hall Iro a,quned by mho ,,.Int Town for Three Good Towel Bargains8�
home Seekers Ihr par mese lit k,epmbe, ap mimm in eonnectie,)
lwrhxps the l.'linhm topopll- will Ix• x �� •45
Excursion EXTRA SPECIAL LINES he til'elr .will plant, which too, salt rnwn Hack Towels, goes, weight, red border,
Ilttlr nflre rend) seoK to ,ill hlit ILh,tt .11"11 M•"t litmerry to du when need No Io,1K nN Q
there was monip re11Non felt. flit r•ntll- Ihel' nlaY Ill -ell, nerr.wr durmK Inc Ian $1.50 Honeycomb Quilts, $I 19 Aped 1, kT for
at 1.00, �.... 15c
pininG+of the(i./'. L f,lotb,tll LPnml'N +NORTH WEST �t�5' �y'� and �1.c0 Ip,rest,Rit lhesaldtuw,,of 11mal,plyoncnlNn sec ower, PNVyWei�..t..... .. e, �]
Nupf-^'ter" r•gnnlint; the tArtfem of Mr.
lu Ixku r•nro of the •aid plwat• l;ztt'a hl-avy gtlality, white Honeycomb splendid dryers, mpecial f3atilydpy, two fAr 25c
MrKinnuu when he wam o11 the('Iinton Onriteamerssaifing July 3rd, 1701 and 31st If t"e -"id cnmlw,nv -hall +r, regnlr„ ft n.e Quilt", with fringe, Nise fNxt('L inches, n
:1a to nor our +i ark , i •alddON'll-heil make apolwtion to Iwytim. regains, l.:rl1,
{ 8 for July eNrh.. $, r19 Hack Towela, extrw heavy weight wad
flow with
U•#Im. They ran iePf• hila Metol'. 1a". Io 1Mr 11rfoM, w :eAk„ p:x,,i n ,aura o/the Prorinr,, al llntwrlo /0t. N minx fAl large Pize, red horderN, atwriall Hatptdav far 35c
,low Wlth a Vlore impartial Pyo. nrxndon. SfiAll felt:,;; teal NEW BACK COMAS Art vwNallna mad n,nrming this byl'Iw•, "Ian
K111-01111111. Alin. /I:.:n; IMr3'. Alin.. Zp,.: a': ret "gYeetin. t.. mortaalf- and amrnen,ee.
A Mad race hetwept, Henforth and itiam:MrNm.nJaw', 4,,,k„ "lade Or to tie made• Ihereltnder. pIVPhlld that
- 1'rinar Alhe-,t. xxmk., rf,7t.4,; Re'ghu,. ranging in pate from ]jc t0 �6.0o nil r,N.t+Mid exlp•nwY+uf and Incldmn"1 In nn
Clinton wax. ren all Monday of lawn ,wk., CV -7.S: va+known, enmk., tri.:^: ,�'Iro16 •nW, np Al.,I tun .INdl lw l y
week llrt e-ra NorinNn McD1n1 all, of C/1pP' Alberta, s1Y..'ieel: %\,Innlp,N, Well— J,P2,� 1 I -aha lYnnlmtn3'. N)rne wed paid by the A Hosiery Special
K mad .11--v I",lne. in prol.n llni.
Porter's Hill, need Herb Witts, of ,tat. Include shdmTMm" hereto h w•rond tib - "• Hy Law Nn. 1:1 of lull of the motif town of
Clinton. Till- ralttmr walk room f4l-a• ',iMlr" to lint. of .tenal4h . vistas It Y, Mre,- U.mlaHrh. flit lilt led "A b law to aharantee, Ili,, SM) pairs ladles black Cotton Hose, German make, double heelm, qunranteed hoof I teI
.We res R. ♦ Geo • Porter I.wd. it Acl,rntnn•m bT NI. dlallland Ititur Iaet black, extra value at flet pair, 20r, Npeclal commencing Saturday, three pairs fer.......Y 5
forth to Clinton Nnd fhtt'P LII11Pte `elastmerm ltpler 4arni❑ (fir Itr,rl, Pore .l rl les„ Ibw'riye n1,•nY. Lhndld."Im hllrh OC
around Shp Clinton Intek, nifking ten fid hulmh r%ery Mond.1. 1Vldnr-dn1' 0e,1I I. Tlrl+ bylaw.hall take elMe[ 011 �hc'i�y of
milem. Mrpollgall wlfl in mixt V -nix I"d"le' skr:I::p 1, i,.' it it Til la+sfnK thrn•nf,
Ininomen. Witt* quit. Nfts.r• e•tght n,tdirriw'nfor,naitmflrml fell 41. T. k. agmd, or' Telephone No. loo. u,. I'hovotenfrhrrl,..tm" of Ih0 wkl lo."
RtIIPa oK'lllg to a wtfl',11ned ;IIIk1/•, to &fINIerINa ,hall be Ltkeo on at 1 110 fifty a ,,,,, Remnants Table Oilcloth
11. \'r('l/ill east Lots: t Honer Square. Godcrich, 'ollowfnK Unre. Wool bur", n the,
I-, This Store Will be
Slw,d„ '' n ".3' : "" opened
Tlamson9 Rink Win the Trophy. Trmlhr ylma.se•r. L.. " r, u,., few 1t"f of , in Por. rm.a1..... I:, he 1M short ends Tnhle Oilcloth, dark or
� y "arnin. Un, J ing xt I he hour nf!I u'rlek In the furrnu,n mud light ollnains rdlso;i.N•k ill lhee nrtrneam ,.r u„•' K patterns, Irngthw run 3-4 to 1 3-1 vw rds,
Two rinkm or O,Nlerich IN,wh•rs #It- oned,t). h) the InlleNin,( dcpmly n•IntnlnN I r 9111" 'es' gfiAlity, clearing CommencingMoeda July ISI
tendril the Stratford lNowling Lnmrna- otnear. Nfil.uldav, l-•ryrurl........ ....
went them week. V. W. TA. (ij ll, O —_� IbfLix ,old' , Ion Nn, 1. at Tho,al.M) Fancy """"" lc Y,
rink, r•nnxi.ting of \W. Lane•, ..1. li/nit, DOM/N/ 11 IR11 , iotas, mllt,P..ley ,Ian-•- IIt,Y• 1tcol MN,•, y Silk, (' froru O a.m. to I p.m.
P. Davim 'toll If. W. 'I'honlNon. N DAY m 1 I"" rioter, and y: 1'. Is"luher. do , l An (mill lilt of Fant. Silks. of Some u,x onher. P t r hlnn'- l q me enettgh for
IwPturYll flie trophy, defeatingg ,1. Ponhaa ,nldltLlon Nn, Y. wt. T.L1. vldrnn'.1 a dream, others enough for waiate or trimming,
NGwlr'w Stratford rink in Ihr Hnfili b% ,ere, ny'I'..i, cf11 w11,1 -ell clerk, mud (hall- rrg,,INr 7:rr gfiallive choice, commencinpf Mohair Waistings at 17C
7) tow. The ten by winnersret.firneil E ....I' r,•IrhrxUnK. emun113Pr that 1110 CENTRAL I)Rl•(i Ikerr",dlpulYretirnlualNecer. `(filtria 35c
I' STORfi I, armor of North NtrOet anti S. van• iN the place. to get Pouf 1 Y. per ynld..... ,,,..
W town Iwrt. night. F. H. Ilrell 1"If I ) r1a "nlmlh loon NM. s wt Ihr taws lhmll I Laces at 5C r inch ,Mohair Waisting, n0at, aulall patterns.
by Linn 1: nnY, pol elm#, aid U.A.'H, fie',
rink fm mull playing in ,hl- asPl/rin r,n NICE BOXED CHOCOLATES, CHEWING GUMS, GOOD BRANDS 31111 yards Farery i.atew, terchons, cotton actio, green, (101 dr nay and
tlr ails g natnius n111erI'• make enol dreieal!w wad aecvlerable walatP, come In
COmpp�e.titian. It e(,nsiwtm or J. hl. ['ailing ,"" tt'I'don Na 1, at 4. atnth!"' I land trimming low -'es, atlitable far underwear or' :Ilk', commencing Sllturday. choice r +
Jordan, F. H. \Watson, C. N. Hunllx,, OF Sc and toe CIGARS. FRUi T -FLAVORED CANDIES, wood Nilo , ny %%m. elaAa 11 Y croomem. lteQular
U�1 I F. 11 1lotnleie. h;. H. Wittman and LIME -JUKE, TALCUM POWDERS. FOOT POW- Jones t. liwto", nepnty rolhrnlnsolAlcuei�k' wad drPire trimmin P(+ )anl� %c
U. H. Hunrlw c ,sew rentainiug for {hl- 1 R r'et(Illlrr Me and i n rorn-
DERS, TOOTH BRUSHES, TOILET WATERS. Palltws -#Ibnl Imran NO..1, PA Mae, �Ulorf'" mencihR riwtut•Iay, per yanl ...
douhlex. .torr. by N. Nleholmrm, pall "lark, ��
COMPLEXION POWDERS, PERFUMES. (ieMxrl'• RI"r,dcpul.yietnrnnlaomme. o"'i ( Laces at IOC 5oc Lace Hose, 32c
Goderich Wins at Lucknow. POCKET CARDS, WHISKS, Pofling"uhdi"l4a,NmItall; John Haonrhey'ml NPwtly NMI youdli in this lot, a rollecton o/
l at'e, h. soul Tarr, grit clerk, and and H. 1.. man different kinds, rat. Alxmt.:afl or IMI ars larlieh' hleck and tan Iwce
Thies year lirx,raal. meenhm tet have. a r BRUSHES, HTC. tvatNrml,AanmY IwthrnlnaoAlrer. P lically a ,Chwln up of liame, Nizem M,. 11, pJfast Cliffs", rP alar 4(k; and
oral Mw•hall {mem. Thr Ix,ym hfive S, `,,, N1Ck, lialinsxakdlvhtnnNn.7.w.ilerini,Neville'mI MY lar,! afnrk, Irwhir ale 25C to � �A
wan lNlth aih,•" - - Centrs/ /)rug ~fart I I if1al"°' by Italx•rl 1'wn, IN,u "lark. Mal John %t', choice of tike lot BrWltdwy, per yard ... ■Vaf.` ..
---�...._1 hffr qualftieP, most the latter, crtoi/x, 32c
R ,hey have phn-ne No cnmmencing Hawrlay, per pair L
far thle yews, Imdh away /tont dlnnlr, .�� and Wit. n\ 1 Vlto Mrla.dry ory lbtnrning nTrlr. •
11. IM Tnee"Ir)'. the Mil d.rr of ,liltY. ItM7,
110,11 —the Slm- of the NmM town .11 1 attelid ,u Nle