HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-6-27, Page 7THE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONTARIO -
i' AA"A"i"i• 'i„i' Q�4 4�4'i` 7�S'i"S"S"i"i' ?�P r'i' 4�F ri` ?�G'i"i"i"i trP "---
+ ,I,h OurNew
e News of the District. Hair Vigor
COLBORNE. ducted the l+«ron review lit gab- UUNUANNUN. I AyCr'i Hair Vidor was good,
MONDAY, June Goth. troth school he , terday....A louu- { the best air was made. good, TvttenAY, June Girth. A. NB\V'lY)N, UEN1'IFi1', LICK
Kenneth Morris, of Buffalo, is visit. Howarl Baer "pent Sunday at the toes, of uirmlorir of Adorning Htar �)(� VOtA'-AtbomnevINTItlT, LI bur.But
Ing friends here at present• home of Tutu Pennington. Ledge joined with the Mxruue of dtlys. �eW ltl1[1(dyR1.1=YM Ian(W[111t1U111110 AYer's Hair Vi�Orr, OtW lm-
Geoderies in attending 6ervtce at Fit. fowl,iwttorthannam,I.townandbridgemurk proved formula i3 better. It
Mn Otter, of Wisconsin, and her Almater Editar Kurmchenski war ill, George's chute'h yesterday. ale. Atu"I'"" peattl mwtbreakLblur. +
sister, Mrs. McGregor, of Detroit, a few days with art attack of ntedsles. I N. Ii. --You tot a1wN . ha,u )uurwwk muesli IS the one great specific for fall-
"pprrnt last week with their patrntoof - --T-� bullet duan is tbo denlwl ulhre--tuuru Wmr,
Mr. and Mn. H. Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Ohler and Mr, and twuerGu+flittrs/ordoinalbu work, Illuta lWu Ing hair. Anew preparation in
Mn. b'lick,tont Sundry tart in Uliu- AUBURN. forlablu fur the patleut.
A ar and Haughton Somereall took ton, every way. New bottle. Neu,
to t sr forme' excureiun toCiuelphnn John Hchwaoz had the misfortune 1 A1)A-AUBCItN AUNNI•Y, Optiu Tue.- 1, b, Dunrannoon for Thu Signal 6attIs Pont. contents. Ask your druggist to
friday last and spent a very enjoyable drrm. Thuevdays Gait tiatunaa)m. A rtlnuntl (antro la,uk and Ntetiwlury Boil, »bele +,
y C. heights. to "J'rain his ankle, and he will be laid banklua bu.inu,w trunw.utod. nlavina„ Hank u,dl•M N'tIl ba raaflved for •ubacriptiuu., lel• show It to you, the new kind."
da at the O. A. Rol) ora short time• department accept. dupcmits, of 81 and up- vrrlwiar and job work, and remipim Ndll be I Lbee not ebanye th rotor of th. flair.
Mr. and Mrs. John Edmonds, of ward+, b,tereeel at J lm•r cent. par aunuul, txty• rlvuu fur amounts, Paid for ilio wane. /
Detroit, spent the t week with Mr. \Villiaw Durmt has added greatly to Ghia everp three month . taru,un' the ,•ul+H, ]� I r•rm a. qua ..oa nota•
�{watss, the beauty of his fano byrieetbng a pueehuwdatmascnahluraw•..A.U,UAMHI•g,I \ENA' PATT1'aIN114 1N WALL
and Mrs. G. F. Alcl her. Mrs,, Ed• flew fence along its front, Acting Manager. 1 Ito+per*. uelllug e. t irdurm, ate., al t ho Dun. � silo. „ t• r•.r
moods met a large number of her ramwn 1". »rota•, lank, ,tathujuy. wall
friends during her short stay and all RPv. J. S. Burn is lit carllp meeting WHUNttaDAY, June IHth. (»otos, and tancy jr let. Nora. CoRH and toil erJ A•i ►to .coat It
were pleww( to see her baking ru at re"ent, and Mr. Young, of Gode• Statute laltew is the order of the al i"+ Itvau•+„lock slid ked price». Row a... a•..r.
well. ric� very ably conducted the services day. IN A IIAMNIx`K IN
on Flunday tart in his, absence. Mr. and Mrs. Prouw are visiting it+ :,tbr hada tit", warm day■ 1. all rialit Aa we now make our new Hair Vigor it
M rang
Y June 24th.
The hig day of sport in Goderich to
Monday of next' week is eager)
hooked for.
Mrs. Parrish was over from
trait visiting [let non John, and air
her children in Ashfield.
Roadwork was dune herr ?It th
south end of the burg On Tuerllay, an
Wednesday of last week, A. H. Clot
ton toeing patthn+aster.
Geo. Jardine and hie family hav
left herr and gw)e to live on the Hal
ford heights, where he has rented
property. He will work if, one of th
axltwor s In Goderich in future.
Friday last John Hunter, who is an
larging his barn by dividing it in tit
centre, hs 1 a bee of his neighbors t
help him. This barn was built h
Alfred Na:tel in the i0's and rine
then the farm has had meveral owner•,.
lu lt417 Mr. Hunter bought it and lie
It aince resided on it.
JAMN" (1lllmHI)LM'a BARN. - (b
Thursday last Jamey Chisbolnt's new
Tarn, on the lake shore utast, wi
raised, and the event brought t
gether a large number of the stalwarts
from the surroundirif -country. In
the the
and evening abut
ninety men were on hand to attend to
the job. The timbers were heavier
than usual, and it was almost sunset
when the race to put sip the last platen
and set the rafters in position was
commenced. The captains were Jam.
McWhinneyy, of Nile, and Re)ss McNur,
of Sheppnrdtoo, the McWhinney aide
winning by a Read margin. Then the
men, niter their hig day's work, es•
joyed the excellent steal served On
Mr. Chisholm'" lawn. The new b"o"il
is a well-built "tructure. The dimen-
sions are 44 by Wt fret, with wall {limits
31 feet high. The aulwtructur•r it, of
cement, 1()I feet high. An already
slated, the timbers Gtr extra hravy,
and the fume is solid enough to Ntand
the storms of many decades, it will
he roofed with metal sheeting. Mr,
Chisholm .Jid not let a contract for
the building, tett has had it done by
day labor and is satisfied with the
results. He is to toe congratulated
upin adding so line a structure to the
buildings along the lake shore road.
Services at the Fvaogelicxl church
this week in the vicinity of Millbank,
does not have the slightest effect upon
next Sabbath will he at the flood,
ne - a A
n rain (
1 1 o'clock.
luck •eve nmq,
their foruser house.
Mrs. T. Hieldell Of this villx�r, in.
\VBUNIWDAY, June :011),
Cliff Rivers t
r has taken a {asitiun in
the color of the hair. You may use it
free, y and for any len h or time
me wi -
Lt th
n %10.' Children Day will lie cele•
tends taking a trip to the Northwest
C, Elliutt's store.
out fear of changing the color. Stops
falling hair.
y twitted in the near future.
-- --
to visit her parents and other friends
Mina Dunho r is mloending a few days
Cures dandruff.
I —aloe• by me, J, a ayer°e.. Leweu stew-
hound fret. week.
Atdhe Ia rtionage.
) tevltoy Ret ening fur the "uutulet
afu tion. Mr. Wuuds. lir stittord,
James Young hurl a orriods accident
B. J. (Crawford and D. McNevin
TrIu+DAY, June 23tit
P U. Oke. of Toronto, is spending bin
in the sawmill a week ago. As a
large lug was [wing cut a piece cut
off in
attended the races Get Seaforth Idst
d vacation At his home here,
CAme contact with the saw,
breakin it into three
q pieces. it wire
Ed. Ituhinson him gone to Ltcknow,
where he will
MONDAY, June 21th.
A little
4 Ward Gledhill is pho I recovered
(rum his attack of typhoid fever,
A narrow emeape for those who were
in the mill.
engage in the hutch.
Pring busiuenot.
visitor has come to stay at
Anson Finlay's.
e Quite a nluuher of our ours
young people
L t,N,k in the excursion to Guelph last
Tllx HI'geVLATIt rs Attic. --- 'Phe
ecelesiawlical year has closed. Con-
Miem McGuire, milliner here the past
season, returned to her flume to Brun-
cls yesterday.
A number went over to rifle prat.
tice at Lailea on Friday evening,
ferences, asomniblies and other church
Miss Ellen Woods, of %ion, is stay-
• Little Charlie and Millie Stoke,+ are
courts have. completed the business of I
Tom McLean is laid up at present
Ing at the home of Anson Finlay.
sla•nding n few weeks with their
the point year and etal•ted on a new.
with a torr foot. We hope, tel Gee him
1Vurthy Kilpatrick. of the G. C. l.,
grandparent", Mr. and Mr. Ifeddle,
Strange events are transpiring. We
nruund Pre long,
was home for some days last week.
P Mrs. McClure, u( Inuiafail. All
' who It" teen spending a few months
have have bank mpevlati,en ; the insurance
c"rnmilwiun revealed strange tr+tnhxc.
Afiss Minnie Durnin, who has latest
llttrnding the l.erndun \urrm►I School,
Bailie Mothers, of Lucknow public
school, spent Sunday hill home
with her sister, AI n. Jas Iwrn rr
tiona ; even the chutch tluancem have
P(\tur•nel house on Friday htat,
turned to her home in blwrtw' Inst
caught ifl the spevlative wood,
,out all is hushed up carefully. The
ra. Ityan 1, waved into the house
ntly vxcdtr(t toy John Shepperd.
hiss Tollghan, or Listowel, wits a
guest at rhe humeof Mia* Lizzie Blake
Fur Epworth iwvlglie service Thurx-
ought to bP vrrto(v1 W the but•
tow, and restitution wmeir,
\V welcome her and her family to
the illuge.
on Monday.
evening at s o'clock the top is is to
he taken by Rev. Mr. Yellan(1. Her-
vice next week will be the monthly
censecratiou meeting.
rVNnYitMDAY, June 28th.
Rev' A. McNah, A. A., of Walton,
wilt the og in Knox
C ulwu.-Rev, J. \V. • Rubinson
will aero h hie farewell sermon on
Bund evening next. Afr. Courtice,
Richard Finlay went down to
Guelph flu the excursion from Gode-
rich June '21st.
h both
church both morning and evening ou
and evening
the coming Sunday.
a mtut nt of Victoria University, will
asci t ' th
Blake's Hunday sehu.rl Intend hold -
in a ciente in Tw•amlrv's love near
R 1 glove
TDasnAY,'June loth.
A. E. Maine is going to put'up an
addition to his hewn tomorrow.
T. K, Durnin, of Dungannon, called
on friends here on Monday last.
W. Courtice, of Holmeuville, will
occupy the pulpit at Crewe next
nit y.
Mn. W. Misner and daughter.
Clara, of Detroit, are visiting friends
at Crewe.
Mise May Culbert spent last week
with her sister, Mn. T. H. Reed,'of
Win. Brown finished the cement
foundation under J. Gray's barn last
Wt: are pleased toreport that. Miss
Lottie Pierce has recovered from her
terent illness.
There will be a lawn social at the
home of Robert Treleaven on Thurs-
day evening next.
Quite a number from here oak in
the moonlight excursion nn the
steamer Greyhound last week.
W. A. Culbert, J. Pets in and Win.
Shackleton, jr., took in the excursion
to Guelph Experimental Farm last
Manure ben are the order of the
day now. James Cultwrt had A very
successful one yesterday and Toney
Pierce is having one tomorrow.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Culbert, jr.. will
attend the wedding of the latter',
brother, William Wreath, to Mine
M Eagleson, of Whitechurch, 'on
\VJnesdAy, 'lath last.
Rev. J. W. Robinnnn preached his
farewell sermon itt Crewe last Hun- e
day. He leaven next week for H )arta. (
}rev. Mr. Smith, of the Ashfield cit- I
reit, succeeds Mr. Rnlrinsom on the i
Dungannon circuit. i
Mrs. P. Scott and her sister, Mrs.
P. Robinson, and baby, of Ins Ani- i
rr,as, Colorado, are over on a three
months' visit to their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. James. of Kinloss:
They Spent last week visiting friends
around Crewe and in the vicinity.
MnNDAY, June 24th. s
(Ven. Girvin and family have re- F
Ire -
moved to Calgary, Alta,
Twenty-five farness from the sur- I
rounding townships hove made entry t
in the competition for standing fields s
of need grain under the auspices of the
Lucknow Agricultural Htteirty, for
which prizes step offend by the
tarso Oovernmebt,
An•mntmnq Brom, of Goclerieh, are 8
installing a hydernolie ram for the
Lucknow bowling "lilt to provide
drinking water fill' the inforriloern and h
also for watering the green. The club f;
have declded, to join the western naso- a
ciatlon and mend 1'Ppi-ementativP rinks c
to the competition tit. IA)odon in .July. it
- t
That's How Mr. Chester Loomis Feels P'
After Using Dodd's Kidney Pills. F
OrlAnd, Ont.. .Inn" 71th.--IHperinl.) f
"I *in 70 yes I% eef •, gel and smart Arid h
artive AA A Imes. and T give [)odd',
Kidney 11 fix all the credit." That Is n
the ntAtrment of Mr. Chester Lomin, .1
an old and respreted farmer living el
near here. And Mr. Loomis goes on w
to give his reasons for giving Dodd's g
Kidneqq Pills all the credit, as follows : g
"Before i'started to use Dodd's Kid- a
nes Pills I waw an "sed up I could a
hardly ride in A Muggy, and i could ft
not do any work of any kind. Every- li
holy thmrght i would not. live loerwtR p
mm -out kidneys ars, re"pnnnihla is
for nine -tenths of all the illi then ageel A
endure. That in why D,rld a Kidney pp
Pille an the old folks' lierst friend. J1
MONDAY, June 24tb.
Ja llem Barker and Frank Glaziei
teN)k in the u]toonliRbt excursion las
Quite a number pf our resident.~
were at James Chisholm'm barn. rxlie-
Ing hl Leeburn on Thursday of last
Misses Helen and Mary Yemnq;
with their bmth er Frank, were au]ong
the excursionists to Detroit by the
steuser Greyhound last week.
Air. and Airs. Chas. McNeil, C; Mac-
Aimnus, Rodwrt Quaid, jr.,. Gertrude
Quaid and Was Glazier,' jr., visite! the
Guelph Agricultural College last Fri-
Win. Young, jr., went ti, mee On-
tario's far -tuned college, of aaggricul•
tove nt Guelph. ile wits pleased with
Whitt he maw and perhaps may take a
course of study there for a terns or so
in the near future.
Detroit visitors here last week by
the steamer Greyhound wen- Mrs.
l'harter•s, of Pontiac. Mich., formerly
Nism Nary Young, the guest of Al r"'
Allen, and at Mrs. McDonald's were
Mr,. Weamenhurle and two daughterte.
It. H. NacUonalu, Ali-. and Mrs. Blair
and two children. Mrs. Blair and
children will spend the summer here.
MONDAY, June 24th.
Kenneth Monis, of Buffalo, is re-
newing old acquaintances here at pres-
Thos. Mcoratten wow visiting in
Ningara and Bnffalo during the past
WEDNFm D.i Y, June Wth.
Win. Corey, nr., has hold his house
and lot to Mr. Wright, of near L•am-
\Vm. Finnigan is busy with prepar-
ations which will result before long in
s new tarn.
The Nile Sabbath school will hold
Cbeir annual picnic on Saturday of
;him week at Point Farm.
Win. Ryan has sold his farm to
John Wameley, of Ashfleld, and will
ohortly move to Dungannon to reside.
James Bailie is putting reorient
'umndationm tinder his house and barn,
,n the farm he recently purchased
Torn John Hasty.
Next Sabbath murninR Rev. J. C.
3eid will preach a special nermon to
•hildren and in the evening will ad -
tress the Epworth League.
MONDAY, June 24th.
HORSIM Sot.n. -- Thos. Burns has 1
told et heavy -draught mare to Allen dt ,
NcClusky, the Ooderich dealers, for
omewhere about iYpl. The earn"
lealers have given Alex. Young a
rmF price for his fine black drivers
rhich green to Cobalt an a saddle horse
or a Government agent. b
PItltSONAI„-dAllnx Jmliot Johnston 1
ion returned from A vimit of Several
reeks with friends at Hamilton and
'oronto.....-Mrs. F. Mother visited i
ler brother, Lester RolNertmon, drug.
'ist.. at Niagmrm, last week ...... J. r
fallow h, of Dungannon, spent Sun- (
ny with friends here...... Gordon
'dung, jr.. ban had a severe Attack of
riatica, but we are pleased to report I
hot he is ret?ru•"tingq. . D. B. Mr -
,ay was out from Goderich on Sea $
relay calling on his uncle. John r
luchanan..... Mrs. Wm. Cunning -
am find her son F,arl and John John- "
ton were among the excursioni'stee to
uelph on Friday.
FARM Naris. - The recent mine
ave greatly improved the crop
r>.peets. S. lAutenalftyer has am 1
no a field of larley mi one could ex-
P,t to see at this time of the year. h
oced fields of fall wheat are scarce, u
lit there is one on the old Tewsley
trm, the growth being thick and I
strong. Lucerne is making a fine
rop and for those who ore growing p
it will he o mit the shortage in the
mothI . 11lex. Johnston, on the d
owrie tarn, has a particularly good b
old of it. The. fruit crop never
Rotted tetter and pretty nearly II
rerything promises a gond yield. H
Ar•ly apples, however, such as tho to
4tchesn, Astrachanx And anown, will
I, light.. w
JO'rr No e. -A munl,er of our young c
ien attended the hAru-mixing ,at n
antes, Chishnlnu'n, Lech irn, on Thum- it
my IeSt...... The paithmaatern Ars, at,
ork on the made. We. ivnnld ung- H
-at that If they would put some new
ravel on "Routh street” it would he A
wine thing in view of the traffle e,
hath will worm commen^e to and
oro the C. P. R. Station .... , . Rev,
Matheson, of C't►ledon Fant,
reacheAl ratordAy In the Presbyter- 0
n ehmrr ...Rev, A. McNah, M. r
of Waltm, will occupy the
nlpit next 8ahhath afternoon ...... b
rhn Wilson, of Anlmrn, can. 11
s I e morning service.
Bun., Hca -The carpenters have
the river next Satunhiy, June 'Ith.
Everybody come snit enjoy tis gotxl
commrn ted the fr►mew•ork of Donald
MoNDAv, June 24th.
AII;N1Pt•in holae.....Alex. Pentland
"domed his bed nn Alunday afternoon.
MireSes AKGie and Anu+t Kilpatrick
A. Hammon, of Lucknow, is
spending a few days with his laugh-
Alssit me rntyflve persons were fu
and Mrs. Itich. Kilpatrirk, of Brown
City, Alich., were house on the
ter, Mrs, \V, H. Campbell.
cion funs,,, Detroit by steamer Grey.
Frank Caulphell, wife and fauuly err Sc
Huul. ('Lumi%*'I - Whool
Whetted closed
hound fret. week.
spending it err days with their uncle
end aunt, 111 r. dud Alrm, \\'. It. Carr.
) tevltoy Ret ening fur the "uutulet
afu tion. Mr. Wuuds. lir stittord,
The morning ,,."vice It Blake's
Kirk ton.
and df Varna, are the pre-
aiding exaulin s for the.
ehurrh ryas txkeu by Ernest 'Stier.
wood and in the ""ening Rey. Air.
I'h(• Westfield Sunday school pur-
ett:auce at
thim (entre. 'U r princippal is acting
•smith preached. Next Sunday morn-
inq he
S)use holding their annual ppicnic in
in the gone ca its at Kintxil.
will Mr, S. farewell sermon
b 0forehr leaves
ohn gtvve flu Jurly tat.
A good finis,. is t x{netted.
\VguDND --A former Dungannon
to take charge of the
Uungaomon circuit.
George Whittle and wife, of Lett,-
lay, in the, prow uLChxs, \V6 nrl,
w•am quietly wed ed on \Vedneada •
Air. and ane
ington, spent x few 11,►VN lest week
last to Nis, Diel,el of Atilelumty The
Iloved to their new home in Winq-
orae in
vimiting tit the house of John \Night-
happy event took lace at hi h noon
on Friday last. Mr. Tr•leltv-
man. They erre old neighlarr in
Ease, some years ago.
Itthe residrncr lit t ie br iele'e ".
en n m dimporsel of him terve
to At.. BL►ke and will in future
John Redmond,Jr..is ex
j petted
1[s,. and Mea. H. llirlrel, :rv,
A irvrr. of Nildmf►y, conducting the
reside at \\ mgham. Thev will be
house from the Neat tlNlxv (Monday),
ceremony in the pre ace of iuuord-
inuch usismed by a wide circle of
friends here.
He does nut intrud returning just as
late relatives. The lir a wore A dress
m. IDr.) a
Alis. II)r.) Mclxnnan, of Ripley, and
he, comes, ,ts he is to Ili- united in wed-
of white silk taffeta not was given
luck to a young lady front Dublin on
away by her father. er travelling
Wednesday of this week.
dress was of old room,.. -fie bride and
WtrDNNKDAY, June 2(Ith.
The picnic held in Gel. WAllace'sm
offs," spending t r week with
A number teak to the hot -me to
grove on S;ttnl'd;ky last to connection
With t It e Donnybrook Epworth
friends here returned to Naterlxr
today. where Mr. Whys, I has an ex.
Swifot•th last week.
League aril[ Liund,Y aschool was a
eellent positron. We. the yellingAlex.
%Je Lend is premiding at the,
entrance examination here,
decided success. The proceed,
cuupte a and pt•owpe us life.
while T.
iI Brownlee is in''/,urich.
xmountwl to over 170. The nnmic
-- _ __
furnished by Archie Andetwu, RAW.
We rine sorry to report the illness of
Helens, on the Highland pipets was
much appreciated.
Will. Attw(m d's ,little lay, who is
home from the West with his mother.
('Loiss eodpntent -for it Initldnr•
—tinx. etc., and en, for
Albert Mitchell and wife, of Go de-
anythinxln ill line wal rcceh_•a p Intel, at-
tension. Mendiva
rich. and Miss Ids Br°wnlre vimittd
nettly and chcuse dune.
A trial elicited. nrDerNAL I Mt•-
their cousin, A1rm. if. Little, off Sun.
.%Y, une
\ICRI'Hl.Ueuerel ktcrcband Kintxl
TuMIXI)AY, June 37, 1907 7
Is C
The farmers are homy at Iuadwork
this week.
\VRDNgBDAY, June , h.
Won. F1liott had the misfortune to
Airs. George Stafford is hour friom
Alex. McMurch r" laid u
Y p just now
with sore eyes.
lee kicked in the face h x horse oil
Saturday afternoon. i{r is able to be
- -_ -' -- - - --
referred G) the minim Rand edue;d• It
Dakota on x visit.
Alis Annie Kinahan is visiting
Mrs. E. McGuire's.
Dune. Munroe, of Ri le w nt • in•
at d p y' I1e
aY in the village.
out ag tin. a
ThP O,ldrellowm of Brucefleld had
you cannot stand ridicule you
tional questions. Y
llr. Chixhului, flue 'siuin ntrmdx+r, never will earn applause,
cab the last The leis religion in some
Mien Donelh, of Toronto, is or.
Mr. and Airs. td, of Yo t
R Albert, spent Sunday U.
their picnic herr on Friday Goll four
school sectiuue of Stunle • held it unius
men the
mpe•itker ant "er"P'ed mon• theology they can hold.
afoout thirty minutes in dealing with
Dominion Folk
her friers d, Mise McAllister.
nay at Me
) icnic o
1 n 'ixtuslay'
issues. who always are looking
it was Aecidel to C911 :1, nominntinK faults atony" xrr hu• -sighted. for
Mr. and Mrs. Berry, of Brantford,
are visiting at F. Urvereaux'•
Mise Kelly, o[ \YaaerVille, Iowa, is
the bunt of Mine Kate Whitt this
herr - Fn oneAl ode wam i has don in up
Co ia�,tion tit be when ein A Brueomels ms inIt It�'pn use• preaching about hap -
ndidatesa will P with vinegar in
Vincent IA-ddy has returned from
Brandon. The climate did not agree,
week. Y
Uaqueron'm shut , where he has
pens( gout a line restaurant.
your voice.
Ile noutineted for booth Uomtnion and ( When turn have hound their a
The hmue of lobo Stile,; was
brightenedoby the advent ofa little
F.dwdrd Reid Rot a.1ittsty gash in his
seats, en
they :►Iwnys open their mouths wie�er.
Preparstione are beingladvanced for
Its, Catholic, picnic on July let.
girl Sundiiy morning.
f )t of a falbnt axe whit" 6e ture en•
R din Jetve hill
w _
Often a fiat old town is due to
)on't fail to come and have it Kill)('
, ALeNeU and family, of Jaekpar.
Mitrlt. ars, visiting e'of heepar'
H haul to have sen oral stitches {rot m
ti bee put
cold old church.
The me urate school entrance rhes
Jam" Sinnott,
ental at Hr. Grit Mia. closed
Atiee Harris haus elereel her millinery
T P \VnnlPll'm Institute ineeting
hld,'n the town hall \Vednrs(Iay
Every occasion for pessimist,, is a Co R
call to Improvement, PY of change of running advertise -
menti must be left
lir »"bung At this week.
rhere are five candidates from here
shop here after a source. eand measont
after a)n and evrnin wan fairly well
at this oNic• by
They who grow in gra a sunJy will Monday noon to ensure inserts
we hope they will all he successful.
and her home in Ripley,
at ten . Interest.ing addressee were
glow nunre Kr+scions. in issue of same week. on
m. IDr.) a
Alis. II)r.) Mclxnnan, of Ripley, and
wit hill cones" in the Hmree and
Miss Kate McLennan, of VAt1COaver
We a . leased to see \f p'1
ST. r.
HELENS. B. U., spent Friday with Mee. Flora here Ain for the mummer. etcherThe
T17FIRDAY, June 25th, Itosm• Heath ( Roily have taken up their
A little toy visitor v tme to stay at Ale
I Morgan Austin has purchased Alan. c ttaae o the river bank. Rev. T.
or. Decker's some time ago.
Miss Moorehead. of Milton, is visit
ng her aunt, Airs. Thom. Todd.
JtPv. 14. Beckett, of Carberay. Man.
rinited at Wm. Gordon's on Monday
Dave Miller, of Toronto, in strendin
its holidays at the home of Aire R. K
of filler.
Miss Gladys Jefferson, of Donny
rack, visited at Hugh McDonald'
tst week.
Rev. Mr. McGinnis, of ueen's Uni
emity, will occupy the �tesbyteria
,ulpit next Habla►th.
Air. and Mrs. Archie Anderson, for.,
I Milton, were renewing old ac
uointances hereon Friday.
Rev. R. W. (,raw was called awn
n attend tho fl•neroil of his brother's
rife at Thornton on Friday total.
Quite A number front around he
tteodel the Meth,Niist picnic at Don
ybrok on Saturday lust, mild repo"
Pleasant time.
MONDAY, June 24th.
Statute Isbor will be done on th
11th concession this coming week.
('hats. MCi PAm utAxed through out
urg with a brant' new buggy on Sat
relay IML,
Joseph Hmeltzer took in the trip to
k+tmit and re, its having a very
lensant and en dyable trip.
The rifle club had rare sport on Fri -
my evening Inst. Next practice will
r on the Friday evening following.
U. F. McDonagh, district mtaxter of
u• Orange Lodge, returned home „n
riday Inst after a vimit to a member
! lodges.
The fine waren weather of the past
eek has been very beneficial to the
-o in. Spring grain ham mfule such a
ipid growth no to cover the ground
i many places.
Owing to our pastor, Rev. W. A.
ntith, preaching the Orange sermon
Zion Appointment June 23rd, the
+fvice• was withdrawn at the Hack.
t'm appointment in the afternoon.
The. Dominion Day celebration in
oderich thin year promises to Iw a
"cord -h Baker.
What a paroorlimP thin world would
s if every man woo, as goxod ,a he
,out& have the rrat of us he !
exan er cl=ap s house and is pre• avI son nd family, of Varna, have
paring to trove it to replace the one moved lit Ur their summer quarters on
destroyed try fire. the lake tart ,
Rev. S. F. Beckett. who iS spending
his vacation with his mother, uccupi"e EAST HUR N CONSERVATIVES.
the pulpit of the Presbyteriun churrh
R Sunday evening, and gave a very in-
teresttng diAceauoe on '•The Growth of To Hold Nomi ating ZConv±ntion at
the Church in the West." Rev. Mr. Brusse July 5th.
Beckett returned this week to him
a charge at Carberry, Man. BriulFlm, June •ll.-- The annuitl
--- meeting o[ Fast H roil Cunsrrtvuivcs
LOTHIAN. was held in the t •n hall here thin
Presbyterian afternoon with Du( ey Holnlel,, bar-
TrEKDAY, June 25th. rister, of \Viugharrf, emiding and T.
tan, Oilmor intends leaving tot• the Hall, editor elf The `\Viugh+uu Ad•
West Monday ranee, raecr.etary,
T. F: Henderson returned front Bear Routine business w m transiteted
Y Lake last week. and the following office, witrers Were
Henderson, Kinloss, collet on elected for the current 11 : 1'resi-
friends bre Friday. dent, Dudley Holmes, AVI It flrmt
Rev. Father Hogan returned to his
charge at Windnnr hast week.
vier-preeidrnt, .J. N'i1fol I, Hlyth ;
second vice-president, Joh1 Hcarlett.,
Mins Nora Hogio n is hrone for a
laa(lbnry: thiel vice -press ens It.
Musgrove, Bluevale; trexnur r,
week ptevioum to writing on her
Smith, Walton. Municipal el irown
We are glad to learn that Kenneth
Camploell, hots IN•en
also were chosen.
Resolutions ceornplirnenting Ili . Op-
who Sufferingposition
in the Dominion and
from a severe cut on him foot4 is abs4
the, lruvernniitnt in the Legislw are
to lie around again.
were passel.
MixAme Ilesllr McUnruald, Belle Mar-
A rexolutIon of confidence 'til
C '
Kenzie- and .1. It. MacKenzie,
Isholm. Al. 11. for East ilflron, r
alsh, were the guests of Mise A. Afar.
{r inR extisfactiun in connection
Kenzie one night last week.
wit hill cones" in the Hmree and
Prom Ing to give continued loyal sup-
The man wit,, moonily ha. free
port a next election if he will Gree{ t
the no nation, wnx also passel.
salvation alwnN, is Anxious to pny
mennething for it.. extension.
An ani sss wan given by Nr. (',u-
stairs, of "tit -onto. Provincial organ
Some CL•ristianm hlithflilly obey the izer,
oil the- npernsity of nrRAnization.
injunction to watch ; bat they wear
Col. Math Abu, f lovincial TI-eam-
nut their Pye+ watching fur faults in
user, dealt with the financial Aide of
their neir!th„ the
GovernmeniS buniueme and ),Iso
A New Orleans
woman was thin.
Because she did not extract Sufficient
nourishment from her
She took Scollit".r
She gained a pound a day in weight.
AU tNtUGGISTS, nae. AND 81.00
1HAY'T - 0'0 L
Anderson's Hardware,
"Only One Gradeand That the Best"
This is the motto of the
IIJ;Ulllfacturers of the
\ _ The N1cla1u;,;hliII i;Ilggy
It is the heAt you can get, an(1 we give it to youat
the right prices. We have just received a consignment
of these Buggies, including some of the Istest styles.
Gall' And see them.
Agent for McLaughlin Carriages Newgate St.. Goderich